PRESIDENT`S MESSAGE - Joplin Area Chamber of Commerce


PRESIDENT`S MESSAGE - Joplin Area Chamber of Commerce
August 2015
Business Outlook
10 Things
to look forward
to at business expo
Page 17
our members
Overreach on Overtime
p. 3
Joplin Area Chamber of Commerce | 320 East 4th Street | Joplin, MO 64801 | 417.624.4150
August 2015
Business Outlook
Board of Directors
2015-2016 Executive Committee
David Glenn
Karen Plott
Randy Moore
James Richards
Louise Secker
Kim Woodard
Clive Veri
Lori Scott Dreiling
Directors Ex-Officio Directors
Gina AtteberrySam Anselm
Michael BeattyJohn Bartosh
Brad BeecherMike Gray
Brandon DavisLindsey Hayes
Donovan Edwards
Dr. Alan Marble
Jacqueline Hackett
Dr. Jennifer Methvin
Holly HukillMatt Proctor
Charles KeeterDr. Norm Ridder
Kelli PerigoMarilyn Ruestman
Gary PulsipherMichael Seibert
Joplin Area Chamber of Commerce Staff
Rob O’Brian, CEcD
Lisa Kelly
Member Services
Ginger LaMar, IOM
Stephanie McGrew
Martha Getz
Cynthia Marlow
Communications & Finance
Economic & Workforce Development
Kevin Welch
Mark Turnbull
Administrative Support
Lea Schroer
Platinum Level
City of Joplin
Downstream Casino Resort
The Empire District Electric Company
Stronghold Data LLC
Chairman Level
AMI Radio Group
Commerce Bank
EaglePicher Technologies, LLC
Freeman Health System
General Mills
Joplin Floor Designs
Joplin Globe Publishing Company
Joplin Regional Business Journal
Joplin Supply Company
Lamar Outdoor Advertising
Lancaster Signs
Mercy Hospital Joplin
Missouri Southern State University
Southwest Missouri Bank
US Bank, N.A.
President Level
Community Bank & Trust (CBT)
Roper Honda
Show Me The Ozarks Magazine
Director Level
Arvest Bank
Choice Marketing
Connell Insurance, Inc.
Innovative Objects
Lakeland Office Systems, Inc.
Motive Matters
Weed Whackers, Inc.
Joplin Area Chamber of Commerce
320 East 4th Street, Joplin, MO 64801
Phone: 417.624.4150
Fax: 417.624.4303
August 2015
Business Outlook
Overreach on Overtime
For business, there seems to be a continuing onslaught of new and proposed regulations coming from multiple
agencies in the federal government. One right now that has the potential to impact a majority of businesses
and many not-for-profit organizations is the Department of Labor’s new rule on what wage level constitutes a
threshold at which point there does not have to be overtime paid to a salaried employee.
Rob O’Brian, President
As background, President Obama issued an executive order to the DOL early this year charging it with writing
new rules for overtime exemptions in executive, administrative and professional positions (generally termed
“white collar”). In early July, the DOL posted those proposed changes and started a 60-day window for
response, which runs to September 4. Businesses and organizations have only until then to provide their input
to the Department of Labor.
The current salary threshold for overtime exemption is $455 weekly or $23,660 annually. A qualified white collar employee, in general,
making above that level does not have to be paid overtime. The Department of Labor proposes the new level be set at $50,440, more than
doubling the current level. In addition, DOL wants the threshold to update automatically each year without any rule changes. DOL estimates
the change will mean nearly five million workers who currently do not qualify for overtime will become qualified.
To put this in perspective, the current threshold of $23,660 was set in 2004. If it was adjusted for inflation to 2015, the new number would be
$29,900. That is certainly not doubling.
Randy Pullen, the CEO of WageWatch, takes a different approach. In one of his blogs he points out that in 2004, the Department of Labor
determined the 20th percentile of the full-time salaried wages nationally was the “point” that set the top end for requiring companies to pay
overtime. That was the current $23,660. If DOL used the same standard of the 20th percentile now, then the threshold wage would be just
over $34,000. That is a number greater than an inflation adjustment, but still far less than what DOL has proposed. So why is DOL proposing
over $50,000 as the new number? Well, it’s because it is using the 40th percentile, not the 20th. As Pullen notes, DOL even considered using
the 50th percentile, but seemingly backed away from that as being too much. “It’s the Goldilocks Principal. The 40th percentile seemed just
right,” noted Pullen.
Add to that the DOL continues to make the overtime threshold a one-size-fits-all approach. At $23,660, or a 20th percentile as the top end
for overtime payment, most employers have some flexibility to adjust the exempt white collar positions depending on the type of operation,
hours of service and even to promoting a younger, less experienced employee into a professional role. Especially in high-cost, higher-wage
areas, the $23,660 is a very easy threshold to meet, but it is still a reachable threshold in lower-cost, lower-wage areas. By moving to the 40th
percentile of the U.S. average, DOL removes flexibility for employers in lower-cost areas to maintain salaried, white collar positions.
So what will employers do? The possibility is that a few currently exempt salaried employees in top key roles will get a pay increase to above
the new level, and also likely is that employers will offset that payroll increase by cutting job positions farther down the mid-management
ladder. For those employees who do keep their jobs, employers will move them to hourly wages and limit overtime as much as possible.
For example, a mid-manager is making $40,000 annually but working 50 hours a week (2,500 hours annually); not atypical in the service
sector. So that manager is making about $16 an hour. The company can’t give a $10,000-plus raise to that person, consequently the employee
gets moved into an hourly position at $16 hour, 40 hours a week, and now is making $32,000 annually. However, there is now the potential
of 500 extra hours (10 hours per week x 50 weeks) at time and one-half. This level of overtime could add $12,000, bringing the employee’s
wages to $44,000. On paper, the employee gets a 10 percent raise. That’s the DOL view of the benefit. But that happens ONLY if the employee
gets to work all of that overtime. For the employee, it is not a guarantee of a raise, but 20 percent of his or her current income is now at risk.
The reality is that the vast majority of employers I know try very hard to take care of their employees. They try hard to compensate fairly for
the time and effort of their employees. They will try to find the best compromise between the new DOL rule and keeping good employees
and fairly compensating them. But if the company doesn’t make money, there is no company and no jobs at all. For many companies, then,
survival means having fewer employees.
As noted, you have the opportunity to voice your opinion on the new overtime rules, but it must be done on or before September 4. This is
done at:
As for my opinion, more than a decade was too long to wait to change the threshold for exempting salaried employees from overtime. But
DOL’s proposed new rule for overtime is an overreach that will harm business, harm employees and put more people on the unemployment
line. I hope I’m wrong.
August 2015
Business Outlook
Butterfly Project Offers Larger-than-life Sculptures for Your Business, Home
It’s time for the Joplin Business Community to be JOPLIN PROUD and Spread
Our Wings - Fly High and Proud. You can support this by showing your colors
in the form of a beautiful butterfly exhibited at your business, your home
or other location in the Joplin area. These larger-than-life butterflies can be
purchased, decorated and displayed in conjunction with the tornado’s Fifth
Anniversary events.
Net proceeds of this project will help support a disaster conference to be
held May 2016. This conference is just one way we can “pay it forward” to
help better prepare others for what disasters might be in their future.
Spread Our Wings - Fly High and Proud is a project of the Joplin Area
Chamber of Commerce Foundation. We will take orders from now until
October 31, 2015. All orders must be PRE-PAID before your order can be
put into production.
All butterflies are being produced by Forged Waterjet of Joplin. They offer
some added customizations
beyond those included in the
order form; please indicate on the form if you choose to have them call to
discuss those options with you.
Find the order form at or call Tonya at 417.624.4150 for
4 more information.
2015-2016 Executive Committee
Presented by
Message to the Network from Chairman
Nicole Brown
Networking sometimes gets a bad rap. A friend recently
told me he saw no point in networking because he is
neither looking for job prospects nor new friends. Another
individual mentioned that their company does not allow
employees to participate in networking events where
competitors might steal in-house talent.
As children many of us heard or read “Stone Soup,” the
story of a stranger who comes to a town where everyone is
looking out for their own best interests and barely getting
by. The stranger whips up a batch of stone soup to feed
everyone, consisting of nothing but water and a rock.
When people walk by to inquire about the soup, he
tells them they can have all they like if they contribute
something. Before you know it, the water is transformed
into a hearty soup with more than enough to feed
the whole town. The townspeople are fed physically
and spiritually because everyone worked together to
create a better product than any individual could have
accomplished on their own.
I believe Joplin needs a little more stone soup. Those
of you reading this already know that making time to work
together allows us all to accomplish much more than we
could on our own. This month I would like to challenge you
to invite someone to volunteer or attend an event with you.
Help them find out what is going on in the community and
learn how they can help. I would be willing to bet both of
you will find yourselves nourished by the experience.
Nicole Brown, Chairman
Brent Baker, Co-Chairman
Lindsey Hayes, Past Chairman
Shawn Daniel
Jake Heisten
Jennifer Little
Ryan Melton
Stephanie Onstot
Greg Sutton
Megan Tyler
Christina Williams
August 2015
Business Outlook
YPN New Members
Nicholas Dean, AFLAC
Dr. Eric Hedman, Hedman Chiropractic
Ines Nizeye, Harry S Truman Coordinating Council
Cassandra (Casey) Zeka, Sami’s Family Restaurant
Congratulations to Brent Baker, Nicole Brown
and Ryan Melton, who were recognized in Joplin
Regional Business Journal's 15 Under 40!
Fun Business Networking at Hot Links Annual Golf Tournament
by Cynthia Marlow
It’s almost time again for JACC’s Annual Hot Links Golf Tournament, presented by Downstream Casino Resort and
Freeman Health System, at Eagle Creek Golf & Country Club. Hot Links is always such a great day of golf, delicious
food from Panera and Rib Crib, and networking in a fun and relaxing environment.
We still have openings for teams in the afternoon flight, and we have just a couple of hole sponsorships available.
Hot Links is a great example of how we make business networking fun. All of it is made possible because of our
great Sponsor Partners who know the value of providing fun opportunities for our members to network and do
business with each other.
Hot Links 2014 was one of our most fun and exciting ever, when Gary Greene won a new car from Roper Honda
by sinking a hole-in-one! We also greatly appreciate our Gold Sponsor, Joplin Supply Company, who also
sponsored our July Business After Hours. We look forward to seeing everyone and hope you can join us for this
fantastic tournament August 21!
August 2015
Business Outlook
Ribbon Cuttings
Farmers Insurance - Donnie Greenlee Agency
Donnie Greenlee, Agent
4318 South Main Street
New Membership
Mark Williams, Founder
Jazz ‘N June Music Roots Festival
Young Family & Cosmetic Dentistry, LLC
H.O.U.S.E., Inc.
Dr. Dan Young, Owner
2640 East 32nd Street, Suite 6
New Equipment
Historic Murphysburg Preservation
Bob Morton, President
3rd and Sergeant Avenue
Inclusion into National Register of Historic Preservation
Joplin Festival Group
Steve Mickels, Executive Director
1010 Duquesne
Home Dedication to Bob Burns
Crosslines Ministries
Kathy Lewis, Executive Director
320 South School Street
New Membership, Ground Breaking
Ribbon provided by Countryside in the City
Joplin Area Habitat for Humanity
5201 North Main Street
Joplin, MO 64801
Joplin Prosthetics and Orthotics
Jeffrey Messenger, CEO
2312 South Connecticut Avenue
New Membership, New Building
Ribbon Cutting Information and
Becoming an Ambassador
Have you had a ribbon cutting for your business?
Ribbon cuttings are a fantastic way to invite Chamber
members to your business to help you with your
celebration. They are available only to Chamber
members as a member benefit. The Chamber, along
with the Ambassadors, host about 125 ribbon cuttings
each year! We would love to help you celebrate
your new Chamber membership, new building,
renovations, new products/services, etc.
Who can attend ribbon cuttings? Anyone!
Ribbon cuttings are announced in the Monday and
Wednesday email memos as well as a listing with
details on the Chamber website. Ambassadors are
asked to attend, and you are welcome to invite your
clients and customers.
What is an Ambassador and how do you become
one? An Ambassador is a “red coat” who attends as
many ribbon cuttings as they can. We ask that they
attend at least two per month. Most Ambassadors
attend many more than that. It’s a great way for the
Ambassadors to make contact with business owners.
If you are interested in becoming an Ambassador,
please attend a few ribbon cuttings and then when
you are ready to make it official, let Stephanie know
and she will add you to the email list to receive all the
calendar appointments for the ribbon cuttings. At
that point, we will ask you to wear a red jacket to the
ribbon cuttings. It’s that easy! Call or email Stephanie
at 417.624.4150 or
Meet Our Small Businesses
Presented by
August 2015
Business Outlook
Category Winner
Prior to the May 2011 tornado, the Joplin
Area Habitat for Humanity team built 2-3
houses per year. In the four years since
the tornado, they’ve built 90 houses and
will dedicate their 100th house on World
Habitat Day, October 5.
“We have volunteers come from all over,”
says Executive Director Scott Clayton.
“People just love Joplin. Most of our
volunteers are high school students, sports
teams, retired craftsmen, employees from
local businesses, church members and
individuals who want to help.
“Home owners see the hard work that
goes into building their homes, and
it moves them to see people who are
strangers being so kind to them. And the
home owners have pride of ownership
because they worked on building the
house, too,” Scott says.
Next month, Joplin Area Habitat for
Humanity plans to kick off an exterior
maintenance program called A Brush
with Kindness. The home owner will work
alongside volunteers to paint, landscape,
weatherize and make minor repairs on their
Prior to 2014, Habitat’s offices and
ReStore were housed in three locations, but
last year the offices and ReStore opened in
the former Trade-X building on Main Street.
“Everything in ReStore is for the public to
buy,” Scott says. “People love a good deal.
Landlords, renters and homeowners shop
here for light fixtures, cabinets or whatever
they’re looking for. You never know what
you’ll find from day to day. We have just
about everything for the home except for
bedding and clothing.”
Businesses and individuals can donate
anything for the home to ReStore.
August 2015
Business Outlook
Our Members Announce by
Missouri Southern State University is now allowing kids
ages 12 and under free admission to all athletics events.
Chamber members can receive an exclusive 15 percent
discount on all football non-Lionbacker season tickets.
Football season tickets are regularly priced at $60. For more
information on tickets or Lionbacker memberships, call
417.625.9820 or visit
The Missouri Southern Foundation has announced the
formation of the Dan Stengel Accounting Scholarship at
Missouri Southern State University. This scholarship was
endowed by a donation from a former student who wishes
to remain anonymous. The former student wanted to honor
Stengel for instilling a love of numbers during the student’s
coursework in accounting and finance. Those interested in
contributing to this scholarship fund may call 417.623.9396
or email
19. She began her career with Spiva in 2003. For more
information, go to
An extraordinary art collection featuring styles from
Baroque to contemporary and mediums in an equally broad
range fills the Main Gallery of Spiva Center for the Arts with
the exhibit Pam Denniston’s Eclectic Collections: Home is
Where the ‘Art Is. The exhibit continues through September
6. Running concurrently in the Regional Focus Gallery is
John Bremer: Tactile Dimensions, an exhibit of texture and
color in complex, abstract constructions. Bremer is a Monett
Mary Parrigon, executive director of Ozark Center, the
behavioral health division of Freeman Health System,
was selected as the chairman of the Missouri Coalition of
Community Behavioral Healthcare Executive Board. For
more information, go to
Ever missed a cell phone call or lost a connection due to
weak signal? Tired of slow downloads on your smart phone,
tablet or data card? Are you just out of range from your
carrier’s nearest cell tower? Or maybe barriers in your home
or office structure are causing signal problems? Cell Phone
Medics has received certification by the world’s largest and
best manufacturers of cellular signal boosting equipment.
They are proud to assist businesses and families in the
region with improving their cellular signal. Give them a call
at 417.623.2355 for a no-cost quote and area survey.
Freeman Health System was recently designated a Level
II Stroke Center by the Missouri Department of Health
and Senior Services. The certification means the state
has verified that Freeman provides the highest level of
expert care for patients with stroke/transient ischemic
attack. Besides Freeman, the nearest Level II Stroke
Center is in Springfield. For more information, go to www.
The Flip Shop recently announced 54 athletes were placed
on Flip Shop’s competitive cheerleading teams. The athletes
will be on five different teams and compete at regional
and national competitions. If your child is interested in
recreational or competitive cheerleading, please contact
The Flip Shop at 417.624.2652. The Flip Shop offers classes
for all ages and skill levels.
Historic Murphysburg Preservation, Inc., is officially
included in the National Register of Historic Places now. For
more information, go to
The City of Joplin recently hired a new golf pro at
Schifferdecker Golf Course. Daryn Buholt, a PGA golf
professional, is a Southwest Missouri native with 10 years in
the golf industry. For more information, call 417.624.3533.
The City of Joplin will host its first Citizens Academy this
fall. Starting September 3, the free nine-week course will
give Joplin residents an opportunity to interact with local
officials, tour many of the City facilities and learn how to get
involved in their civic community. Apply at http://joplinmo.
org/citizenapp. For more information, call 417.624.0820,
ext. 204.
Jo Mueller, executive director of George A. Spiva Center for
8 the Arts, announced her retirement effective September
Love your UNCOMMON smile? Uncommon Orthodontics is
looking for current and past patients to be UNCOMMON
SmileStars for 2015 and represent their practice in their
marketing and advertising. Visit http://votemysmile.
com/uncommon-orthodontics/ to nominate your child
or yourself. You must be a current or past patient of
Uncommon Orthodontics, at least 10 years of age and have
your parent’s permission if you are under age 18. For more
information, go to
Now through November, you can register to win a dream
kitchen makeover from Distinctive Home Products, 2211
East 7th Street, and Wellborn Cabinets. Not sure you will
win? Stop by the showroom and plan your space. They
offer top-quality cabinets by Wellborn, Cambria Quartz
countertops and Kohler plumbing fixtures. See more at And are you
remodeling your bathroom? Choreograph your shower
with the new Kohler collection of shower walls and
Pittcraft Printing announces their newest partnership with
Missouri Southern State University. With the introduction
of the MSSU online ordering portal, Pittcraft is now the
preferred print provider for all of MSSU’s online print
ordering needs and much more! For more information, go
Wildcat Glades Conservation & Audubon Center’s Shoal
Creek Water Festival is August 8 from 8 am-3 pm at Wildcat
Park. Activities include a kids’ fishing tournament, creekside
bird hike, kayak slalom races, live raptor show, kids’ shoebox
boat race, cardboard boat races, puppet theater and rubber
duck race. For more information, go to www.wildcatglades.
United Way of Southwest Missouri and Southeast Kansas’
initiative, Success by 6, installed their first two Born Learning
Trails, one at Wildcat Glades Conservation & Audubon
Center and one in Schlanger Park in Pittsburg. Born Learning
Trails are a fun, interactive series of 10 outdoor signs that
help adults and young children explore and learn together.
The Trail offers activities that build language and thinking
skills fundamental to a child’s success in school and in life.
For more information, call 417.624.0153.
Have you been on vacation and taken some great
pictures? Deck the Walls is running a 30 percent off custom
framing order sale August 10-31 so you can bring those
pictures in and get them framed. Just mention you saw this
in the newsletter! For more information, call 417.781.3151. James Richardson, the new editor of Joplin Regional
Business Journal, is a 2000 graduate of Webb City High
School. Shortly after graduating he chose to defend his
country by enlisting in the United States Marines Corps as a
combat photographer. After 15 years of service, he is back in
Joplin. For more information, call 417.625.6699.
Do you know an exceptional health care provider who is
dedicated to serving the region’s health care needs? Joplin
Regional Business Journal announces nominations for
Salute to Health Care 2016. This award honors the service,
quality and influence of professionals in the health care
community. This year’s categories are Lifetime Achievement,
Physician, Nurse, Pharmacist, Physical Therapist, and
Volunteer of the Year. Go to to nominate
Need to relax? Joplin Supply Company has all of your bath
and shower needs. Heal your body with the ThermaSens
bath series. These baths are made specifically to target
all your stress areas by using three technologies:
Business Outlook
WarmTouchShell, Chromatheraphy and Aromacloud. Call
Joplin Supply Company at 417.624.2422 or come in and
talk to their bath experts at the Galleria located at 4th and
August 2015
accessories: For more information, call
For over 30 years, Crosslines Ministries has served as a
safety-net organization for families in crisis who live in
Joplin, Webb City and Carl Junction. An emergency food
pantry, government commodities distribution center and
provider of rental and utility financial assistance, Crosslines
hopes to restore and expand services when they move into
a new 10,000-square-foot facility late this fall. While they’re
in transition, catch all their updates on Facebook “Crosslines
Churches of the Joplin Area.” For more information, call
Joplin Schools Board of Education recently voted
unanimously to hire Dr. Norm Ridder as the interim
superintendent for Joplin Schools. Dr. Ridder most recently
served as interim superintendent for Mehlville School
District, Mehlville, Missouri, for the 2014-2015 school year.
Prior to that, he served as superintendent for nine years at
Springfield R-12 Public Schools. For more information, go to
Lulu Roman, of “Hee Haw” fame, will perform live at the
Scottish Rite Cathedral, 505 Byers, on August 29, at 7 pm
(doors will open at 6 pm with concessions available). Tickets
are available by calling 417.623.3219. Ticket proceeds will
benefit RiteCare, a program that supports children with
speech and language disorders.
Due to the heat, the Joplin Blasters are moving their
Monday through Saturday game times to a 7:05 pm start.
This change continues through the remainder of the 2015
season. Sunday games will continue to start at 5:05 pm.
Gates will continue to open one hour prior to first pitch. For
more information, go to
College Heights Christian Church is collecting used manual
wheelchairs, wheelchair parts, walkers, canes or crutches,
regardless of age or condition, for the Joni and Friends
Wheels for the World Campaign. The collected items are
sent to prisons for repair and distributed to people who
need them in third world countries. College Heights hopes
to fill a semi trailer with the donations. Items can be taken
to College Heights by August 4. For more information, call
The Chamber is interested in your business. If you won an
award, opened another office or are planning an event,
let us know. We want to share your accomplishments
and events with your fellow members! For our next issue,
submit your announcement to by
August 10. Please include “Our Members Announce” in
the email subject line. Find all our members in our online
Membership Directory.
August 2015
Business Outlook
Welcome New Members
Beauty Salon/Barber Shop
418 South Range Line Road
Joplin, MO 64801
Kari Morgan, Manager
Tamara Clay, General Manager
Sponsor: Cynthia Marlow, JACC
SWMO AHEC - Joplin Office (Area Health Education
Health Education; Non-Profit
P.O. Box 4967
Joplin, MO 64803-4967
Kami Gollhofer, Health Career Coordinator
Sponsor: Cynthia Marlow, JACC
Teleperformance USA
2024 South Maiden Lane, Suite 102
Joplin, MO 64804
Josh Friend, Recruiter
Sponsor: Cynthia Marlow, JACC
Carterville Christian Church
20123 Gravel Road
Joplin, MO 64801
Matt Harenza, Executive Pastor
Johnny Templeton, Outreach Pastor
Sponsor: Martha Getz, JACC
Wyandotte Technologies
Security - Products, Systems, Burglar/Fire Alarms
2 Turtle Drive
Wyandotte, OK 74370
Tammy Landreth, Administrative Assistant
Sponsor: Cynthia Marlow, JACC
Anchor Stone Company
Stone Quarry
7791 East Newman Road
10 Joplin, MO 64801
Todd Griesemer, Sales Manager
Sponsor: Chris Erisman, Allgeier, Martin and
Associates, Inc.
Jimmy’s Egg
1611 South Range Line Road
Joplin, MO 64804
Dan Calhoun, Managing Partner
Sponsor: Springfield Area Chamber of Commerce;
Cynthia Marlow, JACC
American Family Insurance - Steven Haskins Agency
1901 East 32nd Street, Suite 16
Joplin, MO 64804
Cody Hefley, Sales Specialist
Steven Haskins, Agency Owner
Sponsor: Cynthia Marlow, JACC
Hertz Equipment Rental
Equipment Rental & Sales
2315 East 7th Street
Joplin, MO 64801
Debbie Clark, Sales Coordinator
Douglas Callahan, Branch Manager
Sponsor: Cynthia Marlow, JACC
Premier Surgical Institute
Surgical Hospital
1619 West 7th Street (K66)
Galena, KS 66739
Kristen Shelley, Director of Human Resources
Travis Roderick, CEO
Sponsor: Jeanne Hunter, Orthopaedic Specialists of
the Four States, LLC; Ginger LaMar, JACC
The Chamber’s Board of Directors and staff are pleased
to welcome our newest Chamber members. Please keep
these and all members in mind when looking for goods
and services. Visit the Chamber’s online member directory
Invite your clients or vendors to join the Chamber. Contact
Cynthia Marlow at 417.624.4150 or
Insurance you can design to meet your ever-changing needs.
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• Evening Appointments
August 2015
Business Outlook
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Healthcare Communications
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Toll Free: 800-621-5256
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2120 S. Roosevelt Suite 3
Joplin, MO 64804
August 2015
Business Outlook
LifeChoices...................................................................................... 1997
Joplin Pediatric Dentistry.......................................................... 2013
Living Green Interior Landscaping, Inc................................ 2011
Acme Brick Company.................................................................. 1988
Mid-America Environmental Solutions............................... 1997
Ad Systems, Inc.............................................................................. 1983
Midway Sheet Metal................................................................... 1997
ADC Dental Group....................................................................... 1981
Midwest Airend and Pump....................................................... 2003
Ray Alburty Company................................................................ 1973
Mo. Center for Advanced Power Systems Research....... 2014
Alert One Pest Control, Inc........................................................ 2008
My Destiny Home Care.............................................................. 2014
Allgeier, Martin and Associates, Inc....................................... 1955
My Sister’s Closet.......................................................................... 1994
American Construction.............................................................. 1996
Osborn Paper Company............................................................ 1941
AMI Radio Group.......................................................................... 2001
Outback Archery and Tackle.................................................... 2014
Andy’s Frozen Custard................................................................ 2012
Paragon Architecture, Inc.......................................................... 2013
Annie’s Baking, LLC...................................................................... 1952
Pittsburg State University - University Advancement... 2007
Area Agency on Aging............................................................... 1990
R & D Lawn and Landscape...................................................... 2009
Audio Acoustics, Inc.................................................................... 1986
Steve Robbins Construction ................................................... 2014
Autotronics, Inc............................................................................. 1967
Shield Financial............................................................................. 2011
Baker Davis Roderique, CPAs, PC ........................................... 1955
Show Me the Ozarks Magazine.............................................. 2000
Beimdiek Insurance Agency, Inc............................................ 1988
Silver Creek Assisted Living...................................................... 2001
Bicycle Specialists, LLC............................................................... 2009
Sophie, LLC...................................................................................... 2007
Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Ozarks................................... 1997
Springfield Striping and Sealing............................................ 2009
BKD, LLP............................................................................................ 1962
Studio One Fitness....................................................................... 2010
Blanchard, Robertson, Mitchell and Carter, PC................. 1974
The Titanic Museum Attraction.............................................. 2010
Boy Scouts of America, Ozark Trails Council...................... 1994
TJ Franz and Associates ............................................................. 2003
Braum’s ............................................................................................ 1989
Waterjet Systems International, Inc...................................... 1992
Briteway Building Maintenance............................................. 1993
Weed Whackers, Inc..................................................................... 2001
Joplin Workshops, Inc................................................................. 1978
WestRock Company.................................................................... 1988
Michael R. LaFerla, D.D.S., MS, PC........................................... 1999
WGU Missouri................................................................................ 2014
Lakeland Office Systems............................................................ 1988
Zahn Apartments......................................................................... 2007
The Alliance of Southwest Missouri...................................... 1999
Ambassador Stone Reflections............................................... 2014
Anderson Glass.............................................................................. 1993
Art Feeds Joplin............................................................................. 2014
Sharon Beshore............................................................................. 2009
Bourne Logistics Management, Inc...................................... 2013
Dwaine E. Cales, D.D.S., PC........................................................ 2012
Clearly Clean................................................................................... 2013
Climate Tech, Inc........................................................................... 2013
Component Packaging.............................................................. 2006
Eagle Eye Printing......................................................................... 1987
Edward Jones................................................................................. 1970
Firestone.......................................................................................... 2011
The Flip Shop.................................................................................. 2014
Gringos............................................................................................. 2014
H.E. Williams, Inc............................................................................ 2000
Hampshire Pet Products............................................................ 2004
Home Instead Senior Care........................................................ 2011
Doug Hunt Consulting............................................................... 2013
J.E. Dunn Construction Co........................................................ 2011
Joplin Famliy Dental - Michael E. Fitterling, D.D.S........... 2014
Joplin Little Theatre..................................................................... 2006
Legacy Consulting Group, LLC................................................ 2014
Get All the Chamber Information You Need!
In the Office or On the Go
Mobile App
Online Member Directory
Community Profile
Redesigned website
August 2015
Business Outlook
Hot Links
Presenting Sponsors
Gold Sponsor
Shotgun Starts at
8 a.m. and 2 p.m.
Eagle Creek Golf &
Country Club
per team
You could win a
NEW CAR from
Roper Honda by
sinking a holein-one like Gary
Greene of Pro
100 last year!
03 (F)
phanie@ 64801
Stephanie h Street, Joplin, M LINCC.COM
Email, fax or mail your registration to
3 20
Presenting Sponsors
Your entry fee includes:
Four person scramble
Green fees
Gold Sponsor
Golf cart
Breakfast from Panera
Networking lunch from
Rib Crib
Payment Methods
Special on-course
Payment enclosed
1st through 3rd places
Charge my credit card
awarded in two flights
Invoice my business
per shotgun start
Hole-in-One prize
from Roper Honda
Card Number
Team Members
Player 1 - Team Captain
Player 2
Player 3
Player 4
Please check your preferred start time
8 a.m.
2 p.m.
Expiration Date and CVN#
Business Name (if invoicing)
August 2015
Business Outlook
Click here to download registration form.
Be part of the inaugural group of Missouri delegates of the Missouri Chamber of Commerce and Industry Advocacy Mission to
Washington DC on October 7-9, 2015. The Missouri delegation will meet with members of Missouri’s congressional delegation and
discuss, in person, federal issues that impact Missouri’s business community.
Planned events include a welcome reception at the United States Botanic Garden as well as a legislative and issues update.
You can also dine with us at the International Spy Museum. Take your issues and concerns to Capitol Hill as we meet our federal
Hyatt Regency Washington on Capitol Hill
400 New Jersey Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20001
For overnight accommodations, click here to make reservations. Room block is active until September 14, 2015.
Additional Details
Rates are $399 per person (Delegates are responsible for making their own airfare and hotel arrangements.)
Cancellations must be made by October 1, 2015 to receive a refund. No-shows will be charged full registration fee. Substitutions are
welcome at any time.
For questions or further details, email or call 573.634.3511.
MSA is comprised of Jasper and Newton counties. Information is drawn from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.
Show Me The Ozarks
Calendar of Events for
August 2015
August 4
9 am
Leads Group One
Integrity Home Care
August 5
9 am
Leads Group Three
Southwest Missouri Bank—McClelland Blvd.
August 7
7:30 am
First Friday Coffee
Missouri Southern State University,
Billingsly Student Center, 1st Floor
August 12
9 am
Leads Group Two
Chamber Office
August 18
9 am
Leads Group One
Tabitha Smith Accounting
5:30 pm
Business After Hours
August 19
9 am
Leads Group Three
Chamber Office
11:30 am
Cultural Affaris Committee Meeting
Chamber Office
August 21
8 am & 2:30 pm
Hot Links Annual Golf Tournament
Eagle Creek Golf Club
August 26
9 am
Leads Group Two
Chamber Office
Member Business Spotlight
August 3
12 pm
Business EXPO Committee Meeting
Chamber Office
August 2015
Business Outlook
Locally owned Show Me The Ozarks magazine
celebrates its 14th year in August. If you haven’t
read the magazine lately, this is what you’re
Full-color, high gloss, regional monthly print
and digital edition serving the Joplin region.
10,000 magazines are printed each month
and distributed to 13 area chambers of
commerce, visitors centers, bank lobbies,
specialty shops and boutiques, hair salons,
grocery stores, hospitals and doctors offices,
expos and trade shows and by subscription.
They are the most widely read publication
in the area, focusing on the lifestyle and
character of the region. In every edition, they
highlight the people who live here and truly
make this area a great place to live.
They recognize school leaders, teachers,
students, volunteers, leaders of the
communities they serve, local business
owners, non profits, medical professionals
and local talent.
They give back by holding fundraisers and
special events that benefit Hope 4 You Breast
Cancer Foundation, Joplin Humane Society,
our local Children’s Miracle Network Hospital,
Wildcat Glades Conservation & Audubon
Center, United Way, Ronald McDonald House
Charities and more!
Readers will find a calendar of events, cultural
arts and entertainment, featured towns
or counties, Faces & Places pages, locally
owned restaurants, local retailers and service
providers, home and garden features, lifestyle
events, health features, health events and
Show Me has the Chamber Member Spotlight
Table for August. Come by the Chamber lobby to
learn more, and pick up giveaways from a stylus
pen, note pad or a copy of the August edition.
Register for a $25 gift card to Red Onion Café and
a t-shirt to be given away each week!
“We are more than a magazine…we are filled
with many entertaining, informative reads and
beautiful photography!”
August 2015
Business Outlook
Solar Energy: Business & Residential 101
Joplin Area Chamber of Commerce
Empire Conference Room
Tuesday August 25, 2015 5:00pm—8:00pm
** Find out how easy it is to go solar! **
Empire District Electric is
paying you to go solar
through its Solar Rebate
Program. They will send you
a check for up to $25,000!
Call us today for a free solar consultation!
We serve all of Missouri!
FREE IRS WEBINAR – Tax-Related Identity Theft: Information for Individuals & Businesses
Hosted by IRS Stakeholder Liaisons of KS, IL, MO, NE & OK
Tuesday, August 18, 1-2 pm (Central Time)
Who is the webinar for?
Small Business Owners & Tax Professionals
Why is the IRS offering this webinar?
Help small business owners get the information they need.
Share IRS resources available to help Identity Theft victims
Help avoid additional tax problems.
How can small business owners get more information or register?
• Send an email to (no later than noon Central Time on 8/17/2015); IN THE SUBJECT
USE: August ID Theft
o We will email you back with the link & other information to join the webinar
o Space is limited so please email us right away, but no later than noon August 17. This will give us time to get you
the information you need to join us at 1 p.m. August 18
Officials with Ohio-based Owens Corning announced July 10 the company’s plan to open a manufacturing facility in
Joplin. The nearly $90 million project is expected to create more than 100 jobs.
Owens Corning, a global manufacturer of insulation, roofing and fiberglass composites, employs 15,000 people in
26 countries and posted net sales of $5.3 billion in 2014. The company has many facilities in the U.S. The new Joplin
facility will manufacture Thermafiber® mineral wool insulation for commercial, residential and industrial applications.
Thermafiber is a mineral wool that resists fire and
temperatures exceeding 2,000 degrees Fahrenheit
and provides sound control and energy efficiency in
commercial, residential, and industrial applications.
The Joplin facility will support the company’s growth
opportunities in the North American construction
“As a company that only operates in markets with
attractive long-term macro drivers such as global
industrial production, material substitution, U.S.
housing, and energy efficiency, our decision to locate
in Joplin says a lot about the region and the state.
Our new location puts us close to attractive markets
and accessible raw materials, a decision we believe
will result in higher productivity and an increase in
efficiency,” said Julian Francis, president of Owens
Corning Insulation. “We will both benefit from Missouri’s reputable workforce. As demand for mineral wool increases, we
will need many hands on deck to fulfill orders, and we are eager to tap into the state’s talent.”
Owens Corning will move into the 303,000 square-foot former Mars facility and invest nearly $90 million to purchase
and install equipment at the site. The company expects the facility to be fully operational in 2016.
10 THINGS to look forward
to at Business EXPO 2016
January 19 & 20
-Overwhelming supply of pens,
hand sanitizer & business
-Chance to bid on/win
FABULOUS prizes at the live/
silent auctions
-Opportunity to perfect your
elevator speech
-Exciting new events to draw
your customers to EXPO
-Sharing your new products &
info. with 5,000+ people
August 2015
Global Building Material Manufacturer to Open Facility in Joplin
Business Outlook
-Using that pop-up banner
showcasing your business name
-Putting your “top team”
in the booth to create an
impactful experience
-One-upping your competition
for the best giveaway item
-Networking with nearly 3,000
of your closest business friends
during EXPO After Hours,
collecting their cards and
making contact after the show
-Winning the Best Booth award
for embracing the theme with
wild abandon
Business Outlook
August 2015
Strategic Marketing Relationships
By Karen Bradshaw, Director of the Center for Entrepreneurship, MSSU
Now is the time to think about ways to develop better
marketing relationships that can lead your company into a
more profitable future.
In many industries, referrals and positive word-ofmouth promotion can be some of the most effective ways
to expand your company. You need to use a systematic
approach to build business relationships that will help to
increase your profitability. Consider using the following
to meet business associates and potential customers.
Become actively involved in your industry association and
meet experts to help you grow your business. Participate
in civic organizations that have similar goals as you, and
consider joining a networking group. Write articles for
publications that reach your target audience, or give
presentations to organizations. These activities serve to
increase your visibility while giving you an opportunity to
showcase your expertise and generate good will.
Create a strategy
Take the time to think through your plan of reaching
out to customers, associates in your industry and
colleagues in the business community. By writing out your
plan, you will have something tangible to follow, review
and modify. Your plan should be dynamic and proactive.
Create lasting relationships with current and previous
Contact previous customers on your customer list
who no longer do business with your firm. Find out why
they left your company and try to resolve these issues.
Within reason, say you are sorry and try to get their
business back. You can’t please
everyone; however, you can’t
afford to have people spreading
negative comments about your
firm. You need positive referrals
and recommendations. Stay
in touch with your existing
and former customers
using the wide selection of
communication tools such as
email, texting, social media,
phone and your website. Your online presence is a great
way to inform customers of our product/service offerings.
Try to obtain testimonials from customers.
Create realistic goals
Develop accurate goals that
you will work to accomplish
within the next year. Commit
time each week to be able to
reach these goals. You could set
weekly goals of contacting four
potential customers, obtaining
one testimonial from a satisfied
customer or getting back two
previous customers who haven’t recently done business
with your company.
Create strategic alliances
Provide referrals to other businesses that you
identify who sell to your target market but provide
complementary, not competing, products and services.
Establish agreements where they refer customers to
your company, and you refer customers to them. This
type of arrangement will highlight your credibility and
connections, and generate referrals from associates for
whom you’ve generated business.
Create visibility by being involved in organizations
Strive to be an active member of your local business
community and industry. Volunteer with nonprofit
organizations when you believe in their cause. Get
involved with committees and events sponsored by the
Joplin Area Chamber of Commerce, which will enable you
Create an atmosphere of great customer service Satisfied customers who have experienced excellent
customer service will usually remain loyal to a company as
long as their needs are being met. “Going the extra mile”
should be the theme song of your company. Remember,
it’s all about the customer! How does the customer
perceive your level of customer service? When you do
a good job for your customers, they not only bring you
repeat business, but will send other business your way
as well. Be diligent in serving your customers’ needs and
they will be diligent in spreading the word about your
company’s great qualities. Strive to build long-lasting
relationships that will help your company be more
Serve on a City of Joplin Board or Commission
August 2015
Business Outlook
Whatever your interest, the City probably has a place for you to serve. Boards
and commissions range from the City Tree Board and Conventions & Visitors
Advisory Board to Historic Preservation and Traffic Commission. You must
be a registered Missouri voter to apply. Find the complete list of boards and
commissions, and the online application form, at under
the “Government” tab.
Small Business & Technology
Development Center
Missouri Southern State University
The Robert W. Plaster School of Business
3950 Newman Road, Joplin 417.625.3128 Fax: 417.625.9782
August 6 (Thursday), 1:30-4:30 p.m.
Location: Plaster Hall, Room 108, MSSU
Cost: $29
Find the full schedule of workshops
EXPO 2016 (JAN. 19-20)
AUGUST 31, 2015 is the early-bird discount
deadline. Exhibitors will receive an
additional $100 off booth fee if paid in full
by this date.
Some booth spaces are still available for
those members interested in exhibiting in
the premier business-to-business expo in
the area.
Call Ginger or Martha at 417.624.4150 for
all the details!
August 2015
Business Outlook
First Friday Coffee
Good Morning Joplin
September 17
7:15-9 a.m.
Friday, August 7
7:30-8:30 a.m.
Presented by
Sponsored by and located at
Missouri Southern State University
3950 East Newman Road
(Billingsly Student Center, Main Floor)
RSVP by August 5 at or
Presented by
Business After Hours
Sponsored by
7:15 a.m. - Breakfast | $12 at the door or if invoiced
7:30 a.m. - Program | $10 if prepaid online only
Located at
Ozark Christian College Multi-Purpose Center
1111 North Main Street
RSVP by September 15
at or 417.624.1996
Presenting Sponsor
Tuesday, August 18
5:30-7 p.m.
Sponsored by and Located at
745 South Range Line Road
*Parking at Forest Park Baptist Church,
725 South Highview. Shuttle to event.
RSVP by August 16 at or 417.624.1996.
US Bank, N.A., Chairman Sponsor, for
helping us communicate with our

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