Cole`s Notes” - Executive Director`s Report
Cole`s Notes” - Executive Director`s Report
”Cole’s Notes” - Executive Director’s Report NEWSLETTER Spring 2012 BOARD OF DIRECTORS Anne Ailsby Emily Rempel - - President Vice President Joanne Matsalla - Secretary Wes Fehr - Treasurer Murray Walter - Past President Directors Catherine Aguilar Donalee Dekowny 2011/2012 Highlights We have had a very productive 11/12 year ending March 31 including: - serving more than 60 women and children through the Safe Shelter - serving more than 75 clients through outreach programs for men, women, and children - providing second-stage housing for 6 families - over 40 violence prevention education presentations in schools and to community groups for children and youth - paint for the bedrooms and major concrete work at the Safe Shelter - a new website at (with thanks to the Muriel McQueen Fergusson Foundation) - 6 new staff members and 3 new Board members joining us this year - the development of a new Strategic Plan for SWCS - planning for a new major fundraiser to be held this month - many, many generous donations from the community for the benefit of our clients Ray Friesen Lindsay Gates Bula Ghosh Bert Legault Nick Smyth I extend many thanks to our staff, Board, volunteers, and supporters as we continue to support those experiencing abuse and crisis. Teresa New Strategic Plan for SWCS Vicki Thistlethwaite The Board of SWCS has recently adopted a new three-year Strategic Plan for 2012-2015 which will focus on five key directions: EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Teresa Cole Phone: 778-3386 Fax: 773-0357 Email: A structured and meaningful shelter experience for women and children experiencing abuse Needs-based one to one outreach support programming for women, children, and men experiencing abuse and crisis Public education around interpersonal violence : it’s never too early or too late to educate Partnerships with purpose Investing to keep our “heart” strong (staff initiatives including professional development) Southwest Crisis Services receives funding from the Province of Saskatchewan—Ministry of Justice Staff and Board Service Recognition Event On March 29 , several staff & Board members were honoured for their service to Southwest Crisis Services. Staff Long Service Awards 15 years– Carol 5 years—Alison With Gratitude A huge thank you to all of our individual donors, to the many groups who provided generous in-kind contributions, and to all those who provided extra support to our clients around the holidays season through our Adopt-a-Family program. Thank you to the following businesses and groups who have made financial donations to SWCS since our last newsletter : New Venture Pastoral Charge—Aneroid Immanual Lutheran ELW—Admiral Pennant and District Donor’s Choice Lancer/Portreeve and District Donor’s Choice Shirley McCord United Church Women Jim RBC Royal Bank Employee Volunteer Grant Program Sask Tel/TelCare Muriel McQueen Fergusson Foundation Zion Evangelical Lutheran Women—Morse Swift Current Hairdressers SGI Community Grant Program Kyle Evening UCW Junior Fortnightly Club (l-r: Jim, Shirley, Alison. Missing: Carol ) We also welcomed new staff who joined us during the year: Raylee, Crystal, Rebecca, Jessie, Jennifer F. and Teresa. City of Swift Current Sunshine Club “Alpine Angels” - Alpine Dental Clinic Claydon Ladies Social Club Hallonquist Ladies Bible Study Group Morse United Church Chaplin United Church Redneck Betties Roller Derby Team Board Acknowledgement Board members acknowledged for completing their terms this June were: Anne Ailsby, Nick Smyth, Vicki Thistlethwaite, and Murray Walter EnerPlus Corporation Dr. Kim Kennedy UCW Glad Hearts –Webb Frontier United Church Fraternal Order of Eagles #1728 Abbey & District Combined Appeal Batco Manufacturing Trinity United Church– Hazlet Ponteix and Area Donor’s Choice Southwest Community Club– Consul Swift Current Catholic Women’s League Cabri and District Donor’s Choice Swift Current and Area Ministerial Association St. Stephens CWL– Consul RM of Gull Lake (l-r: Nick, Anne. Missing: Vicki & Murray) We welcomed new Board members Ray Friesen, Bula Ghosh, and Catherine Aguilar who have joined us this year. Lacadena Area Women St. Olaf’s ELW Swift Current United Way Paterson Grain Living Sky Casino Trinity Lutheran Church– Gravelbourg What We’ve Been Doing Shelter Makeover and Concrete Work SWCS completed some major concrete work repairs at the rear of the Safe Shelter this fall, including new stairs, retainer wall and driveway. Much to our delight, our shelter was also the one chosen for Saskatchewan for a free bedroom makeover sponsored by Benjamin Moore & Co . The repainting of all bedrooms and new bedding for all the beds was part of the package, brightening up all of these spaces! Stairs before and after Repainted bedroom Fundraisers In partnership with The Lyric, a unique one-time fundraiser was held on Oct 26 with the silent film “Faust” presented with live piano score by Robert Bruce. The evening was enjoyed by about 50 patrons. Our sincere thanks to event sponsor Optical Image for their support for this intriguing evening. On Oct 31 the Alpine Church hosted its “Children’s Harvest Festival” and donated proceeds from admission to the Safe Shelter. The donation of $1200 and all the hard work organizing this event is appreciated! The Swift Current United Way supports SWCS in a significant way each year. This year’s $6250 allocation will help fund our Men’s Program. We were also thrilled that Women’s Lives Theatre presented “The Vagina Monologues” on March 9&10 with proceeds from these important performances benefitting Crisis Services. (Event photos below) Youth Crisis Line As of January, SWCS is now promoting use of the Crisis Line to youth in the community after staff completed some training specific to issues faced by teens. The Youth Crisis Line will operate 24 hours/7 days a week and teens can call in for support and referral on a variety of issues they confront. The Crisis Line can be reached at 778-3833 or 1-800-567-3334. CALENDAR OF UPCOMING EVENTS April 21 “Southwest Scavenger Quest” - the new Scavenger Hunt/Car Rally Fundraiser– register your team of 2-5 people by calling 778-3386 by April 15. Collect $500 in pledges and compete in an afternoon of physical and mental challenges to win great prizes. Team costumes and decorated cars are encouraged! See the enclosed information. June 3 24th Annual Duck Derby— two draws this year including a prize of 2 round trip tickets anywhere West Jet flies! Tickets on sale May 1. SWCS Annual General Meeting 4:30pm - @ 145 1st Ave NE SC Business Centre Boardroom Save-the-Date: SWCS at Mercator Financial “Fall Family Festival” at the Stockade June 19 Sept 22 Children’s Outreach and Violence Prevention Education Southwest Crisis Services assists children and youth with two programs, both staffed with fresh faces to our organization. The Violence Prevention Education program works with schools in Chinook School Division to provide in-class sessions to all grade levels on topics including bullying, healthy relationships, and peer pressure .We also do community-based presentations to children and youth. Jennifer Friesen, originally from the area and recently returned from teaching in Alberta, brings several years of classroom experience to this role. The Children’s Outreach Program works one to one with children who stay at the Safe Shelter, children referred from the larger community, and female young offenders who have experienced abuse and domestic violence. Jessie Irwin puts her Social Work degree to work in this program, offering children and youth a chance to talk about their experiences, learn new skills, and make contact with other support agencies as required. Both programs are free of charge to access. Presentations Available Does your group need a speaker? We can provide presentations free of charge on the services we provide, as well as topical presentations to adults, youth, or children on subjects including: Types of Abuse and the Cycle of Violence Bullying Healthy Relationships for Teens Sexual Harassment and Sexual Assault Co-dependency Peer Pressure Call 778-3386 to discuss your group’s requirements. Box 1102 Swift Current, SK S9H 3X3 Phone: 306-778-3386 Fax: 306-773-0357 Email: Crisis Line: 306-7783833 1-800-567-3334 Safe Shelter: 306-7783692 Be a Member Membership in Southwest Crisis Services helps support our programs and provides you with the right to attend and vote at the SWCS AGM on June 19. Please return the enclosed membership form and $5.00 fee before May 19 for your voting membership for the 12/13 year. Southwest Crisis Services respects your privacy. We do not rent, sell or trade our mailing list. We use your personal information to provide you with information on our programs, services, special events, funding needs and opportunities to volunteer or to give. If at any time you wish to be removed from our list, simply contact us by phone at (306) 778-3386 or by email at