27 RVS Week in Pictures PDF
27 RVS Week in Pictures PDF
MARCH 13, 2015 R O UN D VA LLEY S C HO O L WEEK IN PICTURES 6th grader Saman L. doing a volcanic eruption demonstration for her social studies class. She decided to create a volcano to go with her Pompeii/Mt. Vesuvius research project. It was a big hit! Harrison S. brought in a Pi day pie! 3.14.15 Mrs. Zimmerman loves Pi Day! Thank you Harrison Dancing Raisins and Identifying Minerals 5th Grade Science Fun PHOTOS FROM THIS YEAR Learning about China We had a Friday the 13th in February – exactly four weeks before March’s Friday the 13th! Then we’ll have a Friday the 13th in November – exactly 39 weeks (3 x 13 weeks) after Friday, February 13, 2015! The fear of the number 13 has been given a scientific name triskadekaphobia; the fear of Friday the 13th is called paraskevidekatriaphobia (say it 5 times fast LOL!)