HURRY! - Blessed Sacrament Cathedral
BLESSED SACRAMENT CATHEDRAL Mother Church and Parish of the Diocese of Greensburg The Third Sunday in Ordinary Time Coat of Arms of The Most Reverend January 24, 2016 Edward C. Malesic, J.C.L. Bishop of Greensburg VALENTINE’S DINNER - DANCE t Grea d Foo FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 2016 7:00 PM—11:00 PM HOSE COMPANY NUMBER ONE MCLAUGHLIN DRIVE, GREENSBURG, PA TICKETS: $18.00 PER PERSON NO TICKETS WILL BE SOLD AT THE DOOR ENJOY A SPEND THE DELICIOUS LENTEN Coat of Arms of The Most Reverend Edward C. Malesic, J..C..L. Bishop of Greensburg MU SI C BUFFET GREAT DESSERTS SOFT DRINKS, BEER OR BYOB! GREAT MUSIC AND DANCING! EVENING WITH GOOD FRIENDS AND ENJOY THE EVENING TOGETHER. GO AS A GROUP AND RESERVE A TABLE TODAY! DANCIN G HURRY! THE LAST DAY TO PURCHASE TICKETS IS MONDAY, FEBRUARY 8 IN THE PARISH OFFICE Sundays Readings for 1-24-2016 WEEKLY MASS SCHEDULE Nehemiah 8:2-4a, 5-6, 8-10 Saturday, January 23, 2016 Weekday 8:00 AM Jack Robertshaw (Pospisil) 11:00 AM Sacrament of Reconciliation 5:30 PM For the Living and Deceased Members of the Blessed Sacrament Cathedral Parish Ezra and Nehemiah return the law of the Lord to the people once more. Psalm 19:8, 9, 10, 15 Sunday, January 24, 2016 Third Sunday in Ordinary Time 7:00 AM Deceased Members of the Thomas Mikan Family (Catherine Mikan Bisignani) 9:00 AM Ross and Betty Mauro (The McCaffrey Family) 11:30 AM Thomas J. Jachimowicz (Patty – Wife) 7:00 PM Sara Gradisek (David Bazzo) Monday, January 25, 2016 The Conversion of Saint Paul the Apostle 12:10 PM Dorothy and Robert Heiler (Helen Thompson Tuesday, January 26, 2016 Saints Timothy and Titus, Bishops 12:10 PM Jack Robertshaw (Mark Sorice) Sunday, January 31, 2016 Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time 7:00 AM For the Living and Deceased Members of the Blessed Sacrament Cathedral Parish 9:00 AM Mary Manning (Husband) 11:30 AM Gene Bothel (Carol Bothel - Wife) 7:00 PM Rose Vaira (Tony Achtyl) Paul describes the excellent unity and variety that is the church of Christ. Luke 1:1-4; 4:14-21 Jesus fulfills prophecy in front of an unsympathetic audience in Nazareth. Diocesan Mission Cooperation Appeal On the weekend of January 30 & 31, the parish is participating in the annual Diocesan Mission Cooperation Appeal. We welcome Dr. Richard A. Gosser and his wife Daneen of the “Rich in Mercy Institute” (RIM) to our parish. Thursday, January 28, 2016 Saint Thomas Aquinas, Priest and Doctor of the Church 12:10 PM Living and Deceased Members of the Cobetto Family (Cobetto) 1:30 PM Aquinas Academy St. Thomas Aquinas Mass Saturday, January 30, 2016 Weekday 8:00 AM Tom “TJ” Adams (Szymkowiak) 11:00 AM Sacrament of Reconciliation 5:30 PM Fred Petrosky (Curt Petrosky) 1 Corinthians 12:12-30 Sister) Wednesday, January 27, 2016 Weekday 12:10 PM John and Anna Krzysiak (Family) Friday, January 29, 2016 Weekday 12:10 PM Rosemary Schimizzi (Schimizzi Family) God’s words and decrees, precepts and commands, laws and ordinances: all perfect. Richard and Daneen are lay members of the missionary Congregation of the Holy Spirit or “Spiritans”. Rich in Mercy is a non-profit organization that promotes “global solidarity with the poor for a more just and sustainable world” primarity in Haiti that country most often referred to as “the poorest country in our hemisphere”. Rich in Mercy works “hand in hand” with diocesan and religious Church communities in Haiti to support initiatives around education, environmental restoration, public health, livelihood training and access to clean water and adequate nutrition. Various outreach activities of the Institute – such as “reserve mission pilgrimages” lectures, slide presentations, seminars and publications - promote global solidarity and serve to educate US audiences for social justice and environmental sustainability. Additional information is available at the Rich in Mercy (RIM) website: Your prayers and generous financial support for the Church's missionary activity are much needed and greatly appreciated. In Sympathy Keeping in our prayers and trusting that God will bring to their families comfort in the days ahead, we commend to your prayers the souls of Dr. Joseph M. Kettering and Lawrence Smith Know that the Lord has welcomed our loved ones into the home of Heaven. Our parish community extends its deepest sympathies to their families and relatives on their loss. In acknowledging the Real Presence of Christ, the Tabernacle Candle will burn from January 23 through January 29 in loving memory of Kathleen Mehalic requested by Irene Stauffer and Family. Weekly Parish Finances: January 17, 2016 In order to meet our budgetary needs, Blessed Sacrament Cathedral requires an average of $18,000 per week in the regular offertory collection.. Sunday Offertory Other Income Catholic Accent $14,927.00 $171.00 $1,7014.00 Families receiving envelopes Envelopes used this week Parishioners using Online Giving 1, 634 388 62 Thank you for your continued support to your parish! World Youth Day 2016 Youth and Young Adults in grades 8 through college seniors are invited to celebrate World Youth Day 2016 – Stateside! This event will correspond with the World Youth Day vigil and concluding Eucharistic celebration presided over by Pope Francis on July 30-31 in Krakow, Poland. Joined by technology to this event and supported by opportunities for prayer, fellowship, and the sacraments of Penance and Holy Eucharist, youth and young adults will be able to catch the spirit of World Youth Day. Scheduled performers include Jackie Francois, Ceili Rain, and many more. The Diocese of Greensburg Office for Evangelization and Faith Formation will be sponsoring a pilgrimage to WYD Stateside which is occurring at Lancaster Catholic High School and the Clipper Magazine Stadium in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. Bishop Edward Malesic will be the celebrant at the closing Mass. Please visit for more information or to register. Regional Bible Study will begin soon! Starting on February 17, 2016 Deacon Bill Hisker will be conducting a Bible Study Program for the parishes in the Greensburg regional area. The Bible study will meet on Wednesday mornings from 9:00 AM to 10:30 AM and repeat on Wednesday Evenings from 7:00 to 8:30 PM. The program assumes no previous training and is open to all who are interested in how God’s word impacts their journey of faith. All meetings will be at Blessed Sacrament Cathedral. We will be examining the second half of the Gospel of John. The sessions are designed such that people can attend as many or as few of the sessions as their schedules permit. Those who are interested can begin even if they are not present for the first session or must miss a Session. The dates for the spring session are: February 17, February 24 , March 9, March 16 , April 13 and April 20 . Tax Information The year end tax letter for 2015 will be mailed out by the end of January to each parishioner. Please check your mail for this important document. Break the Chains A Forum about Human Trafficking A panel discussion and prayer time in honor of the International Day of Prayer and Awareness against Human Trafficking. Hear local FBI law enforcement and local government representatives, Father Killian Loch of Campus Ministry Director at St. Vincent College and other experts address the impact and dangers of human trafficking in our area. All are welcome to attend! Join us Saturday, February 6, 2016 at Blessed Sacrament Cathedral in the social hall. Session is from 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM For more information and registration contact Raissa Federline at The liturgical schedulers will soon be preparing the March & April liturgical schedules. If there are times when you know you will not be available during those months please let Julie know by February 8. You can call the parish office or email Remember for Triduum and Easter Sunday, sign up sheets will be in the sacristy for you to select the Masses you would be to serving. Thank you for your continued support to your parish! A Special “thank - you” from St. Vincent de Paul The members of the St. Vincent de Paul Society from Blessed Sacrament Cathedral would like to thank everyone for all the coat donations from our recent coat drive. The St. Vincent de Paul store was in desperate need of men and boys coats. We collected 47 coats for men, women and children, some new and some gently used. If you missed our drive and you have some coats to donate, please feel free to drop them off at the St. Vincent de Paul store on Main Street in Greensburg. Thank you once again for your continued support! Lenten Stations of the Cross Please consider signing up to assist with the Stations of the Cross during Lent. You can call the parish office and sign up individually or as a group to help. Stations of the Cross are said every Friday during Lent except Good Friday and begins at 5:30 PM. Whether you are volunteering to read, carry the Crucifix or a candle to each station, your support in both time and prayer is always appreciated. If you are interested in helping, call Julie in the parish office at 724-834-3710 or email Anyone or any group are welcomed to sign up. “Extending your hand is extending yourself” Cemetery Announcement Upcoming Events at BSC Sunday, January 24, 2016 10:10 AM Faith Formation Classes Monday, January 25, 2016 6:15 PM Discovering Christ [Social Hall] Tuesday, January 26, 2016 6:00 PM Coping with Loss [FC-EAS] Wednesday, January 27, 2016 1:30 PM Aquinas Academy Mass 7:00 PM Cathedral Choir Rehearsal [Church] If you wish to retain your Christmas decorations from your loved ones graves, please remove your Christmas decorations by February 15. Anything left in the cemetery past February 15 will be discarded by cemetery staff. Thank you for your cooperation. Thursday, January 28, 2016 6:00 PM Boy scout Pack 414 Meeting and Derby set-up [Social Hall] Saturday, January 30, 2016 8:00 AM Boy Scout Pack 414 Pinewood Derby [Social Hall] Around our Neighborhood The Greensburg Chapter of Magnificat A Ministry to Catholic Women is holding a Breakfast at the Ramada Hotel and Convention Center, Rt. 30 East, Greensburg on Saturday, January 30 from 9:00 AM – 12:00 NN. The guest speaker will be Fr. Boniface Hicks, OSB, who will tell of his personal faith journey from atheist to priest. Cost is $20.00, student rate $15.00. To register, please call Brenda by Jan. 22 at 724-836-2094 or visit to download a registration form. Please note that there is no Prices: Adults: $7.00 Child: 6 to 12 Years - $4.00 and Children under 6 - free. Saint James Winter Breakfast, Bake Sale and Homemade Quilt, Quilt Holder, Lottery Tickets Raffle on Sunday, January 31 at 9:00 AM until Noon, Saint James Social Hall, New Alexandria. Menu: Ham, Sausage, Pancakes, Eggs, Potatoes, Juice, Coffee, Tea, Milk. Prices: Adults: $7.00 Child: 6 to 12 Years - $4.00 and Children under 6 - free. Indoor Flea Market! Our Lady of Grace Church, Saturday, April 30. Time: 7 AM -1 PM. Two floors—over 90 tables. One for $15 or two for $25. Call to reserve: Virginia at 724-454-8233 (after 5 PM or weekends.) Refreshments and bake goods will be sold. Family Planning CM-BBT is a medically based, scientifically researched and highly effective NFP method that can be used with no harmful side effects to avoid, postpone, plan or achieve pregnancy. The next Natural Family Planning CM-BBT Method session Is scheduled for Monday, February 1, 2016 beginning at 6 PM at the Catholic Charities office in Greensburg. Participants are required to attend only ONE session. Please call at least one week prior to instruction date to PRE- register. Contact Mary Ann Newhouse at Catholic Charities at 724-837-1840, ext. 1658. Purchase your Valentine Diner—Dance Tickets in the Parish Office this week! Only $18.00per ticket for a fun evening out! Altar Servers needed for 2016 Weddings If you are an active altar server and would like to make some extra money on the weekends, contact Julie by calling the parish office at 724-834-3710 or email to be placed on the 2016 wedding servers contact list. You will then be scheduled for upcoming weddings based on your availability. You can earn $20.00 per wedding and that can quickly add up! Call today to get your name on the list as scheduling will begin soon. Abba or Allah (Apologetics CD) In this informative talk, Dr. Scott Hahn explores some of the most important beliefs that distinguish Christianity from Islam. He explains that while both religions trace themselves back to Abraham, the differences, including our understanding of God as Father, are not insignificant. With charity, balance, and candor, Dr. Hahn shows us how Islam presents the most formidable challenge to Christianity in the Third millennium. "An amazing explanation of Islam and Christianity!" Cheryl - Vernon, NJ "It was a respectful and clear presentation of the challenges that exist between our beliefs as Catholics and the beliefs of Muslims." Thomas, FL "I just wish it was longer. I was left wanting to "turn over" the CD to hear the second half. " Marcus, CO Parish Resources The Reverend Monsignor Raymond E. Riffle Rector ext.12; The Reverend Matthew J. Morelli Parochial Vicar ext.25; The Reverend Mr. William J. Hisker Permanent Deacon ext. 27; Katie Zuzik Pastoral Associate ext. 11; Kathi Probo Director of Faith Formation ext. 35; Sara Thomas Faith Formation; pre-school/ primary Contact the Parish Office or Christopher Pardini Director of Liturgy and Music ext. 21; Linda DeFrancesco Financial Secretary ext.23; Julie Stauffer Receptionist ext. 10; Cindy Cope Coordinator of Cemetery Services ext. 16; Liturgical Schedule (subject to change) Sacrament of Reconciliation Every Saturday at 11 AM till completed, or any time by appointment. Daily Rosary Monday - Friday 11:30 AM Daily Mass Monday - Friday 12:10 PM Saturday 8:00 AM Saturday Vigil 5:30 PM Sunday 7:00 AM, 9:00 AM, 11:30 AM, & 7:00 PM Holy Day Vigil Mass 5:30 PM Parish Office Monday-Friday 9:00 AM - 4:30 PM Phone (724) 834-3710 Fax (724) 834-1518 Aquinas Academy Phone (724) 834-7940 Greensburg Catholic Cemetery Office Hours (Business office location is at the Blessed Sacrament Parish Office) Monday-Friday 8:00 AM—4:00 PM Phone (724) 836-4384 Baptisms By appointment only. Please call Kathi Probo in the Parish Office or email Kathi at least three months in advance of the Baptism. A class for parents is required to reflect on the meaning of the sacrament, to review the ceremony, and to highlight the importance of the family’s commitment to practicing the Catholic Faith. Sponsorship Forms Forms for our parish members to serve as sponsors for Baptism and Confirmation must be filled out in person at the Parish Office. To serve as a sponsor, you must be at least 16 years old and a practicing Catholic who has received Baptism, Confirmation, and Holy Eucharist. If you are married, it must be within the guidelines of the Catholic Church. Please call the Parish Office to make an appointment to fill out the form. Weddings Please call Kathi Probo in the Parish Office or email at least six months in advance. Do not set a date until you have contacted the Office of Faith Formation. Pre-marriage prep. classes are required. Contact the Office of Faith Formation for more information on classes. Website Parish Pastoral Council Online Giving: Andy Benedict John Mickinack Paul Niemiec David Koynok, Maintenance ext. 24; Jan Brubaker, Custodian Contact the Parish Office; Becoming a Member of Blessed Sacrament Cathedral Welcome! It is a great joy to welcome new members to our parish community. Please register as soon as possible in order to participate in our various programs, ministries and activities. Just drop this form in the collection basket and we will send you a detailed registration form. If you are already a member and have changed any of your personal information (address, phone number, name, etc.) please call the Parish Office or return the changes on the form below. It is important that we keep our parishioner records up-to-date. Blessed Sacrament Cathedral Membership Request / Change Name:___________________________________________________________________ Address: ________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ Contact Number: __________________________________________________________ ___New Registration ___Change Address/Phone ___Moving Please drop this form in the collection basket. David Fidazzo Mark Winwood Katie Zuzik Finance Council John Kline Judy Komarinski David Myron Ed Nemanic Nancy Rottler Nazzi Zola Ministry of Care Prayer Chain JoAnne Hudock 724-834-1718 Callers Ruth McDonald 724-836-0588 Meals Bobbie Skergan 724-836-4721 SVdP Membership Betty Rua: 724-454-7107 SVdP Food Pantry 724-836-0175
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