INHOUD - Bouwkunde
B NIEUWS #06 13 DECEMBER 2010 PERIODIEK VAN DE FACULTEIT BOUWKUNDE | TU DELFT MERRY AS CHRISTM PPY AND A HA ! R NEW YEA INHOUD 2/3 Nieuws Blueprint for sustainability Virtualock for students is finally here Plotting & Pricing Editorial 4 Nieuws Eerste bevindingen visitatiecommissie Vertical City Asia 5 BK In Focus Towards a new Bouwkunde: BK City Slim 6/7 BK In Depth Wytze’s Swan Song His reflection on being a dean Introducing Karin Laglas the future head of our faculty 8 In Focus BK in Trouws Duurzaam top 100 6 WYTZE PATIJN “I WANT TO BE REMEMBERED AS SOMEONE WHO BROUGHT A CERTAIN DYNAMIC TO THE FACULTY... THE WINDOWS NEEDED TO BE THROWN OPEN.” 9 Project The Urban Space in Film 10 Forum Best of Louche Cartoon Henning Janssen Column: Louche 11 Streets of BK What are your wishes and expectations for 2011? (Tag cloud) 12 Agenda EINDEJAARSBORREL 16 DECEMBER 2010 | 16.00 - 19.00 OOSTSERRE | BKCITY PROOST ALLEN OP HET NIEUWE JAAR TIJDENS DE IJS EN IJSKOUDE BORREL IN EEN SNEEUWWITTE OOSTSERRE! 2 NIEUWS KORT NIEUWS Speciale openingstijden 20 t/m 31 december B NIEUWS 06 13 DECEMBER 2010 OUT: WATCH VERY NABLE! SUSTAI Van 20 december t/m 31 december gelden er speciale openingstijden voor BK City in verband met de kerstvakantie en feestdagen. Week 51 20 t/m 23 december: 7.00u-18.00u Vrijdag 24 december (Kerstavond): 7.00u - 16.00u Week 52 27 t/m 30 december: 07.00-18.00u Vrijdag 31 december (oudejaarsdag): 7.00u - 16.00u Houdt u rekening met deze aangepaste openingstijden. Verdwijnen zalen Drebbelweg De 396 atelierplekken die momenteel gehuisvest zijn op de Drebbelweg worden per 1 januari 2011 ondergebracht in BK City. Van 20 december t/m 31 december zal het meubilair uit Zaal 1 en 2 van de Drebbelweg worden verhuisd naar BK City. Zorg dus dat je spullen uiterlijk 19 december uit Zaal 1 en 2 van de locatie Drebbelweg zijn verwijderd! Compensatie atelierplekken Drebbelweg in BK City De atelierplekken van de Drebbelweg worden ingepast binnen BK City, dit betekent voor de bestaande atelierruimtes dat deze spaarzamer en efficiënter moeten worden ingericht. Collegezalen C en F en ruimte BG.West.250 worden omgebouwd en ingericht tot nieuwe atelierruimtes. Deze ruimtes worden technisch aangepast, zodat deze vanaf 1 januari als atelierruimte in gebruik genomen kunnen worden. Verhuizing Diensten binnen de Dienstenvleugel De diensten 100% research, een deel van O&S en FMVG verhuizen binnen de huidige Dienstenvleugel. Ze verhuizen naar respectievelijk ruimte BG+. West.610 en BG+.West.630. Deze verhuizing vindt plaats rond 22 december. Source: Blueprint BLUEPRINT FOR FUTURE SUSTAINABILITY FOR A UNIVERSITY THAT WISHES TO PROMOTE ITSELF AS A LEADER IN THE FIELD OF SUSTAINABILITY, TU DELFT LACKED A CLEAR HUB FOR ALL THE SUSTAINABLE INITIATIVES. UNTIL NOW. BK CITY – Koen Kegel (student Faculty of Architecture) and Berend Jan Berends (student Faculty of Technology, Policy and Management) met during the Spoorzone Delft competition organized by WeSD, in which students were invited to submit proposals for temporary structures on the construction site of the railway tunnel in the center of Delft. Berends was one of the people responsible for organizing the competition, while Kegel, together with fellow student Ronald Reen, proposed pavilions made out of containers which earned them an honorable mention. In order to provide collective identity to all the different initiatives, the Blueprint building will include exhibition spaces, meeting rooms and workshops. The TU Executive Board has already given the permission to work out the plans for Blueprint to ‘detail’ level. One of the architectural advisers in the design will be Mecanoo, the site: just besides the iWeb in the Mekelpark near the former location of the Faculty of Architecture. Furthermore, many “sustainable” professors support this initiative, from Wubbo Okkels (Aerospace Enginee- “WE ALREADY HAVE SUPPORT OF THE CITY AND THE UNIVERSITY. NOW WE NEED PEOPLE TO HELP US WORK OUT THE PLANS.” ring) to our own Andy van den Dobbelsteen. Together with others, they came up with the idea of Blueprint, an all-encompassing foundation that would bring together all the sustainable initiatives of Delft. As Koen Kegel explains: ”To facilitate sustainability, you should not have a new organization, but rather strengthen the ones that already exist”. Berends adds: “Our aim is to highlight all the small sustainable initiatives on the campus. Part of the scheme is the realization of 20 sustainability projects created by students in the coming five years at the new location of Blueprint.” In the meantime, the Blueprint foundation is looking for eager students to come and support the diverse sustainable initiatives it houses, as well as initiators for new sustainability projects and enthusiastic people to help them realize their headquarters. So why don’t you join them and fill in some leftover ECT’s… (AG, PS) INFO: NIEUWS 3 VIRTUALOCK FOR STUDENTS FINALLY HERE WITH A THEFT OF A LAPTOP, A THIEF STEALS MORE THAN JUST AN EXPENSIVE PIECE OF GADGETRY. OFTEN, THE DATA CONTAINED ON THE LAPTOP IS JUST AS IMPORTANT FOR A PERSON’S LIFE AS THE COMPUTER ITSELF. NOW THERE IS SOMETHING THAT COULD MAKE THIEVES’ LIVES HARDER. BK CITY – B Nieuws already reported on 22 March 2010 about a worrying occurrence at our faculty, namely theft of all sorts, including laptops and other related gadgets (such as portable hard drives). Now, a computer programme, Virtualock, can be added to the number of anti-thieving measures implemented at the faculty. The people behind Virtualock are two graduates of Mechanical Engineering at TU Delft. “There are already two faculties at the TU Delft using the software, but this is the first time that Virtualock is available for students” says Sander Schutte, one of the inventors of Virtalock. “When your computer is locked, either manually or automatically (for example by screensaver), Virtualock starts monitoring the laptop and all connected cables and USB-sticks. If any of these is removed, the programme sends an SMS to the owner, as well as sounding an alarm and notifying other Virtualock users in the vicinity” Schutte explains about the working of the programme and assures that the Virtualock will put only minimal extra strain on the performance of the laptop itself or the wireless network. Remember, even though Virtualock is already available and, according to its creators already managed to make thieves run from the crime scene without the laptop, it is still important to use common sense. Never leave your precious personal belongings unattended, before or after Virtualock and regularly back up your files on an external location. (PS) INFO Virtualock can be downloaded on, as long as you are connected to the TU network or eduroam. PLOTTING & PRICING SINCE THE PRINT SHOP WAS SET UP IN JULIANALAAN IN DECEMBER OF 2008, ITS PRESENCE AND COMPARATIVELY LOW PRICES HAVE BEEN TAKEN FOR GRANTED BY THE STUDENT BODY. BUT WHAT DOES THE NEW PRICE RISE MEAN? BK CITY –“The fist company that set up a shop here, JB&A, went bankrupt shortly after [not because of their operation here-ed] and was taken over by Oldenhove” says Anne ter Haar, contract manager at Facility Management, “Oldenhove discovered that the previous company did not charge the Value Added Tax on top of their prices. They argued that they cannot remain profitable at the faculty if the prices stay the same.” Indeed, the prices at the faculty are very competitive, especially when compared to the purely commercial ventures in other parts of the town. “The faculty wishes to keep this service open to their students,” continues Ter Haar “therefore we agreed with Oldenhove’s point of view. But we did see that there could be improvements made in the quality Prices before 1 December 2010 Prices after 1 December 2010 € 10,88 € 5,44 € 2,72 € 12,95 € 6,47 € 3,24 COLOUR GLOSSY A0 A1 A2 € 22,00 € 11,00 € 6,00 € 26,18 € 13,09 € 7,14 BLACK AND WHITE A0 A1 A2 € 2,72 € 1,36 € 0,68 € 3,24 € 1,62 € 0,87 Poster type COLOUR A0 A1 A2 Comparison of prices at the print shop of service provided, and we insisted that the price rise should go hand in hand with better service.” The price rise for now is only the value of the tax that was not charged previously (see table). In addition, a new system of online ordering and paying before picking up the posters ensures that the print shop will get paid for the posters they print, even if the students do not pick them up, which apparently happens quite often. STYLOS and FSR also played an important part during the negotiations, representing the students, who would miss out if the print shop left the Faculty. “We had little choice: either prices go up, or the print shop leaves, “says Maarten van Zutphen of STYLOS. “We hope these steps will increase quality and new price rises can be avoided.” (PS) EDITORIAL Xmas? ‘Tis the season to be jolly. And stressed. As I am typing this, B Nieuws is already one day late on its way to the printer. Two of our beloved co-editors will leave us next month, and they will both be missed. But eventually, time will heal all wounds and all will be well. But this is not just stressful. It is also strangely exciting and exhilarating. The whole office, the student body and all the staff are all awaiting exciting times. Wytze Patijn is leaving with his head held high and the new dean, actually a very nice lady, who also seems to be very thoughtful (when was the last time you met one of those people?). Read all about it here. Also, the Executive Board has already promised 25 million to ‘pimp’ the faculty. What will it be? An underground extension? Closing the loops? Or will it yet again remain a paper project, like Building for Bouwkunde? Not that there’s anything wrong with projects that remain only on paper. Koen Kegel’s entry for the Spoorzone Competition was also never realized, yet lead him very close to a realization of a new dream, the Blueprint complex at the site of the old faculty. Did I say old faculty? Did I mention the fact that old professors of BK were mentioned on the “Sustainable 100”, a list compiled by a leading daily “Trouw”? Whatever happened to Anke van Hal, one of our current sustainable stars? She was mentioned last year, I’m pretty sure she did not get any less sustainable. Although commuting between Delft and Nyenrode is not good for your carbon footprint, I guess. And perhaps using old names on the list counts as recycling? Recycling or invention? Or re-invention? How does one reinvent the idea of a vertical city for Asia? And how do those cities look like? Sometimes they are in the movies. And the movies can even be used in people’s PhD thesis. See for yourself if you don’t believe me. And when it comes down to it, why are you reading my cynical remarks? Louche is way better for that!!! Above all, read this issue of B Nieuws and tell us what you think. tl;dr: send us your opinions Peter Smisek editor B Nieuws 4 NIEUWS B NIEUWS 06 13 DECEMBER 2010 VISITATIECOMMISSIE PRESENTEERT EERSTE BEVINDINGEN ONDERZOEK BOUWKUNDE VERTICAL CITY ASIA IN AN EFFORT TO DEAL WITH THE CURRENT PROBLEM OF RAPID URBANIZATION COUPLED WITH MASSIVE MIGRATION TO THE CITIES IN ASIA, A COMPETITION HAS BEEN ORGANIZED. IT’S GOAL IS TO GENERATE INTEREST IN THIS ONGOING ISSUE. BK CITY – Together with international universities such as Harvard (USA), ETH Zürich (CH), Tongji University, Shanghai (China), the Vertical City Asia Competition will take place in five successive years with the aim to search for multidisciplinary solutions. According to the competition brief, existing urban and architectural models no longer suffice as they have “devastating effects on land, infrastructure, and the environment.” What is needed are new models of urban architecture specifically tailored to Asian urban development. This search can be divided into two main directions. On the one hand, research and investigation into urban density, verticality, domesticity, work, food, infrastructure, nature, ecology, structure, and program. In other words, everything that an urbanite deals with on a daily basis. Secondly, an exploration of the quality of life, systems, programmes, paradigms and opportunities that people are confronted with and deal with in cities. Aspects to be researched are future design, urban density, physical and social sustainability, feasibility and so on. The Vertical City Asia is a competition organized by the School of Design and Environment of the National University of Singapore, financially supported by the World Future Foundation. Beijing is the first location that will be analyzed. Student participation is only in studios. These multidisciplinary studios are being offered to students as a graduation project. The participating studios can be found in three master tracks: Urbanism (studio Vertical City Asia), Architecture (Studio Materialization) and Real Estate & Housing (Studio Urban Development Area). Each participating school can nominate two competition entries. One teacher and two students will be invited to an award symposium in Singapore, where lectures will be given by the five members of the international jury "The and the ten selected international teachers. Each Faculty takes part in a year, the proceedings of the symposium will be ve ry interesting published, together with the twenty students’ international projects. Monetary prizes will be awarded for competition": the best plans in the amounts 5.000, 10.000 and Agnes Wijers 15.000 Singapore Dollar. (SS) National University of Singapore: IN B NIEUWS #03 WERD SAMEN MET FRANK VAN DER HOEVEN VOORUITGEBLIKT OP DE PUBLICATIE VAN HET VISITATIERAPPORT (ARCHITECTURE AND THE BUILT ENVIRONMENT – RESEARCH IN CONTEXT 2003-2009). INMIDDELS IS HET RAPPORT VERSPREID BINNEN DE FACULTEIT EN IS DE INTERNATIONALE VISITATIECOMMISSIE OP BEZOEK GEWEEST. BK CITY – Van der Hoeven is directeur onderzoek van de faculteit Bouwkunde en redacteur van het visitatierapport. Dit rapport is hét overzicht van het wetenschappelijk werk dat de faculteit verricht heeft van 2003 tot en met 2009. De commissie onder leiding van voorzitter Peter Russell (decaan van de Bouwkunde faculteit RWTH Aken) heeft het visitatierapport bij haar Visitatiecommissie 2010 bezoek als leidraad genomen. Tijdens de zogenaamde ‘sitevisit’ van 23 november heeft de commissie alle onderzoeksgroepen van de faculteit kritisch ondervraagd om zo een oordeel te vormen over de kwaliteit, kwantiteit, levensvatbaarheid en relevantie van het bouwkunde onderzoek. Een belangrijk moment voor de faculteit. “We zijn er nog niet,” antwoordt van der Hoeven op de vraag hoe hij de sitevisit heeft ervaren. “Maar ik ben erg enthousiast over de openheid van de betrokken mensen en groepen op de faculteit tijdens de sitevisit. Wat de commissie duidelijk heeft gemaakt, is dat er zaken beter moeten. Zoals altijd, maar de verbeterslag gaat lukken omdat de diagnose door de openheid door iedereen werd gedeeld.” Aan het eind van de sitevisit gaf de visitatiecommissie een korte presentatie van de eerste bevindingen. De commissie gaf echter nog geen eindcijfer. Dit eindcijfer wordt pas in mei 2012 gepresenteerd in een definitief oordeel over het onderzoek van bouwkunde. Bouwkunde kan echter nu al aan de slag met de eerste bevindingen van de commissie. Van der Hoeven: “De onderzoeksgroepen zijn op de goede weg, maar de meeste groepen worstelen vooral met het publiceren in internationale peer-reviewed journals. Bij Bouwkunde richten we ons nog vooral op het schrijven van boeken. Russell noemde dit bewonderenswaardig, maar bestempelde het tegelijkertijd als een valkuil omdat artikelen schrijven hét communicatiemiddel is in de wetenschappelijke wereld. Verder is het succesvol indienen van onderzoeksvoorstellen bij NWO een graadmeter voor wetenschappelijke excellentie, maar dit gaat nog niet goed genoeg. Daarnaast moet de balans in de gaten woorden gehouden tussen intern en extern onderzoek. Onderzoek met een externe opdrachtgever heeft vaak een korte looptijd en beperkt de mogelijkheid tot verdieping." Een absolute plus voor het onderzoek van Bouwkunde vond Russell The Why Factory en het Berlage instituut. Deze plekken voor experimenteel onderzoek heb je volgens hem als faculteit nodig en moet je koesteren. (SS) Presentatie visitatiecommissie: BK IN FOCUS 5 TOWARDS A NEW BOUWKUNDE BY MARCELLO SOELEMAN The Faculty building as it is now, isn’t very sustainable. There are no investments made in, for example, passive heating/cooling strategies or clever water management. CO2 emissions are sky-high. As a result, the annual energy bill also goes through the roof: to as much as € 680,000, to be roughly exact. To improve upon this situation, four architecture offices, in collaboration with climate advisors, were asked to come up with a plan to make the building more sustainable: BK City Slim. BK City Slim is set up as one of four projects of the TU Delft, aimed at investing in and improving on the building stock of the campus. The TU Executive Board has made € 25 million available for BK City Slim, which subsequently was the budget for the four contestants. B Nieuws presents a short overview of the four projects. The project panels are exhibited in the West wing, close to the office of FMVG – go take a look! LA ARCHITECTURE 2012 ARCHITECTEN / CLIMATE DESIGN CONSULT As those who are familiar with the design strategies of 2012 Architecten might know, the office makes use of discarded building materials in the surroundings of a building site. For the new BK City, the office uses (amongst other materials) aluminium from airplanes, wood from old reels and window sills from demolished buildings in the surroundings. A fan on top of the tower provides passive ventilation through the building, PV cells on the roof provide electricity and the tops of the roofs are used as water collectors to flush the toilets with. The window sills are used for façades, compartments and acoustic ceilings. DWA / DOEPEL STRIJKERS ARCHITECTS LA Architecture's concept is Load Balancing: a technique from computer technology in which work is divided between several computers, reducing processing time. The building is extended quite a bit and utilizes the extentions to generate passive heat and energy for the old building. The parking lot on the South side of the building is sunk 1 metre into the ground, above which a deck is placed on level with the ground floor. The extensions reduce the façade area with 67%, greatly reducing heat losses. The new interior spaces are used as study areas. The roofs above the new interior spaces are also accessible. Modest extensions characterizes this proposal. It makes most use of the space in the building, utilizing the attic and the basement as work and office spaces. The roof is covered in PV shingles, replacing the old shingles. The biggest intervention is in front of the main entrance, where a raised deck (on level with the ground floor) is situated. Underneath this deck, several basement areas are connected, while there is also space for bicycle parking. To provide natural lighting in the basement floors, the ground adjacent to the building is dug out, creating a slope along the perimetre of the building. EXCEPT The most ‘biological’ of the proposals, Except stresses the importance of integrating nature into the building, both for the climatic performances it generates and for the mood and health of the occupants. The biggest expantion is situated on the west side of the building, where a greenhouse supports both the natural systems and the building itself. New PV technology, where linear PV cells replace the conventional panels, allow for natural light to enter the greenhouse. Several lightweight ‘pods’ in the greenhouse provide working space and most other extentions are situated inside the building. Of these four plans, a winner will be elected. On 15 December, the selection committee will meet again, after which a final announcement date will be revealed. A refurbishment will then be under way, towards a new Faculty of Architecture. THE SELECTION COMMITTEE Wytze Patijn (chairman of the committee and dean of BK) Paul Rullmann (on behalf of the TU Delft Executive Board) Andy van den Dobbelsteen (professor Climate Design, BK) Anke van Hal (professor Sustainable Transformation, BK) Michiel Haas (professor Materials & Sustainability, CiTG) Job Roos (coordinating architect BK City) Chris Dieke (building supervisor and monuments, municipality of Delft) CONSTRUCTION AT THE TU DELFT CAMPUS BK City Slim is one of four projects to improve the campus building stock. The other projects are: - new estate for the Faculty of Applied Sciences - the TU Library Learning Centre - refurbishment of the Faculty of Civil Engineering 6 6 INTERVIEW B NIEUWS 06 13 DECEMBER 2010 on the Julianalaan. A new dynamic has emerged in the city. The municipality of Delft together with the TU wants to develop a master plan for this area. The plan is called Technical Innovation Campus or TIC and encompasses a combination of work, living and scientific education and research in this entire area. I will be supervising this process though other parties will actually be making the master plan. WYTZE’S SWAN SONG CURRENT DEAN WYTZE PATIJN IS PREPARING FOR THE TRANSFER OF RESPONSIBILITIES TO HIS SUCCESSOR KARIN LAGLAS AND THE SWITCH TO THE NEW TU ‘SUPERVISOR CAMPUS’. B NIEUWS WENT BY TO TALK ABOUT THE CHANGES. BY ANNA GHIJS internally oriented.” January 1st, the day that the transfer of responsibilities occurs, is approaching fast and B Nieuws wanted to take the opportunity to ask the dean about his views on the current state of affairs at the faculty, future developments as well as take a look back at his years at the faculty. At a time that so many decisions have to be made, how will the transfer of responsibilities take place? Patijn: “In a practical way. Karin Laglas will start as of January 1st. In December a number of meetings have been scheduled to discuss the transfer. Aside from that we are preparing an extensive dossier which will be given to Karin.” Any vacation plans as of January 1st? “I’ll be taking a break, but just for a week.” Patijn has been offered a new role at the TU, that of campus supervisor: “The original idea to concentrate the TU in the Mekelweg area, towards the Wippolder has now changed fundamentally due to the fire and the positioning of the new faculty The first question posed to Patijn was retrospective: how would he want to be remembered as dean of the faculty? “I want to be remembered as someone who brought a certain dynamic to the faculty. That was the assignment I was given when I started. The faculty needed to become more lively, the windows needed to be thrown open. The faculty was too As the new dean, Karin Laglas will be inheriting quite a few issues at the faculty, which ones will deserve the most attention when she takes the helm? Patijn: “The budget cuts are the biggest issue. This is not just a question of a substantial decrease in funds but also a reorientation of the faculty in the profession. What does the faculty stand for? What are we going to do and not do? This is important as the faculty holds an important position in Western Europe and is internationally renowned. We are not just a design school but also have important Real Estate and Housing and Building Technology departments.” When asked about the Landscape architecture track which must still gain momentum and the Interior track which is still to be introduced, he offers puts these new tracks into perspective by offering his vision on the current state of the profession: “The position of designers in society is changing. A reorientation is necessary according to the different specialisations in the design world taking into account societal developments. This is another important point for the new dean.” A sort of fundamental shift in the profession? “More of an extension of the existing pallet but also a more integrated approach. You see that the design disciplines are overlapping more and more. The faculty will have to reorientate itself to this development.” Concerning the position of research at the faculty, a new research institute will be set up with the temporary title the Institute for History, Theory and Criticism. This has to do with the special expertise at the faculty in these subject areas which is unique in the world. Patijn: “The trick is to be able to develop a number of ‘pearls’ at the faculty while still cutting back in general.” The dean had two other issues that he wanted to mention. Firstly, the faculty building must become more energy-efficient and thus more sustainable. Patijn: “The proposals for this are outlined in BK City Slim plan. As a university that considers sustainability an important issue you can’t drop the ball on this even though it will cost quite a lot of money. The funds will be provided by the Executive Board of the TU by the way, the faculty budget will not be used for building improvements.” Secondly, improvements to the curriculum are an important issue. In 2012 an educational visitation committee will come for an official review. The last one was in 2006. Patijn: “At that time there was criticism concerning the clarity of the curriculum, the way in which work was graded and the fragmentation of the educational program. Four years ago we began to restructure the Bachelor in response to this criticism.” Improvements to and restructuring of the masters program will be discussed during the education conference that will take place on Dec. 15th at the faculty. Patijn: “We won’t reach the finishing line on that race before Christmas. That is an issue that will continue to require attention in 2011.” In conclusion, the dean wished to add: “You asked me before what I wanted to be remembered for. I would like to add that I am proud of the sturdy Bachelor program that we have now. It’s still a work in progress but we’ve come a long way with it since we started. Four years ago it was in disarray.” Additionally, Patijn considers the new wave of scientific staff he introduced at the faculty noteworthy. “I wanted to make a concerted effort when I came here to hire professors and staff that play an important role in the practice of the profession, in society. I think that it is essential to bring such key players to the university for education and research. That was my goal, as I felt the link to the outside was missing at the faculty. That is what I meant before about ‘opening the windows’ at the faculty, and reorienting the the view to outside the faculty.” 7 summer I was asked whether I would consider applying for the vacancy as the dean of this faculty. And that’s when it came together: my experience with the built environment, my education in Delft as a civil engineer, and my work at the BNA”. There is a certain amount of chance, determination and ambition involved in her career; an intuitive approach at finding the right direction and up until now it seems to have worked. INTRODUCING KARIN LAGLAS AS OF THE JANUARY 1ST, THE FACULTY OFFICIALLY HAS A NEW DEAN: KARIN LAGLAS. B NIEUWS SAT DOWN FOR A TALK WITH THE TU’S FIRST FEMALE HEAD OF SCHOOL. BY PETER SMISEK At the beginning of the conversation Karin Laglas wanted to make one thing clear: “I won't be able to give you a detailed plan of what I will do, I need more information and time to form an opinion about all the different issues”. Our questions were therefore geared towards getting to know her better. Refreshingly, for an upcoming dean of faculty of Architecture, Karin Laglas does not have a purely architectural background. She did consider studying architecture, but ultimately chose civil engineering, due to her love of Mathematics. “Although during my studies I also had strong interest in design and followed many classes at the Faculty of Architecture, it was very easy to do so back then. I was also active in extra-curricular activities; I was one of the student members in the equivalent of today’s Management Team at my faculty. I realized that I liked working in teams, and that is what motivated me in choosing my career after graduation” she concludes. In search of this teamwork, Laglas took her first job as a building manager at Twynstra Gudde, where she acquainted herself with the management of building and design processes. The first and perhaps unconscious step toward the world of buildings and architecture. “After five years, I realized that I would like to stand on the other side of the playing field, as a client.” She did just that, working for the developer MAB Development. In addition, she lived and worked for a developer in France for two years after that. Since 1989 she held an executive position at Rodamco, and managed a large portfolio of mainly commercial buildings. “When you manage such an extensive portfolio of buildings and spaces, your work is embedded in society, you constantly strive to improve the buildings you manage”. In 2007 she joined the developer OVG, a young development firm with a strong sustainable agenda where she would head the new Urban Development Department. However the financial crisis hit and those plans were halted. “Then out of nowhere, the Royal Institute of Dutch Architects (BNA) called and asked me to be their interim director. They needed to take some tough managerial decisions and I was happy to fill the post. This Our future dean is therefore experienced in the field, despite not having studied architecture. She knows designers and clients. She has a technical background and is capable of making tough decisions. And above all, she is a manager able to work in very different contexts. What about academia? “In the end it always comes down to setting long-term goals that we want to reach. As for the differences between academia and business, I first need time to be in the middle of it all in order to understand it better.” Listening to all the different groups within the faculty should do the trick, and Laglas seems determined to do her job right. But she is no stranger here and had the opportunity to collaborate with the faculty in the previous years, either as a guest lecturer, but also as a sponsor (via OVG) for the High-Rise workshop. We are almost at the end of our talk when we turn to current events. As this interview is being recorded, thousands of students are protesting in the Hague against cabinet plans to scrap financial student support for master students and have students that study more than six years for their degree pay 3000 Euro extra per year. “This is one of those things in which my heart says that students must have the opportunity to do other things alongside their studies as I have also done myself, but I do not know enough to give a wellreasoned opinion. I also see the other side of the argument; you do not want a student to study forever.” We say our goodbies with a promise of a more in depth interview in the future. After all, getting to know the faculty needs time... 8 BK IN FOCUS B NIEUWS 06 13 DECEMBER 2010 BK IN DE MEDIA DE DUURZAME 100 VAN TROUW VOOR DE TWEEDE KEER PUBLICEERT DE WEBSITE VAN DAGBLAD TROUW DE ‘DUURZAME HONDERD’. IN DEZE TOP 100 STAAN DE HONDERD MEEST ACTIEVE, INVLOEDRIJKE EN INNOVATIEVE NEDERLANDERS VAN HET AFGELOPEN JAAR OP HET GEBIED VAN DUURZAAMHEID. OOK BOUWKUNDE IS VERTEGENWOORDIGD. DOOR MARCELLO SOELEMAN Dit jaar is het de eer aan twee oud-prominenten van Bouwkunde om in de ranglijst te worden opgenomen: emeritus hoogleraar Milieutechnisch Ontwerpen Jón Kristinsson op nummer 64 en emeritus hoogleraar Duurzaam Bouwen Kees Duijvestein op plek 83. De misschien wel beroemdste TU Delftenaar ooit staat op plek twee: Wubbo Ockels, vlak achter winnaar Herman Wijffels (CDA). Ook de architecten Thomas Rau (26) en Paul de Ruiter (73) bevolken de ranglijst. Met politici, wetenschappers, ondernemers, ingenieurs en bekende Nederlanders is de lijst een diverse verzameling personen. Een lastige klus dus om deze mensen te rangschikken. Hoogleraar Klimaatontwerp en Duurzaamheid bij Bouwkunde Andy van den Dobbelsteen had als lid van het panel ook zijn aandeel. “Er was een groslijst van meer dan 400 mensen. Ieder panellid kon uit deze lijst vijftien namen doorgeven, waarvan je van vijf kon aangeven dat die volgens jou zeker door moesten. Ik heb uiteraard voornamelijk mensen uit de bouw, techniek en wetenschap aangedragen.” Nadat ieder panellid zijn of haar nominaties had doorgegeven, ging Gerhard van de Bunt, universitair hoofddocent aan de faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen aan de VU Amsterdam, ermee aan de slag. Op basis van de meest genoemde namen voegde hij de namen van de panelleden samen tot de definitieve top 100. Vervolgens gaven de panelleden, op basis van een aantal criteria, rapportcijfers aan deze 100, waarna de definitieve ranglijst werd bepaald. En Herman Wijffels rolde dus als winnaar uit de bus. De CDA-er, vorig jaar nog tweede, lost Pieter Winsemius (VVD) af, die dit jaar is gezakt naar de DE DUURZAME 100 Klassering Naam Klassering vorig jaar Functie Geboortejaar Geslacht 1 Herman Wijffels 1 Oud-Rabobank 1942 m 2 Wubbo Ockels 8 Hoogleraar duurzame technologie TU Delft 1946 m 3 Pieter Winsemius 1 VVD-coryfee 1942 m 4 Peter Blom 4 Directeur Triodos Bank 1956 m 5 Ruud Koornstra 12 Oprichter Tendris 1964 m 6 Maurits Groen 18 Communicatie-adviseur 1953 m 7 Femke Halsema 13 Fractievoorzitter GroenLinks 1966 v 8 Peter Bakker 6 Topman TNT 1961 m 9 Marjan Minnesma 71 Directeur Urgenda 1966 v 10 Anne-Marie Rakhorst 62 Directeur Search 1967 v 11 Wouter Dieren van 9 Adviseur IMSA 1941 m 12 Yvo Boer de NW Adviseur KPMG 1954 m 13 Louise Fresco 5 Hoogleraar duurzame ontwikkeling 1952 v 14 Matthijs Bierman 40 Directeur Triodos Bank 1965 m 15 Jeroen Haas de 28 Voorzitter Eneco 1959 m 16 Teun Keuken van de 36 Programmamaker 1971 m 17 Jan Rotmans 23 Hoogleraar transitiemanagment 1961 m 18 Cees Veerman NW CDA-coryfee 1949 m 19 Feike Sijbesma NW Topman DSM 1959 m 20 Hans Wijers 14 Topman Akzo Nobel 1951 m 21 Ruud Lubbers 49 Oud-premier 1939 m 22 Kees Vendrik NW Ex-Tweedekamerlid GroenLinks 1963 m 23 Jeroen Jansen 46 Directeur ASN Bank 1962 m 24 Nico Roozen 10 Directeur Solidaridad 1953 m 25 Diederik Samsom 7 Tweedekamerlid PvdA 1971 m 26 Thomas Rau 48 Architect 1950 m 27 Klaas Egmond van 11 Hoogleraar milieukunde Universiteit van Utrecht 1946 m 28 Willem Lageweg 53 Directeur MVO Nederland 1951 m 29 Anna Chojnacka NW Oprichtster 1%Club 1979 v 30 Coen Oostrom van 30 Projectontwikkelaar OVG 1970 m 31 Ad Wijk van 3 Oprichter Econcern 1956 m 32 Alexander Rinnooy Kan 19 Voorzitter Ser 1949 m 33 Wijnand Duyvendak 74 Oud- Tweede Kamerlid GroenLinks 1957 m 34 Jan Juffermans 80 Medewerker van De Kleine Aarde 1945 m 35 Rob Hattum van 65 Programmamaker 1955 m 36 Liesbeth Tongeren van 64 Tweede Kamerlid GroenLinks 1958 v 37 Jacqueline Cramer 35 Oud-minister Vrom 1951 v 38 Pier Vellinga 17 Hoogleraar klimaatverandering 1950 m 39 Marianne Thieme NW Fractievoorzitter Partij voor de Dieren 1972 v 40 Rob Rees van 47 Directeur Greenchoice 1966 m 41 Dick Boer NW Topman Ahold 1957 m 42 Quirijn Bolle 58 Oprichter Marqt 1975 m 43 Bert Koenders 16 Oud-minister 1958 m 44 Prins Willem-Alexander 37 Kroonprins 1967 m 45 Jan Jonker NW Uhd Radboud Universiteit 1954 m 46 Irene Lippe-Biesterfeld van NW Prinses 1939 v 47 Farah Karimi NW Directeur Oxfam Novib 1960 v 48 Jan Borghuis 44 Oprichter Greenwheels 1968 m 49 Johan Gronden van de 56 Directeur Wereld Natuurfonds 1963 m 50 Eelco Fortuijn 31 Oprichter Fairfood 1970 m derde plek. Van den Dobbelsteen: “Ik denk niet dat Wijffels bij mij het hoogste scoorde, ik vermoed dat Wubbo Ockels dat is geweest. Wijffels is invloedrijk, heeft charisma en een groot netwerk, maar hij heeft in mijn ogen nog niet veel concreets gerealiseerd.” Hoewel de nominaties van Kees Duijvestein en Jón Kristinsson uiteraard eervol zijn, is het wel vreemd dat Bouwkunde alleen met emeritus hoogleraren vertegenwoordigd is. Dit terwijl enkele huidige duurzaamheidsgoeroe's op de faculteit erbuiten zijn gehouden. Anke van Hal bijvoorbeeld. Van den Dobbelsteen: “Anke van Hal was waarschijnlijk teveel achter de 51 Ruud Sondag NW Topman Van Gansewinkel 1962 m 52 Boudewijn Poelmann NW Oprichter Nationale Postcode Loterij 1949 m 53 Volkert Engelsman 24 Directeur EOSTA 1957 m 54 John Halmans 50 Directeur Gulpener 1953 m 55 Meiny Prins NW Directeur Priva 1962 v 56 Jacques Scheuten 70 Oprichter Scheuten glas en solar 1949 m 57 Arnold Heertje 91 Econoom 1934 m 58 Jaap Dirkmaat 75 Directeur Nederlandse Vereniging Natuurlandschap 1958 m 59 Marcel Schuttelaar 54 Directeur Schuttelaar en Partners 1953 m 60 Wouter Klootwijk NW Journalist 1945 m 61 Ewoud Goudswaard 60 Directeur ASN Bank 1958 m 62 Marleen Janssen-Groesbeek 72 Adviseur Eumedion 1963 v 63 Nicolette Mak 82 Oprichter Valid Express 1972 v 64 Jón Kristinsson NW Architect en Emeritus hoogleraar Milieutechnisch Ontwerpen TU Delft 1936 m 65 Bart Olphen van 84 Oprichter Fishes 1970 m 66 Marcel Brenninkmeijer 69 Voorzitter Good Energies 1958 m 67 Willem Vermeend 61 Oud-minister 1948 m 68 Peter d'Angremond NW Directeur Max Havelaar 1965 m 69 Gemma Crijns 93 Adviseur MVO 1949 v 70 Paul Polman NW Topman Unilever 1956 m 71 Jan Kees Vis NW Directeur duurzaamheid Unilever 1955 m 72 Marlon Huysmans NW Directeur duurzaamheid OVG Projectontwikkeling 1977 v 73 Paul de Ruiter NW Architect 1962 m 74 Ernst Ligteringen NW Directeur Global Reporting Initiative 1955 m 75 Carin Hage, ten NW Directeur Planet Me (TNT) 1978 v 76 Willem Ferwerda 92 Directeur IUCN Nederland 1959 m 77 Christien Absil 39 Oprichter Stichting Noordzee 1963 v 78 Hans Alders 34 Voorzitter Energiened 1952 m 79 Marjan Sax NW Oprichtster Mama Cash 1947 v 80 Mirjam Rijk de 33 Wethouder GroenLinks 1962 v 81 Teun Bokhoven NW Oprichter Holland Solar 1955 m 82 Joris Luyendijk NW Journalist 1971 m 83 Kees Duijvestein NW Emiritus-hoogleraar Milieutechnisch ontwerpen TU Delft 1943 m 84 Roger Boxtel van NW Voorzitter Groene Zaak 1954 m 85 Aart Veller van NW Oprichter Wij zijn Koel 1985 m 86 Gemma Boetekees 73 Bossenspecialist Icco 1955 v 87 Dolf Jansen NW Cabaretier 1963 m 88 Niels Korhals Altes NW Bedenker Greenseats 1972 m 89 Johan Frijns NW Oprichter BankTrack 1965 m 90 Igor Kluin NW Oprichter Qurrent 1973 m 91 Han Brezet NW Hoogleraar duurzaam ontwerpen Delft 1951 m 92 Niels Oskam NW Oprichter Rank a Brand 1976 m 93 Hans Vlist van der 22 Secretaris-Generaal milieu 1947 m 94 Jules Kortenhorst NW Voorzitter European Climate Foundation 1961 m 95 Teresa Fogelberg 95 Directeur Global Reporting Initiative 1956 v 96 Camiel Derichs NW Europees manager MSC 1977 m 97 Piet Hein Eek NW Meubelmaker 1967 m 98 Gerrit Werven van NW Directeur Energy Valley 1954 m 99 Floortje Dessing NW Programmamaker 1970 v 100 Jort Kelder NW Programmamaker 1964 m schermen bezig om echt opgemerkt te worden voor de lijst. Maar Paul de Ruiter, Thomas Rau, Marlon Huysmans en Anne-Marie Rakhorst staan er wel in en die zijn voor mij het exponent van de nieuwe generatie. Over Kristinsson en Duijvestein: voor architecten die bij veel journalisten, economen en politici nauwelijks bekend zijn (schande!), staan ze op een mooie plek, denk ik. Maar eigenlijk horen ze - zeker wat betreft hun kennis en daadkracht (gerealiseerde duurzame projecten) - een stuk hoger dan andere namen die toevallig bekender zijn van TV...” Waarom maakt Trouw eigenlijk een lijst van de honderd ‘meest TROUW’S DUURZAME HONDERD Alles over de Duurzame 100: duurzame mensen van Nederland?’ De website heeft het volgende te melden over de opzet en de doelstelling van de ranglijst: de Duurzame 100 bestaat uit “(h)onderd mensen met uiteenlopende achtergronden, die gemeen hebben dat ze zich niet laten ontmoedigen door onheilstijdingen over klimaatverandering, ontbossing en overbevolking. Ze kennen de feiten, maar zijn desondanks optmistisch, toekomst gericht, soms zelfs visionair. Ze weten waar ze mee bezig zijn en ze weten waar ze het voor doen.” Op deze manier geeft de website een gezicht aan het veelbesproken begrip duurzaamheid. Een gezicht van doeners, die “met hun wortels stevig in de samenleving” staan. Aldus innovatieve afvalverwerker Ruud Sondag (plaats 51): “Je moet niet met het vingertje wijzen, maar het zelf gewoon gaan doen.” PROJECT 12 THE URBAN SPACE IN THE CITY SYMPHONIES OF THE 1920'S. FOUND AND IMAGINED SPACE IN LITERATURE, PHOTOGRAPHY AND FILM THE CITY AND ITS ARTISTIC PRESENTATION ENGRAVE AND INFLUENCE OUR DAILY LIFE. THEIR VISUAL PICTURES ARISE IN A TIME WHEN THE CITY BEGINS TO DEVELOP AND UNFOLD ITSELF AS A COMPLEX AND DYNAMIC ORGANISATION SYSTEM. BY CHRIS DÄHNE It is the city itself whose components encourage the arts to conquer new spaces and develop a new space awareness. With aesthetics and poetry of everyday pictures, the city symphonies of New York-Manhattan, Paris, Berlin, Moskau, Amsterdam, Tõkyõ and PhD São Paulo succeed at the beginning of the 20th century in defense transporting into imagined worlds which present a vision 13 December of the found urban spaces. Still in the 21st century the city 2010 12:30 PM location: Aula TU symphony is a readily used instrument for the cinematographic presentation of metropolises, the self-discovery of Delft the mass society and its appreciation. But –speculated – the film directs back from the imagined world to the existing reality. These pictures focus on the special realitionship the human being has to its environment in order to increase the participation in real life. 1st PhD supervisor: Prof.dr. F. Bollerey PhD committee: Rector Magnificus - Technische Universiteit Delft, PhD supervisor Prof.dr. F. Bollerey - Technische Universiteit Delft Prof.dr. A. Graafland - Technische Universiteit Delft Dr. Ch. Grafe - Technische Universiteit Delft Prof.dr. L. Engell - Bauhaus-Universität Weimar Prof.dr. G. Zimmermann - Bauhaus-Universität Weimar Prof.dr. R. Prange - Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität Frankfurt a.M. Dr. H. Svenshon - Technische Universität Darmstadt Prof.dr. M.C. Kuipers - Technische Universiteit Delft, reservelid Film stills of international cities, from top to bottom: Berlin, Paris, Amsterdam, Moscow, Manhattan, Tokyo This modern development process goes along with the cinematography and its visionary illustrating pictures. They emerge from the networking and synergy between the „material“ which is provided by the urban space found and the corresponding „media“ which is used for its presentation. The film configures the perception of the daily life considering aesthetic aspects, technical and optical principles as well rhythm and montage. In the nineteen-twenties a special form of expression arises from it: the city symphony. It portrays the routine of the day of a metropolis which presents itself in time and place in front of the setting of architecture and urban development. The visual material of the city is transferred to a musical score according to formal and syntactic principles in the associated sequence of the tempo and dynamic of the city. As a visual symphony it provides a modern, contemporary presentation to the city. It points less at the architectural constructions of space but reflects the heterogeneous and manifolded patterns of movement. These patterns intend an innovative-visonary presentation and propagation of the city. 10 FORUM COLUMN Plan Liberaçion Ik hoop dat je me hebt zien hangen. En ik hoop nog meer dat het bij je is gebleven. Ik ga daar echter niet van uit. B NIEUWS 06 13 DECEMBER 2010 @ Deep-rooted sentiments? Interesting views? Use forum as your discussion platform! Send your articles and letters to Texts may be edited for length or clarity. Als ik bezig ben met het maken en verspreiden van deze posters, vraag ik mezelf: waarom doe ik dit? Is het niet heel lastig: voor mensen die helemaal niet zitten te wachten op mijn meningen en vondsten; voor de schoonmakers en het facultair management; voor de mensen met serieuze posters met advertenties en bekendmakingen... Wat bezielt me om die plekken, overal maar voornamelijk buiten de daarvoor bestemde plekken, te bezetten met blaadjes papier? Wie denk ik wel dat ik ben? Maar de tegenovergestelde vraag is minstens net zo interessant: waarom doen niet meer mensen dit? Creatieve opleiding. Allemaal architecten, urbanisten, bouwtechnici, real estaters, die boeken hebben gelezen of anderzijds ervaring hebben opgedaan binnen dit “wonderlijke” en veelkleurige vakgebied. En niemand heeft iets waardevols te uiten? Geloof ik niet. Zijn we misschien bang om iets te vertellen? Om vreemde mensen lastig te vallen met onze gedachten? Is het Calvinistische terughoudendheid? Mijn posteracties zijn in de eerste plaats een poging dat te doorbreken, maar ook een experiment. Ik tracht een boodschap te brengen, luchtig, maar toch, aanwezig, in dit vreemde landschap van stilte. De stilte wordt slechts doorbroken door berichten van functionele waarde. Ga hier heen. Werk bij ons. Doe dit. Mijn posters passen daar niet tussen. Daarom hang ik nu weer op de muren. Op rare plaatsen. Doe er mee wat je wilt. Liefs, Louche ERRATUM Omdat in de vorige editie de laatste paar regels van de column van Robert Nottrot weg waren gevallen, zijn deze regels hieronder alsnog geplaatst. Je door het glazen plafond wilt Je het faculteitsgebouw zo gezellig vond tijdens de open dagen Robert Nottrot Delft, 8 november 2010 “...en dit is dan onze hoofdstraat!” by Henning Janssen STREETS OF BK CITY 11 EVERY EDITION WE ASK ONE QUESTION TO PEOPLE WE MEET IN THE CORRIDORS OF BK CITY. THIS TIME, WE ASKED MANY MORE PEOPLE THAN USUAL. WE MADE A TAG CLOUD OF THE MOST USED WORDS USED TO ANSWER THE QUESTION: WHAT ARE YOUR WISHES AND EXPECTATIONS FOR 2011? JUST GO ON MORE WORK SPACE NEW DEAN FINISH BETTER TEACHERS DECLINE INDESEM '11 MORE FREE TIME BACHELOR DIPLOMA PHD A NEW JOB SLEEP INDESEM '11 BETTER CANTEEN GRADUATE BETTER INTERNET MORE FREE TIME BUDGET CUTS FOREIGN EXCHANGE BETTER ORGANISATION LONGER OPENING TIMES Image: Eustaquio Santimano, COLOFON B Nieuws is a monthly periodical of the Faculty of Architecture, TU Delft. 0031 (0) 6 347 443 25 Editorial Advice Board Marten Dashorst Ania Molenda Robert Nottrot Linda de Vos Faculty of Architecture, BK City, Delft University of Technology Julianalaan 134, 2628 BL Delft room BG.Midden.140 Editorial Board Anna Ghijs Anne de Haij Simon Schepens Peter Smisek Marcello Soeleman Cover illustration Invitation for the End of Year Drinks by Martine Duyvis Print Drukkerij Tan Heck, Delft Contributors Wytze Patijn STYLOS Henning Janssen Louche *.eps or *.jpg format, min 300 dpi Unsollicited articles can have a maximum of 500 words, announcements 50 words. Next deadline The editorial board has the Wednesday January 05, 12.00 right to shorten and edit PM articles, or to refuse articles B Nieuws 7, 17 January 2010 that have an insinuating, discriminatory of vindicatory Illustrations only in *.tif, character of contain unnecessary coarse language. The editorial board informs the author(s) concerning the reason for its deciscion, directly after it has been made. AGENDA B NIEUWS 06 13 DECEMBER 2010 WEEK 50 Thesis defence PhD Defence Ir. C. Dähne 13.12.2010 Promotor Prof. dr. F. Bollerey. The title of here thesis is ‘Vorgefundene und Imaginierte Welten im Film (und anverwandten künsten Literatur und Photographie) Der urbane Raum in den Stadtsinfonien der 1920er Jahre.’ Aula, TU Delft / 12:30 / €0 Lecture SPOTLIGHT! Lecture by Ana Rocha 14.12.2010 ARCAM gives the stage to the Portuguese architect and guest teacher at our faculty Ana Rocha. De Brakke Grond / Amsterdam / 20:15 / €10 for students €7,50 Evening of lights The annual Lichtjesavond (evening of light) in the historical Delft city centre will take place on Tuesday 14 December. From 4 PM, the city centre of Delft will be transformed into a Christmas wonderland. Lecture Technological Complexity : Society and Nature by other means Come and enjoy warm chocolate milk, 'olliebollen', mulled wine and pea soup. There will also be Christmas market, traditional live music and a skating rink. At 7 PM, the mayor of Delft will light up the 18m tall Christmas tree on the Markt. 14.12.2010 In the series of talks and discussions of Technological Complexity it's Stephen Read's and Peter Paul Verbeek's turn to give a lecture. Zaal B / TBM / 16:00 - 18:00 / €0 During “Lichtjesavond”, several of the city’s landmarks are open to visitors. For more information go to Workshop 14.12.2010 / Centre of Delft / 16:00 - 22.00 / €0 ‘Automaticarchitecture’ 15.12.2010 - 17.12.2010 3-days workshop for real estate principals, architects and students in order to show the use of computational design for architectural development. Enrolment is closed. BK City / 9:00 - 17:00 / €75 Conferentie Onderwijsconferentie Bouwkunde 15.12.2010 The Faculty of Architecture organize an education conference as part of the redefinition project. BK City / €0 Lecture How do you Landscape? 16.12.2010 On December 16 landscape architects Berno Strootman en Joaõ Gomes da Silva are to give a lecture on the role of ‘landscape’ in their work. 01.West.550 / BK City / 16:00 €0 WEEK 51 WEEK 52 Holiday Holiday End-of-years Drinks Kerstvakantie / Christmas Holiday 16.12.2010 Bouwpub, Stylos and the Faculty give a drink for every one of the faculty. Be there! Bouwpub / BK City / 16:00 / €0 20.12.2010 - 26.12.2010 Special openings hours from 20 t/m 23 December: 7.00u - 8.00u. And Friday 24 December (Christmas Eve): 7.00u - 16.00u 27.12.2010 - 02.01.2011 Special openings hours from 27 t/m 30 December: 07.00 – 18.00u And Friday 31 December (New Year's Eve): 7.00u - 16.00u Drinks Kerstvakantie / Christmas Holiday TENTOONSTELLINGEN 'Rietvelds Universum' Stedelijk museum Utrecht / tot 30 januari 2011 /
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