6.15 x 2.54 x 2.30 x - WWW0


6.15 x 2.54 x 2.30 x - WWW0
US-Koor slaan
wêreldrekords los
Bl 2
Investigation of sexual behaviour and HIV knowledge reveals worrisome trends
Study finds Maties ‘sexually risky’
new national study on sexual
behaviour and HIV knowledge
amongst university students
revealed interesting statistics about
Maties’ sex lives.
C onducted by Jaco Greeff Brink
of the Stellenbosch University (SU)
ffi e a ross-se tional survey
was anonymously answered by 1014
Maties on WebStudies last year. The
study focused on MSM (men who
have sex with men) students and drew
omparisons to non- S students.
ording to rink the study
showed that students at SU are
sexually neither abnormally active nor
ina tive but that there is an evident
risk factor.
“There is a perception that we are a
onservative university whatever that
means. But the data shows that there
is a broad array of sexual behaviour
taking pla e and that it is normal.
owever we want to remove the risk
factor so that it takes place safely.”
n the data for SU
aties from
both groups answered that they had
been forced to have sex when they
did not want to and
had been hit
by a se partner.
aties had been
involved in e hanging se for money
drugs or a place to stay. 29 Maties
answered that they had had sex with
someone who did not want to.
he data indi ates that non- S
students also engage in anal se both
with and without condoms.
Brink warns that the biggest danger
to sexual health amongst students
is unprotected anal sex. “In terms of
risky behaviour it is by far the highest
risk factor.”
Approximately 40% of participants
had reported that they did not use a
condom in their last sexual encounter.
f the
students who took
part nationally at 14 Higher Education
as heterose ual
as homose ual
as bise ual and
as other .
The report and its results emphasise
that MSM students’s behaviours
are similar to non- S students in
“29 Maties answered
that they had had sex
with someone who did
not want to.”
general” and that many males have sex
with both genders without identifying
as homosexual or bisexual.
“MSM is a behavioural category. It
says nothing about sexuality. We think
in terms of gay straight or bise ual.
But there are many male students that
lable themselves as heterose ual but
have had sex with men. There is a huge
variety of orientations and identities
within that group says rink.
“So we don’t want to just say that
MSM have a lot of sex and drink a lot
of al ohol we have to have a nuan ed
understanding. It [false perceptions]
could actually drive them further away
from health services.”
Ulla van ooyen hairperson of
so ial so iety es i ay does not
feel that the trends identified by the
study with regards to MSM students
are as straightforward. “I don’t want
people to think that they (homosexual
students) can only have sex when
they re drunk. eople so ialise get
omfortable it happens. hey just
happened to be drinking.”
She also feels that the study’s
finding that se ual violen e is
more prevalent in the MSM group
is ina urate. t s a human thing
everyone is susceptible to it.”
ording to
prevalence is generally much lower on
campuses. Nationally the prevalence
rate is appro imately
the figure at
s is
. Die Matie
reported earlier this year that only
two students had tested positive for
HIV during the campus HIV testing
similar study on se ual behaviour
aties ussen Die akens was
reported on by Die Burger at the end
of last year. Brink stated that the study
quot ed in that report has yet to be
found by the academic community.
Brink’s study will be presented to
SU management shortly in order to
poli y and infrastru ture
whereafter it will be launched
nationally within the next two to three
months and presented to government
and NAC OSA.
The odds of ever having found a sex
partner through the internet are
6.15 x
2.54 x
2.30 x
greater for
The odds of ever having offered
transactional sex to someone are
30 JULIE 2014
Why Shit Maties
Say changed
their name
greater for
The odds of having threatened
someone with force to have sex are
greater for
• Alcohol and drug use scores among
student MSM were statistically
significantly higher than for the nonMSM students.
• Approximately 50% of the SU
participants said that they had had
their first sexual encounter between
the ages of 16 and 20.
• More than one tenth of the MSM
sample reported having been forced
to have sexual intercourse against
their will
• Just over ten percent of the student
MSM reported some form of abuse
and/ or violence based on their sexual
orientation at a HEI.
Taking stock of
local efforts
Aan tafel met
Kom Sit
Danie du Toit:
Oupa Swart se
Die omstrede week voor sy dood
Botman, rektor en visekanselier
van die Universiteit Stellenbosch
(US), is op 28 Junie 2014 op die
ouderdom van 60 in sy slaap oorlede.
Die Burger het berig dat hy in die
week voor sy dood siek gevoel het
en vanaf die Woensdag by die huis
was. Botman het die Vrydagaand sleg
gevoel en het as gevolg daarvan in die
spaarkamer geslaap, waar sy vrou hom
die volgende oggend nie kon wakker
maak nie.
Die week voor sy dood was vol
omstredenheid na Die Burger op
23 Julie berig het oor ’n mosie van
wantroue in die rektor. Die rede
was na bewering dat die US se
transformasieplan wat in 2013 deur
universiteitsraad afgekeur is, wel tans
toegepas word. Botman het op daardie
stadium aan Die Burger gesê dat só ’n
plan nie die goedkeuring van die raad
benodig nie.
Volgens ’n bron aan Die
Prof Russel
Burger is die betrokke raadslede
ongelukkig daaroor dat die Sentrum
vir Inklusiwiteit, wat vir die
transformasieplan verantwoordelik is,
onder andere alumni en donateurs in
die openbaar uitwys as “struikelblokke
vir transformasie”.
Na berig is daar ook in ’n
voorlegging deur die sentrum
na US verwys as “hoofsaaklik
wit, heteroseksueel, manlik [en]
George Steyn, voorsitter: US
Raad, het in ’n e-pos op 23 Julie
aan US personeel gesê dat die Raad
van mening is dat die US “ernstige
beeldskade” gely het as gevolg van dié
“kwaadwillige gerug”.
In Jonathan Jansen, visekanselier:
Universiteit Vrystaat, se artikel The
Big Read: Who killed Russel Botman?
verwys hy na die skinder, gerugte en
beledigings wat Botman moes verdra.
Jansen sê: “Die [US] gemeenskap, en
veral sy kollektiewe leierskap, moet
besin oor die omstandighede wat gelei
het tot die dood van sy eerste swart
Botman gaan huis
toe omdat hy siek
Botman sterf in sy
Eerste roudiens
vir US personeel
en studente.
Begrafnis vind
plaas in DF Malan
Prof Leopoldt van
Huyssteen word
vir drie maande
as US rektor en
Tweede roudiens
vir US personeel
en studente.
Nuwe rektor word
28 Junie
2 Julie
5 Julie
21 Julie
22 Julie
LUIDENS ’n epos vanaf George
Steyn, voorsitter: US raad, aan US
personeellede het die Uitvoerende
Komitee van die Universiteitsraad
(UK(R)) tydens ’n vergadering op 21
Julie besluit om professor Leopoldt
van Huyssteen, US Bedryfshoof, vir
drie maande as rektor en visekanselier
aan te stel.
Dit volg nadat Van Huyssteen reeds
waarnemende Rektor was toe Botman
oorlede was, aangesien Botman die
volgende week sou vertrek na Ghana
en Skotland.
Die Universiteitsraad neem egter
die finale besluit oor die aanstelling
van ’n rektor.
Die aanstelling en bekendmaking
sal eers in Desember 2014 plaasvind
en dus sal die opvolger waarskynlik
eers in 2015 formeel die pos as
rektor beklee. Volgens Steyn het die
UK(R) namens die Raad reeds op 21
Julie die aanstelproses in werking
gesit, met die oogmerk om tydens ’n
Raadsvergadering op 1 Desember die
proses af te handel.
Biskop Ziphozihle Daniel Siwa
het hulde gebring namens die
kerkgemeenskap: “Russel Botman
het vir ons gewys dat ons beter kan
wees en het altyd die koers na ’n nuwe
samelewing aangedui.”
Die hoër onderwys-gemeenskap
se huldeblyk is deur dr Dianne Parker
gedoen, wat sy dood as ’n groot verlies
beskryf het.
Laastens het dr Johann Rupert, US
kanselier, ’n huldeblyk namens die US
gelewer: “Sy afsterwe het ons weer
herinner hoe kort die lewe is, en die
uitdaging is om soveel moontlik te
doen om ’n beter wêreld agter te laat.”
Die laaste roudiens op 22 Julie
in die Endler was weereens vir
personeellede en studente. Verskeie
huldeblyke is ook daar gelewer.
Prof Leopoldt van Huyssteen,
waarnemende rektor, het Botman
as volg beskryf: “Daar word gesê ’n
goeie leier is iemand wat nie net voor
loop nie, maar wat ander mense saam
met hom op pad sien as hy rondkyk.”
25 Junie
DIE DOOD van professor Russel
Botman is deur vele individue betreur
tydens sy begrafnis en gedenkdienste.
Op 2 Julie is daar ’n diens vir
personeel en studente by die Endler
Konservatorium gehou, wat deur meer
as 600 mense bygewoon is.
Die begrafnisdiens op 5 Julie by
die DF Malan Gedenksentrum het
’n wye verskeidenheid roubeklaers
gesien; onder meer voormalige
presidente Thabo Mbeki en FW
de Klerk, politieke leier Helen
Zille, Aartsbiskop Desmond Tutu,
voormalige minister Trevor Manuel,
Minister van Binnelandse Sake
Naledi Pandor, openbare beskermer
Adv Thuli Madonsela en Universiteit
Kaapstad visekanselier Max Price.
Saam met musiekuitvoerings van
die US koor en die US Simfoniese
Blaasorkes, was daar verskeie
huldeblyke wat Botman geprys het.
Hayman, Botman se enigste seun,
se huldeblyk was namens al Botman
se kinders. Hy het gesê sy pa het
altyd seker gemaak dat daar tyd is vir
Berig oor mosie
van wantroue
verskyn in Die
Die toekoms
Rooi-tapyt gaste by die roudienste
23 Junie
HAMBA KAHLE US personeel en studente woon die laaste roudiens vir prof Russel Botman in die Endler by.
US Raadsvergadering opspraakwekkend
Universiteit Stellenbosch (US) Raad
enkele dae voor die onverwagse dood
van wyle rektor Russel Botman is
in omstredenheid gehul nadat Die
Burger berig het dat daar ’n mosie
van wantroue teen die rektor ingestel
sou word. Dit het gevolg op gerugte
dat die Raad die werksaamhede
van die Sentrum vir Inklusiwiteit
bevraagteken het.
Volgens Piet le Roux, raadslid,
was daar “werklik geen mosie van
wantroue nie”.
“Daar was wel ’n ernstige gesprek
oor die Sentrum vir Inklusiwiteit, met
spesifieke verwysing na die mandaat
van die sentrum, die wyse waarop die
sentrum tot dusver opgetree het en die
toekoms van die sentrum.”
daar bekommernis is oor die
doeltreffendheid van die sentrum
onder studente,” sê Renita van
studenteverteenwoordiger op die
Raad. Sy het bygevoeg dat dit nooit ’n
opsie was om die sentrum te sluit nie.
“Daar was ’n ontspanne atmosfeer
daardie dag by die raadsvergadering,”
meen MJ Dippenaar, SR-voorsitter.
Hy ontken ook die gerugte van ’n
mosie van wantroue teen die rektor.
Nog ’n besprekingspunt tydens
dié vergadering was die veelbesproke
koshuisplasingsbeleid. Wat betref
“veelsydigheidsplasings”, het die
Raad, volgens Dippenaar, gemeen
dat dit ’n té groot administratiewe en
finansiële las sou wees om hierdie tipe
plasings toe te pas, en dat studente in
koshuise nie belangstel daarin nie.
Dippenaar het egter die Raad
daarop gewys dat studente wél daarin
belangstel om meer inspraak in
plasings te verkry, volgens Le Roux.
“Ek dink dit was deurslaggewend om
die kwessie op die agenda te hou,” het
Le Roux bygevoeg.
Dit het aanleiding gegee tot
die oprigting van ’n “taakspan insake heroorweging van die koshuisplasingsbeleid”, volgens Dippenaar.
Dippenaar het verder gesê dat die
kritiek dat die proses “te tydsaam of
duur” sal wees, ongeldig is aangesien
’n soortgelyke proses by mediese
keuring werk, en dat koshuise self die
administrasie daarvan sal behartig.
US-koor bring twee wêreldrekords terug
Die Stellenbosch Universiteitskoor (USK) is onlangs by die
wêreldkampioene in drie kategorieë.
Hulle het boonop die hoogste punt
behaal wat nog ooit deur enige koor
aangeteken is in die Koorspele se
8-jarige geskiedenis.
USK het vanjaar aan die kategorieë
Musica Sacra met Begeleiding,
Spirituals en Gemengde Kore in die
‘Kampioene’-afdeling deelgeneem.
Dié afdeling is spesifiek vir kore wat
al voorheen aan die spele deelgeneem
het en op Interkultur (die liggaam wat
die Wêreldkoorspele organiseer) se
wêreldranglys verskyn. USK het na
die vorige Wêreldkoorspele in 2012
bo-aan hierdie ranglys geëindig.
“Ons het dit glad nie verwag
nie,” sê Inge Leonard, koorlid, oor
die wêreldrekord wat USK in die
Gemengde Kore-kategorie opgestel
het. Hulle het ’n punt van 99.00 in dié
afdeling behaal.
Vanjaar het daar sowat 27 000
sangers aan die spele in Riga, Letland
deelgeneem, uit 45 verskillende nasies.
Suid-Afrika is sterk verteenwoordig
deur onder meer kinderkore en
Ilze Rossouw, koorlid, sê die
uitslae het definitief nog nie ingesink
“Dit het nooit soos ’n kompetisie
gevoel nie, eerder ’n groot viering van
koormusiek. Ek was veral verbaas
oor die hoeveelheid Suid-Afrikaanse
kore wat deelgeneem het – dit terwyl
relatief min mense in Suid-Afrika
bewus is van die omvang van die
spele,” meen sy.
“Die koor het uit die hart gesing en
die uitslae was ’n wonderlike bonus,”
het André van der Merwe, koorleier,
vroeër aan Die Burger gesê.
Francis het op 24 Julie die RSG
radioprogram Praat Saam oor
kwessies wat studente raak en
wat hulle rol is in die toekoms
vanuit die Luister-, Leef- en Leer
village uitgesaai.
Die vier gassprekers op Francis
se paneel was, vanaf links, Emily
van der Merwe en Johannes
Stellenbosch (US) studente,
saam met Andricia Hinckemann
en Keabetswe Magano vanaf die
Universiteit van die Vrystaat.
Van der Merwe en Jonker is van
mening dat transformasie een
van die sensitiewe kwessies op
kampus is wat aangeraak moet
“Ons praat van transformasie,
maar hulle kyk meer daarna as ’n
statistiese aspek, maar vergeet
die agtergrond van mense,” het
Magano gesê op ’n reaksie deur
’n vraag deur Francis oor wat pla
op die Vrystaatse kampus.
Election marketing ‘no problem’ but ‘a serious issue’
When is the SRc election?
n anonymous tweeter has
drawn attention to the
marketing process of this
year’s Student Representative C ouncil
(SRc) elections.
In rather unprecedented fashion,
tweets from a profile alled Stellies
alluding to the S andal
character Olivia Pope) has appealed
to the current SRc, Student Parliament
and Student C ourt to step in and
address the “lack of marketing” for
this year’s elections.
In spite of this, election convenors
Maxine Bezuidenhout and Tristan
Jaftha commented that there is “no
problem” with the marketing of
candidate nominations.
“Standing for the SRc is not an
overnight decision. Those who really
want to run, will make sure that they
get the necessary information,” says
“I would describe this not as a
deviation from, but a relaxation of
the election process – the deadline
will still be strictly enforced, but this
way might be more convenient for the
candidates,” said Jaftha.
“Marketing was a serious issue,”
Jaftha concedes. “People weren’t
C andidates must submit their
names and student numbers by 31 July
and need to hand in their completed
application forms by the morning of 2
andidate nominations offi ially
opened last Monday, and were due
to close on Thursday 31 July. Mere
hours after the first posters advertising
the elections were put up on Monday
(a week after the nomination period
commenced), the election committee
announced via Twitter that the due date
for applications would be postponed
until Saturday.
advertised “on the SRc website,
tweeted by the SRc and by word of
“Standing for the SRc is
not an overnight decision.
Those who really want to
run, will make sure that
they get the necessary
The posters that were put up on
Monday still featured the old closing
date. According to the election
convenors, the correction has been
made on Facebook and Twitter.
Naomi Bruwer, chairperson of
Student ourt has onfirmed that
no one has made a case to Student
C ourt yet regarding a possible breach
in the marketing of the upcoming
Student Representative C ouncil (SRc)
Bruwer also stated that, according
to the Student Union C onstitution, the
election convenors must advertise,
among other things, the nomination
period and where nomination forms
can be obtained. It does not stipulate
at what stage marketing should
C urrent SRc chairperson MJ
Dippenaar has onfirmed that the
SRc has made a “serious reque st” to
the election convenors regarding the
marketing of the nomination process.
He also said that this issue would be
an agenda point at their SRc Executive
C ommittee meeting on Monday 4
Vice-chairperson Renita van Zyl
however reiterated that they (the
SRc) would be entering “dangerous
territory” if they attempted to
infringe on the election committee’s
independence – “especially since there
are current SRc members who will be
running again.”
Parliament Speaker, has responded to
a que ry saying that Student Parliament
is “unable to comment at this stage”,
but that “a statement will be sent to
campus at a later stage with all the
necessary information regarding
the accountability of the Election
convenors and the procedural practices
of the elections themselves.”
No nomination forms have been
handed in as of yet.
“We are not worried,” says
Bezuidenhout. “People usually don’t
hand in their application forms early”.
“We ran out of application forms
in the S offi e by the third day of
elections,” adds Jaftha.
International students: Are you concerned
about your safety, following reports of crime in
Alida Uwisanze
Havult Egger
Graz University
of Technology
P.E. in Sport
Age: 21
Age: 23
“No, I don’t have any pepper spray.
I don’t really feel unsafe at all.”
“It has af fected me. I want to go out,
but I would not go out alone.”
Keneshia Estimé
of St. Gallen
Age: 20
Age: 23
“Actually, I am not. We had a very
good security introduction, so I am
informed about what I should avoid
and at what times.”
“No, I feel safe here. I have my
pepper spray, but people are very
friendly here so I don’t think it’s
necessary. ”
Maria Wachsmuth
Aalto University
Age: 25
Age: 21
“Not afraid – well, I think as long
as you follow the recommendation
you’d be fine. I just need to
remember I can’t go jogging alone.”
“No, we have the Green Route and I
already usually walk with people in
groups. ”
SRc’s communication skills questioned
WITH more Student Representative
C ouncil (SRc) members attending
the SRc half-year feedback session
than students, the que stion of
communication between the SRc and
campus was raised.
MJ Dippenaar, SRc: C hairperson,
was asked to give his meaning about
the communication and relationship
between the SRc and students during
the session.
Dippenaar pointed out that the
way of communicating with students
is changing and is not at a stand still.
“The SRc strives to communicate with
students on a platform that will reach
them more directly, like Twitter or
During the feedback sessions led by
Tosca Ferndale, SRc: communications
offi er it was also mentioned that
the printing of posters about sessions
are counterproductive and thus not
necessary anymore.
Prim C ommittee (PK) chairperson
Willie Ross used this platform to
discuss a motion recently issued by
the PK that the requ irements for SRc
candidacy should be made more strict.
As reported in Die Matie earlier
this year, the motion stated that
SRc candidates should meet three
different requi rements: an academic
requi rement that states a candidate
should have residence HEMIS, a
nomination form with 200 signatures
from fellow students who support the
candidates’ campaign and experience
in student leadership positions.
This is, however, not necessarily a
requi rement to be a candidate, but
merely attempts to encourage students
in leadership positions to apply to SRc
According to Ross they are
attempting to make the SRc more
“elite” by implementing the motion.
Furthermore; after many incidents
last semester where students’ safety
was compromised, the SRc along
with facility management put heads
together to address this problem.
Rademeyer, SRc: safety,
had the following to say about the
SRc’s cooperation with facility
management: “The SR is only a
representative body that works with
the facility management. We can
only communicate the complaints we
receive to facility management and
then give feedback to campus about
According to Rademeyer, the
amount of guards who patrol the
ampus went from five to ten
transportation was made available to
students who do not live near campus
during the June / July examinations
and a mobile security booth was
established in front of Dagbreek men’s
There are also plans to buy or rent
Segways for security guards to make
them more mobile.
rom a finan ial point of view the
SRc’s budget was referred to as very
“stiff”. Thus far they are still within
se jaarlikse redaksieverkiesing
vind 20 Augustus plaas.
Die volgende posisies sal
beskikbaar wees:
- Hoofredak teur
- Nuusredak teur
- Ak tuele Sake-redak teur
- Studentelewe-redak teur
- Dag en Nag-redak teur
- Spor tredak teur
- Online-redak teur
- Grafikaredak teur
- Fotoredak teur
- Bylaagredak teur
- Inhoudredak teur
- Bedry fsbestuurder
Kontak redakteur@diematie.com
vir meer inligting
- Studente foto’s, Sport &
Rugby groepe
- Grade en Koshuisgroep
- Paspoort en Visa foto’s vir
alle lande. Lisensie & ID foto’s
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Tel: 021 - 883 3131
Faks: 021 - 8866378
Skuins oorkant Hoofposkantoor en Langs HUSSAR
Koop plaaslik asseblief
GENOEG IS GENOEG Maties neem deel aan ’n protes op die Rooiplein na ’n vlaag van misdaad op Stellenbosch.
ie verbetering van die bestaande Maties Shuttlediens asoo die aanpassing van buigsaamheid tydens
ges eduleerde e samens en toetse
at ampusse uriteit n groter deel van die S
begroting ontvang wat spandeer sal word op opleiding
en die verbetering van huidige infrastru tuur
ie s ep van Safety Hotspots en nodes met panie noppies
at meer polisiebeamptes na probleemareas in en
rondom Stellenbosch ontplooi word
pgradering van die dorp se infrastru tuur en
veiligheidselemente soos voldoende beligting in
don er areas
Voorvalle van misdaad teen studente neem toe ten spyte van nuwe veiligheidsmaatreëls en -inisiatiewe
Misdaadvlaag lei tot nuwe veiligheidspogings
ie meeste van die vereistes
wat deur studente gemaak is
om die veiligheidsituasie in
Stellenbosch aan te spreek, is nog nie
nagekom nie.
Só sê Nadia Gava, een van die
stigters van die Saf er Stellenbos ch
Gava is een van vier studente aan
die stuur van hierdie veldtog, wat
in reaksie op aanvalle op studente
’n “Blinde Protes” teen misdaad
georganiseer het. Die protes het 16
Mei op die Rooiplein plaasgevind,
en is deur beide studente en
verteenwoordigers van die pers
’n Memorandum is deur dieselfde
groep in samewerking met die
Studenteraad (SR) van die Universiteit
Stellenbosch (US) saamgestel, waarin
verskeie eise en aanbevelings oor die
veiligheidsituasie in Stellenbosch
aan die universiteit en munisipaliteit
gemaak is. Dié memorandum is 20 Mei
by Boland Kollege aan Wes-Kaapse
Minister van Gemeenskapsveiligheid
Dan Plato, die hoof van die
Stellenbosch Polisie Departement,
Stellenbosch Munisipaliteit en die US
Gava sê dat daar geen verduideliking gegee is vir die versuim om
hul eise na te kom nie. Sy spekuleer
dat sommige van die vereistes dalk
onuitvoerbaar kon wees as gevolg
van hulpbronbeperkings en praktiese
implikasies. Sy het egter bygevoeg
dat daar wel ’n merkbare toename in
polisie sigbaarheid op kampus en in die
res van die dorp was. Ander inisiatiewe
“Alles wat ons tot dusver
gedoen het, het bloot die
simptome behandel.”
is ook geloods; “veiligheidskiosks” is
opgerig en perdpatrollies is in die dorp
Daar word ook klaarblyklik beplan
om ’n nuwe geslotekring televisiesisteem te installeer. “Of dit effektief
sal wees in misdaadvoorkoming moet
nog bepaal word,” het sy bygevoeg.
Een van die universiteit se eie
voorstelle wat oorweeg word is
die moontlikheid om toetse en
eksamens na ander tydgleuwe as
die aande te skuif, in reaksie op die
ontvoeringspoging van Matie-student
Ilze-Dene Oberholser in Mei. Een van
die maniere hoe dit sal bereik word
is deur klasperiodes te verkort na 40
minute sodat lesingvrye periodes
middae vir toetse geskeduleer kan
word. ’n Taakspan is saamgestel deur
die universiteit om die voorstelle te
bespreek, waarna besluite geneem
sal word by die volgende Senaatvergadering in Augustus.
Volgens Adriaan Louw, voorsitter:
Juridiese Vereniging, bied dié voorstelle nie ’n volhoubare oplossing om
misdaad te beveg nie, en dra nie by tot
’n veilige akademiese omgewing nie.
Ten spyte van die nuwe pogings
van die munisipaliteit en die
universiteit om misdaad te beveg,
is nog ’n aantal studente beroof of
aangerand tydens die universiteit se
eksamen- en vakansieperiode.
Luidens berigte in Die Burger
is een student aangeval en van sy
motorfiets beroof terwyl n ander
student en inwoner van Sonop voor
haar koshuis beroof is. Daar is verder
berig dat ’n vrouestudent tydens ’n
drafsessie met ’n mes gesteek is, en ’n
ander van sy beursie beroof is.
“Soveel as wat ek haat om dit te
erken; alles wat ons tot dusver gedoen
het, het bloot die simptome behandel,”
het Gava gesê. “Die oorsaak van die
probleem is iets veel groter.”
Mandela Day celebrated
BON APPETIT A student breaks her fast at ISUS’s Annual Mass Iftaar, which was held on 23 July 2014 in the
CJ Langenhoven Student Centre.
SMS’s name changed after legal threats from university
SU claims R5k for ‘Maties’
tellenbosch University (SU) legal
counsel has taken action against
the students running I A m Maties
and Shit Maties Say , respectively.
The university has reque sted
that the pages be taken down, and is
claiming legal fees to the amount of
R5 000 plus VAT from the student
running Shit Maties Say.
In legal correspondence in the
possession of Die Matie, SU ascertains
that ‘Matie’ and ‘Maties’ are registered
trademarks in their possession. They
furthermore express their concern that
members of the public may become
under the impression that the page is
allied to the university, and as such
that they received SU’s endorsement.
The student operating this page,
who has reque sted to only be known
as ‘C hris’, said he is not planning to
take down the page. He told Die Matie,
“Since the name’s been changed, there
are no more profiles operated by
myself] using “Maties”, so technically
all profiles were deleted as per their
reque st.”
The I A m Maties website has since
been taken down in its entirety, while
the Facebook page formerly known as
Shit Maties Say is still operating, now
under the name “Shit Mateys Say”.
A post by the page stated that the
above mentioned legal correspondence
is dated two days after the profile name
“Shit Maties Say” published a post
titled “Open Letter to Russel Botman”
on the dis ourse platform onfiire.
The letter criticised the university’s
response to the crime wave which
affected Stellenbosch at the time, and
closely scrutinised the systems put in
place to address the problem. The SRc
also ame under fire.
The university did not comment
on whether the controversial letter on
onfiire prompted their taking legal
n an offi ial statement by SU
released to Die Matie, the university
“I dispute their
claims that I intended
to operate a business
under the name.”
further expressed its concern that the
trademark ‘Maties’ was being used to
operate a business.
C hris denies this, saying that he has
not received a cent of revenue from
the page. Facebook does not share
the advertising revenue earned from
a spe ifi individual s a ebook page
with that individual, he says, and Shit
Matey s Say does not offer the service
to an external party to post content on
their behalf for a fee.
In a post on Shit Matey s Say
dated 23 July, C hris expressed his
disappointment that SU did not
contact him directly before soliciting
its attorneys.
SU maintains that it only took
legal action after reque sts to take the
site and pages down that were made
on more than one occassion were
ignored. C hris denies this allegation.
“I dispute the fact that they claim
to have reque sted me ‘on more than
one occasion’ to change the name,
and that I was even given extensions.
I would love to see a screenshot of
their sent items and inbox showing
this ‘correspondence’,” C hris told Die
“Furthermore, I also dispute their
claims that I intended to operate a
business under the name. I have no
issue with their reque st to have me
change the name. It’s their intellectual
property after all, and they have every
right to protect it.”
The founder of I A m Maties could
not be reached for comment. Litigation
regarding the matter is ongoing.
Sh i t M ati es Say was founded
on 27 May 2013 and has
close to 20 000 lik es on the
the social media platform
F aceb ook . The page reposts
a range of user- sub mitted
content including q uotes,
j ok es and visual content.
“EDUC ATION is the essential
ualifi ation for leadership and
adiba firmly believed that Shaun
Johnson, founding C hief Executive
of the Mandela Rhodes Foundation
(MRF), said at the Discourse C afé last
Johnson, who has worked for
and with the late former president,
was asked by the Frederik van ZylSlabbert Leadership Instution to speak
about Nelson Mandela and what he
represents, in celebration of Mandela
Day, 18 July.
“He is the only statesperson in
history to have an international day
and this year it took place without
him for the first time. e are still
processing his passing,” Johnson said.
Exclusive footage was shown on
the screen, where Madiba interacted
with Mandela Rhodes Scholars.
“Education is the essential
ualifi ation for leadership no one
can be a leader without an education,”
Mandela told one Scholar.
“Mandela was not stigmatising a
lack of education,” Johnson (a Rhodes
Scholar) said, “but rather the lack of
desire for education.”
“He always joked that, in the
history of Unisa, he took the longest
to get his law degree. But he got it in
the end.”
Humour was in fact his best
weapon, according to Johnson. “He
would disarm his enemies by making
them his friends. He had the ability
to make anyone feel better about
Johnson told the audience how
Madiba always sent out signals of
inclusivity, always making sure that
no one would be disadvantaged or
excluded by a decision. When the
first S holars were sele ted in
adiba insisted the foundation benefit
the whole of Africa.
The “continental word of mouth”
has spread and each year they receive
thousands of applications from across
the continent.
Johnson also described how
Mandela treasured knowledge and
how that is the reason why the MRF,
with the motto “Building exceptional
leadership in Africa”, was so important
to him and is considered one of his
three main foundations.
When asked what he thought of
people connecting Mandela’s name
to something he would not have stood
for, Johnson answered, “At a time
Nelson Mandela was the most famous
and beloved human being on earth and
there are many constituencies who all
want a piece of him.
“It is a wonderful but also the most
terrible job working for
being a gatekeeper and saying no
to powerful people. I cringe when I
see his face on a product. Of course
people try their luck all the time.”
Johnson concluded that Nelson
Mandela was the moral conscience
the world needed during that period
of time.
“We need someone who can speak
from a higher plane again because
at the moment,” (in reference to
My Promised Land by Ari Shavit)
“nobody is really powerful enough to
make a decision.”
Reeksmoordenaar by UV
IN POLOKWANE is inwoners
reeksmoordenaar in hul midde is.
Volgens ’n nuusberig wat op 22
Julie op News24 se webtuiste verskyn
het, is vier vroue naby die Universiteit
van Venda in Limpopo vermoor sedert
die begin van die jaar.
Die polisie het verlede week ’n
navraagspan gestig en is tans besig om
’n volledige ondersoek na die skuldige
uit te voer.
Drie van die vroue is studente aan
die betrokke universiteit. Hulle is met
’n skerp voorwerp gesteek en ook
verwurg en verkrag, volgens die berig.
Inwoners van Polokwane is na
bewering dus vreesbevange en angstig
dat die polisie se ondersoek antwoorde
moet oplewer.
Verlede week is die liggaam van ’n
skoonmaker naby aan die universiteit
se administrasieblok gevind. Die vrou
is verkrag en daarna doodgeslaan.
Limpopo se departement van
veiligheid, sekuriteit en skakeling het
gesê dat al die lede van die polisie-
ondersoekspan ervare beamptes is en
dat hulle hoop om vinnige vordering
te maak met die ondersoek.
Die voorsitter van die universiteit
se studenteraad, Fukie Uhuru
Mofokeng, het egter gekla oor die
universiteit se veiligheid en gesê dat
die kampus dikwels vol persone was
wat nie studente aan die universiteit
is nie.
Vroeë r hierdie maand was
gemeenskapslede van Thohoyandou
vreesbevange na ’n reeksmoordenaar
’n negejarige meisie by haar skool
ontvoer het. Hy het haar toe verkrag
en vermoor.
Die liggaam van die dogtertjie
is naby die universiteit se kampus
gevind. Inwoners van die dorp wag
steeds op antwoorde oor hierdie
Volgens SABC
Nuus was ’n
24-jarige verdagte verwag om in die
hof te verskyn.
Die verwagte is die aand van 22
Julie op die Universiteit van Venda se
kampus in hegtenis geneem.
Studente aan die Universiteit van
Venda sê, volgens die berig, hulle is
verlig dat hy in hegtenis geneem is.
Visiting the home of hit reality television show ‘Cake Boss’
A bite of Carlos Bakery
oboken may seem like an ordinary New Y ork suburb with
normal looking buildings and
seemingly normal people. Y et it is
home to a little shop that has made a
name for itself all over the world.
The locals do not even have to
guess what an approaching tourist is
looking for – they immediately point
you in its direction. Why else would
you venture there other than to have
a taste of the sweet ambrosia made at
C arlos Bake Shop?
As you round a corner, the iconic
red and white colours catch your eye.
A line of people wait outside but you
are not discouraged for you know the
wait will be worth it.
Y ou take your place in line, and,
looking up your heart utters at the
sight of a famous scene. Already you
can spot the delicious cakes through
the windows and your mouth begins
to water.
n e you finally get inside you
take a number and wait to be served.
The walls are decorated with pictures
of the Valastro family. The bakery was
founded in 1964 by his father, Bartolo
Valastro. C arlos, or better known as
Buddy, took the business over from
him. It was under his ownership that
the bakery became famous on the hit
reality television show C ake Boss.
It will still be a while before your
number – and there is your problem.
Now you have time to ponder over
what you are going to order.
Y ou are surrounded by the most
exotic pastries you can think of. C anolies are proudly displayed beside
“You know that you
will not be able to fit
into your jeans by the
end of the week.”
lobster tails. Beneath them are the
mini cheesecakes; each one brightly
coloured and decorated with fruit or
More chocolate cakes line the
shelves; their tops a decadent display
of white and dark chocolate intertwined. Y our eyes fall upon the luscious red of the red velvet and, just
beside them, the cream-puffed éclairs
call your name.
As a tourist your budget is limited, but if you spend all your holiday
money on the fruit shaped marzipan
treats, it will be worth it. And why not
improve the Starbucks coffee you are
going to buy on the way back with a
few chocolate biscotti?
Finally your number is called and
it is time to make a decision. Y ou try
to be modest and only order a few
canolies, lobster tails, brownies and a
cheesecake. The friendly staff packs
up your order and, on a whim, you buy
a C arlos Bakery hat to prove that you
were there.
Back at your hotel after a long train
ride you take your first bite into that
canoli and the ricotta explodes into
your mouth as a rich chocolate chip
Y ou know that you will not be
able to fit into your jeans by the end
of the week. However, as the delicious
cream of the lobster tail melts in your
mouth, you know that sometimes you
just have to take a big bite out of life.
C ake Boss f ollow s the operations
of this Italian A merican f amily - ow ned
bus iness, f ocusing on how they make
their cakes and the interpersonal relationships among the v arious f amily
membe rs and other employ ees.
Craft – Tapas Bar and Restaurant
LOC ATED on Adringa Street, C raft
is a wonderful place to wine (or
perhaps rather beer) and dine at any
time of the day.
This restaurant is perfect for late
afternoon tapas or as a pre-drinks
lo ation where you should definitely
line your stomach a selection from
the delicacies on their menu.
The location is rustic, with
wooden furniture and the most
delightful firepla e.
The ambience is vibrant and
welcoming, and the later it gets,
the more vibrant and welcoming it
heir wood-fired oven turns out
the most deli ious ammku hen
often referred to as “the other type
of pizza”, which is an Alsatian
dish composed of thin bread dough
covered with crè me fraî che and
On this, you then select from
a variety of toppings. The tapas
selection, which is prepared in an
open plan kitchen that is visible from
the seating area, includes offerings
such as crumbed mozzarella balls,
lamb meatballs stuffed with feta and
the most delicious sticky ribs.
Apart from the scrumptious
offerings with regards to their
cuisine, there is of course the craft
beer which is available in abundance.
C raft beer, for those of you not
hipster enough to know, is beer that is
‘crafted’, rather than manufactured,
by small and independent brewers in
a multitude of different ways.
Enjoy these beers, or the more
established beers that you know
and love, in this trendy location
in Stellenbosch. Y ou will not be
Business hours are from 15:00
to 23:00, Monday to Sunday,
and reservations can be made on
021 882 8069. So maybe it is time
to give that regular, smoky, noisy
hangout a miss and try this spot out.
Visit C raft for dinner, drinks and
a fantastic time. Think local beer.
Think South African tapas. Think
LET THEM EAT CAKE Christine Fleischmann visited the well-known and
extremely popular bakery Carlos Bake Shop during the holidays. It is a
festival of cake, pastries and all kinds of sweet delights.
Just add a little sparkle
GLAMOROUS is the word that comes
to mind when you walk into the House
of JC Le Roux.
Its bright colours and glimmering
lights create a cheerful atmosphere
which welcomes you inside.
Velvety sofas invite you to lounge
on their soft green, blue and red
pillows while you are being served by
the friendly waiters.
ou do not need to y to ollywood
to feel like a star. Luxury is only a
short drive away.
The farm was founded by the
Huguenot, Jean Le Roux, who arrived
in the C ape in 1704.
Situated just outside Stellenbosch,
it provides beautiful scenery of the
mountains and vineyards. The passion
for sparkling wine can be felt from the
moment you arrive. Even the lighthearted style and bright decoration
of the building gives you a bubbly
JC Le Roux offers a wide selection
of sparkling wines; from the wellknown L e Domain to the pink delight,
L a F leurette.
Y ou can even sit down for a bubbly
and nougat tasting or get lost in the
decadence of a marshmallow and
meringue tasting.
While you wait for your tasting to
be prepared, you can walk to a room
that displays a little more about the
wine making process of sparkling
wines. Y ou can also go upstairs for a
light lunch at the Le Venue restaurant.
There is also a non-alcoholic
pairing for the designated driver.
The House of JC Le Roux is the
ideal venue for celebrating birthdays,
special occasions or if you just want to
be spoiled for a few hours.
If you would like to know
more, you can visit their website at
w w w .j cleroux .c o.z a or email them at
inf o@ j cleroux .c o.z a. Y ou can also
contact them at 021 865 8200.
tellenbosch experiences winters
like none other – the bonechilling winds, waterlogged
grass patches and the never-ending
torrents of rain barely describe the
polar vortex heading our way.
It seems logical, then, to
sa rifi e style for our oversi ed grey
Stellenbosch University hoodies and
uggs that could read more unemployed
expedition than ambitious youth,
right? Wrong. There is absolutely no
excuse not to look good this winter
with this season’s large variety of
cover ups.
The most important winter fashion
staple is, of course, the coat. Ladies,
wearing a khaki parka to class every
day is unacceptable unless you are still
living in the winter of 2012.
This look is about as tiresome and
unimaginative as a high school essay.
I’m aware that Kate Moss and Alexa
C hung wore these green monstrosities
at some point and received tons of
praise and adoration for it but, let us
look at the facts: they paired their
parkas with C hanel mini-dresses and
baby giraffe legs, which not everyone
has. If you just bought one, take it
back and exchange it for a proper coat.
When I say “proper”, I do not
However, a coat is a worthwhile
investment that should last longer than
one season. As C arrie Bradshaw once
famously put it, “I like my money
where I can see it, hanging in my
For many of us a good coat is
probably the closest thing to love
that we shall find this winter.
hugs you and shields you – it is both
a blanket and a wall; the two things
we cling to when we are in need of
comfort. A popular choice this season
is the duvet coat.
Q uilting is no longer limited to
handbags and leather goods. This
style not only envelopes the feminine
silhouette in a cosy cocoon but gives
men the illusion of bigger muscle
“ Napoleon’s famous
grey coat would look as
good today as it did when
he invaded Russia.”
mass. Q uilted and faux fur vests,
bla ers and knitwear are perfe t
layering items to wear underneath
your jacket or coat.
Experiment with different textures
and unusual cuts if you intend to
look on trend. Be careful not to go
overboard, in this case less is more.
Trench coats have long been the
Christina Pitt
classic staple for men and women.
The trench coat shines at its brightest
in unpredictable weather.
C lassic outerwear has existed
longer than any other piece of
menswear, tracing its roots to military
uniforms back in the 18th century.
Indeed, Napoleon’s famous grey coat
would look as good today as it did
when he invaded Russia. Utilitarian
and military style coats are a must for
the male urban warrior this winter.
The best alternative to a coat is a
jacket. Wearing a leather jacket exudes
onfiden e lu ury and a ertain j e ne
se quoi s – commonly known as sex
Unfortunately, not all leather
jackets are created equa l. Q uality
leather jackets are not too kind to a
student budget, so make sure you only
have to buy it once by selecting one
that will last for years to come.
Stay warm with corduroy and
denim jackets. Denim jackets might
not give you optimal protection from
the elements, but a jean jacket with
shearling lining could do the trick.
They can be worn over a denim shirt
or sweater for a casual look.
C orduroy was a popular fabric
in the year 2001 and has come back
just in time for winter. Get a corduroy
jacket in black, brown and this season’s
colours to match your wardrobe.
Once you see the importance of a
stylish over up you ll find that there
is no need to compromise warmth for
Look hot when it is cold this winter
by wearing cover-ups that best suit
you and get everyone curious about
what you’re hiding underneath those
TOP 10
“The collective consciousness of
mankind defines the existence and
sustainability of this civilization.”
Bylaag saamgestel deur NADIA GAVA
Illustration: TECHNORATI.COM
et the word out there.
But be responsible
about it.”
This was the advice of
Jolynn Minnaar, director of
the recently-released-yet-already-acclaimed documentary
“Unearthed” following a discussion of what students can do to
combat fracking in South Africa
and elsewhere.
“Unearthed” is the result of
more than three years of independent research, and looks at
the effect of hydraulic fracturing
on water supply and contamination in the USA, comparing it to
the possible effects of fracking in
South Africa, should exploration
“It’s like being able to travel
with a time machine, and come
back to warn people,” she says.
Jolynn was born and bred in
the Karoo. She started out believing
that fracking would be a welcome and
much-needed boost for economic development and job creation in the area. But,
as she says, “sometimes a story finds you”
– she was not planning on investigating
it any further, when she received a phone
Jolynn Minnaar has a story to tell
By Emily van der Merwe
call from a landowner in Pennsylvania, telling her of the water pollution in their area.
This, while the US government and oil
companies were adamant that there had
never been a single reported case of water
contamination due to hydraulic fracturing.
The result is a haunting realization of
the future South Africa will have to face
if exploration rights are granted to Shell
and other companies.
Jolynn’s highest calling is to provide
information, therefore all her research,
“Unearthed” also tells the story of the
Karoo and its people, who are portrayed as
naive – “trusting and trustworthy” – and very
effectively juxtaposes this image with the
non-suspecting landowners in America who
were misled by the exploration companies.
footage and findings are open source and
freely accessable.
“Unearthed” will be featured on
various international TV-stations before
becoming available on DVD.
Follow the project on un-earthed.com.
What now?
Energy minister Tina Joemat-Pettersson said
last week the development of shale gas in
South Africa “can’t be dismissed,” as government estimates that shale gas may generate
R1 trillion of sales in three decades.
However, Treasure the Karoo Action
Group has plans to launch a determined
legal assault on what it sees as government’s
unstoppable momentum towards fracking for
shale gas in the Karoo.
Environmental groups are worried that
fracking may pollute water sources in the
Karoo, where Shell plans to start extraction
before the end of the year.
Wes-Kaapse windplase
Maggots for sustainable development
The world’s largest fly farm is being built in Cape Town, and will house 8.5 billion larvae.
The world’s biggest commercial fly and Drew states that at least 43
farm is currently in construction
countries have shown interest.
in Cape Town.
He explains that AgriProtein
aims to gain 20% investment
The farm, which will harvest
return and that their meal will be
about 8.5 billion fly larvae, is an
15% less than the normal price.
initiative by AgriProtein, who
According to Drew the farms
aims to produce 23.5 ton of inwill host three different types of
sect-based protein-rich meal and
fly and between 3% and 4% of
oil, as well as 50 ton of fertiliser
the fly eggs will be kept
per day. The 8500 m2
area is proposed to
“The farm will in order to uphold and
maintain the “stock” of
be completed by next
process more insects. With experience
Jason Drew, entreor less 110 in fly farming of only five
or six years, this truly is an
preneur and co-foundton of organic impressive and ambitious
er of AgriProtein,
boasts that numerous
AgriProtein argues that
fish and chicken
insect larvae are the natural food
farmers have already concluded
contracts to buy the products as an of chickens and fish and that the
nutritional value thereof is just as
alternative to soya and fish meal.
good (if not better) than that of
The farm will process more or less
fish and/or soya meal. Besides a
110 ton of organic waste, coming
significantly lower price, the profrom households, hotels, restaucess needs considerably less soil
rants, chain stores etcetera.
and water than the production of
Drew says that the idea was
conventional animal protein.
stolen from Mother Nature and
AgriProtein has already
he believes that within 15 years,
received approval to sell their
recycling organic waste will be as
products in South Africa and a discommonplace as recycling glass,
tribution licence for the European
paper and cans is today.
Union is expected to be obtained
AgriProtein ambitiously plans
within the next two years.
to build 38 more such fly farms
Eskom se Darling-windplaas is in
2008 voltooi na ’n boutydperk van
agt maande. Dit bestaan uit vier
Duits-vervaardigde windturbines,
elk 50 meter hoog, en weeg altesaam
62 ton. Ten spyte van hul grootte is
’n windspoed van slegs 8km/h nodig
voordat die lemme begin draai.
Jaarlikse uitset is 8.6 gigawatt-ure
– die elektrisiteitsverbruik van 700
Suid-Afrikaanse huishoudings.
Die Klipheuwel-Dassiesfontein-windplaas (Dassiesklip) is in
2002 net buite Caledon voltooi
met die bou van drie windturbines. Vroeër vanjaar is daar nege
bykomende Chinese turbines opgerig
deur die Spaanse energie-maatskappy Iberdrola.
Daar word verwag dat die windplaas nou ’n jaarlikse uitset van 69
gigawatt-ure sal lewer.
Ook in 2014 is 37 kleiner turbines
op die Hopefield-windplaas in die
Swartland-gebied opgerig.
In Suid-Afrika is daar tans 5
windplase in volle produksie en 15
grootskaalse windplase wat ontwikkel word.
Daar word verwag dat altesaam
400 turbines aktief sal wees teen die
einde van 2014.
Sustainable development
reflects a process that meets
the needs of the present
without compromising the
ability of future generations
to meet their own needs.
While we can use a certain
amount of the planet’s
resources, we should never
entirely deplete a natural
Sustainable development
requires people to rely as
much as possible on renewable resources (the kind that
can be replenished) such as
getting power from the sun
rather than power from fossil
fuels such as oil, coal, and
natural gas.
Besides the careful stewardship of natural resources,
sustainable development
promotes the eradication of
poverty and extreme income
and wealth inequalities, the
goal of full employment, the
provision of access to quality
and affordable basic services
to all South Africans, and the
fostering of a stable, safe,
and just society.
30 July 2014
The importance of students in sustainability
s students, most of us learn and analyse thoroughly the problems our current unsustainable societies are facing
in terms of injustice and environmental degradation.
Few learn, however, how to start solving
these problems in a sustainable way. While we
dedicate our energy to understand how complex economic, political, technical and social
environmental systems work, we spend little
energy in comparison on deciding what to do
now about obvious problems now.
What if?
The background question then became “what
if”. hat if every university student and staff
member came out of tertiary education with
knowledge about sustainability? What if
every member of the campus community possessed direct experience of a sustainable environment? What if students had the chance
to experience active responsible citizenship
through concrete projects before leaving the
ould that make any difference
What to do?
As such, much of higher education as I experienced it understands learning as a process
preceding action; and while I learned how to
understand the complexity of the systems listed above, I was left with no clue on what to do
to effect real change.
I became involved mostly by coincidence in
discussions at my university on sustainability
strategy for the institution itself. The vision
of the Agenda 21 working group set up by my
university was that no person should leave the
campus without a basic knowledge of the finiteness of our planet and the associated challenges.
“In my view students
are not only architects or
engineers; as potentially
every citizen of this
planet, they are builders.”
“Student” is a temporary title. Whereas access to higher education is a significant
challenge, if at all possible, for many on this
planet, those with our privilege often go on
to occupy positions with responsibilities and
decision-making power in society. Our time
as students provides us with tools and some
competencies, but it also shapes our values;
and in the face of the current and future problems (social, economic, environmental, ethical), our responsibility lies in mobilising these
competencies and values for taking responsible decisions and actions.
Building a future
Building a more sustainable life does not
start after university, neither does taking
decisions and actions. Analysing and understanding complex issues is only a part of
the whole process. It takes an architect to
plan the building, but it takes many workers to turn the plan into an actual building.
In my view students are not only architects or
engineers; as potentially every citizen of this
planet, they are builders. Universities cannot
therefore limit themselves to providing pure
knowledge. They should provide and support
practical experience. L iving a student life
should thus encompass learning by doing,
pushing students to “walk the talk”, to fail and
succeed, and thus learn concretely to live and
act as responsible citizens.
Wladyslaw Senn is an executive board member
of the World Student Environmental Network.
As reported in Die Matie of 4 ay, the
University of Stellenbosch hosted The
World Student Environmental Summit
during the winter holiday.
The WSES connects students in a
collective aim to drive environmental
change and organise sustainable projects locally.
Through both global meetings
(held annually) and regional meetings, students are inspired, educated
and equipped to drive environmental
One of the goals of the WSES is to
establish an active and transparent hub
designed by students from the world
for them to share knowledge and experience, explore and take concrete steps
for reinventing cultures of sustainable
living on this planet.
14 billion new
trees needed to
set things right
reenpop is a social business that
believes greening and sustainable
living can be fun, POPular and
accessible for all.
They believe in inspiring a greener,
more conscious, inclusive movement and
do this through tree planting projects,
green events, education, social media,
voluntourism and activating people to
start DOING! To make up for the world’s
loss of trees in the past decade, we need to
plant about 14 billion trees every year for
10 years in a row.
In the 3 years that the organisation has
been running, they have:
Planted 27642 trees in 286 locations
Procured 3478 volunteers
Ensured that 121 624 people have
benefited from their projects
Join Greenpop and the Treevolution on
Facebook and Twitter to see how you can
become involved.
Greenpop partnered with the WSEN Global Summit and Stellenbosch Municipality to plant 100 trees at two the primary and secondary
schools in Cloetesville last month. The summit was hosted by Stellenbosch University and hosted 63 delegates from around the world.
‘Let’s appreciate our finite life-supporting resources’
hen a group of friends came together with their shared passion
of the environment they decided
to take matters into their own hands and
start making a difference.
The collaboration of ideas brought forth
the birth of Sustainable Brothers: a platform
for collaborative learning, teaching and most
importantly, action – all focused primarily
on all matters surrounding increasing our
sustainable interaction with our environment.
“The Farm” is where it all began. A student digs in Dorp Street was turned into an
organic farm. It is now used as a hub for the
Sustainable Brothers.
“There is a giant disconnect between our
natural resources and ourselves within our
society, whether that is in our food production system, our ill-informed education
system, or our general over-consumptive
practices”, argues Benoit orkel, one of the
founding members.
Due to this disconnect, Sustainable
Brothers aim to create awareness and appreciation for our finite and life-supporting
natural resources, starting with day-to-day
practices here in Stellenbosch.
Practically, this entails teaching students
and members of the community about
organic farming, demonstrating and implementing a recycling/ waste-removal system.
“ e have a finite amount of natural
resources and, if we continue to live the way
we are currently, we’re going to run out really soon. We, as Sustainable Brothers, feel we
possess the cognitive and emotional capacity
to slow down this process, whilst highlighting the value of conserving and appreciating
nature,” orkel shared his opinions on the
importance of living sustainably.
He urges students to become involved.
“Come get your hands dirty on the farm
by growing fresh and organice vegetables or
help out with our waste management crew
in Stellenbosch and at events/ festivals.”
There are various other initiatives to
participate in and you can find out about
these by visiting their Facebook page, their
website or following them on Twitter.
“Whichever way you look at it, there are
so many benefits to living more sustainably
– economically, intrinsically, within society
and personally. We believe we help to illustrate this.”
30 Julie 2014
The AWT, outfitted with
wind turbines, flies in a
circular pattern, generating power with a combination of wind, air lift and
Google partners
with Makani
Normal altitude
ranges between 40
and 110m from the
Energy is transmitted
to the ground via a
flexible tethering
In periods of low wind,
the rotors on board the
wing are powered, allowing the AWT to hover
safely to the ground.
Clean energy is more commercially available than
ever, but still less than 5% of global energy production. The affordability of wind power is limited by
existing systems. In order for clean energy sources
like wind to gain mass adoption, they must become
as cheap and available as traditional fossil fuels.
akani is developing an airborne wind turbine
(AWT) that eliminates 90% of the material used
in conventional wind systems. The
T generates
power through a tethered wing that flies in large
circles at up to 3 m altitude, where the wind
is stronger and more consistent than the winds
reached by conventional systems. The AWT can also
reach currently inaccessible winds above deep waters
offshore. akani Hawaiian for “ ind” , with the
support of Google, hopes to enable the shift to clean,
renewable energy by building a turbine that generates power at a lower cost than any other technology.
3 things that Maties can recycle
Herwin van rommel tot kuns
ccording to the internet, if we print enough notes and slides, drink enough coffee from disposable cups and
stop drinking draughts but switch to dampies, it seems we as students can do a uite a lot to help the environment. ot really. ow, if only we could find some recycling bins...
Die h y p e rondom herwinning het ’n geleentheid geskep vir die kreatiewe
w rld. Hierdie innoverende ontwerpers skep uit ander se weggooi-items.
Recycling one ton of
paper saves
If you lined up all the polystyrene
foam cups made in just 1 day
1 recycled glass bottle would save
enough energy
to power a computer
for 25 minutes.
Van knope tot ringe
onja ytkow het besef dat ou knope mooi kan lyk wanneer mens
dit herwin as kreatiewe ringe. y maak gebruik van ’n groep vrouens in
oweto om die ringe te maak en so dra sy ook by tot werkskepping.
17 trees, 2 barrels of oil,
4,100 kilowatts of energy, 2.45
cubic meters of landfill space
and 60 pounds of air pollution.
they would circle the earth.
se 10 wenke vir ’n groener
leefstyl in die Eikestad
HERWIN Die universiteit se 3-drom-stelsel maak
dit maklik om op ’n omgewingsvriendelike
manier ontslae te raak van jou rommel –
lees die dromme voor jy kies watter gat jou
gemors kry.
FIETS EN VOETE Kampus is klein genoeg dat jy nie
onnodig van ’n motor gebruik hoef te maak nie. et
die nuwe atie-fietse kan jy boonop dit in styl doen.
RYKLUBS Indien dit vir jou nodig is om elke dag
in-en-uit te ry, maak gebruik van MatiesFindalift
maties.findalift.co. a om ’n ryklub te vorm. paar
petrol, spaar geld en spaar die omgewing.
Van skaatsplanke tot sonbrille
S k 8 s h ad es : Toe Dave de Witt se sonbril gebreek het, het hy navorsing begin doen oor hout-sonbrille. Die skaatsplank-fanatikus het besef
dat ou skaatsplanke tot unieke sonbrille omgeskakel kan word.
Thrift Net soos Macklemore dit aanmoedig, gaan
koop tweede handse klere nie net sal jy c o o l lyk nie,
maar jy spaar ook die omgewing
MARKIES Besoek die magdom plaas
markte in die omgewing en skaf van die
plaaslike, organiese produkte aan.
Vleisvry Weerhou daarvan om Maandae vleis te eet,
aangesien vleis die grootste c ar b o n f o o tp r in t van alle
kos soorte het. ebruik die heerlike groente wat jy by
die markie gekoop het en kook ’n smaaklike vegetariese gereg.
aak jy self kos kaf dan ’n Bokashi aan
dit is ’n klein, reuklose organiese komposhouer en
is beskikbaar by meeste hardewarewinkels.
Wees ingelig
oed jouself op rakende omgewingskwessies, besoek webtuiste soos
Treehugger.com en maak seker jy weet hoe
jy ’n bydra kan lewer.
oop ’n glas-waterbottel en maak gebruik
van die nuwe krane regoor kampus eerder
as om elke dag ’n nuwe plastiekbottel te
Raak betrokke Sluit aan by EcoMaties of enige van
die ander groen- en volhoubaarheidsorganisasies
op kampus en/of in die land en begin self ’n verskil
Van bier tot krale
Eddie Bannerman is die man in beheer van die T s ak an e projek. Die
projek behels dat ’n le bottels van die ustenburg area versamel word
en deur ’n lang proses gesit word om uiteindelik unieke krale te word.
Van bande tot banke
T Y R E D is deur aapse ontwerper, ean mith, geloods nadat hy ’n
hoop ou motorbande herbenut het as stoele. Die besigheid het vinnig
gegroei en T Y R E D vervaardig nou tafels, stoele en bankies.
Stellenbosch Outdoor Sculpture Trust besorg aan kunstenaars 24 bankies om in kunswerke te omskep
‘Kom Sit’ en waardeer hierdie kunswerke
ie SOST (Stellenbosch Outdoor
Sculpture Trust) se projek vir
2014, K om sit/ C ome sit/ H lala
P hantsi, is tans besig om die strate van
Stellenbosch op ’n baie oorspronklike
en kreatiewe manier te betower.
Elke jaar word die inwoners van
dié universiteitsdorp met ’n nuwe
inisiatief deur hierdie trust verryk.
Vir hierdie jaar se projek is
verskillende kunstenaars gevra om een
eenvoudige betonbankies in
estetiese kunswerk te verander, sonder
om die funksionaliteit daarvan in die
proses te verloor.
Volgens die kurator van die
uitstalling, Dirkie Offringa, is die 24
bankies is só gegroepeer dat dit oor
tien funksionele punte in die hoofdorp
gehuisves word. Elke bankie is deur
ander kunstenaar of groep mense
ontwerp en versier.
Verder sluit die individuele temas
onder andere die rol van die natuur,
die samelewing, kleur en die idee
van rus in. Die meerderheid van die
bankies bied ook insig oor een of
ander sosiale waarde en poog om ’n
positiewe impak op die samelewing en
die lewensgehalte van die mense te hê.
Vyf hoë rskoolleerders wat hierdie
jaar die KickstART beurs gewen
het, se bankie getiteld, “Ons Dorp,
Stellenbosch”, versinnebeeld die
trots waarmee elke kunstenaar hierdie
projek aangepak het om bydra tot
die bogenoemde ideale te lewer.
Offringa meen dat SOST se
2014 uitstalling by die tema van die
Kaapstad Design C apital-projek,
“Live Design. Transform Life”, sal
Verder verduidelik Offringa dat
vorige projekte wat deur hierdie
trust aangepak is, hoofsaaklik op
die klassieke beeldhouwerk en
kunsinstallasies gefokus het.
Hierteenoor is K om Sit baie
meer in die lyn van toegepaste kuns
(funksionele kuns wat ontwerp,
kreatiewe idees en gebruikswaarde
besit) aangewend.
Daar is ’n kennisgewing by elke
punt opgesit, wat ’n kort verduideliking
van elke bankie by daardie punt gee,
en ook
gebruikervriendelike kaart
insluit. Hierdie kaart dui aan waar jy
tans is, en wat die maklikste manier
sal wees om by die volgende punt te
Die Facebook-blad, “Kom Sit
Stellenbosch” kan gerus besoek word
en mense word uitgenooi om foto’s
van die bankies op Instagram, Twitter
en Facebook te deel.
DIT REËN NIE, TANNIE Studente, inwoners en toeriste sal tot aan die einde
van April 2015 die geleentheid gegun word om hierdie kreatiewe projek te
October – The space between two points
Zoë Wicomb
MANY South Africans leave our home
country in search of wider horizons,
but where do we truly belong then?
This is the que stion Zoë Wicomb
looks at in her novel O ctobe r, which
proves to be a very complex issue.
The novel revolves around
Mercia Murray, a South African
living in Scotland, who returns to her
hometown of Kliprand after she gets
a letter from her brother, Jake, who
wants her to take his young son with
her to Scotland.
Back in Kliprand, she confronts
her past, her deceased father and the
notion of belonging. She also uncovers
a dark secret that has been plaguing
her family for years, which threatens
to tear everyone apart.
Memory and sense of belonging
are the two major themes of this novel,
which looks at the mistakes of the past
and how they are handed down from
generation to generation.
Both Mercia and Jake have to
come to terms with their father and
his in uen e on their lives. t is
because of their past that they have
trouble engaging in relationships and
maintaining their sense of belonging.
nitially the novel is very diffi ult
to get into, because the entire novel is
written in indirect speech. There is no
single line of direct dialogue, so it is
diffi ult to distinguish between spee h
and thought. However, once you get
used to it, O ctobe r proves to be a
fascinating, albeit depressing, read.
The novel continually shifts
seamlessly between the past and the
present, blurring the constraints of
memory. This style distances the
reader whi h re e ts the distan e
between the characters and their
individual feelings of isolation.
Many readers might get frustrated
with this novel as it is often vague,
and for long passages there seems to
be nothing happening. However, this
is where the beauty of the novel lies.
O ctobe r is about the space between
defined points with the month itself
indicating a transitional phase. It is
a spa e that is undefined and never
solid. It is a space where nothing and
everything happens.
The novel is relevant, since many
of us will eventually leave South
Africa for various reasons. Is the
sense of belonging tied to geography
or blood relations? O ctobe r does not
provide an answer to these que stions.
Belonging seems to differ from person
to person.
O ctobe r is a collection of memories
beautifully woven together to find
their place of belonging, to come to
terms with the mistakes of the past,
and to find a dire tion for the future.
Major: Theology
US poog om te versTHOM
FLIEKVLOOI-VRIENDELIK Vir die meeste studente is Pulp Cinema in die Neelsie ’n gereelde vesting om tyd te
spandeer. Dit is dus geen verrassing dat studente verheug is oor die nuwe koffiewinkel idee en die feit dat hul
films nou gehuur kan word nie. Lede en nie-lede kan enige uitgestalde DVD huur vir R10 en R20, onderskeidelik.
Spar-gerugte maak ‘Pulp’ se toekoms egter onduidelik
Fliekgangers steeds volop
ie Matie gesels met Werner
de Swardt waar hy agter P ulp
C inema se twee maande oue
koffie-toonbank uithelp.
erner is
die eienaar van dié iekteater in die
C J Langenhoven Studentesentrum,
oftewel die Neelsie.
Wanneer het die fliekteater begin?
Ons het drie jaar gelede – so in die
middel van
begin om ieks
hier te wys. Ons het toe net probeer
kyk of dit gaan werk. Ons was toe nog
nie met die society verbind nie; dit
was net privaat. Die society het eers in
begin om ieks hier te wys.
k omitee gaan p robeer om 1000
led e te bereik om te bew ys d at d aar
steeds fliekgangers in Stellenbosch
is. Hoeveel lede is daar tans?
[1000] is nou al vêr verbygesteek!
Dit is al by die 2000 lede. Daar is
’n goeie 200-300 lede wat nie eers
studente is nie.
Waarvoor gebruik julle die fliek,
behalw e vi r d ie ve ren igin g se
Ons bedryf ’n private cinema en
die society betaal vir ons ’n fooi om
vir hulle lede films te wys. nigiemand
kan hierdie filmhuis huur.
huur dit vir lesings, bekendstellings
of verjaarsdagpartytjies, en koshuise
[huur dit] vir privaat vertonings.
Hoe kry julle die flieks in die hande?
l ons ieks wys ons f van die
DVD af óf ons koop dit op iTunes.
Waarvoor is d ie teater voor heen
Ons het ’n satelliettak as deel van
Filmhouse (DVD rentals) oopgemaak
en tussendeur op klein skaal klassieke
en cult films in die cinemas gewys met
eenvoudige projektors.
H et j ulle p robleme met d ie
dranklisensie gehad?
Ons het. Ons het drank verkoop
met die Universiteit Stellenbosch se
lisensie – die hele Neelsie was [met
toestemming] gedek met die lisensie.
Maar intussentyd het daardie reë l
verander. Die US is in die proses om
hulle hele drankbeleid te heroorweeg.
Al kry ons toestemming, is dit ’n sesmaand proses om ’n dranklisensie
te kry. Ons toekoms hier is onseker
omdat daar al vir sowat ses jaar planne
is dat Spar hierheen moet skuif.
In 22 F ebruarie 2012 se Die Matie
het Alex an d er Y an n ak ak is, d ie
d estyd se voor sitter van
d ie eerste
k omitee w at Pulp Cinema gebruik
het, ’ n brief gesk ryf oor hoe d ie
Pulp C in ema het k laar baie gegroei.
Ja, hier was niks! Imagine die
hele voorportaal net wit. Al hoekom
mense hier ingekom het, was vir die
toilet. Die cinema was net vir ev ents
Watter p roj ek te bep lan j ulle v ir
volgende jaar?
Ek moet nog met die society se
komitee daaroor praat. Een van my
planne is om ’n speed dating-projek te
begin net vir lede waar ons kortfilms
’n fantastiese medium, wys.
Nog iets op die tafel is gesprekke;
daar is ’n behoefte om gesprekke by
films te doen iemand gee n inleiding
tot die film en na die tyd gee iemand n
enlightenment met vrae.
Daar is baie films wat n bietjie
ontoeganklik is as ’n mens net
gewoond is aan die hoofstroom ims.
s jy dan agtergrond op so n film kan
kry, maak dit vir jou ’n fantastiese
deur oop. ense dink soms n iek is
w eird; maar na 20 minute se gesprek
daaroor sal ag uit tien van die mense
sê Dis n fantastiese film.
Ed Sheeran’s X marks the commercial spot
ENGLISH singer-songwriter Ed
Sheeran does the title of his latest
album, X (pronounced Multiply )
justice; if this album does not
multiply his fan base by at least a
dozen times, I do not know what
rom the first song on the album
(maybe intentionally titled “One”),
Sheeran hypnotises you with his
unique ly smooth voice and manages
to keep you under his spell until
the end. Perhaps it is the eclectic
blend of hip-hop and acoustic pop
that causes this mesmerisation,
but the lyrics no doubt plays a
signifi ant role in reating the
magic which is Multiply . In this
album Sheeran wears his (broken)
heart on his sleeve, and in songs like
“Photograph” and “Bloodstream”
one almost feels the pain with him.
In Sheeran’s debut album, +
(pronounced P lus), some of the
songs felt overcrowded with lyrics
and where one couldn’t always get
a sense of the music itself; the songs
on X never give that impression.
With songs like “Nina” and
“The Man” it is hard to imagine
that there is not some sense of
Sheeran’s personal life that dripped
into lyrics. This gives the album
its autobiographical feel, making it
more profound and touching than
the album’s predecessor.
Y ou can look forward to slower
songs like “Photograph” and
“Thinking Out Loud” while hit
singles “Sing” and “Don’t” offer
more of an upbeat style.
Whether you are a fan of the
ame-haired artist or not you annot
deny the growth and multiplication
of his talent on this album.
NA ’N koue Junie-vakansie bevind
ons ’n kampus vuurwarm gepeper met
advertensies vir die drama departement
se tweede #ve rsTHOMmend fees.
Die fees vind vanaf 23 Julie tot
2 Augustus plaas en beoog volgens
Schalk van der Merwe, lid van die
#ve rsTHOMmend feeskomitee, om
meer belangstelling in teater onder
Stellenbosse studente te kweek.
ulle poog ook om meer spesifiek
belangstelling in die HB Thom-teater
en die produksies wat daar aangebied
word te verhoog.
“Nuwe gehore word nie eenmalig
gekweek nie, maar berus eerder
berus op voltydse toewyding,” meen
hy. Die #ve rsTHOMmend fees sal
dus ’n gereelde verskynsel op die
jaarkalender maak.
Die eerste #ve rsTHOMmend
fees, wat aan die begin van die jaar
plaasgevind het, was volgens Van der
Merwe ’n sukses danksy die bewussyn
wat in die gemeenskap en in die pers
gekweek is oor die belangrike rol wat
’n teater soos die HB Thom speel.
Die drama department het ook
tydens die eerste #ve rsTHOMmend
fees ’n fonds opgestel wat kan help
om die HB Thom as ’n volhoubare
platform vir die uitvoerende kunste te
Die tweede fees behou ook
volgens die bestuur die eerste se doel:
om die aandag van die gemeenskap te
vestig op die hoë kwaliteit werk van
die US dramastudente.
Die werk wat aangebied word
by die #ve rsTHOMmend fees is ’n
versameling kreatiewe werke van die
US dramastudente asook praktiese
assesseringswerk van die Julie
geleentheid. Van die werke, soos Tj op
en Dop en Waterpas was ook al by die
KKNK en Aardklop te sien.
Die fees gun die dramastudente
’n kans om ervaring op te doen met
betrekking tot die verantwoordelikhede
wat gepaard gaan met die deelname
aan só ’n fees.
Die gehoor het verlede Woensdag
in die Thom rondgerol soos Elisha
Zeeman en Llandi Beeslaar hulle
vermaak het met Beter as N iks.
Hulle skets-komedie skop die
#ve rsTHOMmend fees af en besorg in
’n uur se tyd aan die gehoor die nodige
energie en one- liners om die nuwe
semester mee aan te pak.
Beter as N iks is, volgens Llandi
en Elisha, “met trots geborg deur
niemand nie,” en is geskryf om die lot
van hul mede-sukkelende akteurs aan
die lewe te bring. Hulle wil ook ander
akteurs motiveer om hulle eie werk te
Hulle ag komedie as ’n goeie
manier om mense bymekaar te bring
deur oomblikke te skep waarvoor die
gehoor saam kan lag. Hulle stem saam
dat die dinge waarvoor die gehoor lag
aanwysend is van die tipe gemeenskap.
Hulle opinie stem ooreen met die
beeld wat die drama departement,
volgens Van der Merwe, oor drama
en teater wil bekend maak: “Die
uitvoerende kunste is nie net daar
om te vermaak nie, maar ook om ’n
spieë lbeeld van die sosiale norme vir
’n gemeenskap te wees. Teater word
dikwels onderskat met betrekking tot
die impak wat dit kan maak om sosiale
norme te verander.”
Beter as N iks gee onder andere
’n blitskursus in die kuns van
professionele ekstra werk asook
’n handleiding tot Suid Afrika se
verveligste dorpies. Hulle bied
belaglike, dog behulpsame, wenke
aan vir vroulike akteurs wat die
teaterwêreld trotseer en belig daarmee
die dubbele standaarde wat hulle self
beleef in die bedryf.
Die plakaat vir Beter as N iks gee
ook duidelike aanwysings na die HB
Thom as “oorkant Die Mystic Boer”
wat volgens hulle klem lê op die feit
dat baie US Studente “nie die vaagste
benul het” waar die HB Thom is nie.
E n igieman d
w at
sulk e
k ultuurgap in gs in hul op voe d in g
w il toebrei, k an meer in ligtin g k ry
op d ie US d rama d ep artemen t
se F acebook
D ie vol led ige p rogram k an op d ie
d ep artmen t se w ebtuiste (www.sun.
ac.za/drama) gevi n d w ord . K aartj ies
sal teen R 40 by d ie d eur besk ik baar
w ees.
Was dit werklik nodig?
eder t
Demokrasie-uitgawe van Die
Matie (met ’n redakteursbrief
uit 1994) deur ’n oorhaastige rooi
pen beetgekry en oor die kuberruim
tussen studente versprei is, raak ek
rooi in die nek as ek ’n Shit Maties
Say (SMS) inskry wing op my news
feed sien.
Tóg moet ek toegee dat die
stappe wat die universiteit nou
weens die woord “Maties” in hul titel
teen hulle, doen my meer simpatie
as Schadenfreude laat voel.
Die term “Matie”, het ek hierdie
An Open Letter to the Student
Parliament Speaker
This letter is with reference to an
email from the Student Parliament
speaker dated 24/07/2014.
(Please excuse me for addressing
you in English - my rationale might
become clear as I go along.)
Firstly I would like to congratulate
the Student Parliament committee on
the work they are doing, particularly
through new events such as the
Student Parliament Week.
I have recently received my quaterly
invitation to attend Student Parliament
on 19 August.
I would like to raise one concern,
regarding the spelling and grammar in
your official Student Parliament emails.
In the most recent one, the
Afrikaans section is full of mistakes - it
is apparent that no effort was taken to
check it before sending it out to all of
Embarrasing slip-ups such as
“bytewoon”, “krietiese”, “aantespreek”,
“committeelid”, “aniniem” and
“spreeker” (a creative translation
for “speaker”, as in the parliament’s
speaker) made me cringe.
Not to mention the numerous
akward grammar mistakes: I was
invited to “a toer a die Parlement”
(presumably not French, but meant to
say “‘n toer van die parlement”).
Your effort to include Xhosa in your
communication is laudable, but this
effort is mostly overshadowed by the
very poor quality of your Afrikaans
It is after all basic decency to
respect your subjects enough to
not only provide information in their
language (as Student Parliament has
done for Xhosa students), but also
take care of grammar and spelling.
week verneem, is ’n spot tende term
wat afkomstig is van die Universiteit
van Kaapstad wat, jare gelede, na
rugbyspelers aan die Universiteit
Stellenbosch (US) verw ys het
as “tamaties” as gevolg van ons
kenmerkende rooi. Hulle sou
sekerlik lê van die lag as hulle moes
weet dat die universiteit nou só trots
daarop voel dat hulle ’n student
dagvaar omdat hy dit durf gebruik.
SMS is ’n vindingryke plat form wat
op Die Matie se “Kampusquotes”rubriek gebasseer is, en is gevestig
op die sosiale netwerk Facebook.
Die blad het reeds knap by die
20 000 likes – meer as hierdie
publikasie en die US Studenteraad
saam. Dit is ironies genoeg egter
hul gewildheid wat vir hul probleme
gesorg het; as dit nie was dat soveel
mense daarvan gepraat het nie, sou
dit waarskynlik nie die universiteit
se aandag getrek het nie.
Of die ope brief aan die rektor
’n invloed hierop gehad het, is oop
vir bespiegeling. Waaroor ek wel
tw y fel, is die argument dat hulle
bang is dat die plat form vir geldelike
gewin gebruik gaan word – ek het
nog geen aanduiding van enige
sulke planne gesien nie, en kan my
nie voorstel hoe hulle dit sou regkry
Dit is nie bet wisbaar dat die
universiteit handelsreg op die
woord “Maties” besit nie. Wat wel
bevraagteken kan word, is of dit
slim was om ’n student wat werklik
inisiatief gew ys het, daar voor te
straf – veral as dit ’n student is
wat in beheer van so ’n kragtige
mediaplat form is.
Stellenbosch University
has recently taken legal
action against a student
for using the word
“Maties” in the name of
a social media page.
They surely realised that,
unfortunately, they do not
have copyright on “shit”.
Christine de Kock (redakteur@diematie.com)
Cecile Pienaar (grafika@diematie.com)
Stephanie Cruywagen (bedryf@diematie.com)
Emily van der Merwe (inhoud@diematie.com)
Suzaan Potgieter (nuus@diematie.com)
Nicole Boucher (aktueel@diematie.com)
Franco Havenga (dn@diematie.com)
Anri Ferreira (sl@diematie.com)
Sebastian Potgieter (sport@diematie.com)
Wynand Brummer (foto@diematie.com)
Charlen Raymond (online@diematie.com)
Anri Ferreira (ads@diematie.com)
Dawid Jordaan (it@diematie.com)
SPOTPRENT Lynné Schoeman
Please extend your inclusivity-policy
far enough to also make Afrikaans
students feel welcome, and not
repulsed, when reading your letters.
– Observant
Waarom moet ek PSO-fooie betaal?
Wat is die argument daaragter om
sonder onderskeiding elke student
verplig om R230 te betaal as PSOlidmaatskapfooie?
As nagraadse studente moet ek
hierdie jaar steeds R230 betaal vir
lidmaatskap aan ’n PSO. Ongeag die
feit dat hierdie fooi sonder instemming
van my kant gehef word, is ek ook nie
in kennis gestel van my lidmaatskap
nie - nóg van die universiteit, nóg van
die PSO.
Ek weet steeds nie aan watter PSO
ek behoort nie, en vir my sal dit nie
die tyd werd wees om op MyMaties te
gaan kyk nie.
Sover ek verstaan help PSO’s
om eerstejaars te orienteer tydens
verwelkomingsweek en om deelname
aan sport- en kultuuraktiwiteite te bied
aan lede. Hoeveel kos dit om hierdie
“diens” aan studente te bied?
Hoe word daardie bedrag van R230
te betaal?
As die voorgraadse én
nagraadse studente wat nie in
universiteitskoshuise woon (ongeveer
20 000) elk R230 moet betaal, word
daar in totaal meer sowat R4 600 000
per jaar ingevorder.
Ek sal graag wil weet hoe hierdie
PSO’s se begrotings lyk, en wat hulle
doen om studente by hul aktiwiteite te
– Platsak Student Ongelukkig
As ’n regstudent wat daagliks klas
het in die Wilcocks-gebou, is ek nou al
raadop oor die situasie daar.
As laaste uitweg rig ek daarom
hierdie skry we aan wie ook al
daar buite is en my kan hoor. (Kan
enigiemand my hoor?!)
Ek en my klasmaats kan op ’n
daaglikse basis nie ons dosente hoor
Dit is weens swak fassiliteite en
geriewe, en ’n absolute laksheid van
die verantwoordelike partye om dit
aan te spreek.
Tydens enige gegewe klas in lokaal
3001 sal die draagbare mikrofoon
herhaaldelik ophou werk, snaakse
klanke maak en klasgee vir enige
dosent bykans onmoontlik maak.
Natuurlik het hierdie probleem
al meerdere male tot humoristiese
situasies gelei – by voorbeeld wanneer
dit klink of ’n baie preutse dosent
skielik kletsrym (rap), of die string
snaakse sêgoed wat ’n meer senior
dosent al kw ytgeraak het oor die
stand van sake by die universiteit –
omdat hy nou al self batterye moet
koop en saamdra klas toe.
(Terloops, ek merk op dat die
probleem via sosiale media in die
Ekonomiese en Bestuurswetenskappe
Fakulteit opgelos word: plakate in
lokale vra dat studente tweet oor hul
frustrasies met hutshekkies soos #mic
en #cant_hear.)
Alle grappies op ’n stokkie: die
situasie is belaglik, en die gebrek aan
verbeteringe, na eindelose klagtes van
studente en personeel, is selfs meer
– Raadop
TELEFOON 021 808 3539
Langenhoven Studentesentrum
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Universiteit Stellenbosch
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SPERDATUM 8/08/2014
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As jy as joernalis, taalversorger, grafiese ontwerper,
advertensiewerwer, fotograaf of videograaf betrokke
wil raak, stuur gerus ’n e-pos aan redakteur@diematie.
com. Enige kommentaar, kritiek of wenke is ook welkom,
so maak gerus ’n draai by ons kantoor op die vierde
vloer van die Neelsie, of woon die redaksievergaderings
op Woensdae 17:00 by.
Indien enige leser ’n klagte het dat Die Matie nie op
’n ewewigtige, eerlike en objektiewe wyse rapporteer
nie, of dink dat menings uitgespreek in Die Matie nie
godsdienstige en kulturele sake met omsigtigheid
hanteer nie, kan ’n klag by die SR-lid vir Media gelê
word. Die Matie is onderhewig aan ’n gedragskode
wat by die SR-lid vir Media beskikbaar is. Alle klagtes
word deur ’n regsdosent ondersoek, waarna Die Matie
voor die Mediaraad kan verskyn. Klagtes moet volgens
die uiteengesette prosedure binne veertien dae ná
publikasie aanhangig gemaak word.
Die Matie subscribes to the South African Press Code
that prescribes news that is truthful, accurate, fair and
balanced. If we don’t live up to the code, please contact
the Press Ombudsman at 011 788 4837. You may also
lodge an internal complaint or report factual errors by
contacting the SRc member for Media and following the
procedure explained above.
Harakiri iewers in Benoni
Oupa Swart se Amperse Dood
aar is stof in die
lug op’n uitgeSondagde deel
van Benoni. In ’n kamer
so geel dat Ninja van
Die Antwoord nie daar
sal uitpaas na ’n bottel Dry White nie, soek
’n man agter ’n kas vir
sy swaard. Op vier-ennegentig is Ben Swart
nou heeltemal alleen.
Hy druk die swaard op
sy maag, maar maak nie
’n groot storie daarvan
nie: harakiri is soos ’n
koue swembad dit help nie om rond te staan nie.
Spring. ina ip
Hy is nie dood nie. Hy knyp sy oë toe en bol sy
mond soos ’n kind onder ’n kombers. Nog lewendig, ou Ben. Dis nou vir jou ’n shlep. Slegte idee.
Regtig dom.
Hy kruip-loop met ’n hand op sy wond na die
voordeur. Die sleutel van die kar hang op die hakkie.
Ben klim by die agterdeur van die kar in en gaan
lê eers vir die rukkie daar, j ust in case hy nou sterf.
Nou mors jy net oor die sitplekke, Ben. Vir wat
maak dit saak
ie sal die kar erf Die vervloekde
familie is almal in die Kaap
Met die Kaap in sy kop klim hy tot voor in die
kar en sit die bandspeler aan. C hris Rea se ‘I can
hear your heartbeat’ begin van halfpad af speel.
Die bloed is nou orals, en maak die stuurwiel glad.
Bloed is ’n sterk woord, en ons moet positief wees
op tye soos dié. Die Karate het ons dit geleer: hanteer alles met kalmte. Dis nie bloed nie, dis wyn.
Dis heilige nagmaalwyn wat jou so moeg maak.
ie mors so wyn in die kar
» “Harakiri is soos ’n
koue swembad – dit
help nie om rond te
staan nie.”
aar het hulle hom gekry vra ek.
“In ’n township net buite Benoni. Sy kar het
daar gevrek. Ongeloza, wat die kerk se karwag is,
het hom daar gesien.”
“Hoekom sal iemand op so ’n ouderdom wil
selfmoord pleeg
Ek kon ’n beter vraag gevra het. Daar is ’n stilte
voor my pa weer antwoord, “Dit was harakiri, nie
selfmoord nie. Hy is alleen en trots. Om jouself
met n swaard te steek drie keer vat toewyding
en krag.”
“Ja, seker maar. Dis nogal badass. G o, Oupa
Ek groet my pa, sit die foon in my baadjiesak, en
rangskik weer die bossie geel blomme voor ek uit
my kar klim. Kathryn bly op die vierde vloer van
die New Gen koshuis, so ek vat maar gewoonlik
die hysbak. Miskien moes ek ’n bietjie kalmeer het
met die Old Spice. Ek wonder of die blomme gaan
verlep by my in ’n toe hysbak.
k het niks vir jou vandag nie ngewoo a
kreun Ben Swart deur ’n toe venster. Ongeloza klop
weer, maar dié keer met krag. Ben kyk oor die bebloede kar of daar nie êrens n
lê nie. ier s
baie wyn Drink julle mense wyn mbenah a
Ongeloza slaan die agtervenster aan die ander
kant van die kar uit en maak die deur oop. Hy is
self nie ’n groot man nie, maar kan vir Ben, wat nou
baie ligter is, redelik gemaklik optel. “ Mr K arate,
y ou are strong! Y ou hav e be en bl eeding a lot! ”
“Ek doen nie meer Karate nie, Boetie. En ek
weet nie vir wat ek nou vandag so sterk is nie. Die
bloed wil nie opraak nie.”
Dan word die pad se geraas dun, en die lug vol
daisies en Dettol. Ben glimlag met ’n toe mond (hy
weet nie of sy tande nog in is nie) na die hospitaalsuster wat sy kop met ’n lappie afvee. Dis ’n mooi
vrou, dink hy.
Dis ’n mooi dag, en ’n mooi lemoenboom wat
buite die venster soos ’n blosende meisie na hom
The Utopian future of 2033
My visualisation, and why I’m entitled to one
t is that time again:
my opportunity to
name-drop and show
off with all the new
words I acqui red.
What would I say to
the first years of
What would I need to
Whatever it is I
decide to say, I will
be able to deliver it
most effi iently
instance, if they were to
read this, each reference
would have a direct link
to its source.
Upon receiving the instruction to write
something my first thought was naturally
concerning relevance.
There are so many things you should rather
read, so many voices that carry more importance
than mine. Nadine Gordimer is a good example,
which leads my thoughts to Richard Turner who
was deprived of leading such a productive and
fruitful life, and of course it is easy to sink into
despair of what could have been were there more
thinkers like that today.
That begs the qu estion whether those that do
exist get enough attention. Some might say we
are venturing into a “Brave New World” where
all the information is out there. People just prefer
Buzzfeed lists over critically engaging with their
I allow Richard Turner to save me when he
writes, “It is tempting to drift into the numb
comfort of cynicism. But simply naming the moral
depravity of our times is not enough. The only
escape from cynicism, at this point, lies in Utopian
thought, in articulating and defending a vision of an
ideally possible society”
I might get carried away and reveal hidden
biases, hopefully you will recognise it and see it as
an opportunity to critically engage with the world
around you.
As a mere second year student, any profound
insights I might reach can easily be refuted by any
student who has read one chapter more than me.
At this stage all I have established is intellectual
humility (and how to make saying that you know
nothing sound really profound).
» “Mankind will suffer badly
from the disease of boredom, a disease spreading
more widely each year.”
My Utopian future is a future where a Liberal
Arts education is free and everyone recognises the
value it holds be ause without the ability to re e t
on ourselves, we run a constant risk of settling into
smug indifference.
he ipped lassroom was a su ess everyone
has access to free WIFI, our lectures are compressed
into easy digestible short films and the a tivity
taking place in what was once the traditional
lecture hall is now a meeting place of ideas about
the work. It is now a fertile environment for thought
experiments, extracting as much value as possible
from the le turers who are over ualified to simply
Dit blyk vir Gorrel of daar verwarring is oor
waar presies Stellenbosch se Fakulteit vir Militêre
Wetenskappe, of MilAc, gebaseer is.
Nie dat M*t ies daarvoor bekend is dat hulle
besonder omgewingsbewus is of altyd weet wat
reg buite hul leefwêreld gebeur nie.
Die meeste sou daarom dalk nie eens opgemerk
het dat die SR-voorsitter ’n uitnodiging gerig het
aan studente en personeel om ’n SR-vergadering
by te woon wat verlede week by die MilAc kampus
in “Sodwana” gehou sou word nie.
G orrel hoop v an harte dat niemand die langpad
na Sodw anabaai aangedurf het v ir die v ergadering
nie – v eral nie terw y l MilA c in Saldanha is nie.
be clicking through PowerPoint presentations for
semi-comatose souls with mobile phones.
Y ou don’t need to study for three years to be
aware of the basic concepts so familiar to students
in the humanities but seemingly alien to all students
in the other spheres of tertiary education that regard
themselves as superior to BA.
I believe it is not too far-fetched if we take into
consideration the predictions Isaac Asimov made
years ago
“C ommunications will become sight-sound
and you will see as well as hear the person you
telephone. The screen can be used not only to see
the people you call but also for studying documents
and photographs and reading passages from books.
Synchronous satellites hovering in space will make
it possible for you to direct-dial any spot on earth,
including the weather stations in Antarctica.”
But he also predicted: “Mankind will suffer
badly from the disease of boredom, a disease
spreading more widely each year and growing in
intensity. This will have serious mental, emotional
and sociological conseque nces, and I dare say that
psychiatry will be far and away the most important
medi al spe ialty in
C oncerning the latter, if the former is applied
correctly to all those aspects where we might suffer
from boredom and Asimov is correct in stating
that “gadgetry will continue to relieve mankind
of tedious jobs” then we will be able to bridge
the educational divide, you can be an educated
informed citizen without the accumulated debt and
opportunity cost of studying for three years.
Once equi pped with this knowledge you would
be able to make an informed decision about which
path you wish to further explore.
Die skinder agter die nuus. Die waarheid agter die kampuspolitiek. Die kommentaar waarvoor almal bang is. Gorrel is nie
verantwoordelik vir enige ongerief veroorsaak nie.
Ter ere van al die wonderlike, kreatiewe
oplossings wat universiteitsbestuur onlangs mee
opgekom het om die veiligheidsprobleem op
kampus aan te spreek, lug Gorrel graag enkele van
Gorrel se gunstelinge uit:
erkorte akademiese periodes w ant niks
sê “ uitmuntende akademiese instelling”
soos ’ n v erslapping in akademiese les- ure
fskaffing van aandtoetse
w ant die
prob leem is immers institusioneel en
hoegenaamd nie sosio- ekonomies nie.
epersproei aan elke nuwe eerstejaar
w ant niks sê “ Welkom op kampus! ” soos
’ n gratis w apen nie.
Sêr-seisoen is alweer amper met ons
n tyd
waarin harte gebreek en OBS-bottels deur M*t ies
geknak word.
En so hoor Gorrel anderdag dat een van die
meer prominente dames-sêrgroepe, wat onlangs
nog die finaal gehaal het vanjaar onttrek het
weens ’n “lack of commitment. ” Klaarblyklik ’n
nuwe en hoogs teleurstellende verskynsel onder
dié dameskoshuis se inwoners.
K y k, G orrel kan seker be stempel w ord as ietw at
v an ’ n ew ige student. E n in al G orrel se j are het
G orrel nog nooit daaraan gedink om ’ n “ lack
of commitment” onder studente as ’ n v reemde
v ersky nsel te be stempel nie.
“Wanneer ek quotes
sien soos, ‘You are the
creator of your own
destiny’ dink ek altyd,
‘Ah OK, ek kyk net gou
hierdie series klaar.’”
– Prioritisering is maar
altyd ’n kwessie.
“Ek mors so baie tyd
by Café Go se tafels,
hulle kan dit gerus
herdoop tot Café
– ’n Derdejaar deel
haar frustrasie
en gebrek aan
“I love walking
on campus on a
Thursday morning.
People usually
have one of two
expressions: regret or
– An observer.
“Ek het een keer ’n
infertile Sim gehad.
Ek het haar regtig
daaroor gejudge.”
– Huismoles in die
virtuele wêreld is baie
“I’m an excellent
housekeeper – every
time I get divorced, I
keep the house.”
– Heard somewhere
in a Family Law 171
class on marraige.
“So are you going
after that female?”
“Yeah, it’s winter and
a man gets cold.”
– A first year makes
his plans clear.
Stuur jou quotes na
021 886 8998
“I don’t need an alarm
clock. That’s what
academic guilt is for.”
– Honours student
contemplates the
advantages of having
to write a thesis.
Major: Theology
Men’s results disappointing, with only individual successes
Women’s hockey first in SA
fter two years of being
unsu essful in the finals
the Maties Hockey women
were able to clinch gold at the 17th
University Sport South Africa (USSA)
tournament 2014 by defeating
tournament favourites NWU-Pukke in
a shootout.
t was however not a lear ut
path to the final as the women ame up
against tough opposition in the group
he women first fa ed up against
who they
downed with an emphatic 4 – 1
scoreline. Thereafter they dispatched
with the University of C ape Town
(UC T) with an even more impressive
4 – 0 scoreline.
he semi-finals saw the
women come up against a tough
University of Johannesburg (UJ) side.
fter steamrolling
U and U
the UJ side gave the Maties a run for
their money but ultimately ould not
stop them as Maties emerged victors
by a narrow 1 – 0 margin that sent
them into the finals.
he final was to be ontested
aties and
U- ukke
with the women from Pukke being
tipped as favourites as they had
already beaten Maties 3 – 1 in the
group stages.
With Tarryn Glasby scoring
aties s only goal of the game the
match was forced into the dreaded
one-on-one shootout after scores were
tied 1 – 1 at full time.
aties s
Glasby and Heather MacEwan scored
in the shootout to give the Maties
women a well-deserved victory.
The Maties women claimed further
bragging rights as ade ayne llse
Davids rin unter anli attingh
ronwyn Kret man Suleke rand
eigh oardman arah rederi ks
and Sarah Bingham were all selected
for the women’s Western Province
senior side.
aties i ole e leur e anne
eyne ke
ombard Kim ennie eagan van
der ath aryn orner and Sabrina
Miles were all included in the Western
» “The match was
forced into the dreaded
one-on-one shootout
after scores were tied
1 – 1 at full time.”
Province Peninsula side for the
Interprovincial Tournament (IPT).
urthermore llse Davids ade
Mayne and Q uanita Bobbs were
selected for the South African
women s ommonwealth ames side
who will be in action from 23 July
until 3 August.
n ontrast the aties men had
a rather disappointing performance.
he men who had ended se ond in
after losing to U were only
able to make fifth pla e in this year s
here were however some good
results for the men as they defeated the
University of KwaZulu Natal (UKZN)
and then steamrolled hodes
– 1) and UC T (4 – 1).
A 1 – 1 draw against the University
of the Witwatersrand proved costly
to the Maties men who placed
behind UKZN and NMMU on goal
differen e thus osting them a spot in
the semi-finals.
A 4 – 0 loss to NMMU in the
group stage also did not help the
men’s cause. The men’s division was
ultimately won by U who ba ked up
their Varsity Sport title and retained
the USSA title.
here was however a silver lining
for the aties en s o key as a
large number of player were selected
to play for senior sides.
Dylan Swanepoel
a ues le
ierre de ou and Daniel ell
were selected to play for the Western
rovin e side while rad ogan
Dave gar Keenan
ourie att nderson ob dwards
and Shannon Boucher were selected
for the Western Province Peninsula
The two sides will be in action in
late August when the IPT is hosted in
aties ean- ierre
de ou retained his spot in the South
African men’s side after his World
C up performance and is currently
with the side in Scotland for the
C ommonwealth Games.
Dylan Swanepoel who has earned
the reputation of Maties’s young star
by being Varsity Sport player of the
tournament and orld up debutant
was surprisingly not available for
duties at the C ommonwealth Games.
JA VIR USSA Maties Netbal het met ’n jong en onervare span vierde
geëindig in vanjaar se USSA toernooi, nadat hulle 36 – 52 teen
NWU-Pukke in die derde/vierde-plek uitspeelwedstryd verloor het.
Maties het in die halfeindstryd teen UP-Tuks gespeel, maar kon nie
keer dat die span van Pretoria die eindstryd haal nie. Tuks het op die
ou einde die toernooi gewen nadat hulle vir Kovsies 55 – 32 oorwin
het. Die span het nou hul oog op die Varsity Sport Netbal titel wat in
September afskop. Maties kon verlede jaar net ’n sesde plek behaal,
maar beloof om vanjaar ’n span wees om dop te hou.
Atletiek-afrigter oorlede
personeellid en
afrigter by die Maties Atletiekklub
is onlangs in n
motorongeluk oorlede.
Die nuus was luidens n verklaring
deur die instelling n skok vir alle lede
van die Maties Sport-familie.
a kie iese direkteur van sport
aan die Universiteit Stellenbos h het
haar innige medelye met Smith se
familie uitgespreek: “Mario was ’n
besonderse atletiekafrigter en kollega.
Sy insette sal gemis word en sy
opgeruimde geaardheid sal ons altyd
Smith se afsterwe laat na bewering
’n groot leemte by die Maties
“Mario se passie vir atletiek het
altyd in sy verskeie klubverwante
aktiwiteite na vore gekom en hy het
’n belangrike rol in die loopbane van
PUTTING FOOT Maties’s Mariske Strauss, racing for the international Orange Monkey Pro team, put in
a dominant performance to claim the 2014 South African Cross Country National Championship’s elite
women’s title in a time of 1:35:35 hours. The elite women completed five challenging and technical laps
of the 4.5km course at Thaba Trails in Gauteng. Strauss continued her outstanding performance in the
University Sport South Africa Mountain Biking event, where she grabbed first place in the ladies Cross
Country event, and will be looking to carry this form further.
n klomp aties-atlete gespeel. ns
gaan hom baie mis het ohamed
lly hoofsportbestuurder van aties
tletiek gesê.
Smith was ’n spesialisafrigter in
naellope hekkies en die horisontale
sprongitems (verspring en driesprong).
Van die vernaamste prestasies
deur atlete onder sy breierskap sluit
in onder andere uvo anyonga se
goue medalje in die verspringitem
rederi ks wat n finalis in die
hekkiesitem by die
êreldkampioenskappe was asook
Shaun de ager wat n finalis in die
m a ositem by die
limpiese Spele was.
Smith is op
ulie op hristiana
waarvan hy afkomstig was begrawe.
Daar is ook op 28 Julie ’n gedenkdiens
vir Smith in Stellenbosch gehou. Dit
is nog nie bekend wie sy posisie sal
oorneem nie.
Steinhoff Medies nog voor in koshuisrugby, met Steinhoff PSO Barbarians kort op hul hakke
Barbarians dominant oor Medies in eerste liga
PASOP VIR PSO Die kragmeting tussen Steinhoff PSO Barbarians en Steinhoff Medies was ’n wedstryd van die
voorspelers. Die nat velde en sterk reën het hardlooprugby verhoed, en albei spanne moes hul spel ooreenkomstig
aanpas. Dit was PSO wat aan die einde van die dag bo gestaan het met hul naelskraap 12 – 8 wen.
teinhoff Medies het teleurstelling
ervaar nadat hulle 12 – 8 teen
verloor het in die vyfde been van die
eerste liga koshuisrugby.
’n Vroeë strafskop is vir Medies
toegeken en sou aan hulle ’n
territoriale voordeel besorg mits hulle
kantlyn toe geskop het.
Medies het egter ’n skrum gekies,
wat gelei het tot ’n strafskop vir PSO
en ’n lynstaan 15m buite Medies
se doelgebied. Al het Medies die
lynstaan gewen, het ’n swak skop
daartoe gelei dat PSO nóg ’n strafskop
kry, aangesien die aanvanklike skop
onkant was.
PSO het weereens ’n lynstaan
gekies, maar is van ’n drie ontneem
deur ’n uitgestrekte Medies-arm
wat gekeer het dat die bal op die lyn
onder die pale geplaas word. Die
daaropvolgende skrum het weereens
gelei tot ’n Medies-verdediger wat sy
hand tussen die bal en die lyn gekry
In die derde agteropeenvolgende
skrum het PSO die bal wyd gespeel na
die vleuel toe, en na ’n paar vinnige
hande en ’n uitnemende dryfbeweging
het Phillip Parrock in die dertiende
minute oor die doellyn gedruk vir PSO
se eerste drie.
’n Strafskop teen PSO het daarheen
gelei dat Medies op die tellingbord
verskyn toe losskakel Jaco Visagie die
bal deur die pale stuur om die telling
7 – 3 in PSO se guns te maak.
’n Skrum vir obstruksie is
toegeken aan PSO, en hier het die
PSO voorspelers hulle kragte gewys
en byna oor die Medies voorspelers
geloop. ’n Slim skop van PSO het
belowend gelyk na ’n goeie hop, maar
is oor die kantlyn op die 22m lyn.
’n Goeie lynstaan-wen van
ank i o van yl het vir S die
geleentheid gegee om ’n losgemaal
aan die gang te sit. Met Medies wat
desperaat verdedig het, het die druk te
veel geword en PSO in die linkerhoek
laat oorduik vir hul tweede drie.
Kort voor die halftydbreek het
Medies ’n strafskop 10m voor die
arbarians se doellyn gekry. n innige
tikskoppie het daartoe gelei dat vleuel
Kurtley du Plessis eenvoudig oor die
doellyn gedraf het vir ’n maklike vyf
punte, om die telling 12 – 8 te maak.
Met die veld wat geleidelik ’n
modderige dam word, het frustrasie
aan albei kante het begin oorborrel
soos wat omstandighede al hoe
moeiliker geword het en geen verdere
punte is aangeteken nie.
PSO wen dus die wedstryd
naelskraap met 12 – 8, en bly in
tweede plek na Medies wat eerste in
die koshuisliga lê.
Tough USSA for golfers
MATIES Golf travelled to Limpopo
during the holiday break for the 2014
USSA golf tournament, where the
Maties golfers had some disappointing
results, by their high standards.
The 18-hole course at Koro C reek
Golf Estate in Modimolle is a 6825m
par 72 course, and certainly kept the
golfers on their toes as they sought to
stay out of the thick brush surrounding
each of the 18 holes.
The week kicked off with a
qua lifying stroke play competition,
where aties finished third out of
27 teams. Zack Van Der Schyff lead
the line by finishing third shooting
a 71 and a 73. Team captain Pietie
oubser finished fifteenth with s ores
of 77 – 72 and Steven Janicki came
combined eighth with scores of 74 – 3.
Maties’s second team also made a
few moves by finishing fourteenth and
ualified to play in the -se tion.
Next up was a match-play
knockout form tournament. Having
ualified third e pe tations to win the
match-play section were high.
aties s first opponent was the
Golf School of Excellence from
Johannesburg, the name of which
should show how serious the golfers
at this tournament were. Maties was
unable to overcome this challenge and
thus were out of contention.
Day 2 saw the Maties overcome
C enturion Academy. Unfortunately,
the University of Johannesburg beat
aties on the final day in a play-off
for fifth pla e leaving aties in si th
place overall, with the Maties second
team finishing fifth in the -se tion.
The tournament was ultimately
won by Tuks.
COMMONWEALTH GAMES Maties’s Fanie van der Merwe (middle) won his heat in the T37 in a time of 11.75
seconds to qualify for the 100m final, where he went on to win the gold medal with a time of 11.65.