Besoedeling `n groot besorgdheid
Besoedeling `n groot besorgdheid
Tel: 015 781 5484 • Fax: 086 583 1421 • Web: R2.00 incl Friday January 24, 2014 Meisie (7) brand erg KNP word besoedel Monster gekweek Nuwe skietbaan ‘n Meisie het erge brandwonde opgedoen na haar rok vlam vat Mopanie Jagters is besig om ‘n nuwe skietbaan te bou Drie ruskampe in die Wildtuin se water is nou al besoedel 2 ‘n Inwoner kweek ‘n bielie van ‘n beet wat 24.6kg weeg 3 3 12 Besoedeling ‘n groot besorgdheid Omgewingsbewuste persone het hulle kommer uitgespreek oor die bedrywighede van Palabora Copper by die Mica stasie. Palabora Copper berg sowat 10 000 ton magnetiet op ‘n gegewe tyd by die stasie vir die versending van die produk per spoor na Mosambiek, waarvandaan dit dan na Sjina versend word. Sjina is ‘n groot invoerder van magnetiet en dit word gebruik in die vervaardiging van staal. Direk langs Mica stasie word ‘n spierwit produk deur Pegmin Mine gemyn en verwerk, wat in verf , glas, seep en keramiek gebruik word. Die produk staan bekend as feldspar. Personeel van Pegmin Mine het hulle besorgdheid en kommer uitgespreek oor die pikswart produk wat moontlik hulle wit produk kan besoedel. Die bronne by Pegmin Mine voel dat daar geen impakstudie in die area gemaak was nie en dat hulle net in kennis gestel was van 2.5 miljoen ton magnetiet per jaar wat vanaf Mica verspoor gaan word. Die gevaar bestaan dat indien besoedeling plaasvind die myn sy deure sal moet sluit en ‘n paar honderd werkgeleenthede verlore sal gaan. Die paaie word besoedel en hulle sê dat die produk ‘n manier het om te kruip en dat stof nie alleen vir KEER STOF: Skadunette wat opgerig is om te probeer om die verspreiding van magnetietstof te keer. besoedeling verantwoordelik is nie. Die bron by Pegmin Mine sê ook dat niemand nou van Mica stasie gebruik kan maak nie behalwe Palabora Copper. Mark Surmon die bestuurder van omgewingsake by Palabora Copper het in antwoord op die besorgdheid gesê dat Palabora Copper alles in hulle vermoeë doen om besoedeling te voorkom. Hy wys daarop dat die paaie rondom die stasie gereeld gevee word. Daar is vier stofvergaarders op die perseel aangebring wat die stofgehalte op elke gegewe oomblik monitor. Groot skadunetstelasies is opgerig om stof te probeer beheer. Daar is ook ‘n reservoir opgerig wat binnekort gebruik sal word om te verseker dat die magnetiet ten alle tye klam bly. Intussen word waterkarre ingespan vir die doel. Mark sê dat daar ook ‘n ooreenkoms is dat daar daagliks monsters van feldspar vir ontleding getrek moet word om vas te stel of besoedeling plaasvind. ‘n Bron by Pegmin sê dat die koste hieraan baie hoog is en dat dit nie gereeld gedoen kan word nie. Mark Sulman wys ook daarop dat die water wat op die magnetiet gespuit word chemies behandel word wat dien as ‘n tipe bindmiddel om besoedeling te voorkom. Palabora Copper het ook ‘n SPIERWIT: Feldspar, die spierwit produk wat in glas en verf gebruik word. stofstasie opgerig wat daagliks gemonitor word. Sulman sê ook dat Palabora Copper vir Transnet genader het omdat die myn nie van padvervoer tot in Mosambiek gebruik kan maak nie. Transnet het Mica stasie aangebied omdat dit die naaste stasie aan Phalaborwa is wat beskikbaar was. Mark sê dat indien ‘n stasie nader aan Phalaborwa beskikbaar sal wees, Palabora Copper daarvan gebruik sal maak in plaas van die stasie op Mica. ‘n Bron by Pegmin Mine sê egter dat hulle klandisie verloor en die hoop uitgespreek dat ‘n oplossing spoedig gevind kan word PADBESOEDELING: Magnetiet wat met ‘n magneet op die pad na die stasie opgetel is. 2 NEWS PHALABORWA HERALD Friday January 24, 2014 Lorette in ongeluk oorlede Kaptein Lorrette Snyman, 41, is op 24 Desember in ‘n motorongeluk op die R71 oorlede. Sy het haar SAP loopbaan reeds in 1991 op Zeerust begin. Sy is gedurende 2005 na Phalaborwa oorgeplaas nadat sy op verskeie plekke in Suid Afrika en in die buiteland diens gedoen het. Haar kollegas sê sy was ‘n baie goeie leier en ook ‘n harde werker en hulle gaan haar innemendheid baie mis. Die projekte waarmee sy voor haar dood mee besig was, het drastiese verbetering begin toon en haar dood is ‘n geweldige groot verlies. EINA: Verbande bedek Karien se lyfie wat erg verband is. BAIE BETER: Dit gaan al baie beter met Karien en sy wag nou vir ‘n veloorplantingoperasie. TRAGIES: Kaptein Lorrette Snyman het die dag voor Kersfees tragies in ‘n motorongeluk gesterf. Rokkie vat vlam - Dogtertjie brand erg ‘n Meisie van Phalaborwa het brandwonde opgedoen nadat haar rokkie aan die brandgeslaan het. Karien Benson (7) het verlede Woensdag, die eerste dag van skool 2de en 3de graad brandwonde opgedoen. Sonja Gouws, wat namens die gesin optree, sê dat Karien na skool ‘n ligter en koeler rokkie aangetrek het en toe gemerk het dat daar ‘n stukkie soom loshang. Sy het, wat sy sien grootmense doen, ‘n aansteker gebruik om die stukkie soom af te brand. Die nylonrokkie het in ‘n oogwink aan die brand geslaan. Haar ma wat in die vertrek langsaan by haar jonger sussie was, het dadelik die vlamme met ‘n duvet probeer blus en daarna saam met Karien in die stort gespring. Mediese hulp is onmiddelik ontbied waarna sy in die hospitaal op Phalaborwa opgeneem is. Ongelukkig behoort haar ouers nie aan ‘n mediesefonds nie en kon die firma, Collibri Landscaping, met die deposito vir opname, help. Die geriewe by die hospitaal op Phalaborwa maak na bewering nie voorsiening vir die behandeling van die aard van brandwonde nie en is sy na die staatshospitaal op Pietersburg oorgeplaas. Karien se pa, Piet Benson, sê dat dit tans goed gaan en dat ‘n veloorplanting heelwaarskynlik teen Woensdag op haar gedoen sal word. Sonja Gouws sê dat daar heelwat nasorg sal moet plaasvind wanneer die operasies eers afgehandel is en doen ‘n beroep op die gemeenskap om finansieël hand by te sit waar moontlik. Sy kan geskakel word by 082 410 8909. Crime news from the area Namakgale Police in Namakgale have arrested 11 people for various criminal activities over the past week. Constable Lucy Sekgotodi, spokesperson for the Namakgale police said one person was arrested for shoplifting, one for violation of protection and nine for drinking liquor in public. Police in Phalaborwa arrested 16 people for various criminal activities over the past week. Phalaborwa Phalaborwa police spokesperson,Constable Elvis Mongwe said one person was arrested for rape, one for common assault, two for shoplifting, one for theft of copper, three for violating the Road Traffic Act, five for drinking liquor in public and one for indecent assault. Mongwe advised Mopani South East FET College prospective students not to fall victims to criminal who targets those who come to register at the college. Gravellotte Police in Gravelotte only arrested one person for trespassing over the weekend. 083 252 8928 Faks: 086 262 3152 92141 Press Council PHALABORWA HERALD is an accredited member of the Press Council adhering to a code for news that is truthful, accurate, fair and balanced. Complaints can be addressed to the Press Ombudsman at (011) 484-3618/9. PHALABORWA HERALD Friday January 24, 2014 NUUS BESOEDELDE RIVIER: Die Selatirivier oppad met sy loop na die Olifantsrivier KNP: Ekologiese ramp wink DRIE kampe in die Kruger Wildtuin se water is nou besoedel. Luidens die Suid Afrikaanse Nasionale Parke is bekend gemaak dat daar verlede Donderdag ‘n verdere stortsel besoedelde water vanaf Bosveld Fosfaat in die Selatirivier beland het. Daar het reeds duisende visse gevrek en SANparke is uiters besorg oor die besoedeling vanaf Bosveld se Kunsmisaanleg. Dit is dadelik aan die adjunk minister van Waterwese en Omgewingsake Rejoice Mabudafhasi gerapporteer, wat saam met SANparke en die Departement van Waterwese die terrein Donderdagmiddag besoek het. Die minister het ernstige kommer uitgespreek en gesê dat die saak baie hoë prioriteit moet geniet. Die SA weerdiens voorspel gunstige weer vir die volgende twee weke wat Bosveld in staat sal stel om onmiddellik stappe te implementeer om verdere besoedeling te voorkom. Dr Stefanie Freitag-Ronaldson se reaksie was dat ‘n opregte onderneming deur die raad van Bosveld geneem moet word om die situasie baie spoedig aan te spreek om sodoende ‘n katastrofiese ekologiese ramp te voorkom. Die Olifantsrivier wat deur die Selatirivier gevoed word is baie belangrik vir die ekonomieë van Suid Afrika en Mosambiek. Dit is ook ‘n baie belangrike komponent in die ekosisteem van die Kruger Wildtuin. Sy voeg by dat as gevolg van die huidige besoedeling, drie toeriste kampe in die Kruger Wildtuin wat van die Olifantsrivier vir water afhanklik is nou deur naby geleë boorgate van water voorsien moet word. Beet-zilla skok ‘n BIELIE van ‘n beet het veruis uit die grond in Phalaborwa. Lynn Kemp is al ‘n paar jaar besig om te eksperimenteer met ondergrondgewasse. Verlede week het sy ‘n knewel van ‘n beet ge-oes met ‘n yslike gewig van 24,6kg. Sy sê haar doelwit is om die groottse en swaarste beet in Suid-Afrika te kweek, of dalk nog in die wêreld. Sy is werksaam op Palaplaas by Phalaborwa en spandeer baie van haar tyd om buitengewone groente te kweek. Lynn vertel baie opgewonde van die groot beet wat sy self gekweek het en sê dat van die beet wat sy kweek al langer as ‘n jaar in die grond is en nog steeds besig is om te groei. Sy sê sy gebruik slegs hoendermis as kunsmis en sorg dat die gewasse baie water kry. Show LOVE your plant a tree BIELIE : Hierdie bielie van ‘n beet trek die skaal op ‘n yslike 24,6kg 3 4 NUUS PHALABORWA HERALD Friday January 24, 2014 Canines to help catch rhino poachers In an effort to curb rhino poaching the South African National Parks Honorary Rangers in Bushveld Region built a dog kennel just outside Phalaborwa gate. The kennel accomodates three dogs, two are sniffer dogs and one is a tracking dog which will assist in catching rhino poachers. Chairman of the SANParks Honorary Rangers, Quinton Vermaak said they raised money to the amount of R45 000 during the rhino festival last year and they were able to raise R30 000 during the fish research day. ‘We were able to complete the kennel within six months, thanks to the community members of Phalaborwa for the contribution and to all our sponsors,’ said Vermaak. The dog kennel was initiated by reverend Martin Van Ransburg during the rhino festival. The honorary rangers would like to thank the following sponsors: Cross Corn, Wilfred Projects, Eddie from Kruger Spar and Rhemiro for their assistant. It took about 6-12 months for the dogs to be trained and the cost was approximately R45 000 per dog. Andries Dhlamini and Michael Nkuna are trained dog handlers, they take the dogs for exercise daily. The dogs names are Zoro, Stormy and Baskat. Ronnel Snydens takes care of the dogs at the kennel. Karren Koetzee from the veterinary provides the dogs with free medicalservice. Quinton Vermaak further said that they didn’t think they could complete the project since it’s a small region. ‘We are happy to assist in the fight against the rhino poaching,’ concluded Vermaak. SNIFFER DOGS: From left is Ronnel Snydens (dog’s caretaker), Quinton Vermaak, Herny Jansen Van Rensburg (project manager) and Andries Dhlamini (dog handler) standing outside the dog Kennel at KNP Phalaborwa gate. BA-PHALABORWA MUNICIPALITY BID No. Tender no 17/2013 PROJECT NAME Erection of New Palisade Steel Fence at Phalaborwa Municipal Office CIDB GRADING COMPULSORY CLARIFICATION MEETING DATE TIME VENUE 2CE or Higher 31/01/2014 09h00 Activity Hall COST CLOSING DATE AND TIME CONTACT PERSON R300 20/02/2014 Mr MA PHOSA (015) 780 6346 at 10h00 TRACKING DOG: Michael Nkuna with Baskat the dog that will be tracking rhino poachers in the field. PHALABORWA HERALD Friday January 24, 2014 ALGEMEEN DANKBAAR: Dankbare ontvangers van hulp. Voor van links, Nico Kruger en Danica Swart. Agter, Jannie Meintjies, Christo Adendorff, Frangipani Skool, Chrizelle Meintjies, Lonika Booysen, Frangipani Skool en Nkhesani Khosa, Nthabiseng Special School. Die gemeenskap word bedank Aan die einde van verlede jaar het Jannie Meintjies van Ilanga Konstruksie n geselligheid aangebied om aan almal wat betrokke was by die Good Morning Angels Projek dankie te sê. Chrizelle Meintjies sê dat hulle dit ten doel stel om elke tweede jaar ‘n projek aan te pak om mense in nood van die Phalaborwa omgewing deur middel van Good Morning Angels by te staan. Die aand is bekend gemaak dat ‘n totale bedrag van R325 000 ingesamel is. Die persone wat baat gevind het by die projek het ook die aand bygewoon. Hulle is Nico Kruger, Danica Swart, Frangipani Skool vir Gestremdes en Nthabiseng Special School. Twee kerke, World Back to Jesus en God’s Daily Blessing Ministry het ook hulp ontvang. Die borge wat met die groot projek meegehelp het is: Charlie (Swimrite) - Nico, Cheryl en Manager (Sefapane) – Matrieks, Christina en Willem den Heijer (Ruah bad produkte) – matrieks, Nadine Adendorff en Dorcus (Aberdine Salon) – matrieks, Gene du Preez en Karen van der Merwe (Edu WE LOVE, CARE AND GET HAPPINESS HOUSE 253 ZONE C NAMAKGALE P.O. BOX 2136 Phalaborwa 1390 Enquiries: 083 358 6856 076 361 7237 Activities: - Breakfast - Lunch - Exercises - Educational talk - Art work - Food Gardening - Spiritual guidance Open from Monday to Friday Time: 7:00 until 16:00pm Stand no: 253C Namakgale Centre) – Nthabiseng School, Ilse en Jaco Klopper (Klere) – matrieks, Jaco Gericke en lede van CPF (Verbande en lede) – Nico, Karen Benade (Playball) – Nico, Mariaan en Erenst Breedt (Trampolien)- Nico, Melissa en Ross (Renaissance Beauty Salon) – matrieks, Patrick (Makoma – koeldrank) – matrieks, Tiny (Tiny Hair Salon) – matrieks, Tony en Leone Cawood (Spur partytjie) – Nthabiseng School, Piet en Adele (Coastal) - kontant, Rupert Goss (Cranetech) – kontant Callie Burger (Burgess & Burger) -kontant 5 6 GENERAL PHALABORWA HERALD Friday January 24, 2014 Mine lends a (festive) hand BA-PHALABORWA MUNICIPALITY The children in Maphuta Malatji Hospital received Christmas presents from Palabora Copper in December. Speaking on behalf of Palabora, Alfred Ramoshaba, principal advisor employee relations, said that the visit was ‘a gesture to appreciate our children, especially when in hospital. As a company, we believe in making a difference in people’s lives. It is also important that we touch the hearts of the children and bring a smile especially during festive season,’ said Ramoshaba. He also said that these are the children who will in future look after us, who will grow up to become professionals in the various fields and further make a difference in our society. ‘At Palabora, we encourage our employees to also do more in their communities and touch the hearts of people in their communities,’ concluded Ramoshaba. The chief executive officer of the hospital Rebecca Peta thanked Palabora for their continuous support during the festive seasons. ‘It is a beautiful surprise for the children who are sitting here today to have the leaders of Palabora coming down to the hospital and hand them their Christmas presents. As the hospital, we cherish and appreciate the relationship that exists between us and the company,’ said Peta. In his vote of thanks Dr. Joshua Ajiwole mentioned that the healing process is very much depended on the love that the patient receives from everybody around them. ‘Healing does not only happen because of medication provided alone but the love that we show to our children assists to hasten the healing process,’ said Ajiwole. Upon arrival, the PC team was welcomed by songs of praise sung by the hospital staff who showed to be excited to have such visitors at their midst. The staff later dawned on their Tsonga regalia and performed a traditional dance until Ramoshaba joined in to show his moves. Lira KG Production Choir gave a suave performance when they sang ‘Let it shine’. Also in attendance was the general manager for human resources Maboko Mahlaole, general manager for corporate affairs (acting) Hulisani Nemaxwi, superintendent communications Tshedi Motloi, superintendent stakeholder engagement Ray Duba who also directed the programme, pensions officers Salma Malatji and Precious Ndobe. . Beware of employment scammers Ba-Phalaborwa municipality has learnt with dismay of a job scam by some criminals who masquerade as representatives of the municipality. Ba Phalaborwa Municipality spokesperson, Jonas Mahesu said criminals approach unsuspecting desperate job seekers with promises of employment in the municipality in exchange for cash. They demand an upfront fee from the job seeker, either to be deposited in a bank account or paid in cash. The criminals also provide a cell phone number which is either switched off or ring unanswered. ‘We have put in place measures to avoid leak of information about applicants. We would like to set the record straight. The Ba-Phalaborwa municipality or any of its employees or councilors will never demand any fee or payment intended on securing employment or even a tender in the municipality,’ said Mahesu. He further said that any individual that make such assurance is doing it illegally and must be reported to the police immediately. He also urged members of the public and stakeholders to spread the message. Tweet your views on twitter @looktzaneen M&C SAATCHI ABEL 8481/E GET UP TO 50% OFF A SELECTION OF OUR EXTENSIVE RANGE OF EXCLUSIVE SHOE BRANDS! VERWOERD ROAD, PHALABORWA MALL, PHALABORWA, LIMPOPO. 23 JANUARY - 2 FEBRUARY 2014 PHALABORWA HERALD Friday January 24, 2014 SKOLE NUUS Hoërskool Frans du Toit kan vanjaar met reg trots wees op uitstekende matriekuitslae. Die skool is aangewys as een van die TOP 40-skole wat kwaliteitsonderrig lewer na aanleiding van kandidate wat geslaag het en wat universiteitstoelating verkry het . Fransies matriekuitslae span die kroon Hoërskool Frans du Toit kan vanjaar met reg trots wees op uitstekende matriekuitslae. Die skool is aangewys as een van die TOP 40-skole wat kwaliteitsonderrig lewer na aanleiding van kandidate wat geslaag het en wat universiteitstoelating verkry het . Met die prestasies van leerders soos Suné Scheppers met soveel as 8 onderskeidings, Carl Buitendach en Carl Coetzee met 6 onderskeidings elk, Leandri Bezuidenhout, Daniel Klynsmith, Ndzalama Makhubele, Motau Selebale, Khanyisile Ntimani en Amu Shiseve met 4 elk en Ruan Els, Tilana Locherenberg en Agatha Mills met 3 elk en verskeie leerders met twee onderskeidings elk en 26 met een onderskeiding elk, is dit duidelik dat die skool in sy doel van akademiese uitnemendheid slaag. The school can be proud of its 96 subject distinctions. Over and above the number of distinctions, there are also many learners who can be proud of results showing excellent 6 (B-symbols) and 5 (C-symbols) counts in their subjects. One is once again reassured by these excellent grade 12 results achieved by Frans du Toit High School. Hierdie skool van uitnemendheid het dit moontlik gemaak vir 62 leerders om te kwalifiseer om ‘n graadkursus van hul keuse aan ‘n universiteit te kan volg, terwyl ‘n verdere 79 kandidate hulself aan ‘n tersiêre inrigting vir ‘n loopbaan kan bekwaam. This is proof of dedicated educators who do not spare themselves when it comes to hard work and inspiring their learners to give their utmost. Vakgemiddeldes van 60 % plus (soos behaal deur talle van die vakke wat by ons plaaslike skool aaangebied word) wat in ‘n eksterne graad 12 eksamen behaal word, dui op leerkragte wat as van die beste in die provinsie gereken word. Daar was opgewondenheid onder leerders met uitslae wat hulle verwagtinge oortref het en onder die leerkragte was daar ‘n groot dankbaarheid om te kon ervaar hoe leerders hul beste in die afgelope eksamens gegee het. Die gemeenskap van Phalaborwa kan met reg trots wees op sy kinders en leerkragte. Frans du Toit is indeed a school where educators are determined to do their utmost amongst a spirit of doubt and uncertainties when it comes to education in the media; educators capable of inspiring young adults to strive for the ultimate to prove themselves in the world out there. 7 8 CLASSIFIEDS classified 0000 NOTICES 0007 EMPLOYMENT LOOKING FOR WORK Experience: Roading transport 1,4months, Ilanga Phalaborwa, Phalaborwa Mall, Nmakgale mall cleaner 6 months, domestic worker 1 year Contact 0791236521 CODED WELDER ZV000468 NEEDED Coded welder needed LOOKING FOR WORK at Burger & Burger on Experience: Security Phalabora Copper Gaurd 2 years, General mine. Must have valid worker 2years, red seal. Must be Domestic work, medically fit. Catering, Drivers Emial cv to: license code 10. 5 Domestic work 1 year Persoonlik / Personal ZV000459 Contact 0716214124 iNDEX 6 Kerkdienste Church Services 7 Vakature Employment 8 Betrekking gevra Employment wanted 9 Geld / Money 10 Besigheid te koop Business for sale 11 Besigheid te huur Business for rent VACANCY Tshega Christian Missions has an opening for: PreSchool Manager. Applicants must have following requirements: SACE Registered, ENGLISH medium, Honors Degree. Valid Certification must be presented. Applications: Fax: 086-231-7713 ZV000469 13 Bloemiste / Florist 14 Kwekery / Nursery 15 Akkommodasie Accommodation 16 Prof. Dienste Prof. Services 17 Dienste / Services 18 Vermaak Entertainment 19 Troeteldiere / Pets 20 Vervoer / Transport 21 Vakansie Oorde Holiday Resorts 22 Plase & Plotte Farms & Small Holdings 23 Eiendom te koop Property for sale 24 Eiendom te huur Property to rent 25 Te Huur / To Rent 26 Gevra / Wanted 28 Eiendom gevra Property wanted 29 Motorfietse / Bikes 30 Lewende Hawe Livestock 31 Allerlei / Random 33 Ruilhoekie Exchange 34 Karavane Caravans 35 Te Koop / For Sale 36 Verlore / Lost DOMESTIC WORK 1year experience in cleaning and ironing. Contact Grace 0764417660 LOOKING FOR WORK I am looking for a job. I am 32 years old, i have grade C for sercurity. Experience in working in a restaurant. i also have 1 year experience as a domestic/general worker. Phone 0848628989 ZV000458 SOEK WERK VIR MAANDAG, WOENSDAG EN VRYDAG Huisskoonmaak, kyk na kinders, kook. Het ervaring opgedoen by gaste huis. Kontak Maria by 0730245211 ZV000475 DOMESTIC WORK 6years experience in cleaning, ironing and household chores. Contact Joyce 0736617245 ZV000494 LOOKING FOR WORK Experience: Impala Inn 3 years, Domestic work 2 years, Shoprite cleaner 2 years Contact 0764980461 Marie Helm Gesertifiseerde - Hipnoterapeut (Nie-Medies) YM008344 SKYLIGHTS Cheap and easy way to get more light into your house. From R2200. Dewald 0844-455-455 YM008347 GARDEN CLEANING AND FENCING SERVICES Do you want to remove and clear all unwanted trees that are damaging your house, yard wall and pavement? Clearing of Game farms for better viewing and bush clearing for new development. Rubble and wastes removal. We also offer fencing services. For best service call Aubrey on 078-441-5391 or 072-476-1146. ZV000470 LIMPOPO FURNITURE MOVERS AND TRAILERS RENTAL 082-575-7769 YM008341 CARPET CLEANING SERVICES, LOUNGE SUITES THE RIGHT WAY. 1. Pre-spray soap to clean. 2. Defoamer softner nutralizer. Soap attracts dirt and gets sticky "nutralize" Contact Danie at 0846522258 0016 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Fusion Business Registrations. Company registrations, CIPC annual returns, SARS Registrations (Individual /Corporate), APPROVED BEE EME Certificates, THATCH ROOFS, UIF and Workmans HARVEY ROOFS, Compensations. WOODEN DECKS, Please email WOODPLASTIC DECKING & JUNGLE Call Shane 082 389 GYMS. CALL WALT 2467 AT 082-872-5530 ZV000517 YM008328 LOOKING FOR WORK Experience: Omega dry cleaners 5 years, Press in time laundry 1 year, Domestic work 1 year, Shoprite cleaner. Contact 0789115349 ZV000466 ZV000450 KUMON Supplementary maths and english activities. Give your child a chance to develop his /her full potential! No more stress/anxiety before tests! Contact Karen 076 273 5499 for more information. ZV000453 PHALABORWA KARATE KLUB Karate klasse het op 16 /01/2014 begin. Beginners welkom vanaf 6jr tot 100jr oud. Klasse by Selatiklub (langs kingfisher skool) Tye: Dinsdae en Donderdae vanaf 5uur tot 6uur. Enige navrae skakel asb. Adri by 082 436 2300 Senseis - Kiewiet, Annerietha en Adri ZV000498 PLUMBING / ELECTRICAL AND MINOR BUILDING 20 years experience. Contact Gerrit 0713890605 ZV000496 To place a classified ad: Tel: 015 781 5484 Fax: 015 781 5752 GRASDAKKE HARVEY DAKKE, HOUT DEKKE, HOUTPLASTIEK DEKKE & KLIMRAME. SKAKEL WALT BY 082-872-5530 YM008324 JOU BESIGHEID SE BOEKE; KOPSEER OF VREUGDE? By Maritel doen ons: •Boeke tot op finale proef (bank, kleinkas, debiteure, krediteure en alle gepaardgaande rekonsiliasie) •Bestuurstate •BTW, alle fasette (Boere wat mark toe stuur baie welkom) •U.I.F. (Werkloosheids versekering) •NS! Doen ook Pastel opleiding met `n verskil, prakties by die werkplek. Groot sukses!! Skakel nou vir Marie by 072-409-7057 YM008322 Manor Valley Ice. Wholesale Ice suppliers. Blocks and Cubes. We deliver. Hein: 072-775-4649 Gert: 083-288-2908 YM008272 0020 TRANSPORT / TAXIS / COURIERS ZV000502 0023 PROPERTIES FOR SALE DVD SHOP DVD shop for sale R420 000 Contact Glenda 015-781-7177 ZV000461 Find us at our new location 11 Naboom St., Hyacynth Properties, call office 015 781 2828/ o72 561 7066 or Musa 079 992 6139. ZV000532 Flat For Sale 3bedroom, 1.5 bathroom, lounge /dining room, kitchen, secure complex, selling at R400 000. Call Musa 079 992 6139/072 561 7066 or Office 015 781 2828 ZV000523 Flat for sale 2bedroom, kitchen, lounge, 1bathroom. Secure complex, communal pool, selling at R340 000. Call Musa 079 992 6139/ 072 561 7066 or Office 015 781 2828 ZV000522 Flat For Sale 2Bedrooms, kitchen, lounge, 1.5 bathroom, fully tiled, secure complex R310 000 neg. Call Musa 079 992 6139/ 072 561 7066 or Hyacynth Properties 015 781 2828 ZV000528 Flat For Sale 2bedrooms, kitchen, lounge, 1.5 bathroom, secure complex selling at R320 000 neg. Call Musa 079 992 6139/ 072 561 7066 or Hyacynth Properties 015 781 2828. ZV000530 Flat For Sale 2bedrooms, kitchen, lounge, 1.5bathroom, neatly tiled, secure complex selling at R320 000. Call Musa 079 992 6139/ 072 561 7066 or Hyacynth Properties 015 781 2828. VERVOER & VERPAK VAN MEUBELS SKAKEL ZV000529 MELODY VIR KWOTASIE FOR SALE: R1,05 m 015-345-1192/ SPACIOUS HOME 084-627-0956/ WITH POTENTIAL 076-410-9503/ Entrance patio, lounge, 082-851-7139 dining room, study, large kitchen and large epos: laundry and scullery, 3 bedrooms, 2 web: www.steynbergmeubel bathrooms, double garage, store room, swimming pool and YM008325 LETABA REKENMEESTERS Finansiële State, alle Belastingsopgawes, Belastingadvies, Boedelberedding,NCR Registrasie, Oprigting van BK`s, T r u s t e n Maatskappye, Debietorder Stelsel. Boekhouding en Belasting Hersiening. Professionele Rekenmeesters(SA). Skakel Jaco De Wet 082-804-4158 of 015-307-6202/3 Strictly Cash Only Deadline: Mondays @ 12:00 SHUTTLE/BUS SERVICE Every 1st and last Satruday of the month. From Phalaborwa, Tzaneen to Pretoria and O.R.Tambo as well as town in beween and back the same day. Also Game Drive`s Daily Kruger National Park and Panarama Route Day Drives. Contact Koos at 0721280552 or 0766296771 ZV000430 MOBI PERSONAL TRAINER AND PURE ROMANCE CONSULTANT Female orientated to empower, educate, entertain. In the privacy of your own home. No equipment required 45 minute sessions Contact: Annatjie de Klerk 083 452 4486 ZV000467 Kontak jou plaaslike Hipnoterapeut dadelik by 082 683 2835 PESTCONTROL For all your Pestcontrol needs and services. Contact Louis 071-603-3314 ZV000472 ZV000495 ZV000500 • Jy kan aan jouself bewys dat jy ernstig is omdat jy NOU kan optree TEMANI POOL CARE & MAINTENANCE Repairs to pool surface, cracks, poolcrete and painting with epoxy resin. Pools canbe viewed at 56 Alwyn street, Johan Maritz; 24 Bains Crescent and Grey flats pool, Phalaborwa. Contact Andy Young 0828021941, Danie Richards 0765740811, Dewald Bodenstein 0829235040 0008 EMPLOYMENT WANTED LOOKING FOR WORK Hansmerenky 13yr golf course gardener. Mogol club, golf bolling green. Turftek 5yr experience, Health and safety certificate, Mystic river garden maintenance, Hardekool maintenance. Contact Erick 0717080572 JA!! ZV000499 12 Meubels / Furniture • Is dit jou Nuwejaarsvoorneme? Painting of houses. Building of lapas/repair. Tiles. Removal of garden rubbish. Cut and removal of trees. Build of braais/wall /paving. Build of steel garages. Contact 078-019-9049 YM008496 0017 SERVICES WIL JY OPHOU ROOK? PHALABORWA HERALD Friday January 24, 2014 YM008338 Mr Cool - On site repairs. Repairs: Fridges, Freezers, Washing Machines, Tumble Dryers, Dishwashers, Stoves. Airconditioner sales & service. 087-751-2333 / 015-386-8735 YM008493 PABX Telephone systems. Transfer of PABX systems, Transfer of ext points and any cabling, Network cabling and points, Premicells, Cost management. Quatations contact Hendrie 082-534-3785 YM008481 lapa, corner stand property Contact Douw-Marie Loxton 072 625 9115 at Jen Tom Properties Weeklikse Shuttle Service beskikbaar. ZV000515 Tzaneen na Gauteng en terug via FOR SALE: R3,5 Polokwane. Ook OR HANS MERENSKY Tambo en Lanseria ESTATE Lughawe. OVERLOOKING Kontak GOLF COURSE 081-557-2299 of FAIRWAYS Lounge, dining room, 3 epos: bedrooms with build-in cupboards, 3 en-suite vir verdere bathrooms, kitchen, besonderhede. YM008348 MEUBELVERVOER Vervoer en verpak van meubels landswyd sowel as plaaslik. Marlien 083-252-8928 YM008315 scullery and laundry, double garage, lapa with build-in braai, swimming pool, servants toilet and shower, alarm system, sprinkle irrigated and a maintained Contact Tommie Marais 082 882 5447 at Jen Tom Properties ZV000511 FOR SALE: R1,4 PRICE REDUCED SPACIOUS HOME Spacious home consisting of lounge, diningroom, family room, 4 bedrooms, 2½ bathrooms (1 en-suite), spacious double room kitchen, laundry, swimming pool, fish pond, patio at back door, lapa with built-in braai, alarm system with monitor and 5 cameras outside, double carport, 5000 liter water tank with pressure pump, automated irrigation system Contact Tommie Marais 082 882 5447 at Jen Tom Properties ZV000516 WANTED: PROPERTIES FOR SALE AND RENTAL. WE NEED THE PROPERTIES URGENTLY. Contact Tommie Marais 082 882 5447 OR Jenny Marais 082 878 6871 OR Douw-Marie Loxton 072 625 9115 at Jen Tom Properties ZV000512 FOR SALE: R750 000 FOR THE BEGINNER Lounge and dining room, kitchen, 3 bedrooms, 1 ½ bathrooms, laundry, lock up garage, servants room Contact Tommie Marais 082 882 5447 at Jen Tom Properties ZV000514 Town House For Sale 3bedroom townhouse, 1.5bthrooms, combined lounge and dinning room, neat kitchen, scullery, carport, close to town and schools. Selling Price R560.000.Call Musa 079 992 6139/ 072 561 7066 or Hyacynth Properties 015 781 2828 ZV000527 Property Wanted For Sale and Rental Property for sale wanted up to R900.000. Call Musa 079 992 6139/ 072 561 7066 or Hyacynth Properties 015 781 2828. Urgently looking for rentals from R3000 to R8000, Call Musa 079 992 6139/ 072 561 7066 or Hyacynth Properties 015 781 2828 ZV000533 FOR SALE: R 825 000 THE PERFECT FAMILY HOME Lounge, Dining room, Study, 3 Bedrooms, 1 bathroom, Kitchen, Laundry, Garage, Patio, Swimming pool, Servants room with toilet and shower, Alarm system with monitor, camera and censors, Electric motor gate, Electrical facilities are fitted to have a generator connected, 5000 lt water tank with pressure pump. Contact Douw-Marie Loxton 072 625 9115 at Jen Tom Properties ZV000513 PLOT FOR SALE 23,8ha Plot Grietjie Nature Reserve for only R880 000 Contact Glenda at 015-781-7177 ZV000462 PHALABORWA HERALD Friday January 24, 2014 SKOLENUUS 9 classif ied Strictly Cash Only Deadline: Mondays @ 12:00 NUWE GRAAD 1’S: Rooiskool verwelkom 2014 se nuwe Gr 1 leerlinge. ‘Ons weet dat julle sommer baie gelukkig sal wees hier by ons’. House for sale( Namakgale) Tastefull recently renovated 3 bedroom, 2.5 bathroom, lounge kitchen, neatly tiled, garden, garage for sale at R440 000. Call Musa 079 992 6139/ 072 561 7066 or Hyacynth Properties 015 781 2828 ZV000531 House For Sale 3bedroom, 1.5bathroom, kitchen, dinning room, lounge, study, 1 lock up garage, outside room and toilet. Selling price R620 000.Call Musa 079 992 6139/ 072 561 7066 or Hyacynth Properties 015 781 2828. ZV000526 NUWE GESIGGIES: Die Groenskool op Phalaborwa spog met meer as 90 nuwe gr1 leerders House For Sale 3bedroom, 2bathrooms, open plan kitchen, pantry, scullery, dinning room, lounge/tv room, jaccuzzi, carport, outside flatlet with 2bedrooms, tv room, kitchen, 1.5bathroom, carport, palisade fence, close to town,all schools and college. Selling price R840 000. Call Musa 079 992 6139/072 561 7066 or Hyacynth Properties 015 781 2828. ZV000521 PICKING OUT PERFORMANCE We make a point of recognising success. ENGINEERING TECHICIAN, SUPERVISOR: PLANT TECHNICIANS (PLANT), KUMBA IRON ORE, SISHEN MINE, NORTHERN CAPE BAND 6 Kumba Iron Ore is a world leader in the mining and supply of the highest quality iron ore to the global steel industry. With haematite reserves of more than a billion tonnes, we’re a growing South African company and the fourth largest supplier of seaborne iron ore in the world. A part of Anglo American, we are helping to build the leading global mining company. This role will see you be responsible for managing the Plant Technicians, which will include identifying and implementing improvement projects to reduce trade costs and increase production, as well as compiling the operations- and manpower budget. Developing and managing manpower as well as liaising with contractors, suppliers and other heads are further key role focuses. To be successful, you will need an NDip/BTech Engineering (Mechanical/Electrical) qualification, and some 4-6 years’ relevant experience as a technician, foreman or in a related field (preferably in the plant). Computer literacy is a prerequisite, along with Scada and PLC knowledge and a valid driver’s licence. Technical expertise and good communication skills will stand you in good stead, and you will need strong leadership skills. Ref: S707912 Incomplete applications and applications without valid copies of qualifications and/ or licences attached as indicated in the job requirements for this role will not be considered. Preference will be given to applicants from the designated groups defined in terms of the company’s Employment Equity policy. See your career dreams grow at Kumba Iron Ore Ltd. Apply today by visiting Follow the links to Careers/Current Vacancies, enter the above reference number/job title and continue. Closing date: 31 January 2014 All applicants are thanked for their interest. If you do not receive feedback from us within 6 weeks of the closing date, please consider your application unsuccessful. Communication will be with short-listed candidates only. Human Communications 105564 House For Sale 4bedroom, open plan kitchen, 2bathrooms,Lounge, Dining room, Bar,laundry room, swimming pool, Carport enough to park 5 cars, servant quarters, selling at R1 200 000. Call Musa 079 992 6139/ 072 561 7066 or Office 015 781 2828 ZV000524 Priced To Sell 4bedroom, neat wooden kitchen, pantry, 2bathrooms, dinning room, tv/family room, spacious lounge, 3lock up garages, swimming pool, neat garden, palisade fence, selling at R850 000. Call 079 992 6139/ 072 561 7066 or Office 015 781 2828 ZV000525 0024 PROPERTIES TO LET To place a classified ad: Tel: 015 781 5484 or Fax: 015 781 5752 Rental Available 3 bedroom, 1.5 bathroom, neat wooden kitchen, lounge/dinning, fully tiled, flat with 1 bedroom, shower, toilet, laundry room, I lock up garage, Carport, neat garden available for rent on the 1st of Februaury 2104 @R7000pm. Call Musa 079 992 6139/ 072 561 7066 or Hyacynth Properties 015 781 2828. ZV000520 TE HUUR 1 Slaapkamer woonstel te huur, water en ligte ingesluit en vol DSTV paket beskikbaar. R4000 onderhandelbaar. Kontak Barend 083 956 0714 ZV000544 TO LET: R4500.00 SPACIOUS 2 BEDROOM FLAT: NO KIDS & NO ANIMALS Lounge, Kitchen, 2 bedroom, bathroom, veranda, carport, Pre-paid meter. Contact Jenny Marais 082 878 6871 at Jen Tom Properties ZV000506 TO LET: R6600 FAMILY HOME Lounge, Dining room, Study, 3 Bedrooms, 1 bathroom, Kitchen, Laundry, Garage, Patio, Swimming pool, Servants room with toilet and shower, Alarm system with monitor, camera and censors, Electric motor gate, Electrical facilities are fitted to have a generator connected, 5000 lt water tank with pressure pump. Contact Douw-Marie Loxton 072 625 9115 at Jen Tom Properties ZV000507 TO LET: R7000 SPACIOUS HOME House with lounge and dining room, 3 bedrooms and study OR 4th bedroom, bathroom and separate toilet, kitchen, laundry, swimming pool, lock up garage, alarm system with sensors and monitor Contact Jenny Marais 082 878 6871 at Jen Tom Properties ZV000508 GARDEN FLAT TO RENT Ideal for bachelors, sitting room, kitchenette, one bedroom, shower & toilet, carport & aircon seperate from the main house. Rent: R3000 incl W&L Contact 0729389306 ZV000501 NEWLY BUILT SELFSTORAGES WITH SECURITY TO LET IN TZANEEN AREA. 9, 18 and 32sq.m. from R250, R500 and R1000 p.m. plus vat. Contact 083-265-3129 / 083-451-9557 TO LET: R8500 FOR THE EXTENDED FAMILY House with very large lounge, tv room, dining room with open plan kitchen and large pantry, 4 bedrooms (3 bedrooms en-suite), 3 bathrooms and separate toilet, sewing room OR 5th bedroom, laundry, linen room, lock up garage for 4 vehicles, servants room and bathroom, outside store room Contact Jenny Marais 082 878 6871 at Jen Tom Properties ZV000510 TO LET: SELF LOCK STORAGE AVAILABLE IN SECURED AREA Contact Tommie Marais 082 882 5447 at Jen Tom Properties TO LET: R8500 HOME WITH INDIGINES GARDEN House with open plan lounge - dining room and kitchen, pantry, 4 bedrooms and study on loft, 3 bathrooms, high walls around property Contact Tommie Marais 082 882 5447 at Jen Tom Properties ZV000505 ZV000509 YM008446 TO RENT Available 1 February 2014. 3 Bedroom, lounge, dining room, 2 bathrooms, prepaid meter, fully tiled, split units, motorised gate, shady garden with boma, garden service included, irregation, no dogs. R7000 pm, same deposito. Call 0731439649 Almost New Yamaha Mio, Motorfiets R10.000. Robin EC 17 Striker Selfaangedrewe Grassnyer R5000. Butchery as running concern. Skakel Jaco 082-804-4158 YM008505 ZV000519 0026 WANTED WANTED Victorian ball and claw bath, any condition. Contact Gerrit 015-781-2124 or 071-389-0605 ZV000497 0030 LIVESTOCK Livestock for sale. Chickens. Australorp Cock plus 4 Hens R350.00. Australorp Haan plus 4 Henne R350.00. Phone John: 015-307-4479 or los boodskap by 082-440-2033 YM008478 TZANEEN: Sheep and Goats for sale from R1000.00 R1850.00 Incubators /Hatchers from R4000.00. Makoue R300 pair. Jaco 082-804-4158 R100 The ad will appear in the Letaba Herald with a block and logo or colour background. YM008337 0035 FOR SALE 3 x 2009 Yamaha AG 100 Motorbike for sale R7000.00 each. 1 x 2009 Yamaha AG 200 R12000.00. Call 083-457-8832 YM008485 MANGO AND PALM TREES FOR SALE Grafted at R25 and Palms from R10 5L bag.QUADS FOR HIRE R300per hour plus R150 lifting. Doug 083-453-2228. Sunland Nursery. ACCOMMODATION available AT WORLDS BIGGEST BAOBAB. 5 Chalets ensuite. R300 p/p. Contractors Wendy houses/caravans etc. R100 p/p. Heather 082-413-2228 R75 The ad will appear in the Letaba, Phalaborwa and Hoedspruit Herald with a block around. YM008332 TE KOOP Gypsey 3B Karavaan 1981, baie goeie toestand met al sy tente en extras. Prys R22000›D›D›D 000 onderhandelbaar. Kontak 073 477 9046 ZV000518 INSTANT LAWN LM & COASTAL BUFFALO (SWAZI) AND ST AUGUSTINE GRASS @ R25 per sq.m. Contact 073-548-3684 YM008319 Dressed farm fresh chickens. R28/kg while stocks last. Free delivery for any order of 10 or more. Mon, Wed or Friday. Andrew 084-687-5299 YM008448 R50 The ad will appear in the Letaba, Phalaborwa and Mopani Herald 10 PROMOTION PHALABORWA HERALD Friday January 24, 2014 New Stock coming soon! R135 000 2009 Hyundai Tucson 2.0 GLS R179 000 R59 000 2014 Chana 1300 P/U NEW R159 R105000 000 R298 000 2011 Mercedes C180 BE Classic A/T Navigation 47 269km R115 000 2008 Nissan Qashqai 2.0 DCi Accenta 2012 Hyundai i10 1.1 GLS Motion 2012 Nissan Micra 1.2 Accenta 5 DR R139 000 R125 000 R154 000 2010 Opel Corsa 1.4 Essentia 5DR 2012 Hyundai i20 1.4 Fluid Uys de Villiers 078-472-3187 Cliff Raphala 072-327-7310 Kevin Zwane 073-689-6958 Pollie Smit 083 463 3531 Lisbeth Lamola 076-385-4969 2011 Chevrolet Cruz 1.6 LS R157 000 2011 Hyundai i30 60 000 km R95 000 2009 Ford Focus 2.0 TDCi R99 500 2012 Chevrolet Spark 1.2L 5D Hyundai Tzaneen Tel: (015) 307 3179/3172 Fax: 086 691 9218 Hyundai Tzaneen 20 Skirving Street Tzaneen Nick Madzivanzira 072-368-4880 Albertina Kapa 071-384-2400 Patrick Phaladi 073-351-0007 Tel: 015 307 1239/3441 Marius Atkins 083-755-1234 PHALABORWA HERALD Friday January 24, 2014 Phala rugby op dreef Phalaborwa rugby is goed op dreef en die eerste week het goed afgeloop met ‘n gemiddeld van 22 spelers wat die oefeninge bygewoon het. Hulle kort nog spelers om 3 spanne in te skryf, hoe gouer jy gaan oefen hoe beter vir jou. Daar heers ‘n baie goeie gees tussen die afrigter en spelers soos wat hul met die oefen sessies werk. Gaan kyk vir jou self, daar is ‘n groot dryf om hierdie jaar ‘n groot seisoen te maak. Hulle is bevooreg om met so ‘n goeie afrigtings span te kan spog, hul het ook self groot rugby gespeel om hul kennis van die spel oor te dra na die spelers. Hulle oefen Maandae, Dinsdae en Donderdae op Impala Park, daar word vanaf 18:00 bal geskop maar die oefeninge begin stiptelik om 18:30. Hulle is bevoorreg om Louis Peens by te kry om te help met die afrigting van die agterlyne. Indien daar enige navrae is skakel Cassie Strydom 082 821 7643 SPORT NUUS 11 LEGALS Plant trees Happiness tips Plant hope Avoid credit cards. Pay cash for a purchase, you’ll spend less, feeling the bills Switch off your geyser between 5pm and 9pm. Here’s why: The reason we ask you to switch off your geyser between 5pm and 9pm, is that the country uses more electricity during this time and supply is under severe pressure. Switching off your geyser helps free up power for other things and relieves the pressure on the grid. Here’s an interesting fact, the huge demand for energy during the evening between 5pm and 9pm is the equivalent of one power station. There is an estimated 5,4 million electric geysers in homes across South Africa. Switch off your geyser every day between 5pm and 9pm, and help us beat the peak to keep South Africa powered up. For more information visit Eskom Holdings SOC Limited Reg No 2002/015527/06 Mohlaleng_1739_E1 AUCTION IN THE MAGISTRATES COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF GROBLERSDAL HELD AT GROBLERSDAL. In the matter between: Case no: 618/2013. CLIVE ROLAND WIGGILL N.O., 1ST EXECUTION CREDITOR. ELSIE MARIA WIGGILL N.O., 2ND EXECUTION CREDITOR. NICOLAAS WILLEM LIGTHELM N.O., 3RD EXECUTION CREDITOR and MOGALAKWENA WILDSBOERDERTY EXECUTION DEBTOR. PURSUANT to a judgement by the magistrate GROBLERSDAL granted on 05 SEPTEMBER 2013 the under mentioned goods will be sold at 09h00 on 01 MARCH 2014 by public auction to be held at THE SHERIFF'S STORE, 13 NABOOM STREET, PHALABORWA, by the sheriff for the Magistrates Court to the highest bidder for cash, namely: 1 X NISSAN FORKLIFT 2.5 TON. 1. This sale is a sale in execution pursuant to a judgment obtained in the above honourable Court. 2. The rules of the auction is available 24 hours prior to the auction at the Magistrate PHALABORWA Office at 13 NABOOM STREET, PHALABORWA. 3. Registration as a buyer is a pre-requisite subject to a specific condition, inter alia. 4. Directive of the Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2008; (Url 5. FICA legislation in respect of proof of identify and address particulars, payment of registration deposit of R500.00 in cash. 6. The office of the Sheriff wil conduct the sale with the auctioneers being A. SMITH. 7. Goods will be sold for cash only to the highest bidder or sold subject to confirmation as per the Consumer Protection Act upon instructions from the execution creditor. SIGNED at TZANEEN on the 14th day of JANUARY 2014. (sgd) S J VAN RENSBURG. ATTORNEYS FOR E X E C U T I O N C R E D I TO R . S T E P H A N VA N RENSBURG ATTORNEYS, RENCOLE RIDGE BUILDING, 11 LOOP STREET. P O BOX 720, TZANEEN. Tel: 015307-4458. Fax: 015-307 1253. Email: Ref: WB0031 / ar / SJVR APPLICATION FOR WRITTEN CONSENT IN TERM OF CLAUSE 23.1(a) OF THE BA-PHALABORWA LANDUSE SCHEME 2008 FOR: USE OF BUILDINGS FOR MORE THAN ONE PURPOSE ON 13 PRESIDENT VAN RENSBURG STREET, ERF 1051. It is hereby notified that application has been made in terms of clause 23.1(a) of the Ba-Phalaborwa land use scheme, 2008 by Alda Schaap for the use of Erf 1051 at 13 President Van Rensburg Street, Phalaborwa for more than one purpose. Applicant contact details: Alda Achaap, 13 President Van Rensburg Street, Phalaborwa, Cell 0836491271. Date of first notice 24 January 2014. PHALABORWA WYSIGINGSKEMA 32 Ek, Theo Kotze, synde die gemagtigde agent van die eienaar van ondergemelde eiendomme, gee hiermee ingevolge artikel 56(1)(b)(i) van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe (Ordonnansie 15 van 1986), kennis dat ek aansoek gedoen het by die BaPhalaborwa munsipaliteit vir die hersonering van Gedeeltes 34, 35, 42 45, 55, 58, 63 66, 68, 69 van Erf 1013 Namakgale-C vanaf “Residensieel 1” na “Residensieel 3”. Voorts doen ek ook aansoek in terme van Klousule 21 van die Phalaborwa Grongebruikbestuurskema 2008 vir die verslapping van die toegelate digtheid op voormelde erwe na 65 eenhede per hektaar. Besonderhede van die aansoeke lê terinsae gedurende gewone kantoor ure by die kantoor van die Hoof stadsbeplanner, Munisipale gebou, Nelson Mandela weg, Phalaborwa, vir 'n tydperk van 28 dae vanaf 17 Januarie 2014. Besware teen of vertoë ten opsigte van die aansoeke moet binne 'n tydperk van 28 dae vanaf 17 Januarie 2014 skriftelik by of tot die Hoof Stadsbeplanner (Mnr. J. Behrens), by bovermelde adres of by Privaatsak x01020, Phalaborwa 1390 ingedien of gerig word. Agent:Developlan, Posbus 1883, Polokwane, 0700, Tel: 015-291 4177, Faks: 086 218 3267. NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION IN THE NORTH GAUTENG HIGH COURT, PRETORIA REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA. CASE NO: 28448/2011 In the matter between: VOLTEX (PTY) LTD t/a VOLTEX T & D JOHANNESBURG, PLAINTIFF and TIYANI SLINGS MABUNDA ID NO. 7101265314087, DEFENDANT IN PURSUANCE of a judgment granted on 29 NOVEMBER 2011 in the High Court of South Africa the goods listed hereunder will be sold in execution by the Sheriff, GIYANI TEL: 015 781 1794 on 6 FEBRUARY 2014 at 13h00 in front of the sheriff's store: LIMDEV (NPDC) BUILDING, MAIN ROAD, GIYANI to the highest bidder: 2x LG SAMSUNG COMPUTERS, 3x OFFICE TABLES, 5x OFFICE CHAIRS, 1x HP PRINTER, 1x LG COMPUTER. CONDITIONS: CASH/BANK GUARANTEED CHEQUE. DATED AT PRETORIA ON THIS THE 7TH day of JANUARY 2014. HACK STUPEL & ROSS ATTORNEYS FOR PLAINTIFF, 2ND FLOOR, STANDARD BANK CHAMBERS, CHURCH SQUARE, PRETORIA, REF: MR FRANCES/EB.VS9744, TEL: (012) 325 4185, PO BOX 2000, PRETORIA, 0001 Sport 24 Hardekool Street • Phalaborwa Friday January 24, 2014 OOPGESTOOT: Die nuwe langer skietbaan in wording met die oopstoot van die terrein. NUWE OMHEINING: Nuwe omheining word by die nuwe langer skietbaan opgerig Jagters kry nuwe skietbaan Gedurende 2013 is die Mopani tak van die SAJWV in kennis gestel dat die 5 Verkenningskommando Skietbaan nie meer beskikbaar is vir die Mopani tak se gebruik nie. Die Mopani tak benodig ‘n 300 meter skietbaan om die langer afstand SAJWV tabelle te beoefen. Die Phalaborwa Skietbaan se langste baan is slegs 100 meter. Die wiele is aan die rol gesit en Foskor het die grond beskikbaar gestel om die 100 meter baan te verleng na 300 meter. Die uitleg van die nuwe baan is reeds goedgekeur en in Desember 2013 het Daan Smit (Daan en Zena) die opmeterswerk afgehandel. LA Crushers het ingespring en het die ontbossing vir die nuwe baan afgehandel. LAC het ook ‘n nuwe toegangsroete oopgemaak aangesien die huidige toegangsroete nie meer beskikbaar sal wees as die konstruksie van die nuwe baan voltooi is nie. ‘n Nuwe grensdraad is benodig en Harrop Fencing het nie net die materiaal voorsien nie, maar ook die arbeid om die taak te verrig. Burgess en Burger het die die staal voorsien en ook die fabrikasie van die nuwe afdak vir die 300 meter skietpunt behartig. Cranetech het ook bygedra en die IBR plate vir die dak verskaf. Die fabrikasie van die raamwerk is reeds voltooi en afgelewer vir oprigting. Die konstruksie van die nuwe baan is nog nie afgehandel nie en die skuts word gevra om geduldig te wees. In die volgende paar weke moet die sywalle en die siviele konstruksie voltooi word voordat die langer baan ingebruik gestel kan word. Terseldertyd is die Praktiese Pistoolskietklub besig om addisionele kort bane te bou. Dit is met die oog op die Nasionale Praktiese Pistoolskiet kampioenskappe wat in April 2014 in Phalaborwa aangebied gaan word. Al die nuwe fasilitieite sal ook beskikbaar wees vir die algemene publiek se gebruik Hannes Smit (Ripshot), die Praktiese Pistoolskietklub en die Mopani tak (SAJWV) bedank al die borge wat help om die nuwe fasilitiete daar te stel.