CIQ Web Address:


CIQ Web Address:
NOVEMBER 4, 2009
Mailing Address: Camano Island Quilters, PO Box 2592, Stanwood WA 98292
CIQ Web Address:
AM Group: 10:00 AM on Wednesday
November 4: Odd Fellows Park Meeting
Room, 96 S. Camano Ridge Rd., Camano
Island (Also See AM Highlights)
PM Group: 6:30 PM on Thursday, November 5
Stanwood Methodist Church, the corner of
102nd Drive and 271st NW, Stanwood
Next CIQ Board Meeting: 10:00 AM on
Wednesday, November 18 Skagit Valley
Medical Center, 9631 296th Street NW,
Stanwood. All CIQ members are invited to
Asian Moon - Jo Bond
President’s Report
We are excited to welcome so many new
members and volunteers! Thanks to Shirley
Rock, we have collected volunteer and
interest surveys and will be offering classes
and opportunities to serve that you are
looking for. Because we had a number of
members interested in paper piecing, we
have scheduled a workshop on January 9th.
We will be combining Paper Piecing with
Tulip Quilt making for the LaConner Quilt
Walk. With four teachers and our favorite
patterns, you will find something perfect to
make! Instead of charging a $15 fee for the
class, we will be asking $5 to cover the
venue rent. We will have a mini-quilt show
to vote for our favorite wall-hanging/table
runner in March and then they will go to the
LaConner Quilt Museum to be displayed
and sold.
AM Highlights:
Program: Meeting with Opal Cocke
AM Treats:Those with surnames beginning
with O, P, Q, R, S please bring a snack to
Sunshine: Addie Mashkoftseff has
volunteered to be our Sunshine leader. If
you know of anyone in our group that could
use a friendly card, please let her know.
Block of the month: Mary Royal and Hydie
Cook have volunteered to do the AM Block
of the Month this year! They will be bringing
the new design in November, so we look
forward to seeing a lot of new blocks and
PM Highlights: Good news....we will be
back in our regular room for the PM meeting
this month. Bad ice cream
sundaes...but the regular alphabet
assignments for dessert will apply....E, F, G.
So we don't starve, you gals can bring some
goodies for the group.
We also thought it might be fun to have a
meeting where we just visit and get
acquainted, especially since we have some
newer members. Be sure to bring some
handwork if you have something you are
working on. Perhaps you would be willing
to share it with the membership. Of course
we will have show and tell. I always enjoy
a meeting where we just "hang out" and
enjoy one another's company.
If anyone is interested in starting a block of
the month program again, why not volunteer
to be in charge? We have had some really
great blocks in past years, and maybe it is
time to think about this program again. I
know everyone is busy, but, give it some
I hope many of you are working on a
Christmas piece for our luncheon in
December, speaking of that...get your
tickets this month before it is too late! So,
we will see all you gals there on Thursday,
November 5, starting at 6:30.
Judy Irish
Committee Reports:
Education:The Famous Clothesline Purse
Class Saturday, November 7, 2009
10-4pm at the Methodist Church
Only $15.00
This wonderful purse highlights your favorite
fabrics and colors in a delightfully functional
way. I like mine big to hold everything, but
you can make yours any size you like. The
NOVEMBER 4, 2009
cotton clothesline is wrapped with your
scraps and then sewn together with a
zigzag stitch. These make fabulous gifts and
are completely unique. Be prepared to be
stopped wherever you go because people
LOVE them!
Supplies to bring on Saturday:
Scraps of fabric (1/2" to 1" strips of
whatever you like; you do not have to
1 fat quarter for handles
100' cotton clothesline 3/16" thick (available
at True Value next to Dairy Queen)
Rotary equipment (mat, ruler, and cutter)
Sewing Machine (must have a zigzag stitch)
Thread to match your fabrics
Because this is an easy class, you may
actually finish your purse before the class is
over! Kristi Willard (See pictures at end of
Activities: We have 56 luncheon tickets let
to sell. The sign up sheet with tickets is
available at Granny's in Stanwood. The
cost is $15.00 and payment should be made
at time of sign up. Also, would the PM
members who signed up for Christmas
luncheon tickets and paid cash, please
contact me at I
have an extra $15.00 unaccounted for and
someone's name didn't make the current
Membership: Here are new members that
joined in October:
Patricia Sherman
Diane Chilimpis-Gibbons 360-387-2940
NOVEMBER 4, 2009
Brenda Borchers 31726 Old 99 Hwy W, Stanwood 98292 306-661-6214
Denise Moore 425-268-6044
Raffle Quilt:Thanks for helping us choose a pattern for the raffle quilt. Packets will be ready
for distribution at the October guild meetings. We even have a finished sample to show you.
There's an easy nine-patch block of pale batiks, and an intermediate level appliqued tulip
block. Packets will include directions. We have plenty of each and will check them out to
you, hoping that they will be returned at the December and January meetings so that we can
have the quilt assembled and quilted by spring.
The Tulip Quilt won the vote! The Cama Beach Quilters are already hard at work, and have
purchased some beautiful batiks to make this stunning quilt. Thanks to them for getting it
Hero Quilts: We will be meeting at the Stanwood Senior Center from 10-4
on Saturday November 21 and December 19.Our group makes quilts for American Hero
Quilts that gives most of it's quilts to wounded soldiers at Ft Lewis' Wounded Warrior Unit. Currently 800 soldiers make this their temporary home. The
military is asking for 100 quilts a month.
This is just one of the many letters that have been passed along to us.
Dear American Hero Quilt Angels,
Tomorrow we will move our son from Madigan Army Hospital to a rehabilitation center. As our
son is loaded into the ambulance we will know he is warm & comfortable under his
red, white & blue quilt. This quilt was given to him the day he checked into the hospital and
has gone everywhere he goes for tests or procedures. We wonder if you could have possibly
known when you made this quilt that you would be hugging and helping to heal a very broken
young man could you have known that we feel the love & prayers you put in his quilt & your
wishes for his recovery? Do you know how you have transformed hospital rooms into bright
cheerful places that feel more like home? We marvel as we walk the halls to see the bright
colored quilts you so lovingly wrapped around our very own heros. Our sons and daughters
thank you. We thank you for acknowledging our children and the sacrifices they have made.
There is avery special place in heaven for each and every one of you. We will never forget
you and are so grateful for your wonderful gift to our youngest son.God bless and keep you,
Earl, Jonathan and Sharon Our thanks to CIQ for their continued support.
General Information:Here are the quilt show winners:
Challenge Blocks:
1st, Karen Lowery 2nd, Helen McHugh
Wearable Art, Carol Anderson (Origami Shirt)
Mini Home Decor, Phillis Hammatt (Not a Quilter)
Row Robin, Betty Kromminga (Springtime SunBonnet Sues)
Small Quilts:1st, Judy Irish (Seattle Sunshine) 2nd, Camille King (Cocks a Doodling)
3rd, Kandi Magana (Oh Christmas Tree)
Medium Quilts:1st, Dorothy
Bourgeois (Camano Island
2nd, Su Downey (Crazy Quilt)
3rd, Rene Ackron (Giant
Large Quilts:
1st, Rachel Rush
(Wickersham Signature Quilt)
2nd, Nita Heaphy (Let the
Sunshine In)
3rd, Circles of the East (Betty
Viewer's Choice:
Rachel Rust (Wickersham
Signature Quilt)
Upcoming Events
November 4 AM Meeting with
Opal Cocke November 5
PM Meeting Social Gathering
November 7 Class: Famous
Clothesline Purse at
Methodist Church
December 2 Christmas
Luncheon at Floyd Nygaard
January 6 Comfort Quilt Sew
in at LDS Church
January 9 Paper Piecing Tulip
Workshop at Methodist
NOVEMBER 4, 2009
as accurate as possible.
There are some great
features and even moneysaving benefits. Be sure to
collect yours when you come!
7 meeting of the Northwest
Quilting Connection.
Kathy McNeil, a quilt artist,
teacher, judge and
designer, loves traveling
and teaching nationally
about the creative process.
The membership has
A registered nurse for 35
approved an addition to the
years, she is passionate
bylaws to extend five dues
about the health benefits of
scholarships to potential
members with financial
She says, “Quilts have
hardship. Those who would
been the medium for many
like to nominate a recipient
should contact a member of
centuries and in many
the board. Names will be kept cultures for women to
express their own artistic
vision, to give their life
Christmas Luncheon
color, to make political or
Remember to be working on a social statements, and to
wall-hanging or table runner
preserve family stories.”
for the Christmas Luncheon.
Kathy has exhibited widely,
This is a exciting part of the
in solo shows at quilt
luncheon and we want
museums, and in national
everyone to participate!
and international
Tickets for the luncheon are
competitions where she has
dwindling, so act fast! They
won many awards. Her
available from Elizabeth
quilts have been featured in
Dalton or at Granny's House
museums, magazines,
Quilt Shows, Museums and calendars and quilting
Upcoming Events:
websites. Many of her quilts
Round Robin Quilts
are in private collections.
Northwest Quilt, Craft &
Because of the holidays,
Sewing Festival November
Kathy McNeil will speak on
Round Robin Quilts will meet 12, 13 & 14
Saturday, November 7, at
in January to start another
10 am – 5 p.m. Puyallup
the Unity Church, 1095
group. You are welcome to
Telegraph Road,
join the Round! Contact Karen
Bellingham. The program
Lowry or Susan Palmer for
Bellingham, WA,
starts at 10:00 am, as part
more information.
September 27, 2009 —
of the Northwest Quilting
Internationally known quilt
Connection meeting. The
New Directories
program is free to
The new CIQ Directories will
members; for nonbe at the November meetings.
Joanne Robertson has been
members, the cost is
working hard to make these
NOVEMBER 4, 2009
The Northwest Quilting Connection is a group of Northwest quilters who meet 6 times per
year to learn more about the art of quilting, to connect with other quilters, and to share
knowledge about quilting arts, techniques, and quilt artists.
Thank you,
Leigh Mcdiarmid
Address and email Changes should be directed to JoAnne Robertson or to Carol Anderson at