dragon news - Beaverton School District


dragon news - Beaverton School District
Issue 5 October 29, 2014 pg. 1 Findley Elementary
4155 NW Saltzman Road
Portland, Oregon 97229
Principal: Kathleen Skidmore DRAGON NEWS
THINK (Creatively & Critically) Know (Master Content) Act (Self Direct & Collaborate) Go (Navigate Locally & Globally) Set Your Cl ocks Back on Sun day!
Upcoming Events October
30-31th: Conferences-No School
for students
2nd: Daylight Savings
6th: Engage NY Info @ 5:30pm
7th: Spirit Day-Hat Day
10th-14th: Piccolo Mondo Shopping
10th: Staff Development-No
School for students
11th: School Closed
14th: Movie Night
15th: School Beautification
18th: PYP Information @6pm
18th: PTO @ 7pm
19th: Principal Chat
20th: 1st Grade Music Program
21st: Choir Blazer Performance
Findley Fall Festival Thank s
Thank you to D ana R odm an and the Fall
Festival Com m ittee for organizing a
great event! The Gruesom e Grill and
Creepy Snack Shack w as a hit thank s to
the parents and students w ho o rganized
and ran the co ncessio ns. Thank you to
all w ho attended the event, as all w ho
attended enjoyed it!
Findley’s Seventh A nnual Food Drive Kicks-­‐Off MONDAY, NOVEMBER 17th! HELP SUPPORT THE OREGON FOOD BANK! Findley is holding their annual Food Drive MONDAY, November 17th through FRIDAY, November 21st. Please bring in a non-­‐
perishable food item(s) to help support the Oregon Food Bank. Dollar Day will be Friday, November 21st. For every DOLLAR we collect, the OREGON FOOD BANK is able to provide 5 pounds of food to a needy family. If all 825 Findley students donate $1 on Dollar Day, that is equivalent to donating a whopping 4,175 pounds of food! Together we can stamp out hunger! Thank you in advance for all your support!! Dragon Dash Prizes
Thank you to all the parents who helped
organize and distribute Dragon Dash
prizes over the last week. All students
enjoyed the Donut Day on Friday for
their participation in the event!
Morning Arrival and Crosswalks
Students should arrive at school no earlier than
8:15 on school days. Supervision is not provided
for students before this time. Students walking to
school are expected to use the designated
crosswalks for safety purposes. Thanks for not
crossing streets unsafely.
Findley Student Directories
The Findley Student Directories are here! For
those who pre-ordered, directories will be
delivered to the classrooms on Monday
11/3. If you did not pre-order but would like a
directory, please stop by the school office. A
limited number are available there for $5 each.
Site Council
Site Council is looking for parents to
participate in developing and reviewing
Findley’s school improvement plan. Two
meetings remain this year on March 30
and June 1 at 3:15pm. Please email Amy
Chamberlain at
amy_chamberlain@beaverton.k12.or.us if
you are interested in participating.
In This Issue:
Findley Fall Festival Thanks Food Drive Dragon Dash Prizes Morning Arrival and Crosswalks Findley Student Directories Site Council School and District Report Cards Winter SHINE Camps Family Dinner Night Out Neighborhood Safety Findley Flyers •
Noticias Español •
Options Schools for 2015-­‐2016 •
Attachments at End:
SHINE Winter Camps
Too Sick for School
Head Lice 101
2014 Non-Medical
Remind Enrollment
Ways to Support Findley
Box Tops
Electronic Flyers:
Please click on the link below:
District Goal: All students will show continuous progress t oward t heir p ersonal learning g oals, developed in collaboration with teachers and p arents, and w ill be prepared for post-­‐secondary education and career success. 503-­‐503-­‐1830 • attendance line 503 -­‐259-­‐6940 • Dragon Newsletter Issue 5 October 29, 2014 pg. 2 School and District Report Cards
School and district report cards for the 2013-14 school year are available
at: http://www.ode.state.or.us/data/reportcard/reports.aspx. (Select
Beaverton in the District Selection drop-down menu). We welcome the
opportunity to share this information with you on the progress we are
making to improve academic achievement for each student in the District.
We are making progress.
State report cards began fourteen years ago when the 1999 Oregon
Legislature passed a law requiring every public school and district to
receive a report from the Oregon Department of Education about how they
are performing overall. You will notice that the report cards issued this year
are significantly different from prior years. Elementary and middle school
ratings are based mostly on the growth of each student on the State
Reading and Math tests. Half of a high school’s rating is based on
graduation rates. Detailed data about how our school rating was computed
is also available at the link above.
Winter SHINE Camps
Winter is almost upon us and SHINE is offering a variety of affordable after
school camps for your student! For four weeks we are offering a different
themed camp from November 24th through December 19th. Each week has
it's own theme, are open to everyone in the school and offer a great
opportunity for your student to try SHINE if they haven't before. Each camp
runs after school from 3:15pm to 4:30pm. These camps are different from the
normal SHINE session because we focus for a whole week on one subject
rather than having multiple classes each week. We have a lot of exciting
educational activities and projects planned, come join us!
Registration forms can be found in the main office and are due November
November 24th-25th - Pioneer Camp
December 2nd-5th - Girls in Engineering and Leadership (open to girls K-5)
December 8th-12 - Space Camp
December 15th-19th - Art Exploration Camp!
If you have any questions or would like additional information, please contact
Lauren Preshong at lpreshong@impactnw.org or by phone at (971)-230-4369.
Family Dinner Night Out
th th
The next Family Dinner Night Out is scheduled for November 10 -11 at Pastini.
The Findley Flyer runners are making it
happen once again on the track this year! One of the most
exciting things to report is how many students are
participating again. 611 students have clocked 2,028 miles in
the past two months! There’s something about running and
moving that the children love. In fact, at the last assembly, we
asked the children why they run? These are some of the
things they said:
“When you run, (it) makes a smile.” 2nd grader
“I run because I want to get to 26.2 (marathon).” 4th grader
“It helps train for sports such as gymnastics and soccer and
sports I do.” 3rd grader
“Gives you lots of energy and makes you feel very strong.” 1st
“Its fun to do with friends.” 1st grader
“It makes you feel powerful!” 1st grader
“Exercise” 1 st, 2 nd graders
“Because it’s fun!” 1st, 2nd, 3 rd, and 4th graders
Getting out there on Tuesdays at lunch and Thursdays before
school is not only fun, it’s good for their brains! Check out this
article in the New York Times for more information:
ht tp://well.blogs.nytimes.c om/20 14/10 /08/how-exerc ise-can -boost-th e-childs -brain/?action= click&pgtype=H omep age&version=Moth -Visible&module=ins ide-nyt-region&region= inside-nyt-region&WT.nav=ins ide-nyt-region
We think you would like to be a part of the Findley Flyers team
too! We have a core group of fun, engaging, and awesome
volunteers who make this program happen and we always
welcome more. Come see what we are all about Tuesdays at
lunch and Thursdays at 8am!
Noticias Español
In Spanish class, we are focusing on Mexico. Students were
introduced to the Mexican Flag and we practiced locating Mexico
on el mapa (the map). We learned about the important upcoming
Mexican holiday, Día de los Muertos (Day of the Dead), and
students made Calaveras de Azucar (sugar skulls).
A percentage of proceeds come back to Findley when dining out on these dates
Students are learning calendar (el calendario) vocabulary, los
and by mentioning Findley.
estactiones (seasons) y los días de la semana (days of the week).
We have added el reloj (clock) to our classroom vocabulary. We
Ne ig hbo rh o od S afe ty
Some of you may be aware of recent burglaries reported in the
Bethany area, which serves as a reminder that community awareness
is key. Being aware of past issues, strangers in the area and
security measures at home are also helpful points for consideration.
Community members may also report Findley building safety/activity
concerns observed during weekends or evenings. Prior to the start
of the school year, a community member was able to capture photos
of teenagers accessing the school’s roof, which was helpful
information when the police located students on the roof on a later
date. Photos may be submitted to the school for follow up as
Contact the Washington County Sheriff’s Office if your community is
interested in setting up a Neighborhood Watch. FOR ALL EMERGENCIES CALL 911 Washington County Non-Emergency (503) 629-0111
are also continuing to practice counting in Spanish.
Option Schools for 2015-16
The process for applying to Beaverton School District option
schools is being revised for students wishing to apply for the
2015-2016 school year. Applications will be due 2 weeks
earlier than previous years.
Applications will be accepted starting Monday, October 27,
2014. All applicants must reside within the Beaverton
School District boundaries.
Information on open house schedule for the Option Schools
is available at
The Beaverton School District recognizes the diversity and worth of all individuals and groups. It is the policy
of the Beaverton School Disrict that there wilk beno discrimination or harassment of individuals or groups based
on race, color religion, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, national origin, marital
status, age, veteran’s status, genetic information or disability in any educational programs, activities
or employment.
Findley PTO: Findley Parent Teacher Organization
Meeting on November 18th @ 7:00 P.M.
• If you are new to Findley, be sure to register in our volunteer database
(www.helpcounter.net/volunteer) to receive emails about upcoming events and
volunteer opportunities.
• To
Findley Fall Festival was very well attended by kids and parents. Thank you to all the
volunteers for helping out on the day of the event. Thanks to our very awesome first grade
teachers for their help on the day of the event. Thanks to Dana Rodman for making this a
SPOOKtakular event! Thanks to our lovely kids and parents for making this a huge success.
Art Literacy Thank you to all the wonderful Art Lit volunteers for presenting the Renoir
lesson. A special thank you to Angie Mitlehner for leading the lesson. The children had a
great time being Impressionist Artists and have come up with amazing art productions.
• Friday Nov 7th – Spirit Day – Hat Day
• Monday and Tuesday Nov 10th/11th – No School – Staff Development/ Veterans
• Monday and Tuesday Nov 10th/11th – Dinner Night Out – Pastini Pasteria
A great time to dine out with friends and family and help raise funds for your school.
• Monday thru Friday Nov 10th thru 14th – Picollo Mondo Shopping Event
• Tuesday, Nov 18th @ 7:00 P.M. – PTO meeting
• Friday Nov 14th – Movie Night
A great time to enjoy a movie with family and friends.
• Saturday Nov 15th – School Beautification @ 1:00 P.M.
A wonderful opportunity to meet with your friends and neighbors while you help
beautify our school.
Volunteers needed for Clothes Closet on Wed, Nov 12th,2014 Findley volunteers are
needed to help at the Beaverton Clothes Closet on Wednesday, November 12th between 9:30
A.M. and 4:15 P.M. Can you help? Please sign up :
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AodAoQqaU7FrdHV3QzlEdjlvdGVual9yc3cteE9tbGc#gid=0 HEAD LICE 101 Winter is here and it's hat season. There are many ways head lice are easily transmitted, for example…when kids share hats or hooded jackets! It is important to note that this common and often frustrating condition is not associated with a lack of cleanliness. Head lice don't care if your hair is clean or dirty. They don't care if you are young or old, rich or poor. Head lice are looking for a warm place to live and eat and they consider any head with hair to be a great home. Head lice are very small, gray or tan insects. They do not jump or fly. These insects lay eggs (nits), which attach to the hair shaft, close to the scalp. Nits are small, about the size of a grain of salt. They may be white, gray, or tan in color. Although dandruff may resemble nits, dandruff can be easily removed. The nit is stuck on the hair shaft and needs to be pulled off to remove. Head lice should be suspected when there is intense itching of the scalp and the back of the neck. Head lice are usually spread by head to head contact when live lice are present. The treatment for head lice consists of shampooing the hair with a head lice shampoo or applying a natural/alternative product that smothers the insect. Shampoos are available for purchase at any pharmacy. There are several products on the market. The pharmacist or your family doctor may be of assistance in your choice of treatment. The school office has information about the specifics of head lice treatment. It is very important that we at the school office receive notification if your child gets head lice. This assists us in taking precautionary measures at school. All information is completely confidential. For your information, what follows is the BSD School Board policy regarding head lice. "Students with suspected cases of lice will be referred to school staff for assessment. Students found with live lice will be excluded from school. Students excluded from school will be readmitted after re-­‐-­‐assessment by designated staff to confirm that no live lice are present. Students found with nits (lice eggs) only or returning after exclusion with the presence of nits only will not be excluded, but will be subject to periodic checks to confirm continuing absence of live lice. Successful treatment of head lice requires a coordinated approach and may involve the use of anti-­‐louse products, combing and implementation of preventative measures recommended by health authorities. The District will provide parents of students found to have contracted head lice with treatment information. It is the District's intent to not only eliminate any outbreak or infestation, but also to prevent a repeat episode."