Picture - The Crab Cracker
Picture - The Crab Cracker
Issue 162 • February 12-25, 2016 HAPPY VALENTINE’S DAY! www.TheCrabCracker.com TheCrabCracker@wavecable.com TABLE OF CONTENTS Artist of the Week....................................................................................40 Business Spotlight...................................................................................41 CALENDAR OF EVENTS.....................................................4-23 Classes & Workshops, Etc......................................................................27 Classifieds Listings........................................................................... 36-37 Community Information & Announcements / News........... 44-51 Cooking Mamas................................................................................ 56-57 Did You Know............................................................................................24 Dining Guide.............................................................................................60 From the Cellar.........................................................................................55 Journey with Jan......................................................................................58 Kids’ Korner......................................................................................... 34-35 Life Worth Writing About......................................................................61 Local Heroes..............................................................................................26 Local Photos & Art...................................................................................31 Local Poems & Stories............................................................................38 Maps of Stanwood, Silvana, Conway & Camano Island...... 28-29 Meetings & Clubs....................................................................................29 Moonshine Wisdom & Wit....................................................................59 Morgan’s Tales...........................................................................................25 Pet Pages (animals available for adoption)....................................39 Senior Happenings.................................................................................30 Tide Tables.................................................................................................62 View From the Bleachers......................................................................42 Welcome to The Crab Cracker! Here’s What’s Crackin’ The Crab Cracker is a community magazine created BY local residents FOR local residents. It is a FREE publication printed every two weeks and distributed throughout the communities of Camano Island, Stanwood, Silvana, and Conway. It contains an extensive calendar of events, original stories, feature articles, fun and interesting sections, community news and announcements, tide tables, and much more. Please send us any material you want our communities to know about for possible entry into this publication. It is content provided from YOU that makes this publication the popular source of information and entertainment that all of our friends and neighbors enjoy. Cover photo: The Seventh Annual Great Northwest Glass Quest occurs February 12-21 throughout Camano Island and Stanwood. This lucky girl, Muriella Brock, won a limited edition glass ball at last year’s event. © The Crab Cracker • Created by Walking Cat Design, Camano Island Jim and Malynda Shipley, owners, proprietors thecrabcracker@wavecable.com, or 360-387-3602 or 425-299-7892 P.O. Box 2535, Stanwood, WA 98292 • www.thecrabcracker.com The Crab Cracker and its contents are the sole property of The Crab Cracker and Walking Cat Design unless otherwise noted. Opinions expressed here are not necessarily shared by the publisher. We reserve the right to refuse any material we feel unsuitable. Publisher receives advertising in the condition the advertiser agrees that at no time shall publisher’s liability exceed the cost of the space, and publisher is not liable for incidental damages. Publisher accepts no responsibility for content submitted by other parties or taken from other sources, or spelling or grammatical errors. We cannot guarantee specific location of content, including ads (except cover ads). Submission DEADLINE for Next Edition ( Feb. 26 - Mar. 10, 2016 ) : THURSDAY, FEB. 18 www.TheCrabCracker.com FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 12 CALENDAR OF EVENTS Paul Bunyan Day According to the people of Bangor, Maine, Paul Bunyan was born there on February 12, 1834. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 12 After Hours Shopping event 6pm-9pm at Three Sisters Vintage, 1143 SR 532, Camano. Join us for a special shopping event geared towards an intimate feel and environment. Grab a friend, bring your spouse or come alone and wander through our delights at your pace! Along with appetizers and coffee/tea make this an event you won’t want to miss! FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 12 Free Museum Tour The Stanwood Area Historical Society offered free tours of the D.O. Pearson Home from 1pm-4pm at 27108 102nd Ave NW., Stanwood. More info: (360) 629-6110. Valentine Phobias: Orintho-Apiphobia - Fear of the Birds and Bees Ereuthophobia - Fear of Blushing Anlophobia Fear of Flowers Amoraphobia - Fear of Love FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 12 Why Move to Warm Beach? Breakfast Come have breakfast on us and listen to our residents tell why they chose to make Warm Beach Senior Community their new home. Breakfast will be at 9:30 a.m. with the program to follow. Following the breakfast, there will be an Open House of available apartments and homes. To reserve your space, please call 360-652-4593. Appraisals In Person Gold & Silver Buying Clinic “I have worked with hundreds of you in Stanwood for jewelry appraisals & estate jewelry buys. Peggy McNeil, at Storage Treasures, is hosting a gold & silver-buying clinic where I will be buying jewelry & coins, offering free appraisal advice & making appointments” – Randy Caverly CERTIFIED SINCE 1979 FEBRUARY 12, 2016 “Call Randy before you get robbed.” at New & Used Storage Treasures, in the Viking Village, Stanwood. Details at Storage Treasures or call Randy at 360-280-5094 www.appraisalsinperson.com TheCrabCracker@wavecable.com FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 12 CALENDAR OF EVENTS Ford Giesbrecht performs at Dos Reales Ford plays an eclectic mix of Brazilian classical, American and Latin jazz standards, pop interpretations and original music. 5:30-8:30pm. 9739 SR Hwy 532. No cover. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 12 Lorna Jane Trunk Show 9am-noon at Stanwood Swim & Fitness, 9612 270th St. NW. Come and get some super cute work out gear!! Lorna Jane Active Living is going to be here at SSF so stop in and pick up a Valentines gift for yourself. More info: 360-629-SWIM (7946). FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 12 Ready Readers: Baby & Me Storytime 11am at the Stanwood Library. Silly stories, happy songs, rhymes, and activities that inspire a love of reading. Playtime follows. For newborns through 18 months. Caregiver required. 360-629-3132. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 12 Teen Friday Matinee 3:30-5:45pm. Take a break with a movie and popcorn. Bring some friends to watch a movie voted on by a local teen group. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 12 valentine joke: What did the boy octopus say to the girl octopus? A: Can I hold your hand, hand, hand, hand, hand, hand, hand, hand, hand, hand? www.TheCrabCracker.com Randy Norris & Jeff Nicely (blues in the Parlor) – 7:30 pm at he Conway Muse – $7. Randy Norris & Jeff Nicely is an eclectic acoustic blues duo featuring Randy’s guitar slingin’ and dynamic vocals and Jeff’s fine harmonica lickin’. FRIDAY FEBRUARY 12 THE TROY FAIR BAND “COWGIRLS GONE WILD” Dance to this great band doing current & classic country music along with some of their own originals. $7 Show 9pm. Dance to the DJ/Music video system before after & during the band breaks. Loco Billy’s is located at 27021 102nd Ave NW, Stanwood. www.locobillys.com for more info or call (425) 737-5144. CALENDAR OF EVENTS FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 12 - SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 21 The Great Northwest Glass Quest NEED TO FIND ANOTHER CRAB CRACKER? An outdoor magazine rack filled with Crab Crackers is located next to the Stanwood police station. Place: Parks & Businesses in Stanwood and Camano Island. You are invited to participate in the greatest treasure hunt in the Pacific Northwest! Come to Stanwood and Camano Island to search for unique hand-blown glass treasures by world-renowned glass artists, Mark and Marcus Ellinger. Plastic Clue Balls will be hidden in local businesses and parks during the 10-day event. The Official Guide Book shows you where to look for Clue Balls. You can pick up a Guide Book at one of the participating businesses or download it from the web at www.TheGreatNWGlassQuest.com. Hint: The Clue Balls will be partially visible without you having to move anything. Sometimes the clue balls are camouflaged to make them even harder to find! If you find a plastic Clue Ball, congratulations! You are a winner! Inside you’ll find instructions on where to pick up your Glass Treasure! Bring your friends and family and have a great time exploring Stanwood and Camano Island while on your Quest! Bonus: All participants can Enter the Drawing to win a 2016 Great Northwest Glass Quest ball by completing the entry forms at the back of the Guide Book. Be sure to have the host businesses stamp your entry forms while you are on the Quest! SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 13 Joe T. Cook (Blues Band) – 7:30pm at the Conway Muse – $10. Don’t miss this opportunity to catch one of the Twin Cities’ premier blues performer/songwriters, Joe T Cook. — Jake Jacobson. 7430 276th St. NW Stanwood, WA 98292 Mac PC Cellular Phones ¨¡ª«Èª¬«È{¤« {¤«««È|¬§®ª± Tues-Sat 11 AM -6 PM 360-926-3146 9LNLQJ9LOODJH6WDQZRRG A place to be enriched, empowered & embraced! The Center offers lunch and dinner programs, many activities & volunteer opportunities, health & educational programs, room rentals, medical transportation, thrift store, a platform for community organizations. We are here for you! 360-629-7403 • stanwoodseniorcenter.org TheCrabCracker@wavecable.com CALENDAR OF EVENTS SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 13 Meet the Author - Gloria Koll 2pm at the Stanwood Library. The author, Gloria Koll alternates readings from her novel, “Skipping Stones” with Norwegian and early American songs played and sung by Mary McLeod. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 13 Camano Junction the Camano Center’s house band will play from 7-10 p.m. Come listen to or dance to the music of a 16 piece big band with some of the best musicians in the Northwest! $15 per person. Cash bar. Tickets sold at the door. 606 Arrowhead Road Camano Island. Valentine trivia: SATURDAY FEBRUARY 13 DJ MUSIC VIDEO DANCE “SATURDAY STOMP” No Cover! DJ/Jeff will keep you dancing to great Country music all night long to our great sounding DJ/Music Video System! Dance Lessons start at 8pm for $5. Loco Billy’s is located at 27021 102nd Ave NW, Stanwood. www.locobillys.com. (425) 737-5144. Crossing your heart to express a promise or pledge goes back to the Roman Catholic’s gesture of making a sign of the cross. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 13 Valentines Dance Little Mountain and Stanwood Eagles (modern country, classic rock) team up for a great Valentine’s Dance to be remembered. This will be our first time there so come out to join this party. 8pm at Eagles FOE 3041, 6419 Pioneer Hwy, Stanwood (next to fairgrounds). Local. Knowledgeable. Connected. Your “go to” real estate resource for Camano Island! Linda Evans Broker, Realtor® 360 632-6788 www.InsideCamano.com www.TheCrabCracker.com 818 N. Sunrise Blvd. Camano Island, WA SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 13 CALENDAR OF EVENTS Dance Night with BurdWire! 8pm – 11pm at Pub 282. 370 NE Camano Drive - Camano Island, 360-926-8960. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 13 Valentine BINGO at Lake Goodwin Community Club. This months potluck social will have cupid giving love and joy to the winning participants. Bring your valentine to play. Game starts at 7PM Social hour starts at 5:30 with dinner to follow. Bring your favorite dish to share. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 13 VALENTINE’S DAY at Starlight Vintage Emporium & Razzle Dazzle Gifts. CANDY, COOKIES, AND COFFEE SERVED ALL DAY. SPECIAL PRICING ON JEWELRY. 8705 271st St. NW, Stanwood. 360-629-4414. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 13 Love Sucks Singles Party and Karaoke at Amigos Mexican Restaurant at the Stanwood Cinemas Pavilion. Call (360) 629-5052 for more info. valentine trivia: Elizabeth Barret Browning (a prominent english poet of the Victorian era) didn’t marry her husband, Robert Browning until she was 40 years old because her father wouldn’t let her get married. She was the oldest and his favorite. In 1846, the couple eloped and settled in Florence, Italy. Her father never spoke to her again. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 13 “LOOKING FOR LINCOLN,” At 2pm, the Camano Schoolhouse Foundation is kicking off their program year with a Celebration of Abraham Lincoln’s birthday with a talk by Lincoln scholar, Dr. Richard Hanks, a recent Camano Island resident. He grew up in Beardstown, Illinois, where Lincoln practiced law for a time. Richard’s family is related to Lincoln though his mother, Nancy Hanks Lincoln. He will talk about Lincoln’s early life and the philosophies that guided him. A suggested donation of $10 is requested. All proceeds fund the repair and preservation of the historic 1905 Camano City Schoolhouse, which is located at 993 Orchid Road. For more information, call 360-387-4598. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 13 Family BINGO at the American Legion Hall, 609 W. Camano Drive. Doors open at 4:30 P.M. and Bingo starts at 6pm. Snacks and beverages available. More info: 360-387-5420. TheCrabCracker@wavecable.com CALENDAR OF EVENTS SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 13 Lovebirds Market Indoor Market at the Stanwood Cinemas Pavilion. 12-4pm. (For Valentines Day & during the great Northwest Glass Quest 2016!!) Email CamanoFarmersMarket@gmail.com for details. FEBRUARY 12 Paul bunyan Day According to the people of Bangor, Maine, Paul Bunyan was born there on February 12, 1834 SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 13 “Calling all men!” Come join us for a free men’s breakfast held at Stanwood Foursquare Church on Saturday, February 13th at 8:00am. Location is 27007 90th Ave NW, Stanwood. 360-629-9258. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 13 “Art Aloft” Opening Reception February 13 – Reception for artists taking part in annual art show, “Art Aloft”. Pot luck at the Guilded Gallery from 5-7 p.m. Ribbons will be awarded. “Art Aloft”, Stanwood/Camano Art Guild’s only judged show runs Feb 14-27. Come see the work of 30 outstanding local artists. Vote for People’s Choice award. Show will be open to the public during A Guilded Gallery’s hours, 10-5 Tuesday thru Sunday. movementarts.com 360-629-9100 Camano Island 848 North Sunrise Blvd. Suite G206 www.TheCrabCracker.com 10 TheCrabCracker@wavecable.com SATURDAY & SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 13 & 14 CALENDAR OF EVENTS Parents’ Night Out 5:30pm. Enjoy a kid-free Valentine’s date, Girl’s night out, or a quiet night in while your kids have fun playing at Premiere Dance and Performing Art’s Stanwood Studio. We will provide all the fun, a light snack, and clean up. You provide the kids. Kids from 3 years (potty traned) to 10 years old welcome. Space is limited to the first 30 kids, so register today. Registration $15. (425) 870-4789. SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 14 HAPPY VALENTINES DAY! tips to Reduce Waste “Use by” and “best by” dates are not regulated terms (except infant formula). They aren’t related to whether the food is safe to eat. – WasteWise, Island County SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 14 Valentine Brunch (OPEN TO THE PUBLIC). Treat your Valentine to best Buffet Brunch on Camano Island at the Camano Island Yacht Club 129 N. Sunset Dr. Camano Island. 9am-noon. $9 for Adults and $5 for Children under 9. Omelets are $1 extra. Menu includes; Bacon, Sausage, Scrambled Eggs, Hash Browns, Blue Berry Pancakes, Fresh Fruit, Sweet Rolls, Juices, Coffee and Tea. Please join us for a great meal in a relaxing setting overlooking Saratoga Passage. SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 14 Valentines Day Special with Mercedes Nicole and the Acoustic Jazz/Blues Trio – 6pm at the Conway Muse – $18. SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 14 Free Museum Tour The Stanwood Area Historical Society offered free tours of the D.O. Pearson Home from 1pm-4pm at 27108 102nd Ave NW., Stanwood. More info: (360) 629-6110. SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 14 Sunday Night Live (Alive in Christ). New children’s and family ministry! 5:30-7pm at Island Baptist Church. This is a ‘Vacation Bible School’ style of children’s program (games, crafts, and Bible lesson & memory work) for kids preschool -5th grade. There is also an adult class for parents entitled “Grace-based Parenting” - a DVD series. The adult class runs at the same time as the children’s program. kmpearce66@gmail.com. www.TheCrabCracker.com 11 CALENDAR OF EVENTS SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 14 Love Potion Tea Party! Presidents Day George Washington was born on February 22, 1732. He became the first president of the United States in 1789 (and reelected in 1792). Valentines Day aromatherapy Tea Party- Bring Someone Special to Enjoy Tea and treats while creating your own custom made Aromatherapy Love Potion blend! You will be able to make Aphrodisiac, Love potion, or Heart Healing blends! Sample, sniff, mix and create your own signature potion with Michelle Mahler’s expert blending guidance! $30 per Person. Register Asap. Pre-payment is required. Noon at Tea with your Dragon, 8715 271st St NW, Ste 1, Stanwood. SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 14 Silvana Viking Hall BINGO 6pm. Come early for some food! 1331 Pioneer Hwy, Silvana. Questions? 360-652-2538. EVERY MONTH, 2nd Sunday. Abraham Lincoln was born on February 12, 1809. He was the 16th president of the United States. MONDAY, FEBRUARY 15 Happy Presidents Day Presidents Day combines both Washington’s birthday and Lincoln’s birthday, since both happen in the month of February very close together. 12 TheCrabCracker@wavecable.com MONDAY, FEBRUARY 15 CALENDAR OF EVENTS HEALTH & WELLNESS SERIES: Heart Health Warm Beach Senior Community continues its Health & Wellness Series at 2pm. Open to the public. As you get older, it is important to maintain regular visits with your doctor and have your blood pressure checked regularly. Dr. Kevin Clay, MD of the Everett Clinic and the former Medical Director at Warm Beach Health Care Center will be leading a discussion on heart health and what steps you can take to stay healthy. 20420 Marine Dr., Stanwood, Beachwood Lounge. More info, call 360-652-4593 or email jwilkins@warmbeach.org. MONDAY, FEBRUARY 15 Photography Discussion Hosted by the Stanwood/Camano Island F:2.8 camera club. They will be held at the Stanwood Library from 7-9 pm. More info: Call Mike at: 360-322-8358. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 16 Lego Club An afterschool activity for grades 1-5. 3:45-5:15pm at the Stanwood Camano Community Resource Center. All children must be accompanied by an adult. Free activity & snacks provided. 9612 271st St. NW, Stanwood. (360) 629-5257. stanwoodcamanoresources.org. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 16 FREE MIXXEDFIT Master Class YOUR INFO HERE IN THE CALENDAR OF EVENTS IS FREE! Email us at thecrabcracker @wavecable.com or call us at 360-387-3602 for more information. at the Stanwood- Camano YMCA Studio! Come join Mixxedfit National Trainer, Kat Dowrey and the crew for this people inspired dance fitness format, that is a MIX of explosive dance fitness and bootcamp toning! Feel the joy and energy from fun, fresh music and easy to follow moves! FREE CLASS, OPEN TO ALL and suitable for all fitness levels! 6:30pm at 7009-265th St NW Stanwood. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 16 STEAM Tunnel: Where Science & Arts Collide! 4-5:30pm at the Stanwood Library. Explore the science, technology, engineering and math of music: We’ll use high-tech and low-tech to create our own compositions and make musical instruments from junk! For school-age children. 629-3132. Sleepless America America is in a sleep crisis. What is the reason? Is there a solution? Read what the experts say is the issue and what can be done about it. Are you ready for a good night’s sleep? Send $10 (check or m/o, price includes S&H). Receive Sleepless America booklet and free sample of Chooze to Snooze Tea. Mail to: Chris B., PO Box 482, Stanwood, WA 98292 Please allow 4 wks. delivery. www.TheCrabCracker.com 13 TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 16 CALENDAR OF EVENTS Ready Readers: Baby & Me Storytime 11am at the Camano Island Library. Wiggle and giggle with your baby through silly stories, happy songs, rhymes, and activities. For ages 3 to 18 months. Caregiver required. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 16 Kaboom 6-7:30pm at Camano Chapel. Kindergarten through Firth Grade. Contact Teresa VanSant at teresavansant@camanochapel.org for more information. Go to camanochapel.org to download a registration form. Come have fun with us on Tuesday evenings! TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 16 Essential Oils for a Safer, Cleaner Home 7 – 8pm at the Stanwood Senior Center, 7430 - 276th Street NW (Conf Room). Free class! Empower yourself with the knowledge of how to use essential oils to provide effective, gentle, and natural solutions for yourself, family, and friends. More info: 425-350-7726. FEBRUARY 15 Presidents Day “Few people have the virtue to withstand the highest bidder.” - George Washington WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 17 Bald Eagles - Yesterday and Today Learn about the breeding and winter ecology of the bald eagle, 7 p.m. at the Island County Multipurpose Center, 141 N East Camano Drive, Camano Island. Jim Watson, Wildlife Research Scientist with the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) and the lead researcher for statewide raptor studies, will discuss this iconic raptor in the context of its remarkable population recovery and look at what challenges the species faces in the future. For information, call 360-387-2236, visit www.camanowildlifehabitat.org. FAMILY OWNED & OPERATED! Elger Bay • Camano Plaza • North Camano Coffee is a great gift!! Card sale 2/7 - 2/14 14 TheCrabCracker@wavecable.com WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 17 Jazz at the Center with Miles Black Trio CALENDAR OF EVENTS 7-9pm at Camano Center. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 17 Ready Readers: Preschool Storytime 9:30 or 10:30am at the Stanwood Library. Let imaginations run wild with fun books, sing-along songs, and creative activities. Playtime or craft may follow. For ages 3 to 5 years. Caregiver required. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 17 Pretty in Pink – 30th Anniversary Originally released (almost) 30 years ago on February 28, 1986, we’re bringing Pretty in Pink back to the big screen thanks to our friends at Fathom Events! Starring Molly Ringwald, Jon Cryer & Andrew McCarthy. 7:00 pm. at Stanwood Cinemas. $12.50. Rated PG13 for adult situations and language. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 17 Free Museum Tour The Stanwood Area Historical Society offered free tours of the D.O. Pearson Home from 1pm-4pm at 27108 102nd Ave NW., Stanwood. More info: (360) 629-6110. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 17 Valentine trivia: Who gets the most Valentines? (A) Teachers (B) Wives (C) Husbands (D) Mistresses Answer: Teachers Free Recycle Workshop 10-11:30am at the Camano Center. Have lunch afterwards. $4 Seniors, $6 Non-Seniors. (if you’re interested in having lunch after class, please call a day ahead). Learn how to recycle better than ever before! We’ll show you how! www.Recycleforagoodcause.wordpress.com. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 17 “What’s in your preparedness kit?” The Camano Island Preparedness Group will meet at the Vista Madrona Fire Station, 273 N. West Camano Dr., from 1-3pm with a program, open to the public. Bill Swander will be discussing necessary items for your emergency kit, what comes in prepared kits and what you may need to add to your kit. The emphasis in this presentation is to design and construct a robust 72 hour kit to keep your family safe and comfortable for a 3 day period of time. 360-572-4230. I will be hiding “Clue Balls” at my Listings. Check my website for more info. www.TheCrabCracker.com 15 16 TheCrabCracker@wavecable.com WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 17 CALENDAR OF EVENTS Digital Downloads-Using Overdrive 3-5:15pm at the Camano Island Library. A comprehensive class on using Overdrive for borrowing and downloading eBooks as well as eAudiobooks. Will cover a computer as well as a mobile device. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 18 Singles Night 6-8pm at Camano Center, 606 Arrowhead Rd. Singles game night. No cost to play. Bring an appetizer to share. Info: 360-387-0222. THURSDAY,FEBRUARY 18 Reid Jamieson (Vinyl Cafe/Vancouver Canada) – 7:30pm at the Conway Muse – $10. “Gorgeous, sun-struck acoustic soul”. 18444 Spruce St, Conway, WA. (360) 445-3000. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 18 Family Storytime 10:30am at the Stanwood Library. Get moving and grooving with books and puppets, songs, games and hands-on activities. All ages welcome. Caregiver required. 360-629-3132. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 18 Preschoolers Explore STEM Valentine Trivia: Candy first began as a Valentine gift in the 17th century and is believed to be a result of inspiration by Shakespeare’s Hamlet who said “Sweets for the sweet.” www.TheCrabCracker.com 10:30am at the Stanwood Library. Have fun exploring science, technology, engineering, and math. Today’s theme: (ENGINEERING) Build It! Can you build a weight-bearing structure? For ages 3-5 with a caregiver. More info: 360-629-3132. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 18 Ready Readers: Toddler Storytime 11am at the Camano Island Library. Jump and bounce into a magical world of stories, music, and movements that nurture the desire to read in toddlers. Ages 18 months to 3 years. Caregiver required. THURSDAY FEBRUARY 18 JAM/OPEN MIC “Tightwad Thursday” ~ No Cover! 8pm. Bring your instrument or voice or just come to dance & enjoy all the great music! Loco Billy’s is located at 27021 102nd Ave NW, Stanwood. (425) 737-5144. 17 THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 18 CALENDAR OF EVENTS Math and Reading Night Journey to Star Wars Math and Reading Night is coming to Stanwood Elementary! Join us for some family Star Wars fun with math and reading games for all ages and a FREE DINNER provided by the PTO. 6:00-6:30 - Dinner; 6:30-7:30 - Math and Reading Stations. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 19 Youth Mental Health First Aid 8am at Stanwood Camano Community Resource Center, 9612 271st St NW, Stanwood. Do you know a youth that may be facing mental health challenges? Do you know how to help? Mental Health First Aid USA is proud to announce a new curriculum focused on helping youth (ages 12-18) who may be experiencing a mental health challenge or in a crisis. Compass Health is offering this fun, highly interactive one day course that provides an overview of youth mental illness in the U.S. It introduces participants to risk factors and warning signs of mental health problems and builds understanding of their impact. For information call (360) 629-5257. FRIDAY FEBRUARY 19 DJ/MUSIC VIDEO DANCE Presidents Day Trivia: After President Lincoln’s death, a funeral train carried his body for two weeks throughout the country. Crowds gathered at every station to pay tribute. 18 Special Guest ~ DJ/Dance Instructor Jennifer Marzolf $5. Dance Lessons start at 8pm & are free with the cover. Jen will keep you dancing all night long! Show 9pm. Loco Billy’s is located at 27021 102nd Ave NW, Stanwood. www.locobillys.com. (425) 737-5144. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 19 Ready Readers: Baby & Me Storytime 11am at the Stanwood Library. Silly stories, happy songs, rhymes, and activities. Playtime follows. For newborns through 18 months. Caregiver required. 360-629-3132. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 19 William Pint & Felicia Dale 7:30pm at the Conway Muse – $7. Whether they are singing contemporary songs with maritime themes or the old sea shanties of the Age of Sail, Pint & Dale deliver a high energy performance with dynamic vocals and exciting instrumental fireworks. 18444 Spruce St, Conway, WA. (360) 445-3000. TheCrabCracker@wavecable.com FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 19 LEGO Construction Zone CALENDAR OF EVENTS 3:30-5pm at the Stanwood Library. Use your imagination to create spaceships, buildings, cars, whatever pleases you. Open to all ages. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 19 Free Museum Tour The Stanwood Area Historical Society offered free tours of the D.O. Pearson Home from 1pm-4pm at 27108 102nd Ave NW., Stanwood. More info: (360) 629-6110. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 19 Ford Giesbrecht performs at Dos Reales Ford plays an eclectic mix of Brazilian classical, American and Latin jazz standards, pop interpretations and original music. 5:30-8:30pm. 9739 SR Hwy 532. No cover. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 19 American Legion Prime Rib Dinner Join us for PRIME RIB DINNER at the American Legion Post 92 Frank Hancock Hall— off Hwy 532 next to Rite Aide. Dinner includes a generous cut of Prime Rib, Baked Potato (with all the fixings), Salad Bar, Vegetables & Dessert-all for just $15. Come early,we DO run out! Crazy for You – Ways to say I love you By Mary Ann Wells Sending Valentines Heart-shaped pancakes Silly love poems & hidden love notes Snowy picnics Holding hands in the store Sharing a milkshake Snuggling on the sofa. www.TheCrabCracker.com SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 20 Tennent Tour Bring a friend and join us for a special Asbury Seminary Breakfast with teaching by Dr. Timothy C. Tennent, President of Asbury Theological Seminary. Dr. Tennent will give updates on the seminary, share in-depth teaching, and preach in a local church. 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. at Warm Beach Conference Center, Maple Center Building, 20800 Marine Drive, Stanwood. More info: 1-877-772-9287. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 20 The Maltese Falcon Stanwood Cinemas is delighted to be partnering with Fathom Events, Turner Classic Movies (TCM) and Warner Brothers Entertainment to be celebrating the 75th Anniversary of The Maltese Falcon (1941) on the big screen at 2:00 pm! This beloved classic will be accompanied by special commentary from TCM hosts, who will provide insight, background, and more, making the film come alive. An all-star cast including Sydney Greenstreet, Mary Astor, Peter Lorre and Elisha Cook Jr. joins Humphrey Bogart in this crackling mystery masterwork. This film will be shown in the same aspect ratio as when it was originally released in cinemas in 1941. Tickets are $8.50. 19 SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 20 CALENDAR OF EVENTS Family BINGO at the American Legion Hall, 609 W. Camano Drive. Doors open at 4:30 P.M. and Bingo starts at 6pm. Snacks and beverages available. More info: 360-387-5420. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 20 Jack Mattingly and Whiskey Fever 7:30pm at the Conway Muse – $5. Jack Mattingly and Whiskey Fever are a Roots/Americana/Folk-Rock-n-Roll band from the Skagit/ Whatcom county area. Normally more of a rock-n-roll band LIVE, The Muse show will take them back to their acoustic roots. 18444 Spruce St, Conway, WA. (360) 445-3000. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 20 ISLAND COUNTY REPUBLICANS GATHER FOR CAUCUS The Island County Republican Party is hosting Precinct Caucuses at 3 locations around the County. Doors will open at 8:30 AM. Caucus begins promptly at 10:00. We gather to elect alternates and delegates to our County Convention who will then vie for a spot to go on the State and National Conventions. We will also discuss platform and resolution ideas. You will also be asked to present ID. The local location is: Utsalady Elementary School, 608 Arrowhead Rd, Camano Island.More info: 360-279-1197 or go to www.islandcountygop.com to pre-register. February Tip: Now’s the time to hang those nest boxes for orchard mason bees and birds. Be sure that birds have water available during winter freezes. 20 SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 20 Sweet Lou’s Sour Mash 7pm – 9pm at Pub 282. 370 NE Camano Drive - Camano Island, 360926-8960. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 20 Essential Oils for a Safer, Cleaner Home 11am – 12pm at Stanwood Senior Center, 7430 - 276th Street NW (Conf Room). Free class on how essential oils can be used to clean your home safely!! Empower yourself with the knowledge of how to use essential oils to provide effective, gentle, and natural solutions for yourself, family, and friends. More info: 425-350-7726. TheCrabCracker@wavecable.com SATURDAY FEBRUARY 20 CALENDAR OF EVENTS DJ/MUSIC VIDEO DANCE “SATURDAY STOMP” No Cover. Special Guest ~ Dance Instructor Kim Hargrove. Line Dance Lessons start at 7pm & are free. Dance all night long to the DJ/Music Video System! Show 9pm. Loco Billy’s is located at 27021 102nd Ave NW, Stanwood. www.locobillys.com. (425) 737-5144. SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 21 Free Museum Tour The Stanwood Area Historical Society offered free tours of the D.O. Pearson Home from 1pm-4pm at 27108 102nd Ave NW., Stanwood. More info: (360) 629-6110. SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 21 Basketball at Camano Chapel 5:00-7:00 pm at Camano Chapel. We’d love to have you join us! More info: jenniferclem@camanochapel.org. The Crab Cracker had compiled this list of current events, derived from submissions & research from various resurces, with effort to ensure accuracy. We cannot be held responsible for errors. We recommend that you contact the venue or event to confirm the info provided. Thank you. www.TheCrabCracker.com SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 21 LOCAL RESIDENT’S HYDRO-ELECTRIC DAM PROJECT IN EASTERN CONGO Randy Matthewson and his wife Alice spend about half of each year at Nundu, DRC, on the west side of Lake Tanganyika, and in adjacent Burundi, working on various projects to benefit the peoples of the area. Randy and Alice will be leaving soon to continue work. The main project is a small hydro-electric dam in a narrow gorge which will supply power & clean water to the Nundu complex. Randy will be speaking about the Nundu hydro project at 6:30 pm in Beachwood Lounge at the Warm Beach Senior Community. 360 652-7585. SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 21 Hops and Houses It is a fun event where we start at 1pm at Pub 282 on Camano Island. We talk about the current market and then take a bus and tour all of the open houses on Camano Island. Seating is limited, RSVP to jerryevans@windermere.com. SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 21 Sunday Night Live (Alive in Christ). New children’s and family ministry! 5:30-7pm at Island Baptist Church. This is a ‘Vacation Bible School’ style of children’s program (games, crafts, and Bible lesson & memory work) for kids preschool -5th grade. There is also an adult class for parents entitled “Grace-based Parenting” - a DVD series. Adult class runs at the same time as the children’s program. kmpearce66@gmail.com. 21 MONDAY, FEBRUARY 22 CALENDAR OF EVENTS FREE Vein Screening to evaluate visible varicose veins in the legs. Screenings take less than 10 minutes and are open to men and women. Participants are examined individually in a private environment and should wear loose-fitting clothes (no pantyhose). 1:30-4:30pm at Skagit Regional Clinics - Stanwood, 9631 269th Street NW. Pre-registration required. 360-814-2424 or 360-629-6481. MONDAY, FEBRUARY 22 Ready Readers: Family Storytime 10am at the Camano Island Library. Amazing stories, action songs, and motor skills challenges will make you giggle & move. All ages. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 23 Ready Readers: Baby & Me Storytime 11am at the Camano Island Library. Wiggle and giggle with your baby through silly stories, happy songs, rhymes, and activities. For ages 3 to 18 months. Caregiver required. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 23 Equine nutrition Clinic 6-7:30pm at the Country Store in Stanwood. Learn about feeding trends & metabolic issues from Dr. Stephen Durent. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 23 Valentine Trivia: According to Roman mythology, Cupid is the son of which goddess? A) Venus B) Aphrodite C) Athena D) Artemis Kaboom 6-7:30pm at Camano Chapel. Kindergarten through Firth Grade. Contact Teresa VanSant at teresavansant@camanochapel.org for more information. Go to camanochapel.org to download a registration form. Come have fun with us on Tuesday evenings! WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 24 Free Museum Tour The Stanwood Area Historical Society offered free tours of the D.O. Pearson Home from 1pm-4pm at 27108 102nd Ave NW., Stanwood. More info: (360) 629-6110. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 24 Ready Readers: Preschool Storytime 9:30am or 10:30am at the Stanwood Library. Let imaginations run wild with fun books, sing-along songs, and creative activities that prepare young minds for the adventures of reading. Playtime or craft may follow. Ages 3 to 5 years. Caregiver required. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 24 Introduction to Microsoft Word Answer: Venus. In GREEK mythology he is the son of Aphrodite. 22 3-5pm at Camano Island Library. Develop your digital literacy skills by learning the basics of Microsoft Word in this hands-on class. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 24 ‘EVENING OF PINOCHLE” The Stanwood Sons of Norway will be sponsoring an “Evening of Pinochle” on the 4th Wednesday of each month at 5:00 PM. Potluck at 5pm & Cards at 6pm. For more info, call Pam at 425 422-4197. TheCrabCracker@wavecable.com CALENDAR OF EVENTS WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 24 MARINE MAMMALS OF THE SALISH SEA Ever wondered what to do when seeing a marine mammal on the beach that appears to be stranded. Come learn how to report sightings and stranding’s at 7 pm at the Island County Multipurpose Center, 141 N. East Camano Drive. Jessie Huggins from Cascadia Research will highlight current marine mammal research and the potential conflicts with humans. We will also learn how to identify different species. Program free to the public. 360-572-4130. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 25 Family Storytime COMING SOON! 10:30am at the Stanwood Library. Get moving and grooving with books and puppets, songs, games and hands-on activities that will help children develop motor, listening and literacy skills. All ages. FEBRUARY 26 THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 25 Philanthropist of the Year Awards Breakfast FEBRUARY 27-28 port susan snowgoose festival FEBRUARY 28 selah at St. Aidan’s MARCH 2 solar 101 workshop MARCH 5 DOWNTOWN ABBEY TEA www.TheCrabCracker.com Preschoolers Explore STEM 10:30am at the Stanwood Library. Have fun exploring science, technology, engineering, and math at our Thursday storytimes in February! FEB 25: (MATH) Seeing Double! Double the beauty, double the fun: explore symmetry to create art! For ages 3-5 with a caregiver. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 25 Ready Readers: Toddler Storytime 11am at the Camano Island Library. Jump and bounce into a magical world of stories, music, and movements that nurture the desire to read in toddlers. For ages 18 months to 3 years. Caregiver required. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 25 MuseBird Cafe with Kevin Kieneker & TBD – 7:30pm at the Conway Muse – $10. Kevin Kieneker is a young, local guitar virtuoso that happened upon our doors at a Song Circle event and wowed us with his music. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 25 SHS FFA Prime Rib Dinner We will hold our annual FFA Prime Rib dinner on February 25th at Stanwood High School. The dinner will start at 6 p.m. and is $20. For tickets, please call (360) 629-1300, ext. 5482. 23 did you know? The Stanwood Area Historical Society asks, “Did You Know?” Excerpts taken from the “Stanwood Story”, written for the Stanwood News by Alice Essex. During prohibition days of the 1920’s, Camano Island came into new-found fame… or ill repute. Utsalady had become known as the regular port of call for Canadian booze boats and many a bank account was increased by the illegal traffic. It was even said that Camano Island was the landing spot for most of the bonded liquor sold by booze syndicates in Everett, Seattle and other Puget Sound cities. The Island’s secluded bays and wooded hills had become strategic hideouts for sentries, who signaled the boats with automobile spotlights. From there, the illegal cargoes were taken through Stanwood by car at night and thence to city vendors. Booze fights were not uncommon and Islanders were terrified with the goings-on. Within the year, one runner was fatally shot. The second gun fight came in June, 1924 when Island County Deputy Sheriff James Gillam (who lived on Camano) was critically shot as he and another deputy attempted to capture four rum runners…one of whom was a woman. The Gillam shooting took place near one of the beaches on the southeast side of Camano, where officers had set up a road block for two cars with contraband cargo. One car, a Ford, ran the barricade and the sheriff was shot when he and the other deputy riddled it with bullets. The Ford, with its 11 cases of liquor, was soon abandoned and the runners escaped. The second car, a Studebaker with 42 cases, was held. The woman took to the woods during the gun battle, but later flagged down her own automobile, in which a deputy was rushing Dr. A.C. Brown and the wounded Gillam to a hospital in Everett. According to the record, the female rum runner made her way to the John Einarsen residence about 10:30 that night and begged a ride to East Stanwood. She said friends would drive her to her sick husband in Everett. Ernest Einarsen drove her to the east side of town, near her purported friend’s home with certain justified misgivings. From there she promptly hiked along the cemetery road, where she flagged down her Studebaker and landed in custody of the officers. She was jailed in Everett and later was fined $500, plus costs, in Coupeville. One of the other runners, who had been apprehended meantime, received the same sentence. The abandoned Ford was found and held in Stanwood; the 53 cases of liquor were sent to Coupeville. Stanwood also had booze problems in 1924 and launched a clean-up, after a man drowned near the south end of Camano Island. He had fallen out of his boat after being lured with bootleg booze in town. Two men were arrested for selling him the liquor and a local establishment was charged with bootlegging. Result…Mayor Charles Dockendorf issued clean-up orders on drunks and bootleg spots…winning hearty endorsement from the churches. Taking care of your parent's furniture or downsizing? We are always accepting “well cared for” consignment furniture! It’s the Mix, not the Match! Making shopping cool, Re-Feather Your Nest presents a revolving inventory of consigned & new home furnishings, home décor, garden accessories & other great retail items in their two hip, relaxed & easy-to-shop stores. Located in downtown Mount Vernon next to the Calico Cupboard Café Bakery & in Anacortes next to Calico Cupboard. La Conner location closing! 25% off storewide, 60% off clearance items 360-755-3126 (Mount Vernon) • www.re-featheryournest.com 24 TheCrabCracker@wavecable.com MORGAN’S TALES Tales from Morgan’s Used Book Store, The Stanwood Camano Community Resource Center and Davis Place. www.TheCrabCracker.com Hearts and flowers are in the air in February as well as birds and glass balls on Camano Island and in Stanwood. So, in honor of hearts and flowers, stock up on romances at Morgan’s Tales. Romances will be half price. Read some new works by your favorite author or introduce yourself to a new author if you don’t usually read romances. As you may know, Morgan’s Tales is built on community donations. Recently we were given a vast collection of Christian fiction. Those books will also be on sale for half price this month. Romances and Christian fiction may be built around a mystery, or history or western scenery or any of a number of plot lines. The key is that the story is resolved happily. Both genres add positive energy to your life. So add some romances or Christian fiction to your reading list this month and help build up your own library. If you would like to donate books, we accept any books that are in resale condition except textbooks, books in a series, and magazines. Call ahead if you have a large number of books to donate. The staff can help you decide which ones will add to the bookstore. Stock up on romances and Christian fiction at Morgan’s Tales. All romances and Christian fiction will be half price during the month of February. 25 local heroes The Last Shot By Richard Hanks Another article in a monthly series on the Veterans we will honor on the Community Memorial being built by the Stanwood Area Historical Society. Article by Richard Hanks When allied forces crossed the Rhine River into Germany in March 1945 the end of Hitler’s Thousand-Year Reich was numbered in days. Soldiers, such as those with the 387th Infantry Regiment, certainly hoped to avoid becoming a final, fatal statistic in the waning hours of the conflict but areas of resistance still had to be subdued. The 97th Division, including the 387th Infantry, was tasked with eliminating the so-called “Ruhr Pocket”— the industrial area in southwest Germany centered around Dusseldorf which provided much of the economic might that powered the German war machine. The 387th Infantry was ordered to secure two key bridges across the Wupper River, southeast of Dusseldorf. PFC Wesley Sigerstad of East Stanwood would be part of that effort. His regiment was involved in a pincer movement to enclose and slowly squeeze the “Pocket” until its surrender. The battle for the “Ruhr Pocket” would mark the last organized resistance by German troops on the western front. A year earlier in 1944, Wesley, known as “Sig” to his friends, was attending East Stanwood (later Lincoln) High School. The 17-year-old volunteered for the army on March 22, 1944, a month following a student strike at the school against Superintendent Alfred Tunim. Whether that influenced young “Sig” to leave school early is unknown but the timing is curious. “Sig” shipped out for Europe in February 1945 after training in California. In the murky darkness just after midnight on April 16th, the 387th, part of 1st Battalion, moved toward their objectives through dense, wooded terrain which gave cover to stiff German resistance at times. However, they secured the river bridges intact at Wuppertal and Solingen by noon, advancing the encirclement of over 300,000 German troops in the “Pocket.” Many in the 387th, and in particular Company B, received Purple Hearts for their efforts to secure those bridges. So did Wesley Sigerstad, posthumously. The accompanying letter to his parents from the Secretary of War noted the “slight intrinsic value” of the medal, but rich with the tradition for which so many gave their lives. Wesley’s parents received a second letter from the chaplain assigned to his regiment. Wesley “travelled with us for many a mile and his spirit will go on with us to bring this war to a successful conclusion,” the reverend wrote. “He performed his duty courageously and well.” Dusseldorf and the “Ruhr Pocket” fell on April 18, two days after Wesley was killed. Three weeks later on May 7, 1945 — the day of Germany’s surrender — PFC Domenic Mozzetta of Wesley’s company was credited with firing the last official round in World War II’s European Theater of Operation. Private Mozzetta’s action is memorialized on a monument at Ft. Benning, Georgia, dedicated in 2000 — a tribute to all, including Wesley Sigerstad, whose last shot went unrecorded. Beautiful Smiles for All Ages Dr Hall is proud to serve the community where he was born and raised, and where he is now raising his own family. Visit his friendly office, conveniently located across from Haggen. 360-629-5382 • charleshallortho.com Fax: 360-629-6891 • 7204 267th Street NW, Ste. 103, Stanwood, WA 98292 26 TheCrabCracker@wavecable.com CLASSES & WORKSHOPS Children’s Art Classes ages 10 -16 Saturdays, at A Gulded Gallery 8700 271st St NW, Stanwood. Supplies provided by instructor, Rena Mahurin. “Pottery Part I” hand building & slab work, Feb. 13th, 1-3. And “Pottery Part II” Feb. 20th, 1-3. Each class is $20. To register call 360 629-2787. Traffic Safety Education is now enrolling students for 3rd quarter - class starts February 16. You must be 15 years old the day class starts. Information packets are in the SHS office. More info: 360- 629- 1317. Finding Your Ancestors is Fun! Come learn more about this fast-growing hobby at this free, ongoing workshop! For beginners or advanced. Just bring what info you have and let’s get going! Wed. 6:30-8pm, and Sat. 10am-noon, 795 Ell Rd, Camano Island. Beginning tap class starting April 4th at the Sons of Norway Hall on Monday mornings at 10:30am. It will be an hour of fun and a chance to meet new friends. For more info call Martha 425 308 6478. Beginning Guitar for Teens Learn to play or improve your skills! Classes held Friday’s from 2:45 – 4:45pm for 6 weeks beginning February 19 at “Davis Place” Teen Center. $5 registration fee, scholarships are available. Bring your Guitar, loaners may be available. Class size is limited, pre-registration is required. Contact the Davis Place Teen Center at (360) 629-5257. presidents Day Trivia: In 1850 in Los Angeles a fancy ball was put on by some of the town’s most prominent residents in honor of Washington’s birthday. However, this meant that some of LA’s lesser citizens were not invited, which angered them. So, they retaliated by firing a canon into the ballroom, which resulted in several men being killed and wounding many others. www.TheCrabCracker.com Yoga with a View! Wednesdays 9-10:15am at Camano Country Club. Energize Your Body, Mind & Spirit! Release Stress & Tension, Increase Flexibility, Strengthen & Tone Muscles. CCC Members FREE, $10 drop-in. Ananda Yoga with Sharon Kelly, RYT 200. Please bring your yoga mat. Contact: kelly.sharon@gmail.com. Location: 1243 Beach Dr. A Fresh Start: Try a class at Movement Arts and feel better. Yoga Basics, Pilates Fusion, Power and Hatha Vinyasa Flow, Yoga for Men, Yogatone, Yin Yoga & more. Certified, experienced teachers will help guide you to better health & a more pain-free body! New client specials at movementarts.com or call us at 360-629-9100. Terry’s Corner on Camano Island, Island Bliss! Karate & Taekwondo at Northwest School of Martial Arts! Open enrollment, fun for all ages! Our programs emphasize respect, self-defense, confidence, self-discipline, exercise, leadership, and focus. Call 629-4341 or visit nwschoolofmartialarts.com for schedule & prices. CPR Training - Camano Island Fire & Rescue is offering CPR/Choking/AED classes on the first Thursday of each month from 6pm-9pm at the Vista/ Madrona Fire Station. Cost is $25. Call 360-387-1512 for more info. To register, go to www.camanofire.com and select “Public Education.” Herb Classes with Natasha Clarke Plant Medicine Wisdom is a series of six comprehensively set herb classes that will teach a thorough understanding of the traditional uses of herbs for healing. Natasha Clarke is a local herbalist practicing on Camano Island and is also the creator of the Herb Hunter aired weekly on KSER. Classes will be held every week on a Saturday from 20th February to March 26th. The two hour classes will be held in the new classroom space at Tea with your Dragon in Stanwood and cost $25 per class or $125 for all six. Please email Natasha Clarke at sashasideways@yahoo.com or call 360631 1996 to reserve your spot. 27 STANWOOD SILVANA KAYAK POINT, WARM BEACH, 7 LAKES 28 TheCrabCracker@wavecable.com www.TheCrabCracker.com 29 THE Camano CENTER SENIOR HAPPENINGS 606 Arrowhead Road • 360-387-0222 • www.camanocenter.org – Camano Connections Delivery: Groceries from Camano Plaza IGA and prescriptions from Mark’s Camano Pharmacy delivered to homebound seniors. Call Ginny at 360-387-6201 to sign up. – Adult Day Program: Every first and third Thursday from 10am to 2pm. Call Ginny Berube for more information 360-387-6201. – Medical Equipment: Free loans of durable medical equipment for as long as needed, subject to availability. – Shopping Trips: Free monthly transportation for essential shopping. Call 360-387-0222 for more information and to sign up. – AARP tax-aides will be at the Center beginning February 2nd. Tax help is free to seniors, disabled and low-income folks. Call 360-3870222 now to schedule an appointment. Computer Classes for Seniors: Bring your laptop or tablet. Class topics include Mac and Windows, Chrome Books and Droids and Online shopping. Free to Center Members. Call 360-387-0222. Stanwood COMMUNITY & Senior Center 7430 276th St. NW • 360-629-7403 • stanwoodseniorcenter.org Paul bunyan trivia: It is said that Paul Bunyan’s footprints created all the lakes in Minnesota. What other bodies of water did Paul Bunyan create? (a) Puget Sound (b) The Great Lakes (c) Hood Canal (d) All of these Answer: All of these 30 – Center serves lunch Mon-Fri at 12pm in the center café. Center serves dinner Mon, Wed, and Fri at 5pm. – Senior Medical Transportation available to Everett, Mt. Vernon, Arlington, Stanwood and Marysville – Family Bingo at the Stanwood Community and Senior Center Sunday, February 7th Doors open at 3:30pm bingo starts at 4pm. Snacks and beverages available and a variety of bingo playing games. $10 buy in for bingo packets. Three blackout payouts $25, $50 and $75. Food and Prizes! – Senior Medical Transportation available to Everett, Mt. Vernon, Arlington, Stanwood and Marysville. Contact Sandy Kitchens to make your appointment. – Senior Services is coming to assist seniors in our community Feb. 19. Do you have questions for Senior Services? Christina Yranela will have info & will offer her assistance about in-Home care providers, legal services, transportation, forms for DSHS & more. They will be available to meet every third Friday of the month 10am – 4pm. Warm Beach Senior Community 20420 Marine Drive, Stanwood. 360-652-7585. www.warmbeach.org – February 1st – Transit Training. Come learn about public transportation and your options. This program will be presented by Community Transit and our volunteers. A bus outing with our Community Transit representative for the senior lunch at Alfy’s Pizza is planned following the program. 10:00 a.m. in Beachwood Lounge. – February 16th – Sweetheart Breakfast. The Christian Advocates will hold their annual “Sweetheart Breakfast” on Tuesday, February 16th at 8:00 a.m. in Beachwood Lounge. Music will be provided by John Sinkevitch and Arline Martin. The menu will include raspberry crepes, scrambled eggs with smoked kielbasa sausage, hash brown potatoes with grilled onions and peppers, fresh fruit, and a variety of muffins and scones. Cost is $6 per person, payable at the Volunteer Program Center by Monday, February 8th. TheCrabCracker@wavecable.com local photos and art Heart quilt at Stanwood Community & Senior Center. Valentine trivia: How many calories per minute do you burn kissing? Answer: 2. More if you’re standing. “Bunny Love” fabric printing by Camano Island resident, Daniela Shelton, Hasenpfeffer Incorporated (http://hasenpfeffer.etsy.com/) www.TheCrabCracker.com 31 CAMANO ISLAND $748,000 Views of Mt Baker and Port Susan from this gorgeous 3500 asf home located mid island. Includes detached guest house-perhaps for income potential, studio, office or friends. Impressive outdoor space with built-in BBQ, patio, mature landscaping, fountain and 3.3 acres of bliss. #871376 WATERFRONT $339,900 Camano Island high-bank beach home overlooking Port Susan and the Cascades. Well maintained and ready for you to enjoy the view from the huge deck or relax in the Finnish sauna. Beach access is via a gentle trail. Lovely mature evergreens surround for peacefulness. #849283 VACANT LAND $130,000 Gated Camaloch golf community on Camano is the location for one of the last lakeside lots available. Imagine relaxing on the deck of your new home and enjoying this peaceful lake. Convenient north end, 18 hole course, clubhouse and pools-come see if this is the spot for you. #844432 VACANT LAND $130,000 Beautiful 1.17 acre lot is ready to go! Lot is cleared, water share and hookup are paid for, electric pole is on the property and 2 permitted driveways are in. Alternative 3 bedroom septic is installed with off-site drainfield. Great location for accessing the Camano beaches and parks. #887752 VACANT LAND $105,000 Looking for a spot for your dream home on Camano Island? This great 2.5 acre lot has a sloped building site, community water and power at the street. With potential views and just minutes from shopping, golf and beaches plus easy off-island access. Possible owner financing. #753091 VACANT LAND $59, 500 Lost Lake area building lot on Camano Island has had the water share paid and soil tests completed. This wonderful community hosts a trout stocked lake, clubhouse and outdoor pool. Located just minutes to golf, shopping or the State Park. Owner contract available. #773913 CAMANO ISLAND | COUNTRY CLUB 1283 Elger Bay Rd (360) 387-3411 32 STANWOOD 7359 267th St NW (360) 629-8233 TheCrabCracker@wavecable.com Exclusively presented by Windermere Real Estate/CIR www.camanorealestate.com NEW CONSTRUCTION $299,000 Newly completed upscale construction in gated Camaloch community on Camano Island. Modern rambler, level entry, open and bright floor plan. Engineered hardwoods with stylish fixtures. Built by local rock-solid Titan Homes. HOA dues include golf, pools, water and clubhouse. #860493 MABANA $299,950 Recently updated home on Camano close to community beach access. Shy acre lot with fruit trees and garden areas and includes a covered patio and outbuilding. Large master on the main plus kitchen and great room. Rec room and 2 spacious bedrooms upstairs. #885583 BRENTWOOD $154,900 Upscale community on Camano Island is the setting for this cleared view lot. With a level site to build your new home, off-site drainfield and easy access to island amenities. Views face north and west so you will enjoy the boat sailing along Saratoga Passage and beautiful sunsets. #604637 VACANT LAND $89,000 Privacy and easy off-island access from this level 1+ acre building lot on Camano. Property is cleared, 3 bedroom septic is installed, driveway is in, water and power are on the lot. This one is ready for you to bring your builder! #888150 VACANT LAND $365,000 Price reduced on this beautiful north Camano parcel with 4 five-acre building sites. Easy access from Sunrise Blvd and a wonderful opportunity to enjoy privacy, forested land and a fabulous north island location. Great for a builder or for an estate-like property. #823914 ELGER BAY $159,000 Nice 2 bedroom Camano home on a level lot close to the school, State Park and grocery. Includes a large 2 car detached garage with deck between it and the home. Landscaping explodes with color in the spring. Good price and well thought out design. #884315 CAMANO ISLAND | TERRY’S CORNER 818 N Sunrise Blvd (360) 387-4663 www.TheCrabCracker.com facebook.com/CamanoLife Windermerecir@twitter.com windermerecir 33 KID’S KORNER Homemade Valentine’s Day scented Card Homemade Valentine’s day cards are the best kind of cards to give because they show the thought and effort the family put in to show their love to the receiver. Valentine trivia: In America, hand-made Valentines appeared around 1740 and were sealed with red wax and left secretly on a lover’s doorstep (or sent in the mail). I folded a white card stock paper in half. On other regular white paper I cut out a heart shape and pulled out the piece. What’s left will become a stencil of sorts. I gently glued (glue stick only) on the card stock paper. To blow some color and create cool patterns on the card we initially tried the usual water downed paint. Paint was still thick to create dramatic patterns.But today we used food coloring to create a lighter liquid to blow around. Not just food coloring, I added some fragrance in the form of matching colored Frosting Creations. So there, orange food color + orange Frosting Creations is our liquid which is going to be manipulated with a straw. Once the stencil is in place on the cardstock paper, Big A placed 2 small drops of the food coloring on the stencil and started blowing the drop using the straw into the heart. She was very pleased that it was so easy to blow around and make cool patterns if we keep moving the card around. We experimented with many colors. Best way to create good patterns to show the child to hold the straw flat.( parallel to the paper). Once she filled the card, I gently removed the stencil (( very important that you use a glue stick so that it is easy to remove the stencil) we were left with this. You can have your child trace the heart with a marker or glitter glue. I traced this one. That’s our orange scented homemade Valentine’s day card. – Source: www.kidsplaybox.com Steve Youngren, Real Estate Broker 7359 - 267th St NW, Suite D, Stanwood, WA 98292 360-708-8480 steveyoungren@windermere.com t Specializing in Residential and Farm Properties. t Serving Snohomish, Island, Windermere Real Estate/CIR and Skagit counties. 34 TheCrabCracker@wavecable.com connect the dots for a special valentine’s day delivery www.TheCrabCracker.com 35 classiFied listings FOR SALE Items For Sale: 4 Hankook studded snow tires and rims. 195/60R15 low milage. $125. Oak table w/ extension leaf. Includes 4 upholstered chairs. Excellent condition. $150. Samsung side by side refer/fridge. Stainless. 36”W, 32”D, 70”Tall. Excellent condition. $450. Used levis. 501’s, 505’s 550’s. $10 each. Used snowboard, boots, bindings and soft case. Used twice. $100. Call 425-345-2449. RV Equipment to sell; sewer connections; water filter & gauge; chocks & levelers; surge protector; table BBQ; camp chairs; and more. $150.00 call or text 541-678-0299 Massage Chair – works on your back and legs. Like new ! Black leather and cherry wood arms. By Interactive Health. Purchased at Brookstone for $1,632. Works fine. Moving & must sell. Sale Price - $300 Call 360-387-3555 For sale: Kindling by the box, Maple Furniture, Night Stands & Desk. Call 360387-2039. Firewood - Semi green fir 16” length split and delivered $200 per cord Camano only 387-4168 Stanwood Camano Thrift Store, Open Mon-Sat 10-4. 27030 102nd Ave. NW, Stanwood, or 360-629-6646. Second Chance Thrift Shop 50% off sports and plastics. Visit us for Glass Quest Monday-Saturday 9am-4pm. Valentine trivia: Ghirardelli chocolates were first sold in the US to which group of people? (A) Gold Miners (B) Missionaries & Priests GARAGE SAles / ESTATE / YARD SALES Garage Sale - Woodworking Equipment: Stationary Machines, Power Tools and many Hand Tools. Feb 13 & 14, 9am. to 4pm. 451 Green Island Way, Camano Island. HELP / work WANTED Help Wanted: St Aidan’s is seeking a part-time Parish Secretary to work 10-15 hours a week Mon-Thur. Good pay commensurate with experience. Welcoming, organized, multi-tasker able use Google Drive, Gmail, MS Word & Publisher & relate to others in a faith based environment a plus. Visit www.StAidanCamanoIsland.org to email your resume to The Rev. Drew Foisie today! (C) Fur Traders Considering a Career In Real Estate? Windermere is looking for sales asociates in our Stanwood and Camano Island offices. Contact Marla at marlaheagle@windermere.com for more info. (D) Politicians PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 3 Dawgs Hauling & Cleaning Whatever U Need Moved or Cleaned to Wherever U Need It Moved 2! $50 minimum!! 425-308-5466. answer: Gold miners 36 Experienced Tutor for Math and Science Now that school is starting in the New Year, I can help with math and science; I have taught College and University level science and math courses and will tutor high school through College level. I can also help with test preparation SAT, ACT, and Compass as well as laboratory projects. I have many years of experience with a very gentile approach. References can be provided and I have reasonable rates. Please e-mail ijm@wavecable.com or call 360 631 0983. TheCrabCracker@wavecable.com classiFied listings “Stress is the biggest killer, music is the best cure.” Guitar, mandolin, bass, ukulele lessons since 1980. All ages & abilities. Sno-Isle area. 206-245-5482. Greg’s Mobile Small Engine Repair Tune-ups, blade sharpening, chainsaw, mower and other small gas engines fixed (425)350-0938. REAL ESTATE / FOR RENT Building for Sale woodworking shop and storage- or home conversion- 360 387 2039. For Rent: Downtown Stanwood. 1 bdrm + office. 1bath. 1000sq/ft. $590+ utilities. n/s. n/p. refs. month-to-month CmhgCmhg@hotmail.com Available: Large room for class instruction. $25 per hour rental fee. You keep your student’s class fees. Great location with a view. Camano Country Club Clubhouse. Email or call the office manager for more information at camanocountryclub@frontier.com or 360-387-1655. One room or two for rent in historic Stanwood home. Conveniently located two blocks from downtown and near bus lines. Shared kitchen, washer, dryer, and piano. Call Peggy at 360-474-7321. WANTED Wanted, old postage stamp collections, USA and foreign stamps. 425-3569068 I live on Camano. 425-356-9068. Wanted: Horse to ride, gentle for beginner. Share cost or lease road and traffic safe. Will go Western. 360-279-1565 valentine joke: Do you have a date for Valentines Day? Camano island artist seeks reliable vehicle. If you have a decent vehicle with good milage that can transport paintings and want to own an original Jack Gunter painting, please call 425-346-4750. Always Buying Antiques! Wanted to Purchase : Barn, Ranch, Dairy, Cabin Items. Also, interested in costume jewelry, postcards and other vintage items. Call Peggy Jewell at 360-652-3293. Always looking to buy vintage clothing and 1950’s & ‘60’s furniture and lighting. Nancy-387-3738. Yes, February 14th. SEE YOU AT THE GLASS QUEST!!!! Stanwood’s Original Lefse! 360-629-3006 Tue-Sat: 11-4:30 • Sun: 11-3 Stanwood’s Original Lefse! Ya Betcha! 8820 Viking Village • Stanwood • UffDaShoppe.com www.TheCrabCracker.com 37 Stay Mine local poems & Stories Valentine, Oh Valentine, you opened your heart you spoke the line Perched upon the water’s edge that chilly day in February We agreed our two be one for life in love and time and mind Travels far but mostly near we hold on tight for us Fortunes, futures, street’s address change in the flow of time Years have passed, our troth in test, we stay we share we grow And as we see the Golden Fears stray closer in our lives I know in you I’ve found my match, the one I choose, my Valentine. – By Deb Bell Valentine Trivia: What percent of Valentine Cards are romantic as compared to the humorous? A) 90% B) 50% C) 75% D) 65% Answer: 75% The Beggar’s Cup Lost in my trance I dance floors become my ceilings and walls are all I know so take my hand and pull me out from the beggar’s cup I hold my emptiness you own Pull me up to where you live on the other side of now somewhere then or somewhere when the sun will melt the snow I’m cold. – By Linda Del Negro Stanwood United Methodist Church ~ Open Hearts, Open Minds, Open Doors ~ 9:00am: Traditional Worship Service 10:45am: Contemporary Worship Service (with refreshments) 360-629-9555 A Reconciling Congregation 38 27128-102nd Dr. NW, Stanwood, WA 98292 www.stanwoodumc.org Handicapped Accessible Child Care for All Programs Pastor Daniel Sailer 5LVLQJ6SLULW/LIH&RDFKLQJ 9DOHQWLQH¶V'D\6SHFLDO This month only Life Coaching with Jeanne, bring in this ad and your first session is only $50. /RYH\RXUVHOI/HW-HDQQHDVVLVW\RX LQDFKLHYLQJ\RXUJRDOV Rising Spirit is located in Spa at the Cottage, 9510 271st Street NW, Stanwood. Call or Text 360-926-3308 TheCrabCracker@wavecable.com CASA’S PET OF THE WEEK: Rhea is one lovebug of a cat! If you’re looking for a sweet, people-loving, and affectionate cat, Rhea is purrfect! She loves being pet, scratched, and just overall shown the attention that she deserves. Rhea is an older gal and is blind in both eyes. Don’t worry! It isn’t painful and she has adjusted well. Rhea and her sister Gaia need to be rehomed together since they are bonded. Camano Animal Shelter Association (CASA): 198 Can Ku Road, Camano Island. 360-387-1902. camanoanimalshelter.org NOAH’S PET OF THE WEEK: I’m Buddy and I’m a happy-go-lucky, playful boy. I would love an active family looking for a fun addition to their life. I would really love a home where someone could be with me most of the time. I am a good boy inside but really like to tear it up when out in my yard. I would love a doggy playmate to rough and tumble with in the yard. Hurry in to meet me. The N.O.A.H. Animal Adoption Center: 31300 Brandstrom Rd, Stanwood. (360) 629-7055. thenoahcenter.org. www.TheCrabCracker.com 39 ARTIST OF THE WEEK TerrEnce Rabbit Are you interested in promoting your art, craft, or live performance? Email us info or a bio about yourself and we will feature this page to you... and it’s all FREE! 40 Featured Artist for March & April at A GUILDED GALLERY, 8700 271ST ST. NW, Stanwood is TERRENCE RABBIT who is best known for his Washington State landscape photography. Terence is a Washington native born in Seattle. He first became interested in photography while serving in the Army, but did not pursue it until he retired from his career. He counts himself primarily as a self taught landscape photographer with an interest in our local waters, deltas, creeks, and rivers . He frequently travels to eastern Washington for it’s open spaces and magnificent rock formations. A favorite of his is the Sammamish river to which he returns time and again to record it’s seasons and moods. He particularly looks for the un-noticed landscapes that surround us and delights in finding the roadside creek, mountain of delta view to record. He still enjoys photographing vignettes, family and an occasional still life. RECEPTION MARCH 25TH FROM 5-7. FOOD & WINE, DOOR PRIZE, WIN SOME OF HIS INSPIRING WORKS OF ART. TheCrabCracker@wavecable.com BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT Brenda Anderson Fitness Are you interested in promoting your business or organization? Email us info or a bio about your business and yourself and we will feature this page to you... and it’s all FREE! I am an online fitness coach dedicated to helping people. I do that by sharing fitness tips, recipes, and hosting weight loss and health challenges, as well as an online Accountability group where others rally around and encourage each other to reach their goals. I am a military spouse. I have a Forestry degree from UW. I love the outdoors and there was truly no better fit for me. I was paid to do a job I would gladly do for free. We then transferred to Virginia, and that started a series of moves from the SouthEast to the MidWest, to Southern California, and finally back to the Pacific Northwest. The locations we had been in were not all that conducive to Forestry. We had also started a family and with multiple long deployments, I stayed home to raise my girls. As much as I love it, I feel like I am out of the loop with Forestry. But I have a passion for fitness and being active. I saw that I could work from home, be available for my kids, and make a life while helping others. And still get to go out in the woods and play most anytime I want. I love motivating and encouraging others. I take the journey WITH you. Because of this commitment, my clients feel valued. My love of helping people shows in my encouragement and support. Make your health a priority. Become part of a bigger picture. You will inspire others to join you and change lives. If you are ready to commit to your health, or want to help others do the same, I would love to work with you. – www.brendaandersonfitnesscoach.com Family Owned & Operated Free Estimates, Quality Work Residential & Commercial Carpet • Blinds Hardwoods Laminates Tile • Vinyl W N NE TIO A C LO 360-629-9604 www.darrowscarpet.com 27028 - 99th Ave. NW • Stanwood • Next to Ledum’s Floral www.TheCrabCracker.com Financing Available OAC EMAIL: darrowscarpets@frontier.com 41 view from the bleachers Letter from the Editor, Jim Shipley This is an ongoing feature page for humor columnist Tim Jones. Tim is a writer living on Camano Island. From Parenting to Pop culture to Pets, Tim has something profoundly uninformed to say about it. As the editor of the Crab Cracker, I want you to know that I take the feedback from our readers seriously, and I read every letter, be it one of appreciation or criticism. I received several letters of complaint over Tim Jones’ recent View from the Bleachers column titled My Plan to Donate My Powerball Jackpot Winnings to the Kids in Africa. Several people felt the article showed a lack of concern for the situation millions of Africans face on a daily basis. I shared some of these comments with the writer, who asked if I would print his personal apology to the Crab Cracker readers. Below is what Tim Jones has asked me to publish: “It has been a privilege to have the opportunity to run my View from the Bleachers column as a regular feature in the Crab Cracker. The editor, Jim Shipley, brought to my attention that several readers were offended by my most recent column titled My Plan to Donate My Powerball Jackpot Winnings to the Kids in Africa. In it I made fun about my hypothetical plans to donate all my winnings from a future Powerball lottery to help the “starving kids of Africa” – all the while revealing far more selfish plans actually to spend the money on myself. My misguided intention was to satirically poke fun at the widespread human weakness of people to whom much has been given, to ignore the needs of those who have so little. It was meant to be an indictment of crass materialism in a world of such imbalance of wealth. I never intended to make fun of the poor, often starving children of Africa any more than Randy Newman’s controversial 1977 song, Short People, was trying to make fun of short people (although thousands of listeners missed the actual point of his song). I can see in hindsight, that my column was tonedeaf and could be interpreted to sound like I was making fun of people in need rather than my intent, which was to mock the selfish motives of a person who comes into sudden, unexpected affluence. I want to apologize to anyone who was offended by what I wrote. I take the plight of African children very seriously. I have sponsored two different children in Africa (one in Senegal and one in Uganda) for the past seven years through World Vision. That still does not excuse my ill-thought out column. In the future, I will make a sincere effort to avoid writing any columns for the Crab Cracker which might appear to make light of any group of people who are in any way oppressed, discriminated against or otherwise experience regular hardship. If you were offended by this most recent, or for that matter, other previous columns, I apologize. I commit that I will work hard to regain your trust. Thank you.” – Tim Jones. Ideal Protein Weight Loss Method Call us for a FREE Orientation and Specials Margaret Pilcher, Jen Wilkin, Dr. Ray Pope, Dr. Zach Pope 42 TheCrabCracker@wavecable.com valentine word search Valentine trivia: Back in the early 19th century, humorous Valentines started. They were originally called “Vinegar Valentines” Schedule of Events February 13: February 17: March 12: March 16: April 30: valentine joke: Girl: “I can’t be your valentine for medical reasons.” Boy: “Really?” Girl: “Yeah, you make me sick!” A Place For All Your “Celebrations!” Dance with Camano Junction Jazz - Miles Black Trio Dance with Camano Junction Jazz - Jeff Johnson Trio Women’s Expo www.TheCrabCracker.com 360-387-0222 www.camanocenter.org 606 Arrowhead Road Camano Island, WA 98282 43 Community Information FIND A LIMITED EDITION GLASS QUEST “Seahawks” GLASS BALL from local artist do you have a press release? or an announcement, or something you want the community to know about? Let us know and we will publish it here in Community Information” FOR FREE!* *Contact us for more details: 360-387-3602 or thecowtipper@ wavecable.com 44 The 2016 Great Northwest Glass Quest is February 12-21, and The Crab Cracker hid a treasure for YOU! Read the clue inside this photograph of a “Clue Ball” and go to that location. The first person who gets there will find the actual plasic “Clue Ball.” Take the Clue Ball to the location written on the paper inside and receive an exclusive, signed glass ball treasure created by Stanwood artist, Mark Ellinger. This special ball (not pictured) contains the colors of the Seattle Seahawks. For info about the event, contact Gayle Picken at 425-3597974 or gayle@66events.com. Immerse Yourself in Puget Sound and Craft Your Own Volunteer Experience! Join WSU Snohomish County Extension Beach Watchers. Help protect Puget Sound’s waters, wildlife and landscape through education, research and stewardship. Receive 80 hours of university caliber training involving field trips and expert lectures on topics like salmon, water quality, ocean acidification, intertidal life history, coastal processes, native plants, youth education techniques, and so much more! After the trainings, volunteer at least 80 hours in projects you select over the next two years. Projects range from doing low-tide education at beaches to water quality sampling to newsletter article writing. You can join a team or work on your own. You are also welcome to bring your own ideas! The Beach Watcher training will be based out of McCollum Park, Everett every Friday at 9 AM – 3:30 PM from March 18 - May 27 and will include two Saturday field trips on April 23 and May 14. An application is due on February 26 and a $35 materials fee are required (waivers available). For more information or to request an application, please contact Yolimar Rivera at (425) 357-6029 or yolimar.rivera@wsu.edu, or visit our website at www.beachwatchers.wsu.edu/Snohomish/training. The WSU Snohomish County Extension Beach Watcher training is jointly funded by Snohomish County, the City of Mukilteo and Washington Department of Ecology. TheCrabCracker@wavecable.com Community Information Do you know who takes care of our Freedom Park? A Valentine surprise on the farm “Early on Valentine’s Day morning Mr. Smith came into the house and told his wife to look out the bedroom window, a present! A new baby spotted calf resting in piles of leaves and mama standing by.” Submitted by Mary Ann Wells www.TheCrabCracker.com You’d assume (as I did) that there is a group or organization that maintains the park. Surely there are people and/or volunteers who regularly make the park look attractive, safe, and inviting to our residents and to visitors our Island. After all, Freedom Park is the “Gateway” to beautiful Camano Island and if it does not look beautiful, then that would be a poor indication of the rest of our island’s parks and beaches. So of course there are people maintaining it. I was wrong to think that. Because, actually, there is no maintenance team at all. Mike Nestor, the unofficial “spokesperson” for Freedom Park, said that there is no organization nor group of dedicated persons who take care of the park. Fortunately, there are a few individuals who volunteer their time...just a few. For example, Marvin Flickner and his son Josh Flickner, owners of Elger Bay Grocery, drive over to the park from he south end to empty the garbage a couple times a week. Marvin, already in his 70’s and in weaker health year after year, has been doing it since the park had been built a few years ago. No one told him to do it, he just saw that no one else was taking on the responsibility and they felt it needed to be done, out of pride for their park and for the island on which they live. Josh stated that they intend to continue until Marvin’s health comes to a point where they simply cannot physically do it anymore. Just recently, a wind storm caused some of the trees overhanging the playground to lose their strength. Out of fear of them toppling over onto some child swinging on the swingset at any time, the trees were cut down and the debris was removed. Did some park or Island County program fund that procedure? No. Camano Island residents, and owners of Windermere/CIR, Randy and Marla Heagle paid for it all themselves. These are just a few of the people I know about who are taking care of our treasured park. There may be others, but for all I know, there may be no others at all. Does everyone not remember coming together as a community three years ago and building the playground in just a weekend? People from all over the island and Stanwood, some with no skills whatsoever, came and dedicated time and work to accomplish the feat. Everyone had a hand in some part of the park that they can claim as their own. My wife can attest that I have no handyman abilities whatsoever, yet I came and built one of the picnic tables myself (and it hasn’t collapsed yet). And I’m proud of it and I’d hate to see it decompose out of neglect. Which I personally have neglected, because I assumed there was someone to take care of it for me. Knowing that that is indeed not the case, I’m more obliged to put some effort, even a little, into keeping the park vibrant and appealing. Mike Nestor added that even if people were to come just a couple times a year, to pick weeds for a short time, or to remove garbage or clutter, or perhaps clean a picnic table, that would be a huge benefit to the community park and thus a benefit to the community itself. Let’s help that 70 year old man take care of our park! Come by the park anytime and just do something, anything, big or small, because in the end, any efforts will be rewarded by the laughter of the kids in the playground and by exclamations by visitors about how beautiful our island is. – Article by Jim Shipley, owner of The Crab Cracker. 45 Community Information Julie Vess To Leave Safe Harbor to Accept Director Post at Stanwood Senior Center Valentine’s Day is celebrated on February 14 every year, it originates from the Roman celebration called Lupercalia, which was held on February 15, a fertility festival. Julie Vess, Executive Director at Safe Harbor Free Clinic, a state-ofthe-art medical facility providing professional healthcare services regardless of circumstances, is leaving her position in two months to take the same post at the Stanwood Community & Senior Center. She begins her new job on April 1st. Working just a few miles away from the Safe Harbor administrative office in East Stanwood, Vess, as Executive Director at the Stanwood Senior Center, will oversee 80 residents, more than 20 employees, dozens of volunteers, and manage vital programs that benefit seniors, families and the community. At the Stanwood Senior Center, Vess succeeds outgoing Executive Director, Keith Yarter, who also serves as a Trustee on the Safe Harbor Board. “While I will deeply miss Safe Harbor and the amazing volunteers here and dedicated staff, I look forward to accepting this new challenge at the Stanwood Senior Center,” said Vess, who worked as a nurse treating seniors for nearly two decades before coming to Safe Harbor in 2008. “I am very excited to be able to work with the senior population again and have the opportunity to build programs to enrich their lives.” Vess, who worked with community leaders and medical practitioners to help launch Safe Harbor in 2009, oversees 155 volunteers at the Clinic – including doctors, nurses, physician assistants, medical assistants and pastors. She has been instrumental in building widespread awareness for Safe Harbor by creating relationships with local churches, businesses, and community organizations. She has also been a chief spokesperson for Safe Harbor in her affiliations with the state and national free clinics associations. “Safe Harbor would not be what it is today without Julie Vess,” said Tim Poetzl, President of the Safe Harbor Board of Trustees and Pastor at Stanwood Foursquare Church. “We are so grateful for Julie’s years of service. We’re really happy to see Julie continuing to serve in the Stanwood community.” Under Vess’s tenure, Safe Harbor has evolved from a small Clinic operating twice a month six years ago to a state-of-the-art medical facility – open three nights every week – that treated more than 1,600 patients in 2015. Safe Harbor provides Chronic Care, Procedure, Podiatry, and Respiratory clinics, as well as same-day clinics for optimal convenience, and a Dental Van, which has seen nearly 600 patients. Vess also played a key role in overseeing Safe Harbor’s move from its original location – at the Stanwood Skagit Regional Clinics building, to its current location – adjacent to the site of the upcoming YMCA in Stanwood. Safe Harbor Free Clinic is considered a national model for free medical clinics. Happy Valentines Day! Take an extra 20% off anything red until Valentines Day. 8705 271st St NW, Stanwood, WA 98292 360-631-5366 • www.lauries.biz 46 TheCrabCracker@wavecable.com Community Information Stanwood-Camano Food Bank announcements Thrift Store’s January 2016 sales totaled $20,120 which provides 1,163 additional lbs of food over last year. Foodbank figures it this way: $1.73 in sales=1 lb. of food. The Thrift Store needs a volunteer skilled on the computer to assist with online sales. Please contact Volunteer Coordinator, Wendy Foster, 360-629-6646. This is a fun place to interact with other great volunteers and staff. VOLUNTEERS needed for BIRDING FESTIVAL Organizers for the 2016 Port Susan Snow Goose and Birding Festival are now seeking volunteers to help with the festival throughout the weekend of February 27th and 28th. Volunteers will assist with registration and information, parking and directions, speakers and various activities at the festivals headquarters, the Floyd Norgaard Center in Stanwood. Anyone interested in participating should contact Kristine Kaufman at (360) 629-3631, or stop by Snow Goose Books & Frames, 8716 271st St NW in Stanwood. Over $150,000 in Local Scholarship Funds Available! presidents Day Trivia: Abraham Lincoln issued his famous Emancipation Proclamation, which freed as of January 1, 1863, 5 million slaves. Community Scholarship Deadline: March 14th. The 2016 high school scholarship cycle is now open! We have over 200 scholarships to award to graduating high school seniors who live within or attend school within the Stanwood-Camano School District, including home-schooled students and those who attend private schools outside of the area. Scholarship applications and lists of available scholarships can be found on the Stanwood-Camano Community Scholarship website at www.s-ccs.org. The deadline for submission of completed applications is 4pm, March 14. More info: (360) 474-7086 or info@s-caf.org. DSHS Community Services Mobile Van is coming to Stanwood on March 9th from 9:30am – 1:00pm. They will be parked across the street from the Stanwood Camano Food Bank, 27030 102nd Ave. NW, in the shared parking lot between the Stanwood Methodist Church and the Stanwood Museum and Historical Society. At this Event you can: Apply for Cash Assistance, Apply for Basic Food Assistance, Apply for Medical Assistance, Drop off paperwork, Complete an Eligibility or Mid –Certification Review, Or make changes to an existing case. No appointment needed. CRABBY contest Where was this photograph taken? The first correct response to thecrabcracker@wavecable.com will receive a Gift Certificate from: www.TheCrabCracker.com 47 Community Information CRAB CRACKER COLUMNIST TIM JONES HAS NEW PARENTING HUMOR BOOK Valentine Trivia: The average cost for a dozen roses today is $30. 48 Tim Jones is a regular contributor to the Crab Cracker, with his View from the Bleachers humor column. He has just published a new humor book about parenting called YOU’RE GROUNDED FOR LIFE – Misguided Parenting Strategies That Sounded Good at the Time. It is now available as a paperback book or an eBook. The book is a collection of some of Tim’s favorite essays about the myriad of challenges of parenting in the era of Facebook, texting and selfies. Tim Jones shared, “If you’re a parent – or just thinking about making arguably the biggest mistake of your life by starting a family – then YOU’RE GROUNDED FOR LIFE may make you a better parent. Probably not. In fact, I’m laying 10-to-1 odds it won’t. But you never know.” Tim went on to say, “Whether you’re the parent of a toddler, a middle schooler or a college sophomore, you’ll find innovative parenting strategies I have tried – all with disastrous results.” The hilarious book contains a variety of powerful, innovative child-rearing strategies, which, if applied exactly as Tim recommends in his book, will most likely result in only minimal long-term damage to your child’s psyche. Learn more about this funny book or order it here: http://www.viewfromthebleachers.net/humor-books/ TheCrabCracker@wavecable.com Community Information Point in Time Count & Resource Fair Results Presidents Day Trivia: in Springfield, Illinois, American Legion, Veterans of Foreign Wars, and members of other patriotic groups make an annual pilgrimage to Abraham Lincoln’s tomb. Arlington Community Resource Center reported that the North County Resource Fair for Homeless on January 28th was a success with 206 surveys submitted, 27 individuals received medical care, 19 dental exams, 6 flu shots, and 50 haircuts were given. The preliminary numbers for the Point in Time Count (annual count of sheltered and unsheltered homeless persons) were as follows: Snohomish County 481 total (2015 -312 persons). North County, covering Stanwood, Darrington, Arlington, Marysville and Granite Falls- 206 total (2015 -81 persons). There were over 240 volunteers that made this event possible. The Federal Government awards funding based on these counts. Having a large number of volunteers helps log an accurate count. DOG DNA TESTS $69** Now available at CASA, your favorite little shelter! Walk in, buy a test, swab, mail, and a few weeks later you will know what your adorable dog’s breed(s) really are via email. Some of the staff have experience with this exact test and love them! They make an awesome gift too. Valentine’s Day is coming up and nothing says “I love you” like a doggy DNA kit when you’ve been curious about your pooch. Maybe you and your friends are always disagreeing at your dog’s possible breed(s)? Tell them to pitch in and settle it once and for all. *The Wisdom Panel 2.0 Dog Breed Identification DNA Tests are $69.00 + tax and yes we accept credit cards! If you come grab one make sure to share your results with us. Let the fun begin. Karen & Gene Eidsness, Owners/Mgrs • 24-Hour Onsite Security • Digitally Recorded Video Cameras Boat / Vehicle Storage Storage Units 5x10 to 10x24 300 SELF-STORAGE UNITS • 200 RV, BOAT & VEHICLE SPACES 360-387-6668 www.TheCrabCracker.com camanostorage.com 49 50 TheCrabCracker@wavecable.com Community Information Find your “sweetheart” at CASA Visit CASA and adopt one of our amazing cats or dogs. They are waiting for you. Visit our website, www.camanoanimalshelter.org, to see theadoptable pets. You won’t know how special they are until you come in to meet them. Call the shelter at 360-387-1902 for info. valentine joke: What happened when the man fell in love with his garden? It made him wed his plants! Happy 1st Birthday Elsie! YOU CAN HAVE THIS size AD FOR ONLY $47* By supporting The Crab Cracker, we are able to provide this community magazine, free of charge to our readers. It has become a valuable resource to Camano Island, Stanwood, Silvana, and Conway residents. Please go to our website (www.thecrabcracker.com) and click on “Advertising Info.” The price to advertise is small, but the returns are big. (* for black & white ad, 7 issue contract). www.TheCrabCracker.com 51 a miracle at warm beach Resident’s Dog Finds Her Way Back Home Article by Jennifer Wilkins Valentine trivia: In 1995 the Guinness World Book of Records had 1,500 couples kissing simultaneously as a record. At 13 pounds, Ruby, a ten year old dachshund, has never been what anyone would describe as fierce. Sweet… yes. Lovingly attached to her owner… most certainly. Timid… you might think that, and you would be wrong. Because little Ruby traversed two miles of forested roads, heavy holiday traffic and possible predators to make her way back to her beloved owner. Ruby is known around Warm Beach Senior Community as a sweet, mild-tempered dog, and she enjoys a little scratch behind her ears. She has a propensity for shaking, as many dachshunds do, and she is never far from her owner, Shirley. “Ruby was a rescue dog,” Shirley explains. “It has meant a lot to me to have her. She is such a blessing.” Shirley and Ruby are a familiar sight on campus. Every day they walk to the nursing unit to visit Shirley’s husband, and Ruby is well-known among the nurses and aids. Sometimes, though, Shirley has to leave her behind in the apartment. “When I leave, she shakes and whines. She always wants to be near me.” But on December 24th, Shirley had to make a solo trip to South Carolina. She left Ruby with friends at Martha Lake, about two miles from Warm Beach Senior Community. While Ruby knew her sitters, she had never been to their home before. Shirley said her good-byes and left on her trip. On Saturday, December 26th, at about 9:30 a.m. the sitter let Ruby out in the front (CONTINUED NEXT PAGE) 8712 - 271st Street P.O. Box 284, Stanwood Yarns, Needles, Hooks and Patterns Specializing in yarns by Dale of Norway 360-939-0769 • pinchknitter@pinchknitter.com pinchknitter.com • facebook.com/pinchknitter 52 Open Mondays-Saturdays:10am-4pm Donations Tue, Thu, Sat: 10am-3pm 1335 SR 532 • 360-629-6142 TheCrabCracker@wavecable.com a miracle at warm beach Presidents Day Trivia: The first town to sponsor a public celebration of George Washington’s birthday was Richmond, Virginia in 1782 (even before he was president). yard. Moments later she was gone. Shirley relates the story as she heard it. “They were frantic. They searched all day, even looking in ditches. I feel bad for them when I think of how terrible they felt.” At about 2:45 p.m. that Saturday, Kristy, Director of Food Services, was leaving the dining room in the Beachwood Building, Warm Beach’s independent apartments. She saw Ruby coming from the direction of the apartments and heading toward nursing. No one knows how she made it into the main building. She would have passed through at least four doors by the time Kristy found her. “I recognized her immediately,” says Kristy. “She was soaking wet and shaking. But she was determined—you could tell she was walking with a purpose. She stopped in front of the door to the nursing wing and just stood there waiting, her nose to the door, and I thought ‘Something is wrong.’” Kristy called out to Ruby and she trotted over, tail wagging. One of the servers picked up Ruby and took her to the nursing wing. They figured someone there would know what was going on. That’s when June, who works in Activities, saw Ruby. “I said, ‘Ruby! What are you doing here?’” tells June. “She was shivering and dripping wet, but looked unhurt.” June grabbed a towel to dry her off, gave her a drink of water, and put a red ribbon on her as a temporary leash. June had been standing beside Shirley’s husband, who was seated in his wheelchair. The little dachshund jumped into his lap and settled right in. “She looked content,” says June. “But she kept looking around, like she was trying to find Shirley.” As luck (or providence) would have it, one of the volunteers knew who Ruby was supposed to be staying with and had the sitter’s number in her phone. The sitter arrived moments later. When she saw Ruby she cried, “Thank you, Lord! Thank you!” “She looked frenzied, but thrilled,” tells June. “It was truly a miracle, just witnessing the relief on her face. Ruby happily went with her.” It was agreed that no one would tell Shirley of her dog’s miraculous feat till she returned two weeks later. They knew she would have cut her trip short and flown right home. “When I called the sitter on the morning of January 2nd, she told me she would be right over with Ruby and had a story to tell,” says Shirley. “And I thought, oh no, what kind of mischief had she gotten into.”“I was amazed,” says Shirley. “To this day I don’t know how she made it back. We didn’t go on any walks that first weekend home—we just stayed in, together. When I think about what she did to find me – that level of unconditional love – I feel so humble.” “I will never look at Ruby the same way,” agrees June. “She is an amazing dog.” Source: www.warmbeach.org. Ford Giesbrecht All Ages, Levels & Styles. Learn at Your Own Pace. Books, cards, gifts & full-service framing shop 8716 – 271st Street NW, Stanwood 360-629-3631 www.TheCrabCracker.com Instruction & Performance Ukulele & Bass Lessons Also Available Serving Stanwood & Camano Island 360-631-0661•guitarbyford.com 53 blog of the week Not Your Typical Valentine Although almost 36 million boxes of chocolate are sold for Valentine’ Day every year, you don’ need to buy a box of chocolates to spread love this February 14. Forget spending a fortune on roses while trying to make a romantic gesture. Focus on those people who need love the most. Try paying it forward this week or getting in touch with long-lost friends and family. Pay it forward - Celebrate Valentine’ Day by committing a random act of kindness this week. Do something nice and thoughtful, even if it’s little, for a stranger. Perhaps try paying for the next customer in line at a coffee shop, or send inspiring Valentine’ Day cards to complete strangers from the white pages. Maybe it’s shoveling snow from a neighbor’s sidewalk. Whatever it is, do it with love. Send a card to a long-lost friend - It is normal to have some great friends get lost in the shuffle of life after high school, college, marriage, kids - it’s hard to keep up with it all. Although you may not have talked to them in years, track down an old friend’s current address and send them a cute Valentine’ Day card. Tell them how much those memories mean to you. Call your family members‚Äî Although we tend to pay attention to our sweethearts for Valentine’ Day, we often neglect the other people we love in our life, too. Call your parents, brother, sister, or perhaps a second cousin. Whoever it is, reach out and tell them how much they mean to you. – Posted on 02/09/2015 at www.thenoahcenter.org. Leaves are falling... and so are the temperatures. Locally Owned Mike Saylor Call us to find out how you can be warm and comfortable in the autumn chill. There is a PUD Rebate Up To $1,950. Up to $1000 Manufacturer Rebates. RESIDENTIAL / COMMERCIAL / NEW CONSTRUCTION / REMODEL 24-HOUR SERVICE AIR CONDITIONING & HEATING Heat Pumps • Gas Furnaces • Oil • Electric Heat • Geothermal Bonded & Insured – Lic. # STILLRM944L9 360-387-3788 • stillyrivermechanical.com 54 TheCrabCracker@wavecable.com From the cellar If you have any questions about wine or would like a specific subject covered, please email me at deepredcellar@ gmail.com Julie Overstreet, CSW Que Syrah Syrah Syrah, “…the kind of guy who wears cowboy boots with a tuxedo. Rustic, manly, yet elegant….” At least according to Karen McNeil in her book, The Wine Bible. I have to say, I agree. Syrah originated in France, specifically the Rhone region. In Northern Rhone (where the only red grape allowed is Syrah), it shows itself as an elegant and savory wine. In Southern Rhone, it’s used as part of a blend with Grenache and Mourvèdre and as a minor ingredient in wines such as Châteauneuf-du-Pape. Washington Syrah tends to lean more toward the style of Northern Rhone while Australia and California Syrah is often velvety with more jammy and spice characteristics. In case you’re wondering, Shiraz from Australia and South Africa is in fact, Syrah – it was just renamed when it landed in those countries. Syrah is grown in many countries like Argentina, Spain and Chile. Syrah is inky dark and comes with a good hit of tannin (that bitter/ astringent feeling on the front of your gums and tongue) – especially when bottled on it’s own. Any way you slice it, Syrah is showy and full bodied with fruit forward flavors of blackberry, blueberry, boysenberry, and plum rounding out with leather, tar, tobacco, smoke…even smoked meat, spice and chocolate (to name a few). It is important to note that California Petite Sirah, which has similar characteristics, is not the same as Syrah. There are a few theories but, in my opinion, the most legitimate explanation is that Petite Sirah is actually Durif, a cross of Syrah and Peloursin (both grapes from the Rhone region in France). If you’re looking for a Valentine’s Day gift, I’d like to point out that Syrah (and Australian Shiraz in particular) has the ability to pair quite well with dark chocolate. 360.386.7650 • alespike.com 9300 271st St. NW, B5 • Stanwood www.TheCrabCracker.com 55 cooking mamas Black Forest Trifles This heavenly dessert is so easy to assemble, simply layer chocolate brownies, cherry almond pie filling, and creamy vanilla pudding into a beautiful trifle dish, individual glasses or jars, then top with shaved chocolate curls. Recipes by Cooking Mamas created by Dusty HutchinsMcNutt. “Great recipes begin in Mama’s Kitchen!” Visit me at: www. CookingMamas. com INGREDIENTS: 1 (20 oz.) pkg. Ghirardelli triple chocolate brownie mix • 1/3 c. vegetable oil • 1/3 c. water • 1 egg • 2 (21 oz.) cans cherry pie filling • 1 1/2 tsp. almond extract • 2 (3.4 oz.) pkg. vanilla instant pudding and pie filling mix • 2 c. fat free milk • 1 (8 oz.) container Cool whipped topping, thawed • 1 (1.55 oz.) Hershey milk chocolate candy bar for chocolate curls DIRECTIONS: 1. Preheat oven to 325 degrees. Spray a 9x13-inch baking pan with non-stick cooking spray. 2. In a large bowl, stir together brownie mix, oil, water and egg, until combined. Spread mixture evenly into prepared baking pan. 3. Bake for 20-22 minutes or until a toothpick inserted into the center comes out clean. Allow to cool completely. Invert brownies onto large cutting board and cut into 1 inch cubes. 4. In a medium mixing bowl, combine the cherry pie filling and almond extract. 5. In a separate mixing bowl, whisk together the pudding mix and milk until thickened. Whisk in the whipped topping until no white streaks are left. 6. To assemble, use a large trifle dish, glass bowl or six individual glasses or jars. Place half of the brownie cubes into the bottom of a trifle bowl. Top with half of the cherry pie filling mixture, then top with half the pudding mixture. Repeat for another layer. 7. Using a vegetable peeler, shave the chocolate bar into curls, then garnish the top of the trifle. Refrigerate for 30-60 minutes before serving. CAMA BEACH CAFE & CATERING at Cama Beach State Park 1880 S. West Camano Drive, Camano Island, WA New Hours! Friday-Sunday 8am-2pm and announcing Dinner in the Park first and third Fridays from 5pm-8pm. Breakfast served all day. www.camabeachcafe.com 56 TheCrabCracker@wavecable.com cooking mamas Cheesecake Stuffed Strawberries Fresh strawberries filled with cheesecake and topped with graham cracker crumbs. The perfect way to end a meal without feeling guilty! INGREDIENTS: 1 lb. lg. strawberries • 1 (8 oz.) pkg. cream cheese, softened • 4 T. confectioners’ sugar • 1 tsp. vanilla extract • Graham cracker crumbs DIRECTIONS: 1. Rinse and pat dry the strawberries. Cut off the tops and hollow out the insides with a paring knife. Slice a bit off the bottom, so the berries will stand up. Prep all strawberries and set aside. 2. In a mixing bowl, beat the cream cheese, confectioners’ sugar, and vanilla until creamy. Spoon the cheesecake mixture into a piping bag or Ziploc bag with the corner snipped off. Fill each strawberry with the cheesecake mixture. 3. Once the strawberries are filled, dip or sprinkle the tops with graham cracker crumbs. Serve immediately, or refrigerate until ready to serve. Weddings • Retreats • Business Events Family Celebrations 360-387-1418 • fourspringshouse.com fourspringshouse@co.island.wa.us www.TheCrabCracker.com 57 “journey with jan” journey with jan Connections From Your Camano Island Expert Local Broker, Jan Mather, Camano Island Expert, article about local events, real estate, personal thoughts & a new vocabulary word each and every time. 360-507-4133 janmather@ windermere.com Welcome to another edition of Journey with Jan. Every issue I choose a word and then use it in a sentence relating to Real Estate to gain a fuller meaning of the word. This issue the word is: “SAGACIOUS, (pronounced suh-GEY-shuhs). It is an adjective and its definition is: having the ability to make good decisions; wise; clever or a keen practical sense. As a sagacious Real Estate Broker, your Camano Island Expert is always looking out for your best interests. Our inventory needs more listings for the aggressive buyers we presently have. In the beginning of January, our hot market was in the price range from $100,000. to $500,000. This is a huge spread for our active Camano Island market. We are seeing higher priced homes in “pending”, and sold in a short time frame. Life is good on Camano Island. There is so much happening in February. Love is in the air with one of my favorites...Valentine’s Day. And guess what? You can still surprise your Sweetheart with a new home! ❤ Also in the air is The Great Northwest Glass Quest which takes place from Feb. 12 – 21st. This is a fun and fabulous local event, where you will not only seek a treasured “Clue Ball” but also have the opportunity to visit the arts in our area. This is a Treasure Hunt for “sagacious” Questers! For my clue, I will be having an upcoming Open House – February 21, where I will have a drawing at the end of the day. My open house will be 12:00-4:00, then immediately following we will be drawing the winner. You do not need to be present at 4:00 to win. Thank you Crab Cracker! We can always rely on you to provide the Stanwood and Camano Island community with the latest information and the current happenings around our wonderful Island. Until next time, thank you for your support with JOURNEY WITH JAN. Jan Mather - Your Camano Island Expert. Feel free to contact me by phone, text or email. I am open 24/7 at 360-507-4133 or email me at JanMather@windermere.com or visit me on my website at www. JanMather.com YOUR CAMANO ISLAND REAL ESTATE EXPERT 360-507-4133 Windermere Real Estate / CIR Jan Mather Managing Broker www.janmather.com • Email: janmather@windermere.com 58 TheCrabCracker@wavecable.com Moonshine Wisdom & Wit Love in the Peanut Gallery Freddie was holding the podium at the Diner yesterday, practically setting up the proverbial soapbox, you’d think he was running for Congress, nothing new there, not us citizens of the sectarian South End. New England has its town meetings --- we have breakfasts at the Diner. Sheila, the current owner, tolerates it for awhile, but if newcomers are in attendance, she limits floor time for speeches. To NO time…. Business, after all, is business, and Freddie can give his stump speeches down at the Pilot House Lounge where alcohol fuels the debates and the debates fuel alcohol consumption. Sheila’s selling coffee and omeletes without the salsa of politics. “What ABOUT it, Sheila?” Fred hollers across the formica tabletops, the tables about half full this late in the morning. The Hispanics have come and gone --- they have work to do and Fred’s filling his retirement years with coffee refills apparently. “You gonna feel okay serving gays? You got that sign that says you have the right to refuse service to anyone, how about the government telling you you got to serve criminals and perverts and terrorists? How about no shoes, no shirt, no morals, hey?” Al, over on Table 4, spoons his 4th pack of sugar into his coffee and asks, “What’s next, Fred? No blacks? You gonna brink back a Colored water fountain again for gays? “ Story by Jack Archibald. For further moonshine wisdom and wet powder wit, check out the SKEETER DADDLE DIARIES at www. skeeterdaddle.net “It’s about freedom, Al. Religious freedom. The Bible says men on men, well, that’s why we got a Hell, know what I mean?” Al knows very well what he means and decides the debate isn’t worth ruining breakfast, which Anita serves up right then. He throws a hand up in dismissal and digs into his biscuits and gravy. “Whadday think, Sheila?” Fred persists. “You okay with the government forcing patrons down your throat?” “Freddie,” Sheila says, laughing, “you are SO 1950’s. Ike is dead. The Cold War is over. Women can vote. And maybe you never noticed, but plenty of gays eat here. You just ever can tell, can you?” Fred took a slow look around the Diner. When his gaze settled on me, I nodded and blew him a kiss. I figure Fred needs all the love he can get …. Best of 20092014 9913 271st St. NW, #B, Stanwood 360-629-0374 Dedicated to Offering You Our Best! www.TheCrabCracker.com 59 DINING GUIDE ADVERTISING IN THE CRAB CRACKER GETS YOU NOTICED! The Crab Cracker is proving to be a very popular publication. Without the advertisers, we would not be able to produce such a quality program and service to the community. Thanks to all our advertisers that help to maintain this outlet of local information. 60 Amigo mexican restaurant & lounge (Stanwood) • (360) 629-5052 burger king (Stanwood) • (360) 629-6022 Cama BEACH CAFE (Camano Island) • (360) 387-3266 CAMANO ISLAND INN (Camano Island) • (360) 387-0783 Camano Lodge (Camano Island) • (360) 387-9972 Center Cafe (Stanwood) • (360) 629-7403 The Chatter Box (Stanwood) • (360) 629-0600 Collective on Tap (Camano Island) • (360) 926-8975 The Conway Muse (Conway) • (360) 445-3000 CONWAY BOXCAR (Stanwood) • (360) 629-0651 conway pub & eatery (Conway) • (360) 445-4733 COOKIE MILL (Stanwood) • (360) 629-2362 dairy queen (Stanwood) • (360) 629-3141 DEL FOX BBQ AT CAMANO ISLAND MARKETPLACE (866) 387-5282 dos reales (Stanwood) • (360) 629-0822 dragon palace (Stanwood) • (360) 629-8106 duck in cafe (Stanwood) • (360) 629-3440 FARMERS CAFE – (Stanwood) • (360) 629-4953 FireCreek Grill at Kayak Point (Stanwood) • (360) 652-9676 ixtapa mexican restaurant (Stanwood) • (360) 629-5228 jack in the box (Stanwood) • (360) 629-2384 jasmin thai cuisine & sushi (Stanwood) • (360) 629-2044 Jasmin Thai Express (Camano Island) • (360) 926-8688 jimmy’s pizza (Stanwood) • (360) 629-6565 Johnny’s Burger Stop (Stanwood) (360) 629-9427 KARA’S KITCHEN - ELGER BAY GROCERY • (Camano Island) • (360) 387-9120 LEATHERHEADS PUB & EATERY (Stanwood) • (360) 629-5555 little caesars PIZZA (Stanwood) • (360) 629-6999 MAMA TRADITIONS RESTAURANT (Stanwood) • (360) 629-8200 mcdonald’s (Stanwood) • (360) 629-9787 MIYAKO’S TERIYAKI & WOK (Stanwood) • (360) 629-4535 NAHA Teriyaki (Stanwood) • (360) 629-0681 The Paddle Pub (Stanwood) • (360) 652-4156 papa murphy’s TAKE ‘N’ BAKE PIZZA (Stanwood) • (360) 629-3826 PHOENIX PAVILION (Stanwood) • (360) 629-4662 Polska Kuchnia (Stanwood) • 206-355-2893 PUB 282 (Camano Island) TBA Roadhouse Bar & Grill (Stanwood) • (360) 652-4156 Rockaway Bar & Grill (Camano Island, at Camaloch) • 360-926-8920 sahara pizza (Stanwood) • (360) 629-6886 SEVEN LAKES PIZZA (Stanwood) • (360) 629-7502 SPARTAN DRIVE IN (Stanwood) • (360) 629-8988 stanwood cafe (Stanwood) • (360) 629-8427 STANWOOD CUPCAKES (Stanwood) • (360) 926-8241 stanwood grill (Stanwood) • (360) 629-5253 stanwood hotel & saloon (Stanwood) • (360) 629-2888 Stanwood Pho (Stanwood) • (360) 939-0818 starbucks (Stanwood) • (360) 629-2701 • 629-5027 • 629-2500 subway (Camano Island) • n/a subway (Stanwood) • (360) 629-2678 Sweet bliss frozen Yogurt (Stanwood) • (360) 629-8620 taco time (Stanwood) • (360) 629-5018 Tastes of India (Stanwood) • (360) 629-3102 Twin City Lanes Cafe (Stanwood) • (360) 629-3001 vERACRUZ MEXICAN RESTAURANT (Stanwood) • (360) 629-9391 WAYNE’S CORNER CAFÉ (Stanwood) • (360) 939-2300 Willow & Jim’s Country Cafe (Silvana) • (360) 652-0372 TheCrabCracker@wavecable.com life worth writing about Valentine Be Mine Whether you are a bah-humbug or have stars in your eyes, look out. Valentine’s Day is here, teasing us with ideal love and romance. For me, it’s hard to ignore the displays of hearts, flowers, and chocolate—especially the chocolate—that points out that I am a single person living in a double world. I buy myself dark chocolate because I am my own Valentine. The advantage is that I know what I like. I have no anxiety about buying the wrong gift. On the receiving end, I don’t have to paste on a smile and say, “How thoughtful, hothouse roses picked by children in Brazil!” No, I like what I get. But there’s no surprise, no connection, which is a little lonely. My feelings are just like the bittersweet chocolate that melts in my mouth. Sometimes I yearn for the mythical Mr. Right. We’re culturally conditioned to be coupled. Childhood stories end in marriage: Snow White, Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty. Yet I enjoy the independence and autonomy of singlehood. I do what I like when I want. I don’t have to hurry or wait for someone else. Leftovers last a week. I can eat chocolate for breakfast. I go out alone, but not just anywhere. Some places are awkward for singles. Try going to a romantic restaurant and ask for a table for one. No, there must be something going on where there might be friends to join or people to meet. Finding companions takes more planning than going out with a spouse, so I’m grateful for friends, married or single, who invite me to join them. Sometimes I just stay home and a great time singing and dancing all by myself. I say love the one you’re with, even if it’s yourself. Maybe I’m nuts, but at least nuts goes well with chocolate. Story by Peggy Wendel, writer, musician, bricoleur For photos and more stories, www. peggywendel. com Music at www. swingnuts.com Sustainable building practices for over 30 years Kitchens, Bathrooms, Decks, Gazebos, and Handyman Services www.4dbs.biz lic. # designbs918no www.TheCrabCracker.com Tree Removal & Stump Grinding Trimming & Pruning • View Enhancement Danger Trees • Arborist Services Jim Fay, Owner/Arborist 360-387-0243 FREE ESTIMATES Licensed • Bonded • Insured 61 TIDE TABLES Tides for SARATOGA PASSAGE / GREENBANK (February 12-25, 2016) Day High /Low Tide Time Height Feet Day High /Low Tide Time Height Feet The Crab Cracker is family owned & OPERATED by Jim & Malynda Shipley of Camano Island, with help from their sons and from the community. IF WE DON’T KNOW ABOUT IT... WE CAN’T PRINT IT! The readers want to know about you and more about the community we live in. But if you don’t let us know, we cannot print the information and our readers won’t know anything about it. We at the Crab Cracker spend numerous hours to obtain information to put into each edition. However, due to the popularity of this magazine, and due to the larger amount of info that goes into each edition, we no longer have as much time to research upcoming events, news, and press releases on our own. Please send us your information to ensure that it gets published and noticed by the community. Thanks! thecrabcracker@wavecable.com 62 TheCrabCracker@wavecable.com www.TheCrabCracker.com 63 Exclusively presented by Windermere Real Estate/CIR www.camanorealestate.com WATERFRONT $599,000 Turn-key beach house on Camano Island with gorgeous views of Mt Baker, Skagit Bay and Saratoga Passage. Nestled next to privately owned open space. Tons of parking, oversized garage with tall doors for boat parking, storage shed, deck, patios. Light and bright interiors. #889450 UTSALADY $559,000 Beautifully remodeled and well maintained home with views to enjoy and private beach access close. Open and bright floor plan, loads of windows plus 2 decks including one off the master with hot tub. Atrium, covered patio, waterfall, lush landscaping. #889928 VACANT LAND $138,000 Spectacular view acreage on Camano Island. Three acres of east facing views, community water, site registration on file and power at the street. Imagine your new home with views of Port Susan and the Cascades plus beach rights are included! #885757 WATERFRONT $725,000 Great cabin on Camano Island with 100 feet of beachfront. Stunning sunsets, ever changing boat traffic and snow-capped mountains from this west side gem. Great as a getaway or full time living-this is a paradise you won’t want to pass up! #882940 RECENTLY SOLD HOMES LIST PRICE: $229,000 468 Harold Place / Camano Island Bedrooms: 2 / Bathrooms: 2 CAMANO ISLAND COUNTRY CLUB 1283 Elger Bay Rd (360) 387-3411 64 SOLD PRICE: $226,000 Days On Market: 48 MLS #856021 STANWOOD 7359 267th St NW (360) 629-8233 LIST PRICE: $259,000 Lot 41 Viewmont Place / Camano Island Bedrooms 3 / Bathrooms 2 CAMANO ISLAND TERRY’S CORNER 818 N Sunrise Blvd (360) 387-4663 SOLD PRICE: $259,000 Days On Market: 36 MLS #840974 facebook.com/CamanoLife Windermerecir@twitter.com windermerecir TheCrabCracker@wavecable.com
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