News and Events - Port Colborne Public Library
News and Events - Port Colborne Public Library Fall 2015 News and Events October is Canadian Library Month— Two Important Information Sessions You Don’t Want to Miss— Celebrate Your Library! Sessions are free. Space is limited. Pre-register at the library. During the month of October, libraries and library partners across Canada will raise awareness of the valuable role libraries play in Canadians' lives. In Ontario, we will celebrate our public libraries during Ontario Public Library Week, October 18 to 24, 2015. You library will host special events and programmes including contests and our annual Patron Appreciation Day sponsored by Sobeys. Don’t forget to check out all our great events and sign-up soon as space is limited. Join us and help celebrate your library! “Understanding the Role of an Executor” with author Larry Fisher. Tuesday, September 15, 6:30 - 7:30 p.m. “Estate Planning: Prepare for the Future” with author Larry Fisher. Saturday, October 10, 2:00 - 3:00 p.m. Upcoming Music Concerts Featuring the Talented Gary Smith Reserve your spot soon to hear Gary Smith perform the music you love. Both concerts are FREE. Sit back, sing along and enjoy! “Golden Oldies”—Friday, October 16, 2:00 p.m. Venue is the L.R. Wilson Heritage Archives Building. “Holiday Cheer”—Monday, December 21, 2:00 p.m. In the Library Atrium. Salvation Army Food Drive Port Colborne Lions Club Donation Do nat ion s of no n - The Port Colborne Public Library is proud to announce that on perishable food items will Wednesday, October 14, at 11 a.m., members from the Port be accepted at the Port Colborne Lions Club will present your library with a Colborne Public library very generous donation. These funds will be used throughout the month of October. to create an outdoor seating area for library users. Thank you PC Lions Club! Art in the Library— Featuring Works by Local Artists and Artisans “An Exhibit by The Port Colborne Art Club” September 1st - December 18th Patron Appreciation Day, October 23rd— Sponsored by Sobeys Drop by your library on Friday, October 23rd and enjoy a delicious piece of cake provided by Sobeys. Programming... Fall 2015 Theatrical Scene Painting With Art Instructor Mary Unrau Learn the basics of theatrical scene painting. Presented the 3rd Monday of the Month October to December 10:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. Cost: $85.00 per class (includes all supplies). Space is limited. Pre-register at the library. Zentangle Drawing With Elizabeth Turner, Certified Zentangle Teacher Tuesday, October 20, 2:00 - 5:00 p.m. Zentangle is a proven meditative method that promotes mindfulness and fosters self-esteem, improved focus, increased relaxation, creativity and stress/anxiety relief, etc. It is an easy way of creating beautiful images by drawing structured patterns called tangles. People of all ages and skill levels can create Zentangle art and have fun in the process! Cost: $20.00 (includes all supplies). Space is limited. Pre-register at the library. Cost is $20.00 (includes supplies) Personal Preparedness Workshop Presented by the Red Cross Monday, October 26, 6:00 - 7:00 p.m. Do you know that when a disaster happens in your community, it may take emergency workers a long time to get to you as they help those in most desperate need while trying to overcome the circumstances of the disaster? Generally, you should be prepared to take care of yourself and your family for a minimum of 72 hours. Are you prepared for an emergency? Sign up for this information session and learn more! FREE. Space is limited. Pre-register at the library. Oral Health for Seniors Presented by Kim Lawrence, Dental Hygienist Wednesday, October 21 1:30 - 2:30 p.m. FREE. Space is limited. Pre-register at the library. Fall 2015 Thank you TD Summer Reading Club 2015 Sponsors and Participants! The Port Colborne Public Library thanks our generous local sponsors for providing prizes and rewards for our TD Summer Reading Club participants. This year, 238 children signed up for the TD Summer Reading Club and read a total of 3,218 books! Congratulations to all of our participants! Thank You Port Colborne Lions Club! The Port Colborne Public Library thanks the Port Colborne Lion Club for sponsoring FREE family entertainment events in 2015. Thanks to the generosity of the PC Lions Club, families in Port Colborne were treated to an awesome magic show with Incredibrent during the March Break, and to a fabulous music concert by Dan the Music Man during the summer vacation. Thank you Port Colborne Lions Club! Thank You Armstrong Funeral Home and Chapel! The Port Colborne Public Library thanks the Armstrong Funeral Home and Chapel Inc. for generously supplying a tent for the Dan the Music Man concert. Fall 2015 Programming for Kids... CRAFTS with STACEY YOGA with NADIA With instructor, Nadia Esposito Tues., Dec. 22, 10:30-11:15 a.m. For ages 4 to 10. Cost is $4.00. Space is limited. Pre-register at the library. P.A. DAY CRAFT: Fri., Oct. 9, 3:00-4:00 p.m P.A. DAY CRAFT: Fri., Nov. 13, 3:00-4:00 p.m. CHRISTMAS CRAFT: Tues., Dec. 22, 3:00-4:00 p.m. For ages 5 and older. Cost: $5.00 per craft session. SPECIAL STORY-TIME TOT-TIME with STACEY Wed., Dec. 23, 10:00-11:00 a.m. Free. Drop-in. In the Children’s Room. THURSDAYS: Oct. 1 - 29, 10:00 - 11:00 a.m. Crafts, stories & activities one week; story-time the next week. For ages 2 to 4 with their parents/caregivers. Cost: $4.00 for the 5-week session. Pre-register. Two Great Art Programmes for Kids Drawing with Kyla: Afterschool Art Programme Painting with Mary: Saturday Morning Art Classes With Art Instructor, Kyla Gramatovich With Art Instructor, Mary Unrau For ages 7 to 12. For ages 6 to 10. TUESDAYS: 4:00-5:00 p.m. SATURDAYS: 10:00 a.m.- 12:00 p.m. September 15, 22, 29 October 24th to December 19th October 6, 13, 27 Cost is $15.00 per 2-hour lesson. November 3, 10, 17, 24 Cost is $70.00 for the 10-week session Space is limited. (or $7.00 per drop-in) Pre-register at the library. Space is limited. Pre-register at the library. For more information, contact Mary at 905-894-8199. Awesome E-Resources for Kids Therapy Tails Visit the library’s website and check out these great digital resources: magazines from Flipster, eBooks, audiobooks, games, homework help, and more! All you need is your library card to get started. Make a new friend and read a tale or two to a Therapy Tails dog. MONDAYS 6:30—7:30 p.m. in the Children’s Room Ranger Rick Ladybug Kayak Discovery Girls Girls LIfe Ask Programming... Fall 2015 TECH HELP AT YOUR LIBRARY—Sign Up for One of Our Free Info Sessions! Searching the Internet—Sat., Sept. 12, 3:30 - 4:30 p.m. Facebook—Sat., Oct. 3, 3:30 - 4:30 p.m. Need help downloading free ebooks, audiobooks, magazines or music from our website? Call us at 905-834-6512 to make an appointment with our Tech Help staff for one-on-one assistance. Have You Tried These Great Electronic Resources? All You Need is Your Library Card to Get Started! Downloadable E-Books & Audiobooks Downloadable Magazines Downloadable Music “Always and Forever with Amber” Medium and Spiritual Intuitive Sat., Oct. 24, 2:00-3:00 p.m. The Eclectic Readers Book Club is looking for new members! The Book club meets on the first Monday of the month, September to June, 1:30 - 2:30 p.m. Call the library at 905-834-6512 for more information. As a medium, Amber can communicate with souls that have passed over, as well as with guides and angels delivering intuitive messages. Join this public group event and let Amber take you through the experience of connecting with your loved ones. For tickets contact Amber at: 905-394-2369 Documentary Film Programme Film Buffs Discussion Group Watch great documentaries! Presented the first Wednesday of the month, September to June, at 1:30 pm. Free admission. Free refreshments. Members watch films at home and then join the group for lively discussion. Films are available in DVD format from the library. Presented the last Wednesday of the month 1:30 - 3:30pm. Free. Check our brochure for programme details. Check our brochure programme details. for Family Mental Health Education Coping Skills Workshops These workshops are intended for families and significant others who have an adult relative who is dealing with a serious mental health problem and/or cooccurring disorder. FREE. THURSDAYS, October 8, 15, 22, & 29 6:00 - 8:00 Registration is required. Call 905-894-6808 to register. STITCH-IT! Mondays, 6:00 – 8:00 p.m. Bring your work-in-progress to the library for a couple of hours of stitching and conversation. Cost is $1.00 / person / week Knitting Classes TUESDAYS 7:00—9:00 p.m. Starts September 22 THURSDAYS 1:00—3:00 p.m. Starts September 24 For more information or to register, call Vicki Fretz at (905) 835-5373 PORT COLBORNE PUBLIC LIBRARY 310 King Street Port Colborne, ON L3K 4H1 Phone: 905-834-6512 Fax: 905-835-5775 email: Visit us online! Like us on Facebook! HOURS OF SERVICE Monday, Tuesday, Thursday: 10:00 a.m.- 8:00 p.m. Wednesday, Friday, Saturday: 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Fall 2015 SUPPORT YOUR LIBRARY Donor Recognition Programme: To show our appreciation and to recognize your support, the names of contributors of $50.00 or more will be listed on our Donor Recognition Wall. Memorials: A thoughtful way of remembering a loved one or friend who may have had a special fondness for the library. For gifts of $50.00 or more, your loved one's name will be added to our Donor Recognition Wall. Materials Donations: The library gladly accepts donations such as books, magazines, videos, and CDs. Donated materials become the property of the library and are either added to the collection, sold in the book sale, or discarded at the library’s discretion. The Port Colborne Library appreciates your generous contributions, but cannot issue tax receipts for material donations. Ongoing Used Book Sale: Books, magazines, videos, music CDs and more! Prices start at 25¢. Find a treasure, buy a gift, support your library. A charitable tax receipt will be issued for monetary gifts of $10.00 or more. The library will be closed on: LIBRARY BOARD Michael Cooper, Chair Valerie Catton, Vice-Chair William Higgins Bryan Ingram Ann Kennerly Cheryl MacMillan Councillor John Mayne LIBRARY MANAGEMENT Scott Luey, CAO Peter Senese, Treasurer Jennifer Parry, Director of Library Services Monday, September 7, 2015 for Labour Day Monday, October 12, 2015 for Thanksgiving Wednesday, November 11, 2015 for Remembrance Day SHUT-IN SERVICE AUDITORIUM RENTAL The delivery of library materials to patrons unable to visit the library due to short-term illness, physical disability, or age. Please call the library for information. Contact the library for booking details. SIGN RENTAL King Street illuminated sign available for rent. Contact the library for information. MISSION STATEMENT The Port Colborne Public Library is dedicated to providing the highest level of library services, materials, and facilities possible with the resources available, to meet the informational, educational, and recreational needs of all citizens of Port Colborne.
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