06/26/2016 - The Church Of Holy Apostles
The Church of HOLY APOSTLES Roman Catholic Iglesia Catolica de SANTOS APÓSTOLES June 26, 2016 Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Our Mission Statement: The Church of Holy Apostles is a compassionate, welcoming and healthy family that strives to love God and serve others with respect and dignity. G-Force Vacation Bible Camp, July 11-15 Register at thechurchofholyapostles/biblecamp Marriage Ministry’s “Evening by the Pond: Friday, July 15 at 8 PM Fiesta Days Parade with Tri-Parish Float Sunday, July 24, at 1:30 PM Summer Fest, Sunday, August 14 Help us communicate with you! Download our app on our website, thechurchofholyapostles.org or on iTunes or Google Play Store Subscribe to Flocknote on thechurchofholyapostles.org or flocknote.com/ thechurchofholyapostles THE CHURCH OF HOLY APOSTLES (ROMAN CATHOLIC) FR. PAUL C. WHITE, PASTOR FR. RUBÉN HERRERA, ASSOCIATE PASTOR CHURCH & PARISH OFFICE: 5211 W. Bull Valley Rd. • McHenry, IL 60050 Telephone 815-385-5673 FAX 815-385-6045 FAMILY FAITH FORMATION OFFICE: 815-385-5673, Ext. 218, 220 or 225 Email: hapostles@thechurchofholyapostles.org Web Site: www.thechurchofholyapostles.org MASS SCHEDULE: Mon: 7:30 AM & 12:10 PM; Tue: 7:30 AM & 6:30 PM; Wed: 7:30 AM & 12:10 PM; Thu: 7:30 AM & 7 PM (en Español); Fri: 7:30 AM & 12:10 PM; Sat: 7:30 AM & 5 PM and Sunday: 8 AM, 10 AM, 12 PM (en Español) & 5 PM CONFESSIONS: Tue: 5:30 to 6:15 PM; Thu: 8 to 8:45 AM & 6 to 6:45 PM (Spanish & English); Sat: 4 to 4:45 PM Page 2 The Church of Holy Apostles, McHenry, IL A MESSAGE FROM OUR PASTOR Dear Holy apostles Parish Family, This month is flying by in a hurry. I really enjoyed our mission trip. It was so good to spend time doing things with the teens. I miss my time with them working on service projects. We get to see them at their best. We are very blessed with so many wonderful young people and adults willing to go on these trips. John and Joe did a great job making this all work. We have hired a new youth minister, who will start July 1 named Emily. Last weekend Fr. Tim left to go to Ss. Peter and Paul Parish in Cary. I am so grateful for his time with us. I am glad we have our seminarian Aaron for the next year. He is finally getting a chance to introduce himself this weekend. He is a wonderful young man, who will bring his gifts to us. We are very blessed to have priests and seminarians come to us for three months to a year. Each bring their own gifts. I am grateful to you that you receive them so well and help nurture their vocations. We have become known to be a good place to nurture vocations, thanks to your willingness to nurture people. Thank you! Have a Blessed Week! WE OFFER OUR PRAYERS FOR: All the homeless, the unemployed, the military, the addicted, the grieving, the imprisoned, and the physically and emotionally ill. Nancy Hoffman Marisa Diedrich Richardson Sharon Justice Carole Dumont Patrick Waldron Bill Michaelis Glenn Ehrhart John Jelinek Annette Feller Clara Williams Donald Gauwitz Len Kubiak Kathy McCormick Ethel Parisi Joan Flood Tom Majercik Toni Nolde Darlene Briscoe Diane Briscoe Carole Ann Walberer Michael L. Prihoda Gene Seaver Frank Sweeney Anthony Scianna Tracy Norlen Bennie Brown Bertha Smith Jean Bower Victor Ortiz Baby Maxine Branson Reg Hawkes Robert Holas Liz Vavrik Baby Lukas Zalewski Jamie Dusthimer Baby Kale Brenner John Christensen Irene Agrella Erick J. Germaine Henningfield Baby Cole Schwarz Fernando Acevez Mary Yeagley Yolanda Mendoza Laura Smith Nancy Guzzo Maureen Skinner Denise Lucas Donald Nolde Colton Wray Grace Wesinger Alexander Pacheco Rev. Msgr. Wm. Clausen Mark Patterson Brendan W. Thompson Ann Gaul Ruth Gantz Julia Ramsland Donna Spino Sandi Baumgartner John Baumgartner Jen Finch Cindy Koeune Maureen Kasarski Guliana Gentile (child) Donnie Schoen Terri Anderson Jennifer Siegler Bernie Matchen Goldie Withrow Ken Michaels Karen Egolf Linda & Roger Thietje Logan James Delhanty Allen Scholnick Cheryl Rabine Don Gattone Katie Smith Joseph Bellino Robert Struve Jason Donahue God hears our prayers! Please call the Parish Office at 815-385-5673 to add a name to our Prayer List. If you or loved ones need prayers but do not want names to be published here, please contact the Holy Apostles Prayer Line at 815-385-2404 or email to conniejp19@yahoo.com. WE OFFER OUR PRAYERS FOR THE DECEASED: During This Week We Remember: Fr. Paul GOSPEL MEDITATION AND INSPIRATION FOR THE WEEK "No one who sets a hand to the plow and looks to what was left behind is fit for the kingdom of God." Luke 9:62 What have we left behind? What have we traded in to become faithful followers of Christ? Very often, we get very distracted by looking back on our past: what we have done, what we didn't do, mistakes we have made, and opportunities that were missed. Dwelling on the past takes us away from the possibilities before us today and ones available tomorrow! What Christ is calling us to do today and going forward from today are what is important. Constantly looking back limits our ability to say yes to his call. Barbara E. Krepel and Thomas A. LaMontagne MASS SCRIPTURE READINGS FOR THIS WEEK: Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Next Sunday: Am 2:6-10, 13-16/Ps 50:16-23/Mt 8:18-22 Am 3:1-8; 4:11-12/Ps 5:4-8/Mt 8:23-27 Acts 12:1-11/Ps 34:2-9/2 Tm 4:6-8, 17-18/Mt 16:13-19 Am 7:10-17/Ps 19:8-11/Mt 9:1-8 Am 8:4-6, 9-12/Ps 119:2, 10, 20, 30, 40, 131/Mt 9:9-13 Am 9:11-15/Ps 85:9-14/Mt 9:14-17 Is 66:10-14c/Ps 66:1-7, 16, 20/Gal 6:14-18/Lk 10:1-12, 17-20 For complete daily Mass readings, visit the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops website, usccb.org. Click on the date on the calendar for that day’s readings. MASS CELEBRANTS JULY 2/3 Saturday, July 2 : 5 PM—Fr. Rubén Sunday, July 3: 8 AM—Fr. Paul 10 AM—Fr. Paul 12 PM—Fr. Rubén 5 PM—Fr. Paul *Subject to changes in priests’ schedules. Page 3 Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time THIS WEEK AT HOLY APOSTLES SUNDAY, JUNE 26, 2016 THIRTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 8:00 AM Mass †Patricia Byrne and †Mary, Margaret & Kate Jansen 10:00 AM Taped Mass †Sandy Kavanagh and †Elaine Miller 12:00 PM Misa en Español †Eloisa Perez Gerardo, Victor Melesio, Jr. (birthday) and Briana Mendoza (birthday) 1:00 PM All Spanish Ministries Meeting in Sherry Center 1:30 PM Estudio de Biblia in Room of Remembrance 3:30 PM FYRE Choir Rehearsal in Church 5:00 PM FYRE Mass The People of Holy Apostles 6:00 PM Youth Group in Sherry Center June 26, 2016 FRIDAY, JULY 1, 2016—ST. JUNIPERO SERRA 7:00 AM Rosary 7:30 AM Mass: †Mary Ann Becker 12:10 PM Communion Service 6:00 PM Spanish Marriage Ministry in Room of Remembrance SATURDAY, JULY 2, 2016 7:00 AM Rosary 7:30 AM Mass: †Ray Kenney 4:00 PM Confession/Reconciliation until 4:45 PM 5:00 PM Mass with Baptisms †Jerry Draffkorn and †Marlene Schuler SUNDAY, JULY 3, 2016 FOURTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 8:00 AM Mass †Josephine Zwierzynski and †Larry & Daniel Deja 10:00 AM Taped Mass with Baptisms 7:00 AM Rosary †Thomas Low and †Sandi Kavanagh 7:30 AM Mass: 12:00 PM Misa en Español con Bautismos †James Flynn †Paula Marquez Monterrubio, †Martin Hernandez, 9:00 AM Hope Takes Action Meeting in Seraphim †Salvador Botello and †Jenifer Fuentes 12:10 PM Mass: 1:30 PM Estudio de Biblia in Room of Remembrance †Colleen Mahoney 3:30 PM FYRE Choir Rehearsal in Church 6:00 PM Community Kitchen Dinner in Sherry Center 6:45 PM Baptism Preparation (Spanish) Class in Room of Remembrance 5:00 PM FYRE Mass Dixon Family and The People of Holy Apostles 6:00 PM Youth Group in Sherry Center TUESDAY, JUNE 28, 2016—ST. IRAENEUS MONDAY, JUNE 27, 2016—ST. CYRIL OF ALEXANDRIA 7:00 AM Rosary 7:30 AM Mass: †Forgotten Souls in Purgatory 5:30 PM Confession/Reconciliation until 6:15 PM 6:30 PM Mass: †Richard L. Bochenski 7:00 PM Charismatic Prayer Group in O’Neill Reading Room 7:00 PM St. Vincent de Paul Society Meeting in Seraphim WEDNESDAY, JUNE 29, 2016—SS. PETER AND PAUL 7:00 AM Rosary 7:30 AM Mass: Living & Deceased Members of Van Der Bosch Family and Dick Schmitt (birthday) 12:00 PM Staff Lunch & Meeting at Rectory 12:10 PM Mass: †John H. Finn 6:00 PM Protecting God’s Children class in Archangels/Angels 7:00 PM Teen Faith Formation in Family Center 7:00 PM Men’s Emmaus (Spanish) Meeting in Thrones 7:00 PM Baptism Preparation (English) Class in St. Francis/St. Augustine/Church 7:00 PM HALO Planning Meeting in Sherry Center THURSDAY, JUNE 30, 2016 FIRST MARTYRS OF THE HOLY ROMAN CHURCH 7:00 AM Rosary 7:30 AM Mass: Cherie Phelan (birthday) 8:00 AM Confession/Reconciliation until 8:45 AM 6:00 PM Confessions (Spanish & English) until 6:45 PM 6:00 PM Rosario 7:00 PM Misa en Español: †Por las alsmas del purgatorio 7:30 PM Al-Anon Meeting in Seraphim 7:30 PM Spanish Marriage Ministry in St. John MONDAY, JULY 4, 2016 INDEPENDENCE DAY PARISH OFFICE CLOSED 9:00 AM Mass (only Mass of the day) †Michelle Michaelis 12:10 AM No Mass 6:00 PM Community Kitchen Dinner in Sherry Center How to Arrange a Mass Intention Please call the Parish Office at 815-385-5673 or stop by during office hours (9 AM to 5 PM, Monday through Thursday, 9 AM to 3 PM on Friday) to arrange for a Mass Intention for a deceased or ill loved one or other special intention. The customary donation is $10 per Mass intention. Please identify the date and time of the Mass on your check. Thank you! Advertiser of the Week We wish to thank the business people who use our bulletin for advertising their products and services. Our advertisers make it possible for Holy Apostles to provide our weekly bulletin to you AT NO COST TO THE PARISH. Please patronize our advertisers. This week we especially thank: Northern Illinois Funeral Services, Inc. Full service funeral home with affordable rates 31632 N. Ellis Dr., Unit 209, Volo IL 847-833-2928 Cathy Daniel, Director/Owner Contact Jeff Tkachuk of LPI Publications at 1-800-950-9952, Ext. 2513 or jtkachuk@4LPi.com to place an ad. Page 4 The Church of Holy Apostles, McHenry, IL A Great Summer Fest is Coming Up! Mark your calendars now so you don’t miss Holy Apostles’ third sizzling Summer Fest! Save the date of Sunday, August 14, for a fun day of games for the children, music and of course, delicious, authentic, homemade Mexican food! The 12 PM Mass will be bilingual on that day—so come for Mass and stay for a fun afternoon in the sun on the Holy Apostles grounds. If you are able to make a donation towards the costs of the festival, please call the Parish Office at 815-385-5673. On Vacation? Donations Are Taken Care of! Make all your donations/payments to Holy Apostles the easy way! Sign up for Give Central and design your giving to YOUR specifications, done electronically through your checking account or credit card, even when you’re out of town. Just visit thechurchofholyapostles.org and click on the “I’m New” tab and then click on “Sign up to GIVE.” This will link you to the Give Central site. Consider Serving on Pastoral Council Four Pastoral Council members’ terms are expiring in September. To be considered for the Council, please submit an application, which is available at the Information Center or at the parish web site thechurchofholyapostles.org. The Pastoral Council serves as an advisory council to the Pastor. Members serve a three year term, strive to discern the needs of the parish, and offer guidance and help in following our Parish Mission Statement. Meetings are held the first Thursday of each month. Please submit your applications to Kathy Gulvas at kgulvas@thechurchofholyapostles.org. by July 15. Please make your pledge to the 2016 Diocesan Appeal TODAY! Use the envelopes available at the Information Center On-line through GiveCentral.org. or rockforddiocese.org. Help us reach our goal now! Thank you for your generosity! We Share Our Blessings Our Parish Tithe this week will be given to Music Ministry Alive, an organization that engages and empowers young people to serve as liturgical music leaders in the Church. Help Build Float/Take Part in Parade McHenry’s annual Fiesta Days Parade will be on Sunday, July 24 and the three Catholic parishes of McHenry (St. Mary, St. Patrick and Church of Holy Apostles) will enter a joint float for the first time! All parish members are invited to take part—kids (decorate your bikes and strollers!), teens, and adults of all ages. A wagon has been secured and plans have been made for the design of the float. A target date for having the float built is July 13th but in order to do this help is needed with the construction of the float. If you are able to volunteer some time to build the most awesome float in the parade, contact Loren Schiera at 815-385-5673 or Jen Marsh at 815-388-0163 or email to jmarsh@thechurchofholyapostles.org. All three parishes will help build the float but construction will take place in Holy Apostles garage. HALO Needs Fabric/Craft Items Holy Apostles Ladies Organization (HALO) members are crafting items for their next sale. If you have any of the following items left over from your sewing and craft projects, HALO will put them to good use: Buttons—new or old, plain or fancy, big or small, we can use them all! Decorative trim such as lace, rick-rack, ribbon, cording, etc. Flannel fabric Fabric paint and markers Holiday fabric Fiber-fill polyester stuffing Please leave your donations at the Information Center in the church narthex. Thank you Marian Seeks Evening Custodian Marian Central Catholic High School is currently seeking a full-time (12-month) Evening Custodian. School year hours: Monday—Friday, 3—11:30 PM; Summer hours: Monday—Friday, 7 AM—3:30 PM. For additional information and job description, please visit www.marian.com. Page 5 Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time June 26, 2016 Help Us Have a Great Bible Camp Holy Apostles Vacation Bible Camp will be held July 11 through 15, 9:30 AM to 12 noon, offering five mornings of fun that include games, crafts, snacks, songs and Bible stories. We will need lots of supplies and food for this special week of activities. If you can help, please take a tag hanging on the trees in the narthex and purchase the items on the tags. Please be sure to return those donated items by July 5. Register at thechurchofholyapostles.org/ biblecamp or pick up an registration form at the Information Center. Thanks for your help! Please remember to complete your bible camp registration by dropping off your Bible Camp fee payment in the Parish or Faith Formation office. Jesus Will Bless You... ...your family, and the whole world for this hour of faith you spend with Him in the Blessed Sacrament. Take some time each week to visit Jesus in the Divine Eucharist at the All Saints Perpetual Adoration Chapel. Pray, listen, and feel the peace that He gives us so lovingly. Break from your busy life to acknowledge His comforting love. Please pray about committing to these open times: Sunday: 12 to 1 PM Thursday: 10 to 11 AM Friday: 2 to 3 PM Saturday: 2 to 3 AM (Friday overnight) 2 to 3 PM Please contact Mike Thielsen, 815-385-8562 or mthielsen@live.com to volunteer as a permanent adorer. A huge thank you to all our faithful adorers who keep their hours every week and all the new adorers who have recently committed to covering open hours. Attention Bible Camp Volunteers: Please attend the Volunteer Meeting on Thursday, July 7, at 7 PM in Sherry Center to receive your t-shirt and other important information. We always need volunteers in all areas of bible camp—register online or pick up a form! Please pray this Vocation Prayer with a special intention for our parish member, Jordan Roth, and her desire to enter religious life! Father, in the name of Jesus, through the power of Your Holy Spirit, inspire men and women to labor for Your Kingdom. We especially pray for those discerning their state in life: single, celibate or married, religious, ordained or lay. Inspire them to be generous, courageous, and joyful. We pray through the intercession of Mary, our Mother, St. Ignatius, and all the saints. Amen. Jordan Roth, a member of Holy Apostles has been discerning life as a Franciscan Sister of the Renewal. As a member of the Franciscan community she must take a vow of poverty and enter the convent debt-free. Parish members have helped her with this goal: "I want to say thank you again to everyone who has already donated, for those who are still donating, and If You Like to Eat...You Can Help Jordan! for those who are keeping me in their prayers. I am continuously overwhelmed and extremely grateful for Who doesn’t like donuts or pizza? A few fundraisers are your generosity. Because of you all I have currently planned to help Jordan Roth pay off her student debt so that she can enter the religious life as a Franciscan Sister. raised $11,654.25 out of $40,000. This means I now have $28,345.75 to go, which if purely amazing. July 9/10 and July 23/24—Donut Sale after morning Know I am praying for you all and please continue to Masses and Pizza Sale after the 5 PM Mass pray for me and my endeavors! God is good and He is Culver’s Restaurant in Crystal Lake will donate a percentage of your purchase of delicious Culver’s food doing BIG things! God bless." Jordan Roth on Monday, July 25. Page 6 Couples—Enjoy a Special Evening Holy Apostles Marriage Ministry will again offer “An Evening by the Pond” (the outdoor evening atmosphere will be recreated indoors in Sherry Center) on Friday, July 15, from 8 to 10 PM. The evening’s topic, “Drop the Fig Leaf—God’s Plan for Man and Woman” will be presented by Dawn and Mike Fitzpatrick from the Archdiocese of Chicago. The cost is $25/couple, payable at the door. (Financial scholarships are available.) Please bring your chairs and a blanket for this intimate evening with your spouse. For details contact Lauren Kinnare at lkinnare@gmail.com. Community Kitchen—Sharing God’s Love We are feeding the hungry, at no cost, in the name of Christ, every Monday at 6 PM. in the Fr. Sherry Parish Center. Doors open at 5:45 PM. Please contact Liz Campana to volunteer to serve at liz2campana@comcast.net. Please contact Jim Prault to volunteer to cook at prault@sbcglobal.net. Either one of them will be happy to provide you with the information you need. Men’s “Road to Emmaus” Retreat Men—young and older—please save the date for the fall Men’s English “Road to Emmaus” Retreat to grow your relationship with Jesus. The dates are from the evening of Friday, November 4 through Sunday, November 6. Please mark your calendars to save these dates for an amazing retreat weekend that could change your life. If you have any questions, contact Deacon Curt Fiedler at 815-347-8862. Watch future bulletins for further details. Healing Mass Offered at St. John’s Welcome Fr. Chris Krymski from Our Lady of Sorrows Basilica in Chicago, home of the National Shrine of St. Peregrine to celebrate a Healing Mass for the sick or infirm. Anyone who suffers from cancer and their caregivers is invited to a Healing Mass on Saturday, July 9, at 10 AM, at St. John the Baptist Church, 2302 W. Church St., Johnsburg, and to receive a blessing with a relic of St. Peregrine. This Mass is sponsored by the St. Peregrine Cancer Support Group. For more information on the group, call Felici Kuna at 815-675-0140. The Church of Holy Apostles, McHenry, IL Help free our parish of the debt “anchor!” Make your pledge today! Go to thechurchofholyapostles.org—click on Anchors Aweigh or complete the pledge cards in the pews or Information Center and drop them in the collection basket or Parish Office. Thanks! Your Gifts Help Families Meet Needs Many of our neighbors who reach out to the St. Vincent de Paul Society for help have full-time employment, yet may not have steady income. Such is the case of a local couple with 5 children whose primary source of income is from commissions. Recently, the family went through a three week period without a commission check, which resulted in the family falling behind on their car payments. SVdPS helped this family with the payment, allowing them to keep their sole means of transportation. "She opens her arms to the poor and extends her hands to the needy." Proverbs 31:20 Please Support St.Vincent’s Tag Day “We ourselves feel that what we are doing is just a drop in the ocean, but the ocean would be less because of that drop.” —Mother Teresa This coming Saturday, July 2, is “Tag Day” for the Society of St. Vincent de Paul. Generous volunteers have been up some of their holiday weekend hours to collect donations in front of Ace Hardware, Jewel, Riverside Bakery in McHenry and Walmart in Johnsburg on that day. If you are greeted by one of these volunteers on July 2nd, will you kindly consider making a donation? In turn, you will be given a “tag” or card explaining what the St. Vincent de Paul Society does and a phone number to contact them in case there is someone you know who experiencing hardship. Attached to the tag is a wrapped Lifesaver candy to remind you that although you may think your donation is just a drop in the ocean, it’s actually a “life saver” to many. Tag Day is one of the ways the Society of St. Vincent de Paul raises funds to continue its ministry of helping the needy in our own community. Have a safe and happy Fourth of July weekend! Page 7 Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time McHenry Area Catholic Young Adult Ministry Join us for Wine & Cheese Night every first Sunday of the month after the 5 PM Mass. “Day at Petersen’s Farm” Today Enjoy the City of McHenry’s annual Colby-Petersen Farm celebration today, Sunday, June 26, at 4112 McCullom Lake Rd., a mile west of Rt. 31, from 10 AM to 4 PM. Admission and all activities are free. This year's theme is "A Hundred Years Ago Today," with artifacts and exhibits showing McHenry County farm life in 1916.There will be hayrides, farm animals. music and children’s games. Visitors will see crafts, textile demonstrations, blacksmithing, a farm garden and farm equipment displays. Children can use an old wringer washer to wash clothes and hang them out to dry. The farmhouse and garage is open for tours. Bring the family for a fun day on the farm! Enjoy Summer Events in McHenry! Take advantage of many fun events that the City of McHenry has to offer this summer: Jaycee’s Fireworks at Petersen Park on Saturday, July 2, at dusk. Food vendors and more! Thursday night concerts at 7:30 PM at Veteran’s Park from now through September 29. Wide variety of music offerings and food vendors. Farmer’s Market, Thursdays, in Veteran’s Park from 4 to 7:30 PM. Newly expanded to 20+ vendors. Fiesta Days from July 15 through 24, at various sites in the city, ending with the parade on July 24. Visit mchenryfiestadays.com for schedule. June 26, 2016 Offer Your Intentions with Candles Four large candles surround the Blessed Sacrament in the All Saints Perpetual Adoration Chapel, each burning for 14 days. Request your own personal intentions for their duration by contacting the Parish Office. The suggested donation is $15 per candle. From June 19 through July 2, with these candles, your prayers have been requested by the Liberato Family, Janice Stromberg and Sheila Nolan. Four Seasons Invite You to Lunch Four Seasons, is Holy Apostles group of age 50 and better men and women who enjoy socializing, eating and visiting places and who would love you to join them! They are single, married, widowed, divorced, retired and not. They meet monthly for lunch and/or an activity, which this month is on Tuesday, July 12, at Dockers Restaurant, 33 W. Grand Ave., Fox Lake, at 11:30 AM. Please RSVP to Barb Haffner by July 8 at 815-385-7479 if you plan on attending. Rides can be arranged. Silver & Gold Wedding Anniversary Mass Couples celebrating the milestone wedding anniversaries of 25, 50, 55, 60, 65, and 70 or more years of marriage in 2016 are invited to a special Mass celebrated by Bishop Malloy at St. Mary Parish in Huntley, IL on Sunday, August 21 at 2:30 PM. A cake and punch reception will immediately follow. Are you celebrating a special milestone? The Life & Family Evangelization Office welcomes your registration by phone 815-399-4300 or online at www.rockforddiocese.org/anniversary by August 5. Commemorative certificates to mark this special occasion will be available for those who pre-register for this event. Please Let Us Know Where You Are If you are homebound, in the hospital, in a nursing home or a rehab unit, please let us know. We try to keep track of everyone as they move from one location to another but sometimes we lose contact. If you have not heard from someone at Holy Apostles in a while, it may be because we don’t know where you are. There are people who can come visit you, bring you Communion or bring you meals. If you would like contact from your parish, call Jeanne Fraser, 815-388-0164 or jfraser@thechurchofholyapostles.org. We’re open after weekend Masses but will be closed on: Saturdays after 5 PM Mass: June 25, July 2, July 16 and July 30 Sundays after 5 PM Mass: July 3, July 24 and July 31 Take advantage of our Flash Sale on the Saturday and Sunday nights we are open! If you see us open on those evenings, stop in and get 20% off your entire purchase! Shop online at holyapostlesreligiousgoods.com. Pagina 8 Servicios en Español , P. Rubén Herrera Numero directo de su oficina 815-388-0151 MISAS: Domingo a las 12 PM en la Iglesia Jueves a las 7 PM en la Capilla Para solicitar una misa pasar a la oficina por lo menos dos semanas antes de la fecha. CONFESIONES: Jueves de 6:00 a 6:45 PM. ROSARIO: Jueves a las 6 PM. PRESENTACIONES : Son el segundo y cuarto domingo de cada mes en la misa de las 12 PM. Si desea anotar a su niño(a) comunicarse al 815-385-5673 Requisitos y Fechas para Bautizar *Traer copia del acta de nacimiento del niño(a) *Asistir a la clase pre-bautismal Papás y Padrinos. *Padrinos esposos traer certificado de matrimonio Bautismos en Domingo en la misa de 12 PM. Julio 3; Agosto 7; Septiembre 4; Octubre 2 Bautismos en Sábado son las 9 am. Jul 23; Agosto 27 y Septiembre 17 esta es la ultima fecha) Los Bautismos en Sábado son las 9 am. No hay misa Jul 23; Agosto 27 y Septiembre 17 esta es la ultima fecha) Clase Pre-bautismal: Lunes 6:45 pm. En la iglesia. La entrada es por la puerta principal. Junio 27; Julio 25; Agosto 29 Llamar a la oficina para REGISTRARSE “NO TRAER NIÑOS” Campamento de Biblia Traiga a sus niños al campamento de Biblia para este verano será una semana divertida; habrá música, muchas actividades, manualidades, snacks y mucha diversión del 11 al 15 de julio de 9:30 am a 12 pm. Venga y regístrelos en la oficina o en el website de la iglesia/biblecamp, también usted es bienvenida(o) como voluntario, sea parte de esta semana divertida y disfrute con sus hijos esta aventura aprendiendo y compartiendo. El costo es $20 dólares por niño si son de 4 años a 5to grado. Y los niños de 6to gado en adelante participan como voluntarios. “Los esperamos.” Ayúdanos Donando La Iglesia de Santos Apóstoles , McHenry, IL Adoración al Santísimo Sacramento Solicitamos Adoradores al Santísimo Sacramento permanentes, hay varios horarios disponibles. Domingo: 12 –1 pm. Jueves: 10 – 11 am; Viernes:10–11am; Sábado: (madrugada) 2 –3 m o sábado 2pm –3pm. interesados comunicarse con Medalit O’Hagan 815385-4038 o Celia Rojas 224-600-0050 Veladora en la Capilla de Adoración Las veladoras de la capilla de Adoración se prenden cada 14 días a petición de alguna intención personal. Si desea solicitar una puede pasar a la oficina de la iglesia. El costo son $15 dólares. En esta ocasión son encendidas del 19 de junio a 2 de julio a petición de la Familia Liberato, Janice Stromberg y Sheila Noland. Summer Festival (Festival de Verano) Tendremos el festival de Verano el 14 de agosto y deseamos que nos pueda acompañar en este día con su familia. Habrá juegos para sus niños, música y variedad de comida. Venga a pasar una tarde divertida, será en el estacionamiento de la iglesia desde las 9 de la mañana. La misa será Bilingüe a las 12 pm. Si puede o desea hacer algún tipo de donación comunicarse a la oficina de la Iglesia. 815-385-5673. Misa de Sanación Asista el sábado 9 de Julio a escuchar una misa de sanación para las personas que tiene cáncer y para las persona que se dedican a cuidarlos. Estará celebrando el sacerdote Chris Krymski que vendrá de la Basílica de Nuestra Señora del Socorro de Chicago. La misa será en la iglesia de St. John Baptist en Johnsburg a las 10 am. La bendición se dará con la reliquia de San Peregrino. Esta misa es organizada por el grupo de apoyo a las personas con cáncer. Pedimos nos pueda ayudar colaborando para tener lo necesario para los niños que vendrán al campamento de Biblia, estamos solicitando que nos ayude a completar algunos de los materiales y snacks necesarios para esta semana de aprendizaje y diversión. Solo tome una de los papelitos que se encuentran colgando en los arboles que están en el Narthex para que sepa que traer. Favor de entregar las donaciones antes del 5 de julio. Gracias Feria de la Salud McHenry Fiesta Days ¿Esta buscando trabajo? Las tres iglesias Católicas de McHenry estarán juntas en un carro alegórico en el desfile de la inauguración del evento Fiesta Days. (St Mary, St Patrick y Los Santos Apóstoles). Acompañenos desfilando el domingo 24 de julio. Lleve a sus hijos a la feria de la salud en las instalaciones del Colegio McHenry County en Crystal Lake, el miércoles 27 de julio de 9 AM a 4 PM. Aproveche esta feria de la salud para hacerle todos los chequeos necesarios a sus hijos. Exámenes dentales y vacunas a precios reducidos. Si necesita el examen físico para la escuela llame para hacer una cita 779-220-9300. La escuela Marian Central esta buscando una persona de tiempo completo por 12 meses como intendente de limpieza de la escuela. El horario de verano es de 7am a 3:30 pm y en el horario escolar de 3 pm a 11:30 pm. Mas información del trabajo visitar www.marian.com. Pagina 9 Décimo Tercer Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario El Viñedo de Raquel. Sanando el Dolor del Aborto. Dónde: Detroit Michigan. Fechas: Septiembre 9 al 11 de 2016 (en Español) Octubre 21 al 23 de 2016 (en Ingles) El Viñedo de Raquel de Detroit es un lugar seguro para renovar, reconstruir y redimir los corazones rotos por el aborto. Los retiros de fin de semana te ofrecen un ambiente de apoyo confidencial y que no te juzga. Un lugar donde mujeres y hombres pueden expresar, liberar y reconciliar las dolorosas emociones post-aborto para comenzar el proceso de recuperación, renovación y sanación. Llámanos (248) 296 9011º escríbenos vinedoraqueldetroit@gmail.com visita la página www.detroitrachelsvineyard.org Viaje a Italia para el 2017 El padre Paul esta invitando a las personas que gusten acompañarlo a un viaje a Italia donde visitaran Asís, Florencia, otras pequeñas ciudades y concluyendo la visita en Roma. La salida es del 25 de Septiembre al 5 de Octubre. Para mas información llamar a la oficina. Misa en Aniversario de Bodas Plata y Oro Las parejas que en 2016 celebran aniversarios de boda de 25, 50, 55, 60, 65, 70 o más años, están invitadas a una misa especial que el obispo David J. Malloy presidirá en honor a ellos, en la parroquia Santa María en Huntley, Illinois; el domingo 21 de agosto a las 2:30 p.m. Después de la misa habrá una recepción con pastel y poche. ¿Estás celebrando este hito especial? La Oficina de la Vida y Evangelización de la Familia te invita a inscribirte hasta el 5 de agosto en el (815) 399-4300 o en línea www.rockforddiocese.org/aniversario. Regístrate para recibir tu certificado especial conmemorativo. Visite la Granja Petersen La granja Colby—Peterson de McHenry hoy domingo 26 de junio tendra su celebración anual de 10 am a 4 pm. La entrada y las actividades son gratis. habrá animales de la granja música, juegos para niños, paseo en tractor y otras actividades para toda la familia, venga a pasar una tarde en familia en la granja. El domicilio es: 4112 McCullom Lake Rd. a una milla de la ruta 31. Paseo a Chicago Le invitamos a un paseo al centro de Chicago en la época navideña para ver todas las festividades. Este será un ida completo saliendo desde la mañana. Sábado 3 de diciembre. Se viajara en un autobús , se visitara la tienda Macy’s para hacer algunas compras y ver toda la decoración navideña.el lunch se hara en el famoso Walnut Room. Y a final del dia se ira a escuchar misa a la iglesia de St. Peter en el centro de Chicago. Mas información próximamente. 26 Junio, 2016 Catecismo Las familias que esten interesadas en las clases de catecismo para la primera communion o confirmacion que comenzaran en septiembre de este año, pueden pasar a la oficina de la iglesia a registarlos o pedir información. Tambien las formas para registrarlos las encuentra en el website de la iglesia www.thechurchofholyapostles.org Le da click en: Faith Formation/Registration R.I.C.A. o Rito de Iniciación Cristiana Para los Adultos es un proceso para personas que desean conocer más de la fe profesada en la Iglesia católica, y para los que desean recibir los Sacramentos de Iniciación, esto es, Bautismo, Confirmación y Comunión. El programa es también para los que desean ser aceptados en plena comunión con la Iglesia Católica o que deseen convertirse a la Iglesia Católica. ¿Está usted interesado o interesada en conocer más acerca de su fe en Jesucristo? ¿Tiene miembros de la familia que son católicos o amigos que se han alejado de la fe? Invítelos a ser Católico formando parte del grupo RICA. RICA Rito de Iniciación Cristiana para los Adultos Si eres mayor de 18 años y te faltan los sacramentos del Bautismo, Primera Comunión, Confirmación, este programa es para ti. O si fuiste bautizado (a) y te falta el sacramento de la Primera Comunión y la Confirmación, este programa es para ti. Las reuniones se llevan a cabo cada semana los días martes a las 7:00 p.m. en las instalaciones de la Parroquia de los Santos Apóstoles. En el Salón Ángeles y Arcángeles Iniciamos el martes 30 de agosto, 2016. REGISTRACION: pasar a la oficina con Ana Aguilar, y traer la boleta de bautismo. Horario de oficina es: Lunes de 9 am – 4 pm Martes de 11 am – 4 pm Miércoles de 11 am – 4 pm Jueves de 9 am – 4 pm Viernes de 9 a – 3 pm Comida para la Comunidad Necesitada Todos los lunes a las 6 pm tenemos el comedor para los mas necesitados de la comunidad. Si usted conoce a alguien que no tenga un plato de comida caliente en su mesa, pude compartirle esta información. Si desea participar como voluntario cocinando, llamenos a la oficina. HALO La organización de HALO (Holy Apostles Ladies Organización) esta solicitando donaciones de estambre que tenga en su casa que ya no use, listones, telas, marcadores de tela o material de fibra para rellenar. Lo utilizaran para hacer artesanías y manualidades para su próxima venta. La donaciones las puede dejar en el Narthex. Page 10 The Church of Holy Apostles, McHenry, IL Pictured left is our Mission Team that traveled to Cincinnati to serve people who needed their help. On one evening, Fr. Sherry (who lives in the Cincinnati area) was able to join them for pizza. He’s pictured in the center (wearing his Cubs shirt!) with Fr. David Austin, Pastor of St. Mary’s Church, McHenry, on the left, and Seminarian Aaron Downing on the right. Pictured right is our Mission Team that traveled to serve in New Orleans, when they stopped in Memphis and enjoyed (?) the 97 degree weather on their way back home. Both teams would like to offer their thanks all those who donated towards the cost of the trips! Join Fr. Paul for Catholic Pilgrimage to Italy Father Paul invites everyone to join him in a trip-of-a-lifetime to Rome, Florence, Assisi and several other Italian cities that concludes, in Rome, an audience with Pope Francis (if he is in residence). Travel dates are September 25 through October 5, 2017. Brochures with details of the trip are available in the Parish Office. Centegra Children’s Health & Safety Fair Centegra Health System helps to sponsor the annual Children’s Health and Safety Fair, which is scheduled for Wednesday, July 27, from 9 AM to 4 PM at McHenry County College, 8900 Rt. 14, Crystal Lake. This fair is organized to help local families access the necessary health services required for school-aged children while providing interactive educational booths where children and their parents can learn about important safety issues and healthy lifestyles. School physicals are available by appointment only (call 779-220-9300). Dental exams and reduced-cost immunizations (Medicaid accepted) are offered (bring your up-dated shot record to receive immunizations). Shine with the Nightingales! Christ the King parish invites all to enjoy a concert, ”Shine—A Night with the Nightingales” on Saturday, July 23, at 7 PM at the church, 5006 E. Wonder Lake Rd., Wonder Lake. A donation of $20 per ticket is requested. This fundraiser will support Christ the King Church renovations. Purchase tickets at Christ the King parish office, open 9 AM to 4 PM Monday—Thursday, 9 AM to 12 PM on Friday or call 815-653-2561.
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