Week 8 - Reddam House


Week 8 - Reddam House
Dear Parents and Caregivers,
This week, we experienced all the glitz and glamour of the theatre
with one of Reddam House’s highlights, the annual musical
production. On Wednesday and Thursday nights, some 80 year 3 to
6 students took to the stage at NIDA for their performances of
Disney’s ‘Mulan’ which was directed by Mr. Dean Hattingh. From the
first note of the overture to the final curtain drop, the audience was
mesmerised. We will long remember the slick imperial army scene,
with soldiers preparing for war; the wild and ragged Huns being
trapped in an avalanche and the jazzed-up hat dancers and all their
glitter. The lead roles were rehearsed to perfection with outstanding
performances by Charlotte Brinkworth as the talented Mulan, Kian
Tavakoli as a powerful Shang, Jack Mars as the hilarious Chi-Fu;
the terrific lizard-like dragon, Mushu, performed by Zali Wrublewski
and, of course, Mr. Mark Bailey as the wonderful, over-the-top
matchmaker. Every single actor and dancer was fantastic and I
know that I am not the only person who was blown away by the
Thank you to everyone who was involved in the production. The
success of the show was due to many people involved behind the
scenes. In particular, thank you to the incredible 11-piece orchestra,
conducted by Mr. Michael McGregor, including Cindy Sims,
Alastair Wallis, Michael Sitsky, Dimitri Calligeros, Marcus
Bortolotti, Oliver Stanton, Jack Powell, Oscar Gross, Jesse Botella and Emma Styles. Thank you also to the backstage crew:
Sasha Wrublewski, Joshua Broyda, Blair Mayer, Mason Kemeny
and Demi Chilchik. Further thanks to the parents who assisted with
make-up, costumes and props: Penny Bailey, Natanya Gross,
Fiona Kasses, Colleen Kent, Sarah-Jane Lamont, Lou
Martinez, Tom Walker, Shauna Wilson, Petra Wright and all the
parents who lent a hand in the dressing rooms. Thank you to the
teachers who assisted both in front-of-house and in the dressing
rooms with make-up and hair. I would also like to thank Joseph Seo
for his assistance with the martial arts scenes and Mr. Mark Bailey
for his help with the set. My thanks to Ms Kerry Garner for her role
in stage management and to Ms Delia Harrington for the wonderful
dance choreography. Your support of this production is highly
Over and above all the people involved, and on behalf of every
person in the cast and crew, congratulations and thank you to Mr.
Dean Hattingh who took a script and created a masterpiece. His
hours of tireless work in the afternoons, evening and weekends is
greatly valued by us all. He not only created a fabulous show, but
gave the children the experience of real theatre. Congratulations on
a truly magnificent musical, Dean.
The Reddam House Primary School Newsletter
Volume 12 Issue 26
Friday, 07 September 2012
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Back within the walls of our school, I was thrilled to hear all the stories about Father’s Day
from the Kindy students, who seem to have really embraced the day spoiling their dads.
Kaylee said she bought my Dad his favourite sweets, chocolate swirly swirls; Oscar told of
waking his dad up with presents in bed; and Maia said she went with her Dad to the fish
where they videoed all the fish and made a commentary! Everyone seemed to have a
lovely day, with family time and laughs. Thank you to the parents who assisted with the
Father’s Day Stall at school last week. It clearly was a great success and the children enjoyed being able to choose their own gifts for their dads.
In more drama news, well done to Tate Kemeny and Jessica Altit who were successful
in their auditions for Kitchen Whiz. They will be filming in the near future and we all look
forward to seeing the show on television.
In sporting news congratulations to Hugo Zurnamer played a full season for Easts Wallaroos - U10 whites and won his semi final against Wahroonga. This is a great achievement.
Well done Hugo.
Another high achiever within our school is Naomi Shafransky in Year 3 who received a
Commended Award in the junior category at the NSW Minister's Awards for Excellence in
Student Achievement, Community Language Schools. I enjoyed being at the awards ceremony where she was one of two children who received the award for the study of Russian
Language. It is wonderful to be multi-lingual in the world in which we live and Naomi is
well on her way to this. Well done, Naomi.
On the sporting front, many of our basketball teams took part in the Grand Finals at the
Sydney Comets Basketball Association. Congratulations to the U12 girls (div 1) and the
U14 boys (div 1 and div 3) teams which, although defeated on the day, were all runnersup in their competitions. Our star team, however, was the U12 girls (div 2) team which
won its grand final. After a long season, the team emerged triumphant as a result of their
commitment to training, their excellent sportsmanship and their fantastic coach, Annie
LaFleur. Congratulations, girls, for your success and for doing your school so proud.
This week, the Year 1s went on a Spring Walk to the Botanical Gardens. Learning about
habitats and environments, the children saw a variety of animals and plant life. Hands-on
learning like this allows the children the opportunity to see that education opportunities are
all around them. The children returned to school enthused and excited, and just a little bit
tired from their wonderful day.
The Year 2 students went off to the Australian Walkabout Wildlife Park on Wednesday
where they too had a fun time. Learning about the animals and went on a bush walk.
The Year 6 students have had a thrilling day at the Year 7 Orientation day today where
they met many of the teachers who will take these children into their care next year. The
students were energized by the day and revitalized for their last term of primary school.
Next week, the Year 6s present their evening of eminence in Adelaide Hall on Monday
night. This event is always as great opportunity for the children to showcase their work in
HSIE on an eminent person.
Portfolio days for K – 2 and for 3 – 6 also take place next week. Parents and caregivers
are invited to join us for the morning where children are encouraged to show off their work
samples from the term which they have worked very hard on compiling. I look forward to
seeing many of your around the school for these lovely days.
A reminder that school breaks up on Friday, 14 September, at 1pm for the well-earned
three-week holiday.
Dee Pitcairn
The Reddam House Primary School Newsletter
Volume 12 Issue 26
Friday, 07 September 2012
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The Reddam House Primary School Newsletter
Volume 12 Issue 14
Sporting Fixtures Saturday 8th September
Reddam 15s XV v St Ignatius, Riverview 4A,
The bus will leave Woollahra at 7.00am
Reddam 13s XV v St Ignatius, Riverview 6,
The bus will leave school at 8.00am
Reddam Year 5 and 6 XV v St Lukes,
4.00pm Keirle Park Queenscliff Monday 10th
Friday, 25 May 2012
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Last Saturday we had four of our teams take
part in the Grand Finals at the Sydney Comets
Basketball Association. All of our teams played
well and gave everything they had to try and win
these matches. The standard was very high and
the pace of the games made them very exciting.
Our 12 Girls Division 2 Team were our only winners on the day and they played with great determination to ensure this happened. Congratulations to them but also to our runners up, being
the 14 Boys Div 1 Team, the 14 Boys Div 3
Team and the 12 Girls Div 1 Team. We are very
proud of all of you!!!
Sporting Fixtures Saturday 1st September
Basketball – Finals
12R Div 1 ( Annie) V Inner City Diamonds 12 20
12E Div 2 ( Annie) V Maccabi Flames 14 - 10
14R Div 1(Lee) V Inner City Titans 24 - 36
14E Div 3 ( Lee) V Saints 18 - 32
Reddam 15s XV v Bye
Reddam 13s XV v SHORE 45 - 0
Reddam Year 5 and 6 XV v Pittwater House 48
9 September Year K 2013 Orientation Day
Year 6 Evening of Eminence
Yrs 3 & 4: SSO Music Excursion
Year 5 & 6: Math Olympiad
Year K - 2 Portfolio Day
Year 3 - 6 Portfolio Day
Last Day of Term
The Reddam House Primary School Newsletter
Please find below the Term 4 Cycle Test Timetable for Years 5 and 6:
Week 1 – English
Week 2 – Maths
Week 3 – Science
Week 4 – Languages
Week 5 – PDH
Students who miss a cycle test due to illness
should communicate to Amber Greenhalgh in
writing at
Make-up cycles will be written on the Tuesday of the next week from 3.15 – 4pm in Ms
Garners room.
Cycle tests will be returned to students after being marked and should be signed by a parent/
caregiver and returned to the subject teacher.
Volume 12 Issue 26
Friday, 07 September 2012
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Kindergarten had a very busy week getting ready for Father’s Day. We read lots of interesting books
about all different types of Dads and spoke about all the things Dads do for us! We even got to designing and creating beautiful father’s Day cards which resembled Dad’s favourite shirt. As a tasty tidbit we made chocolate crackles and packaged them as a surprise present for our Dads. An added bonus was that we got to test a chocolate crackle for ourselves! We hope all our Dads had a wonderful
Last week Kindy spent the afternoon in the park flying our kites. Luckily, there was a light breeze and
the students had lots of energy for running. We had the most wonderful time watching our kites dip
and weave through the air. They all flew beautifully much to the teachers delight! Here are some photos of our fun afternoon of flying!
The Reddam House Primary School Newsletter
Volume 12 Issue 26
Friday, 07 September 2012
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We had a great day, learning about the different habitats of creatures in the gardens. We saw bird
nests, a bee hive in a tree trunk, animals in and around the pond and many little creatures enjoying
the varied plant life. We also saw a possum shelter with a possum sleeping in one.
We went on a camouflage treasure hunt, a spring walk past the most amazing display of flowers and
collected natural objects on the way to make into a shelter for a small creature. The weather was glorious too which made the day even better.
We saw lots of new plants, learned many things about animals and we got to make our own animal
shelter it was fun –Liam Docker
The Botanical Gardens was fun as we got to walk around the gardens and see amazing things!
Coco Veksner-Shaw
It was very fun and I learned lots of things-Manoli Macarounas
I liked playing all the games and it was lots of fun.-Jasmine Kaushansky
We found treasures on a treasure hunt –Alyssa Chong
We built animal shelters with clay and sticks – Zayne Gladsden
The Reddam House Primary School Newsletter
Volume 12 Issue 26
Friday, 07 September 2012
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Year 2 Scientists and Environmental Warriors have been hard at work this week, learning lots of new
things, experimenting and exploring on excursions!
Last week in Science, we made our own boats from recyclable materials and this week we floated
them on water. We re-named Talia’s boat the Titanic, because it sank, but clever Tali was able to conclude that it was because the base was made from cardboard that absorbed the water.
After testing our boats, we all went on a mini excursion to the park to discover the local environment
for our HSIE unit. We had to listen to the sounds around us, and describe what we could smell and
Students in Stage 1 have thoroughly enjoyed Robotics Club this term, so much so that we are excited to announce that Mr. Garrett and Mr. Crowhurst will be starting up clubs for Stage 2 and Stage 3
next term!
Upon evaluation of this term’s trial, Stage 1 will become a Bee Bot club offering 15 students on a rotational basis each term the opportunity to use Bee Bots on a selection of mats, the computer and on
Stage 2 and 3 will be offering the more complex robots using Lego Mindstorm NXT and programming
software. There is a cap on class sizes, and selection is at teacher discretion. All students will be provided the opportunity to participate in the club.
The Reddam House Primary School Newsletter
Volume 12 Issue 26
Friday, 07 September 2012
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Year 3 have been actively engaged in a research project involving Australian Environments. The students have been taught and have practiced, valuable research skills which will stand them in good
stead for their future years studying Science and HSIE. They made use of many sources of reference
including computers, books, magazine articles and classroom displays. Deciphering questions and
analyzing mark allocation for these questions was a skill focused on. The students have delivered outstanding assignments on deserts, wetlands, woodlands and rainforests. Miles Bornman shared his research with fellow students using the interactive whiteboard.
Over the past week Mr Garrett’s English class have had their
tastebuds blown away by some amazing concoctions made by
the students. The task titled ‘Product Development 101’
challenges the creativity, ingenuity and resourcefulness of the
students. They are the shapers, makers and sellers of their own
product. Each student is asked to develop a new product that
could be sold at a supermarket or grocer. In doing so, they must
design the packaging, an A4 flyer to help sell the product before
delivering a speech in the style of a “sales pitch” to inform their
fellow students of the product.
The creations ranged from flavoured mouthguards, juices,
ice-blocks and even an image changing t-shirt. It was wonderful
to see the enthusiasm for their products shine through in their speeches.
The Reddam House Primary School Newsletter
Volume 12 Issue 26
Friday, 07 September 2012
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Throughout the week, Years 5 and 6 English have been studying different forms of poetry in addition
to their study of ballads, cinquains and haikus. Year 5 have spent the week experimenting with various forms such as the acrostic, the colour poem and descriptive poems where they’ve challenged
themselves by including various figures of speech to add more imagery to their writing.
Year 6 on the other hand, have been experimenting with the diamante poem which is very similar to
the cinquain. It features seven lines and various parts of speech to describe the poem’s subject. In the
case of Year 6, their subjects have been the individuals they’ve focused on for their Evening of Eminence. Stephanie Belovukovic for example, studied the achievements of inventor Nicholas Tesla
and wrote about his determination to succeed in her poem.
This is what she wrote:
Nicholas Tesla
Courageous, resilient,
Redoing, thinking, trying
Science, discovery, current, electricity,
Believing, creating, inspiring,
Intelligent, positive
The Inventor
Lana Marshall focused on a very different individual, John Lennon.
This is what she wrote:
John Lennon
Smart, passionate
Singing, imagining, creating,
Glasses, guitar, concerts, microphone
Writing, playing, thinking
Original, talented
Reddam House
would like to wish a very Happy Birthday to
Harrison Segerstrom, Olivia Harris & Ms Claudia Perez
who celebrated their special day this week
We hope you had a fabulous day!
The Reddam House Primary School Newsletter
Volume 12 Issue 26
Friday, 07 September 2012
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During Term 1 seven of our Year 6 students participated in the MCYA, which is a problem–solving activity organized by the Australian Mathematics Trust.
The MYCA Challenge Stage took place over three weeks. During this time each student received a
problem solving booklet containing 4 problems. Participants were able to work in groups of up to 3 or
individually. Resources such as textbooks, library books, calculators or computers were permitted ,
however students were not allowed to seek help from other people, except for members of their
The problems were challenging and required time and persistence, all of which our students displayed. All working had to be shown and reasoning explained. Participants were required to submit individual solutions which were then carefully assessed.
The following year 6 students should be congratulated for their effort, teamwork, discipline and dedication to the task as well as their outstanding results.
Victoria Richards, received a Certificate of Proficiency.
Leo Rubenstein, Samuel Rezak, Renee Leong, Luke Angelou and Max Cullen–Feng, received
Certificates of Credit.
Joseph Newton received a Certificate of Distinction.
This term year 6 have been studying 3D shapes and patterns. Year 6 had a lot of fun this week in
mathematics exploring and creating tessellating patterns. The results were an explosion of colour.
The Reddam House Primary School Newsletter
Volume 12 Issue 26
Friday, 07 September 2012
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The mood this week has been all about China, with the wonderful musical Mulan being staged at The Parade Theatre. One of my favourite
novels is Mao’s Last Dancer, as both a story of inspiration and for its
connections to family. So you will not be surprised that I also love the
picture book The Peasant Prince, which tells the same story yet aimed
at younger readers. Although the picture book is not as graphic in detail as the novel, it still tells of the adversities Li Cunxin faced growing
up in China. Our Kindergarten children were totally mesmerised with
this story and were genuinely saddened by Li Cunxin’s separation
from his family and similarly overjoyed when he was reunited with his
parents. The children were also very interested in how China differs
from Australia and amazed that Li became a world famous dancer. I
can highly recommend this book, not only for it’s illustrations but also
for its inspirational story.
Also, this week we have looked at Speak Chinese, Fang Fang! By Sally Rippin, The House Baba
Built: An Artist’s Childhood in China by Ed Young and Ah Kee & the Glass Bottle by Joan Salanitri. All
very different, yet each book speaks decisively of an aspect of Chinese culture.
In Speak Chinese, Fang Fang! Fang Fang’s mother wants her to speak Chinese, but she won't. Fang
Fang was born in China, but now she is Australian and this book tells the story of a little girl simply trying to fit in.
Ah Kee & the Glass Bottle is the story of a blue, glass drinking bottle given to Li Chong by Ah Kee.
This glass bottle leads Li Chong on a perilous journey through the mountains ravaged by a storm.
This book uses the ancient form of Chinese landscape painting which is both colourful and beautiful.
The House Baba Built is a memoir of Young’s childhood growing up in Shanghai and it is a pastiche of
drawings, photos, silhouettes and textures. The end product of this blending of words and images left
me with a warm feeling at having been invited to glimpse his life.
Thanks to Mulan, we have all had the opportunity to learn a little more about China this week.
The Reddam House Primary School Newsletter
Volume 12 Issue 26
Friday, 07 September 2012
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The Reddam House Primary School Newsletter
Volume 12 Issue 26
Friday, 07 September 2012
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Spring Spectacular
13th September 2012 7:00 p.m.
Adelaide Hall
The Reddam House Primary School Newsletter
Volume 12 Issue 26
Friday, 07 September 2012
Page 12
Sept / Oct Vacation Care Permission Slip
Address: 70-78 Edgecliff Road, Woollahra, 2025
Other Address: Adelaide Hall, Convent
I, ___________________ give my child ___________ __________ __________, permission to a
nd the following days.
My child is _______ years old and is in year _______ at school. My child DOES or DOES NOT attend RedDay
Bungee Tramp + Water Rollers
Five Dock - Gymnastics
Ramons Circus Show + Workshop
Sydney Horse Riding Centre
Crazy Games Extravaganza
Home Phone:
Wannabees Play Centre
Big Outdoor Games
Questacon - Australian Museum
African Drumming Workshop
Medicare #:
Pancakes at the Rocks
Jumping Castle, Art + Bikes
M9 Bowling + Laser
My Mega Games Room
Animal Farm, Face Paint + Movies
Allergies or Medical Information:
The Reddam House Primary School Newsletter
Have you enrolled your child for 2012?
Does your child get motion sickness ?
Volume 12 Issue 26
Friday, 07 September 2012
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