August 7, 2016 - Blessed Sacrament Cathedral


August 7, 2016 - Blessed Sacrament Cathedral
Mother Church and Parish of the Diocese of Greensburg
The Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
August 7, 2016
The Assumption of the
Blessed Virgin Mary
Monday, August 15, 2016
Coat of Arms of
The Most Reverend
Edward C. Malesic, J.C.L.
Bishop of Greensburg
August 10
is fast approaching!
In the United States and other
countries, the bishops have
received permission from the
Vatican to abrogate (temporarily
waive) the requirement for
Catholics to attend Mass on
certain Holy Days of Obligation,
when those Holy Days fall on
either Saturday or Monday. The Assumption of the
Blessed Virgin Mary is a Holy Day of Obligation.
However, when it falls on a Saturday or a Monday, the
obligation to attend Mass is abrogated. Although it is
not a Holy Day of Obligation this year, you are invited
to attend the daily 12:10 PM Mass.
Those who prepare the Liturgical schedules will soon be
preparing the September and October schedules. If there
are times when you or your children will not be available
to serve during these months please contact Julie by:
Call the Parish Office at 724-834-3710, or email Thank you for your
continued support to your ministry!
August 27 & 28 is Faith Formation Sign up Weekend.
Registration forms will be distributed in the Church and Social Hall.
Registration forms. Will NOT be mailed out to parishioners.
Forms can be picked up in the Church or Social Hall
the weekend of August 27 – 28
or by calling Kathi Probo in the parish office
at 724-834-3710 ext. 35.
September 18 is Catechetical Sunday.
Faith Formation Classes begin!
Please join us to pray the rosary
in the Church prior to the
12:10 PM Mass
Monday - Friday beginning at 11:30 AM
Liturgical Schedule (subject to change)
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Every Saturday at 11 AM till completed,
or any time by appointment.
Daily Rosary
Monday - Friday 11:30 AM
Daily Mass Schedule
Monday - Friday 12:10 PM and Saturday: 8:00 AM
Check out the Online Giving website
Weekend Mass Schedule
Saturday Vigil: 5:30 PM
Sunday: 7:00 AM, 9:00 AM, 11:30 AM, 7:00 PM
Holy Day Vigil Mass 5:30 PM
Parish Office Hours
9:00 AM - 4:30 PM
Phone (724) 834-3710
Fax (724) 834-1518
Greensburg Catholic Cemetery Office Hours
Monday-Friday 8:00 AM—4:00 PM
Phone (724) 836-4384
Aquinas Academy
Phone (724) 834-7940
Online Giving:
Readings for 8-7-16
Wisdom 18:6-9 The holy children of the good are prepared for the
day of their liberation.
Psalm 33:1, 12, 18-19, 20-22 God's eyes are on us. Are our eyes
focused on God?
Hebrews 11:1-2, 8-19 Abraham and Sarah trusted in God, and
miracles were manifest to them.
Luke 12:32-48 A reckoning is coming. Some will be ready, others
will be surprised.
just five
a day,
and your
faith will
a day
at a
Appreciate your Freedoms
The Founding Fathers of the United States thought
freedom of religion and the press were so important they
put them at the top of the Bill of Rights - they are
included, together, in the First Amendment. Many
countries haven’t had these same freedoms, including
Cuba. When, in 1960, the Cuban Catholic Church
condemned the rise of communism, Fidel Castro banned
all religious media. Thankfully today the church in Cuba
has greater freedom, but there is still no religious media
there. You are able to enjoy vibrant religious media that
informs and enriches your life and faith. Take advantage
of the print, digital, and broadcast offerings available to
Sanctuary Candle
In acknowledging the Real Presence of Christ,
the Tabernacle Candle will burn from
August 6 through August 12 in loving memory of
Donald P. McMahon
requested by Dolores Bailey
In Sympathy
Saturday, August 6, 2016
The Transfiguration of the Lord
8:00 AM Mary Jane Carr (Carr Family)
11:00 AM Sacrament of Reconciliation
5:30 PM
Gail Facchine Forbes (Joan Myers - Sister)
Sunday, August 7, 2016
The Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
7:00 AM
9:00 AM
11:30 AM
1:00 PM
7:00 PM
Deceased Members of the Slaipoh Nickoloff Families (George Nickoloff)
Sondria Shaw Gordon (Paula Korber)
For the Living and Deceased Members of
the Blessed Sacrament Cathedral
Ellen Greiner (Greiner Family)
Monday, August 8 2016
Saint Domenic, Priest
12:10 PM
Jack Robertshaw (Jim and Becky Pospisil)
Tuesday, August 9, 2016
12:10 PM
Deceased Members of the Kobil - Stauffer
Families (Stauffer)
Wednesday, August 10, 2016
Saint Lawrence, Deacon and Martyr
12:10 PM
Clara Franceschini (Mary Kay and Family)
Thursday, August 11, 2016
Saint Clare, Virgin
12:10 PM
Hilda and John Martino (John and Blanche
Friday, August 12, 2016
12:10 PM
Jack Simon (Mary Kay - Wife)
Saturday, August 13, 2016
8:00 AM
Keeping in our prayers and trusting that God
will bring to their families comfort in the days ahead,
we commend to your prayer the souls of
James Robert Ranier (Nannette and Mario
11:00 AM Sacrament of Reconciliation
2:00 PM Horvath - Manns Wedding
5:30 PM Donald Milchak (Mary Jean - Wife)
Edgar Joseph Wertz Jr. and Jo Ann Iannuzzo
Sunday, August 14, 2016
Know that the Lord has welcomed our loved ones into the home of
Heaven. Our parish community extends its deepest sympathies to
their families and relatives on their loss.
The Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time
7:00 AM
9:00 AM
Coping with Loss
Blessed Sacrament Cathedral offers a grief support
program that meets the second and fourth Tuesday of
each month from 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM in the Cathedral
Formation Center. This support program is an opportunity
for those in their sorrow to join others for mutual support
in grief. Please call Katie Zuzik in the Cathedral Parish Office at
724-834-3710 for more information.
11:30 AM
7:00 PM
Nancy Lee Bauer (Roy - Husband and Evie
John and Rita Vaccaro (Tish Bisignani Daughter)
Baptism during Mass
For the Living and Deceased Members of
the Blessed Sacrament Cathedral
BJ and Rose Vaira (Barbara George)
A bird sitting on a tree is never afraid
of the branch breaking,
because its trust is not in the branch,
but in its own wings.
Parish Support, July 31, 2016
BSC ChristLife Reunion and Potluck Dinner
In order to meet our budgetary needs, Blessed Sacrament
Cathedral requires an average of $18,000 per week in the
regular offertory collection.
August 15, 2016 from 6:15 PM - 9:00 PM
Sunday Offertory
Other Income
Mission Cooperative
2, 290.00
Families receiving envelopes
Envelopes used this week
Parishioners using Online Giving
Thank you for your generosity and support of
Blessed Sacrament Cathedral Parish!
Check out the
Online Giving website
St. Anne Home Calendar Sale
Lottery calendars benefitting St. Anne Home
will be sold in the vestibule of the Church after
all Masses except 7 PM on September 3 and 4.
The cost is $25.00 per calendar with 365 days
to win! Your generosity has made this fundraiser successful
in the past, and we hope you will support St. Anne Home
again this year. God Bless you!
Pathways 2016-2017
God calls, invites, encourages and helps us move forward in
the life of Christian discipleship. Ignite your imagination
about what it means to be known by our Christ-likeness as
we follow Jesus who is “the Way.” Join us for Pathways and
discover how together we are called and gifted by God for
others. Our host sites are St. Edward Church, Herminie on
Wednesday evenings and Christ the King Church, Leechburg
on Thursday evenings. Brochures are available. For more
information or to register online, visit us at
ddf0ak or contact the Office for Lay Ecclesial Ministry,
724-552-2598; path
Financial assistance from the Francis Fund is available.
Westmoreland Manor Volunteers Needed!
Volunteers of all ages are invited to assist at Westmoreland
Manor in gathering to / from the 10:30 AM Mass, on the
premises. We will meet in the lobby at 9:00 AM and will
finish around 12:00 Noon. We hope to see you there!
Blessed Sacrament Cathedral is assigned to assist on the
following Sundays:
August 21, 2016
October 2, 2016
November 1, 2016 (All Saint’s Day, Tuesday at 2PM)
and December 25, 2016
Join us to catch up and celebrate our successful ChristLife
sessions! The ChristLife Leadership Team invites anyone who
participated in any part of ChristLife - Discovering Christ,
Following Christ, and/or Sharing Christ - to attend this fun
reunion! Our night will begin upstairs in the Church for
Evening Prayer at 6:15 PM. Dinner will be served downstairs
afterwards at 6:30 PM. We will provide the main course, but
please plan on bringing a side or dessert to share!
Last Name A - L: bring a side dish or salad
Last Name M- Z: bring a dessert
Please RSVP to Katie in the Parish Office by August 10. Call
724-834-3710 or email:
We have been experiencing a shortage of altar servers
to cover the weekend liturgies especially now that some of
our students have graduated and moved on.
We will soon be preparing training sessions for ADULT
SERVERS, and youth servers. Please consider helping at
the liturgies you attend. As you may have noticed, at some
Masses, those who are currently serving are on the schedule
Additionally, you may have been contemplating the desire to
be a reader or Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion,
now is a great time to follow through.
Please take some time to think about... and pray about…
entering into one of these ministries. If you have any
questions or are interested in serving, please call Julie in the
parish office at 724‑834‑3710 or send an email to:
Training sessions dates, and clearance information will soon
be in the bulletin so call the office and be added to the list,
it would be a pleasure to have you join this ministry!
Natural Family Planning Instruction
CM-BBT is a medically based, scientifically researched and
highly effective NFP method that can be used with no harmful
side effects to avoid, postpone, plan or achieve pregnancy.
The next Natural Family Planning CM-BBT Method
beginning at 10 AM at the Catholic Charities office. Participants
are required to attend only ONE session. The instruction,
continued support and follow-up are provided by a medically
certified CM-BBT Professional. Please call at least one week
prior to instruction date to PRE- register. Contact Mary Ann
Newhouse at Catholic Charities at 724-837-1840, ext. 1658 for
additional information or to register for this or an upcoming
class. For more information about Natural Family Planning and
the CM-BBT Method, visit and
link into Natural Family Planning under “Services”.
The Bereavement Support
Group at Saint Vincent
Parish will meet on Monday,
August 15 from 7:00 to
8:30 PM in the Parish Center
Conference Room. Anyone
experiencing the loss of a
loved one is invited to
attend. Contact Teri
Pomerleau at 724-539-8629.
ext 15.
The Catholic Charities
Annual Paul R. Smiy Memorial
Golf Outing is Monday, August
22 at Ligonier Country Club.
For information contact
Heather Rady at 724-837-1840
or register online go to
from 7 - 9 PM in the parish
center conference room. The
$20 registration fee covers a
“Personal Survival Guide”,
refreshments and materials.
Find comfort in counsel
consistent with Catholic
teaching and in sharing with
others who are going through
similar circumstances.
Registration will be accepted
through Monday, August
29. For more information or to
register, contact Teri
Pomerleau: (724) 539-8629,
ext. 15.
St. Andrew Discernment
Dinner. Explore a vocation to
the Priesthood by joining
Bishop Malesic for an evening
of fellowship, a meal and a
Saint Vincent Parish in
chance to hear his journey to
Latrobe will hold a divorce
priesthood. The St. Andrew
support group using The
Dinner is open to all young,
Catholic’s DIVORCE
SURVIVAL Guide, featuring 30 single, Catholic men, high
minute DVD showings followed school-aged or older. There is
one more opportunity to
by group discussions with
fellow participants covering the attend on September 3 at
St. Rita Church in
topics of shock, denial, anger,
Connellsville. For more
grief, guilt, forgiveness, the
information or to rsvp call
kids, annulment, dating and
much more. The 12 weekly
sessions will be Tuesdays from
September 13-December 6
(includes a break on the
Tuesday before Thanksgiving)
If you or someone you know from our
parish is homebound and would like
communion brought to their home,
please contact Katie Zuzik in the
parish office at 724-834-3710 ext. 11.
A Holy Dwelling Place is a full color, hard cover book that
is available for purchase at $33.39. The book traces the
history of the Catholic community in Greensburg from the
late 1700s to the establishment of Most Holy Sacrament
Parish in 1847, to the construction of the current church in
the 1920’s. The renovations following the Second Vatican
Council and the restoration project which began in 2010 are
discussed in detail, and the book features photos and
descriptions of the Cathedral’s many stained glass windows
along with explanations of the recent restorations.
In addition to the books, resin replicas of Blessed Sacrament
Cathedral are also available for purchase at $20 each. Both
the book and the resin replicas can be purchased in the
parish office. Both items make great gift ideas especially
during the Year of Mercy.
Padre Pio - Booklet- $2 Saint Booklet)
Canonized on the 16th June 2002, Saint Pio of
Pietrelcina, better known as Padre Pio, had
already become one of the saints whose
intercession is most called upon, often with
amazing effect. Padre Pio received the stigmata,
worked many miracles and is said to have often
bilocated. Yet as Jim Gallagher beautifully recounts, it was for
his holiness as a priest and selfless ministry in the
confessional that Padre Pio will ever be remembered among
the saints.
The Call to Evangelise ($2 Evangelization Booklet)
Are you prepared to evangelise, to
communicate the gospel to others? Amid the
numerous urgent calls today to do so, many
may find themselves unable to 'move towards
others' with a genuine experience of God's
forgiveness, mercy and joy. This text's proposal for true
intimacy with the person of Jesus is both highly instructive
and encouraging. To be genuine witnesses, disciples in
today's fractured and wounded world must make space for
contemplative prayer and for a tangible, living and personal
relationship with the Lord. Fr. Anthony Doe is a priest of the
Archdiocese of Westminster. He is a qualified psychotherapist
who exercises his priestly ministry as a therapist and spiritual
director. He also gives retreats and spiritual conferences.
Jesus in You Book ($4 Spiritual Growth Book)
Most people believe that there's something
special about our “hearts.” Not just the
physical organ, but something more. Most
people understand that there's something
“inside us” that goes beyond the physical
realm and into the spiritual. There's
something inside us that could be described
as a “sacred place within,” or, more
appropriately, a “sacred presence within.” With this in mind,
we are forced to ask, “Who or what is this sacred presence,
and does it exist in everyone regardless of race, culture, or
even religious beliefs?”
In Jesus in You: The Indwelling of the Trinity in the Souls of
the Just, Mark Miravalle takes on these and other pertinent
questions about Christ living within us. He also puts forth the
challenge to be honest and courageous enough to ask the
life-changing question: “What's inside of me?
This Week at Blessed Sacrament Cathedral
Monday, August 8, 2016
6:30 PM Faith Sharing [Social Hall]
Tuesday, August 9, 2016
5:30 PM Bethlehem Advisory Board Meeting [Social Hall]
6:00 PM Coping with Loss [FC-EAS]
7:00 PM Parish Finance Council Meeting [Parish Office]
Monday, August 15, 2016
6:30 PM ChristLife Reunion [Church, Social Hall]
Tuesday, August 16, 2016
7:00 PM
SVdP Meeting [FC-EAS]
7:00 PM
Parish Pastoral Council Meeting [Parish Office]
Thursday, August 11, 2016
10:00 AM Door of Mercy Tour for Holy Family [Church]
5:30 PM Wedding Rehearsal
Saturday, August 13, 2016
6:45 AM Christian Men's Fellowship Meeting [Social Hall]
11:00 AM Sacrament of Reconciliation
2:00 PM Manns / Horvath Wedding [Church]
Parish Staff Contact Information
The Reverend
Monsignor Raymond E. Riffle
The Reverend
Matthew J. Morelli
Parochial Vicar
The Reverend
Mr. William J. Hisker
Permanent Deacon
ext. 27;
Katie Zuzik
Pastoral Associate
ext. 11;
Kathi Probo
Director of Faith Formation
ext. 35;
Sara Thomas
Faith Formation; pre-school/
Contact the Parish Office
Christopher Pardini
Director of Liturgy and Music
ext. 21;
Linda DeFrancesco
Financial Secretary
Julie Stauffer
ext. 10;
Cindy Cope
Coordinator of Cemetery
ext. 16;
David Koynok,
ext. 24;
Jan Brubaker, Custodian
Contact the Parish Office;
Becoming a Member of
Blessed Sacrament Cathedral
Welcome! It is a great joy to welcome new members to our
parish community. Please register as soon as possible in order to
participate in our various programs, ministries and activities. Just
drop this form in the collection basket and we will send you a detailed
registration form. If you are already a member and have changed
any of your personal information please call the Parish
Office or return the changes on the form.
Parish Pastoral
Sacramental Information
Mark Bartels
Judy McChesney
Andy Benedict
Paul Niemiec
Kelly Carr
Betty Rua
Linda Cooper
Mike Rzempoluch
David Fidazzo
Kirsten Lieberum
John Mickinack
By appointment only. Please call Kathi
Probo in the Parish Office or email Kathi at at least
three months in advance of the Baptism. A
class for parents is required to reflect on the
meaning of the sacrament, to review the
ceremony, and to highlight the importance of
the family’s commitment to practicing the
Catholic Faith.
Ruth McDonald
Sponsorship Forms
Forms for our parish members to serve as
sponsors for Baptism and Confirmation must
be filled out in person at the Parish Office.
To serve as a sponsor, you must be at least
16 years old and a practicing Catholic who
has received Baptism, Confirmation, and Holy
Eucharist. If you are married, it must be
within the guidelines of the Catholic Church.
Please call the Parish Office to make an
appointment to fill out the form.
Finance Council
John Kline
Judy Komarinski
Ed Nemanic
Nancy Rottler
Nazzi Zola
Prayer Chain
JoAnne Hudock
SVdP Membership
Betty Rua:
SVdP Food Pantry
Please call Kathi Probo in the Parish Office or
email at
least six months in advance. Do not set a
date until you have contacted the Office of
Faith Formation. Pre-marriage prep. classes
are required. Contact the Office of Faith
Formation for more information on classes.
Blessed Sacrament Cathedral Membership
Request / Change
Name: ___________________________________________________
Address: __________________________________________________
Contact Number: _____________________________________________
___New Registration ___Change Address/Phone ___Moving
Please drop this form in the collection basket.