ARCHITONIC GUIDE SWISSBAU BASEL 2016 12 –16 JANUARY Der Architonic Guide möchte Ihnen Orientierung geben und dabei helfen, die besten Aussteller schnell zu finden. Die Auswahl von Architonic ist rein redaktionell und beschränkt sich auf Premium-Hersteller von Produkten, die für die Gestaltung von Gebäuden und Räumen relevant sind. Ein Guide von Architekten für Architekten. The Architonic Guide allows you to find the best exhibitors quickly. Architonic’s selection is purely an editorial one and is limited to high-end manufacturers whose products are relevant to the design of buildings and spaces. It’s a guide by architects for architects. ARCHITONIC.COM OVERVIEW PLAN 1.1 page 06 Maulbeerstrasse Sika D C 180 180 B Isba A 180 180 Desax KlinkerZentrale 1.0 page 04 170 170 170 170 D C B Dierre A 1.2 Jakob B C Eurodoor 150 C D B A 150 150 Hörmann Saint-Gobain Glass 150 Werzalit 2.2 page 18 WC Umicore BaSys 70 D B C A Grasser Fassadentechnik 70 70 70 Artweger Antolini Luigi Domoferm Glutz 130 130 C D Lumon Columbus 40 Raico 20 D 30 30 60 L M WC Armony Cucine B Hi-Macs 70 70 80 F F K 80 Wesco 40 40 K M 80 Bora L M Julius Blum 60 Alpnach Clipso S.Siedle & Söhne 60 WC M L G 30 30 Dold H 10 10 10 A B Toto C Tonwerk 30 30 Romay Duka Poresta Systems Sam 10 10 10 F K M Rika Tiba Klafs 10 D Bauknecht WC 40 40 40 A B L Wincona Passage 1/2 BSH 60 Schmidlin Nikles B Kronospan F 30 Passage 1/2 Arval Actual Aweso Finstral 30 60 F Keramag Design Bucher 60 C HTW Design Carpet 60 20 A D MESSEPLATZ WC 40 M Rüegg Cheminée Miele 20 20 30 Reynaers B MGT Gilgen Door Systems Velux Ernst Schweizer C 20 Hydroplant H G 10 10 A B 10 10 D E 10 10 F Bauwerk Parkett 80 D E C B Eternit A Renson 10 D C 10 10 A B C G .. . 01 Sperrag A .. . 01 B 10 G Umina K L 10 M MESSEPLATZ 10 Echo Büromöbel H Bienna Geggus Schollglas A 10 Tisca Tiara 10 WC WC 80 80 Sunreflex Frontwerk Kästlistoren Passage Frego 1/2 80 80 10 10 Haas Pollmeier 20 Atlas Holz 10 Stobag Renggli FunderMax Glas Trösch Kone Lignatur B Passage 1/2 D C B A Rathscheck 30 30 30 A 20 Kährs Akutech C EgoKiefer 40 B A 40 Stebler 40 Riehenringstrasse Passage 1/2 D Nelskamp B A Metalpfister M Sora RMIG 130 130 Argolite Lignotrend Thumag Forster 90 D A B E Merial WC A 60 D Concept Swiss 50 Fontarocca Internorm Hagemeister C B Montana 50 A 50 50 2.0 page 12 Salto Sytems Hans Kohler A 60 C Cristina Rubinetterie Galvolux 90 60 A Koralle D Prefa Röben Solarlux WC BWA Bausystem 30 Fantini HSK Duschkabinenbau 2.1 page 14 140 C B Mega 140 A 140 140 Q-Railing Graniti Conrad WC Softub Katsura Emco 90 A D 90 90 90 Holzmaufaktur Rottweiler i .. . 01 F .. . 01 D AGS .. . 01 H i WC WC ENTRANCE MESSEPLATZ ENTRANCE MESSEPLATZ 60 80 60 60 60 A B C D E Messeplatz E 20 D 01 01 A A Mattenstrasse Colt D B 40 A 40 20 C 20 Sergio Fahrer Design 20 B C A 40 40 4.2 40 4.1 1.0 P Riehenstrasse Published by: Architonic AG, Müllerstrasse 71, 8004 Zurich, Switzerland T 0041 44 297 20 20,, World‘s Best Design Products Now available for free! 2 ADVERTISEMENT ALPHABET hall booth page A Air-lux Akutech Alpnach Antolini Luigi Architonic Argolite Artweger Arval Atlas Holz Attika Feuer Austroflamm Aweso 4.1 2.1 2.1 2.2 2.0 1.0 2.2 1.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 1.1 B20 E12 B54 A31 Foyer A50 A33 C40 B18 G31 H33 D113 B BaSys Bauknecht Bauwerk Parkett Berger SwissFineLine Bienna Bora Bosch Bruag BSH Buderus Bulthaup 1.0 2.1 2.0 1.0 2.0 2.1 1.2 1.0 2.1 1.2 2.1 B79 L42 A12 C46 D08 L82 D74 D69 A34 D74 F68 04 14 12 04 12 14 C Carl Stahl Ceadesign Clipso Colt Columbus Cosentino Cristina Rubinetterie 1.0 2.2 2.0 1.1 1.1 2.1 2.2 B68 A09 D38 E56 C124 A82 B25 04 18 12 08 06 14 18 D Dallmer Desax Dierre Dold Domoferm Duka Duravit Duscholux E Echo Büromöbel EgoKiefer Emco Ernst Schweizer Eternit Eurodoor F Fantini 2.2 1.1 1.0 2.2 1.1 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.0 1.1 2.2 1.0 1.0 1.1 K17 C174 C98 M15 C135 E14 A15 A22 14 14 18 12 04 18 04 12 12 12 06 04 14 14 18 06 04 18 06 18 18 18 G10 12 A100 06 F20 18 A20 04 C14 04 C152–C157 06 2.2 A29 18 hall booth page Faro Feller Finstral Fontarocca Forbo Flooring Forster Franke Frego FSB FunderMax 4.1 2.0 1.1 1.0 2.0 1.0 2.1 1.1 1.1 1.0 A41 B32 C114 D57 A05 A40 F72 C83 C123 C22 12 06 04 12 04 14 08 06 04 G Gaggenau Galvolux Geberit Geggus Gilgen Door Systems Glas Marte Glas Trösch Glutz Graniti Conrad Grasser Fassadentech. 2.1 2.1 2.2 2.0 1.1 1.0 1.0 1.1 1.0 1.0 A34 D93 K22–K24 B06 C88–D88 C64 A14 C130 B66 C73 14 14 18 12 08 04 04 06 04 04 C54 B12 D18 L92 D161 D80 A23 A24 H22 04 18 18 14 06 04 18 12 12 H Hagemeister 1.0 Hansgrohe 2.2 Hewi 2.2 Hi-Macs 2.1 Holzmanufaktur Rottweil. 1.1 Hörmann 1.0 HSK Duschkabinenbau 2.2 HTW Design Carpet 2.0 Hydroplant 2.0 I Ideal Standard Inda Internorm Isba J Jakob Jansen Julius Blum K Kährs Kaldewei Karcher Design Kästlistoren Katsura Keller Keramag Design Klafs Klinker-Zentrale Kone 2.2 2.2 1.1 1.1 B22 18 A12 18 A127–A13006 A178 06 1.1 C162 1.0 D36 2.1 B62 2.0 2.2 1.1 1.1 2.2 1.1 2.2 2.2 1.1 1.0 B22 A14 C151 D85 C68 D136 M23 A07 A172 A12 06 04 14 12 18 06 08 18 06 18 18 06 04 hall booth G16 A24 B50 A35 A32–B34 page König + Neurath Koralle Kronospan Küng KWC 2.0 2.2 2.1 2.2 2.2 L Laufen Lignatur Lignotrend 2.2 A18 1.0 C12 1.0 D45 18 04 04 M MDT Mega Metallpfister MGT Miele Montana 1.1 1.1 1.0 1.0 2.1 1.0 08 06 04 04 14 04 N Naturofloor Nelskamp Nikles 2.0 A26 1.0 D54 2.2 D17 12 04 18 O Orea 2.1 K92 14 P Panoramah Pfleiderer Poresta Systems Prefa Prolux 1.1 2.0 2.2 1.0 1.2 06 12 18 04 D84 C136 C50 D27–D29 L32–M24 C53 D140 B14 F13 C62 D88 12 18 14 18 18 Q Q-Railing Quooker 1.0 A60 2.1 F15 04 14 R Raico Rathscheck Raumplus Renggli Renson Renz Reynaers Rheinzink Rika RMIG Röben Romay Rüegg Cheminée 1.0 1.0 2.1 1.0 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.0 2.0 1.0 1.0 2.2 2.0 D48 C32 A44 D21 D78 D143 B94 C32 H32 B54 B58 D15 G26 04 04 14 04 08 06 08 04 12 04 04 18 12 S S.Siedle & Söhne 2.0 A28 Saint-Gobain Glass 1.1 A154 12 06 hall booth page Salto Systems Sam Schätti Leuchten Schmidlin Schollglas Sergio Fahrer Design Siematic Sika SimilorGroup Sky Frame Softub Solarlux Sperrag Stebler Stebler Stilhaus Stobag Sunreflex Frontwerk 1.1 2.2 2.0 2.2 1.0 1.1 2.1 1.1 2.2 1.1 2.2 1.0 2.0 1.0 1.2 2.0 1.1 1.1 C128 D14 F01 E16 A10 B28 L84 A182 B18 C111 D70 C59 A03 A44 A45 F03 A88 C84 06 18 12 18 04 08 14 06 18 06 18 04 12 04 T Talsee Team 7 Tece Thumag Tiba Tiba Tisca Tiara Tonwerk Toto 2.2 2.1 2.2 2.2 1.2 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.2 A35 K81 A11 F61 D21 G30–H31 B10–B12 G32 C11 U Umicore 1.0 C76 04 V V-Zug Velux Vitrocsa Vola 2.1 1.0 1.1 2.2 14 04 06 18 W Werzalit Wesco Wicona 1.0 C83 2.1 K84 1.0 D33 04 14 04 X XAL 2.0 H12 12 L50–L52 D20 A134 A21 12 08 08 18 14 18 18 12 12 12 18 This list was printed on December 14th, 2015. We apologise sincerely if we have omitted or misplaced any top-quality manufacturers. FLEX MAXIMALE REICHWEITE MAXIMALER KOMFORT BESUCHEN SIE UNS AN UNSEREM STAND F15 ADVERTISEMENT 3 HALL 1.0 1.1 1.0 Argolite Arval BaSys Berger SwissFineLine Bruag Carl Stahl Dierre Ernst Schweizer Eternit Fontarocca Forster FunderMax 1.2 2.2 2.1 2.0 Messeplatz 4.1 4.2 1.0 A50 C40 B79 C46 D69 B68 C98 A20 C14 D57 A40 C22 Glas Marte Glas Trösch Graniti Conrad Grasser Fassadentechnik Haas Hagemeister Hans Kohler Hörmann Jansen Kone Lignatur Lignotrend C64 A14 B66 C73 D12 C54 C47–B52 D80 D36 A12 C12 D45 Hörmann 90 Nelskamp 70 D 50 D D Dierre Fontarocca Prefa Hagemeister Umicore 90 70 C 50 C Solarlux Werzalit 90 Graniti Conrad Grasser Fassadentechnik BaSys 70 B C Montana Röben 50 B 50 A B Q-Railing 90 70 A A GIBT DER ARCHITEKTUR IHR PROFIL 4 Halle 1, Stand D36 ADVERTISEMENT Metallpfister MGT Montana Nelskamp Pollmeier Prefa Q-Railing Raico Rathscheck Renggli Rheinzink RMIG C50 D27 C53 D54 D10 C62 A60 D48 C32 D21 C32 B54 Röben Schollglas Solarlux Stebler Umicore Velux Werzalit Wicona HALL B58 A10 C59 A44 C76 D20 C83 D33 1.0 This list was printed on December 14th, 2015. We apologise sincerely if we have omitted or misplaced any top-quality manufacturers. Passage 1/2 D 30 D 10 Lignotrend Eternit D Renggli Rathscheck Wincona i FunderMax Arval C 30 C 10 Hans Kohler 40 C MESSEPLATZ Lignatur Metalpfister MGT ENTRANCE 40 Velux Haas Pollmeier Raico Glas Trösch 40 Kone B 30 B 10 Stebler Argolite 40 Schollglas RMIG A Ernst Schweizer A 30 A Rahmenlose Schiebefenster swissFineLine Transparenz in ihrer schönsten Form. ADVERTISEMENT zertifiziert Halle 1.0 | Stand C46 5 HALL 1.1 NORD 1.1 1.0 Actual Aweso BWA Bausystem Columbus Desax Domoferm EgoKiefer Eurodoor Finstral FSB Glutz 1.2 2.2 2.1 2.0 Messeplatz 4.1 4.2 1.0 170 D Holzmanufaktur Rottweiler Internorm Isba Jakob Karcher Design Keller Klinker-Zentrale Lumon M Sora Mega Panoramah D D161 A127–A130 A178 C162 C151 D136 A172 D123 A122 C136 D140 150 D 150 C 150 B Holzmaufaktur Rottweiler 180 D108 D113 B140 C124 C174 C135 A100 C152-C157 C114 C123 C130 Jakob Desax 180 C 170 C 180 B 170 B Sika KlinkerZentrale Isba 180 A Eurodoor Saint-Gobain Glass 170 A 150 A Best Surface Design Finishes NOW AVAILABLE FOR FREE ON THE APP STORE! POWERED BY ARCHITONIC 6 ADVERTISEMENT Renz Saint-Gobain Glass Salto Systems Sika Sky Frame Victrosa D143 A154 C128 A182–B182 C111 A134 HALL NOTES 1.1/100–185 This list was printed on December 14th, 2015. We apologise sincerely if we have omitted or misplaced any top-quality manufacturers. Passage 1/2 Actual 140 D 130 D Lumon Glutz Aweso Columbus Finstral Mega C 130 C 130 B Salto Sytems 140 BWA Bausystem Domoferm 140 B Internorm EgoKiefer M Sora 140 A 130 A Briefkästen Depotkästen Paketkästen Halle 1.1 / Stand D143 ADVERTISEMENT 7 HALL 1.1 NORD/SÜD 1.1 1.0 Colt Frego Gilgen Door Systems Kästlistoren MDT Renson Reynaers 1.2 2.2 2.1 2.0 Sergio Fahrer Design Stobag Sunreflex Frontwerk E56 C83 C88, D88 D85 D84 D78 B94 B28 A88 C84 This list was printed on December 14th, 2015. We apologise sincerely if we have omitted or misplaced any top-quality manufacturers. Messeplatz 4.1 4.2 1.0 60 E D 60 D C 60 C 80 B 80 B 80 A 60 A 80 E Renson Gilgen Door Systems 80 Kästlistoren Sunreflex Frontwerk Reynaers B 80 Frego JUST ADD YOU. Stobag 8 BESUCHEN SIE UNS IN HALLE 2.2, STAND A15 ADVERTISEMENT HALL NOTES 1.1/1–94 Colt 40 E 40 D 20 D 40 C 20 C 01 A 01 A Sergio Fahrer Design 40 B 20 B 40 A 20 A ARCHITONIC JOB SCOUT For the best brains at the intersection of business and creation. ADVERTISEMENT 9 Bad-Mobiliar M 40 | Modular Besuchen Sie uns in Halle 2.2 Stand D18. Das Bad-Mobiliar M 40 bietet echte Gestaltungsfreiheit: Die einzelnen System-Module bilden ein flexibles Aufbewahrungssystem, das individuell angeordnet werden kann. Bad-Mobiliar | Waschtische | Accessoires | Barrierefrei | Beschläge Wo dein Herz Stil steht. Halle 2.0, Stand F03 Wir freuen u auf Ihren B ns e s u c h! Finden Sie Ihren Stil – im grössten Einkaufscenter der Schweiz für Bauen, Wohnen, Design und Lebensqualität. Auf über 20’000 m 2 . Direkt an der A1 in Rothrist. stilhaus, Rössliweg 48, 4852 Rothrist, HALL NOTES 2.0 1.1 1.0 1.2 2.2 2.1 2.0 Messeplatz 4.1 4.2 1.0 HALL 2.0 AGS Architonic Atlas Holz Attika Feuer Austroflamm Bauwerk Parkett Bienna Clipso Echo Büromöbel Feller Forbo Flooring Geggus HTW Design Carpet Hydroplant Kährs König+Neurath B04 Foyer B18 G31 H33 A12 D08 D38 G10 B32 A05 B06 A24 H22 B22 G16 Naturofloor Pfleiderer Rika Rüegg Cheminée S.Siedle & Söhne Schätti Sperrag Stilhaus Tiba Tisca Tiara Tonwerk Unima XAL A26 B14 H32 G26 A28 F01 A03 F30 G30–H31 B10–B12 G32 H16 H12 This list was printed on December 14th, 2015. We apologise sincerely if we have omitted or misplaced any top-quality manufacturers. 12 ADVERTISEMENT HALL NOTES 2.0 WC A B 30 30 WC C D 30 F Clipso 30 G 30 30 H Tonwerk 30 30 Rika Tiba HTW Design Carpet S.Siedle & Söhne Rüegg Cheminée 20 20 B A Kährs 20 20 20 Hydroplant C G H Passage 1/2 Atlas Holz Umina 10 Bauwerk Parkett A 10 10 10 B C G Tisca Tiara .. . 01 B Echo Büromöbel H Bienna Geggus .. . 01 Sperrag A 10 i .. . 01 F .. . 01 D AGS .. . 01 H WC WC MESSEPLATZ ENTRANCE Pick up your free Architonic Bag here! ADVERTISEMENT 13 HALL NOTES 2.1 1.1 1.0 1.2 2.2 2.1 2.0 Messeplatz 4.1 4.2 1.0 HALL 2.1 swissbau Akutech Alpnach Armony Cucine Bauknecht Bora BSH Bucher Bulthaup Concept Swiss Cosentino Forster Franke Gaggenau Galvolux Hi-Macs E12 B54 K91 L42–M40 L82 A34 A62 F68 F70 A82 D92 F72 A34 D93 L92 Julius Blum Kronospan Merial Miele Orea Quooker Raumplus SieMatic Team 7 V-Zug Wesco B62 B50 D90 L32–M24 K92 F15 A44 L84 K81 L50–L52 K84 This list was printed on December 14th, 2015. We apologise sincerely if we have omitted or misplaced any top-quality manufacturers. Der Tag, an dem Sie entdecken, wie aus Ihrer Kuche etwas Wunderbares wird. 12 / 01 / 16 Bestaunen Sie am Stand F72, Halle 2.1 der Swissbau das neue Küchensystem Frames by Franke. Dessen Elemente sehen nicht nur wunderbar aus, sie arbeiten auch genauso zusammen. 14 ADVERTISEMENT HALL NOTES 2.1 WC WC Armony Cucine Galvolux Hi-Macs Forster 90 A Concept Swiss 90 D 70 70 F 80 F Wesco K 80 80 Bora L M Merial Bucher Julius Blum 60 A Alpnach 60 60 60 B L M Passage 1/2 Kronospan Bauknecht 40 A BSH 40 40 40 B L M 10 10 10 10 A B D E Akutech Miele 10 10 10 10 10 F G K L M WC WC MESSEPLATZ DIESE KÜCHE IST ORGANIC, BIO, VEGETARISCH UND VEGAN. ODER EINFACHER GESAGT: SIE IST AUS NATURHOLZ. it´s a tree story. loft Küche, ADVERTISEMENT 15 Ich muss mal ganz neue Wege gehen. Mit TECEone, dem WC mit Duschfunktion. Mit Technik, die Sie auch aus der Duscharmatur kennen. Ohne Strom, ohne Schnickschnack. Aber mit Wow-Effekt und fairem Preis für Ihre Kunden. Installieren Sie’s einfach: Swissbau 2016 Basel, 12. bis 16. Januar 2016, Halle 2.2, Stand A11 WÖHR PARKING SYSTEMS MAXIMISE EVERY INCH OF SPACE Parklift 462 underfloor garage for two vehicles. The small unit can even be installed in driveways and be driven over when closed Turntable 505 is a showpiece of the product range: simply drive onto the circular, flush-mounted platform and be turned in either direction. This solution gives access even to ‘impossible’ parking spaces The Parksafe 582 vertical lift serves two parking grids, each with up to 30 levels arranged as a tower. Ramps and traffic aisles are superfluous 17 HALL NOTES 2.2 1.1 1.0 1.2 2.2 2.1 2.0 Messeplatz 4.1 4.2 1.0 HALL 2.2 Antolini Luigi Artweger Ceadesign Cristina Rubinetterie Dallmer Dold Duka Duravit Duscholux Emco Fantini Geberit Hansgrohe Hewi A31 A33 A09 B25 K17 M15 E14 A15 A22 F20 A29 K22–K24 B12 D18 HSK Duschkabinenbau Ideal Standard Inda Kaldewei Katsura Keramag Design Klafs Koralle Küng KWC Laufen Nikles Poresta Systems Romay A23 B22 A12 A14 C68 M23 A07 A24 A35 A32–B34 A18 D17 F13 D15 Sam Schmidlin SimilorGroup Softub Talsee Tece Thumag Toto Vola D14 E16 B18 D70 A35 A11 F61 C11 A21 This list was printed on December 14th, 2015. We apologise sincerely if we have omitted or misplaced any top-quality manufacturers. Swissbau 2016, Basel Hall 2.2 Stand A09 18 ADVERTISEMENT HALL NOTES 2.2 WC WC Softub Katsura Artweger Antolini Luigi 30 60 60 60 A C D E 60 F L M Koralle 60 Cristina Rubinetterie 20 20 40 40 A B K M Passage 1/2 HSK Duschkabinenbau Fantini Thumag 60 Schmidlin Nikles Klafs 10 10 10 A B Toto C Romay Emco Keramag Design 10 D Duka Sam Poresta Systems Dold 10 10 10 F K M WC WC MESSEPLATZ Besuchen Sie unseren Stand Halle 2.2 Stand A21 ADVERTISEMENT 19 ARCHITONIC STATEMENTS ANDREAS DORNBRACHT MANAGING DIRECTOR, DORNBRACHT “I think that Architonic plays a major role in qualifying and selecting what the market offers to the architect. And I especially think that a limited offer of brands and products is key to the architect. The architect is becoming more and more important to us and we are right now developing – also with the help of Architonic – a communication strategy towards the architectural community.” DIRK GSCHWIND, MANAGING DIRECTOR DAVID CHIPPERFIELD ARCHITECTS BERLIN “Architonic allows swift and goal-driven search for interior products. It is an excellent leader in the ‘jungle of design’ and, with its Architonic Guides, also provides a really helpful service at the big fairs.” TOBIAS GRAU FOUNDER AND DIRECTOR, TOBIAS GRAU “The marketplace is so huge architects may need assistance in finding the best products and Architonic can help. It is preselection what they do. And my impression is that they do a good job.” CLAESSON KOIVISTO RUNE ARCHITECTS STOCKHOLM “Architonic is one of the tools we use the most in our work at Claesson Koivisto Rune, both as architects and designers. Over time, it has developed into an excellent library of contemporary object culture, which we believe is highly useful for the the professional, as well as the general public.” OFFERS & SERVICES FOR FOR MEMBERSHIP FOR MANUFACTURERS MEMBERSHIP FOR RETAILERS & AGENTS Every working day 46,000 professional visitors carry out product research at Architonic. Take the opportunity to present your products where customers are looking for them: You will get daily views, clicks and contacts. On top you can now book your membership on to duplicate your presence. Every working day more than 150,000 product data sheets are accessed at Every time a data sheet is accessed our WHERE TO BUY? service appears, exclusively listing the specialist retailers and agents who are our members in the specific locality. MULTICHANNEL ADVERTISING VIRTUAL SHOWROOM © Your online campaign can be precisely focussed on the target group, with placement right at the heart of the architecture and design scene. A variety of different channels, such as website banners, editorial posts and facebook posts are at your disposal. On your own website you present the products of those manufacturers which you represent: clearly organised, always up to date and adapted to your corporate identity. This enables you to generate a regular supply of new customers, make an impression with your service and train your staff. PRODUCTS & NEWS APP VIRTUAL SHOWROOM APP © Architonic now produces customised apps exclusively for its members! You can now make your app available in a matter of weeks in the AppStore - tailored to your company’s specifications. There’s no effort required on your part as we continuously access your products and reference projects in the Architonic database, ensuring that everything is up to date. In addition, we can integrate your PDF brochures and news feeds too. The Products & News App is both available for Apple and Android devices. We are delighted to offer you an app that’s tailored to your company’s needs. The products of your brands will be loaded into the app straight out of the Architonic database and updated automatically. In addition, we will cross-link these products with reference projects featured in the archive and your news feeds will be featured in a daily updated news area within your app. The Virtual Showroom app is both available for Apple and Android devices. FOR FOR MEMBERSHIP FOR ARCHITECTS MEMBERSHIP FOR DESIGNERS We publicise your best projects and your profile where the right people will see them. Our jury makes sure that the environment is a top-quality one. More than 30 selected media partners make regular use of our information pool. /apply Here you can present your talent to the top manufacturers and the trade press with background information about yourself and your work, “making of” stories and your latest prototypes. And everything is linked to your products in our database. /apply PRODUCT RESEARCH MARKET ANALYSIS Architonic offers you a comprehensive reference database with 200,000 professionally classified furnishing and building products and materials. You can carry out research without limits and free of charge, with direct access to CAD files, PDF catalogues, prices and dealer lists. Before you launch a new design on the market it’s worth making an analysis of existing products. We can offer you a visually optimised overview of the best there is, always online and free of charge on MANUFACTURERS ARCHITECTS & PLANNERS RETAILERS & AGENTS DESIGNERS If you are interested in our services, please don’t hesitate to contact us at /apply, by email to or directly by phone on 0041 44 297 20 20. 12 / 01 / 16 Der Tag, an dem Sie entdecken, wie aus Kuchen etwas Wunderbares wird. swissbau Besuchen Sie uns am Stand F72, Halle 2.1 und erleben Sie die Lancierung von Frames by Franke. Dessen Elemente sehen nicht nur wunderbar aus, sie arbeiten auch genauso zusammen.
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