Golden Notes - NORCAL Golden Retriever Club
Golden Notes - NORCAL Golden Retriever Club
NORCAL GOLDEN RETRIEVER CLUB Golden Notes WINTER 2014 Elected Officers: President Suzanne Bria Secretary/Treasurer Lisa Newton 1675 Fallen Leaf Los Altos, CA 94024 VP Performance Christine Hsu VP Breed Robin Baker VP Field Scott Woodland VOLUME 44, ISSUE I From the President: Eileen Oshiro This is my final Message from the President Report. I want to let you all know that it's been a privilege and honor to be your President for the last 4 years. NORCAL has so much going for it - members who work together and do so much with their Goldens. From conformation to obedience, to rally, tracking, agility, hunt tests and field trials, you can find our members in multiple venues. Keep it up! A sincere Thank You to the members of the Board - Performance VP Terry Southard (quick recovery from your broken ankle), Director Nancy Kelly, both of whom are also leaving the Board, continuing Breed VP Robin Baker, Field VP Scott Woodland, Director Pam McDonald and Secretary Lisa Newton. Great rapport and easy to work with. Good luck to the new Board. Everyone, please give them your support and volunteer! Pam, Suzanne, Christine, Ann, Lisa and Terry - great job on the banquet! Christine - delicious cupcakes! Pam and Christine - great raffle to raise funds for the Zeke Fund of the Golden Retriever Foundation. Thank you all! Director Laura Finco I can now concentrate on chairing the 2016 National Specialty. I'll be contacting you all for help. Hosting a National Specialty is a huge undertaking and requires the help of many, many hands. Put your hand Director Pamela McDonald up and volunteer! See you around! Eileen Standing Officials Financial Secretary Patty Simmons Membership Secretary Letty Regan Congratulations to the New NORCAL Board NORCAL Golden Retriever Club elected the following members to serve as NORCAL GRC officers for a two-year term: President: Suzanne Bria Vice President, Performance: Christine Hsu Director: Laura Finco Inside this issue: From the President 1 Election Results 1 Editor’s Bark 2 Lifetime Member 2 General Mtg Minutes 3 Friends of Guisachan 3 Canine Lifetime Health Study 4 Members Brags 5 Thank you to all who voted. There was a very large percentage of members National Top Dogs voting electronically. NORCAL GRC sends thanks to Greg Phillips for serving as Elections Inspector and Ann Brown for managing the remaining ballots at Dream Tribute the Banquet. If you have any questions regarding the election, please contact Greg Phillips at i6 7 Membership Renewal insert Tracking Adventures 8 2013 Members Awards nsert Club Information 10 Events Calendar 11 GOLDEN NOTES Page 2 Mark aka Arsey. Arsey grew into a fine dog and had an aptitude for obedience. I was encouraged by another mentor to train and compete in the AKC Obedience ring. Jocelyn recognized that Arsey also had potential in the conformation ring. She worked with me and began showing My goal was never to have a show Arsey (who got his first points at the dog. I had shown dogs when I was younger for a family friend who had Del Monte KC show at 18 months, 8 days). It was through the guidance, collies (and still show her greyencouragement, and mentorship that hounds periodically) as a way to Arsey went from “just a pet” into the learn about larger dogs. My mother GRCA Show Dog Hall of Fame as bred miniature poodles. About the time I was nine years old I expressed an AKC Champion. an interest in raising Guide Dog puppies as part of my 4-H project but It did not take long for Jocelyn to encourage me to become involved in was told I needed experience with larger dogs. Jane Ragusano became NORCAL Golden Retriever Club. I became very active in working on my large dog mentor. Many years later (note emphasis), I was ready for Specialty shows where I met an inmy own dog that was neither a poo- credible group of very passionate and dedicated Golden people. And dle or a former guide dog or career change dog. This lead us to Shalimar also a new group of mentors—in particular were Eileen and Rich Golden Retrievers. Oshiro. Both Eileen and Rich were always present at the Specialty As a breeder, Jocelyn had all the shows, working wherever needed, right questions and I guess I had all the correct answers because she en- and always available to support and trusted me with an 8-week bundle to mentor new members. There were no dumb questions, just answers. I am be known as Shalimar’s Top of the When I first was looking to acquire a Golden Retriever puppy, I did my homework and found a responsible breeder who lived locally—Jocelyn Lewis of Shalimar Golden Retrievers. Argus’ Rise of the Phoenix, CD, MX, MXJ “Dogs are not our whole lives but they make our lives whole” — Roger Caras deeply grateful for their time and what they gave to me personally (especially Rich’s knowledge of interesting red wines!). We have benefitted as a club to have had Eileen Oshiro as our president these past four years. Through her leadership, we return to hosting the 2016 GRCA National (for which she is continuing as the Specialty Show chair), increased our revenues, and maintained healthy participation in a variety of shows and trials. On behalf of NORCAL GRC, I want to extend a heartfelt thank you! Mentoring is such a critical part of who we are as an organization. Bringing in new members, being available to support a new puppy buyer, or just being ring side to cheer on a fellow member are just a few of the roles we play. As a club we have an obligation to mentor. Our breed has such a notable history. We owe it to all of our dogs and the people who love them to ensure that as a club we continue to model the example of people like Eileen Oshiro and always be “gold.” Congratulations Toni Maita; Lifetime Member NORCAL GRC NORCAL has a brief guideline that defines the criteria for how members may become lifetime members. The member must have been a member of the club for at least 20 years, must have served on the board, and must have demonstrated active participation in the club on an on-going basis. It is my honor to introduce the newest addition to the roster of lifetime members. This member has volunteered for many activities -- working on more than a few specialties and even show chairing three of them -- which we all know is a big job. In addition, this person was instrumental in putting together NORCAL’s first CCA -- and didn't just make the first one happen. This person was the event secretary -- handling all the paperwork for the past 8 years. When asked what kind of person, others say this person is not afraid to take on big jobs even if they've never done them before. This person has the rare gift of being able to inspire and motivate others. When events get a bit too serious, a fun-loving attitude helps take the stress level down so we can all have a good time. NORCAL would like to recognize Toni Maita as a new lifetime member. NORCAL GRC GENERAL MEETING MINUTES Feb. 9, 2014 Cattlemen’s Restaurant, Livermore, CA Secretary’s Report: None. The previous meetings minutes were approved as published in Golden Notes. 2016 National Specialty: The sites are still in flux. We are looking at the Cow Palace, Santa Rosa fairgrounds, and Alameda Point. Vallejo is no longer a possiField Report: Debbie Tandoc updated us bility with their planned rebuilding schedThe General Meeting held before the An- in place of Field VP, Scott Woodland. We ule. Dates will be either the first week in nual Awards Banquet was called to order had a smaller Hunt Test in 2013. The Oct or the last week in Sept. at 1:00 pm. Board members present were Master National is building a duck drying Eileen Oshiro, Robin Baker and Pam building in Corning. NORCAL has doAnnual Specialty: Eileen and Dee Dee McDonald. nated $250 towards the refrigerator, allow- will be looking into the option of having ing us to use it if when/if we have hunt an independent specialty on Thursday and President’s Report: Many thanks to Pam tests or WC/WCXs in Corning. Two of an imbedded Specialty on Friday in lieu of McDonald and her committee - Suzanne our members had great success at the Na- our current arrangement. Bria, Christine Hsu, Ann Brown, Lisa tional Specialty Field Trial. Carol MilletteNewton and Terry Southard. They did a Snodgrass’ Ruby won the Open Stake, Dawn Poston spoke about the Monterey great job putting on the banquet on short which earned her FC. Ruby is only the 4th Horse Park at Ft Ord, notice. Christine baked delicious cupfemale golden in the country to be a FC. The facility cakes. Pam and Christine put on a special Debbie Tandoc and Presto won the Derby will have 11 rings, a covered arena and a fund-raiser raffle to raise money for stake and Carol with her young dog Gibconference center. Golden Retriever Foundation’s Zeke Can- son finished 3rd. Congratulations Ladies! cer Research Fund. The 5 items were Membership: Letty was not present so donated in memory of beloved Goldens Performance Report: Terry suffered a hor- Suzanne Bria mentioned that members who lost their battle with cancer. Over rible ankle injury and could not attend this should be sending in their 2014 member$600 was raised! Thank you ladies! meeting. Linda Lang reported that NOR- ship forms to Letty. CAL would give up the May Agility trial Treasurer’s Report: Patty reported that the so the Vizsla club can have their National NORCAL member Janet Wood is also the checking account had $38,865. The 2016 Specialty those days. The September trial president of Master National. The Master National Specialty account had $10,740. will have changes. The November trial National will be held in Corning on Oct 9In 2013 the club lost $913. Notable winshould be fine. 19, 2014. ners were the November agility trial with a profit of $3500, the Beat The Heat Match Breed Report: Robin is also the GRN asst with $1500, the Specialty with $693 and editor. NORCAL needs a club columnist. Elections 2014 were reported: President the CCA with $219 in profits. The NoDawn Poston volunteered to talk with Suzanne Bria, Performance Director Chrisvember agility trial and the match profits Robin about the requirements. The Fall tine Hsu and Director at Large Laura are designated National Specialty (NS) Specialty will be held on Fri, Oct 17 in Finco. fundraisers, so Patty was directed to send Pleasanton. Laura Franchi is chairing the $5000 to the NS account. The annual hunt event and already has a full committee. Meeting was adjourned at 2 pm. test and May and Sep agility trials lost money. Old Business: None. Submitted by Eileen Oshiro for Lisa Newton. New Business: Guisachan, in the Scottish Highlands, is the ancestral home of the Golden Retriever, but to date the Golden community has done nothing concrete to acknowledge the fact. That is about to change! Established in 2013, the Friends of Guisachan seek to commission a life size bronze statue of a Golden Retriever to be placed on land donated by the Fraser family in Tomich, Inverness-shire, part of the historic Guisachan estate. But to make this happen, the Friends of Guisachan need your help. They invite you to visit their unique website all about Guisachan, past, present, and future: The year 2018 will be the 150th year of the founding of our breed. There is quite a bit of history since the time when Nous, a Wavy-coated retriever was bred to Belle, a Tweed Water Spaniel and the first litter was born in 1868. The Friends of Guisachan are hoping to promote the celebration worldwide. The Friends of Guisachan, is a project of the Rachel Page Elliott Educational Fund, within the Golden Retriever Foundation, a non-profit charitable organization. Page 4 VOLUME 44, ISSUE I About The Golden Retriever Lifetime Study 60% of Golden Retrievers will die of cancer. Your dog can help change that. WHAT Morris Animal Foundation’s Golden Retriever Lifetime Study is the largest and longest effort ever undertaken to improve the health of dogs. Over the next 10 to 14 years, observational data collected from 3,000 Golden Retrievers will help us learn how to prevent cancer and other diseases that take the lives of dogs too soon. WHY More than 70 million dogs live in the United States. Half of them over the age of 10 will die of cancer. In fact, cancer is the leading cause of death in dogs over the age of 2. We must stop this disease. HOW Help us become 3,000 Goldens strong. We need canine heroes to join us in the most groundbreaking study in veterinary medical history. If you are an owner, enroll your dog today at If you are a veterinarian, encourage clients to register. If you are a breeder, help spread the word. Every dog lover will make a difference—including you. VOLUME 44, ISSUE I Page 5 Members’ Brags Obedience NOC OTCH DD’s Dreams Do Come True JH NA NAJ OGM RE TDX UDX26 VCD1 WCX CCA OBHF VCX In 2013… Bitter sweet, but Dream won the Rick O Shay Barty trophy for the 5 time, she will most likely win it one more time for the 2013 year. Dream finished the year with 31 High In Trials and 32 High Combineds out of 40 trials. She also earned two perfect 200 scores to give her a lifetime total of 32. Agility Linda Lang and Piper “Ambermist Upscaled High Flyer AX AXJ OF CGC” Event: At the Portuguese Water Dog Agility Trial on 11/23/13… Piper finished her AXJ and got her first QQ this weekend!! Tracking Pam McDonald and Baxter, Ch Aubridge Backstreet Boy BN RA JH NA NAJ AXP AJP WCX VCX t the Palm Springs Kennel Club on Jan 3, 4, and 5 2014 Baxter earned his RA title at the Palm Springs shows to kick off the new year! John Gillien and “Rocker” – CH Sunkota Geology Rocks, CD BN RE Event: At the Oregon Show Circuit on November 16, 2013… Rocker earned his CD and RE with Bill Anderson and will now be working on his Agility Title!! Megan Hundley and “Beckett”— DD’s Paws Before You Leap, TDX, TDU, RN, CGC Event: Portland Dog Training Club on January 1, 2014 In the summer of 2013 the AKC announced a new tracking test called Tracking Dog Urban (TDU) that would be starting on January 1, 2014. The rules of the TDU may be found here: On January 1, 2014 there were three TDU test being offered in the USA. Portland DTC was offering one at the University of Portland. The judges were Mr. Curt Curtis and Mrs. Karla Curtis. We entered; won the catalog draw and decided to run in the test. We drew track 2 and successfully completed a 5 turn 450 yard track in an urban environment. Our track had about 70 yards of non-vegetated surfaces and took us about 15 minutes to complete. Page 6 VOLUME 44, ISSUE I Once in A Lifetime Experience! Two NORCAL GRC Members Earn 1st Placements and Field Trail Perpetual Trophies at the 2013 GRCA National Specialty Field Trial FC Ruby Redfish Mo's Mountain Gem "Ruby", owner Carol Millet-Snodgrass THE FTCH RIP TROPHY Awarded to the GRCA member-owned Golden Retriever winning the Open All-Age stake at the National Specialty Field Trial. **************** Wagzu's SunSuite Tempo Di Presto SH WCX** "Presto", owner Deborah Tandoc THE JUMBEAU*** MEMORIAL TROPHY Awarded to the GRCA member whose amateur-handled Golden Retriever places highest in the Derby Stake at the National Specialty Field Trial THE CHRISTOPHER BURTON-BEAU BRUMMEL TROPHY Awarded to the highest placing Golden Retriever owned and handled by a GRCA member in the National Specialty Derby Stake We often go to National Specialties for reasons other than running & showing our dog(s) - make new friends, reacquaint with the older ones, see great dogs. Coming home with a blue ribbon that you and your dog have earned is stuff dreams are made of! For any performance event, the dogs need to be not only consistent, but often outstanding. Ruby did what she needed to do and won the Open stake in Texas handled by her pro, Rob Erhardt. The icing on the cake for Carol was that this also gave Ruby the 5 pts she needed for her FIELD CHAMPIONSHIP!!! And her puppy, Gibbs, handled by Carol even got 3rd Place and 2 pts in the Derby! As for Presto, Debbie made the big decision to Texas because he was training well and got a 3rd place -" MY FIRST EVER DERBY POINTS!" - and a JAM at 2 trials before entries for the specialty closed. At the Derby in Texas, Presto knew where all of his birds were and ran a very consistent 4 series of Derby doubles, including not cheating what little water there was. Two years ago, I would never had dreamed that this pup, born one month after losing Rondo, would have gone to a National Specialty to run in the Derby and actually win the stake! Presto lives up to his name with no end to his desire to retrieve - as often and as fast as possible. It's hard to believe his metamorphosis from a sweet, 'woobie-nursing' lover boy at home to the intensity he displays in the field. Plus, the early puppy training has paid off in a team player as well! I would like to thank the countless number of people for their throws, set-up efforts, advice/$.02 and training expertise to help get Presto and I where we are today, and where we hope to get in the future! Submitted by Debbie Tandoc NOC OTCH DD's Dreams Do Come True UDX26 OGM RE TDX JH NA NAJ VDC1 WCX CCA OBHF VCX 12/7/02 - 7/19/13 Dee Dee & Billy Anderson How lucky we were to have Dream in our lives! Dream holds the record for the most perfect 200 scores by a female dog and number 3 all breed over all dogs. How we dreaded the day we would have to say good by to her. She was a great obedience dog, and taught us that Dreams do come true! dream/ BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED that GRCA gratefully accept the NOC OTCH DD's Dreams Do Come True UDX26 OGM RE TDX VCD1 JH WCX OBHF VCX CCA trophy, to be awarded to the GRCA member-owner or member co-owner of the Golden Retriever who earns the greatest number of High in Trials and High Combineds (added together) during the year, and has an AKC or GRCA Agility, Tracking, Rally and Field title. The winner must have a title in each venue (Agility, Tracking, Rally and Field) to win the trophy. If there is a tie, the highest number of High in Trials will break the tie, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the owner shall be responsible for reporting eligibility in writing to the GRCA trophy curator no later than June 1 of the year following completion of the requirements, to be eligible for the trophy, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this trophy will be award for the first time at the 2014 National Specialty. NORCAL Golden Retriever Club 2014 Membership Renewal Form Membership renewals are due and payable on or before January 1, 2014. (Memberships not renewed by March 1, 2014 are automatically terminated.) _______________________________________________________________________________ NAME KENNEL NAME _______________________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP _______________________________________________________________________________ TELEPHONE #s (home) (cell) (work) _______________________________________________________________________________ EMAIL ADDRESS (please print clearly!) DOG'S REGISTERED NAMES & TITLES (circle changes!) CALL NAMES _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ Newsletter Mailing Options (please mark one): To help cut mailing costs, I am willing to view Golden Notes via our website. Please send Golden Notes as a PDF file to be opened with Acrobat Reader. I do not have computer access so would like to have Golden Notes mailed to me via U.S. Mail. I/We are willing to help in the following ways in 2012: Willing to help wherever needed! Event Chair Membership Secretary Picnic Trials Field Events (Hunt Test &WC/X) Hunt Test Agility Trial Specialties Summer Fun Match Workshops (Fun Match & OB workshop) CCA Banquet/Awards Dinner Seminars Equipment/Grounds Raffles Ways & Means Publicity Website Newsletter Library Rescue Speaker* Writer* Mentor* (Wish to be Mentored)* OTHER* *Please explain on reverse Please complete and return along with your check (made payable to NORCAL GRC) for ____Individual $25.00 ____Family $30.00 to: Letty Regan, NORCAL GRC Membership Secretary, P.O Box 246, Calistoga, CA 94515. 415-209-4712, TRACKING ADVENTURES...UNTOLD My name is Megan. I share my adventures with a Golden Retriever named “Beckett” or DD’s Paws Before You Leap, TDX, TDU, RN, CGC, WC, CCA whelped on February 28, 2012. first TDU test on the west coast, so we decided to make the 700 mile drive to Portland. On January 1, 2014 we made it to the University of Portland around 8.30 am and went into Tracking Headquarters (a room Beckett and I really like to track. We have on campus) to wait for the track draw at 9 shown some aptitude for it, so we track a am. As we checked in with the Secretary, lot and have a great time. In the summer we learned that all 10 entrants were present of 2013 I heard about a new tracking test for the test—6 catalog draw winners and called Tracking Dog Urban (TDU) that the 4 alternates. At 9 am the draw for runwould be starting on January 1, 2014. The ning order started. Catalog dog 1 drew rules of the TDU may be found track 3. Catalog dog 2 drew track 5. We here: were catalog dog 3; this turn of events left tdu.cfm Given that we live downtown in tracks, 1,2,4 or 6 for us. We drew track one of the 10 largest cities in the US, most number 2. By 9:10 am the draw and of our tracking is done on college camjudges briefing was over and the dog/ puses, city parks or large business handler team was off to track 1 which was parks. We were excited about the TDU located slightly off campus. My nerves test that would give us an opportunity to weren’t up to seeing that team track or test where we train. even trying to drive my car, so we stayed For those who aren’t familiar with trackon campus at the headquarters and waited ing…here is a brief overview. Tracking is for the judges to return to campus for the a sport where dog and handler teams are remaining tracks. Around 9.30 am we taken to the start of a “track” laid by a learned that dog 1 didn’t pass and that our stranger. The dog and handler work as a track would start about 9.45 am. We anxteam to follow the track. Thankfully the iously waited for the judges to come get us dog does the sniffing. The role of the per- and take us to the start. son is to stay connected to the dog via a long line, assist the dog in navigating the At 9.45 am we followed Judge Curt Curtis track and collect the articles which were up the hill to our start. We were led to a left by the track layer and indicated by the beautiful bluff, pointed “left” and wished dog indicates the track. There are many good luck. Once we completed our start more dogs that would like to run tracks ritual, I pointed her toward the track and than clubs can accommodate in their tests, we were off. Beckett indicated the start so to be able to run in a test, you must en- article and then headed off on the ter the dog….and then usually you need to track. She had a great start. About 50 win the catalog lottery which will assure yards into the track, she made an abrupt you a track to run on test day. Like other turn left from the grass to the paveevents, about 10 days prior to the event, ment. She wasn’t really committed, so we you learn if you have won the catalog lot- backed up to the last known point of the tery. Once you win the catalog lottery, track and she headed back on her original you will draw for your running order on line for about 5 more yards and then made test day at the test site. The tracks are then another hard turn left.….so, we went out run and the teams either pass or fail. Pass- into the pavement and stayed there for a ing teams earn a title. while. She was searching back and forth After searching for TDU tests to be held in in a “round about” in front of a buildJanuary 2014, we learned of one TDU test ing. She searched for a few minutes before on the west coast: Portland Dog Training she made her way right and up a slight Club was offering a TDU on January 1, incline in the parking lot. She clearly indi2014. This test would be located at the cated the track on the pavement and University of Portland. The judges were headed left into campus. She continued Mr. Curt Curtis and Mrs. Karla Curtis. We across the pavement and hit the grass— decided to enter. On Friday December 20th right on the track. we received news that Beckett was one of Once we were back on the grass we made the lucky dogs that made catalog draw for another left hand turn and headed off into PDTC’s test. We decided we couldn’t campus. We were moving between two miss that opportunity to participate in the buildings onto the grassy courtyard part of the campus crossing some small walkways along our way. Immediately following a path crossing, we made a right hand turn. She lined out heading directly towards a building about 200 yards away. Along the way we crossed a few more paths and found the intermediate article…a lonely pink sock. Even in all our other tracking adventures, I haven’t been as excited to find an article as I was to see that one pink sock. After our re-watering ritual, we started out on the track again and made another right hand turn between some more buildings. We were heading up a slight incline and back towards another traffic circle like we saw on our first turn. However, instead of entering into that circle, she darted across a car free street and headed to the bluff. She went under the protective guard railing with quite a lot of confidence. I was pretty sure that the judges wouldn’t have run us off a cliff….but my job isn’t to sniff, so I went over there and took a peek. ….no glove….and no way (Pass or Fail) that we were heading down there……so, back across the street we went. Back on the other side of the street, we ended up making a left hand turn onto the pavement between a building and the grassy part of the traffic circle. On the other side of that circle we hit grass. She veered slightly left, lined out for about 30 feet and then she started her article indication pattern. I looked up …. and sure enough, I saw a leather glove about 75 feet ahead of us. I gave her more line and she went to the glove and laid down on it. I held it in the air and we became the first Golden Retriever Team in the country to earn a TDU. Our track was about 450 yards with 5 turns and about 70 yards on a non-vegetated surface. This track took us about 15 minutes to complete. All in all 7 teams earned a TDU on January 1, 2014. Three other teams passed in Portland: a Pembroke Welsh Corgi, a Beagle and a West Highland White Terrier. In Missouri two dogs passed: an All -American Dog and a German Shepherd. In Louisiana one dog passed: a Boxer. A huge thanks to everyone who has helped us along the way with training tips, track laying or listening to our tracking stories. We couldn’t have gotten here without your time and support. NORCAL Golden Retriever Club New Titles and Awards 2013 FIELD CHAMPIONSHIP FC Ruby Redfish Mo's Mountain Gem Carol Millette-Snodgrass CHAMPION CH Sunkota Geology Rocks BN CD RE CH Masters Top Hat 'N' Tails BN CD RE NJP CH Masters Futura Emm Eye Cee CH Masters Futura Midnight Cape'Rs CH Maison D'Etoiles Le Chien Brilliant GCH Regency Final Destination BN RN SH WCX CCA VC John Gillien Jennifer Masterson Jennifer Masterson Jennifer Masterson Harry & Pamela Styron Jamie Warren GRAND CHAMPION GCH Regency Raise The Bet GCH Smithhaven's AutumnGlen Rowan CD GCH Regency Final Destination BN RN SH WCX CCA VC Vic & Laura Franchi Janice Hall & June Smith Jamie Warren AKC INVITATIONAL QUALIFIER GCH Reflections Wishing On A Star RN CCA CH Reflections I'm Happy Just To Dance With You CCA Patricia Bass-Walker Patricia Bass-Walker CONFORMATION CERTIFICATE OF ASSESSMENT GCH Reflections As Time Goes By CCA Reflections Here There And Everywhere CCA Faraway's Seventeen Sillybles BN RA TD CGC CCA Wild Mtn She's Something Else CDX MX MXJ WC CCA VC Wild Mtn Friendly Brew CCA Heads Up Radiant Energy MH WCX CCA DD's Paws Before You Leap RN TDX WC CCA VC DD's Look Before U Leap TDX RN OA AXJ WC CCA GCH Regency Final Destination BN RN SH WCX CCA VC Regency Crime Off The Streets JH WC CCA Patricia Bass-Walker Patricia Bass-Walker Suzanne Bria Ann Brown Walt & Mary Dent Diane Glassmeyer Megan Hundley Dimity Mueller Jamie Warren Jamie Warren AGILITY TITLES EARNED DD's Ranch Rabbit RN TD NA OAJ Dee Dee & Billy Anderson OTCH DD's Slice of Pie UDX RE OM3 TDX NJP CCA WC VCX OBHF Wild Mtn She's Something Else CDX MX MXJ WC CCA VC Ambermist Rose Live Wire CDX BN RE NA NAJ NF NJP NFP CCA Flaxen Fields Fog Jumper Superbeast BN RN NA NAJ NF Autumnglen's Amazing Rae CD RN OAP OJP NFP Spiritlodge Sporting Chance CD RA JH AX MXJ NF WC VC CCA Tigana Cairngorm Blessed Thistle TD OA OAJ Ryder Dodger Gold UD VER RE JH NJP VC WC CCA Dee Dee & Billy Anderson Ann Brown Terri Gregson Terri Gregson Carson Haines Christine Hsu Christine Hsu Patricia Kostakis MACH Smithaven's Ambermist Rose UD RE XF MXB MJS OJP OAP CCA Ambermist Upscaled High Flyer AX AX OF Ambermist Upscaled High Flyer AX AX OF DD's Existential Dream Catcher CD GN RE OAJ OJP CCA CH Masters Top Hat 'N' Tails BN CD RE NJP Regency LaCoste BN RN JH OAP AJP WC CCA VC Regency LaCoste BN RN JH OAP AJP WC CCA VC Linda Lang Linda Lang Linda Lang Ferol Larsen Jennifer Masterson Pam McDonald Pam McDonald CH Aubridge Backstreet Boy BN RN JH NA NAJ AXP AJP WCX VCX DD's Look Before U Leap TDX RN OA AXJ WC CCA Sunshine's Travels With Pardner BN RE NA NF CCA MACH4 Emberain Late Harvest MXC MJG2 MXF TQX T2B ADHF MACH4 Emberain Late Harvest MXC MJG2 MXF TQX T2B ADHF Rio Emberain Back To Bree AX AXJ OF Pam McDonald Dimity Mueller Dawn Poston & Steve Bloch Edwina & Ed Ryska Edwina & Ed Ryska Edwina & Ed Ryska AKC NATIONAL AGILITY QUALIFIER MACH4 Emberain Late Harvest MXC MJG2 MXF TQX T2B ADHF Edwina & Ed Ryska AKC NATIONAL RALLY QUALIFIER Sunstorm Déjà Vu At Golden Pine CD RE JH CCA WC DD's Paws Before You Leap RN TDX WC CCA VC Nancy Kelly Megan Hundley MULTIPLE PERFECT SCORES OF 200/ 200 SCORE NOC OTCH DD's Dreams Do Come True UDX26 OGM RE TDX JH NA NAJ CCA Dee Dee & Billy Anderson GRCA Top 10 - OBEDIENCE NOC OTCH DD's Dreams Do Come True UDX26 OGM RE TDX JH NA NAJ CCA Dee Dee & Billy Anderson AKC OBEDIENCE INVITATIONAL QUALIFIER NOC OTCH DD's Dreams Do Come True UDX26 OGM RE TDX JH NA NAJ CCA Dee Dee & Billy Anderson OTCH DD's Slice of Pie UDX RE OM3 TDX NJP CCA WC VCX OBHF Dee Dee & Billy Anderson MULTIPLE HIGH IN TRIALS &/or MULTIPLE HIGH COMBINEDS NOC OTCH DD's Dreams Do Come True UDX26 OGM RE TDX JH NA NAJ CCA Dee Dee & Billy Anderson OTCH DD's Slice of Pie UDX RE OM3 TDX NJP CCA WC VCX OBHF Magicgold's It Has To Be Shasta CD SH Coppertop Cowgirl Up UD RE TDX JH CCA VCX OBHF Dee Dee & Billy Anderson Sue Stauffer Terry & Steve Southard OBEDIENCE HALL OF FAME OTCH DD's Slice of Pie UDX RE OM3 TDX NJP CCA WC VCX OBHF Coppertop Cowgirl Up UD RE TDX JH CCA VCX OBHF Dee Dee & Billy Anderson Terry & Steve Southard OBEDIENCE TITLES EARNED NOC OTCH DD's Dreams Do Come True UDX26 OGM RE TDX JH NA NAJ CCA Dee Dee & Billy Anderson OTCH DD's Slice of Pie UDX RE OM3 TDX NJP CCA WC VCX OBHF Dee Dee & Billy Anderson OTCH DD's Slice of Pie UDX RE OM3 TDX NJP CCA WC VCX OBHF Faraway's Seventeen Sillybles BN RA TD CGC CCA Wild Mtn She's Something Else CDX MX MXJ WC CCA VC CH Sunkota Geology Rocks BN CD RE Ambermist Rose Live Wire CDX BN RE NA NAJ NF NJP NFP CCA Flaxen Fields Fog Jumper Superbeast BN RN NA NAJ NF Windy Ridge Maverick's Elmer Fudd CD RE SH WC Dee Dee & Billy Anderson Suzanne Bria Ann Brown John Gillien Terri Gregson Terri Gregson Wendy Johnston Ryder Dodger Gold UD VER RE JH NJP VC WC CCA JK Shalimar's Foreign Affair ThD CCA DD's Existential Dream Catcher CD GN RE OAJ OJP CCA CH Masters Top Hat 'N' Tails BN CD RE NJP Wild Mtn The Journey Continues CDX RE TDX CCA Resawood's Life Is Good CD RA SH WC CCA VC Magicgold's It Has To Be Shasta CD SH Coppertop Cowgirl Up UD RE TDX JH CCA VCX OBHF GCH Regency Final Destination BN RN SH WCX CCA VC Patricia Kostakis Jocelyn & Tom Lewis Ferol Larsen Jennifer Masterson Bea Moore Nancy Murillo Sue Stauffer Terry & Steve Southard Jamie Warren RALLY TITLES EARNED DD's Ranch Rabbit RN TD NA OAJ Faraway's Seventeen Sillybles BN RA TD CGC CCA CH Sunkota Geology Rocks BN CD RE CH Masters Hoot Do Ya Think Ya R RE TDX DD's Paws Before You Leap RN TDX WC CCA VC Windy Ridge Maverick's Elmer Fudd CD RE SH WC CH Masters Top Hat 'N' Tails BN CD RE NJP DD's Look Before U Leap TDX RN OA AXJ WC CCA Firemark Resawood's Alexander RN SH WCX DD's Spring In Tahoe Pines RA GCH Regency Final Destination BN RN SH WCX CCA VC Emberain Gemstone Dreamkeeper RE JH OA OAJ OF WC Dee Dee & Billy Anderson Suzanne Bria John Gillien Mary Ann Graziano Megan Hundley Wendy Johnston Jennifer Masterson Dimity Mueller Nancy Murillo Carole Steding Jamie Warren Scott & Sharon Woodland TRACKING/TRACKING EXCELLENT TITLES EARNED Faraway's Seventeen Sillybles BN RA TD CGC CCA DD's Paws Before You Leap RN TDX WC CCA VC DD's Look Before U Leap TDX RN OA AXJ WC CCA Tigana Blackwatch Cream Porter TD Calliope Tigana Cream Tangerine TD Suzanne Bria Megan Hundley Dimity Mueller Laurie Ann Rollins Robert Rollins 1ST IN FIELD STAKE FC Ruby Redfish Mo's Mountain Gem Wagzu's SunSuite Tempo Di Presto SH WCX ** Carol Millette-Snodgrass Debbie Tandoc MASTER NATIONAL QUALIFIER Heads Up Radiant Energy MH WCX CCA Real Gold Roxie Music To My Ears MH MNH WCX CCA ** OD PC's You're The One MH WCX Diane Glassmeyer Janet Wood Janet Wood GRCA SHOW DOG HALL OF FAME GCH Regency Raise The Bet Vic & Laura Franchi HUNT TEST TITLES EARNED DD's Capture The Moment UD RE TDX JH WC CCA C-Vu's Anthem Out of Port Costa JH Dee Dee & Billy Anderson Nancy Corbin & Janet Wood DD's Fairytail Princess BN CD RE TD OA AXJ JH WC CCA VCD VCX Windy Ridge Maverick's Elmer Fudd CD RE SH WC BravHart Maverick's All A Twitter JH Sunstorm Déjà Vu At Golden Pine CD RE JH CCA WC Regency LaCoste BN RN JH OAP AJP WC CCA VC Resawood's Life Is Good CD RA SH WC CCA VC GCH Saffron Cuvee Royale TD SH WC Magicgold's It Has To Be Shasta CD SH Dana Freebury Wendy Johnston Wendy Johnston Nancy Kelly Pam McDonald Nancy Murillo Lisa Newton Sue Stauffer Wagzu's SunSuite Tempo Di Presto SH WCX ** GCH Regency Final Destination BN RN SH WCX CCA VC Regency Crime Off The Streets JH WC CCA PC's At Last JH Debbie Tandoc Jamie Warren Jamie Warren Janet Wood WORKING CERTIFICATES EARNED OTCH DD's Slice of Pie UDX RE OM3 TDX NJP CCA WC VCX OBHF Wild Mtn She's Something Else CDX MX MXJ WC CCA VC Heads Up Radiant Energy MH WCX CCA Feisty Red Spitfire SH WCX DD's Paws Before You Leap RN TDX WC CCA VC Sunstorm Déjà Vu At Golden Pine CD RE JH CCA WC Firemark Resawood's Alexander RN SH WCX Sunstorm Golden Pine Femme Fatale WC Wagzu's SunSuite Tempo Di Presto SH WCX ** Regency Crime Off The Streets JH WC CCA Dee Dee & Billy Anderson Ann Brown Diane Glassmeyer Diane Glassmeyer Megan Hundley Nancy Kelly Nancy Murillo Susan Osborn Debbie Tandoc Jamie Warren VC/VCX - VCD2 DD's Capture The Moment UD RE TDX JH WC CCA Dee Dee & Billy Anderson OTCH DD's Slice of Pie UDX RE OM3 TDX NJP CCA WC VCX OBHF Wild Mtn She's Something Else CDX MX MXJ WC CCA VC Dee Dee & Billy Anderson Ann Brown DD's Fairytail Princess BN CD RE TD OA AXJ JH WC CCA VCD VCX DD's Paws Before You Leap RN TDX WC CCA VC Ryder Dodger Gold UD VER RE JH NJP VC WC CCA DD's Look Before U Leap TDX RN OA AXJ WC CCA Resawood's Life Is Good CD RA SH WC CCA VC Coppertop Cowgirl Up UD RE TDX JH CCA VCX OBHF GCH Regency Final Destination BN RN SH WCX CCA VC Dana Freebury Megan Hundley Patricia Kostakis Dimity Mueller Nancy Murillo Terry & Steve Southard Jamie Warren OUTSTANDING SIRE Ch Timberline Highland Brew CD RN CCA OS CH Regency West of Seahaven RN OS Walt & Mary Dent & Linda Lang Vic & Laura Franchi TOP AWARDS FOR NORCAL 2011 TOP AGILITY DOG 20 INCHES MACH4 Emberain Late Harvest MXC MJG2 MXF TQX T2B ADHF Ed & Edwina Ryska TOP SHOW FEMALE GOLDEN GCH Regency Raise The Bet Vic & Laura Franchi TOP SHOW MALE GOLDEN CH Reflections I'm Happy Just To Dance With You CCA Patricia Bass-Walker RESERVE OBEDIENCE GOLDEN OTCH DD's Slice of Pie UDX RE OM3 TDX NJP CCA WC VCX OBHF Dee Dee & Billy Anderson TOP OBEDIENCE GOLDEN NOC OTCH DD's Dreams Do Come True UDX26 OGM RE TDX JH NA NAJ CCA OBHF Dee Dee & Billy Anderson TOP FIELD DOG 2013 FC Ruby Redfish Mo's Mountain Gem Carol Millette-Snodgrass TOP DERBY DOG Wagzu's SunSuite Tempo Di Presto SH WCX ** Golden Notes Contacts and Information NORCAL GOLDEN RETRIEVER CLUB Golden Notes Editor Laura Finco (925) 828-8731 7090 Utica Court NORCAL GRC Information General Information Meetings: General meetings are held four times a year in the Bay Area with date, time, and location to be published online and in Golden Notes. Membership Potential members are required to attend THREE NORCAL events and sponsored by a member in good standing. IF THIS APPLICATION IS ACCEPTED AFTER SEPTEMBER 15, NO DUES SHALL BE PAYABLE THE FOLLOWING YEAR. Membership applications can be obtained online or from Letty Regan, NORCAL GRC Membership Secretary, P.O Box 246, Calistoga, CA 94515 Volunteers Needed Each event that NORCAL GRC puts on requires the assistance of members in a variety of roles. All NORCAL GRC members are encouraged to volunteer for at least one event throughout the year. If you cannot volunteer in person, it is suggested that members consider making a donation to the trophy fund. Annual Awards Banquet/Meeting Each year NORCAL GRC holds our Awards Banquet to honor the achievements of our dogs. Awards applications are generally available online mid-November. All awards applications must be submitted by the published deadline in order to be included in the awards ceremony. Further information is available online and in the November/December issue of Golden Notes. Picnic Trials Picnic Trials (field training sessions for both owners and dogs) are held monthly from February—October in various locations. All Goldens and their owners are welcome. We also welcome the “rarer” retrievers— standard poodles, curly coated retrievers, flat coated retrievers, IWS, and Tollers. All levers of experience from pups and adults that have never seen a bird to advanced hunting dogs are encouraged to attend. Bring a lunch, drinks, and utensils as well as water and other equipment for your dog. If you have them, bring your whistles, bumpers, duck calls starter pistols, decoys, etc. Cost is $10 for your first dog and $5 for each additional dog (first time handlers get their first dog free!) The cost covers ground rental and shells. Generally dead birds are used but if flyers are available they will be provided at cost. Sign up at 8:30 am with work starting at 9 am— NON MEMBERS ARE WELCOME AT ALL OF OUR EVENTS! Show Superintendents If you are interested in receiving premium lists for shows in this area, send your name and address to: MB-F, Inc PO Box 22107, Greensboro, NC 27410 Jack Bradshaw PO Box 227303, Los Angeles, CA 90022 Jack Onofrio PO Box 25764, Oklahoma City, OK 73125 Norman Brown, PO Box 4566, Spokane, WA 99220 Newport, PO Box 7131, Pasadena, CA 91109 Show events are listed on the AKC website ( and in the AKC publication the AKC Gazette. Contact the AKC PO Box 37903 Raleigh, NC 27690 for additional information. Golden Retriever Club of America NORCAL Golden Retriever Club is part of the Golden Retriever Club of America. All members of NORCAL GRC are encouraged to hold dual membership with the GRCA. Information regarding officers and the Western Regional Officers can be found at NORCAL Delegate to GRCA: Laura Finco, 7090 Utica Court, Dublin, CA 94568 . Show/Obedience/Juniors: Sue Carpenter 4234 Rosenbaum Ave San Jose, CA 95136 Field: Debbie Tandoc 1175 Culligan Blvd San Jose, CA 95120 Agility: Edwina Ryska 6010 Roblar Rd Petaluma, CA 94952 Please send your results to the appropriate editor by the 10th of every month to ensure that your information will be included in the next issue. Subscription to Golden Notes Upon request, nonmembers will receive one complimentary copy of Golden Notes after which they will be asked to pay a yearly subscription/donation fee of $20 to be mailed to the editor. Puppy Referrals Contact Ken and Trudy Blanchard, 7135 Gibson Canyon Rd, Vacaville, CA 95688 (707) 455-0281 or There is a $25 donation fee to NCGRRescue for members listing litters. Clearance information must be submitted with referral request. NORCAL GRC puppy referral services is a VOLUNTARY activity. Typically 10-20 phone calls are received weekly for puppy information. The service does not guarantee that breeders will be provided with enough referrals, nor does NORCAL GRC and its members assume any responsibility for follow up after a referral has been made. This is a contact service only. Breeders are requested to contact this service when all puppies in a litter are placed. Advertisement Rate Litter Listings: $15.00 per issue for members and $25.00 per issue for nonmembers; all information including clearances and pedigrees must be submitted with request.. The form below must be completed and sent in order for Litter Listings to appear. Equipment/For Sale: $10.00 per issue Commercial/Services: $25 per issue for a 1/4 page ad as space allows AGREEMENT In consideration for NORCAL Golden Retriever Club listing the breeding of: _____________________________________________________________ (sire) to _____________________________________________________________ (dam) in the “Litter Listings” section of the NORCAL Golden Retriever Club newsletter, Golden Notes, the undersigned agrees to indemnify and defend NORCAL Golden Retriever Club for and against any and all liabilities, claims, demands, causes of action, damages, and costs asserted against and/or imposed upon NORCAL Golden Retriever Club which are in any manner connected with the foregoing breeding. ________________________________________________________ _____________ Signed Date _______________________________________________________________________ Printed Name OFA Hip Registry Certification by the Orthopedic Foundation for Animals that a Golden does not have hip dysplasia is required for adverting in Golden Notes and the GRCA News. Dogs must be over two years of age for certification. Contact your local veterinarian for x-ray information or a referral to a specialist. CERF Eye Registry Certification by a Board Certified Veterinarian Ophthalmologist that a Golden’s eyes are free from hereditary problems is required for adverting in Golden Notes and the GRCA News. Dogs must be over two years of age for certification. Contact your local veterinarian for a referral to a specialist.. Pedigree Information must also be submitted with Litter Listing Requests. UPCOMING NORCAL GRC EVENTS— IMPORTANT DATES Date March 1, 2014 Event Location Contact Susan Osborn Stratton, NORCAL GRC Flyer Day Advanced Denverton August 2014 NORCAL GRC Beat the Heat Match and General Meeting Kirgin Cellars Christine Hsu October 2014 NORCAL GRC Specialty Show and General Meeting Alameda County Fairgrounds Laura Franchi Fall 2016 GRCA National Specialty Show hosted by NORCAL GRC TBD Eileen Oshiro Golden Notes c/o Laura Finco, Editor 7090 Utica Court Dublin, CA 94568 408-425-9337
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