October 2015
October 2015
ENGLISH / ESPAÑOL 10/8/2015 FREE / GRATIS Dia De Los Muertos Special Edition Juan Gabriel podría celebrar Año Nuevo con mega show gratuito en México Mexic-Arte Museum and Other Groups Celebrate Dia De Los Muertos ( See Back Page For Events) Olga Campos Benz: Adocate for The Community ARRIBA 10/8/15 pg. 2 Larry Hernández: Su música y su vida Larry Hernández tiene muchos títulos por lo cual el público lo conoce, de alguna forma u otra. Para los fans de música regional mexicana, el es cantante y compositor además de productor. Su más reciente álbum se titula Vete A costumbrando y contiene 22 temas, algunos de su autoría y otros de grandes compositores. Este álbum, producido por el propio Hernández, incluye temas con banda, norteñas, y corridos, siendo uno de ellos a dueto con Gerardo Ortiz, titulado El Desconocido. Hernández estuvo trabajando por más de un año y 8 meses, escuchando cientos de temas y poniendo en papel sus propias vivencias e inspiraciones. Hernández ha sido un artista reconocido ampliamente tanto en México como en Estados Unidos donde ha recibido reconocimientos de Premios Juventud, Premios Lo Nuestro, Premios Billboard, entre otros.Para individuos que utilizan las redes sociales con frecuencia, conocen a Hernández como ‘El Rey de las Redes Sociales’ al ser que cuenta con más de 8 millones de seguidores en las redes sociales Facebook,Twitter y Instagram. Como cantante de música regional mexicana, es conocido por tener más influencia en las redes sociales y un poder de convocatoria increíble para movilizar a sus fans en las redes sociales. Para otros fans de programas televisivos, el es la estrella de la exitosa serie reality, Larrymania, con cuatro temporadas hasta la fecha a través de NBC UNIVERSO donde se ve su vida familiar,mostrándonos todo lo que pasa. Hernández es hijo de Doña Manuela Ceniceros y es padre de cuatro hijos – Larry JR y Sebastián de su primer matrimonio, además de dos pequeñas Daleyza y Dalary con Kenia Ontiveros. “Me siento bendecido y agradecido por todo el cariño del público”, señaló Hernández. “Gran parte del éxito de Larrymanía se lo debo a los millones de fanáticos que sintonizaron el programa desde la primera temporada, y al apoyo constante de mi familia: mi motor de vida”. Larry Hernández participó en esta entrevista antes que la 4ta temporada de Larrymania iniciara en México a través de la cadena de cable Telemundo Internacional. Su más reciente álbum se titula Vete Acostumbrando y contiene 22 temas. ¿Tiene alguna favorita? Si, Cruz Negra, porque es la favorita de mi mama. ¿Porque tiene 22 temas el álbum, cuando siempre hay la mitad en muchas producciones? Es que dure casi dos años sin lanzar un disco, entonces quise hacerlo como dos completos. ¿Tiene algún ritual antes de entrar al escenario? ¡Si claro! Cuando escucho al público antes de subir, me da escalofrío. Me encomiendo a Dios y si esta mi mama o esposa, le pido la bendición. ¿Que desea lograr con la serie reality, Larrymania? Tengo cuatro años de mostrar mi vida y la gente se entretiene. Quiero que vean que somos una familia común y corriente. ¿Con tanto reconocimiento y logros, que tan difícil ha sido para lograr establecerse en esta industria? Es difícil en cualquier. Todos tienen que trabajar, forjarse y aguantar muchas cosas. Hay que seguir trabajando igual. Algo importante es que sean originales. ¿Hay algún reto que quiere compartir? Ser mejor ser humano y ser un ejemplo para mis hijos. Me encanta estar con ellos. Por Liz Lopez LETTER TO THE EDITOR From Emilio Zamora I sent the following (lightly edited) letter to the editor of the Austin American Statesman in response to an article on police profiling that spoke about the problem in White-Black terms despite the fact that their own data show how much more important it is to the MexicanLatino-Hispanic community. The newspaper did not print it: “The latest report on racial profiling in Waller County by the Statesman (“Blacks Cited More than Blacks,” August 16, 2015) is badly flawed. The writers note that Blacks are less likely than Whites to receive warnings, suggesting that police officers cite them more often for traffic violations. Their interpretations, however, overlook their own tabular data showing that “Hispanics” receive even few warnings than Blacks, 48.5% compared to 62.1% for Blacks.The problem of misleading inter-pretations continues when the Statesman writers quote Frank Baumgartner, a scholar known for racial profiling studies in North Carolina and Kansas. He too reportedly stated to the Statesman that “minorities” are facing more serious problems, despite the fact that their report also adds that Hispanics are more likely to face a greater degree of profiling. According to a February 2012 report byBaumgartner and Epp on the subject (http://www.unc.edu/ …/ Baumgartner-Traffic-Stops-Statistics1…), Hispanics face greater disparity than Whites and Blacks in most if not all profiling categories. What can we draw from this? That journalists and researchers can overlook Hispanics despite their own evidence to the contrary? That Hispanics continue to be invisible to American society even when they face more serious social problems? That the dismissal of Hispanics or the obfuscation of racial/ ethnic date is thenew sign of discrimination and inequality?” Under such circumstances, my father would say, “Otra vez la burra al maiz.” ARRIBA 10/8/15 PG. 3 Olga Campos Benz: Advocate for The People By Liz Lopez For a number of years Olga Campos was well known in Austin as one of the top Latina television anchor/reporter in the state. But prior to newscasting in Austin, The University of Texas graduate had served several years in television in Houston and Corpus Christi. Before leaving her over thirty year career in 2011, Olga was known as a strong advocate in the broadcasting field, seeing that Latinos were recognized for their contributions in the arts, entertainment, business and educational areas of our society. Since retirement she is known as Olga Campos Benz adding her married name with husband Kevin. The mother of twin daughters, Corazon and Allegra, Olga has continued her advocacy role to make Austin and the world a better place. She has increased her work by serving as a volunteer/board member for numerous nonprofit groups and charity causes, including organizations such as the Health Alliance for Austin Musicians (HAAM), the Austin Film Festival, the Development Committee of the Austin Film Society, the Advisory Council of the University of Texas Division of Diversity and Community Engagement and the Luncheon Committee of Austin Gives. Most recently she became a board member of The Long Center. She was inducted in 2014 into the City of Austin Commission for Women Hall of Fame and was featured by Austin Business Journal in their 2013 “Profiles in Power: Women of Influence.” In late August, the Greater Austin Hispanic Chamber of Commerce (GAHCC) gave her the la botánica GREEN & WHITE Veladoras * Perfumes Inciennsos * Hierbas 1201 East 7th Street Tel(512)472-0675 Austin ,Texas inaugural Hispanic Austin Leadership (HAL) Distinguished Alumni Award. The recognition is for her exemplary record of distinguished service and achievement in the community as an alumnus of the program. In spite of her busy schedule, Olga has written a book, “It’s News to Me.” The book takes readers behind the scenes of the often funny and unbelievable world of television news. I spoke with Olga after her most recent award and talked about her experiences leading to where she is today.We talked about her inspiration for her journalism career. “I enjoyed meeting people. Everybody has a story. In school, I learned the best process to ask questions in order to get their story. It was challenging but rewarding,” she stated. Working at this career for over thirty years in Texas gave her opportunities to meet and interview a wide range of individuals. She shared a highlight. “It is the everyday people. The voices that are usually not heard – women, minorities and children.” She also noted that journalism has evolved over the years and she provided some insight for aspiring journalists. “Look at the leaders in journalism now,” citing Jorge Ramos as an example. “You don’t wait to ask questions. You can be assertive. These are their rules, not your rules. Be assertive, confident and go after the tough questions.” After leaving the broadcast world, Olga sought a job that helped her to continue to give back to the community. This drive for advocacy and leadership she attributes to her mother’s actions. After retiring from an extensive career in education, her mother ran for a political office in Houston, with the intent to “make policy” and not “follow anymore.” Olga is now the Community Relations Director for businessman and philanthropist, Milton Verret. ARRIBA 10/8/15 pg. 4 Juan Gabriel podría celebrar Año Nuevo con mega show gratuito en México ¿Cómo celebrará el Año Nuevo Juan Gabriel? Hay quienes aseguran que el ‘Divo de Juárez’ se presentará por cuarta ocasión en el Zócalo de la Ciudad de México con un mega espectáculo en donde complacerá con todos sus éxitos. Según información que retoma Bandamax de una revista de espectáculos, este show podría formar parte de una serie de presentaciones gratuitas que el cantante ha preparado para lo que resta de 2015. Entre otros detalles que han salido a la luz se dice que el show podría realizarse la noche del 31 de diciembre y que además se trata de un tema cerrado. También se dice que una de las grandes invitadas podría ser la salsera India. Bailarines, orquesta, mariachis y varios invitados, son tan sólo algunos de los elementos que se dice conformarán el mega espectáculo que Juan prepara para esa especial noche. Cigarrillos electrónicos plantea un peligro de intoxicación para los niño La intoxicación con nicotina es un problema creciente en los niños estadounidenses, pero unas regulaciones propuestas por el gobierno federal de EE. UU. no son suficiente para resolver el problema, plantea un experto. La creciente popularidad de los cigarrillos electrónicos ha conducido a una cantidad de casos de intoxicación con nicotina en años recientes, advierten los Centros para el Control y la Prevención de Enfermedades (CDC) de EE. UU. La Administración de Alimentos y Medicamentos (FDA) de EE. UU. espera obligar a que los productos de nicotina líquida tengan etiquetas de advertencia y paquetes resistentes a los niños, como los usados en los cigarrillos electrónicos. Incluso una cantidad pequeña de nicotina líquida puede resultar letal, enfatizó en un comunicado de prensa de la Universidad Estatal de Pensilvania Jonathan Foulds, profesor de ciencias de la salud pública en el Colegio de Medicina de la universidad. Las medidas propuestas por la FDA ayudarían, pero es importante que los adultos usen de forma constante las características diseñadas para proteger a los niños y que mantengan todas las fuentes de nicotina fuera del alcance de los niños, dijo Foulds. “Dicho de forma simple, la nicotina es un veneno, y los consumidores deben responsabilizarse de mantenerla lejos de los niños, independientemente de que esté o no en un recipiente a prueba de niños”, comentó. Una sobredosis de nicotina puede provocar ansiedad, náuseas, mareo, vómitos, pérdida de la conciencia o incluso la muerte. Todos los productos que contienen nicotina (que incluyen los cigarrillos, la nicotina líquida y las pastillas de reemplazo de nicotina) pueden resultar nocivos para los niños, y deben estar en recipientes a prueba de niños, explicó Foulds. “Hay cientos de casos de intoxicaciones con cigarrillos cada año, de forma que todos los productos de nicotina, incluyendo los cigarrillos, deberían venir en paquetes a prueba de niños”, planteó.Por Robert Preidt Artículo por HealthDay, traducido por Hola Doctor The Austin Tejano Music Coalition Hosting 5th Annual Tejano Idol Vocal Finals Previous winner Ashley Borrero ( 2011) has been one of the Tejano Idol Winners who has pursued a career in the music industry The Austin Tejano Music Coalition (ATMC), formed in May 2006, is hosting the 5th Annual Tejano Idol vocal competition finals on Sunday, October 18th starting at 2pm at the H & H Ballroom, 4404 Brandt Road in Austin. The event serves as a fundraiser to support the organization’s goals and mission to expand, support and promote this music genre native to Texas. Of the more than twenty individuals that auditioned during the year, sixteen contestants of various ages were selected by the ATMC Tejano Idol committee will perform at the finals. There will be a small cover charge. Since the inaugural event in 2010, the annual vocal contest highlights new and emerging talent to the industry. Not only have the first place winners, Ashley Borrero (2011), Anani Rhames (2012) and Mario Macias (2013) gone on to pursue musical careers, many other contestants who placed as runner up or in the Top 5 have done well, landing on a list of nominees considered for the Tejano Music Awards (TMA). Current singer-songwriter Angel Gonzalez, and first year finalist, has flourished with several recordings in the Tejano and Freestyle genres and in 2014, Angel was nominated for TMA Best New Male Artist.Sarah Monique, a Top Five finalist in 2012, went on to record her album, Un Sueño Realidad, and then her single, Te Quiero Solo a Ti. Sarah was a nominee for the 2014 TMA Best New Female Artist. Devin Banda, the runner up in 2012, has released two singles with videos for Yo Te Dije and Si Pudiera Regresar. She has just joined the band Llueve. Robby Garza, the 2014 runner up, is now a recording artist with the band Cañonazo. Past finalist, Denise Davila, performs with the DVA Kidz and will be performing at the finals. The Finale will have award winning Shelly Lares as Master of ceremonies. Individuals from the Tejano music industry are scheduled to judge at the finals and will include a Freddie Records representative.The top three winners will receive a cash prize. With the growth of the contest, this is the second year the first place winner will receive studio time to record two songs at Freddie Records in Corpus Christi. For more information on the event, contact Aggie Saldaña Sanchez, Chair of the Tejano Idol competition, (512) 912-6925 or http:// austintejanomusic.orgby Liz Lopez Arriba 10/8/15 pg. 5 Austin Animal Center Seeks Volunteers With 18,000 animals coming through its doors each year, the Austin Animal Center needs your help to provide love and attention to homeless cats, dogs and small animals. Volunteers are critical to ensuring the shelter’s pets receive exercise, attention and enrichment.Volunteers also provide support in other key areas, including matching pets with adopters, providing toys and treats to cats and dogs, and greeting visitors and answering questions. With an easy onboarding process, new volunteers will be able to start soon after attending orientation session.Upcoming orientations will be Oct. 8, 15, 18, 22, 24 and 29 and Nov. 7. Sign up to attend by visiting https://www.givepulse.com/ event/12450-New-VolunteerOrientation. Want to make a difference in the lives of homeless pets in America’s largest No Kill city? Here are just some of the positions you’ll be able to choose from: • Adoption specialist: Help adopters find the right pet for their family. Many visitors walk away without adopting simply because the Austin Animal Center facility is so large and can be overwhelming. This position’s primary functions are to help people visit with pets, answer questions about each animal, and providing counseling, education and resources. • Cat enrichment volunteer: AAC can be a scary place for cats, with lots of noise and activity. Cat enrichment volunteers spend time giving extra love and attention to fearful felines. They also make sure rambunctious kittens get much-needed exercise and toys. Cats need time out of their kennels too, so cat volunteers make sure kitties get breaks from the stress of confinement. • Dog enrichment volunteer: If you’ve visited AAC, you know there are lots of dogs. Dog enrichment volunteers make sure all dogs get the exercise and attention they need to stay happy and healthy while they wait for their homes. Many of the medium and large dogs wait months to find their new families, so dog enrichment volunteers play a lifesaving role. Volunteers can work with dogs, both on and offsite, and many of the volunteers foster their favorite dogs. Have a training or behavior background? You can help teach dogs basic obedience skills through positive reinforcement training. • Clean team: Do you love to organize and clean? You’re needed to help manage donations; stuffing; handing out and cleaning Kong toys; and helping with basic tasks like spot-cleaning, washing dishes and doing laundry. • Greeters: One of the most important volunteer roles in the entire shelter, the greeter is the first person visitors see when they walk through the door. This position answers questions, guides potential adopters to the appropriate areas and serves as a point of contact for visit Greeting has a huge impact on whether they adopt a pet, so this role is perfect for outgoing, social people. Actor Raul Castillo Goes From Texas To Hollywood Actor Raul Castillo was the 2014 recipient of the NALIP Lupe Award, which recognizes a breakthrough Latino artist in honor of late actress and pioneer Lupe Ontiveros. Raul Castillo has slowly built a name for himself in Hollywood. His love for the arts began in high school when he joined the drama club, a place that would become his safe-haven. By his senior year, he decided to enroll at Boston University to study independent theater studies with a focus on playwriting.While at BU he produced a number of scripts about the immigration experience in the United States. One of his most notable scripts, Border Stories was inspired by his own personal experiences after having grown up in the border town of McAllen, Texas. In 2007, he made his big screen debut in Matthew Bonifacio‘s Amexicano, film directed by Matthew Bonifacio that premiered at the Tribeca Film Festival to positive reviews. The film followed the story between an illegal immigrant and a blue-collar Italian-American from Queens. Since then, Raul has appeared in small budget films, including Cold Weather, Don’t Let Me Drown, My Best Day and other movies.By Griselda Flores Free Archival Film Screening October is Texas Archives Month! To celebrate, TAMI is partnering with the Texas State Library and Archives Commission to host a free archival film screening, Archives in AXTion: The Texas Picture Show. Showing is on Thursday, October 29 at the east lawn of the State Capitol Building in Austin and catch a rare glimpse of archival home movies, newsreels,advertisements, broadcasts, and industrial films that showcase what it means to be a Texan. Grammy Award-winning artist Jason Roberts and his band will provide live musical entertainment before the screening. Food trucks will also be on site. City Libraries Dia De Los Muertos Events City libraries are presenting Dia De Los Muertos activities for an allages celebration of books and stories, arts and crafts, music and sugar skulls to honor the dead! Friday, October 23, 3:30 - 5 PM Terrazas Branch, 1105 E. Cesar Chavez St., 512-974-3625 Monday, October 26, 6 - 7:30 PM University Hills Branch, 4721 Loyola Ln., 512-974-9940 Wednesday, October 28, 5:30 - 7:30 PM;Southeast Branch, 5803 Nuckols Crossing Rd., 512-974-8840 Wednesday, October 28, 5:30 - 7:30 PM;Cepeda Branch, 651 N. Pleasant Valley Rd., 512-974-7372 Thursday, October 29, 6:30 - 8:00 PM;Manchaca Road Branch, 5500 Manchaca Rd., 512-974-8700 Saturday, October 31, 2 - 3:30 PM Willie Mae Kirk Branch, 3101 Oak Springs Dr., 512-974-9920 Monday, November 2, 5:30 - 7:30 PM;Windsor Park Branch, 5833 Westminster Dr., 512-974-9840 Tuesday, November 3, 10:15 - 11:15 AM;Carver Branch, 1161 Angelina St., 512-974-1010 All Library programs are free and open to the public. For more information, call 512-974-9927 ARRIBA 10/8/15 pg. 6 Mexic-Arte Museum To Honor Mary Ann Thompson Frenk At Gala Mexic-Arte Museum will perfoming.. At this year’s Gala del Museo, hold it’s Annual Gala del Museo the Board of Directors – the Catrina will honor Mary Ann Ball on October Thompson Frenk with 17, 2015 at the the Mexic-Arte Four Seasons Museum Civic Leader Ballroom from in the Arts Award 5:30pm– 2015 for her signifi9:30pm with an cant contributions and after-dance major accomplishparty. ments in art and The Gala culture. del Museo is an Mary Ann elegant Thompson Frenk is an Mary Ann Thompson Frenk To fundraising Receive Mexic-Arte Museum exemplary visionary event that Civic Leader in the Arts Award artist and generous reminisces the supporter of diverse groups in the past and recognizes our present accomplishments in visual art and U.S., Mexico, and other countries. She has created bridges for peaceful culture. The event benefits Mexic-Arte Museum’s exhibition collaboration to improve the lives and hearts of hundreds of people in and education programs. The the areas of human rights, the 2015 Gala del Museo – Catrina environment, cultural heritage, and Ball Co-Chairs are Mrs. Laurel the arts. and Mr. Edgar Prats and singer Patricia Vonne who will also be ADVERTISING DOESN’T WORK! But it just did... Let me design your next advertisement. Día de los Muertos Live Music | Community Ofrendas (Altars) Classic Car & Bike Show Costume Contest | Family Art Activities Oaxaca, Arte en Movimiento Mercado opens at 2pm, organized by the Center for Mexican-American Cultural Arts. 2 - 7pm | Saturday, October 24th Free and open to the public! For more information, visit www.austintexas.gov/esbmacc ESB-MACC | 600 River St, Austin TX, 78701 | 512-974-3772 The City of Austin is proud to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act. If you require special assistance for participation in our programs or use of our facilities please call 512-974-3772 or 711 Relay Texas. LOGO DESIGN BUSINESS CARDS POST CARDS INVITATIONS & FLIERS ONLINE & PRINT ADS WEBSITES SOCIAL MEDIA WWW.ARCEGRAPHICS.COM 512.605.8078 OR VIC@ARCEGRAPHICS.COM ARRIBA 10/8/15 pg. 7 Mexic-Arte Museum Presents Dia De Los Muertos Exhibition and Viva La Vida Festival The exhibit represents the Mexic-Arte Museum’s more than three decade quest to inform the public about the significance of the celebration. Methods the Museum has used over the years include the presentation of exhibitions, performances, street festivals, videos, murals, installations, processions, publications and other manifestations. This project illustrates the impact that Mexic-Arte Museum has made in the Austin community. The exhibition presents Museum archival materials from the past 31 years and examines an emerging social phenomenon among a growing population— how Mexic-Arte Museum’s Día de los Muertos efforts have transformed a Mexican religious holiday into a uniquely central Texas celebration of Mexican and Mexican American life and cultural identity. Mindful of the day’s historicalreligious roots, Mexic-Arte Museum helped transform the celebration by mixing popular with traditional materials, sacred with secular objects, personal with social issues, and popular art with contemporary expressions. The underlying Mexican sense of commitment to honor the deceased has remained, but the public expression has evolved into a voice for the Latino/a community. On yet another level, the MexicArte Museum has utilized Día de los Muertos to celebrate the community’s faith; comment on current issues such as immigration reform and the death penalty; and express a uniquely Austin Mexican and Mexican American identity and heritage. This project will help galvanize local Latino/a culture and demonstrate its contributions to American/ Texas culture. This program is made possible in part by a grant from Humanities Texas, the state affiliate of the National Endowment for the Humanities, Texas Commis- sion on the Arts, and the City of Austin. Mexic-Arte Museum will also hold itd Viva la Vida Festival on October 31, 2015 from 12:00pm – 8:00pm in downtown Austin. This year, Austin’s largest and longest-running Day of the Dead event and features a grand procession, artist vendors, live music, a grand sugar skull piñata float by local piñata artisans Monica and Sergio Lejarazu, an exhibitionwith community altars inside the Museum, and educational programs. Attendees can also enjoy food from Chi’Lantro and Veracruz All Natural, hands-on art activities, and special performances by Tiarra Girls, DJ Chorizo Funk, Gina Chavez, and more! The 2015 event is co-sponsored by the City of Austin. ABOUT MEXIC-ARTE MUSEUM Mexic-Arte Museum is dedicated to cultural enrichment and education through the collection, preservation and presentation of traditional and contemporary Mexican, Latino, and Latin American art and culture to promote dialogue and develop understanding for visitors of all ages. Since 1984, Mexic- Arte Museum has produced and presented cultural and educational programs for communities in Texas. Mexic-Arte Museum is one of the first museums in the United States to present Mexican and Mexican American art. In 2003, the 78th Legislature of the State of Texas recognizing the uniqueness and significant cultural role of Mexic-Arte Museum, it designated it as the “Official Mexican and Mexican American Art Museum of Texas.This project is funded by the Univision Television, Univision Radio, El Jimador, IBC Bank, BrownDistributing, 3M Austin, Austin Friends of Folk Art. This project is funded and supported in part by a grant from the Texas Commission on the Arts, as well as the City of Austin Economic Development Department/Cultural Arts Division believing an investment in the Arts is an investment in Austin’s future. Visit Austin at NowPlayingAustin.com. ARRIBA 10/8/15 pg. 8 Chía para tener a raya la presión y la glucosa La chía, una diminuta y milenaria semilla, también conocida como salvia hispánica, es un alimento que se ha puesto de moda y que muchas personas han empezado a consumir por las bondades que la sabiduría popular le atribuye en pro de la salud. Ahora, la ciencia ha comprobado sus beneficios a nivel molecular con sorprendentes resultados. • 10 semillas que no deben faltar en tu dieta Junto con el maíz, el frijol y el amaranto, la chía era considerada uno de los cultivos básicos para culturas prehispánicas del centro y sur de México. Los mayas y aztecas la usaban en distintos preparados nutricionales y medicinales. Para los aztecas era fuente de energía para travesías prolongadas y alimento para los guerreros. Para los mayas era uno de los cuatro cultivos básicosdestinados a su alimentación. Por ello, científicos del Centro de Investigación y de Estudios Avanzados (Cinvestav) Unidad Irapuato,del Instituto Politécnico Nacional en México, decidieron comprobar a nivel molecular los beneficios que representa esta semilla, de manera que puedan ser empleados para el desarrollo de nuevos productos con alto valor agregado, y no solo se venda para el consumo directo, como actualmente se comercializa. • 10 semillas con poderes medicinales En información difundida por el Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología (Conacyt), Octavio Paredes López, titular de la investigación, destacó que este tipo de análisis resulta importante para desterrar los mitos sobre el uso de la chía y proporcionar información certera sobre las propiedades que, tras un análisis científico, se han identificado en la semilla. La investigación del Cinvestav reveló que la chía tiene propiedades nutracéuticas (término empleado para denominar a los alimentos que nutren y ayudan a prevenir enfermedades e incluso a controlarlas) relacionadas con la pérdida de peso, el control de presión arterial, actividad hipoglucemiante (disminuir los niveles de glucosa en sangre) y reforzar el sistema inmunológico. • 10 súper especias con bondades antioxidantes La chía es particularmente rica en Omega 3 y 6, lo que la hace útil en el control de la presión arterial, además de contener fibras dietéticas, compuestos fenólicos y una alta concentración de proteínas, añadió Paredes López. Para realizar los trabajos sobre la chía, el grupo de investigación hizo una selección de muestras del cultivo de todo el país provistas por agricultores y también cultivadas por los propios investigadores,las cuales llevaron al laboratorio para someterlas a diversos tratamiento a fin de sustraer sus proteínas y poder analizar sus biopéptidos (conjuntos de aminoácidos); entre otras evaluaciones. Chía: una pequeña usina de energía••Super semilla Junto con la quinoa y el amaranto, son los tres granos sagrados de las civilizaciones americanas antiguas. Por sus propiedades nutritivas se los considera “los alimentos del futuro”, ya que podríanreemplazar las proteínas animales. Proteínas en exceso PUBLICIDAD Así, descubrieron el efecto inhibitorio de los péptidos de la chía contra una enzima del organismo conocida como “convertidora de angiotensina”, que está relacionada con la presión arterial y pudieron comprobar su capacidad reguladora de los azúcares de la comida, así como propiedades antioxidantes, debido a su concentración de compuestos fenólicos. Sin embargo, el investigador aclaró que los beneficios de los componentes de la chía dependerán del material genético que se trate. Por ejemplo, la semilla en edad madura tiene propiedades nutracéuticas más activas para el control de peso, pero menor capacidad como antioxidante, por lo que son necesarios estudios más precisos al respecto. Natural Medicines, empresa de investigación internacional sobre medicina USC Study Confirms The Lack Of Diversity In Film While hosting this year’s Oscars, Neil Patrick Harris joked that the awards show honors “Hollywood’s best and whitest. Sorry, brightest.” The comment has a troubling amount of truth behind it. A new USC study confirms the lack of diversity in film that Harris lambasted. Nearly three quarters (73.1%) of all the speaking or named characters in the 100 top-grossing movies of 2014 were white, according to Inequality in 700 Popular Films, a study from the Media, Diversity & Social Change Initiative at the USC Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism. The study examined gender, race and ethnicity in films from 2007 to 2014. The report found 4.9% of all speaking or named characters in the 100 top-grossing movies of 2014 were Hispanics or Latinos, who comprise 17% of the population. According to the Motion Picture Association of America, Hispanics account for 25% of frequent moviegoers, while Asians make up 8% of the population and 9% of frequent moviegoers. African-Americans comprise 12% of all moviegoers. Along gender lines, 30.2% of the 30,835 speaking characters evaluated were female across the 700 topgrossing films and only 11% of the films had gender-balanced casts or featured girls/women in roughly half (45-54.9%) of the speaking roles. Only 17 of the 100 top films of 2014 featured a main actor from an underrepresented ethnic group and a full 17 films did not feature a single black character. Across the 100 top films of 2014, only five of the 107 directors (4.7%) were black — only one was female and black. Of the films with a black director, 40.2% of all characters were black. When the director was not black, only 10.6% of all onscreen speaking or named characters were black. The report also found only 45 black directors have been attached to the 700 top-grossing films – that means just 5.8% of all top-grossing films in the last seven years were directed by black directors. Only 19 Asian directors worked across the 700 top-grossing films, meaning just 2.4% of recent topgrossing films were directed by Asians. (Only one Asian co-director was female across the films analyzed.) Across 4,610 speaking characters in the 100 top films of 2014, only 19 were lesbian, gay or bisexual.Not one transgender character was portrayed. Ten characters were coded as gay, four were lesbian and five were bisexual. Only 14 movies sample wide featured an LGB depiction and none of those films were animated. By Reece Ristau alternativa, refiere que lachía se promueve por su alto contenido de Omega 3, 6 y 9. Estudios en animales indican que la chía puede disminuir el colesterol de la sangre, las lipoproteínas de baja dens y los triglicéridos, a la vez que aumenta las lipoproteínas de alta densidad (HDL o colesterol “bueno”). También puede tener actividad anticancerígena, sin embargo, los estudios en humanos son limitados.Por Violeta Merlo ARRIBA-10/8/15 pg. 9 La gran cantante Gloria Trevi Gloria de los Angeles Treviño Ruiz nació un 15 de febrero de 1970 en Monterrey, Nuevo León, hija de Manuel Treviño y Gloria Ruiz. Desde niña demostró pasión y talento por las artes plásticas, el canto y el baile, por lo que su madre permitió que se presentara a cuanta prueba infantil tenía lugar en la capital. Siendo adolescente emigra a la ciudad de México para probar fortuna, y es entonces que conoce al productor Sergio Andrade, quien la invitó a formar parte del grupo pop Boquitas Pintadas, junto con Pilar (la vocalista), Mónica, María Raquenel y Claudia. El 18 de enero de 1986, tras año y medio de preparación, el disco del grupo salió al mercado bajo el sello WEA. Seis meses después de recorrer la república mexicana dando presentaciones, Andrade disolvió al grupo, pero Gloria permaneció en la capital sin comunicarse con su familia durante varios meses. cuando lo hizo, informó a su madre que Andrade la estaba preparando para lanzarse en solitario. En 1989 cambió su identidad para convertirse en Gloria Trevi, y de la mano profesional de Sergio Andrade alcanrzaria la cima de la fama. Su primer álbum titulado Qué Hago Aquí, salió al mercado y se hizo popular gracias al tema Dr. Psiquiatra, que invadió las pistas de baile mexicanas. En 1991 salió al mercado Tu Angel de la Guarda, el álbum más importante en la carrera de la Trevi, cuyo sencillo Pelo Suelto inspiró la filmación de una película con el mismo título. A este le siguieron Me siento tan sola (1992 ), Más turbada que nunca (1994) y Si me Llevas Contigo (1995). Para entonces, su popularidad la había llevado hasta el mundo del cine, donde filmó tres películas: Pelo suelto (1992), Zapatos viejos (1994) y Papa sin catsup (1995). Pero entonces, el rumbo de la carrera y la vida de Gloria daría un giro de 360 grados en 1995 a partir de la publicación del libro De la Gloria al infierno, escrito por la ex esposa de Sergio Andrade, Aline, en el que se denunciaba Angel Handyman Fencing Wood Painting Flooring Siding Roofing Sheetrock Landscaping supuesta prácticas sexuales entre el manager y varias de las chicas que trabajaban con él, incluyendo a Trevi, Mary Boquitas y Karina Yapor. Tras estos escándalos, el ya para entonces denominado "Clan Andrade" salió de México, para refugiarse en España, Chile y Argentina, hasta refugiarse en Brasil. El contrato con BMG no había espirado y la disquera demandó a la cantante y a Sergio para que entreguaran un disco, pero la desaparición de ambos hace imposible llevar a cabo una promoción. La disquera se ve obligada a sacar un disco recopilatorio al mercado, titulado De Pelos: Lo Mejor de Gloria, que sale en 1997. Dos años más tarde, sale al mercado No Soy Monedita de Oro, un álbum con temas inéditos del que nadie explica la procedencia. El libro de Aline, ex mujer de Andrade, que denunciaba los malos tratos a los que fue sometida en el clan y la demanda que los padres de la joven Karina Yapor impusieron contra Andrade y Trevi, aumentaron las sospechas contra el productor y la cantante, quienes fueron capturados en Brasil el 13 de enero del 2000. Después de varios años en prisión, Gloria Trevi cumplió su condena en el 2004, y tras un proceso de recuperación vuelve a la música en el 2005 con el disco Como nace el universo, y con la gira Trevolution, que la coloca de nueva cuenta en los escenario y en contacto con su público. En el 2006 se estrena con Univision Music con el disco en vivo La trayectoria, en la que recopila sus temas más conocidos. Gloria lanzó ese mismo año La historia un CD recopilatorio en donde por supuesto no podían faltar temas como Zapatos Viejos, El Recuento de los Daños, Con los ojos Cerrados y Los Borregos. Al Call /llame: 737-333-5752 NO JOB TO SMALL OR TOO BIG Se Busca Repartidores Para Applicar: arribanews@yahoo.com año siguente, 2007, sale a la venta Una Rosa Blu, disco del que se desprende Pruébamelo, Cinco Minutos y Psicofonía. Estos temas alcanzaron los primeros lugares en las radiodifusoras mexicanas. Los Premios Lo Nuestro 2007 se engalanaron con la presencia de esta artista mexicana, en donde con una impactante coreografía y gran voz interpretó Todos Me Miran, con la cual puso a bailar a todos los asistentes. Tal fue la atracción que trajo consigo Cinco Minutos, que ahora cuenta con la versión duranguense, en el cual la cantautora trabajó con el grupo Los Horóscopos de Durango, esta versión está incluida en el más reciente álbum de esta agrupación. Gloria se presentó como toda una reina en la entrega de los Premios Lo Nuestro en 2009, aquí recibió el galardón por Mejor Artista del Año, dejando en claro que los años de experiencia la colocan en el primer puesto de cualquier competencia. Así mismo asistió a los premios Billboard, en donde además de llevarse los aplausos de todos los asistentes, se adjudicó el premio por mejor Tema Pop Airplay del Año, esto gracias a su tema Cinco Minutos. Pero con todos los premios, la sencillez y el trabajo constante de esta mexicana no para, y prueba de ello es el nuevo video el tema El Favor de la Soledad que Gloria realizó bajo la dirección de Michelle Castro, hijo de la actriz Verónica Castro. Las adversidades que ha tenido que vivir la intérprete de Zapatos viejos no son impedimento para que ella continúe su vida a plenitud, al contrario, ella sabe sacarle provecho a esos problemas y lo refleja en su música, ejemplo de esto es el tema Que emane, cuya letra fue inspirada en la vida de sus compañeras en la cárcel y que forma parte de la serie televisiva Mujeres asesinas. Ella es madre, una mujer con gran talento, pero sobre todo es una mujer que impacta en cualquier lugar en el que se encuentre. ARRIBA 10/8/15 pg. 10 Easter Seals Día de los Muertos Festival in Austin, Texas Easter Seals Central Texas is proud to announce the music lineup for its 2015 Día de los Muertos Festival. The festival is on Saturday, October 17, 2015 at Fiesta Gardens in Austin, Texas. The festival will feature renowned recording artists in the Latin and Texas music industries. The festival will offer food and beverages, cultural performances, altar contest as well as Kids Zone activities for kids. The highlight of the festival is a combination of vibrant, rhythmic Latin, rock, and pop music and cultural performances featuring headliner and Grammy Award winner Emilio Navaira. Music and performer additions to the line-up feature local and international artists including La Vida Bohéme, Son de Rey, Kinski, Son Armado, Devin Banda, Grupo de Danza Mexicachichimeca de Austin, Roy Lozano’s Ballet Folklorico de Texas and DJ Frank Castle. Everyone will be able to join in a special parade led by Austin Samba “Club de Cuervos”, primera serie en español para Netflix School and Las Monas. VIP tickets and $15 pre-sale general are available online at www.austindiadelosmuertos.com. Kids 12 and under get in free with a paid adult ticket. The event benefits local nonprofit Easter Seals Central Texas which provides support and resources for children and adults with disabilities. Orquesta Buena Social Club Plays Their Adios Tour The Grammy winning ensemble Orquesta Buena Vista Social Club stops in Austin, Texas on the Adios Tour this October- bringing the history, excitement, and culture of Cuban music to the Long Center. The thirteen piece band, who’s most recent album “provides a gorgeous reminder of what made it so famous to begin with — and what we’ll all be missing,” plays their final tour together this year. Tickets are on sale now and start at $49. Named after the members club in Havana, Cuba that closed its doors in the 1940s, Orquesta Buena Vista Social Club became an international success, and the ensemble was encouraged to perform with a full line-up in Amsterdam in April 1998. German director Wim Wenders captured the performance on film and the one that followed on the 1st of July 1998 in Carnegie Hall, New York City for a documentary—also called Buena Vista Social Club—that included interviews with the musicians conducted in Havana. The success of both the album and film sparked a revival of international interest in traditional Cuban music and Latin American music in general. Some of the Cuban performers later released wellreceived solo albums and recorded collaborations with international stars from different musical genres. The “Buena Vista Social Club” name became an umbrella term to describe these performances and releases,and has been likened to a brand label that encapsulates Cuba’s “musical golden age” between the 1930s and 1950s. Several surviving members of the Buena Vista Social Club, such as trumpeter Manuel “Guajiro” Mirabal,laúd player Barbarito Torres and trombonist and conductor Jesus “Aguaje” Ramos currently tour worldwide, to popular acclaim, with new members such as the singer Carlos Calunga, virtuosopianist Rolando Luna [1] [2] and occasionally the solo singer Omara Portuondo, as part of a 13-member band calledOrquesta Buena Vista Social Club. Tickets are available at TheLongCenter.org or by calling (512) 474.LONG (5664). Also available at the Long Center’s 3M Box Office located at 701 West Riverside Drive at South First Street. Del equipo creativo de una de las películas más taquilleras en México, Nosotros los Nobles, llega a Netflix la serie original de drama y comedia Club de Cuervos, el primer programa en español creado exclusivamente para esta red de televisión por Internet, que presta servicio a más de 62 millones de personas en 50 países. La serie de 13 episodios trata sobre una disputa entre los miembros de una familia rica, Isabel Iglesias (Mariana Treviño, Amor de mis Amores) y Chava Iglesias (Luis Gerardo Méndez, Nosotros los Nobles), quienes tras la muerte del patriarca, pelean por determinar quién asumirá el control del club de fútbol “Los Cuervos de Nuevo Toledo”. Club de Cuervos no es sólo sobre el fútbol, es el escenario para contar la historia de estos hermanos. Además sirve para mostrar lo que sucede cuando el poder cae en las manos equivocadas. El querer asumir la presidencia del equipo puede que corrompa y destruya a estos personajes apasionados, obsesionados y complejos, los cuales se verán obligados a corresponder a una jugada que le hizo su padre a la oportunista Mary Luz Solari, interpretada por la actriz y cantante peruana Stephanie Cayo. Aparte de mostrar su “emoción” sobre la premier de la serie, en entrevista con El Latino San Diego, Méndez comentó que Club de Cuervos está siendo lanzada en buen tiempo, dado las controversias que se han dado en el mundo futbolero, tanto con la FIFA y la despedida de Miguel “El Piojo” Herrera como entrenador de la selección mexicana. NETFLIX Luis Gerardo Méndez en escena de “Club de Cuervos”. “El programa te permite entrarle a la tripa del fútbol, pues mostrará todo lo que sucede en la vida de los directivos y jugadores afuera del campo de juego”, agregó. Mirando un poco hacia atrás, Méndez contó que ha sido “un circulo de emociones desde que recibimos la llamada de este proyecto”. “Primero me emocioné, luego me dio terror y al mismo tiempo sentí un nivel de responsabilidad”, dijo el mexicano, refiriéndose al hecho que el Club de Cuervos es la primera serie en español creada para Netflix, en la que además de actuar participa como productor asociado. “Dejé de pensar que era una responsabilidad, y la empecé a ver como una oportunidad”, apuntó. Méndez señalo el público definitivamente se asombra no sólo por “los temas universales” y la “personalidad propia” de la tragicomedia, sino por los personajes increíbles. “Mariana (Treviño) es una actriz sorprendente y Stephanie (Cayo) fue un gran hallazgo”, dijo el productor asociado, quien estuvo a cargo de la selección del reparto protagónico. Club de Cuervos fue dirigida y cocreada por Gary Alazraki, conocido por su trabajo en la comedia Nosotros los Nobles, y además cuenta con la actuación de Daniel Cacho Giménez (Get the Gringo), Ianis Guerrero (Nosotros los Nobles) y Antonio de la Vega. TO ADVERTISE IN ARRIBA REQUEST MEDIA KIT : arribanews@yahoo.com ARRIBA 10/8/15 pg. 11 Gabriel García Márquez Films Film Series: Beyond Macondo: Gabriel García Márquez and Contemporary Colombian Cinema Presented by Austin Film Society at The Marchesa | 6226 Middle Fiskeville Rd. A literary luminary, Gabriel García Márquez was also a lifelong screenwriter, movie lover, and pivotal supporter of Latin American film industries. “Beyond Macondo” pays homage to his cinematic legacy, showing how contemporary Colombian directors have echoed García Márquez’s deep sense of political justice and love of popular culture, while also expressing their own unique thematic concerns and approaches to filmmaking. The films in the Beyond Macondo series include:* GABO: THE CREATION OF GABRIEL GARCÍA MÁRQUEZ by Justin Weber;Thu, October 1, 2015, 7:30 PM’* LA SIRGA by Willliam Vega;Thu, October 8, 2015, 7:30 PM[* MATEO by Maria Gamboa]Thu, October 15, 2015, 7:30 PM[* LOS HONGOS by Oscar Ruiz Navia (filmmaker in attendance!)Tue, October 20, 2015, 7:30 PM. U.S.-MEXICO HIGH LEVEL ECONOMIC DIALOGUE High-level Mexican and U.S. government officials met via videoconference recently to review progress made under the U.S.-Mexico High Level Economic Dialogue (HLED) and to determine next steps in our efforts to make North America the most competitive economic region in the world. The meeting was chaired by U.S. Secretary of Commerce Penny Pritzker and Mexican Finance Minister Luis Videgaray Caso. Participants from the U.S. side included the National Security Council and the Office of the Vice President, as well as the Departments of Commerce, State, Treasury, Homeland Security, Energy, Interior, Transportation, Labor, and Agriculture. Participants from the Mexican side included the Ministries of Foreign Affairs, Finance and Public Credit, Economy, Communication and Transportation, Energy, and Labor and Social Welfare. The group reviewed progress in the six HLED priority areas of energy, modern borders, workforce development, regulatory cooperation, stakeholder engagement, and regional and global leadership. These priorities advance our overarching goals of promoting competitiveness and connectivity; fostering economic growth, productivity, entrepreneurship and innovation; and partnering for regional and global leadership. The group also highlighted the important role of receiving input from the private sector and civil society to ensure the HLED remains strategic and relevant. Officials from both governments maintain dynamic interactions with members of the private sector, business associations and educational institutions, among others, to gather input on HLED initiatives. Specific accomplishments and examples of ongoing collaboration includeEnergy• A December 2014 Memorandum of Understanding signed by the U.S. and MexicanSecretaries of Energy and the Canadian Minister for Natural Resources created the framework for trilateral consultation and sharing of energy information for the North American region. Protocols for information sharing and a portal for international data sharing have been established. A mapping system, hosted by Mexico, resulted in the creation of a number of infrastructure maps. City of Austin Purchasing Office The City of Austin Purchasing Office invites you to view current bid solicitations at http://www.austintexas.gov/purchase/vs/p4.htm. Vendors are encouraged to register on-line in the City’s Vendor Self Service System. Once your company is registered, you will receive notifications about new bid opportunities. For additional information regarding current bid opportunities or Vendor Registration, please call the Purchasing Office at 512-974-2500. For information on the City of Austin’s Minority Owned and Women-Owned Procurement Program and the certification process, please contact the Small & Minority Business Resources Department at 512-974-7600 or visit their website at http:// www.austintexas.gov/smbr. Send a letter to The Editor at: arribanews@yahoo.com TRAVIS COUNTY WANTS TO DO BUSINESS WITH YOU Travis County Purchasing Office is located at 700 Lavaca Street, Suite 800, Austin, Texas, Ph: (512) 854-9700 or Fax: (512) 854-9185. Please visit our web page at www.traviscountytx.gov/purchasing/solicitation.asp for all current bid solicitations. CYD V. GRIMES, C.P.M., CPPO COUNTY PURCHASING AGENT