June 2010 SLHS newsletter -final


June 2010 SLHS newsletter -final
“Your Connection to South Lakes High School”
11400 South Lakes Drive, Reston, VA 20191
June 2010-Issue 6
Main Office (703) 715-4500
As the 2009-2010 academic year draws to a close, I want to dedicate my portion of the newsletter to thanking our incredible
Seahawk parents. There’s not enough room in my allotted space to name all the parents who volunteered in academic and activities
programs this year. I must, however, mention a few who essentially became extended faculty because of the countless hours they
spent at school working on behalf of our programs and students.
I begin with our PTSA President, Joan Burkhart. Joan has guided our PTSA initiatives with poise, patience, and diligence throughout the year. Her focus and leadership kept the PTSA directly involved with many important school processes. The
PTSA Board of Lisa Ehrhardt, Jody Wolfe, Shashi Kuppa, and Dawn Clark all contributed greatly to the momentum of the year.
Our Academic Boosters, guided by Kim Shoop and Joan Lynch, reinforced and supported the academic mission of the school.
Maria Robles led the hospitality committee and wowed the faculty with wonderful lunches and breakfasts. Kelley Westenhoff assembled the very detailed and informative e-mail KITs each week. Lesa Schmidt directed the PTSA’s membership recruitment.
Barbara Skowronski edited the PTSA Newsletter and, along with Ian Williams, produced a 1st class publication throughout the
year. Paula Parker and Gina Katz provided leadership for successful student participation in the PTSA Reflections Program.
Christine Stout and Marilyn De La Haye spearheaded our student incentive activities. Maureen Becker and Jody Wolfe coordinated volunteers and invigilators. Ellen Jennings and Myra Angel have led a platoon of volunteers in planning and getting funding
for the Class of 2010’s All Night Graduation Party.
South Lakes also owes an enormous debt of gratitude to Cheri Hostetler for her years of remarkable leadership of the Athletic Boosters. During her tenure, Cheri and her team raised over $150,000 to support our activities programs and athletic facilities
AND established the new Seahawk tradition of the bi-annual Volleyboys Tournament. Josephine Brown, Micki Moravitz, Sara
Bradley, the LaValleys, Barb Lotterer, the Slivinskis, Anne Atkinson, Sam Nims, Patti Lewis, Mike Cox, Carol Burns, the
Turners , and the Danahers did a fantastic job in supporting every aspect of the Performing Arts Department and its students.
Maria Allen donated countless hours of her time to prepare and teach SAT Prep sessions during Learning Seminar. Last but not
least, thanks to Elizabeth Vandenburg, Yolanda Maldanodo, Susan Zaboji, Julie Westfall and Martha Fischer for their unending support of SLHS.
As I noted earlier, there is not enough space to acknowledge all the parents and guardians who give so generously of their
time. We realize that constructive parent support can only enrich and enhance a quality educational program. Thanks to each and
every Seahawk parent for your ideas, time and energy.
— Bruce
Is it really June already? As the academic year comes to a close I would like to thank our wonderful PTSA Board for
their leadership and efforts put forth to meet our PTSA goals: facilitating communications, providing recognition and disseminating information. I would also like to thank our SLHS parents for their PTSA membership, attending meetings and assistance
with PTSA sponsored activities. You are awesome!
To meet our COMMUNICATION GOAL, Barbara Skowronski (our PTSA newsletter editor) prepared six information packed newsletters which Ian Williams and his production team retrieved from the printer and had delivered to your
homes. Our PTSA website was well maintained by Ann Confer who promptly posted PTSA announcements, dates, meeting
minutes, flyers and a wealth of PTSA information. To keep our parents updated weekly, Kelley Westenhoff prepared the weekly
KIT email messages which reach a large number of our South Lakes families. Our last communication piece was the School
Directory prepared by Joy Pool and her advertising coordinator Susan Zaboji. Each student received a copy of this information
filled directory. Thank you to Jody Wolfe, our VP of Communications, who coordinated most of these activities.
Our Academic Booster, Reflections and Hospitality committees helped meet our RECOGNITION GOAL. A huge
thank you to Kim Shoop and Joan Lynch for co-chairing our Academic Booster committee and to their subcommittee chairs:
Martha Fischer who coordinated the November Academic Achievement Ceremony; Juli Westfall and Susan Zaboji who coordinated our quarterly Honor Roll Breakfasts which recognized over 600 students each grading period and to Marily Delahaye
and Patrice Welker, our BUG (Bringing Up Grades) drawing coordinators. As committee chairs, Joan and Kim have also coordinated parent volunteers to assist at College Application workshops, Post Secondary Options Day and with a subcommittee to
review scholarship applications and select four students to receive a $1,000 SLHS PTSA scholarships.
Continued on Page 2
Page 2
June 2010
Bruce Butler
Director, Student Services
Shannon Tully
Director, Student Activities
Linda Jones
Security Officer:
Scott Bacon x4516
2009—2010 PTSA BOARD
Joan Burkhart
Vice President (Programs)
Lisa Sechrest-Ehrhardt
Vice President
Jody Wolfe
Shashi Kuppa
Reward Programs
Dawn Clark
Academic Boosters
Kim Shoop
Maria Robles
Volunteer Coordinator
Maureen Becker
Editor Barbara Skowronski
Reflections Chair
Paula Parker
Joan Lynch
Newsletter Production Mgr
Ian Williams
Ellen Jennings
Myra Angel
Ann Confer
Lesa Schmidt
Kelley Westenhoff
Class of 2010
Class of 2011
Class of 2012
Class of 2013
Thank you to all our Academic Boosters for your continual assistance. Students were also recognized by our VA PTA
Reflections Program. Paula Parker and Gina Katz coordinated this program and helped recognize our participants at our April
PTSA meeting. Students - it is not too early to begin preparing for next year’s Reflection’s Projects: the theme is “Together We
Can”. The VA PTA also offered students the opportunity to participate in its Citizenship Essay Contest with the grand prize being
a $1.000 savings bond. Recognition of our teachers was coordinated by our Hospitality Committee with Maria Robles as chair.
We began the academic year with a lovely breakfast for our staff and in May held a delicious Teacher/Staff Appreciation Luncheon.
A big thanks to Maria, our parent volunteers, Cynthia Stowers, Culinary Arts student volunteers, and those who baked or contributed monetarily to the event.
DISSEMINATING INFORMATION was an ongoing activity. We invited speakers to many of our PTSA meetings to
provide information that we thought our parents would find valuable. This year’s topics included: SLHS clubs, activities and athletics; the post secondary process and how/when students receive information; our Positive Behavior Support System at SLHS;
SLHS Clinical Support Services; our revamped SLHS website; an overview of Mr. Wagener’s process for transitioning ESOL
students into mainstream education; our School Improvement Plan; 2008 Pyramid Youth Survey results; and adolescent stress. At
PTSA meetings we also received Mr. Butler’s pictorial month in review, which was very informative and SGA or Leadership students provided a monthly update. Thank you Lisa Ehrhardt, our VP of Programs, and Mr. Butler for arranging these presentations.
I would also like to welcome our new officers and PTSA Board who will transition at our June 9 Turnover Meeting. The
list of officers can be found on page 5.
Congratulations to our graduating seniors, we wish you well in your post secondary pursuits. We hope you plan to attend
your ANGP celebration on June 17; it really is a great way to end your high school experience. Thank you Ellen Jennings and
Myra Angel for coordinating this worthwhile event and to all our parents who volunteer to make this celebration a success.
—- Joan
Page 3
June 2010
¿Estamos ya en junio? Al cierre de este año académico, me gustaría agradecer a la junta maravillosa de la Asociación de
Padres Maestros y Estudiantes, PTSA por el esfuerzo y liderazgo puesto en cumplir nuestras metas del PTSA: facilitando la
comunicación, dando reconocimientos y diseminando información.
Me gustaría también agradecer a nuestros padres de SLHS por su membresía de PTSA, por su asistencia a las reuniones y su
ayuda con las actividades patrocinadas por el PTSA, ¡ustedes son increíbles!
Para alcanzar nuestras METAS DE COMUNICACION, Bárbara Skowronski (nuestra editora del boletín del PTSA)
preparó seis boletines de información los cuales Ian Williams y su equipo de producción, los recogieron de la imprenta y
los hicieron llegar a sus hogares. Nuestro sitio en la red del PTSA estuvo bien mantenido por Ann Confer, quien puso los
anuncios, fechas, los minutos de las reuniones, circulares, y abundante información del PTSA con prontitud. Para mantener
a nuestros padres actualizados semanalmente, Kelley Westenhoff preparó los mensajes por correo electrónico KIT los
cuales llegaron a un gran número de nuestras familias de South Lakes. Nuestra última pieza de comunicación fue el Directorio Escolar preparado por Joy Pool y su coordinador de publicidad Susan Zaboji. Cada estudiante recibió una copia de
este directorio lleno de información. Gracias a Jody Wolfe nuestra Vicepresidente de Comunicaciones quien coordinó
muchas de estas actividades.
Nuestros Grupos de Apoyo Académico (Academic Booster), los comités de Reflexiones y Hospitalidad ayudaron a cumplir
con las METAS DE RECONOCIMIENTO. Un agradecimiento grande para Kim Shoop y Joan Lynch por dirigir
nuestro Comité Del Grupo De Apoyo Académico y a sus representantes del sub comité: Martha Fischer, quien coordinó
la Ceremonia de Logros Académicos De Noviembre; Juli Westfall y Susan Zaboji quienes coordinaron nuestros Desayunos Trimestrales de Reconocimiento a los Estudiantes De Honor, donde se premiaron a más de 600 estudiantes por cada
periodo de calificaciones y a Marily Delahaye y Patrice Welker, nuestros coordinadores de la rifa de BUG (Bringing Up
Grades-Suba Sus Calificaciones). Como miembros del comité, Joan y Kim también han coordinado a los padres voluntarios para ayudar en los Talleres de Solicitud De Ingreso a la Universidad, Día de las Opciones de la Post Secundaria y con
un Sub Comité para revisar las solicitudes de becas y seleccionar a los cuatro estudiantes que reciben la beca de $1,000 del
PTSA de SLHS. Gracias a todos nuestros Grupos de Apoyo Académico por su continua ayuda. Los estudiantes también
fueron premiados por nuestro Programa de Reflexiones del PTA de VA. Paula Parker y Gina Katz coordinaron este programa y ayudaron con la premiación de nuestros estudiantes participantes durante la reunión del PTSA en el mes de abril.
Estudiantes no es muy temprano para comenzar a preparase para los proyectos de Reflexiones para el próximo año: el tema
es “Juntos Podemos”. El PTA de VA también ofreció a los estudiantes la oportunidad de participar en el Concurso De Un
Ensayo Sobre Ciudadanía con un premio mayor de un bono de ahorro de $1,000. La celebración para nuestros maestros fue
coordinada por nuestro comité de hospitalidad con María Robles como coordinadora. Empezamos el año académico con
un adorable desayuno para nuestro personal y en mayo se llevo a cabo un delicioso almuerzo de agradecimiento para
nuestros maestros y demás personal. Muchas gracias a María y a sus padres voluntarios, a Cynthia Stowers, a los estudiantes voluntarios de de Artes Culinarias, y a todos aquellos que hornearon pastelitos o contribuyeron monetariamente a este
Diseminando información fue una actividad constante. Invitamos conferencistas a muchas de nuestras reuniones del PTSA
para dar información que pensamos los padres la encontrarían de gran valor. Este año los temas incluyeron: clubes de
SLHS, actividades y atletismo , el proceso de la post secundaria y cómo y cuando los estudiantes reciben información;
nuestro Sistema De Comportamiento Positivo en SLHS; Los Servicios Clínicos de Apoyo en SLHS; nuestro renovado sitio
en la red de SLHS; un vistazo acerca del proceso de transición de los estudiantes de ESOL a la educación regular general
por parte de Mr. Wagner; Nuestro Plan de Mejoramiento de la Escuela; Los Resultados De La Encuesta Hecha a Los Adolescentes de la Pirámide en el 2008; y el estrés en los adolescentes. En nuestras reuniones también recibimos un pictórico
vistazo mensual por parte del Sr. Butler, el cual fue muy informativo y el SGA o El grupo de Liderazgo de los estudiantes
entrego un resumen mensual de información actualizado. Gracias a Lisa Ehrhardt, nuestra VP de Programas y al Sr. Butler por hacer los arreglos para estas presentaciones.
También me gustaría dar la bienvenida a los oficiales nuevos y a la Junta del PTSA que harán la transición durante nuestra
Reunión de Entrega del 9 de junio. La lista de oficiales se puede encontrar en la pagina TBD.
Felicitaciones a nuestros estudiantes sénior que se están graduando, les deseamos lo mejor en sus logros postsecundarios.
Esperamos que planeen y asistan a la celebración del ANGP el 17 de junio; realmente es una forma grandiosa para finalizar
su experiencia en la secundaria. Gracias a Ellen Jennings y Myra Angel por coordinar este evento tan valioso y a todos
nuestros padres que sirven de voluntarios por hacer de esta celebración un éxito.
- - Joan
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June 2010
Les Miz! South Lakes Theater Production—May 2010
Grace Notes!
The SLHS Band had a wonderful spring. In March, the Symphonic Band and Wind Ensemble earned Superior ratings at the
VBODA XII Concert Band Festival. This marks the third consecutive year the Wind Ensemble has received a Superior. In
April, the music department traveled to Atlanta, GA to participate in the Fiesta-val Music competition. Symphonic Band,
Wind Ensemble and Jazz Band all received Superior ratings and won 1st place in their class. Jazz Band finished tied for the
highest score of the day and won the overall Jazz Championship. Senior Patrick Garizglia, Junior Josh Grant and the jazz
band trumpet section all received awards for their outstanding performances.
The Award winning SLHS Flag Corps are currently looking for new members. Any student interested in joining this award
winning unit should stop by the band room and see Mr. Fore for more information. This is a semester course and no experience is required. Just a desire to have a good time and represent the blue and green.
Marching Band will start summer rehearsals on August 16, 2010 at SLHS. Visit the band website, www.southlakesband.org,
for more details on the 2010-2011 school year.
— Grayson
Page 5
June 2010
Officers for the 2010-2011 PTSA Board
President - Joan Burkhart, incumbent
Vice President – Communications – Maureen Becker
Vice President - Programs – Susan Sather
Treasurer – Jody Wolfe
Secretary – Shashi Kuppa
2010/2011 Sports Physicals 0n June 7th!
Appointments are preferred
Register now for your 2010 / 2011 sports physicals @
Monday June 7th (by appointment - 5:00, 5:30, 6:00 and 6:30pm)
South Lakes High School - Check-in at lecture hall
$40 donation for pre-registered; $50 walk-ins (on space available basis)
Proceeds benefit South Lakes athletic training program.
Parent Volunteers (medical and non-medical) are also needed and greatly appreciated. No experience needed.
We train on the spot.
Volunteers can register at the following website.
Contact Mr. Hulnick with questions at kent.hulnick1@fcps.edu
Kent J. Hulnick, MS, ATC, VATL, CSCS, PTA
Head Athletic Trainer
The ESOL Department is busy finishing up the year with our end-of-year projects and preparing for final exams. We are
encouraging all ESOL students who will be in Levels 2 and 3 next year (beginning and intermediate levels) to register for
summer school. This year’s summer school will only be available online and will be held July 6 – July 30. That means anyone wishing to take summer school needs a computer and internet connection. The ESOL teachers can help the students register. Deadline: June 28.
The ESOL Summer Reading List will be distributed to all ESOL students before the end of the school year. Please encourage your students to read in English as much as possible this summer. Students who will be taking English 9 and
English 10 next year will also be receiving reading assignments that will be due the first week of the 2010-2011 school year.
These will be graded.
On a more personal note, Heather Ricker will be a June bride. Marlene Ryder, who has been with South Lakes High
School for 13 years, will be retiring at the end of this school year. We wish them both the best!
—Patty Meagher
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June 2010
The trip to France was wonderful! The students were great and had an amazing time visiting Paris, Versailles and several of the
beautiful castles. It was a trip that we will never forget. A big thanks to Shasi Kuppa and Bill Burton who helped chaperone the
The French 3 classes put on a wonderful fashion show with themes such
as clothes of the future, prom and decades. These classes are now studying French TV and film.
The IB French 1 students finish reading their first French novel, The
Little Prince. They had a final celebration and everyone dressed up as a
character from the book.
The IB French 2 students took their IB exam on May 24th.
They are now working on their final exam project
Level two students will be rounding out the year by evaluating the advantages and disadvantages of living in a suburban or rural area. Incorporated into the study of the community they live in, students will be creating and building models of their own personal city.
Level three students are wrapping up a study of the rights and responsibilities of youth in German speaking countries and the US.
Students held interesting and heated debates discussing the advantages and disadvantages of a mandatory draft. To finish out the year
students will explore the various geographic regions and their cultures. The highlight of the unit is the Geography cookie project, in
which students prepare a cookie in the shape of Germany, using only symbols label important rivers, lakes, mountains and cities.
After answering geography and culture questions without notes, students get to eat their creations.
IB level two students worked hard to prepare for the German exam on May 14th. Many students came in an hour earlier to review
over pizza. Congratulations to you all on your hard work, I am so proud of you! As a final project IB students will be writing
and producing an original or film remake entirely in German. Show time is June 11th at 7:30am.
South Lakes entered a level two and a level three team in the National Japan Bowl this year, and both teams did very well. Teams
from all over the US came to Washington DC to compete in teams of two or three answering questions to demonstrate their knowledge of Japanese language and culture. Our level 2 team consisted of Nic Querolo and Wendy Valverde, and our level 3 team
members were Sarah Burns, Kevin Cronin, and Rachel Smith. In addition to both teams holding their own in a field of very tough
competitors, South Lakes was honored to have Sarah Burns win the competition for the T-shirt design contest for this year’s Japan
Bowl T-shirt! A special thank you to Mrs. Linda Smith, volunteer extraordinaire, for all her work to prepare students for and shepherd students during this competition. It wouldn’t have happened without you! Congratulations to all involved!
Continued on Page 7
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June 2010
Japanese (continued)
Students also continue to work hard in their classes as we approach the end of the year. Japanese 1 students have mastered the
hiragana and katakana alphabets, and have begun to learn kanji. They will learn about 25 characters this year. They are finishing the year by working on describing people in terms of physical and personality characteristics. Japanese 2 students completed the material in the Adventures in Japanese 1 textbook and have begun working in the Volume 2. They will be finishing
up the year with a unit on Japanese food and restaurants. The Japanese 3 & 4 students have been working hard on reading comprehension, increasing their knowledge of kanji and getting more practice with using a kanji dictionary to look up unfamiliar
characters. Japanese 3 students are finishing the year with a unit on Japanese school life, and Japanese 4 students are learning
more about the history of Japanese Americans. All four levels will be ending the year with a final exam consisting of a speaking PALS, a writing PALS, and a multiple choice exam testing reading comprehension, grammar, and vocabulary.
The last pieces of new grammar are being introduced and practiced throughout the different levels of Latin as we race toward
the end of the school year. In an effort to incorporate a little fun along the way, students are working on their 4th quarter
projects. Latin 1 students are doing a project based on Roman culture. They have the option of doing a PowerPoint presentation
for the class or (for the more shy) a 3D project. Aqueducts and Coliseums are always popular topics and are visually fun. Latin
2 students are working on their Pringles can / Shoebox representation of a god/goddess/hero. It's amazing how creative students
can be with this project! Upper level Latin students have completed their study of Latin poetry for this year and are "relaxing"
with Latin prose. Some are quite happy about this, while others are bemoaning the loss of metrical scansion. Congratulations to
Aline Beaumont, who won the Latin Club T-shirt design contest. The t-shirts turned out great. It's been a wonderful year, and I
am very proud of our SLHS Latin students.
On April 28th and April 29th, the following senior students in the Spanish IB-2 classes: Stephany Lazo, Monica Rivera,
Adriana Santiago, Tania Herrera, Josue Rosales and Alvaro Garay, represented our school, FCPS, and the state of
Virginia on a National Forum called “Building a Nation of Hope for Latino Children” sponsored by the National Latino Children’s Institute in partnership with Univision and the NEA. These students worked with Senator Menendez and participated in
a press conference with other members of the U.S. Senate advocating with and on behalf of the children, as we all celebrated
on April 30th, the Senate sponsored resolution recognizing El Día de Los Niños-Celebrating Young Americans. The resolution
focus attention on issues and challenges facing young Latinos and how to assist communities in finding solutions.
Spanish 3: Students are working very hard on the Subjunctive mood. They are doing their MYP Technology Project and will
finalize with a PowerPoint presentation in class.
Spanish 4: Students enjoyed very much working with the unit related to literature, films and Spanish speaking directors. They
finalized the unit with an oral group discussion 20 minutes long. Great work!
Spanish IB: Students have done a great effort to remain up to date with Spanish assignments along with their IB tests. KUDOS
to all of you! Some students joined Mrs. Carlos & family at Tyson’s AMC movie theatre to watch Iron Man 2, Saturday May
15th. Since it was sold out we were spread in 3 different sessions & rooms. Nevertheless it was fun!!!
The Spanish Honor Society is currently holding elections for officers for next academic year. Do not forget to vote. Good luck
to everyone running!!! We will announce the new board in our last meeting in June. Thank you to all the members of the
Spanish Honor Society for their energy, enthusiasm and time put into tutoring students in the World Languages and
ESOL Department and Langston Hughes MS. We are coming to a closing and it has been a great year! You have become so
relevant bringing this program to life!!! THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR BEING A MEMBER OF THIS GREAT
For this summer stay in touch with your subject, work on your summer packet. Follow as much as you can Spanish speaking
news through internet and television.
I wish you all a wonderful and safe summer!!! — Laura
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June 2010
We hope you have had a great school year! We can’t believe it is already June and that the school year is almost over!
The SLHS Parent Liaisons, Mrs. Martinez and Mrs. Abbasi, want to thank you for your support during this
school year. They both were busy at the recent Reston Health Fair held on May 8th in SLHS. The Parent
Liaisons supported the Reston Coalition planning and organizing this important event. It was of great benefit
to our families and the entire community.
A big thanks to Mrs. Knapp and all volunteers, especially to our students for their collaboration and
support. Your efforts are greatly appreciated. We all hope to see you again next year at this event.
The next Hispanic Parent Meeting will be held on Wednesday, June 9 at 6:30 p.m. in the SLHS Cafeteria.
There will be information about summer activities, summer school and other resources available for you. We
will count on your attendance.
For More information, please contact your Parent Liaison.
Martha Martinez: Tel: 703-715-4782 or MMMartinez@fcps.edu
Feda Abbasi: Tel: 703-715-4648 or FNAbbasi@fcps.edu
We wish you all a wonderful summer vacation!
Esperamos que hayan tenido un ano escolar grandioso! No se puede creer que ya estamos a junio y que el
año escolar ya está por terminar!
Los Parent Liaisons de SLHS, la Sra. Martínez y la Sra. Abbasi quieren agradecerle por su apoyo durante
este año escolar. Ellas dos estuvieron ocupadas en la reciente Feria de Salud De Reston que tuvo lugar el
8 de mayo en las instalaciones de SLHS. Los parent laisions apoyaron a la Coalición De Reston planeando y organizando este evento importante. Esto fue de gran beneficio para nuestras familias y para la
comunidad entera.
Un agradecimiento grande para la Sra. Knapp y todos los voluntarios, especialmente a nuestros estudiantes por su colaboración y apoyo. Nosotros esperamos verles de nuevo el próximo año.
La próxima Reunión Para Padres De Habla Hispana tendrá lugar el miércoles 9 de junio a las 6:30 p.m.
en la cafetería de SLHS. Habrá información acerca de las actividades para el verano, escuela de verano, y
otros recursos disponibles para ustedes. Contamos con su asistencia.
Para más información, por favor contacte a su parent liaison.
Martha Martínez: Tel: 703-715-4782 MMMartinez@fcps.edu
Feda Abbasi: Tel: 703-715-4648 FNAbbasi@fcps.edu
Le deseamos a todos unas vacaciones de verano maravillosas!
Page 9
June 2010
Elise Cunningham is our artist of the month. You can see her work in the main office through the end of the month.
SAIC digital photography award winners were 2nd place - Laura Hoyos and 3rd place - Nick Hazelton.
Reston Celebration Logo winner - Alyssa Siqueiros
You can see work from all of our talented seniors at graduation in the hallways and in the gallery.
It is spring and the leaves of the tress are out and the flowers are blooming. Students are preparing for SOL and IB exams and the
seniors are about to graduate. It’s also a good time to remember the dress code now that the weather is getting warmer. The
dress states:
• All students are expected to dress appropriately for a K-12 educational environment.
• Any clothing that interferes with or disrupts the educational environment is unacceptable.
• Clothing with language or images that are vulgar, discriminatory, or obscene, or clothing that promotes illegal or violent conduct, such as gang symbols, the unlawful use of weapons, drugs, alcohol, tobacco, or drug paraphernalia, or clothing that
contains threats is prohibited. (See page 18, chapter II.A.2.l., for additional information regarding gang-related clothing.)
Clothing should fit, be neat and clean, and conform to standards of safety, good taste, and decency. Clothing that exposes
cleavage, private parts, the midriff, or undergarments, or that is otherwise sexually provocative, is prohibited. Examples of
prohibited clothing include, but are not limited to: sagging or low-cut pants, low-cut necklines that show cleavage, tube tops,
halter tops, backless blouses or blouses with only ties in the back, studded belts, chain belts, clothing constructed of see
through materials, and head coverings unless required for religious or medical purposes.
• Parents or guardians of students requiring accommodation for religious beliefs, disabilities, or other good causes should contact the principal. Students not complying with this code will be asked to cover the noncomplying clothing, change clothes,
or go home. Repeated infractions will result in disciplinary action. The current version of Regulation 2613 provides additional details.
The May 2010 9th grade Success Pass winner is Zac Parker. Ms. Cutter reports that Zac has really improved during 4th Quarter.
The May 10th grade Success Pass winner is Tanika Payne. Mr. Rhodes reports that Tanika helps the teacher during class. The
May 11th grade Success Pass winner is Emily Jenkins. Mr. Smith reports that Emily is aware of the world around us and shares
with the class. Senior Norah Alhasasnek, as a Success Pass winner, exhibits readiness in Ms. Lacey’s class. Senior, Reuben
Vaughan, as a Success Pass winner, helped take down the IB Art Show and was a huge help reports Mrs. Saylor.
— Tom Green
Stephany Lazo, Monica Rivera,
Adriana Santiago, Tania Herrera,
Josue Rosales and Alvaro Garay,
represented our school, FCPS, and
the state of Virginia on a National
Forum called “Building a Nation of
Hope for Latino Children” sponsored
by the National Latino Children’s
Institute in partnership with
Univision and the NEA.
Page 10
June 2010
During the week of May 24th, students took their Virginia Standards of Learning (SOL) tests in Algebra 1, Geometry, and
Algebra 2. Students that scored above 399 on the tests have passed. If your student took an SOL exam then his or her
teacher will share results with the students, and the results are also sent home in a mailing at the end of the school year. In
addition, the IB math and computer science students worked very hard completing their IB tests in early May. We are
eagerly awaiting results of these exams.
As the year ends we will be collecting any loaned out textbooks and graphing calculators from students. Please be sure that
your student returns any items that belong to the school. This is especially important for seniors. If your student has lost a
textbook or calculator you will be assessed a fine to replace the item. The math department requests that any lost graphing
calculators be replaced with the purchase of a new TI-83 or TI-84 calculator (in the original packaging). If this is not
possible, the fine can be paid by check.
The math department would like to congratulate Lindsay Trout on her promotion earlier this year to Assistant Principal of
the 11th grade sub-school at South Lakes. Ms. Trout began the school year as a special education teacher in the Math
The Math Department hopes everyone has a relaxing and enjoyable summer!
— Sandra Davis
Summer Reading List
The assignments will be posted on the SLHS Website. A representative from Books-a-Million will sell copies of the
summer reading during all lunch shifts the second week of June. Students who bring cash or checks can purchase their
summer reading assignments from Books-A-Million, as well as their IB texts for the 2010-2011 school year.
9 Honors
10 Honors
IB 1 and 2
Dual Enrollment
A biography or autobiography of your choice.
must be at least 150 pages long
must be appropriate for a high school student
Life of Pi by Yann Martel
Of Mice and M en by John Steinbeck
A Separate Peace by John Know les
Any novel by an American author
must be at least 150 pages long
A Doll’s House by Henrick Ibsen
Any novel that is at least 200 pages long
Selections from the anthology Points of View: An Anthology of Short
Stories, edited by James Moffett and Kenneth R. McElheny
MYP Personal Projects
After an introduction from the English 9 teachers and Mr. Powell the MYP coordinator, the 9th grade students will begin to explore possible options for their MYP Personal Projects. Students will journal during English class at the beginning of June. Their journals will be returned to them at the beginning of the 10th grade, where they will continue to work
toward completing the Personal Project by March of 2011.
Yearbook Distribution
The yearbooks are here! Seniors can pick up their books after school on Wednesday, June 2. Everyone else will be able to
pick up their yearbooks during all lunch shifts starting June 3. The yearbook staff will distribute pre-orders and sell the
few remaining books from the concession stand across from the cafeteria. Students wishing to purchase a yearbook
should bring a check for $80 made out to South Lakes High School. — Suzanne Abdelrazaq
Page 11
June 2010
Message from the Director of Student Activities – Linda Jones
Congratulations to our Boys’ Outdoor Track Team for winning
the Liberty District Championship. This is the 3rd consecutive
spring title for the boys’ track program. The title was a great
team effort and outstanding performances were turned in by Sean
Price and Adrian Vaughn.
Congratulations to sophomore Lea Kotto for winning the Liberty
District Singles Championship. Lea was a third seed entering the
tennis tournament. Lea was down in the 3rd set 4-2, came back
and rallied to take the final set 6-4, match and title. Lea and
Karen Cronk fell one match short of advancing to the semifinals
of doubles at Districts. Lea finished the Regional Tournament in
4th place in singles.
Congratulations to the Boys’ Lacrosse Team for their fourth
place finish during regular season. The Seahawks defeated Fairfax in the 1st round of the district tournament. The team
beat Fairfax 9-8 in overtime to qualify for the regional tournament. The Seahawks lost to Langley in the district semifinals,
and the Saxons went on to win the tournament.
Congratulations to the following student-athletes that will continue playing next year at the college level:
Adrian Vaughn-Track (George Mason University)
Mikey Grimmett-Norris-Swimmer (Fordham University)
Jordan Hostetler-volleyball (Glenville State University)
Kim Baldwin-Soccer (UNC Greensboro)
Taylor Thompson-Cheer
Brad Dillon-swimmer (University of Maryland)
Shawn Khan-Football (Wyse –UVA)
Shawn Rana-Football
Valerie Moyer-Track
Matt Most-Football
Thank you Athletic Booster Club for your generous donation of $50,000 this year. Your hard work and dedication to our
student-athletes are very much appreciated.
Monday, June 7th sports physicals will be given at SLHS. Please contact Kent.hulnick@fcps.edu to sign up for a timeslot.
Fall sports tryouts will be August 3rd (Golf and Cross Country) and all others sports begin August 10th. Please make your
vacation plans prior to the tryout dates.
- - - Linda Jones
Prom Queen (Carmen Judy)
and King (Will Russell)
Page 12
June 2010
2010 Final Exam Schedules
Senior Exams
Senior exams will be given during the regular class periods on the following dates. Seniors are expected to attend
all classes even on dates where exams are not scheduled.
Tuesday, June 8 Periods 5 & 7
Wednesday, June 9 Periods 6 & 8
Thursday June 10 Periods 1 & 3
Friday, June 11 Period 2
Monday, June 14 Make-ups
Bell Schedule for Underclass Exams
June 18-24 2010
Friday June 18
7:20 – 9:20 (120)
3rd Pd
9:40 – 11:00 (80)
5th Pd
A LUNCH 11:00 – 11:30
CLASS 11:40 – 12:55 (75)
B CLASS 11:10 – 11:30
LUNCH 11:30 – 12:00
CLASS 12:10 – 12:55 (65)
C CLASS 11:10 – 12:15 (55)
LUNCH 12:15 – 12:45
7th Pd
12:55 – 2:05 (70)
Monday, June 21
7:20 a.m. - 9:20 a.m.
9:40 a.m. – 11:40 a.m.
Tuesday, June 22
7:20 a.m. - 9:20 a.m.
9:40 a.m. – 11:40 a.m.
Wednesday, June 23
7:20 a.m. - 9:20 a.m.
9:40 a.m. – 11:40 a.m.
1st Period Exam (120)
Last Full Day
(Adjusted Bell Schedule)
2nd Period Exam (120 min.)
6th Period Exam (120 min.)
Buses Depart at NOON
3rd Period Exam (120 min.)
5th Period Exam (120 min.)
Buses Depart at NOON
7th Period Exam (120 min.)
8th Period Exam (120 min.)
Buses Depart at NOON
Thursday, June 24
7:20 a.m. – 10:00 a.m.
Last Day of School - Students will
report directly to the Gym upon
arrival. Teachers will rotate by
department to inform students of
grades. Busses will depart by
10:20 a.m.
Page 13
June 2010
2010 Summer Programs
Term Graduate Program: FCPS Term Graduates (seniors who plan to graduate by August 31, 2010) have
two options to earn course credit. They may take one face-to-face credit recovery course at Fairfax High School or
complete one online course. See the following descriptions of each option.
Face-to-Face Option for Term Graduates Dates: Wednesday, July 7-Friday, July 30 (Students may finish the course
on July 23 if they successfully complete the course requirements or they will be able to continue until July 30. All SOL
tests will be administered July 29.)
Time/Place: 8:30 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. At Fairfax High School
Transportation: Bus transportation from satellite sites to Fairfax High School and back will be available for Term
Graduates. Transportation to and from the satellite sites is the responsibility of the parent/guardian, or student.
Attendance: More than two cumulative days of absence, for any reason, from any high school course will result in the
student’s withdrawal from summer school as outlined in FCPS Students Responsibilities and Rights. Detailed information will be distributed to parents and students. Students must successfully complete course requirements to
receive course credit.
Course Title
Algebra II
English 11
English 12
VA-US Government
Credit Type
Course Codes
SOL Testing for Face-to-Face Option
Students will test 8:30 a.m. on the following dates at Fairfax High School. Separate registration not required. Registration
in the course includes registration for SOL testing.
English Writing Test
July 12 - Multiple Choice: Term Graduates July 13 - Multiple Choice: Term Graduates second opportunity
July 14 – Short Paper: Term Graduates
July 15 – Short Paper: Term Graduates second opportunity
Non-Writing Tests
July 29 - Reading, Literature, and Research; Algebra II; and Geometry
August 2 – Retest for Graduating Seniors (8:00 a.m., West Springfield)
Online Campus Option for Term Graduates - Dates: Tuesday, July 6 – Wednesday, August 4
Time: Although the online courses provide students with location and time flexibility for completing coursework, students
need to dedicate 35 hours each week to complete the course. Students cannot miss a week due to camps or vacations and
must take their midterm, final, and SOL test on the announced dates.
Course Title
Algebra II
English 11
English 12
VA-US Government
Credit Type
Course Codes
SGH 002R
SGH 008R
SGH 006R
SGH 007R
SGH 010R
Note: Students who take a FCPS online course will
first take a brief technology primer course to determine
if they are prepared for online learning. The primer
course will also indicate whether the student’s computer has needed applications and will need to be completed by July 1, 2010.
SOL Testing for Online Campus Option
Students will receive time and location information from their online instructor. Separate registration not required. Registration in the course includes registration for SOL testing.
English Writing Test
July 12 - Multiple Choice: Term Graduates July 13 - Multiple Choice: Term Graduates second opportunity
July 14 – Short Paper: Term Graduates July 15 – Short Paper: Term Graduates second opportunity
Non-Writing Tests July 29 - Reading, Literature, and Research; Math; Science; and Social Studies SOL tests
August 2 – Retest for Graduating Seniors
Page 14
June 2010
Online Campus Program Courses Dates: July 6 - August 4
Online courses are open to rising and current high school students who meet prerequisites and technical requirements. Visit the
Online Campus at www.fcps.edu/DIS/onlinecampus for requirements and prerequisite information. These courses provide students with location and time flexibility for completing coursework. However, students need to dedicate 35 hours each week to
complete the course. Students cannot miss a week due to camps or vacations and must take their midterm, final, and SOL tests on
the announced dates.
Eligible FCPS Term Graduates may take a credit recovery course at Fairfax High School and one online course. However, students and parents should understand that online courses are extremely rigorous and registration for a face-to-face and an online
course is not recommended. If a student elects to take a face-to-face and online course, the student must pay tuition for both
courses. Tuition reduction is available for only one course.
FCPS special education students who intend to enroll in an online course must contact their special education department
chair (prior to the start of the summer session) and arrange for an IEP addendum to add any necessary SOL
Mandatory Face-to-Face Meetings (locations to be determined)
Midterm Exam – July 19, 2010
Final Exam – August 3, 2010
SOL Testing (for FCPS students only)
Dates, Times, and Locations
Students will receive time and location information from their online instructor.
Writing Test
Writing is a two day test, and students must attend both days to complete the multiple choice and the Short Paper test.
July 12 - Multiple Choice: Term Graduates
July 13 - Multiple Choice: Juniors who will be seniors in 2010-2011 and Term Graduates second opportunity
July 14 – Short Paper: Juniors and Term Graduates
July 15 – Short Paper: Term Graduates second opportunity
Non-Writing Tests
July 29 - Reading, Literature, and Research; Math; Science; and Social Studies SOL tests
August 2 – Retest for Graduating Seniors
Note: Students who take a FCPS online course will first take a brief technology primer course to determine if they are prepared for
online learning. The primer course will also indicate whether the student’s computer has needed applications and will need to be
completed by July 1, 2010.
Course Title
Algebra I+
Algebra I
Algebra II*
Algebra II
English 9
English 10***
English 10
English 11
English 11
English 12
English 12
World History and Geography I**
World History and Geography I
World History and Geography II
World History and Geography II
VA-US History
VA-US History
VA-US Government
VA-US Government
Credit Type
No Credit
Course Codes
SGH 001N
SGH 001R
SGH 002N
SGH 002R
SGH 008N
SGH 008R
SGH 003N
SGH 003R
SGH 004N
SGH 004R
SGH 016N
SGH 016R
SGH 014N
SGH 014R
SGH 015R
SGH 005N
SGH 005R
SGH 006N
SGH 006R
SGH 007N
SGH 007R
SGH 012N
SGH 012R
SGH 013N
SGH 013R
SGH 011N
SGH 011R
SGH 010N
SGH 010R
ESH 0800
ESOL Online Course (non-credit)
FCPS middle and high school ESOL students may register
for the free summer online ESOL course. This course
provides students with the opportunity to continue developing their fiction and nonfiction reading and writing skills
through an online classroom with an ESOL teacher. This
engaging course will provide challenging thematic lessons
with a focus on improving reading comprehension and
writing fluency. This course is for currently enrolled FCPS
ESOL students only.
Dates: Tuesday, July 6 – Friday, July 30
Time: Although this online course provides students with
location and time flexibility for completing coursework, students need to dedicate 15 hours each week to complete the
course. Students cannot miss a week due to camps or
vacations and must participate in the synchronous lesson
each day from 10:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
Note: Students who take a FCPS online course will first
take a brief technology primer course to determine if they are
prepared for online learning. The primer course will also
indicate whether the student’s computer has needed applications and will need to be completed by July 1, 2010.
For More information: Visit the FCPS website
Page 15
June 2010
We appreciate your help and look forward to a great event.
Ellen Jennings, 703-8760-3064, angp@verizon.net
Myra Angel, (703) 620-1106, angelsrmlj@verizon.net
Co-Chairs, 2010 All Night Grad Party
The ANGP is an alcohol/drug–free celebration for our 2010 graduates & a great opportunity for our kids to celebrate one last time
with their class in a safe but really fun environment.
Where: Reston Community Center
When Thursday, June 17, 2010 10:30pm – 5:00am
Buy Your Student’s Ticket NOW! http://southlakesptsa.org/angp/ANGPTicketSales2010.pdf
Volunteers – Parents of all grades needed!
We need volunteers to help plan, raise money, paint decorations, make phone calls and more. Let us know your skills and we’ll
find a place for you! There is a volunteer form on the website that details the positions and time required. http://
And for parents of younger students – please think about how you might be able to help. Traditionally, the Junior Class parents
are involved because they need to learn the drill. This is a great way to support your school community and learn a little bit about
what the future holds for your students!
Grocery Scrip: let the stores fund the ANGP!
HARRIS TEETER CODE: 5091, Sign up at the store by giving them the above South Lakes ANGP code or go to
www.harristeeter.com and designate SLHS ANGP.
SAFEWAY CODE: 148861329, Go to http://escrip.com. Click on “Sign Up” and enter the above Group ID#, Select South
Lakes ANGP and enter your information and your Safeway card number.
Grocery Scrip Questions and Giant Gift Cards – contact Marey Oakes oakes.family@verizon.net.
South Lakes students
participate in
Relay for Life
Page 16
June 2010
South Lakes High School All Night Grad Party 2010
Thank you to our generous sponsors!
Gold (continued)
Nicholas Shur & Yolanda Maldonado
Tom & Mary McLenigan
Steve & Michelle Moyer
Anne & Rick Neal
The O’Brien Family
Amy & Andy Rawlins
Richard & Sherry Taylor
Brad & Winslow Wacker
Pamela & Thomas Webber Tauer
Barry & Juli Westfall
Dave & Marion Wilson
David & Jenifer Dillon
Jo & Gary Brown
Jan & Jack Clark
Kathleen & Gregory Gohn
Luanne Grabski
Steve & Karen Hazelton
Donna Kissane
Shashi & Subra Kuppa
Tonia & Regan Linke
Greg & Joan Burkhart
Maur Dessauvage
Michael Dillon
Ernest Garay
John & Barbara Garziglia
Frances Hartnett Angara
Leon & Ana Kolankiewicz
Karl Kropp & Julia Sullivan
Elizabeth Rennie-Cline
Services and Other Items
Outback Steakhouse
South Lakes HS PTSA
Ace Info Solutions
Awards of Excellence
Cocke, Szpanka & Taylor, CPA's P.C.
Effective Communications
FISH (Friendly, Instant, Sympathetic
Griffin-Owens & Associates
Helios HR
Kyle Knight Ins. Agency, Inc.
McCandlish & Lillard
Nexgen Energy LLC
Reston Association
Reston Hospital Center
Reston Triathlon Association
Reston Coalition
Silverwood Associates, Inc
St. John Neumann Catholic Church
St. Thomas a Becket Catholic Church
The Business Bank
The Honorable Catherine Hudgins
Town Center Orthopaedic Assoc.
US Representatives James Moran
VA Delegate Kenneth R. Plum & Jane
Awards of Excellence
Airline Pilots Association
Appalachian Spring
BEI (Business Engineering, Inc.)
Chick Fil A
Dominos/Tall Oaks
Dulles Golf Center & Sports Park
Executive Secretarial Services, LLC
Giant/Fox Mill
Girl Scouts of America
Glory Days
Great Harvest
Harris Teeter/Spectrum
KSB Bagel
Ledo Pizza
Lucia's Italian Restaurant
Milwaukee Frozen Custard
On the Border
Residence Inn by Marriott
Reston Community Center
Rubinos Pizza
Safeway/Hunter's Woods
Sallie Mae
Starbucks/Fox Mill
Tortilla Factory
The Container Store
Vie de Franc
Yogen Fruz
Whole Foods
Best Enterprises, Inc.
JAM Design
Knowledge Connections
Langston Hughes Middle School PTA
Mr. & Mrs. Stuart Gibson
Office Remedies
Rachel Carson Middle School PTA
Where: Reston Community Center
When: Thursday, June 17, 2010
10:30pm – 5:00am
Page 17
June 2010
Every day approximately FOUR teenagers die in drunken driving accidents (National Highway Traffic Safety
Administration (NHTSA). Alcohol kills 5 TIMES more people than all other illegal drugs combined.
Statistics such as these, as well as the upcoming prom/graduation season, were motivating factors in having the MADD
(Mother Against Drunk Driving) crash car on display outside of SLHS from May 6th through 11th. The crash car was included as an exhibit during the recent Reston Health Resource Fair, sponsored by the Reston Community Coalition and the
SLHS pyramid schools.
In an effort to educate SLHS students about the dangers of impaired driving (i.e. driving under the influence of alcohol or
drugs, texting and driving), approximately 175 students participated in a prevention event hosted by the Student
Assistance Program (SAP) Coordinator, Dawn-Lee Evans. The event began with students viewing a MADD video, in
which a father shares his story of losing his wife and two children due to being hit by a teenage drunk driver. The
students were then given an opportunity to view the MADD crash car and hear the story of the two young men involved in
the crash. Finally, the students were invited to participate in various “impaired vision” activities in order to better understand how difficult it is to engage in even simple tasks while impaired. The activities ranged from having to walk a line or
shoot a ball into a basket while wearing impaired vision goggles, to having to walk an obstacle course while texting the
words “Texting and Driving Kills.” Another activity allowed the students to see the path that alcohol takes as it travels
through the body and learn about the dangerous effects of underage and binge drinking. Student Rights Officers, Officer
Bacon and Officer Choyce, SLHS Parent Liaisons Mrs. Martinez and Mrs. Abbasi, and several Physical Education
teachers helped facilitate the event by running various activity stations and talking to the students about the dangers of impaired driving.
The Student Assistance Program (SAP) is a partnership between Fairfax County Public Schools’ Student Safety and Wellness Section and Fairfax-Falls Church Community Services Board’s Alcohol & Drug Youth Services. The primary goal
is to help students succeed academically and socially by addressing concerns related to alcohol and other drug use. The
program provides substance abuse prevention, consultation, education, intervention and treatment referral services for students and their families. Ms. Evans is at SLHS every Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday and is located in Room 247. All
information shared with the SAP coordinator is confidential. - Dawn-Lee Evans
Vision Impaired Activity
Liver Overload Activity
Students viewing MADD car
Page 18
Page 18
June 2010
Auto Tech, JROTC, Marketing, Business & IT, Culinary Arts and Design Technology
On April 24th-27th, South Lakes DECA student Hailey Kemp headed to Louisville, Kentucky to attend and compete in
the 2010 International Career Development Conference. Hailey competed in the Principles of Marketing event against DECA
students from all across the country and globe. Overall, the conference provided students with an excellent opportunity to
learn about marketing. Not only did the DECA students get to network with business professionals, they also created valuable
friendships with other marketing students from across the world. Nice job Hailey and thank you for representing South Lakes
High School!
The Marketing Department extends their sincere thanks to all of the parents that made this fabulous year possible!
Thank you so much for all of your support and volunteer efforts!
DECA student Hailey Kemp enjoys her
time in Louisville, Kentucky.
The competition heats up! Ms. Kemp poses
with some fellow DECA competitors at the International Career Development Conference.
Even while relaxing, the conference students
show their DECA pride!
Page 19
June 2010
SLHS Health Room End Of Year
Got ‘Meds’ in the Health Room/Clinic?
Don’t forget to pick them up!
All medication left in the Health Room on the last day of school must
be destroyed.
Any prescription medication must be picked up by the parent or guardian.
However, with parent permission, your student may carry over-the-counter meds home
from school.
To give your permission, please send a signed note with your student or call the Health Room at 703-715-4612.
Need your ‘Meds’ in Summer Camp/School?
Did you know? … If your child will be enrolled in a 2010 FCPS summer program,
You may continue to use his or her current Medication / Inhaler / Epi-Pen Authorization form(s) for summer
programs. Call the health room before end of the year if you want a copy of your student’s form.
Adult Clinic Volunteers Needed Next Year!
If you’re willing to help out as an occasional back up ‘first aider’ here in the school health room, we could use your help!
Health Room Volunteers assist students with minor first aid needs and make phone calls home to parents but don’t dispense
medication. They help the School Health Aide with annual paperwork and screening. The Fairfax County Health Department,
in cooperation with the Fairfax County Public Schools, provides required training to approved candidates. If you are interested in finding out more about school health room volunteer work, contact our School Health Aide, Mary La Valley, at 703715-4612 (during the school year) or call our school’s Public Health Nurse, Erin Smith, at 703-481-4077 and leave a message.
Don’t flush unused medication ~
It might end up in our drinking water!
Keep the medicines in their original containers (for identification in case of accidental ingestion).
Cross out any names or identifying information on the label (for privacy).
For pills: Add salt & water to bottle to dissolve pills. For liquids: Add inedible cat litter, ash or dirt. SHAKE.
Break tip off inhalers, discard in trash. Put expired EpiPens/glucagon kits into ‘Sharps’ container unopened.
Seal the medicine container and secure with duct tape or packing tape so it can’t be opened.
Double bag these items in a separate bag and place in the outgoing trash. NOT IN RECYCLING BINS!!
Page 20
June 2010
International Baccalaureate (IB)
Anne Stowe
IB Diploma Program Coordinator
Extended Essay Coordinator Cheryl Finley
TOK teachers: Matt Ravenstahl and Cheryl Finley
South Lakes High School
11400 South Lakes Drive
Reston, VA 20191
CAS Coordinators A-G Charissa West
H-M John Issigonis
N-Z Brittany Reed
A big thanks from our IB Diploma and Certificate students to the many parent volunteers who invigilated
our 2010 exams. From May 3 through May 24 from two to ten of you were present each day to help students
through the exam sessions. We gave about 2,000 individual exams (papers) to about 350 students---No small task!
I am pleased to report that all exams are sequenced, packaged, and shipped to examiners around the world. Thank
you, SLHS parents!
Senior Diploma candidates in good standing, that is those who have completed the extended essay, CAS,
and Theory of Knowledge requirements and all requirements for their 6 IB courses, will be awarded the IB medal
at the June 2 Senior Awards Ceremony. The medal is meant to be worn with cap and gown for graduation.
On June 11, our rising junior full Diploma candidates will participate in a retreat to be held in the
Lecture Hall from 11:30am to 2:05pm. Students will move in small groups through information sessions on
Extended Essay by Mrs. Finley, Theory of Knowledge Class by Mr. Ravenstahl, Creativity, Action, Service by
Mrs. West, and Diploma Candidate status by Mrs. Stowe. The students will be hosted and interact with current
senior Diploma candidates. A prearranged absence form will be sent home with all our new Diploma candidates. Please sign and have your student bring to each class he/she will miss for teacher signature. Students
are responsible for missed work BUT the information from this meeting is extremely important for new candidates.
Writers’ Workshop for Extended Essay Writers is happening again this year. The SLHS library will
be open for extended essay writers from 10am to 2pm on June 24, 25, and 28. Research assistance and writing
support will be available. If your outline is not completed - this is required. If your outline is completed please
note that many students leave this 3-day workshop with a working draft. It’s a great opportunity to spend some
focused time on the essay. Be there!
Each year after the IB exams are completed, IB Diploma candidates in good standing can participate in a
two week internship outside school. This alternative learning experience gives Diploma candidates an opportunity
to experience workplace and research activities of high interest to them. This year students are working at a photo
studio, orthodontist office, USGS labs, physical anthropologist and medical researcher offices, Dreams for Kids,
and as teacher assistants in several classes. What a great experience for them!
Page 21
June 2010
SLHS Health Fair May 8, 2010
Thanks to all the
VOLUNTEERS who worked
so hard to make this day a

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