15th Sunday in Ordinary Time — July 10, 2016
15th Sunday in Ordinary Time — July 10, 2016
15th Sunday in Ordinary Time — July 10, 2016 WELCOME Holy Spirit Mission Statement We, The Holy Spirit Catholic Family, celebrate the love of God in our communities by engaging in Evangelization, Worship and Stewardship Spirit Nite and Friday Adoration are on break for the summer. Both will resume in the fall. For Mass times while you are traveling, download MyParish App from Google Play or the iPhone store OR scan the QR code! Mark your calendars, August 3rd is the Men of Holy Spirit Blue Wahoos game night! The game is on a Wednesday night and starts at 6:30pm. Tickets are $11 and can be purchased and picked up from the parish office See you at the game! Home Blessing Ministry Father Tom would like to make it possible for every parishioner to have their home blessed with holy water, and is very happy to stop by at a time convenient for you. If you were unavailable when your name was listed, or if you are new to our parish, please call the office at (850) 492-0837, ext 202 and arrange a visit. READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Is 1:10-17; Ps 50:8-9, 16bc-17, 21, 23; Mt 10:34 -- 11:1 Tuesday: Is 7:1-9; Ps 48:2-8; Mt 11:20-24 Wednesday: Is 10:5-7, 13b-16; Ps 94:5-10, 14-15; Mt 11:25-27 Thursday: Is 26:7-9, 12, 16-19; Ps 102:13-14ab, 1521; Mt 11:28-30 Friday: Is 38:1-6, 21-22, 7-8; Is 38:10-12abcd, 16; Mt 12:1-8 Saturday: Mi 2:1-5; Ps 10:1-4, 7-8, 14; Mt 12:14-21 Sunday: Gen 18:1-10a; Ps 15:2-5; Col 1:24-28; Lk 10:38-42 Happening This Week at Holy Spirit Parish Sunday, July 10 CHOIR PRACTICE: 7:30-7:45am and 10:30—10:45am MASS TIMES: 8:00am and 11:00am Thursday, July 14 ROSARY: 7:45am located in the church. The Rosary is followed by Morning Prayer CHILDREN’S NURSERY: During the 8:00am & 11:00am Mass for infants to children up to age 4. MASS: 8:30am COFFEE & DONUTS: sponsored by the Parish Pastoral Council in the Family Life Center following the 8am Mass. If your group/family would like to sponsor this event, contact Cindy at (850) 492-9911 for dates. ALANON: 5:30pm in the Seton Building Monday, July 11 ROSARY: 7:45am located in the church. The Rosary is followed by Morning Prayer MASS: 8:30am immediately followed by the Miraculous Medal Novena BOY SCOUTS: Meet at 7pm in the Scout Building. For information, contact Mark Wenzel, 850-450-3850/ markw4028@gmail.com. Tuesday, July 12 UNLEASHED: Ladies Bible Study 9am in the Seton Bldg. BAPTISM CLASS: 7pm in the Macon Room. This is the required class to attend prior to having your child baptized. Please call the parish office at (850) 4920837, ext 202 to register. Classes with no registrants will be subject to cancellation. Friday, July 15 ROSARY: 7:45am located in the church. The Rosary is followed by Morning Prayer. MASS: 8:30am CONFESSION & HOLY HOUR: 9am Saturday, July 16 ROSARY: 7:45am located in the church. The Rosary is followed by Morning Prayer MEN OF HOLY SPIRIT: 8am in the Family Life Center MASS: 8:30am CHOIR PRACTICE: 5—5:15pm in the Church Wednesday, July 13 PRAYER SHAWL MINISTRY: 2pm at the home of Joyce Yaden. If you enjoy knitting or crocheting, please plan to join our group regardless of your skill level. For additional information, contact Joyce at (850) 4922518. EVENING PRAYER: 5:00pm located in the church. MASS: 5:15pm UNLEASHED: Ladies Bible Study 6:30pm in the Seton Building. CONFESSIONS: 4pm in the Church VIGIL MASS: 5:30pm Sunday, July 17 CHOIR PRACTICE: 7:30-7:45am and 10:30—10:45am MASS TIMES: 8:00am and 11:00am CHILDREN’S NURSERY: During the 8:00am & 11:00am Mass for infants to children up to age 4. COFFEE & DONUTS: sponsored by the Parish Pastoral Council in the Family Life Center following the 8am Mass. If your group/family would like to sponsor this event, contact Cindy at (850) 492-9911 for dates. The Catholic Church of The Holy Spirit 10650 Gulf Beach Highway Pensacola, FL 32507 VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL!!! July 25th—29th Dinner at 5:3opm Program 6:00—8:30pm Ages 4—11 years st Cost $25 for 1 Child, $15 for 2nd, $10 for 3rd or more (Scholarships available) Volunteer Opportunities Available! These positions are needed DURING VBS: Crew Leaders age 16 to adults (need at least 16) Asst Crew Leaders ages 12 to 15 (need 16) Registration Desk PreK Assistants (need at least 4) Photographer/AudioVisual/Computer Kitchen Team Registration is now open at www.holyspiritperdido.com Please contact Corina at (850) 492-0837, ext 217 MagnifiKid Subscription—Beginning in July 2016, we will no longer provide the MagnifiKid booklet each Sunday and Holy Day. If you wish to continue this subscription on an individual basis for your child, you can call Magnificat toll free at 866-273-5215 or order online at http://us.magnificat.net/home/magnifikid. A Holy Year Pilgrimage to Rome and Assisi with Msgr. Jim— Oct 29 - Nov 5, 2016 - $2,990.00 - 8 Days - Airfare included from anywhere in the U.S. Pilgrimage Brochures are available at St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church or by calling the church office at (850) 455-0356. Steps for Registration: 1. Call (855) 842-8001 or register online at www.proximotravel.com (use the “SEARCH” feature on the Home Page) with a credit card and pay your $500 deposit per person to save your spot. The $500 deposit is part of the total price of the trip, 2. A $1,000 Airfare Deposit (AD) per person is due one month from the registration. The AD is paid ONLY in the form of Check (personal, money order, or bank check), 3. The balance is due 4 months before the trip departure date. The balance is paid ONLY in the form of Check (personal, money order, or bank check). • Mail all checks and correspondence to: Proximo Travel PO Box 3479 Worcester, MA 01613 Parish Office Hours: Mon.—Fri. 8:30am—5:00pm Phone: (850) 492-0837 Fax: (850) 492-4968 Sacramental Emergency: (850) 585-3723 Society of St. Vincent DePaul: (850) 492-6550 St. Vincent DePaul Pickup: (850) 434-6615 office@hs.ptdiocese.org www.holyspiritperdido.com Weekend Mass schedule Saturday Vigil…………………….…………...5:30pm Sunday Mornings…………………....8:00 & 11:00am Daily Mass schedule Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday……..8:30am Wednesday……………………..……….........5:15pm Confessions Friday……………………………………..…..9:00am Saturday………………………………….……4:00pm Parish Office Contact Information Clergy Rev. Thomas S. Collins, ext 208 collinst@hs.ptdiocese.org Deacon Bob Gregerson, 850-530-0141 gregersonr@clergy.ptdiocese.org Music Director Mrs. Kathy Johansen, ext. 210 music@hs.ptdiocese.org Miss Valerie Remich, Cantor vremich@pensacolachs.org Faith Formation and Youth Ministry Corina Rozario, ext 217 dre@hs.ptdiocese.org Deacon Bob Gregerson, ext 211 youthminister@hs.ptdiocese.org Office/Bookkeeping Kathy Hoffman, ext 202 office@hs.ptdiocese.org Media Evangelization/Photographer Melissa De Valcourt, ext. 201 media@hs.ptdiocese.org Maintenance Mr. Kim Groh **Ministry schedules are available on the bulletin board in the narthex & the sacristy, online via our online scheduler and the Holy Spirit Website and paper copies can be found in the 2nd drawer of the cabinet closest to the sacristy. cÄxtáx ÑÜtç yÉÜM our sick members, relatives and friends: Saturday, July 9 Virginia Agbagala, Lois Averill, Peter Bombardieri, Jack Bundy, Muriel Cacibauda, Catherine Carnley, Joan Cassidy, Jeff Cepuran, Roger DeValcourt, Anne Ashcraft-Dunn, Janet Flynn, John Fulford, Victoria Gafford, Garrett Goodwin, Krista Greathouse, Dave Griffiths, Diane Greenberg, Margaret Hildebrand, Phil Hoz III, Jim Johnson, Leona Johnson, Kurt Kelly, Caridad Lazo, H. Mathews, Caryl Matrisciana, Joe & Eloise Maun, Milton McNease, Fred Mikill, Karen Nuce, Janet Patanjo, Geoff Pike, Walter Raley, Darrel Rapoza, Dale Riddick, Maria Robertson, Brandon Robinson, Scott Robinson, Charles Scales, Jean Singel, Harry Smith, Rudy & Lourdes Soriano, Bob Thomas, Ray Thomas, Ralph Travis, Elaine Verunac, Marcel Vigneault, James Wallace, Jeff Welch and Mary Welsh. 5:30pm– People of the Parish Sunday, July 10 8:00am— +Franklin Viernes 11:00am— +John Olivo Monday, July 11 8:30am– +”Bob” Robert Dixon Tuesday, July 12 8:30am—+Ross Franklin Wednesday, July 13 5:15pm—+Clovis Bradberry Thursday, July 14 8:30am —Birthday of Corrie Hagan Friday, July 15 8:30am— +Bert & Alice Labrillazo The sanctuary lamp is lit for the month of July for the intentions of Bob Nail Please pray for the safety of all our Military personnel and First Responders. Daniel Calma & Josh Timo fàxãtÜwá{|Ñ Éy gÜxtáâÜxM 7/4/2016 Becoming Catholic: Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults $11,166.38 Online Giving 1,755.00 Peter’s Pence 1,321.00 Thank you for your generous support of our Holy Father’s charitable works through the Peter’s Pence Collection. Our contributions will be combined with those from our brothers and sisters around the world to help Pope Francis provide essential relief to people in need. Your generosity is an act of solidarity with the universal Church, answering the call to become a witness of charity. May God bless you. Are you new to the parish? If you are new to our parish, or if you are a winter visitor, and have not registered yet, please take a moment to see one of our Welcome Ministers at the desk in the narthex after Mass or call our office at 850-492-0837 OR register online at www.holyspiritperdido.com and click “Visitors”. We would also like to make it possible for you to have your home blessed. Simply call the parish office to schedule a convenient time for Father Tom to bless your home and welcome you to our parish community! Are you or someone you know interested in learning more about the Catholic Faith? Are you a member of another Christian faith who is seeking to join the Catholic Church? Are you a baptized Catholic who never received any religious instruction and have not received First Communion or been confirmed? Do you have younger children who you would want to be fully initiated into the Church? The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults is the process of study, exploration, and faith formation for you. It is usually referred to by its initials: RCIA. The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults is a process of initiation into the Catholic Community of Faith. It is a process which enables the study of the Gospels, Catholic teaching, Christian values, and the development and deepening of a life of prayer and action with the support and involvement of the parish community. It is about the everyday conversion that all disciples of Christ are called to experience. If you would like more information about this program, or have questions about becoming Catholic, please call the parish office at (850) 492-0837, ext. 202 or 208 to schedule an appointment to meet with Father Tom. High School Youth Ministry and Faith Formation Our High School Youth Ministry uses the LifeTeen model. We meet on Sunday evenings during the school year from 7:00-8:30pm in the Family Life Center. For information, contact Deacon Bob. B.O.B. is Back!—We will NOT meet this Sunday, July 10th due to the LifeTeen Steubenville Atlanta weekend. We will resume on Sunday, July 17th. All you need to have the best summer ever is a Bible and a completed permission form (beach chair, towel and sunscreen recommended). Permissions forms and directions are available from Deacon Bob at 850-530-0141. Be sure to “LIKE” our Facebook page "Perdido Prep"! Middle School Youth Ministry and Faith Formation Our Middle School Faith Formation uses the EDGE curriculum and meets Sundays during the school year from 9:15—10:45am in the Macon Room. For information on our Middle School Ministry, contact Deacon Bob at (850) 492-0837, ext 211. Education and formation is provided to parents preparing to have their child (under the age of 7) Baptized. Classes are held monthly in the Macon Room (located on the east side of the parish office). Parents should register for class in advance by calling the parish office at (850) 492-0837, ext. 202. Upcoming dates are Thursday, July 14th at 7pm or Sunday, August 14th at 1pm. Attendance at a class is required prior to scheduling the Baptism. Classes with no registrants will be subject to cancellation. Minister Search—Recently, due to relocation, health, and a host of other reasons, many of our ministers have had to retire from their service. We are currently in need of Lectors, Greeters, Welcome Desk members, Sacristans and Altar Servers at all Masses, but especially for the Vigil Mass (Saturday 5:30pm) and our Sunday 11am Mass. If you would like information on how you can serve your parish, please contact the office at (850) 492-0837, ext. 202. Training is provided! You already have the skills. Young Adults World Youth Day Gathering—Save the date of July 30th to gather with young adults from across the diocese to celebrate World Youth Day. We will gather at Holy Name of Jesus Parish in Niceville, FL for talks, small groups, Holy Hour, Mass and connect with World Youth Day in Poland. Watch for on-line registration at www.ptdiocese.org RCIA Workshop—for those in the diocese who would like to be part of the parish RCIA team will be held Saturday, August 6th from 9am until 2:30pm at St. Joseph the Worker parish in Chipley, FL. Contact the parish office at 850-492-0837, ext 202. The Book Club read for July is The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry by Rachel Joyce. A novel of charm, humor, and profound insight into the thoughts and feelings we all bury deep within our hearts, The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry introduces Rachel Joyce as a wise—and utterly irresistible—storyteller. We will meet for lunch and discussion at Luna’s Eat & Drink Restaurant, 25753 Canal Rd, Orange Beach, AL on Monday, July 18th at 11:30am. If you would like directions or to carpool, contact Kathy Williams at (850) 221-6837. Mobile Food Pantry –To help meet the diocesan goal of increasing our outreach to the poor, our parish is participating in the Perdido Bay Coalition of Churches Mobile Food Pantry, which distributes food locally to those in need. Our next distribution will be held on Friday, July 15th at Pleasant Grove Baptist Church. For information on how you can help, contact Regent Ducas at (850) 332-5778. Men of Holy Spirit—meet the third Saturday of each month from 8—10am in the Family Life Center. Our next meeting is on July 16th. All men are Who? Me? Teach? - We are currently seeking cate- welcome to join us! Contact Donnie (850) 776-8207. chist volunteers to spread the Good News and inspire the faith of children. If you have ever thought about The Diocese of Pensacola-Tallahassee is committed teaching Faith Formation, but were concerned that to healing the hurting hearts of sexual abuse victims and you might not have the qualifications, please take a has established Victims Assistance Coordinators who are moment to find out more. The curriculum and training experienced and trained counselors and are available to are provided! Contact Corina at (850) 492-0837, ext help persons who have been sexually abused. The Coordinator for the Pensacola/Ft. Walton Area is 217 to set up a time to meet and discuss the opportu- Dr. Louis M. Makarowski PhD., P.A. He may be reached nities of this ministry. at 850-477-7181. 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