frankreich pavillon vivaness 2016
frankreich pavillon vivaness 2016
FRANKREICH PAVILLON VIVANESS 2016 NÜRNBERG-DEUTSCHLAND 10-13 FEBRUAR 2016 IN PARTNERSHIP WITH: FLOOR PLAN Detaillierte Hallenpläne ab Dezember / Detailed hall plans from December: · / · Ost Parkhaus Parking ServicePartner Center 12 Übersichtsplan / General plan Organic food, mainly German companies VIVANESS Naturkosmetik VIVANESS Natural cosmetics Kongress / Foren Congress / forums 8 10 11 NCC West Straße ner he nc Bio-Lebensmittel, Schwerpunkt deutsche Unternehmen Organic food, mainly international companies Mü Bio-Lebensmittel, Schwerpunkt internationale Unternehmen 9 Frankenhalle Rotunde NCC Mitte S9 Mitte Eingang Entrance VIP West/ Mitte ServiceCenter Mitte S1 Mitte S7 6 Ost AusstellerShop ExhibitorShop NCC Ost S 5/6 5 S1 1 S 1/2 Eingang Entrance VIP Ost 2 S4 S 4/5 4 2 Betriebshof U-Bahn / Subway Messe VIP Ost 1 Messepark Operation Center 7A S 6/7 S9 NCC Mitte Mitte 7 S 8/9 4A S 2/3/4 raß r-St the eu rnr -Bä to Ot Service Services 3 West / Mitte 3A Ost e Süd-Ost 1 Süd 0 50 100 Karl-Schönleben-Straße Hall 7A TIDOO A-528 Süd-Ost 2 Karl-Schönleben-Straße Ost Einfahrt . Access Stand / Date: 17.3.2015 1086160-SON1-01.1-D-E-03.15 Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr. Änderungen vorbehalten. / No responsibility accepted for errors. Subject to change. FITOFORM A-431 ALVEND A-431 EUROP LABO A-431 LYSEA A-431 PROPOS NATURE A-528 West Einfahrt . Access QUESACK A-431 LAB DE BIARRITZ A-431 LAB DU HAUT SEGALA A-431 EKIA A-431 LES FLEURS DE BACH d BUSINESS FRANCE A-431 a c FRENCH BUZZ b 2 a BALLOT FLURIN b DOUCES ANGEVINES c ELIXENS d BUSINESS FRANCE BUSINESS FRANCE Come and visit the French pavilion Hall 7A Booth 7A-431 Business France is the national agency supporting the international development of the French economy, responsible for fostering export growth by French businesses, as well as promoting and facilitating international investment in France. It promotes France’s companies, business image and nationwide attractiveness as an investment location, and also runs the V.I.E international internship program. Founded on January 1, 2015 through a merger between UBIFRANCE and the Invest in France Agency, Business France has 1,500 personnel, both in France and in 70 countries throughout the world, who work with a network of public- and private-sector partners. Come and visit the French pavilion Hall 7A Booth 7A-431 French exhibitors are expecting you on the French Pavilion Hall 7A – Booth 431 & 528 The French Participation is organized by Business France The French Agency for International Business Development 3 PARTNER COSMEBIO Hall 7A - Booth 351 COSMEBIO®, the French Professional Association for natural, ecological and organic cosmetics, federates over 350 members in France and abroad. Since 2002, COSMEBIO® has been working towards developing natural cosmetics made with organically-farmed ingredients and using manufacturing processes that are safe for human health and do not harm the environment. Its mission is to promote an industry of excellence and raise consumers’ awareness towards a different cosmetic. As a co-founding member of the COSMOS-standard, COSMEBIO® contributes to drawing up and updating the harmonized standard for natural and organic cosmetics. COSMEBIO Pôle Ineed-Rovaltain TGV 1 rue Marc Seguin BP 11132 ALIXAN 26958 VALENCE CEDEX 9 France Betty SANTONNAT Ph.: +33 (0)4 75 60 27 40 Cel.: +33 (0)6 29 60 00 12 4 PARTNER SUD DE FRANCE Hall 7A - Booth 521 SUD DE FRANCE DÉVELOPPEMENT RÉGION LANGUEDOC-ROUSSILLON 3840 avenue Georges Frêche 34470 PEROLS France Anne BARAILLÉ-COMBE Ph.: +33 (0)4 99 64 29 29 WELLNESS MADE IN SUD DE FRANCE Wellness companies in Languedoc-Roussillon operate within a sector dedicated to the art de vivre and draw inspiration from their land of origin, offering a range of products and services focusing on the development of the body and mind. The values of SUD DE FRANCE mirror the values of the Languedoc-Roussillon region: Mediterranean zest for life, quality products, local know-how, genuineness, natural goodness. It has become over the years the flagship brand of Languedoc-Roussillon, image of the quality and the know-how of Languedoc-Roussillon in export markets. The labelling of products as “Well-Being” depends on 3 series of criteria: • A link to the area: production, research, tests, packaging, • The product’s strong points: efficiency, natural goodness, labels and possible indications of quality, • The practices and commitments of the business: implications regionally, mobilization into “virtuous” processes.. The integration of wellness products in the overall scheme of Sud de France regional products puts forward quality, local products with recognized know-how. 5 EXHIBITORS LIST Cosmebio................................................................................................................................................ 4 Sud de France......................................................................................................................................... 5 Alorée...................................................................................................................................................... 7 Altearah Bio............................................................................................................................................ 8 Alvend Laboratoire................................................................................................................................. 9 Apimab Laboratoires ........................................................................................................................... 10 Ballot-Flurin Apiculteurs....................................................................................................................... 11 Dayoune................................................................................................................................................ 12 Douces Angevines................................................................................................................................ 13 Ekia........................................................................................................................................................ 14 Elixens France SAS............................................................................................................................... 15 Europ-Labo........................................................................................................................................... 16 Fitoform................................................................................................................................................. 17 Les Fleurs de Bach................................................................................................................................ 18 Golgemma SA...................................................................................................................................... 19 Lady Green............................................................................................................................................ 20 Laboratoires De Biarritz....................................................................................................................... 21 Laboratoire Du Haut-Ségala................................................................................................................ 22 Propos’ Nature...................................................................................................................................... 23 Quésack ................................................................................................................................................ 24 Tidoo..................................................................................................................................................... 25 Ylaé........................................................................................................................................................ 26 6 ALORÉE Hall 7A - Booth 521 A unique and powerful anti-aging phyto-complex for your beauty! ALORÉE is the first cosmetic brand to use chlorophyll as a cosmetic ingredient and to prove its anti-aging efficiency on skin. Our complex, the C.H.C®, rich in chlorophyll, is exclusive and its efficiency has been proven in collaboration with a Famous French university of pharmacy. Rich in polyphenols, oligo-elements and chlorophyll, the C.H.C® is anti-oxidant, oxygenating and a cell metabolism booster. MEMBER OF: Included in the whole range, this phyto-complex provides visible and scientifically proven results on skin hydration, radiance and youth as soon as applied. ALORÉE - LES ÉPINES FLEURIES 219 avenue Clément Ader 34170 CASTELNAU-LE-LEZ France La chlorophylle active… Secret d’éternité de la nature au service de votre beauté Alexandra CROCE Ph.: + 33 (0)4 67 71 35 07 Cel : +33 (0)6 61 88 77 24 7 ALTEARAH BIO Hall 7A - Booth 521 ALTEARAH BIO opens the way to aromatherapy, source of well-being and beauty, with its line of colour aromacosmetic products based on the influence of colours and scents on the mood and energy of the moment. As they were rather tricky to implement on a daily basis, ALTEARAH BIO has simplified their use, by formulating 14 ready-to-use essential oil compositions, organised in a range of 14 colours. ALTEARAH BIO Farbkosmetik wie sie zu mir passt Die Aromatherapie ist eine Quelle des Wohlbefinden und der Schönheit. Für eine unkomplizierte Anwendung im Alltag, hat ALTEARAH BIO den Gebrauch vereinfacht und 14 fertige Kompositionen von ätherischen Ölen in einer Palette von 14 Farbtönen entwickelt. Mit ihrer jeweils ganz spezifischen Symbolik bilden diese Farben Herz und Kern der Pflegeprodukte von Altearah Bio, sowohl bei Ihnen zu Hause, als auch im Spa oder im Kosmetikinstitut. Dank ALTEARAH BIO bekommt mein Körper Farbe. Und meine Stimmung steigt! ALTEARAH BIO SAS SPADUNYA Le Mas Neuf Avenue du Félibrige 31027 BELLEGARDE France Gaël BRIEZ Ph.: +33 (0)4 66 04 07 07 8 ALVEND LABORATOIRE Hall 7A - Booth 431 ALVEND is a French manufacturer and major European operator specialized in organic anti-aging & brightening skincare (LILAS BLANC) and personal care products (COSLYS). All products are elaborated with premium plant-sourced ingredients (from France and locally grown whenever possible) and have the COSMEBIO Label controlled & certified by ECOCERT. The R&D Department is always focussed on Innovation (Patents) and, as a result, many products were awarded by both consumers and professionals over the past years. The cosmetic & personal care offer includes products for face, body, hair, baby, teeth, hands, as well as deodorants, intimate care, anti-aging and brightening care. MEMBER OF: ALVEND LABORATOIRE COSLYS, LILAS BLANC, ETAMINE DU LYS Z A Les Douets jaunes ETAMINE DU LYS, the laboratory’s brand of ecological detergent is still developing. It now offers various solutions for the consumers, such as little concentrated refills to dilute or bulk offer for self-service machine. 49360 SOMLOIRE France Marjorie BOUDAUD Ph.: +33 (0)2 41 55 66 65 Cel : +33 (0)6 74 83 47 29 9 APIMAB LABORATOIRES Hall 7A - Booth 521 MEMBER OF: APIMAB LABORATOIRES PROPOLIA Avenue du Lac 34800 CLERMONT-L’HÉRAULT France Aurélie BERNARD Ph.: +33 (0)4 67 96 38 14 Cel : +49 157 398 40873 PROPOLIA® is the brand name of LABORATOIRES APIMAB which has been producing natural beehivederived products for over 35 years. What began back in 1978 with one beekeeper’s love of the humble bee has become a thriving business producing natural, organic treasures from the hive. Based in the Languedoc-Roussillon region of the South of France, the company specialises in the extraction and transformation of one of these treasures, namely propolis, for health, hygiene, well-being and cosmetic products. Using mainly raw propolis collected from French beekeepers and other natural ingredients, PROPOLIA® now offers a range of over 60 individual products that covers tonics for tiredness, soaps for softening, powders for pampering and balms for beauty. Almost the entire range of cosmetics, allying the virtues of plant extracts with those of the beehive products, is certified organic. PROPOLIA® ist der Markenname von Laboratoires Apimab, die sich seit über 35 Jahren für die Produktion von Bienenprodukte spezialisiert hat. Was bereits im Jahr 1978 mit der Liebe des Profiimkers zu den Bienen begann, hat sich zu einem florierenden Geschäft entwickelt, das die natürlichen und biologischen Schätze aus dem Bienenstock verwendet. Mit Sitz in der Region Languedoc-Roussillon im Süden Frankreichs, spezialisierte sich das Unternehmen für die Extraktionsund Reinigungsverfahren des Propolis. Diese Perle der Natur unterstützt das alltägliche Wohlbefinden und die Gesundheit. Basierend vor allem aus französischem Rohpropolis und anderen natürlichen Wirkstoffen bietet PROPOLIA® heute eine umfassende Palette von über 60 Produkten, von Energieboostern gegen Müdigkeit, Seifen, Pulver und Balsam für Ihre Schönheit. Nahezu die gesamte Kosmetikpalette, die die Tugenden von Pflanzenextrakten mit denen der Bienenstockprodukte vereint, ist bio-zertifiziert. 10 BALLOTFLURIN APICULTEURS Hall 7A - Booth 431 MEMBER OF: BALLOT-FLURIN APICULTEURS ABEILLES SANTÉ SAS 23 bis avenue du Mamelon Vert 65110 CAUTERETS France Jacqueline LANDAU Ph.: +33 (0)5 62 96 49 57 Cel : +33 (0)5 62 96 42 33 FRENCH BUZZ BALLOT-FLURIN are specialists in beekeeping and the manufacturing of organic healthcare and skincare products of exceptional quality and are considered as the reference of Apitherapy in France. For health, well being and longevity, every effort is made to ensure that our natural preparations have the maximum richness in biocompatible active ingredients (enzymes, vitamins, trace elements etc.), thanks to the application of exacting standards in beekeeping practices (harvesting at full maturity, manual filtering etc.), and patented extraction processes which preserve and even enhance their precious active ingredients. Our ecological micro-manufacturing site operates according to the secular rhythms of nature. It is protected against electromagnetic pollution. The honey laboratory is equipped with photovoltaic panels for green energy. Hinter BALLOT-FLURIN verbirgt sich ein Bioimker-Duo, das seit 30 Jahren Schönheitspflegeprodukte und Imkerprodukte anbietet und aus dem Familienwissen über Naturmedizin seine Inspiration schöpft. Heute stellt Ihnen unser Team die wohltuenden Produkte, die aus den Bienenstöcken entstehen, vor: Honig, Bienenharz, Blütenstaub, Gelee Royale (Futtersaft), Bienenwachs. Wir sind überzeugt, dass wir durch die größte Sorgfalt und dem Respekt vor der Natur und den Bienen die besten Rohstoffe erhalten. Unsere Zubereitungen werden in limitierter Auflage produziert und in Frankreich handgefertigt. In Frankreich sind wir auf diesem Gebiet Vorreiter und Referenzimkerei. Diese einzigartige französische Tradition für das Wohlbefinden möchten wir heute mit dem Rest der Welt durch eine reduzierte und exklusive Linie von Pflege- und Wellnessprodukten teilen. 11 DAYOUNE 260 EC 2385 EC Hall 7A - Booth 521 DAYOUNE 9 rue des Hérissons DAYOUNE specialises in the well-being of its clients by distributing essential oil diffusers. The models proposed are original. They are made from noble materials and guarantee efficient diffusion, thus providing you with a reliable, high quality product. Our diffusers help you create a relaxed atmosphere and a pleasant olfactory experience. The benefits of aromatherapy can be appreciated thanks to perfectly adapted diffusion methods. DAYOUNE, Ihr Wellness-Experte, hat sich auf den Vertrieb von Duftspendern, Diffusoren und Verneblern spezialisiert. Die angebotenen Modelle sind originell und werden aus edlen Materialien hergestellt. Die zuverlässigen und qualitativ hochwertigen Geräte sorgen für die effiziente Vernebelung Ihrer Wunschdüfte. Unsere Diffusoren verleihen eine entspannte Stimmung und vermitteln einzigartige Dufterlebnisse. Durch geeignete Vernebelungsverfahren tragen sie optimal zur wohltuenden Wirkung der Aromatherapie. 30121 MUS France Salim SEDDIKI Ph.: +33 (0)4 67 55 66 57 Cel.: +33 (0)6 66 69 44 33 12 DOUCES ANGEVINES Hall 7A - Booth 431 MEMBER OF: SARL DOUCES ANGEVINES 4 venelle Tire Jarret La Roche Foulques 49140 SOUCELLES France FRENCH BUZZ DOUCES ANGEVINES are a workshop-laboratory which has been created by Michele Cros in 1994. She is herbalist and has especially chosen to work on fluid products. Douces Angevines propose a complete range of cosmetics products for face, body, hair and a specific line for babies. All of the products are made of essential oils, vegetable oils and plant soakings and contain between 95% and 100% of organic components. Handwerklicher Hersteller seit 1994. Die 100% natürlichen und pflanzlichen kosmetischen Flüssigkeiten von DOUCES ANGEVINES sind eine äußerst raffinierte Verbindung von Pflanzenölen aus Kaltpres¬sung, essentiellen Ölen, dynamisierten Mazeraten und frischen Gartenpflanzen. 95% bis 100% aller Bestandteile dieser Schönheitsfluide stammen aus biologischem Anbau. DOUCES ANGEVINES bieten ein vollständiges Sortiment aus 40 Produkten für das Gesicht, den Körper, die Haare und die Kinder zum Verkauf oder zur Anwendung in der Kabine des Schönheitssalons an sowie die 6 Protokolle für die Gesichts- und Köperpflege für Fachkräfte. Nathalie BRETON Ph.: +33 (0)2 41 32 40 60 Cel.: +33 (0)6 75 72 18 89 13 EKIA Hall 7A - Booth 431 EKIA organic skincare range was created based on proprietary clinical research into skin maturity conducted by a leading University Hospital in France. Due to its scientifically-proven efficiency, Ekia quickly established itself as the organic anti-aging expert solution for skincare. Formulated with powerful and natural active ingredients, such as a revolutionary Amazonian regenerative sap, the products have been designed for all women over 35, seeking scientific and effective skincare with the organic ECOCERT label guarantee. MEMBER OF: EKIA BEAU ET BIO COSMETIQUES 18 rue Charles de Gaulle 91400 ORSAY France Alain TOELOOSE Ph.: +33 (0)1 69 07 66 65 14 ELIXENS FRANCE SAS Hall 7A - Booth 431 FRENCH BUZZ The ELIXENS group is specialized in the production, processing and trade of aromatic raw materials, fragrances & flavors. It adheres to the organic fundamental philosophy, offering 100% pure and natural, Certified Organic raw materials: essential oils and essential oil complexes, vegetable oils, floral waters and dried plants. The ELIXENS France commitment relies upon environmental respect, consumer safety and privileged development of natural substances, and this throughout the supply chain. Die ELIXENS Gruppe ist in der Herstellung , Verarbeitung und Handel von aromatischen Rohstoffe, Duftstoffe und Aromen spezialisiert. ELIXENS GROUP 66-68 avenue du Château ZI du Vert Galant 95310 SAINT-OUEN-L’AUMÔNE France ELIXENS bietet 100% reine, natürliche aus ökologische Anbau Rohstoffe: Ätherische Öle, Öle ,Öl-Komplexe, Blüten-wasser und getrockneten Pflanzen. ELIXENS verpflichtet sich zu Umweltschutz, Sicherheit des Verbraucher und Fairtrade was durch sein Label Organic Fairtrade / BIOPARTENAIRE bestätigt ist. Jean-Pascal ABDELLI Ph.: +33 (0)1 34 48 57 57 15 EUROP-LABO Hall 7A - Booth 431 MEMBER OF: EUROP-LABO APROLIS - PHYTONORM 3 rue Gutenberg BP 39 67610 LA WANTZENAU France For 20 years, EUROP-LABO has been acting for organic products by manufacturing cosmetics and food supplements. Really involved in environment, EUROPLABO is a founder member of cosmebio association, French association which has developed the ecological and organic charter under the control of Ecocert. EUROP-LABO has 2 ongoing, specific lines of cosmetics (balm, hand cream, gel, toothpastes, shampoos…) and of food supplements (capsules, syrups, drops, tablets, gums…), one based essentially on plants (PHYTONORM), and the other on propolis (APROLIS). Seit mehr als 20 Jahren ist EUROP-LABO tätig auf dem Markt der biologischen Produkte. EUROP-LABO ist Mittglied und ein der Gründer des Französischen Beruflichen Verein von ökologischen und biologischen Kosmetik: COSMEBIO Als Hersteller bringt EUROP-LABO auch zwei eigenen Linien von Kosmetik (Balsam, Cremes, Gel, Zahnpasta, Shampoo,... und Nahrungsergänzungen Produkte (Kapseln, Sirupe, Tabletten, Bonbons,…) auf den Markt. Die eine, APROLIS, auf Basis von Bienen Produkte , und die andere, PHYTONORM auf Basis von Pflanzen. Daniel ZERR Ph.: +33 (0)3 88 59 22 71 Cel.: +33 (0)6 80 08 47 28 16 FITOFORM Hall 7A - Booth 431 MEMBER OF: FITOFORM RD 129 – Forêt de Châtenay 37210 ROCHECORBON France David SENENTE Ph.: +33 (0)2 47 52 84 01 Headed by Isabelle and David SENENTE, FITOFORM is an independent family-run company supplying food supplements that are for the most part organic certified. Involved actor in the organic product and dietary supplement markets since 1992, we use reputed and innovative formulas for preventive and sustainable physiology. Moreover, we are committed to develop local, sustainable and responsible production with our suppliers. Our offer includes different ranges of products for Stress and Sleep, Digestion and Transit, Vitality, Beauty and Slimness, Drainage and Circulation, Joints and Specific Wellness. Our products are free from alcohol, preservatives or any colouring agents. FITOFORM ist ein von Isabelle und David SENENTE geleitetes Familienunternehmen. Es ist seit 1992 im Bereich der Nahrungserg. nzungsmittel und der biologischen Kr.utermedizin t.tig. Fitoform ist eine angesehene und innovative Formel für die vorbeugende und nachhaltige Physiologie. Unsere Produkte sind garantiert frei von Alkohol, Konservierungs- und Farbstoffen. Fitoform setzt sich für eine biologische und lokale Solidarit.t ein. Produkte: Gesundheitssortiment (10 Produkte) – Marines Sortiment (6 Produkte) – Vitalit.tssortiment (10 Produkte) – Aktives Sortiment (10 Produkte) – Wellnessund Komfort-Sortiment (7 Produkte) – Di.tsortiment (10 Produkte). 17 LES FLEURS DE BACH Hall 7A - Booth 431 ELIXIRS&CO is a brand focused on the production of authentic, organic and made in France Bach flowers essences strictly following Dr Bach’s original method.. Led by innovation, it is the first brand to fully harness the benefits of the 38 flower remedies discovered by Dr Bach, through an extensive range of natural and well-being products. A brand, internationally recognised through several awards, constantly creating new ways of using Bach flowers: Ready to use elixirs, the first roll-on and treating fragrances combining Bach flowers and essential oils, pastilles perfumes, anti-stress skincare, thus creating a unique well-being concept of products for body mind and soul. LES FLEURS DE BACH ELIXIRS & CO 53 rue des Batignolles 75017 PARIS France Annick MASSÉGLIA Ph. : +33 (0)1 40 54 70 00 amasseglia@lesfleursdebach .com 18 GOLGEMMA SA Hall 7A - Booth 521 GOLGEMMA SA Route de Fa 11260 ESPERAZA France Laëtitia FLACK Ph.: +33 (0)4 68 74 17 89 GOLGEMMA is a French company specialized in the sourcing and production of organic certified ingredients for cosmetic, aromatherapy, food and pharma industries. Our extensive range of products includes essential oils, vegetable oils, floral waters and vanilla extracts. Our approach to sourcing and production is founded on respect for people and the environment. Certifications and Labels: Organic by Ecocert / ESR Fairtrade by Ecocert / GMP Pharma / conformity with REACH and CLP regulations / Commitment to ISO 26000. GOLGEMMA ist ein franz.sisches, auf die Beschaffung und Herstellung biologisch zertifizierter Inhaltsstoffe für Kosmetika, Aromatherapie sowie die Nahrungsmittelund Pharmaindustrie spezialisiertes Unternehmen. Unser umfassen des Produktsor timent .le, pflanzliche.le, Blütenw.sser und Vanilleextrakte. Unser Vorgehen bei der Beschaffung und Herstellung beruht auf dem Respekt für Menschen und Umwelt. Zertifizierungen und Labels: Organic by Ecocert / ESR Fairtrade by Ecocert / GMP Pharma / Konformit.t mit den REACH - und CLPVerordnungen/ Verpflichtung zu ISO 26000. 19 LADY GREEN Hall 7A - Booth 431 LYSEA LADY GREEN 1D rue des Frères Lumière 67201 ECKBOLSHEIM France Adrien VINET Ph.: +33 (0)9 81 37 70 44 Cel.: +33 (0)6 67 55 39 01 LADY GREEN is an organic cosmetics line specially designed for young women. • An innovative brand with a positive, fun and colorful approach. • One of the first participative cosmetics brands: more than 200 girls age 12 to 25 were involved in creating the products. • A high-performance brand: all products are made in France, certified Organic by Ecocert and several products have been proven effective. Our range of products include face care products (cleansing foam, micellar water, matifying cream, antiblemish gel pen, facial scrub, floral mist), make-up (mascara & lip gloss) and beauty tools (konjac sponges, oil blotting papers). Launched at the end of 2012, Lady Green is now distributed in 400 stores in 12 countries (France, Belgium, Switzerland, Japan, Germany…). It is sold on the selective market (perfumeries, organic stores, pharmacies…) and is particularly growing fast in beauty salons where the products are used for facial treatments targeted to young women. LADY GREEN ist eine Naturkosmetikmarke, die speziell für die Bedürfnisse junger Frauen entwickelt wurde. • Eine innovative Marke mit einem positiven und farbenfrohen Auftreten • Eine der ersten „Participative Cosmetics Brands“, d.h. mehr als 200 Mädchen im Alter zwischen 12 und 25 Jahren haben an der Entwicklung der Produkte mitgewirkt. • Eine effektive Naturkosmetikmarke: alle Produkte werden in Frankreich nach Ecocert-Richtlinien hergestellt, ihre Wirksamkeit ist durch unabhängige Studien erwiesen. Das Sortiment umfasst folgende Produkte: Gesichtspflege, Make-up und Pflege-Accessoires. Lady Green wurde Ende 2012 gegründet und ist heute in über 400 Geschäften in 12 Ländern erhältlich (Frankreich, Belgien, Schweiz, Japan, Deutschland…). Lady Green wird über einen selektiven Markt (Parfümerien, Bioläden, Apotheken ...). 20 LABORATOIRES DE BIARRITZ Hall 7A - Booth 431 MEMBER OF: LABORATOIRES DE BIARRITZ 20 avenue de la Reine Victoria 64200 BIARRITZ France Thierry LIEGARD Ph.: +33 (0)5 47 75 81 05 Cel.: +33 (0)7 87 71 37 11 Driven by our own basic research (exclusive patented natural active ingredients extracted from marine resources of our coast in particular), we design safe innovative cosmetics for the environment which bring a real health benefit together with cosmetic enjoyment to the users. ALGAMARIS® is a sea friendly organic second generation sun protection range of products for both extreme (sea, mountain) and family use. Immediate high protection 100% natural mineral screens, no white cast, water resistant proved. It prevents long-term skin sun damage and photo-ageing. METEOLOGIC® is an adaptogenic skincare solution with an active ingredient 5 times as anti-oxidant as vitamin C that also inhibits 40% of glycation. And now more innovative products are available in the 2016 collection. Wenn sich die Forschung vom Ozean inspirieren lässt. ALGAMARIS®, die neue Generation des biologischen Sonnenschutzes. Schutzfilm 100% mineralisch. Hervorragende Wasserresistenz, nicht umweltbelastend. Sofort wirsam. Gesichts- und Körper creme/milch/Sprays/Stick, getönte Gesichtcreme, Creme für Kinder, Après-soleil. Prävention, Schutz und Anpassung: METEOLOGIC®, die neue Welle der Feuchtigkeitsspende. Die Inhaltsstoffe der roten Alge spielen als Adaptogene eine wichtige Rolle. Die Alterung vorbeugen: Unser einzigartiges Prinzip des Antioxidans Alga-Gorria® weist, verglichen mit Vitamin C, das fünffache an Antioxidantien auf. Zudem hemmt es bis zu 40% der Glykation. Eine optimale Hydratation bewahren: Creme/Lotion +35% nach 8 Std, Nachtcreme/Serum +18% nach 24 Std. Der METEOLOGIC® kunde: alle reaktiven Hauttypen. 21 LABORATOIRE DU HAUTSÉGALA Hall 7A - Booth 431 MEMBER OF: LABORATOIRE DU HAUT-SÉGALA Nature is authentic and wild and not only provides a perfect rhythm for work… she also provides all the resources and influences we need to formulate our handcrafted products. Our sound knowledge of plants and our expertise mean that we can give our creativity free reign to formulate, perfectly-suited products for specific uses that are organic through and through. Our products are available in chemists, health and beauty retailers, beauty parlours and organic shops LABORATOIRE DU HAUT-SÉGALA is the pure plant oils specialist with 29 different pure oils such as (Argan, Apricot, Coconut, White Lily, Daisy…). We are able to provide natural and organic cosmetics, from pure plant oils to floral waters. Our aim is to provide a care to every skin problems. We are looking for distributors around the world so do not hesitate to contact us! 15 rue Antares 44470 CARQUEFOU France William MINGORANCE Export Sales Manager Cel.: +33 (0)6 01 78 47 63 22 PROPOS’ NATURE Hall 7A - Booth 528 MEMBER OF: PROPOS’NATURE produce and distribute a large range of green organic propolis products. Propos’Nature gives almost importance to the effectiveness of its products. We produce organic cosmetics for our own range but we can also purchase customers with private label. PROPOS’NATURE produziert und vertreibt eine breite Produktpalette grüner Bio-Propolis Produkte. Propos’Nature misst dabei der Wirksamkeit der Produkte die allerhöchste Wichtigkeit bei. Die Bio-Kosmetikprodukte stammen aus der eigenen Herstellung, welche wir Kunden auch zu Private Label Zwecken anbieten können. PROPOS’NATURE ZA du Grand Pont Rue Gutenberg - BP27 13640 LA-ROQUE-D’ANTHÉRON France Pascal LEROY Ph.: +33 (0)4 42 28 59 00 23 QUÉSACK Hall 7A - Booth 431 QUÉSACK DIFFUZEN 188 avenue Ferdinand Janvier 07100 ANNONAY France Yolande MUNIER Ph.: +33 (0)9 50 65 22 13 Cel.: +33 (0)6 52 33 44 52 French company, founded in 2003, located in Ardeche. Designs and manufactures natural wellness products for the home. Electric essential oil or candle diffuser: Ecofriendly design, ethical and environmental approach. These instruments diffuse essential oils gently to preserve their virtues. Fragrance with essential oils: Perfumes for physical and mental well-being in order to practice aromatherapy and /or aromachology. Vegetal candles: we have created a range of vegetal candles, Stardust, our powder candles, Scented candles, pilar candles... Cade incense: Used since ancient times, we make it with wild juniper, Juniperus oxycedrus, from our region. Französische Firma in der Ardèche, im Jahre 2003 begründet. Entwickelt und produziert natürliche Wellness-Produkten für das Haus. Elektrische Duftspender oder mit Kerzen: Grünes Design, Französische Herstellung, ethischen und ökologischen Ansatz. Diese Massivholz Duftspender diffundieren ätherische Öle sanft, um ihre Wirksamkeit zu erhalten. Lufterfrischer mit ätherischen Öle : Parfüme für das körperliche und geistige Wohlbefinden, um Aromatherapie und / oder Aromachologie auszuüben. Pflanzenkerzen: Wir haben eine Reihe von pflanzlichen Kerzen erstellt : Duftkerzen, Stardust, eine Pulverkerze... Wacholder Weihrauch: Wird seit der Antike gebrauchte ; wir produzieren es mit wilden Wacholder, Junipérus Oxycédrus aus unserer Gegend. 24 TIDOO Hall 7A - Booth 528 It was long thought that reusable diapers were the only environmentally sound choice. Then disposables became more biodegradable, but their leak protection was unreliable, and their prices were high. Ecoconscious consumers had to keep buying non-eco diapers. In 2013, TIDOO was born, offering a viable alternative to non-eco diapers (an effective eco diaper at an affordable price). Made in France, Tidoo diapers won the year’s “Best Eco Product“ award. Now, having introduced its training pants, Tidoo keeps flying the eco flag, with its Ecocert and Cosmebio lines of certified organic baby products. MEMBER OF: TIDOO 13 rue Camille Desmoulins 92130 ISSY-LES-MOULINEAUX France Kilian O’NEILL Cel.: +33 (0)6 61 38 81 24 25 YLAÉ Hall 7A - Booth 521 French manufacturer of a qualitative brand of organic cosmetics (more than 50% of organic ingredients, delicate scents of Grasse), efficient (strong content in active ingredients, innovative (shower gels without sulfate; sunscreen with mineral filters without nanoparticles, airless packaging...), at reasonable rates. Französisch Hersteller von qualitativen organischen Kosmetikmarke (+ 50% Bio-Zutaten, zarte Düfte von Grasse), effiziente (hohe Vermögen), innovative (Duschgels ohne Sulfat Mineralien mit Sonnenfiltern ohne Nanopartikel, Airless-Verpackung ...), zu erschwinglichen Preisen. MEMBER OF: LCB COSMÉTIQUES 48 rue Claude Balbastre 34070 MONTPELLIER France Cyril BARBIER Ph.: +33 (0)9 54 07 97 99 Cel.: +33 (0)6 28 04 59 68 26 NOTES .......................................................................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 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.......................................................................................................................................................................................... 27 FRANKREICH PAVILLON VIVANESS 2016 NÜRNBERG-DEUTSCHLAND 10-13 FEBRUAR 2016 Contact in France - Head office in Paris 77 boulevard Saint-Jacques 75014 PARIS Nicole SEVIN +33 (0)1 40 73 31 34 Contact in Germany Business France in Düsseldorf Martin-Luther-Platz 26 - D - 40212 DÜSSELDORF - GERMANY Guillaume LEMAIRE +49 (0)211 300 41 520
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