2nd issue 2012.pub - Sekolah Sri Bestari
2nd issue 2012.pub - Sekolah Sri Bestari
Volume 7 Issue 2 L A N G E D U C AT I O N April - June 2012 SDN BHD NEWSLETTER SRI BESTARI Contents: x Report card Session 2 Primary & Secondary x Info day 2 x Academic week 1 Primary & Secondary x Spring Day (Manjaria) x P. A. Carnival 2012 x Library launching 2012 and many more... SAMBUTAN HARI GURU 2012 Pada 16 Mei 2012, sambutan Hari Guru peringkat sekolah telah diadakan. Acara sambutan bermula pada pukul 8 pagi dengan didahului bacaan doa oleh Tuan Haji Wan Ali Saifuddin. Acara seterusnya adalah ucapan dari ketua pengawas sekolah menengah. Seterusnya, Pn Roslina Alias membacakan perutusan daripada Ketua Pengarah Pelajaran dan perutusan daripada Menteri Pelajaran Malaysia dibaca oleh Encik Fauzi Ayob serta ucapan daripada Mr Christopher Frankland (Director of Studies). Acara diteruskan dengan bacaan ikrar yang diketuai oleh Encik Ab. Wahab Hassan dan nyanyian lagu ‘Kami Guru Malaysia’ dan lagu tema Hari Guru 2012 iaitu ‘Guru Inovatif Melonjakkan Transformasi Pendidikan Negara’ oleh semua guru. Kemudiannya, penyampaian cenderahati kepada semua guru oleh Mr Christopher Frankland mewakili pihak Land & General Berhad sebagai tanda terima kasih kepada semua guru atas jasa dan bakti yang telah diberikan. Guru-guru kemudiannya dihiburkan dengan pelbagai persembahan daripada pelajar-pelajar sekolah rendah dan menengah. Majlis sambutan ini berakhir pada pukul 10 pagi. Selepas rehat pagi menengah rendah, sambutan Peringkat Bahagian Menengah telah berlangsung di konkos sekolah menengah yang diaturkan oleh para pengawas dan perpustakawan. Pelbagai acara telah disusun dalam permainan telematch untuk guru-guru. Para guru amat seronok dan gembira sepanjang tele-match itu diadakan. Acara diakhiri dengan pemberian hadiah kepada pemenang permainan tele-match dan cenderahati kepada guru-guru daripada pelajar. Acara sambutan pada kali ini tamat pada pukul 1.45 petang. Disediakan oleh, Pn Noor Alicia (Penyelaras “Special Event”) Page 2 Sri Bestari Newsletter Volume 7 Issue 2 From the Director of Studies Desk... Dear Parents It’s time to have a look at what’s been happening in our school over the past few months, and I am always amazed at how many different events and activities take place in our school, almost back to back. Last week alone, we had “The Falcons”, our newly-formed junior cheerleaders team, going through their paces at the National Cheerleading Championships at One Utama, where they came a creditable fifth, against strong seasoned national competition. On the same day, we had a team of students competing in a Master Chef competition at Taylors University. Earlier the same week, we also had the Secondary School’s report card day, and in the same week, the reopening of our newly renovated Primary and Secondary libraries. The week ended with our Speech Day/ Hari Anugerah, at Sunway Hotel, which was very successful, and great fun, with the students putting on the ‘Bestari Got Talent” show. This performance was most impressive, showcasing the talent we have in our school. The Parents Association Carnival was a big event. Hundreds came along; students and their families, together with the local community, had lots of fun, with a large variety of games, activities, stalls and as always, plenty to eat and drink. My thanks to our Parents Association for making this such a memorable event. A date for your diary: the Parents association will be having their Annual General Meeting on Saturday 8th September, and you are all warmly invited. The school is very fortunate in having a truly dedicated and talented team of teachers, who can, between them, turn their hands to so many different activities with the students. This is one of the main factors which make Sri Bestari so special. My thanks to them for their efforts, and all the extra time they put in, in so many ways, for the benefit of our dear students. We are going through a period of positive change. The libraries have been restocked with hundreds of interesting and exciting titles, and fitted out with banks of computers for project research. The computer labs have also taken on a new look and feel, with new hardware and software. Each month, the libraries will be having a theme, and the first of these in the Secondary library will be “London and the Olympics”. We are also bringing in a “Let’s Read!” campaign, targeted at those students who are not regular readers, to encourage them to read more, and to develop a reading habit. We hope that the parents will help to encourage this with their children, and find time to read to them, listen to them read, or ask them questions about what they are reading. We are currently looking at a number of innovations designed to improve and upgrade the school. One is to introduce a school management system, which will integrate all our record keeping, and allow access to a centralised database of detailed information at the click of a button. This will reduce the amount of time teachers need to spend on keeping records, and allow them more quality time to be spent with their students. Another is to bring in the use of smart boards in some classrooms. The school has ambitious plans for expansion, providing more classrooms, and exciting additional facilities. More of this in future newsletters. Sri Bestari Newsletter Volume 7 Issue 2 Page Our teachers are undergoing continuous training, with regular workshops in school, and seventeen of our teachers this year are going through the UPSI teaching diploma programme, to upgrade their skills. Our two expatriate staff, Alisa Gouraud from Canada, and Dr Donald Mills, from the US, are involved in an increasing number of activities in the school, also designed to support the teaching and learning process. The school is making every effort to broaden the curriculum, to include a more global approach, and teachers are encouraged to use every opportunity to incorporate international perspectives and examples into their teaching. We are widening our contacts with overseas schools, and we are planning a 4 day visit to Japan for students in December. The phasing out of the PMR examination, in favour of continual assessment is a very positive move, as it gives us far more scope to introduce topic and project-based assignments, encouraging study skills, and having a more flexible, cross disciplinary approach, in line with international education. We are also starting to look at the introduction of some Cambridge IGCSE subjects, as an option. I hope that you all received a copy of the Sri Bestari Parents Guide, and that you found it useful. It is vital that parents both understand and support the work we are doing, and are able to help and encourage their children in both their studies and their co-curricular and sporting activities. Our exam results for 2011 have been commendable, with excellent results in UPSR, PMR and SPM. One of our students, Cherlyn Tong, was one of the top 50 scorers in Malaysia, with no fewer than 11 A+ in SPM. She is an outstanding example of how effort and commitment can pay off, and we are all very proud of her. With over 1100 students, and almost 100 staff, getting to know everyone takes time, and there are never enough hours in the day, but I would like to let you know that my door is always open, and I am always delighted to meet with parents, and hear their thoughts, comments and suggestions. One final reminder: Our Open Day will be held on Saturday 14th July. This is an opportunity for existing parents, and parents who are thinking of enrolling their children in Sri Bestari, to come along and see some of the great activities going on in school, and to talk informally to our staff. Everyone is welcome. Our aim is to produce excellent, confident and caring students with strong leadership qualities, and to make Sri Bestari one of the top schools in the city…..one that we can all be proud of. Change is happening, and I feel 2013 is going to be a vintage year in Sri Bestari! Assuring you of our continued efforts to do the very best for your children. Chris Frankland Director of Studies Sri Bestari School 3 Sri Bestari Newsletter Volume 7 Issue 2 Page LAPORAN HARI PENYERAHAN KAD LAPORAN KALI KE-2 SEKOLAH SRI BESTARI 2012 Pada 22 Jun 2012, Sekolah Menengah Sri Bestari telah mengadakan Hari Penyerahan Kad Laporan kali ke-2 bagi semester pertama persekolahan. Hari Penyerahan Laporan ini sedikit berbeza berbanding yang sebelumnya. Pelajar telah dicutikan pada hari tersebut untuk memastikan ibu bapa pelajar dapat berjumpa dengan semua guru subjek dan berbincang mengenai prestasi anak-anak mereka. Pengambilan kad laporan pelajar bermula pada jam 8.15 pagi. Semua guru yang terlibat telah ditempatkan di posisi masing-masing. Objektif Hari Penyerahan Kad Laporan diadakan adalah untuk memberi peluang kepada ibu bapa untuk berbincang dengan guru tentang prestasi anak-anak mereka seterusnya mencari kaedah yang terbaik untuk membantu meningkatkan lagi pencapaian pelajar. Selain itu, guru-guru juga dapat mengeratkan hubungan silaturahim dengan para ibu bapa. Perjumpaan ibubapa dan guru selama 4 jam itu banyak memberi peluang kepada guru untuk lebih mengenali pelajar-pelajar serta ibubapa mereka. Perjumpaan berakhir pada jam 12.15 tengahari. Disediakan oleh, Cik Junidah Bt Mohamed Yatim 4 Page 5 Sri Bestari Newsletter Volume 7 Issue 2 Academic week I 9 – 13 April 2012 A simple sketch by 2 Cerdas pupils followed by a dance were put up in the launching of the 2012 Academic Week I. As in the past years, the activities never failed to get the pupils excited and clamoring to join in the ‘fun’ and activities. The activities carried out throughout the week were as follows: Iron Chef - Cooking competition Spelling Bee (Technology) SMTV telematch Science Quiz at KDU Science Magic Rubic Cube Garden Haven All the competitions attracted much attention. Students were very keen to sign up and take part in the competitions. The cooking competition was divided into three categories so as to include the large number of students from all forms. It is amazing to see so many interested and talented young cooks in the competition. The spelling bee carried out this year was with a difference – contestants were given words related to science, technology and IT. The quizzes were fun and not without some hilarious moments. The SMTV telematch was something new. This activity was carried out by the fifth formers. Pupils had to answer questions before a task was given. The most enjoyable and challenging task was forming a human ‘line’. The creativity of our students must be commended. This year, the science quiz held at KDU coincided with our academic week. We sent our ‘geniuses’ for this event. The quadrangle in front of the KH room was again transformed into a beautiful garden – done by the form 2 ‘landscapers’. The Academic Week 1 was a success… thank you to the teachers and students involved! Sri Bestari Newsletter Volume 7 Issue 2 Page 6 Interact Club of Sekolah Sri Bestari Sekolah Sri Bestari International Understanding Day 2012 On the 27th April 2012, Interact Club had organised an International Understanding Day at The Club, Bukit Utama, Bandar Utama, Petaling Jaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan. About 350 guests including , the Director of Studies Mr Chris Frankland, The Principal Pn Rosnah Sulaiman, 2 rotarians from Bernam Valley Mrs Jaspal and Mrs Kuldip, Head of Co-co Mr Yogeswaran, 2 teacher advisors, 10 other teachers, the interactors themselves and more than 10 other secondary schools representatives in the area had turned up for the event. The objective of the event is to promote international understanding relate to this year’s theme which is “Africa: Save The Animals, Save The Earth”. Our main focus was to send out the message to stop the abuse and slaughter of animals and in particular endangered species. On that day, we had provided some interesting programmes and series of performances to help the audience understand the theme better. It is to familiarise them with aspects of African culture. There were singing, capella, dancing, percussions, WWF quiz and animal printed materials for the fashion show. It was indeed a smash! A cheque worth of RM1000 had been donated to the WWF (World Wildlife Fund) representative, Mr Brandon. He had officially received the donation. Besides that, the Rotarians had also contributed an extra amount of RM300 to WWF. Postcards and brochures were distributed to the guests. Eventhough this event was an expensive event to conduct but we managed to generate enough money to cover the costs. The event had proven the teamwork they played, their skills, talents and contacts. In conclusion, the event was a success! Reported by, Puan Mardziyah Omar Teacher Advisor of the Interact Club Sekolah Sri Bestari Bandar Sri Damansara Page 7 Sri Bestari Newsletter Volume 7 Issue 2 LAPORAN PROGRAM PENGURUSAN JENAZAH 2012 ANJURAN PANITIA PENDIDIKAN ISLAM DENGAN KERJASAMA PERSATUAN PELAJAR ISLAM SEKOLAH SRI BESTARI, BANDAR SRI DAMANSARA Pada 21 Jun 2012, bersamaan 1 Syaaban 1433H, Panitia Pendidikan Islam dengan kerjasama Persatuan Pelajar Islam Sekolah Sri Bestari telah menganjurkan Program Pengurusan Jenazah bagi pelajar-pelajar Tingkatan 3,4 dan 5. Program ini bertujuan:i) Memenuhi Sukatan Pelajaran Tingkatan 3 ii) Sebagai Latihan Amali /Praktikal untuk pelajar Tingkatan 4 dan 5. Program bermula pada jam 2.30 petang. Pihak sekolah telah menjemput Ustaz Zulhaimi b Misran sebagai penceramah pada hari itu. Beliau bertugas selaku Jurumandi Jenazah Kritikal HIV dan AIDS dalam Bahagian Hal Ehwal Islam di Hospital Sungai Buloh. Majlis dimulakan dengan bacaan doa oleh pelajar tingkatan 4 iaitu Ammar Harith bin Ahmad Amer . Program dimulakan dengan tazkirah ringkas daripada Ustaz Zulhaimi serta beberapa video pengurusan jenazah. Pelajar dibahagikan kepada dua kumpulan iaitu lelaki dan perempuan. Ustaz Zulhaimi menunjukkan caracara memandikan jenazah serta mengkafankan jenazah. Ustaz Zulhaimi dibantu oleh beberapa orang pelajar untuk menjayakan program ini. Beberapa orang pelajar lelaki dan perempuan dipilih secara rawak untuk menjadi model. Pelajar sangat teruja dengan program ini kerana ini merupakan kali pertama pelajar-pelajar Sekolah Seri Bestari sesi 2011/2012 menyertai program sebegini. Ketika sesi soal jawab dijalankan, pelbagai soalan dan kemusykilan diajukan oleh para pelajar kepada penceramah. Program berakhir pada jam 4.30 petang. Pihak sekolah berbesar hati dengan kesudian Ustaz Zulhaimi b. Misran untuk bersama-sama menjayakan Program Pengurusan Jenazah ini. Pihak sekolah juga menyampaikan sedikit cenderahati sebagai tanda penghargaan dan terima kasih kepada beliau. Disediakan oleh, ϡϳΗΎϳ ΩϣΣϣ ΕϧΑ ϩΩϳϧϭΟ (Cik Junidah Mohamed Yatim) Guru Pendidikan Islam & Guru Pembimbing Persatuan Pendidikan Islam Sri Bestari Newsletter Volume 7 Issue 2 Page 8 Secondary Library Official Launch Date: Monday, 18th June 2012 The programme started with the speech by Elaine Chung Ying Yee, the Head Librarian of the Secondary Library Board. Then, welcoming speech by Mr Chris Frankland , the Director of Studie of Sekolah Sri Bestari. Mr Chris explained about the newly renovated library and also greeted the VIPs and Mr Will Quah, the guest of the day. After that Mr G. T. Low, the Managing Director of Land & General Berhad gave his speech. Mr Low talked about the importance of harbouring a reading habit and commented on the new library. After all the speeches, the officials declared open the ceremony. After the officiation of the library, Mr Will Quah conducted a book reading session in the library. Mr Quah is a broadcaster and entertainer. He works at Red FM and is known for his amazing morning radio show. He read out the book name “ The Hobbit” which entranced the audience. After the book reading session, all VIPs, teachers and students visited a book fair which was located at 5 Arts 2’s class. The programme ended at 12.00 noon with the refreshment at the school canteen. Sri Bestari Newsletter Volume 7 Issue 2 Page 9 Happenings at Primary ACADEMIC WEEK 1 The First Academic Week was held from 13 April 2011 to 18 May 2012. The Director of Studies, Mr Chris Frankland launched the opening ceremony at the concourse. The theme chosen for this year is ‘Go Green’. Six panels namely Mathematics, Science, English, Art, Music and Computer had carried out various activities such as; Treasure Hunt, Quiz, Mathematics Competition, Scrap Book, Colouring Contest, Singing Competition, Dancing Competition, Musical Instrument and many more. The objective of the Academic Week was to instill confidence and self-esteem among the pupils through a variety of activities. The Academic Week One was officially closed by the Head of Primary, Puan Siti Normah Hashim. During the closing ceremony, prizes were given out to the respective winners followed by performances from various classes. Page 10 Sri Bestari Newsletter Volume 7 Issue 2 INFO DAY 1 The first info day was held on 12 May 2012 (Saturday) from 9.00 am until 3.00 pm at the Primary School. The objective of this Info Day was to give the public a better idea on the operations of Sekolah Sri Bestari and its future plans as it is moving towards ‘Globalization’. All these initiatives are to be integrated to make learning more fun and give opportunity to learn through discovery. Counselors were there to answer inquiries regarding the school and the syllabi used . More than 100 people participated and quite a number decided to enroll their children in this school. Sri Bestari Newsletter Volume 7 Issue 2 Page 11 INSTALLATION DAY 2012 The Installation Day of the prefects, librarians, class monitors and assistant monitors was held on the 4th of May 2012 (Friday), at 10.30 a.m at the primary concourse. All the selected pupils practiced and rehearsed on 2nd May 2012 along with their advisors; Mr Wahab Hassan (Board of Prefects), Pn. Wong Li Ping (Board of Librarians) and Mr Mohd. Fakharuddin (Board of Monitors). The ceremony started with a welcoming speech by Director of Studies, Mr Chris Frankland. In his speech, he stressed on the importance of responsibilities and showing a good example by all the pupils who were assigned with their respective duties. Then, the Year 6 prefects marched to hand over the duties to the newly selected prefects. Next, there was the handling-over of duties by the librarians. A farewell speech was given by the head of librarians of 2010/2011, Mohamad Faris bin Rosman and followed by the new Head Librarian. 18 pupils were selected respectively as the class monitors and assistant monitors by their class teachers. Besides, certificates were given to Year 6 students as a token of appreciation. The highlight of the day began when all the prefects, librarians and monitors as well as assistant monitors marched to the stage to receive their ties and note pads. The ceremony concluded with an oath taking ceremony by all prefects, librarians, monitors and assistant monitors, led by the new head prefect , Low Mei Ling and Muhmmad Aliuddin from 5 Dahlia. Page 12 Sri Bestari Newsletter Volume 7 Issue 2 C3 CHARM CHEERLEADING CHAMPIONSHIPS 2012 Pada 22, 23 dan 24 hb Jun 2012 yang lalu, sekolah kita telah menghantar pasukan sorak sekolah FALCONS mewakili sekolah ke C3 Cheerleading Championships 2012 yang telah diadakan di One Utama. Pasukan Falcons telah menghantar seramai 17 orang ahli untuk menyertai pertandingan cheerleading ini dan telah menyertai dalam kategori L2 iaitu JUNIOR DIVISION. Walaupun 90% daripada mereka merupakan ahli baru dan masih mentah dalam bidang sukan cheerleading yang amat mencabar, malah ini merupakan pengalaman pertama mereka menyertai pertandingan yang tidak kurang hebatnya. Mereka telah menunjukkan prestasi dan persembahan yang amat membanggakan semua para hadirin. Falcons diketuai oleh Amanda Chai dan diiringi oleh 4 orang guru penasihat iaitu Pn. Puteri Nadia, Cik Rusmaizan, Pn. Alicia dan Cik Maslinda Ayu. Selama 4 bulan semenjak bulan Mac lagi Falcons bertungkus lumus berlatih dan dibimbng oleh 2 orang jurulatih dari CHEER ACES iaitu Mr. Lee Seg Ang dan Ms. Nicole Tan Mei Fern (bekas pelajar sekolah kita dan bekas kapten Falcons 2011). Jeritan sokongan dari semua warga Bestari yang hadir telah banyak membantu mereka menambahkan keyakinan dan semangat untuk menunjukkan persembahan yang terbaik kepada semua yang hadir. Walaupun Falcons tidak memenangi tempat pertama, kedua atau ketiga, Falcons telah dapat menunjukkan persembahan yang cantik dan kemas pada kedua-dua hari pertandingan tersebut. Melalui keputusan muktamad yang telah dibuat oleh pihak CHARM, Falcons telah mendapat tempat ke lima (top 5) daripada 11 buah sekolah yang bertanding dalam kategori JUNIOR DIVISION tersebut. Tahniah kepada Falcons dan teruskan perjuangan! We are the FALCONS of SSB! We’re here to fight for VICTORY, So hey, lets fight! Everybody yell! RED,BLACK,GOLD!!! Antara aksi-aksi hebat Falcon ketika persembahan pada hari pertandingan tersebut: Sri Bestari Newsletter Volume 7 Issue 2 Page 13 Page 14 Sri Bestari Newsletter Volume 7 Issue 2 Report Card Day. Progress report session for term 1 was held between 10.30am to 12.30pm on May 25th (Friday). Parents were invited to come to school to have discussion with the class teachers. During the meet up, teachers explained how well the child has achieved the overall curriculum expectations for each subject and how the child demonstrated the development of learning skills and work essential to succeed in school and daily life. This is explained using the scores in the report card for each individual subject and curriculum activities the child was enrolled in. Each class teacher had clear written personalized comments to provide meaningful feedback about the child as a learner. Teachers used their professional judgment based on assessment and observation of each child’s participation during lessons and off lesson to identify and recommend key growth areas as well as strengths to take advantage off. Specific suggestions for how parents can support their child's learning at home were also be provided. There was a change done this time, where the event was held in the child’s classroom instead of the main hall. This created an atmosphere where teachers and parents could share and discuss more as well as show off class works of the child which was put on display in the classroom. Feedback from parents showed positive vibes as they had good interaction and dialogue session with the teachers. Parents commented that the explanations helped them see progress in their children as they get to see changes in their children learning process has already taken place. PRIMARY LIBRARY OFFICIAL LAUNCH It was a day which all Bestarians had been waiting for eagerly for a long time. A very successful library launching was held on 22nd June 2012. The event was conducted in 2 stages, started off at the Primary Concourse before ending it at the Primary Library. At 10.20 a.m, students were gathered at the concourse before the arrival of the guests which was about 10.30 a.m. Among the distinguished guest of honor invited to this meaningful event were Mr GT Low, Mr KC Ng and Dato’ Dr. Sharifah Maimunah bt Syed Zin. The event started with the opening speech by Mr. Chris Frankland, our Advisor for the event. The program was graced by the performances from students such as Story Telling by Genevieve Faun Augustin from 4 Dahlia, Public Speaking by Harpreet Kaur Bhatt from 5 Dahlia and Magic Show by Matthew Wee from 2 Dahlia. All guests then proceeded to the library around 11.20 while the students went back to their respective classes. Ribbon cutting ceremony to mark the launching ceremony of the school library was performed by Dato’ Dr Sharifah Maimunah Syed Zin at about 11.25 a.m followed by Story Reading by Will Quah and Karen Bakar. At 11.45 p.m. all guests were given the opportunity to check out the books on display before finally proceeding to the Meeting Room for refreshment which was served at about 12.00 p.m. Sri Bestari Newsletter Volume 7 Issue 2 Page 15 News from Manjaria Bestari Hi to everyone. It has been six months since the first day of school. Every child has a certain way of doing things and all children learn differently. In order to help the children to learn better, at Manjaria we do have project work which caters everyone. We as teachers have the same commitment and objective as the parents, who has to help the children to learn and improve themselves. It is always good to have the support of the parents to encourage their children to join in the fun and be in school on time. 11th May 2012- Spring Colours In conjunction with the theme, the children wore colourful clothings to school on that day. The children watched the presentation of how flowers blooms during Spring time and also how animals come out to enjoy themselves. The children played a games; finding the same animals by acting out like the animals. The children also did some craft work; finger printing and pasting to form flowers to decorate the school. 14th & 15th May 2012- Evaluation Days At Manjaria, the children are exposed to evaluation work sheets. After a few themes, the teachers evaluate the child in order to know their progress. This will help the teachers to plan suitable lessons based on their abilities. On these two days, the children are evaluated from all the topics taught during the first semester. The children did their evaluation papers confidently and some even asked for more. 16th May 2012 – Teachers’ Day Celebration The children sang for their teachers and some children did some presentations before they gave their teachers the gifts of appreciation. Each child did a piece of pattern work. All these pattern work were pasted to form a big banner to wish their teachers “Happy Teachers’ Day” 18th May 2012 – Water Play For the whole week the children were looking forward for the water play session. They were able to walk across the pool without fear. Some children were able to show the others how to float. We took the opportunity to teach the children a lesson on float and sink. These children learnt better when they were having fun. 22nd May 2012 – Birthday Party At the end of each month, the school organizes a birthday party for the children who were born on that month. 23rd May 2012 – Progress Report Session with parents Parents were invited to come to school to look at their child’s crafts and discuss with the teachers about their children’s progress. All the teachers had a good session with the parents and parents were happy with their children’s progress. In fact, in just five months we can see the changes in these little children; especially in the way they communicate with their peer group. 25th May 2012 – Party Time The children were invited to come to school in their party clothes. They played games such as musical chairs, Simon says, the heroes, the mother hen and the eagle and many more. 16th June 2012 – P A Carnival Manjaria teachers set up a ‘Do It Yourself Craft’ booth. Many children came to the booth to make gifts for their fathers, in conjunction with Father’s Day. 13 children participated in the fancy dress competition and everyone went home with a prize. We would like to thanks parents and children for their continuous support. 22nd June 2012 – Famous People The children talked about the famous people they knew for example Michael Jackson, Justin Bierber and Lady Gaga. The children learnt about the famous people who invented the telephone, airplane and not forgetting the writers of the story books. The children made their own little books. NOTE….. Chief Editor Madam Rekha Nadarajan Editorial Board Director of Studies Mr. Chris Frankland Chief Editor Madam N. Rekha Sub-Editors Editors (Primary) Pn. Rosnah Sulaiman Editors (Secondary) Cik Azamima Pn. Siti Normah Hashim Pn. Devaleela Ustaz Hamizan Mrs. Janice Tan Cik Junidah Cik Norhidayu Pn. Wan Azelawati Cik Seng Hwee Fung Pn. Suhaila Lang Education Sdn. Bhd. Persiaran Margosa, Bandar Sri Damansara, 52200 Kuala Lumpur. Phone: 03-62742151/03-62758304(M)/03-62731070(R) Fax: 03-62759747 Email: marketing@sribestari.net.my
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