Awards Issue - NORCAL Golden Retriever Club
Awards Issue - NORCAL Golden Retriever Club
NORCAL GOLDEN RETRIEVER CLUB Golden Notes AWARDS SPECIAL ISSUE 2015 Elected Officers: President Suzanne Bria Secretary/Treasurer Lisa Newton 1675 Fallen Leaf Los Altos, CA 94024 VP Performance Christine Hsu VOLUME 45, ISSUE I From the President: Suzanne Bria To use a well-worn metaphor, Life is certainly a roller coaster! On the upside: the annual awards banquet/ luncheon went very well. I would have loved to see even more members participating, but we had around 50 and I think everyone enjoyed themselves! Special awards were given to Susan Osborn by VP Field Scott Woodland, Edwina Ryska and Megan Hundley by VP performance Christine Hsu, Laura Franchi by VP Conformation Robin Baker, and a President's award to Laura Finco by me (more details below in your Golden Notes). The photo and awards slideshow by Laura was excellent as always. An impromptu raffle put together by several members including Pam and Lisa with donations by members netted over $800 to be divided equally between the Zeke Cancer Fund and the National Specialty! Lisa provided cool door prizes and also incredibly yummy cupcakes compliments of her professional baker daughter-in-law. Special thanks go out to Pam McDonald for organizing the event again this year! VP Breed Robin Baker In addition to the Awards Banquet, the National Specialty committee held a meeting beforehand which generated a lot of interest and excitement about the Inside this issue: upcoming event! As I'm sure you all know by now, NORCAL GRC will be VP Field Scott Woodland hosting the GRCA National Specialty in Fall 2016, and we are going to need From the President 1 all members on board and involved in this special event. The committee has Director added Robin Baker as Liaison who will keep the Board, the general Laura Finco membership, and the GRCA informed of National Specially planning, so stay Editor’s Bark 2 tuned for the first update and list of all the committee members and others Director Pamela McDonald actively involved so you will know with whom to get in touch to volunteer 2 and share your ideas. Kudos to all those who are behind the scenes working to Morris Foundation make this a fantastic National Specialty! Standing Officials Financial Secretary Patty Simmons Membership Secretary Letty Regan On the down side, it seems like I have been hearing recently about too many of our beloved Golden retrievers headed to the Rainbow Bridge. The culprit in almost every case is cancer, and many are dying way before their time. I am sure you also share my frustration about this and my sorrow for these terrible losses. We've all been through it, and while each loss is unique and personal, our empathy can go a long way to help each other through the grief. But in addition to that, I believe you all share my need to take some action to try to stop this scourge of cancer deaths! One way is by donating to the GR Foundation and other canine cancer research organizations to the extent that we are each able, and to try to stay current with the latest cancer research. Another way is to enroll our goldens under the age of two in the Morris Animal Foundation's Golden Retriever Lifetime Study ( And still another way is to make longevity a priority in our breeding and puppy buying decisions. None if us wants to hear about or experience any more cancer deaths! Let's all do whatever we can to make sure we don't have to. Here's wishing for a happy slide into Spring, more rain for the Bay Area, and much joy in all you do with your beloved Golden companions! Suzanne Bria President; NORCAL Golden Retriever Club National Specialty Notes 3 In Memory 3 GRCA National Dates 4 Member Brags 4 GRCA National Commit- 5 tee Chairs Honor Awards 6 Member Opportunities 7 Awards GOLDEN NOTES Page 2 front yard. Even though she could no longer pick up a tennis the night sky and I would see a ball, she enjoyed chasing it along beautiful, bright star. That would with the others and running back be my girl looking down at me to the thrower. now that she had crossed over the Rainbow Bridge. Our neighborhood kids were A friend told me to look up into Argus’ Rise of the Phoenix, CD, MX, MXJ. OF, MXP “Dogs are not our whole lives but they make our lives whole” — Roger Caras They hugged on her as one of the mothers explained that Starr was not going to be coming home again. They hugged harder, burying their faces in her thick fur. As we walked into the clinic, fantastic during Starr’s illness. Starr gave us a good tail wag as When we first learned of Starr’s They would brush her wavy, though to tell us that it was okay; cancer, we knew that we would dark red coat and give her big that we were doing right by her. have to ultimately make the decihugs. They seemed to know how She laid quietly on the blankets sion to let her go. But I made the much she enjoyed their presence the veterinary technicians arpromise to her that I would be and would eagerly come running ranged and seemed relieved to with her for as long as she as soon as she appeared in the see Liesl, our vet. We spoke for a wanted to be here. During the yard. bit, giving us a little more time two months from diagnosis to and then I laid next to her one passing, we had a couple of hard We were getting ready to attend last time to whisper how much I battles. The mandibular mass the NORCAL GRC annual loved her, to thank her for all her was very vascular and would award banquet when it became joy and her smiling, funny face easily bleed. We learned about apparent that it was going to be and to say good-bye. some Chinese herbs that were Starr’s last day. We woke up to a truly tiny miracles during these Starr who was not interested in It did not take very long for her times. Starr appeared unaffected eating although she gave us a bit great spirit to be freed. by these “bleeds” so we simply of a tail wag. I laid next to her cleaned her up, gave her the Chi- and whispered that I understood Int CH Argus’ Celestial Awakenings, CD, OA, OAJ nese herbs, and laid next to her and that it was going to be okay. until everything returned to nor“Starr” Our veterinarian was not on duty mal. that Saturday but arranged to 5/14/2003-2/7/2015 Every morning she would wake arrive in the afternoon, giving us up and give us a big tail wag, some time to be with our girl. wait patiently while we whipped Starr spent the morning at my her canned food into a gruel that mother’s house, where she lived she could lap up, and allowed us before the cancer struck. After to administer her daily medicamy father died, Starr was my tions without a fuss. She would mom’s constant companion. Beexcitedly wait for us to return fore we left for the clinic, Starr home from work, knowing that it spend some time with the kids. meant some play time in the Morris Foundation Canine Lifetime Health Project Golden Retriever Study Reached 3,000!! We are excited to inform you that the Golden Retriever Lifetime Study is currently full. We would like to take this opportunity to thank the 3000 golden retrievers and their owners enrolled for their support of this groundbreaking study. We have already been collecting some amazing data from our enrolled dogs and are extremely excited for the coming years of results from this study. To find out more about this study and the other work that Morris Animal Foundation funds please visit 2016 National - February 2015 Notes The 2016 GRCA National Committee has been hard at work preparing for October 2016 when the Golden Retriever world descends upon Northern California. The following notes are published as a way to keep the NORCAL GRC membership aware of the committee pro gress but also to solicit help in areas that still need coverage. The best National Specialty shows happen when the host club as a whole have active roles. If there is an area where you feel your talents would best be used, please contact Chair Eileen Oshiro or Board Liaison Robin Baker, Clarified our IRS tax status for fundraising purposes (not a charitable non-profit) Clarified our Insurance will cover fundraising events Shared Committee Chair and General Schedule document at annual banquet and submitted for Golden Notes Trying Freedcamp project management software from Christine to see if it works for us Trying to see best format/ Gingerrun Saquish Tres Pacific CCA “Archie” 9/24/06-1/5/15 Loved and missed by Betsy and Don Sumner GCH CH Reflections As Time Goes By CCA 5/1/2004-2/10/2015 “Kiana” Loved and missed by Patricia Bass Walker communications to share info with Board and Club Based on feedback from club members, the Logo is to be revised. Will have two logos by mid-March. One with a colorful stagecoach, and one with a puppy bowing into a gold mining pan spraying gold into the air. Obtained electronic versions of prior National reports from Jolene Carey – helpful to some extent. Ken Blanchard volunteered to be our Emergency Coordinator, and Laura Finco got details on what is needed Cindy Garcia agreed to be our Grooming space/reservations Chair Looking at filling other spots, encouraging people to join committees—see committee chair list on next page Looking at promotional item(s) to have at our booth at the 2015 National Contacted Homeward Bound and NGRR – both on board for coordinated rescue activities Working with Board to determine what seed money is loan vs income for National Working on ideas for trophies Looking into big sponsors like Levi Strauss Fundraising events – looking at wineries Starting on seeking big fundraising donations/items for raffles/auctions Providing Input on quilt being donated by Dee Dee Anderson’s friend Providing Input on stained glass item being donated by Dee Dee Anderson’s friend Suzanne Bria and Laura Finco working on grooming workshops Dee Dee working on performance seminar in Fall 2015 Monthly meetings (7:00 pm first Thursday of each month) set up starting on Thursday, March 5th Trip to Placerville at noon on Tuesday, March 10th with Eileen and Larry Fenner to go over RV parking So, as you can see, lots is going on. Hope everyone finds someone they can help with. There is definitely plenty for everyone to do! We will have lots going on in the next 20 months for sure! Int CH Argus’ Celestial Awakenings, CD, OA, OAJ “Starr” 5/14/2003-2/7/2015 Loved and missed by Laura and April Finco “It came to me that every time I lose a dog, they take a piece of my heart with them and every new dog who comes into my life gifts me with a piece of their heart. If I live long enough, all the components of my heart will be dog, and I will become as generous and loving as they are” — anonymous 2016 NATIONAL SPECIALTY SCHEDULE OF EVENTS Tuesday Oct. 4 At El Dorado Fairgrounds, Placerville, Obedience CA unless noted * Rally CCA Rescue Parade Rescue Meeting Health clinics - Pigmentary Uveitis, Health clinics - Pigmentary Uveitis, DNA testing, Friday Sept. 30 DNA testing, GRF Gala *location TBD* NORCAL All-breed Excellent Breeder Education Agility Trial Welcome Wine Tasting BBQ and Friday Oct. 7 Parade of Titleholders Sweepstakes - Gun dog Saturday Oct. 1 Field Trial - *Corning* Conformation – Regular/non reguNORCAL All-breed Agility Trial lar classes #1 CCA Wednesday Oct. 5 Obedience Judges' Education Sunday Oct. 2 Conformation - Puppy and Veteran GRCA Annual meeting NORCAL All-breed Agility Trial Sweepstakes Tailgate party #2 CCA “Old” GRCA Board Meeting VST test *location TBD* Health clinics - Pigmentary Uveitis, DNA testing, Saturday Oct. 8 Monday Oct. 3 Field Trial - *Corning* Conformation - Best of Breed GRCA National Agility Trial Gold“New” GRCA Board meeting ens only Thursday Oct. 6 Health clinics - Pigmentary Uveitis, Conformation - Regular/non regular Sunday Oct. 9 DNA testing, Classes WC/WCX - *Denverton* Field Trial - *Corning* Conformation - Junior Showman- “New” GRCA Board Meeting OC Match Obedience & Rally ship Members’ Brags Tracking Hailey (Rocklane's Cruz'n The Catwalk) earned her Tracking Dog Excellent title on Sunday, February 1, 2015 at Mather Field near Sacramento. She was expertly handled by Bill Anderson. They both did an amazing job on a difficult track and I just could not be prouder! Thank you to judges Bob Rollins, Meg Azevedo, track layer Kathleen Yee and the Redwood Belgian Tervuren Fanciers for putting on a great event! —Trish Miller DD's Can't Buy Me Love TDX On January 18 Lennon earned her Tracking Dog Excellent Title at the SDTC test at Mather Field. This was her first attempt, and mine as well. Congrats to Patti Kostakis NORCAL GRC OCTOBER 2015 SPECIALTY IMPORTMANT ANNOUNCEMENT Our Independent will be on Thursday, October 14th and we are having a Designated on Friday, October 15th Breed New Outstanding Dam: CH Aubridge Faux Paws became an OD (with the two new championships on Violet and Elmer). Congrats to Robin Baker Obedience New UDX Ryder Dodger Gold VCD2 UDX GO VER RAE JH AJP THD VCX WC CCA CGC Ryder got his UDX at the Fresno Shows at the end of January. In our two days of showing, he also received two HC's and a HIT. He also earned his VCD2 in December, after completing his OAP. Congrats Patti Kostakis VOLUME 45, ISSUE I Page 5 2016 GRCA National Specialty Committee Chairs The following is a list of committee chairs. Please note where there are vacancies especially if its in an area where your talents may be utilized. If you feel you can help in a particular area, please contact the committee chair or General Chair, Eileen Oshiro, COMMITTEES/Coordinators General Chair: Eileen Oshiro Breed Chair: Eileen Oshiro Obedience Chair: Dee Dee Anderson Rally Chair: Patty Kostakis Chief Ring Steward-Breed Nancy Talbott Chief Ring Steward Obedience/Rally: Dee Dee Anderson Superintendent: MB-F, Inc Agility Chair: Edwina Ryska and Linda Lang Agility Trial Secretary: TBD Field Trial Chair: Debbie Tandoc and Julie Cairns WC/WCX Chair: Susan Stratton (Osborn) VST Tracking/Secretary: Kathy McIntyre Chief Track Layer: Jayne Hurkman PR – Liaison: Robin Baker Answer Gal: Leslie Blythe Catalog/Advertising: Anney Doucette CCA Chair: Suzanne Bria Decorations: Tammy Ballew and Linda Gomoll Fund Raising Chair: Linda Gomoll and Robin Baker Merchandising Nancy Kelly, Terry Southard, Debbie Claussen Sponsors (Corporate?Purina? Dog supplies/related companies?) Events: Grooming workshops: Suzanne Bria and Laura Finco Wine/picnic, etc VACANT Raffle Chair: Tammy BallewPersonalized quilt auction:— quilt contact is Dee Dee AndersonGarage Sale 5/16/15: Mary Ann Graziano/Eileen Oshiro GRCA Liaison: Eileen Oshiro Breeders’ Education: GRCA Cindy Partridge Judges’ Education: GRCA Ainslie Mills GRCA reports: Eileen and Committee Chairs Grooming spaces/reservations Chair: Cindy Garcia Grounds: Laura Finco (with Dennis Johnson of MB-F) Emergency coordinator Ken Blanchard Food Vendors: VACANT Signage VACANT GRCA Banners: Tammy Ballew Health Clinics Coordinator: Karen Swanson DNA collection: Mike Lappin Hospitality: Ob/Rally judge/worker lunch: Carole Steding Daily Club Breakfast: GRCA clubsAne Brusendorff Welcome/local info (website and hospitality bag: Jane Ferguson Judges/Workers lunch: VACANT Letty Regan Tailgate Party: VACANT Welcome Wine/BBQ Jan Teichman, Debbie Claussen Judges’ Hospitality: Jeff Pepper Lodging/Hotel Connections: Eileen Oshiro Parade of Titleholders: Gina King Parking – Daily (at gate): VACANT Photo/Video Coordinator: VACANT Ribbons/Rosettes: VACANT RSVP: Jamie Warren RV Parking: Larry Fenner and Kurt Macauley Secretary (mtg note taker): VACANT Social Events (ideas): Wine tasting tour Gold mining at Marshall Gold Discovery State Historic Park Apple Hill tour. On site apple pie party? Imagination Theater (on site theater) Red Hawk Casino ** All of the social events still need members willing to coordinate! Transportation: VACANT judges to/from airport, hotel to show Trophies: Robin Baker and Sylvia Donahey Trophy Donations: Laura Franchi Treasurer: Janet Peacock Vendors (non-food): Debbie Claussen and Alison Desmarias Volunteers Gal: Dimity Mueller Webmaster: Christine Hsu 2015 NS Booth (promo items): Eileen Oshiro, Nancy Kelly, Robin Baker, Tammy Ballew It is going to take much more than a village to have a successful 2016 GRCA National Specialty. Every NORCAL GRC member is asked to pitch in where they can. If you are unable to actually attend the events, there is still plenty of behind the scenes work that needs to be done! Thank you in advance for your consideration! NORCAL GOLDEN RETRIEVER CLUB SPECIAL AWARDS 2014 NORCAL GOLDEN RETRIEVER CLUB hosted its annual awards luncheon on February 7th. We honored the many achievements of our members and their dogs. We also honored the following members for their dedication and service to the club. Vice President Awards: Field Susan Osborn is recognized this year for her outstanding service to the club through her participation and planning of multiple field events and training days. Several years ago Susan agreed to chair all the WC/WCX tests between then and the 2016 National so as to be well prepared to chair the National WC/WCX. In addition, Susan took over the planning of many training days in several locations, and has been actively involved with helping prepare for the club duck and pheasant flyer days. Over the past two years I’ve watched Susan give tirelessly to so many at these training days, making sure the new handlers and new dogs (especially) got the attention and time the needed to have a successful time at a field event. Susan continues that dedicated work now and will be helping our new Field VP in preparing several opportunities this spring for more training days and tests Vice President Awards: Performance Edwina Ryska. Edwina has demonstrated tremendous dedication to the club's agility trials for many years. She works tirelessly not only during the trials, but also does so much behind the scenes work during the year. This is a challenging time for agility trials in Northern California, and her efforts this year particularly in making the B-match happen at the November trial kept us in the black. Thank you, Edwina, for all you do. Megan Hundley. Megan joined NORCAL in 2013 and volunteered to take over chairmanship of the 2014 Beat the Heat Workshop. She did an exemplary job with her attention to detail and good planning; working with everyone with her typical good humor and grace. We might not have had the workshop last year if it wasn't for Megan, and it was one of NORCAL's most profitable events for the year. Thank you, Megan- we are very happy to have you. Presidents Award for Outstanding Service to NORCAL GRC Vice President Award: Breed Laura Franchi was honored with this award for her work as chairperson for the 2014 NORCAL GRC Specialty. Laura’s efforts contributed to this being one of the most successful events NORCAL GRC held all year. President’s Award for Outstanding Service to NORCAL GRC Laura Finco has been an invaluable member of this club for many years. She has served as president for several terms, as secretary, and currently a director. In addition to the many ways Laura has contributed to the club through her service on the Board, over the last eight years she has given a huge boost to the awards banquet through her wonderful slideshows with photos of our dogs as well as slides of the awards recipients. Laura also single-handedly produces our club newsletter Golden Notes 4 times a year as editor and has done a wonderful job! Laura has also contributed to our agility trials and annual specialties in various ways. Ever a glutton for punishment, she is continuing to serve on the 2016 National Specialty committee in charge of grounds – but I know it won't stop there! And she does all this while working fulltime as a middle school science teacher in addition to her 2- and 4-legged family. I know I'm leaving something out because I'm sure Laura does things I don't even know about! The bottom line is she's worth her weight in gold. Thank you from all of us, Laura! Page 7 NORCAL GRC FLYER DAY (Ducks) 8 a.m.- 9 a.m Set-up / dog airing Open to all Goldens, Flatcoats, Tollers, Poodles 9:00 am- start running dogs SUNDAY, March 29, 2015 8 am - 5 pm CRTA Training Grounds, Denverton Deadline for "Entering" Monday, Mar 23, 2015 Questions - Debbie Tandoc (H)408 997-9618 ( C) 408 398-9356 or email Fees Per Dog $45 for 2 Flyers $30 for 1 Flyer, one series all dead birds $15 for 0 Flyers, dead birds in both series The entry form will be up on the website soon Save the date for: NORCAL GRC PHEASANT FLYER DAY SUNDAY April 26, 2015 - Limit of 2 Flyers per dog - Limit of 3 dogs per handler - Limit of 50 dogs or 80 ducks Petra Ford conditioning Seminar November 14 in Lodi and November 15 in San Jose Calling all NORCAL members! Don’t miss out on this fabulous seminar – and a chance to be part of a terrific fundraiser for the GRCA 2016 National - sponsored by NORCAL GRC. If you do any kind of performance activity with your dog, here's an excellent opportunity to learn how to get the most out of your canine partner as well as to prevent injuries. Petra Ford -- who has campaigned dogs at the highest levels in Obedience, Field and Agility -- is a renowned expert in canine physical and rehabilitation therapy. She operates Aqua Dog Rehabilitation in New Jersey and luckily for us, she will be making a rare visit to California to present two hands-on seminars this coming November. Working and auditing spots will fill up fast. If you're interested in developing tools to develop your own personalized conditioning program for your dog, make sure you email Patti Kostakis at to get priority registration. The skills you'll learn can be used to improve your dogs' fitness -- in every sport you enjoy with them, including conformation. Here is a quote from one of Petra’s clients (Andrae Accera): “With Petra’s conditioning program, my dog’s speed in agility has increased by 2 yards per second and she can turn on a dime. I can honestly say that you are going to LOVE the seminars and have a great time. Petra has done so much to help maximize my dog’s condition for agility, obedience and general health and well-being.” Petra knows what it takes to be a winner. She's earned titles at both the national and international level (including the prestigious Crufts show in England). Don't miss this opportunity to learn from the best. The Petra Ford Seminar committee Dee Dee, Patti, Dimity, & Terry NORCAL GOLDEN RETRIEVER CLUB 2014 TITLES OA AXJ NF NAP OAP AXP OJP AJP NFP CA NAJ MXB MJB CA MXP NA OAP OJP OFP OA OAJ OF XF OFP MX AX AXJ NJP NA NAJ OA OAJ NAP OAP OJP AJP MX MJ AXP NA OA NAJ NAJ MACH 5 MXB2 MJC2 MJB3 MX MXJ XF MXF NA NAJ OA NF OF XF NAP OAP NJP OJP AJP NFP AXJ XF UDX2 OM4 OM5 BN BN CD CHAMPION CH Aubridge on the Purple Carpet CH Aubridge Stuck on You CH Ginger I C Gold Skies CONFORMATION CERTIFICATE OF ASSESSMENT Reflections Shadow Of Your Smile CCA Reflections Mustang Sally CCA Flaxen Fields Fog Jumper Superbeast CD RE OA OAJ XF CCA CGC Tigana Cairngorm Blessed Thistle TD AX AXJ CCA CGC Tigana's Triple Exultation BN RN NJP CCA Manor's Emerald Ana Diamond RN CCA AGILITY TITLES EARNED DD's Ranch Rabbit RN TD OA AXJ NF OTCH DD's Slice of Pie UDX2 RAE IM5 TDX OAP AJP NFP JH CCA VCX VCD3 OTCH DD's Slice of Pie UDX2 RAE IM5 TDX OAP AJP NFP JH CCA VCX VCD3 Faraway's Seventeen Sillybles BN RA TD NAJ CA CGC CCA Wild Mtn She's Something Else BN CDX MX MXJ MXB MJB CA CCA CC Argus' Rise of the Phoenix CD MX MXJ OF CH Masters Hoot Do Ya Think Ya R BN CD RE NA TDX Ambermist Rose Live Wire CDX BN RE NA NAJ NF OAP OJP CCA Flaxen Fields Fog Jumper Superbeast CD RE OA OAJ XF CCA CGC Autumnglen's Amazing Rae BN CD RN OAP OJP OFP Spiritlodge Sporting Chance CD RA JH MX MXJ NF WC VC CCA Tigana Cairngorm Blessed Thistle TD AX AXJ CCA CGC Tigana's Triple Exultation BN RN NJP CCA DD's Paws Before You Leap RE TDX TDU JH OA OAJ WC CCA VC Ryder Dodger Gold UD GO VER RAE TD JH AJP THD VCX WC CCA Ambermist Upscaled High Flyer MX MXJ OF RE BN CCA CGC Regency LaCoste BN RN JH AXP AJP CCA VC WCX DD's Leaps 'N Bounds TD OA NAJ CH Suntory By Leaps And Bounds BN CD RE NAJ MACH5 Emberain Late Harvest MXB2 MJB3 MXF TQX T2B ADHF MACH5 Emberain Late Harvest MXB2 MJB3 MXF TQX T2B ADHF Rio Emberain Back To Bree JH MX MXJ MXF Emberain Winter Rye JH OA NAJ XF Emberain Winter Rye JH OA NAJ XF DD's Spring In Tahoe Pines CD TD RE OAP AJP NFP VCD1 DD's Spring In Tahoe Pines CD TD RE OAP AJP NFP VCD1 Emberain Gemstone Dreamkeeper BN RE JH OA AXJ XF WC AKC NATIONAL AGILITY QUALIFIER MACH5 Emberain Late Harvest MXB2 MJB3 MXF TQX T2B ADHF AKC NATIONAL RALLY QUALIFIER OTCH DD's Slice of Pie UDX2 RAE IM5 TDX OAP AJP NFP JH CCA VCX VCD3 GRCA Top 10 - SHOW GCH Regency Raise The Bet SDHF MULTIPLE HIGH IN TRIALS &/or MULTIPLE HIGH COMBINEDS OTCH DD's Slice of Pie UDX2 RAE IM5 TDX OAP AJP NFP JH CCA VCX VCD3 Wild Mtn Better Watch Your Speed UDX2 OM2 BN RE CCA DD's Look Before U Leap CDX TDX RE OA AXJ WC CCA VCD2 OBEDIENCE TITLES EARNED OTCH DD's Slice of Pie UDX2 RAE IM5 TDX OAP AJP NFP JH CCA VCX VCD3 OTCH DD's Slice of Pie UDX2 RAE IM5 TDX OAP AJP NFP JH CCA VCX VCD3 Splendid Masterpiece BN RN JH WCX CH Masters Hoot Do Ya Think Ya R BN CD RE NA TDX Robin Baker Robin Baker Ken & Trudy Blanchard Patricia Bass-Walker Patricia Bass-Walker Terri Gregson Christine Hsu Christine Hsu Brenda Radcliffe Dee Dee & Billy Anderson Dee Dee & Billy Anderson Dee Dee & Billy Anderson Suzanne Bria Ann Brown Laura Finco Mary Ann Graziano Terri Gregson Terri Gregson Carson Haines Christine Hsu Christine Hsu Christine Hsu Megan Hundley Patricia Kostakis Linda Lang Pam McDonald Dimity Mueller Eileen & Richard Oshiro Edwina & Ed Ryska Edwina & Ed Ryska Edwina & Ed Ryska Edwina & Ed Ryska Edwina & Ed Ryska Carole Steding Carole Steding Scott & Sharon Woodland Edwina & Ed Ryska Dee Dee & Billy Anderson Vic & Laura Franchi Dee Dee & Billy Anderson John Maher Dimity Mueller Dee Dee & Billy Anderson Dee Dee & Billy Anderson Lucy Bradford Mary Ann Graziano CD BN GO CD BN UDX1 UDX2 OM1 OM2 CD CDX BN CDX BN CD BN CDX UD CD BN RN RAE RA RN RA RE RA RE RN RA RAE RN RA RE RA RE RN RN RA RE RN RE TD & TDX TDU TD TD TD TD JH JH MH 52 MH JH JH JH WCX WCX WCX WC VCD2 VCD3 VCX Flaxen Fields Fog Jumper Superbeast CD RE OA OAJ XF CCA CGC Tigana's Triple Exultation BN RN NJP CCA Ryder Dodger Gold UD GO VER RAE TD JH AJP THD VCX WC CCA Smithaven Ambermist Home Brew BN CD RE NA NF NAP NJP NFP Ambermist Upscaled High Flyer MX MXJ OF RE BN CCA CGC Wild Mtn Better Watch Your Speed UDX2 OM2 BN RE CCA Wild Mtn Better Watch Your Speed UDX2 OM2 BN RE CCA DD's Look Before U Leap CDX TDX RE OA AXJ WC CCA VCD2 GCH Saffron Cuvee Royale BN RN TD SH WCX Gaylan's Saffron Pop The Cork CDX RE TD SH WCX CH Suntory By Leaps And Bounds BN CD RE NAJ Wingwatcher Free Spirit BN RN CGC Magicgold's It Has To Be Shasta UD SH WCX DD's Spring In Tahoe Pines CD TD RE OAP AJP NFP VCD1 Emberain Gemstone Dreamkeeper BN RE JH OA AXJ XF WC RALLY TITLES EARNED DD's Dancing In The Moonlight TDX RN OTCH DD's Slice of Pie UDX2 RAE IM5 TDX OAP AJP NFP JH CCA VCX VCD3 GCH Reflections Wishing On A Star RA CCA Splendid Masterpiece BN RN JH WCX Flaxen Fields Fog Jumper Superbeast CD RE OA OAJ XF CCA CGC DD's Paws Before You Leap RE TDX TDU JH OA OAJ WC CCA VC Golden Pine Dancing Fox Merlot RA Ryder Dodger Gold UD GO VER RAE TD JH AJP THD VCX WC CCA Ambermist Upscaled High Flyer MX MXJ OF RE BN CCA CGC CH Aubridge Backstreet Boy BN RE JH NA NAJ AXP AJP WCX VCX GCH Saffron Cuvee Royale BN RN TD SH WCX CH Suntory By Leaps And Bounds BN CD RE NAJ Wingwatcher Free Spirit BN RN CGC DD's Spring In Tahoe Pines CD TD RE OAP AJP NFP VCD1 TRACKING/TRACKING EXCELLENT TITLES EARNED DD's Dancing In The Moonlight TDX RN DD's Paws Before You Leap RE TDX TDU JH OA OAJ WC CCA VC Ryder Dodger Gold UD GO VER RAE TD JH AJP THD VCX WC CCA Dd's Can't Buy Me Love TD DD's Leaps 'N Bounds TD OA NAJ DD's Spring In Tahoe Pines CD TD RE OAP AJP NFP VCD1 MASTER NATIONAL QUALIFIER Firemark Resawood's Alexander RN MH WCX HUNT TEST TITLES EARNED OTCH DD's Slice of Pie UDX2 RAE IM5 TDX OAP AJP NFP JH CCA VCX VCD3 DD's Paws Before You Leap RE TDX TDU JH OA OAJ WC CCA VC Resawood's Premium Blend CD RN MH52 WCX CCA VCX *** Firemark Resawood's Alexander RN MH WCX Rush Hill's Sparks Will Fly JH WC Rio Emberain Back To Bree JH MX MXJ MXF Emberain Winter Rye JH OA NAJ XF WORKING CERTIFICATES EARNED Splendid Masterpiece BN RN JH WCX Regency LaCoste BN RN JH AXP AJP CCA VC WCX GCH Saffron Cuvee Royale BN RN TD SH WCX Rush Hill's Sparks Will Fly JH WC VC/VCX - VCD2 OTCH DD's Slice of Pie UDX2 RAE IM5 TDX OAP AJP NFP JH CCA VCX VCD3 DD's Paws Before You Leap RE TDX TDU JH OA OAJ WC CCA VC Terri Gregson Christine Hsu Patricia Kostakis Linda Lang Linda Lang John Maher John Maher Dimity Mueller Lisa Newton Lisa Newton Eileen & Richard Oshiro Brenda Radcliffe Sue Stauffer Carole Steding Scott & Sharon Woodland Dee Dee & Billy Anderson Dee Dee & Billy Anderson Patricia Bass-Walker Lucy Bradford Terri Gregson Megan Hundley Nancy Kelly Patricia Kostakis Linda Lang Pam McDonald Lisa Newton Eileen & Richard Oshiro Brenda Radcliffe Carole Steding Dee Dee & Billy Anderson Megan Hundley Patricia Kostakis Patricia Kostakis Dimity Mueller Carole Steding Nancy Murillo Dee Dee & Billy Anderson Megan Hundley Nancy Murillo Nancy Murillo Lisa Newton Edwina & Ed Ryska Edwina & Ed Ryska Lucy Bradford Pam McDonald Lisa Newton Lisa Newton Dee Dee & Billy Anderson Megan Hundley VCX VCD1 VCD2 VC VCD2 VCD1 Ryder Dodger Gold UD GO VER RAE TD JH AJP THD VCX WC CCA Regency LaCoste BN RN JH AXP AJP CCA VC WCX DD's Look Before U Leap CDX TDX RE OA AXJ WC CCA VCD2 DD's Spring In Tahoe Pines CD TD RE OAP AJP NFP VCD1 OUTSTANDING DAM OD NOC OTCH DD's Dreams Do Come True UDX26 OGM RE TDX VCD1 JH NA NAJ WCX CCA VCX OBHF TOP AWARDS FOR NORCAL 2014 TOP AGILITY DOG 20 INCHES MACH5 Emberain Late Harvest MXB2 MJB3 MXF TQX T2B ADHF Ed & Edwina Ryska TOP AGILITY DOG 24 INCHES Emberain Winter Rye JH OA NAJ XF Ed & Edwina Ryska TOP SHOW FEMALE PUPPY Aria's Bright Lights And Promises Christine & Michael McDaniel TOP SHOW FEMALE GOLDEN CH Ginger I C Gold Skies Ken & Trudy Blanchard TOP SHOW MALE PUPPY Rgency Make It So Mark & Jackie Sellers TOP SHOW MALE GOLDEN Rgency Make It So Mark & Jackie Sellers RESERVE OBEDIENCE GOLDEN Wild Mtn Better Watch Your Speed UDX2 OM2 BN RE CCA John Maher TOP OBEDIENCE GOLDEN OTCH DD's Slice of Pie UDX2 RAE IM5 TDX OAP AJP NFP JH CCA VCX VCD3 Dee Dee & Billy Anderson Patricia Kostakis Pam McDonald Dimity Mueller Carole Steding Dee Dee & Billy Anderson WOOFSTOCK 2015 & NORCAL GRC! Solano County Fairgrounds, Vallejo, CA June 4, 5, 6, & 7, 2015 NORCAL GRC is proud to be supporting all four days of Woofstock 2015! Our Board will be providing gift cards for BOB, BOS, WD, & WB plus puppy sweeps on Saturday June 6. Please join us and let’s make majors for all! Entries close on May 20, 2015 with Superintendent MB-F, Inc. - Judges Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Sunday: Houston Clark Michael Faulkner Steve Dainard (Canada) Paula Nykiel Sweeps Judge: Sheila Polk On Friday night Woofstock is hosting the Eukanuba Puppy Extravaganza! Enter your star or future stars (sponsored by Eukanuba). HEALTH CLINICS AVAILABLE SAT & SUN: BAER Hearing, Cardio, CERF New Tie dyed logo items available for sale each year - Collect them all! Saturday is “Tie-Dye Day!” with a Best Costume Contest! Judging held prior to the groups on Saturday -- Prizes awarded for best costumes: $100 for Best Male & Female -$25 Best Youth -$25 Best Dog All rings tented - music throughout the day - mardi gras “peace beads” for BOB! Come and have some FUN at WOOFSTOCK! MAJORS! MAJORS! MAJORS! Golden Notes Contacts and Information NORCAL GOLDEN RETRIEVER CLUB Golden Notes Editor Laura Finco (925) 828-8731 7090 Utica Court NORCAL GRC Information General Information Meetings: General meetings are held four times a year in the Bay Area with date, time, and location to be published online and in Golden Notes. Membership Potential members are required to attend THREE NORCAL events and sponsored by a member in good standing. IF THIS APPLICATION IS ACCEPTED AFTER SEPTEMBER 15, NO DUES SHALL BE PAYABLE THE FOLLOWING YEAR. Membership applications can be obtained online or from Letty Regan, NORCAL GRC Membership Secretary, P.O Box 246, Calistoga, CA 94515 Volunteers Needed Each event that NORCAL GRC puts on requires the assistance of members in a variety of roles. All NORCAL GRC members are encouraged to volunteer for at least one event throughout the year. If you cannot volunteer in person, it is suggested that members consider making a donation to the trophy fund. Annual Awards Banquet/Meeting Each year NORCAL GRC holds our Awards Banquet to honor the achievements of our dogs. Awards applications are generally available online mid-November. All awards applications must be submitted by the published deadline in order to be included in the awards ceremony. Further information is available online and in the November/December issue of Golden Notes. Picnic Trials Picnic Trials (field training sessions for both owners and dogs) are held monthly from February—October in various locations. All Goldens and their owners are welcome. We also welcome the “rarer” retrievers— standard poodles, curly coated retrievers, flat coated retrievers, IWS, and Tollers. All levers of experience from pups and adults that have never seen a bird to advanced hunting dogs are encouraged to attend. Bring a lunch, drinks, and utensils as well as water and other equipment for your dog. If you have them, bring your whistles, bumpers, duck calls starter pistols, decoys, etc. Cost is $10 for your first dog and $5 for each additional dog (first time handlers get their first dog free!) The cost covers ground rental and shells. Generally dead birds are used but if flyers are available they will be provided at cost. Sign up at 8:30 am with work starting at 9 am— NON MEMBERS ARE WELCOME AT ALL OF OUR EVENTS! Show Superintendents If you are interested in receiving premium lists for shows in this area, send your name and address to: MB-F, Inc PO Box 22107, Greensboro, NC 27410 Jack Bradshaw PO Box 227303, Los Angeles, CA 90022 Jack Onofrio PO Box 25764, Oklahoma City, OK 73125 Norman Brown, PO Box 4566, Spokane, WA 99220 Newport, PO Box 7131, Pasadena, CA 91109 Show events are listed on the AKC website ( and in the AKC publication the AKC Gazette. Contact the AKC PO Box 37903 Raleigh, NC 27690 for additional information. Golden Retriever Club of America NORCAL Golden Retriever Club is part of the Golden Retriever Club of America. All members of NORCAL GRC are encouraged to hold dual membership with the GRCA. Information regarding officers and the Western Regional Officers can be found at NORCAL Delegate to GRCA: Laura Finco, 7090 Utica Court, Dublin, CA 94568 . Show/Obedience/Juniors: Sue Carpenter 4234 Rosenbaum Ave San Jose, CA 95136 Field: Debbie Tandoc 1175 Culligan Blvd San Jose, CA 95120 Agility: Edwina Ryska 6010 Roblar Rd Petaluma, CA 94952 Please send your results to the appropriate editor by the 10th of every month to ensure that your information will be included in the next issue. Subscription to Golden Notes Upon request, nonmembers will receive one complimentary copy of Golden Notes after which they will be asked to pay a yearly subscription/donation fee of $20 to be mailed to the editor. Puppy Referrals Contact Ken and Trudy Blanchard, 7135 Gibson Canyon Rd, Vacaville, CA 95688 (707) 455-0281 or There is a $25 donation fee to NCGRRescue for members listing litters. Clearance information must be submitted with referral request. NORCAL GRC puppy referral services is a VOLUNTARY activity. Typically 10-20 phone calls are received weekly for puppy information. The service does not guarantee that breeders will be provided with enough referrals, nor does NORCAL GRC and its members assume any responsibility for follow up after a referral has been made. This is a contact service only. Breeders are requested to contact this service when all puppies in a litter are placed. Advertisement Rate Litter Listings: $15.00 per issue for members and $25.00 per issue for nonmembers; all information including clearances and pedigrees must be submitted with request.. The form below must be completed and sent in order for Litter Listings to appear. Equipment/For Sale: $10.00 per issue Commercial/Services: $25 per issue for a 1/4 page ad as space allows AGREEMENT In consideration for NORCAL Golden Retriever Club listing the breeding of: _____________________________________________________________ (sire) to _____________________________________________________________ (dam) in the “Litter Listings” section of the NORCAL Golden Retriever Club newsletter, Golden Notes, the undersigned agrees to indemnify and defend NORCAL Golden Retriever Club for and against any and all liabilities, claims, demands, causes of action, damages, and costs asserted against and/or imposed upon NORCAL Golden Retriever Club which are in any manner connected with the foregoing breeding. ________________________________________________________ _____________ Signed Date _______________________________________________________________________ Printed Name OFA Hip Registry Certification by the Orthopedic Foundation for Animals that a Golden does not have hip dysplasia is required for adverting in Golden Notes and the GRCA News. Dogs must be over two years of age for certification. Contact your local veterinarian for x-ray information or a referral to a specialist. CERF Eye Registry Certification by a Board Certified Veterinarian Ophthalmologist that a Golden’s eyes are free from hereditary problems is required for adverting in Golden Notes and the GRCA News. Dogs must be over two years of age for certification. Contact your local veterinarian for a referral to a specialist.. Pedigree Information must also be submitted with Litter Listing Requests. UPCOMING NORCAL GRC EVENTS— IMPORTANT DATES Date Event Location Contact March 21-22, 2015 NORCAL AKC HUNT TEST Denverton Debbie Tandoc March 29, 2015 April 26, 2015 NORCAL GRC Flyer Day March is ducks April is pheasants Denverton Debbie Tandoc May 9, 2015 NORCAL GRC GRCA WC/ Denverton WCX Debbie Tandoc Fall 2016 GRCA National Specialty Show hosted by NORCAL GRC Eileen Oshiro Placer County Fairgrounds Check out our website ( for other important dates Golden Notes c/o Laura Finco, Editor 7090 Utica Court Dublin, CA 94568
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