1931 The Messenger Beth Sarim


1931 The Messenger Beth Sarim
Page 6
Beth -Sarim -Much Talked About House in San Diego
The House of
the Princes
Somebody Paid a Hundred Thousand
Dollars for Advertising the Resurrecticn of the Old Testament
Saints. But Not Us.
Come Again, Reporters
"Ail nicn have not fnith," and there is
no use in exgcctini: nlun to cxercise faith
when they (lo not h a r e it. A t the present
time there is oo!y a 11:1ndPul o f people
in the \vurltl \vl~orrnlly know that the
Bible is t l ~ c Word of Coil. Since the
Bible is tlie \\"ol.d of Ood, thcn we may
depend up011 it 1il:tt it mns especially
written for us \vha arc living just now,
when S:~tan's organization is slipping
down into tlic abyss froni which i t will
. -. ...
God has a p?ople ill the earth a t this
tinie. Thcsc people ;ire his peoplc, and
not the Derii's neonle. Thev
- like
other men: but ilwb itre not the same.
They a r e h.,nfernerl I n what they do by
the Word of C:od. Tlieir desire to do
Gorl's will as thcy find it reeorded in his
Word is the all-consuming p:tssion of
their lives; it mcnns n ~ o mto tl~enlthan
all else in the morl.1 nut toeetller.
We knoiv \r,13o t h ~ ' ~ ~ e u OO:I
~ ~ ~are.
d ' ~ ~ f
They are, co!lcctively. God's "faithful
and wise sct.vant" in the earth a t this
time. Collectively this "scl.vant" goes
to make up the \Vatch Tower Bib? 6:
T r a c t Societv. Thcre is no other servant."
~ o d does
nut have fifty-seven
o r even two different ways of doing his
work in such a n hour a s this.
A View of the Pront and East Side.
I t is the positive conviction of the "servant" t h a t the Watch Tower Bible &
-.act Society is being use3 an11 will be
used by the Lord to proclaim Cod's name
and Word and his .iudrntznts in the earth
and tn help God's pcuple, both those tuho
a r e free and those who a r e in the Devil's
cages, to grasp the blessings and t o see
the duties and privileges of t h e hour.
J u d g e Rutherford, presiient of the
Watch Tower Saeietv. is one of the hardest-worked men in the world. Anybody
can be a Christian in peace-time, but
Judge Rutherford mas one of the wartime Christians; and, for daring so to
he, went to Atlanta Penitentiary under
four sentences of twenty years each.
What the Back and the West Side Look Like.
W h e n h e emerged he w a s in p w r physical condition, and even now has t h e use
of but one lung. Since his return from
Atlanta, prudence and good common sense
dictated that, working a s hard a s he constantly works, he should have the heneI r t 01 the most equable winter climate to
he found. It is a matter of common knowledge among meteorologists
D o You Think David Will Like It?
(weather experts) t h a t San Diego, California, is as near perfection f o r a winter climate as it is possible to get. About
a quarter of a mirlion people besides
meteorologists have matie the same disc o v < , ~ ay n d ma%e the city their winter
F o r years a f t e r he emerged from
prison, Judge Rutherford went to S a n
iliegn to work during the winter months,
renting surh quarters a s could be seeurecl. His physician, Dr. A. G. Eckols,
of S a n Dtego, urged hini t o make t h e
c ~ t yhis permanent winter home; and i n
t h e 1:ltter part of the year 1929 some
brethren, out of their own personal funds,
arranged for the ereetinn of Beth-Sarim,
"the house of th? princes," of which several illustrations appear in this issue.
Before .Ju(l~o Rutherford would accept an:l use the home, he insisted upon
writing the deed t h a t it sha:l forever be
held in t r u s t by t h e Watch Tower Bible
& T r a c t Society for the use of the Lord's
(Continsod on wge 8 )
LOOKS n e a s e a , u o e m t n e r
Just "Finished" the N e w Reporters
Page 8
i Bedroom, and the Famous Nightcap Which Sa Amused the Newspaper Men.
,doubt be awakened from the sleep of
(Co,ztinrrrd f r o m pngc 0 )
Whatever the motive of the newspaper
work in the earth. with t h e expectation men, their action resulted in giving free
t h a t in due time Abraham, Melchlsedec ~ o r l d - w i d epublicity t o a Bible truth, t h e
Joseph, hloses, .Joshua, David, Isaiah ot resurrection on earth of the faithful
some others of tlie patriarchs or pfoph- Old Testament saints, publicity such a s
ets of olden tinlcs xvill appear and will k
t w o d d have cast t h e Soeletv thousands
glad to usc this home which has been / and thousands of dollars.
prepared for nne o r more of them in the ; Another feature, a n ominous one for
western cdgc of thc new world.
those caught i n Satan's toils, is t h a t t h e
The clinlato is the same a s that of "evil servant" class, instead of being
Palestine. Thc placc is planted with, glad to see the preparation for and the
date a n d pnl~ntrees, such a s would be use of adequate equipment for doing the
familiar ;t!ld plensing sights to these, lord's p o r k , seem to have the spirit of
men. On the part o f .ludgc i l u t l ~ e r f o r dJudas
when he said, "Why was not this
t h e dctlirntian o f this home to God's: ointment sold and the proceeds given to
work and f o r the use o r these men w a s : t h e poor?"
a siaigie n e t of f n ~ t h . To n few news-' The record shows that Judas cared
a n w m s n t h i s orhihitinn of true f a i t h / nothine about the ooor.
What he reallv
in God anrl in his Word has seemed t o xvantez was to g6t his hands on t h a t
give occasion for a little display of semi-I money for himseif. And the reason he
mirthful incredulity; but for the most I wanted i t for himself was not so t h a t he
p a r t t h e newspapers have treated the could use i t to the glory of God. His
item with dignity, nnd the story of Beth- thought in the matter was wholly selfish,
Sarim has Eolle around the world, con- wholly indefensible. And the Judas
"eying to millions of people the thought 1 class a r e like Judas himself. They a r e all
t L q shortly David and others will no1 of the .same s t r i p e
w 9
T h e Outside Stairs from the Patio t o the Sun Parlor.
Page 8
The Innocent Cause of Many
Phone Calls to the "Messenger" Office
Princess Bonnie
. . . ..
. . ..,
. .
., .
. .., . % b . C i . ' . 4 . .
Here's T h a t Celebrated Miniamre Lake. T h e Newspaper Accounts L e d People t o
Believe I t W a s Several Acres in Extent. T w o No. 15's (If We Remember Correctly
His Size) Would Make Quite a Splash1
So many people have callcd u p Thc
8frrnrn.qcr officc a n 1 wantcd to know t h e
identity of the liltle g i r l who hnd t h e
privilege of interviewing Brother Rutherford. and h r she
~ came to hnvc -31-h
a privilcee, t h a t we give j u s t a little
How caulrl w e know, when we n u b
lisbed a picture of .Tulge Rutherford
tn'king t~ a littlr r i r l . t h a t i t w ~ KOs
inp to s t a r t a s n ~ ~ l l - s i r erevolution
the Nursr-y? And how could we know
'hat a whole battolion of mothers would
lie in wait f o r t h e {udge and t r y to
ambush him into talkine to their k'ddies. ton? I t is snmethinr he likes to do.
but he doesn't get much time f o r it.
Thcre is a particular reason why
Brother R u t h e r f o r l was t.glkinc to t h a t
"articular little g i r l
Flrrr a r e t h e
30, 1931
Page 2
1I;cir spar<, tirtw i n lhc v r v i c ? work in
and n l o u t S a n I ) i < ~ r o hoth
beinq fully
devoted to the Lqrrl. an.! thereforr
-~~~ aye
Jrhovah's witnesses. Thev hxvc two
children. a little girl now' nearly two
years old, a n d a little hoy abovt six
months. Reth-Sarim beinx "the house
of t h e orincas." and. a s v e confidentlv
expect, & be~&cupied m d used by soG
of t h e piinces in t h e earth, it seemed
quite appropriate t h a t these children
who a r e growing un there should be
named in harmony with these scriptures.
Hence the little pirl i s nsmed Princess
Bonnie Bslko, a n d the l ~ t t l ehov Prince
,Joseph Barak Ralko. We know f r o m t h e
srriptol-rs t h a t both Joseph nnd n a r n k
will br a m o n r t h e nrinces.. a n d- since
there a r e solie wom'en also ntentioned
ntnat,gst thcse faithful ones it is hoped
that thcse two little anvs m a y g r o w
ujr a t Beth-Snrinl t o he with t h e
rulrrs of thv r:rrth and live fnrcver t o
:he ,clorv o f Jehovah's m m e . They have
hren told, i n so f a r a s t h r v ran understalld, t h a t they ,n?y expect these noble
mt.n i t u i l . when they (lo ilppr;lr. tvl meet
p u t t h r m s d r c x ~.i>ml,ietely
them I
under their direction. I t mieht hr t h a t
this litt!c prince an I princess would be
~ t e n n p r a p h e r so r o E r c children 01. rlrl.ks
:,bout thc place. 01. pr1.fol.m scimc , ) t h c r
duty t h a t mill hi, nect.ssaty i n the Kingdom. Everything will then he dune
in order and there will be plenty for
every one to do. Liltie Princess aonnle
was listcnina to some kind words of
good cheer \\.hen the front-page picture
of out. issue o f .July 29 was taken.