3rd issue 2013 - Sekolah Sri Bestari


3rd issue 2013 - Sekolah Sri Bestari
Volume 8 Issue 3
July – October 2013
Antara yang menarik di
 Give Hope Programme
Majlis Berbuka Puasa
dan solat hajat
 Malaysia-Japan cultural
& educational exchange
 Merdeka raya celebration
GIVE HOPE : Helping Hands , Healing
Food 4 Homeless
 Program Bubur Lambuk
Harmoni 2013
 Rise ‘n’ Run 2.0 2013
 Hari Anugerah 2013
 Primary Leadership
 Science and Mathematics camp (Primary)
..dan banyak lagi….
: 15 September 2013
: 7.00pm – 11.00pm
: Jalan Tunku Abd. Rahman, Kuala Lumpur
ON 15th September 2013, The Peer Counseling Club and Creative Leisure Club joined for a charity project called GIVE HOPE:
HELPING HANDS, HEALING HEARTS. There were 20 students and 8 teachers collaborated with a non-government organization(NGO), Pertiwi Soup Kitchen to distribute food for
the homeless. SSB team prepared 200 packs of rice with
chicken, besides clothes that were distributed to the homeless. It really an eye opener to all of us, out there are so many
people that are less fortunate.
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Sri Bestari Newsletter
8 Issue 3
Majlis Berbuka Puasa dan Solat Hajat
Pada 25 Julai 2013 bersamaan 16 Ramadan 1434 H, sekali lagi Sekolah Sri Bestari telah mengadakan Majlis Berbuka Puasa dan Solat Hajat bersama anak yatim yang dijemput khas dari Rumah Amal Suci
Rohani Bandar Utama dan Rumah Anak Yatim Sungai Penchala. Seramai 50 orang anak yatim yang hadir
bersama 4 orang guru pengiring.
Tetamu yang hadir ialah Dr Steven Baptist, pengetua Sekolah Sri Bestari, Encik Chris Frankland,
Pengarah Pengajian Sekolah Bestari. Ahli Lembaga Pengelola Sekolah Sri Bestari, Tan Sri Dato’ Dr Asiah
dan Datuk Sharifah Maimunah juga turut hadir memeriahkan majlis. Tidak ketinggalan wakil dari Land &
General Berhad Encik Ferdaus Mehmood dan juga wakil Persatuan Ibubapa, Encik Dr Srazali.
Sumbangan berbentuk makanan dan duit hari raya disampaikan oleh Dr Steven Baptist diiringi oleh
Pn Rosnah Bt Sulaiman. Ibubapa dan kakitangan sekolah Sri Bestari bersama-sama menyalurkan sumbangan bagi menjayakan majlis ini.
Para tetamu dan anak-anak yatim disajikan dengan hidangan berbuka puasa yang disediakan oleh
pihak sekolah dan sumbangan daripada ibu bapa. Majlis diteruskan dengan solat maghrib, isyak dan solat
Majlis berakhir pada jam 10 malam dengan sedikit jamuan ringan serta penyampaian duit raya daripada ibubapa kepada anak-anak yatim. Pelajar-pelajar Islam menyertai qiamulail yang diadakan pada malam tersebut yang bermula seawal 3 pagi sehingga 7 pagi keesokkan harinya.
Sri Bestari Newsletter
8 Issue 3
On 19th - 21st August 2013, our school played host to 25 students as part of the Malaysia – Japan
Cultural and Educational Exchange Programme for 2013. 25 students from our school had volunteered to
be the buddies of these students and to house them in their homes.
On 19th August our SSB students went to the Corus Hotel in K.L to meet our new Japanese
friends. Our Japanese friends were very polite but very shy. During lunch time they warmed up to us. After
lunch, we headed back to school for the opening ceremony. The Japanese students put up a short performance and then followed their foster families home.
The following day, Tuesday, the Japanese students were taken to the cookery room and taught
how to make ‘onde-onde’ and ‘lipat pisang’. They were taught how to make and play our traditional game of
‘batu seremban’.
On Wednesday, the Japanese students were taught the art of ‘Batik’ and were given the opportunity to try their hand at it. The paintings done by them were later
given to them as souvenirs to be hung up in their schools in Japan.
Later, they were introduced to the dish called ‘Yee Sang’ which is
usually prepared and eaten during the Chinese New Year. They
were also taught how to make Chinese lanterns with ‘angpow’
packets. They were then introduced to the Indian culture of making a ‘kolam’.
Soon, it was time to say farewell to our Japanese
friends. During their short stay with us, they had endeared themselves to us and we were genuinely sorry to see them go. We then
gave them souvenirs to take home.
They took back sweet memories of our time together and we, ourselves, were enriched by their short stay with us.
Sayonara, till we meet again.
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Sri Bestari Newsletter
8 Issue 3
Merdeka Raya Celebration is intended to be a special day for all teachers and students of
both secondary and primary school. This is joined celebration of Hari Raya and the National Day. se.
The teachers and some of the students, all dressed in traditional costumes, sang the National Anthem,
State Anthem, School Song, and also gave a beautiful rendition of the Merdeka and Hari Raya songs,
“Tanggal 31”, “Jalur Gemilang”, “Selamat Hari Raya” and “Suasana Hari Raya”.
The day started with the recital of “doa” and speech from the Principal of School, Dr. Steven
Baptist. Next, all teachers and students were entertained by the performances from the primary and
secondary students. The celebration ends at 9.30 am.
The celebration continued at the Secondary Concourse from 10.30 am until 12.30 pm which all
teachers and students having their party together. Everyone enjoyed to the fullest.
Sri Bestari Newsletter
8 Issue 3
Pada 19 Julai 2013 bersamaan 17 Ramadan 1434H, Persatuan Pelajar Islam dengan kerjasama
Panitia Pendidikan Islam telah mengadakan Program Bubur Lambuk Harmoni 2013. Program ini melibatkan semua pelajar Islam dibantu oleh pelajar-pelajar dari kelas 5 Sains 2 dan ahli-ahli Kelab Interact.
Semua guru turut serta dalam program ini.
Program ini bermula seawal jam 8 pagi. Penyediaan bahan masakan dilakukan secara serentak.
Proses memasak bubur lambuk dimulakan pada jam 10 pagi. Sebanyak empat buah periuk bubur lambuk
berperisa ayam, sayur dan udang telah disediakan.
Tujuan program ini diadakan adalah untuk mengeratkan hubungan silaturahim antara warga Sri
Bestari khususnya antara guru dan pelajar. Program ini juga memberi peluang kepada pelajar-pelajar
mempelajari tatacara hidup bermasyarakat dalam satu kelompok yang mempunyai latar belakang yang
berbeza-beza, khususnya dalam melakukan sesuatu pekerjaan secara gotong-royong.
Bubur lambuk yang siap dimasak diedarkan secara percuma di pintu C sekolah Sri Bestari pada
jam 4 petang. Turut menyertai program mengedarkan bubur lambuk ialah En Chris Frankland Pengarah
Pengajian Sri Bestari, Puan Rosnah Bt Sulaiman, Ketua Bahagian Menengah serta beberapa orang guru
lain. Program ini mendapat sambutan yang sangat memberangsangkan.
Program diakhiri dengan majlis berbuka puasa bersama pelajar-pelajar Islam dan bukan Islam di
konkos sekolah menengah.
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Sri Bestari Newsletter
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Sri Bestari Newsletter
8 Issue 3
Rise ‘n’ Run 2.0 2013
Date: 7th July 2013
Time: 7.30am – 11.30am
Venue: Sekolah Sri Bestari
All crew members gathered at school by 5.30am in school before participants arrived. The
organizing committee was grateful to all members for their cooperation.
At 6.45, the concourse was crowded with participants and eagerly waited for the arrival of
YB P. Kamalanathan a/l P. Panchanathan. Then our Project Manager, Ammar Harith briefed
the participants on the details of the run. Right after he was done, YB P. Kamalanathan a/l P.
Panchanathan delivered his speech and officiated the event.
Then, all participants joined the aerobics as to kick off the event. By 7.30am, the participants gathered at the basketball court and YB P. Kamalanathan a/l P. Panchanathan flagged
off the runners. YB Kamalanathan also joined the event.
At 9.30am after all the runners completed their run, Sekolah Sri Bestari’s Principal, Dr
Steven Baptist delivered his speech and then we continued with the performances, prize giving and
the closing ceremony.
Over all, it was rather a successful event and it is hoped that it will be more successful in
the future.
Sri Bestari Newsletter
8 Issue 3
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On the 21sh- 22nd, Discipline and Librarian Unit of Sekolah Sri Bestari organised a
Leadership Camp at the school hall. The camp started at 2.30pm on Friday and ended at
5.00pm on Saturday.The camp was attended by all prefects and librarians of the
school. About 90 participants include facilitators and teachers joined this two days
Its objective is to install leadership qualities and to
improve teamwork among prefects and librarians of
the school.Mr Irfan Khairi from Irfan Khairi Sdn.Bhd
and Mr Elyas Ismail from High Step Consultant are
invited to be facilitators along this two days camp.
Facilitators are invited base on their previous record
in this field.
During this two days camp, several activities are arranged for participants. On the first
day, after the registration of participants a briefing
about the camp was given by facilitators. After that participants were distributed among several groups and
group activities were held. By participating in group
activities, one can improve the leadership qualities such
as group leader quality and also teamwork. Leader of
the group should have a clear vision of what they want their team to achieve. Not only
must there be an awareness of this common goal of the group but it must also be shared
and agreed upon with the other members of the team.
In this camp , some of the important attributes that go into producing a good leader were
highlighted. Such us , understand that every team member is different , be a model . An effective leader should firm the
team up by having team and individual meetings to inspire and motivate team members.
Thank you.
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Sri Bestari Newsletter
8 Issue 3
On 29th June 2013 (Saturday), Sekolah Sri Bestari (Primary) held a Science Camp for
the Year 6 students. This camp was organized by the Science Panel teachers. The activities
started at 11.30am till 1.30pm. The main objectives of this camp was to ensure our students
were able to know the importance of learning science. We invited a representative from Grolier Sdn Bhd, Mr Micheal Yap as the instructor of the camp. There were 49 students registered
for this camp out of 66 students. Teachers who involved in the camp were Cik Roslaini Abdul
Rahman, Cik Noor Azamima Mohd Amin, Pn Sharmini Baskaran, Pn Nor Hasmizah Mohamad, Pn Tong Kar Yi and En.Mohd.Fakharuddin Zainol Abidin The first activity was a video
clip presentation entitled ‘Planets in the Solar System’, and Mr Micheal Yap did some explanation on the topic too. The second activity was ‘Questions & Anwer’ session based on the
previous activity. The students enjoyed and participated in this activity. Prizes were given to
all the winners. The last activity was making planets with dough. It was a group work and all
participated. The Science Camp ended with a photography session.
Sri Bestari Newsletter
8 Issue 3
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The Year 6 Mathematics Camp was held on the 29th of June 2013 from 8.00 a.m to 11.30
a.m. at the school hall (year 6 classrooms).
Fifty out of 66 pupils participated in the
camp. Seven mathematics teachers were the facilitators. The objectives of the Mathematics Camp were to build up self confidence , to cultivate a love for Mathematics and to
strengthen the bond of friendship among the participants. Activities such as Ice breaking ,
treasure hunt, maths programme and test your knowledge of maths were carried out. The
6 groups of participants pitted their skills against each other in a fun-filled atmosphere.
Prizes were awarded to the winners.
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Sri Bestari Newsletter
8 Issue 3
Chief Editor
Pn Noor Alicia
Editorial Board
Dr Steven Baptist
Chief Editor
Pn Noor Alicia Muhammad Rizal
Pn. Rosnah Sulaiman
Editors (Secondary)
Pn. Siti Normah Hashim
Pn Devaleela Ramayan
Pn Mardziyah Omar
Pn Yap Ming Huai
Pn Toh Poh Chee (Mrs Liew)
Lang Education Sdn. Bhd.
Persiaran Margosa,
Bandar Sri
Phone: 03-62742151/03-62758304(M)/03-62731070(R)
Fax: 03-62759747
Email: marketing@sribestari.net.my
Editor (Primary)
Pn Nor Hasmizah Mohamad
Pn Seng Hwee Fung

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