Leander se droom word waar
Leander se droom word waar
Vrydag 31 Augustus 2012 VOLUME 25 NO. 34 R2.00 incl. Rus in vrede, Lood Lewis. Mag herinneringe vertroosting wees vir die wat jou geken het. Lood sterf na nog ‘n beroerte DIE geliefde inwoner en besigheidsman, Lood Lewis, het Saterdag in die hospitaal in vrede gesterf. Lood wat bekend is in die plaaslike besigheidswêreld vir sy kennis en jare se ondervinding as 'n slagter het 11 Augustus 'n terugslag ondervind, nadat hy nog 'n beroerte gehad het. Sy seun Steven sê sy liggaam was net nie sterk genoeg nie. Lood se roudiens sal Vrydag vanuit die NG Kerk Phalaborwa om 11:00 plaasvind. Sy familie sê dankie vir al die ondersteuning wat hulle so ver ontvang het van die gemeenskap. Lood gaan baie gemis word deur sy vrou Cathy en sy kinders. Sy familie het die volgende saamgestel: Ons wil net as familie baie dankie sê vir almal se ondersteuning, hulp en gebede vir die laaste paar dae, ons waardeer dit baie. Sonder vriende en familie soos dit sou ons maar gesukkel het om by al die reëlings uit te kom. Ons is dankbaar vir al die ondersteuning en liefde wat ons in die donker tyd ontvang het. Dankie, Cathy en kinders. Leander Visser saam met Mathys Roets. Leander se droom word waar Leander visser van die Rooiskool kry ‘n 5de wiel vir sy rolstoel van die bekende sanger, Mathys Roets. Leander Visser, 'n graad 6 leerder by Rooiskool en 'n parapleeg, se grootste wens het onlangs waar geword. Hy het saam met Mathys Roets by die Atterbury Teater in Pretoria, die liedjie "Sonneblom in Bethlehem" opgeneem. Het het egter nog 'n verrassing gekry: 'n 5de wiel vir sy rolstoel van Mathys. Dit maak dit net vir hom makliker om veral op ongelyke terrein te kan beweeg, soos om vis te vang . Hy het ook 'n visstok by Mathys gekry. Vrydag terug by die skool, het Leander van oor tot oor geglimlag en vir almal gewys wat sy rolstoel nou kan doen, natuurlik 'n lekker "wheelie"gegooi! "Baie dankie Mathys dat daar weer 'n breë glimlag op 'n kind se gesiggie kan wees"! PAGE 2 NUUS PHALABORWA HERALD - Friday 31 August 2012 Estie Maandag vrygelaat ESTIE Pienaar, wat sedert 10 Julie in ‘n tronk in die suide van Zambië aangehou is vir die moord op haar man, Marius Pienaar, is Maandag vrygelaat. Dit beteken egter nie sy is van alle aanklagte teen haar vrygespreek nie. Die direkteur van openbare vervolging (DOV) in Zambië, Mutembo Nchito, het beveel dat Estie (33) en Malumbwa Nyambe (30) vrygelaat moet word. Hul medeverdagte, Nicky Rossouw, se saak word egter na die hooggeregshof in Mongo, in die weste van Zambië, oorgeplaas. Al drie is van die moord van Estie se man, Marius Pienaar (50), by die Nina Fishing Camp in Barotseland, Zambië, aangekla. Die kamp behoort aan Rossouw. Die staatsaanklaer in Sesheke, S Thembo het gister gesê Estie en Nyambe se vrylating beteken nié hulle is van alle klagte kwytgeskeld nie. "Volgens wet beteken dit as die hof bevind daar is genoeg getuienis om hulle met die saak te verbind, hulle weer op dieselfde aanklagte gearresteer kan word." Volgens Tembo was die omstandigheidsgetuienis teen Rossouw 'n "bietjie sterker". Die DOV het ook beveel dat Estie en Nyambe as staatsgetuies in Rossouw se verhoor moet getuig. Dié twee is kort ná die hofverrigtinge deur Estie se familie weggeneem. Open Day at KNP nursery An open day will be held on September 1 and 2 at the Skukuza Nursery in the Kruger National Park for Spring Arbour Weekend. There will be the following activities: Photographic advice: Get expert advice on equipment 2 vas vir stropery Twee mans is verlede week in die Nelspruit landdroshof skuldig bevind aan klagtes van renosterstropery in die Kruger Wildtuin. Ali Nkuna en Gerson Cosa is skuldig bevind vir onwettige betreding, die besit van jaggewere en ammunisie, en die stroop van 'n renosterkalf. Cosa is ook skuldig bevind op die klag van onwettige immigrante. Die twee stropers is verlede jaar Junie inhegtenis geneem. Vonnisoplegging sal op 31 Augustus begin. and learn how to take the perfect shot with Heinrich Human of Kodak express, Crossings Nelspruit. Special Tea Garden: Open from 08:30 to 15:00 for delicious home made treats and lunch. Children activities: Educational fun activities for children under 12 years at 11:00. R50 each, limited space. Bird & butterfly walks in the nursery as well as exhibitions of plants for medicinal uses at 11:00. Great birding opportunities. Join honorary ranger birders on birding walks. Special spring discounts on plant sales. Choose from over 185 species of indigenous plants suitable for both Highveld and Lowveld conditions. Admission to the nursery is free. Enquiries: Michele Hofmeyr 074 189 6354 or e-mail michele.hofmeyr@sanparks.org Die bakkie na die ongeluk in die KNP. Veldwagters het glo stropers agterna gesit en in die proses beheer om ‘n draai verloor. Veldwagters beseer toe bakkie rol Twee veldwagters in die KNP het beheer oor hulle bakkie verloor gedurende 'n stroop-operasie. Die veldwagters het glo skote hoor klap en was besig om die stropers agterna te sit toe die bestuurder beheer verloor het om 'n draai. Die bakkie het gerol. Die twee veldwagters is na die Phalaborwa hospitaal gevlieg vir behandeling. Die ongeluk het op 'n grondpad 2km voor Letabakamp gebeur. CPF Medical is om 14:55 uitgeroep om bystand aan die veldwagters te verleen voordat hulle per helikopter na die hospitaal geneem is. Namakgale SAPS arrest 27 By: Tsakani Mathebula Police in Namakgale have arrested 27 people for various criminal offences the past week. Constable Lucy Sekgotodi of Namakgale police said one person was arrested for theft, three people for assault common and one person for malicious damage to property. Seven people were taken into police custody for assault with intent to cause grievous bodily harm, two people for rape and one person for accomplish to rape. Five were nabbed for public drinking, one for road traffic act and six for trading of tuck shops without license. Police arrest 10 suspects By: Tsakani Mathebula Police in Phalaborwa have arrested ten people for various criminal offences the past week . Sergeant Malesela Makgopa of Phalaborwa police said three people were arrested for drunk and driving, one person for possession of dagga and three for shoplifting. One person was taken to custody for assault common, one person for house breaking and another one for possession of suspected stolen property. Sergeant Malesela Makgopa warns the residents of Phalaborwa to be careful, they should report when moving out of town and should always report to the call centre when going out. House breaking is increasing. ONS MAAK LANDSWYE en PLAASLIKE meubelvervoer maklik! Verpakking en versekering op versoek beskikbaar. D ENHAGE V U Meubelvervoer V ir ‘n GRATIS kwotasie skakel Marlien... 083 252 8928 of 015 781 0637 Faks: 015 781 0637 78262 NEWS PHALABORWA HERALD - Vrydag 31 Augustus 2012 PAGE 3 Green Scorpions conduct blitz to stop poaching With the Kruger National Park having lost 201 rhinos to illegal killings in 2012, a national enforcement blitz was conducted by the Green Scorpions as part of government's ongoing initiatives in the fight against rhino poaching. The blitz, titled Operation Skhumba, occurred during the week of August 14 and focused on the tannery and taxidermy industries in Limpopo, the Free State, Gauteng, KwaZulu-Natal, Mpumalanga, North West and Western Cape provinces. According to reports, approximately 28 facilities were inspected during the operation. The Green Scorpions' inspections were reportedly focused on looking at compliance with the legal requirements related to waste, pollution and biodiversity issues. Under biodiversity issues, the two main aims were to check compliance with regard to the Threatened Or Protected Species Regulations (TOPS) as well as compliance with the amended norms and standards under the National Environmental Biodiversity Act. The amended norms and standards are intended to monitor the legality of hunts and to maintain control over rhino horns. These standards and norms provide that rhino horns from trophy hunts are expected to be transported by an authorized person from the address where the hunt took place directly to a taxidermist for processing and export- ation. A permit is required authorizing the transport of horns. The permit authorising the hunt and a copy of the professional hunting register must accompany all rhino products when being transported between destinations. Most facilities not in compliance Also, by law, when taxidermies receive rhino horns, these needs to be reported to the respective provincial conservation authorities. Taxidermies are also required to keep a register detailing the date of receipt of the rhino horns, their weight, micro-chip numbers as well as the numbers of the hunting permit, transport permit and professional hunting register. According to reports, some of the inspected facilities were adhering to the relevant environmental legislation, while most were not in compliance. The most frequent transgressions uncovered were allegedly related to poor waste management processes. From a biodiversity perspective, the reports showed the most frequent issues of noncompliance related to the absence of hunting registers and the absence of TOPS permits. Members of the public are also urged to report any non-compliances that they are aware of to the environmental crimes hotline 0800 205 005. Anthrax outbreak threatens roan An outbreak of the dreaded anthrax disease in the Northern part of the Kruger National Park could possibly have a devastating impact on the last few roan antelope remaining in the KNP. Over the last two days, 30 carcasses of roan antelope were discovered at Capricorn Rare Antelope Enclosure in the northern part of the park around Mopani camp area. The animals are believed to have died from yet another outbreak of anthrax disease in the park like it normally happens from time to time during this time of the year. "Roan antelope are some of the rare species in the park and having lost 30 animals will have a very serious impact on the total population which is estimated at about less than 100 animals in the whole park. Rangers are on the ground monitoring the situation and will from time to time report back on their findings" said the KNP's Head of Department: Public Relations and Communication; Mr William Mabasa. Anthrax is a bacterial fatal disease which is very dangerous to both animals and human beings. People are advised not to touch any carcass found in the park, instead if they see any dead animal, they should report it to the nearest camp. The team of Phalaborwa represented by the foreman proudly hoists the trophy for more than 500 incident free days. The MD of PMC is smiling as he is given a tour of the cab of one of the new 43D locomotive engines that will be more reliable, more environmentally friendly and cheaper to run. Rail boost unveiled New locomotive engines and new-generation telemeters for Transnet Freight Rail were unveiled at Phalaborwa train station on Friday, August 24. Earlier in the year, the South African state transport and logistics company Transnet, announced the details of a R300-billion investment in infrastructure that it says will create over half-a-million new jobs while making its freight rail division the fifth-largest in the world. Three brand new 43D's and telemeters worth close to R 70 million are the proud new assets of Transnet Phalaborwa. The 43D's boast 3300 horse power and use 10% less fuel. The maintenance costs are also reported to be less than the previous locos. These machines boast better cost benefit while reducing the carbon emissions by 1500 metric tons. These new assets are the best in the world, said the G.M Logistics Integrator Pragasen Pilllay. The cabs are airconditioned and work-friendly for operators. The M.D of Palabora Mining Company said that Transnet will be world class. "With the 50 years of resource mining, Transnet is critically important to this part of the world. Without Transnet, Phalaborwa would be nothing. Transnet is going somewhere." Phalaborwa also celebrated 541 incident free days. This is a major milestone in safety for any station. Transnet C.E Siyabonga Gama said that the vision of Transnet Phalaborwa is fetching and carrying safely. "Its not just about investing in assets, its investing in staff and delighting the customers. " He also mentioned the great partnership with G.E, who manufactured the new trains. Their goal is to have 65% of the train consisting of local content and in so doing create new jobs. A large-scale shift in freight transport from road to rail would also "address costs, congestion and reduce carbon emissions," the company said. The company applauded the Phalaborwa station for their 541 incident free days. Phalaborwa was honoured to have the "big bosses" celebrate with them. The staff proudly hoisted the trophy for 500 incident free days. The day marked not only a major safety milestone, but also the new assets. Their goal is to have 90% on time departures for the month of September. FOR SALE New stocks just arrived from Europe. Specials available. Imported bales of coats & jackets for winter. Highest quality at very low prices. PHONE NOW FOR OUR LATEST PRICE LIST THE TRADING POST 95-97 Princes Avenue, Benoni, Johannesburg Tel: 011 845 4769 Fax: 011 845 4600 www.overcoats.co.za WE DELIVER COUNTRY WIDE. ALSO SHOP OPEN - 15 000 COATS ON SHOW PAGE 4 PHALABORWA HERALD - Friday 31 August 2012 PROMOTION Local nutritionist gets international diploma A local woman has achieved an internationally accredited and recognized diploma from The Institute of Natural Healing. Elzabe Goodchild, from Phalaborwa, received a Diploma in Nutrition with Merit. For the past year Elzabe has been working at AC Therapy Diet and Health Clinic and has been studying through the Institute. To achieve the Diploma, students had to pass 15 written assignments, all based on practical real life clients. The Institute which is based in the United Kingdom, acts as a focal point for nutritionists. It provides training aimed to encourage awareness of the importance of nutritionists. Elzabe can be contacted on 015 781 0022. The owners of the beautiful Cajori hotel. The name Cajori is composed from the surnames of owners. From left is Lechan Harri, Vincent Calca, Duprette Calca, Phillip Joubert, Hans Harri, Darne Joubert, Phillip Joubert and Jenny Joubert. New hotel opens Save a life ... adopt a pet in grand style Elzabe Goodchild is delighted to be awarded her Diploma in Nutrition with Merit. Photo by Rene van der Schyff. The following dogs and puppies are up for adoption at the SPCA this week: A pair of three year old male German Shephards named Nicky and Wolf need loving homes. A female Rottweiler, Jasmine that is four years old is up for adoption. A one year old male and a four month old female Jack Russell are looking for homes. A female Cocker Spaniel, 7 months old is up for adoption. Nguni, a cross-breed one year old male and a pair of three month old male puppies need homes. A pair of six week old Rotweiler cross-breed puppies need a home. The following cats and kittens are up for adoption at the SPCA this week: A pair of Siamese kittens, a white kitten of six weeks, a female black one and a half year old cat, a tri-colour female kitten of two months old, a dark tubby female one year old cat, a black and grey male two year old cat, a wild colour male two year old cat all need caring homes. This is just one of the adorable puppies at the SPCA that need loving homes. Save a life, adopt a pet. By: Tsakani Mathebula The launch of Cajori hotel was a success; it was a beautiful Wednesday evening graced by local and business people. Hans Harri made everyone at the opening to feel welcome and served the guests with canapés and drinks. Cajori hotel is owned by one big family. The name of the hotel, Cajori, originates from the owner's surnames which are Calaca, Joubert and Harri. Cajori Hotel has a warm welcoming atmosphere boasting art and designs on the walls. The hotel has a 100 seater restaurant, five self-catering units and a big conference hall which can offer delegates a unique experience. Cajori hotel has 22 tastefully decorated hotel rooms each fully equipped with air conditioning, en-suite bathrooms, satellite televisions, telephones and tea or coffee facilities. The hotel also has a bar area, a beautiful reception area and a swimming pool. Cajori Hotel is situated only two minutes' drive from the Phalaborwa gate of the Kruger National Park. Every effort is made to match the beautiful surroundings with friendly efficient service. Cajori Hotel displays some of Phalaborwa's historic pieces. The late Heleen Harri bought the pieces and brought them back to Phalaborwa to educate people about the town's history. The owner's of Cajori made Heleen's vision a reality by creating a little museum at the hotel with Charles Moore's historic book and artifacts found in the past at the mine. They encourage school groups and the public to come to Cajori to view these rare pieces of Phalaborwa's history. There are interesting artifacts such as Lerale (an ancient copper ingot). Only twelve of the Lerale are found in the world of which two can be seen at Cajori hotel. The collection includes an axe blade made from stones which were traded from India. Some of the artifacts were used as currency for trade with other countries. While others were used only by the chiefs for sacrifices. Cajori hotel also offers a Sunday carvery from 11:00 to 15:00 at a cost of R120 per person. Pensioners and children under 12 years eat for R75 per person only on Sunday. Cajori Hotel is very beautiful and charming with bright colors. They offer guests excellent cuisine and hospitable service. Contact 015 781 3156 for further information. The managers of Cajori Hotel. From left is Marna Maree and Adriaan Putter. ALGEMEEN PHALABORWA HERALD - Vrydag 31 Augustus 2012 PAGE 5 Radio station also honours our ladies By: Tsakani Mathebula Munghana Lonene FM celebrated Women's Month through a host of activities during an event held at Lulekani Stadium on Saturday. This is an annual event which the station hosts in collaboration with Ba-Phalaborwa Municipality. The aim of this event is to encourage women to embrace their African beauty while leading healthy lifestyles. The day started with a 5 km Fun Run, with men and women of all ages participating. Other activities that formed part of the day included a short formal programme, fun games, artist's performance and the popular beauty pageant for heavy weight women, Miss Fohloza. This was the third edition of Miss Fohloza with the first held in 2009. This year's pageant saw Tynie Silinda (28) from Giyani, weighing 115 kg walk away with the Miss Fohloza 2012 title. Khanyisa Chauke (37) also from Giyani, weighing a whooping 116 kg was crowned first Princess. The second Princess title went to Mahlatse Mpangane (18), weighing 86Kg all the way from Lekazi, Nelspruit. All top three winners took home prizes from Munghana Lonene FM and the queen received an outfit from Abit Designs, custom made for her by Abigail Rikhotso. All other participants did not go home empty handed, they all got promotional material from one of the sponsors for the event, Eskom. Frangipane hou konsert Miss Fohloza 2012 was beautiful, these are the winners who are taking home their awesome prizes. From left is the 2nd princess Mahlatse Mpangane 18years old from Nelspruit, Tynie Silinda walked away with miss fohloza title she is 37 years from Giyani and 1st princess is Khanyisa Chauke of 28 years from Giyani. Frangipani Skool hou 'n "Country / Juke Box" konsert wat op 6 en 7 September gaan plaasvind. Die 6de se funksie beloop R40 per persoon en R20 vir kinders. Dit begin om 18:00 in Rooiskoolsaal. Vervesings sal te koop wees. Op 7 September sal daar 'n gala-aand plaasvind. Dit kos R110 per persoon of R990 per tafel met 'n ete ingesluit. Die geleentheid begin om 18:00 vir 18:30 ook in die Rooiskoolsaal. Kaartjies is te koop by Frangipani Skool en Rooiskool. PAGE 6 PHALABORWA HERALD - Friday 31 August 2012 ALGEMEEN Francois wys meer oor sy argeologiese reise Kameraman Andre Brink van Hope TV in Amerika en Francois du Plessis van Phalaborwa. Dis op hierdie slagveld dat Nabopolasser en sy kroonprins, Nebukadnesar teen Farao Nekko II in 'n oorlog gewikkel was. Met kere het die koning van suide, Nekko gewen en met kere het die koning van die noorde, Nebukadnesar gewen. Du Plessis is hier verfilm en die geskiedenis van hierdie slag is tans op film vasgelê. Francois du Plessis in gesprek met 'n argeoloog by die sitadel in Aleppo. 'n Duitse span het 'n Hetitiese skets van die 'n oorlog tussen Sirië en sy bondgenote en Salmaneser III van Assirië hier ontdek. Bazaar will raise funds for Centre A bazaar is to be held on September 29 to raise funds for the Bougainvilla Frail Care Centre. The Frail Care Centre is a non-profit organization that takes care of 16 elderly and frail patients who cannot look after themselves. The Frail Care Centre is in need of funds apart from the fees paid by the patients. To raise funds for the Centre, the organization is planning a bazaar to be held on September 29 from 09:00 to 14:00 at the rugby field of the Green School. There will be a second hand clothes and book stall, food stalls, cake and tea garden and a boot sale table. The centre requests that all clothes, books and any other articles that residents wish to donate, be handed in at the Frail Care Centre at 31 Sealene Road. Ockert Groenewald can be contacted on 083 443 5483 for any further information. All residents of Phalaborwa are invited to attend the bazaar and are requested to open their hearts and generously support the Centre. Phalaborwa inwoner Francois du Plessis, stoot 'n kruiwa vol argeologiese materiaal in Aleppo, Sirië. GENERAL Ba- Phalaborwa mayor Anna Sono together with pastors, ward councilors and community members praying at the R71 road, to stop car accidents happening at the same spot always. Council, Pastors pray to stop accidents By: Tsakani Mathebula Ba- Phalaborwa Municipality joined hands with local pastors in prayer and a cleansing ceremony at the R71 road to stop the spirits of accidents. The prayer was joined by local pastors, community members and ward councilors. Ba- Phalaborwa mayor Anna Sono initiated the prayer, to prevent people dying of car accidents at the same spot. Ba -Phalaborwa community is tired of losing their loved ones prematurely through motor accidents, so they decided to invite God and spread the blood of Jesus in the road and particularly on the R71. They stood together believing that God will hear their prayer. Geen beserings Niemand is beseer in hierdie ongeluk wat om 18:15 gebeur het op die Lulekani pad op 25 Augustus nie. 'n Quantum het 'n Corsa bakkie getref. Drie mense is Clinix Phalaborwa toe geneem vir 'n ondersoek. CPF Medical het op die toneel die pasiënt in die Quantum behandel vir skok. Op 20 Augustus om 12:45 het die bestuurder beheer verloor en haar kar gerol op die R 530 Driehoek pad. Daar was geen beserings nie. CPF Medical het haar behandel vir skok. PHALABORWA HERALD - Vrydag 31 Augustus 2012 PAGE 7 PAGE 8 PHALABORWA HERALD - Friday 31 August 2012 GENERAL Banna forum hosted a women's month event at Namakgale, where they spoke about different issues and challenges. Banna Forum also honour our women By: Tsakani Mathebula Banna Forum hosted a Women's month event at Namakgale last Sunday. The organization's main interest is on the needs of the community, such as neighbour- hood watch, health, crime, education and funerals. Banna Forum, in its five years of existence has already helped nine families with burials of their loved ones and helped more than 20 families with counseling, especially on issues of abuse and violence. They invited Phakgamang home base care to address the audience on issues of abuse and on how they can be helped. Banna Forum consists of 120 members, the organization gave away 30 bursary application forms ranging from Military, Education, Health and Engineering. Banna Forum is willing to give a helping hand to the community and Learners. PROMO PHALABORWA HERALD - Vrydag 31 Augustus 2012 PAGE 9 ?????? PHALABORWA HERALD - Friday 31 August 2012 PAGE 10 Elderly people from Bougainville being treated for lunch at Cajori Hotel. Hotel treats the elderly By: Tsakani Mathebula Cajori Hotel recognizes the importance of elderly people from the community; hence they decided to treat Bougainville frail care elderly people for lunch on Tuesday afternoon. Hans Harry said that they care a lot about the community especially elderly people. He wanted them to have a good time and having good exposure to the fresh air. He further said that caring for people is his priority and that it is always good to give back to the community. The elderly people said that they enjoyed the delicious meal and mouth watering desert. The food was divine, staff members were very friendly, the seats are very comfortable said the elderly people. They also added that they feel fortunate and are grateful for that. FIREHAWK TZ200 15” 195/65R15 R746 If your tyres are damaged by any road hazard, we’ll replace them. You only pay for the tread you’ve used. MEET EDDIE HE KNOWS ABOUT REAL VALUE! ADDENDUM to The Notice for Public Meeting and Draft EIA Review for the Proposed Foskor Merensky 275kv ±130 km Power Line and Associated Substation Works placed on the 24th August 2012. MULTIHAWK MULTIHAWK 13” 155/80R13 14” 175/65R14 R406 R530 An incorrect reference was made to “Public Review of the Draft Scoping Report”, we hereby wish to bring to your attention that the advert placed is for the “Public Review of the Draft Environmental Impact Assessment Report.” SP/516083/PH Should you require further clarity, please contact Shonisani Mukwevho. MY-01 17” 205/40R17 R930 MY-01 15” 195/50R15 R660 Contact us: 0861 SPEEDY / 0861 773339 Follow us on Scan the QR code with your smart phone to access our website Phalaborwa Speedy Cnr Selati & Tambotie Streets, Phalaborwa, (015) 781 3940 NSOVO ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTING Contact: Munyadziwa Rikhotso or Shonisani Mukwevho Cell: 071 602 2369/ 079 614 8298 Fax: 086 602 8821 Email: nsovoec@gmail.com/ shoni@nsovo.co.za Postal Address: Postnet Suite 697, Private Bag X29, Gallo Manor, 2052 Website: www.nsovo.co.za www.speedytyre.co.za Please quote Reference F 009/11 in all correspondence This advert is prepared on behalf of Eskom Offers valid from 25th August until 7th September 2012. Only while stocks last. Prices quoted include fitting but exclude balancing & wheel alignment. E&OE SCHOOL NEWS/GENERAL PHALABORWA HERALD - Vrydag 31 Augustus 2012 Five learners from Relebogile high school competed in the Science Expo at Phosphate hall. From left is Sombhane Stella (Teacher), Ngwana Victoria (Bronze), Mashele Ordender (Silver), Wagner Melvin (silver) he qualifies for the national Ekspo competition, Maphanga Salia (Silver), Mathe Zulu (Teacher) and Mhlari Gilmour (Teacher). Local learners shine at science expo By: Tsakani Mathebula Students from Relebogile high school put their school on the map again. Five learners who participated at the Science Expo held at Foskor community hall the past week. Melvin Wagner qualified to proceed to the national level that will take place in Gauteng. This is Melvin’s second time going to the national competition. The school is proud of him and the wish him all the best in the final level. The other four learners that competed won Fees bied iets vir hele gesin DIE jaarlikse Pick ‘n Pay Hoedspruit Sustainable Living Festival vind vanjaar op 28 tot 30 September by die Hoedspruit Wildlife Estate plaas. Die geleentheid bied inligting en pret vir die hele gesin aan. Vanjaar sal bergfietsryers die geleentheid kry om die K2C Classic aan te durf. Die fietsren bied ryers die geleentheid om mekaar die stryd aan te sê in die Hoedspruit Wildlife Estate. Daar sal ook ‘n Pick ‘n Pay stap vir vroue aangebied word. By al die sport sal daar ‘n verskeidenheid demonstrasies en werkswinkels gehou word. Bg sluit vermaak vir die hele gesin in, o a ‘n sandsak konstruksie werkswinkel, kosdemonstrasies, Tai Chi- en Yoga-sessies, gesigverf, musiekoptredes, beroemdes en nog vele meer. Spesialiste in hulle veld sal praatjies oor ‘n groot verskeidenheid onderwerpe aanbied. Besoek www.sustainablelivingfestival.co.za of www.piclnpay.co.za vir meer inligting. silver medals and one bronze medal. Congratulations to these learners! Wagner is a good example to other learners and he encourages his peers to work hard and be part of Science Expo next year. Green Dot Sale Up to 30% discount on selected items that can be found in store. R1.2 Million stock must go Valid: 31 August to 29 September Tel: 015 793 0560 PAGE 11 PAGE 12 PHALABORWA HERALD - Friday 31 August 2012 PROMO SKOLENUUS PHALABORWA HERALD - Vrydag 31 Augustus 2012 PAGE 13 Hockey now on a roll Kigfisher’s three Einsteins does well Congratulations to the following learners who particpated in the Eskom Science Expo round 2 at the Foskor Hall in Namakgale. Mixo Hlungwani and Mohamed Gani were both awarded with a Gold and S'busiso Mthembu was awarded with a Silver. All three learners are going through to Nationals. The u/9 boys played agains Laerskool Tzaneen and lost 2-0 and against Laerskool Dr. Annecke and lost 3-2. Front: Hasani Maluleke, Neo Chirwa, Mclordin Mokgalaka, Donald Gezane and Tlotlo Phasha. Back: Fumani Hlaisi, James Joubert, Onas Shilowa and Cary Owtram. The u/9 girls played against Laerskool Tzaneen and won 2-0 and against Laerskool Phalaborwa and drew 2-2. Front: Odirele Ngwaila, Alyssa Knoesen and Blessings Nxumalo. Back: Peo Boitumelo, Nondumiso Ndwandwe, Mapula Nokhabukhi and Jani Jordaan. The u/8 girls played against Laerskool Phalaborwa and Laerskool Tzaneen where they lost both matches 2-0. Front: Fiona Kubayi, Owthu Ntsepe and Saniya Gadhave. Back: Lesedi Mokhabukhi and Mogadi Mathole. The u/7 girls played against Laerskool Phalaborwa Noord and won 20 and against Laerskool Tzaneen and lost 3-0. Front: Gugu Vundla, Queen Mhlelembe and Pego Boitumelo. Back: Rebecca Lockhart and Mikayla Knoesen. 80856 80919 PAGE 14 PHALABORWA HERALD - Friday 31 August 2012 SKOLENUUS Rooiskool presteer Die eerste krieketspan van die Rooiskool het drie harde wedstryde in hulle liga gespeel. Hulle wen op 2 Augustus met 7 lopies teen Mariepskop, verloor op 16 Augustus teen Drakensig en wen op 23 Augustus met 50 lopies teen Phalaborwa development. Hulle het nog 2 wedstryde oor. Baie sterkte julle en baie geluk. Agter, van links: Hardus Coetzee, Devan Thompson, Johan Meintjies, Risima Mathonsi. Middel: Schalk Gagiano, Stian Fourie, Funi Mudau , Marcello de Matos, Polla Klaase, Janus van Rooyen. Voor: Hansie Lombaard, Pieter v Rooyen. Rooiskool leerders het op 25 Aug by Frans du Toit gaan deelneem aan hul 7’s wedstryde wat hul gespeel het as deel van die Fransieweek wat die week afskop. Agter, van links: Pieter v Rooyen, Elias Shingombe, Risima Mathonsi, Werner du Preez , Zian Fourie, Hardus Fourie. Middel: Sonja vd Westhuizen, Phillipa Gezane, Amorei Swart, Megan Gouws, Tshepiso Malesa , Masana Mkhawane. Voor: Zenelde Schoeman, Emelia Wallis, Orianne Nieuwoudt, Zülike Coetsee. Atlete van die Rooiskool het op 25 Augustus deelgeneem aan ‘n landloopbyeenkoms tydens die Oesfees by Laerskool Dr Annecke op Letsitele. Agter, van links: Theo Ratsethana-11, Lefa Khosa-5, Ndzalo Mafuyeka-18, Archie Maake-17, Peace Mdaka-12. 3de ry: Sea Marobela-4, Nkateko Mthombeni ( 2de – silwer medalje), Juane Croukamp-15, Khanyisa Mdluli-7, Roche Nagel-12, Erika Lombaard-10. 2de ry: Felicia Ramaugeli-17, Kurhula Mthombeni (1ste – goue medalje), Renier Opperman-8, Hansie Lombaard-7, Castro Kgaphola-7. Voor: Amore Viljoen11, Sonele Sodo-5, Langu Mthembi-7, Karabo Nwedeh-8, Junior Shibambo-19. Gimnaste van die Rooiskool het die naweek goed presteer. Charlissa Schultz behaal by die Centurion Gimnastiek Klub op 24 Aug ‘n 1ste Algeheel Vlak HP4 en Tuks Gimnastiek Klub op 25 Aug ‘n Algeheel 3de Vlak HP4. Denice Bosch, Tuks Gimnastiek Klub op 25 Aug, Deelname Vlak 2. Voor: Mornè Bosch, Centurion Gimnastiek Klub op 24 Aug, 1ste Algeheel Vlak 5, Tuks Gimnastiek Klub op 25 Aug, Algeheel 4de Vlak 5 en Chandre Schultz, Tuks Gimnastiek Klub op 25 Aug, Deelname Vlak 5. SKOLENUUS PHALABORWA HERALD - Vrydag 31 Augustus 2012 PAGE 15 Kingfisher news The Tritech Science Expo round 2 was held on Wednesday at Kingfisher Private School. Congratulations to the following learners from Kingfisher Private School who received medals: Front: Karabo Kubayi, Messiah Mokgalaka, Palesa Putini, Mokgaetshi Mojela and Sewela Nkoana. Back: Langu Nkanyane, Matsatsi Phasa, Karabo Mokhomole, Cathy Mathye, Gugu Vundla and Theona Maswanganye. Matsatsi Phasa, Langu Nkanyane and Palesa Putini were awarded with Bronze. All of the other learners were awarded with Silver and they are going through to the next round. Congratulations to the following learners who participated in the Cross-Country at Laerskool Tzaneen on Saturday. Mikayla Knoesen came 32nd out of 41 particpants, Pearl Mahanuke came 5th out of five participants and Tanishq Sharma came 35 out of 53 participants. Jade Barnatt (a) Affordable & QUALITY BUILDING MATERIALS,TOOLS, PAINT & HARDWARE 192 stores and expanding throughout southern Africa THETILING ESSENTIALS KIT TRADING HOURS: Mon - Fri: 7:00 - 18:00 Saturday: 7:00 - 15:00 Sunday: 8:00 - 13:00 EVERYTHINGYOU NEEDTO FIXYOUR LEAKS AND PAINT YOUR ROOF TYLON TILE ADHESIVE 20kg • WB11 SKU: 628251 39.95 GRAND TOTAL x8 2823.00 TYLON GROUT 5kg SKU: 628552 42.95 x4 Look out for our new packaging! For a 30m2 room Easy MEDAL MINERAL TURPENTINE For a 100m2 roof surface 750ml SKU: 67705 27.95 x 4 ECOMAN PAINT BRUSH 25+50+75mm SKU: 634108 17.95 x 4 PAINT ROLLER TRAY SET Cashbuild tiles are now called HABITAT. Quality you can trust. 230mm • Synthetic SKU: 637611 19.95 x 4 CHAMPION ROOF PAINT Various Colors • 20 Litres SKU: VARIOUS FREE Mesh MUKWA WOOD MARULA MARBLE MOPANE PEACH MOPANE MARBLE MARULA BROWN SKU: 301734 SKU: 301731 SKU: 301730 SKU: 301726 SKU: 301732 CERAMIC TILES SKU: VARIOUS 125.95 x 17 • For every additional 2m2 add 10kg of tile adhesive, 1,5kg of tile grout and one box of tiles. • It is always advisable to add an extra 10% for wastage. THESE PRICES VALID UNTIL SUNDAY 16 SEPTEMBER 2012 GRAND TOTAL 2632.55 439.95 x 5 DURAM FLEXIKOTE + FREE MESH 5 Litre SKU: 300594 119.95 x 3 • When waterproofing your roof with Duram Flexikote you will need about 2,5L for every 1m 2 . This is for three coats of paint and one layer of mesh. • To paint your roof after waterproofing it you will need about 1L per 1m 2 for a double coat. For your nearest store, please visit www.cashbuild.co.za or contact us on 0861 CASHBUILD (227 428 453) 505 WK09 CODE RED COMMUNICATIONS • Redworks RSA Please note that advertised products may differ slightly from that of the actual products in-store. E & O E. All prices include 14% VAT PAGE 16 PHALABORWA HERALD - Friday 31 August 2012 ALGEMEEN Seasons tell you what to eat LETS get eating with the Seasons. Whether we are aware of it or not, most of us probably eat seasonally to a certain degree by choosing the fruit and vegetables which are most available, and most reasonably priced, at different times of the year. However, consciously choosing to eat seasonally, has many benefits and takes surprisingly little effort! Nature has a habit of providing us with exactly what we need, when we need it, the onus is on us to pay attention! During Spring, there is an abundance of fruits, green leafy vegetables grow well and these foods just happen to be wonderful as part of cleansing and detoxifying diets. Below follows a list of some of the foods in season in South Africa during Spring: Vegetables: Asparagus, artichoke (globe), baby marrow, beetroot, beans, broad beans, broccoli, cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, celery, courgettes, cucumber, garlic, green beans, leeks, lettuce, mushrooms, mielies, new potato, onion, parsley, parsnips, peas, potato, pumpkin, radishes, rhubarb, spinach, squash, spring onion, sweet potatoes, turnips, waterblommetjies. Fruit: Avocados, bananas, grapefruit, guava, kumquats, kiwi, lemons, limes, melons, naartjies, oranges, paw paw, peaches, pineapple, plums, spanspek, strawberries, tomatoes, watermelons. Herbs: Basil (perennial), bay leaves, bulb fennel, chives, dandelion, dill, fennel, garden cress, garlic chives, lavender, lemon grass stems, lime leaves, marjoram, mint, mustard – green & red, oreganum, parsley, rocket, rosemary, sage, sorrel, thyme. Fish: Cape salmon, hake, haarders, hottentot, kabeljou, kingklip, red roman, red steenbras, snoek, sole, trout, tuna, tunny, yellowtail (galjoen – protected species) Poultry & meat: Beef, chicken, guinea fowl, mutton, pheasant, partridge, venison Nuts: Almonds. The above list was taken from the website www.naturalnutrition.co.za, please see the references section of this article for a link to the full list. Geniet Lente in die buitelug LENTE is hier en dis die ideale tyd om saam met die gesin aan allerhande buitelug-aktiwiteite deel te neem. Verby is die koue wintersoggende en oral word die pragtigste blomme gesien. Pak uit jou somersklere en geniet Moeder Natuur se warm weer. • Neem die natuurskoon in Lente is die ideale tyd vir kinders om weer buite te begin speel. Laat hulle help om jou tuin weer reg te kry en blomme te plant. Gooi saad uit vir die voëltjies en maak die fonteintjie in jou tuin vol, jy sal gou sien hoe die insekte, voëls en blomme die tuin en ook jou gemoed opkikker. • Speel in die reën Die begin van lente is ook die begin van die nuwe reënseisoen. Hardloop rond en speel in die reën, as dit te hard reën, moenie jou sambreel tuis vergeet nie. As dit ophou reën het, kan kinders in die poedels water speel. • Ry fiets Fietsry is nie net ’n heerlike aktiwiteit vir kinders nie, maar ouers en kinders kan sommer saam die fietse wat heel winter in die motorhuis gebêre is, afstof en middae of naweke saam ry. Onthou om altyd ’n fietsvalhelm te dra en gehoorsaam die verkeersreëls. • Stap in die veld Trek jou tekkies aan, sit die baba in ’n stootwaentjie en gaan stap in die veld om na die blomme te kyk. Gesinne kan heerlik gesels en saam na die veldblomme kyk, neem sommer ook ’n paar foto’s vir foto-album herinneringe. • Hou piekniek In plaas daarvan om nog ’n naweek net by die huis te sit, maak toebroodjies, ’n fles koffie of koeldrank en pak ’n piekniekmandjie. Smeer sonskerm, gryp ’n kombers en gaan hou piekniek as gesin. • Speel buite of neem aan sport deel Die meeste kinders is mal oor sport en die warmer weer dien sommer vanself as aanmoediging om meer buite te speel of saam met maats aan sport deel te neem. Skole bied verskeie spansporte en swem is ook ’n gewilde lentesport. • Koop wintersklere Hoewel dit nou die tyd is om die wintersklere weg te pak, is dit ook die ideale tyd om vir volgende winter klere te koop. Bykans al die winkels het afslag van 50% op die ekstra wintersvoorraad. Dus, koop nou baie wintersklere vir volgende jaar vir spotgoedkoop en pak dit eers weg. Maak nie saak hoe jy lente wil vier nie, onthou om elke oomblik daarvan te koester. - www.stayathomemoms.about.com SKOLENUUS PHALABORWA HERALD - Vrydag 31 Augustus 2012 PAGE 17 Use these handy study tips to get the best academic results Future scientists with their awards, it was a very happy moment. From left: Itumeleng Mokgalaka (Best energy project), Nelly Malungane (Best development project), Mosibudi Sebopetsa (Best energy efficiency), Morema Mokgadi (Best. female) and Cliff Mkhabela ( Best energy generator) Palabora Foundation sponsor Mopani Science Fair By: Tsakani Mathebula The Mopani Regional Science Fair was held on Friday and Saturday and was sponsored by the Palabora Foundation. About 190 participants exhibited their work in Maths, Science, technology and engineering. There were schools from Ba- Phalaborwa, Tzaneen, Giyani and Maruleng under the leadership of Mary Raganya. The toughest high schools were Baranuka, Lepato, Frans du Toit, Kingfisher, The kings court, Maphokwane, Matome Malatji, Mafutsane, Mbhekwana, Mathlare, Ntshuxeko, Relebogile, Sebalamogolo, Seagotle, Southern Cross school and Vuxeni. Only few primary schools proceeded to the second round and these young aspirants were from Govani, Fauna Park and Schiettocht. Eskom's special prizes were, best female projects scooped by Morema Mokgadi (Sebalamakgolo), best energy projects by Itumeleng Mokgalaka ( Frans du Toit), best energy efficiency project by Mosibudi Sebopetsa (Lepato) and the best development project by Nelly Malungane ( Matome Malatji). Out of 142 projects 21 gold, 21 silver and 43 bronze medals were awarded. Everyone anticipated the announcement of the Mopani International finalists. The 18 projects with 21 participants will compete against other regions from eight provinces as from 4-6th October at Birchwood hotel in Gauteng. The award giving ceremony was honored and graced by the presence of councilor Gavaza Mashele, Richard Pakuna, Jabu Mbane, Pastor Matjokotja, Renee Campbell Brown, Tryna Pretorius, Raganya, Nechombo, Lee Ramphele and Yvonne Shilowa who gave a powerful motivational talk encouraging the learners. Those who wish to be part of the Science expo can contact Mary Raganya at 072 716 1738 for more information. LAST week we published an article on study technics. This week we continue with the same subject. In the discussion below we want to share with you some study skills you need to know and apply when studying to ensure success. Start studying immediately. Once you are in your study room behind your table start working without any further delay. Avoid wasting time by thinking how you are going to start your study session. Just do it! Studying can be a lonely affair. Most of the time there is nobody to motivate you or cheer you up when you are studying. Learn to encourage yourself. Do not allow your mind to wander during your study session. You will not kno w or understand everything at once. This is normal. So, do not get discouraged when it takes you longer to understand some of the content. Do not quit. Take breaks in between the study sessions. Your breaks must not be too long or too short. These breaks are meant to allow you time to relax and recharge. Repeat and rehearse. The most effective way to remember what you have read is to repeat and rehearse it several times. No pain no gain. Studying is hard work. As a sign of hard work you are bound to feel the strain in some parts of your body such as your back, shoulders, arms, eyes, neck, etc. You are forever free to get advice on how to minimise this. Reward yourself. Once you successfully complete a study session reward yourself for the effort. Your reward could be anything raging from drinking a nice cup of tea to watching your favourite television programme. Submitted by: Dr Peter Mabunda (Education Specialist and Life Skills Consultant). Cell: 082 9385 945, email: drnpmabunda@yahoo.com PHALABORWA HERALD - Friday 31 August 2012 PAGE 18 SKOLENUUS Rooiskool se hokkie is vuurwarm Die seuns van Rooiskool het ook die Saterdag en verlede Saterdag aan 'n Mini hokkiedag deelgeneem en sommer uitstekend gevaar. Dit was ook hulle eerste hokkie wedstryd. Agter, van links: Tee Jay Mathomu, Retief Fourie, Dylan Strydom, Gerhard Meintjies. Voor: Marnus Kruger. Die meisies van Rooiskool het die Saterdag en verlede Saterdag aan 'n Mini hokkiedag deelgeneem en sommer uitstekend gevaar. Dit was ook hulle eerste hokkie wedstryd. Agter, van links: Clarissa Adendorff , Elri Peters. Claudia Mokgalaka. Voor: Mianel du Plooy, Janel Erasmus. NOTICE OF PUBLIC AUCTION OF VEHICLES LimDev will sell, without reservation by public auction the following vehicles: Cars, LDV's, Trailers and Truck. CARS DESCRIPTION YEAR OF FIRST REGISTRATION 1 x VW Touareg 2006 TRUCKS DESCRIPTION YEAR OF FIRST REGISTRATION 1 x Double Diff Tata Truck 2007 TRAILERS DESCRIPTION YEAR OF FIRST REGISTRATION 1 x Kearney's Payloader 1 x Maseko Trailer 2007 2006 LDV'S DESCRIPTION YEAR OF FIRST REGISTRATION Toyota Hilux Toyota Hilux Toyota Condor 2005 1999 2003 AUCTION DATE: VENUE: VIEWING DATE: Friday, 14 September 2012 at 10:00 Enterprise Development House, Mainroad, Lebowakgomo Thursday, 13 September 2012 at 09:00 - 16:00 REGISTRATION: R5 000 (REFUNDABLE) CONDITIONS: • To participate in the bidding process, each bidder is required to pay a refundable deposit of R5 000,00. • Deposit will be refundable to the unsuccessful bidders at the end of the bidding process. • Failure by the highest bidder to pay the bid amount, shall result in forfeiting the deposit paid. • The bid amount is payable within five (5) working days of being notified of the outcome of the bid. • Failure to pay the bid amount within five (5) working days, will result in the cancellation of the successful bid. Enquiries may be directed to: Mr Joel Tshabalala, Telephone number 015 633 4700, during office hours. SKOLENUUS PHALABORWA HERALD - Vrydag 31 Augustus 2012 Die Groenskool Hokkie O/9 span het gewen teen Kingfisher 3-2 (Span 1) en gelykop 1-1 gespeel teen Tzaneen (span 2): Juné Vermaak, Janita Sonnekus, Kara Goldshagg, Andrea van Jaarsveld, Jarike Stapelberg, Kaylah Naude, Charlize Hornigold, Jo-Leigh Pretorius, Lieodi de Kock, Jadé Warne, Shongi Mboweni. Afrigters: I Möller, E. Oberholzer. PAGE 19 Die Groenskool Hokkie O/8 span het gewen 10 - 0 teen Kingfisher (span 1) en gewen 2 - 0 teen Kingfisher (span 2): Tyla Reese Pretorius, Runé Steenkamp, Marné Vermaak, Luané Sonnekus, Jean-Marie Roos, Jo-Ann Smit, Zoë Rutherford, Dinéke Capazorio, Liandri de Bruin, LuaneMaré, Lee van den Heever. Personeel: T.Dohse, S. de Waal. Local youth show their many talents Die Groenskool Hokkie 0/7 span het te Letsitele gespeel en goed presteer: Marlé Naude, Louise White, Michelle Plint, Juné Kotze, Melandré Swanepoel, Theani Erasmus. Personeel: T. Dohse, S. de Waal. By: Tsakani Mathebula Love Life youth is helping the youth showcase their talents inand around Phalaborwa. The festival was held at Makhushane Primary School hall on Saturday. The event was attended by learners from Makhushane, Bollanoto, Maseke and Modume Primary Schools and Lepato and Matome Malatji High School. The main purpose of this event was for youth in the Maseke and Makhushane youth to showcase their talents in arts and culture performance which includes drama, dancing, poetry and singing. Two learners from Matome Malatji high school won gold medals for poetry. Pontsho Semelane and Alrenda Pilusa showed case their talents in poetry and made their school proud when they brought two gold medals. PHALABORWA HERALD - Friday 31 August 2012 PAGE 20 CHRIST EMBASSY PHALABORWA Sir Val Dunken. Technical Institution N a m a k g a l e GEREFORMEERDE P h a l a b o r w a . C o n t a c t s : KERK 078-703-0367/ PHALABORWA Jansensingel 67, 0 8 2 - 9 6 3 - 2 2 9 4 / P h a l a b o r w a 072-299-1572 YM002655 Eredienste: 09:00 en 18:00. Katagese: PRAISE Sondae 10:00. TABERNACLE Bybelstudie: Dinsdae CHRISTIAN 08:00 en 17:30. CHURCH Bybelskool (huis en 17 Park Street, tuinwerkers): Maa Phalaborwa. Sunday ndae 13:00. 09:30, K e r k k a n t o o r : morning 0 1 5 - 7 8 1 - 1 3 7 3 . Junior Church 09:30. evening Predikant, Ds Victor Sunday C o r r e i a : 18:30. Pastor Billy & Lorraine de Beer: 015-781-7408. RL002793 015-781-1304 0006 Church Services RL002794 CHRIST EMBASSY PHALABORWA Sir Val Dunken. Technical Institution N a m a k g a l e Phalaborwa. C o n t a c t s : 078-703-0367/ 082-963-2294/ 072-299-1572 YM002656 AGS - CHARISMA GEMEENTE PHALABORWA Hardekoolstraat. Sondag oggend diens en kinderkerk om 09:00. Aanddiens om 18:30. Dinsdae selkerk om 19:00. Navrae: Past. Koos de Jongh by 015-781-1747. RL002787 CHRIST EMBASSY PHALABORWA Sir Val Dunken. Technical Institution N a m a k g a l e Phalaborwa. C o n t a c t s : 078-703-0367/ 082-963-2294/ 072-299-1572 YM002288 LEDE IN CHRISTUS KERK 17 Blue Crane Straat, Phalaborwa. Skakel Past. Fanie F e r r e i r a 083-4099-719. DIENSTYE: Sondag oggend: Erediens: 9:30, Sondagskool: 8:00. Sondag aand: Evangeliediens: 18:00. Woensdag aand Biduur: 19:00. Saterdag oggend Biduur: 6:00. ALMAL WELKOM! RL002788 CHRIST EMBASSY GIYANI Cheap cheap complex. Giyani town. Contacts: 072-979-6943/ 071-526-1079/ 082-365-1303 YM002287 CHRIST EMBASSY PHALABORWA Sir Val Dunken. Technical Institution N a m a k g a l e Phalaborwa. C o n t a c t s : 078-703-0367/ 082-963-2294/ 072-299-1572 RL002792 0007 Employment VAKANTE POS Huishouding & Ontvangs by GASTEHUIS. POS BEHELS: Meestal Huishouding, Personeel te help met kamers, Algemene Kantoor werk, elke 2de naweek vol dag werk, Skofte werk. F a x C V 086-616-0805 PRAISE TABERNACLE CHRISTIAN CHURCH YM002528 17 Park Street Sunday morning 09:30 Junior church 09:30 Sunday 0008 evening 18:00 Employment Tuesday 18:30 Wanted Pastor Billy & Lorraine de Beer: 0 1 5 - 7 8 1 - 7 3 5 6 I am a hard worker lady of 44 years of age. I /0833108672 0016 Professional Services APPROVED THATCH ROOFS, HARVEY ROOFS, WOODEN DECKS, WOODPLASTIC DECKING & JUNGLE GYMS. CALL WALT AT 082-872-5530 YM002659 J. COETZEE KLINIESE SIELKUNDIGE CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGIST Tel: 015-781-0012 / 082-358-5738/32 Jakkalsbessie Singel 32 PHALABORWA S i e l k u n d i g e T o e t s i n g , S i e l k u n d i g e behandeling van stres toestande, depressie en ander individuele gedragso f verhoudingsprobleme. Psychotherapy for various behavioral problems YOUR BOOKS; HEADACHE OR JOY? At MARITEL we do: •Books up to final trial balance (Bank, petty cash, debtors, creditors and all related reconciliation) •Management statements •VAT, all aspects (Farmers sending prduce to market welcome) •U.I.F. •NB! Pastel Training with a difference, in physical environment of workplace. Huge success!! Make it better today! Contact M a r i e a t 072-409-7057 YM002652 Bel vir Louis vir enige klein restorasie werke op hout meubels. Ek doen ook bou van kassies, boekrakke, en houtwerk. Louis 082-622-4449 RL002971 BESPROEIING /IRRIGATION Free quotes. Call Gavin 082-902-8867 RL002855 YM002641 LIMPOPO SHUTTLE SERVICE N e l s p r u i t , Polokwane, Pretoria Bookings @ 076-629-6771 /078-283-2345 RL002921 SECOND HAND GOODS Buying and selling of second hand goods. Contact Melanie on 076-145-1617 RL003003 0020 Transport / Taxis / Couriers MEUBELVERVOER Vervoer en verpak van meubels landswyd sowel as plaaslik. Marlien 083-252-8928 YM002643 PHALABORWA DAILY SHUTTLE SERVICE Mo & Fri Phalaborwa to Nelspruit and back trips. Wed, Sat, Sun Game reserve trips. Tue & Thu Phalaborwa to Polokwane and back trips. Transport for students to universities. Booking times: Mon - Fri 08:00 - 17:00 Sat 8:00 - 12:00 C a l l E l i z e 076-629-6771 /078-283-2345 0023 Properties for Sale FOR SALE! LOVELY TOWNHOUSE - NEW AREA! Fully tiled 2 bedroom townhouse with bathroom, open plan kitchen with lounge & dining room, patio, small garden. PRICE ONLY: R 570,000.00 CONTACT: BERTHA 082 728 1394 Hendrik Korff Properties RL002999 FOR SALE: R860 000 IN RETIREMENT VILLAGE Face brick home: Open plan lounge - dining room - kitchen with beautiful cupboards, laundry and scullery, pantry, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, single lock-up garage, large patio, braai facility, pre-paid elect meter, secured area Contact Tommie Marais 082 882 5447 at Jen Tom Properties RL002986 DUPLEX HOUSE FOR SALE!! MUST VIEW! lapa`s, build in braai, lock up garage, alarm system with beams outside, established garden. PRICE: R 890,000.00 CONTACT: BERTHA 082 728 1394 Hendrik Korff Properties RL003000 FOR SALE: R1 030 000 WELL LOOK AFTER PROPERTY Home consisting of entrance hall, lounge and dining room, family room, kitchen and pantry, 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, laundry, double garage, palisade facing the two streets Contact Tommie Marais 082 882 5447 at Jen Tom Properties RL002985 BE IN ON THE ACTION! R968.000 SPACIOUS, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, modern kitchen, separate scullery, covered entertainment area, pool, come and have a look and make this you dream home. Contact Lydia 0766581359 Kestrel RL002976 Garden Cleaning Fully tiled 3 bedroom Service house with bathroom, FOR SALE! WALK TO Do you want to sep. toilet, lounge, 0017 SCHOOL & SHOPS! dining room, kitchen, 2 remove and clear all Services passed grade 12. Can RL002790 Very neat 3 bedroom out buildings, pool, speak and wright unwanted trees that house with 2 walls 4 sides, English, Afrikaans, are damaging your bathrooms, kitchen with CHRIST EMBASSY YOUR BOOKS; established garden. N-Sotho, Tsonga. fitted wooden cabinets, GIYANI HEADACHE OR JOY? house, yard wall and PRICE: R 640,000.00 Looking for domestic lounge/ dining room, pavement?Clearing At MARITEL we do: Cheap c h e a p work. I have experience CONTACT: BERTHA - pool, big lapa, servant`s •Books up to final trial of Game farms for complex. Giyani 082 728 1394 Hendrik in house cleaning, quarters, lock up better viewing and balance (Bank, petty Korff Properties washing and ironing. town. Contacts: garage. PRICE: R RL003001 cash, debtors, creditors bush clearing for new Contact Margret at 072-979-6943/ 820,000.00(Neg.) and all related development. 078-520-0875 071-526-1079/ CONTACT: HENDRIK RL002888 PRIME BUSINESS reconciliation) RL002973 For best service call 082 784 1904 Hendrik 082-365-1303 PROPERTY!! •Management RL002791 A u b r e y a t SHUTTLE SERVICE Korff Properties R2.275.500 statements •VAT, all RL002997 0 7 8 - 4 4 1 - 5 3 9 1 Between Tzaneen Well established aspects (Farmers 0009 /079-071-0237 ANGLICAN and Pretoria every warehouse in an sending prduce to Money RL002987 FOR SALE: R1 280 CHURCH industrial area, high market welcome) •U.I.F. Friday, Saturday and SPOOKASEM •NB! Pastel Training St. Francis By the Sunday. We also building, 3 ton overhead 000 PRICE REDUCED - TOTAL 5 Vir verjaarsdae, koek crane, 6 meter with a difference, in Gate. 76 Grosvenor INSTANT CASH shuttle to OR Tambo. BEDROOMS AND 3 verkoping of container, alarm C r e c e n t We buy gold jewelery physical environment of J o h a n S m i t BATHROOMS entrepeneursdag. system, adjoining office workplace. Huge P H A L A B O R W A , in any condition for Tiled roof home Skakel: 083-463-6812 074-557-6434 YM002620 spaces, Ideally success!! Make it better Sunday 9:00 am. Ho cash. Call us on today! Contact Marie at RL002914 consisting of entrance situated!! ly Communion & 082-780-6001 hall, lounge and dining Contact Lydia 072-409-7057 VERVOER & CAMP-TEC YM002671 YM002285 room, beautiful kitchen Junior Church. 0766581359 Kestrel VERPAK VAN Caravan and Trailer RL002978 and laundry, 4 Manche Masemola MEUBELS SKAKEL repairs, services and MONEY MONEY bedrooms, 1 bathroom, THE DRAIN Namakgale, 7:00. St. MELODY VIR tandem garage for 2 FOR SALE! NEW MONEY SURGEON - (No job alterations. Mary`s Mashishimale KWOTASIE Steven at vehicles, swimming AREA!! PRICE f r o m too deep, too dark, Call 8:00 am. St. Phillips L o a n s 015-345-1192/ pool, large lapa with full 082-526-1028 DRASTICALLY R1000.00 up to or too dirty) / THE Makushane, 9:00 RL002884 0 8 4 - 6 2 7 - 0 9 5 6 / kitchen and bar counter REDUCED! am. Rev. Cole, Tel: R 1 0 0 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 ELECTRO CLINIC and bath room, boma, Stunning 4 bedroom 0 7 6 4 1 0 9 5 0 3 / CARPET & Approval within 10 (Quick as a wink) 082-542-3922. alarm system, house with 2 082-851-7139 epos: UPHOLSTERY RL002789 minutes. Blacklisted Tel: +27(0) 15 793 workshop ± 4 x 8 bathrooms(on-suite) t r o k t r e k CLEANING and Garnishee 0 7 9 2 C e l l : meters, electric fence lounge, dining room, welcome, 083-307-9258 Fax: The Clean Team - In @mweb.co.za web: around property CHRIST EMBASSY orders kitchen with fitted refer a friend and 086-671-9848 Email: Tzaneen since 2000. www.steynbergmeubel FLATLET: Lounge with wooden cabinets, 2 PHALABORWA also clean vervoer.com YM002679 studies, pool, lapa, build kitchen, bedroom and Sir Val Dunken. receive commision. r e t h a d r e y e r @ We bath room in braai, double garage, 8 2 vehicles, rugs, office Technical Institution C o n t a c t i a f r i c a . c o m . Contact Tommie Marais plus a lovely one Vervoer: Duiker St Hoedspruit chairs etc. Also: N a m a k g a l e 015-307-3359 082 882 5447 at Jen YM002664 You Vragmotors te huur- bedroom flat. Beautiful 1380 E X P E R T Masterguard. Phalaborwa. Tom Properties garden. PRICE ONLY: know us and our 1 x 8 ton; 2 x 4 ton. P L U M B I N G RL002984 C o n t a c t s : R 1,080,000.00 service!! Call today: Vervoer t u s s e n CONTACT: HENDRIK SERVICES 078-703-0367/ 0014 0 8 6 1 - 7 5 8 - 6 2 3 7 Yvonne / Eugene: T z a n e e n , 082 784 1904 Hendrik 082-963-2294/ Nurseries FOR SALE! or P o l o k w a n e , Korff Properties E X P E R T 071-783-7112 072-299-1572 ADORABLE-AFFORDABL RL002998 YM002289 Fully tiled 4 bedroom E L E C T R I C A L 081-301-6018 YM002657 Phalaborwa, Giyani, MINI FETE ON house with 2 Hoedspruit en Louis SERVICES FOR SALE! PRICE SATERDAY 01/09 bathrooms, lounge CHRIST EMBASSY GRASDAKKE Trichardt. Deelvragte REDUCED 0861-353-28742 TO ROCK Opening of our Tea YM002653 HARVEY /dining room, kitchen GIYANI DAKKE, indien moontlik. BOTTOM! Garden and Spring with fitted wooden Cheap cheap HOUT DEKKE, Betroubaar en Beautiful 4 bedroom Sale! Visit our PAINT WORK cabinets, pool, plus a complex. Giyani H O U T P L A S T I E K verseker goeie diens. house with 1,5 Facebook page for All paint work done. one bedroom flat. town. Contacts: D E K K E & Kontrakte welkom. bathroom, loun & dining updates, contact Painting of houses, PRICE: R 690,000.00 room, kitchen with fitted 0 7 2 - 9 7 9 - 6 9 4 3 / details, map and much K L I M R A M E . Easy Trans buildings, roof`s. CONTACT: HENDRIK wooden cabinets, 071-526-1079/ SKAKEL WALT BY 082-483-8996 of more. For a free quote call 082 784 1904 Hendrik laundry room, servant`s 082-805-2320 Gavin 082-902-8867 082-365-1303 082-872-5530 082-677-9973 Korff properties YM002654 RL002992 RL002854 YM002658 YM002518 quarters, pool, 2 x RL002996 SKOLENUUS PHALABORWA HERALD - Vrydag 31 Augustus 2012 Groenskool se hokkiespanne laat loop met doele Die Groenskool hokkie se eerstespan wen hul wedstryd teen Dr. Annecke: 2 - 0. Voor: Anecia Möller, Bernalee Benade, Tyla Mills, Anoescka du Preez, Millicent Moiana, Tumelo Pilusa, Shannon Mulder. Agter: Leoné Naudé, Nielia Blignaut, Sulandi Espach, Vanessa van Rooyen, Simoné Breytenbach. Afrigter: Mej. M. Oberholzer. FOR SALE! AFFORDABLE HOME!! NEW AREA!! Beautiful 3 bedroom house fully tiled with 2 bathrooms, (on-suite) big lounge, T.V. room, dining room, lovely kitchen with fitted wooden cabinets, pool, entertainment patio, servant`s quarters, laundry room, lock up garage, established garden. Remote gate with walls 4 sides. PRICE ONLY: R 790,000.00 CONTACT: HENDRIK 082 784 1904 Hendrik Korff Properties RL002995 HAVE IT ALL! PRICED TO SELL R699.000 Allot to offer, living, dining room, wooden kitchen, tv room, entertainment area, 3 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, pool, double carport. Serious offers will be consider! Contact Lydia 0766581359 Kestrel RL002974 Groenskool se hokkie tweedespan wen hul wedstryd teen Dr Annecke: 3 - 0. Voor: Annae Bosch, Cheré Rossouw, Kaylee-Shaye van Dyk, Zandria Strydom, Annicka Duvenhage, CaylaJoy Pretorius, Shanshelly Maritz. Agter: Roelien Locherenberg, Nikita Meyer, Lilly Lennox, Charissa Coetzee, Chanel Dohse, Charlize Engelbrecht, Mev L. Bosch. ROOMS TO RENT IN LULEKANI Rooms to rent in Lulekani at R975 all inclusive rate, with hot water. Security and privacy g u a r a n t e e d . Refundable deposit payable. Contact Hlengani at 081-469-9512 RL002945 TO LET: R10 000 IMMEDIATELY AVAILABLE Large home consist Lounge, dining room, very large family room, study, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, large open plan kitchen, laundry, alarm system, swimming pool, very large patio, under roof parking for 2 vehicles, servant room Contact Jenny Marais 082 878 6871 at Jen Tom Properties 0024 Properties to Let TO LET: R12500 ON HANS MERENSKY GOLF ESTATE AVAILABLE 1st OCTOBER 2012 LONG LEASE AVAILABLE:Fully furnished home: Open plan lounge - dining room - kitchen with beautiful sleeper cupboards, laundry and scullery, 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, double lock-up garage, large patio with braai facility, swimming pool, alarm system, automated sprinkler system, garden and pool service included. Contact Tommie Marais 082 882 5447 at Jen Tom Properties RL002983 TO LET: WORKSHOP AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY AVAILABLE SIZE 144 m asking R5760 monthly in Ext 5 Contact Tommie Marais 082 882 5447 at Jen Tom Properties RL002980 TO LET: STORE AVAILABLE IN SECURED AREA. 144 m @ R20 per sq/m = R2880 monthly in Ext 5 Contact Tommie Marais 082 882 5447 at Jen Tom Properties RL002979 FLAT FOR RENT 1 Bedroom/Bathroom, Lounge, Kitchen and Car Port. No pets. R2600 p/m incl water & lights Phone 083-715-3490 or 083-524-9514 RL002991 Suzuki DR Scrambler 200 On/Off raod. R7000 or swop for 200 quadebike. Call 079-988-3113 YM002581 0030 Livestock GRADER FOR HIRE R550 p/h wet including opperator. C o n t a c t 082-800-8097 RL002990 TO HIRE 40 Ton Low Bed, Bell B25 ADT`s, 22 ton Excavator, 12 Ton Flat Deck, 6 Ton Flat Deck with 9t Crane, 17,000liter water truck. For further information please c o n t a c t 071-362-3292 YM002666 0026 Wanted Gesoek Broodbome/ cycads gesoek, veral Modjadjis en ook skaars soorte. Betaal beste pryse kontant. Skakel Adriaan by 082-801-1747 YM002632 0027 Vehicles ACTION AUTO Tertius: 082-885-4947. Gavin: 082-902-8867. WE BUY CARS FOR CASH. RL002630 TURBO`S Goeie nuus! Ons verskaf nuwe TURBO`S vir alle diesel voertuie @ baie lae pryse. Vir gratis kwotasie skakel JB Spares 015-307-1149. Jy gaan verbaas wees. Agatha str 54 TZN. YM002595 VW Polo Classic 1.9 Tdi comfortline. 2006 model. Baie goeie toestand, 187000km, Silwer, vol diensrekord. R72.000.00. Skakel 082-385-2886 YM002701 FOR SALE Zinc afdak, kompleet met staal raamwerk. 6x3m. R2 800 Kontak 083-527-0433 RL002972 Gereedskap / Tools Ons doen Gedore / R A C O / MICROTEC en nog vele meer. Welders op Special. Kom loer in jy sal verbaas wees. JB SPARES 015-307-1149 Agatha str 54 TZN TZANEEN: Sheep and Goats for sale from R1000.00 R1850.00 Cattle from R2500.00 Emu Male YM002596 R1500.00 Incubators/ Hatchers from INSTANT LAWN R4000.00 Jaco LM & SWAZI 082-804-4158 YM002677 GRASS @ R25 per sq.m. Contact 073-548-3684 0035 For Sale BANGKOK KLERE Oud en jonk TO LET: R7200.00 beskikbaar. Robert IMMEDIATELY Broom 4 AVAILABLE Very neat home consist Kontak Martie Otto 082-420-2939 of open plan lounge, RL002977 RL002975 0029 Motorcycles RL002982 I`M YOURS! R1.182.500 Upmarket, 3 bedroom dinning, and kitchen, TV room, 2 bedrooms, 1 townhouse in popular complex! entertainment, bathroom, shade cloth for cars, gardener space, security, low included. maintenance, modern Contact Jenny Marais kitchen, living, dining 082 878 6871 at Jen room, braai area for Tom Properties those lazy summer RL002981 days, 1 bathroom, garage. Contact Lydia 0025 0766581359 Kestrel To Hire SO MUCH POTENTIAL! R602.000 ouble storey home, 3 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, renovated kitchen, open plan living, dining room. TLC is required but with imagination this home could be fabulous. Contact Lydia 0766581359 Kestrel Die Groenskool Hokkie O/10 span het in 'n Mini-hokkiedag deelgeneem te Tzaneen en teen Tzeen gewen 3-1 (span 1) en gewen 1-0 teen Tzaneen (span2).Voor: Marli Hamman, Annerie Locherenberg, Marise Keyser, Zuné Swanepoel, Leané Schaap, Leoné Slabbert, Simoné Raubenheimer, Yuné Porteus. Agter: Jasmine Pinto, Benita Meth, Rhodé Nortjé, Lushé Mulder. Afrigter: Mej Y. de Wet. Afwesig: Chardae Retief. PAGE 21 RL002988 MAN`S BEST FRIEND Spoil your dog with a kennel. Available in Sizes, XS, S, M, L, XL, XXL & TWIN. Contact Elmarie 082-778-8426 YM002661 CROCODILE MEAT on promotional sale Sosaties, Fillets, boerewors, biltong, croc-tails etc. Cooking and preparation booklet available. Tel: 015-307-4398/ 082-562-5004. Agatha Crocodile Ranch Tzaneen. Trade enquiries welcomed. www.agatha-crocodile .co.za Email: agathacroc@vodamail .co.za CROCODILE FEEDING SHOW DAILY 9am - 4 pm. SCHOOLS AT SPECIAL PRICES EW000634 Tupperware, Justine and PresLes products for sale. SMS or phone me for info, pamphlets and pricing.Also looking for agents to distribute these popular productus. Contact me if you want to share in the oppertunities these produts offer! NO admin fees, NO hidden costs! Christa-076-185-5611 RL002916 FOR SALE 1999 Jurgens Xplorer Caravan. New tyres, tents still in good condition, new basins (kitchen and bathroom)-40 fridge/freezer, geyser (electric/gas) Price R75 000. 3mx3m High quality Ripshot Canvas Dome Tent & Extension & a d d - a - r o o m , groundsheet and scull cap for dome tent. Excellent condition! Only R9500! Deon 083-938-6158 RL002923 FOR SALE 2 X Coke Fridges, need TLC but in working condition. R4000.00 Contact Margeret on 015-781-2318/Melanie 076-145-1617 RL003002 FOR SALE Double electric breast pump, Spectra Dew 300. R800 Contact 079-490-8995 RL002994 YM002649 MANGO AND PALM TREES FOR SALE Grafted at R20 and Palms from R10 5L bag.QUADS FOR HIRE. Doug 083-453-2228. Sunland Nursery. ACCOMMODATION available AT WORLDS BIGGEST BAOBAB. 5 Chalets ensuite. R300 p/p. Contractors Wendy houses/caravans etc. R100 p/p. Heather 082-413-2228 YM002670 TE KOOP Nokia x2-01 te koop. Nog steeds nuut. Prys R600-00 Kontak 079-351-4878 RL002989 Volledige reeks Hannon Produkte in v o o r r a a d ! ! Haarprodukte, grimering en parfuum. Kontak K a r i n b y 083-2727-503 of 015-781-2483. Peptan, Berry peptan & Tonalin CLA beskikbaar - soos op " M a a t b a n d " geadverteer, Sonbed /Akrieldip Naels. RL002993 PHALABORWA HERALD - Friday 31 August 2012 PAGE 22 VW Polokwane Zone From R1 924 p.m. Model Polo Vivo Sedan 1.4 63kW Trendline Monthly Instalment R1 924 Interest Rate * 8.57% Balloon Payment R54 880 Vehicle Price R137 200 No. of Deposit Instalments 60 10% Total Payment R170 292 Monthly Instalment R3 099 Interest Rate * 6.24% Balloon Payment R90 946 Vehicle No. of Deposit Price Instalments R245 800 60 10% Total Payment R276 874 Monthly Instalment R4 778 Interest Rate * 5.63% Balloon Payment R123 354 Vehicle No. of Deposit Price Instalments R373 800 60 10% Total Payment R410 040 From R3 099 p.m. Model Golf 1.4 TSI 90kW Trendline Manual From R4 778 p.m. Model New Volkswagen CC 2.0 TDI BlueMotion DSG *Linked to FNB Prime Rate, currently 8.50% The published prices are not binding on Volkswagen of South Africa and may be changed without notice. Instalments include initiation and administration fees. All finance offers are subject to credit approval from Volkswagen Financial Services. A division of WesBank. A division of FirstRand Bank Ltd. An Authorised Financial Service and Credit Provider. NCRC20. Volkswagen Polokwane Motorcity N1, Polokwane. Tel: 015 299 8800 SKOLENUUS PHALABORWA HERALD - Vrydag 31 Augustus 2012 PAGE 23 Groenskool se wintersport is kookwater Laerskool Phalaborwa wen met 9 paaltjies teen Khanyisa. Khanyisa koft eerste en teken 47 lopies aan. Groenskool ewenaar die telling in die sesde beurt met slegs een paaltjie plat. Baie geluk aan: Ernst Louw, Wian Schoeman, Stefan Paulse, Stephan Nel, Erik Meintjes, Damion Mitchell, Shaun Mulder, Jason Mulder, Maurice Carelsen. Afrigter: Mnr Werner Cleote (agter). Afwesig: Theuns Wilkens, Phoki Sekgopo, Morné Horn. Baie geluk aan al die landloopatlete wat hulle puik van hulle taak gekwyte het by Saterdag 25 Augustus se byeenkoms te Laerskool Dr. Anecke. Die volgende plekke is behaal: Theani Erasmus (14de), Carl Dohse (10de), Juanté Paulse (2de), Ruan Paulse (3de), Kateko Sithole (11de), Simoné Schreiber (9de), Leoné Slabbert (10de), Arno Möller (15de). Agter: Beulah van Rooyen (5de), Tshepo Mokganya (3de), Chanel Dohse (14de), Stefan Paulse (8ste), Andzani Sithole (12de), George Stroh (9de). Groenskool O/11 krieketspan wen met 9 paaltjies teen Khanyisa. Khanyisa kolf eerste en teken 61 lopies aan. Tiaan Meintjes, Eugene Kotze, Lucian Simpson en Mpho Sekgopo vat elk twee paaljies. Tiaan Meintjes teken 50 lopies aan en is speler van die wedstryd. Voor: Tiaan Meintjes, Eugene Kotze, Mpho Malotane, Louis Koen, Nathan van den Heever, S.J. Velthuysen. Agter: Mpho Sekgopo, Mario Breedt, Lucian Simpson, Janco Weideman, JJ Ferreira, Abrie Bester. Afrigter: Mnr R. Steenkamp. Groenskool se seuns tennis A-span wen teen Unicorn met 17 spelle. Telling: 30-13 spelle. Wian wen 7-0, Stefan verloor 3-4, Cornu wen 4-3. Afwesig: Theuns wen 7-1. Dubbels wen ons met 9 spelle teenoor 5 spelle. "Adventure games" was gehou op Letsitele. Leoné Slabbert van die Groenskoolhet saam in 'n span deelgeneem en hulle het die beste tyd opgestel vir laerskole. Die skool kry die wisseltrofee tot volgende jaar. Foto: Links PAGE 24 PHALABORWA HERALD - Friday 31 August 2012 SPORT Skuts geniet aangename weer Saterdag se skietdag is deur 29 skuts bygewoon. Die weer was heerlik en daar is lekker geskiet. Die uitslae is soos volg: Jakkals: Tina van Niekerk 140/150, Marnus Troger 130, Diederik Oberholzer (jnr) 95, en verdien dan daarmee sy brons jakkals balkie. Vlakte: Tina van Niekerk 250/270, Marnus Troger 130, en Ben Vorster 120. 5 Valplate en 5 patrone binne 1 minuut vanaf 150m sonder ondersteuning: George Netshilindi en Andre Kellermann 4 plate, Deon Nieuwoudt, Johan Breitenbach en Tina van Niekerk elk 3 plate. Neem kennis van die lentedag .22 Spanskiet uitdaging by die dorpsbaan op 1 September. Almal is welkom. As jy nog nie 'n span bymekaar het nie, gaan gerus en maak spanne op die dag van die skiet. Persone mag in meer as een span skiet. ’n Span moet bestaan uit 4 skuts. Gekombineerde span bestaande uit man, dame, veteraan en junior kry 5 punte elk om mee te begin dus voorsprong van 20 punte. Tel uit 200. 5 skote per persoon Inskrywings gelde: R50 per span. Onthou om vir jou span 'n naam te gee. Prysgeld: 1ste span - R400, 2de span R200 en 3de span R100. Registrasie vanaf 07:00-07:50. Daar sal om 08:00 begin skiet word. Worsrolletjies en koeldrank sal beskikbaar wees. Neem vir jou 'n stoel saam. DIE algemene jaarvergadering sal plaasvind op 4 September om 18:00 by die Boogklub te Potgieter str. Braai na die tyd, vure, pap en sous word voorsien. Neem vleis, eetgerei en drinkgoed. Op 8 September op die dorpsbaan - Buffel, Vlakvark, Groepering, Jaghandwapen en Gewone handwapens . Die 0/13 Luggeweer en die 0/18 Randslag skietoefeninge vir die juniors. Almal is welkom. Navrae: Skakel Tina: 082 316 9178. Van die skuts wat skietdag bygewoon het. Skuts skiet valplate vanaf die 150m merk, sonder ondersteuning. Pieter laat die kegels vlieg Phalaborwa se jukskei spelers het hard gespook om 'n plek in die Limpopo span te kry. Na baie harde speel in die hitte het Pieter Groenewald van Phalaborwa dit reg gekry om as plaasvervanger vir die seuns O/13 span gekies te word wat Saterdag 13 Oktober in Pretoria gaan plaasvind. Die span waarin Pieter Groenewald gespeel het, het vierde plek behaal.
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