july newsletter - Mile Hi Golden Retriever Club


july newsletter - Mile Hi Golden Retriever Club
June 17, 2013
The newsletter for Mile
Hi Golden Retriever
Club, just jump right
SummerTime By Anne Shannon
Finally, summer has made it to
Colorado and brought with it all of
the activities that Golden fanciers
love so much! As I write this, next
weekend will be our WC-WCX
chaired by Sandy Whicker and sure
to be a rousing success. Then shortly
thereafter, in July, the all-breed agility
trial will occupy our time and efforts.
Volunteers are welcome!
On July 27, our next meeting will
center on food and fun - the things
Mile Hi does totally BEST. In what is
a yearly event, Chris and Steve
Johnson host the club fun day and
picnic at their spectacular mountain
property. Last year more than 20
goldens raced and chased and had a
most wonderful time in the ponds at
Johnson’s private paradise. Be sure to
put this event on your calendar and
look for further details!
All of the member of the
MHGRC Board of Directors
assembled on June 9th at Angela
McLean’s home to try to bring some
sense and order to the subject of
volunteer reimbursements for various
club positions. Angela, as our
conscientious and dedicated
treasurer, wanted to have more
accounting for payments, freebies and
Mile Hi bucks given out at various
events. For years this has been a
subject that has needed to be
addressed and it was helpful to have
all Board members in attendance.
Each venue has it’s own culture and
way in which it’s events are done both by Mile Hi and other area clubs.
It was useful to bring all points of
view to the discussion and, in
addition, try to get a sense of what is
owed to a club by it’s members. In
other words, there are some things
people just do - without expecting
remuneration - because they belong
to a club. Granted, some do more
than others but that is just a fact of
life! We did manage to come up with
a proposal to cover all events. It is
currently being reviewed by the
Board and will be submitted to the
membership shortly. I want to thank
Angela for bringing this to our
attention and requesting that we
establish some fiscal responsibility. We
acknowledged at the meeting that
Mile Hi is always regarded as a
“rich” club but Angela pointed out
that if we aren’t careful, we won’t be
so rich in the future!
GOLD DIGGINGS June 17, 2013
The Senior CERF project is underway....OFA
will not charge a registration fee for eye
exams on veteran dogs.
With the designation of Pigmentary Uveitis (PU)
as a very serious hereditary disorder in Golden
Retrievers and the realization that most dogs
with this serious condition will not present with
the disease until after many are no longer being
bred, the newest recommendation is to check
dogs annually for life. Additionally, since PU is
such a serious and painful disease, we want to
encourage everyone with older dogs to get
them checked even if they have never been
used in a breeding program. Paying for the
CERF registration is our way to encourage and
support this effort. Vouchers for CERF can be
found at the Foundations’s website
President’s Message Continued
In the mail today, I received a card from the
Golden Retriever Foundation acknowledging a
donation to the Zeke Cancer Research Fund in
memory of Spencer R. Boudinot and provided by
Betty Boudinot.
For those of you who aren’t aware, Spencer was
the father of Carol Hanft who passed away several
months ago. Carol’s Mom, Betty, generously directed
memorial donations in honor of her husband to the
Golden Retriever Foundation. I wanted the club to
be aware of this generous and considerate gesture.
Thank you so much Betty, Carol and Bob for
recognizing a cause so near and dear to all of us!
Speaking of volunteering and taking one for the
team, I am in the process of assembling a
Nominating Committee for next year. At the Board
meeting, every member currently serving indicated a
willingness to continue in their present capacity except for one who is term limited. If any of you are
interested in serving as President of Mile Hi GRC,
please let a member of the current Board know of
your interest! It’s a rewarding position and I will be
happy to offer any help I can during the coming
Anne Shannon
GOLD DIGGINGS June 17, 2013
Minutes from April 28, 2013
March Meeting
By Mardee Kayser
The meeting was called to order at 1:05 p.m. by
Anne Shannon, president, during our Awards
Banquet. Ruthie Nordahl will serve as
Secretary Pro Temp in Mardee’s absence.
Treasurer’s Report
Angela McLean reported the club would make
$7,000-$8,000 from the agility trial. There is
$25,000 in the account. All equipment
requested has been ordered or back ordered. If
anyone needs anything ordered, please let
Angela know.
Chris Zink will give a seminar on June 29-30,
2013. The prices offered in the Newsletter are
for club members only. The prices for all
others can be found on www.mhgrc.com.
Bruce Evashevski, vice president, introduced
two new prospective members, Mona Pent and
Marilyn Turner. Both attended the Fun Match
and the seminar. Mona is interested in
conformation, grooming, and breeding.
Marilyn Turner has a 13-year old Golden and is
getting a puppy in the fall. She’s interested in
field trials, obedience, rally, tracking, and
agility. Both were voted in as MHGRC
The September meeting will be a BBQ at Bruce
and Angela McLean’s home.
The July 27 meeting will be held at Chris and
Steve Johnson’s mountain property.
The premium for the Specialty is ready except
to list the trophies. There are trophy
sponsorship spots left for Obedience and Rally.
There are only a few left for Conformation.
Angela reported a judges selection committee
will be established with 3-5 members. The
Agility & Conformation
members will be selected by the Board of
No report
Directors and serve a 2-3 year term. This
committee will select input from all MHGRC
members. Each member can submit 5 judges’
Bruce reported for Keith Winch on the Master
names for conformation and 5 for sweeps from
National’s nomination for judges. The club can a list of qualified Breeder/Sporting Dog judges.
nominate two judges. The two judges selected The Chairs for the other venues will continue to
by the club are Paul McGinnis from Montana
select judges for those venues. One member of
and Tim Buck from Texas.
the committee or their designee will
communicate with the judges, handle judges’
Bruce also informed the club of the proposed
contracts, and head judges’ hospitality. This
by-law changes to the Master National. They
person will not show dogs in conformation or
are proposing the qualifications for Master
sweeps at the Specialty.
National be changed to reflect six passes after
the Master title has been earned. The purpose
Francie Pusateri informed the club Bridget
is to try to limit the number of entries to the
Carlson will be doing a seminar May 18-19, if
Master National. After some discussion, the
anyone is interested.
club members voted no to the proposed by-law
change and decided the club would write a
Angela reported the Sporting Dog Club would
letter suggesting a limit be placed on pro
like to handle the Conformation for our
entries. Kathy Frizell will write the letter.
December Fun Match. We would handle
Obedience and Rally.
Anne reported Connie Cleveland will be here
The meeting was adjourned at 1:25 p.m.
for a seminar the same weekend as our Fun
Match in March 2014.
GOLD DIGGINGS June 17, 2013
Conformation Report By Randy Watson
What an incredible month for MHGRC members and
their dogs. It is amazing what has been achieved over
the past six weeks. Lauren’s dog “Driver” had an
incredible month, earning his Championship with seven
Winners Dogs, five Best of Winners, two Major Wins
and a Select Dog. On this alone, this month’s column
could easily be named, “In The Driver’s Seat”! Not to
be out done, Jennifer Grossnickle’s dogs also had a
great month, with a Best in Specialty Sweepstakes for
Rooster and a Best of Opposite Sex Sweepstakes for
“Charlee”. In addition to Lauren’s dog ‘Driver” winning
his Championship, Jean von Barby’s girl “Jiffy” won her
Championship, and Terri Andersons boy “Tulo” won his
Seward County Kennel Club
April 27, 2013
GCH Jema’s Mocha Kiss, BISS – “Tazo”
Best of Opposite Sex
Jennifer Grossnickle & Alyssa Grossnickle
Gaitway-Jema’s Kiss and Tell – “Rooster”
Reserve Winners Dog
Jennifer Grossnickle
April 28, 2013
GCH Jema’s Mocha Kiss, BISS – “Tazo”
Select Dog
Jennifer Grossnickle & Alyssa Grossnickle
Gaitway-Jema’s Kiss and Tell – “Rooster”
Winners Dog
Jennifer Grossnickle
Jema’s Oh What Fun BISS - “Charlee”
Reserve Winners Bitch
Jennifer Grossnickle
Big Wins
Left: Relay's
Tee It Hi - N Let It Fly BOSS
BPIS – “Driver”
Right: Best in
for Rooster
Rio Grande Valley Golden Retriever Club
May 10, 2013
Relay's Tee It Hi - N - Let It Fly BOSS BPIS – “Driver”
Winners Dog & Best of Winners - 5 point Major Bred By
Lauren Relay & Dan Rudzek
VBIS CH Goldstorm Lead'N the Relay JH WC BVISS
BVOSS – “Race”
Best Veteran in Sweeps & Award of Merit
Lauren Relay & Diane Mueller
Gaitway-Jema’s Kiss and Tell BISS – “Rooster”
Best in Specialty - Sweepstakes
Jennifer Grossnickle
Jema’s Oh What Fun BISS BOSS - “Charlee”
Best of Opposite Sex - Sweepstakes
Jennifer Grossnickle
May 11, 2013
VBIS CH Goldstorm Lead'N the Relay JH WC BVISS
BVOSS – “Race”
Veteran Best In Show
Lauren Relay & Diane Mueller
Rio Grande Kennel Club
May 12, 2013
Doolin-River’s Tullamore Dew - “Tulo”
Winners Dog – MAJOR WIN
Coronado Kennel Club
Terri Anderson
May 13, 2013
Relay's Tee It Hi - N - Let It Fly BOSS BPIS – “Driver”
Winners Dog & Best of Winners
Lauren Relay & Dan Rudzek
Abilene Kennel Club
May 17, 2013
Relay's Tee It Hi - N - Let It Fly BOSS BPIS – “Driver”
Winners Dog
Lauren Relay & Dan Rudzek
May 19, 2013
Relay's Tee It Hi - N - Let It Fly BOSS BPIS – “Driver”
Winners Dog & Best of Winners
Lauren Relay & Dan Rudzek
GOLD DIGGINGS June 17, 2013
Conformation Report By Randy Watson
Central Wyoming Kennel Club
May 24, 2013
Relay's Tee It Hi - N - Let It Fly BOSS BPIS – “Driver”
Winners Dog
Lauren Relay & Dan Rudzek
Becksgold Rev R Up @ Elysian CDX TD MH RE WCX –
Winners Bitch & Best of Winners
Jean von Barby
CH Sunny Ridge Dudley Do-Right CD – “Dudley”
Select Dog
Catherine Gardiner
May 25, 2013
Relay's Tee It Hi - N - Let It Fly BOSS BPIS – “Driver”
Winners Dog & Best of Winners
Lauren Relay & Dan Rudzek
CH Sunny Ridge Dudley Do-Right CD – “Dudley”
Select Dog
Catherine Gardiner
New CH
Rev R Up @
Elysian CDX
WCX – “Jiffy”
Right: Doolin-
Dew - “Tulo”
Laramie Kennel Club
May 26, 2013
Relay's Tee It Hi - N - Let It Fly BOSS BPIS – “Driver”
Winners Dog & Best of Winners – Major Win - NEW
Lauren Relay & Dan Rudzek
CH Sunny Ridge Dudley Do-Right CD – “Dudley”
Best of Opposite Sex
Catherine Gardiner
Becksgold Rev R Up @ Elysian CDX TD MH RE WCX –
Winners Bitch – Major Win – NEW CHAMPION
Jean von Barby
Laramie Kennel Club
May 27, 2013
Doolin-River’s Tullamore Dew - “Tulo”
Winners Dog & Best of Winners – Major Win – NEW
Terri Anderson
CH Sunny Ridge Dudley Do-Right CD – “Dudley”
Best of Opposite Sex
Catherine Gardiner
Flatirons Kennel Club
June 1, 2103
GCH Windsong’s Timberbash Powder King RN - “Cooper”
Select Dog – From the Veterans Class
Angela Berkheimer McLean and Dianne Barnes
Flatirons Kennel Club
June 2, 2103
CH Relay's Tee It Hi - N - Let It Fly BOSS BPIS – “Driver”
Select Dog
Lauren Relay & Dan Rudzek
Relay’s I Want You To Want Me – “Envy”
Winners Bitch & Best of Winners from the Puppy Class
Jen & Brian Rullo and Lauren Relay & Dan Rudzek
Gaitway-Jema’s Kiss and Tell BISS – “Rooster”
Reserve Winners Dog
Jennifer Grossnickle
Relay's Goldens proudly presently its newest Champion!
CH Relay's Tee It Hi-N-Let It Fly BOSS BPIS "Driver"
(BISS Am GCH CH UCH Forevers Quest for Atlantis SDHF ex CH Relay's Just Over the GWB )
Finishing with 15 points over 15 days,
including a 5-point Specialty Major
from Bred-by at 20 months old
Breeders/Owners: Lauren Relay and Dan Rudzek relaysgoldens.com
GOLD DIGGINGS June 17, 2013
Obedience and Rally By Monica Keracik
We have lots of outstanding obedience and rally brags this time!
1. Karen Lamb’s Ocotilla's Cameo 'O Roofus RN CGC TDI, Inc. (Camie)
Collie Club at Adams County Fairgrounds - earned Rally Novice title
Terry-All - earned 1st leg in Beginner Novice
Terry-All - earned 2nd leg in Beginner Novice
2. Karen Lamb’s Perennial J Wellngtn Wimpy BN RN CGC TDI, Inc. (Annie)
MSDTC - earned 1st leg in Beginner Novice with 4th place
Collie Club at Boulder County Fairgrounds – earned 2nd leg in Beginner Novice with 1st place
Flatirons at Boulder County Fairgrounds – earned 3rd leg in Beginner Novice with 1st place receiving
Beginner Novice title
3. Karen Lamb’s Ocotilla's Skittle Me Skeezle RA CCA CGC TDI, Inc. (Skeezie)
MSDTC – earned 1st leg in Beginner Novice
Casper – earned 2nd leg in Beginner Novice with 1st place
Casper – earned 1st leg in Rally Advanced with 1st place
Collie Club at Boulder County Fairgrounds – earned 2nd leg in Rally Advanced with 2nd place
Flatirons at Boulder County Fairgrounds – earned 3rd leg in Rally Advanced with 4th place receiving
Rally Advanced title
Congratulations to Karen, Camie, Annie, and Skeezie!
4. Linda and Paul Stranahan and Jeanne von Barby’s CH Bridgeton Writers Romance UD RE JH WC
(Romi) received her UD at the Collie Club & Flatirons Kennel Club shows May 31st, June 1st & 2nd,
qualifying three days in a row.
Congratulations to Linda, Paul, Jeanne, and Romi!
5. Jean and Herb Herbert’s Farm Fresh BR Ride the Windy Trails RE NA OAJ (Ranger) completed his
Rally Excellent title on May 31st at the Collie Club trial in Longmont.
Congratulations to Jean, Herb and Ranger!
6. Deb Ascher’s Treasure's Lookout For That Tree CDX RE TDX AX AXJ WC CCA, (George) completed
her CDX at the Flatirons KC show on Sunday, June 2nd.
Congratulations to Deb and George!
7. Jeanne von Barby’s Becksgold Rev R Up @ Elysian CDX MH TD RE WCX (Jiffy) received her RA title
and earned her first RE leg at the Terry-All KC show. Jiffy received her RE title at the Flatirons KC
In obedience, Jiffy earned her first UD leg at the Terry-All KC show.
Congratulations to Jeanne and Jiffy!
8. Finally, I have to brag about my own young pup, High Country’s Tally Ho Tebow CGC (Tebow). He
earned his first two legs in Rally Novice finishing in 4th place both times at the Collie Club/Flatirons
Kennel Club show on May 31st and June 1st.
Please remember to submit your brags for the next newsletter to me at monica.keracik@yahoo.com.
Thank you and good luck to everyone in the upcoming trials!
GOLD DIGGINGS June 17, 2013
Question: Why do we
have retrievers?
Answer: A bird in the
mouth is better than
two in a bush.
Field Report By Keith Winch
Where did our spring go? We were supposed to ease into the heat getting our four-legged
partners ready for the endurance of testing in our field events. Tests are finally under way
here in the Rockies and why are we not surprised to be wearing coats on Saturday and
shorts on Sunday. Good time to remember our four-legged buddies are going through the
same confusion and it is our responsibility to keep them comfortable especially when they
are in the back of the dog mobile. Sally Sjobeck turned me on to a unique tool found at
Ventlock.com. It is an ingenious tool that can lock your hatchback or door at different
opening widths where air can travel through your vehicle yet not wide enough to create an
escape path for a loose dog or allow someone to entry without having the keys. We bought
ours from Clean Run. They come in different lengths and are worth the price to have one
for the back doors and/or hatchback.
We have had several test starting in May ( I believe Fort Collins was the first of the AKC
hunt test) but there could have been field trials and HRC test that our members attended. I
am sure there are more brags and stories so don’t be humble and send the info to me like the
following happy members:CH Becksgold Rev R Up@ Elysian, CDX MH TD RE WCX
“Jiffy” owned, handled and loved by Jeanne von Barby got AKC Master Hunter Passes at
Grand Valley RC, Fort Collins RC, and Pikes Peak RC. BTW Jiffy is featured above.
Happy Daugh's Ante Up “Chip” earned 2 Junior Hunter legs in the last couple of weeks.
The first at Platteville/Colorado Women’s RC on June 2 and the second on Saturday, June
8th at Calhan/Pikes Peak. Kathy Janda is the proud owner of Chip.
Linirgor Macallan CDX AXP AXJP CCA CGC just earned a JH in four consecutive
tests owned and handled by Sandy McFarland. How cool is that!! Congrats
I copied off the news blog that Bridger and Barb Branstand had the pleasure of running
test dog at the CWRC senior stake. Awesome performances were seen with Fannie and
Chris Johnson, Puk and Leslie Anderson, and Ozzie and Chris Johnson. Way to go!
GOLD DIGGINGS June 17, 2013
Field Report By Keith Winch
Chase (HRCH Big Horn Chasin' Holway's Gold MH MNR WCX CGC) owned by Keith &
Kathy Winch took another shot at the HRC International Grand in near New Boston Texas
with Dane Johnson handling from Flatlander Kennels. Unfortunately, he was taken out in
the 3rd round. Not because he didn’t accomplish the test, he actually smacked it but the
judges said he held onto the last bird a bit too long. Not according to Dane and a lot of the
spectators but the HRC Grand is not your normal hunt test competition. Judges look for the
very least infraction to knock the dog out. Some handler/dog teams never got to see the
marks just because the dog’s head got a bit in front of the handler’s leg walking to the line.
Not deterred, the weekend after the Grand, Keith ran Chase in the Sunflower RC in Fall
River Kansas and got a master pass. Chase was handled by Fred Lysinger for the HRC
Hidden Pines test in Cheyenne and pass another Finished test now accumulating 400 points.
Don’t forget, MHGRC is co-sponsoring with the Flatcoat Retrievers a WC/X certification
test during the weekend of June 22nd and 23rd at Stillroven Farm. Please let Sandy Wicker
know if you are able to step up and help her for this event. Our annual hunt test is
September 7th-8th with set-up on Friday the 6th. This is a fun event for our field enthusiast
will again be held at Stillroven Farms in Mead. If you are new to hunt test, this is a great
time to learn more about the field work. Please support Kathy and Warren Frizell who
stepped up to chair our hunt test by lending a hand during this event. If you wish to enter,
the premium is up on EntryExpress.net.
Happy Daugh's Ante Up
The stylish Chip Janda in Orange
*When emailing me your brags or items for the newsletter please send to my keithbwinch@msn.com account and in the
subject line state, “Gold diggings newsletter”. I travel often and get vast amounts of diverse emails. I do not want to
miss anyone’s brag so you can help me by honoring this request.
GOLD DIGGINGS June 17, 2013
Boomer was
loved by
Kathy &
Warren Frizell
MACH Morninglo Rckymtn Whistle Stop CDX RN MH MXB MJS XF
November 21, 2005 - May 16, 2013
Agility Report By Laura Gillice
MHGRC has 3 new agility titled dogs:
Starz One Lucky Bug OA AXJ
Congratulations to Cricket AXJ !!!!
Farm Fresh BR Ride The Windy Trails RE OA OAJ
Congratulations to Ranger OA !!!!
Cricket & Ranger can be found in the
Excellent rings at an Agility Trial near you.
Come out and cheer them on.
GOLD DIGGINGS June 17, 2013
Do not mourn my passing
for if you could only see
by slipping all my earthly bonds
I'm forever young & free.
By day I'll walk the sunflower fields
my body healthy & strong
At night I'll sleep in blessed peace
lulled by celestial song.
So do not mourn my passing
just close your eyes, you'll see
I'm never very far from you
for I with you in memory
by Kathleen Thompson
Roberta P DeSio “Robin” 02/06/53-05/13/13
Agility Report continued
BR's Never A Dull Moment MXB MXJ
Handler: Herb Herbert
Completed his MXB on 5/25/13
@ Rocky Mountain Visla Club Trial
2 Double Q's at the FRAAD trial 6/8-9
Fun Fact: an MXB is 25 Q’s in the Masters
Standard class. Carbide is closing in on the