June 2016 - White Bear Lake Area Schools


June 2016 - White Bear Lake Area Schools
Vadnais Voice
June, 2016
Vadnais Heights
3645 Centerville
Vadnais Heights,
MN 55127
(651) 653-2858
(651) 653-2860
(651) 653-2859
(651) 407-7540
We’re on the Web!
See us at:
Vadnais Heights Elementary School (651) 653-2858 Sara Svir, Principal
Dear Vadnais Heights Families,
Welcome to June, July and August! As excited as we all are to
kick off summer; it is bitter sweet because it will be time to say
“Good Bye” to several of our Vadnais Heights Staff. Vadnais has three staff
members who are relocating to other positions or buildings in our district and
they will also be greatly missed. Judy Petersen will be teaching at Otter Lake
Elementary, Julie Smith will be working at Hugo and Oneka Elementary Schools
and Abigail Snyder will be with students at Hugo Elementary. Our WIN, What
Individuals Need, program will be smaller next year; as a result, Ashley Wilson
will unfortunately be pursuing other opportunities. Finally, after many years of
our school being home to Tracy Blodgett and Kim Simshauser, teachers of students
with hearing and vision disabilities, Tracy is relocating to Otter Lake and Kim has
accepted a position in the Anoka School District. Our school is a family and it’s
always hard to say good bye yet change is part of growth and part of life. We
wish all of our friends the very best of everything – you will be missed!
you begin to think
to the individuals
2016-2017 are
that we
are as
the These
top year,
as well
a few
update missed!
their information
and to
all be greatly
Thank youand
for receive
your service
to our school and to VHES.
information inside the newsletter, instead of Meet the Teacher and paperwork will
be updated online. The grade level teachers for next year are as follows:
3rd Grade:
Rachael Conner
Barb Bliss
Nancy Jones
Danielle Frissora
Stephanie King
Amy Opatz
1st Grade:
4th Grade:
Melissa Gaddini
Mae Haley
Stacey Loch
Kate Jensen
Mark Theissen
Jodi O’Donovan
2nd Grade:
5th Grade
Steve Allen
Deb Girard
Misty Aubin
Angie Rider
Jenn Dickhaus
Kari Thimjon
Nancy Przybylski
It’s been a fabulous school year yet it’s time for summer vacation. Whatever that
means for your family – I hope it’s wonderful.
Have a safe and happy summer!
Sara Svir
Celebrate Summer - Sun drenched days and starlit nights... --Gooseberry Patch
Hmong: LUS CEEB TOOM! Yog koj xav tau
tsev kawm ntawv cov ntawv txhais ua lus Hmoob, thov hu rau Mas Lias Xyooj los yog Xw Xyooj. (651) 407-7623
Spanish: ATENCIÓN: Si usted necesita hablar con una persona que hable Español, por favor, llame al (651) 407-7625.
June 2nd
June 3rd
June 6th
June 7th
June 8th
June 8th
June 9th
June 9th
August 30, 31
September 6th
September 6th & 7th
September 8th
Patrols to Valleyfair
Field Day Grades 1-3 10-11:30 am
Talent Show 9:30-11:30
3rd Grade-Minnesota Zoo
2nd Grade-Como Zoo
5th Grade Wax Museum
1st Grade Ice Cream Social 3:00-3:30
5th Grade Graduation @ 10 AMLast Day of School
Fall Welcome Conferences 1-8 PM
First Day of School for Grades 1-5
Kindergarten Orientation
First Day of School for Kindergarten
A special thank you to our Teacher Candidates who have been
with us this entire school year as part of their educational
program through the University of MN. They have truly been
part of our staff and great additions to our school. We wish
them all the best as they begin their careers in education.
Mary Liang - Kindergarten
Katie Lunde - 2nd Grade
Mary Kate Krowka-Ansberry - 4th Grade
Vadnais Heights Elementary hosted Koo Koo Kanga Roo for a special free concertfor our
students on May 17th from 2:30-3:15. Koo Koo Kanga Roo promotes family friendly
physical activity in an engaging, non-competitive way. This event was made possible by a
grant from the White Bear Lake Education Foundation and our PTO. Make sure to get
your body movin’ with the family friendly Koo Koo Kanga Roo Videos!
Koo Koo Kanga Roo!!
Congratulations to the 5th grade REACH class who
recently participated in the Journey North Mystery
Class Challenge!
The mystery class investigation is a geography hunt in
which students in grades 4-12 from all over the country
try to find ten secret classes “hiding” around the globe.
The central clue to discovering the ten locations was
the changing amount of sunlight at each site. Students
first used only sunrise and sunset times, and later
received geographic, climatic, and cultural clues about
each site.
Hard work and determination helped the
REACH students at Vadnais to accurately
locate all ten of the mystery sites! This was
quite an accomplishment, and to celebrate
their success, students brought in a food
from the country of their mystery class
location to share. The celebration became a
learning experience in itself as it was the
students’ first tasting for many of these
In their search for the mystery locations,
students not only learned the importance of
teamwork but also became experts in calculating photoperiods, accurately using lines of
latitude and longitude, determining time zones, and researching geographical and cultural
For more information on the Mystery Class investigation, visit
Congratulations to the White Bear Lake Archery team! The archery team qualified to
attend the World Tournament in Myrtle Beach SC in June. There were 12,897 archers
competing at Nationals. Over 80% of the White Bear Lake archery team is in the top
50% of the Nation, 5 are in the top 25%, 2 in the top 10% and 1 in the top point
5%. Members of the archery team competing at Nationals were: Calvin Denker
(former Vadnais Elementary student), Sammy Johnson, Krystina Meadows, Ethan
Beauclaire, Maddie Chaplin, Ava Driscoll, Kody Tran, Stella Cotner, Bela Larsen, Joe
Gray, Hunter Kloc, Emma Carroll, Beth Engstran, Ryan Goetz and John Lassila
(current 5th grade student at Vadnais Elemenary). Way to go Bears!!
Special congratulations to Calvin Denker! Calvin is ranked 13th in the
Nation out of
2277 High School boys and 16th Overall out of 6870 males. This ranking places Calvin
in the top point 5% in the Nation!!
Catch a free Meal!
This summer kids 18
and under eat free. For
info and location near
TEXT: ”summer food” to
Student Council
As a way to wrap up the school year, student
council coordinated A-Z days this year! A-Z days
was a student-led event where members of
student council created different theme days for the
last 26 days of school. Each theme day
corresponded with a different letter in the alphabet
starting with A and ending with Z. Some of these fun
dress-up days included: PJ day, Upside Down day,
Dress Like a Grandparent day, and more.
Dress Like a Friend
Books on the Bus
A BEAR Legacy grant from the WBLAEF
Our Media Specialist, Mrs. Stirling, wrote a proposal to the White Bear
Lake Area Education Foundation to start a program called “Books on
the Bus”. Seat covers were custom made to hold books that students
could read on the bus while riding to and from school. Thanks Mrs.
Stirling for providing students more reading opportunities!
4th and 5th Grade
Handball Tournament
On a rainy, Friday afternoon a fun, fabulous and fierce handball tournament
occurred between our 4th and 5th grade students. The original plan was Track &
Field Day yet Mother Nature had another plan – thunder storms. The event was
modified and rescheduled yet rain, once again, entered the picture. We plotted,
planned and schemed and Mr. O’Connell – our fearless PE Teacher – assured us
that a handball tournament would be a great way to make lemonade out of
lemons or host an athletic event that would create memories for years to come.
We accessed the cafeteria and the gym and classes played handball against one
another to determine the overall champion at Vadnais Heights Elementary.
Students cheered and chanted for their individual class as they yelled out their
teacher’s name and attempted to be louder than the opposing class. There was
intense competition and the icy treats at the end were a great way to help the
students cool down.
Track and Field Day would have been fun but this Handball Tournament will go
down in history.
Solid Ground
Building Community to End Poverty
This local business recently hosted a fund raiser to support their initiatives and
one of our Vadnais student’s, Riauna Rone, shared her talent and donated her
time by dancing with friends as part of the entertainment. It is selfless acts like
these that make our community strong.
School Patrol
Congratulations to the following students who will be Patrol
Captains for 2016-2017.
Kate Pilarski
Lucas Xiong
Colin McMonigal
To Parents of Students who have had medication in the Health Office during this school
All medications will be sent home with your child on the last day of school
UNLESS you want to pick up the medication yourself. Please refer to the
letter that was sent home last week.
For next school year, we will need a NEW Medication Authorization Form
completed and signed by both the Doctor and the parent – a blank form will be
in the envelope with your child’s medication coming home on the last day of
To all Parents: If your child’s Health Condition has changed over the summer, please let
us know, either by e-mail or a phone call. The Health office is closed over the summer
break but I will be checking for phone messages and e-mails frequently and will get back
to you.
This spring the WBL district updated the procedures for addressing lice. This is the
most recent information; however, there will likely be additional updates in the near
future. The following information is on our website, under Parent Resources, and it was
prepared by our school nurses:
Dear Families,
I have been asked to share this district-wide message with you. In line with most Metro
districts, White Bear Lake Area Schools has updated our head lice procedures based on
research and recommendations from the Center for Disease Control, American Academy of
Pediatrics, and National Association of School Nurses. Research has shown:
 Lice are not more likely to spread at school than other places kids are together
 Lice do not carry or spread disease
To prevent lice, we recommend:
 Encourage your child to avoid head to head contact with others
 Check your child’s head routinely (at least once a month)
 If one person in the home has head lice, everyone in the home should be checked
When considering the lack of impact lice has on spreading to other children, health care
associations are alerting schools to the unintended consequences of absenteeism due to lice
concerns; therefore, White Bear Lake Area Schools will be implementing the following:
 If your child has head lice you will be notified confidentially
 Your child will not be excluded from school due to nits
 If live bugs are found, the school nurse will determine the best course of action for a
treatment plan with the parent
 Treatment should be initiated upon arrival home from school
 Classroom letters will not be sent home
 Mass screenings will not be done
(continued on next page)
For more information, please call your School Nurse or view this handout from Hennepin
County Medical Center: http://www.hennepin.us/~/media/hennepinus/residents/healthmedical/infectious-diseases-factsheets/head-lice-parents.pdf?la=en
Thank you for a great year – Have a fun and safe summer!
Claire Moritz
Vadnais Heights Elementary School Health Office 651-653-2695
Looking for … Ice Cream Buckets
Vadnais Families,
During the summer, if you have empty ice cream buckets sitting around at
home, please consider donating them to the Vadnais Health Office. We use
them as ‘Personal Receptacles’ for students who need to go home due to
stomach illness.
Thank You, Vadnais Heights Elementary Health Office
1-3 Fun Fitness Field Day
Americorps is returning to VHES and we are looking for Literacy Tutors
for the 2016-2017 School Year –
Our school applied to have literacy tutors assigned to our school and we are able to host
individuals to support students in grades K-3 at our school. If you’re interested in working at
VHES, please contact our school principal, Sara Svir sara.svir@isd624.org , to let her know of
your interest and apply online at www.MinnesotaReadingCorps.org or call 866-859-2825. Training
will be provided for this one year position along with a modest living allowance, an education
award of up to $5730 and other benefits available to eligible individuals.
Transportation Reminders
The Transportation Office staff is asking for your assistance with updating your student’s
transportation information and with keeping that information current. We are better able to service
your student and the other students who are transported when we have accurate information. If the
current information for your student has changed, you can help by contacting the Transportation
Office staff at 651-407-7538 or at our e-mail address of Transportation@isd624.org with the following
Updated address and phone number changes
Updated daycare information
Updated transportation status
You can also use the District Website at www.isd624.org to fill out, print, and submit forms such as:
Daycare Form
Decline Transportation Form
Also available on the District website in the Transportation area you will find boundary maps,
frequently asked questions, and information to assist you with reviewing bus safety with your
4th Quarter Report Cards
Follow the directions below to view your
child’s report card online –
The information will be available @ noon on Monday, June 13th
1. Go to the White Bear Lake website-www.isd624.org
2. Find Quick Links in the middle of the page – Click Skyward
3. If you don’t know or have forgotten you Login ID or password, click Forgot your Login/Password
link to retrieve it. You will need to enter your email address and a link to reset your account will be
sent to that account. Please remember to check your spam filters for an email message from
4. To access your child’s report card, please click on the Portfolio Tab in the Family Access
navigation bar to the left of the screen.
5. Once you click on this link, your child’s report card will show as a PDF document. Click on the
Standards Based Report Card link to open and view your child’s grade marks.
6. If you need assistance accessing your Skyward account you can contact our support staff by
Fall Welcome Conferences
There are exciting changes ahead for the 2016-2017 school year. These changes
are going to give you a more personalized experience and streamline the
notification process for any changes to your family information.
Fall Class Placement Notification will happen in mid-August once you complete
an “Annual Review” through Skyward. The Annual Review will require you to
update your family profile including: address, phone number, email, emergency
contacts, media release, health information and any other important information
related to school.
After completing the Annual Review you will be given early access to view your
child’s classroom teacher placement for the 2016-2017 school year. Class
placement letters will no longer be mailed home.
Fall Welcome Conferences will be held at school on August 30th and 31st from
1:00 – 8:00 pm. This conference will take the place of “meet the Teacher Night.”
Just like a typical conference, you will sign-up for a 25 minute slot using Skyward.
Each child/parent will have a 25 minute time alone with their teacher. 10 minutes
will be a conference and 15 minutes will be the teacher and student working
together on reading to collect information about the student’s current level of
performance. While your child is with the teacher, you will view school
information in the hallway about school expectations, changes and logistics. After
your time with the classroom teacher, there will be a checklist of things for you
and your child to complete including:
FAST reading assessment (3 minutes)
Sign up for Schoology and Skyward (if you haven’t already)
Connect with food service, PTO, Early Childhood and other organizations.
Complete bus safety training.
Finishing all of these items in an individualized way will cut down on classroom
interruptions and increase instructional time once our school year begins. Please
plan on spending about 1 hour at school to complete these activities.
A phone message reminder will be sent to families in the middle of August to
remind you of this change. If you need assistance accessing Skyward or
completing the online updates, information will be provided about how you can
get assistance to complete these tasks at our school.
This is a big change yet it’s an important one. Our goals are to ensure that we
have up to date information on your child, maximize instructional time with
students and it’s important that we collect the necessary forms so we are able to
access all funds that our school is eligible to receive.
Have Fun
Be Safe
Enjoy Family &