Dear Readers You may have paraskavedekatriaphobia (also known


Dear Readers You may have paraskavedekatriaphobia (also known
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loving professionals
Dear Readers
You may have
(also known as
friggatriskaidekaphobia) if you have
the fear of Friday the 13th.
However, if you have the fearful
dislike for the number 13, you may
just be suffering from
No one knows why we develop
these fears and the correct history
that implanted these fears in us. Yet,
we are fearful.
You would be doing the first reading
of this 13th Ymag on All Fools’ Day in
the 13th year of the 21st century.
Don’t click the close button soon.
People see the lighter side of this
too. Mark Twain once was the 13th
guest at a dinner party. A friend
warned him not to go. "It was bad
luck," Twain later told the friend.
"They only had food for 12."
Time to ask Y. WhY and how I
should keep the fears aside and
start moving faster and better from.
Start MAG – My Actions Game to
remain a true results lover.
#1 #13 April 1, 2013
In this issue…
It's great to be a MAN in
the office…
Reflections of Past
Wisdom from Guru
Nanak Dev ji
Rajiv Khurana
PS – Please don’t forget to send
your feedback at You may
even call me at 9810211256.
Window for action
loving professionals
#13 April 1, 2013
There are 13 months in the pagan lunar
More than 80 per cent of high-rises lack a 13th
13 turns make a traditional hangman's noose.
Anything less would not complete the
Airplanes have no 13th seat and airports skip
the 13th gate.
Hospitals and hotels regularly have no room
number 13.
Italians omit the number 13 from their national
On streets in Florence, Italy, the house between
number 12 and 14 is addressed as 12 and a half.
any cities do not have a 13th Street or a 13th
In France, socialites known as the quatorziens
(fourteeners) once made themselves available
as 14th guests to keep a dinner party from an
unlucky fate.
On Friday, October 13, 1307, King Phillip IV of
France ordered the arrest of the Grand Master
of the Knights Templar and his senior knights
and other members who were tortured in to
admitting "wrongdoings" and executed.
In British tradition, Friday was the conventional
day for public hangings, and there were
supposedly 13 steps leading up to the noose.
There were 13 people present at The Last
Supper (Jesus and the 12 Apostles).
Alfred Hitchcock was haunted by the
number 13 which is why he incorporated it in
some way in many of his movies. He would have
turned 100 on April 13th, 1999 which happened
to be a Friday.
Window for action
loving professionals
#13 April 1, 2013
It's great to
be a MAN
in the
Rajiv Khurana is a
through co-creative
energy of people for
individual and
organizational impact.
An International
Consultant, Trainer
and Executive Coach
by description, he is a
well published writer,
author and digital
An imaginative first person
confessional narration by the man in
the office who hates to give respect,
equal treatment and care to his
colleagues of the fairer sex
-A funny version of serious situations
I could be anybody. May be you! It does not
matter. Some people reading this hardly shared
personal account of mine may call me stupid. Let
them. Who bothers? I know I am STUPID – Smart
Talented Unique Person In the Department. I am
not alone. I have hundreds and thousands of
clones. They are spread all over the country. We
have counter parts all across the globe. We think
differently. We act differently. But we behave the
same. Our un-written one line motto is: TO THINK
How do we do it? Each one of us is an authority in
oneself. We learn from each other. Where else
would you find such a great team performance? I
will share with you what I do. You can create your
own encyclopedia by watching others and sharing
with others. Don’t hide away to read this article. I
dare you to share your negativities openly.
Window for action
loving professionals
#13 April 1, 2013
I believe in equality. I believe men are more equal than women. I
extend my negativity equally amongst the women.
I admire Bosses who are fond of embarrassing my women colleagues
in front of everyone. I have learnt new techniques of embarrassments.
I will show them when I become more responsible in the
organizational hierarchy.
I like talking about women in my office. I talk about them in my
chartered bus, in my friends’ circle and with some colleagues like me.
Even the chaiwala and paanwala near our office enjoys the stories
about the women colleagues who are old spinsters, separated or
single parents.
I feel even responsible for entertaining my women colleagues. I do
share my double meaning and sometimes explicit jokes. It’s their
outlook if they do not laugh. Women have limited sense of humour,
you know.
I do not like some of my colleagues who take extra care about their
women colleagues. Why should I hold the door or stand up for a
woman? I don’t even like it when the Big B holds the chair for a
women on KBC.
I think women take advantage of their proximity with men. That’s
why they get promoted faster even though, I feel, they should at the
best be doing only the support roles.
Women are not very intelligent. I strongly believe that men are. So
what if girls have been constantly scoring the highest marks in the X
and XII standard board exams.
I don’t think that women are serious about their jobs. They come to
pass their time and even claim all medical benefits. I feel that newly
married women should not be hired in the office as it amounts to lot
of time and money loss within 2-3 years.
I must tell you that I am very fond of poetry and graffiti. Haven’t you
seen my scriptures on the toilet walls and lift cabins? You couldn’t
have missed them.
Sometimes, I play with them. Making blank calls is a great office hide
and seek game.
Window for action
loving professionals
#13 April 1, 2013
Taking me
to your
I am gradually learning but some of my friends have
mastered the art of making women cry. Great fun! No?
I am quite religious minded. Whenever there is an
office party, I and my friends adopt the mandir or
gurudwara approach. Women one side and men on the
other side. After all, we need our space to talk about the
three Ws [Wine, Wealth and Women].
Some of my friends have become quite hi-tech these
days. They keep mass mailing the XXX web-material
to each other. Few intentional accidental transmittals do
occur and my women colleagues do get them.
Technology has some short-comings too. What can be
done about it?
I am very generous. Who so ever asks me, I do provide
the personal home and office numbers of my women
Many a times, I think that I should be a newspaper
columnist on fashion. I have documented every nuance
of what I see in the back-up memory of my brain.
There are times when I feel reserved or may be a bit
shy but my kind of other colleagues do not. They do
indulge in a bit of strip tease when they move around
with their 2-3 shirt buttons open in the office.
I wish I was a bit more senior than I am. I would have,
by position of my authority, made my women
colleagues sit in my cabin for hours to have tea/coffee
and to witness my ‘majma’ style of management.
I wish I had the time and space to write more. But why
should I tell you everything. Go ahead, use experience and
creativity. The organizational jungle is big and wild. Roar.
Be a Lion. The other part is normally timid and defenseless.
Be mean. Be self obsessed. The life of a man will not come
again. Go for the kill. Don’t worry about what people say.
Be an MCP – Magnificent Creation in this Peninsula.
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loving professionals
#1 #13 April 1, 2013
Careers that are traditional are the
What’s traditional? Children becoming what their
parents are or following what the parents feel right is
out of sync with modern day reality. Progressive
parents know that. There are thousands of careers to
choose from. Wake up!
Actually, I have more intelligence but
others are more successful
How do you measure intelligence? Through marks in
the rote-testing-exams?? Application of your
Knowledge, Attitude, Skills and Habits to your
situations and opportunities is more important than
the percentage that appears on your marks sheet.
Marks have nothing to do with success in a person’s
life and career..
Rest assured, someday, something will
happen and I will be successful
Sure. Something will happen when you keep sitting
and do nothing. Success will come searching for you
and then stay with you. We all have seen this happen
in typical Hindi masala movies. Watch more of them!
Excellence in studies is sufficient
Studies are very important. Have you seen a bus that
moves on a single wheel? Education packaged well with
a good personality adds the real value. Work ahead.
CAREERMYTHS acronym is the Intellectual property of Rajiv Khurana
Window for action
loving professionals
#1 #13 April 1, 2013
English proficiency is low, can’t move
Think of careers that do not demand a very high
proficiency. English would remain the language of
business. Don’t complain later if your friends forge
ahead. What have you done about it so far? When do
you plan to start?
Remain glued to a career you pick
This could be true if you were talking about marriage.
Not careers! Studies reveal that every career matures
in a span of ten years. You can’t be spending the rest
of your life repeating that! Take charge. Add value.
Change your line. Be a bit adventurous. There are so
many careers now that were never visualized by
people of a different generation. Prepare for
My friends know the best and what they
do is always better
Peer pressure! Sure. This is not a matter of kids
alone. Even elders suffer from it throughout their
lives. Go ahead and live like that OR ask yourself a
simple question. If my friends influence me, why
can’t I influence my friends? You got it.
Yes, but I have problems
Well, well, well…the universe is not conspiring against
you. Everyone has a share of his problems. What do you
wish to be in life. A blamer. Becoming an aimer could be
a better option. Try it. Whatever you think of yourself.
You are always right.
CAREERMYTHS acronym is the Intellectual property of Rajiv Khurana
Window for action
loving professionals
#1 #13 April 1, 2013
To succeed, one should be lucky
Benjamin Franklin said, “Diligence is the mother of
good luck”. Frank Sinatra felt, “People often remark
that I'm pretty lucky. Luck is only important in so far
as getting the chance to sell yourself at the right
moment. After that, you've got to have talent and
know how to use it”. Check out your beliefs.
High contacts are needed to be really
Your contacts, even if you have them, can not hoist
you on the pinnacle of success. At best, they may put
you on the right path. You still have to forge ahead on
your own. If this myth was true, every actor’s,
politician’s or the sportsman’s kid would have been
equally successful as the parents would have the
right contacts at the right place.
Slow and steady wins the race
Life is not the fable of the hare and the turtle. By the
way, no one saw that race. Make them race today
and the hare would be the outright winner, always.
You don’t have the patience for a slow computer or a
slow cellphone! Why fool yourself with an old saying
that no one has ever tried and tested. This is a
different era. Here, the fastest and the steadiest
always wins the race. Always!!
CAREERMYTHS acronym is the Intellectual property of Rajiv Khurana
Window for action
loving professionals
Pics: Rajiv Khurana
#13 April 1, 2013
The Jallianwala Bagh Massacre
On April 13, 1919, while people were celebrating the festival of
Baisakhi, British-Indian Army soldiers, led by BrigadierGeneral Reginald Dyer, the military commander of Amritsar,
opened fire on an unarmed gathering of men, women and
children. The shooting lasted about ten minutes. According to
official British Raj sources, 379 people were killed. According to
other sources, there were over 1,000 deaths, with more than
2,000 wounded. The Civil Surgeon Dr. Smith indicated that
there were 1,526 casualties.
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loving professionals
#13 April 1, 2013
Time-less words…
Owing to ignorance of the rope the
rope appears to be a snake; owing to
ignorance of the Self the transient
state arises of the individualized,
limited, phenomenal aspect of the
Owing to ignorance of the rope the
rope appears to be a snake; owing to
ignorance of the Self the transient
state arises of the individualized,
limited, phenomenal aspect of the
That one plant should be sown and
another be produced cannot
happen; whatever seed is sown, a
plant of that kind even comes forth.
One cannot comprehend Him
through reason, even if one
reasoned for ages.
readers say
Yes and whY-not
to positive action
Guru Nanak Dev
Let no man in
the world live
in delusion.
Without a
Guru none
can cross over
to the other
Ymag is an
initiative of
a social enterprise
founded by Rajiv Khurana