another scale of globalisation CHARLIE KOOLHAAS


another scale of globalisation CHARLIE KOOLHAAS
another scale of globalisation
... the world and how we understand it is mediated
increasingly by images. Culture creates the content.
Learn to critcally reflect on visual culture and the
tools you use. Invent your own lanaguage.
6 BK in Depth
Designer of the future
10/11 Research
Water defense in New York
11 Streets of BK
What is your first impression
of BKCity?
Daan Bruggink TU
Delft Alumnus van
het Jaar
Bouwkundealumnus Daan
Bruggink is op 11 oktober
uitgeroepen tot TU Delft
Alumnus van het Jaar.
Bruggink is oprichter van het
modern ecologische
architectenbureau ORGA
architect en is gespecialiseerd
in biobased bouwen. De jury
waardeerde het duurzame aspect
van het bureau zeer, temeer dit
ook tot een goedlopend bedrijf kan
leiden. Bruggink ontving naast
een bijzondere oorkonde, een
persoonlijke prijs van
tweeënhalfduizend euro. Ook mag
hij een drie keer zo groot bedrag
besteden aan een Delfts onderzoek
naar keuze.
Lezing 'Architecture
as Mechanism for
Building Community'
Dit jaar is Giancarlo Mazzanti
uitgenodigd om de Designers of
the Future-lezing te geven aan
onze faculteit. Mazzanti is een
toonaangevend architect van
openbare werken in Colombia. Op
woensdag 20 november zal hij
spreken over architectuur die
wordt gedefinieerd door haar
functie en door het vermogen om
gedrag te beïnvloeden. Gratis
toegang, aanmelden via
De Bezetting 1972
Studeerde u in 1972 aan de TH en
heeft u de studentenprotesten
meegemaakt? Stylos maakt ter
ere van haar lustrum een
theatervoorstelling over deze
roerige tijden en is hard op zoek
naar informatie over de democratie
in het algemeen en de bezetting
van '72 specifiek. Het zou ze
ontzettend helpen wanneer u uw
ervaringen van toen en eventueel
beeldmateriaal wilt delen. Was u
toen student? Wilt u dan alstublieft
mailen naar lustrumtheater@ Alle informatie is
It's no secret that the architecture profession has been hit hard by the
economic turmoil of the past five years. Construction has more or less been
brought to a halt and architectural firms have been slashed in size. With no
clear signs of improvement, students are justifiably worried about their
career options. Joris van Dijk and Maarten van Zutphen, students and former
board members of Stylos, the study association of the Faculty of
Architecture, counted themselves among the concerned. They organised a
debate on The 3rd of October, lead by Eric Luiten, Nanne de Ru, Jan Pesman,
Willem Hein Schenk, Harm Tilman and Hank Döll, in order to find out what
students can do to help themselves.
BKCity - The evening got to a late start due to the
small turnout. Each speaker received ten minutes
to expound about what they consider to be the
concerns and opportunities within the profession
and where its future lies. While some of the points
that were mentioned are familiar to most
students, such as the economic and cultural shift
from the West to the East and the growing market
and need for sustainable architecture, some other
important facts were also touched upon.
It’s easy to assume that the current situation is a
direct result of the economic crisis of 2008, but
other factors have contributed to its massive
impact and prolonged duration in the
Netherlands, such as laws which define and
structure the possibilities for architects.
Compared to other Northern European nations,
such as Germany, the Netherlands reserves little
room for architects, limiting their powers and
responsibilities and making them more dependent
on other professions. This fact was brought up
several times, but never discussed in depth.
The students were more concerned about how
education shapes their opportunities in the real
world, raising the question of how to define and
border architectural education. Not an easy feat
within the architectural profession, which is
paradoxical in nature. As Nanne de Ru, director of
The Berlage and Powerhouse Company founder,
put it: “You are both a specialist and a generalist
at the same time.” Jan Pesman, from Cepezed,
advised students to become more specialized,
honing the skills that they enjoy performing,
whether it be rendering or solving technical
problems. But the students noted that the
education, especially the very broad Bachelor,
provides little opportunity to develop specific
skills. They also expressed a desire for the
faculty to reflect the actual architectural
profession, through internships and
collaborations with companies and firms.
Luiten noted the importance of protecting the
academic nature of the education and that
meant maintaining a certain boundary
between the university and the market.
The debate was lively, highly informative and
in some instances even inspiring. It was clear
that this form of direct communication,
through which the participants learn to listen
to others and also to defend themselves,
should be implemented more often. Especially
if we want future architects to take charge and
change the system that has weakened the
Shifts - Architecture after the 20th century
Hans Ibelings and Powerhouse Company's
publication 'Shift' illustrates the farreaching impacts of new economic
circumstances on architecture’s recent
past. The model above (by Christiaan van
der Kooy) depicts the increasing trade
deficit in the West and the trade growth in
the BRIC nations.
“Writingplace – literary
methods in architectural
research and design” is the
second international conference
on Architecture and Fiction, and
will be hosted by the Chair of
Methods & Analysis at the
Faculty of Architecture in Delft.
The conference is named after the
research platform Writingplace
which aims to explore alternative
ways of looking at architecture,
urban places and landscapes
through literary writing. The
group was initiated by Klaske
Havik, Jorge Mejía Hernández and
former students of Explore Lab
and the MSc2 City & Literature,
and has grown into a wider group
of architects and scholars
interested in architecture and
literature. It is a laboratory, where
experiments take place; testing
conventions and limits and
transcending boundaries while
gathering professional knowledge
and understanding in the process.
professor of Critcal Theory, KTH
Stockholm. Their work
investigates how narrative,
character development and the
act of storytelling inspire
architectural education, research
and practice.
As the platform that supports it,
this event will look at alternative
ways of reading and designing
architecture, urban places and
landscapes through literary
While the first conference on
Architecture and Fiction (Once
Upon a Place, Lisbon 2010), had a
more general focus on the
connections between architecture
and literature, this conference will
have the use of literary methods
for architectural and urban
research and design as a central
This is reflected in the choice of
keynote speakers: Alberto
Pérez-Gómez, professor of the
History of Architecture at McGill
University, Montréal, Wim van
den Bergh, professor of Housing
and Design at RWTH Aachen,
Bart Keunen, professor in
Comparative Literature at Ghent
University and Katja Grillner,
The conference has invited
researchers, architects and
writers from the fields of
architecture, urban planning and
literary studies who are
interested in or work on the
connections between literature
and the constitution of the built
environment. Over the course of
three days they will explore and
debate the topic. (DB)
BKCity, Berlage Rooms, 25-27
November 2013
For a full list of the speakers
and to register for the lectures:
The Armentarium in Delft awaits a new function
Even though both Real Estate &
Housing and RMIT are housed
under the same roof, it took a
trip to the Municipality to bring
them together.
When Ronald van Warmerdam from
RE&H approached the Delft
municipality to gather information
for MSc1 course Design and
Construction Management which
focusses on the transformation of
the Armamentarium, the former
home of the Leger Museum, he was
referred to his colleague Wido
Quist, assistant professor in
Building Conservation at RMIT:
“They said, ask Wido, he knows
everything.” Turns out RMIT was
also using the Armamentarium as a
case study for its studios.
Realizing the advantages of
working together, both
Warmerdam and Quist
organized a joint lecture on the
11th of October. During the
lecture, two students from each
course gave a presentation on
the findings related to their
field of expertise. Though slow
to start, at one point the
students started engaging,
bouncing questions off each
other related to the various
logistical, technical and
programmatic possibilities and
also restrictions presented by
the site.
Van Warmerdam explains: “It is
a very wonderful opportunity to
exchange knowledge between
our students, because they
approach the subject from
different vantage points. Both
architects and project managers
need information from a myriad
of different fields in order to
create a good design or project.
The students can help and
inspire each other.”
While no definitive plans have
been made, both van
Warmerdam and Quist were
pleased with their experiment
and hope to repeat it or even
intensify the collaboration in
the near future. (DB)
Een paar weken geleden waren
mijn lief en ik in Enschede. Een
goede gelegenheid om de wijk
Roombeek weer eens te bezoeken,
bejubeld en geprezen vanwege de
herbouw na de vuurwerkramp en
gezien als een lichtend voorbeeld
vanwege het grote aandeel
particulier opdrachtgeverschap.
Wij waren er op een zaterdag,
rond de middag. Het eerste wat
opviel was de serene rust. Museum
Twentse Welle stond er pront bij
maar er was geen mens te
bekennen. Jammer genoeg was
het gebouw ook een beetje aan
het verslonzen. We dronken koffie
in een uitgestorven café. Een mooi
stukje hergebruik, dat wel. Van
daaruit rechtsaf naar het
winkelgebied. Godzijdank hier wel
een paar mensen. Oversteken naar
het park met het monument voor
de ramp. Mooi gedaan,
aangrijpend in zijn eenvoud. In het
park een groep die door een
duidelijk trotse gids wordt
rondgeleid. Verder ligt het er
verlaten bij. Eromheen de
staalkaart van particulier
opdrachtgeverschap. Hier en daar
een oningevulde kavel. Bij een
rondleiding, jaren geleden, sprak
de gids met romantiek over de
“wachtende wanden” als getuigen
van het organische proces totdat
er - snel, dacht hij – woningen op
de kavels zouden komen. Het
onkruid tiert er nu welig. Achter de
wand villa’s met een
“goudkustgevoel”: kleine kavels
met net te grote huizen. Dit alles
zal een flinke bulk werk voor
architecten hebben opgeleverd. Al
deze woningen schreeuwen het –
ieder met verschillende stem - uit:
“ik ben architectuur!”
We komen bij het Cremer
Museum, een prachtig gebouw.
Kosten nog moeite zijn gespaard
om het aan te passen aan z’n
nieuwe functie. Doorgezaagd,
opgevijzeld, glazen laag ertussen.
Prachtige betonnen panelen met
het karakteristieke beeld van “Ik,
Jan Cremer” erin gegoten. Echt
mooi! Maar hartstikke leeg. Naar
verluidt is de collectie bij nader
inzien niet groot genoeg om het
gebouw te vullen. Er wordt door de
woningbouwcorporatie (!) die het
gebouw ontwikkeld heeft, gezocht
naar een oplossing. Die is evenwel
nog niet in zicht.
Ik kan het niet helpen, maar het
beeld van Roombeek als een
reflectie van een te rijke tijd waarin
een tikje onbezonnen een stedelijk
probleem werd aangepakt door er
vooral veel architectuur, cultuur en
gemeenschapsgeld tegenaan te
gooien, verrijkt met een flinke dot
ideologie, laat me niet los.
Leegstand is armoe, leerde ik ooit.
Van tevoren nuchter nadenken
over kritische massa en gebruik
Street impression
Assignment by US Department of Energy
The Solar Decathlon started as an initiative of the US Department of
Energy in 2002 to promote solar energy. Every two years teams battle
against each other to win the given assignment. Since 2007 also Europe
is also participating in the battle. Unfortunately, last time the ReVolt
House didn’t make it to Madrid. But this summer the Prêt-á-Loger (Ready
to live) team is certain to bring their design to Paris.
This year the assignment is to design a zero energy house. Each team
will develop their own ideas and concepts to a working 1:1 scale prototype. The design will be judged by the jury during different contests.
Teams can score points for architecture, urbanism, marketing and sustainability for instance, but also for social impact.
The Concept of a Skin
The TU Delft Prêt-á-Loger team consists of a core of fifteen to twenty
students, with representatives from different faculties. The concept to
redesign an existing row house took months of discussion. In the end the
row house fulfilled most of the criteria and the organization asked for an
indigenous idea that represents the country. The fact that a number of
other teams are using existing houses for their design proves that transformation is a dominant trend. Luckily every team is redesigning with
different concepts. The Prêt-á-Loger team wants to preserve the existing
structure of the neighborhood, lives of people and social aspects. They
don’t want to interfere in the interior of the house. That’s why the team
members came up with the skin concept: a skin will be wrapped around
the house, providing insulation, generating energy and collecting water.
It will be built in a modular system so the residents can select the parts
they like most. The project is situated in Honselersdijk, province of South
Holland, which is known for its greenhouses and agricultural industries.
They want to stand out by not only showing how people could possibly
live in the future, but by showing how real people actually live, by telling
their stories and
The residents of Honselaarsdijk are not yet involved in an active way but
they know about the design. Soon an event will be organized where the
team will talk to the residents, in order to listen to gain some feedback on
how they want their environment to be improved and what they think
about the ideas.
Paris, Summer 2014
At this moment the team has passed the conception stage and is working
towards the products for the 1st of November. At every deliverable stage
they have to present a more and more updated progress. Now they are
working on materiality and details. But the primary concern right now is
to recruit partners. In Paris they have to build a fully operational model,
so becoming a partner doesn’t only mean giving financial support, but
also and maybe more importantly providing knowledge, materials and
expertise. Emphasis lies on the term ‘partner’ rather than ‘sponsor’.
It’s very important to hold on to the deadline. Three stand-by teams are
ready to jump in if you can’t make it. But the Prêt-á-Loger team members
are positive about their concept and design: they think that if they’ll
make it to Paris, it is very plausible that they will score high. If the design
succeeds, it has a massive potential, not only for an exhibition but also by
making a real difference in the real world as we know it. It could have a
huge impact with over two million row houses in the Netherlands.
If you want to join the team or become a
partner, please visit
You can also support the team by liking
them on
Row house with the skin concept
Lidy Meijers (architect and assistant professor Restoration, Modification,
Intervention, Transformation at TU Delft) and Oscar Vos (denieuwegeneratie architects) have a mission in common. They would like to bring education beyond the faculty walls and out into the real world. "It is important,"
says Lidy Meijers, "that students come into contact with new developments in the field of Architecture."
But what's new? Since the financial crisis of
2008, the major clients and commissions for architects and urbanists in the Netherlands have
become rare and endangered species. Big real
estate developers, public housing corporations
and city councils don't have the generous budgets anymore to fund centrally conceived spatial visions or grand neighborhood scale building projects. So part of the answer to what's
new in the field of Architecture, is the client,
and with it, a whole new culture in and around
the built environment. Oscar Vos makes a pertinent remark. "Perhaps product could be associated with high economy and process with low
economy. Plainly said, when the money runs
out process becomes the way to bring people
into development." Welcome home civil society,
the Netherlands is now yours. Or is it? The
transition is by no means simple and the ways
to get there have not yet been made clear. The
role of the architect and professional practice is
evolving and the level of adaptation to the
changing circumstances will determine who
will survive. It seems then crucial that students should develop tools to work professionally in this new era.
"We need you to provide
us with non-standard
solutions." Marloes van Loo,
project manager for Podium
Amsterdam Nieuw-West
In pioneering spirit, the city council Amsterdam Nieuw-West is taking on the experiment.
They have a number of school buildings that
they want to offer to CPO (Collectief Particulier
Opdrachtgeverschap - Collective Private Commission) to redevelop and transform into dwellings or other programs. The TU Delft and Oscar Vos approached Amsterdam Nieuw-West
with a proposal to collaborate on researching
the potential of these buildings. With the
question, what is the best way to communicate
with possible future users and civil redevelopers? "We need you to provide us with nonstandard solutions," says lively and articulate
project manager for Podium in Nieuw-West,
Marloes van Loo. The role of the architect is to
be a communicator and a visionary. The students become a link between the council and
the public, working in a top-down, bottom-up
The assignment and interaction with the city
council has three parts. The first was an excursion led by urbanists of Nieuw-West who work
on the existing city plan and design for the
areas where RMIT is engaged. In conversation with the urbanists students could make a
direct link with the knowledge they have gathered in the study by debating and discussing
an actual assignment with professionals in the
field. The second part of the assignment was
to present the possibilities of the school buildings to the public at a Self build event on the
12th of October in Amsterdam Nieuw West.
The event is an opportunity for people to meet
likeminded collaborators and to see what properties and allotments have been made available to them by the city council. The third part
of the assignment will be to present the ideas
that the students are developing to the city
The purpose of the Self Build event, says Oscar Vos, is to gather data. Vos is a firm believer
in co-creation. "We have to investigate what
our common goals are together with the client.
We should listen and we should translate. We
are the ones with the knowledge about spaces
for people on every scale but at the same time
we need to be sociologists. We should research people and their behavior."
For Lous Kleingeld, a recent RMIT graduate
participating in the project, there are marked
differences between the education and this
real life work. The emphasis shifted very quickly from perhaps the technical drawing and
analysis of the education to communication of
a vision to captivate the imagination of people
unschooled in architecture. In a very short time
frame, less than two weeks, the students had
to come up with three variations of three buildings they were assigned to work on. "You can
do a lot of work in a short time if you want to,
says Kleingeld, "Everybody took part in it and
everyone had their own role. I saw that when
everybody takes their role seriously it goes
well. You have to start directly, not really knowing what you're going to do. It's real, in your
study you can do whatever you want, because
no one will care if it's meaningful or not. Here
we really had to reach people."
Meijers and Vos also find it important that stu-
Students Dorris Derksen, Karina Wilting, Inka Thoen, Lous Kleingeld, Manon Schotman en Elise Houdijk with their work at the
self build event at the Meervaart, Amsterdam Nieuw-West
Students in conversation with potential clients at self build event
Project Leaders Lidy Meijers, architect and assitant professor
RMIT and architect Oscar Vos, denieuwegeneratie architects
Photography by Lun Liu, contact:
dents learn about cost and use it as a design
tool. They believe with this skill and knowledge of programming architects can offer the
missing link in reactivating old neighborhoods
and buildings. But when asked if this current
climate is different for RMIT students, Lidy
Meijers says no, "The task is transformation
and that has always been our concern."
Lidy Meijers, Oscar Vos, Evert van Imhoff,
Lous Kleingeld Manon Schotman, Inka
Thoen, Dorris Derksen, Ingeborg Kuijlaars,
Karina Wilting, Elise Houdijk
Giancarlo Mazzanti
Mazzanti was born in
Barranquilla, Colombia in
1963. He graduated with a
degree in architecture from
the Pontifical University in
Javeriana, Bogotá in 1987. He
received a graduate degree in
history and theory of
architecture and industrial
design from the University of
Florence, Italy in 1991.
He spearheaded the urban
transformation of Medellín
with projects including the
libraries León de Greiff and
Biblioteca de España, and the
coliseums for the 2010 South
American Games. He received
the first prize in the 2008
Ibero-American Architecture
Biennial in Lisbon.
This year Giancarlo Mazzanti, internationally renowned architect of public works in his native Colombia, will give
the Designers of the Future lecture entitled: Architecture as Mechanism for Building Community. Mazzanti will
speak about architecture that is defined by what it does and its capacity to change behavior. B Nieuws
corresponded with Mazzanti in anticipation of his lecture on Wednesday the 20th of November 2013.
What are the skills that future architects will require?
The ways of understanding and thinking about architecture and cities
today can no longer be limited to a division between the various
disciplines that handle this task. We believe in a more interdisciplinary
approach. We gather the most diverse kinds professions to work
together on developing models, forms and policies for architecture. The
architect should learn how to take risks, to discover and develop
projects, processes and designs utilizing different perspectives and
approaches. Our ultimate goal is to create protocols which can deeply
influence the physical and productive ways of understanding, and living
in, the built environment. To do this we need to learn, and sample, from
a wide range of disciplines like politics, economy, fashion, the culinary
arts and more.
Do you try to teach these skills to your students?
At our office and in the academic environment there is always the
intention to reflect on the phenomena that constitutes today’s
architecture,the place of the architect in the contemporary world, and
her/his roll as a world transformer. We encourage taking the risk to be
creative and speculative. We advocate something in between a
material practice and a specialization in researching everyday values.
Such as repetition, the undetermined, the unfinished, the adaptive, the
open, the unstable and the changing. This is a response to the constant
movement of our time. We aim to develop skills which can take
architecture to other levels. Architecture that is touched with the
knowledge and proprieties originating in other disciplines.
Has architectural development truly shifted to Asia and Latin
America? Does the West, such as the US and Europe, still have a lot
to offer?
Necessity has made architecture become a mechanism of social
inclusion. Researching the processes that are transforming urban
structures, in particular the public and common domain is today’s most
prominent practice. Latin America and Asia are now urban
laboratories for unique living experiences. They have become scenarios
to look to for new solutions for contemporary challenges. Having said
that, we, from el EQUIPO DE MAZZANTI, think that the US and Europe
still have much to offer. The stagnation will stop when the societies
begin to understand and explore the characteristics behind informality,
and how this phenomena creates a new social, cultural and economic
situation. Architecture will become a genuine power again, once it is
able to read the everyday stories behind these new forms of city
development, and the related forms of democracy and governance in
the society they bring with them.
What do you hope to communicate through your lecture in Delft?
The main aim of the conference is to explain our position regarding
architecture and design. We believe that architecture’s worth is based
not only in itself but in what it produces, in its capacity to perform. We
believe this capacity to perform is more important than the capacity to
represent, this is why we are interested in architecture that is defined
by what it does and not by its appearance.
Essentially we construct new possibilities for social action with our
work. We utilize happenings and relationships to develop forms,
patterns and material organization in our architecture. We reject
authoritarian and functional schemes, but prefer to stimulate new
everyday interactions; an architecture that is capable of generating
new behaviors and relationships. Encouraging people to behave
mentally and physically in ways they would have never thought
possible, is the central theme of our projects.
20 Novermber 2013 / BKCity, room A / 17:00
Entrance free of charge, please subscribe at
Are you planning to join the Master's programme in Architecture, Urbanism, Building Sciences or Geomatics?
Having trouble finding your way through all the available tracks and studios? Then mark your calendar now for
the coming master event at the architecture faculty!
Programme for BSc students - 19 November 2013
Master Event Tu Delft, Aula - 21 November 2013
15.00 - 15.30
General information about the Master’s programme
Room A
15.35 - 15.55
Landscape Architecture
Room A
16.00 - 16.20
Room A
16.25 - 16.45
Real Estate & Housing
Room A
16.50 - 17.10
Room A
17.15 - 17.35
Building Technology
Room A
17.40 - 18.10
Room A
18.00 - 20.00
Information Market
More information MSc Architecture,
Urbanism & Building Sciences:
For students from HBO, other universities and TU
Delft students who are interested in doing a
master at another faculty [switchers], i.e. BSc
architecture students who are interested in a
MSCcat Civil Engineering and Geosciences:
15:15 – 20:45: Information market
16.15 – 16.45: General Presentation of all Msc
Programme TU Delft
17.00 – 20.15: Presentation Rounds of Msc
Programme TU Delft
More information MSc Geomatics:
From London, now based in Rotterdam. Charlie Koolhaas, sociologist,
visual artist, curator, mother and visiting professor has lived over the
past ten years in Guangzhou, China, Dubai and Houston, Texas. By
exposing us to eye witness alternative narratives, Koolhaas' symbolically charged photography, strips bare our assumptions about the
world. Through visual investigation Koolhaas questions the “truth”
and asks us to pay attention to the details and informalities that show
us a more nuanced version of reality. For Koolhaas, nothing is sacred,
from notions of justice and human rights, to the division between east
and west, democracy and the innate goodness of art. She sees potential and injustice everywhere. And would like to point out that globalization is not happening in the way we think. Now Koolhaas through
her course “Visual Cultures”, part of the MSc3 Complex Projects program, is leading students in a similar investigation. Future architects
are learning to understand the nature of their activity within visual
culture, to question it and to develop alternatives. The following is a
series of excerpts from a Skype interview on a rainy Sunday afternoon. Koolhaas' voice low, clear and melodious amid the crackling
Charlie Koolhaas at work
Could you describe your course Visual Culture?
Visual culture is the set of tools that allow you to describe content, and it therefore also
creates the content.
Architects have such a specific visual language. But somehow the sources that architects rely on for their research, images such as satellite pictures of cities, maps etc...
they are often sourced from government agencies and are the same tools that facilitate
things like surveillance. So then architectural information becomes politically skewed.
But also these methods of visualization can make hugely diverse urban environments
look the same, when they are not. Giving the false impression that urban culture is
becoming homogenized.
"We are trying to encourage students to
speculate about how you could talk about
architecture in another language."
Spot the city?
With this course we are looking for a means of differentiation. We want to have a place
not to talk about architecture. We're trying to say that there are all these other visual
languages that can be used by the architect. We are trying to encourage students to
speculate about how you could talk about architecture in another language. Could
you create architectural research, for instance, that isn't given to you by the government or the census. Could you do as much by using other kinds of methods of investigation which are more personal or more human... or rely less on 'factual' information
which in a sense architects always take for granted to be true. Students need to learn
to question the facts that they present in their 'research'.
In your course you use philosophy and psychoanalysis. Thinkers such as Lacan
and Žižek. How does this help students understand visual culture?
The thing about Lacan is that he brings our creative ideas, our fantasies into government or how we are governed. There's politics in everything. In every image, in every
experience, in every desire that we have. Every belief is determined by the political
system in which we live. And therefore if you read images you have to read this politics into them. With Lacan what we talked about was the idea of the screen. Between
us and what we see is this incredible system of understanding. From prehistory to the
future there is this mechanism of seeing and what we are able to read. If you understand that mechanism, then you can come to understand what is missing and maybe
see more and read more. You become slightly more self reflexive about what it is you
are seeing or what you are representing.
What role does the architect play in visual culture?
I think the architect is increasingly important. The architect is a mediator between the
top and the bottom in society. We are all involved in the visual world and all preoccupied with taste. Architects are determining what that world looks like. If you are an
Couples pass each other on a beach in Dubai
architect you are in this unique position where you have to incorporate all the different elements of visual culture. You essentially determine the spaces and the environment of all other visual culture. It is therefore important that the architect has a
wide understanding of visual culture. An architect can't be narrow anymore.
How would you like to see architects change through awareness of visual culture?
Somehow architecture is quite an insular profession even though it's so broad. Architects spend so much time in their offices, surrounded by architects preoccupied
with architecture. And yet they have to create the spaces for everything, for every
other activity that happens. But as a rule architects don't participate in any of those
other activities. What we want to do with visual culture is not teach anyone anything new, it's about showing students what they have access to and taking it seriously. This is what I like about Žižek, that in the most superficial smallest detail are
incredibly serious things. I'll quote Žižek, he says, "Masks are never really masks." In
the surface is everything, everything underneath the surface is embedded in the
surface. You could say that for architecture, it becomes a surface but everything
goes into it.
Could you reflect on how your own work informs your teaching?
As a European, I think we seem to have developed this blasé attitude about the
world, that everyone is becoming more like us. We've corrupted the world and the
world is therefore becoming more like us. And we have to try and stop it from doing
that. To help these other places remain "authentic". However if you actually go to
places like China, you find that the dominant story that is told is totally and absolutely false. The visual evidence is contrary to these mainstream ideas. You then
realize there is still a grand narrative, even though you're getting your information
from so many different sources, there is still this one narrative. And you have to
think what is the motive of this one narrative? So I discovered through travel that
all of my expectations were wrong. At the same time I thought well what is the
point of producing more images? It seemed pointless but also more important than
ever to create images that help to question or stand in conflict with these mainstream but false narratives. I realized that this multiplicity of viewpoints hasn't
created a multiplicity of narratives. So I try to show these alternative narratives in
my work.
"We think we know the world because we
have so much information. It has taught us
to believe that we can know the world just
from sitting in our living still
need to go out and investigate for yourself.
It's so important to be able to question the
information you are using. "
We think we know the world because we have so much information. It has taught
us to believe that we can know the world just from sitting in our living rooms and
that Google can teach everything we need to know. And in a way it can... it's a very
exciting possibility... When we seek information we can come across an infinite
number of images about the world and in that sense, our dominate form of information is visual. I see visual culture as making sense of this infinite stream of images
that we have available to us. Because there's this false sense of truth in it we have
to learn the tools to be skeptical and the tools to go out and find out for ourselves.
That's what I mean about Architecture students, as much as a McKinsey report can
tell us so much, you still need to go out and investigate for yourself. It's so important
to be able to question the information you are using.
Thank you for your time Charlie Koolhaas. It was a delight to talk with you today.
Thank you. I'm really enjoying my time at the faculty. The students are so good, I am
really amazed. These young architects are so incredibly ambitious and thoughtful.
Their sincerity is exciting for me. It's been very rewarding for me as an artist to be
part of this academic environment.
“God created the earth, but the Dutch created
Holland”. The struggle against the water is - quite
literally - the raison d’être of the Dutch. With all the
knowledge we possess on water management, it comes
as no surprise that the Netherlands have been asked to
aide the US on its fight against the water in the areas
hit by hurricane Sandy.
After Sandy caused tremendous damage to large parts of New York and
New Jersey, president Obama initiated the Hurricane Sandy Rebuilding
Task Force, in order to coordinate the reconstruction of the affected areas. Henk Ovink, a high-ranking Dutch official is now an advisor for the
American secretary of Housing and Urban Development. Ovink organised an idea-competition with the aim to garner creative solutions from
designers, engineers and other scientist: Rebuild by Design. Ten teams
have been selected, among whom there were a lot of Dutch organisations, such as ZUS, Deltares and OMA. TU Delft, along with other Dutch
and American partners, takes part in one of those teams, Interboro Partners. Within this team the
TU Delft cooperates with
dutch firms Palmbout Urban Landscapes, H+N+S
Bosch and Slabbers Landscape Architects and the
Rebel group.
which includes not just
architecture and urbanism
students, but also civil engineering students - has
been linked to the project.
Within the studio, students will chose an individual project and develop
it. There are many alternatives and they are not bound to scale: from making a strategic design for
the entire coastal region, designing a dam to protect the Hudson Bay, to
realizing a design for a building that has a symbiotic relationship with
the water.
The Netherlands has a long and extensive tradition when it comes to
the combination of urban development and water management. What
can Americans learn from us? Anne Loes Nillesen, organiser of Delta
Interventions and currently doing PhD research on this subject: “What
we have learned in the last few years is that you can’t just paste one
system over another area. Each delta requires a custom approach.” The
Dutch system and American system differ greatly. “The Dutch system
aims to minimize the risk that a flooding takes place. Embankments and
Delta Interventions studio: design for Rotterdam
Rijnmond by Robert de Kort
Delta interventions studio: design for
Rotterdam by Karlijn Klokhuis
Delta interventions studio: design for
Hoekse Waard by NaiLi Zhao
Flooding caused by Sandy
barriers have been implemented to keep the water away. But when
these fail, the repercussions will be devastating.” The US strategy is
to minimize the effects as much as possible. A
flood is more likely to occur because the safety
standards are lower, but there are a lot of
measures in place to combat the effects, such
as elaborate evacuation programs.
Meyer puts forward the example of Nijmegen, where the “Ruimte voor
de Rivier” (“Room for the River”) programme was implemented. Instead
of raising the dike once more, an approach
was chosen where the river’s width could be
expanded. In order to make it happen, an
entire neighbourhood that had been planned
had to be moved and redesigned. Meyer: “At
first the Nijmegen city counsel didn’t like the
idea at all. A lot of water had to pass under
the bridge before they finally agreed on it
[laughs].” Meyer refers to a recent interview
with the alderman of Nijmegen who said he
was very happy with the way it eventually
turned out. It improved the quality of the
place, both for the neighbourhood that was
redesigned, and for the city. A whole new
park was realised next to the river. The Waal
became much more a part of the city.” It is
examples like these that the team can use for
their assignment in New York. “This way of thinking can get you very
far in the New York delta.”
When one listens to Nillesen and Han Meyer,
who are both leading the graduation studio
Delta Interventions, you’ll be likely to get the
impression that the Netherlands can learn from
the American system as well. The term
“layered security system” is mentioned. Such a
system will not only manage the chance that a
flood can occur, but also focuses on the effects
in case catastrophe strikes. Such an effect-minimizing strategy can have a positive effect on
spatial qualities. But there are more reasons to
reconsider the approach to flood-safety, especially in urbanized areas.
Sometimes it makes more sense to create more space for the river
instead of enforcing the dikes. To illustrate, Meyer mentions the
example of dike raisings, which will result in high barriers between
the city and the river. Just one example of where safety is preserved
at the expense of quality of living. With another security system it
would be possible to enhance the relation between the city and the
water. But alternative plans have quite often proven to be expensive.
Meyer: “We have to look at the costs, but also take possible revenues
into account. Maybe the land will be worth more if the view to the water is preserved. The tricky part is that these kinds of revenues are
difficult to express in hard numbers. It is so much easier to calculate
the costs of dike-raising per meter.”
Anne Loes Nillesen and the students attending the Delta Interventions
studio have just returned from an excursion to the area. Nillesen: "We
visited several locations in the New York and New Jersey region and
are inspired to work on qualitative flood risk solutions for the area”.
Breda's harbor, restored in 2006
Since the fifties, the historic urban core has experienced many developments. While this part of the city was largely ignored in post wartime Europe, a stark shift towards the appreciation of its historical value has taken place over
the past three decades. Large scale facilities have slowly moved towards the periphery of the city, ensuring that the
urban core can be protected against demolition and destruction. At this moment the future of the original urban
settlement, which was shaped by a non-industrial economy, becomes uncertain because of financial cuts in public
funding for the area. The retired Wout van der Toorn Vrijthoff sat down with BNieuws and shared his fascination for
the urban core and its importance to historical urban development.
Lead by his passion for this area, Wout van der Toorn Vrijthoff, along
with Vincent Nadin, Eric Luiten and the University of New Castle and
Dublin, has developed a research proposal. The project’s objective is to
compare the planning and management approach in the different
countries concerning the historic urban core. Motivated by the initiative
of fifteen European countries to fund projects regarding cultural
heritage, van der Toorn Vrijthoff submitted a widely praised proposal
entitled “A Sustainable Future for the Historic Urban Core (SHUC)”. The
two year project will have its start this November.
Dutch local governments see their historic urban core as their trademark based on public high valued characteristics: for example identity,
authenticity, sense of place and history, distinctiveness, and historic
continuity. Local governments adopted the task to conserve those
authentic characteristics of the historic urban core. However, the
banking crisis and increasingly neoliberal government policies have
constrained public spending, together with privatization and deregulation. Along with reduction of specialists in the civil service and sale of
social real estate in the historic cores also presents serious challenges
for the management of the cultural asset of the historic urban core.
They also reduce the amount of civil servants and try to sell the real
estate they own in the historic urban core.
Instead of focusing on the unique, historical value of the core, this
short-term strategy is led by a need to cut costs. The value of the
historic urban core is difficult to quantify, but recent developments have
shown that urban growth is concentrated around cities with a historic
center. If it is possible to prove that public investments in conservation,
reconstruction and well-balanced interventions in the urban core,
generates financial gains, then it may result in a different course of
action within local policy.
An example of this development is the restoration of the Breda Harbor,
an initiative that took root before the financial crisis struck. The harbor
was filled in 1964 for the purpose of making the city more car-friendly,
even though Breda’s more than seven hundred year old raison d’etre
stemmed from its water bound trade.
For Van der Toorn Vrijthoff, the most fascinating aspect of the historic
urban core is its unique nature. “It is a momentously difficult task. Each
building has a different owner and it is a multifunctional area that
developed organically and on a relatively small scale - quite the
opposite from for example the postwar suburbs, which are easier to
develop. Besides, historic urban cores are singular. They can’t just be
erased and replaced.”
One of the questions to answer within the scope of the project is: “To
what extent are models and methods of managing the historic urban
core transferable between countries, and what scope is there for
effective policy transfer?” Initially focusing on the Netherlands, Great
Britain and Ireland, the final report will be discussed in a broader
European context, whereby southern European countries are also
invited to participate.
Architect Ronny Lobo, afgestudeerd aan de
faculteit Bouwkunde in 1978, verzamelde in het
contact met opdrachtgevers zoveel verhalen, dat
hij besloot er een roman over te schrijven. Het
boek, Bouwen op drijfzand, is op 8 oktober jl.
verschenen bij uitgeverij In de Knipscheer. Het
boek is bij Waltman verkrijgbaar.
“Op Curaçao en Bonaire ontwerp
ik veel woningen voor particuliere
opdrachtgevers, vaak voor
Nederlandse echtparen. Als
architect bouw je een relatie op
met je opdrachtgevers, en vaak is
dat ook goed voor het ontwerp.
Over die relatie gaat mijn roman,
‘Bouwen op drijfzand’. Het boek is
voor een belangrijk deel autobiografisch.
Toen ik begon met studeren stond
het faculteitsgebouw van Bakema
aan het Mekelpark er nog maar
net. Bakema was een van de
grote namen die in die tijd met de
faculteit verbonden waren.
Andere grootheden waren
Herman Hertzberger en Aldo van
Eyck, mijn idool. Van Eyck bracht
een humanistische grondslag in
de architectuur. Ik pas die
humanistische principes ook toe
in de gebouwen die ik ontwerp in
het Caraïbisch gebied, ook al zien
ze er heel anders uit dan gebouwen die je in Nederland zou
maken. Dat maakt niet uit: het
gaat er niet om welke vorm je
kiest. Vorm staat op de tweede
plaats, dat leerden wij toen. Op
de eerste plaats staan intermenselijke relaties, daar komt de vorm
vanzelf uit voort. Bij veel hedendaagse architecten zie je veel
‘vormwil’; zo noemden wij dat
destijds. Ze maken een bepaalde
vorm en stoppen daar vervolgens
het programma in. Dat mocht in
mijn tijd absoluut niet: als er
teveel vormwil in je gebouw zat,
kreeg je een onvoldoende. In mijn
eigen gebouwen gebruik ik veel
kleur, zoals Aldo van Eyck dat ook
deed in het Moederhuis in
Amsterdam [aan de Plantage
Middenlaan, red.]. Kleur is heel
belangrijk voor mensen, iedereen
heeft kleur nodig.
De hoofdpersoon in mijn boek is
een architect die woningen
ontwerpt in het Caraïbisch
gebied, net als ik. Een van mijn
opdrachtgevers, een moeilijke
man, komt er zelfs letterlijk in
voor. Zelfs zijn voornaam klopt.
Als het boek een bestseller wordt,
en die man leest het, dan zal hij
bepaalde details waarschijnlijk
niet zo leuk vinden. De architect
in het boek raakt verwikkeld in
een liefdesrelatie met een van zijn
opdrachtgeefsters. Dat gedeelte is
niet autobiografisch, zo spannend
is mijn leven niet geweest.
Deep-rooted sentiments? Interesting views? Use forum as your
discussion platform! Send your articles and letters to
React on!
comprehensive domain in which
architectural form, the political and
the city are reclaimed as one ‘field’. In
this context Dogma uses the
quintessential tools of architecture;
both drawing and text.
Vorige week was ik op de
CCUPD Conference waar John
Habraken grappend tot ons sprak
over zijn werk: “When I finished the
book fifty years ago, I thought
everybody would read it and I
could go back to architecture.”
Sinds 2008 zijn Nederlanders zo’n
dertig procent minder tijd aan
lezen gaan besteden, en het
dieptepunt wordt vooral bereikt
door de jongere generatie (ja, dat
zijn wij). Terwijl we het lezen
verleren, wordt ook de rijkdom van
kennis vergeten die onze
voorouders en tijdgenoten hebben
vastgelegd in schrift. Hoe kunnen
we innovatief zijn, als we niet
weten wat we innoveren? Als we
niet bestuderen wat er ons voor is
gegaan? Ik vrees voor de nieuwe
taal van de bouwkunde student: de
taal van lege woorden. Deze
woorden accepteert iedereen, en
ja, dat maakt het natuurlijk
makkelijk praten, communiceren
en het draagt ook nog bij aan een
fijne sociale cohesie. En zo
belanden we langzaam in een
zelfverheerlijkende bubbel, steeds
verder verwijderd van universitaire
kennis enerzijds en de wereld van
de praktijk anderzijds. Tijd, nee,
dat hebben we niet. Wij zijn de
generatie van de surfende student,
die dankzij de rijkdom van het
virtuele netwerk van alles een
beetje weet. Zijn wij de generatie
studenten die nooit een duik in het
diepe durven te nemen?
Due to a lack of available exhibition
space within BK City the organizing
exhibition committee proposed to
house the exposition in a temporary
pavilion. It consists of standard
box-units, which are mutually
connected, creating a central passage
with exhibition rooms alternating on
each side of the passage. The 12
selected projects are presented in
four rooms, each containing three
Stop City (2007), copyright Dogma
On Thursday 31st of October
'DOGMA 11 projects + 1' will be
opened In a temporary pavilion on
the car park east to BK City. The
exposition shows a dozen
speculative and theoretical
proposals developed from 2002-12
by the Brussels-based office
Dogma. Their drawings, books and
studies will be exhibited till the
end of November in an exposition
space constructed for this special
occasion. So please come over,
visit and take a look!
Initially Pier Vittorio Aureli and
Martino Tattara founded their
architecture and research studio
Dogma in Rotterdam. Both Italian
architects studied at the former
Berlage Institute in Rotterdam and
obtained a PhD with great interest in
the relationship between architecture
and large-scale urban design.
For the past ten years Dogma has
focused almost exclusively on
large-scale projects such as citywide
interventions. Their projects venture
We hebben geen tijd. Is de
zondebok Instagram, 9gag of is
het Facebook, waaraan we
gemiddeld zeven uur per week
spenderen? Alles moet snel en in
hapklare brokken worden
voorgeschoteld. Gelukkig voorzien
Google, Wikipedia en Studeersnel.
nl ruimschoots in deze behoefte
van kennisconsumptie. En gelukkig
stellen we iedereen tevreden met
het gegooi met woorden, het liefst
in een pseudo-intellectueel jasje. Ik
heb het over de verheerlijking van
‘de integrale sustainability’, die de
massa en de ruimte definieert in
het iconische concept van
mixed-use, in de menselijke maat
van de sprekende gevel verankerd
in het stedelijk weefsel door
middel van verticale, horizontale
en diagonale zichtlijnen om bij te
dragen aan de leefbaarheid en
flexibiliteit’. Wat is de ware
betekenis van deze woorden en
waarom zijn deze onderwerpen
van belang bij het vormgeven van
de bebouwde omgeving?
beyond mere physical size to expand
conceptual frameworks that radically
rethink architecture.
Next to running their office, both
Aureli and Tattara teach and lecture
in different architecture schools in
Europe and in the USA. Currently
Aureli teaches at the AA in London,
where Dogma was asked to present
their work earlier this year. The '11
projects' exhibition was on display at
Bedford Square during February and
March. Before the summer, the
Department of Architecture at the TU
Delft contacted both Dogma and the
AA and proposed to bring the
exhibition to Delft.
Starting with Dogma the intention
is to develop a series of exhibitions,
by inviting both upcoming and
established offices to present their
work in Delft and to reflect on their
projects. To confront the faculty
members with the different positions
architects take, and develop, these
days, is an important task for our
faculty. We hope to establish an a
lively exhibition environment as it
was once before in the former faculty
DOGMA 11 projects + 1
1 – 29 November / Mo – Fri: 9h – 17h
Exhibition Pavilion
(car park east to BK City)
OPENING: 31.10.13 /16h00
The exhibition in Delft features one
additional project and explores 12
works, which range from speculative
and theoretical proposals to
investigations that question today’s
modes of housing. Collectively, these
designs present the DOGMA ethos:
to see the urban project as a
Intoduction by Pier Vittorio Aureli
Sign up as attendant/wachtman
and receive a book voucher (€
25,-) for each session (4h).
Subscribe at Stylos.
Jasper, 5 VWO - Groningen
I didn’t really like the outside
of the building; luckily the
inside is slightly better. The
atmosphere is good, but I'm
going to look around a bit
more. I have also been to IO
but I think I’m going to choose
Geert-Jan, 6 VWO – Barneveld
I think the models and buildings in
the Orange hall look all very
interesting. When I see those, I
really want to design something
myself. My impression is positive,
but I am still doubting between BK
and IO. But I like the faculty and I
can see myself walking around here.
Wouter, 6 VWO – Amersfoort
I already visited TB, so that’s very
different from Architecture but I’m
open to anything. It takes some time
getting used to this new environment, because everything is so huge!
I wonder if the faculty is not too big
and if the teachers have enough
contact with their students. TU
Twente is, for example, more local. I
think that will fit me better. Yet the
TU Delft is better known, so I don’t
know what I will choose.
B Nieuws is a four-weekly
periodical of the Faculty
of Architecture, TU Delft.
Faculty of Architecture,
BK City, Delft University of
Julianalaan 134,
2628 BL Delft
room BG.Midden.140
Phong, 5 VWO – Groningen
When we walked up to the
building, I found it very old and
maybe even ugly, but the
inside is rather beautiful! My
impression is positive, it could
be an option for me but I don’t
know yet. I have to walk
around a little bit more to get
a better impression.
Manon Schotman
Editorial Board
Edo Beerda
Daphne Bakker
Jane Stortelder
Brigitte O'Regan
Tamara, 5 VWO – Culomborg
We just came from the Aula
and fortunately this building is
much nicer! The other was just
like a retirement home. I think
the Orange Hall is very
beautiful and the atmosphere
is good. My impression is
positive but I am still undecided.
Esmée, 6 VWO – Breda
Last year I visited IO , but I
didn’t quite like it. That’s why I
am visiting Architecture now.
The introduction lecture was
good and I think I have a clear
picture about the study now.
As I expected it is very creative
and technical at the same time
and that’s exactly what I am
looking for. My first impression
is positive!
Cover illustration
Editorial Advice Board
Party at a renowned gallery in Marcello Soeleman
London, by Charlie Koolhaas Sue van de Giessen
Inge Pit
Robert Nottrot
Linda de Vos
Karin Laglas
Pierijn van der Putt
Soscha Monteiro de Jesus
Floris van der Zee
Anna Wojcik
Lun Liu
Christian van der Kooy
Drukkerij Tan Heck, Delft
Tessa, 5 VWO – Culomborg
My first impression is more
positive than I expected. I
would really like to study
Architecture and I get the
impressions that it is a very
broad study. I find the building
with all its colors beautiful. It's
also a bit confusing, but maybe
that’s because of the Open
Jasper, 6 VWO – Nijkerk
I really like the idea of having
an old building as a faculty. For
example in Eindhoven everything is much more modern.
Yet of course this is not a
decisive factor. I get the idea
that the study focuses more on
working with models and
materials, rather than working
with the computer. I would
want to do both, I think.
Next deadline
2 November 2013, 12.00 PM
B Nieuws 04, December 2013
Illustrations only in *.tif,
*.eps or *.jpg format,
min 300 dpi
Unsolicited articles can have a
maximum of 500 words,
announcements 50 words.
The editorial board has the
right to shorten and edit
articles, or to refuse articles
that have an insinuating,
discriminatory or vindicatory
character, or contain
unnecessary coarse language.
The editorial board informs
the author(s) concerning the
reason for it’s decision,
directly after is has been
Thesis Defence
Mariette Heemskerk:
"Bestuurdersgeheimen. Over
samenhang tussen leiderschapsrollen van bestuurders, strategische profilen en prestaties van
woningcorporaties" | Promotor 1: V.H. Gruis (Bk),
Promotor 2: Prof.dr. J.L.A. Geurts
(U. van Tilburg)
TU Delft. Aula / 15:00
From Wunderkammer
to Muse-ology, some
The Berlage Center for Advanced
Studies in Architecture and Urban
Design will present a public
lecture, entitled ‘From
Wunderkammer to Muse-ology,
some reflections’ by Patrick
BKCity, Berlage Room / 11:30
How do You Landscape? Environmental
On 29 October, Christian
Waldvogel and Andy Thomson
will give a lecture in the series
'How do You Landscape?
Environmental Design'. This time
the theme is ‘Environmental
Design’: how can landscape
design contribute to sustainable
solutions for the built environment?
BKCity, 01.west.550 / 16:00 18:30
ADHD XIV: Shop till
you drop
Om van de Grote Marktstraat
een aantrekkelijke winkelboulevard te maken met internationale
allure wordt de komende jaren
flink geïnvesteerd in het gebied.
Daarvan getuigen de bouwprojecten De Markies, Amadeus,
Nieuwe Haagse Passage en
Sijthoff City. Er komen honderden vierkante meters winkelruimte bij, waarvan een deel al is
verhuurd (o.m. aan Primark,
Marks & Spencer en Miss Etam).
Hoeveel winkels kunnen wij als
consumenten en als stad eigenlijk
Den Haag, Het Nutshuis / 20:00
Master Class
The Idol Tower
Thesis Defence
Sabine Jansen: Exergy
"Exergy in the built environment.
The added value of exergy in the
assessment and development of
energy systems for the built
environment" | Promotor 1: Prof.
ir. P.G. Luscuere (Bk), promotor 2: A.A.J.F. vd Dobbelsteen
TU Delft. Aula / 10:00
02_Kop Zwart
Thesis Defence
Wang: China
"Between Flexibility and
Reliability. Changing Planning
Cultures Kleur
in China" | Promotor 1:
02_Kop H.C.Zwart
Bekkering (Bk),
2: Prof.dr. C.J Hsia
Taiwan Univ.)
Delft. Aula / 12:30
11.11.2013 - 22.11.2013
The Berlage Center for Advanced
Studies in Architecture and Urban
Design presents a Master Class
led by Madelon Vriesendorp, in
cooperation with Filip Geerts,
Sylvia Libedinski, and Mark
Pimlott. Participants will
construct an encyclopedic
collection of admirations and
aspirations, analysing and
experimenting with the things
that peek their curiosity.
This Master Class is open to a
limited number of participants,
submit your portfolio before 20
The Idol Tower
The Berlage Center for Advanced
Studies in Architecture and Urban
Design will present a public
lecture, entitled ‘The Idol Tower’
by Madelon Vriesendorp.
BKCity,Oost serre / 18:30
Klaus Overmeyer Guest
Urban Critic
Klaus Overmeyer (Urban
Catalysts) uit Berlijn geeft als
Guest Urban Critic 2013 zijn
keynote-lezing. Vanuit zijn kennis
en ervaring in Berlijn is hij naar
Rotterdam uitgenodigd. Tijdelijk
gebruik, bottom-up organisatie
en gebruikersinitiatief zijn het
vertrekpunt. Maar hoe groeit dat
door in ondernemerschap en
bestendigheid? Hoe krijgt het
betekenis voor de structuur van
de stad? Daarvoor moeten we
werken aan verbindingen tussen
informeel en formeel, micro en
macro, institutioneel en initiatief.
Klaus Overmeyer leert ons de
common ground te zien, waar de
stad van morgen concreet wordt.
Rotterdam Erasmus Paviljoen,
Campus Woudestein /20:00 /
Building Materials &
Innovation Congress
On the 31st of October 2013, the
Building Materials & Innovation
Congress is to be held in the Aula
of the TU Delft. The conference
will closely examine new developments and opportunities in the
field of building materials. The
objective of the congress is to
optimise the use of materials.
Lee Friedlander - America
by Car
31 October 2013 | 11:15 - 17:00
location: TU Delft, Aula Congress
FOAM / till 11.12.13
de Singel Antwerp / till 05.01.14
Bureau Bas Smets Landschappen
The Chanel Legend
Gemeentemuseum Den Haag /
till 02.02.14
Kazimir Malevich and the
Russian Avant-garde
Stedelijk Museum /19.10.13 - 02.02.14