l i.it


l i.it
Pordenone da vivere
Let’s Pordenone...
Ronchi dei
Duration ?
Cooking classes at various levels at the
new Academy of taste of Pordenone .
All year second
Perché la lettera Q è la QUALITA’
2/3 hours dei nostri percorsi, dei nostri
progetti, dei nostri sogni…
All year, without
2 hours
Film in uscita: il vendicatore, lo
chef, i fuggiaschi e la sposa
1 hour
Leghiamo le botti di Napoleone
sui nostri dorsi prima di entrare
in cucina… La parola “saumelier’
ha infatti origine dall’abitudine dei
soldati dell’esercito di Napoleone
di legare (lier) le botti del
generale sul dorso di un mulo da
soma (somme).
Accompanied by the chef to select the
best products at one of our weekly
markets .
Accompanied by the sommelier to select
the best wines to complement the dishes
prepared during the cooking course
All year
Duration ?
Tour and tasting light lunch in the
company of the winemaker .
All year second
2 hours
Il nettare di Bacco si sposa con
qualsiasi abbinamento: la parola a
chi lo produce
... TO WINE :
A study trip guided by the masters of the
world production of rooted cuttings .
All year
from October to
2 hours
Barbatella: talea, margotta o
propaggine della vite che ha
emesso la barba, vale a dire le
Oscar al miglior attore non
protagonista: Kevin Kline per un
giorno colui che pescherà più
trote o più chili di trote.
A Trout fishing in one of our many lakes ... Spring- Summer
2 hours
Tastings and dinners blindfolded , sensory
All year
laboratories and food - wine
2/3 hours Indovina cosa mangi a cena…
Beyond the boundaries of traditional
wine-growing in direct contact with the
application of theories of Rudolph Steiner
. Including nurseries , greenhouses ,
winery and orchard with final tasting of 4
wines bio , meats and cheeses mixed .
1/2 hours
Free rein to the desires of chocolate
sweets !!! Visits and tastings from
Peratoner .
All year
All year
Walk and collection of wild herbs in the
shores of our rivers for the creation
of artistic and traditional dishes in the
Directly at the hotel or at the
headquarters of the Academy proposal is
endless : Ayurvedic cooking , relaxation
and meditation with Tibetan bells , holistic All year
wellness , energy treatments , natural
cosmetics laboratories , breathing
techniques , naturopathic advice
A questi minitour è possibile aggiungere delle notti sia prima
che dopo la partenza per godersi la struttura in completo
relax o per andare al mare a Lignano che dista solo pochi
1 hour
La passione di Giuseppe Faggiotto
per il cioccolato nasce nel 1974.
Un entusiasmo crescente che
lo ha portato alla ricerca e alla
scoperta dei migliori cioccolati e
ad apprendere i segreti dei grandi
Maitres Chocolatières.
3 hours
Si fece una grande festa, che
durò tre giorni: da tutte le parti
del regno vennero principi e
principesse, baroni e baronesse,
dame e cavalieri. Da quel giorno
in poi il re non disse mai più voglio
(Gianni Rodari)
2/3 hours
ANEA: esperienze per nutrire il
corpo, la mente e lo spirito.
Possibilità di eseguire il programma anche per individuali o
mini gruppi. Quotazioni su richiesta.
Western Friuli
between traditional cuisine
and “Cantine aperte”
Day 1
Valvasone – Pordenone
and meeting with the tour guide. Transfer to Valvasone,
Day 2 Arrival
a small town rich of historical memories, that lies on the
right side of the Tagliamento river. A must see will be the
magnificent Medieval Castle and its ancient center with arched
roofs houses, medieval and renaissance buildings, the square
in renaissance style, the antique wheel mill from the XV cent.,
narrow streets, sundials and wells. The trip will continue to one
of the most well known wineries in the area for a wine tasting
and light lunch, and a tour around the winery. At the end we will
proceed our excursion towards Pordenone, a charming town
with its ancient “Corso” (a street with arched roofs along both
sides), one of the longest in Northern Italy, with palaces built in
different historical eras, many of them decorated with beautiful
frescoes. Free time for a little shopping and then dinner in
a typical local restaurant in the historical center. Overnight
accommodation in a beautiful period residency outside the town.
Day 3
Day 1
Day 4
Day 2
Day 5
1 Pordenone – Cantine aperte
breakfast, departure from the hotel to meet the expert
Itinerary 1. Vini la Delizia, Fossa Mala, Castello di Porcia,
Day 3 After
that will escort the tour to “Cantine aperte” the entire day.
Vistorta. Itinerary 2. Cantina Principi di Porcia Fattoria di
There will be a shuttle bus with two different itinerary at
I Magredi, Pitars, Castelcosa, Bulfon.
Day 2 your choice, to drive you through nine different wineries in Azzano,
At the end of the tour, dinner in a traditional restaurant and
Day 4 the Pordenone area:
overnight accommodation.
Day 3
Day 5 Cordovado – San Vito al Tagliamento
breakfast, meeting with the tour guide for the visit
proceed with the visit of San Vito al Tagliamento, ancient land
Day 4 After
of Cordovado, an old, medieval, small town with its castle,
with pre-roman and roman settlement artifacts. We will visit
Day 5
the ancient parish church of Sant’Andrea and the XVII cent.
area with the Santuario della Madonna and the convent of
the Dominican fathers. After the tour of the town, lunch
in a typical local restaurant. After the brake, the tour will
the castle, the burgh and the Villa, all from the XIII-XIV cent.
and the remains of the wall fence, the ditch and the two
towers. Departure at the end of town visit.
Western Friuli
Nature and the venician
Day 1
Sacile - Polcenigo
Arrival and meeting with the tour guide. Transfer to Polcenigo, a
at the Gorgazzo, a spring formed by water that, from the deep
crevices of the upland Cansiglio or the Mount Cavallo, rises back on
the surface; a site of incommensurable naturalistic value. We will
proceed then to the “Santissima”, a perennial source of water that
derives from the calcareous group of mountains of the Prealpi del
Cansiglio and is one of the major spring of the river Livenza. A lunch
stop will be taken at a typical local restaurant to eat a specialty
from the area: the trout. After the break the tour will proceed
towards the town of Sacile to visit the village called “Giardino della
Serenissima” because of the venetian atmosphere created by the
architecture of the elegant palaces, often in a lagoonal style, that
reflect themselves in the blue water of the river. After a walk across
its bridges and a little shopping time, departure for the visit of a
local winery , typical dinner and overnight.
After breakfast, departure for the excursion to visit Spilimbergo,
a small town with a suggestive historical center and a castle
where the scenographic Palazzo Dipinto stands out. We cannot
miss to visit the old “Scuola Mosaicisti del Friuli” (Friuli Mosaic
School), a worldwide famous school where the best mosaic
workers are trained and where you will be stunned by their
works. Lunch in a typical local restaurant and on the way back a
stop in Maniago, a small town north from Pordenone, well known
for their knife production. After visiting the Museo dell’Arte
Fabbrile e delle Coltellerie, that gathers information about the
steel manufacture of the factories in the area, a chance to stop
and do some shopping. Back to Sacile and departure.
Day 2 small village of medieval origin, for a pleasant walk and then a stop
Day 1
Day 4
Day 2
1 Sacile - Venezia
After breakfast, departure from the train station for an all
of your choice, back to the hotel by train in the late evening
(about 1hr).
Day 3
2 Sacile – Conegliano – Valdobbiadene
Departure after breakfast with the tour guide for an all day
magnificent Villa Veneta that hosts one of the most famous
winery in the area. After the visit to the winery, a light lunch
tasting local goods. In the afternoon, on the way back to Sacile,
Day 4
3 one of the most important wine road in Italy: the Prosecco
Territory DOCG. After visiting Conegliano and its Castle on the
a stop to visit Vittorio Veneto and its burgh of Serravalle, built in
mount, we will proceed towards the green hills for a visit to a
Roman time. Dinner in a typical restaurant and overnight.
Day 4
Sacile – Spilinbergo
Day 5
Western Friuli
With the historical
commemoration in valvasone
Day 1
Cordovado – San Vito al Tagliamento
and meeting with the tour guide. Transfer to
Day 2 Arrival
Cordovado, an old, medieval, small town with its castle,
Day 1
Day 4
the ancient parish church of Sant’Andrea and the XVII cent.
area with the Santuario della Madonna and the convent of
the Dominican fathers. After the tour of the town, lunch in
a typical local restaurant. The trip will continue with a tour
around the small, dynamic and lively small town of San Vito al
Pordenone - Valvasone
breakfast, meeting with the tour guide for the
Day 5
3 After
excursion to Pordenone, a charming town with its ancient
(a street with arched roofs along both sides), one
Day 1 “Corso”
of the longest in Northern Italy. After visiting the town,
Day 4 departure for one of the most well known wineries of the
area for a little wine taste, a light lunch and the winery tour.
the end, a visit through one of the “most beautiful villages
Day 2 Atin Italy”
and its Medieval commemoration: Valvasone. The
Day 5 small town
lies on the right side of the Tagliamento river
Day 3
and is rich of historical memories like the Medieval Castle
and its ancient center with arched roofs houses, medieval
and renaissance buildings, the square in renaissance style,
the antique wheel mill from the XV cent., narrow streets,
sundials and wells. Full of colors and gaiety, the evening
will end with a fairy tale’s style Medieval Dinner that will
take place under the cloister of the former convent of the
“Frati Servi di Maria”, with actors in period style costumes.
breakfast, departure towards Sacile to visit the garden
Day 4 After
called “Giardino della Serenissima” because of the venetian
Day 5
Tagliamento. We will visit the castle, the burgh and the Villa,
all from the XIII-XIV cent. and the remains of the wall fence,
the ditch and the two towers. At the end of the town tour,
a cooking class will take place in a typical local restaurant,
with show cooking and dinner. Departure for a beautiful
period residency outside the town and overnight.
atmosphere created by the architecture of the elegant
palaces, often in a lagoon style, that reflect themselves in
the blue water of the river. After a walk across its bridges, a
stop in a restaurant with typical local food before departure.
Western Friuli
Between cooking and good wine
A culinary experience and wine tasting
Day 1
Cordovado – San Vito al Tagliamento
Arrival and meeting with the tour guide. Transfer to
Day 2 Cordovado, an old, medieval, small town with its castle,
Day 1
Day 2
the ancient parish church of Sant’Andrea and the XVII cent.
area with the Santuario della Madonna and the convent of
the Dominican fathers. After the tour of the town, lunch
in a typical local restaurant. The trip will continue with a
tour around the small, dynamic and lively small town of San
Valvasone - Pordenone
After breakfast, meeting with the tour guide for the
Day 5
3 excursion to Valvasone, a small town rich of historical
Day 1
Day 4
Day 2
Day 3
memories, that lies on the right side of the Tagliamento
river. A must see will be the magnificent Medieval Castle
and its ancient center with arched roofs houses, medieval
and renaissance buildings, the square in renaissance style,
the antique wheel mill from the XV cent., narrow streets,
sundials and wells. We will also visit a beautiful local
winery for a wine tasting and a light lunch. After the brake,
departure for Pordenone, a charming town with its ancient
“Corso” (a street with arched roofs along both sides), one of
the longest in Northern Italy, with palaces built in different
historical eras, many of them decorated with beautiful
frescoes. During the afternoon, a stop at the Peratoner
chocolate shop, with the possibility to observe the making of
their superb chocolates by their “maitre chocolatier”. Dinner
in a typical local restaurant, tasting cheeses and Prosciutto
di San Daniele. Overnight.
breakfast, meeting with the cook for the fantastic
Day 4 After
culinary experience by our unique cooking school in
Day 5
Vito al Tagliamento, ancient land with pre-roman and roman
settlement artifacts. We will visit the castle, the burgh and
the Villa, all from the XIII-XIV cent. and the remains of the
wall fence, the ditch and the two towers. At the end of the
town tour, a cooking class will take place in a typical local
restaurant, with show cooking and dinner. Departure for a
beautiful period residency outside the town and overnight.
Pordenone. The chef will walk you to typical local shops and
to the market for the food shopping, then back to the stoves
to start cooking lunch with your own hands and eat it later
in the dining room, with the company of the chef. The rest
of the day will be free for your shopping in town, before
Livenza Viaggi srl
33170 Pordenone
Via Oberdan, 5/B
T. +39 0434 521 555
F. +39 0434 245 501
33077 Sacile (Pn)
Via Matteotti, 14
T. +39 0434 789 200
F. +39 0434 780 040