reporte anual 2015
reporte anual 2015
FAMILIA DE APEX UMC REPORTE ANUAL 2015 “ “ PASTOR GENERAL “ PASTORES FIESTA CRISTIANA El compañerismo visible es una bendición. La comunión es un don de la gracia, un don del Reino de Dios, un privilegio que compartimos con los demás como una respuesta a la gracia de Dios hacia nosotros. A través de nuestras ofrendas financieras a la iglesia, estamos capacitando a líderes, apoyando programas para niños y jóvenes, y respondiendo a las necesidades de nuestra comunidad local. Nuestros diezmos y ofrendas permiten la vida en comunidad que disfrutamos y se convierten en una fuente de alegría y fuerza para un número creciente de personas que quieren seguir a Cristo para transformar nuestro mundo. “ GRAY SOUTHERN JOSÉ LUIS VILLASEÑOR Y ALMA RUIZ ‘Ahora bien, hay diversidad de dones, pero el Espíritu es el mismo’ (1 Corintios 12:4). En nombre de toda la familia de Apex UMC, quiero dar las gracias a cada persona por utilizar sus dones para el bien del reino de Dios. Cada año, hacemos una pausa como iglesia para reflexionar sobre las muchas maneras que Dios usa a cada uno de nosotros y a cada comunidad de fe como una extensión de las manos y los pies de Dios para avanzar sus propósitos. Buscamos ver formas en que podamos continuar esta misión y ministerio en los años venideros. Nos reunimos en comunidad para crecer como discípulos de Jesús. Somos enviados con la misión de compartir el amor de Dios en formas tangibles. Adoramos juntos, experimentando la poderosa presencia del Espíritu Santo en adoración. Como familia en Cristo trabajamos unidos para formar a nuestros hijos como hijos de Dios. Y utilizamos los recursos que Dios nos ha dado, con fidelidad, para que en todas las cosas que hagamos, nos esforzemos para invitar y capacitar a toda persona a seguir a Jesús para transformar el mundo ¡Gracias por acompañarnos en esta alegre jornada de nuevo este año! APEX UMC FAMILY Inviting and equipping all to follow Jesus in transforming the world. Welcome All. Love All. Serve All. Love God. Love People. Live Sent. EMILY DILDAY KIRBY LEWIS DANIEL ROY OZ FRANCO TODD DAVIS “Yes indeed, God is at work at Apex. I hear it in the laughter and lively conversation wafting from Sunday School classes. I see it on the concerned faces of people stopping to catch up with one another in Crossroads, and I can feel it during the worship hour as we’re inspired and challenged to step out in God’s name.” “Walk in to the Peak on a Sunday morning and you will feel God at work. The energy, both in the sanctuary and children’s rooms, is evidence of God working through our people. Lauren and I couldn’t dream of any better place for our children to not only learn, but see and feel, what God’s love looks like. We are so excited to see what this next year holds for our growing Peak family and for those whose lives we all impact.” “Es poderoso ver a los jóvenes abrirse a la congregación acerca de sus luchas. Esto significa que somos familia para ellos y que ven luz aquí.” “519 Church continues to offer such a strong foundation for our growing family. This year, when we welcomed our daughter to the world, our 519 community celebrated and supported us just like family. I know that so many of you share similar stories, and it brings me great joy to be a part of such an incredible movement.” Administrative Council Chair “It is a blessing to see that regardless of which place, or places, we choose to worship as part of the Apex UMC Family of Faith Communities, we are united in our mission of inviting and equipping all to follow Jesus in transforming the world.” Steering Team Chair Steering Team Chair ¡Más que una iglesia una familia! Presidente Equipo de Dirección Love Well. Live Differently. Steering Team Chair GROUPS Groups serve as one of the primary vehicles for people to connect with others in their faith community for intentional fellowship, to experience God, and serve the world in a smaller group environment. Groups include Sunday School classes, small groups, missional communities, men’s groups, women’s groups, and smaller accountability groups that gather regularly throughout the year. We were looking for a church where the people were facing the hard questions of our faith, having conversations, and taking the challenge of faith seriously in their daily lives. We’ve found this community at The Peak. People quickly and genuinely welcomed us, helped us get involved, and seem to really care about us personally. The sermons are powerful; there are many opportunities to help out; small groups keep the conversations going; and mission work keeps us connected beyond the church into the broader community. - BETH BORDEAUX (THE PEAK) DISCIPULADO APEX SUNDAY SCHOOL 519 COMMUNITIES PEAK SMALL GROUPS FIESTA CRISTIANA GROUPS ADULTS PEOPLE ADULTS ADULTS 172 “ OWEN BARROW 519 Campus Pastor & Pastor of Missional Discipleship 89 46 I have experienced God’s presence in my 519 community in a number of ways this year. I knew He was there as members of our community prayed for each other and held each other in the midst of great personal loss and sorrow. I saw Him there as members of our community lifted each other up to help with employment challenges and the struggles of everyday life. I saw Him smile as we celebrated the gift of family growth through births and marriage. With each meal, shared laugh, and hug I have experienced God’s presence in our community. - DAVID AUSTIN (519) CLASSES “Our goal in Missional Discipleship is to provide opportunities for everyone in our community to become a well-rounded follower of Jesus. That means assisting you in your spiritual formation, helping you build relationships with each other, and challenging you to serve others everyday.” 120 Classes are offered each semester to enrich our spiritual lives through intentional short-term studies on the bible, on spiritual disciplines, and other topical or seasonal offerings. These classes are offered to individuals and groups across our church family. FALL 2014 WINTER/SPRING 2015 FALL 2015 CLASSES PARTICIPANTS 18 15 16 107 252 200+ 2014 2015 WESTERN WAKE RUN MISIONES Apportioned (UMC Mission) Giving Local $316,949 $65,125 TOTAL 2015 MISSION BUDGET State & National International CRISIS MINISTRY $35,000+ (WWCM) DONATIONS HEALTH CENTER IN HAITI $32,125 10k/5k RUN/WALK A M E R I C A N FOR TO B A CCO TWOMEN’S RAIL IN CARY RAISED B E N E F I T S FA M I LY H E A LT H M I N I S T R I E S SEPTEMBER 26 / 519RUN.ORG 2015 ZOE GIVEN FOR EMPOWERING ORPHANS ACROSS AFRICA $11,500 $34,250 $427,824 “I was honored to be able to spend several days this summer with the people of Haiti. I was greeted by their beautiful smiles and looked into their tired eyes. Their faces reflected a difficult life. Through their strength and resilience I could feel the power and presence of God with each moment I shared with them.” - LAURIE STELLA (519) APEX UMC 3941 POUNDS OF FOOD THE PEAK 1039 POUNDS OF FOOD SIMPLE GIFTS COMMUNITY GARDEN 630.5 POUNDS OF FRESH PRODUCE 2015 HABITAT FOR HUMANITY (APEX, NC) $10,000 2015 MEN’S BBQ $12,275 RAISED FOR MISSION WWCM THANKSGIVING MEALS DONATED 2013 - 140 MEALS 2014 - 170 MEALS APPROXIMATELY METHODIST HOME 20 FAMILIES FOR CHILDREN HOUSED THROUGH WIHN 200 VOLUNTEERS TO HOST EACH WEEK $3,000 DONATED TO “$1K FOR 1KID” IN 2014 CONTINUED... NOURISHING NOGGINS $5,878 SCHOOL 2014 2015 (SO FAR) MONCURE ELEMENTARY 920 BAGS FOR 265 KIDS SALEM ELEMENTARY 468 BAGS FOR 135 KIDS 827 BAGS FOR 207 KIDS BAUCOM ELEMENTARY 162 BAGS FOR 54 KIDS 578 BAGS FOR 165 KIDS CARPENTER ELEMENTARY - 174 BAGS FOR 41 KIDS 576 BAGS FOR 160 KIDS CAR MINISTRY Glenn and Sue Morton started the car ministry at Apex UMC in 2004 and worked diligently to sustain it through the years. 11 years and over 100 donated cars later, the Apex UMC Car Ministry has served to empower individuals and families across our community. In 2015, 6 cars were placed with families who were not financially able to afford dependable transportation for work, family and school activities. Over the past 11 years, there have been almost 20 volunteers who worked in some capacity including spinning wrenches, taking trips to the DMV, and through administrative support. In 2015, our team is transitioning our support for the car ministry to Wheels4Hope, a faith-based non-profit located in the Triad and Triangle regions of North Carolina that recycles cars and changes lives. To date, Wheels4Hope has been able to donate 2,268 cars, and we believe this partnership will help our church family sustainably continue to impact lives across our community and beyond. “Wake Interfaith Hospitality Network (WIHN) provides us with such a great opportunity to use space that would have gone unused overnight to provide shelter for our neighbors. By standing in the gap, as partners with WIHN, we’re helping to restore housing security to families.” - SANDRA WEBB (APEX) “I recently had the opportunity to go with a group from The Peak to help Pastor Laura Early (in Aulander, NC) as she prepared the Union UMC building for services … It was a spirit filled day and I am so glad I was a part of it … We spent the day working on painting the outside of the Church and front steps and hauled three truckloads of debris outside along with about two dozen wooden chairs that would be used for outdoor services the next day … a year from now I hope to go back to attend service with a full congregation of folks who have found Jesus through the efforts of some folks filled with faith in a small community Church.” - LYNNE FRY (THE PEAK) ENTRENAMIENTO MISIONEROS LAICOS MÁS DE $ 300.000 EN DONACIONES SE HAN CONCEDIDO A FIESTA CRISTIANA Y APEX UMC PARA USO ENTRE EL 2013 Y 2016 PARA ESTA INICIATIVA. “El desarrollo de líderes hispano/latinos es una necesidad en la Iglesia Metodista Unida. Estamos colaborando con varias agencias de la iglesia, entre ellas el Duke Endowment y el Plan Nacional de Ministerios Hispano/Latinos, para ayudar a identificar y capacitar a líderes Hispano/latinos en nuestras comunidades, formando una nueva generación de líderes para el futuro de la Iglesia y del mundo. En el 2015 capacitamos a 21 Misioneros Laicos de diferentes iglesias metodistas en Carolina del Norte (incluyendo 8 de Fiesta Cristiana) para servir como líderes. Además, 25 de los jóvenes, de grados 7-12, participaron de un entrenamiento de liderazgo juvenile que organizamos en colaboración con Duke Youth Academy for Christian Formation (DYA).” - JOSÉ LUIS VILLASEÑOR (PASTOR, FIESTA CRISTIANA) “Todos tenemos un propósito en la vida... el entrenamiento de Misioneros Laicos me ha iluminado y ahora entiendo lo que es el propósito de mi vida.” - MISHELL GONZALEZ (FIESTA CRISTIANA) “I was a seeker, not sure what I believed: I found a welcoming, non-judgmental community that allowed me to grow without pressure. I was looking for an informal, relaxed atmosphere: I found a place where your ‘Sunday best’ can be blue jeans, and the worship band plays contemporary Christian music, as well as the old hymns. I was seeking a teacher: I found a pastor who explains scripture more clearly than I’d ever heard before, and a congregation of teachers embodied in the small groups which meet regularly. I was looking for a spiritual practice: I found an environment which makes it exciting to study the Bible and participate in daily prayer. In short, I found all I was looking for at The Peak.” - MARK FRANCIS (THE PEAK) ADORACION “I HAVE SEEN GOD IN OUR MUSIC, BOTH CONTEMPORARY AND TRADITIONAL. IT’S A WONDERFUL WAY TO CONNECT WITH THE WORD.” BRITTNEY PETTIS / Member of Chancel Choir “I have seen God in worship through the children’s handbell choir. I have seen His love for them shine through the notes they ring.” - ELIZABETH LONDON (DIRECTOR OF CHILDREN’S HANDBELL CHOIR) “Worship is central to our life in Christ and our life with each other. With heart, mind, soul and body our Apex Family of Faith Communities worships in spirit and in truth. Centered in the Word of God, with a variety of musical expressions, in diverse settings, we passionately worship.” JENNY WILSON Apex Campus Pastor & Pastor of Worship “As a traditional worship arts participant, it’s no surprise that I see God in music at AUMC. During each performance of the contemporary praise band, traditional adult choir, youth choirs, children’s choirs, and ensembles, I feel God’s spirit move within me. We are blessed with musicians and leaders who share their talents with us so that we may experience God’s presence in our midst. While I love all parts of worship, music particularly speaks to me and touches my heart during worship.” - LAURA HICKS (MEMBER OF GRACE NOTES HANDBELL CHOIR) THIS YEAR WE WALKED THROUGH EIGHT SERMON SERIES TOGETHER 1,356 AVERAGE WEEKLY ATTENDANCE YTD 2015 Each week, more than 1,350 men, women and children hear the gospel preached at one of nine worship services across our family of faith communities. 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 1352 1228 FOR WORSHIP INFORMATION 2211 3018 299 52 2015 EASTER ATTENDANCE 1780 456 2943 418 109 636 1125 MUSIC GROUPS 985 NEW MEMBERS 2014 CHRISTMAS EVE ATTENDANCE 1203 159 APEX From 2008 to 2013, the Apex UMC Family was the 9th fastest growing United Methodist Church in the US. BAPTISMS Volunteers serve weekly as ushers, greeters, acolytes, in the altar guild, on praise teams, in choirs, and other varied ways to support our worship services. 1361 1047 2008 186 WEEKLY VOLUNTEERS 2015 CONFIRMANDS 64 106 65 KIDS & YOUTH MUSIC GROUPS 131 YOUTH CHOIR 20 Chancel Choir 55 YOUTH HANDBELLS 10 Adult Handbells 25 YOUTH PRAISE TEAM 12 Praise Team 25 CHILDREN’S CHOIRS 60 Tower of Praise Horns 4 CHILDREN’S HANDBELLS 15 PEAK WORSHIP TEAM 25 14 519 WORSHIP TEAM 20 PEAK CHILDREN’S PRAISE TEAM FIESTA CRISTIANA WORSHIP TEAM 5 KIDS MINISTERIOS NIŇOS Y JÓVENES “At each of our faith communities, our hope is to be a church that doesn’t just provide programs and activities for your kids. We want to be a faith community that partners with parents in the spiritual upbringing of our children. If it takes a village to raise a child, we want to be that village for you and your family!” KYLE MEIER The Peak Campus Pastor & Pastor of Family Ministries 270 ADVENTURE KIDS AVERAGE ATTENDANCE Each week, we partner with parents to build a gospelcentered foundation in the lives of children. “I am pretty sure now that [my son] got saved during VBS week after seeing so many confirmations that something powerful happened to him. He now experiences emotions he never experienced before. All of the things that I have seen and witnessed in the past few weeks makes me believe that [his] soul woke up or broke free from the prison of autism. Of course, he still has autism but his mind is no longer a barrier between him and God. God broke through. A peace washed over me yesterday knowing that [he] was going to be OK. Yep. God has big plans for my boy.“ - 519 PARENT EVENT KIDS VOLUNTEERS VBS (evening) @ APEX 106 45 VBS (morning) @ APEX 465 126 VBS (evening) @ THE PEAK 72 30 500+ 30+ JINGLE JAM “The Peak provides a variety of worship opportunities for us as a family and especially for our 7 year old twins. They even attended their first Vacation Bible School at the Peak. As a mother, there is no greater gift we can give our children in their lives than to see that God is alive and robust in today’s world and that He is with them now and always. As our daughter said last Sunday, “This is our church home now.” - JAMIE DAUT, THE PEAK STUDENTS “When Noah spoke at Pilgrimage last year, we had just moved to the area and we were looking for a new church family. I have not a doubt that his testimony was God’s plan to get us to Apex UMC!” - JENNIFER MCLAMB AVG WEEKLY ATTENDANCE “I have seen God in our student ministry in how accepting the students are of kids that are different from them.” - MOM OF 9TH GRADER STUDENT MINISTRY CAMPUS “I’ve seen God in our student ministry by everyone being nice and open, and providing me with the best friendships I’ve ever had – also with everyone being willing to serve and be the hands and feet of God at all opportunities!” - SAM GASELL, 10TH GRADER APEX 110 THE PEAK 28 “I have seen God in our student ministry through my daughters who have grown to have a heart for God and His people. They love their church family and spend a great deal of time, with joy, leading, serving, worshipping, fellowshipping, learning and teaching. We don’t make them go to church, they ask us when they can go! I have also seen God in our student ministry through missions. With every event, I see students grow – both inward and outward.” - MANDY WILKINS 519 CHURCH 25 FIESTA CRISTIANA 15 TOTAL 178 ” Nuestra iglesia se compromete a comunicar con claridad y transparencia cómo se usan las ofrendas y aportes financieros para crear un impacto en nuestra iglesia, en nuestra comunidad, y en el mundo. Siendo que nuestro presupuesto, membresía, y alcance continúa creciendo, nos comprometemos a seguir siendo un pueblo creyente que toma en serio la responsabilidad que Dios ha confiado a nuestra iglesia. Este año, tenemos tanto que celebrar y compartir incluyendo la refinanciación de nuestra deuda para ahorrar a la iglesia más de $16,000 por mes, y cada vez mayor número de miembros, bautismos, y compromisos. ADMINISTRACION NO SE TRATA DE NÚMEROS. SE TRATA DE HACER DISCÍPULOS. SIMPLEMENTE COMPARTIMOS ESTOS NÚMEROS COMO TESTIMONIO DEL BUEN TRABAJO QUE DIOS HACE A TRAVÉS DE CADA UNO DE NOSOTROS PARA INVITAR Y CAPACITAR A TODA PERSONA A SEGUIR A JESÚS PARA TRANSFORMAR EL MUNDO.” TIM CATLETT / Pastor Ejecutivo CRECIMIENTO DE MEMBRESÍA 2014 2013 2012 2011 3126 3374 3217 2010 2009 2008 3540 3029 2791 2747 CAMPUS NEW MEMBERS* 1ST TIME VISITORS* APEX 73 464 THE PEAK 15 218 519 CHURCH 11 195 FIESTA CRISTIANA 7 78 106 760 TOTAL * in 2015 ANNUAL BUDGET GROWTH MI PROMESA PARA DIOS 2015 BUDGET $2,960,555 2014 REVENUES 2014 EXPENSES $2,891,136 $2,681,437 2013 REVENUES 2013 EXPENSES $2,607,282 $2,550,083 2012 REVENUES 2012 EXPENSES $2,583,916 $2,653,772 2011 REVENUES 2011 EXPENSES Nombre(s): $2,111,454 $1,874,458 WEB & SOCIAL MEDIA STATS SACRIFICIAL DIEZMO He planeado dejar una herencia financiara Doy mas del 10% de mis ingresos Doy 10% de mis ingresos Mi/(Nuestro) compromiso con la misión anual y el ministerio de la iglesia para el 2016 es: WEBSITE VISITS TWITTER FOLLOWERS FACEBOOK LIKES NEWSLETTER SUBSCRIBERS APEX 70,166 page views 20,662 unique visits 483 825 1,378 THE PEAK 25,765 page views 8,034 unique visits 199 340 356 519 CHURCH 57,686 page views 13,591 unique visits 324 737 410 FIESTA CRISTIANA 10,122 page views 6,700 unique visits - 372 172 TOTAL 163,739 page views 48,987 unique visits 1,006 2,274 2,316 CAMPUS ¿Donde estas en tu mayordomía con Dios? LEGADO Yo/(Nosotros) me comprometo a hacer una promesa financiera Yo/(Nosotros) me comprometo a dar un porcentaje intencional de mi ingreso mensual Yo/(Nosotros) me comprometo a diezmar (dar el 10% de mi ingreso) Yo/(Nosotros) me comprometo a dar más allá del diezmo (dar el 10% y un poco mas) Me gustaría recibir más información acerca de dejar una herencia financiera $2,499,191 $2,495,059 2010 REVENUES 2010 EXPENSES Al ofrecer un estimado de su compromiso financiero para el 2016, usted está apoyando nuestra vida en comunidad como el cuerpo de Cristo en el mundo. Por favor considere en oración cómo va a dar generosamente y con intencionalidad a la misión y al ministerio de Dios a través de esta familia de la iglesia en el año 2016. ESCALERA DE GENEROSIDAD $________________ por año mes semanal INTENCIONAL Doy fielmente, pero no 10% de mis ingresos OCASIONAL Doy ocasionalmente, pero no consistente Me/(Nos) gustaría hacer un regalo nuevo o adicional a nuestra campaña capital, Reclamando el futuro de Dios de $________________ ¿Qué comunidad de fe es la que normalmente asiste semanal? Apex UMC Fiesta Cristiana The Peak 519 Church INICIAL Actualmente no ofrendo para las misiones y ministerios de la iglesia Por favor, actualice mi información de contacto: Nombre Dirección, ciudad, estado, código postal Teléfono Correo electrónico Por favor, separar y regresar esta porción durante el servicio de adoración, o enviar por correo a la oficina de la iglesia, o hacer un compromiso en no más tardar del 25 de octubre del 2015. APEX UMC FAMILY 100 S. Hughes St. Apex, NC 27502 INVITING & EQUIPPING ALL TO FOLLOW JESUS IN TRANSFORMING THE WORLD.