This Week@NCC - Norwalk Community College
This Week@NCC March 31, 2015 Volume 29, Number 10 I N T HIS ISS U E Pages 2-4 Academic Festival Schedule of Events Lumina String Quartet to Perform Page 5 UConn Counselor on Campus Job Interview Workshop for HL-SCI Students Career Expo 2015 The Alexander Technique Page 6 Archaeology Club to Host Author Marilyn Johnson TEDxNCC Talk: The Voices in My Head French Hospitality School Principal to Visit NCC Page 7 News and Announcements S U B M ISSI O N S to Karen Hart Next issue published: April 7, 2015 Deadline for submissions: April 2, 2015 This Week @ NCC is published by the Public Relations Office of Norwalk Community College Copy Editor and Writer Karen Hart Copy Editor and Writer Madeline Barillo Graphic Designer Cindy Zaref NCC To Hold 18th Annual Academic Festival “Got Smarts?” Norwalk Community College’s 18th Annual Academic Festival will be held on April 1 and 2, with many exciting events taking place on both the East and West Campuses. Professor Riaz Lalani and Professor Linda Legters will once again be co-chairing the two-day event. This year’s Academic Festival will feature “Ain’t I a Woman?” a musical and theatrical celebration of four renowned African-American women: novelist Zora Neale Hurston, folk artist Clementine Hunter, abolitionist Sojourner Truth, and civil rights worker Fannie Lou Hamer. There will also be film presentations including Rhyme Pays—The Marketing of Cool, and Crossing the Bridge—Global Music Unites German and Turkish Musi- Poster design by NCC student Amanda Bartley. “Got Smarts?” logo design by Valentina Stefanidis. cians, a “Shark Tank” panel for budding entrepreneurs, a multi-media presentation of a recent trip to Cuba by NCC faculty and staff, a jazz ensemble performance, a “Got Smarts Quiz Bowl” and an NCC Idol Talent contest which will feature the musical talents of the NCC community. Iconic rapper Chuck D will be the keynote speaker. He will appear in the PepsiCo Theater on Wednesday, April 1 at 2:30 p.m. to share his views on the music and entertainment industries, as well as racial politics in America. Chuck D is the leader and co-founder of the legendary rap group Public Enemy, the author of two critically acclaimed books, and a political activist, publisher, radio host, and producer. In 1987, he redefined rap music and hip hop culture with the release of Public Enemy’s debut album, Yo Bum Rush the Show in 1987 delivered a powerful articulation of the realities facing black people in the late 20th century. Public Enemy has continued to stress the importance of history and self-determination in the forward movement of all who have been oppressed. Between 1987 and 2009, with Chuck D at the helm, Public Enemy has released 13 albums, toured 63 countries, and influenced hip hop communities, social justice struggles and political activism Chuck D (Photo by Walter Leaphart, 2005) throughout the world. Academic Festival Schedule of Events Wednesday, April 1 10:00 a.m., East Campus, PepsiCo Theater Musical Theatre: Ain’t I a Woman A Musical and Theatrical Celebration of Four Renowned African American Women: Renowned Novelist Zora Neale Hurston, Exuberant Folk Artist Clementine Hunter, Fiery Abolitionist Sojourner Truth, and Fervent Civil Rights Worker Fannie Lou Hamer 10:00 a.m., East Campus, Gen Re Forum Film: Rhyme Pays – The Marketing of Cool The relationship between hip hop and advertising, and how purchases being made may have been influenced by their popularity within the hip hop community. Sponsored by the Baker Library. Presenter: Professor Christine Japely 10:00 a.m., East Campus, Room E229 Passage: The Literary Magazine of the AEFYE Division Passage showcases the writing of students in the Developmental English classes and provides a model for study and discussion in the classroom. Presenter: Professor Forrest Helvie 10:00 a.m., East Campus, Room E225 Discussion: The Equality of the Human Races A discussion of Anténor Firmin’s 1885 groundbreaking book that supported the equality of the races. It challenged the dominant and prevailing views of the day and is considered one of the foundation texts in critical anthropology. Presenter: Antoine Lèvêque 10:00 a.m., East Campus, Room E230 Workshop: To Dream the (Im)possible Dream: The Process of Career Selection Determining and achieving your career aspirations. Presenters: Eric Rambusch, Professor William Grodman, and Kiran Somaya 11:30 a.m., East Campus, Gen Re Forum Shark Tank Students compete with elevator speeches about their business proposals. Judges from the Fairfield County business community select winners and provide feedback on thought process for selecting winners. 11:30 a.m., East Campus, Room E219 Reminiscences of Cuba – An Academic Perspective A multimedia presentation by NCC faculty and staff about their trip to Cuba. Presenters: Professor Angeles Dam, Professor Robert Emigh, Diane Donovan, Professor Hannah MoeckelRieke, Professor Janie Burkhardt, and others 11:30 a.m., East Campus, Room E227 Film & Discussion: Crossing the Bridge – Global Music Unites German and Turkish Musicians Musicians jam on the Bosphorus, plus commentary and update by NCC Anthropology student Onur Sengul on youth life in Istanbul. Presenters: Professor Mary Francis Carmell and Onur Sengul 11:30 a.m., East Campus Atrium Musings: Journal of the Arts A multimedia presentation featuring some of the best student work in the arts. Presenters: Professor Laurel Peterson with Editors Sandra Botha and Lauren Lodato 1:00 p.m., East Campus, PepsiCo Theater Music: Jazz Ensemble A selection of instrumental jazz and rock music. Presenters: Professor Dave Wonsey and the NCC Jazz Ensemble (cont’d. on next page) T his W eek @ N C C / V olume 29, N umber 10 / M arch 31, 2015 / P A G E 2 1:00 p.m., East Campus, Gen Re Forum Mirror, Mirror on the Wall, Who’s the Smartest of Them All? Students, faculty and staff compete in a Quiz Bowl format for fun, prizes and bragging rights. Sponsored by the Tutoring Center. Presenter: Diane Donovan 1:00 p.m., East Campus, Room E227 Film & Discussion: Crossing the Bridge - Global Music Unites German and Turkish Musicians (Encore of 11:30 a.m. performance) 1:00 p.m., East Campus, Room E228 Student Presentation: A Preschool Classroom Study on Garbage Trucks Teaching project with a classroom of three- and four-yearold children investigating the children’s interest in the garbage truck that came to their school. Presenters: Christine Yacker, Early Childhood Education Student Teacher and Professor Kathy Coppola 2:30 p.m., East Campus, PepsiCo Theater Keynote Address Chuck D., founder of Public Enemy and social activist 4:00 p.m., East Campus Atrium Music: Music Club Thursday, April 2 10:00 a.m., East Campus, Gen Re Forum Panel Discussion: The Secret of My Success NCC alumni share how they transitioned from students to successful professionals. Sponsored by the NCC Foundation. Presentors: Amy Murphy-Carroll and Rob Chernow 10:00 a.m., East Campus, Room E229 Building Support for GLBT Folks and Friends An NCC community town hall discussion of ideas. How to create and sustain programs, events, and support/ affinity groups for GLBT people and their friends on campus. Presenters: Professors Craig Machado and Catherine Brackett 10:00 a.m., East Campus, Room E221 Workshop: Who Wants to be a Millionaire An Interactive Game to Explore Personal Finances/Credit Presenter: Jill Russo Foster 10:00 a.m., East Campus, Room E226 19th Century “Street Smarts” Abraham Lincoln’s “Defective” Education and the Myth of the Self-Made Man Presenters: Professors Lisa Dresdner and Steven Berizzi 10:00 a.m., East Campus, Room TBD Panel Discussion: Helping Veteran Students Transition to College Highlighting aspects of military training that can be leveraged to enhance a veteran’s academic success. Presenters: Erik Rambusch, Amy Kaplan, Brian Barkman and Professor Chuck Gabor 10:00 a.m., East Campus, Room TBD Workshop: If You Can Envision It, You Can Achieve It! A collage workshop on making your own inspiration board. Presenter: Melissa Slattery 11:30 a.m., East Campus, Gen Re Forum Film & Panel Discussion: Crossing Blurred Lines A Conversation about Gender, Sexuality, Masculinity and Violence Prevention in our Communities. Presenters: Dr. Cathy Milton and students of WMS105 – Gender in the Everyday World 11:30 a.m., East Campus, Room E230 Do You Know What You’re Listening To? Using Your Library Smarts to Find Out Librarian Kelly Jackson will be taking a look at Public Enemy’s Fear of a Black Planet album and discussing rap samples as audio information and using information literacy, research skills and library resources to learn about what you are listening to. Presenter: Kelly Jackson 11:30 a.m., East Campus, Room E108 Performance: To Be or Not to Be...Smart A collage of student-written monologues on personal experiences by Acting I students. Presenters: Professor Christine Mangone and students (cont’d. on next page) T his W eek @ N C C / V olume 29, N umber 10 / M arch 31, 2015 / P A G E 3 11:30 a.m., East Campus, Gen Re Forum Lecture: Ferguson and Beyond Prominent historian, author, educator and TV pundit, Dr. Jelani Cobb of UConn provides insights on the events in Ferguson, MO and future ramifications. Presenters: Dr. Jelani Cobb of UConn and NCC Professors Christine Japely and Althea Seaborn 1:00 p.m., East Campus, Gen Re Forum Presentation: Changing Demographics and Income Inequality Insightful commentary on how America is changing by leading expert and captivating speaker, Dr. Manuel Pastor of USC. A workshop for those interested in continuing the conversation will follow. Sponsored by the Committee for Diversity and Inclusion. Presenter: Dr. Manuel Pastor, USC 2:30 p.m., East Campus, Gen Re Forum Panel Discussion: I’m Done, Now What? An interactive discussion between the audience and panel members regarding their experiences after NCC and what to expect once students transfer to another academic institution. A networking session follows the discussion. Presenters: Professor Susan Steiz, Amy Murphy-Carroll and many former NCC students 2:30 p.m., East Campus, Room E230 Practicing Global Intelligence: A Hands-on Workshop and Introduction to Model UN Participants will learn about the national model UN conference format and practice collaborative problem solving through role play in a realistic scenario. Presenters: Professor Hannah Moeckel-Rieke with students Yuri Hamlet, Maddy Vose, Ayla Faila, and Margaret Kamimoto 2:30 p.m., East Campus, Room E229 Discussion: America’s Future, NCC’s Future, Your Future, and Demographic Change An interactive conversation based on Dr. Pastor’s 1 p.m. presentation, this breakout session will focus on the personal and local implications of the changing face of America, Connecticut and NCC. Presenters: Professor Janie Burkhardt and Gail Stevens 2:30 p.m., East Campus, Room E223 Food Deserts/Food Apartheid: A Call for Food Justice An exploration of the consistent lack of affordable and available healthy nutritional foods in the poorest communities. Presenter: Professor June-Ann Greeley 4:00 p.m., East Campus, PepsiCo Theater Grand Finale: NCC Idol Students, faculty and staff compete for prizes and bragging rights in a competition similar to American Idol. Audience members will participate in selecting the winner. NCC’s Avenue Q cast members will entertain while the judges are deliberating. A raffle will be held for Academic Festival attendees with many prizes including an iPad. Presenters: Christine Mangone, NCC’s Avenue Q cast, and NCC Idol contestants 6:00 p.m., East Campus, Gen Re Forum Movie of the Month: Exit Through the Gift Shop Iconic street artist Banksy’s hilarious “mockumentary” about the gullible art establishment. A fun film whether you’re an art aficionado or not. Presenter: Riaz Lalani In addition to the events, information tables will be set up in the East Campus Atrium for the following: Wednesday/Thursday, April 1/2, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Get Smart/Give Smart – Collection site for the NCC Food Pantry. Please bring boxed dinner mixes or rice. World Autism Awareness Day – Sale of baked goods and autism awareness items to benefit Autism Speaks. The Voice: NCC’s Student-run Newspaper – Distribution and promotion Model Rocketry and the Newtonian Telescope – Demonstration by the Math/Physics club Thursday, April 2, 12 to 4 p.m. Student Emergency Fund Giving Site – In conjunction with the NCC Foundation’s Annual Day of Giving event which was postponed due to snow. T his W eek @ N C C / V olume 29, N umber 10 / M arch 31, 2015 / P A G E 4 UConn Counselor on Campus for BGS Transfer Program Tuesday, March 31, 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. East Campus, Student Success Center Lisa Siebert, Academic Advisor/ Counselor for the Bachelor of General Studies (BGS) Program at the University of Connecticut, will be available to our students this semester. To make an appointment to speak with her, students should call the Student Success Center at (203) 8577255. If they are unable attend any of the NCC sessions, students are invited to call Siebert at UConn Stamford at (203) 251-9517 or email her at The BGS is a good fit for many students, and Siebert will assist those interested by explaining the program and its requirements, the application process and deadlines. Please inform your students of this opportunity. For additional information please contact Susan GebhardtBurns, Liaison, Norwalk Community College/UConn BGS Program at Job Interview Workshop for HL-SCI Students Tuesday, March 31, 2:30 to 3:30 p.m. East Campus, Room E217 The Health and Life Sciences Career Initiative is offering a Job Interview Workshop for all HL-SCI students. The Work Place and Engage Staffing will team up to administer this event, at which students will learn techniques such as: • How to prepare for an interview • Proper attire • Effective communication • How to prepare questions for interviewers • What to do after an interview …and much more! All students should bring their resumes for review. This event is funded in whole by the Connecticut Health and Life Sciences Career Initiative (HL-SCI), a Trade Adjustment Assistance Community College and Career Training grant, as implemented by the U.S. Department of Labor. Career Expo 2015 Tuesday, April 7, 12 to 3 p.m. East Campus Atrium NCC will host Career Expo 2015 where such vendors as Verizon, Lowes Home Improvement, Veridian Energy, Green Moon, Whole Foods Market, ICON International Inc. and AXA Advisors, LLC, will be among those on hand to provide information about their companies and accept resumes. For information on the full list of vendors, contact Kiran Somaya, Director of Career Services at (203) 8576947 or email Find information online at NCC Career Central by clicking here: The Alexander Technique Tuesday, April 7, 12:30 to 1:30pm West Campus, Exercise Science Lab, Room H007 (on the ground floor of the Center for Health, Science and Wellness) The next event in the Spring 2015 Wellness Series is a presentation by Vincent Fraser, Cranio-Sacral Therapist, Certified Alexander Technique Somatic Therapist. Find resilience through awareness of body tightenings and revisiting them, releasing back and neck pain, unlocking musical potential among others. This educational method, studied by John Dewey and Aldous Huxley, teaches how to change faulty postural habits, enabling improved mobility, performance and alertness. “Moving mindfully” can help reduce tension and relieve pain. The event is sponsored by the Pitney Bowes Foundation Wellness Center and the Exercise Science Student Club. For further information, please contact Tyler Griese, EdM, HFS, Norwalk Community College Assistant Director of Wellness at (203) 857-7195 or T his W eek @ N C C / V olume 29, N umber 10 / M arch 31, 2015 / P A G E 5 Archaeology Club to Host Author Marilyn Johnson Thursday, April 9, 8 p.m. (Refreshments at 7:30 p.m.) East Campus, Gen Re Forum The Norwalk Community College Archaeology Club will welcome author Marilyn Johnson who will speak about her new book titled Lives in Ruins. She writes of the passion and grueling work of archaeologists and the race against site destruction by looters, development and war, and the importance of cultural heritage management. Her book will be on sale prior to the lecture, and the author will sign them. Johnson is an avid archaeology, anthropology and history enthusiast. She took courses, joined digs and tracked archaeologists in the Caribbean, the Mediterranean, Newport, RI, Fishkill, NY, Machu Picchu, Deadwood, SD, and more. All are invited to attend and admission is free. For additional information, contact Professor Ernie Wiegand at ewiegand@ or (203) 857-7377. N e w s and TEDxNCC Talk: The Voices in My Head Tuesday, April 14, 1 to 3 p.m. East Campus, Gen Re Forum Guest Speaker Eleanor Longdon discusses her long journey back to mental health after being diagnosed as a schizophrenic and spending time being hospitalized and heavily medicated. She makes the case that it was through learning to listen to her voices that she was able to survive. This talk is for “voice hearers” and their family members, clinicians, students and the general public. All are invited to attend and admission is free. For more information call toll-free (855) 810-5924. A nnounc e m e nt s French Hospitality School Principal to Visit NCC Professor Yves Quissac, principal of the Lycée des métiers de l’hôtellerie et du tourisme d’Occitanie in Toulouse, France will be the guest of the Hospitality Management and Culinary Arts Program from March 30 through April 1. Since 2013, Chef Professor Jeff Trombetta and Adjunct Professor T.J. Diagne have been working with Quissac and his colleagues to establish an exchange program among hospitality students from both institutions. In 2014, Trombetta and Diagne led a group of 10 NCC hospitality students to Toulouse during the spring recess as the culmination of their studies in International Food and Service Management. Quissac is visiting the NCC campus to advance establishment of a permanent exchange. This summer two students from Toulouse will intern at Woodway Country Club in Darien, arranged by Diagne, who is a club manager. During his visit, Quissac will meet with NCC President David L. Levinson and Dean Vanessa Morest to discuss developing a formal arrangement for ongoing student exchanges between the two institutions. He will also be the guest of the NCC Foundation at a dinner practical Monday night staged by NCC Hospitality students. He will also participate in the Academic Festival on (cont’d. on next page) T his W eek @ N C C / V olume 29, N umber 10 / M arch 31, 2015 / P A G E 6 Wednesday. Diagne, who is president of the Connecticut Club Managers Association, will host Quissac at a club managers conference on Tuesday. Lycée des métiers de l’hôtellerie et du tourisme d’Occitanie offers bachelor of technology degrees. Established in 1916, the school is one of three national schools certified for the ISO 14001 quality standard. Through the years, Quissac has served as an ambassador for Toulouse and has promoted the area in France and abroad with special emphasis on the region’s gastronomic culture and the Academe de Toulouse, which includes six hospitality educational institutions in the Midi Pyrenees Region. Free Tax Preparation and Filing through VITA Program NCC VITA Preparation Schedule: Saturdays: Now through April 11 (except for Easter weekend, April 4, when the college is closed) 10 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. in West Campus, Rooms W138 and W140. Tuesday and Thursday evenings: Now through April 14 (open during Spring Break), 7 to 9 p.m. in the UBS Student Success Center, off the East Campus Atrium. Faculty Help Needed for NCC Live! Deadline to Apply for May 2015 Graduation is April 6 Please inform students that the deadline to apply for May 2015 Graduation is Monday, April 6 at 5 p.m. in the East Campus Records Office (room E102). They must bring the following documents with them: • Completed Graduation Application and Degree Evaluation sheets (see myCommNet). Both must be signed by an advisor. • A Curriculum Check Sheet (if a Degree Evaluation is not met) • A completed Student Survey All students must also meet with an advisor prior to submitting an application for graduation. NCC Continuing Notice of Non-Discrimination Norwalk Community College does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religious creed, age, sex, national origin, marital status, ancestry, present or past history of mental disorder, learning disability or physical disability, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression or genetic information in its programs and activities. In addition, the College does not discriminate in employment on the basis of veteran status or criminal record. The following persons have been designated to handle inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policies: Dean of Students Carol Smith Harker, Title IX Coordinator, at (203) 857-7013 or; or Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Coordinator Fran Apfel at (203) 857-7192 or On Friday, May 1, from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m., 12 to 15 area high schools will be attending “NCC Live!” Faculty volunteers are needed to run three, half-hour workshops. If you can help by running a workshop, please reply to Robin Morris at T his W eek @ N C C / V olume 29, N umber 10 / M arch 31, 2015 / P A G E 7
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