RES224 Architecture des applications Internet
RES224 Architecture des applications Internet
RES224 Architecture des applications Internet Dario Rossi Version 19 Septembre 2014 Contents 1 Presentation de l’Unité d’enseignement 2 2 Cours magistraux (CM) 2.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.2 Les applications client-server . . . . . . . 2.3 Addressage: DNS et DHCP . . . . . . . . 2.4 Accès aux données: HTTP et FTP . . . . 2.5 eMail: SMTP POP et IMAP . . . . . . . 2.6 Les applications P2P: Introduction et DHT 2.7 Echange de données en P2P: BitTorrent . 2.8 Multimedia et VoIP en P2P: Skype . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 12 39 58 88 111 133 155 180 3 Travaux dirigés (TD) 204 3.1 Enoncé . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 205 3.2 Correction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 217 4 Travaux pratiques (TP) 232 4.1 Enoncé . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 233 5 Lectures obligatoires (LO) 5.1 SPDY (Google whitepaper) . . 5.2 SPDY (CACM’12) . . . . . . . 5.3 SPDY (CoNEXT’13) . . . . . . 5.4 SPDY (NSDI’14) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 236 237 241 251 263 6 Example de contrôle de connaissances (CC) 277 6.1 Enoncé du 25/11/2011 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 278 2 D. Rossi – RES224 RES 224 Architecture des applications Internet Presentation de l’unité d’enseignement dario.rossi Dario Rossi RES224 v250811 Plan • Enseignants • Organisation • Évaluation • CC • TPs et interface Web TPRES • Materiel • Structure du cours 2 Presentation de l’Unité d’enseignement Equipe pedagogique • Enseignants – – LINCS (av Italie) C234 (Barrault) • Encadrants (TPs et TDs) – Enseignants + PhDs (e.g., F. Diaz, R. Nassar, G.Rossini, C. Testa,...) – Se reporter aux enseignants pour questions concernant l’organisation du cours – Se reporter au responsable d'UE de la periode pour les informations sur l'examen (cfr Evaluation) Organisation • Cours magistraux – Equipe enseignant • Travaux pratiques (en deux groupes) – Assisté par les encadrants – Presence obligatoire, justifiez à l'avance vos absences (par mail) – Compte rendu optionnel à remettre (cfr. Evaluation) • Echeance: au plus tard le 15eme jours après le TP • En format PDF uniquement, via interface Web • Travaux dirigés (en deux groupes) – Corrigé par les encadrants pendant le TD – Corrigé electronique disponible pour la plupart des exercices • Regarder la solution des exercises uniquement après avoir essayé de les resoudre! 3 4 D. Rossi – RES224 Organisation • Groupes (pour TPs): – – – – Partages-vous de facon equilibré dans les salles de TP eg., ordre alphabetique, social, aleatoire, Si > 30 eleves: Obbligatoirement 2 groupes Si <= 30 eleves: Optionellement 2 groupes • En tout cas – Chaque groupe est partagé en binomes • (ou, au plus, trinomes). • (pas de bonus pour les monomes) – Les bi/trinomes doivent etre stables (i.e., ne pas changer pendant le cours) Syllabus • Cours – Introduction – Internet – Les applications – Client-server – Accès au données: Web, FTP – Messages: SMTP, POP, IMAP – Addressage: DHCP, DNS – Peer-to-peer – Localisation/diffusion – Partege de fichiers: BitTorrent – VoIP: Skype 4 • TDs – Domain Name System – Autres applications • TPs – Session applicatives (analyse du trafic avec Wireshark ) • Materiel à lire – Lecture obligatoires (articles inclus dans le policopie) Presentation de l’Unité d’enseignement Evaluation • Note finale – Note = CC si pas de TP – Note = moyenne ½ TP + ½ CC – Remarque: si CC<6, moyenne avec TP limitée à <10 – Cas réel: TP=20, CC=0, moyenne arithmetique = 10, note = 9.5 (moitié validation) • Contrôle de connaissance (CC) – Sans documents, sans calculette, sans iPhone, ... • les informations nécessaires vous seront fournies (e.g., format entetes TCP, IP, Eth) • attention aux horaires du CC! – Format: • QCM sur tout le contenu du cours (slides TP, TD) • Questions (ouvertes ou QCM) sur materiel à lire Evaluation • Precision: ne fera pas objet du controle • Tout jeu de slides explicitement marqué comme tel (e.g., 2010/S1P1) • Les lectures optionnelles (optional readings) • But du materiel hors controle • Pour vous donner un apercu de la recherche, et des evolutions plus recentes du domaine, • Pour vous montrer que les réseaux peuvent etre “fun” 5 6 D. Rossi – RES224 Evaluation: QCM • QCM • Entre 3-5 choix pour chaque questions • lorsque il y a des questions ouvertes: 20 questions, 2/3 de la note du CC • lorsque il n’y a pasdes questions ouvertes : ~30 questions, 3/3 de la note du CC • Attention • Certaines reponses fausses peuvent entrainer une penalisation • But: decourager les reponses systematiquement aléatoires • Remarque: si vous etes indecis entre deux reponses, sur un nombre limité de questions (e.g., 3-4), il est difficile que toutes soient avec penalité Evaluation: Questions ouvertes • Questions ouvertes • • • • • Questions sur “mandatory readings” Questions ouvertes ou integrés dans le QCM Questions simples sur articles difficiles Articles inclus dans le materiel fourni Articles à lire de facon autonome • Prenez de l’avance pour les lire ! • Profitons des cours/TP/TDs si vous avez des questions • E.g. Pour 2010/S1P1: • Peer-2-Peer: "Chord: A Scalable Peer-to-peer Lookup Service for Internet Applications" • Client-Server: “Wow, That's a Lot of Packets!”. 6 Presentation de l’Unité d’enseignement Evaluation: TP • Compte rendus TPs – Rappel: justifiez vos absences à l'avance – Rappel: délai maximum de 15 jours – Compte rendu optionnel (donc note finale = exam) • Format PDF uniquement, • Interface Web TPRES • Format du compte rendu – Complet mais synthetique ! Repondez aux questions ! – Il ne faut pas ré-ecrire la theorie, mais motiver et commenter les resultats que vous avez obtenu Materiel • Site de reference: – – Pointeur depuis le site pédagogique • Materiel sur le site – – – – – – Support de cours électronique (PDF) Texte des TPs et TDs Corrigé des TDs Software pour les TPs Articles à lire (peu d'examples d') Annales d'examen 7 8 D. Rossi – RES224 TPRES Interface Web d’upload des compte rendus Votre account unix/mail TPRES Interface Web d’upload des compte rendus Choix des UEs, inscriptions aux nouvelles UEs Votre liste des TPs pour l’UE selectionné 8 Presentation de l’Unité d’enseignement TPRES Interface Web d’upload des compte rendus Mise en ligne et verification des rapports Un seul responsable par TP saisi ses coequipiers et effectue l’upload TPRES Accessibilité • • Directe depuis l'ecole Via PPTP depuis l'exterieur (voir instructions DSI) Remarques • Inscrivez vous ASAP • Vous devez vous inscrire par vous memes • Le responsible de la mise en ligne ne peut vous ajouter que si vous etes deja inscrits • Compte rendu en format PDF uniquement 9 10 D. Rossi – RES224 References • Livres (à la bibliotheque d'ENST) – James F. Kurose & Keith W. Ross, Computer Networking: A topdown approach featuring the Internet, (4th ed) Addison Wesley – R.W. Stevens, TCP/IP Illustrated: Volume 1, the Protocols, Addison Wesley – A. Tanenbaum, Computer Networks, Pearson Education, Prentice Hall • Autres ressource (sur Internet) – IETF RFCs, pointeurs donnés dans les slides – • Dans chaque cours • Mandatory readings (objet d’examen) • Optional readings (culture generale) ?? || // 10 Cours magistraux (CM) 11 2 Cours magistraux (CM) Cette unité complète l’unité RES223 (qui se focalise sur le transport et routage Internet) avec un aperçu complet de la couche des applications. Après une introduction générale d’Internet (Sec. 2.1) et des problématiques de la couche application (Sec. 2.2), on étudiera aussi bien des protocoles client-server (de Sec. 2.3 à Sec. 2.5) que paire-à-paire (Sec. 2.6-Sec. 2.8). La partie client-server se focalise, en particulier, sur • l’adressage applicatif (DNS et DHCP en Sec. 2.3), • l’accès au données (HTTP et FTP en Sec. 2.4) et • la messagerie (SMTP, POP et IMAP en Sec. 2.5). Ensuite, la partie paire-à-paire se focalise sur • la recherche du contenu (DHT en Sec. 2.6), • la diffusion du contenu (BitTorrent en Sec. 2.7) et • le multimedia (Skype en Sec. 2.8). Le cours est constamment mis à jour, de façon telle a donner un aper cu actuel des dernières tendences en matière d’application Internet. Notamment, les cours suivants on vu le jours en: • BitTorrent en 2008 • Skype en 2009 • P2P-TV en 2010 • LEDBAT en 2011 • YouTube en 2012 • SPDY en 2014 Bien evidemment, le contenu du cours n’augmente pas seulement, mais les nouveau cours remplacent le materiel au fur et à mesure qu’il devient obsolète. Par example le cours de YouTube remplaceait en 2012-2014 le cours de P2P-TV tenu pendant 2010-2012, en raison du succes croissant de YouTube et des CDN. Cette edition 2014 voit un ajout important, notamment SPDY proposé par google comme replacement de HTTP, et en cours de normalisation á IETF. Comme toute matiére de pointe et très recente n’est pas couverte dans les livres de référence, on s’appuiera pour son étude sur des lectures d’approfondissement (disponibles uniquement en anglais en Sec. 5). A noter que les lectures d’approfondissement reportés en Sec. 5, font object d’examen aussi bien que les cours magistraux. A la fin de chaque section, le lecteur intéressé trouvera des pointeurs vers des approfondissement facultatifs (qui avaient à leur tour servi de lecture obligatoire dans des précedent éditions de ce cours), qui en revanche ne sont pas object d’examen. Comme complement, le cours donne aussi un aperçu sur de recents résultats de recherche sur ce domaine. Cette “fenêtre sur la recherche” à le double but de montrer que le travail de recherche est intellectuellement stimulant et potentiellement amusant, ainsi que de montrer un example des aspects de recherche que l’on aborde au departement (pour les étudiants interessés aux projet libres ou stages de recherche dans le labo ou auprès des partenaires industriels). A noter que ce complement n’est pas object d’examen. 12 D. Rossi – RES224 RES 224 Architecture des applications Internet Introduction dario.rossi Dario Rossi RES224 v250811 Plan • Definition d’Internet • Histoire d’Internet • Architecture d’Internet • • • • Couches protocolaires Reseaux datagrammes Transport, acheminement, routage Structure d’Internet • References 12 2.1 Introduction Objectif • Objectif de cette introduction – Panorama sur Internet au dela de RES224 • Internet et le réseaux TCP/IP – Principes fondamentaux des réseaux de données IP – Problématique du transport des données TCP – L’architecture d’Internet • Remarque – Internet n’est pas le seul réseau à étendue mondiale existant • D’autres reseaux: GSM, PSN (=RTC), … – Dans ce cours, on se focalisera sur TCP/IP • A la limite, on fera quelque comparison Internet • Definition d’Internet ? – Internet en 2001, 13 14 D. Rossi – RES224 Internet Internet = ses composants • • • • • Des millions de hôtes – PCs, stations de travail, serveurs PDAs, téléphones, grille-pain (!) – Equippés de dispositifs de communication Nombreux liens de communication – fibre optique, cuivre, wireless, … transferent des trames de bits Des routeurs (IP) – Interconnectent les hotes, et transfèrent des données L’echange de segments (TCP) – l'émission et la réception des donnés sont controlés par des protocoles de transport L’echange de messages – Entre hotes pour la definition de services applicatif Internet Internet = applications + usager • La liste ne cesse de s’allonger… – Login distant, transfert de fichiers, e-mail, WWW, ecommerce, streaming audio et vidéo, visioconférences, jeux en réseau, social networking • Le nombre d’usagers ne cesse d’augmenter… – ~ 2 milliards d’usagers (03/2011) ht tp:// 14 IP/TCP/SNMP 2.1 Introduction Internet Internet = ses normes • • • Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) IETF Request For Comments (RFC ) – Documents techniques détaillés définissant les protocoles tels que HTTP, TCP, IP… – Au départ: informel; aujourd'hui, normes de facto – Plus de 6000 RFCs (08/2011) Autres formus existent – W3C pour WWW, BEP pour BitTorrent … • Pas de norme pour certain protocoles – Protocoles proprietaires: KaZaa, Skype, etc. Internet Internet = architecture • • • • Offre des services applicatifs… Controlant le transport l’information…. Acheminée de bout-en-bout… Utilisant plusieurs liens point à point… • Bout-en-bout (end-2-end) – Application, transport des info, acheminement des paquets Point-à-point (point-2-point) – Communication sur lien et physique • V. Cerf and R. Kahn, “A protocol for packet network intercommunication“ IEEE Transactions on Communications , May 1974 15 16 D. Rossi – RES224 Historique • Quelque dates et chiffres Historique 1961-1972: Principe des réseaux de paquets • • • • 16 1961: L. Kleinrock théorie des files d’attentes (efficacité des réseaux de paquets) 1964: P. Baran packet-switching dans les réseaux militaires 1967: Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPAnet) 1969: premier noeud de ARPAnet • 1972: – ARPAnet démontré publiquement – NCP (Network Control Protocol) premier protocole host to hot – Premier programme d’email – ARPAnet: 15 noeuds 2.1 Introduction Historique 1972-1980: Nouveaux réseaux et réseaux propriétaires • • • • • 1970: ALOHAnet réseau CSMA à Hawaii 1973: B. Metcalfe Ethernet 1974: V.Cerf et R. Kahn architecture pour l’inter-connexion de réseaux Fin 70’s: architectures propriétaires: DECnet, SNA, XNA 1979: ARPAnet a 200 noeuds • Principes de Cerf and Kahn’s : – – – – • Minimalisme, autonomie Modèle best effort Routeurs stateless Contrôle décentralisé C’est l’architecture actuelle d’Internet Historique 1980-1990: Nouveaux protocoles, prolifération des réseaux • • • • • 1983: deploiement de TCP/IP 1983: SMTP (e-mail) 1983: P. Mockapetris defini DNS pour le nommage 1985: FTP 1988: contrôle de congestion TCP • • Réseaux nationaux: Csnet, BITnet, NSFnet, Cyclades 100 000 hôtes interconnextés 17 18 D. Rossi – RES224 Historique 1990-2010’s: Commercialisation, Web, P2P, VoD et Social networks • • • Début 1990’s: Fin d’ARPAnet • 1990s: Web – hypertext – HTML, HTTP: Berners-Lee – 1994: Mosaic, puis Netscape – Fin 1990’s: commercialisation du Web – Environ 50 millions d’hôtes, plus de 100 millions d’utilisateurs 2000s – killer apps: messagerie instantanée, peer-2-peer (P2P) gnutella, eDonkey, Skype, BitTorrent, … – Environ 1 milliard d’usagers – Backbones > Gbps 2010’s – Video : YouTube 2nd search engine apres Google -features/39777-youtube-surpassesyahoo-as-world%E2%80%99s-2search-engine – Social networking: Facebook 3eme pays du monde avec plus de 400 million d’usagers 9/if-facebook-were-a-country/ Historique • Backbone en 2007 Source (jun 07) London – NY = 387 Gbps (environ 5 fois > Paris – NY) 18 2.1 Introduction Les couches protocolaires Chaqun son role! Les couches protocolaires • Les réseaux sont complexes et hétérogènes: – – – – – – hôtes routeurs médias différents applications protocoles hardware, software • Donc – Comment organiser la structure du réseaux ? – Comment organiser les communication entre hotes ? 19 20 D. Rossi – RES224 Les couches protocolaires • Different necessités – Les deux end-points d’un application doivent s’echanger des messages – Chaque echanges de type end-2-end (globale) est composé par plusieurs echabges point-2-point (locales) – La communication globale (end-to-end) a besoin de garanties, celle locale (point-2-point) doit etre optimisé • Une architecture à couches – Chacun fait son boulot: separation de roles – Deplacer la complexité vers le bord du reseau – Maintenir le coeur aussi simple, scalable et generale que possible Les 7-Couches du Modèle OSI Application Presentation Session Transport Network Link Physical 20 L7 L6 L5 L4 L3 L2 L1 } } } Applications RES240/RES224 End-to-end RES240/RES223 Point-to-point 2.1 Introduction TCP/IP: un sous-ensemble de OSI Application L7 Transport L4 L3 Internet L2 HostHost-toto-network } } } Applications RES240/RES224 End-to-end RES240/RES223 Point-to-point TCP/IP: un sous-ensemble de OSI Application Transport Internet L7 L4 L3 L2 HostHost-toto-network Message Segment Datagramme Remarque – Un “paquet” Internet prends plusieurs noms – A chaque niveau, le “paquet” a un nom bien precis ! Frame (trame) 21 22 D. Rossi – RES224 TCP/IP: un sous-ensemble de OSI Application L7 – HTTP, FTP, SMTP, POP, IMAP, DNS, RIP, BitTorrent, Skype,etc. Transport L4 L3 – TCP, UDP, SCTP, RTP, DCCP, etc. – IP, ICMP, IGMP, OSPF, BGP, etc. Internet L2 HostHost-toto-network – PPP, Ethernet, WiFi, etc. Communications entre couches 22 Application Application Presentation Presentation Session Session Transport Transport Network Network Link Link Physical Physical • Une couche (layer) communique – logiquement avec une couche du meme niveau – en utilisant les services de la couche en bas – pour offrir un service à la couche en haut 2.1 Introduction Communication logique vs physique application transport transport réseau lien physique application transport transport réseau lien physique réseau lien physique réseau lien physique application transport transport réseau lien physique Logique, de bout en bout application transport transport réseau lien physique Physique, point à point, Couches proches à l’usager Application Presentation Session Transport Network Link Physical • Application layer – requete de pages Web, reponse avec le contenu, voix, video et interaction (pause, play), securité • Presentation layer – Codage des donnés, securité, compression, ... • Session layer – Synchronisation entre applications, connexion logiques, recuperation d'erreur 23 24 D. Rossi – RES224 Couches de bout en bout Application • Transport layer – fiabilité end-to-end – Controle de congestion end-to-end – Multiplexage / demultiplexage des applications Presentation Session Transport Network • Network layer Link – Routing end-to-end – Addressing globale – Multiplexage / demultiplexage des protocoles de transport Physical Couches point à point Application • Presentation Link layer – – – Session Transport Partages du medium Detection des bornes de trames Detection d'erreur, correction et retransmission Network Link Physical 24 • Physical layer – Transmission et codage du signal 2.1 Introduction Mise en couche • Encapsulation/decapsulation pour gerer les different couches M Ht M H nH t M H l H nH t M source destination application transport network link physical application transport network link physical M message Ht M segment H nH t M H l H nH t M datagram frame Mise en couche: encapsulation – Chaque couche n recoit des données (protocol data unit PDU(n+1)) de la couche supérieure n+1, qui est une service data unit SDU(n) au niveau n – Ajoute un header (PCI(n), protocol control information), avec information de control propre de son niveau – Passe la nouvelle unité de données PDU(n) à la couche inférieure M Ht M H nH t M H l H nH t M source destination application transport network link physical application transport network link physical M message Ht M segment H nH t M H l H nH t M datagram frame 25 26 D. Rossi – RES224 Mise en couche: decapsulation – Chaque couche n recoit une unité données (PDU(n), protocol data unit) de la couche inferieure n-1 – Interprete le header (PCI(n), Protocol control information), et les information de control propre de son niveau – Passe la nouvelle unité de données (SDU(n), service data unit) à la couche superieure M Ht M H nH t M H l H nH t M source destination application transport network link physical application transport network link physical M message Ht M segment H nH t M H l H nH t M datagram frame Remarque • Couches protocolaires: en principe – Repartition de taches, eviter duplication des fonctionnalités – Offre des fonctions bien definies aux couches en haut (en utilisant les fonctions des couches en bas) • Couches protocolaires: en pratique – Replication des fonctionnalités possiblé: • Controle d’integrité aux niveaux 2 (DataLink), 3 (Network) et 4 (Transport) – Violation de niveau courant (cross-layer): • TCP checksum est effectué sur header IP, • Checksum IP computé par la carte Ethernet, • Violation de codage PHY pour delimiter les trames, • … 26 2.1 Introduction Internet: Quel type de réseau ? Réseaux Internet Commutation de circuits FDM TDM Network Transport Commutation de paquets Réseaux avec VC TCP Datagramme IP UDP Internet: Quel type de réseau ? Definitions: • Signalisation – Echange d’information concernant le controle et la gestion d’un réseau de telecommunication • Commutation – Le proces d’interconnexion de ressources pour le temps necessaire à la communication • Transmission – Le proces de transfer d’information depuis un point du réseau vers un (ou plusieurs) autre(s) point(s) 27 28 D. Rossi – RES224 Commutation de circuit – La communication necessite d’une phase préliminaire de signalisation (etablissement du circuit par signalisation) – Dans cette phase, des ressources (frequence, slot temporels, etc.) sont allouées dans tous les equipement traversé par le flux de donnés – La commutation est la meme pendant toute la transmission, et est effectué sur la base d’un identifiant de circuit – Les données suivent le meme parcours (le circuit) fixé en phase d’etablissement de la connexion pendant toute la communication – Les ressources sont utilisés exclusivement par les deux partenaires jusqu’à la cessation du service (liberation du circuit par signalisation) • Example – Acces du Global System for Mobile communication (GSM) application 6. Receive data Data flowNetwork begins (PSTN), connu – Public Switched5.Telephone en France transport comme Réseau4.Telephonique Commuté (RTC) Call connected 3. Accept call network – ISDN, SONET/SDH 1. Initiate call 2. incoming call data link physical application transport network data link physical Commutation de circuit – La communication necessite d’une phase préliminaire de signalisation (etablissement du circuit par signalisation) – Dans cette phase, des ressources (frequence, slot temporels, etc.) sont allouées dans tous les equipement traversé par le flux de donnés – La commutation est la meme pendant toute la transmission, et est effectué sur la base d’un identifiant de circuit – Les données suivent le meme parcours (le circuit) fixé en phase d’etablissement de la connexion pendant toute la communication – Les ressources sont utilisés exclusivement par les deux partenaires jusqu’à la cessation du service (liberation du circuit par signalisation) Example – Acces du Global System for Mobile communication (GSM) – Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN), connu en France comme Réseau Telephonique Commuté (RTC) – ISDN, SONET/SDH 28 2.1 Introduction Commutation de paquet – Mode datagramme • Chaque paquet porte information de controle necessaire pour son acheminement • La fonction de commutation est instantanée pour chaque paquet, • Aucune ressource n’est reservée, ni la signalation necessaire • En revanche, aucune performance n’est garantie – Mode circuit virtuel • Transmission orienté connexion dans reseaux à paquets • Examples application – mode datagramme au niveau reseau IP et transport UDP application transport – transport mode circuit virtuel au niveau transport TCP et link-layer X.25, FrameRelay, ATM, network MPLS network data link physical 1. Send data 2. Receive data data link physical Commutation de paquet – Mode datagramme • Chaque paquet porte information de controle necessaire pour son acheminement • La fonction de commutation est instantanée pour chaque paquet, • Aucune ressource n’est reservée, ni la signalation necessaire • En revanche, aucune performance n’est garantie – Mode circuit virtuel • Transmission orienté connexion dans reseaux à paquets Examples – mode datagramme • Couche reseau IP et couche transport UDP – mode circuit virtuel • Couche transport TCP, link-layer X.25, FrameRelay, ATM, MPLS 29 30 D. Rossi – RES224 Commutation de paquets: delai • Les paquet subissent du delai à chaque saut • Quatre sources de delai: – Processement (<µs) – File d’attente (µs – s) Processement - Transmission = P/C (µs – ms) - Propagation = D/V (LAN < ms, WAN >10ms) Transmission P=taille de paquet C=capacité du lien D=distance V=vitesse du signal File Propagation d’attente Recap: Circuits vs paquets • Commutation de circuits: 30 • Commutation de paquets: – la function de commutation alloue des ressources aux usagers qui souhaitent etre mis en communication – un (ou plus) circuit pour le sont mis en place avec une phase de signalisation – la liberation des ressources necessite d’une signalisation explicite – la function de commutation n’alloue aucune ressource – toutes les ressources sont toujours disponibles pour la transmission des paquets – les paquets attendendent dans des files que les ressources se libèrent – Garantie de performance – Pas de file d’attente – Gachis de ressource potentiel – Pas de garanties, délai variable – Utilisation plus efficace et flexible des ressources 2.1 Introduction Recap: Circuit vs circuits virtuels Similitudes Differences • Modalité de transmission orienté connexion • • Dans les deux cas, les données sont transferés dans le meme ordre avec lequel ont été transmis La commutation de circuit garantie les performance (e.g., debit, delai) car les ressources ont été alloués en usage exclusif • Le circuit virtuel ne garantie pas les performances, car les ressources sont partagés pour benefier du statistical multiplexing • Signalisation necessaire pendant l’etablissement et la liberation de la connexion Internet: qui fait quoi ? application transport network data link physical application transport network data link physical application transport network data link physical Applications: à partir du prochain cours de RES224 Transport et réseau: apercu ici, details dans RES223, RES343… 31 32 D. Rossi – RES224 Couches transport et réseau Protocoles de Routage •Choix du chemin •Plusieurs niveaux •RIP, OSPF, GP Couche Réseau Couche Transport TCP, UDP, SCTP, DCCP, … Protocole IP •Adressage, acheminement •Format des datagrammes •Traitement des paquets Table de routage Protocole ICMP •Rapport d’erreur •signalisation Transport: TCP et UDP TCP • UDP – Service à circuit virtuel, orienté connexion, remise fiable et dans l’ordre, – Impose la vitesse d’emission (cfr slide suivant) et la taille des messages (de preference MSS + header TCP = MTU) – Introduit un délai supplementaire initiale lié à l’etablissement du circuit (3 way handshake) SYN+ACK ACK + GET RTT Data + FIN FINACK temps 32 Etablissement de connexion • TCP SYN Round Trip Time (RTT) Fermeture Transfert de connexion données – Service datagram, non fiable, non orienté connexion – Flexibilité dans le bitrate et la taille des messages à envoyés (limité par le MTU de la couche IP) TCP 2.1 Introduction Transport: TCP et UDP • Transfer de données TCP – A tout moment, vitesse d’emission lié à la fenetre coulisante (sliding window) w = min(cwnd,rwnd) – Rwnd = receiver window, controle de flux (eviter de transmettre plus que le recepteur n’est capable de stoquer) – Cwnd = congestion window, controle de congestion (eviter de transmettre plus que le reseau ne peut supporter) Dynamique de cwnd – Algos: slow-start, congestion avoidance, fast-recovery, fast-retransmit, timeout,etc. – Slow-start: croissance exponentielle, à partir de 1 segment par RTT(jusqu’à un seuil sstrhesh), cwnd++ à chaque ACK – Congestion avoidance: croissance lineaire, à partir de ssthresh, cwnd+=1/cwnd à chaque ACK TCP TCP RTT Transfert de données • RTT RTT temps cwnd Congestion avoidance Packet losses Fast-recovery Slow start Timeout 123… Temps (RTT) Acheminement IP • Pour chaque paquet – Decider sur quel lien il doit etre acheminé – Exclusivement en fonction de l’adresse de destination – Lookup dans des tables de routage • Longest prefix matching • Ternary Content Addressable Memory (TCAM) 33 34 D. Rossi – RES224 Routage IP • Echange d’information entre routeurs – But: construction des tables de routage – Taxonomie: • Link state: propagation d’information topologique locale à tous les noeuds du reseau • Distance vector: propagation d’information globale seulement aux voisins Distance vector Link state Routage Inter-AS et Intra-AS C.b B.a Passerelles : A.a b a A.c C a d A b AS = Autonomous System (cfr. Structure d’Internet) c a B c b •Exécutent le routage inter-AS entre elles •Exécutent le routage intra-AS avec les autres routeurs de l’AS Couche réseau Couche liaison Couche physique 34 2.1 Introduction Structure d’Internet • Taxonomie par etendue geographique des reseaux – Réseaux étendus (WAN, Wide Area Network) • Pays, continents – Réseaux métropolitains (MAN, Metropolitan Area Network) • Ville, collectivités locales – Réseau locaux (LAN, Local Area Network), • De la salle au campus – Réseaux personnels (PAN, Personal Area Network) • Autour de l’individu (dans sa sphere d’action), capteurs (communication limité) • Taxonomie par hierarchie d’Interconnexion – Entités = Internet Service Providers (ISP) – 3-tiered architecture (unofficielle mais courante) • Tier-1 ISP: se connectent avec tous les autres Tier-1 ISPs (topologie maillée) • Tier-2 ISP: se connectent (typiquement) à plusieurs Tier-2 ISP • Tier-3 ISP: se connectent à un Tier-2 ISP Structure d’Internet • Tier-3 (ISP locaux) • Tier-2 (ISPs régionaux) • Tier-1 (National/International Service providers NSPs) – Se connectent aux ISPs régionaux local ISP – Se connectent aux NSPs – aka NBP (National Backbone Provider) e.g. BBN/GTE, Sprint, AT&T, IBM, UUNet – Échangent du trafic d'égal à égal (peering relationship, sans generer des couts de transmission) – Connectent les réseaux ensemble de façon privée ou via un réseau public – Les NSPs doivent être connectés entre eux par des NAPs (Network Access Points) regional ISP NSP B NAP NAP NSP A regional ISP local ISP 35 36 D. Rossi – RES224 Structure d’Internet • Les Tier-2 se connectent aux Tier-1 ISP – Customer-provider relationship, engendre des couts d’acheminement Tier-2 ISP Le Tier-2 paie pour accéder à l'Internet via le Tier-1 Les Tier-2 font aussi du peering Tier-2 ISP Tier 1 ISP NAP Tier 1 ISP Tier 1 ISP Tier-2 ISP Tier-2 ISP Tier-2 ISP Structure d’Internet • …et ainsi de suite Virtual Tier 3 ISP ISP Clients des ISP de plus haut niveau pour la connectivité à l'Internet Tier-2 ISP local ISP Tier-2 ISP Tier 1 ISP NAP Tier 1 ISP Tier-2 ISP local local ISP ISP 36 local ISP local ISP Tier 1 ISP Tier-2 ISP local ISP Tier-2 ISP local ISP 2.1 Introduction Structure d’Internet Dans son voyage de bout en bout, un paquet va donc traverser plusieurs AS, et plusieurs routeurs dans chaqun des AS Virtual Tier 3 ISP ISP local ISP local ISP Tier-2 ISP local ISP Tier-2 ISP Tier 1 ISP Tier 1 ISP Tier 1 ISP Tier-2 ISP local local ISP ISP Tier-2 ISP local ISP Tier-2 ISP local ISP References • Organismes – • IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force) – • Internet Society – • World Wide Web Consortium – • IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) – • ACM (Association for Computing Machinery) • Optional reading – « A brief history of the Internet », by those who made the history 37 38 D. Rossi – RES224 ?? || // 38 2.2 Les applications client-server RES 224 Architecture des applications Internet Les applications Internet dario.rossi Dario Rossi RES224 v250811 Plan • Terminologie et perimetres de RES224 • Application et Protocoles • Architectures applicatives vs Architectures reseaux • • Applicatives: Client-server, Content distribution networks, Peer-to-peer Reseaux: IP Multicast, Content centric networking • Couche applicative et couches TCP/IP • • Interactions Interface (socket) • Type d’applications et mesure de performance • • • Applications orientés donnés vs application multimedia (voix, video) Quality of Service (QoS) vs Quality of Experience (QoE) Choix du protocole de transport • References 39 40 D. Rossi – RES224 Que sont les applications ? User • application transport network data link physical Router • AS1 AS2 Billing • Server Video Server application transport network data link physical application transport network data link physical • Raisons d'être des réseaux informatiques Nombreuses types: – accès distant, email, transfert de fichiers, newsgroups, forums de discussion, Web, multimédia téléphonie, vidéoconférence, audio et vidéo à la demande, etc. Vagues de popularité: – Mode texte (1980s) Web (1990s) P2P (2000s) Social (2010s): Souvent : logiciels distribués entre plusieurs systèmes – Communication entre les applications Applications: une vue d’ensemble • “Application” est un terme abusé ou imprecis – L’application de messagerie c’est votre logiciel mail preferé ? • On definira plusieurs aspect qui sont commun aux applications – Architecture – Procole – Processus: Architecture Hote Agent utilisateur Socket Protocole Socket Daemon Serveur • agents et daemons – Communication inter-processus • Sockets 40 2.2 Les applications client-server Applications réseaux : processus – programme applicatif qui s’exécute sur un hôte – définies par le système d’exploitation – des messages applicatifs – avec un protocole de couche application • Ces processus peuvent avoir un role different en fonction de l’architecture • Le processus émetteur et récepteur supposent qu'il existe une infrastructure de transport en-dessous RES223 INF • Deux processus communiquent sur un même hôte avec des communications interprocessus • Deux processus s’éxécutant sur deux hôtes différents communiquent en échangeant RES224 • Les entités communicantes sont des processus, soit Les protocoles Les humains utilisent des protocoles sans arrêt… un example avec Alice et Bob Bonjour Bonjour T’as du feu ? … Protocoles humains: • Emission de messages spécifiques – “Quelle heure est-il ?”, “S’il vous plait”, “Veuillez agréer” … • Actions spécifiques accomplies après réception de messages ou d'événements particuliers 41 42 D. Rossi – RES224 Protocoles applicatifs • Définissent : – Le type des messages • Requête, réponse… application transport network data link physical – La syntaxe des types de messages : • Format des champs du message – La sémantique des champs, • La signification des champs – Les règles de communication • Déterminent quand et comment un processus envoie des messages et y répond • application transport network data link physical application transport network data link physical Protocoles applicatifs – du domaine public • Définis dans les IETF RFC (ex HTTP, SMTP, client-server) • Definis dans autres fora (e.g., Gnutella, BitTorrent BEP, etc.) – Propriétaires • ex KaZaA, Skype, téléphonie IP, Architectures applicatives • Terminologie Service consumer Communication logique L4/L7 Service producer Internet Infrastructure physique Local/regional nets Servers 8 42 2.2 Les applications client-server Architectures: Client-server • Paradigme client-server – Problemes de passage à l’echelle 9 Architectures: Client-server • Le côté client d'un système terminal communique avec le côté serveur d'un autre système • Le serveur doit servir toutes le requetes de plusieurs clients (problemes de charge) • Examples client application transport network data link physical • Web : – navigateur Web = côté client de HTTP – serveur Web = côté serveur de HTTP • Email : – Serveur émetteur = côté client de SMTP, – Serveur récepteur = côté serveur de SMTP. application transport network data link physical Les applications Internet typiquement s’appuient sur deux entités: le client et le serveur 43 44 D. Rossi – RES224 Architectures: Client-server Client : • Demande un service • Initie le contact avec le serveur, ouverture active de la connession • Implementé dans un logiciel usager • Web browser, mail reader, … Client application transport network data link physical Serveur: • Propose des services • Reste à l’écoute pour des requetes de service • Implementé dans un daemon Server • Le serveur Web, SMTP, … Remarque : • Les applications client-server peuvent etre centralisés • Une même machine peut implémenter les côtés client et serveur au meme temps application transport network data link physical Les applications Internet typiquement s’appuient sur deux entités: le client et le serveur Architectures: CDN • Content distribution network (CDN) – Infrastructure couteuse 12 44 2.2 Les applications client-server Architectures: CDN Client • Content distribution networks – Business de replication de contenu le plus proche à l’usager – But: eviter le cout de transit customer-provider entre AS et ne le payer qu’une seule fois application transport network data link physical • Examples – Videos YouTube (pre-google era), patches Microsoft, Antivirus – 28 services CDNs commerciaux en 2011, parmi les plus connus Akamai, Limelight, CDN application transport network data link physical application transport network data link physical Architectures: Multicast, CCN RES223, RES343, … • IP Multicast, Content Centric Networking CCN – Complexes (IP multicast utilisé pour TV over IP) 14 45 46 D. Rossi – RES224 Architectures: Peer-to-peer • Paradigme P2P Couche application (deployment facile) Use toutes les resources (scalable) Ressources en periferie (deplace couts) 15 Architectures: Peer-to-peer Peer peer • Joue le role de client et server à la fois • Client, demande des service à d’autres peers application transport • Serveur, fournit des services à d’autres peers network Remarques : • Les serveurs sont des machines dediés, mises en place par un fournisseur de services • • 46 L’application client-server peut faire assumption que les serveurs soient toujours disponibles (sauf panne). Les peers sont des machines d’usager, qui ne fournit donc aucune garantie de service • • data link physical Les applications doivent faire assumption que les peers ne soient pas toujours disponibles Les applications peer-2-peer sont fortement distribués application transport network data link physical 2.2 Les applications client-server Interaction L7 overlayPeer-to-peer vs IP underlay Architecture: Les applications • •Paradigme P2P Internet (L7 OSI) posent sur l’infrastructure TCP/IP sous-jacente P2P overlay IP underlay 17 Interaction L7 overlay vs IP underlay • Les applications Internet (L7 OSI) posent sur l’infrastructure TCP/IP sous-jacente L7 overlay Interaction L7/L3: applications vs couches TCP/IP IP underlay 18 47 48 D. Rossi – RES224 Interaction L7 overlay vs IP underlay • Control du trafic emis (“network friendly” lorsque competition equitable par rapport à TCP) L7 overlay Problematique type L4, solutions autres que TCP (e.g., Skype, BitTorrent, etc.) IP underlay 19 Interaction L7 overlay vs IP underlay • Routage applicatif du trafic (“network aware” quand le trafic est localisé autant que possiable au sein du ISP) $$ L7 overlay Problematique type L3, solutions autres que IP, RIP, OSPF et BGP IP underlay AS1 AS2 20 48 2.2 Les applications client-server Socket: Interface applicative TCP/IP • • Socket: Application program interface (API) – Porte d'entrée des données du reseau d'un processus applicatif – Interface entre la couche application et les couches TCP/IP Le développeur contrôle la partie application des sockets – il n'a que peu de contrôle sur la partie transport: choix du protocole et ajustement de quelques paramètres process process socket socket TCP/IP TCP/IP Internet driver driver NIC NIC Contrôlé par le développeur de l'application Contrôlé par l'OS Contrôlé par le fabricant Software Software Hardware NIC = Network interface card Socket: Interface applicative TCP/IP • Traduction • Sockets: – Type de protocole de transport – Addresse IP de la machine – Addresse TCP du processus (numero de port) – Service d’annuaire pour la translation d’addresses (DNS) • Remarque: focus de RES224, details dans la suite – Regles pour les numeros de port (/etc/services) • Addresses – Point de vue human: URL • Remarque: focus de RES223, rappel dans la suite • – Point de vue réseau • Remarque • L3: Addresses IP • L4: Numero de port – Le quintuplet (IPs,Ps,IPd,Pd,proto) est unique dans le reseau TCP/IP Internet TCP/IP 49 50 D. Rossi – RES224 Adressage: point de vue transport • • • • Numéro de port: Entier sur 16bits (=65K), double fonctionalité Multiplexage (numeros ephemères > 32K) Un client telecharge deux – Permet de différencier parmi les processus locaux fichiers en parallel à partir auxquels le message contenu dans le datagramme du meme serveur HTTP: il ne voudrait pas que les IP recu doit être transmis paquets se melangent au niveau TCP ! Resolution (numeros reservés < 32K) – Permet un addressage simple et deterministe au Une fois resolu l’adresse niveau transport IP d’un serveur Web, on – Well-known port numbers : RFC 1700, /etc/services connait déjà le port du • E.g., 80 pour le serveur Web, 53 pour le DNS, etc. service HTTP (on evite ainsi la 2eme resolution) Remarques – Un nouveau numéro de port est affecté à chaque nouvelle application par IANA (affectation generalement suivie) – Un serveur Web peut tourner sur un autre port (eg 8080) , une appli P2P peut tourner sur un port arbitraire (eg 80, 53) – Les applicatif P2P n’utilisent pas/plus de numero de port standard (e.g., pour se cacher) Processus: Agents et Daemons Agent utilisateur • Implemente le coté client d’un ou plusieurs protocoles applicatif – – Implémentation du côté client du protocole HTTP: processus qui envoie et reçoit les messages HTTP via un socket Implementation de l’interface avec l’usager (visualisation + navigation + plugins + etc. ) qui depasse le cadre protocolaire et de RES224 • Effectue l’open active de la connession TCP (cfr RES223) • Utilise (obbligatoirement) un port ephemere Exemples: • DNS – Nslookup, dig • Web – Browsers: Mozilla, Chrome, IE – Crawlers: wget, … • Rapatrie un site Web, ou partie d’un site, effectue un mirror, … 50 Daemon • Implemente le coté serveur d’un protocole applicatif • Reste à l’ecoute des requetes en provenance des agents utilisateurs (open passive) • Utilise (generalement) un port reservé Exemples • DNS – Berkeley Internet Name Domain (BIND) • Web – Apache, Microsoft Internet Information Server, – Squid (proxy) 2.2 Les applications client-server Socket: Quel protocol de transport ? • TCP et UDP fournissent des service tres differnet – (cfr. RES223/RES240) application transport network data link physical • Lequel choisir ? – Étude des services fournis par chaque protocole – Etude du type de contenu de l’application – Sélection du protocole qui correspond le mieux aux besoins de l'application • Beaucoup de protocoles de transport existent – TCP: Transport Control Protocols – UDP: User Datagram Protocol – RSVP: Resource reSerVation Protocol – SCTP: Stream Control Transport Protocol – DCCP: Datagram Congestion Control Protocol – T/TCP: Transaction TCP – RUDP: Reliable UDP – etc. Socket: Quel protocol de transport ? • Types de flux liés au type de contenu – Data • • • • Taille des paquets (Bytes) Flux HTTP Wb e-mail telechargement ... Taille determinée par TCP: train de paquets taille MSS, suivi par ACK – Multimedia • Video (on demand, broadcast) • Telephone • ... • … avec different requis pour leur transport! Flux Skype Taille determinée par l’encodeur de la voix (à bitrate variable) Numero de paquet 51 52 D. Rossi – RES224 Socket: Quel protocol de transport ? • Types de flux liés au type de contenu Temps d’interarrivée (sec) Flux HTTP – Data • • • • Wb e-mail telechargement ... Temps determiné par RTT (~20ms) entre 2 trains, pacquets back-to-back (~0ms) pendant un train – Multimedia • Video (on demand, broadcast) • Telephone • ... • … avec different requis pour leur transport! Flux Skype Temps determiné par l’encodeur de la voix (à bitrate variable) Numero de paquet Socket: Quel protocol de transport ? Qualité de Service (QoS) (network-centric) Qualité d’Experience (QoE) (user-centric) • • • • • Bande passante (Throughput) Bits ecoulés par unité de temps Probabilité de perte (Loss rate) Probabilité qu’un packet arrive avec des erreurs detectables mais pas corrigeables (wireless) Probabilité qu’un packet soit perdu à une file d’attente (wired) Delai (Delay) Temps avant que le pacquet arrive Gigue (Jitter) Variabilité du delai Faciles à mesurer, objectifs, peu parlant vis à vis des applications 52 Orienté données – Temps de completement (Completion time) – Reactivité pour applications interactives – Fiabilité – … • Multimedia – – – – Peak Signal to Noise Ratio (PSNR) Mean Opinion Score (MOS) Structural similiarity (SSIM) Percetpual Evaluation of Video Quality (PEVQ) – … Compliqués, couteuses, pas d’entente à niveau mondiale 2.2 Les applications client-server Flux orientés données • Examples – Web, telechargement, sessions interactives, e-mail • Besoin primaire: fiabilité – – – – L’information doit etre transmise sans erreur, En cas d’erreur, il faut retransmettre L’information doit arriver dans le meme ordre! Utilisent la bande passante disponible (applications élastiques) • Autres characteristiques: – Pas de contrainte real-time • Un delai de 3 second pour le debut de l’affichage limite typique pour un service de type Web • Edition de texte à distance bcp plus interactif (terminaux, Google documents) – Telechargement un fichier peut etre long • …mais il devrait etre le plus court possible Flux de streaming • Example: – Contenu multimedia – Audio (radio) or video (television) generé en real-time Packet sequence number Source • Besoin primaire: coherence temporelle – Ni accelerer ni decelerer! – Maintenir la bande passante constante Deadline Receiver Frozen stream • Remarque: – Estimer ou connaitre le delai du reseau (end-to-end delay) – Introduir un delai avant de commencer la vision (playout buffer) Delay Playout buffer Time 53 54 D. Rossi – RES224 Flux voix • Transmission numerique – Echantillonage, quantification, codage avant de transmettre • • Echantillonage du signal sur un spectre de 4 kHz (après Nyquist 8000 samples per second ) • Quantification à 256 niveaux (8 bits par echantillon) Besoin primaire – eviter délai long et/ou très variable – Signal lent, assez robuste aux pertes • Pulse Code Modulation (PCM) Amelioration possibles – Suppression de silences (ou description de silences pour reduire silence innaturel) – Encodage de differences (pour reduire bits de quantification) – Compression “lossy“ (suppression des frequences moins importantes) 01001100 time • Flux de 1 byte chaque 125 µs (64 kbit/s de bande passante) Flux voix • Type de flux – Pas besoin d’une bande passante importante • PCM : 64 kbit/s ; iLBC (Skype) : 13,3 kbit/s ; GSM : 13,3 kbit/s – Petit taille de paquet (80 bits to 1 kbit) – Temps entre paquet egalement petit (<100 ms) • Characteristiques – Besoin de limiter le delai end-to-end – Pas possible d’utilizer des techniques de “buffering” • Maximum “mouth-to-ear” delai tolerable: 300 ms (45 ms si il n’y a pas de suppression d’echo) – Robuste contre les pertes • qualité plus que acceptable avec 15% de perte • Moins robuste si on utilise de la compression (il n’y a plus de information redundante) 54 11001111 2.2 Les applications client-server Flux video • Contraintes similaires à la voix, mais debit important – – – – • Codage MPEG – I-frames: “Intracoded” figure complete JPEG (~1 chaque seconde) – P-frames: “predictive”, delta par rapport à la precedente – B-frames: “bidirectional”, differences de la precedente et suivante! – D-frames: “DC coded”, utilisé pour “fast-forward” (~1 chaque seconde) TV : 720 x 576 pixels 16 bits de profondeur de couleur 25 images par second 166 Mb/s flow si pas comprimé • La compression est donc très importante – MPEG1: qualité VCD 1-2 Mbps – MPEG2: qualité DVD 5-10 Mbps – MPEG4: qualite HDTV 20-60 Mbps • Idée: exploiter redondances spatiales et temporelles I I B B P B B B B P D’autres types de flux existent • Online gaming – Très sensible au delai (quelques centaines de ms, end-to-end) – Debit typiquement peu important • Flux multimedia – Transportent different types de flux (video, voix en plusieurs langues, sous-titres, ...) – Necessite aussi de gerer la synchronization • Jam-session distribuée – Playback temps réel (50ms maximum, <20 preferablement) – Debit potentiellement bas (MIDI) our elevé (6 Mbps sequencing @192 kHz, 32bit) – Example applications: Musigy, eJamming, • Autres flux – Pas associé à un service specifique • Toutes les applications dependent de leur fonctionnement! – Flux de controle du reseau • Information de controle, routing, etc. • Operation and management, verification des liens, … – Services applicatif mais “transparents” • Translation de noms DNS • Signalization et notification d’appel • Mise en place de securité 55 56 D. Rossi – RES224 Applications, QoS et transport Application Transfert de fichiers e-mail Web Audio/vidéo Temps réel Pertes Sans pertes Sans pertes Sans pertes tolérant Audio/vidéo enregistré Jeux interactifs Messagerie instantanée tolérant tolérant Sans pertes Application e-mail Accès distant Web Transfert de fichiers streaming multimedia Téléphonie sur IP Bande passante élastique élastique élastique audio: 5Kb - 1Mb vidéo:10Kb - 5Mb idem Quelques Kbps élastique Protocole applicatif SMTP [RFC 821] telnet [RFC 854] HTTP [RFC 2068] FTP [RFC 959] Propriétaire (RealPlayer) Propriétaire (Skype) Sensible au delai Non Non Non Oui, <100’s ms Oui, quelques s Oui, 100’s ms Oui et non Protocole transport TCP TCP TCP TCP TCP ou UDP En général UDP Mais TCP est de plus en plus utilisé pour contourner les limitations de securité (e.g., firewalls) mises en place Dans la suite… 56 Service Addressage Protocole DHCP, DNS Transport orienté donnés, UDP eMail Acces aux donnés VoD P2P P2P VoIP P2P BitTorrent SMTP/POP+IMAP TCP HTTP, FTP TCP YouTube bang-bang over TCP * souvent les deux Skype UDP, TCP si necessaire BitTorrent UDP depuis 2010 Remarque rapidité avant fiabilité interaction L7/L4 interaction L7/L4 controle L7 controle L7 2.2 Les applications client-server ?? || // 57 58 D. Rossi – RES224 RES 224 Architecture des applications Internet dario.rossi Addressage: DNS et DHCP Dario Rossi RES224 v250811 Plan • • Introduction L’espace de nommage DNS – Nom et labels, – Root et TLD – Zones et domaines • Base d’information du DNS – Ressources – Example de base • Architecture et protocole DNS – Résolution de noms – Format de requetes/reponses – Examples de resolution • Apercu du protocole DHCP – Machine à étas finis – Format des messages • 58 References 2.3 Addressage: DNS et DHCP Domain Name System (DNS) Introduction • Le niveau 2 relie physiquement les équipements sur la base d’une adresse physique (MAC) • Le niveau 3 relie les équipements logiquement entre eux sur la base d’une adresse logique (IP) • Le niveau 4 relie les applications entre elles sur la base d’un identifiant (port) • Le niveau 7, et donc les usagers, références les équipements par un nom Application Transport Network Data link Physical – Nom symbolique « intuitif ou facile ». – Plus simple à retenir qu’une adresse 59 60 D. Rossi – RES224 Introduction • Internet, grand réseaux dynamique – Beaucoup d'adresses dans le réseau – Adresses dynamiques et adresses statiques • On associe aux adresses IP un nom symbolique – Plus « agréable » à mémoriser qu'un numéro – Les noms doivent être uniques – Nécessité de tables de correspondance (exemple: /etc/host, HOST.TXT) • • Table distribué Resolution (IP, nom) – ARPANET: mis-à-jour periodique et centralisée de la base (chaque nuit), puis rediffusion à tous les hotes – Probleme: Internet grandit – Solution: table distribué – Extension de l’adresse à la notion de ressource • Ressources correspondantes à des addresses – Organisation de l’espace de nommage en domaines • Chaque domaine gere ces correspondances Organismes • Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) – Assure la gestion des noms des adresses et des identifiants de ports etc. • Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) • Regional Internet Registries (RIRs) – Assure le travail technique de ICANs – Delegation du travail de IANA – RFC1466 définit les règles d'allocation des adresses IP aux RIR et aux LIR • 60 RIRs – APNIC (Asia Pacific Network Information Centre) – ARIN (American Registry for Internet Numbers) qui a en charge les Amériques et une partie de l'Afrique subsaharienne; – RIPE NCC (Réseaux IP Européens - Network Coordination Centre) qui a en charge l'Europe, le Moyen-Orient, l'ex-URSS et la partie de l'Afrique non couverte par ARIN. – AfriNIC (African Regional Network Information Centre) – LACNIC (Latin American and Caribbean IP address Regional Registry). 2.3 Addressage: DNS et DHCP Domain Name System (DNS) • Les composantes du DNS – – – – – Un espace de nommage Une base de données (spécification des ressources) Un protocole pour interroger la base Une architecture: resolver (client) et serveur Configuration du client et server • Plusieurs RFCs décrivent l’annuaire Internet: – RFC 883 et 884 ensuite 1034 et 1035 • 1984: Paul Mockapetris définis le DNS – RFC 1032, 1033, 1034, 1035, 1101, 1122, 1123, 1183, 1713, 1794, 1912, 1995, 1996, 2010, 2136, 2137, 2181, 2308, 2317, 2535-2541, 2606, etc. • Optional readings RFC1034 et RFC1035 Espace de nommage • • • Structure d’arbre avec une racine – La racine (root) est représentée par un point « . » Un nœud représente un domaine – À chaque nœud de l’arbre est associé un label – Les informations associées à chaque nœud du domaine sont contenus dans une base et gérées par ce nœud (en fait, cela est simpliste… plus de details dans la suite) – Chaque nœud peut avoir des fils, dont le labels doivent etre différent (pour garantir l’unicité) . it fr x z Label – Désigné par des caracteres alphanumériques et « - » • En fait, limitation de praticité, car 255 valeurs seraient possibles… mais ne sont pas sur le clavier ! y – La taille maximum d’un label est de 63 caractères – Pas de sensibilité à la casse (case insensitive) • A nouveau, pratique courante et pas limitation technologique 61 62 D. Rossi – RES224 Espace de nommage • Nom de domaine – Concatenation de labels sur un chemin donné • Séparé par des dots « . » du point de vue des etres humains • Suite de pair (longueur, label) du point de vue des messages du reseau – La taille d’un nom de domaine est au maximum de 255 characterès • La profondeur de l’arbre est limitée par cette taille • Nom de domaine complet – Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN ) – doit etre unique dans le reseau (pas d’ambiguité dans la resolution) – est composé de l’ensemble des labels d’un feuille de l’arbre jusqu’à la racine • Par default, le DNS ajoute le nom de domaine locale (e.g., www deviens • Le « . » finale est souvent omis (mais deviens ) • Hormis la premiere, le choix des labels est laissé aux besoins des usages – Le choix de est pour retrouver intuivement le nom de la machine de l’ENST qui supporte une application WEB. Espace de nommage root . tld edu mil gov com net int ddn ibm hp nic www www org fr … ca enst infres rms 62 ch tsi siav 2.3 Addressage: DNS et DHCP Root • Root server – Par definition, au plus haut de la hierarchie a NSI Herndon, VA – points d’entrée dans le c PSInet Herndon, VA système de résolution globale d U Maryland College Park, MD g DISA Vienna, VA – Ils ont un rôle de « reroutage » h ARL Aberdeen, MD des résolutions j NSI (TBD) Herndon, VA – Connaissent tous les autres e NASA Mt View, CA root server f Internet Software C. Palo – Connaissent tous les TLDs Alto, CA – [a-m] – Essayez • dig • k RIPE London i NORDUnet Stockholm m WIDE Tokyo b USC-ISI Marina del Rey, CA l ICANN Marina del Rey, CA Site de référence – – Root L ettre ancien nom A B C D H I VeriSign USC -ISI Cogent University of M aryland NASA E F G O rganisation ISC U.S. DoD N IC U.S. Arm y aos.arl.arm y.m il Research Lab ns.nic.ddn.m il Autonom ica J VeriSign K R IPE NCC L M ICA N N W ID E Project Ville / Etat D ulles(*), Virginie, M arina del Rey, C alifornie D istribution par anycast C ollege Park, M aryland, M ountain View, Santa C lara C ounty, C alifornie N airobi, distribution par anycast C olom bus, O hio A berdeen Proving G round, M aryland Stockholm , Suède, distribution par an ycast D istribution par anycast Londres, R oyaum e-Uni, distribution par anycast Los Angeles, C alifornie T okyo, distribution par anycast R égion (continent) États-Unis États-Unis États-Unis États-Unis K enya États-Unis États-Unis U nion européenne U nion européenne États-Unis Japon 63 64 D. Rossi – RES224 Top-Level Domain • Les Top-Level Domain (TLD): – Domaines de premier niveau (RFC1591) – Connaissent tous les root server – Connaissent les serveur delegués de sous-domaine • Deux types – ccTLD: country code TLD • ex. fr, ca, ma, us, de, … • – gTLD: generic TLD • ex. com, org, net, …+ 7 nouveaux biz, aero, name, pro, musuem, info et coop et encore récemment mobi • Domaine vs Zone • • Domains et zones – Un domain identifie une sous arborescence de l’espace de nommage (Domain = lieu topologique) – Une zone contient une base avec l’ensemble des informations associées à ce nœud (Zone = borne administrative) La délégation – Un nœud délégue la gestion à un nœud fils, ceci devient une zone • Ce qui confère la distribution des donnés au sein du DNS • Ceci permet aux TLD de deleguer toutes les nombreuses sous-zones (e.g., plusieurs millions de – Le nœud père doit être en possession des adresses où se trouvent la base d’information des fils auxquels il a delegué des zones • ‘‘Glue records’’ pour eviter references circulaires dans la resolution 64 2.3 Addressage: DNS et DHCP Espace de nommage Domaine fr Zone fr Zone enst fr enst infres edf tsi rd siav prod … rms … Espace de nommage Domaine= sous-arbre, lieu topologique Zone= forme arbitraire, bornes administratives Zone enst ses fr edf enst Zone infres … rms infres tsi siav rd prod Domaine enst 65 66 D. Rossi – RES224 Domaine vs Zone • • • Zone – Administré séparément. – Une zone peut être subdivisée en plusieurs zones. – L'autorité d'une zone est déléguée à une personne qui est chargée de créer des serveurs de domaine – Remarque: il existent des boites dont le business est de gerer des bases de donnés DNS pour des tiers À chaque fois qu'une zone est créé, – L'administrateur alloue un nom à cette zone (verifié avec RIR), – Notifie les adresses IP des serveurs DNS de sa zone à la zone père – Les noms de machines dans cette zone sont inseré dans le database. Remarque: pour une zone on a obligatoirement – un serveur primaire et un serveur secondaire. – Le serveur secondaire copie la base du premier (zone transfer). – La difference n’est que dans le nom, les deux serveurs sont pareils Service DNS 66 • Le service principale du DNS consiste dans la resolution de noms: – Associer une adresse IP à un nom – Associer un nom à une adresse IP (résolution inverse) – Associer un nom à une ressource • La résolution de nom est basé sur un modèle client/serveur – Le serveur est celui qui détient les informations – Chaque serveur est autoritaire sur sa propre zone – Il consulte d’autres serveurs DNS au delà du périmètre de sa zone • Notion de serveur autoritaire – Autoritaire: serveur responsable de l’information, concernant sa zone, qu’il est en train de communiquer (le secondaire est aussi autoritaire ) – Non autoritaire: serveur qui détient l’information mais qui n’est à l’origine de celle-ci (information retenue temporairement) 2.3 Addressage: DNS et DHCP Ressources et base d’information du DNS • La base d’information: – Contient des enregistrements ou Ressources Records (RR) – Un enregistrement représente une ressource de l’annuaire et une association entre plusieurs objets • Enregistrement de type Start Of Authority (SOA) : – indique l'autorité sur la zone. – contient toutes les informations sur le domaine: • le délai de mise à jour des bases de données entre serveurs de noms primaires et secondaires, • le nom du responsable du site • Enregistrements de type Name Server (NS) : – les adresses des serveurs DNS responsables de la zone Ressources et base d’information du DNS • Enregistrement de type Adresse (A , A6, AAAA): – définit les noeuds fixes du réseau ceux qui ont des adresses IP statiques • Enregistrements de type Mail eXchanger (MX) : – Identifie les serveurs de messagerie (recepteur) • Enregistrements de type Canonical Name (CNAME): – définit des alias sur des noeuds existants. • Enregistrement de type Pointeur (PTR): – résolution de noms inverse dans (domaine • Pour chaque RR, le DNS garde: – Le nom, le type, la classe, la durée de vie, la valeur 67 68 D. Rossi – RES224 Example IN SOA ( 20001210011 ; numéro de série 10800 ; rafraîchissement (REFRESH) 3600 ; nouvel essai (RETRY) 604800 ; Obsolescence (EXPIRE) 86400 ) ; TTL minimal de 1 jour IN NS ; commentaire IN NS ; peut être ;remplacé par @ @ IN NS ns1 IN NS ns2 Example www ftp IN IN IN IN IN IN IN A A A A CNAME CNAME MX IN PTR 68 2.3 Addressage: DNS et DHCP Architecture/Protocole DNS • Norme (assez) stable – RFC 1034 : concepts et facilités du DNS – RFC 1035 : spécification de l ’implémentation • Protocole – – – – Paradigme client-server, fortement distribué Messages de type requête/réponse, format binaire Besoin primaire: rapidité, eviter lourdeur, fiabilité Transport: UDP et TCP • UDP plus rapide (evite three way handshake) • La taille des messages UDP est limité à 512 octets • Si la réponse est supérieure à 512 octets, elle est tronquée, la requête est retransmise une deuxième fois mais basée sur TCP • TCP pour transfer de zone Architecture/Protocole DNS • Transfer de zone – Implementé comme query DNS (ressource AXFR) – Le serveur secondaire copie la base de données du server primaire avec TCP (fiabilité impérative) – Debut et fin par le SOA • Numero de serie incrementale pour confronter versions • Policy – Polling periodique effectué par le serveur secondaire – Effectué chaque REFRESH secondes – En cas de problemes, re-essaye chaque RETRY secondes – Problemes persistent: la base est jetée après EXPIRE sec 69 70 D. Rossi – RES224 Architecture/Protocole DNS • Modalités d’interrogation – Mode iteratif • Obligatoire • Complexité sur le le client – Mode récursif • • • • Optionnel Complexité sur le serveur Difficile pour troubleshooting en cas de panne Benefique pour le cache • En pratique – Recursif jusqu’au serveur DNS locale – Iteratif depuis le serveur DNS locale Resolution Resolution recursive de type A pour 2 . 3 Remarque: La reponse dans le cache du resolver pourra servir les prochaines requetes 6 fr it 5 7 enst 4 com x z 8 DB ns1 Cache Cache 1 70 www y Lien logique Lien physique Requete Reponse 2.3 Addressage: DNS et DHCP Resolution Resolution iterative de type A pour 2 Remarque: La reponse dans le cache du resolver pourra servir les prochaines requetes . 3 fr it com 4 enst x 5 8 DB ns1 www y Cache Cache 6 1 z Lien logique Lien physique Requete Reponse 7 Format des requêtes/réponses 1 32 IDENTIFICATION FLAGS NBR. DE QUESTIONS NBR. DE REPONSES NBR. DE RRs AUTORITAIRES RRs SUPPLEMENTAIRES QUESTIONS REPONSES AUTORITAIRES INFORMATIONS SUPPLEMENTAIRES 71 72 D. Rossi – RES224 Format des requêtes/réponses • • Identification (16 bits): pour associer une réponse à une requête Flags (16 bits): – 1 QR : Question = 0 , Réponse = 1 – 2 OPCODE (3 bits) 0 question standard / 1 question inverse / 2 requête de statuts du serveur – – – – – – – – 5 AA: = 1 Authorative Answer 6 TC : = 1 Truncated Response 7 RD: = 1 Recursion Desired sinon question itérative 8 RA : = 1 Recursion Allowed indique le support de la récursion 9 Reserved : = 0 10 AD Authentic Data 11 CD Checking Disabled 12 RCODE (4bits) Reponse Code • • • • • • • 0 Pas d’erreur. 1 Erreur de format, question non interprétable. 2 Problème sur le serveur. 3 Nom dans la question n’existe pas 4 Type de la question n’est pas supporté 5 Question refusée. 6-15 Réservées Format des requêtes/réponses Question Nom Type Classe Nom 5 v e r d i 4 e n s t 2 f r 0 FQDN 72 2.3 Addressage: DNS et DHCP Format des requêtes/réponses Type Symbole Valeur Description type A 1 Adresse IP x type de demande x NS 2 Nom du serveur de nom autoriaire x x CNAME 5 Nom canonique x x PTR 12 Pointeur x x HINFO 13 Information sur le host x x MX 15 Serveur de messagerie x x AXFR 252 Requête pour zone de transfert x ANY / * 255 Requête pour tous enregistrement x Format des requêtes/réponses Class 1= (IN) Internet address 2 = Non attribué ou non supporté 3 = Réseau Chaos du MIT 4 = attribué au MIT pour Hesiod 73 74 D. Rossi – RES224 Format des requêtes/réponses Réponse Nom Type Classe Durée de vie de la réponse (TTL) Longueur de la donnée Donnée Example • Démonstration et analyse de trafic Question: 00 07 cb 4c 40 e1 08 00 46 60 d6 42 08 00 45 00 00 38 46 32 00 00 80 11 28 b9 c0 a8 00 0a d4 1b 36 fc 04 18 00 35 00 24 35 ab a2 b3 01 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 03 77 77 77 03 6c 63 6c 02 66 72 00 00 01 00 01 74 2.3 Addressage: DNS et DHCP Example • Démonstration et analyse de trafic Question: 00 07 cb 4c 40 e1 08 00 46 60 d6 42 08 00 45 00 00 38 46 32 00 00 80 11 28 b9 c0 a8 00 0a d4 1b 36 fc 04 18 00 35 00 24 35 ab a2 b3 01 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 03 77 77 77 03 6c 63 6c 02 66 72 00 00 01 00 01 Ethernet / IP / UDP / DNS Example • Démonstration et analyse de trafic Question: 00 07 cb 4c 40 e1 08 00 46 60 d6 42 08 00 45 00 00 38 46 32 00 00 80 11 28 b9 c0 a8 00 0a d4 1b 36 fc 04 18 00 35 00 24 35 ab a2 b3 01 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 03 77 77 77 03 6c 63 6c 02 66 72 00 00 01 00 01 ID / QR OPCODE AA TC RD / RA Z RCODE 75 76 D. Rossi – RES224 Example • Démonstration et analyse de trafic Question: 00 07 cb 4c 40 e1 08 00 46 60 d6 42 08 00 45 00 00 38 46 32 00 00 80 11 28 b9 c0 a8 00 0a d4 1b 36 fc 04 18 00 35 00 24 35 ab a2 b3 01 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 03 77 77 77 03 6c 63 6c 02 66 72 00 00 01 00 01 QDCOUNT / ANCOUNT / NSCOUNT / ARCOUNT Example • Démonstration et analyse de trafic Question: 00 07 cb 4c 40 e1 08 00 46 60 d6 42 08 00 45 00 00 38 46 32 00 00 80 11 28 b9 c0 a8 00 0a d4 1b 36 fc 04 18 00 35 00 24 35 ab a2 b3 01 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 03 77 77 77 03 6c 63 6c 02 66 72 00 00 01 00 01 3 www 3 lcl 3 fr 0 / TYPE / CLASS 76 2.3 Addressage: DNS et DHCP Example • Démonstration et analyse de trafic Réponse: 08 00 46 60 d6 42 00 07 cb 4c 40 e1 08 00 45 00 00 56 00 00 40 00 38 11 76 cd d4 1b 36 fc c0 a8 00 0a 00 35 04 18 00 42 17 48 a2 b3 81 80 00 01 00 02 00 00 00 00 03 77 77 77 03 6c 63 6c 02 66 72 00 00 01 00 01 c0 0c 00 05 00 01 00 00 01 e1 00 02 c0 10 c0 10 00 01 00 01 00 00 01 e1 00 04 c1 6e 98 37 Example • Démonstration et analyse de trafic Réponse: 08 00 46 60 d6 42 00 07 cb 4c 40 e1 08 00 45 00 00 56 00 00 40 00 38 11 76 cd d4 1b 36 fc c0 a8 00 0a 00 35 04 18 00 42 17 48 a2 b3 81 80 00 01 00 02 00 00 00 00 03 77 77 77 03 6c 63 6c 02 66 72 00 00 01 00 01 c0 0c 00 05 00 01 00 00 01 e1 00 02 c0 10 c0 10 00 01 00 01 00 00 01 e1 00 04 c1 6e 98 37 Ethernet / IP / UDP / DNS 77 78 D. Rossi – RES224 Example • Démonstration et analyse de trafic Réponse: 08 00 46 60 d6 42 00 07 cb 4c 40 e1 08 00 45 00 00 56 00 00 40 00 38 11 76 cd d4 1b 36 fc c0 a8 00 0a 00 35 04 18 00 42 17 48 a2 b3 81 80 00 01 00 02 00 00 00 00 03 77 77 77 03 6c 63 6c 02 66 72 00 00 01 00 01 c0 0c 00 05 00 01 00 00 01 e1 00 02 c0 10 c0 10 00 01 00 01 00 00 01 e1 00 04 c1 6e 98 37 ID / QR OPCODE AA TC RD / RA Z RCODE Example • Démonstration et analyse de trafic Réponse: 08 00 46 60 d6 42 00 07 cb 4c 40 e1 08 00 45 00 00 56 00 00 40 00 38 11 76 cd d4 1b 36 fc c0 a8 00 0a 00 35 04 18 00 42 17 48 a2 b3 81 80 00 01 00 02 00 00 00 00 03 77 77 77 03 6c 63 6c 02 66 72 00 00 01 00 01 c0 0c 00 05 00 01 00 00 01 e1 00 02 c0 10 c0 10 00 01 00 01 00 00 01 e1 00 04 c1 6e 98 37 QDCOUNT / ANCOUNT / NSCOUNT / ARCOUNT 78 2.3 Addressage: DNS et DHCP Example • Démonstration et analyse de trafic Réponse: 08 00 46 60 d6 42 00 07 cb 4c 40 e1 08 00 45 00 00 56 00 00 40 00 38 11 76 cd d4 1b 36 fc c0 a8 00 0a 00 35 04 18 00 42 17 48 a2 b3 81 80 00 01 00 02 00 00 00 00 03 77 77 77 03 6c 63 6c 02 66 72 00 00 01 00 01 c0 0c 00 05 00 01 00 00 01 e1 00 02 c0 10 c0 10 00 01 00 01 00 00 01 e1 00 04 c1 6e 98 37 3 www 3 lcl 3 fr 0 / TYPE / CLASS Example • Démonstration et analyse de trafic Réponse: 08 00 46 60 d6 42 00 07 cb 4c 40 e1 08 00 45 00 00 56 00 00 40 00 38 11 76 cd d4 1b 36 fc c0 a8 00 0a 00 35 04 18 00 42 17 48 a2 b3 81 80 00 01 00 02 00 00 00 00 03 77 77 77 03 6c 63 6c 02 66 72 00 00 01 00 01 c0 0c 00 05 00 01 00 00 01 e1 00 02 c0 10 c0 10 00 01 00 01 00 00 01 e1 00 04 c1 6e 98 37 C0 0C = 11000000 00001100 => Offset Ptr +12 (to 0x03) 79 80 D. Rossi – RES224 Example • Démonstration et analyse de trafic Réponse: 08 00 46 60 d6 42 00 07 cb 4c 40 e1 08 00 45 00 00 56 00 00 40 00 38 11 76 cd d4 1b 36 fc c0 a8 00 0a 00 35 04 18 00 42 17 48 a2 b3 81 80 00 01 00 02 00 00 00 00 03 77 77 77 03 6c 63 6c 02 66 72 00 00 01 00 01 c0 0c 00 05 00 01 00 00 01 e1 00 02 c0 10 c0 10 00 01 00 01 00 00 01 e1 00 04 c1 6e 98 37 CNAME / Internet / TTL=8m / Size of Ptr Len / Ptr Example • Démonstration et analyse de trafic Réponse: 08 00 46 60 d6 42 00 07 cb 4c 40 e1 08 00 45 00 00 56 00 00 40 00 38 11 76 cd d4 1b 36 fc c0 a8 00 0a 00 35 04 18 00 42 17 48 a2 b3 81 80 00 01 00 02 00 00 00 00 03 77 77 77 03 6c 63 6c 02 66 72 00 00 01 00 01 c0 0c 00 05 00 01 00 00 01 e1 00 02 c0 10 c0 10 00 01 00 01 00 00 01 e1 00 04 c1 6e 98 37 C0 0C = 11000000 00010000 => Offset Ptr +16 (to 0x03) 80 2.3 Addressage: DNS et DHCP Example • Démonstration et analyse de trafic Réponse: 08 00 46 60 d6 42 00 07 cb 4c 40 e1 08 00 45 00 00 56 00 00 40 00 38 11 76 cd d4 1b 36 fc c0 a8 00 0a 00 35 04 18 00 42 17 48 a2 b3 81 80 00 01 00 02 00 00 00 00 03 77 77 77 03 6c 63 6c 02 66 72 00 00 01 00 01 c0 0c 00 05 00 01 00 00 01 e1 00 02 c0 10 c0 10 00 01 00 01 00 00 01 e1 00 04 c1 6e 98 37 TYPE/ CLASS/ TTL / Data Len / Example drossi@nonsns:~$ dig ;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 23398 ;; flags: qr rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 2, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 0 ;; QUESTION SECTION: ; IN A ;; ANSWER SECTION: 417 417 CNAME A IN IN ;; Query time: 50 msec ;; SERVER: ;; WHEN: Thu Dec 20 22:21:20 2007 ;; MSG SIZE rcvd: 58 81 82 D. Rossi – RES224 Résolution de nom inverse Conclusions et remarques • Protocole simple et flexible – Déploiement et mise en œuvre rapide – Adapté à plusieurs réseaux / usages (voir SPF dans le cours SMTP) • Plusieurs attaques structurelles possibles – Nécessité de laisser passer le trafic DNS (pas de filtrage) – Exposé aux attaques mais suffisement robuste • Talon d’Achille de l’Internet – – – – 82 9/11 twin towers (cfr. TD) Ne supporte pas tous types de ressources Évolutions RFC4423 (Host Identity Protocol, HIP) Internet of things ? 2.3 Addressage: DNS et DHCP Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) Protocole DHCP • DHCP – – – – • Basé sur Bootp + extensions (“backward compatibility) RFC 2131 (updated 3396, 4361, 5494) Client/server, request/reponse Format PDU binaire sur UDP (port 67/68) Fonctionnalités – Gestion centralisé de l’allocation de ressource (addresses IP) – Mise en place automatique de paramètres de configuration • Addresse IP, netmask, default GW, DNS resolver 83 84 D. Rossi – RES224 Protocole DHCP • En brief: – Le client émet en broadcast un paquet de type DHCPDISCOVER, pour identifier les serveurs DHCP disponibles – Le serveur répond par un paquet DHCPOFFER (broadcast), qui contient les premiers paramètres – Le client établit sa configuration et envoie un DHCPREQUEST pour valider son adresse IP – Le serveur répond par un DHCPAK avec l’adresse IP pour confirmer l’attribution. DISCOVER OFFER OFFER REQUEST ACK Protocole DHCP DHCP Discover C DHCP Offer Eth macC FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF Eth macS macC IP IP IPs IPoffered UDP 68 67 UDP 67 68 DHCP Type: Discover Transation ID: x Opts: Hostname, preferred IP DHCP Type: Offer Transaction ID: x Params: netmask, gw, DNS, lease time, … S Discover Offer DHCP Request 84 Eth macC FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF IP UDP 68 67 DHCP Type: Request Transation ID: x Opts: Hostname, IPoffered, DHCP server IPs DHCP Ack Request Ack Eth macS macC IP IPs IPc UDP 67 68 DHCP Type: Ack Transaction ID: x Params: mask, gw, DNS, lease 2.3 Addressage: DNS et DHCP Protocole DHCP • Baux DHCP (DHCP lease) – Prêt d’un adresse IP donnée pour une durée limitée (soft state) – Demande (par le client) de prolongation du bail : DHCPREQUEST – Optimisation des adresses IP en jouant sur la durée des baux • Courte durée pour les réseaux où les ordinateurs se branchent et se débranchent souvent, • Longue durée pour les réseaux constitués en majorité de machines fixes. • Mode Client/Serveur – Les clients : machines disposant du protocole TCP/IP, et d’une application DHCP (pump, dhclient) – Les serveurs : machines ou routeurs configurés manuellement disposant du service serveur DHCP (dhcpd) – Fonctionne au-dessus d’UDP; les échanges sont à l’initiative des clients Protocole DHCP NACK NACK Init Init/ Reboot NACK Discover Selecting Decline Rebooting Nack Request Collecte des messages Offers Request ACK Requesting Rejet des messages Offer non valides ACK ACK Rejet des messages Offer/Ack/Nack Bound Expiration bail Rebinding Expiration du délai ACK Renewing 85 86 D. Rossi – RES224 Protocole DHCP Allocation d’adresses IP Statique Manuelle Adresse fixée par l’administrateur Automatique Adresse fixée définitivement Dynamique Dynamique Adresse prêtée pour une certaine durée (bail) DHCP References • Optional reading: – D.Wessel and M. Fomenkov, Wow, that’s a lot of packets, Passive and Active Measurement (PAM), 2003 dnspackets/wessels-pam2003.pdf 86 2.3 Addressage: DNS et DHCP ?? || // 87 30/08/20 88 D. Rossi – RES224 RES 224 Architecture des applications Internet Accès au données dario.rossi HTTP et FTP Dario Rossi RES224 v250811 Plan • Web • • • • Histoire du Web Architecture du Web Le protocole HTTP Performance • FTP • Apercu du protocole • Connectivité 88 30/08/20 2.4 Accès aux données: HTTP et FTP HTTP Histoire du World Wide Web • • • • • • 1945, 1965, 1989, 1991, 1993, 1994, • • • • • • • • • • 1994, 1995, 1995, 1996, 2001, 2004, 2005, 2008, 2009, 2010, Vannevar Bush's memex Ted Nelson invente le mot "Hypertext" Tim Berners Lee (CERN) debut du Web première demonstration publique Marc Anderson, (Univ. of Illinois at Urbana Champaign), Mosaic World Wide Web Consortium agreement (, signé par MIT et CERN Java (SUN Microsystems) rencontre le Web Netscape devient une societé à la bourse JavaScript Internet Explorer commence la guerre des browsers estimation de la taille du “deep Web” Web 2.0 AJAX YouTube deuxième moteur de recherche après Google Twitter et l’Iran, facebook, ou comment inviter 20000 personne à ton anniversaire 89 30/08/20 90 D. Rossi – RES224 Architecture du Web Architecture du Web Client HTTP protocole HTTP Browser HTTP Proxies Interaction HTTP / TCP 90 HTML Serveur HTTP Server Focus de RES224 RES240 30/08/20 2.4 Accès aux données: HTTP et FTP Architecture du Web • Hebergement (Web hosting) – Hebergement de plusieurs p’tit sites sur une seule machine (eg. Geocites) – Services d’hebergement encore existent (eg. lately, virtual HTTP servers) GeoCities was shut down 26 Oct 2009. There were at least 38 million userbuilt pages. Architecture du Web • Server farms – Enormement de machines pour faire face a à la charge due aux nombre de clients – Cela marche pour des bottleneck de CPU, mais pas de capacité (un des centres) Google 91 30/08/20 92 D. Rossi – RES224 Architecture du Web • CDN User – Specialisés dans la diffusion du contenu – Redirection des requetes CDN AS1 AS4 • via DNS (cfr optional readings) • via HTTP redirection (plus loin dans le cours) CDN AS2 CDN – Multi-B$ business CDN • ~30 market players • Akamai, Limelight AS3 Video Server Vocabulaire du Web Page Web: Agents utilisateur • • Ensemble d’objets – – • Page HTML de base Objets (images, fichiers, …) référencés par des URLs Uniform Resource Locator (URL) proto:// • Browser – MS Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, .. Crawler, spider – Wget, DeeperWeb, WebCrawler, … Daemon • • Server Web : – Apache, Google Web server, MS Internet Information Server, … Proxy server – Squid cache, Apache Traffic Server, … Internet 92 30/08/20 2.4 Accès aux données: HTTP et FTP Universal Resource Locators • Une precision: non seulement les objet HTTP sont désignés par URLs • URLs contients Protocole, machine, port, répertoire et fichier… – …mais aussi parametres (cfr plus tard), etc. et ils peuvent donc devenir arbitrairement compliqué… HTML – HyperText Markup Language • Page HTML interpreté par le browser • Page HTML stoqué sur le server Web (b) 93 30/08/20 94 D. Rossi – RES224 Documents dynamiques • HTML pas seulement statique, mais dynamiquement crée en fonction des demande d’usager HTTP • Plusieurs composant de l’architecture Web, – coté serveur (e.g., CGI, PHP, SHTML) – coté client (Javascript, Ajax,…) Remarque: HTTP intervient seulement dans quelques cas HTTP HTTP Le protocole HTTP • Paradigme client/server – Client: le browser, qui demande, reçoit, affiche les objets Web – Serveur: le serveur Web, qui envoie les réponses aux requêtes des browsers • Simple protocole requête/réponse – Importance de normes: interoperabilité – HTTP1.0 : RFC 1945 – HTTP1.1 : RFC 2068 Win95 IE5 Linux Firefox Machine Unix Netscape Internet 94 30/08/20 2.4 Accès aux données: HTTP et FTP Le protocole HTTP Service de transport (simplifié) HTTP est « sans état » • • • Orienté données, donc TCP Le client initie une connexion TCP (socket) avec le serveur, port 80 Le serveur accepte la connexion TCP – Quelle est la porte du client ? Des messages HTTP (protocole applicatif) sont échangés entre le browser (client) et le serveur Web La connexion TCP est fermée – Remarque: cela depends des options et/ou de la version du protocle • • • • • Le serveur ne maintient aucune information au sujet des requêtes précédentes des clients Pro: simplicité d’implementation, passage à l’echelle Contre: manque d’information Les protocoles « avec état » sont complexes ! • • L’histoire passée doit être gardée Si le serveur ou le client crashe les états peuvent être incohérents et il faut les resynchroniser Format des messages HTTP : requete • • • Deux types de messages HTTP : requête, réponse Format ASCII Message de requête HTTP : Ligne de requête (methode, ressource, version protocole) GET /~drossi/index.html HTTP/1.0 Host: Connection: close Lignes User-agent: Mozilla/4.0 d’entête Accept: text/html, image/gif,image/jpeg Accept-language:fr Le retour chariot indique la fin du message 95 30/08/20 96 D. Rossi – RES224 Format de message HTTP : reponse • • • Deux types de messages HTTP : requête, réponse Format ASCII Message de reponse HTTP : Ligne d'état (version, code et message d'état) Lignes d’entête HTTP/1.0 200 OK Connection: close Date: Thu, 06 Aug 2002 11:00:15 GMT Server: Apache/1.3.0 (Unix) Last-Modified: Mon, 22 Apr 2001 …... Content-Length: 621 Content-Type: text/html Vide Données (e.g., html , image) data data data data data ... Méthodes HTTP/1.0 • GET – Rapatrie des objet • POST – Envoie des objet • HEAD – Requete d’information de l’entete concernant l’objet; – Le serveur laisse l’objet hors de la réponse 96 HTTP/1.1 • GET, POST, HEAD • PUT – Charge le fichier dans le corps vers le chemin spécifié dans l’URL • DELETE – Efface le fichier indiqué dans le champ URL 30/08/20 2.4 Accès aux données: HTTP et FTP (Charger du contenu de formulaire) Méthode POST • Une page web peut contenir des inputs de formulaires • Input envoyé au serveur dans le corps du message POST Méthode GET • Input envoyé directement dans le champ URL du message GET Examples d’Entetes 97 30/08/20 98 D. Rossi – RES224 Codes de réponse HTTP 200 OK – La requête a réussi et l’objet demandé est à la suite dans le corps du message 301 Moved Permanently – L’objet demandé a changé définitivement de place (voir corps du message) 400 Bad Request – La requête est erronée 404 Not Found – Le document demandé n’est pas disponible sur le serveur 505 HTTP Version Not Supported Mechanismes HTTP • Interaction avec le niveau transport – Connexion persistantes – Pipelining des requetes • Contourner l’absence d’etat de HTTP – Authorization – Cookies • Architecture et performance – GET Conditionnel – Redirection – Proxy HTTP 98 30/08/20 2.4 Accès aux données: HTTP et FTP Mechanismes HTTP • Interaction avec le niveau transport – Connexion persistantes – Pipelining des requetes • Contourner l’absence d’etat de HTTP – Authorization – Cookies • Architecture et performance – GET Conditionnel – Redirection – Proxy HTTP HTTP non persistant Côté serveur Côté client SYN 1a. Le client HTTP initie une connexion TCP au serveur HTTP sur le port 80 (open active) SYN+ACK 2. Le client HTTP envoie les requêtes HTTP (contenant des URLs) sur la connexion TCP temps 5. Le client HTTP reçoit la réponse contenant le fichier HTML, l’affiche, et trouve les URLs référencées GET Data FIN 1b. Le serveur HTTP attend une connexion TCP sur le port 80. Il accepte la connexion, et l’annonce au client (open passive) 3. Le serveur HTTP reçoit le message de requête, génère le message de réponse contenant l’objet requis, et l’envoie sur la connexion TCP 4. Le serveur ferme la connexion TCP (half close) 6. Les étapes 1-5 sont répétées pour chaque URL référencée (e.g. images à telechargér), potentiellement en parallel 99 30/08/20 100 D. Rossi – RES224 SYN RTT Temps de completement: 2RTT+tTX • tTX depends de l’etat de la connexion • Slow start: 1,2,4,8,… segments par RTT au debut SYN+ACK ACK + GET RTT World Wide Wait! • Le browser ne peut que commencer à afficher les données apres 2 RTT • Slow-start pour tous les objects Data + FIN FINACK Fermeture Transfert de connexion données Temps de réponse: 2RTT • Un RTT pour la connexion TCP • Un RTT pour la requete HTTP et le premier segment TCP de la reponse HTTP (~1460 octets) Etablissement de connexion Interaction avec TCP HTTP persistant Côté serveur Côté client SYN 1a. Le client HTTP initie une connexion TCP au serveur HTTP sur le port 80 (open active) SYN+ACK GET 2. Le client HTTP envoie la requête HTTP sur la connexion TCP Data 4. Le client HTTP reçoit la réponse HTML, les URLs référencées et envoye >1 requetes (pipelining) 100 GETs Data temps 6. Une fois la page completé, le browser ferme la connexion (ou sinon le server après un timeout de k*300s ) 1b. Le serveur HTTP attend une connexion TCP sur le port 80. Il accepte la connexion, et l’annonce au client (open passive) 3. Le serveur HTTP reçoit le message de requête, génère le message de réponse contenant l’objet requis, et l’envoie sur la connexion TCP 5. Le serveur envoye les reponses sur la meme connexion dès que l’algorithme de controle de congestionde TCP le permet (cwnd) 30/08/20 2.4 Accès aux données: HTTP et FTP Connexion Persistantes et Pipelining Connexion non-persistante Connexion Persistante • • • HTTP/1.0 Le serveur interprète les requêtes, répond et ferme la connexion TCP • • Probleme (cfr slide suivant) • • • Au moins 2 RTTs pour lire chaque objet (handshake) Chaque transfert doit subir le slow-start de TCP Exemple : page contenant: – 1 HTML + 10 petits JPEG Performance • Remarque • Les navigateurs HTTP/1.0 utilisent plusieurs connexion en parallel !! Par défaut dans HTTP/1.1 introduite ensuite dans HTTP/1.0 Une seule connexion TCP Pipelining: le client envoie les requête de tous les objets requis dès qu’ils sont référencés dans le HTML => pas obligé d’attendre une reponse pour envoyer une nouvelle requete • Gain en performance pour le client – Moins de RTTs en debut de connexion => moins de delai – Moins de slow start (maintien des parametres) => plus de bande passante Gain en performance pour le serveur – Moins de ressources employés (socket) => plus de clients servis Mechanismes HTTP • Interaction avec le niveau transport – Connexion persistantes – Pipelining des requetes • Contourner l’absence d’etat de HTTP – Authorization – Cookies • Architecture et performance – GET Conditionnel – Redirection – Proxy HTTP 101 30/08/20 102 D. Rossi – RES224 Contrôle d'accès • Intérêt: accès restreint • HTTP fournit des codes et des entêtes d'état pour permettre l'authentification GET – Server: 401 Authorization Required – Client : Authorization : … • user name • Password (en clair! • 401: authorization req. WWW authenticate: HTTP est sans état GET Authorization: <cred> – Le client doit être autorisé à chaque requête – Necessaire d’utiliser l’ en-tête Autorisation: dans chaque requête – Autrement erreur 401 • 200 OK... GET Authorization: <cred> Totalement insecure – sauf si utilisé avec SSL/TLS (Secure Socket Layer / Transport Layer Security) 200 OK... Cookies Le cookie, soit – Un identificatif unique, transporté dans l’entete HTTP – Introduisent de l’etat dans un protocole sans etat – Elegant, simple, scalable, espion – Flexible: interpretation arbitraire – RFC 2109 Quatre composantes 1) Cookie dans HTTP request 2) Cookie dans HTTP response 3) Fichier cookie chez l'utilisateur et géré par le browser 4) Database derriere le site Web 102 Pros/Cons – Authorisation implicite – Caddies (e-commerce) – État session (Web e-mail) – Publicité/offre personalisé – Privacy issues Proprietés – Transportés par HTTP – Gérés au dela de HTTP – >300 cookies par browser – >4096 bytes par cookie – >20 cookie par domaine – Remarque: 1 cookie = plusieurs segments TCP 30/08/20 2.4 Accès aux données: HTTP et FTP Cookies GET /index.php?id=122 HTTP/1.1 Accept: */* Referer: php?id=19 Accept-Language: fr Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; InfoPath.2) Host: Connection: Keep-Alive Cookie: user=8441e98f05; TestCookieAlone=ok; Nombre_visite=6; Derniere_visite=20%2F12 %2F2006+%E0+09%3A20 HTTP/1.1 200 OK Date: Wed, 20 Dec 2006 08:20:17 GMT Server: Apache/1.3.31 (Unix) PHP/4.4.4 mod_ssl/2.8.18 OpenSSL/0.9.6b X-Powered-By: PHP/4.4.4 Set-Cookie: user=8441e98f05; Nombre_visite=6; expires=Wednesday, 27-Dec-06 08:20:18 GMT Set-Cookie: Derniere_visite=20%2F12%2F2 006+%E0+09%3A20; expires=Wednesday, 27-Dec-06 08:20:18 GMT Keep-Alive: timeout=15, Connection: Keep-Alive GET 200 OK Setcookie: GET Cookie: DB Operations specifiques au Cookie 200 OK Contenu personalisé Espionnage avec les Cookies • • et et representent des image 1x1 pixels, de couleur transparent ne sont pas hebergés sur, … mais sur <img> HTML Img-1 Img-2 HTML GET • • • • • vous renvoye vers pour recoit une requete pour img-1, vous envoye un cookie C, et sait que C a visité Site1 Quand vous visitez, votre browser doit utiliser le meme cookie C pour obtenir img-2, etc. peut alors connaître le comportement de C En moyenne, environ 80 sites comme par session GET ,C SETC 103 30/08/20 104 D. Rossi – RES224 Mechanismes HTTP • Interaction avec le niveau transport – Connexion persistantes – Pipelining des requetes • Contourner l’absence d’etat de HTTP – Authorization – Cookies • Architecture et performance – GET Conditionnel – Redirection – Proxy HTTP GET Conditionnel • Objectif – ne pas envoyer un objet que le client a déjà dans son cache • Problème – les objets contenus dans le cache peuvent être obsolètes • Solution • Operation GET If-modified-since: <date> – GET conditionnel – client: spécifie la date de la copie cachée dans l’entete If-modified-since: <date> – serveur: la réponse est vide si la copie cachée est à jour HTTP/1.0 304 Not Modified • GET If-modified-since: <date> Remarque – Plus efficace que effectuer une requete HEAD, verifier la date de l’objet et telecharger si modifié – HEAD aurait besoin d’un RTT en plus 104 HTTP/1.0 304 Not Modified HTTP/1.0 200 OK … Data 30/08/20 2.4 Accès aux données: HTTP et FTP HTTP Redirection YouTube Web Frontend GET get_video?video _id=XYZ HTTP/1.1 HTTP/1.1 303 See other location: et_video?video_id=XYZ YouTube video server Geolocalisation de l’hote, choix d’un serveur video proche peu chargé GET get_video?video _id=XYZ HTTP/1.1 200 OK Video data Proxy server (Cache Web) Proxy server Interet – ne contacter le serveur d’origine que si necessaire Remarque – Le cache locale HTTP permet aux browsers de garder les pages lues (~/.mozilla/Cache) – Ce cache n’est pas partagé Web server Deux types de proxy – Explicite: configuration du browser pour qu'il pointe vers le proxy server – Transparent: intercepte et modifie les packets Fonctionnement – Si l’objet est dans le cache, le proxy le renvoie tout de suite – Sinon il demande au serveur d’origine, cache, et répond ensuite – Proxy = client et serveur 105 30/08/20 106 D. Rossi – RES224 Proxy server (Cache Web) Principe • Le cache est proche du client • Cache partagé par tous les clients du meme reseau Cout • Réduction du débit à l’acces, economie de bande passante dans le coeur • Réduction du Opex (facture ISP) avec investissement Capex (serveur proxy) N …. 2 Performance • Réduction du temps de réponse – Delai plus faible en LAN (<1ms) que sur Internet (parfois >100ms) – Capacité plus importante en LAN (Gbps) que sur le lien d’acces Privacy? • … 1 Machine InternetUnix Netscape FTP 106 30/08/20 2.4 Accès aux données: HTTP et FTP File Transfer Protocol (FTP) • Service – Transfert de fichiers entre hôtes Chatacteristiques – RFC 959 – Server FTP: port 21 – Deux connexion: control et data – Protocole à etat (repertoire, authentication, ...) • • Paradigme client/server, – Requete/reponse; format binaire, textuel, ou compression – Eventuellement le client peut instruir une communicaton entre plusieurs serveurs Machine Unix Netscape Internet FTP : commandes, réponses Example de commandes : Example de réponses : • • • • • • • Envoyées comme du texte ASCII sur le canal de contrôle USER username PASS password LIST renvoie la liste des fichiers du répertoire courant RETR filename : rappatrie le fichier (get) STOR filename : stocke le fichier sur l'hôte distant (put) • • • • status code et explication (similaire à HTTP) 331 Username OK, password required 125 data connection already open; transfer starting 425 Can’t open data connection 452 Error writing file 107 30/08/20 108 D. Rossi – RES224 FTP : commandes, réponses % ftp hostname Connected to hostname Name (hostname:moi): 331 Password required for moi 331 Guest login ok, send e-mail address as password Password: 230 user moi logged in Commande internes du logiciel ftp ftp> qui implemente le protocole FTP Commandes internes – ?, cd, lcd, ls, dir, pwd, open, close, bin, ascii, get, put, prompt, hash, mget, mput, del, mkdir, quit. Active FTP – Connexion de contrôle – Role: échange des commandes et des réponses entre le client et le serveur – contrôle hors-bande (mais capacité physique partagée avec données) – Client: open active depuis le port non privilegié N vers le port 21 du serveur – Client: envoye PORT N+1 au serveur et open passive du port N+1 – Connexion de données – Role: echange de fichiers de données vers/depuis l'hôte distant – Server: open active vers le port N+1 du client à partir du port 20 – Souci de connectivité si hote derriere NAT ou Firewall (SYN vers port N+1 bloqué) => passive FTP TCP ports 20 N N+1 SYN SYN+ACK Connexion de control ACK PORT N+1 SYN Connexion data SYN+ACK ACK 108 21 30/08/20 2.4 Accès aux données: HTTP et FTP Passive FTP – Connexion de contrôle – Role: échange des commandes et des réponses entre le client et le serveur – contrôle hors-bande (mais capacité physique partagée avec données) – Client: open active depuis le port non privilegié N vers le port 21 du serveur – Client: envoye PASV au serveur – Server: envoye PORT P (P>1023) au client et open passive du port P – Connexion de données – Role: echange de fichiers de données vers/depuis l'hôte distant – Client: open active vers le port P du serveur à partir du port N+1 – “Sens interdit” respecté dans le cas du Firewall – Table de association de NAT respecté en cas d’addresse intranet du client TCP ports 21 N N+1 P>1023 SYN SYN+ACK ACK PASV Connexion de control PORT P SYN SYN+ACK Connexion data ACK References • Mandatory readings – S. Alckok, R. Nelson, Application flow control in YouTube video streams, ACM SIGCOMM CCR Vol. 41, No. 2, April 2011 – A. Finamore et al. YouTube everywhere: Impact of Device and Infrastructure Synergies on User Experience, ACM IMC’11, Nov 2011 • Optional readinds – J.C. Mogul, The case for persistent-connections HTTP, ACM SIGCOMM 1995 109 30/08/20 110 D. Rossi – RES224 ?? || // 110 30/08/20 2.5 eMail: SMTP POP et IMAP RES 224 Architecture des applications Internet eMail dario.rossi SMTP/POP3+IMAP4 Dario Rossi RES224 Plan • eMail • Architecture • SMTP + POP/IMAP • Le protocole SMTP • Commandes, • Format de messages • Apercu de POP/IMAP • SPAM et email forging • References 111 30/08/20 112 D. Rossi – RES224 eMail: les principes • Principes similaires au courrier postale – Acheminement en fonction de l’adresse de destination – Incapacité d’authentifier l’adresse de l’expéditeur – Système asynchrone décorrélation entre l’E/R • L’émetteur n’attend pas la disponibilité du récepteur • Le récepteur consulte sa boîte à son rythme – Pas de garantie de remise des messages • Acquittement sous le contrôle du récepteur • Pros/contres – – – – Plus rapide que le courrier papier Meme pas besoin d’un timbre (mais d’un PC et forfait ISP) SPAM (debut 2000, plus de SPAM que de eMail legitime) Usage excessif (cause de improductivité) eMail: Architecture Message Handling System (MHS) SMTP Message Transport System (MTS) MTA Message Transfer Agent (MTA) MTA UA POP3/IMAP4 MS MTA User Agent (UA) UA MS MTA UA 112 MS Mailbox Storage (MS) MTA MS UA 30/08/20 2.5 eMail: SMTP POP et IMAP eMail: Architecture • • Agents utilisateurs – Composition, édition de mail – Envoye du message vers server (protocole SMTP) – Lecture des mails (POP/IMAP) – Thunderbird, Outlook, elm, pine, etc. in out Daemons – Serveur de mail SMTP – File d'attente des messages sortants – Boite à lettre des messages entrant pour les usagers locaux SMTP Internet in out eMail: Architecture 1) Alice utilise son mailer pour composer un message; le mailer d’Alice envoie le message à son serveur de mail, le message est mis dans la file de sortie 2) Le serveur de mail effectue un DNS MX lookup pour trouver le serveur destinataire 2. 1. SMTP DNS MX 3. SMTP 3) Le côté client du serveur SMTP ouvre une connexion TCP avec le serveur mail de Bob, et lui envoye le message d’Alice 4) Le serveur mail de Bob place le message dans la boite aux lettres de Bob, qui consulte la boite avec POP/IMAP 4. Internet POP/ IMAP 113 30/08/20 114 D. Rossi – RES224 Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) Simple Mail Transfer Protocol • Defini dans RFC 821, 822, • Upgradés par RFC 2821, 2822, .... 5321 (Octobre 2008) • Utilisation du port TCP 25 • Example d’implementation: sendmail, postfix Interet • Transfert fiable du message depuis un client vers un serveur – Non seulement au niveau TCP, mais au niveau application • Transfert direct entre le serveur émetteur et le serveur récepteur – Historiquement, transfer en plusieurs etapes Characteristiques • Paradigme Client-server – Client: émetteur de mail (PUSH) – Serveur: récepteur de mail – A chaque etape, le serveur deviens client • Protocole à etat – handshake (établissement de la connexion) – transfert des messages – Fermeture de la connexion • Interaction commande / réponse – Commande : texte ASCII – Réponse : code d'état + phrase • Format de messages – 7bit ASCII Envoi en plusieurs etapes Relay • • • Gateway • • 114 Dans quels cas on a besoin de plusieurs etapes ? • Apres tout, grace au DNS on connait le destinataire finale.. Source routing (deprecated) Serveur SMTP peu puissants • e.g., ne re-essayent pas la trasmission, mais deleguent par default à un Relay SMTP Different protocoles • E.g., il faut passer par un Gateway qui connait les deux protocoles (SMTP et XYZ) A chaque passage, il y a une delegation de responsabilité pour la fiabilité de bout en bout 30/08/20 2.5 eMail: SMTP POP et IMAP Protocole SMTP: requetes • • Les requêtes (en ASCII) se terminent par CR LF Requêtes minimales supportés par toutes les implantations – HELP : Renvoie les commandes disponibles – HELO domaine : Identification du domaine – MAIL FROM expéditeur : Identifie l'expéditeur par son adresse – RCPT TO récepteur : Identifie le récepteur par son adresse – DATA : Début du corps du message (se termine par un '.' sur la première colone seul sur une ligne) – RSET : Reset – VRFY : Vérifier l'adresse d'une personne – QUIT : Fin Protocole SMTP: reponses • Les réponses sont composées de trois digits : – – – – 2XX : Réponse positive 3XX : Réponse positive intermédiaire 4XX : Réponse négative transitoire 5XX : Réponse négative définitive • Les deux derniers digits précisent le code retour; examples: – – – – – – 220 Service ready 251 User not local the message will be forwarded 354 Start mail input 452 Command aborted; insufficient storage 500 Syntax error; unrecognized command 551 User not local 115 30/08/20 116 D. Rossi – RES224 Example de session SMTP S: C: S: C: S: C: S: C: S: C: C: C: S: C: S: 220 HELO 250 Hello, pleased to meet you MAIL FROM: <> 250 Sender ok RCPT TO: <> 250 ... Recipient ok DATA 354 Enter mail, end with "." on a line by itself Do you like ketchup? How about pickles? . 250 Message accepted for delivery QUIT 221 closing connection Escape • Si on écrit un mail avec des lignes qui ne contiennent qu’un seul point “.”, comment on peut faire ? – SMTP va interpreter cela comme la fin du message • Escape! – En emission: si la ligne edité par l’emetteur commence par “.”, on y ajoute un “.” supplementaire au debut – En reception: si la ligne commence par un “.”, on l’enleve; si il ne reste que “CRLF”, c’est bien la fin de DATA • Trick commun avec les protocoles de niveau 2 – HDLC, PPP 116 30/08/20 2.5 eMail: SMTP POP et IMAP Format de mail Format du courriel echangé par SMTP • Definit dans RFC 822 • Lignes d'en-tête, (différentes des commandes SMTP) ex : – To : – From : – Subject : • Corps du message – le texte (et piece jointes) en caractères ASCII uniquement • Pas de besoin de CRC, Checksum… pourquoi? En-tête Ligne vide Corps du message Formats de mail – RFC 822 • Pour le protocole de mail, pas de difference entre To/Cc: – Difference psychologique pour les usagers – Difference entre To/Cc et Bcc (ce dernier est caché au 1ers) • From/Sender peuvent differer (e.g., Boss/Secretaire ) 117 30/08/20 118 D. Rossi – RES224 Formats de mail– RFC 822 • • X- « custom » headers – X-Confirm-reading-to: « the sender wish to be notified… » Maintenant beaucoup de header lines pour spam, virus – X-spam-assassin, X-virus-guardian, … Exemples d’entete 118 30/08/20 2.5 eMail: SMTP POP et IMAP Exemples d’entete 119 30/08/20 120 D. Rossi – RES224 Comme commande ou dans l’entete? • “MAIL FROM” vs “From:”, “RCPT TO” vs “To:” – Pourquoi en double ?! • Destinataire multiples (,, – Le meme message est enovyé à plusieurs destinataires par different commandes RCPT TO vers different serveurs – Comment pourrait savoir de et • Mailing list, – on veut par exemple qu’en cas d’erreur, un message soit addressé à l’administrateur de la liste et non pas à l’emetteur du message – Le serveur SMTP en reception substitue la commande MAIL FROM: avec l’administrateur, les erreurs en phase de transmission lui seront addressé – L’entete From: reste unchangé, les appartenant à la liste pourront repondre à celui qui a ecrit le message 120 30/08/20 2.5 eMail: SMTP POP et IMAP Format de mail: envoi de donnés non ASCII • Le corps du mail ne contient que de caractères ASCII – Alphabets avec accents (Français, Allemand) – D’autres alphabets (Juif, Russe) – Pas d’alphabet du tout (Chinois, Japonais) – Qu’est ce que c’est un alphabet ? (audio, images, binaire) • Pour envoyer de données multimédia ? – Multi-purpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) – Défini et mis en service en 1993, RFCs 1341,2045,2049 – Le but du MIME est de coder tout ‘attachement’ en caractères ASCII En-tête Corps du message α β Format de message: MIME • Lignes supplémentaires dans l'en-tête du message pour déclarer un contenu de type MIME MIME version Méthode utilisée pour coder les données tTpe, sous-type des données multimédia (déclaration de paramètres) Erom: To: Subject: Picture of crepes. MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 Content-Type: image/jpeg base64 encoded data ..... ......................... ......................... ......................... ......................... Données codées ......base64 encoded data 121 30/08/20 122 D. Rossi – RES224 Format de message: MIME Types MIME definis à l’origine Remarque: Lorsque un nouveau format de fichier apparait (e.g., Flash, 3DTV) apparait, il suffit de declarer un nouveau type/soustype MIME Format de message: MIME From: To: Subject: Picture of yummy crepe. MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary=StartOfNextPart Dear Bob, Please find a picture of a crepe. --StartOfNextPart Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 Content-Type: image/jpeg base64 encoded data ..... ......................... ......base64 encoded data --StartOfNextPart Do you want the reciple? --StartOfNextPart-- 122 30/08/20 2.5 eMail: SMTP POP et IMAP Problemes de SMTP • Mail storm – Reference circulaire dans les mailing lists • l’addresse de la mailing list B est dans la mailing list A et l’addresse de la mailining list A est dans B… • Solution: limiter le nombre de “passages” de serveur en serveur (max 100 “Received:” champs dans l’entete) – Ca vous rappelle quelque chose ? • Difference d’implementation (timeouts) – Considerez les cas: A->B , A->Relay->B – En cas de problemes transitoires à B, si A re-essaye pendant un temps TA, et Relay essaye pendant TR < TA – On a des niveaux de fiabilité differents SMTP vs HTTP Comparaison avec HTTP Characteristiques SMTP • Client – HTTP client: PULL – SMTP client: PUSH • • Interaction requete/reponse Connexion – utilise des connexions persistantes (plusieur messages entre serveurs) – Moins de socket, moins de slowstart, plus de debit sur des gros volumes (imaginez Aol & Gmail) • Messages – demande que les messages (entête ET corps) soient en ASCII – Certaines chaînes de caractères ne sont pas autorisées dans les messages (ex : CRLF.CRLF) – Le serveur SMTP utilise CRLF.CRLF pour reconnaître la fin du message – Les messages doivent alors être codés (généralement en base-64) – Les 2 ont des interactions commande/réponse ASCII et des codes d'état • Encapsulation – HTTP : chaque objet est encapsulé dans son propre message de réponse – SMTP : Un message contenant plusieurs objets est envoyé dans un seul message "multipart" 123 30/08/20 124 D. Rossi – RES224 eMail : Protocoles d'accès • • SMTP : livraison/stockage chez le serveur en réception POP/IMAP/HTTP: protocoles d'accès mail depuis le destinataire – Post Office Protocol (POP3, RFC 1939) • Simple: authentication et téléchargement • Protocole avec etat, peu d’état associé aux messages (lu/non lu) – Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP4, RFC 1730) • Plus de fonctionnalités (plus complexe) • Manipulation sophistiqué de messages stockés sur le serveur – HTTP • Service Webmail type Gmail Hotmail , Yahoo! Mail, etc. 2. 1. SMTP DNS MX 4. Internet 3. SMTP POP/ IMAP Protocole POP3 • POP3 : Post Office Protocol (version 3) – Retrait de message sur un serveur de messagerie – RFC 1939, TCP port 110 – Position du côté de l’UA (Thunderbird, Outlook,…) – Supporté par tous les serveurs de messagerie • Characteristiques – Paradigme Client/Server de type Requete/Reponse – Direction des donnés: de MTA vers UA (PULL) – Format PDU en ASCII – Les messages sont gérés et manipulés localement coté UA – Au plus, on peut laisser une copie des messages dans la MS du server – Peux flexible: un message ne peut être lu que s’il a été récupéré entierement 124 30/08/20 2.5 eMail: SMTP POP et IMAP Protocole POP3 Phase d'autorisation • Format requête cmd arg1 arg2 Format réponse -ERR arg1 arg2 … +OK arg1 arg2 … Protocole à état (3 phases): – Authorization – Transaction – Update • • • Commandes Authorization USER nom PASS passws QUIT Transaction STAT LIST [msg] RETR msg DELE msg NOOP RSET QUIT S: C: S: C: S: +OK POP3 server ready user alice +OK pass hungry +OK user logged on Phase de transaction C: S: S: S: C: S: S: C: C: S: S: C: C: S: list 1 498 2 912 . retr 1 <message 1 contents> . dele 1 retr 2 <message 1 contents> . dele 2 quit +OK POP3 server off Protocole IMAP4 • IMAP 4 : Internet Message Access Protocol (ver. 4) – Acces au serveur de messagerie – TCP port 143, RFC 2060 – Position du côté de l’UA (Thunderbird, Outlook,…) – De plus en plus supporté par les serveurs de messagerie (Gmail depuis ~2009) • Characteristiques – Paradigme Client/Server de type Requete/Reponse – Direction des donnés: de MTA vers UA (PULL) – Format PDU en ASCII – Initialement conçu pour les stations ayant peu de ressources => maintenant bien adapte pour les usageres en mobilité – Gestion, stockage, état du côté serveur – Etat associé aux messages (vu, effacé, réponse faite, dossiers, tags) – Flexible, IMAP4 donne accès aux entêtes des messages • e.g., entetes telechargés d’abord; corps lorsque on selectionne un message; les pièces jointes ne sont telechargé que si demandé par l’usager 125 30/08/20 126 D. Rossi – RES224 Protocole IMAP4 Commande Réponse attendue Description LOGIN OK LOGIN domaine_nt/compte_nt/ alias mot_de_passe Se connecte à la boîte aux lettres. SELECT dossier Mode du dossier & OK SELECT Sélectionne un dossier à afficher. FETCH n°_de_message Texte du message & Récupère le message à l’aide du OK FETCH n° de message. STORE Indicateurs de message \indicateur OK STORE EXPUNGE OK Supprime tous les messages marqués. LOGOUT OK Termine la session. Marque un message en vue de sa suppression ou pour lui affecter l’état Lu/Non lu. IMAP4 vs POP3 126 30/08/20 2.5 eMail: SMTP POP et IMAP SPAM • Attaques sur la messagerie – Messages non sollicités ou SPAM • Types d’attaques – Email bombing • Emission du même message n fois vers un récepteur – Email spamming • Emission du même message vers n récipient – Email spoofing (forging) • Emission d’un message avec un identifiant usurpé – Email phishing • Email Spamming + Email Spoofing + Fausse URL • Note: faux URL parfois bien caché ! – Email infection • Email Spamming + Email Spoofing + malaware (virus/backdoor/trojan…) 127 30/08/20 128 D. Rossi – RES224 SPAM • Quel emetteur ? – – – – – – – Usurpation des adresses (ip, usagers, serveurs) Usurpation des comptes utilisateurs Usage des maileurs officiels et gratuits (yahoo, voila,hotmail, …) Usurpation des ressources de serveurs relais Outil de scan de plage d’adresses pour trouver un service sur le port 25 Configuration de compte en forwarding Mise en place de serveur et domaine officiel pour une courte durée • Quel recepteur ? – Récolte des adresses email par Web, news, irc, salon, exploration des domaines, robots, listes de discussions – Achat/échanges de listes – Sous-traitance, Marketing officiel SPAM • Consequences – Pour le réseau: • • • • Saturation et occupation de ressources (bande passante réseaux) Etablissement de connexion TCP pour le serveur de messagerie Encombrement serveur (beaucoup de messages inutiles à traiter) Encombrement mailbox client – Pour les usagers: • • • • Nuisance Détournements des informations et code malicieux Non conformité aux mœurs Impact économique – En debut 2000s SPAM > mail normal – En 2010, SPAM enormement reduit (~100 botnets) 128 30/08/20 2.5 eMail: SMTP POP et IMAP SPAM • Efficacité du SPAM ? – SPAM au large (e.g., botnets) pas rentable – Social SPAM (e.g., postcards envoyé sur comptes hackés, address books personalisé) plus efficace • Rentabilité du business model ? – Cfr. Additional readings SPAM • Solutions – Filtrage • Filtrage sur l’entête (Blacklist, Whitelist, Greylist, …) • Filtrage sur le contenu (filtres Bayesien, de Bloom, Support Vector Machines ou technique d’apprentissage/reconnaissance d’images) • Inconvénient: les faux positifs – Authentification • Domains Key, S/MIME, • Inconvénient: infrastructure de distribution de clés, – Identification • Sender Policy Framework (use de DNS RR, cfr. slide suivant), • Incovenient: necessite d’application globale – Induire un coût à l’émetteur • Cout en $ par message • Inconvénient: pénalise tout le monde et nécessite de modifier les protocoles sous jacents. – Bloquer les compte banquaires des spammers • 3 banques utilisés par >90% de spammers • Inconvenient: problème de regulation (pas technique) 129 30/08/20 130 D. Rossi – RES224 Email forging • Don’t try this at home – Btw, the server knows who you are :) • Sender Policy Framework (SPF) – RFC4404 (april 2006) – Le DNS est deja utile pour trouver le serveur responsable de recevoir les mails • MX – Le DNS peut etre utilisé aussi pour definir qui est authorisé à envoyer les mail de • TXT "v=spf1 +mx -all“ – En reception, query TXT d’ • Rejection d’un message de la part de envoyé par d’autre serveur que ! Pas besoin d’outils compliqués… il suffit un terminal Email forging • Don’t try this at home – Btw, the server knows who you are :) • Sender Policy Framework (SPF) – RFC4404 (april 2006) – Le DNS est deja utile pour trouver le serveur responsable de recevoir les mails • MX – Le DNS peut etre utilisé aussi pour definir qui est authorisé à envoyer les mail de • TXT "v=spf1 +mx -all“ – En reception, query TXT d’ • Rejection d’un message de la part de envoyé par d’autre serveur que ! 130 30/08/20 2.5 eMail: SMTP POP et IMAP Conclusions • eMail – La plus vieille “Killer application” d’Internet – Architecture plus compliqué, 3 protocoles – Encore d’actualité (cepandant Facebook et similia) – Comme les autres applications Internet, evolution continue (e.g., SPAM comes and goes) et usages inattendus (IMAP) References • Optional readings – J. Caballero, C. Gier, C. Kreibich and V. Paxon,. Measuring pay-per Install, The commoditization of Malware Distribution , USENIX Security Simposium Aug 2011 , – C. Kanich, et al. Show me the money: characterizing spam-advertised revenue, USENIX Security Simposium Aug 2011 , 131 30/08/20 132 D. Rossi – RES224 ?? || // 132 30/08/20 2.6 Les applications P2P: Introduction et DHT RES 224 Architecture des applications Internet Peer-to-peer dario.rossi Dario Rossi RES224 Agenda • Introduction on P2P – – – – Recap on client-server vs P2P paradigms Interest of P2P paradigm P2P networks and Overlay graphs (vanilla) taxonomy of P2P applications • Finding content (today) – Napster, Gnutella, DHTs (Chord) • Diffusing content – BitTorrent, P2P-TV • Transmission strategies: – Skype and BitTorrent congestion control 133 30/08/20 134 D. Rossi – RES224 Client-server paradigm • Clients: • Server: – Runs on end-hosts – Runs on end-hosts – On/off behavior – Always on – Service consumer – Service provider – Issue requests – Receive services – Do not communicate directly among them – Satisfy requests from many clients – Need to know the server address – Need a fixed address (or DNS name) Client-server paradigm N-1 N 3 Server S distributes content to clients 1..N 2 1 134 S 30/08/20 2.6 Les applications P2P: Introduction et DHT Client-server paradigm N-1 N 3 Server has to provide all the necessary upload bandwitdth 2 1 S Peer-to-peer paradigm • Peers: – Runs on end-hosts – On/off behavior A – Service providers and consumers B C – Communicate directly among them D – Need to discover other peers – Need to define communication rules ? E – Need to handle peer arrival and departure (churn) 135 30/08/20 136 D. Rossi – RES224 Peer-to-peer paradigm N-1 N 3 Peers may assist S using their upload bandwidth 2 1 S Peer-to-peer paradigm N-1 N S 3 Peers-2-peer network do not necessarily need a server 2 1 136 Notice that: •Servers are typically needed for bootstrap •Servers aren’t needed for resource sharing 0 30/08/20 2.6 Les applications P2P: Introduction et DHT Client-server vs Peer-2-peer • Interest of P2P N-1 N-1 N 3 3 2 2 1 S N 1 S What is the minimum download time under either paradigm ? Client-server N-1 F-bits long file 1 server Us server upload rate N clients Di download rate of the i-th client Dmin = min( Di ) , slowest client Ti download time of the i-th client T = max( Ti ), system completion time N 3 2 1 (1) T >= F / (Us/N) = NF / Us (2) T >= F / Dmin S Assuming simple fluid model, server policy is to give each of the N peers an equal share of its rate Us/N, what is T equal to ? i.e., the download cannot be faster than the share of the server upload capacity allows i.e., the download cannot be faster than the downlink capacity of the slowest peer allows T >= F/min( Us/N, Dmin ) 137 30/08/20 138 D. Rossi – RES224 Peer-2-peer N-1 F-bits longffile 1 source peer (having the content at time t=0) Us source peer upload rate N sink peers Ui,Di upload & download rate of the i-th peer Dmin = min( Di ) , slowest peer Ti download time of the i-th client T = max( Ti ), system completion time N 3 2 1 S Assuming simple fluid model, source gives bits to peers at rate Si, each peer replicate received data toward the others N-1 peers at rate <= Si (1) T >= F / Us (2) T >= NF /( Us + ΣUi ) i.e., no peer can receive faster than the source can send i.e., the overall data cannot be downloaded faster than the aggregated system capacity (with peers) allows (3) T >= F / Dmin i.e., the download cannot be faster than the downlink capacity of the slowest peer allows T = F/min(Us, (Us + ΣUi)/N, Dmin) Client-server vs Peer-2-peer File diffusion time Tmin (sec) •Interest of P2P •P2P protocols can offload server capacity, allowing better scaling •Example with file diffusion, conclusion hold for many services 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 peer-2-peer client-server File size F=10MB, Peer upload Ui=500 Kbps, Source upload Us=10 Mbps Peer download Di >> Ui 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Number of peers/clients N 138 30/08/20 2.6 Les applications P2P: Introduction et DHT P2P Overlays • P2P network is a graph, where edges represent logical connections between peers • Logical connection: – Ongoing communication via TCP , UDP sockets – Reachability with application layer routing tables P2P Overlays • P2P networks are commonly called Overlay as they are laid over the IP infrastructure Notice that: •Not all logical links are also physical •Not all physical links are used AA B Application Overlay C IPa IPb IP Network IPc 139 30/08/20 140 D. Rossi – RES224 P2P Overlays • P2P overlay graphs are very much different, and depend on implementation choices App1 App2 P2P Overlays • Peers – Come and go due to their will or due to failures – Have/have not the resources you are looking for – May/may not be willing to give the resource • Challenges – – – – 140 Effectively locate and share resources Be resilient face to churn, failures Scale to possibly several million users Incentivate peers participation to the system 30/08/20 2.6 Les applications P2P: Introduction et DHT P2P services • P2P software spans a fair range of services – File-sharing and content distribution – Voice/video call Filesharing Live TV / VoD BitTorrent eDonkey SopCast TVAnts PPLive Joost – Television/VoD – CPU sharing – Indexing and search VoIP/Chat • Structure Search SW Updates – Structured – Unstructured – Hierarchical Skype Gtalk Kademlia RapidUpdate DebTorrent Apt-p2p,… – Structure is not tied to a particular service Unstructured Overlay • Peers – arbitrarily connected • Lookup – typically implemented with flooding • Pro/Cons – Easy maintenance, diffusion – Highly resilient – High lookup cost • Examples – BitTorrent, P2P-TV systems, Gnutella (up to v0.4) 141 30/08/20 142 D. Rossi – RES224 Hierarchical Overlay • Peers and super-peers – Ps connect to super-Ps – Super-Ps know Ps resources • Lookup – Flooding restricted to super Ps • Pros/cons – Lower lookup cost, – Improved scalability – Less resilient to super-Ps churn • Examples – Skype, eDonkey, Gnutella (v0.6 on) Structured Overlay • Peers – Carefully connected shaped as a precise overlay topology • Lookup – Overlay routing algorithm are not based on flooding – Takes advantage of regularity • Pros/cons – Effective lookup & great scalability – Complex maintenance • Examples – Distributed Hash Tables (DHTs) 142 30/08/20 2.6 Les applications P2P: Introduction et DHT P2P problems – Lookup and routing • Find the peers having the resource of interest (e.g., a file or a contact for messaging/calls) – Diffusion and scheduling • Ensure timely and effectively diffusion of a resource (e.g., a file, or a TV stream). – Transport and congestion control • Interactive, near real time applications (Skype) • Background applications (e.g., BitTorrent) P2P Lookup 143 30/08/20 144 D. Rossi – RES224 P2P Lookup • Lookup strategies – Centralized indexing (Napster) – Query via flooding (Gnutella) – Distributed Hash Tables (Chord) • Note – For the time being, we do not deal with the problem of what to do after the resource is located on the overlay Lookup via Centralized Indexing • Centralized server – keeps list L of peers ressources L • Peers – keep the ressources R – notify ressources to server • at startup • anytime a new ressource is added or deleted 144 R 30/08/20 2.6 Les applications P2P: Introduction et DHT Lookup via Centralized Indexing • Example – peer A search for ressources R stored at peer B 1:R? – A ask server S location of R – S reply to A with address of B 2:B! 5:R! – A contact B and fetches R A – A notifies S he owns R 3:R? B 4:R – S updates ressources list Lookup via Centralized Indexing • Example (2) – peer C search for ressources R now stored at peers A, B 1:R? – C ask server S location of R 2:A,B – S reply to C with addresses A, B – C selects best peer among A,B A • probes delay, bandwidth, ... probe C B – C gets R, then notifies S, which updates list L 145 30/08/20 146 D. Rossi – RES224 Lookup via Centralized Indexing • Pro – Simple architecture – Only limited traffic to server (query) – Peer-centric selection of best candidates • Cons – Central database not scalable A – Single point of failure C B – Single legal entity (Napster was actually shutdown) Flooding on Unstructured Overlay • Peers – each peer only stores its own content • Lookup – Queries forwarded to all neighbors – Flooding can be dangerous • generate a traffic storm on the overlay – Need to limit flooding • drop duplicated query for the same element • limit flooding depth (application level Time To Live field) 146 30/08/20 2.6 Les applications P2P: Introduction et DHT Flooding on Unstructured Overlay • Example – A look for R, stored at D, F H G • sets TTL=4, send query to B,C B R D – B,C haven’t the ressource R C • forward query to D, E respectively A – D has the ressource R? E F R • Route the query back on the overlay – E hasn't ressource, • Forward to G, H drops: TTL exceeded, query not reach F Flooding on Unstructured Overlay • Example – A look for R, stored at D, F H G • sets TTL=4, send query to B,C – B,C haven’t the ressource R B R Voilà R! D C • forward query to D, E respectively – D has the ressource • Route the query back on the overlay A R, please E F R – E hasn't ressource, • Forward to G, H drops: TTL exceeded, query not reach F 147 30/08/20 148 D. Rossi – RES224 Flooding on Unstructured Overlay • Pros – Query lookup is greedy – Simple maintenance – Resilience to fault due to flooding • Cons – Flooding sends (too) many messages – Scalability is compromised – Lookup may not even find ressources (due to TTL) Flooding on Hierarchical Overlay • Peers – Each peer only stores its own content • Super-peers – Indexes the content of the peers attached to them • Lookup – Peers contact their super-peers – Flooding is restricted to super-peers 148 30/08/20 2.6 Les applications P2P: Introduction et DHT Flooding on Hierarchical Overlay • Pros – Lookup is still greedy and simple – Efficient ressource consumption – Hierarchy increases scalability • Cons – Increased application complexity – Less resilient to super-peers churn – Need to carefully select super-peers Lookup on Structured Overlay • Peers – Arranged on very specific topologies – Implement topology-dependant lookup to exploit overlay regularity • Indexing – Peers and ressources are indexed – Structured overlay implement a Hash semantic • Offer insertion and retrieval of keys • For this reason, are called Distributed Hash Tables 149 30/08/20 150 D. Rossi – RES224 Lookup on Structured Overlay • Indexing idea – take an arbitrary key space; e.g., real in [0,1] ressource – take an arbitrary map function e.g., colorof(x) – map peers to colors λpeer = colorof(peer) peer – map ressources to colors λressource = colorof(ressource) peer – assign ressources to closest peer (in terms of λ) Lookup on Structured Overlay • Indexing in practice (e.g. the Chord DHT) – Secure Hash SHA1 (B bits) ID=SHA1(x) in [0,2^B-1] – Peers are assigned peerID = SHA1(peer) – Ressources are assigned fileID = SHA1(file) – File is inserted at the peer whose peerID is closer to (but not greater than) fileID – Peers are responsible for a portion of the ring 150 P2m-1 P1 P8 P14 F10 F15 F38 F50 P32 P56 P38 P51 P48 30/08/20 2.6 Les applications P2P: Introduction et DHT Lookup on Structured Overlay • Lookup for a fileID P2m-1 P1 P8 – Simplest lookup possible P14 • Every node uses its successor • Successor pointer needed for lookup correctness P8.Lookup(F56) – Highly inefficient P21 successor • Linear scan of the ring P32 – Longer-reach pointers P38 • can be used to improve lookup efficiency P51 P48 P42 Lookup on Structured Overlay P2m-1 – Keep a list of log(N) ``fingers'' P1 P8 • pointers to peers at exponential ID space distance successor P14 • 1st finger is at peerID + 2^1 P21 • 2nd finger is at peerID + 2^2 • k-th finger is at peerID + 2^k • if peerID + 2^k does not exist, take closest following peer P32 P56 P38 P51 P48 P42 151 30/08/20 152 D. Rossi – RES224 Lookup on Structured Overlay fingers P2m-1 – Keep a list of log(N) ``fingers'' • pointers to peers at exponential ID space distance • 1st finger is at peerID + 2^1 • 2nd finger is at peerID + 2^2 k 1 2 3 4 5 6 P1 P8 finger +1 N14 +2 N14 +4 N14 +8 N21 +16 N32 +32 N42 +1 +2 P14 +4 +8 P21 +16 • k-th finger is at peerID + 2^k • if peerID + 2^k does not exist, take closest following peer P56 P32 +32 P51 P38 P48 P42 Lookup on Structured Overlay • Lookup for a fileID – Idea: make as much progress as possible at each hop P2m-1 P1 P8 • Greedy algorithm P14 – so, choose the finger whose ID is closest to (but strictly <) fileID P8.Lookup(F56) P21 – next hops do the same – intuitively, distance from fileID halves at each step P56 P32 (dichotomic search) P51 P38 P42 P48 – consequently, mean lookup length is logarithmic in the number of nodes – lookup can be recursive or iterative 152 30/08/20 2.6 Les applications P2P: Introduction et DHT Lookup on Structured Overlay • Pros – ``Flat'' key semantic – Highly scalable – Tunable performance • State vs lookup length tradeoff • Cons – Much more complex to implement – Structure need maintenance (churn, join, refresh) – Difficult to make complex queries (e.g., wildcards) References • Optional readings – I. Stoica et al. Chord: A scalable peer-to-peer lookup service for Internet applications, ACM SIGCOMM 2001 153 30/08/20 154 D. Rossi – RES224 Conclusions • Peer-2-peer systems – Class of massively distributed, hence scalable, applications – Peers play both client and server roles – Application level network, overlayed on IP – May offer a number of different services (lookup, download, VoIP, video, social networking etc.) – Significant differences between different systems! – Very fast-paced limitedly-controllable evolution: Skype was yesterday! today is PPlive… tomorrow!? – Operators are now interested (not only for law-suit!) ?? || // 154 30/08/20 2.7 Echange de données en P2P: BitTorrent RES 224 Architecture des applications Internet P2P: BitTorrent dario.rossi Dario Rossi RES224 Plan • Acteurs et fonctionnement général – Swarm, torrent, tracker, seed, leecher, chunks, ... • Algorithmes et performance – Strict priority, Rarest first, Tit for tat, Anti-Snubbing, End-game mode, Chocking/Unchocking, … – Note: On ne regardera ni le type ni le format de messages • Bilan – Efficacité vs complexité • References • LEDBAT: control de congestion BitTorrent – Pas objet du controle 155 30/08/20 156 D. Rossi – RES224 Principes du partage en P2P • • Plusieurs méthodes pour localiser une ressource: – Méthode distribuée • Contact direct entre chaque utilisateur • Gnutella, eDonkey, Skype, ... – Méthode centralisée • Contact établi par une entité • Napter, Bittorrent , ... Plusieurs méthodes pour rapatrier la ressource: – Méthode atomique • Peu efficace: ressource rapatriée en entier à partir d'un seul peer • Napster, Gnutella (initiellement), … – Méthode parcellisé • Très efficace : Ressources rapatriées de plusieurs peers (en parallèle) • BitTorrent, eDonkey, P2P-TV,… Principes de BitTorrent Leecher File chunks Chunk transmission Messages over: •TCP (old) •UDP/LEDBAT (new) 156 30/08/20 2.7 Echange de données en P2P: BitTorrent Terminologie • Torrent – Point de depart – Fichier descriptif de la ressource, contenant aussi l’addresse IP et numero de port TCP d’un tracker • Tracker – Bootstrap server – Elément central qui permet aux peers de prendre contact les uns avec les autres (ne possède pas la ressource) • Swarm – Ensemble des peers participants au partage d’une meme ressource – Consititué par plusieurs types de Peers • Leecher : Peer qui télécharge • Seed : Peers qui upload seulement (possède une copie complète) Terminologie • Parcelisation – Permets plusieurs échanges simultanées: • Upload des chunks dès qu’on les possède • Download les chunks qu’on ne possède pas – Le fichier partagé est divisé en plusieurs parties égales • Appelées Chunks (typiquement 256Ko) – Divisés à leur tour en plusieurs morceaux • Appellés Pieces (15Ko) 157 30/08/20 158 D. Rossi – RES224 .torrent • Fichier .torrent – Necessaire par un peer pour participer au partage d’une ressource (e.g., fichier de données) avec BitTorrent – Localisé avec une methode indépendante de BitTorrent (en général stoqué sur serveur Web) • Ce fichier contient: – Liste des chunks (pour savoir qu’est qu’il faut telecharger) – Mapping entre les différents chunk (pour reconstruire le fichier ensuite) – Checksum des chunk (pour en vérifier l’intégrité) – L’identifiant d’un tracker (adresse IP/numéro de port) • Multi-tracking • Trackerless (Kad DHT, Peer Exchange PEX gossiping) Tracker • Role: connaître les adresses IP et numero de ports des peers: – Restituer une liste partielle de peers pour un torrent – Aucune préférence, environ 50 peers choisis aleatoirement • Meilleurs choix sont possibles: e.g., selection basée sur la proximité des peers, ou distance inter-AS (IETF ALTO) • • 158 Ne posséde pas d’information relative: – Aux chunks que chaque peer possède – A la capacité d’upload des peers Les mises à jour avec le Tracker se font par les peers : – Périodiquement (environ 30 min) – Au premier contact (bootstrap) – Quand un peer quitte le systeme – Quand un peer a besoin de nouveaux peers 30/08/20 2.7 Echange de données en P2P: BitTorrent Swarm • Le swarm a un but – améliorer les performances de téléchargement • Pour cela, deux objectifs precis: – Optimiser le temps de téléchargement du fichier • plus de seed = plus des sources potentielles – Contraindre les leechers au téléchargement • Obliger au partage: pas d’upload, pas de download! • Pour cela, deux moyens – Le choix des chunks (et des pièces) à télécharger – Le choix des peers avec lesquels on échange Algorithmes • Pipelining: – Utilisation de requêtes multiples pour soin de performance: ouverture de plusieurs connections en parallèle (environ 5) – Chaque connection telecharge des pieces • Selection des pieces: – augmenter la disponibilité (Rarest First) et la rapidité d’obtention des chunks (Strict Priority, Random First Piece) • Selection des peers: – Tit for tat = résoudre le dilemme du prisonnier • Travailler pour le bien de tous pour améliorer ses propres performances (optimistic unchoking) • Pénaliser ceux qui ne répondent pas à cette règle (choke, anti-snubbing) 159 30/08/20 160 D. Rossi – RES224 Pieces: Strict Priority • But: – Obtenir le plus vite possible des chunks complets • Fonctionnement : – Si on envoie une requête pour une pièce d’un chunk – Alors on devra envoyer des requêtes pour les autres pieces du meme chunk en priorité aux autre chunks • Interet – L’upload n’est possible qu’une fois le chunk totalement téléchargé – Enfait, seulement une fois le chunk téléchargé on peut verifier son integrité et validité (checksum dans le .torrent) Chunks: Rarest First • But: – minimiser les chevauchements (overlap) des chunks Non chevauchement Chevauchement • Interet: – Equalization des ressources • pas de “hotspot” i.e., de ressource peu disponible – Meilleur utilisation de la capacité disponible • faire en sorte qu’il y a toujours quelque chose à telecharger • il est moins probable qu’à un certain instant tous les peers soient interessés par le meme chunk peu (ou pas) disponible 160 30/08/20 2.7 Echange de données en P2P: BitTorrent Chunks: Rarest First • Fonctionnement – Quand un Peer veut envoyer une requête pour un nouveau chunk – Il demande aux autres Peers voisins les chunk qu’ils possèdent – Il envoie une requête pour celui qui est le moins présent • Remarque – Le choix Rarest First est locale, car un peer ne contacte que ses voisins – Au meme temps, comme le voisinage des Peers change, les choix locales ont tendance à converger vers de choix globales Chunks: Rarest First On contacte les Peers pour connaître les chunks qu’ils possèdent et que nous n’avons pas déjà (1,2,3,4) On comptabilise les disponibilités de chaque chunk On choisit aléatoirement parmi les plus rares : Random(2, 3) 161 30/08/20 162 D. Rossi – RES224 Pieces: Random First Piece • Exception des algorithme précédents – Quand on vient juste de rentrer dans le systeme, on ne possède pas encore un chunk – Probleme: on ne peut pas uploader, pour cela on doit obtenir rapidement un chunk • Fonctionnement – Tant qu’on ne possède pas un chunk complet – Envoie de requête pour des pièces aléatoires de chunks Pieces: Endgame Mode • • • 162 Interet: – Aider des leecher à devenir des seeds, plus de sources dans le systeme Problemes – Malgré Rarest First, certains chunks peuvent rester globalement plus rare que d’autres (Rarest First est appliqué localement) – Aussi, en fin de téléchargement, on est plus contraint sur le choix des chunks à télécharger Fonctionnement: – Pour eviter de rester bloqués, meme si toutes les pièces qu’il nous reste à telecharger sont toutes hautement demandées – On envoie une requête pour toutes les pièces manquantes à tous les peers avec lesquels on communique 30/08/20 2.7 Echange de données en P2P: BitTorrent Peers: Choke/Unchoke • Probleme – Si aucun Peer n’upload, alors le partage est impossible • Solution – Enforcer la reciprocité des echanges, en arrêtant l’upload vers des Peers dont on télécharge peu • Fonctionnement (toutes les 10 secondes) – – – – calculer le taux de téléchargement de chaque voisin conserver les 4 meilleurs rétablir l’upload vers ceux qui en font à nouveau partie (unchoke) couper l’upload vers ceux qui ne figurent plus dans le classement (choke) Peers: Optimistic Unchoking • Problemes – Empêcher qu’on n’échanges que dans un groupe réduit – Ne pas exclure les nouveaux arrivant – Permettre de découvrir d’autres peers (possibilité d’obtenir une meilleur taux d’upload) • Solution – Procès avec choix aletoires (avec une frequence plus lente) • Fonctionnement (toutes les 30 secondes) – choix aléatoire d’un peer parmi les 4 vers qui on upload – on lui coupe l’upload (choke) – on choisit un peer aléatoirement parmi ceux à qui on upload le moins – on lui rétablit l’upload (unchoke) 163 30/08/20 164 D. Rossi – RES224 Peer: Anti-snubbing • Probleme – Snub = uploader sans télécharger (inverse du free-riding) – Lié au choke, quand on ne fait pas partie des 4 meilleurs uploads des peers avec qui on échange • Solution – Se créer les condition pour l’optimistic unchoke (très peu uploader) • Fonctionnement : – Si un Peer, a qui on permet l’upload, nous bloque pendant plus de 1 min (choke) – On lui coupe l’upload (choke) – On attend un optimistic unchoke en notre faveur avant de rétablit l’upload (unchoke) Peer: Seeding • Seeding – Le seul but d’un seed est d’uploader • Fonctionnement – Un seul algorithme proche du choke – Uploader vers ceux auxquels on upload le plus – Idée: maximiser le transfer vers ceux qui peuvent devenir seeds plus rapidement • Remarque – Ils existent d’autres algorithmes lié au seeding, – E.g., au debut quand il n’existe qu’un seul seed (super-seeding) 164 30/08/20 2.7 Echange de données en P2P: BitTorrent Bilan BitTorrent: Efficacité • Localisation – Connaissances simple des Peers qui partagent grâce • • • • Au reseau DHT (trackerless) À une entité centralisée (tracker) Possibilité de plusieurs trackers au meme temps (multi-tracker) Possibilité d’utiliser les methodes multi-tracker et trackerless au meme temps • Diffusion – Diffusion rapide grace • Chunk permettent le pipelining et telechargement en parallel • Au politiques de choix des chunks et des peers • A la dissuasion du free-riding (reciprocation et force à l’upload) Bilan BitTorrent: Complexité • Beaucoup d'extension – – – – – Plusieurs trackers Table de hashage (trackless) Super-seeding Encryption LEDBAT congestion control • Introduite Decembre 2008 • Default Avril 2010 Client • Beacoup de clients – µTorrent, Azureus, BitTornado, BitTyrant, Xunlei … • Matrice clients vs extension – Un seul protocole, mais beaucoup d’implementations – Importance de la normalisation (standards) – BitTorrent Enhancement Protocol (BEP) Extension Supporté Pas supporté n/a 165 30/08/20 166 D. Rossi – RES224 References • Mandatory readings – P. Marciniak et al., Small is not always beautiful, USENIX IPTPS 2008, Tampa Bay, FL Feb 2008 – A. Legout et al., Clustering and sharing incentives in BitTorrent, ACM SIGMETRICS, San Diego CA, Jun 2007, • Optional readings – C. Testa and D. Rossi, The Impact of uTP on BitTorrent completion time IEEE P2P 2011, Kyoto Aug 2011 Pas objet du controle A crash course on LEDBAT, the new BitTorrent congestion control protocol Dario Rossi Joint work with Claudio Testa, Silvio Valenti, Luca Muscariello, Giovanna Carofiglio, ... PAM’10 ICCCN’10 LCN’10 Globecom’10 P2P’11 Zurich + Zurich + Denver + Miami + Kyoto + ... April 2010 August 2010 October 2010 December 2010 August 2011 166 30/08/20 2.7 Echange de données en P2P: BitTorrent News from congestion control world • BitTorrent announces closed source code, data transfer over UDP • BitTorrent + UDP = Internet meltdown! • After BitTorrent denial and some discussion... • Everybody agreed that Internet not gonna die • But is UTP/LEDBAT the best approach ? BitTorrent and LEDBAT • BitTorrent had to explain itself – Positive side effect of the Internet meltdown buzz • BitTorrent co-chairs the LEDBAT IEFT WG – Low Extra Delay Background Transport Protocol – delay-based protocol – designed for low-priority transfers • Protocol goals – Efficiently use the available bandwidth – Keep delay low on the network path – Quickly yield to regular TCP traffic Novel ingredient: Congestion control to relieve self-induced congestion at the access • Open questions – Does LEDBAT really achieve its goals? – What about BitTorrent implementation of LEDBAT? page 26 167 30/08/20 168 D. Rossi – RES224 LEDBAT evolution TCP v5.2.2 Oct ‘08 α1 v1.9-13485 Dec ‘08 α2 v1.9-15380 Mar ’09 β1 v1.9-16666 Aug ‘09 RC1 v2.0.1 Apr’10 Open source Closed source First LEDBAT draft Draft as WG Item After IETF 77 Simulation Testbed Testbed Testbed Packet size [Bytes] 1500 α2 β1 TCP α1 vv1.9-13485 v1.9-15380 1.9-16666 v5.2.2 Mar Aug ‘09 ’09 Oct Dec ‘08 ‘08 Draft First LEDBAT assource WG Open source Closed draft Item 1250 1000 750 500 250 0 0 10 20 30 Time [s] 40 50 •TCP transfers, full playload •α1 small packet overkill !! •α2 variable framing (not in draft) •β1 finer bytewise cwnd control •25 october 2010: IETF draft v3 page 27 Outline • Analysis of LEDBAT with a twofold methodology: • Controlled simulation – LEDBAT algorithm – TCP vs LEDBAT – LEDBAT vs LEDBAT – Fairness issue – Future Work • Experimental measurements – Testbed description – Implementation evolution – Bandwidth/Delay Impairments – ADSL experiments – Multiflow experiments – Future Work page 28 168 30/08/20 2.7 Echange de données en P2P: BitTorrent Pas objet du controle LEDBAT: the new BitTorrent congestion control protocol Dario Rossi Joint work with Claudio Testa Silvio Valenti and Luca Muscariello ICCCN’10 Zurich August 2010 TCP: Loss-based congestion control • • Objective of congestion control – Limit sender rate to avoid overwhelming the network with packets TCP detects congestion by means of packet losses – Increment the congestion window (cwnd) of one packet each RTT – Halve the congestion upon losses losses cwnd t – The buffer always fills up -> high delay for interactive applications 169 30/08/20 170 D. Rossi – RES224 LEDBAT: Delay-based congestion control • Use Delay as congestion signal (TCP Vegas) – Increasing delay = increasing queue -> need to decrease rate LEDBAT monitors the delay on the forward path – sender and receiver timestamp packets – sender maintains a minimum over all delays (base delay) – LEDBAT tries to add just a small fix delay (TARGET) – a linear controller adjusts the cwnd • TARGET cwnd TARGET is reached • enqueue only TARGET packets • low extra delay and no loss t LEDBAT operations • Pseudocode in Draft 1) One-way delay @RX: estimation remote_timestamp = data_packet.timestamp ack.delay = local_timestamp() - remote_timestamp ack.send() @TX: delay = ack.delay update_base_delay(delay) update_current_delay(delay) 2) Base delay = min(delays) 3) Queuing delay estimation queuing_delay = current_delay() - base_delay() off_target = TARGET - queuing_delay cwnd += GAIN * off_target / cwnd 4) Linear controller • • 170 TARGET = 25ms (“magic number” fixed in Draft) GAIN = 1/TARGET (our choice compliant with Draft) 30/08/20 2.7 Echange de données en P2P: BitTorrent Simulation preliminaries • • We implemented LEDBAT as a new TCP flavor in ns2 Simulation scenario ∆T • • B Link between routers is the bottleneck 10Mb/s, others 100Mb/s Parameters – buffer size B – Time between flow start ∆T Simulations: LEDBAT vs TCP CWND [pkts] 80 5,6 40 2 3 4 0 TCP LEDBAT Total 1 Queue [pkts] 40 • • 20 0 1. TCP and LEDBAT start together 2. As soon as q=20pkt -> delay=25ms -> LEDBAT decreases 3. TCP causes a loss and halves its rate 4. Queue empties, LEDBAT restarts 5. TCP is more aggressive, LEDBAT always yields 6. Cyclic losses 4 8 Time [s] LEDBAT is lower priority than TCP Total link utilization increases (w.r.t TCP alone) 12 171 30/08/20 172 D. Rossi – RES224 Simulations: LEDBAT vs LEDBAT 80 1. LEDBAT flows start together 2. Queue builds up 3. As soon as q=20pkts -> delay=25ms -> linear controller settles 4. Queue keeps stable 5. No changes until some other flow arrives CWND [pkts] Total 40 LEDBAT 1 LEDBAT 2 0 Queue [pkts] 40 • 20 • 0 4 8 LEDBAT flows efficiently use the available bandwidth The bandwidth share is fair between LEDBAT flows 12 Time [s] Fairness issues • • 80 What if second flow starts after the first one? Different view of the base delay -> different TARGET -> unfairness ∆T = 5s, B=40 2nd flow starts before queue builds up Same TARGET, but the latecomer gets a smaller share 40 CWND [pkts] 0 80 5 15 25 ∆T = 10s, B=40 40 0 80 5 15 25 ∆T = 10s, B=100 Same as before but larger buffer Second gets all, first in stavation 40 0 172 2nd flow starts when first has reached its TARGET TARGET_2 = 2 * TARGET_1 after loss, fairness is restored: base delay estimate is corrected 5 15 Time [s] 25 30/08/20 2.7 Echange de données en P2P: BitTorrent Simulation wrap-up • LEDBAT is a promising protocol – efficient but yields to TCP – ... but affected by latecomer advantage – ... and tuned with magic numbers • Further work (not in today talk) – Sensitivity analysis, i.e., how to select the magic numbers (LCN’10) – LEDBAT modification to solve latecomer advantage (Globecom’10) – Overall swarm completion time performance (P2P’11) – LEDBAT fluid model (submitted to IEEE Transaction on Networking) – Experiments on real swarm (ongoing) Pas objet du controle Yes, we LEDBAT: Playing with the new BitTorrent congestion control algorithm Dario Rossi Joint work with Claudio Testa and Silvio Valenti PAM’10, Zurich August 2010 173 30/08/20 174 D. Rossi – RES224 Agenda • Active testbed mesurements – Single-flow LAN experiments • Timeline of LEDBAT evolution • Emulated capacity and delay – ADSL experiments • In the wild • Interaction with cross-traffic – Multi-flow LAN experiments • Level of low-priority ? • Conclusions + future work LAN experiments (single-flow) Leecher • Application setup Switch 10/100 – uTorrent, official BitTorrent client, closed source • on native Windows (XP) • on Linux with Wine – Private torrent between the PCs Forward Backward • Network setup – Linux based router with Netem to emulate network conditions – Capture traffic on both sides, analyze traces • Experiment setup Seed Router + Netem – Flavors comparison – Delay impairment • Forward path • Backward path – Bandwidth limitation page 40 174 30/08/20 2.7 Echange de données en P2P: BitTorrent LAN: LEDBAT evolution (1) TCP v5.2.2 Oct ‘08 α1 v1.9-13485 Dec ‘08 α2 v1.9-15380 Mar ’09 β1 v1.9-16666 Aug ‘09 RC1 v2.0.1 Apr’10 Open source Closed source First LEDBAT draft Draft as WG Item After IETF 77 Simulation Testbed Testbed Testbed Packet size [Bytes] 1500 α2 β1 TCP α1 vv1.9-13485 v1.9-15380 1.9-16666 v5.2.2 Mar Aug ‘09 ’09 Oct Dec ‘08 ‘08 Draft First LEDBAT assource WG Open source Closed draft Item 1250 1000 750 500 250 0 0 10 20 30 Time [s] 40 50 •TCP transfers, full playload •α1 small packet overkill !! •α2 variable framing (not in draft) •β1 finer bytewise cwnd control •RC1? evolution continues ! page 41 LAN: LEDBAT evolution (2) • Throughput evolution Throughput [Mb/s] – Different LEDBAT versions – Each curve in separate experiment – Also TCP BitTorrent (Linux + Win) 10 α1 TCP Linux 8 β1 6 • Observations – α1 unstable, small packets • Small packets recently broke β1 too α2 – α2 , ß1 stable smooth throughput 4 • 4 and 7 Mbps respectively TCP WinXP • Window limits 2 – LEDBAT and TCP influenced by the default maximum receive window: 0 0 60 120 Time [s] 180 240 • • • • TCP WinXP = 17 KB TCP Linux = 108 KB LEDBAT α2 = 30 KBytes LEDBAT ß1 = 45 KBytes page 42 175 30/08/20 176 D. Rossi – RES224 LAN: Constant delay • LEDBAT is delay based – constant delay for all packets – delay = k20 ms, k \in [1,5] – forward (or backward) path • Observation 120 β1 α2 5 60 0 0 240 600 Backward path 10 5 – same behavior on both directions – due to upper bound of maximum α2=20, ß1=30) receiver window (α – not a constraint since bottleneck shared among many flows 480 Delay [ms] • Experiment setup Forward path 10 Throughput [Mb/s] – it measures the one-way delay – sensitive to forward delay – Independent from backward 120 60 Delay profile 0 240 480 0 600 Time [s] page 43 LAN: Variable delay • Observations – α2 greatly affected by varying delay on the forward path – ß1 probably implements some mechanism to detect reordering – Minor impact of varying delay on backward path (ack delay only affects when decisions are taken) Throughput [Mb/s] – random uniformly distributed delay for each packet – reordering is possible! – range = 20 ± {0,5,10,20} ms – forward (or backward) path Forward path 10 120 β1 α2 60 8 6 0 0 120 360 Backward path 10 8 6 240 120 60 Delay profile 0 120 240 0 360 Time [s] page 44 176 Delay [ms] • LEDBAT is delay based • Experiment setup 30/08/20 2.7 Echange de données en P2P: BitTorrent LAN experiments (multiple flows) Leechers Switch 10/100 • Application setup – uTorrent β1 flavor only – Private torrents – Each couple seeder/leecher shares a different torrent • Network setup – Simple LAN environment – No emulated conditions • Experiment setup – Varying ratios of TCP/LEDBAT flows – Different TCP network stack • native Linux stack • Windows settings emulated over Linux (to measure losses) Router + Netem Seeds 45 LAN: Multiple TCP and LEDBAT flows TCP windows TCP linux 0.98 0.98 0.98 0.98 0.96 1.00 0.75 0.56 0.33 1.00 0.67 0.94 0.93 0.92 0.96 1.00 0.64 0.74 0.87 1.00 0 0.5 TCP LEDBAT 0.5 LEDBAT 1 1 TCP Bandwidth Breakdown Efficiency Fairness 4-0 3+1 3-1 2+2 2-2 1+3 1-3 0+4 0-4 4+0 4-0 3+1 3-1 2+2 2-2 1+3 1-3 0+4 0-4 4+0 TCP+LEDBAT TCP+LEDBAT Observations • • • • Throughput breakdown between X+Y competing TCP+LEDBAT competing flows Efficiency is always high Fairness among flows of the same type (intra-protocol) is preserved TCP-friendliness depends on TCP parameters – TCP Linux stronger than LEDBAT, LEDBAT stronger than TCP WinXP 46 177 30/08/20 178 D. Rossi – RES224 ADSL experiments • Application setup Leecher – uTorrent β1 flavor only – native Windows (XP) only – private torrent ADSL • Network setup Internet – real ADSL modems – wild Internet • uncontrolled delay, bandwidth • Interfering traffic • Experiment setup – LEDBAT alone in the wild – LEDBAT with cross TCP traffic ADSL • On forward path • On backward path Seed page 47 ADSL experiments Throughput [Mb/s] 0.6 • 178 5 Throughput β1 4 3 0.4 2 RTT 0.2 0 • TCP forward LEDBAT alone TCP backward LEDBAT alone RTT [s] LEDBAT alone 0.8 1 100 200 300 Time [s] 400 500 LEDBAT alone – Stable throughput, closely matching nominal DSL capacity LEDBAT connection competing with TCP on forward and backward path – LEDBAT actually yields to TCP on the forward path – TCP on backward path has nasty influence on LEDBAT throughput: • due to shacky RTT (>1 sec due to ADSL buffer!) • affecting the time at which decisions are taken 600 0 page 48 30/08/20 2.7 Echange de données en P2P: BitTorrent Measurement wrap-up • Main messages – Behavior evolved: • β1 addressed many issues (has RC1 fixed the others?) • Draft tells only part of the story – Efficiency goal: • Provided that enough flows on bottleneck (or increase window limit) • Compromised by interfering traffic on backward unrelated path – Low-priority goal: • Reasonably met, but is LEDBAT low-priority level tunable ? • Depends on TCP settings as well: meaning of Low-priority itself is fuzzy • Future work – Interaction with other BitTorrent mechanisms (e.g., peer selection, tit-for-that, etc.) – Impact on the users QoE (i.e., torrent completion time ?) – More heterogeneous settings (e.g., larger scale experiments, access technology, BitTorrent vs our implementation, etc.) 49 ?? || // 179 30/08/20 180 D. Rossi – RES224 RES 224 Architecture des applications Internet P2P: Skype Based on joint work with the following colleagues: dario.rossi Dario Bonfiglio Marco Mellia Michela Meo Nicolo’ Ritacca Paolo Tofanelli Dario Rossi RES224 Agenda • What is Skype, • What services it offers • Very brief overview of how we think it works • Details on • Skype service traffic • congestion control (bandwidth, loss, etc.) • usage in real networks (call duration, etc.) • Skype signaling traffic • Normal period (volume, type and spatial properties) • Breakdown event (overlay message storm) • References 180 30/08/20 2.8 Multimedia et VoIP en P2P: Skype Why studying Skype ? • Skype is very popular – Succesful VoIP service over the unreliable Internet – More than 100M users, 5% of all VoIP traffic (in 2007) – Easy to use, many free services • voice / video / chat / data transfer over IP • Understanding Skype is a challenging task – – – – Closed design, proprietary solutions Almost everything is encrypted or obfuscated Uses a P2P architecture Lot of different flavors Skype for Dummies • Architecture – P2P design 181 30/08/20 182 D. Rossi – RES224 Skype for Dummies • Architecture – P2P design • Service traffic – – – – Voice calls Video calls Chat Data transmission Skype for Dummies • Architecture – P2P design • Service traffic – – – – – 182 Voice calls Video calls Chat Data transmission nodes may act as relay when peers are behind NAT 30/08/20 2.8 Multimedia et VoIP en P2P: Skype Skype for Dummies • Architecture – P2P design • Service traffic – – – – – Voice calls Video calls Chat Data transmission Skypeout/Skypein Skype for Dummies • Architecture – P2P design • Service traffic – – – – – Voice calls Video calls Chat Data transmission Skypeout/Skypein • Signaling traffic – Login & auth. – Look for buddies – …. 183 30/08/20 184 D. Rossi – RES224 Well hidden traffic • Encryption • Skype adopts AES (Rijndel) cipher to encrypt information • 256-bit long keys, or 1.1X1077 different keys • 1536 or 2048 bit RSA is used to negotiate the AES symmetric key • Public keys are authenticated by the login server • Obfuscation • Encrypted payload is also obfuscated using Arithmetic compression • Headers that are not encrypted are obfuscated using the RC4 Algorithm State-of-the-Art Encryption + Obfuscation Mechanisms Available Skype Codecs • E2E calls use preferentially • SVOPC – starting ~2008 • iSAC – bit rate : 10-32 kbps (adaptive, variable) (30 ms frames) • iLBC – bit rate : 13.3 kbps (30 ms frames) 15.2 kbps (20 m frames) • E2O calls use preferentially • G729 – bit rate : 11.5 kbps (20 ms frames) 30.2 kbps • Other codecs are available • iPCM-wb, G711A, G711U, PCM-A, PCM-U, … • Skype framing alters the original codec framing • Redundancy may be added to mitigate packet loss • Frame size may be changed to reduce overhead impact 184 30/08/20 2.8 Multimedia et VoIP en P2P: Skype Skype Source Model Skype Message TCP/UDP IP Types of Skype messages • Depending on transport protocol: • Use TCP when forced to, with ciphered payload • Login, lookup and data: everything is encrypted • Use UDP whenever possible, payload is encrypted • But some header MUST be exposed • Otherwise, in case of a packet loss, receiver could not properly align and decrypt the rest of the flow (as in SSL/TLS) TX data RX data Unreliable AES AES 185 30/08/20 186 D. Rossi – RES224 Skype service traffic Agenda • Investigate Skype service traffic • Methodology • Service traffic (voice & video) • • • • Service multiplexing Skype reactions to transport layer Skype congestion control Skype loss recovery • Users’ behavior • Call volume and duration • Further details on the papers 186 30/08/20 2.8 Multimedia et VoIP en P2P: Skype Preliminary Definition •Useful information –At installation, Skype chooses a port at random –The port is never changed (unless forced by the user) –All traffic multiplexed over the same socket (UDP preferably) Skype peer – A Skype peer can be identified by its L3/L4 endpoint – Consider only peers that were ever observed making a call Skype flow –UDP is connectionless (no SYN/SYNACK sequence to detect start of flow, nor FIN at the end) – Sequence of packets originated from a Skype peer (and destined to another skype peer) –Flow starts when the first packet is observed –Flow ends when no packet is observed for a given inactivity timeout (200s) –Skype sends packets every ~120sec to keep NAT entries open (IP addr, UDP port) Methodolody •Service traffic •Small scale active testbed •Measure Skype response to controlled perturbation •Control bandwidth, packet loss, transport protocol, etc. •User behavior •Passive measurement technique on real network (LAN and ISP) •Own classification framework (see refs) •Inspect and quantify unperturbed Skype traffic of real users 7000 hosts 1700 peers 300.103 external peers 187 30/08/20 188 D. Rossi – RES224 Service Traffic: Normal Condition • Unperturbed conditions – Two peers, same LAN – 100Mbps, <1ms delay – Use different codecs • Metrics – Inter packet gap [ms] • (time between two consecutive Skype messages) Switched LAN – Message size [Bytes] – Bitrate [Kbps] Service Traffic: Normal Condition 250 200 Bitrate [kbps] ISAC iLBC iPCM-WB PCM G729 Smooth Transient Normal Behavior 150 Aggressive Startup 100 50 0 0 10 20 30 Time [s] 188 40 50 60 30/08/20 2.8 Multimedia et VoIP en P2P: Skype Service Traffic: Normal Condition Message Payload [Bytes] 300 200 100 ISAC 100 50 G729 300 200 100 iLBC 900 600 300 iPCM-WB 600 400 200 PCM 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Time [s] Service Traffic: Normal Condition 70 ISAC iLBC iPCM-WB PCM E2O G729 60 50 IPG [ms] 40 30 20 10 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Time [s] 189 30/08/20 190 D. Rossi – RES224 Recall… On unknown network conditions (e.g., at the beginning of a call), Skype aggressively send voice blocks twice to counter potential losses Service Traffic: Video Source • Message size – Typical of voice calls – Larger video messages • Multiplexing – Voice and video multiplexed over the same UDP socket B [kbps] 600 400 200 0 80 IPG 60 [ms] – Typical of voice call – Back-to-back video messages 800 40 20 0 L 900 [Bytes] • Variable bitrate • Inter packet gap 600 300 0 0 10 20 30 Time [s] 190 40 50 60 30/08/20 2.8 Multimedia et VoIP en P2P: Skype Service Traffic: TCP vs UDP • Transport scenario – Two peers, same LAN – Blocking UDP with a firewall • Metrics – Inter packet gap [ms] • (time between two consecutive Skype messages) Switched LAN – Message size [Bytes] – Bitrate [Kbps] Under TCP • No initial transient • IPG unmodified Kbps Service Traffic: TCP vs UDP – TCP PSH,URG flags • Cautious with bandwidth – In case of loss, TCP goes slow-start (cwnd=1 segment) – Call would be likely stopped, avoid slow-start! Bytes – TCP recover losses ms • Old blocks not multiplexed B - UDP B - TCP 80 60 40 20 0 90 IPG - UDP IPG - TCP 60 30 0 250 200 150 100 50 0 0 L - UDP L -TCP 10 20 30 40 Time [s] 50 60 191 30/08/20 192 D. Rossi – RES224 Service Traffic: Network impact • Network impact – Two peers, same LAN – Artificially controlled • bottleneck capacity • packet losses • Metrics – Inter packet gap [ms] Switched LAN • (time between two consecutive Skype messages) – Message size [Bytes] – Bitrate [Kbps] [Bytes] [ms] [Kbps] Service Traffic: Congestion control 192 100 80 60 40 20 0 100 80 60 40 20 0 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 Average Throughput Bandwidth limit Framing Skype Message Size 0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 Time [s] Skype performs congestion control adapting coding rate and framing 30/08/20 2.8 Multimedia et VoIP en P2P: Skype Service Traffic: Loss recovery Loss % 60 10 50 Inter-Pkt Gap [ms] 8 40 6 30 4 20 Skype performs loss recovery… 10 2 0 0 0 500 Payload [Bytes] 100 200 300 400 500 10 Loss profile 400 8 300 6 200 4 multiplexing old and new voice blocks 100 2 0 0 0 100 200 Time [s] 300 400 500 Service Traffic: User behavior • Network scenario – >1000 peers campus LAN – Unperturbed environment • Sniffing traffic at the edge router • Metrics 7000 hosts 1700 peers 300.103 external peers – Volume of calls – Duration of calls – Geolocalization, location of Skype PSTN gateways, etc. (see refs.) 193 30/08/20 194 D. Rossi – RES224 User Behavior: Volume 60 40 UDP E2E UDP E2O TCP E2E Flow number 20 0 -20 •Asymmetry in the number of calls per protocol type: •Explanation: - one direction UDP, - the other TCP -40 -60 Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat | Sun Skype call duration & arrival process • Free calls are longer, Poisson arrivals Call duration Experimental quantiles Paying $kypeout Free voice Negative exponential quantiles Call duration [min] 194 Free video30 30/08/20 2.8 Multimedia et VoIP en P2P: Skype Skype signaling traffic Agenda Methodology • Passive observation on real networks Typical week Signaling • • • • Volume Traffic pattern Geolocalization Message storm Skype breakdown (Aug’07) Flooding storm! 1700 internal peers 100 internal peers Skype 300,000 external peers classifier 40,000,000 external peers 2,500,000 flows 33,000,000 packets Internet Internal peers External peers 195 30/08/20 196 D. Rossi – RES224 How much signaling traffic ? Typically, limited amount of signaling bandwidth 1 Yet, rather active signaling exchanges 1 0.9 Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF) 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.75 0.5 0.5 0.25 0.4 0.3 1 10 100 1000 Average per-peer signaling bitrate [bps] 10000 0 0 25 50 75 Number of peers contacted in 300 sec. Skype spatial pattern Each dot is a packet 1500 1000 Each line is a flow 500 Peer ID 0 -500 ID++ on new peer -1000 -1500 196 Time evolution [hr] 100 30/08/20 2.8 Multimedia et VoIP en P2P: Skype Skype spatial pattern 1500 1000 Outgoing traffic 500 Peer ID 0 -500 -1000 -1500 Incoming traffic Time evolution [hr] Skype spatial pattern 1500 1000 Skype network probing 500 Peer ID 0 -500 Calls, buddy updates, etc. -1000 -1500 Time evolution [hr] 197 30/08/20 198 D. Rossi – RES224 Skype spatial pattern 1500 1000 80% flows 5% bytes 500 Peer ID 0 -500 20% flows 95% bytes -1000 -1500 Time evolution [hr] Skype spatial pattern •Probes –Single packet toward unknown peers; reply possibly follows –No further traffic is exchanged between the same peers pair –Most of the flows (80%) are probes •Dialogs –More than a single packet sent toward the same peer; buddy status & overlay mainenance –Persistent activity, carries most of the signaling bytes (95%) 198 30/08/20 2.8 Multimedia et VoIP en P2P: Skype Skype peers location Paris Turin 39 Skype peers location Probability distribution function (pdf) Probes Others • RTT distance – Between first pair of (request, reply) packets • Two threads shape the Skype overlay – Probes favor discovery of nearby hosts – Buddy signaling and calls driven by social network Round Trip Time RTT [ms] 40 199 30/08/20 200 D. Rossi – RES224 Flooding storm •August 2007 (& 2010): massive Skype outage! !? Flooding storm 150 0 Flows 40k 0 Before During After Incoming (-) and Outgoing (+) Traffic LAN Peers 40k 40k Pkts 0 40k 4M Bytes 0 4M Thu 9th 200 Sun 12th Thu 16th Sun 18th August 2007 Thu 23th Sun 25th 30/08/20 2.8 Multimedia et VoIP en P2P: Skype Flooding storm • Probing traffic increase considerably – – – – Before During After 4x more flows 3x more packets 10x more external peers 2x less bytes August 2007 • In the LAN, – Skype predominant portion of UDP traffic (70% bytes, 94% flows) • 10 most active LAN peers – receive almost all Skype traffic (94% bytes, 97% flows) • The single most active peer – 50% bytes 75% flows – contacts 25% of all external pees seen – namely 11 millions, a 30x increase Everybody looking for super-peers; significant volumes of traffic handled by some peer Summarizing this course on •Skype protocol and format •Proprietary, complex, well hidden •Not broken so far •Service traffic •Active testbed •Application layer multiplexing •Transport layer UDP/TCP usage •Skype congestion and loss control •Aggressive with losses •Conservative with bottlenecks •User behavior •Call duration per service •Call arrival still Poisson •Free services preferred •Signaling traffic •Passive measurement •Two different threads shapes the Skype overlay •Probes : selection driven by proximity in the IP- network (the close the better) •Dialogs: Social network driven (friends are everywhere) •Signaling rate and spatial spread •Large number of contacted peers •Typically, very limited bitrate •Huge broadcast storm in case of bugs/problems 201 30/08/20 202 D. Rossi – RES224 References • This course based on – D. Bonfiglio, M. Mellia, M. Meo, D. Rossi and P. Tofanelli, Revealing Skype Traffic: When Randomness Plays with You . ACM SIGCOMM, Kyoto, Japan, August 2007. – D. Bonfiglio, M. Mellia, M. Meo and D.Rossi, Detailed Analysis of Skype Traffic . IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, 11(1):117-127, January 2009. (preliminary version appeared at Infocom08) – D. Rossi, M. Mellia and M. Meo, Understanding Skype Signaling . Elsevier Computer Networks, 53(2):130-140, February 2009. – D. Rossi, M. Mellia and M. Meo, Evidences Behind Skype Outage. In IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC'09), Dresde, Germany, June 2009. • (all on my webpage) References • Optional readings – P. Biondi, F. Desclaux, Silver Needle in the Skype. Black HatEurope'06, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, Mar. 2006. – S. A., Baset, H. Schulzrinne, An Analysis of the Skype Peer-to-Peer Internet Telephony Protocol. IEEE Infocom'06, Barcelona, Spain, Apr.2006. – S. Guha, N. Daswani and R. Jain, An Experimental Study of the Skype Peer-to-Peer VoIP System, USENIX IPTPS, Santa Barbara, CA, Feb. 2006 – K. Ta Chen, C. Y. Huang, P. Huang, C. L. Lei Quantifying Skype User Satisfaction, ACM Sigcomm'06, Pisa, Italy, Sep. 2006. 202 30/08/20 2.8 Multimedia et VoIP en P2P: Skype ?? || // 203 204 204 3 Travaux dirigés (TD) D. Rossi – RES224 3.1 Enoncé ¤ !!"""!#$ ¹ ¹ %& '(( ¹ ) ¹¹ ¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¹ ¹¹ ¹ )¹¹¹¹¹ ¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¹ ¹ )* ¹¹¹ ¹¹ ¹ ¹ ) ¹¹¹ ¹¹¹!¹ ¹¹¹ ¹¹ ¹ ¹¹ )+¹ "¹¹#¹¹ ¹¹ ¹¹$¹¹ ¹%¹¹ &¹¹'¹ ¹ ),(¹¹¹¹ ¹¹ ¹ ¹ ¹)¹*+,¹¹ '¹¹¹ ¹$'' ¹¹¹%¹¹¹ ¹$¹'' ¹¹ ¹%¹-¹¹¹"¹'¹¹'¹-¹ ¹ )- ¹¹¹ '¹¹¹¹*+¹¹./0¹ ¹ ).¹¹¹¹¹ ¹1¹¹ ¹2¹¹¹ ¹ ¹¹ ¹'¹ '¹¹¹¹ ¹ )/¹3¹¹¹4,¹ ¹¹¹¹¹¹ ¹5¹67¹¹ ¹66¹ ¹¹ )0(¹¹¹¹ ¹8.¹ ¹'¹ ¹¹19:¹ ¹ )(¹'¹ ¹¹ ¹¹¹¹¹5¹¹ ¹ ) ¹¹¹ ¹¹19:¹¹¹!¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ 206 D. Rossi – RES224 %1$1$12 )9"¹¹ )¹ 2¹;¹5¹¹¹¹< =¹-¹ ¹ )(¹¹¹ '¹¹2¹¹¹ ¹¹ ¹¹¹¹66¹¹ ¹5¹¹-¹ )*¹¹1¹"¹)¹ ¹ '¹'¹3¹¹¹1¹-¹ ¹ )¹¹>¹' ¹5¹"¹¹¹-¹ )+>¹¹5¹¹' ¹ ¹ '¹ ¹¹¹¹ *+¹ ¹¹¹ ¹¹19:/.>¹-¹ ), ¹¹ ¹¹19:/.>¹ ¹'¹¹¹ ¹'¹ ?¹ )- ¹)¹¹ '¹' ¹¹¹ '¹'¹ '¹ ¹¹¹19:/.>¹ ¹ %1$1$1 !¹ ¹ ¹ 1,¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ * ¹ ¹ ¹ @2 ¹ ¹ ¹ /,¹¹¹'¹3¹¹ ¹ ¹¹¹ @2 ¹¹¹/¹>¹¹ '¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¹ ¹3¹A¹¹ *¹¹¹ ¹¹ ¹ ¹@¹¹,¹¹¹¹@ ¹.¹ ¹¹1¹ !¹ ¹ ¹ >¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ 1¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ @¹ ¹ @¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ?¹ ¹ @ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ '¹*¹¹¹¹¹ @¹ ¹¹¹¹¹¹ ¹ ¹¹¹¹ ¹¹ ¹¹ ù !¹¹¹ ¹¹ ¹1¹ ¹¹¹¹ B6C¹ ¹¹¹5D67¹¹@¹¹ ¹¹¹ BEC¹ ¹¹¹5D67¹¹¹¹¹¹ ¹¹¹ B+C¹ ¹¹¹5D66¹¹¹¹¹ ¹ ¹¹ B0C¹ ¹¹¹5D66¹¹¹ ¹ ¹¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ 3.1 Enoncé %& 3 ' A¹ ¹ ¹/¹<¹¹ ¹ ,¹¹¹A#¹.9#=¹ ¹ « ¹¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ > ¹ ¹ ;¹ ¹ ¹ ¹'¹ ¹¹ ¹ ¹ ¹¹ ¹¹¹ ¹ ¹2' ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹> ¹ ¹ ¹2' ¹<¹ ¹=¹ ¹¹¹ ¹ ¹¹ ¹ ¹ ¹< ¹ ' ¹¹¹ ¹ =¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ' ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ > ¹ '¹ ¹¹¹ ¹ ¹¹¹¹¹¹¹ ,¹¹¹ ¹¹¹ '¹¹¹F¹$¹¹%¹¹¹F¹¹ ù¹¹¹ ¹¹' ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹¹ ¹ ¹ ;¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ 2' ,¹¹ ¹¹¹¹ ¹ ¹¹¹¹'¹ ¹¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ '¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ > ¹ ¹ ¹ '¹ ¹ 3¹ '¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ '¹ ¹ ¹¹'¹¹ '¹ ¹ ¹ ¹¹¹ ¹¹¹¹¹¹¹ ¹¹¹¹ )¹ ¹¹ ¹ ¹¹¹¹ ) 92¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ /¹ ¹ ¹ 2¹ ¹ )F¹¹ '' F¹ ¹ ) ¹¹¹¹¹ ¹¹¹¹¹/¹ ¹¹ 2¹ ¹.¹¹¹'¹¹9¹ ) * '¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ 2¹ ¹ '¹ ¹ ¹ '¹ ¹ ) '¹¹¹¹¹ ¹¹¹ ¹¹¹!¹¹ ¹/¹ )+ ¹¹ '¹ ¹* ¹/¹<¹¹¹F¹@¹ @¹¹" =¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¹2¹¹' ¹¹¹¹¹¹'¹ ¹¹'¹¹¹¹¹ '¹'¹ ¹ 2¹'¹¹3¹ ¹¹¹ ¹¹ ¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¹;¹'¹ ± ¹¹ ¹¹¹¹¹¹ ¹ ¹'2¹ '¹ ), (¹¹¹¹2¹ ¹¹¹<¹=¹ '¹¹Ø Ø ¹/,¹ ¹¹ 2¹ ¹'¹¹9¹¹.¹-¹<¹¹¹¹)¹¹¹ ¹¹¹¹'=¹¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ 208 D. Rossi – RES224 I ¹¹¹ ¼ ¼ ¼ ¼ ¼ ¼ ¼ ! ¼ ¼"#$$¼% &'()* ¼ ¼ ¼ #+,'-.(#/¼0 ¼ (1 .$(/¼2¼0 ¼ /33 33 .$(/¼2¼0 ¼ (1 4++ 5 6.76'-76.76'-7 ¼¼83¼¼ (1/988¼4: ;.< /33 33 =8, > ¼ ¼¼? ¼ ¼ 3)¼280 ¼ "8?*/¼ ¼ 8 ¼ ( ¼ ¼280 ¼ @!) )* ¼"#$" 3:2"8 A:B# C( //2D"E 777&'()* ¼ )* ¼& ¼@!C¼38 <&+<4"+;"(4" $,$',<,<F G$< H.> :>,#,# ",I 4"< .< 4',H.>J &'$ 777H.> H?¼3 777#+,'-3/6 30)* ¼7",IK 6 30)* ¼7" 1 777.$/6¼280 ¼7 7774++ 6¼280 ¼7. 1 3C 5 LL ?¼ 777 6¼280 ¼7 ¼3 ¼) ¼3 ¼"#$$¼% 777&'()* ¼ ¼3 ¼ $,$',<,<F ",I: H.-J ¹ ¹ 3.1 Enoncé .< "+.'" :>,#,# 777"+.'" .¼'" 777&'()* ¼ ¼3 ¼ $,$',<,<F ",I: H.-J .< :>,#,# 777#+,'-3/6 30 ¼7",IK: (1 777.$/6¼280 ¼7 7774++ (1 5 6.76'-76.76'-7 777 (1/988¼>:4>4 6¼280 ¼7" D(1/988¼>:4>4E 1-*I:#¼¼) ¼280 ¼" D1-*I:#¼¼)E ¼ @! 777=;, )* ¼¼ ¹ ¹ I ¹¹¹ ¹¹¹ :: :::? : ¹¹¹ :: :: ::? ¹¹¹ :: :?::?: :?? ? ¹¹¹ :: ?::: ???:??? :? ¹¹¹ :: ::?::?: :????? : ¹¹¹ :: ¹ ¹ 210 D. Rossi – RES224 ?::: ???:???: ::? : ¹¹¹ :: :?::::?: :????:: :? ¹ ¹¹ ¹¹¹¹ :: :?::: ??::?? : ¹¹¹ ::=J :?::;0 ??::??:M$ :L: ¼ ¼$, $',<,<F", I H.-J.< ::GH.$ ::>,#,# ¹¹¹¹¹¹ ::=J :::?:'05 :???:!6$ ?#+,'-.(#/ :6 30 ¼7 ",IK ¹¹ ::=J ?::H0 ??:?:!6$ :?L:N(1 ¹ ::=J ::?:?:0O :??:!4$ 9.$(/6 ?¼2¼0 ¼7 ¹ ::=J ?::P0 ??:?:!4$ :?L:6(1 ¹ ¹ ¹ 3.1 Enoncé ::=J :::?:?:0 :??:!'$ 4++ ¹¹ ::=J ?:::#G0 ??:?::!':$ :L: :5 6.76'-7 6.76'-7 ¹ ::=J :::?:0 :?:?::!9$ 4#¼¼,4 :/6: 0 ¼74 /# C( ?//2 ::-3/+ 3 :::" 8 6 30 ¼7;¼ ?:+ / 8 :?DP 5¼AE #,#H¼ / ?/¼2¼ 0 ¼"8?* / 8 ¼ :?:/%A B ::¼K,"(:: ?B3K5 ¼ /? :¼ ¼83¼¼ ¹¹ ::=J ?::-J0 ??:?:!9$ :?L:9(1/98 8¼-- ¹ ::=J ::::?:0 :??::!$ Q=;, ¹ ::=J ?::I0 ??::??:!$ :L:> ¹ ¹ 212 D. Rossi – RES224 ¹¹ ::=J :??:::D@0D ??::??!$ :L:;;;;;; ¹¹ ::=J :::::?:D0 :???!$ : ¹¹ ::=J :::?:?:D0O :???!$ : ¹¹ ::=J :?:::DM0D ??:??!$ :L:>;;;;;; ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ I ± ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ 3.1 Enoncé ¤ 4 5 !!"""!#$ 56 6¹ E¹ +¹ 0¹ G¹ I¹ J¹ 4¹ 1¹¹¹¹¹¹¹ ¹ ¹-¹ 1¹¹¹¹¹ ¹,¹ ¹?)¹¹¹¹-¹ .¹?¹¹¹ ¹ ¹)¹¹-¹ .¹?¹¹¹ ¹* ¹)¹¹-¹ 1¹¹¹¹¹ ¹¹<¹H2¹=¹-¹ 1¹¹ ¹¹¹ ¹ ¹¹¹-¹ 1¹¹¹¹¹ ¹¹ ¹<¹H2¹=¹-¹ 1¹¹¹ ¹ ¹¹)¹-¹ ¹ ¤ 7 6¹ E¹ +¹ 0¹ G¹ I¹ ¹¹¹¹ ¹¹¹ ¹¹ ¹¹¹.999¹¹ ¹¹ ¹¹¹ ¹ ¹¹ ¹ ¹¹ ¹¹¹ ¹)¹¹¹¹ ¹¹¹¹)¹¹¹)¹¹ ¹ ¹¹ ¹¹¹ ¹¹?K¹)¹¹¹¹¹¹ ¹?K¹)¹ ¹¹<¹¹)¹=¹¹ J¹ ¹ ¹¹ ¹ ¹)¹¹ 4¹ ¹ ¹¹¹¹ ¹)¹¹)¹¹¹ L¹ ¹ ¹¹¹¹ ¹)¹)¹¹¹ ¹¹<,¹ ¹ ¹¹¹=¹¹ 67¹ ¹¹)¹ ¹¹¹¹)¹¹ 66¹ ¹¹¹¹¹¹)¹)¹¹¹¹ ¹¹ ¹ ¹¹¹¹ 6E¹ ¹¹¹,¹ ¹),¹ ¹¹¹!¹¹¹)¹¹ 6+¹ ¹¹¹¹¹ ¹¹¹ ¹¹¹K¹¹ 60¹ ¹¹¹¹¹¹¹ ¹¹¹¹K¹)¹¹¹¹ ¹¹¹2¹¹ 6G¹* ),¹ ¹"¹ ¹?¹¹¹¹ <,¹ ,¹ ,¹,¹,¹ ,¹=¹¹ 6I¹ ¹¹¹K?¹¹¹"¹ ¹¹¹¹ 6J¹? ),¹¹¹¹¹ !¹¹¹¹¹ ¹ ¹ 214 D. 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Rossi – RES224 4.1 Enoncé ¹ ¹ ""##$$$ #% !¹ & ""## #$'# ¹ ¹ ! " # $ % & ¹ " '$% & ( )*+, - . ¹ " #' ( ! , " #" & ' ("' ! " # $ % &' ( ) ) *+ "##$$$)) % , +-./010 . $ !% * # , 23 . 1 O 4 56 $( ) / ' ( 23 3 (( 5' $ . $ 4 23 7 . $ 4 236 % % 23 5 8 % $ ( $ 9 : 8 % $ $ 9 4 + $ ) % $ 9 4 ( ; - , 4 , <  < = 5 234 D. Rossi – RES224  , ), 5 $ % ) < 4 ! , 9 , , # "+ 8 % 7 !87# +. 1>7> 4 % % $ % ) 8 % 17?1>:1>//:; % 8 % 17?1>:10@0@ 6 , . 8 L " $ , , = % 8. , , % 8) ," !% +-.# ) % 17?1>:1>//:;% 17?1>:/1:170' $ $ , % +-.A;: 3 +-.A;A 3 B 8 +-.A;; 8 3 +-.A;> 38 +-.A;0 +-.A;? "8 +-.A0@ ,C 8 +-.A01 "4 ( 8 "-' 6 , 9 D 6 %% $ % $ D % D 4 D, !83- , # % $ % < L C6. 3,, < D C6.5 L ' 3,, < DE ,F 23 L . 3,, < $ 4 G 4 L 6 3,, <)% % $ % 4.1 Enoncé * * (, < <==GGGG ,== <==GGGG ,= -6O< < <==G G ,= " 4 , * , ) , ) 4 , ' % , ' % - % , L 4 . 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Comme il est facile d’apercevoir, les pages de Wikipedia en français ou en anglais ont souvent un volume et une qualité de contributions et de references trés differentes. Mais si Wikipedia en anglais s’avère être une meilleure source pour les articles techniques, il ne reste qu’un point de départ, auquel il faut donc pallier avec des documents supplementaires. Or, le fait d’utiliser des documents externes á donc plusieurs buts: 1. repondre aux questions d’efficacité que l’on peut soulever 2. montrer un approche d’ingenierie rigoureux pour atteindre ces resultats 3. montrer des differents type de sources (articles de vulgarisation ou techniquement pointus) 4. vous solliciter á l’usage de l’anglais pour vous source d’information Faute d’espace, on n’a pas retenu utile inclure les documents normateur IETF, qui sont en cours d’évolution, d’autant plus que la situation est loin pour l’instant d’etre completement figée. Specifiquement, les lectures obligatoires (dont on ne retrouve pas référence á partir de Wikipedia!) se concentrent cette année sur: 1. le Whitepaper de Google sur SPDY (Sec. 5.1), qui trés succintement decrit le protocole ainsi que ses resultats “SPDY: An experimental protocol for a faster web,” Whitepaper available at http: // 2. un article de vulgarisation (Sec. 5.2) qui est utile pour comprendre les enjeux derrier SPDY, et qui se consacre au protocole Bryce Thomas, Raja Jurdak, and Ian Atkinson. “SPDYing up the web.” Communications of the ACM Vol. 55. No. 12, pp. 64-73, December 2012 3. un premier article technique (Sec. 5.3) qui creuse les resultats de SPDY dans un contexte mobile Jeffrey Erman, Vijay Gopalakrishnan, Rittwik Jana, K. K. Ramakrishnan “Towards a SPDY’ier mobile web?.” Proceedings of 9th ACM Conference on Emerging Networking Experiments and Technologies (CoNEXT’13), December 2013. 4. un deuxieme article technique(Sec. 5.4) qui creuse les resultats de SPDY dans un contexte Internet Xiao Sophia Wang, Aruna Balasubramanian, Arvind Krishnamurthy, and David Wetherall, “How Speedy is SPDY? ” Proceedings of the 11th USENIX Conference on Networked Systems Design and Implementation (NSDI’14). April 2014. La lecture de ces documents devrait: 1. cristaliser votre vision concernant les limites actuels de HTTP/1.0 et HTTP/1.1 2. vous informer sur le fait que SPDY est efficace (ou pas?) à resoudre ces problemes Les questions QCM de l’examen sur ces LO exploreront ces deux aspects. 5.1 SPDY (Google whitepaper) SPDY: An experimental protocol for a faster web -... The Chromium Projects Home SPDY > Chromium SPDY: An experimental protocol for a faster web Chromium OS Quick links Report bugs Discuss Sitemap Other sites Chromium Blog Google Chrome Extensions Executive summary As part of the "Let's make the web faster" initiative, we are experimenting with alternative protocols to help reduce the latency of web pages. One of these experiments is SPDY (pronounced "SPeeDY"), an application-layer protocol for transporting content over the web, designed specifically for minimal latency. In addition to a specification of the protocol, we have developed a SPDY-enabled Google Chrome browser and open-source web server. In lab tests, we have compared the performance of these applications over HTTP and SPDY, and have observed up to 64% reductions in page load times in SPDY. We hope to engage the open source community to contribute ideas, feedback, code, and test results, to make SPDY the next-generation application protocol for a faster web. Google Chrome Frame Except as otherwise noted, the content of this page is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 license, and examples are licensed under the BSD License. Background: web protocols and web latency Today, HTTP and TCP are the protocols of the web. TCP is the generic, reliable transport protocol, providing guaranteed delivery, duplicate suppression, in-order delivery, flow control, congestion avoidance and other transport features. HTTP is the application level protocol providing basic request/response semantics. While we believe that there may be opportunities to improve latency at the transport layer, our initial investigations have focussed on the application layer, HTTP. Unfortunately, HTTP was not particularly designed for latency. Furthermore, the web pages transmitted today are significantly different from web pages 10 years ago and demand improvements to HTTP that could not have been anticipated when HTTP was developed. The following are some of the features of HTTP that inhibit optimal performance: Single request per connection. Because HTTP can only fetch one resource at a time (HTTP pipelining helps, but still enforces only a FIFO queue), a server delay of 500 ms prevents reuse of the TCP channel for additional requests. Browsers work around this problem by using multiple connections. Since 2008, most browsers have finally moved from 2 connections per domain to 6. Exclusively client-initiated requests. In HTTP, only the client can initiate a request. Even if the server knows the client needs a resource, it has no mechanism to inform the client and must instead wait to receive a request for the resource from the client. Uncompressed request and response headers. Request headers today vary in size from ~200 bytes to over 2KB. As applications use more cookies and user agents expand features, typical header sizes of 700-800 bytes is common. For modems or ADSL connections, in which the uplink bandwidth is fairly low, this latency can be significant. Reducing the data in headers could directly improve the serialization latency to send requests. Redundant headers. In addition, several headers are repeatedly sent across requests on the same channel. However, headers such as the User-Agent, Host, and Accept* are generally static and do not need to be resent. Optional data compression. HTTP uses optional compression encodings for data. Content should always be sent in a compressed format. Previous approaches SPDY is not the only research to make HTTP faster. There have been other proposed solutions to web latency, mostly at the level of the transport or session layer: Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP) -- a transport-layer protocol to replace TCP, which provides multiplexed streams and stream-aware congestion control. HTTP over SCTP -- a proposal for running HTTP over SCTP. Comparison of HTTP Over SCTP and TCP in High Delay Networks describes a research study comparing the performance over both transport protocols. Structured Stream Transport (SST) -- a protocol which invents "structured streams": lightweight, independent streams to be carried over a common transport. It replaces TCP or runs on top of UDP. MUX and SMUX -- intermediate-layer protocols (in between the transport and application layers) that provide multiplexing of streams. They were proposed years ago at the same time as HTTP/1.1. These proposals offer solutions to some of the web's latency problems, but not all. The problems inherent in HTTP (compression, prioritization, etc.) should still be fixed, regardless of the underlying transport protocol. In any case, in practical terms, changing the transport is very difficult to deploy. Instead, we believe that there is much low-hanging fruit to be gotten by addressing the shortcomings at the application layer. Such an approach requires minimal changes to existing infrastructure, and (we think) can yield significant performance gains. Goals for SPDY The SPDY project defines and implements an application-layer protocol for the web which greatly reduces latency. The high-level goals for SPDY are: To target a 50% reduction in page load time. Our preliminary results have come close to this target (see below). To minimize deployment complexity. SPDY uses TCP as the underlying transport layer, so requires no changes to existing networking infrastructure. To avoid the need for any changes to content by website authors. The only changes required to support SPDY are in the client user agent and web server applications. To bring together like-minded parties interested in exploring protocols as a way of solving the latency problem. We hope to develop this new protocol in partnership with the open-source community and industry specialists. Some specific technical goals are: To allow many concurrent HTTP requests to run across a single TCP session. To reduce the bandwidth currently used by HTTP by compressing headers and eliminating unnecessary headers. To define a protocol that is easy to implement and server-efficient. We hope to reduce the complexity of HTTP by cutting down on edge cases and defining easily parsed message formats. To make SSL the underlying transport protocol, for better security and compatibility with existing network infrastructure. Although SSL does introduce a latency penalty, we believe that the long-term future of the web depends on a secure network connection. In addition, the use of SSL is necessary to ensure that communication across existing proxies is not broken. To enable the server to initiate communications with the client and push data to the client whenever possible. SPDY design and features SPDY adds a session layer atop of SSL that allows for multiple concurrent, interleaved streams over a single TCP connection. The usual HTTP GET and POST message formats remain the same; however, SPDY specifies a new framing format for encoding and transmitting the data over the wire. Streams are bi-directional, i.e. can be initiated by the client and server. SPDY aims to achieve lower latency through basic (always enabled) and advanced (optionally enabled) features. Basic features 1 of 4 09/19/2014 09:59 AM 238 D. Rossi – RES224 SPDY: An experimental protocol for a faster web -... Multiplexed streams SPDY allows for unlimited concurrent streams over a single TCP connection. Because requests are interleaved on a single channel, the efficiency of TCP is much higher: fewer network connections need to be made, and fewer, but more densely packed, packets are issued. Request prioritization Although unlimited parallel streams solve the serialization problem, they introduce another one: if bandwidth on the channel is constrained, the client may block requests for fear of clogging the channel. To overcome this problem, SPDY implements request priorities: the client can request as many items as it wants from the server, and assign a priority to each request. This prevents the network channel from being congested with non-critical resources when a high priority request is pending. HTTP header compression SPDY compresses request and response HTTP headers, resulting in fewer packets and fewer bytes transmitted. Advanced features In addition, SPDY provides an advanced feature, server-initiated streams. Server-initiated streams can be used to deliver content to the client without the client needing to ask for it. This option is configurable by the web developer in two ways: Server push. SPDY experiments with an option for servers to push data to clients via the X-Associated-Content header. This header informs the client that the server is pushing a resource to the client before the client has asked for it. For initial-page downloads (e.g. the first time a user visits a site), this can vastly enhance the user experience. Server hint. Rather than automatically pushing resources to the client, the server uses the X-Subresources header to suggest to the client that it should ask for specific resources, in cases where the server knows in advance of the client that those resources will be needed. However, the server will still wait for the client request before sending the content. Over slow links, this option can reduce the time it takes for a client to discover it needs a resource by hundreds of milliseconds, and may be better for non-initial page loads. For technical details, see the SPDY draft protocol specification. SPDY implementation: what we've built This is what we have built: A high-speed, in-memory server which can serve both HTTP and SPDY responses efficiently, over TCP and SSL. We will be releasing this code as open source in the near future. A modified Google Chrome client which can use HTTP or SPDY, over TCP and SSL. The source code is at /spdy/. (Note that code currently uses the internal code name of "flip"; this will change in the near future.) A testing and benchmarking infrastructure that verifies pages are replicated with high fidelity. In particular, we ensure that SPDY preserves origin server headers, content encodings, URLs, etc. We will be releasing our testing tools, and instructions for reproducing our results, in the near future. Preliminary results With the prototype Google Chrome client and web server that we developed, we ran a number of lab tests to benchmark SPDY performance against that of HTTP. We downloaded 25 of the "top 100" websites over simulated home network connections, with 1% packet loss. We ran the downloads 10 times for each site, and calculated the average page load time for each site, and across all sites. The results show a speedup over HTTP of 27% - 60% in page load time over plain TCP (without SSL), and 39% - 55% over SSL. Table 1: Average page load times for top 25 websites DSL 2 Mbps downlink, 375 kbps uplink Cable 4 Mbps downlink, 1 Mbps uplink Average ms Average ms Speedup Speedup HTTP 3111.916 2348.188 SPDY basic multidomain* connection / TCP 2242.756 27.93% 1325.46 43.55% SPDY basic singledomain* connection / TCP 1695.72 45.51% 933.836 60.23% SPDY single-domain + server push / TCP 1671.28 46.29% 950.764 59.51% SPDY single-domain + server hint / TCP 1608.928 48.30% 856.356 63.53% SPDY basic singledomain / SSL 1899.744 38.95% 1099.444 53.18 SPDY single-domain + client prefetch / SSL 1781.864 42.74% 1047.308 55.40% * In many cases, SPDY can stream all requests over a single connection, regardless of the number of different domains from which requested resources originate. This allows for full parallelization of all downloads. However, in some cases, it is not possible to collapse all domains into a single domain. In this case, SPDY must still open a connection for each domain, incurring some initial RTT overhead for each new connection setup. We ran the tests in both modes: collapsing all domains into a single domain (i.e. one TCP connection); and respecting the actual partitioning of the resources according to the original multiple domains (= one TCP connection per domain). We include the results for both the strict "single-domain" and "multi-domain" tests; we expect real-world results to lie somewhere in the middle. The role of header compression Header compression resulted in an ~88% reduction in the size of request headers and an ~85% reduction in the size of response headers. On the lower-bandwidth DSL link, in which the upload link is only 375 Kbps, request header compression in particular, led to significant page load time improvements for certain sites (i.e. those that issued large number of resource requests). We found a reduction of 45 - 1142 ms in page load time simply due to header compression. The role of packet loss and round-trip time (RTT) We did a second test run to determine if packet loss rates and round-trip times (RTTs) had an effect on the results. For these tests, we measured only the cable link, but simulated variances in packet loss and RTT. We discovered that SPDY's latency savings increased proportionally with increases in packet loss rates, up to a 48% speedup at 2%. (The increases tapered off above the 2% loss rate, and completely disappeared above 2.5%. In the real world, packets loss rates are typically 1-2%, and RTTs average 50-100 ms in the U.S.) The reasons that 2 of 4 09/19/2014 09:59 AM 5.1 SPDY (Google whitepaper) SPDY: An experimental protocol for a faster web -... SPDY does better as packet loss rates increase are several: SPDY sends ~40% fewer packets than HTTP, which means fewer packets affected by loss. SPDY uses fewer TCP connections, which means fewer chances to lose the SYN packet. In many TCP implementations, this delay is disproportionately expensive (up to 3 s). SPDY's more efficient use of TCP usually triggers TCP's fast retransmit instead of using retransmit timers. We discovered that SPDY's latency savings also increased proportionally with increases in RTTs, up to a 27% speedup at 200 ms. The The reason that SPDY does better as RTT goes up is because SPDY fetches all requests in parallel. If an HTTP client has 4 connections per domain, and 20 resources to fetch, it would take roughly 5 RTs to fetch all 20 items. SPDY fetches all 20 resources in one RT. Table 2: Average page load times for top 25 websites by packet loss rate Average ms Speedup Packet loss rate HTTP SPDY basic (TCP) 0% 1152 1016 0.5% 1638 1105 32.54% 1% 2060 1200 41.75% 11.81% 1.5% 2372 1394 41.23% 2% 2904 1537 47.7% 2.5% 3028 1707 43.63% Table 3: Average page load times for top 25 websites by RTT Average ms Speedup RTT in ms HTTP SPDY basic (TCP) 20 1240 1087 12.34% 40 1571 1279 18.59% 60 1909 1526 20.06% 80 2268 1727 23.85% 120 2927 2240 23.47% 160 3650 2772 24.05% 200 4498 3293 26.79% SPDY next steps: how you can help Our initial results are promising, but we don't know how well they represent the real world. In addition, there are still areas in which SPDY could improve. In particular: Bandwidth efficiency is still low. Although dialup bandwidth efficiency rate is close to 90%, for high-speed connections efficiency is only about ~32%. SSL poses other latency and deployment challenges. Among these are: the additional RTTs for the SSL handshake; encryption; difficulty of caching for some proxies. We need to do more SSL tuning. Our packet loss results are not conclusive. Although much research on packet-loss has been done, we don't have enough data to build a realistic model model for packet loss on the Web. We need to gather this data to be able to provide more accurate packet loss simulations. SPDY single connection loss recovery sometimes underperforms multiple connections. That is, opening multiple connections is still faster than losing a single connection when the RTT is very high. We need to figure out when it is appropriate for the SPDY client to make a new connection or close an old connection and what effect this may have on servers. The server can implement more intelligence than we have built in so far. We need more research in the areas of server-initiated streams, obtaining client network information for prefetching suggestions, and so on. To help with these challenges, we encourage you to get involved: Send feedback, comments, suggestions, ideas to the chromium-discuss discussion group. Download, build, run, and test the Google Chrome client code. Contribute improvements to the code base. SPDY frequently asked questions Q: Doesn't HTTP pipelining already solve the latency problem? A: No. While pipelining does allow for multiple requests to be sent in parallel over a single TCP stream, it is still but a single stream. Any delays in the processing of anything in the stream (either a long request at the head-of-line or packet loss) will delay the entire stream. Pipelining has proven difficult to deploy, and because of this remains disabled by default in all of the major browsers. Q: Is SPDY a replacement for HTTP? A: No. SPDY replaces some parts of HTTP, but mostly augments it. At the highest level of the application layer, the request-response protocol remains the same. SPDY still uses HTTP methods, headers, and other semantics. But SPDY overrides other parts of the protocol, such as connection management and data transfer formats. Q: Why did you choose this name? A: We wanted a name that captures speed. SPDY, pronounced "SPeeDY", captures this and also shows how compression can help improve speed. Q: Should SPDY change the transport layer? A: More research should be done to determine if an alternate transport could reduce latency. However, replacing the transport is a complicated endeavor, and if we can overcome the inefficiencies of TCP and HTTP at the application layer, it is simpler to deploy. Q: TCP has been time-tested to avoid congestion and network collapse. Will SPDY break the Internet? A: No. SPDY runs atop TCP, and benefits from all of TCP's congestion control algorithms. Further, HTTP has already changed the way congestion control works on the Internet. For example, HTTP clients today open up to 6 concurrent connections to a single server; at the same time, some HTTP servers have increased the initial congestion window to 4 packets. Because TCP independently throttles each connection, servers are effectively sending up to 24 packets in an initial burst. The multiple connections side-step TCP's slow-start. SPDY, by contrast, implements multiple streams over a single connection. Q: What about SCTP? A: SCTP is an interesting potential alternate transport, which offers multiple streams over a single connection. However, again, it requires changing the transport stack, which will make it very difficult to deploy across existing home routers. Also, SCTP alone isn't the silver bullet; application-layer changes still need to be made to efficiently use the channel between the server and client. Q: What about BEEP? A: While BEEP is an interesting protocol which offers a similar grab-bag of features, it doesn't focus on reducing the page load time. It is missing a few features that make this 3 of 4 09/19/2014 09:59 AM 240 D. Rossi – RES224 SPDY: An experimental protocol for a faster web -... possible. Additionally, it uses text-based framing for parts of the protocol instead of binary framing. This is wonderful for a protocol which strives to be as extensible as possible, but offers some interesting security problems as it is more difficult to parse correctly. Sign in | Recent Site Activity | Report Abuse | Print Page | Powered By Google Sites 4 of 4 09/19/2014 09:59 AM 5.2 SPDY (CACM’12) contributed articles Improved performance and a proven deployment strategy make SPDY a potential successor to HTTP. By Bryce Thomas, Raja Jurdak, and Ian Atkinson SPDYing Up the Web little resemblance to the Web of a decade ago. A Web page today encapsulates tens to hundreds of resources pulled from multiple domains. JavaScript is the technological staple of Web applications, not a tool for frivolous animation. Users access the Web from diverse device form factors, while browsers have improved dramatically. A constant throughout this evolution is the underlying applicationlayer protocol—HTTP—providing fertile ground for Web growth and evolution but was designed at a time of far less page complexity. Moreover, HTTP is not optimal, with pages taking longer to load. Studies over the past five years suggest even 100 milliseconds To d ay ’ s W eb b e a rs 64 co m m un i cat i o n s o f th e acm | d ec em b er 2 01 2 | vo l . 55 | n o. 12 additional delay can have a quantifiably negative effect on Web use,9 spurring interest in improving Web performance. One such effort is SPDY, a potential successor to HTTP championed by Google that requires both client and server changes, a formidable hurdle to widespread adoption. However, early client support from major browsers Chrome and Firefox suggests SPDY is a protocol being taken seriously. Though server support for SPDY is growing through projects like mod_ spdy12 truly widespread server adoption is likely to take time. In the interim, SPDY gateways are emerging as a compelling transition strategy, promising to accelerate SPDY adoption by functioning as a translator between SPDY-enabled clients and non-SPDYenabled servers (see Figure 1). A variety of incentives motivate organizations to deploy and users to adopt SPDY gateways, as described here. SPDY (pronounced SPeeDY) is an experimental low-latency applicationlayer protocol27 designed by Google and introduced in 2009 as a drop-in replacement for HTTP on clients and servers. SPDY retains the semantics of HTTP, allowing content to remain unchanged on servers while adding request multiplexing and prioritization, header compression, and server push of resources. Since 2009, SPDY has undergone metamorphosis from press release written and distributed by Google to production protocol implemented by some of the highest-profile players on the Web. Figure 2 is a timeline of SPDY milestones, first appearing publicly in a key insights S PDY seeks to improve Web page load times by making fewer round trips to the server. C lient-side browser support for SPDY has grown rapidly since 2009, and SPDY gateways offer a transition strategy that does not rely on server-side support. O pen SPDY gateways are an opportunity for organizations to capitalize on the behavioral browsing data they produce. Im ag e by Vla ditto d o i: 1 0 .1 1 4 5/ 2 38 0 65 6 .2 38 0 67 3 242 D. Rossi – RES224 5.2 SPDY (CACM’12) contributed articles Figure 1. SPDY gateway translates between SPDY-capable clients and conventional HTTP servers. situated on high-speed Internet backbone HTTP SPDY Gateway HTTP SPDY HTTP Figure 2. Timeline of SPDY-related development milestones. Open-source iOS SPDY client library commissioned by SPDY author Mike Belshe November 2009 post6 on the Google Chromium blog ( describing the protocol as “an early-stage research project,” part of Google’s effort to “make the Web faster.” By September 2010, SPDY had been implemented in the stable version of the Google Chrome browser,14 and by February 2011, Google quietly flipped the server-side switch on SPDY, using the protocol to serve major services (such as Gmail, Maps, and search) to Chrome and other SPDY-enabled clients.4 In February 2011, the Android Honeycomb mobile Web browser received client-side SPDY support, also with little publicity.13 In September 2011, Amazon announced its Kindle Fire tablet, along with the Silk Web browser that speaks SPDY to Amazon cloud servers.3 In January 2012, Mike Belshe, SPDY coauthor, commissioned development 66 co mm un i cat i o n s o f th e ac m 01 2 ar .2 .2 01 2 SPDY implemented in Mozilla Firefox browser Fe b 01 1 Se pt .2 1 .2 01 Fe b 0 .2 01 pt Se No v. 2 00 9 SPDY announced as “early-stage research project” Amazon Google begins announces serving Search, Kindle Fire tablet Gmail, Maps, using SPDY and other major between client services over SPDY devices and SPDY to implemented Amazon servers in Google Chrome compatible to accelerate clients browser browsing M SPDY implemented in Google Android Honeycomb browser of an open-source Apple iOS SPDY client library.20 In March 2012, Firefox 11 implemented the SPDY protocol,19 which, by June 2012, was enabled by default in Firefox 13,22 bringing combined client-side support (Chrome + Firefox) to approximately 50% of the desktop browser market25 (see Figure 3). SPDY is currently an Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) Internet draft in its third revision.7 SPDY’s rapid client adoption is impressive, though server adoption lags considerably. SPDY gateways offer a promising transition strategy, bringing many of SPDY’s benefits to clients without requiring server support. The incentive for clients to use SPDY gateways is simple: a faster and more secure browsing experience; SPDY is generally deployed over SSL for reasons discussed later. There are also commercial incentives for companies | dec emb er 2 0 12 | vo l . 5 5 | n o. 12 worldwide to deploy SPDY gateways on the high-speed Internet. Contentdelivery networks have begun offering SPDY gateway services to Web site owners as a means of accelerating the performance (as experienced by users) of their HTTP Web sites.1,26 Vendors of mobile devices might deploy SPDY gateways to accelerate the notoriously slow high-latency mobile browsing experience, a marketable feature. Even more intriguing are the incentives for large Web companies to deploy open (publicly available) SPDY gateways to collect and mine rich information about users’ Web-browsing behavior, a lucrative commodity in the business of online advertising. Interestingly, the SPDY gateway’s ability to aggregate certain critical resources may provide benefits above and beyond regular SPDY, as described later. SPDY Protocol SPDY is designed primarily to address performance inhibitors inherent in HTTP, including HTTP’s poor support for pipelining and prioritization, the inability to send compressed headers, and lack of resource push capabilities. SPDY’s hallmark features—request multiplexing/prioritization, header compression, and server push—are described in the following sections: Request multiplexing and prioritization. SPDY multiplexes requests and responses over a single TCP connection in independent streams, with request multiplexing inspired by HTTP pipelining while removing several limitations. HTTP pipelining allows multiple HTTP requests to be sent over a TCP connection without waiting for corresponding responses (see Figure 4). Though pipelining has been specified since the 1999 HTTP 1.1 RFC,11 Opera is the only browser that both implements the feature and enables it by default. Other major browsers either do not implement pipelining or disable pipelining by default, as compatibility with older Web proxies and servers is problematic. Besides a lack of widespread adoption, HTTP pipelining also suffers from head-of-line blocking, as the specification mandates resources be returned in the order they are requested, meaning a large resource, or one associated with a time-consuming 244 D. Rossi – RES224 contributed articles though each involves certain shortcomings; for example, data URIs allow inlining resources (such as images) into the main HTML but are not cacheable and increase resource size by approximately 33%. Another technique, Comet, opens a long-held connection to the server8 through which arbitrary resources may be pushed but requires an additional initial round trip. Bleeding-edge technologies (such as Web Sockets28 and resource prefetching15,21) also enable push-like behavior but, like Comet, require an additional round trip to establish such behavior. A universal limitation of current techniques is they break resource modu- tionary based on a priori knowledge of common HTTP headers.29 Server push. This advanced feature of SPDY allows the server to initiate resource transfer, rather than having to wait until a corresponding client request is received; Figure 8 outlines a server using it to push a resource to the client that would be requested imminently regardless. Server push saves superfluous round trips by relying on the server’s knowledge of resource dependencies to determine what should be sent to the client. Performance engineers have employed a range of techniques to try to achieve push-like behavior over HTTP, Figure 3. Global browser usage share, as recorded by StatCounter (http://gs.statcounter. com/#browser-ww-monthly-201103-201202); in February 2012, Chrome had 29.84% and Firefox 24.88%. StatCounter Global Stats Top five browsers, Feb. 2011 to Feb. 2012 IE 50% Firefox Chrome Safari Opera Other (dotted) 40% 30% 20% 10% 12 2 11 01 20 Fe b. .2 Ja n 1 01 20 De c. 1 11 v. 2 No 20 01 .2 Oc t. 20 11 20 11 Se pt Ju ly 11 Ju ly Ju M ay ne 20 20 11 11 20 ril 20 ch ar Ap 11 0% M back-end process, delays all other resources (see Figure 5). SPDY implements pipelining without HTTP’s head-of-line blocking limitation. Resources transferred through a SPDY connection are carried in annotated “streams,” or independent sequences of bidirectional data divided into frames; annotated streams allow SPDY to not only return resources in any order but interleave resources over a single TCP connection7 (see Figure 6). SPDY also includes request prioritization, allowing the client to specify that certain resources be returned with a higher priority than others. Unlike many quality-of-service mechanisms that work on prioritizing packets in queues at lower layers in the network stack, SPDY prioritization works at the application layer, designed to allow the client to specify what is important. One use of prioritization is to request that resources that block progressive page rendering (such as cascading style sheets and JavaScript) be returned with higher priority. Another use of prioritization is to increase the priority of resources being downloaded for the currently visible browser tab while decreasing priority of resources belonging to a currently loading but hidden tab. A further implication of implementing priority at the application layer is that a server can, at least theoretically, prioritize not only the order in which resources are transmitted over the wire but also the order in which resources are generated on the back-end if the task is time intensive. Header compression. HTTP requests and responses all include a set of HTTP headers that provide additional information about the request or response (see Figure 7). There is significant redundancy in these headers across requests and responses; for example, the “User-Agent” header describing the user’s browser (such as Mozilla/5.0 compatible, MSIE 9.0, Windows NT 6.1, WOW64, and Trident/5.0 for Internet Explorer 9) is sent to the server many times over. Likewise, cookie headers, which describe state information about the client, are repeated many times over across requests. Such redundancy means HTTP headers tend to compress relatively effectively. To further improve compression, SPDY seeds an out-of-band compression dic- Figure 4. HTTP pipelining allows multiple concurrent requests, reducing the number of round trips to the server. no pipelining client pipelining server client server d ecem ber 2 012 | vo l. 55 | n o. 12 | com mu n icat ion s of t he acm 67 5.2 SPDY (CACM’12) contributed articles larity by inserting JavaScript, links, or inlined content into the main HTML document. SPDY push does not require modification of content to support push functionality. SPDY Security The SPDY protocol can be run over either a secure (SSL encrypted) or insecure (non-encrypted) transport. In practice, both philosophical views Figure 5. Head-of-line blocking in HTTP pipelining; a large resource blocks subsequent smaller resources (left), and a slow-to-generate resource blocks subsequent resources (right). client server client server RE REQ A REQ B REQ C RE RE backend QA QB QC loading A… RES A large resource A blocks smaller resource B and C SA RE SB RE RES B SA RE SB RE RES C SC RE A takes a long time to produce blocking B and C SC RE Figure 6. Request multiplexing and prioritization in SPDY; resources are sent in chunks over independent streams that can be interleaved and prioritized. Client Server SYN stream 1 Priority 3 SYN stream 3 Priority 3 SYN reply 3 SYN reply 1 SYN stream 5 Priority 0 higher-priority request Data frame [stream 1] SYN reply 5 Data frame [stream 5] Data frame + fin [stream 5] Data frame [stream 3] Data frame + fin [stream 1] Data frame + fin [stream 3] 68 co m m u ni cati o n s o f th e acm Server can respond in any order | dec emb er 2 0 12 | vo l . 5 5 | n o. 12 Server interleaves higher-priority response frames before completing previous transfers on the role of Web encryption and pragmatism in handling real-world deployment constraints have led to primarily SSL-encrypted implementations. Mike Belshe, SPDY co-author,7 and Patrick McManus, principal SPDY implementer for Firefox, have expressed their interest in seeing the Web transition to a “secure by default” model.5,18 Proponents of encrypted SPDY say SSL is no longer computationally expensive16 and its security benefits outweigh its communication overhead. The pragmatic reason for deploying SPDY over SSL (port 443) rather than HTTP (port 80) is that transparent HTTP proxies between the client and the server handle HTTP upgrades unreliably.13 Transparent HTTP proxies do not modify encrypted traffic on SSL port 443 (as they do on port 80) and so should not interfere with newer protocols like SPDY. The rationale for choosing port 443 over an arbitrary port number is that port 443 appears to traverse firewalls more effectively13 (see Figure 9). SPDY relies on the next-protocol negotiation (NPN)17 SSL extension to upgrade the SSL connection to the SPDY protocol. NPN is currently an Internet Engineering Task Force Internet Draft and implemented in OpenSSL23; NPN also allows negotiation of other competing future protocols. SSL implementations that do not currently support NPN simply ignore the request to upgrade the protocol, retaining backward compatibility. SPDY Performance Only a handful of (publicly available) studies quantitatively benchmark SPDY against HTTP, all from the same source—Google. Corroborating the following results across different sites represents important future work: Google Chrome live A/B study. In 2011, Google benchmarked SPDY against HTTP in real-life A/B tests conducted through the Chrome browser. From March 22 to April 5, 2011, Google configured “in the wild” deployments of the Chrome 12 browser to randomly assign 95% of browser instantiations to use SPDY for SPDYcapable sites; the other 5% of instantiations used HTTPS. Google researchers observed a 15.4% improvement in 246 D. Rossi – RES224 contributed articles page-load time across browser instantiations using SPDY,13 though a caveat was that domain names in the study were neither recorded nor weighted. Google itself is thought by Google developers to be the current dominant consumer of server-side SPDY technology so is likely overrepresented in these results. Google sites were, in 2011, already heavily optimized, suggesting the stated improvement was likely conservative, though further data is needed for confirmation. Google’s second result from the study was that (encrypted) SPDY is faster than (unencrypted) HTTP for Google’s AJAX search; Google researchers provided no further detail. Google lab tests set one. Google performed a series of laboratory benchmarks of SPDY vs. HTTP under various conditions, though unencrypted SPDY, which would be expected to be faster than encrypted SPDY, was compared against HTTP, despite SPDY deployments being predominantly encrypted. For simulated downloads of the top 45 pages on the Web (as recorded by Alexa), Google in 2011 reported a 51% reduction in uploaded bytes, 4% reduction in downloaded bytes, and 19% reduction in total packets vs. HTTP.13 Uploaded bytes were significantly reduced due to SPDY’s header compression and the fact that HTTP headers are amenable to strong compression. Google reported that download bytes were only marginally reduced, as most downloaded content in its tests was not headers and in many cases already compressed. The reduction in total packets is due to both a reduction in overall bytes and the fact that SPDY uses only a single connection, resulting in more “full” packets. Google lab tests set two. A 2009 Google SPDY white paper14 described simulated page-load time of SPDY vs. HTTP for the Alexa top 25 Web sites. The first test simulated SPDY vs. HTTP with 1% packet loss over simulated home-network connections. Unencrypted SPDY exhibited 27%–60% improvement in page-load time, and encrypted (SSL) SPDY exhibited 39%–55% improvement in page-load time. A second test determined how packet-loss affected SPDY (unencrypted) vs. HTTP; at 0% packet loss, SPDY was 11% faster, and at 2% Figure 7. HTTP request and response with example headers; header keys (such as “User-Agent”) and header values (such as a particular user agent string) are repeated many times over on a typical connection so make good candidates for compression. GET /pub/WWW/picture.jpg HTTP/1.1 Host: … Accept-Endcoding: gzip, deflate, sdch User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/5.0) HTTP/1.1 200 OK Date: Thu, 26 Jan 2012 04:16:13 GMT … Server: Apache/2.2.3 (Red Hat) Content-Type: image/jpeg Figure 8. HTTP is unable to push resources to the client, even when it knows the client will require them soon (left); SPDY server push allows the server to initiate the transfer of a resource it believes the client will need soon (right). Standard HTTP SPDY Server client server REQ e xamp ome g … <im … html> RES < anner.jpg" /> "b = rc s REQ e xample .com/b anner. jpg jpg] anner. RES [b server REQ e x /h Client learns it needs banner.jpg only after parsing html client packet loss SPDY was up to 47% faster. A third test simulated SPDY vs. HTTP as a function of round-trip time; for example, for a 20ms round trip, SPDY was 12% faster than HTTP, and for a 200ms round trip, SPDY was 26% faster; for a full exposition of these results, see Google.14 Questions on SPDY performance. There is a conspicuous lack of results describing how SPDY performs on mobile devices. SPDY’s dominant performance improvements are due in theory to reduced round trips between client and server. Many mobile-carrier technologies today exhibit latency several times that of their fixed-line and Wi-Fi counterparts. By some projections, the majority of the developing world will have its first Internet experi- ample [b PUSH .com/h ome jpg] anner. g … <im tml> /h html> RES < r.jpg" /> … < e n an src="b Server preempts client’s imminent request for banner.jpg and pushes it, removing a round trip ence through a mobile carrier, proliferating high-latency connections. In theory, SPDY is ideally suited to these high-latency mobile environments, though real-world results are needed for confirmation. SPDY push-and-request prioritization is also underexplored. For push, work is needed toward determining how aggressive a server should preemptively push resources to the client. For prioritization, no studies exist on SPDY’s efficacy in tabbed browser environments where the currently visible tab’s downloading resources could be assigned higher priority. SPDY Effect on TCP Connections Though SPDY is an application-layer protocol, it involves broader implica- d ec ember 2 012 | vol. 55 | no. 12 | co mm un icat io ns o f t h e acm 69 5.2 SPDY (CACM’12) contributed articles tions and interesting interactions with the TCP transport layer: TCP connection proliferation in HTTP. Prior to standardization of HTTP/1.1 in 1999, HTTP/1.0 permitted download- ing only a single resource over a TCP connection and only four concurrent TCP connections to any given server. HTTP/1.1 introduced persistent connections, allowing connection reuse Figure 9. Real-world success rates of upgrading to newer protocols over various port numbers, as measured by Google Chrome’s WebSocket team. Firewalls drop traffic on arbitrary new ports, and transparent proxies inhibit protocol upgrades over port 80. 86% of traffic works dest-port 61985 firewalls can drop traffic on arbitrary new ports arbitrary new port 67% of traffic works dest-port 80 standard HTTP port transparent proxies often don’t handle protocol upgrades correctly 95% of traffic works dest-port 443 standard SSL port SSL traverses transparent proxies unaltered most firewalls permit port 443 Figure 10. A SPDY gateway offers security between client and gateway regardless of the security of the destination server. SPDY HTTP Secure connection between client and gateway, regardless of destination server security SPDY gateway to HTTP server remains insecure SPDY Gateway 70 co m m un i cati o n s o f th e ac m | d ec e mb er 2 01 2 | vo l . 5 5 | n o. 12 for multiple resources. HTTP/1.1 concomitantly reduced maximum concurrent TCP connections from four to two, helping reduce server load and alleviate Internet congestion11 induced by proliferation of short-lived TCP connections at the time. Unfortunately, halving concurrent connections had the adverse effect of reducing download parallelism. HTTP/1.1 envisaged that the newly introduced HTTP pipelining would remedy the problem, but, as described earlier, pipelining proved difficult to implement and suffers from head-of-line blocking, as in Figure 5. Having only two concurrent connections creates a serious performance bottleneck for modern high-speed Internet connections and complex Web sites. First, TCP slow-start, slowly ramping up usable-connection bandwidth based on number of successfully received packets, is often overly conservative in its initial bandwidth allocation. Several round trips are needed before the connection is saturated, by which time much of the content may have been downloaded already (at a slower-than-necessary rate). Second, a typical modern Web page encapsulates 10s or 100s of resources, only two of which may be requested at any given time. Without HTTP pipelining, requests cannot be queued on the server, so each new request incurs an additional round trip. Because most Web resources are small, the roundtrip time to the server often dominates over the time to receive the resource from first to last byte. Modern browsers break from the HTTP/1.1 standard by allowing six or more concurrent TCP connections to a server. This allocation largely circumvents both previously outlined problems—effective initial bandwidth becoming TCP slow-start constant * 6 (rather than * 2) and fewer round trips incurred due to higher request concurrency. A common practice among large Web properties (such as Facebook, Google, and Twitter) is to “shard”24 a Web page’s resources across multiple domains (such as img1.facebook, img2.facebook, img3.facebook, and img4.facebook) to subvert browser policy and obtain greater concurrency. In a modern browser, a Web page sharded across four domains can receive 4 * 6 = 24 concurrent TCP connections. 248 D. Rossi – RES224 contributed articles TCP connection proliferation. Increasing concurrent connections through browser policy and sharding can improve page-load time but create other problems. Though highly concurrent connections circumvent an overly conservative slow start on a single TCP connection, they may (in aggregate) exceed total available bandwidth, inducing packet loss. Moreover, the likelihood of losing a critical control packet increases with the number of concurrent connections; for example, the TCP SYN packet, which initiates a TCP connection, has a retransmission timeout measured on the order of seconds if no acknowledgment is received. Highly concurrent TCP connections also decrease the likelihood of fast retransmit being invoked under packet loss. Fast retransmit is a TCP enhancement that immediately resends a packet without waiting for a fixed timeout delay if acknowledgments for several packets subsequent to the lost packet are received. Highly concurrent connections obtain less bandwidth individually than a single long-lived connection and are therefore less likely to receive and acknowledge enough packets in a short enough duration to trigger fast re- transmit. There is also less “body” in each short-lived connection, increasing the likelihood that any packet loss would occur near the end of a connection where too few acknowledgments exist to trigger fast retransmit. Finally, highly concurrent TCP connections create more connection states to be maintained at various points in the network, including at networkaddress-translation boxes, as well as state binding processes to TCP port numbers. In some instances, this state can even cause poorly implemented hardware and software to fail or misidentify the highly concurrent connection openings as a SYN flood (a type of denial-of-service attack).10 SPDY elephant vs. HTTP mice. The highly concurrent short-lived TCP flows of modern HTTP fall into the category of connections colloquially known as “mice” flows. In contrast, SPDY is able to use a single long-lived “elephant” flow, as it can multiplex and prioritize all requests over a single connection. SPDY therefore retains the benefits of highly concurrent HTTP connections, without detrimental side effects. A short-term disadvantage of SPDY’s single-connection approach is inequitable TCP “backoff” compared to competing applications still using multiple TCP connections; for example, a backoff algorithm that responds to packet loss by reducing the available bandwidth of a connection by 50% will likewise halve the total bandwidth available to an application using a single SPDY TCP connection. The same backoff algorithm applied to an application using 12 concurrent TCP connections would reduce the total available bandwidth to the application by only 4% (1/24) of the connections. Connection proliferation should not be encouraged over the long term, though a short-term mitigation strategy would involve using a small number of concurrent SPDY connections. Long-term research may look to address this issue through smarter backoff algorithms providing equitable treatment to applications, independent of the number of TCP connections. Transitioning to SPDY SPDY has been implemented in several popular client browsers, most notably Chrome and Firefox. Though server support for SPDY continues to grow, it has yet to reach the maturity and adoption of client implementations. SPDY gateways are one way to acceler- Figure 11. A client can delegate DNS lookup to a SPDY gateway, helping minimize round trips. No SPDY Gateway client With SPDY Gateway DNS name server transla te exa mple.c om 3.10 192.0.4 .com is le p m a ex client Client sends request without translating domain name GET e x SPDY gateway ample .c om/ho m GE Te xam ple .co m/ ho me K transla te exa mple.c om 0 .0.43.1 is 192 examp ( GET e xamp /home ( 0O 20 e DNS name server K 200 O 0 20 OK d ecem be r 20 12 | vo l. 55 | n o. 12 | com mu n ic at ion s of t he ac m 71 5.2 SPDY (CACM’12) contributed articles ate SPDY adoption, providing many SPDY performance and security advantages without requiring SPDY support on the server. A SPDY gateway is an explicit proxy that translates between SPDY-enabled clients and HTTP-only servers. By situating such a gateway on the high-speed Internet, SPDY is used over the slow “last mile” link between the client and the Internet core. The HTTP portion of the connection is in turn isolated to the very-low-latency, very-high-bandwidth link between the gateway and the server, largely mitigating HTTP’s dominant performance inhibitors. In addition to providing a practical, viable SPDY transition solution, SPDY gateways also offer several performance-enhancing features: Secure connection to gateway, regardless of server-side SSL support. Because SPDY operates over SSL, the client-togateway connection is secure, regardless of whether SSL is supported on the destination server (see Figure 10). Though the gateway-to-server connection could remain insecure, clients are protected from common attacks (such as eavesdropping on insecure Wi-Fi access points). Single client-side connection across all domains. As described earlier, SPDY request multiplexing results in dramatically fewer TCP connections than HTTP browsers in use today. However, clients still require at least one new TCP connection for each new server they contact. A SPDY gateway can achieve even greater efficiency than regular SPDY by multiplexing all of a client’s requests to the gateway over a single TCP connection covering all servers. A SPDY gateway might still create multiple connections to a given HTTP server to emulate pipelining and avoid head-of-line blocking but isolate these connections to the high-speed/lowlatency Internet core. A SPDY gateway may also retain a small pool of TCP connections to popular servers, allowing new client requests to be forwarded immediately without incurring a new TCP connection handshake or slowstart “warm-up.” Likewise, the client needs to perform a single TCP connection handshake only with the gateway and go through the slow-start warm-up only once (as opposed to every time a new server is contacted). 72 co m m u ni cati o ns o f t he ac m Aside from offering faster browsing as a selling point, Amazon and other potential vendors are likely interested in the data mining and advertising opportunities that come with controlling the gateway. | d ec em ber 2 0 1 2 | vo l . 55 | n o. 1 2 Delegated DNS lookup. This performance enhancement specific to SPDY gateways entails the gateway performing DNS translations from domain names to server IP addresses on behalf of the client, allowing the client to immediately send a request for a resource to the gateway without knowing the IP address of the server on which it is hosted (see Figure 11). Being situated on the high-speed Internet, the gateway is better positioned to quickly translate the domain name to an IP address; moreover, a gateway that serves a large number of users can cache the IP addresses of popular domains. Intelligent push. A SPDY gateway can exploit its large user base to infer resource dependencies, even across domains. A regular SPDY-capable server has a limited view of a user’s browsing behavior, isolated to the server itself. A gateway sees a user’s requests for all servers so it can infer complex patterns of cross-domain navigation; for example, the gateway could determine that 95% of users issuing a Google search query for “Twitter” proceed to, and, given this knowledge, the gateway then preemptively pushes resources from the homepage to the user. In 2011, Amazon reported the Silk browser on the Kindle Fire tablet already performed intelligent push of this nature, called by Amazon “predictive rendering.”2 Caching. Like a transparent proxy, a SPDY gateway can cache resources such that subsequent requests for the same resource are served without contacting the origin server. SPDY gateways, a permanent fixture? This description of SPDY gateways highlights that in some respects gateways offer more attractive features than SPDY directly between clients and servers, including four notable functions: further reduction in TCP connections over the last mile; pre-warming of TCP connections; delegation of DNS translations to the fast Internet core; and intelligent push and resource caching. We suggest that gateways may have a persistent role on the Web, beyond mere transition strategy. Future SPDY Gateways Several companies have deployed large SPDY gateways. Perhaps most 250 D. Rossi – RES224 contributed articles notable is the gateway used by the default Silk browser on the Amazon Kindle Fire tablet2; Silk proxies much of a user’s Web traffic through an Amazon SPDY gateway deployed on the Amazon Web Services cloud infrastructure. Other examples are content-deliverynetwork/Web-acceleration providers Contendo1 and Strangeloop,26 both offering SPDY gateways as a service to HTTP content providers. Device-specific SPDY gateways. Amazon’s decision to couple the Kindle Fire Silk browser to its own proprietary SPDY-based gateway begs the question: Could, and will, other major providers do the same? Could there be, say, an Apple SPDY gateway for iPhones and iPads or a Google SPDY gateway for Android devices in the future? Could such gateways be in the works already? The potential performance advantage of SPDY gateways is particularly intriguing on such resource-constrained mobile devices. The controlled “appliancized” nature of the devices and their operating systems would also simplify vendor implementation. Aside from offering faster browsing as a selling point, Amazon and other potential vendors are likely interested in the data mining and advertising opportunities that come with controlling the gateway. Open SPDY gateways. Beyond device-specific gateways lies uncharted though potentially lucrative territory—open SPDY gateways—that, like an open proxy, are usable by anyone, independent of device or platform. Major Web companies have demonstrated that free and universal services can be made profitable through related targeted advertising opportunities. So, could SPDY gateways be turned into another free, universal service rendered profitable through bettertargeted advertising? A limitation Web advertisers face today is a restricted view of user activity on domains beyond their direct control. A SPDY gateway provides a vantage point from which to observe all of a user’s Web activity, not just on domains under the advertiser’s control. Major Web companies like Facebook and Google track users across the Web on third-party sites through partner advertising scripts and other embeddable features (such as the “Like” but- ton), but the picture is incomplete. An open SPDY gateway would provide advertisers missing pieces from the browsing-behavior puzzle that could be fed back into targeted-advertising algorithms. While much the same could be done using device-specific SPDY gateways, an open SPDY gateway would provide insight into a much larger user population. Interesting to consider therefore is whether SPDY gateways (much like search) could become a universal service accessible through a broad range of devices. Conclusion SPDY is a high-performance application-layer protocol and potential successor to HTTP. Clients have been quick to adopt it, though server implementations lag. SPDY gateways are helping accelerate SPDY adoption by removing the need for SPDY support on the server. A range of compelling incentives exists for deploying SPDY gateways that are only beginning to be explored. Beyond just a transition strategy, SPDY gateways have performance characteristics that make them attractive for longer-term use. Whether such long-term advantages compared to SPDY support on the server are substantial enough to warrant retaining SPDY gateways is an open question. Acknowledgments This work is supported in part by an Australian Government Australian Postgraduate Awards scholarship and Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation Office of the Chief Executive scholarship. The authors would also like to thank the anonymous reviewers for their valuable comments and suggestions. References 1.Akamai. Akamai Acquires Contendo. Press Release, Mar. 2012; 2. Amazon. Amazon Silk FAQs; gp/help/customer/display.html/?nodeId=200775440 3. Amazon. Introducing Amazon Silk; http://amazonsilk. 4. Belshe, M. SPDY on Google servers? Jan. 2011; forum/?fromgroups#!searchin/spdy-dev/SPDY$20on$ 20Google$20servers?$20/spdy-dev/TCOW7Lw2scQ/ INuev2A-ixAJ 5. Belshe, M. SSL: It’s a matter of life and death. Mike’s Lookout blog, May 28, 2011; http://www.belshe. com/2011/05/28/ssl-its-a-matter-of-life-and-death/ 6. Belshe, M. and Peon, R. A 2x faster Web. The Chromium Blog, Nov. 11, 2009; http://blog.chromium. org/2009/11/2x-faster-web.html 7. Belshe, M. and Peon, R. SPDY Protocol. Chromium Projects, Feb. 2012; spdy-protocol/spdy-protocol-draft3 8. Bozdag, E., Mesbah, A., and van Duersen, A. A comparison of push and pull techniques for AJAX in Web site evolution. In Proceedings of the Ninth IEEE International Workshop (Paris, Oct. 5–6). IEEE Computer Society, Washington, D.C., 2007, 15–22. 9. Brutlag, J. Speed Matters for Google Web Search. Technical Report, 2009; files/blogs/google_delayexp.pdf 10. Eddy, W. TCP SYN Flooding Attacks and Common Mitigations. Internet Engineering Task Force, Aug. 2007; 11. Fielding, R. et al. Hypertext Transfer Protocol— HTTP/1.1: Connections. World Wide Web Consortium, June 1999; rfc2616-sec8.html 12.Google Inc. mod-spdy: Apache SPDY module. May 2012; 13.Google Inc. SPDY essentials. Dec. 2011; http://www. NBkxA313kk#t=2179s 14.Google Inc. The Chromium Projects. SPDY: An Experimental Protocol for a Faster Web. White Paper, 2009; 15. Komoroske, A. Prerendering in Chrome. The Chromium Blog, June 2011; http://blog.chromium. org/2011/06/prerendering-in-chrome.html 16. Langley, A. Overclocking SSL. Imperial Violet Blog, June 25, 2010; http://www.imperialviolet. org/2010/06/25/overclocking-ssl.html 17. Langley, A. Transport Layer Security Next Protocol Negotiation Extension. Internet Engineering Task Force, Mar. 30, 2011; 18.McManus, P. Maturing Web transport protocols with SPDY and friends. Video of SPDY Talk at Codebits. eu, Nov. 2011; video-of-spdy-talk-at-codebitseu.html 19.McManus, P. SPDY brings responsive and scalable transport to Firefox 11. Mozilla Hacks blog, Feb. 2012; 20.Morrison, J. SPDY for iPhone. GitHub, Inc., Jan. 2012; 21.Mozilla Developer Network. Link prefetching FAQ. Mar. 2003; prefetching_FAQ 22. Nyman, R. Firefox Aurora 13 is out—SPDY on by default and a list of other improvements. Mar. 19, 2012; 23. OpenSSL. OpenSSL Cryptography and SSL/TLS Toolkit. Mar. 2012; changelog.html 24. Souders, S. Sharding dominant domains. Steve Souders blog, May 12, 2009; http://www.stevesouders. com/blog/2009/05/12/sharding-dominant-domains/ 25. StatCounter. StatCounter GlobalStats, Feb. 2012; 26. Strangeloop Networks. Strangeloop. Mar. 2012; http:// 27. The Chromium Projects. SPDY, Mar. 2012; http://dev. 28. World Wide Web Consortium. The WebSocket API: Editor’s Draft 29 August 2012; html5/websockets/ 29. Yang, F., Amer, P., Leighton, J., and Belshe, M. A Methodology to Derive SPDY’s Initial Dictionary for Zlib Compression. University of Delaware, Newark, DE, 2012; SPDY-Fan.pdf Bryce Thomas ( is a Ph.D. candidate in the Discipline of Information Technology at James Cook University, Townsville, Queensland, Australia. Raja Jurdak ( is a researcher in the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation and a professor in the University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia. Ian Atkinson ( is a professor and director of the eResearch Centre of James Cook University, Townsville, Queensland, Australia. © 2012 ACM 0001-0782/12/12 dece mber 2 012 | vo l. 55 | no. 12 | com mu n ication s o f t h e ac m 73 5.3 SPDY (CoNEXT’13) Towards a SPDY’ier Mobile Web? Jeffrey Erman, Vijay Gopalakrishnan, Rittwik Jana, K.K. Ramakrishnan AT&T Labs – Research One AT&T Way, Bedminster, NJ, 07921 {erman,gvijay,rjana,kkrama} ABSTRACT spite the plethora of ‘apps’, web access remains one of the most important uses of the mobile internet. It is therefore critical that the performance of the cellular data network be tuned optimally for mobile web access. The Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) is the key building block of the web. Its simplicity and widespread support has catapulted it into being adopted as the nearly ‘universal’ application protocol, such that it is being considered the narrow waist of the future internet [11]. Yet, despite its success, HTTP suffers from fundamental limitations, many of which arise from the use of TCP as its transport layer protocol. It is well-established that TCP works best if a session is long lived and/or exchanges a lot of data. This is because TCP gradually ramps up the load and takes time to adjust to the available network capacity. Since HTTP connections are typically short and exchange small objects, TCP does not have sufficient time to utilize the full network capacity. This is particularly exacerbated in cellular networks where high latencies (hundreds of milliseconds are not unheard off [18]) and packet loss in the radio access network is common. These are widely known to be factors that impair TCP’s performance. SPDY [7] is a recently proposed protocol aimed at addressing many of the inefficiencies with HTTP. SPDY uses fewer TCP connections by opening one connection per domain. Multiple data streams are multiplexed over this single TCP connection for efficiency. SPDY supports multiple outstanding requests from the client over a single connection. SDPY servers transfer higher priority resources faster than low priority resources. Finally, by using header compression, SPDY reduces the amount of redundant header information each time a new page is requested. Experiments show that SPDY reduces page load time by as much as 64% on wired networks and estimate as much as 23% improvement on cellular networks (based on an emulation using Dummynet) [7]. In this paper, we perform a detailed and systematic measurement study on real-world production cellular networks to understand the benefits of using SPDY. Since most websites do not support SPDY – only about 0.9% of all websites use SPDY [15] – we deployed a SPDY proxy that functions as an intermediary between the mobile devices and web servers. We ran detailed field measurements using 20 popular web pages. These were performed across a four month span to account for the variability in the production cellular network. Each of the measurements was instrumented and set up to account for and minimize factors that can bias the results (e.g., cellular handoffs). Despite its widespread adoption and popularity, the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) suffers from fundamental performance limitations. SPDY, a recently proposed alternative to HTTP, tries to address many of the limitations of HTTP (e.g., multiple connections, setup latency). With cellular networks fast becoming the communication channel of choice, we perform a detailed measurement study to understand the benefits of using SPDY over cellular networks. Through careful measurements conducted over four months, we provide a detailed analysis of the performance of HTTP and SPDY, how they interact with the various layers, and their implications on web design. Our results show that unlike in wired and 802.11 networks, SPDY does not clearly outperform HTTP over cellular networks. We identify, as the underlying cause, a lack of harmony between how TCP and cellular networks interact. In particular, the performance of most TCP implementations is impacted by their implicit assumption that the network round-trip latency does not change after an idle period, which is typically not the case in cellular networks. This causes spurious retransmissions and degraded throughput for both HTTP and SPDY. We conclude that a viable solution has to account for these unique cross-layer dependencies to achieve improved performance over cellular networks. Categories and Subject Descriptors C.2.2 [Computer-Communication Networks]: Network Protocols—Applications; C.4 [Performance of Systems]: Measurement techniques Keywords SPDY, Cellular Networks, Mobile Web 1. INTRODUCTION As the speed and availability of cellular networks grows, they are rapidly becoming the access network of choice. DePermission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. Copyrights for components of this work owned by others than ACM must be honored. Abstracting with credit is permitted. To copy otherwise, or republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific permission and/or a fee. Request permissions from CoNEXT’13, December 9–12, 2013, Santa Barbara, California, USA. Copyright 2013 ACM 978-1-4503-2101-3/13/12 ...$15.00. 303 252 D. Rossi – RES224 Our main observation from the experiments is that, unlike in wired and 802.11 WiFi networks, SPDY does not outperform HTTP. Most importantly, we see that the interaction between TCP and the cellular network has the most impact on performance. We uncover a fundamental flaw in TCP implementations where they do not account for the high variability in the latency when the radio transitions from idle to active. Such latency variability is common in cellular networks due to the use of a radio resource state machine. The TCP Round-Trip Time (RTT) estimate and thus the time out value is incorrect (significantly under-estimated) after an idle period, triggering spurious retransmissions and thus lower throughput. The TCP connection and the cellular radio connection for the end-device becomes idle because of users’ web browsing patterns (with a “think time” between pages [9]) and how websites exchange data. Since SPDY uses a single long lived connection, the TCP parameter settings at the end of a download from one web site is carried over to the next site accessed by the user. HTTP is less affected by this because of its use of parallel connections (isolates impact to a subset of active connections) and because the connections are short lived (isolates impact going across web sites). We make the case that a viable solution has to account for these unique cross-layer dependencies to achieve improved performance of both HTTP and SPDY over a cellular network. The main contributions of this paper include: With the original versions of HTTP, a single object was downloaded per connection. HTTP version 1.1 introduced the notion of persistent connections that have the ability to reuse established TCP connections for subsequent requests and the concept of pipelining. With persistence, objects are requested sequentially over a connection as shown in Figure 1(b). Objects are not requested until the previous response has completed. However, this introduces the problem of head-of-line (HOL) blocking where subsequent requests get significantly delayed in waiting for the current response to come back. Browsers attempt to minimize the impact of HOL blocking by opening multiple concurrent connections to each domain — most browsers today use six parallel connections — with an upper limit on the number of active connections across all domains. With pipelining, multiple HTTP requests can be sent to a server together without waiting for the corresponding responses as shown in Figure 1(c). The client then waits for the responses to arrive in the order in which they were requested. Pipelining can improve page load times dramatically. However, since the server is required to send its responses in the same order that the requests were received, HOL blocking can still occur with pipelining. Some mobile browsers have only recently started supporting pipelining. 2.2 • We conduct a systematic and detailed study over more than four months on the performance of HTTP and SPDY. We show that SPDY and HTTP perform similarly over cellular networks. • We show that the interaction between the cellular network and TCP needs further optimization. In particular, we show that the RTT estimate, and thus the retransmission time-out computation in TCP is incongruous with how the cellular network radio state machine functions. • We also show that the design of web sites, where data is requested periodically, also triggers TCP timeouts. We also show that there exist dependencies in web pages today that prevent the browser from fully utilizing SPDY’s capabilities. 2. BACKGROUND We present a brief background on how HTTP and SPDY protocols work in this section. We use the example in Figure 1 to aid our description. 2.1 The SPDY Protocol Even though HTTP is widely adopted and used today, it suffers from several shortcomings (e.g., sequential requests, HOL blocking, short-lived connections, lack of server initiated data exchange, etc.) that impact web performance, especially on the cellular network. SPDY [7] is a recently proposed application-layer protocol for transporting content over the web with the objective of minimizing latency. The protocol works by opening one TCP connection per domain (or just one connection if going via a proxy). SPDY then allows for unlimited concurrent streams over this single TCP connection. Because requests are interleaved on a single connection, the efficiency of TCP is much higher: fewer network connections need to be made, and fewer, but more densely packed, packets are issued. SPDY implements request priorities to get around one object request choking up the connection. This is described in Figure 1(d). After downloading the main page, and identifying the objects on the page, the client requests all four objects in quick succession, but marks objects 3 and 4 to be of higher priority. As a result, server transfers these objects first thereby preventing the connection from being congested with non-critical resources (objects 2 and 5) when high priority requests are pending. SPDY also allows for multiple responses to be transferred as part of the same packet (e.g. objects 2 and 5 in Figure 1(d)) can fit in a single response packet can be served altogether. Finally, SPDY compresses request and response HTTP headers and Server-initiated data exchange. All of these optimizations have shown to yield up to 64% reduction in page load times with SPDY [7]. The HTTP Protocol The Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) is a stateless, application-layer protocol for transmitting web documents. It uses TCP as its underlying transport protocol. Figure 1(a) shows an example web page which consists of the main HTML page and four objects referred in that page. When requesting the document, a browser goes through the typical TCP 3-Way handshake as depicted in Figures 1(b) and (c). Upon receiving the main document, the browser parses the document and identifies the next set of objects needed for displaying the page. In this example there are four more objects that need to be downloaded. 3. EXPERIMENTAL SETUP We conducted detailed experiments comparing the performance of HTTP and SPDY on the 3G network of a commercial, production US cellular provider over a four month period in 2013. Figure 2 provides an overview of our test setup. Clients in our setup connect over the cellular network using HTTP 304 5.3 SPDY (CoNEXT’13) Client Client Server 2 SYN-AC ACK GET 1 GET 2 2 4 GET GET GET GET 5 2 3 4 5 Server SYN K SYN-AC ACK SSL / SP DY Setu p SYN-AC ACK 1 1 3 1 Client K K GET 1 Server SYN SYN GET 1 1 2 3 4 5 GET GET GET GET 2 3 4 5 3 4 2 5 GET 5 5 (a) Example Web Page (c) HTTP w/ Pipelining (b) HTTP Persistent Conn. (d) SPDY Figure 1: Example showing how HTTP and SPDY work. Test Server Cellular Network traversing a SPDY proxy. Depending on the experiment, we explicitly configured Chrome to use either the HTTP or the SPDY proxy. When using a HTTP proxy, Chrome opens up to 6 parallel TCP connections to the proxy per domain, with a maximum of 32 active TCP connections across all domains. With SPDY, Chrome opens one SSL-encrypted TCP connection and re-uses this connection to fetch web objects. The connection is kept persistent and requests for different websites re-use the connection. Test Location: Cellular experiments are sensitive to a lot of factors, such as signal strength, location of the device in a cell, the cell tower’s backhaul capacity, load on the cell tower, etc. For example, a device at a cell edge may frequently get handed-off between towers, thereby contributing to added delays. To mitigate such effects, we identified a cell tower that had sufficient backhaul capacity and had minimal interference from other cell sites. For most of our experiments, we chose a physical location with an unobstructed view of the tower and received a strong signal (between 47 and -52 dBm). We configured the 3G modem to remain connected to that base station at that sector on a particular channel frequency and used a diagnostic tool to monitor the channel on that sector. Proxies Used: We used a virtual machine running Linux in a compute cloud on the east coast of US to host our proxies. At the time of our experiments, there were no proxy implementations that supported both HTTP and SPDY. Hence we chose implementations that are purported to be widely used and the most competent implementations for the corresponding protocols. We used Squid [2] (v3.1) as our HTTP proxy. Squid supports persistent connections to both the client and the server. However, it only supports a rudimentary form of pipelining. For this reason, we did not run experiments of HTTP with pipelining turned on. Our comparisons are restricted to HTTP with multiple persistent connections. For SPDY, we used a SPDY server built by Google and made available as part of the Chromium source tree. This server was used in the comparison [7] of SPDY and HTTP and has since had extensions built in to support proxying.1 We ran tcpdump to capture network level packet traces and tcp-probe kernel module to capture TCP congestion window values from the proxy to the mobile device. Internet SPDY HTTP Proxy Proxy Cloud Figure 2: Our test setup or SPDY to proxies that support that corresponding protocol. These proxies then use persistent HTTP to connect to the different web servers and fetch requested objects. We run a SPDY and an HTTP proxy on the same machine for a fair comparison. We use a proxy as an intermediary for two reasons: (a) We necessarily could not compare SPDY and HTTP directly. There are relatively few web sites that support SPDY. Moreover, a web server running SPDY would not support HTTP and vice versa. Thus, we would be evaluating connections to different servers which could affect our results (depending on their load, number of objects served, etc). (b) Most cellular operators in the US already use HTTP proxies to improve web performance. Running a SPDY proxy would allow operators to support SPDY over the cellular network even if the web sites do not. Test Devices: We use laptops running Windows 7 and equipped with 3G (UMTS) USB cards as our client devices. We ran experiments with multiple laptops simultaneously accessing the test web sites to study the effect of multiple users loading the network. There are several reasons we use a laptop for our experiments. First, tablets and cellularequipped laptops are on the rise. These devices request the regular web pages unlike smart phones. Second, and more importantly, we wanted to eliminate the effects of a slow processor as that could affect our results. For example, studies [16] have shown that HTML, Javascript, and CSS processing and rendering can delay the request of required objects and significantly affect the overall page load time. Finally, it has been observed [13] that having a slow processor increases the number of zero window advertisements, which significantly affects throughput. Test Client: We used a default installation of the Google Chrome browser (ver 23.0) as the test client, as it supported 1 We also tested performance with a SOCKS proxy, but found the results to be worse than both HTTP and SPDY. 305 254 D. Rossi – RES224 Total Objs 134.8 160.6 143.8 121.6 45.2 163.4 115.8 157.7 5.1 59.3 122.1 29.4 63.4 167.8 323 267.1 218.5 33.6 68.7 163.2 Avg. Size (KB) 626.9 2197.3 1563.1 963.3 602.8 1594.5 1130.6 1184.5 56.2 719.7 1489.1 688.0 895.1 1130.5 1722.7 2311.0 4691.3 1664.8 2908.9 1653.8 Avg. No. of Domains 37.6 36.3 15.8 27.5 3.0 13.2 28.5 27.3 2.0 17.9 17.9 4.0 9.0 12.5 84.7 75.0 37.0 9.1 15.5 48.7 Avg. Text Objs 28.6 16.5 13.3 9.6 2.0 13.2 9.1 29.6 3.1 6.8 24.1 2.3 4.1 19.5 73.4 60.3 19.0 3.3 5.2 19.7 Avg. JS/ CSS 41.3 28.0 36.8 18.3 18.0 36.4 49.5 28.3 2.0 7.0 21.0 10.0 15.0 94.0 73.6 56.9 56.3 6.7 23.8 45.3 Table 1: Characteristics of tested websites. numbers are averaged across runs. Avg. Imgs/ Other 64.9 116.1 93.7 93.7 25.2 113.8 57.2 99.8 0.0 45.5 77.0 17.1 44.3 54.3 176.0 149.9 143.2 23.6 39.7 98.2 60000 40000 30000 20000 10000 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Test Website Figure 3: Page Load Time for different web sites with HTTP and SPDY. The axis shows the different websites we tested; the y-axis is the page load time in milliseconds. For each website, the (red) box on the left shows the page load times for HTTP, while the (blue) box on the right shows the times for SPDY. The box plot gives the standard metrics: the 25 percentile, the 75 percentile and the black notch in the box is the median value. The top and bottom of the whiskers shows the maximum and minimum values respectively. Finally, the circle in these boxes shows the mean page load time across all the runs. The results from Figure 3, interestingly, do not show a convincing winner between HTTP and SPDY. For some sites, the page load time with SPDY is lower (e.g., 3, 7), while for others HTTP performs better (e.g., 1, 4). But for a large number of sites there isn’t a significant difference.2 This is in sharp contrast to existing results on SPDY where it has been shown to have between 27-60% improvement [7]. Importantly, previous results have shown an average of 23% reduction over emulated cellular networks [17]. Web Pages Requested: We identified the top web sites visited by mobile users to run our tests (in the top Alexa sites). Of these, we eliminated web sites that are primarily landing pages (e.g., Facebook login page) and picked the remaining 20 most requested pages. These 20 web pages have a good mix of news websites, online shopping and auction sites, photo and video sharing as well as professionally developed websites of large corporations. We preferred the “full” site instead of the mobile versions keeping in mind the increasing proliferation of tablets and large screen smartphones. These websites contain anywhere from 5 to 323 objects, including the home page. The objects in these sites were spread across 3 to 84 domains. Each web site had HTML pages, Javascript objects, CSS and images. We tabulate important aspects of these web sites in Table 1. Test Execution: We used a custom client that talks to Chrome via the remote debugging interface and got Chrome to load the test web pages. We generated a random order in which to visit the 20 web sites and used that same order across all experiments. Each website was requested 60 seconds apart. The page may take much shorter time to load; in that case the system would be idle until the 60 second window elapsed. We chose 60 seconds both to allow for web pages to load completely and to reflect a nominal think time that users take between requests. We used page load time as the main metric to monitor performance. Page load time is defined as the time it takes the browser to download and process all the objects associated with a web page. Most browsers fire a javascript event (onLoad()) when the page is loaded. The remote debugging interface provided us the time to download the different objects in a web page. We alternated our test runs between HTTP and SPDY to ensure that temporal factors do not affect our results. We ran each experiment multiple times during the typically quiet periods (e.g., 12 AM to 6 AM) to mitigate effects of other users using the base station. 4. HTTP SPDY 50000 Page Load Time (in msec) Website Finance Entertainment Shopping Portal Technology ISP News News Shopping Auction Online Radio Photo Sharing Technology Baseball News Football News Photo Sharing Online Radio Weather 4.0.1 Performance over 802.11 Wireless Networks As a first step in explaining the result in Figure 3, we wanted to ensure that the result was not an artifact of our test setup or the proxies used. Hence, we ran the same experiments using the same setup, but over an 802.11g wireless network connected to the Internet via a typical residential broadband connection (15 Mbps down/ 2 Mbps up). Figure 4 shows the average page load times and the 95% confidence intervals. Like previous results [7], this result also shows that SPDY performs better than HTTP consistently with page load time improvements ranging from 4% for website 4 to 56% for website 9 (ignoring website 2). Since the only difference between the two tests is the access network, we conclude that our results in Figure 3 is a consequence of how the protocols operate over the cellular network. 5. UNDERSTANDING THE CROSS-LAYER INTERACTIONS We look at the different components of the application and the protocols that can affect performance. In the process we EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS We first compare the performance of SPDY and HTTP using data collected from a week’s worth of experiments. Since there was a lot of variability in the page load times, we use a box plot to present the results in Figure 3. The x- 2 HTTP seems to perform quite poorly with site 2. Upon investigation, we found that the browser would occasionally stall on this site. These stalls happened more often with HTTP than with SPDY resulting in increased times. 306 5.3 SPDY (CoNEXT’13) 14000 12000 10000 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 0 5 10 15 20 SPDY Wait SPDY Recv 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Web Site Website Figure 4: Average Page Load Time over an 802.11g/Broadband network. Figure 5: Split of average download times of objects by constituent components. observe that there are significant interdependencies between the different layers (from browser behavior and web page design, to TCP protocol implementations, to the intricacies of the cellular network) that affect overall performance. 5.1 HTTP Recv SPDY Init SPDY Send 16000 Average Object Time (in msec) Page Load Time (in msec) HTTP Init HTTP Send HTTP Wait HTTP SPDY 18000 the proxy catches up in serving the requests to the client. Figure 7 discussed in the next section shows this behavior. 5.2 Object download times Web Page design and object requests We now look at when different objects for a website are requested by the browser. One of the performance enhancements SPDY allows is for all objects to be requested in parallel without waiting for the response of outstanding objects. In contrast, HTTP has only one outstanding request per TCP connection unless pipelining is enabled. We plot the request time (i.e., the time the browser sends out a request) for both HTTP and SPDY for four websites (due to space considerations) in Figure 6. Two of these are news websites and two contain a number of photos and videos. SPDY, unlike what was expected, does not actually request all the objects at the same time. Instead for three of the four web sites, SPDY requests objects in steps. Even for the one website where all the objects are requested in quick succession, we observe a delay between the first request and the subsequent requests. HTTP, on the other hand, requests objects continuously over time. The number of objects it downloads in parallel depends on the number of TCP connections the browser opens to each domain and across all domains. We attribute this sequence of object requests to how the web pages are designed and how the browsers process them to identify constituent objects. Javascript and CSS files introduce interdependencies by requesting other objects. Table 1 highlights that websites make heavy use of JavaScript or CSS and contain anywhere from 2 to 73 different scripts and stylesheets. The browser does not identify these further objects until these files are downloaded and processed. Further, browsers process some of these files (e.g., Javascripts) sequentially as these can change the layout of the page. This results in further delays. The overall impact to page load speeds depends on the number of such files in a web page, and on the interdependencies in them. To validate our assertion that SPDY is not requesting all the objects at once because of these interdependencies and also to understand better the higher wait time of objects, we built two test web pages that consist of only a main HTML page and images which we placed on a test server (see Fig. 2). There were a total of 50 objects that The first result we study is the break down of the page load time. Recall that, by default, the page load time is the time it takes the browser to process and download all the objects required for the web page. Hence, we look into the average download time of objects on a given page. We split the download time of the object into 4 steps: (a) the initialization step which includes the time from when the browser realizes that it requires the object to when it actually requests the object, (b) the send step which includes the time to actually send the request over the network, (c) the wait time which is the time between sending the request till the first byte of response, and finally (d) the receive time which is the time to receive the object. We plot the average time of these steps for the different web sites in Figure 5. First, we see that the trends for average object download time are quite similar to that of page load times (in Figure 3). This is not surprising given that page load time is dependent on the object download times. Next, we see that the send time is almost invisible for both HTTP and SPDY indicating that sending the request happens very quickly. Almost all HTTP requests fit in one TCP packet. Similarly almost all SPDY requests also fit in a single TCP packet; even when the browser bundles multiple SPDY requests in one packet. Third, we see that receive times with HTTP and SPDY are similar, with SPDY resulting in slightly better average receive times. We see that the initialization time is much higher with HTTP because the browser has to either open a new TCP connection to download the object (and add the delay of a TCP handshake), or wait until it can re-use an existing TCP connection. SPDY incurs very little initialization time because the connection is pre-established. On the other hand, it incurs a significant wait time. Importantly, this wait time is significantly higher than the initialization time for HTTP. This negates any advantages SPDY gains by reusing connections and avoiding connection setup. The wait times for SPDY are much greater because multiple requests are sent together or in close succession to the proxy. This increases delay as 307 256 D. Rossi – RES224 HTTP, same domain 50 50 40 40 30 30 80 80 20 20 40 40 10 10 120 0 100 120 1000 10000 News Website 300 HTTP 250 SPDY 200 150 100 50 0 100 1000 10000 0 100 1000 10000 Photos Website 140 120 HTTP 100 SPDY 80 60 40 20 0 100 1000 10000 Object ID Cumulative Objects Requested 160 HTTP SPDY 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 50 40 40 30 30 20 20 10 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 3 4 5 Figure 7: Object request and download with test web pages. Time between Request and First Byte 140 Data Download 120 Data Transfer 100 80 60 40 20 0 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Time (in sec) needed to be downloaded as part of the web page. We controlled the effect of domains by testing the two extremes: in one web page, all the objects came from different domains, while in the second extreme all the objects came from the same domain. Figure 7 shows the results of these two tests. Since there are no interdependencies in the web page, we see that the browser almost immediately identifies all the objects that need to be downloaded after downloading the main HTML page (shown using red dots). SPDY then requests all the images on the page in quick succession (shown in green dots) in both cases. HTTP on the other hand, is affected by these extremes. When all objects are on different domains, the browser opens one connection to each domain up to a maximum number of connection (32 in the case of Chrome). When all the objects are on the same domain, browsers limit the number of concurrent connections (6 in the case of Chrome) but reuse the connections. Note that while the requests for SPDY are sent out earlier (green dots) than HTTP, SPDY has much more significant delay until the first byte of data is sent back to the client (start of blue horizontal line). Moreover, we also observe especially in the different domain case, that if multiple objects are downloaded in parallel the time to receive the objects (length of blue line) is increased. We find in this experiment that removing all the interdependencies for SPDY does not significantly improve the performance. In our tests, HTTP had an average page load time of 5.29s and 6.80s with single vs multiple domains respectively. Conversely, SPDY averages 7.22s and 8.38s with single or multiple domain tests. Consequently, prioritization alone is not a panacea to SPDY’s performance in cellular networks. 5.3 2 SPDY, same domain 50 Time from start (in msec) Figure 6: Object request patterns for different websites. 1 SPDY, different domains 160 Object ID (in the order received at Proxy) HTTP, different domains Photos and Videos Website HTTP SPDY News Website 160 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 Time (in msec) 5000 6000 7000 Figure 8: Queuing delay at the proxy 0.45 Avg. Data Transferred (MB) 0.4 HTTP SPDY 0.35 0.3 0.25 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.05 0 0 5 10 15 20 Time (min) Figure 9: Average data transferred from proxy to device every second. It is clear from Figure 8 that the link between the web server and proxy is not the bottleneck. We see that in most cases, the time between when the proxy receives the request from the client to when it has the first byte of data from the web server is very short (average of 14 msec with a max of 46 msec). The time to download the data, at an average of 4 msec, is also quite short. Despite having the data, however, we observe that the proxy is unable to send the data quickly to the client device. There is a significant delay between when the data was downloaded to the proxy to when it begins to send the data to the client. This result shows that SPDY has essentially moved the bottleneck from the client to the proxy. With HTTP, the client does not request objects until the pending ones are downloaded. If these downloads take a while, the overall download process is also affected. In essence, this is like admission control at the client. SPDY gets rid of this by requesting all the objects in quick succession. While this works well when there is sufficient capacity on the proxyclient link, the responses get queued up at the proxy when the link between the proxy and the client is a bottleneck. Eliminating Server-Proxy link bottleneck Figures 6 and 7 show that while today’s web pages do not take full advantage of SPDY’s capabilities, that is not a reason for the lack of performance improvements with SPDY in cellular networks. So as the next step, we focus on the proxy and see if the proxy-server link is a bottleneck. In Figure 8 we plot the sequence of steps at the proxy for a random website from one randomly chosen sample execution with SPDY. The figure shows the objects in the order of requests by the client. There are three regions in the plot for each object. The black region shows the time between when the object was requested at the proxy to when the proxy receives the first byte of response from the web server. The next region, shown in cyan, represents the time it takes the proxy to download the object from the web server, starting from the first byte that it receives. Finally, the red region represents the time it takes the proxy to transfer the object back to the client. 5.4 Throughput between client and proxy The previous result showed that the proxy was not able to transfer objects to the client quickly, resulting in long wait times for SPDY. Here, we study the average throughput achieved by SPDY and HTTP during the course of our experiments. Since each website is requested exactly one minute apart, in Figure 9 we align the start times of each experiment, bin the data transferred by SPDY and HTTP each second, and compute the average across all the runs. 308 Data in Flight (in Kbytes) 5.3 SPDY (CoNEXT’13) 300 HTTP 250 SPDY 200 150 100 50 0 0 200 400 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 0 3 6 9 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 360 363 600 366 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 369 720 725 Time (in sec) 800 730 1000 735 200 180 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 1140 1200 1145 1150 Figure 10: The number of unacknowledged bytes for a random run with HTTP and SPDY. The figure shows the average amount of data that was transferred during that second. The vertical lines seen every minute indicate the time when a web page was requested. We see from the graph that HTTP, on average, achieves higher data transfers than SPDY. The difference sometimes is as high as 100%. This is a surprising result because, in theory, the network capacity between the client and the proxy is the same in both cases. The only difference is that HTTP uses multiple connections each of which shares the available bandwidth, while with SPDY the single connection uses the entire capacity. Hence, we would expect the throughput to be similar; yet they are not. Since network utilization is determined by how TCP adapts to available capacity, we shift our attention to how TCP behaves in the cellular network. 5.5 the amount of data transferred could be either limits in the sender’s congestion window or the receiver window. 5.5.1 Congestion window growth We processed the packet capture data and extracted the receive window (rwin) advertised by the client. From the packet capture data, it was pretty clear that rwin was not the bottleneck for these experimental runs. So instead we focused on the proxy’s congestion window and its behavior. To get the congestion window, we needed to tap into the Linux kernel and ran a kernel module (tcp_probe) that reports the congestion window (cwnd) and slow-start threshold (ssthresh) for each TCP connection. Figure 11 shows the congestion window, ssthresh, the amount of outstanding data and the occurrence of retransmissions during the course of one random run with SPDY. First we see that in all cases, the cwnd provides the ceiling on the outstanding data, indicating that it is the limiting factor in the amount of data transferred. Next we see that both the cwnd and the ssthresh fluctuate throughout the run. Under ideal conditions, we would expect them to initially grow and then stabilize to a reasonable value. Finally, we see many retransmissions (black circles) throughout the duration of the run (in our plot, the fatter the circle, the greater the number of retransmissions.) To gain a better understanding, we zoom into the interval between 40 seconds and 190 seconds in Figure 12. This represents the period when the client issues requests to websites 2, 3, and 4. The vertical dashed line represents time instances where there are retransmissions. From Figure 12 we see that, at time 60, when accessing website 2, both the cwnd and ssthresh are small. This is a result of multiple retransmissions happening in the time interval 0-60 seconds (refer Figure 11). From 60 to 70 seconds, both the cwnd and ssthresh grow as data is transferred. Since the cwnd is higher than the ssthresh, TCP stays in congestion avoidance and does not grow as rapidly as it would in ‘slow-start’. The pattern of growth during the congestion avoidance phase is also particular to TCP-Cubic (because it first probes and then has an exponential growth). After about 70 seconds, there isn’t any data to transfer and then the connection goes idle until about 85 seconds. This is the key period of performance loss: At this time, Understanding TCP performance To understand the cause for the lower average throughput with SPDY, we look at how TCP behaves when there is one connection compared to when there are multiple connections. We start by looking at the outstanding bytes in flight between the proxy and the client device with HTTP and SPDY. The number of bytes in flight is defined as the number of bytes the proxy has sent to the client that are awaiting acknowledgment. We plot the data from one random run of the experiment in Figure 10. Figure 10 shows that there are instances where HTTP has more unacknowledged bytes, and other instances where SPDY wins. When we looked at the correlation between page load times and the number of unacknowledged bytes, we found that whenever the outstanding bytes is higher, it results in lower page load times. To illustrate this, we zoom into four websites (1, 7, 13 and 20) from the same run and plot them in the lower half of Figure 10. For the first two websites, HTTP has more unacknowledged data and hence the page load times was lower (by more than one second), whereas for 13 and 20, SPDY has more outstanding data and hence lower page load times (faster by 10 seconds and 2 seconds respectively). We see that the trend applied for the rest of the websites and other runs. In addition, we see in websites 1 and 20 that the growth in outstanding bytes (i.e., the growth of throughput) is quite slow for SPDY. We have already established in Figure 8 that the proxy is not starved for data. Hence, the possible reasons for limiting 309 258 D. Rossi – RES224 160 CWnd Number of Segments 140 quent retransmissions (refer Figure 11). As a consequence, cwnd is reduced and the ssthresh is set to a value based on the cwnd (the specific values depend on the flavor of TCP). TCP then enters slow start and cwnd and ssthresh grow back quickly to their previous values (again this depends on the version of TCP, and in this case depends on the behavior of TCP-Cubic). As a result of an idle and subsequent retransmission, a similar process repeats itself twice, at 90 and 120 seconds with the cwnd and ssthresh. Interestingly, at 110 seconds, we do not see retransmissions even though there was an idle period. We attribute this to the fact that the RTO value is grown large enough to accommodate the increased round trip time after the idle time. When website 3 is requested at time 120, the cwnd and ssthresh grow as data is transferred. The website also transfers small amounts of data at around 130 seconds, after a short idle period. That causes TCP to reduce its cwnd to 10. However the idle period is short enough that the cellular network does not go idle. As a result, there are no retransmissions and the ssthresh stays at 65 segments. The cwnd remains at 10 as no data was transferred after that time. When website 4 is requested at 180 seconds, however, the ssthresh falls dramatically because there is a retransmission (TCP as well as the cellular network become idle). Moreover, there are multiple retransmissions as the RTT estimates no longer hold. Retransmission Outstanding Data SSThresh 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 0 200 400 600 Time (in sec) 800 1000 1200 Figure 11: The cwnd, ssthresh, and outstanding data for one run of SPDY. The figure also shows times at which there are retransmissions. 80 CWnd SSThresh Out. Data Number of Segments 70 60 50 40 30 5.5.2 Understanding Retransmissions 20 One of the reasons for both SPDY and HTTP’s performance issues is the occurrence of TCP retransmissions. Retransmissions result in the collapse of TCP congestion window, which in turn hurts throughput. We analyze the occurrence of retransmissions and its cause in this section. There are on average 117.3 retransmissions for HTTP and 67.3 for SPDY. We observed in the previous section that most of the TCP retransmissions were spurious due to an overly tight RTO value. Upon close inspection of one HTTP run, we found all (442) retransmissions were in fact spurious. On a per connection basis, HTTP has fewer retransmissions (2.9) since there are 42.6 concurrent TCP connections open on average. Thus, the 67.3 retransmits for SPDY results in much lower throughput. We also note from our traces that the retransmissions are bursty in nature and typically affect a few (usually one) TCP connections. Figure 13 shows that even though HTTP has a higher number of retransmissions, when one connection’s throughput is compromised, other TCP connections continue to perform unaffected. Since HTTP uses a ‘late binding’ of requests to connections (by allowing only one outstanding request per connection), it is able to avoid affected connections, and maintain utilization of the path between the proxy and the end-device. On the other hand, since SPDY opens only one TCP connection, all these retransmissions affect its throughput. 10 0 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 Time (in sec) Figure 12: The cwnd, ssthresh, and outstanding data for three consecutive websites. when the proxy tries to send data, multiple effects are triggered. First, since the connection has been idle, a TCP parameter (tcp_slow_start_after_idle) is triggered. Intuitively this parameter captures that fact that network bandwidth could have changed during the idle period and hence it makes sense to discard all the estimates of the available bandwidth. As a result of this parameter, TCP reduces the cwnd to the default initial value of 10. Note that the ssthresh and retransmission timeout (RTO) values are left unmodified; as a result the connection goes through slow start until cwnd grows beyond the ssthresh. Cellular networks make use of a radio resource controller (RRC) state machine to manage the state of the radio channel for each device.3 The radio on the device transitions between idle and active states to conserve energy and share the radio resources. Devices transfer the most data when they are in the active (or DCH) state. They transition to idle after a small period of inactivity. When going from idle to active, the state machine imposes a promotion delay, which is typically around 2 seconds [12]. This promotion delay results in a period in which TCP does not receive any acknowledgments either. Since TCP’s RTO value is not reset after an idle period, and this RTO value is much smaller than the promotion delay, it results in a TCP time out and subse- 5.6 Cellular network behavior 5.6.1 Cellular State Machine In this experiment we analyze the performance improvement gained by they device staying in the DCH state. Since there is a delay between each website request, we run a continual ping process that transfers a small amount of data every few seconds. We choose a payload that is small enough 3 Refer to Appendix A for a brief description of the RRC state machine. 310 5.3 SPDY (CoNEXT’13) x 10 2000 Relative difference 80 7 70 6 5 % of instances Retransmitted frame number 90 HTTP SPDY 8 3000 100 4 9 Retransmission bursts affecting a single TCP stream 4 TCP stream 11 3 50 40 30 TCP stream 9 2 1 0 0 60 10 20 30 40 50 SPDY - Ping HTTP - Ping HTTP - No Ping SPDY - No Ping 20 10 TCP stream 3 60 70 80 Time index Figure 13: Retransmission bursts affecting a single TCP stream 0 1000 0 -1000 -2000 HTTP SPDY -3000 2 4 6 10000 Page Load Time (msec) 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 Website Figure 14: Impact of cellular RRC state machine. to not interfere with our experiments, but large enough that the state machine keeps the device in DCH mode. Figure 14 shows the CDF of the page load times for the different websites across the different runs. Unsurprisingly, the result shows that having the cellular network in DCH mode through continuous background ping messages significantly improves the page load time of both HTTP and SPDY. For example, more than 80% of the instances load in less than 8 seconds when the device sends continual ping messages, but only between 40% (SPDY) and 45% (HTTP) complete loading without the ping messages. Moreover, SPDY performs better than HTTP for about 60% of the instances with the ping messages. We also looked into the number of retransmissions with and without ping messages; not surprisingly, we observed that the number of retransmissions reduced by ∼91% for HTTP and ∼96% for SPDY indicating that TCP RTT estimation is no longer impacted by the cellular state machine. While this result is promising, it is not practical to keep the device in DCH state as it wastes cellular resources and drains device battery. Hence, mechanisms need to be built into TCP that account for the cellular state machine. 5.6.2 1000 Figure 15: Page load times with & w/o tcp_slow_start_after_idle 9000 Page Load Time (in msec) 8000 7000 HTTP SPDY 6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Test Website Figure 16: Page Load Time of HTTP and SPDY over LTE lay. We focus on a short duration of a particular, randomly selected, run with SPDY in Figure 17. The figure shows the congestion window of the TCP connection (in red), the amount of data in flight (in cyan) and the times when there are retransmissions (in black). The thicker retransmission lines indicate multiple retransmissions. We see from the figure that retransmissions occur after an idle period in LTE also. For example, at around 600 seconds, the proxy tries to send data to the device after an idle period; timeouts occur after the transmission of data, leading to retransmissions; and the congestion window collapses. This result leads us to believe that the problem persists even with LTE, albeit less frequently than with 3G. Performance over LTE We analyze the performance of HTTP and SPDY over LTE in this section. LTE adopts an improved RRC state machine with a significantly smaller promotion delay. On the other hand, LTE also has lower round-trip times compared to 3G, which has the corresponding effect of having much smaller RTO values. We perform the same experiments using the same setup as in the previous 3G experiments, but connect to an LTE network with LTE USB laptop cards. Figure 16 shows the box plot of page load times for HTTP and SPDY over LTE. As expected, we see that both HTTP and SPDY have considerably smaller page load times compared to 3G. We also see that HTTP performs just as well as SPDY, if not better, for the initial few pages. However, SPDY’s performance is better than HTTP after the initial set of web pages. We attribute this to the fact that LTE’s RRC state machine addresses many of the limitations present in the 3G state machine, thereby allowing TCP’s congestion window to grow to larger values and thus allowing SPDY to transfer data more quickly. We also looked at the retransmission data for HTTP and SPDY – the number of retransmissions reduced significantly with an average of 8.9 and 7.52 retransmissions per experiment with HTTP and SPDY (as opposed to 117 and 63 with 3G) respectively. While the modified state machine of LTE results in better performance, we also wanted to see if it eliminated the issue of retransmission as a result of the state promotion de- 5.7 Summary and Discussion We see from these results how the interaction between the different layers affects performance. First we see websites sending and/or requesting data periodically (ads, tracking cookies, web analytics, page refreshes, etc.). We also observe that a key factor affecting performance is the independent reaction of the transport protocol (i.e., TCP) and the cellular network to inferred network conditions. TCP implementations assume their cwnd statistics do not hold after an idle period as the network capacity might have changed. Hence, they drop the cwnd to its initial value. That in itself would not be a problem in wired networks as the cwnd will grow back up quickly. But in conjunction with the cellular network’s idle-to-active promotion delay, it results in unintended consequences. Spurious retransmissions occurring due to the promotion delay cause the ssthresh to fall to the cwnd value. As a result, when TCP tries to recover, it goes through slow start only for a short duration, and then 311 260 D. Rossi – RES224 100 Congestion Window Outstanding Data Retransmissions 80 No. of segments not help in improving the page load times for SPDY. This is primarily because with SPDY, requests are issued to each connection up front. As a result, if a connection encounters retransmissions, pending objects requested on that connection are delayed. What is required is a late binding of the response to an ‘available’ TCP connection (meaning that it has a open congestion window and can transmit data packets from the proxy to the client at that instant) and avoiding a connection that is currently suffering from the effects of spurious timeouts and retransmissions. Such a late binding would allow the response to come back on any available TCP connection, even if the request was sent out on a different connection. This takes advantage of SPDY’s capability to send the requests out in a ‘burst’, and allows the responses to be delivered to the client as they arrive back, avoiding any ’head-of-the-line blocking’. 60 40 20 0 300 400 500 600 700 800 Time (sec) Figure 17: SPDY’s Congestion window and retransmissions over LTE. 6.2 switches to congestion avoidance, even for small number of segments. From a TCP standpoint, this defeats the design intent where short transfers that do not have the potential of causing congestion (and loss) should be able to rapidly acquire bandwidth, thus reducing transfer time. This difficulty of transport protocols ‘shutting down’ after an idle period at just the time when applications wake up and seek to transfer data (and therefore requiring higher throughput) is not new and has been observed before [8]. However, the process is further exacerbated in cellular networks with the existence of a large promotion delay. These interactions thus degrade performance, including causing multiple (spurious) retransmissions that have significant undesirable impacts on the individual TCP connection behavior. Our results also point to a fundamental flaw in TCP implementations. Existing implementations discard the congestion window value after an idle period to account for potential changes in the bandwidth during the idle period. However, information about the latency profile (i.e., RTT estimates) are retained. With the cellular state machine, the latency profile also changes after an idle period; since the estimates are inaccurate, it results in spurious retransmissions. We notice that LTE, despite an improved state machine, is still susceptible to retransmissions when coming out of the idle state. When we keep the device in active mode continuously, we transform the cellular network to behave more like a traditional wired (and also a WiFi) network in terms of latency profile. Consequently, we see results similar to the ones seen over wired networks. 6. 6.2.1 Resetting RTT Estimate after Idle There is a fundamental need to decay the estimate of the available capacity of a TCP connection once it goes idle. The typical choice made today by implementations is to just reset cwnd to the initial value. The round trip time (RTT) estimate, however, is left untouched by implementations. The RTT estimate drives the retransmission timeout (RTO) value and hence controls when a packet is retransmitted. Not resetting the RTT estimate may be acceptable in networks that have mostly ‘stable’ latency characteristics (e.g., a wired or WiFi network), but as we see in our observations with the cellular network this leads to substantially degraded performance. The cellular network has vastly varying RTT values. In particular, the idle to active transition (promotion) can take a few seconds. Since the previous RTT estimate derived when the cellular connection was active may have been of the order of tens or hundreds of milliseconds, there is a high probability of a spurious timeout and retransmission of one or more packets after the idle period. These retransmissions have the cascading effect of reducing the cwnd further, and also reducing ssthresh. Therefore, when the cwnd starts growing, it grows in the congestion avoidance mode, which further reduces throughput. Thus the interaction of TCP with the RRC state machine of the cellular network has to be properly factored in to achieve the best performance. Our recommended approach is to reset the RTT estimate as well, to the initial default value (of multiple seconds). This causes the RTO value to be larger than the promotion delay for the 3G cellular network, thus avoiding spurious timeouts and unnecessary retransmissions. This, in turn, allows the cwnd to grow rapidly, ultimately reducing page load times. POTENTIAL IMPROVEMENTS Having identified the interactions between TCP and the cellular network as the root cause of the problem, in this section, we propose steps that can minimize their impact. 6.1 TCP Implementation Optimizations 6.2.2 Benefit of Slow Start after Idle? Using multiple TCP connections One approach we also considered was whether avoiding the ’slow start after idle’ would improve performance. We examined the benefit or drawback of the TCP connection transitioning to slow start after idle. We disabled the slow start parameter and studied the improvement in page load time. Figure 15 plots the relative difference between the average page load time of the different websites with and without this parameter enabled. A negative value on the Y-axis indicates that disabling the parameter is beneficial, while a positive value indicates that enabling it is beneficial. The observation that using a single TCP connection causes SPDY to suffer because of retransmissions suggests a need to explore the use of multiple TCP connections. We explore this option by having the browser use 20 SPDY connections to a single proxy process listening on 20 different ports.4 However, the use of multiple TCP connections did 4 On the browser, we made use of a proxy auto config (PAC) file that dynamically allocate the proxy address and one of the 20 ports for each object requested. 312 5.3 SPDY (CoNEXT’13) We see that the benefits vary across different websites. Our packet traces indicate that the amount of outstanding data (and hence throughput) is quite similar in both the cases. The number of retransmitted packets seem similar under good conditions, but disabling the parameter runs the risk of having lots of retransmissions under congestion or poor channel conditions since the cwnd value is inaccurate after an idle period. In some instances, cwnd grows so large with the parameter disabled, that the receive window becomes the bottleneck and negates the benefit of a large congestion window at the sender. 6.2.3 the use of caching at different levels (e.g., nodeB, RNC) of a 3G cellular network to reduce download latency of popular web content. TCP optimizations: With regards to TCP, several proposals have tried to tune TCP parameters to improve its performance [14] and address issues like Head of Line (HOL) blocking and multi-homing. Recently, Google proposed in an IETF RFC 3390 [4] to increase the TCP initial congestion window to 10 segments to show how web applications will benefit from such a policy. As a rebuttal, Gettys [6] demonstrated that changing the initial TCP congestion window can indeed be very harmful to other real-time applications that share the broadband link and attributed this problem to one of ”buffer bloat”. As a result Gettys, proposed the use of HTTP pipelining to provide improved TCP congestion behavior. In this paper, we investigate in detail how congestion window growth affects download performance for HTTP and SPDY in cellular networks. In particular, we demonstrate how idle-to-active transition at different protocol layers results in unintended consequences where there are retransmissions. Ramjee et al. [3] recognizes how challenging it can be to optimize TCP performance over 3G networks exhibiting significant delay and rate variations. They use an ACK regulator to manage the release of ACKs to the TCP source so as to prevent undesired buffer overflow. Our work inspects in detail how SPDY and HTTP behave and thereby TCP in cellular networks. Specifically, we point out a fundamental insight with regards to avoiding spurious timeouts. In conventional wired networks, bandwidth changes but the latency profile does not change as significantly. In cellular networks, we show that spurious timeout is caused by the fact that TCP stays with its original estimate for the RTT and a tight retransmission timeout (RTO) estimate derived over multiple round-trips during the active period of a TCP connection is not only invalid, but has significant performance impact. Thus, we suggest using a more conservative way to manage the RTO estimate. Impact of TCP variants We replaced TCP Cubic with TCP Reno to see if modifying the TCP variant has any positive impact on performance. We find in Table 2 that there is little to distinguish between Reno and Cubic for both HTTP and SPDY over 3G. We see that the average page load time across all the runs of all pages is better with Cubic. Average throughput is quite similar with Reno and Cubic, with SPDY achieving the highest value with Cubic. While this seemingly contradicts the result in Figure 9, note that this result is the average across all times (ignoring idle times), while the result in Figure 9 considers the average at that one second instant. Indeed the maximum throughput result confirms this: HTTP with Cubic achieves a higher throughput than SPDY with Cubic. SPDY with Reno does not grow the congestion window as much as SPDY with Cubic. This probably results in SPDY with Reno having the worst page load time across the combinations. Avg. Avg. Max. Avg. Max. Page Load (msec) Throughput (KBps) Throughput (KBps) cwnd (# segments) cwnd (# segments) Reno HTTP SPDY 9690.84 9899.95 121.88 119.55 1024.74 528.88 10.45 24.16 22 48 Cubic HTTP SPDY 9352.58 8671.09 115.36 129.79 889.33 876.98 10.59 52.11 22 197 Table 2: Comparison of HTTP and SPDY with different TCP variants. 6.2.4 8. CONCLUSION Cache TCP Statistics? Mobile web performance is one of the most important measures of users’ satisfaction with their cellular data service. We have systematically studied, through field measurements on a production 3G cellular network, two of the most prominent web access protocols used today, HTTP and SPDY. In cellular networks, there are fundamental interactions across protocol layers that limit the performance of both SPDY as well as HTTP. As a result, there is no clear performance improvement with SPDY in cellular networks, in contrast to existing studies on wired and WiFi networks. Studying these unique cross-layer interactions when operating over cellular networks, we show that there are fundamental flaws in implementation choices of aspects of TCP, when a connection comes out of an idle state. Because of the high variability in latency when a cellular end device goes from idle to active, retaining TCP’s RTT estimate across this transition results in spurious timeouts and a corresponding burst of retransmissions. This particularly punishes SPDY which depends on the single TCP connection that is hit with the spurious retransmissions and thereby all the cascading effects of TCP’s congestion control mechanisms like lowering cwnd etc. This ultimately reduces throughput and increases page load times. We proposed a holistic approach to considering all the TCP implementation fea- The Linux implementation of TCP caches statistics such as the slow start threshold and round trip times by default and reuses them when a new connection is established. If the previous connection had statistics that are not currently accurate, then the new connection is negatively impacted. Note that since SPDY uses only one connection, the only time these statistics come into play is when the connection is established. It can potentially impact HTTP, however, because HTTP opens a number of connections over the course of the experiments. We conducted experiments where we disabled caching. Interestingly, we find from our results that both HTTP and SPDY experience reduced page load times. For example, for 50% of the runs, the improvement was about 35%. However, there was very little to distinguish between HTTP and SPDY. 7. RELATED WORK Radio resource management: There have been several attempts to improve the performance of HTTP over cellular networks (e.g. [10, 12]). Specifically, TOP and TailTheft study efficient ways of utilizing radio resources by optimizing timers for state promotions and demotions. [5] studies 313 262 D. Rossi – RES224 Se nd /R 2 cv D se a c ta REFERENCES [1] 3GPP TS 36.331: Radio Resource Control (RRC). [2] Squid Caching Proxy. [3] Chan, M. C., and Ramjee, R. TCP/IP performance over 3G wireless links with rate and delay variation. In ACM MobiCom (New York, NY, USA, 2002), MobiCom ’02, ACM, pp. 71–82. [4] Chu, J., Dukkipati, N., Cheng, Y., and Mathis, M. Increasing TCP’s Initial Window. html/draft-ietf-tcpm-initcwnd-08.html, Feb. 2013. [5] Erman, J., Gerber, A., Hajiaghayi, M., Pei, D., Sen, S., and Spatscheck, O. To cache or not to cache: The 3g case. IEEE Internet Computing 15, 2 (2011), 27–34. [6] Gettys, J. IW10 Considered Harmful. draft-gettys-iw10-considered-harmful-00.html, August 2011. [7] Google. SPDY: An experimental protocol for a faster web. [8] Kalampoukas, L., Varma, A., Ramakrishnan, K. K., and Fendick, K. Another Examination of the Use-it-or-Lose-it Function on TCP Traffic. In ATM Forum/96-0230 TM Working Group (1996). [9] Khaunte, S. U., and Limb, J. O. Statistical characterization of a world wide web browsing session. Tech. rep., Georgia Institute of Technology, 1997. [10] Liu, H., Zhang, Y., and Zhou, Y. Tailtheft: leveraging the wasted time for saving energy in cellular communications. In MobiArch (2011), pp. 31–36. [11] Popa, L., Ghodsi, A., and Stoica, I. HTTP as the narrow waist of the future internet. In Hotnets-IX (2010), pp. 6:1–6:6. [12] Qian, F., Wang, Z., Gerber, A., Mao, M., Sen, S., and Spatscheck, O. TOP: Tail Optimization Protocol For Cellular Radio Resource Allocation. In IEEE ICNP (2010), pp. 285–294. [13] Shruti Sanadhya, and Raghupathy Sivakumar. Adaptive Flow Control for TCP on Mobile Phones. In IEEE Infocom (2011). [14] Stone, J., and Stewart, R. Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP) Checksum Change., September 2002. [15] Web Technology Surveys. http://w3techs. com/technologies/details/ce-spdy/all/all.html, June 2013. [16] Wang, X. S., Balasubramanian, A., Krishnamurthy, A., and Wetherall, D. Demystifying Page Load Performance with WProf. In Usenix NSDI’13 (Apr 2013). [17] Welsh, M., Greenstein, B., and Piatek, M. SPDY Performance on Mobile Networks. https://developers., April 2012. [18] Winstein, K., Sivaraman, A., and Balakrishnan, H. Stochastic Forecasts Achieve High Throughput and Low Delay over Cellular Networks. In Usenix NSDI’13 (Apr 2013). IDLE No power No Allocated Bandwidth CELL_DCH Idle for 12 sec CELL_FACH Continuous Reception Short DRX Promotion Demotion 20 msec No power No Allocated Bandwidth Send/Rcv Data 0.4 sec DRX RRC_IDLE Long DRX 11.5 sec RRC_CONNECTED Figure 18: The RRC state machines for 3G UMTS and LTE networks states, how long a device remains in each state, and the power it consumes in a state differ between 3G and LTE, the main purpose is similar: the occupancy in these states control the number of devices that can access the radio network at a given time. It enables the network to conserve and share available radio resources amongst the devices and for saving the device battery at times when the device does not have data to send or receive. 3G state machine: The 3G state machine, as shown in Figure 18, typically consists of three states: IDLE, Forward access channel (CELL F ACH) and Dedicated channel (CELL DCH). When the device has no data to send or receive, it stays in the IDLE state. The device does not have radio resource allocated to it in IDLE. When it wants to send or receive data, it has to be promoted to the CELL DCH mode, where the device is allocated dedicated transport channels in both the downlink and uplink directions. The delay for this promotion is typically ∼2 seconds. In the CELL F ACH, the device does not have a dedicated channel, but can transmit at a low rate. This is sufficient for applications with small amounts or intermittent data. A device can transition between CELL DCH and CELL F ACH based on data transmission activity. For example, if a device is inactive for ∼5 seconds, it is demoted from CELL DCH to CELL F ACH. It is further demoted to IDLE if there is no data exchange for another ∼12 secs. Note that these state transition timer values are not general and vary across vendors and carriers. LTE state machine: LTE employs a slightly modified state machine with two primary states: RRC IDLE and RRC CON N ECT ED. If the device is in RRC IDLE and sends or receives a packet (regardless of size), a state promotion from RRC IDLE to RRC CON N ECT ED occurs in about 400 msec. LTE makes use of three sub-states within RRC CON N ECT ED. Once promoted, the device enters Continuous Reception state where it uses considerable power (about 1000mW) but can send and receive data at high bandwidth. If there is a period of inactivity (e.g., for 100 msec), the device enters the short Discontinuous Reception (Short DRX) state . If data arrives, the radio returns to the Continuous Reception state in ∼400 msec. If not, the device enters the long Discontinuous Reception (Long DRX) state. In the Long DRX state, the device prepares to switch to the RRC IDLE state, but is still using high power and waiting for data. If data does arrive within ∼11.5 seconds, the radio returns to the Continuous Reception state; otherwise it switches to the low power (< 15 mW) RRC IDLE state. Thus, compared to 3G, LTE has significantly shorter promotion delays. This shorter promotion delay helps reduce the number of instances where TCP experiences a spurious timeout and hence an unnecessary retransmission(s). APPENDIX A. Power:1000+ mW High Bandwidth Se nd /R 0. cv D 4 se ata c 10 0 m se c Power: 800 mW High Bandwidth r fo le c Id se 5 > e siz e old eu esh ec Qu Thr .5 s 1 9. LTE 3G tures and parameters to improve mobile web performance and thereby fully exploit SPDY’s advertised capabilities. CELLULAR STATE MACHINES The radio state of every device in a cellular network follows a well-defined state machine. This state machine, defined by 3GPP [1] and controlled by the radio network controller (in 3G) or the base station (in LTE), determines when a device can send or receive data. While the details of the 314 5.4 SPDY (NSDI’14) How Speedy is SPDY? Xiao Sophia Wang, Aruna Balasubramanian, Arvind Krishnamurthy, and David Wetherall, University of Washington This paper is included in the Proceedings of the 11th USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation (NSDI ’14). April 2–4, 2014 • Seattle, WA, USA ISBN 978-1-931971-09-6 Open access to the Proceedings of the 11th USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation (NSDI ’14) is sponsored by USENIX 264 D. Rossi – RES224 How speedy is SPDY? Xiao Sophia Wang, Aruna Balasubramanian, Arvind Krishnamurthy, and David Wetherall University of Washington Abstract provides only a modest improvement [13, 19]. In our own study [25] of page load time (PLT) for the top 200 Web pages from Alexa [1], we found either SPDY or HTTP could provide better performance by a significant margin, with SPDY performing only slightly better than HTTP in the median case. As we have looked more deeply into the performance of SPDY, we have come to appreciate why it is challenging to understand. Both SPDY and HTTP performance depend on many factors external to the protocols themselves, including network parameters, TCP settings, and Web page characteristics. Any of these factors can have a large impact on performance, and to understand their interplay it is necessary to sweep a large portion of the parameter space. A second challenge is that there is much variability in page load time (PLT). The variability comes not only from random events like network loss, but from browser computation (i.e., JavaScript evaluation and HTML parsing). A third challenge is that dependencies between network activities and browser computation can have a significant impact on PLT [25]. In this work, we present what we believe to be the most in-depth study of page load time under SPDY to date. To make it possible to reproduce experiments, we develop a tool called Epload that controls the variability by recording and replaying the process of a page load at fine granularity, complete with browser dependencies and deterministic computational delays; in addition we use a controlled network environment. The other key to our approach is to isolate the different factors that affect PLT with reproducible experiments that progress from simple but unrealistic transfers to full page loads. By looking at results across this progression, we can systematically isolate the impact of the contributing factors and identify when SPDY helps significantly and when it performs poorly compared to HTTP. Our experiments progress as follows. We first compare SPDY and HTTP simply as a transport protocol (with no browser dependencies or computation) that transfers Web objects from both artificial and real pages (from the top 200 Alexa sites). We use a decision tree analysis to identify the situations in which SPDY outperforms HTTP and vice versa. We find that SPDY improves PLT significantly in a large number of scenarios that track the benefits of using a single TCP connection. Specifically, SPDY helps for small object sizes and under low loss rates by: batching several small objects in a TCP segment; reducing congestion-induced retransmis- SPDY is increasingly being used as an enhancement to HTTP/1.1. To understand its impact on performance, we conduct a systematic study of Web page load time (PLT) under SPDY and compare it to HTTP. To identify the factors that affect PLT, we proceed from simple, synthetic pages to complete page loads based on the top 200 Alexa sites. We find that SPDY provides a significant improvement over HTTP when we ignore dependencies in the page load process and the effects of browser computation. Most SPDY benefits stem from the use of a single TCP connection, but the same feature is also detrimental under high packet loss. Unfortunately, the benefits can be easily overwhelmed by dependencies and computation, reducing the improvements with SPDY to 7% for our lower bandwidth and higher RTT scenarios. We also find that request prioritization is of little help, while server push has good potential; we present a push policy based on dependencies that gives comparable performance to mod spdy while sending much less data. 1 Introduction HTTP/1.1 has been used to deliver Web pages using multiple, persistent TCP connections for at least the past decade. Yet as the Web has evolved, it has been criticized for opening too many connections in some settings and too few connections in other settings, not providing sufficient control over the transfer of Web objects, and not supporting various types of compression. To make the Web faster, Google proposed and deployed a new transport for HTTP messages, called SPDY, starting in 2009. SPDY adds a framing layer for multiplexing concurrent application-level transfers over a single TCP connection, support for prioritization and unsolicited push of Web objects, and a number of other features. SPDY is fast becoming one of the most important protocols for the Web; it is already deployed by many popular websites such as Google, Facebook, and Twitter, and supported by browsers including Chrome, Firefox, and IE 11. Further, IETF is standardizing a HTTP/2.0 proposal that is heavily based on SPDY [10]. Given the central role that SPDY is likely to play in the Web, it is important to understand how SPDY performs relative to HTTP. Unfortunately, the performance of SPDY is not well understood. There have been several studies, predominantly white papers, but the findings often conflict. Some studies show that SPDY improves performance [20, 14], while others show that it 1 USENIX Association 11th USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation 387 5.4 SPDY (NSDI’14) 2.1 Limitations of HTTP/1.1 sions; and reducing the time when the TCP pipe is idle. Conversely, SPDY significantly hurts performance under high packet loss for large objects. This is because a set of TCP connections tends to perform better under high packet loss; it is necessary to tune TCP behavior to boost performance. Next, we examine the complete Web page load process by incorporating dependencies and computational delays. With these factors, the benefits of SPDY are reduced, and can even be negated. This is because: i) there are fewer outstanding objects at a given time; ii) traffic is less bursty; and iii) the impact of the network is degraded by computation. Overall, we find SPDY benefits to be larger when there is less bandwidth and longer RTTs. For these cases SPDY reduces the PLT for 70–80% of Web pages, and for shorter, faster links it has little effect, but it can also increase PLT: the worst 20% of pages see an increase of at least 6% for long RTT networks. In search of greater benefits, we explore SPDY mechanisms for prioritization and server push. Prioritization helps little because it is limited by load dependencies, but server push has the potential for significant improvements. How to obtain this benefit depends on the server push policy, which is a non-trivial issue because of caching. This leads us to develop a policy based on dependency levels that performs comparably to mod spdy’s policy [11] while pushing 80% less data. Our contributions are as follows: • A systematic measurement study using synthetic pages and real pages from 200 popular sites that identifies the combinations of factors for which SPDY improves (and sometimes reduces) PLT compared to HTTP. • A page load tool, Epload, that emulates the detailed page load process of a target page, including its dependencies, while eliminating variability due to browser computation. With a controlled network environment, Epload enables reproducible but authentic page load experiments for the first time. • A SPDY server push policy based on dependency information that provides comparable benefits to mod spdy while sending much less data over the network. In the rest of this paper, we first review SPDY background (§2) and then briefly describe our challenge and approach (§3). Next, we extensively study TCP’s impact on SPDY (§4) and extend to Web page’s impact on SPDY (§5). We discuss in §6, review related work in §7, and conclude in §8. 2 When HTTP/1.1, or simply HTTP, was designed in the late 1990’s, Web applications were fairly simple and rudimentary. Since then, Web pages have become more complex and dynamic, making it difficult for HTTP to meet the increasingly demanding user experience. Below, we identify some of the limitations of HTTP: i) Browsers open too many TCP connections to load a page. HTTP improves performance by using parallel TCP connections. But if the number of connections is too large, the aggregate flow may cause network congestion, high packet loss, and reduced performance [9]. Further, services often deliver Web objects from multiple domains, which results in even more TCP connections and the possibility of high packet loss. ii) Web transfers are strictly initiated from the client. Consider the loading of embedded objects. Theoretically, the server can send embedded objects along with the parent object when it receives a request for the parent object. In HTTP, because an object can be sent only in response to a client request, the server has to wait for an explicit request which is sent only after the client has received and processed the parent page. iii) A TCP segment cannot carry more than one HTTP request or response. HTTP, TCP and other headers could account for a significant portion of a packet when HTTP requests or responses are small. So if there are a large number of small embedded objects in a page, the overhead associated with these headers is substantial. 2.2 SPDY SPDY addresses several of the issues described above. We now review the key ideas in SPDY’s design and implementation and its deployment status. Design: There are four key SPDY features. i) Single TCP connection. SPDY opens a single TCP connection to a domain and multiplexes multiple HTTP requests and responses (a.k.a., SPDY streams) over the connection. The multiplexing here is similar to HTTP/1.1 pipelining but is finer-grained. A single connection also helps reduce SSL overhead. Besides clientside benefits, using a single connection helps reduce the number of TCP connections opened at servers. ii) Request prioritization. Some Web objects, such as JavaScript code modules, are more important than others and thus should be loaded earlier. SPDY allows the client to specify a priority level for each object, which is then used by the server in scheduling the transfer of the object. iii) Server push. SPDY allows the server to push embedded objects before the client requests for them. This improves latency but could also increase transmitted data if the objects are already cached at the client. iv) Header compression. SPDY supports HTTP Background In this section, we review issues with HTTP performance and describe how the new SPDY protocol addresses them. 2 388 11th USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation USENIX Association 266 D. Rossi – RES224 Implementation: SPDY is implemented by adding a framing layer to the network stack between HTTP and the transport layer. Unlike HTTP, SPDY splits HTTP headers and data payloads into two kinds of frames. SYN_STREAM frames carry request headers and SYN_ REPLY frames carry response headers. When a header exceeds the frame size, one or more HEADERS frames will follow. HTTP data payloads are sliced into DATA frames. There is no standardized value for the frame size, and we find that mod spdy caps frame size to 4KB [11]. Because frame size is the granularity of multiplexing, too large a frame decreases the ability to multiplex while too small a frame increases overhead. SPDY frames are encapsulated in one or more consecutive TCP segments. A TCP segment can carry multiple SPDY frames, making it possible to batch up small HTTP requests and responses. 0.6 0.6 0.4 HTTP 0.4 0.2 SPDY 0 HTTP SPDY 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 Page load time (seconds) (a) The flag page 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 Page load time (seconds) (b) Twitter home page Figure 1: Distributions of PLTs of SPDY and HTTP. Performed a thousand runs for each curve without caching. likely yield different, even conflicting, results, if they use different experimental settings. Therefore, a comprehensive sweep of the parameter space is necessary to evaluate under what conditions SPDY helps, what kinds of Web pages benefit most from SPDY, and what parameters best support SPDY. Second, we observed in our experiments that the measured page load times have high variances, and this often overwhelms the differences between SPDY and HTTP. For example, in Figure 1(b), the variance of the PLT for the Twitter page is 0.5 second but the PLT difference between HTTP and SPDY is only 0.02 second. We observe high variance even when we load the two pages in a fully controlled network. This indicates that the variability likely stems from browser computation (i.e., JavaScript evaluation and HTML parsing). Controlling this variability is key to reproducing experiments so as to obtain meaningful comparisons. Third, prior work has shown that the dependencies between network operations and computation has a significant impact on PLT [25]. Interestingly, page dependencies also influence the scheduling of network traffic and affects how much SPDY helps or hurts performance (§4 and §5). Thus, on one hand, ignoring browser computations can reduce PLT variability, but on the other hand, dependencies need to be preserved in order to obtain accurate measurements under realistic offered loads. Pinning SPDY down We would like to experimentally evaluate how SPDY performs relative to HTTP because SPDY is likely to play a key role in the Web. But, understanding SPDY performance is hard. Below, we identify three challenges in studying the performance of SPDY and then provide an overview of our approach. 3.1 1 0.8 0.2 Deployment: SPDY is deployed over SSL and TCP. On the client side, SPDY is enabled in Chrome, Firefox, and IE 11. On the server side, popular websites such as Google, Facebook, and Twitter have deployed SPDY. Another popular use of SPDY is between a proxy and a client, such as the Amazon Silk browser [16] and Android Chrome Beta [2]. SPDY version 3 is the most recent specification and is widely deployed [21]. 3 1 0.8 CDF CDF header compression since experiments suggest that HTTP headers for a single session contain duplicate copies of the same information (e.g., User-Agent). Challenges We identify the challenges on the basis of previous studies and our own initial experimentation. As a first step, we extensively load two Web pages for a thousand times using a measurement node at the University of Washington. One page displays fifty world flags [12], which is advertised by mod spdy [11] to demonstrate the performance benefits of SPDY, and the other is the Twitter home page. The results are depicted in Figure 1. First, we observe that SPDY helps the flag page but not the Twitter page, and it is not immediately apparent as to why that is the case. Further experimentation in emulated settings also revealed that both the magnitude and the direction of the performance differences vary significantly with network conditions. Taken together, this indicates that SPDY’s performance depends on many factors such as Web page characteristics, network parameters, and TCP settings, and that measurement studies will 3.2 Approach Our approach is to separate the various factors that affect SPDY and study them in isolation. This allows us to control and identify the extent to which these factors affect SPDY. First, we extensively sweep the parameter space of all the factors that affect SPDY including RTT, bandwidth, loss rate, TCP initial window, number of objects on a page, and object sizes. We initially ignore page load dependencies and computation in order to simplify our analysis. This systematic study allows us to identify when SPDY helps or hurts and characterize the importance of the contributing factors. Based on further analysis of why SPDY sometimes hurts, we propose some 3 USENIX Association 11th USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation 389 5.4 SPDY (NSDI’14) Categ simple modifications to TCP. Second, before we perform experiments with page load dependencies, we address the variability caused by computation. We develop a tool called Epload that emulates the process of a page load. Instead of performing real browser computation, Epload records the process of a sample page load, identifies when computations happen, and replays the page load by introducing the appropriate delays associated with the recorded computations. After emulating a computation activity, Epload performs real network requests to dependent Web objects. This allows us to control the variability of computation while also modeling page load dependencies. In contrast to the methodology that statistically reduces variability by obtaining a large amount of data (usually from production), our methodology mitigates the root cause of variability and thus largely reduces the amount of required experiments. Third, we study the effects of dependencies and computation by performing page loads with Epload. We are then able to identify how much dependencies and computation affect SPDY, and to identify the relative importance of other contributing factors. To mitigate the negative impact of dependencies and computation, we explore the use of prioritization and server push that enable the client and the server to coordinate the transfers. Here, we are able to evaluate the extent to which these mechanisms can improve performance when used appropriately. 4 Net TCP Page Range 20ms, 100ms, 200ms 1Mbps, 10Mbps 0, 0.005, 0.01, 0.02 3, 10, 21, 32 100B, 1K, 10K, 100K, 1M 2, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 512 High ≥100ms ≥10Mbps ≥ 0.01 ≥ 21 ≥ 1K ≥ 64 Table 1: Contributing factors to SPDY performance. We define a threshold for each factor, so that we can classify a setting as being high or low in our analysis. 3 without SSL which allows us to decode the SPDY frames in TCP payloads. To control the exact size of Web objects, we turn off gzip encoding. Client: Because we issue requests at the granularity of Web objects and not pages, we do not work with browsers, and instead develop our own SPDY client by following the SPDY/3 specification [21]. Unlike other wget-like SPDY clients such as spdylay [22] that open a TCP connection per request, our SPDY client allows us to reuse TCP connections. Similarly, we also develop an HTTP client for comparison. We set the maximum number of parallel TCP connections for HTTP to six, as used by all major browsers. As the receive window is autotuned, it is not a bottleneck in our experiments. Web pages: To experiment with synthetic pages, we create objects with pre-specified sizes and numbers. To experiment with real pages, we download the home pages of the Alexa top 200 websites to our own server. To avoid the negative impact of domain sharding on SPDY [18], we serve all embedded objects from the same server including those that are dynamically generated by JavaScript. We run the experiments presented in the entire paper from June to September, 2013. We repeat our experiments five times and present the median to exclude the effects of random loss. We collect network traces at both the client and the server. We define page load time (PLT) as the elapsed time between when the first object is requested and when the last object is received. Because we do not experiment within a browser, we do not use the W3C load event [24]. TCP and SPDY In this section, we extensively study the performance of SPDY as a transfer protocol on both synthetic and real pages by ignoring page load dependencies and computation. This allows us to measure SPDY performance without other confounding factors such as browser computation and page load dependencies. Here, SPDY is only different from HTTP in the use of a single TCP connection, header compression, and a framing layer. 4.1 Factor rtt bw pkt loss iw obj size # of obj Experimental setup We conduct the experiments by setting up a client and a server that can communicate over both HTTP and SPDY. Both the server and the client are connected to the campus LAN at the University of Washington. We use Dummynet [6] to vary network parameters. Below details the experimental setup. 4.2 Experimenting with synthetic pages In experimenting with synthetic pages, we consider a broad range of parameter settings for the various factors that affect performance. Table 1 summarizes the parameter space used in our experiments. The RTT values include 20ms (intra-coast), 100ms (inter-coast), and 200ms (3G link or cross-continent). The bandwidths emulate a broadband link with 10Mbps [4] and a 3G link with 1Mbps [3]. We inject random packet loss rates from zero to 2% since studies suggest that Google servers experience a loss rate between 1% and 2% [5]. At the server, Server: Our server is a 64-bit machine with 2.4GHz 16 core CPU and 16GB memory. It runs Ubuntu 12.04 with Linux kernel 3.7.5 using the default TCP variant Cubic. We use a TCP initial window size of ten as the default setting, as suggested by SPDY best practices [18]. HTTP and SPDY are enabled on Apache 2.2.2 with the SPDY module, mod spdy, installed. We use SPDY 4 390 11th USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation USENIX Association D. Rossi – RES224 obj size large SPDY # of obj large small SPDY RTT loss low high low high BW BW large SPDY low low high EQUAL icwnd EQUAL small SPDY RTT RTT low low high low high RTT high high low HTTP BW low high EQUAL HTTP high icwnd EQUAL 2% 5 HTTP 4 SPDY 3 2 1 2 8 16 32 64 128 (b) Object number high HTTP better 12 10 HTTP SPDY 8 6 4 2 0 100Byte Figure 2: The decision tree that tells when SPDY or HTTP helps. A leaf pointing to SPDY (HTTP) means SPDY (HTTP) helps; a leaf pointing to EQUAL means SPDY and HTTP are comparable. Table 1 shows how we define a factor being high or low. 1KB 10KB 100KB (c) Object size Figure 3: Performance trends for three factors with a default setting: rtt=200ms, bw=10Mbps, loss=0, iw=10, obj size=10K, obj number=64. tions under which SPDY outperforms HTTP (s < 0.9) and under which HTTP outperforms SPDY (s > 1.1). The decision tree analysis generates the likelihood that a configuration works better under SPDY (or HTTP). If this likelihood is over 0.75, we mark the branch as SPDY (or HTTP); otherwise, we say that SPDY and HTTP perform equally. We obtain the decision tree in Figure 2 as follows. First, we produce a decision tree based on all the factors. To populate the branches, we also generate supplemental decision trees based on subsets of factors. Each supplemental decision tree has a prediction accuracy of 84% or higher. Last, we merge the branches from supplemental decision trees into the original decision tree. we vary TCP initial window size from 3 (used by earlier Linux kernel versions) to 32 (used by Google servers). We also consider a wide range of Web object sizes (100B to 1M) and object numbers (2 to 512). For simplicity, we choose one value for each factor which means that there is no cross traffic. When we sweep this large parameter space, we find that SPDY improves performance under certain conditions, but degrades performance under other conditions. 4.2.1 1% 0 SPDY SPDY better or equal to HTTP 0.5% (a) Packet loss rate large BW SPDY EQUAL SPDY 0 HTTP EQUAL high low 7 6 HTTP 5 SPDY 4 3 2 1 0 # of obj # of obj small EQUAL low high PLT (seconds) loss low PLT (seconds) small PLT (seconds) 268 When does SPDY help or hurt There have been many hypotheses as to whether SPDY helps or hurts based on analytical inference about parallel versus single TCP connections. For example, one hypothesis is that SPDY hurts because a single TCP connection increases congestion window slower than multiple connections; another hypothesis is that SPDY helps stragglers because HTTP has to balance its communications across parallel TCP. However, it is unclear how much hypotheses contribute to SPDY performance. Here, we sort out the most important findings, meaning that hypotheses that are shown here contribute more to SPDY performance than those that are not shown. Results: The decision tree shows that SPDY hurts when packet loss is high. However, SPDY helps under a number of conditions, for example, when there are: • Many small objects, or small objects under low loss. • Many large objects under low loss. • Few objects under good network conditions and a large TCP initial window. The decision tree also depicts the relative importance of contributing factors. Intuitively, factors close to the root of the decision tree affect SPDY performance more than those near the leaves. This is because the decision tree places the important factors near the root to reduce the number of branches. We find that object size and loss rate are the most important factors in predicting SPDY performance. However, RTT, bandwidth, and TCP initial window play a less important role. Methodology: To understand the conditions under which SPDY helps or hurts, we build a predictive model based on decision tree analysis. In the analysis, each configuration is a combination of values for all factors listed in Table 1. For each configuration, we add an additional variable s, which is the PLT of SPDY divided by that of HTTP. We run the decision tree to predict the configura5 USENIX Association 11th USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation 391 5.4 SPDY (NSDI’14) CDF CDF 0.9 0.85 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 CDF 1 0.95 0 0.8 50 100 150 # objects 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 200 0 50 100 150 # objects 200 HTTP 0.75 (a) # of objects SPDY w/ TCP (b) # of objects < 1.5KB 0.7 50 100 # of retransmits 150 200 CDF Figure 4: SPDY reduces the number of retransmissions. How much SPDY helps or hurts: We present three trending graphs in Figure 3. Figure 3(a) shows that HTTP outperforms SPDY by half when loss rate increases to 2%, Figure 3(b) shows the trend that SPDY performs better as the number of objects increases, and Figure 3(c) shows the trend that SPDY performs worse as the object size increases. We publish the results, trends, and network traces at http://wprof.cs. 4.2.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 CDF 0 0 500 1000 1500 Page size (KB) (c) Page size (KB) 2000 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 Average object size (KB) (d) Mean object size (KB) Figure 5: Characteristics of top 200 Alexa Web pages. aggressively reduces the congestion window compared to HTTP which reduces the congestion window on only one of its parallel connections. 4.3 Experimenting with real pages Why does SPDY help or hurt In this section, we study the effects of varying object sizes and number of objects based on the distributions observed in real Web pages. We continue to vary other factors such as network conditions and TCP settings based on the parameter space described in Table 1. Due to space limit, we only show results under a 10Mbps bandwidth. First, we examine the page characteristics of real pages because they can explain why SPDY helps or hurts when we relate them to the decision tree. Figure 5 shows the characteristics of the top 200 Alexa Web pages [1]. The median number of objects is 30 and the median page size is 750KB. We find high variability in the size of objects within a page. The standard deviation of the object size within a page is 31KB (median), even more than the average object size 17KB (median). Figure 6 shows PLT of SPDY divided by that of HTTP across the 200 Web pages. It suggests that SPDY helps on 70% of the pages consistently across network conditions. Interestingly, SPDY shows a 2x speedup over half of the pages, likely due to the following reasons. First, SPDY almost eliminates retransmissions (as indicated in Figure 7). Compared to a similar analysis for artificial pages (see Figure 4), SPDY’s retransmission rate is even lower. Second, we find in Figure 5(b) that 80% of the pages have small objects, and that half of the pages have more than ten small objects. Since SPDY helps with small objects (based on the decision tree analysis), it is not surprising that SPDY has lower PLT for this set of experiments. In addition, we hypothesize that SPDY could help with stragglers since it multiplexes all objects on to a single connection and thus reduces the dynamics of congestion windows. To check this hypothesis, we ran a set of experiments with overall page size and the While the decision tree informs the conditions under which SPDY helps or hurts, it does not explain why. To this end, we analyze the network traces we collected to explain SPDY performance. We discuss below our findings. SPDY helps on small objects. Our traces suggest that TCP implements congestion control by counting outstanding packets not bytes. Thus, sending a few small objects with HTTP will promptly use up the congestion window, though outstanding bytes are far below the window limit. In contrast, SPDY batches small objects and thus eliminates this problem. This explains why the flag page [12], which mod spdy advertised, benefits from SPDY. SPDY benefits from having a single connection. We find several reasons as to why SPDY benefits from a single TCP connection. First, a single connection results in fewer retransmissions. Figure 4 shows the retransmissions in SPDY and HTTP across all configurations except those with zero injected loss. SPDY helps because packet loss occurs more often when concurrent TCP connections are competing with each other. There are additional explanations for why SPDY benefits from using a single connection. In our previous study [25], our experiments showed that SPDY significantly reduced the contribution of the TCP connection setup time to the critical path of a page download. Further, our experiments in §5 will show that a single pipe reduces the amount of time the pipe is idle due to delayed client requests. SPDY degrades under high loss due to the use of a single pipe. We discussed above that a single TCP connection helps under several conditions. However, a single connection hurts under high packet loss because it 6 392 11th USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation USENIX Association D. Rossi – RES224 1 1 0.8 0.8 0.6 0.6 CDF CDF 270 0.4 2% loss;TCP+ 2% loss;TCP 0 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 PLT of SPDY divided by PLT of HTTP 0 2 1 0.8 1 0.6 0.9 0.4 0.8 CDF CDF 0.5 1 1.5 PLT of SPDY divided by PLT of HTTP 0 loss;TCP 0.7 HTTP 2% loss;TCP SPDY w/ TCP 0.6 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 PLT of SPDY divided by PLT of HTTP SPDY w/ TCP+ 2 0.5 0 (b) rtt=200ms, bw=10Mbps 1 CDF 0.8 0.7 HTTP SPDY w/ TCP 0.5 20 40 60 80 100 # of retransmits 120 140 Figure 7: SPDY helps reduce retransmissions. number of objects drawn from the real pages, but with equal object sizes embedded inside the pages. When we perform this experiment, HTTP’s performance improves only marginally indicating that there is very little straggler effect. 4.4 40 60 80 100 # of retransmits 120 140 nections. Third, when packet loss occurs, the congestion window (cwnd) backs off with a rate β = 1 − (1 − β)/n where β is the original backoff rate. In practice, the number of concurrent connections changes over time. Because we are unable to pass this value to the Linux kernel in real time, we assume that HTTP uses six connections and set n = 6. We use six here because it is found optimal and used by major browsers [17]. We perform the same set of SPDY experiments with both synthetic and real pages using TCP+. Figure 8 shows that SPDY performs better with TCP+, and the decision tree analysis for TCP+ suggests that loss rate is no longer a key factor that determines SPDY performance. To evaluate the potential side effects of TCP+, we look at the number of retransmissions produced by TCP+. Figure 9 shows that SPDY still produces much fewer retransmissions with TCP+ than with HTTP, meaning that TCP+ does not abuse the congestion window under the conditions that we experimented with. Here, we aim to demonstrate that SPDY’s negative impact under high random loss can be mitigated by tuning the congestion window. Because the loss patterns in real networks are likely more complex, a solution for real networks requires further consideration and extensive evaluations and is out of the scope of this paper. 0.9 0 20 Figure 9: With TCP+, SPDY still produces few retransmissions. Figure 6: SPDY performance across 200 pages with object sizes and numbers of objects drawn from real pages. SPDY helps more under a 1Mbps bandwidth. 0.6 2 Figure 8: TCP+ helps SPDY across the 200 pages. RTT=20ms, BW=10Mbps. Results on other network settings are similar. (a) rtt=20ms, bw=10Mbps 0.2 2% loss;TCP 0.2 0 loss;TCP 0.2 0.4 TCP modifications Previously, we found that SPDY hurts mainly under high packet loss because a single TCP connection reduces the congestion window more aggressively than HTTP’s parallel connections. Here, we demonstrate that the negative impact can be mitigated by simple TCP modifications. Our modification (a.k.a., TCP+) mimics behaviors of concurrent connections with a single connection. Let the number of parallel TCP connections be n. First, we propose to multiply the initial window by n to reduce the effect of slow start. Second, we suggest scaling the receive window by n to ensure that the SPDY connection has the same amount of receive buffer as HTTP’s parallel con- 5 Web pages and SPDY This section examines how SPDY performs for real Web pages. Real page loads incur dependencies and computation that may affect SPDY’s performance. To incorporate dependencies and computation while controlling variability, we develop a page load emulator Epload 7 USENIX Association 11th USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation 393 5.4 SPDY (NSDI’14) Parse css tag Parse js tag Parse img g tag g Parse js tag 1 HTML 0.8 CSS CDF 0.6 JS1 0.4 Image Chrome 0.2 JS2 Epload 0 Start Network activity Elapsed Time Computation activity 0 Page load 1 1.5 Page load time (seconds) 2 Figure 11: Page loads using Chrome v.s. Epload. De Dependency Figure 10: A dependency graph obtained from WProf. do not occur deterministically and significantly, we exclude them here. Using the recorded dependency graph, Epload replays the page load process as follows. First, Epload starts the activity that loads the root HTML. When the activity is finished, Epload checks whether it should trigger a dependent activity based on whether all activities that the dependent activity depends on are finished. For example in Figure 10, the dependent activity is parsing the HTML, and it should be triggered. Next, it starts the activity that parses the HTML. Instead of performing HTML parsing, it waits for the same amount of time that parsing takes (based on the recorded information) and checks dependent activities upon completion. This proceeds until all activities are finished. The actual replay process is more complex because a dependent activity can start before an activity is fully completed. For example, parsing an HTML starts after the first chunk of the HTTP response is received; and loading the CSS starts after the first chunk of HTML is fully parsed. Epload models all of these aspects of a page load. that hides the complexity and variations in browser computation while performing authentic network requests (§5.1). We use Epload to identify the effect of page load dependencies and computation on SPDY’s performance (§5.2). We further study SPDY’s potential by examining prioritization and server push (§5.3). 5.1 0.5 Epload: emulating page loads Web objects in a page are usually not loaded at the same time, because loading an object can depend on loading or evaluating other objects. Therefore, not only network conditions, but also page load dependencies and browser computation, affect page load times. To study how much SPDY helps the overall page load time, we need to evaluate SPDY’s performance by preserving dependencies and computation of real page loads. Dependencies and computation are naturally preserved by loading pages in real browsers. However, this procedure incurs high variances in page load times that stem from both network conditions and browser computation. We have conducted controlled experiments to control the variability of network, and here introduce the Epload emulator to control the variability of computation. Implementation: Epload recorder is implemented based on WProf to generate a dependency graph that specifies activities and their dependencies. Epload records the computational delays while performing the page load in the browser, whereas the network delays are realized independently for each replay run. We implement Epload replayer using node.js. The output from Epload replayer is a series of throttled HTTP or SPDY requests to perform a page load. The Epload code is available at http://wprof.cs.washington. edu/spdy/. Design: The key idea of Epload is to decouple network operations and computation in page loads. This allows Epload to simplify computation while scheduling network requests at the appropriate points during the page load. Epload records the process of a page load by capturing the dependency graph using our previous work, WProf [25]. WProf captures the dependency and timing information of a page load. Figure 10 shows an example of a dependency graph obtained from WProf where activities depend on each other. This Web page embeds a CSS, a JavaScript, an image, and another JavaScript. A bar represents an activity (i.e., loading objects, evaluating CSS and JavaScript, parsing HTML) while an arrow represents that one activity depends on another. For example, evaluating JS1 depends on both loading JS1 and evaluating CSS. Therefore, evaluating JS1 can only start after the other two activities complete. There are other dependencies such as layout and painting. Because they Evaluation: We validate that Epload controls the variability of computation. We compare the differences of two runs across 200 pages loaded by Epload and by Chrome. The network is tuned to a 20ms RTT, a 10Mbps bandwidth, and zero loss. Figure 11 shows that Epload produces at most 5% differences for over 80% of pages which is a 90% reduction compared to Chrome. 5.2 Effects of dependencies and computation We use Epload to measure the impact of dependencies and computation. We set up experiments as follows. The Epload recorder uses a WProf-instrumented Chrome to 8 394 11th USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation USENIX Association 272 D. Rossi – RES224 1 1 0.8 0.8 0.6 CDF CDF 0.6 0 loss;TCP 0.4 0 loss;TCP 0.4 0 loss;TCP+ 0 loss;TCP+ 2% loss;TCP 0.2 2% loss;TCP 0.2 2% loss;TCP+ 2% loss;TCP+ 0 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 PLT of SPDY divided by PLT of HTTP 2 0 0.5 1 1.5 PLT of SPDY divided by PLT of HTTP (a) rtt=20ms, bw=1Mbps (b) rtt=200ms, bw=1Mbps 1 1 0.8 0.8 0.6 CDF 0.6 CDF 2 0 loss;TCP 0.4 0 loss;TCP 0.4 0 loss;TCP+ 0 loss;TCP+ 2% loss;TCP 0.2 2% loss;TCP 0.2 2% loss;TCP+ 2% loss;TCP+ 0 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 PLT of SPDY divided by PLT of HTTP 2 0 0.5 1 1.5 PLT of SPDY divided by PLT of HTTP (c) rtt=20ms, bw=10Mbps 2 (d) rtt=200ms, bw=10Mbps Figure 12: SPDY performance using emulated page loads. Compared to Figure 6, it suggests that dependencies and computation reduce the impact of SPDY and that RTT and bandwidth become more important. obtain the dependency graphs of the top 200 Alexa Web pages [1]. Epload runs on a Mac with 2GHz dual core CPU and 4GB memory. We vary other factors based on the parameter space described in Table 1. Due to space limit, we only show figures under a 10Mbps bandwidth. 1 0.8 CDF 0.6 0.4 HTTP 0.2 Figure 12 shows the performance of SPDY versus HTTP after incorporating dependencies and computation. Compared to Figure 6, dependencies and computation largely reduce the amount that SPDY helps or hurts. We make the following observations along with supporting evidence. First, computation and dependencies increase PLTs of both HTTP and SPDY, reducing the network load. Second, SPDY reduces the amount of time a connection is idle, lowering the possibility of slow start (see Figure 13). Third, dependencies help HTTP by making traffic less bursty, resulting in fewer retransmissions (see Figure 14). Fourth, having fewer outstanding objects diminishes SPDY’s gains, because SPDY helps more when there are a large number of outstanding objects (as suggested by the decision tree in Figure 2). Here, we see that dependencies and computation reduce and can easily nullify the benefits of SPDY, implying that speeding up computation or breaking dependencies might be necessary to improve the PLT using SPDY. SPDY 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 % of idle RTTs 0.8 1 Figure 13: Fractions of RTTs when a TCP connection is idle. Experimented under 2% loss rate. amount of impact that computation has on SPDY. This explains why SPDY provides minimal improvements under good network conditions (see Figure 12(c)). To identify the impact of computation, we scale the time spent in each computation activity by factors of 0, 0.5, and 2. Figure 15 shows the performance of SPDY versus HTTP, both with scaled computation and under high bandwidths, suggesting that speeding up computation increases the impact of SPDY. Surprisingly, speeding up computation to the extreme is sometimes no better than a x2 speedup. This is because computation delays the requesting of dependent objects which allows for previously requested objects to be loaded faster, and therefore possibly lowers the PLT. Interestingly, we find that RTT and bandwidth now play a more important role in the performance of SPDY. For example, Figure 12 shows that SPDY helps up to 80% of the pages under low bandwidths, but only 55% of the pages under high bandwidths. This is because RTT and bandwidth determine the amount of time page loads spend in network relative to computation, and further the 5.3 Advancing SPDY SPDY provides two mechanisms, i) prioritization and ii) server push, to mitigate the negative effects of dependencies and computation of real page loads. However, little is known about how to better use the mechanisms. In this section, we explore advanced policies to speed up page 9 USENIX Association 11th USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation 395 5.4 SPDY (NSDI’14) WProf dependency graph CDF 1 0.9 H 0.8 C 0.7 J1 0.6 w/o dep. & comp. I1 w/ dep. & comp. J2 Object dependency graph d:4 H H d:3 C C J1 J1 d:1 I1 J2 d:2 J2 d:3 0.5 0 20 40 60 80 100 # of retransmits 120 I2 140 Figure 14: SPDY helps reduce retransmissions. Network activity 1 0.6 Computation activity De Dependency PLT_w/_priority / PLT_w/o_priority x1 0.2 x2 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 PLT of SPDY divided by PLT of HTTP 2 Figure 15: Results by varying computation when bw=10Mbps, rtt=200ms. 1.4 1.2 chrome-priority dependendy-priority 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 10th loads using these mechanisms. 50th 90th (a) rtt=20ms, bw=10Mbps PLT_w/_priority / PLT_w/o_priority x0 0.4 x 0.5 5.3.1 d:1 Figure 16: Converting WProf dependency graph to an object-based graph. Calculating a depth to each object in the object-based graph. 0.8 CDF I2 Elapsed Time 1.4 1.2 chrome-priority dependendy-priority 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 10th 50th 90th (b) rtt=200ms, bw=10Mbps Figure 17: Results of priority (zero packet loss) when bw=10Mbps. bw=1Mbps results are similar to (b). Basis of advancing To better schedule objects, both prioritization and server push provide mechanisms to specify the importance for each object. Thus, the key issue is to identify the importance of objects in an automatic manner. To highlight the benefits, we leverage the dependency information obtained from a previous load of the same page. This information gives us ground truth as to which objects are critical for reducing PLT. For example, in Figure 10, all the activities depend on loading the HTML, making HTML the most important object; but no activity depends on loading the image, suggesting that the image is not an important object. To quantify the importance of an object, we first look at the time required to finish the page load starting from the load of this object. We denote this as time to finish (TTF). In Figure 10, TTF of the image is simply the time to load the image alone, while TTF of JS2 is the time to both load and evaluate it. Because TTF of the image is longer than TTF of JS2, this image is more important than JS2. Unfortunately in practice, it is not clear as to how long it would take to load an object, before we make the decision to prioritize or push it. Therefore, we simplify the definition of importance. First, we convert the activity-based dependency graph to an object-based graph by eliminating computation while preserving dependencies (Figure 16). Second, we calculate the longest path from each object to the leaf objects; this process is equivalent to calculating node depths of a directed acyclic graph. Figure 16 (right) shows an example of assigned depths. Note that the depth here equals TTF if we ignore computation and suppose that the load of each object takes the same amount of time. We use this depth information to prioritize and push objects. This implies that the browser or the server should know this beforehand. We provide a tool to let Web developers measure the depth information for objects transported by their pages. 5.3.2 Prioritization SPDY/3 allows eight priority levels for clients to use when requesting objects. SPDY best practices website [18] recommends prioritizing HTML over CSS/JavaScript and CSS/JS over the rest (chromepriority). Our priority levels are obtained by linearly mapping the depth information computed above (dependency-priority). We compare the two prioritization policies to baseline SPDY in Figure 17. Interestingly, we find that there is almost no benefit by using chrome-priority while dependency-policy marginally helps under a 20ms RTT. The impact of explicit prioritization is minimal because the dependency graph has already implicitly prioritized objects. Implicit prioritization results from browser policies, independent of Web pages themselves. For example in Figure 10, all other objects cannot be loaded before HTML; Image and JS2 cannot be loaded before CSS and JS1. As dependencies limit the impact of SPDY, prioritization cannot break dependencies, and thus is unlikely to improve SPDY’s PLT. 10 396 11th USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation USENIX Association 274 D. Rossi – RES224 1 1 1 0.8 0.8 0.8 By embedding 0.4 By dependency 0.6 CDF 0.6 Push all CDF CDF 0.6 0.4 0.4 By dependency 0.2 0.2 0 0 By dependency By embedding By embedding 0.2 Push all 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 % of pushed bytes (a) Pushed bytes 0.8 1 Push all 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 PLT w/ server push divided by SPDY PLT 2 (b) rtt=20ms, bw=10Mbps 0 0.5 1 1.5 PLT w/ server push divided by SPDY PLT 2 (c) rtt=200ms, bw=10Mbps Figure 18: Results of server push when bw=10Mbps. 5.3.3 Server push 1 SPDY allows servers to push objects to save round trips. However, server push is non-trivial because there is a tension between making page loads faster and wasting bandwidth. Particularly, one should not overuse server push if pushed objects are already cached. Thus, the key goal is to speed up page loads while keeping the cost low. We find no standard or best practices guidance from Google on how to do server push. Mod spdy can be configured to push up to an embedding level, which is defined as follows: the root HTML page is at embedding level 0; objects at embedding level i are those whose URLs are embedded in objects at embedding level i − 1. An alternative policy is to push based on the depth information. Figure 18 shows server push performance (i.e., push all objects, one embedding level, and one dependency level) compared to baseline SPDY. We find that server push helps, especially under high RTT. We also find that pushing by dependency incurs comparable speedups to pushing by embedding, while benefiting from a 80% reduction in pushed bytes (Figure 18(a)). Note that server push does not always help because pushed objects share bandwidth with more important objects. In contrast to prioritization, server push can help because it breaks dependencies which limits the performance gains of SPDY. 5.4 0.8 CDF 0.6 None TCP+ 0.2 TCP+; push 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 PLT of SPDY divided by PLT of HTTP 2 (a) rtt=20ms, bw=10Mbps 1 0.8 CDF 0.6 0.4 None TCP+ 0.2 TCP+; push 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 PLT of SPDY divided by PLT of HTTP 2 (b) rtt=200ms, bw=10Mbps Figure 19: Put all together when bw=10Mbps. 1 0.8 CDF 0.6 0.4 No sharding By domain 0.2 Putting it all together By TLD 0 We now pool together the various enhancements (i.e., TCP+ and server push by one dependency level). Figure 19 shows that this improves SPDY by 30% under high RTTs. But this improvement largely diminishes under low RTTs where computation dominates page load times. 6 0.4 0 0.5 1 1.5 PLT of SPDY divided by PLT of HTTP 2 Figure 20: Results of domain shading when bw=10Mbps and rtt=20ms. 143Mbps) and loss rates are extremely low. These network parameters well explain our SPDY evaluations in the wild (not shown due to space limit) that are similar to synthetic ones under high bandwidths and low loss rates. The evaluations here are preliminary and covering a complete set of scenarios would be future work. Discussions SPDY in the wild: To evaluate SPDY in the wild, we place clients at Virginia (US-East), North California (US-West), and Ireland (Europe) using Amazon EC2 micro-instances. We add explanatory power by periodically probing network parameters between clients and the server, and find that RTTs are consistent: 22ms (US-East), 71ms (US-West), and 168ms (Europe). For all vantage points, bandwidths are high (10Mbps to Domain sharding: As suggested by SPDY best practices [18], we used a single connection to fetch all the objects of a page to eliminate the negative impact of domain sharing. In practice, migrating objects to one domain suffers from deployment issues given popular uses of third parties (e.g., CDNs, Ads, and Analytics). To this 11 USENIX Association 11th USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation 397 5.4 SPDY (NSDI’14) end, we evaluate situations when objects are distributed to multiple servers that cooperatively use SPDY. We distribute objects by full domain to represent the state-ofthe-art of domain sharding. We also distribute objects by top-level domain (TLD). This demonstrates the situation when websites have eliminated domain sharding but still use third-party services. Figure 20 compares SPDY performance under these object distributions. We find that domain sharding hurts as expected but hosting objects by TLD is comparable to using one connection, suggesting that SPDY’s performance does not degrade much when some portions of the page are provided by third-party services. SPDY, but the other studies show that SPDY helps only marginally. While providing invaluable measurements, these studies look at a limited parameter space. Studies by Microsoft [14] and Cable Labs [19] only measured single Web pages and the other studies consider only a limited set of network conditions. Our study extensively swept the parameter space including network parameters, TCP settings, and Web page characteristics. We are the first to isolate the effect of dependencies, which are found to limit the impact of SPDY. TCP enhancements for the Web: Google have proposed and deployed several TCP enhancements to make the Web faster. TCP fast open eliminates the TCP connection setup time by sending application data in the SYN packet [15]. Proportional rate reduction smoothly backs off congestion window to transmit more data under packet loss [5]. Tail loss probe [23] and other measurement-driven enhancements described in [8] mitigated or eliminated loss recovery by retransmission timeout. Our TCP modifications are specific to SPDY and are orthogonal to Google’s proposals. SSL: SSL adds overhead to page loads which can degrade the impact of SPDY, but it keeps the handshake overhead low by using a single connection. We conduct our experiments using SSL and find that the overhead of SSL is too small to affect SPDY’s performance. Mobile: We perform a small set of SPDY measurements under mobile environments. We assume large RTTs, low bandwidths, high losses, and large computational delays, as suggested by related literature [3, 26]. Results with simulated slow networks suggest that SPDY helps more but also hurts more. It also shows that prioritization and server push by dependency help less (not shown due to space limit). However, large computational delays on mobile devices reduce the benefits provided by SPDY. This means that the benefits of SPDY under mobile scenarios depends on the relative changes in performance of the network and computation. Further studies on real mobile devices and networks would advance the understanding in this space. Advanced SPDY mechanisms: There are no recommended policies on how to use the server push mechanism. We find that mod spdy [11] implements server push by embedding levels. However, we find that this push policy wastes bandwidths. We provide a server push policy based on dependency levels that performs comparably to mod spdy’s while pushing 80% less data. 8 Conclusion Our experiments and prior work show that SPDY can either help or sometimes hurt the load times of real Web pages by browsers compared to using HTTP. To learn which factors lead to performance improvements, we start with simple, synthetic page loads and progressively add key features of the real page load process. We find that most of the performance impact of SPDY comes from its use of a single TCP connection: when there is little network loss a single connection tends to perform well, but when there is high loss a set of connections tend to perform better. However, the benefits from a single TCP connection can be easily overwhelmed by dependencies in real Web pages and browser computation. We conclude that further benefits in PLT will require changes to restructure the page load process, such as the server push feature of SPDY, as well as careful configuration at the TCP level to ensure good network performance. Limitations: Our work does not consider a number of aspects. First, we did not evaluate the effects of header compression because it is not expected to provide significant benefits. Second, we did not evaluate dynamic pages which take more time in server processing. Similar to browser computation, server processing will likely reduce the impact of SPDY. Last, we are unable to evaluate SPDY under production servers where network is heavily used. 7 Related Work SPDY studies: Erman et al. [7] studied SPDY in the wild on 20 Web pages by using cellular connections and SPDY proxies. They found that SPDY performed poorly while interacting with radios due to a large body of unnecessary retransmissions. We used more reliable connections, enabled SPDY on servers, and swept a more complete parameter space. Other SPDY studies include the SPDY white paper [20] and measurements by Microsoft [14], Akamai [13], and Cable Labs [19]. The SPDY white paper shows a 27% to 60% speedup for Acknowledgements We thank Will Chan, Yu-Chung Cheng, and Roberto Peon from Google, our shepherd, Sanjay Rao, and the anonymous reviewers for their feedback. We thank Ruhui Yan for helping analyze packet traces. 12 398 11th USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation USENIX Association 276 D. Rossi – RES224 References [14] J. Padhye and H. F. Nielsen. A comparison of SPDY and HTTP performance. In MSR-TR-2012102. [1] Alexa - The Web Information Company. countries/US. [15] S. Radhakrishnan, Y. Cheng, J. Chu, A. Jain, and B. Raghavan. TCP Fast Open. In Proc. of the International Conference on emerging Networking EXperiments and Technologies (CoNEXT), 2011. [2] Data compression in chrome beta for android. data-compression-in-chrome-betafor.html. [16] Amazon silk browser. http://amazonsilk. [3] A. Balasubramanian, R. Mahajan, and A. Venkataramani. Augmenting Mobile 3G Using WiFi. In Proc. of the international conference on Mobile systems, applications, and services (Mobisys), 2010. [4] National Broadband Map. [17] Chapter 11. HTTP 1.X. http:// 1230000000545/ch11.html. [18] SPDY best practices. http://dev. http://www. [19] Analysis of SPDY and TCP Initcwnd. [5] N. Dukkipati, M. Mathis, Y. Cheng, and M. Ghobadi. Proportional Rate Reduction for TCP. In Proc. of the SIGCOMM conference on Internet Measurement Conference (IMC), 2011. [20] SPDY whitepaper. http://www.chromium. org/spdy/spdy-whitepaper. [6] Dummynet. ˜luigi/dummynet/. [21] SPDY protocol–Draft 3. http://www. spdy-protocol-draft3. [7] J. Erman, V. Gopalakrishnan, R. Jana, and K. Ramakrishnan. Towards a SPDYier Mobile Web? In Proc. of the International Conference on emerging Networking EXperiments and Technologies (CoNEXT), 2013. [22] Spdylay - SPDY C Library. https://github. com/tatsuhiro-t/spdylay. [23] Tail Loss Probe (TLP): An Algorithm for Fast Recovery of Tail Losses. http: // [8] T. Flach, N. Dukkipati, A. Terzis, B. Raghavan, N. Cardwell, Y. Cheng, A. Jain, S. Hao, E. KatzBassett, and R. Govindan. Reducing Web Latency: the Virtue of Gentle Aggression. In Proc. of the ACM Sigcomm, 2013. [24] W3C DOM Level 3 Events Specification. [9] T. J. Hacker, B. D. Noble, and B. D. Athey. The Effects of Systemic Packet Loss on Aggregate TCP Flows . In Proc. of IEEE Iternational Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS), 2002. [25] X. S. Wang, A. Balasubramanian, A. Krishnamurthy, and D. Wetherall. Demystifying page load performance with WProf. In Proc. of the USENIX conference on Networked Systems Design and Implementation (NSDI), 2013. [10] HTTP/2.0 Draft Specifications. https:// [26] X. S. Wang, H. Shen, and D. Wetherall. Accelerating the Mobile Web with Selective Offloading. In Proc. of the ACM Sigcomm Workshop on Mobile Cloud Computing (MCC), 2013. [11] mod spdy. mod-spdy/. [12] World Flags mod spdy Demo. https://www. [13] Not as SPDY as you thought. http: // 13 USENIX Association 11th USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation 399 Example de contrôle de connaissances (CC) 277 6 Example de contrôle de connaissances (CC) Remarque. Pendant la periode du contrôle annexé comme example, les lectures obligatoires étaient les suivantes. Les questions QCM concernant les LO ne sont donc pas forcement pertinents pour la periode courante et sont donnée á titre indicatif. • Alckok, R. Nelson, “Application flow control in YouTube video streams,” ACM SIGCOMM CCR Vol. 41, No. 2, April 2011 • A. Finamore et al. “YouTube everywhere: Impact of Device and Infrastructure Synergies on User Experience,” ACM IMC’11, Nov 2011 • P. Marciniak et al., “Small is not always beautiful,” USENIX IPTPS’08, Tampa Bay, FL, Feb 2008 • A. Legout et al., “Clustering and sharing incentives in BitTorrent,” ACM SIGMETRICS’07, San Diego CA, Jun 2007 278 D. Rossi – RES224 Examen de RES224 25/11/2011 Prénom Cycle/ID Nom QCM No. 43 Instructions : – Sans documents ni instrument electroniques (e.g., calculette, iPhone, etc.). – Tous les informations nécessaires à la resolution de cet exam vous sont fournis dans le texte : à l’occurrence, une table des codes ASCII et les entetes des protocoles peut se trouver à la fin du questionnaire (au cas où cela puisse se rendre utile à la resolution des exercices). – Il est nécessaire de rendre toutes les feuilles. – Veillez à compléter vos données personnelles (e.g., prénom, nom, ID, etc.) dans l’espace approprié en haut de cette page et dans la pages des exercices. – Cet examen se compose de question choix multiples sur le contenu du cours (QCM, environ 2/3 de la note d’examen) et d’exercices ou question ouvertes ou QCM sur les lectures obligatoires (environ 1/3 de la note d’examen). – Chaque question QCM a une seule bonne reponse (à noter que certaines réponses du QCM peuvent avoir un poids négatif ). – Réportez impérativement au plus une réponse par question du QCM dans la table en bas utilisant des LETTRES MAJUSCULES (seules les réponses reportées dans la table de la première page seront comptées). Question 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Réponse Question Réponse Question 1. Lequel parmi les protocoles suivants fonctionne normalement en modalité “PUSH” ? A) User Datagram Protocol B) Post-Office Protocol C) Hyper-Text Transfer Protocol D) Simple Mail Transfer Protocol Question 2. Le protocole HTTP : A) verifie toujours que le code HTML des pages qu’il transporte soit conforme aux normes W3C B) ne verifie jamais si le code HTML des pages qu’il transporte est conforme aux normes W3C C) le coté serveur de HTTP est capable de verifier que le code HTML des pages qu’il envoye est conforme aux normes W3C, pourvu que cette option soit specifié en debut de requete D) le coté client de HTTP est capable de verifier que le code HTML des pages recues est conforme aux normes W3C, pourvu que cette option soit specifié en debut de reponse Question 3. Dans un système P2P comme BitTorrent, le fichier à partager est initialement servi par un seul “seed” (qui est aussi appellé “source”). Les auteurs de [1] étudient les variations du temps de complètement du système en fonction du taux d’upload US du premier “seed” en le mettant en relation avec le taux de download DL des “leechers” (les autres paires intéressés à la ressource). Quelle est la condition nécessaire indiquée dans [1] afin que le partage du fichier soit efficace ? 1 6.1 Enoncé du 25/11/2011 [1] A. Legout et al., “Clustering and sharing incentives in BitTorrent,” ACM SIGMETRICS, San Diego CA, Jun 2007. A) US ≥ DL B) US > 10DL C) DL > 10US D) DL > US Question 4. Le protocole DNS : A) n’utilise que le protocole UDP B) n’utilise le protocole TCP que si le serveur secondaire est en panne C) utilise le protocole TCP uniquement pour la procedure de transfer de zone D) peut utiliser le protocole TCP en fonction de la taille de la reponse Question 5. Par méthode expérimentale, les auteurs de [1] analysent les performance de BitTorrent. Quel est le phénomène du “clustering” observé en [1], et quel sont ses conséquences ? [1] A. Legout et al., “Clustering and sharing incentives in BitTorrent,” ACM SIGMETRICS, San Diego CA, Jun 2007. A) le “clustering” est le phénomène pour lequel, dans un système hétérogène avec paires ayant différent taux d’upload, l’algorithme de choix des paires (i.e., choking) favorise les échanges entre paires ayant de taux d’upload similaires ; par conséquent, le temps de complètement du fichier se stratifient en fonction du taux d’upload où les paires ayant le taux d’upload les plus élevés obtiennent les temps de complètement les plus courts B) le “clustering” est le phénomène pour lequel, dans un système hétérogène avec paires ayant différent taux d’upload, l’algorithme de choix des paires (i.e., choking) favorise les échanges entre paires ayant de taux d’upload différents ; par conséquent, le temps de complètement du fichier s’égalisent indifféremment du taux d’upload, car les paires ayant les taux d’upload les plus élevés aident à diminuer le temps de complètement des paires ayant les taux d’upload les plus faibles C) le “clustering” est le phénomène pour lequel, dans un système hétérogène avec paires ayant différent délai d’accès , l’algorithme de choix des paires (i.e., choking) favorise les échanges entre paires ayant des délai d’accès différents ; par conséquent, le temps de complètement du fichier s’égalisent indifféremment du délai d’accès, car les paires ayant le délai d’accès plus faibles aident à diminuer le temps de complètement des paires ayant les délai d’accès les plus élevés D) le “clustering” est le phénomène pour lequel, dans un système hétérogène avec paires ayant différent délai d’accès, l’algorithme de choix des paires (i.e., choking) favorise les échanges entre paires ayant de délai d’accès similaires ; par conséquent, le temps de complètement du fichier se stratifient en fonction du délai d’accès, où les paires ayant les délai d’accès les plus faibles obtiennent les temps de complètement les plus courts Question 6. Dans l’applicatif Skype, on observe des retransmission potentiellement non nécessaires du contenu voix : A) en fin d’appel, lors de la terminaison de la connexion par signalisation au niveau applicatif B) en début d’appel, lorsque les conditions du réseau sont inconnues C) en début de connexion, lors de la mise en place de l’appel par signalisation au niveau applicatif Question 7. Concernant le Post Office Protocol POP3 et les repertoires de stockage des messages : A) POP n’impose pas une limite au nombre de repertoirs, (pourvu que la taille totale des messages n’excède pas la taille totale disponible à l’usager) B) POP est capable de gérer le meme nombre de repertoires qu’un serveur IMAP C) POP limite generalement à 64 le nombre de sous-repertoire dans chaque repertoire (alors que ce limite ne s’applique pas aux serveurs IMAP) D) POP n’est pas capable de gérer des repertoires 2 280 D. Rossi – RES224 Question 8. Dans l’applicatif Skype, comparez le volume du trafic de signalisation (e.g., gestion et maintenance du réseau overlay, recherche et notification des contacts, etc.) contre le volume du trafic générés par les services (appel voix, vidéo, chat, etc) : A) les services sont généralement prédominants par rapport à la signalisation B) la signalisation est généralement prédominante par rapport aux services C) les deux volumes sont généralement comparables Question 9. Considerez un système peer-2-peer (P2P) où la localisation des ressources est gérée par un serveur centrale S : quand le peer A veut rapatrier une ressource R, qui est stoqué chez les peers B et C : A) seulement les reponses concernant la localisation de R, mais pas les messages portant la ressource R, transitent par S B) aussi bien les requetes/reponses concernant la localisation de R que les messages portant la ressource R, transitent par S C) seulement les requetes/reponses concernant la localisation de R, mais pas les messages portant la ressource R, transitent par S D) seulement les requetes concernant la localisation de R, mais pas les messages portant la ressource R, transitent par S Question 10. Lequel parmi les suivants n’est pas un algorithme implémenté par BitTorrent ? A) Optimistic Unchoking B) Rarest First C) Restrained Flooding D) Anti-snubbing E) Chocking Question 11. La diffusion de fichier par BitTorrent repose sur la parcellisation du fichier à transmettre (de taille F) en pièces (de taille M). Par rapport à [1], comment la taille de ces pièces est elle choisie ? Quel est son valeur typique ? [1] P. Marciniak et al., “Small is not always beautiful,” USENIX IPTPS 2008, Tampa Bay, FL, 2008 A) la taille des pièces est spécifiée dans un document normatif BEP ; elle est généralement de 256 KBytes B) la taille des pièces n’est pas specifiée par le protocole ; elle est généralement de 16 KBytes C) la taille des pièces est spécifiée dans un document normatif IETF RFC ; elle est généralement de 256 KBytes D) la taille des pièces détermine le nombre de pièces F/M dont le fichier .torrent doit reporter un checksum pour en vérifier l’intégrité : la taille des pièces est choisie pour limiter la taille résultante du fichier .torrent ; elle est généralement de 256 KBytes Question 12. Considerons le mecanisme du “GET conditionnel” de l’application Web, qui permet de vérifier si le contenu du cache d’un Proxy, et en particulier un objet adressé par une URL specifique, est à jour : laquelle parmi les affirmations suivantes est vraie ? A) ce mecanisme n’utilise pas une méthode HTTP dediée mais la méthode HTTP GET, en conjonction avec une option specifiée par le Proxy dans les lignes suivant la première (i.e., dans les header lines) du message de requête HTTP ; le serveur repond dans tous les cas à cette requête, mais sa reponse ne contient l’objet en question que si ce dernier a changé B) ce mecanisme n’utilise pas la méthode HTTP GET mais une méthode HTTP dediée, qui est donc specifiée par le Proxy dans la première ligne (i.e., request line) du message de requête HTTP ; le serveur repond dans tous les cas à cette requête, mais sa reponse ne contient l’objet en question que si ce dernier a changé 3 6.1 Enoncé du 25/11/2011 C) ce mecanisme n’utilise pas une méthode HTTP dediée mais la méthode HTTP GET, en conjonction avec une option specifiée par le Proxy dans les lignes suivant la première (i.e., dans les header lines) du message de requête HTTP ; le serveur repond uniquement si l’objet en question à changé, et le Proxy peut donc implicitement en deduir si l’objet en question a changé D) ce mecanisme n’utilise pas la méthode HTTP GET mais une méthode HTTP dediée, qui est donc specifiée par le Proxy dans la première ligne (i.e., request line) du message de requête HTTP ; le serveur repond uniquement si l’objet en question à changé, et le Proxy peut donc implicitement en deduir si l’objet en question a changé Question 13. Les messages DISCOVERY du protocole DHCP : A) sont periodiquement envoyés par les serveurs DHCP, pour verifier si des nouveaux hotes ont besoin d’etre parametrés, et contiennent la plage d’addresses courament disponible B) sont periodiquement envoyés par les serveurs DHCP, pour verifier si des nouveaux hotes ont besoin d’etre parametrés, mais ne contiennent pas la plage d’addresses courament disponible C) sont envoyé par les clients DHCP qui n’ont pas encore un addresse IP pour decouvrir les serveurs DHCP present dans le reseau, et peuvent contenir l’addresse preferentiel que le client souhaite recevoir D) sont envoyé par les clients DHCP qui n’ont pas encore un addresse IP pour decouvrir les serveurs DHCP present dans le reseau, mais ne contiennent pas d’addresse preferentiel que le client souhaite recevoir Question 14. Le Start of Authority (SOA) : A) est un champ obligatoire du database DNS qui demarque une zone et qui specifie des parametres temporels (e.g., temps de caching, temps entre transfers de zone, etc.) B) est un champ optionnel du database DNS qui specifie des parametres temporels (e.g., temps de caching, temps entre transfers de zone, etc.) lorsque ceci sont different par les default du DNS C) est un commande de l’application DNS qui permet le transfer de la base de donnée entre le serveur primaire et serveur secondaire D) est un commande de l’application DNS qui permet un echange de role entre le serveur primaire et serveur secondaire Question 15. Quels sont les avantages et inconvenients du paradigme peer-2-peer par rapport au paradigme client-server A) passage à l’échelle et robustesse, au detriment de complexité d’implementation B) passage à l’échelle et simplicité d’implementation, au detriment de robustesse C) simplicité d’implementation et robustesse, au detriment du passage à l’échelle Question 16. Dans un système P2P BitTorrent, le fichier à partager (de taille F) est parcellisé en morceaux (de taille M). L’article [1] illustre comment les performance de téléchargement dépendent de la taille M. Spécialement, dans le cas de diffusion de très grand fichiers (F¿¿M), que se passe-t-il lorqsue on choisit de morceaux de très petite taille ? [1] P. Marciniak et al., “Small is not always beautiful,” USENIX IPTPS 2008, Tampa Bay, FL, 2008 A) les performance du système deviennent optimales, car plus la taille des morceaux est petite, plus la diffusion est dynamique (réduisant les pièces rares) et rapide (car la probabilité de rester bloqués sur une pièce rare se réduit). B) la très petite taille des morceaux engendre un sur-coût de communication (e.g., augmentation du nombre des messages de type “HAVE”, augmentation de la longueur des messages de type “Bitfield”) qui, à lui tout seul, réduit l’efficacité de la diffusion (car la quantité de données à transférer augmente énormément) C) lorsque la taille des morceaux devient trop petite, le temps de diffusion s’allonge d’un part en raison de la diminution d’efficacité de chaque connexion TCP (e.g., car à chaque nouveau échange, ou après inactivités, les paramètres de la connexion sont réinitialisés), d’autre part en raison de la diminution d’efficacité du “pipelining” des requêtes sur l’ensemble des connexions TCP (car si les morceaux sont rapidement téléchargés, on paye le prix lié au délai pour la diffusion des nouvelles requêtes). 4 282 D. Rossi – RES224 Question 17. Considerez un message DNS correspondant à une reponse pour une resolution de nom, qui porte multiple reponses. Lequel parmi les noms de domaine suivants, reporté en hexadecimal, ne peut pas etre reperé dans un message applicatif DNS valable ? A) 03 77 77 77 06 67 6F 6F 67 6C 65 02 66 72 B) 03 77 77 77 11 74 65 6C 65 63 6F 6D 2D 70 61 72 69 73 74 65 63 68 02 66 72 00 C) 03 6E 73 33 c0 10 D) c0 10 Question 18. Le protocole HTTP : A) est un protocole qui ne gere que l’état representé par les cookies B) est un protocole qui ne gere que l’état nécessaire pour l’authentication des usager C) est un protocole sans état D) est un protocole à état Question 19. Les serveurs YouTube implémentent un algorithme de contrôle de flux au niveau applicatif qui est défini “block sending” en [1]. En indiquant avec RT T le délai d’allée-retour entre le server YouTube et le PC usager (en secondes), avec R le débit d’encodage de la vidéo (en bits par seconde) et avec P la taille des segments (en octets), comment cet algorithme se déroule ? [1] S. Alckok, R. Nelson, Application flow control in YouTube video streams, ACM SIGCOMM CCR Vol. 41, No. 2, April 2011 A) plusieurs fois par RT T l’application génère un bloc de RT /(8P ) messages qui sont passés à TCP pour la segmentation et l’envoi ; la durée de transmission d’un bloc (i.e., temps entre le premier et le RT /(8P )-ème paquets) est très bref (et en générale << RT T ), et comme T << RT T , plusieurs blocs sont donc envoyés chaque RT T . B) chaque T > RT T , un bloc d’octets de longueur RT est passés de l’application à TCP, qui les envoye comme rafale de RT /(8P ) paquets ; la durée de transmission d’un bloc (i.e., temps entre le premier et le RT /(8P )-ème paquets) est très bref (et en générale << RT T ). C) chaque T > RT T , un bloc d’octets de longueur RT est passé de l’application à TCP, qui les découpe en RT /(8P ) paquets ; TCP envoie ces paquets espacés dans le temps (i.e. la laps de temps entre deux paquets d’un même bloc est donc environ 8P RT T /(RT )) ; la durée de transmission d’un bloc est donc environ un RT T . Question 20. Quel est le rôle de l’entité “tracker” en BitTorrent ? A) le tracker assiste les Peers lorsqu’il entrent dans le système, en leur envoyant une liste de Peers à contacter B) le tracker assiste les Peers lorsqu’il entrent dans le système, en leur envoyant la liste des Chunks dans lequel le fichier à été parcellisé C) le tracker assiste les Peers lorsqu’il entrent dans le système, en leur envoyant aléatoirement quelques Chunks dans lequel le fichier à été parcellisé Question 21. Dans le paradigme client-server, A) le client est l’host qui prend l’initiative de contacter le server B) le server est l’host qui initie la communication (i.e., celui qui effectue une “open active” de la connexion) C) un host peut etre soit client soit server, mais pas les deux à la fois Question 22. YouTube est un service de vision de contenu multimédia (e.g., vidéos encodé avec un débit moyen R) qui implémente un algorithme de contrôle de flux au niveau applicatif [1]. Cet algorithme se superpose aux contrôles de flux et congestion élastique implémentés par TCP : de combien de phases se compose cet algorithme, et quel est l’intérêt de chaque phase ? [1] S. Alckok, R. Nelson, Application flow control in YouTube video streams, ACM SIGCOMM CCR Vol. 41, No. 2, April 2011 5 6.1 Enoncé du 25/11/2011 A) L’algorithme se compose de deux phases : dans la première l’application donne à TCP les données à une vitesse R′ >> R, dans la deuxième la vitesse baisse à environ R. La première phase essaye de réduire le délai initiale en remplissant aussi vite que possible (i.e., à la vitesse de TCP) le tampon de vision de l’usager. La deuxième phase essaye de n’envoyer pas plus que nécessaire (i.e., la vitesse du taux d’encodage de la vidéo) à l’usager, car ce dernier pourrait interrompre la vision de la vidéo à tout moment. B) L’algorithme se compose de deux phases : dans la première l’application donne à TCP les données à une vitesse R′ >> R, dans la deuxième la vitesse baisse à environ R. La première phase essaye de réduire le délai initiale en remplissant aussi vite que possible (i.e., beaucoup plus rapidement que TCP ne le ferait, donc R′ >> RT CP > R) le tampon de vision de l’usager. La deuxième phase essaye de n’envoyer pas plus que nécessaire (i.e., la vitesse du taux d’encodage de la vidéo) à l’usager, car ce dernier pourrait interrompre la vision de la vidéo à tout moment. C) L’algorithme se compose d’une seule phase, qui limite le taux d’envoi des donnés à la vitesse R. Son but est de n’envoyer pas plus que nécessaire (i.e., la vitesse du taux d’encodage de la vidéo) à l’usager, car ce dernier pourrait interrompre la vision de la video à tout moment Question 23. Le téléchargement des vidéos sur YouTube se fait de façon différente lorsque l’usager accède au portail depuis un PC par rapport aux accès via un terminal mobile (e.g., tel qu’un smartphone). De façon générale, [1] explique que : [1] A. Finamore et al. “YouTube everywhere : Impact of Device and Infrastructure Synergies on User Experience”, In ACM IMC’11, Nov 2011 A) dans le cas d’accès via PC, la vidéo est parcellisée en plusieurs “chunks”, qui sont demandés via des requêtes HTTP GET (qui spécifient les octets à télécharger en exploitant l’entête “Range” du protocole HTTP) et qui sont ensuite telechargés en exploitant la même connexion TCP B) dans le cas d’accès via PC, la vidéo est parcellisée en plusieurs “chunks”, qui sont téléchargés en exploitant plusieurs connexions TCP en parallèle ouvertes vers différents serveurs C) dans le cas d’accès via PC, le transfert a lieu en plusieurs phases, dont notamment une phase de redirection (qui engendre potentiellement une chaı̂ne de redirections HTTP vers différent serveurs de contenu) avant le démarrage du transfert de la video Question 24. Laquelle parmi les affirmations suivantes concernant les zones et domaines DNS est fausse ? A) un domaine est un sous-arbre de l’espace de nommage B) zone et domaine sont synonymes, car il n’y a pas de difference sémantique entre les deux termes C) un sous-domaine est entierement contenu dans un domaine D) une zone est un lieu administratif Question 25. Le decouplage de l’architecture de messagerie en serveurs SMTP et POP/IMAP : A) evite la necessité de synchronization entre emetteur (qui utilise SMTP pour envoyer le message) et recepteur (qui utilise POP/IMAP) B) est en réalité fictive, car ces different services (SMTP, POP, IMAP) sont typiquement offert pas le meme serveur C) est lié au mechanisme dit de “backward compatibility”, c’est à dire de compatibilité des nouveaux systèmes (SMTP) avec les systèmes existant (POP/IMAP) D) est consequence de l’évolution du service de messagerie, et notamment de la possibilité d’envoyer different ‘ ‘attachments” (i.e., pièce-jointes) avec le corps textuel du message Question 26. Laquelle parmi les affirmation suivantes est fausse ? A) Le développeur a un contrôle total de la partie application des sockets, mais il n’a que peu de contrôle sur la partie transport B) La socket est parfois implementée en hardware pour des raisons de performance C) La socket est l’interface entre la couche application et la couche transport d’un hôte D) La socket est la porte d’entrée/sortie des données du réseau vers un processus applicatif executé sur un hôte 6 284 D. Rossi – RES224 Question 27. Concernant le Post Office Protocol POP3 et les repertoires de stockage des messages : A) POP n’impose pas une limite au nombre de repertoirs, (pourvu que la taille totale des messages n’excède pas la taille totale disponible à l’usager) B) POP limite generalement à 64 le nombre de sous-repertoire dans chaque repertoire (alors que ce limite ne s’applique pas aux serveurs IMAP) C) POP n’est pas capable de gérer des repertoires D) POP est capable de gérer le meme nombre de repertoires qu’un serveur IMAP Question 28. Le téléchargement des vidéos de YouTube peut engendrer la transmission de données nonutiles, par exemple (i) lorsque la vision des vidéos est interrompue par les usagers, ou (ii) lorsque les mêmes données sont téléchargés plusieurs fois (e.g., un total de X bytes telechargés pour une vidéo de longueur Y < X). Vis-à -vis de ces deux possibilités, les auteurs de [1] font remarquer que : [1] A. Finamore et al. “YouTube everywhere : Impact of Device and Infrastructure Synergies on User Experience”, In ACM IMC’11, Nov 2011 A) (i) les usagers interrompent souvent la vision des vidéos (plus que la moitié des vidéos est regardée pendant moins que 1/5eme de sa longueur) (ii) on ne rencontre jamais un excès de données transférées (i.e., soit X = Y , soit X < Y lorsque la vidéo est interrompue) B) (i) les usagers interrompent exceptionnellement la vision des vidéos (seul 1/10eme des vidéos sont regardés au plus la moitié de leur longueurs) (ii) on ne rencontre jamais un excès de données transférées (i.e., soit X = Y , soit X < Y dans les rares cas où la vidéo est interrompue) C) (i) les usagers interrompent souvent la vision des vidéos (plus que la moitié des vidéos est régardée pendant moins que 1/5eme de sa longueur) (ii) dans le cas de YouTube sur mobile, il est possible que les données soient téléchargées plusieurs fois suite à une mauvaise interaction entre TCP et les requêtes au niveau application (ce qui se produit au plus dans un tiers des cas, avec parfois X > 4Y ). 7 6.1 Enoncé du 25/11/2011 Prénom Nom ASCII Code Table 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F 0 NUL SOH STX ETX EOT ENQ ACK BEL BS HT LF VT FF CR SO SI 1 DLE DC1 DC2 DC3 DC4 NAK SYN ETB CAN EM SUB ESC FS GS RS US 2 space ! ” # $ % & ’ ( ) * + , . / 3 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; < = > ? 4 @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O 5 P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [ \ ] ^ 6 ‘ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o 7 p q r s t u v w x y z { | } ∼ del Example : le charactere ASCII ”A” correspond à ”41” en notation hexadecimale 8