Building of a R110m development in Namakgale
Building of a R110m development in Namakgale
Vrydag 21 Januarie 2011 VOLUME 25 NO. 3 R2.00 incl. 520 new job opportunities Building of a R110m development in Namakgale starting soon A new development worth in excess of R110 million is on the cards for Namakgale, just outside Phalaborwa, and construction will start as soon as electricity supply for the development is guaranteed. A spokesman for the developers, Kruprop Development, well-known Phalaborwa business man and entrepreneur, Chris Alberts, confirmed this week that plans for the development is in a final phase and construction should start soon. The development consists of a modern shopping centre with Shoprite as the anchor tenant. Several other very popular national franchises have already committed to the development and more than 500 new permanent jobs will be created. During the construction phase more than 300 people will be employed. However, the HERALD received information that the process could be delayed due to red tape and official bungling at Eskom, who must Sentrum bied baie 'n Nuwe ontwikkeling, wat meer as 500 poste gaan skep, word in Namakgale beplan, en daar sal binnekort met bouwerk begin word. Die volgende besighede het reeds ingestem om takke in die Namakgale inkopiesentrum oop te maak: Vervolg op bl 2... supply the electricity. Alberts didn’t agree with this perception. “I have an excellent working relationship with Eskom and I have no doubt that the right people are doing their best to assure that our electricity demand is guaranteed,” he said. Meanwhile all the major role players in Phalaborwa, the municipality and the two mining houses, have all welcomed the new development and said it will be a total travesty if electricity supply should delay the project. This is one of the biggest economic injections to the town in more than a decade. In the same time Sasol closed shop leaving approximately 300 people without jobs while both Foskor and PMC had staff cuts due to operation or economic pressures. The impressive Namakgale Shopping Mall, with a lease area of approximately 11 000sq.m., will provide services to people at grass roots level who find it difficult to travel to the Phalaborwa CBD regularly, some 20km away. The new centre will also provide full banking services and other amenities currently very difficult for thousands of people in the neighbouring area to access. The announcement of the new development has sent a flurry of optimism and excitement through Phalaborwa and sectors such as property, motoring and other relevant role players are set to gain hugely through this initiative. The only time delay might be electricity – let’s all hold thumbs. A new development worth in excess of R110 million is on the cards for Namakgale, just outside Phalaborwa, and more than 500 new permanent jobs will be created through this development. PAGE 2 NEWS PHALABORWA HERALD - Friday 21 January 2011 Veldwagters skiet 5 stropers One man lost his life and another seven were critically injured last Tuesday when a Toyota double cab crashed into a house after the driver lost control of his vehicle. The deceased was the nephew of Makhushane village councillor, Didodo Rapatsa. Residents watching as paramedics arrive to assist the victims. Councillor’s nephew dies in accident By: Given Sebashe An accident which left eight people critically injured claimed the life of Joshua Rapatsa, nephew of Makhushane village councillor, Didodo Rapatsa, last Tuesday. Joshua died while en route to Maphutha Malatji Hospital. According to Namakgale police spokesperson, Lucy Sekgotodi, the incident occurred at about 17:00 when the driver of a Toyota double cab lost control and drive into a house in Makhushane. Joshua's brother, Lesley Rapatsa, was also critically injured. The two brothers were driving with six other men from Namakgale when the incident occurred. The victims were taken to Maphutha Malatji Hospital for treatment. Joshua will be buried on Saturday in Makhushane. A case of culpable homicide was opened and investigations continue. Muni official in on charge of theft By: Given Sebashe A fleet manager of the Ba-Phalaborwa Municipality, Moses Rashitulo, turned himself in to the Phalaborwa police on Monday to face a charge of theft by false pretence. This after Rashitulo went awol in November following allegations leveled against him of running a job scam. It is alleged that he lured several victims into paying cash for nonexisting jobs in the municipality and other government departments. An accumulative R26 400 is alleged to have been collected by Rashitulo. According to a source who wished to remain anonymous, Rashitulo had contracts with his victims wherein they would deposit money into a certain bank account for the promised jobs. Apparently the account does not belong to Rashitulo, but to a man who may not be named at this stage. It is not clear whether Rahitulo was working alone. Municipal spokesperson, Eliot Ramachela, said the municipality will institute a disciplinary hearing against Rashitulo for failing to report to work. Rahitulo appeared in the Phalaborwa Magistrate's Court on Monday where he was represented by former Ba-Phalaborwa Municipal Manager, Isaiah Nyathi, as his attorney. He was granted bail of R1 000. He will appear in court on March 14 after further investigation. Rapist allegedly confesses to crime By: Given Sebashe A man who allegedly confessed to raping a four year old girl at Matikoxikaya village appeared in the Lulekani Magistrate's Court on Wednesday. The man, who cannot be named to protect the victim's identity, is a neighbour of the four year old's family. It is believed the girl was raped at about 14:00 on Monday when she went to play at the man's house, as she often does. Lulekani police spokesperson, Constable Nkhensani Mabasa, said that the mother of the victim told the police that her child complained of vaginal pains when she got back home. One of the girl's family members said that while they were on the way to the clinic the neighbour confessed to raping the child. The man later tried to flee the village to evade arrest by the police but was attacked and prevented from doing so by angry community members. He is due to appear in court on January 26 for bail application. KNP oorweeg binnekort verbod op alkohol DIE Kruger Nationale park oorweeg dit om ‘n verbod te plaas op alkohol vir dagbesoekers. SANParke se David Mabunda sê dat die internationale toeriste attraksie onlangs 130 klagtes ontvang het van onder meer, dronk bestuur, diere mishandeling, rusverstoring en selfs persone wat in hulle geboortepakke swem in ‘n kwessie van twee weke. "Persone toon geen respek vir die park nie. Besoekers steur hulle nie aan die reëls nie en alkohol misbruik is ‘n groot probleem," het Mabunda gesê. Alhoewel die topbestuur ‘n finale besluit moet maak op bg voorstel, mag die nuwe reël van so vroeg as Paasnaweek ingestel word. Vyf renosterstropers is in die Krugerwildtuin doodgeskiet. Drie van hulle is verlede Saterdag kort ná 06:00 in 'n oor-en-weer-skietery met veldwagters in die Pretoriuskop-omgewing doodgeskiet. Die ander twee is in die noorde van die wildtuin, naby die Mosambiek-grens, doodgeskiet. Veldwagters het 'n skoot in die gebied tussen Pretoriuskop en die Phabeni-hek gehoor. Hulle het 'n bloedspoor, vermoedelik dié van 'n gekweste renoster, gekry en gevolg. Hulle het op drie stropers, van wie een met 'n .303-geweer gewapen was, afgekom. Die stropers het die bloedspoor blykbaar ook gevolg. Toe die veldwagters die stropers in hegtenis probeer neem, het hulle op die veldwagters geskiet. In die skermutseling is al drie stropers doodgeskiet. Flitse, kapmesse en bebloede byle is onder meer in hul besit gekry. Nog vyf stropers in die Onder Sabie-gebied enkele kilometers van die Mosambiek-grens is aangetref terwyl hulle vermoedelik op pad terug Mosambiek toe was. Twee is in 'n oor-en-weer-skietery dood en die ander drie het oor die grens gevlug. Twee renosterhorings en 'n 458-jaggeweer is by die dooie stropers gevind. In 2010 is 333 renosters in Suid-Afrika vir hul horings afgemaai (323 witrenosters en tien swartrenosters). Hiervan is 146 in die Krugerwildtuin geskiet. Na verneem word, is daar die laaste maande 'n toenemende tendens om renosters in die noorde van die wildtuin, naby die Mosambiekgrens, te stroop. Dit is makliker vir die stropers om die diere hier te skiet en dan oor die grens te glip. In Suid-Afrika kry 'n stroper glo tussen R25 000 en R30 000 vir 'n renosterhoring terwyl daar in Mosambiek tot R25 000 per kilogram betaal word. 'n Volwasse renoster se horing weeg ongeveer 7kg. "Die beskerming van ons renosters is uiters belangrik. Die Nasionale "Wilds misdaadvoorkomings owerhede sal alles in hul vermoë doen om seker te maak dat stropers onsuksesvol is, en dood is 'n opsie," het Reynold Thakhule, algemene bestuurder van media by SANParks, gesê. Hy het verder aangevoer dat dit ongelukkig is dat die stropers, wat die klein manne agter al die stropery is, hul lewens moes verloor het. Ons sou eerder verkies dat hulle in hegtenis geneem word, sodat ons inligting oor die baas breine agter die stropery kon kry, maar as dit by ons beswaardes se lewens kom, verkies ons eerder dat die stropers 'verloor' in plaas van ons bewaarders," het Thakhule aan die Phalaborwa/Hoedspruit Herald gesê. Two suspected dealers in court By: Given Sebashe Two men suspected of dealing in rhino horn, Orlando Gavele and Miao Zhi Qiang, appeared in the Phalaborwa Magistrate's Court on Monday. Gavele and Qiang were arrested in September by the KNP Environmental Crime Investigations team following the arrest of an alleged rhino poacher from Mozambique who has agreed to turn state witness. In court, the defence lawyer requested the acting magistrate, Topsy Thete, to relax the bail condition of reporting to a police station every Friday. The legal representative said this is affecting his clients, particularly Qiang, since he is a businessman who travels every now an then. The application to relax the condition was strongly opposed by the state, citing the seriousness of the charge and the fact that the accused pose a flight risk. Thete ordered the accused to report twice a month to their local police station instead of Police arrest 32 suspects Namakgale police arrested 32 people over the past week for various criminal activities. One male was arrested for murder, seven for rape and five for assault with intent to cause grievous bodily harm. Seven males and three females were arrested for violating the road traffic act and one male for reckless and negligent driving. Four males and one female were arrested for public drinking and one person for housebreaking. Two females were arrested after a court issued a warrant of arrest for them. each Friday. Their case was postponed to February 28 pending final investigations into the case. Sentrum bied baie Vervolg van bl 1... Absa, African Bank, Autopage, Barnetts, Bata, Bed City, Best Electric, Blockbusters, Capitec, Cash Build, Cell C, Chicken Licken, Dunns, Ellerines, FNB, Lebata Boys, Multiserv, Nedbank, OK Furniture, Old Fashioned Fish, PEP, Photo Lab, Pie's & More, die Poskantoor, Shoprite, Shoprite Liquor, Sport Scene, Standard Bank, Telkom en Webbers. Daar sal ook 'n begrafnis ondernemer, 'n vulstasie, 'n haar en skoonheid salon, 'n wassery en 'n apteek oop maak. NUUS PHALABORWA HERALD - Vrydag 21 Januarie 2011 PAGE 3 Glitches may be the cause for high electricity bills Manholes missing their covers pose a real threat the animals and children alike, as was seen over the past week when two dogs had to be rescued from such manholes. Just to demonstrate how deep a manhole really is, Alwyn Schaap climbs into one of the manholes in the heavy industrial area where the dogs were found. By: Melissa Albert Excessively high electricity bills received by a number of Phalaborwa residents this month are a result of a glitch in municipal meter reading or in the billing system. Some residents, who were paying about R300 a month prior to January, received bills of up to R2 000 and in other cases bills had more than doubled. Before the Herald’s investigation resulted in an admission that the municipality was likely to be at fault, people were told by the electricity department to pay up or else face supplies being disconnected. Some who complained and then asked to speak to the manager of the department were told that they could not speak to anyone else; that these were the new tariffs and they must pay or be disconnected. However, municipal spokesman Eliot Ramachela told the Herald that tariffs had not been increased and remained at "just above a Rand per kilowatt". Ramachela admitted that the excessive bills could be a result of incorrect readings by the municipality, or due to a fault in the billing system. He said the actual cause had not yet been established. "If you feel that the fees are incorrect an investigation will be launched in order to correct the problem and all money paid will be refunded when the problem is found," he said. Ramachela advised those affected to speak to the payment desk and if they got no help there to speak to the Chief Financial Officer to have their problems "straightened out immediately". But those affected consumers who spoke to the Herald said the CFO had, in the past, been uncooperative and that their queries could, once again, be swept under the carpet. Ramachela said if consumers failed to get satisfaction from the CFO they should approach the Municipal Manager, "who will be able to help you resolve the matter at hand". Buro voorspel nog reën vir Phalaborwa This young Labrador pup, Buddy, was trapped in a manhole for about three days before he was found and taken to the Phalaborwa SPCA. After being trapped in a manhole for nearly two weeks, this young Chow mix, Stoopid, was lucky enough to be saved by the Phalaborwa SPCA. He is currently undergoing extensive treatment at Tamboti Vets in Phalaborwa. Kry jou sambreel reg want daar word nog reën oor die volgende paar dae in Phalaborwa voorspel. Donderdag (vandag) het 'n 99% kans vir swaar donderbuie, met temperature met 'n minimum van 22 grade en 'n maksimum van 32 grade. Vrydag sal dit gedeeltelik bewolk wees, met 58% kans op reën. Daar sal 'n minimum temperatuur van 22 grade wees met 'n maksimum van 30 grade. Saterdag is gedeeltelik bewolk met temperature van 21 grade wat sal styg tot 'n maksimum van 32 grade. Sondag sal ook gedeeltelik bewolk wees met 47% kans reën. Die minimum van 21 grade tot 'n maksimum van 34 grade kan verwag word. Danger lurks in every street... By: Melissa Albert Danger is lurking in every street...literally. This, however, is not in the sense that many would imagine. This kind of danger is caused by many manholes missing their covers. Over the past week, Phalaborwa/Hoedspruit Herald has witnessed two dogs being rescued from manholes, which have been without their covers for more than three months. Both of these animals were fortunate enough to let out a whimper just as someone was walking by. Unfortunately, not many of these animals are as lucky as these two were. The first dog, a Labrador puppy, was found in a manhole last Friday in the heavy industrial area just outside Phalaborwa after a passerby heard him cry. He had been stuck in the manhole for about three days, but was just a bit shaken up. Buddy, as he was nicknamed by his "saviors", Jason Albert and Koos Engelbrecht, is currently recovering at the Phalaborwa SPCA. The second, Stoopid, a 22 month old Chow mix, disappeared after New Years Eve. He was found trapped in a manhole in the same area as Buddy on Tuesday by the Phalaborwa SPCA. Stoopid had apparently been trapped for so long that he barely survived this ordeal. He had lost almost half of his body weight, and had contracted Pneumonia. Stoopid is currently at Tamboti Vets in Phalaborwa, undergoing treatment for his numerous injuries. The question that is lingering on many people's minds is what would happen if a child had fallen into one of these manholes. "The areas around these holes are so overgrown that it would literally be impossible to spot one until it is too late. It is almost a 2m drop to the bottom, making chances of a small child surviving a fall very slim. To make matters worse, Phalaborwa has seen a massive amount of rain since New Years, which floods the manholes almost to the top, washing debris down to who knows where," said "savior" Albert. As it stands, the Ba-Phalaborwa Municipality is aware of the missing manhole covers, but no comment from either the technical department or the municipal spokesperson on when these covers will be replaced has been received. Rontho wins the brand new Kia Picanto After weeks of waiting to hear if he was the winner of a brand new Kia Picanto in the Pick n Pay Win a Car Competition, KD Rontho received a call from the Pick n Pay Phalaborwa management to say he was the winner. Rontho, right, recently received his prize from Johan Kruger, left, from Pick n Pay Phalaborwa. PAGE 4 PHALABORWA HERALD - Friday 21 January 2011 NEWS The man behind the selling of Phalaborwa/Hoedspruit, Letaba and Mopani Herald newspapers in Lulekani, Moses Mathebula. He started selling the Herald in August last year and has only prospered. Engineer sells Herald to make a living By: Given Sebashe If you have never missed reading Phalaborwa/Hoedspruit Herald when you walk into your office or your home every Thursday, it's because of people like Moses Mathebula who delivers newspapers for a living. Mathebula from Lulekani has proven that determination is one of his best characteristics which every youth needs to survive in life. Mathebula had ambitions to become a mechanical engineer when he completed his mechanical engineering studies in 2008. When he could not find employment, Mathebula didn’t wish to become another unemployment statistic and chose to sell newspapers instead. "The idea of selling newspapers was brought up by one of my neighbours as we were sitting together complaining about not getting employment, though we were educationally equipped. We decided to sell newspapers around Lulekani, but after a few weeks my neighbour decided to quit and I carried on alone until today," explained Mathebula. Mathebula sells more than 200 copies of Phalaborwa/Hoedspruit, Letaba and Mopani Herald newspapers every Thursday. He started selling the three papers in August last year. "I deliver at various offices in Lulekani and also have customers whose houses I deliver to," added Mathebula Mathebula says it was not easy for him to walk around the streets and office buildings selling newspapers, but because he knew what he wanted, he kept going. "When I started, my fellow classmates would laugh at me, citing that I am too lazy to look for a better job in the mining industry. They would tell me that I should not have bothered to study if I wanted to sell newspapers, but this has never discouraged me," explains Mathebula. He is now well-known and many residents in Lulekani rely on him for the local news as he delivers and sells in every corner of Lulekani. Prospering, Mathebula recently opened a fruit and vegetable shop in Lulekani in an effort to curb unemployment in his community. "After realising the escalating rate of unemployment amongst youths, I decided to open a shop which will eventually be able to provide jobs as it grows bigger," said Mathebula. He is however still struggling to raise money for equipment such as fridges where he can keep his stock. He is pleading with anyone who is able to assist him with any form of donation so that his dream of creating employment can become a reality. He can be contacted on 072 223 0471. Seeing as Mathebula is doing such a great job of ensuring the community of Lulekani stays informed, the Herald is looking for a person who can sell and deliver newspapers in Phalaborwa, Namakgale and other rural villages. Contact Phalaborwa/Hoedspruit Herald on 015 781 5484 for more information. ALGEMEEN PHALABORWA HERALD - Vrydag 21 Januarie 2011 PAGE 5 Riana joins agency For all your personal home loan or estate agent needs, contact Riana van Tonder who has recently joined the Aida Phalaborwa group on 084 602 8423, or e-mail her on Much needed accommodation has become available to Ba-Phalaborwa municipal employees thanks to Sasol, who took the decision to donate the hostel buildings after the Sasol Nitro plant closed down last year. The mayor of Ba-Phalaborwa, Gloria Mudunungu, and Sasol Nitro site manager, Jacqueline Porteus shaking hands during the handover of the hostel in Namakgale on December 24. Sasol provides accommodation By: Given Sebashe Much needed accommodation has become available to Ba-Phalaborwa municipal employees thanks to Sasol. Hostel accommodation that used to house Sasol Nitro employees was no longer needed when the plant was closed down, and Sasol took the decision to donate the hostel buildings to the municipality. The handover was made by Sasol site manager, Jaqueline Porteus, to Ba-Phalabor- wa's mayor, Gloria Mudunungu on December 24 last year after Sasol had carried out maintenance work on the buildings. The hostel provides accommodation for people in single quarters and has a recreation hall, ablution facilities and a communal kitchen. However, excess accommodation would be rented to the general public, said Ramachela. Rentals will be set after an evaluation. Model bedank borge Die jong model van Phalaborwa, Jean-Marie Roos, wil graag net vir al die mense wat haar geondersteun het tydens haar deelname in die "Model Cup" te Pretoria wat in Desember plaasgevind het, 'n groot dankie sê. Sy het brons behaal in die volgende kategorieë: fotografie, loopplank, liggaam houding, ritme, vries posisie en vertoning. Frangipani hosts AGM The Annual General Meeting of Frangipani School will be held on March 16 at 18:00 at the school. The school would like to extend an invitation to the parents, community and businesses of Ba-Phalaborwa to attend. For further information, contact the school on 015 781 7020. Billy receives drivers license This old learner from Frangipani School, Billy Malobane, who suffers from brain damage, has made an effort to make the most of his life and to succeed in everything he does. Malobane recently received his Code 10 drivers license in an attempt to prove that no matter what disabilities or hardships people are faced with, they can succeed in life if they put their minds to it. ... jazzing up your home has never been easier! we specialize in designing and making of Curtains & Quilted Bedspreads - Fancy Pelmets - Upholstery - Designer Sofa’s & Wingback Chairs We supply and fit the largest selection of blinds!! LARGE RANGE OF BRIDAL WEAR, DRESS FABRICS & HABERDASHERY ALSO AVAILABLE s t n e i cl r u o o t t n e m t i m m 10 ye ars of co INSTALLATIONS ALL EXPERTLY DONE 68608 48 Agatha Street Next to Shoe City Tzaneen 0850 Unbeatable value for top quality workmanship PAGE 6 PHALABORWA HERALD - Friday 21 January 2011 ADVERTENSIE ALGEMEEN PHALABORWA HERALD - Vrydag 21 Januarie 2011 PAGE 7 Stem vir jou gunsteling Foto2: Na 'n warm dag in die son, geniet Alicia Opperman en haar seun, Ryan, die lekker koel swembad water. Foto3: Die olifante het omtrent baljaar. Naomi Coetzee het die foto van 'n olifant naby die Phalaborwa hek geneem toe sy met haar gesin in die wildtuin rond gery het. Met die Fees seisoen wat verby is, het elke gesin hulle foto albums opgedateer. Die Phalaborwa/Hoedspruit Herald het ‘n kompetisie geloods vir die beste vakansie foto, en publiseer die volgende foto’s wat ingestuur is. Die wenner word deur die publiek via ‘n sms kompetisie aangewys. Die wen inskrywing stap weg met 'n R500 geskenk bewys van Pick 'n Pay Phalaborwa. Die sms kompetisie eindig op 28 Januarie. Die publiek kan vir hulle gunsteling foto stem, deur 'n sms te stuur. Elke sms beloop R2. Om vir jou wen foto te stem gaan soos volg te werk: sms die woord phfoto gevolg met die foto nommer na 34274. Die wenner sal in die uitgawe van 4 Februarie verskyn. Foto5: Dit voel amper asof jy kan vlieg! Aldrich van der Merwe geniet sy zipline avontuur, in Hazyview, tydens die afgelope skool vakansie. Foto8: "Klim in die water! Ons weet jy wil saam met ons swem!" Annia de Klerk het tydens haar vakansie in Saldanhabaai die foto van twee seuns geneem. Hulle het heel middag probeer om hulle hond in die water te kry, maar hy wou niks weet nie. Foto4: Catching some rays. Chevelle Marnewick, a Pit Bull belonging to Suzette Marnewick, was caught red handed lounging on a sun chair next to the swimming pool, catching a tan during the past festive season. PAGE 8 PHALABORWA HERALD - Friday 21 January 2011 PHALABORWA HERALD - Vrydag 21 Januarie 2011 PAGE 9 PAGE 10 PHALABORWA HERALD - Friday 21 January 2011 GENERAL Stem vir jou gunsteling foto Foto6: Na 'n lekker dag in die swembad, geniet Brendon (4), Stian (3) en Arno ( 8 maande) 'n lekker warm bad saam met mekaar. Several ward committee members who received certificates of appreciation on Friday at the Lulekani community hall. Foto7: 'n lekker dag by die see. Andre Barry geniet homself opreg tydens sy vakansie by die see oor die afgelope skool vakansie. Kalenders beskikbaar Die Phalaborwa/Hoedspruit lessenaar kalenders is tans beskikbaar by die Phalaborwa/Hoedspruit Herald kantoor in 24 Hardekool straat. Kostes beloop R20 per kalender. Daar is 'n minimum hoeveelheid kalenders beskikbaar aan die publiek. Skakel ons gerus op 015 781 5484 vir meer besonderhede. A Ward 4 committee member, Leta Lewele, was announced the best ward committee performer on Friday during the awarding of certificates to ward committee members of Ba-Phalaborwa Municipality. The event was held at the Lulekani community hall. Lewele with the local mayor, Gloria Mudunungu at the event. Ward committee members of Ba-Phalaborwa Municipality were awarded with certificates of appreciation by the local mayor, Gloria Mudunungu, on Friday at the Lulekani community hall. Ward 4 committee member, Jimmy Nkuna, showing off his certificate. Municipality awards committee members By: Maria Maleto Several ward committee members of Ba-Phalaborwa Municipality were awarded with certificates at the Lulekani community hall on Friday, as a token of appreciation and acknowledgement of their contributions in their respective wards. Amongst those who received certificates was 76 year old Leta Lewele from Ward 4 in Namakgale. The ecstatic Lewele danced and ululated her way to the stage to accept her certificate from the local mayor, Gloria Mudunungu. She was also announced as the best performer. "I am happy that people have recognised my contributions in the community. I will work even when I am in a wheelchair," she said laughingly. Mudunungu told other committee members that they can learn from Lewele who has contributed much to service delivery, even at her age. In her speech, Mudunungu touched on key aspects, such as the importance of public participation and involvement of communities in municipal activities. "Public participation in community and municipal activities is key as it helps in improving service delivery," said Mudunungu. She added that public participation remains a challenge, as people are not fully aware of the services available to assist them in their socioeconomic challenges such as poverty. Mudunungu also encouraged the community to understand projects around them and assist in making them a success. "We need to enhance communication between the community and the municipality so that we all contribute to all the development of Ba-Phalaborwa at large." She further encouraged the ward committees to pass on all they have learned, so that the knowledge does not go to waste. "Teach a woman, teach the nation," she added. PHALABORWA HERALD - Vrydag 21 Januarie 2011 The Back to School campaign in Ba-Phalaborwa was kick-started last Wednesday, with government leaders and politicians visiting several schools to inspect their readiness for learning and to motivate them. The South African Democratic Teachers' Union (SADTU) convener in Ba-Phalaborwa, Bethuel Lebetha, local mayor, Gloria Mudunungu, and National Member of Parliament, Foni Mushwana, addressing Grade 12 learners at Vuxeni High School in Namakgale. Government officials inspect schools By: Maria Maleto The government's Back to School campaign was kick-started at schools around the country last Wednesday, with politicians and government leaders inspecting the readiness of schools for the 2011 learning year. In Ba-Phalaborwa, the campaign was led by the National Member of Parliament, Fonny Mushwana, Limpopo Member of Parliament, Seaparo Sekoati, the local mayor, Gloria Mudunungu and other education stakeholders, including Namakgale circuit manager Abel Homu. The visit began at Matome Malatji High School in Ga-Maseke, then proceeded to Vuxeni High School in Namakgale and on to 18 other schools. The campaign was aimed at inspecting the conditions of school’s buildings, delivery of stationery for the learners, readiness of the schools and also to motivate learners as they begin the new education year. Mushwana, who is a committee member of basic and higher education in parliament, stated that another reason she attended the campaign was because committee members were required to report regularly on their activities and to make recommendations to the house for debate and decisions. "As part of the oversight work, committees also visit schools to find out directly from the people whether the government was delivering on its promises," she said. At Vuxeni High School she said learners and teachers needed to put in more effort to do better than previous years. The school achieved a 55.2% pass rate, up from 29% in 2009. However, Vuxeni managed to surpass Matome Malatji, which attained 45.2% - the only school with a lower pass rate in the Namakgale circuit. Mushwana reminded learners that they were not studying for anyone but for themselves, so they should be 100 per cent committed. “You must have confidence and courage in yourselves as learners and know that your future lies with you,” Mushwana said while addressing the grade 12 learners of Vuxeni. Namakgale circuit manager Abel Homu, said one of the challenges facing learners in Namakgale, particularly in Vuxeni, was that they left school during break time. He went on to say that they were holding up their own progress by not being eager to learn and leaving school early - but should they change, a higher pass rate could be achieved. The local mayor, Gloria Mudunungu, also encouraged learners to work hard because parents, government and society looks to them to be part of the pride of the nation. Vuxeni school principal, Douglas Mukhawane, said the school had put in place a turnaround strategy for the 2011 matriculants. “We will be offering extra lessons in the mornings, afternoons and weekends in an effort to improve the school’s performance at the end of the year. Monthly tests will also be conducted,” said Mukhawane. Amongst other schools visited were Sebalamakgolo, Lepato, Frans du Toit, Ntshuxeko, Relebogile, Maphokwane, Prieska and Meridian. The team will formulate a report on the visits, which will be submitted to the ANC in Ba-Phalaborwa and then to the Mopani regional office. PAGE 11 Learners of Vuxeni High School in Namakgale were visited by government leaders last Wednesday during the Back to School campaign which aimed to, amongst other things, motivate learners as they begin with the new year. National Member of Parliament, Foni Mushwana, addressing learners of Vuxeni High School. VACANCY CENTRE MANAGER Modjadji Plaza We hereby invite applications for the above position which has opened at Modjadji Plaza. The post requires the management of the above shopping centre in the following format and a tertiary qualification in property management is a pre-requisite. - To maintain all buildings and assets within the plaza - Draw up monthly reports and status quo of the plaza - To do electrical and water meter readings where required - To collect, where required, rentals from tenants - To oversee security and cleaning contractors Based on the above, the applicant must have the following skills: - In PC Operation - Basic Building Maintenance - General office practice - Driver’s license Commencement date: 15th March 2011 All applications with necessary CV should be faxed to our Head office at fax no: 012 654 9021. Closing date: 15th February 2011 68625 AMC/DIST003419/E GENERAL Visit the Amarula Lapa in the Limpopo Province town of Phalaborwa. Experience warm hospitality under a true African sunset while sharing the unique, indulgent taste of the Spirit of Africa, enjoyed by millions in over one hundred countries worldwide. TASTINGS AND SALES Monday – Friday: 08h00 – 17h00 Saturdays and Public Holidays: 08h00 – 16h00 Booking essential for groups Tel: (015) 781 7766 Fax: (015) 781 7666 Email: PAGE 12 PHALABORWA HERALD - Friday 21 January 2011 SKOLENUUS Grade 8’s catch the Frans du Toit spirit When they say "get some school spirit going," you get some school spirit! These new Grade 8 learners from Frans du Toit High School showed their matrics that they have what it takes to help bring home the spirit trophy at the next inter-high. Matrics from Frans du Toit High School had as much fun watching their new Grade 8's carry out the tasks they had assigned to them last Tuesday, as the Grade 8's had doing them. Front: Renaldi Meintes, Lrene Streicher, Venethea du Plessis and Michelle Mabapa. Back: Marisca van der Starr, Ian Nieuwoudt and Kyle Breitenbach. Photo: left. This matric was so impressed with his new Grade 8, that he wholeheartedly gave her a high five before she completed the rest of the task he had laid out for her during the Grade 8 initiation at Frans du Toit High School last Tuesday CLASSIFIEDS 0006 Church Services AGS C H A R I S M A G E M E E N T E PHALABORWA. Hardekoolstraat. Sondag oggend diens en kinderkerk om 09:00. Aanddiens om 18:30. Dinsdae selkerk om 19:00. Navrae: Past. Koos de Jongh by 015-781-1747. IT023546 ANGLICAN CHURCH St. Francis By the Gate. 76 Grosvenor C r e c e n t PHALABORWA, Sunday 9:00 am. Holy Communion & Junior Church. Manche Masemola Namakgale, 7:00. St. Mary`s Mashishimale 8:00 am. St. Phillips Makushane, 9:00 am. Rev. Cole, Tel: 082-542-3922. PHALABORWA HERALD - Vrydag 21 Januarie 2011 Hervormde Kerk Phalaborwa 0007 Employment H/v Jansen Singel 3 & Grosvenor straat, P h a l a b o r w a . AVROY SHLAIN Oggenddiens: 09:00. COSMETICS Aanddiens: 18:00. Ds van Rensburg, Need Agents to sell our high quality Skincare kontak gerus, Tel: range, perfumes and 015-781-6263. make-up. GOOD IT023545 Accommodation BUSHVELD LODGE HOEDSPRUIT Team building weekends or family r e u n i o n s . COMMISSION!! Own Accommodate up to hours, work where and 25 people. Self when you want. Contact Includes: Elmarie 082-731-6268 catering. IT023747 Jacuzzi, swimming pool, boma, braai facilities, linen + full LOST CONTROL time servants. Up to MANAGER 13 people Requirements: Bilingual, retail R3500.00 per day. experience, above Up to 25 people or average communication more R4000.00 per skills, Problem solving d a y . Contact skills, self-motivated. 082-552-7722 or Management or experience would be an 078-111-5320 015-307-7384 advantage. Contac Lede in Christus Kerk 17 Blue Crane Straat, Phalaborwa. Skakel Past. Fanie F e r r e i r a 083-4099-719. DIENSTYE: Sondag oggend: Erediens: 9:30, Sondagskool: 8:00. Sondag aand: Evangeliediens: 18:00. Woensdag aand Biduur: 19:00. Saterdag oggend Dries on 071-517-2275. RL000595 Biduur: 6:00. ALMAL WELKOM! IT023541 METHODIST CHURCH 14 Gelderland Street. Tel: 015-781-1085. ALL WELCOME. Sunday Services IT023547 08:30. Sunday School 08:30. Prayer Gereformeerde meeting at 17:30 on Kerk Phalaborwa Resident Jansensingel 67, Tuesday. P h a l a b o r w a Minister: Rev. Dr. Eredienste: 09:00 en Paul Eloff. RL000593 18:00. Katagese: Sondae 10:00. NG KERK Bybelstudie: Dinsdae Eredienste 9:30 en 08:00 en 17:30. 18:00. Selgroepe: Bybelskool (huis en D i n s d a e 19:00. tuinwerkers): Kerkkantoor: Maandae 13:00. 015-781-0966. Ds K e r k k a n t o o r : Carl Schoeman: 0 1 5 - 7 8 1 - 1 3 7 3 . 084-586-4937. Ds Predikant, Ds Victor Otto van Heerden: C o r r e i a : 079-509-9945. God 015-781-7408. roep ons om IT023548 koeltebome van Sy in ons HEAL THE WORLD Genade omgewing te wees. MINISTRIES IT023544 We invite you to come visit us for our Praise Tabernacle Morning Glory Christian Church Sunday Service. 17 Park Street, VENUE: Sir Van Phalaborwa. Sunday Duncan Campus. m o r n i n g 09:30, TIME: 10:00 am - Junior Church 09:30. 13:00. C o n t a c t Sunday evening Apostle P h i r i : 18:30. Pastor Billy & 076-1830-893. Your Lorraine de Beer: breakthrough i s 015-781-1304 or waiting for you, come e m a i l : and receive it. IT023549 IT023543 Hebrew Roots Studente God het sewe (7) a d d i s i o n e l e Sabbatdae tot die 52 weeklikse Sabbatdae ingestel. Is u bewus van hierdie a d d i s i o n e l e Sabbatdae en onderhou u hulle? Kom besoek ons vir `n koppie tee/koffie en ons wys u in u Bybel. Skakel: 015-781-5514 of 082-343-2174. SHEKINAH BEDIENINGE (PPK) H/v Pres. Kruger & B o s h o f . Oggend-Diens, Sondag: 09:30. Shekinah Bidders, Woensdag: 19:00. E x p l o r e r s Jeugbediening, Vrydag: 19:00. Glory Kidz, Sondag: 08:30. Selgroepe, Sondag: 18:00. Past. Chris & Dorothy Le Roux, Tel: 015-781-5085, Sel: 079-307-7113. IT023540 0015 IT023550 SECURITY GUARDS Security Guards (male & female). Must be SIRA registered, retail security a must, Bilingual, above average communication skills, problem solving skills, self motivated. Contact Dries on 071-517-2275. RL000594 IT023456 PRIVAAT SPEURDER Privaat Speurder. André: 084-485-6448. 4 U VEHICLE BROKERS Voorkom swartlys Voertuie gevra Motors, bakkies, bote, motorfietse en karavane - Sukkel u om u paaiement te betaal? Is u voertuig oorboek? Het gekeurde kliënte om voertuig paaiemente oor te neem agterstallige gelde word gedelg Voertuie ook beskikbaar. Vir professionele diens skakel Secunda 072-887-4601 IT023457 RL000607 0017 Services 0018 Entertainment UNIVERSITEIT VAN PRETORIA STUDENTE AKKOMMODASIE VIR 2011 Veilige, netjiese kamers beskikbaar 5 min vanaf Tukkies kampus. Skakel 082-457-4986 IT023696 CAST CRETE For Round Pillars, Pre cast Walls, Paving (supplied and installed), Bricks, Maxi Bricks, Stepping Stones, Cobbles, Garden sets, Building Sand, River Sand, Etc. Call: 015-781-0413. RL000592 0016 Professional Services IT023754 Barra/ Inhambane (Mosambiek): lodge te koop 12- Bed toegeruste lodge met see- uitsig. R1.3 miljoen. Koop die lodge as eenheid, of koop `n aandeel. Skakel Piet 082-852-3789 IT023752 FABULOUS, SPACIOUS HOUSE R860 000.00. Situated on a large corner stand, this home offers: 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, large lounge with fireplace and dining room, spacious kitchen, scullery, outside laundry and domestic room, huge swimming pool and two lapas. Double garage and an electronic gate. Contact Mari-lize: 082-851-8439 at Kestrel Real Estate. RL000616 IT023462 VAKATURE - JUNIOR POS VAKANT Benodig kantoor dame. APPROVED HARVEY THATCH ROOFING Vereisters: Ouderdom 35+, rekenaar geletterd. Professional thatch roof and wooden deck Verdere opleiding sal builder. Walt verskaf word. Faks CV 082-872-5530 (hoogstens 2 bladsye) IT023458 na 015-307-5380 of email na: DEBT PROBLEMS? wingsoverafrica Why battle with debt IT023651 payments each month? See a qualified Debt Counsellor. We will make sure you have 0010 more take home pay. Business for We will reschedule all Sale your debts without further loans. No blacklisting, no For sale judgements or General Dealer and attachments for at least Fish & Chips Take away at Tzaneen Mall 60 days. Only one Taxi rank. R290,000.00 monthly payment. Your neg. incl. stock. Contact first visit is totally free Andrew 078-139-2770 and then you decide. IT023656 Total confidentiality is guaranteed. Contact James, NCRDC1374, PHOTOSHOP AND for assistance on COPY CENTRE FOR 082-894-8274 or SALE 015-781-7071 or simply Print ID to A1+ photos. SMS "debt" and I will Faxing, typing, copying, contact you. SA Debt internet. Binding MUG Solvers CC - mail us at Press printing, for CANVAS Printing, immediate advice and Photobook printing. All assistance. equipment incl. Call IT023553 Kobus 015-309-8686 or 082-346-9098 Financial Statements, IT023690 tax returns, tax advice, Estates, NCR Registration 0012 (for Credit Providers/ Furniture Cash Loans) Close Corporations and Trusts, Debit Order Systems and Home BARGAIN HUNTERS Loans. Professional PAWN SHOP Accountants (SA) Beste pryse vir meubels Contact Jaco De Wet sitkamerstelle, stove, 082-804-4158 or Yskaste,beddens ens. 015-307-6202/3 Skakel 015-781-6361 IT023455 J. COETZEE KLINIESE SIELKUNDIGE CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGIST Tel: 015-781-0012 / 082-358-5738/32 Jakkalsbessie Singel 32 PHALABORWA Sielkundige Toetsing, Sielkundige behandeling van stres toestande, depressie en ander individuele gedrags- of verhoudingsprobleme. Psychotherapy for various behavioral problems PAGE 13 LORRY AVAILABLE REMOVAL OF GARDEN RUBBISH AND BUILDING RUBBLE. R350 PER LOAD WITH A 4 TON TIPPER. Contact Kosie: 083-527-0433. IT023552 PATRICIA`S SEWING For all your Upholstery including chairs, sofas, cushions, benches, carseats, sails, bakkie sails, car & floor mats, gazebos, shadenets, bags, linen, curtains, new clothes, overalls, staff uniforms. Repair and Alterations. Where every job is treated as urgent! Fax: 015-781-7395, Cell: 082-543-6141. RL000567 Services DSTV Dish Installations. Saturdays & Sundays. Contact 071-603-2794 IT023569 FABULOUS FRIDAYS MARLOE`S. Open for lunch Fridays, 11:30 to 3:30pm. In a hurry? Phone to order in advance. We Cook with Love. 31 Grosvenor Crescent, Phalaborwa. Phone 082-493-5403. RL000596 MARLOE`S THIS VENUE IS FOR HIRE. 31 Grosvenor Crescent, Phalaborwa. Phone 082-493-5403. Email: marloe RL000597 0019 Pets Corner TE KOOP Burmese Luislang te koop vir R2500. ±1,5m lank, soek goeie huis. 1x Jenday conure (Pappegaai) te koop vir R400. Kontak: 072-397-1937. RL000570 0020 Transport / Taxis / Couriers MEUBELVERVOER Vervoer en verpak van meubels landswyd sowel as plaaslik. Marlien 083-252-8928 SPECIAL IT023460 SERVICES We offer the following price on 0023 request: Furniture Properties for removal, garden Sale refuse removal, tree felling. Dial-a-Drum. One drum R50 per All the Space you month, 2x drums need R90 per month, 3x 4 bedrooms, 2.5 bathrooms, study drums R130 per lounge, open plan month. Cleaned kitchen, laundry and weekly. Contact double garage. B o e t i e o n Swimming pool, walled 0 7 2 - 5 5 8 - 5 8 7 3 , 3 sides, best location, Raymond o n and lots of extras. R925 078-277-8014. Tel 000. Call Siceron /fax: 015-781-6866, 082-672-7634 or email: boetiemartins 015-781-2828, Hyacynth Properties. IT023554 RL000610 FOR SALE: R680 000 FACEBRICK AND THATCH ROOF LOCK-UP AND GO. Lounge and dining room with open plan kitchen with melamine cupboards, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, carport and motorized front gate and pre-paid meter. Contact Tommie Marais 082-882-5447 at Jen Tom Properties. RL000605 FOR SALE: R820 000 WELL PRICED HIGH WALLED PROPERTY. Consisting of lounge, dining room with open plan kitchen, 4 bedrooms, 1½ bathrooms, double lock-up garage, 4 store rooms, motorized gate and electric fencing surrounding property. Contact Tommie Marais 082-882-5447 at Jen Tom Properties RL000606 FOR SALE: R850 000 RETIREMENT VILLAGE. Stay in Tranquality. Consisting of lounge and dining room with open plan kitchen, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, alarm system, patio, barbeque area, single lock-up garage, store room, motorized gate and pre-paid meter. Contact Tommie Marais 082-882-5447 at Jen Tom Properties. RL000604 HOUSE FOR SALE 5 Bedroom House, Lapa, Swimming pool. Nice and Big.. Close to good schools. For sale at R795 000. Call 082-046-2456. Looking for a new owner 3 Bedroom flat, 2 bathrooms, neatly maintained, kitchen, combined lounge and dining, communal pool. Priced to go R430 000. Call Siceron 082-672-7634 or 015-781-2828, Hyacynth Properties. RL000609 LOVELY HOUSE R580 000.00. Add this lovely house with 3 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, spacious living area, outside building, splash pool and carport to your property portfolio. Contact Mari-lize: 082-851-8439 at Kestrel Real Estate. RL000615 Properties for sale: Macadamia Village Tzaneen a secured village with retirement facilities on site 3 Bedr, 2 bathr house with double garage, all floors tiled, well designed kitchen with granite tops, spacious under roof patio everything and more! 2 Bedr, 2 bathr house with double garage, under roof patio overlooking the Tzaneen dam, a must view! Contact Hettie 082-446-2738 or Trudie 082-979-7666 IT023520 RETURN ON INVESTMENT! R592 000.00. Located in a secured complex featuring three bedrooms, one bathroom, lounge and TV room, neat wooden kitchen, scullery and laundry, newly tiled and painted. Contact Mari-lize: 082-851-8439 at Kestrel Real Estate. RL000614 TIME TO BUILD Vacant stands in the new area of Phalaborwa. Well priced at R330 000 each. Call Hyacynth Properties 015-781-2828 or Siceron 082-672-7634. RL000612 RL000598 IDEAL PROPERTY 3 Bedroom, 2 bathrooms, lounge, fitted kitchen, dining and TV room. Plus bachelor flat, double garage and maids room. R720 000. Call Siceron 082-672-7634 or 015-781-2828, Hyacynth Properties. RL000611 WELL PRICED 3 Bedroom House, 1.5 bathrooms, neatly tiled, kitchen, lounge and dining. Single garage and maids room. Price R550 000. Call Siceron 082-672-7634 or 015-781-2828, Hyacynth Properties. RL000608 PHALABORWA HERALD - Friday 21 January 2011 PAGE 14 0024 Properties to Let PERSEEL TE HUUR Geboue sluit in kantoorruimte en ablusieblok. Grootte van geboue: 200m. Grootte van onderdak stoorarea: 230m. R7000 per maand, water en ligte ingesluit. 22 km buite Phalaborwa, by Grietjie ingang. Toegerus met alarm. Onmiddelik beskikbaar. Kontaknommer: 082-789-6753. RL000568 RENTAL 3 Bedroom house, 1.5 bathrooms, lounge and dining room, single garage. Available now R3 300. Call Hyacynth Properties 015-781-2828 or Siceron 082-672-7634. RL000613 TO LET: R5000 AVAILABLE 1 MARCH 2011. Large home consists of entrance hall, study, lounge and dining room, kitchen, 3 bedrooms, 1½ bathrooms, laundry, store room, garage, servant room, swimming pool. Contact Jenny Marais 082-878-6871 at Jen Tom Properties. SKOLENUUS TE KOOP ± 800 Boustene te koop vir R700. 2x3 m Vensterraam (staalraam), R200. Kontak: 072-397-1937. RL000569 RL000601 To let Macadamia Village. 2 Bedr, large living room. Opening onto covered stoep and large deck. R4500.00 + water & lights. Contact Tig 015-305-4438 or 082-853-9950 or Phil 082-862-2797 IT023697 2x Bachelor flats to rent Gemeubileerd, water & ligte, swemgeriewe, dstv, parkeerarea. R1800 per maand, R1800 deposito. Skakel 082-652-3142 / 082-458-3727. Nuus uit Groenskool Die Groenskool leerders het van 6 tot 8 Januarie aan die Limpopo Provinsie tenniskampioenskap te Polokwane gaan deelneem. Hulle gaan binnekort die Limpopo in die provinsiale wedstryde verteenwoordig. Theuns Wilkens ,Christian Wilkens, Wian Schoeman en Cornu Schoeman. RL000566 RENTAL R4400.00 per month, (prepaid). 3 Bedroom flat, 1 bathroom, lounge, TV room. Contact Deloris: 083-208-2326 at Kestrel Real Estate. RL000620 RENTAL R4800.00 per month (excl water & electricity). 3 Bedroom house, 2 bathrooms, Wendy house. Contact Deloris: 083-208-2326 at Kestrel Real Estate. RL000618 0028 Properties Wanted HOUSES KRUGER REAL ESTATE IS LOOKING FOR HOUSES AND BUSINESS TO SELL. Call 082-046-2456. RL000599 0030 Livestock For sale Pedi Sheep for sale. Contact Natalie 082-578-4449 or 015-307-4175 RENTAL R4950.00 per month IT023709 (excl water & Tzaneen: Sheep for electricity). 3 Bedroom sale house with 2 bedroom Sheep for sale R750.00 flat. Lounge, dining - R1500.00 and goats room, neatly tiled. from R750.00 sheep Contact Deloris: eves with lambs 083-208-2326 at Kestrel R1500.00 Young Jersey Real Estate. RL000617 bull R3500.00 Chicken/ bird cages 1.8m x 1.8m from R2500.00 RENTAL Incubators / Hatchers R8000.00 per month, from R6000.00 Adult Furnished (excl water & pot belly pigs R250.00 electricity). 3 Bedroom each. Jaco lodge, 2 bathrooms 082-804-4158 IT023753 (en-suite), modern kitchen, lounge, dining room. Swimming pool, 0031 carport. Contact Miscellaneous Deloris: 083-208-2326 at Kestrel Real Estate. RL000619 The One Stop Scrap Shop Scrapbook Accessories, TO LET: R2750 Paper Tools, Albums, AVAILABLE. 1ST Ribbon, Baby shower & FEBRUARY 2011. One Wedding goodies, bedroom flat with Paper craft and Lots kitchen, bathroom, more at Unbelievable water and electricity Prices! Phone to view: included. Contact Jenny 082-777-6908. Marais 082-878-6871 at RL000585 Jen Tom Properties. Die graad 7 leerder van die Groenskool, Bernadine du Plessis, is onlangs aangewys as 'n nuwe leier by die skool. RL000603 0035 For Sale TO LET: R2750 IMMEDIATELY AVAILABLE. Furnished bechelor`s flat with kitchen, bathroom, swimming pool, domestic servant once a week, water and R250.00 electricity included. No animals. Contact Jenny Marais 082-878-6871 at Jen Tom Properties. RL000602 TO LET: R4800 IMMEDIATELY AVAILABLE WITH FLATLER. Home consists of entrance hall, lounge and dining room, kitchen, 3 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, PLUS 2 BEDROOM FLATLET included. Contact Jenny Marais 082-878-6871 at Jen Tom Properties. RL000600 CROCODILE MEAT on promotional sale Sosaties, Fillets, boerewors, biltong, croc-tails etc. Cooking and preparation booklet available. Tel: 015-307-4398/ 082-562-5004. Agatha Crocodile Ranch Tzaneen. Trade enquiries welcomed. www.agatha-crocodile Email: agathacroc@vodamail CROCODILE FEEDING SHOW DAILY 9am - 4 pm. SCHOOLS AT SPECIAL PRICES Nuwe gesigte by Rooiskool verwelkom Die nuwe Afrikaans graad 1 leerders van die Rooiskool het hulle eerste dag skool beslis geniet en kan nie wag om baie te leer nie. IT023784 INSTANT LAWN LM & SWAZI GRASS @ R25 per sq.m. Contact 073-548-3684 IT023526 The new Grade 1 English medium learners from the "Rooiskool" enjoyed their first day of school, stating that they all love their new teacher and love being part of the big children’s school. SKOLENUUS PHALABORWA HERALD - Vrydag 21 Januarie 2011 Die volgende nuwe personeel is onlangs verwelkom by Hoërskool Frans du Toit. Elsie le Roux, 'n oud Frans du Toit leerder sal die jaar verantwoordelik wees vir graad 8 wiskunde. Loraine Martland sal die jaar verantwoordelik wees vir Engels eerste addisionele taal vir graad 8, 9 en 10. Sy beplan ook om kuns klasse na skool te gee. Jacqueline Spek is die jaar verantwoordelik vir lewenswetenskappe vir graad 10 en 11 asook graad 9 natuur wetenskappe. Fokus op Frans du Toit Die 10 personeel lede van Hoërskool Frans du Toit was onlangs betrokke by die nasien van graad 12 eksamen vraestelle. Die groot getal nasieners spreek van die Fransie personeel se lojaliteit ten opsigte van hulle graad 12 leerders. Voor: A.A Mokgalaka, die Xitonga huistaal nasiener. 2de ry: Sandra Klopper, die wiskunde geletterdheid senior nasiener, Gerald Marks, die ingenieurs grafik en ontwerp nasiener, Hannetjie van der Westhuizen, die hoof nasiener vir Afrikaans TAT en Kerry Ann Reyneke, die Engels huistaal nasiener. Agter: Ilse Roos, die Engels eerste addisionele taal: vraestel twee, Gerdie Fraser, die toerisme nasiener, Estie Stander, die interne moderator vir toerisme, Riekie Pretorius, die nasiener vir Afrikaans huistaal vraestel een en Marina Schmidt, die hoof nasiener vir fisiese wetenskappe: vraestel een. Die onderwysers van Hoërskool Frans du Toit spog met hulle nuwe Fransie 2011 hemde tydens die eerste dag van skool. Die 2010 matrikulant van Hoërskool Frans du Toit, Werner van Aardt, het ses onderskeidings behaal vir Afrikaans huistaal, lewensoriëntering, wiskunde, wiskunde vraestel drie, fisiese wetenskappe, ingenieurs grafika en ontwerp. Foto: links PAGE 15 Die ou Fransie leerder, Elrize van Dyk, kan trots wees op haar matriek eind resultate. Sy het ses onderskeidings ontvang vir die volgende vakke. Afrikaans huistaal, Engels eerste addisionele taal, lewensoriëntering, wiskunde, wiskunde vraestel drie en fisiese wetenskappe. Vyf onderskeidings om op trots te wees. Nicky Espach, 'n leerder van Hoërskool Frans du Toit het vyf onderskeidings vir die volgende vakke ontvang. Afrikaans huistaal, Engels eerste addisionele taal, lewensoriëntering, lewenswetenskappe en geografie. Clever is as clever does. Pontsho Thando Twala received 5 distinctions for the following subjects: Afrikaans first additional language, life orientation, mathematics, physical sciences and life sciences. Vyf onderskiedings Lize van der Walt het onderskiedings vir die volgende vakke ontvang. Afrikaans Huistaal, lewensoriëntering, wiskunde, rekenaartoepassingstegnologie en ingenieurs grafika en ontwerp. This matriculant of Frans du Toit High School, Busiswe Mnisi, was overjoyed to receive her matric results, which stated that she had received five distinctions for the following subjects: Afrikaans first additional language, life orientation, mathematics, physical sciences and life sciences. PHALABORWA HERALD - Friday 21 January 2011 PAGE 16 SPORT Jagtersklub bewys "skiet" word geniet deur familie CEMENT R62,99 SABS 32,5 32 Skirving Str,Tzaneen Tel: (015) 307 4408 were talking STEEL square tubing 20x20x1.6x6m R56.99 square tubing 25x25x1.6x6m R70.99 square tubing 32x32x1.6x6m R96.99 square tubing 38x38x1.6x6m R122.99 angle bar 25x25x1.6x6m R48.99 round bar 8mmx6m R17.99 round bar 10mmx6m R27.99 round bar 12mmx 6m R44.99 angle bar 30x30x1.6x6m R60.99 just arrived ... FROM 2.4 GLS A/C A/T R279 900 Vroue skuts korrel akkuraat Die afgelope naweek het die Mopani jagtersklub se vroue skietdag plaasgevind. Die dames het beslis sake uitgespook. Aangesien dit 'n familie sport is, waar die hele gesin betrokke kan wees, was die dag baie suksesvol. Agt dames het aan die punt 22 skiet oefening deelgeneem. Die resultate vir die dames punt 22 skiet oefening is as volg: Tina van Niekerk het 139.20 uit 200 punte verower, Hannari Schnettler het 129.30 punte gekry, Alet Prinsloo het 125.10 punte gekry, Mariaan Botha het 106 punte uit 200 gekry, Lilani Stucki het 99 punte verower, Elmarie Lourens het 98 ontvang, Jacky Barry het 80.1 punte ontvang en Sonja Gouws het met 73 punte weg gestap. Tenspyte van die reënerige weer was Saterdag se Instel/Oefen dag te 5 SFR bygewoon deur 20 persone. Die reën het die skuts 'n kansie gegee om hul gewere in te stel, en die nuwe skiet tafels is ingewy. 'n Groot bedanking het aan Louis van Niekerk en Johan Maritz, wat die nuwe skiet tafels vir die tak gemaak het, gegaan.. "Dit is voorwaar 'n plesier om gewere in te stel vanaf die 200m en 300m merk, en dit vanaf tafels te doen," het Tina van Niekerk, voorsitter van die Jagtersklub, gesê. Neem asseblief kennis dat die skietdag te 5 SFR op 22 Januarie sal plaasvind. Dit sal 'n jakkals en vlakte skietoefeninge wees. Registrasie begin om 07:00 tot 07:50. Die junior vergadering sal op 31 Januarie, om 18:30 by die Boogklub plaasvind. Alle juniors en ouers is welkom. Skakel gerus vir Tina van Niekerk vir enige navrae, 082 316 9178. Hundreds to participate in championship Drive your way. The all new Die lede van die Mopani Jagtersklub het tydens die afgelope skiet uitdaging bewys dat die sport defnitief 'n familie sport kan wees. Lilani Stucki, Eugene Stucki, Elmarie Lourens en Mariaan Botha is almal familie lede, wat geniet om saam met mekaar tyd te spandeer, veral as dit 'n skiet uitdaging is. 20 Skirving Str. Tzaneen Tel: (015) 307 1239 Fax: (015) 307 1794 68599 Hundreds of young athletes are expected to participate in the Mopani schools cross country championships at Senakwe Primary School’s grounds in Mokwakwaila on February 12. This Athletics South Africa (ASA) sanctioned and sponsored meeting will feature young athletes from various schools in the five municipal areas in Mopani District. Acting ASA general manager, Hendrik Ramaala, said the purpose of the meet, to be run by young athletes aged nine to 19, is to introduce junior athletes to the world of cross country running. Ramaala, who is a long distance runner and the winner of the 2004 New York City Marathon, was in Bolobedu on Friday to inspect the facilities to be used for the meeting. According to Sedumi Ramatsi, an athletics development officer in Mopani, the runners will be divided into categories and each age group will run in separate races over various distances. Participants will be required to produce proof of age in the form of a birth certificate or an identity document. The winners in each category will receive medals and trophies. For more information regarding the meet, contact Sedumi Ramatsi on 078 540 8219.
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