David Martinez Letter - President of the


David Martinez Letter - President of the
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David Martinez Letter - President of the Association IHF España
HKD to International HKD Federation
Recently, there has been recognition of degrees by the International HKD
Federation for Kyo School (Sonora Fitness School) through Yeong Bae Jung (5th
Dan IHF). In particular, Hapkido 4th Dan Fidel Gonzalez and 3rd Dan Hapkido
Jose Manuel Paz have been validated.
Given these facts, the IHF HKD Spain wishes to express its full displeasure.
We started a project agreed with the official representative for Spain of the
International HKD Federation, Alberto Gamboa Hoonsanim (see project below).
This project involves 3 phases, 2 of them were already accomplished. Following
these points:
1. Representation of the International HKD Federation in Spain will be in
charge of David Martinez under the tutelage of Alberto Gamboa
2. Technical International HKD Federation work line in Spain will be in
charge of David Martinez under the tutelage of Alberto Gamboa
3. The IHF HKD Spain will promote the three disciplines implied in the
International HKD Federation. These are:
1. Hapkido
2. Hankido
3. Hankumdo
4. The IHF HKD Spain will promote Korean culture in its activities.
5. The IHF HKD Spain ensures the integrity of the International HKD
Federation in Spain, avoiding the "intrusion" of old demobilized members
of IHF.
6. The IHF HKD Spain works periodically by conducting seminars to promote
3 disciplines.
7. The IHF HKD Spain ensures compliance of the 10 Basic Principles of HKD.
These are:
1. HKD practitioners understand that we are united with the energy
of Mother Nature and face our practice of HKD with the belief
that the energy in heaven and earth protects us.
2. HKD practitioners cultivate our moral sense that we are united
with the energy of heaven and earth.
3. HKD practitioners consider defense of oneself as a fundamental
4. HKD practitioners follow justice as behave sincerely as the spirit of
Mother Nature.
5. HKD practitioners do not speak ill of other Martial Arts.
6. HKD practitioners contribute of the defense of fatherland and
health of mankind.
7. HKD practitioners consider order and courtesy as the fundamental
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8. HKD practitioners expand the magnitude of our spirit through the
belief in justice.
9. HKD practitioners dedicate themselves to their utmost in the
pursuit in mastering techniques.
10. HKD masters always respect others persolanity with modesty.
8. Alberto Gamboa Hoonsanim through Moonmookwan School will give
administrative and technical support to IHF HKD Spain.
9. Members of IHF HKD Spain, despite being superior in Hapkido degrees,
start the 3-phase project examining from 1 Dan International HKD
Federation, without validation of degree.
10. Members of IHF HKD Spain will have contact with the International HKD
Federation at least every two years in order to keep the technical work
line by organizing the visit of International HKD Federation Masters or by
traveling to Korea to the headquarters of the Organization.
This three-phase project has been stalled due to the aforementioned
recognition of degrees to Kyo School (Sonora Fitness School) members
because this point was explicitly forbidden (see point 5), without prior
consultation with the IHF HKD Spain and Alberto Gamboa Hoonsanim.
For this reason, we communicate:
David Martinez Hernandez, President of the IHF HKD Spain Association
communicates that he ceases representation of the International HKD
Federation in Spain.
David Martinez Hernandez does not accept the validation to 4th Dan Hapkido
of the International HKD Federation.
Considering there has been a lack of respect for our institution and project to
implement the International HKD Federation (Hapkido / Hankido / Hankumdo)
in Spain with the recognition of degrees to Kyo School (Sonora Fitness School),
as mentioned in the prologue.
On the one hand we want to let you know that we will not cease our practice
of Hapkido / Hankido / Hankumdo. By other side, we will stop investing money
in the national promotion of the International HKD Federation.
The schools will not complete processing, due to this situation are:
FABRA SPORT: Master David Martinez – 4º Dan of Hapkido by Real
Federación Española de Taekwondo y Disciplinas Asociadas. 2º Dan of
Hapkido & Hankido by International HKD Federation
o Place: Valencia (Spain)
o Pupils = 30
o Timetable = Tuesdays and Thursdays from 19:30 to 21:00
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JOHWA SCHOOL: Master Carlos Leal – 4º Dan of Hapkido by Federación
Española de Artes Marciales Coreanas y Disciplinas Asociadas.
1º Dan of Hapkido & Hankido by International HKD Federation
o Place: Cáceres (Spain)
o Pupils = 20
o Timetable = Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 20:30 to 21:30
JOHWA JUNIOR 1 SCHOOL: Master Carlos Leal – 4º Dan of Hapkido by
Federación Española de Artes Marciales Coreanas y Disciplinas
Asociadas. 1º Dan of Hapkido & Hankido by International HKD
o Place: Cáceres (Spain)
o Pupils = 16
o Timetable = Monday & Wednesday from 17:00 to 18:00
JOHWA JUNIOR 2 SCHOOL: Master Carlos Leal – 4º Dan of Hapkido by
Federación Española de Artes Marciales Coreanas y Disciplinas
Asociadas. 1º Dan of Hapkido & Hankido by International HKD
o Place: Cáceres (Spain)
o Pupils = 14
o Timetable = Tuesdays and Thursdays from 17:00 to 18:00
HAPKIDO ALFAFAR JL SCHOOL: Master Oscar Fernández - 3º Dan of
Hapkido by Real Federación Española de Taekwondo y Disciplinas
Asociadas. 2º Dan of Hapkido & Hankido by International HKD
o Place: Alfafar - Valencia (Spain)
o Pupils = 20
o Timetable = Tuesdays and Thursdays from 19:00 to 20:30
HAPKIDO CARTAGENA SCHOOL: Master Jorge Larrey - 3º Dan of Hapkido
by Real Federación Española de Taekwondo y Disciplinas Asociadas.
2º Dan of Hapkido & Hankido by International HKD Federation.
o Place: Cartagena - Murcia (Spain)
o Pupils = 22
o Timetable = Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 21:00 to 22:00
HAPKIDO JAVI VALLS SCHOOL: Master Javier Valls - 2º Dan of Hapkido by
Real Federación Española de Taekwondo y Disciplinas Asociadas.
2º Dan of Hapkido & Hankido by International HKD Federation.
o Place: Onteniente - Valencia (Spain)
o Pupils = 15
o Timetable = Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 20:30 to 21:30
These schools were not registered before because we were waiting for the
completion of Phase 3, paralyzed by the incident of Kyo School (Sonora Fitness
School) validation.
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Cessation of the following activities:
Due to the extra costs that entails, and because the International HKD
Federation has not shown support for HKD Spain IHF Association violating the
agreement with Alberto Gamboa Hoonsanim (Representative of the
International HKD Federation in Spain), we communicate;
Project Phase 3 IHF Spain.
Administrative changes in National Association for regulation and
promotion of Hapkido / Hankido / Hankumdo in Spain: IHF HKD SPAIN.
3. Hapkido / Hankido / Hankumdo Monthly Seminars throughout the entire
national territory.
4. Working groups in Murcia / Cartagena / Valencia / Castellon / Alicante /
5. New working groups.
6. Periodic advertising.
7. Promotional seminars in conjunction with the Real Federación Española
de Taekwondo (RFET):
a. http://www.fetaekwondo.net/noticias.php?id=860
b. https://vimeo.com/113337646
8. Periodical promotional video of Hapkido / Hankido / Hankumdo:
a. https://vimeo.com/ihfhkd/videos
9. Conducting exhibitions of Hapkido / Hankido / Hankumdo to promote
10. Agreement with the Real Federación Española de Taekwondo (RFET) to
establish Hapkido IHF as a major styles Hapkido practice.
11. Agreement with the Real Federación Española de Taekwondo (RFET) to
establish Hankido like an Associated Discipline within the organization.
12. Agreement with the Real Federación Española de Taekwondo (RFET) to
establish Hankumdo like an Associated Discipline within the organization.
13. Website to promote Hapkido / Hankido / Hankumdo in Spain
(www.hankido.es) closure.
14. Facebook Website to promote Hapkido / Hankido / Hankumdo in Spain
(https://www.facebook.com/Ihfhkdspain?ref=hl) closure.
15. Alberto Gamboa Hoonsanim National Seminars to promote IHF in Spain.
16. National Seminar with Hapkido RFET, for the promotion of IHF techniques.
17. Regulations Validation for Hapkido Spanish Championship following the
current regulations of IHF in their championships.
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We are sorry this happened this way, but we regret to say that the International
HKD Federation was the direct promoter of this problem because you did not
respect the agreement reached with Alberto Gamboa Hoonsanim,
representative of the International HKD Federation in Spain.
Unfortunately, sadness, discontent and distrust are widespread in all members
of the Association IHF HKD Spain.
We still believe in the practice of Hapkido / Hankido / Hankumdo.
We regret that the Kyo School (Sonora Fitness School), promoter of this problem,
does not believe in spreading the Hankido, and what is more, they do not have
any training in Hankido, even.
We would have liked to create a national competition team to attend to the
International HKD Federation World Championship.
We would have liked to visit South Korea and Moosolwon to train with the
Masters installed there.
We believe that Alberto Gamboa Hoonsanim is a great Hankido professional
and we strongly think that he has done a great job to promote our Association
regarding this martial art.
David Martínez Hernández
IHF HKD Spain President