July 24, 2016 - Blessed Sacrament Cathedral


July 24, 2016 - Blessed Sacrament Cathedral
Mother Church and Parish of the Diocese of Greensburg
The Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
July 24, 2016
Coat of Arms of
The Most Reverend
Edward C. Malesic, J.C.L.
Bishop of Greensburg
A Diocesan Memorial Mass for
Archbishop Giuseppe (Joseph) A. De Andrea
Apostolic Nuncio Emeritus to Kuwait and a former priest of the Diocese of Greensburg.
Archbishop De Andrea died on June 29, 2016 in Rome, Italy.
A Memorial Mass has been scheduled for
Thursday, July 28, 2016 at 7:00 PM
ChristLife Reunion and Potluck Dinner
It’s time to come together as a community to catch up and
celebrate our successful ChristLife sessions!
The ChristLife Leadership Team invites anyone who participated
in any part of ChristLife - Discovering Christ, Following Christ,
and/or Sharing Christ - to attend this fun evening of prayer,
dinner, and fellowship.
Our night will begin upstairs in the Church for Evening
Prayer at 6:15 PM.
Dinner will be served downstairs afterwards at 6:30 PM.
We will have plenty of time for fellowship. You will also have an
opportunity to find out some of the many ways you can become
more involved in the life of the Church. Sign-ups for helping
with the next session of ChristLife will also be available.
We will provide the main course, but please plan on
bringing a side or dessert to share!
Golden Jubilee Mass
Bishop Malesic invites all couples
celebrating their 50th Wedding Anniversary
during the calendar year 2016
to participate in a special Golden Jubilee Mass
to be held at the
Blessed Sacrament Cathedral on
Sunday, September 25, 2016
at 3:00 PM.
There will be a reception in the Social Hall
following the Jubilee Mass.
The Jubilarians, their children, relatives or
friends should contact their parish office to
register couples for this celebration.
Even though they may not be able to attend
the Mass, they will receive a scroll signed by
the Bishop commemorating their anniversary.
Last Name A - L: bring a side dish or salad
Last Name M - Z: bring a dessert
Please RSVP to Katie in the Parish Office by August 10.
Call the parish office at 724-834-3710 or email Katie at
Liturgical Schedule (subject to change)
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Every Saturday at 11 AM till completed,
or any time by appointment.
Daily Rosary
Monday - Friday 11:30 AM
Daily Mass Schedule
Monday - Friday 12:10 PM and Saturday: 8:00 AM
Weekend Mass Schedule
Saturday Vigil: 5:30 PM
Sunday: 7:00 AM, 9:00 AM, 11:30 AM, 7:00 PM
Holy Day Vigil Mass 5:30 PM
Parish Office Hours
9:00 AM - 4:30 PM
Phone (724) 834-3710
Fax (724) 834-1518
Greensburg Catholic Cemetery Office Hours
Monday-Friday 8:00 AM—4:00 PM
Phone (724) 836-4384
Aquinas Academy
Phone (724) 834-7940
Online Giving:
Readings for 7-24-2016
Saturday, July 23, 2016
Genesis 18:20-32 Abraham debates with God the morality of killing
the innocent with the guilty.
Psalm 138:1-2, 2-3, 6-7, 7-8 God's name and promise is greater
than any evil that besets us.
Colossians 2:12-14 So much is affixed to the cross of Christ,
including every debt of humanity.
Luke 11:1-13 What's the best way to pray? Fervently, persistently,
clearly, and precisely.
just five
a day,
and your
faith will
a day
at a
“If at first you don’t succeed . . .” As you read these
words, you likely have already completed the proverb in
your mind with the words, “try, try again.” And there are
others: “Don’t give up the ship.” “Never, ever give up.”
We know that persistence is usually the better way.
Parents and teachers, coaches and mentors have
encouraged and reminded us that simply giving up rarely
solves a problem. That seems to be God’s opinion as
well. No matter the difficulty, the hopelessness, the
apparent silence, never stop talking to God and never
stop asking for God’s help.
8:00 AM Josephine M. DeFabo (Children)
11:00 AM Sacrament of Reconciliation
5:30 PM Clara Franceschini (Jan Garlock)
Sunday, July 24, 2016
The Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
7:00 AM
9:00 AM
11:30 AM
7:00 PM
Leon Szymkowiak (Szymkowiak)
Elvira DeCaro (The Frank Scura Family)
John C. Johnston (Family)
For the Living and Deceased Members
of the Blessed Sacrament Cathedral
Monday, July 25, 2016
St. James, Apostle
12:10 PM
Louis A.J. Farrell (Ashley Hamrock)
Tuesday, July 26, 2016
Saints Joachim and Anne, Parents of the Blessed Virgin
12:10 PM
James and Catherine Bononi (Family)
Wednesday, July 27, 2016
12:10 PM Mildred Ann Elias (Friends)
Thursday, July 28, 2016
12:10 PM Frank A. Cavalier (Daune Cavalier - Wife)
7:00 PM Diocesan Memorial Mass for
Archbishop Giuseppe (Joseph) A. De Andrea,
Apostolic Nuncio Emeritus to Kuwait
and a former priest of the Diocese of Greensburg
Sanctuary Candle
Bishop Edward C. Malesic, presider
In acknowledging the Real Presence of Christ,
the Tabernacle Candle will burn from
July 23 through July 29 in memory of the
Cunningham - Shandor Family
from Frances Cunningham
Friday, July 29, 2016
Saint Martha
12:10 PM
Eric Tepper (Tepper Family)
Saturday, July 30, 2016
8:00 AM
Frederick, Margaret, Fred and Julie Fauth
11:00 AM Sacrament of Reconciliation
5:30 PM Margaret Cremonese (Daughter)
Wedding Congratulations
Congratulations to
Sunday, July 31, 2016
Erik and Jessica (Kesling) Stefanacci
The Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
who were married here on
July 16, 2016
May the Lord bless our newly married couple
as they begin their new lives together and
deepen their love for one another.
7:00 AM
9:00 AM
11:30 AM
7:00 PM
Congratulations Erik & Jessica!
For the Living and Deceased Members
of the Blessed Sacrament Cathedral
Martin Rottler (Nancy Rottler - Daughter)
Baptism during Mass
Joseph M. Hiznaneck (Mother)
Dominick and Catherine DiStefano (Shirley
Wertz - Daughter)
In Sympathy
Keeping in our prayers and trusting that God will bring to their families comfort in the days ahead,
we commend to your prayer the souls of
Arlene Moskovich, Ronald Miller and Mary Agnes Nelson
Know that the Lord has welcomed our loved ones into the home of Heaven.
Our parish community extends its deepest sympathies to their families and relatives on their loss.
Parish Support, July 24, 2016
In order to meet our budgetary needs, Blessed Sacrament
Cathedral requires an average of $18,000 per week in the
regular offertory collection.
Sunday Offertory
Other Income
West Virginia Disaster
Families receiving envelopes
1, 634
Envelopes used this week
Parishioners using Online Giving
Thank you for your generosity and support of
Blessed Sacrament Cathedral Parish!
Check out the
Online Giving website
Join Bishop Malesic for
“A day of prayer for world peace”
Join Bishop Malesic and visit the National Shrine Grotto of
Our Lady of Lourdes and The National Shrine of Saint
Elizabeth Ann Seton on Thursday, August 4, 2016.
The Pilgrimage to Emmitsburg, Maryland includes:
Deluxe motor coach transportation, boxed lunch and
snacks. Dinner cost not included. Mass with Bishop Malesic
– Presider/Homilist, Rosary, Reconciliation, Adoration,
Divine Mercy Chaplet, and much more.
Cost for this pilgrimage is $59.00 For details or to
register call Father William Lechnar, Director of Pilgrimages
at 724-837-0901 ext. 1249 or visit
www.dioceseofgreensburg.org (Click on Menu, click Year
of Mercy, click on National Shrine Pilgrimage.)
as Altar Servers,
Readers and
Extraordinary Ministers
of Holy Communion
We need your help!
We are desperately in need of altar servers!
We have been experiencing a shortage of altar servers to
cover the weekend liturgies especially now that some
of our students have graduated and moved on.
We will soon be preparing training sessions for adult
servers, and youth servers. Please consider helping at the
liturgies you attend. As you may have noticed, at some
Masses, those who are currently serving are on the schedule
weekly. We feel a responsibility to allow those who regularly
serve to also be able to share liturgy together with their
families, that’s where your help is needed.
Additionally, you may have been contemplating the desire to
be a reader or Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion,
now is a great time follow through.
We hope to have enough coverage so that each person
would only be scheduled once or twice a month especially
altar servers.
Please take some time to think about ...and pray about…
entering into one of these ministries. If you have any
questions or are interested in serving, please call Julie in the
parish office at 724‑834‑3710 or send an e-mail to:
Training sessions and clearance information will soon be
forthcoming so call the office and be added to the list, we
would be happy to have you join this ministry!
Natural Family Planning Instruction
CM-BBT is a medically based, scientifically researched and
highly effective NFP method that can be used with no harmful
side effects to avoid, postpone, plan or achieve pregnancy.
The next Natural Family Planning CM-BBT Method
INSTRUCTION is scheduled for MONDAY AUGUST 1, 2016
The schedulers will soon be preparing the September & Oc- beginning at 6 PM at the Catholic Charities office in
tober liturgical schedules. If there are times when you know Greensburg. Participants are required to attend only ONE
you will not be available during these months let Julie know session. The instruction, continued support and follow-up are
provided by a medically certified CM-BBT Professional. Please
call at least one week prior to instruction date to PREWEDNESDAY, AUGUST 10
register. Contact Mary Ann Newhouse at Catholic Charities at
724-837-1840, Ext. 1658 for information or to register for this
Call the Parish Office at 724-834-3710, or email
or an upcoming class. For more information about Natural
jstauffer@dioceseofgreensburg.org. Remember all current
Family Planning and the CM-BBT Method, visit the website at:
schedules can be found on the website or outside the
sacristy. Thank you for your continued support to your
www.ccharitiesgreensburg.org and link into Natural Family
Planning under “Services”.
The Catholic Charities Annual Paul R.
Smiy Memorial Golf Outing is Monday,
August 22 at Ligonier Country Club. This
fundraising event supplements the profit
of the Communities of Salt and Light
Award Dinner in providing help for basic
life necessities for the poor living in our
four county diocese. Help our most
vulnerable neighbors. For information
contact Heather Rady at 724-837-1840
or register online go to
St. Andrew Discernment Dinner
Explore a vocation to the Priesthood by
joining Bishop Malesic for an evening of
fellowship, a meal and a chance to hear
his journey to priesthood. The St.
Andrew Dinner is open to all young,
single, Catholic men, high school-aged
or older. There are three opportunities
to attend: July 24, St. Mary, Our Lady
of Guadalupe, Kittanning; Wednesday,
August 3, Our Lady of Grace, and
Saturday, September 3, St. Rita
Church in Connellsville. For more
information /rsvp call 724-834-9045.
Las Vegas Super Bingo will be held
Friday, August 5 in Marian Hall,
St. Bartholomew Church, Route 119,
Crabtree. Doors open at 6 PM. Early Bird
begins at 7:40 PM. For more info call
724 837 0197.
2016 Missionary Cooperative Plan
and Mission Appeals Weekend
On the weekend of July 30/31, 2016, the Amen Foundation
will speak at all Masses for the 2016 Missionary Cooperative
Plan and mission appeals. The Amen Foundation is a Catholic,
tax-exempt organization founded in 1990. It is based in
Washington, DC, and run by dedicated volunteers. Its mission
is to promote, support and strengthen Catholic religious
vocations and ministries. Hundreds of missionaries who have
benefited from this mission now serve our Church society on
five continents, especially in Africa. They reach out through
pastoral ministries, education, healthcare, human rights, and
other social justice ministries. Because many of these
missionaries work under very harsh conditions around the
world, some of them often need assistance for their work and
their own health and maintenance. The Amen Foundation has
a special ministry of support and hospitality to respond to their
needs. Please show your support to this ministry. Thank you.
Bethlehem Christian Families
The weekend of August 6 & 7, 2016 our brothers and
sisters representing the Bethlehem Christian Families; a
nonprofit organization through Land of Peace will be with us
speaking about the Christian situation in the Holy Land
and selling Crucifixes, religious art work, and rosaries- all
made of olive wood which is native to Israel and Bethlehem.
Since tourism has greatly depleted, Christian families in the
holy land, who depend on tourists, have been greatly
affected. The goal of this mission is to build a Charitable
Hospital in Bethlehem and help the poor and needy families
in Bethlehem and Jerusalem. Sale of these goods will help
them very much and also give you the opportunity to have
“something” authentic from the holy land. Please browse
and buy some articles. It is for a good cause and also a help
to your personal devotion. For more information please see
Website: www.landofpeace.org and www.bcfmission.com.
How to Talk about Same Sex Marriage
($3 Apologetics CD)
Catholic Apologist Trent Horn carefully
considers same-sex marriage and
provides an in-depth discussion that
addresses the misconceptions held by
many in our society today. This examination of what
marriage really is, and what it is not, provides a truly
gracious and persuasive response to the debate
surrounding this important topic.
The New Conversation: Changing Hearts & Minds on
Abortion ($3 Pro-Life CD)
Stephanie Gray is a passionate and
uncompromising defender of the Catholic
Faith, as well as an advocate for those who
cannot speak for themselves. She frequently
travels across Canada and the United States
speaking on issue related to the humanity of the unborn,
utilizing her unique ability to speak to people on either side of
a pro-life issue. In this presentation given at a Students for
Life conference, Stephanie talks about the dignity of the
human person through a biblical lens as she seeks the truth
regarding today's pressing Life issues.
How to Find Your Soulmate Without
Losing Your Soul ($4 Youth/Young Adult Book)
While navigating through the dating scene,
every woman begins to wonder: How do I know
when a guy really loves me? Am I being too
picky? Do I even deserve love? Is my
relationship worth keeping? Is love worth the
risk? Are any decent guys left? Single women often feel left
alone to find answers to their deep questions about love and
intimacy. Some hang out and hook up, hoping for love.
Others are afraid even to hope. Every woman needs
reassurance that she or her standards - are not the problem.
In How to Find Your Soulmate without Losing Your Soul,
you’ll discover twenty-one strategies to help you raise the bar,
instead of sitting at it, waiting around for Mr. Wonderful.
This Week at Blessed Sacrament Cathedral
Tuesday, July 26, 2016
6:00 PM Coping with Loss [FC-EAS]
Looking ahead to next week ….
Sunday, July 31, 2016
Donut Sunday after the
7, 9 and 11:30 AM Masses [Social Hall]
Wednesday, July 27, 2016
1:00 PM Pilgrimage Tour to Door of Mercy/ Mother of
Monday, August 1, 2016
Sorrows [Church] 10:00 AM Active Seniors Committee Meeting [FC-EAS]
Thursday, July 28, 2016
Saturday, August 6, 2016
7:00 PM Memorial Mass for Archbishop De Andrea
6:45 AM Catholic Men’s Fellowship Meeting [Social Hall]
11:00 AM Reconciliation [Church]
Friday, July 29, 2016
2:30 PM Diocesan Pilgrimage Tour to Door of Mercy
Saturday, July 30, 2016
6:45 AM Catholic Men’s Fellowship Meeting [Social Hall]
11:00 AM Reconciliation [Church]
Parish Staff Contact Information
The Reverend
Monsignor Raymond E. Riffle
The Reverend
Matthew J. Morelli
Parochial Vicar
The Reverend
Mr. William J. Hisker
Permanent Deacon
ext. 27;
Katie Zuzik
Pastoral Associate
ext. 11;
Kathi Probo
Director of Faith Formation
ext. 35;
Sara Thomas
Faith Formation; pre-school/
Contact the Parish Office
Christopher Pardini
Director of Liturgy and Music
ext. 21;
Linda DeFrancesco
Financial Secretary
Julie Stauffer
ext. 10;
Cindy Cope
Coordinator of Cemetery
ext. 16;
David Koynok,
ext. 24;
Jan Brubaker, Custodian
Contact the Parish Office;
Becoming a Member of
Blessed Sacrament Cathedral
Welcome! It is a great joy to welcome new members to our
parish community. Please register as soon as possible in order to
participate in our various programs, ministries and activities. Just
drop this form in the collection basket and we will send you a detailed
registration form. If you are already a member and have changed
any of your personal information please call the Parish
Office or return the changes on the form.
Parish Pastoral
Mark Bartels
Judy McChesney
Andy Benedict
Paul Niemiec
Kelly Carr
Betty Rua
Linda Cooper
Mike Rzempoluch
David Fidazzo
Kirsten Lieberum
John Mickinack
Ruth McDonald
Finance Council
John Kline
Judy Komarinski
David Myron
Ed Nemanic
Nancy Rottler
Nazzi Zola
Prayer Chain
JoAnne Hudock
SVdP Membership
Betty Rua:
SVdP Food Pantry
Sacramental Information
By appointment only. Please call Kathi
Probo in the Parish Office or email Kathi at
kprobo@dioceseofgreensburg.org at least
three months in advance of the Baptism. A
class for parents is required to reflect on the
meaning of the sacrament, to review the
ceremony, and to highlight the importance of
the family’s commitment to practicing the
Catholic Faith.
Sponsorship Forms
Forms for our parish members to serve as
sponsors for Baptism and Confirmation must
be filled out in person at the Parish Office.
To serve as a sponsor, you must be at least
16 years old and a practicing Catholic who
has received Baptism, Confirmation, and Holy
Eucharist. If you are married, it must be
within the guidelines of the Catholic Church.
Please call the Parish Office to make an
appointment to fill out the form.
Please call Kathi Probo in the Parish Office or
email probo@dioceseofgreensburg.org at
least six months in advance. Do not set a
date until you have contacted the Office of
Faith Formation. Pre-marriage prep. classes
are required. Contact the Office of Faith
Formation for more information on classes.
Blessed Sacrament Cathedral Membership
Request / Change
Name: ___________________________________________________
Address: __________________________________________________
Contact Number: _____________________________________________
___New Registration ___Change Address/Phone ___Moving
Please drop this form in the collection basket.

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