Publication - Children`s Cancer Foundation


Publication - Children`s Cancer Foundation
ISSUE 01/2016
New Year Celebrations
My Experience with
Stem Cell Transplant
New Year s
PALS Year End
Concert 2015
Annual Family
International Childhood
Cancer Day
7- 8
Hospital Events
Legacy Building
Play is for Parents Too!
Social & Recreational
Feature Story – Top
Individual Donor 2015
On 9 January 2016, Royal Palm @ Singapore Flyer was filled with laughter
as 196 CCF beneficiaries, siblings and parents, together with CCF Patron,
Associate Professor Ho Peng Kee; CCF Executive Director, Ms Neo Lay Tin; as
well as CCF staff and volunteers gathered to usher in the brand new year!
That afternoon, a slew of fun, games, activities and high tea spread were
planned for the participants! Upon their arrival, our young beneficiaries zipped
to their favourite activity booths to either get ‘inked’ by the airbrush tattoo artist,
grab their favourite balloon designs or have their fill at the buffet line!
Pei Shan the balloon sculptor was a hit among the boys as she sculpted one
balloon ‘lightsaber’ after another, thanks to the popularity of the ‘Star Wars’
movie! The outdoor patio soon became a battlefield as many ‘Jedis’ and
‘Stormtroopers’ engaged in ‘lightsaber’ combats. On the other hand, the girls
enjoyed the shimmery magical airbrush paint which transformed them into pixies
and fairies. For the caregivers, it was a great opportunity to make new friends,
renew ties and have fun bonding with their children.
Some of the highlights of the afternoon included musical performances by
CCF beneficiaries and a magic show. When Mr Bottle the Magician took to the
stage with his magic tricks, the audience was enthralled and everybody enjoyed
themselves tremendously!
The event culminated with a lucky draw where 30 families went home with
attractive lucky draw prizes sponsored by generous donors. Every family also
received an exclusive goodie bag.
CCF would like to express our deepest appreciation to the volunteers for taking
time off their busy schedules to help CCF create beautiful memories for our
beneficiaries and their families. A big thank you to Tan Siying the emcee; Shabbna
Feroz Khan the photographer; as well as Ang Mingsheng, Brigid Cheong and
Tapas Mandal the event volunteers.
first voluntee
“It was my
ith CC
experience w
made me feel
ng about the
team. Everythi
nised.” –
was very orga
Mandal, C
“CCF’s New
Year Celebra
tion is an an
event for my fa
mily and prov
ides me with
opportunity to
meet up with
many friends.
was especially
meaningful to
have our youn
performed on
stage this ye
– May Ong, ca
regiver of CC
F beneficiary
Darius Wong
My Experience with Stem Cell
My name is Xi Cheng and I am eight years old this year.
I completed my stem cell transplant on 8 December 2015 and
would like to share my journey with all of you.
To prepare for the transplant, a Hickman line was inserted into
my chest so that it would not be painful each time I was given
an injection or had to withdraw blood. I wished time would
stop as I felt very scared and nervous before the surgery. I fell
asleep after inhaling some gas from an oxygen mask. During
the operation, the doctors installed the catheter and did a bone
marrow aspiration for me. Although I felt relieved when I woke
up, I also felt horrible as I had to remain in a lying position for
another six hours!
Next, I had to do conditioning chemotherapy to suppress
my immune system, destroy any remaining cancer cells and
make room in the bone marrow for new stem cells to grow.
The chemotherapy made me nauseous and gave me stomach
discomforts but luckily, I was able to borrow the Wii console
from CCF to play games which made me very happy.
Finally, it was time for the stem cell transplant. I had a lot of
wires connected on me that day to monitor my blood pressure,
heart rate and oxygen levels. All the nurses in my ward came
to my room. While I watched a golf programme, my father
who was also my donor, was even more nervous than me! My
father’s stem cells were stored in an ice box and one of my
favourite nurses connected the line to my large port to start the
stem cell transfusion. I felt a little itch at my throat during the
process but it was all over in less than 10 minutes.
Age: 8
Diagnosis: Acute Myeloid Leukaemia
The fifth day after the transplant was one of the toughest days
as my blood platelets count dropped drastically and I needed
a platelets transfusion. I developed a high fever and kept
shivering so the nurses gave me a medication called Diphen
which I did not like because it made me drowsy. I am thankful it
is all over now and I will only keep the good memories with me.
I started to get better after that and became more active. The
hospital ward was also my playground. Sometimes, the nurses
and doctors even joined me and my sister to play! I spent
my time writing many stories about aliens and Zulu people.
On day 15 after my transplant, I was discharged and given lots
of medication.
At home, my parents kept a watchful eye over me. I was not
allowed to go out because my white blood cells count was low
and I was at risk of infections. However, being at home was
much better than in the hospital as I could study, play and do
anything I want! I also have to go back to the hospital for routine
I hope that my sharing can help other children with cancer
and their families. Life is full of challenges and cancer may be
one of them. It is important to stay strong and positive to fight
cancer. Always follow the doctors’ instructions strictly and with
the support from family and friends, cancer will be defeated!
PALS Year End Concert 2015
On 16 December 2015, CCF’s Place for Academic Learning
and Support (PALS) held its annual year-end celebration to
the theme of ’The Merry Minions’. The two-hour merriment
was the result of months of hard work and rehearsals by
the students at PALS who wanted to put up a splendid
performance for their caregivers.
After some ice breakers, the concert kicked-off with
the first performance, ‘Synchronised Air Swimming’ by
PALS students and their favourite ‘Uncle Richard’, a
CCF volunteer who has been conducting weekly fitness
lessons for the children at PALS for close to two years.
The hilarious performance had the audience in stitches
as they watched the performers ‘dived’ repeatedly
into an imaginary ‘ocean’ filled with large waves to depict the
resilience of our beneficiaries in the face of adversities. The
second item was a recital which saw PALS students’ great
teamwork and coordination in creating a truly unforgettable,
harmonious melody with various musical instruments such as
the piano, guitar, shaker and handbells. The performance was
made possible with the guidance of Music Solutions who had
generously extended their professional services to PALS.
Shortly after, the performers from PALS were joined by the NUS
Choir who prepared a medley of Christmas Carols such as ‘Joy
to the World’, ‘Santa Claus is Coming to Town’ and ‘Jingle Bells’.
Everyone sang loudly to the familiar tunes and reveled in the
spirit of Christmas. It was a truly touching sight! The children
were then treated to a magic show by Funny Baby Magician,
Aaron Leong, from Party Impact. Everyone roared with laughter
at his antics and tricks throughout the performance.
Finally, it was time for the event’s highlight – the graduation
and award presentation where the graduating students were
recognised for their efforts and encouraged to do their best in
their studies. Families of the students gleamed with pride as
their children went on stage to receive their certificates and
awards. The event ended on a sweet note with a short video of
the year’s highlights at PALS to celebrate this happy milestone.
Annual Family Retreat
Held from 18 to 21 December 2015, CCF Annual Family Retreat (AFR) saw
14 CCF beneficiaries and their families coming together for a ‘wild’ time in
Da Nang, Vietnam. Themed ‘Where the Wild Things Are’, the participants
embarked on an adventure to explore the different identities within their family.
To start the ball rolling, participants were first introduced to the AFR theme
song titled “All is Love” and a mass dance. There were also ice breakers to
help participants warm up to each other and to draw out their competitive
spirits. After they were grouped, the teams were tasked to design their group
identities and compose cheers which best represented them. When it was time
to showcase their cheers, the ballroom was filled with laughter as some of the
personas and cheers were hilarious!
After lunch, the families gathered for a tele-match to pit their wits and strength
against each other. The games aimed to encourage teamwork, communication
and trust between family members. One of the tele-matches was called “My
Home, My Shelter, My Comfort” which saw families fishing out puzzle pieces
from a giant pond using their makeshift ‘fishing rods’. The puzzle pieces when
pieced together formed a house to represent the sense of comfort a home
brings when a family member faces challenges out in the ‘wild’. To conclude
Day One, the families decorated their respective booths for the ‘Wild Carnival’
which they would be hosting for the outpatients and their families at Hue Central
Hospital the next day.
Day Two began with breakfast and a three-hour bus journey to Hue. As soon
as the participants reached the hospital, everyone got busy setting up for the
much anticipated carnival. There were games, yummy food stalls, creative arts
and crafts activities and even a photo corner! The carnival was well received by
the Vietnamese participants.
One of the AFR teams visited the inpatient Oncology ward at the hospital and
introduced the young patients to therapeutic play activities such as Hospital
Bingo, Treat Train and medical art kits. It was an uplifting sight to see CCF
childhood cancer survivors giving back to the community as they encouraged
and inspired the young patients at Hue Central Hospital.
Back at the hotel in Da Nang, the teams were re-grouped according to their
age range for various psychosocial activities. The children played ‘Monster
Toss’ which encouraged them to talk about their feelings and design their own
earthquake memory stones. The teens were challenged to work as a team
to complete a giant board game while the youth group had to make music
with only the use of their mouths. The adults reminisced about their younger
and ‘wilder’ days in a heart-to-heart sharing session. Before the night ended,
everyone was treated to hot chocolate and marshmallows while watching
Da Nang’s famous ‘fire-breathing’ Dragon Bridge which spans over the Han
River and is situated right across the hotel!
Day Three kicked off with the Gala Night preparations where the families
were given funky props and materials to create their own family identity. It
was a meaningful activity as individuals reflected on the common things that
made them a family. After lunch, the families visited Hoi An Ancient Town, a
UNESCO heritage site, where they had free and easy time to shop and do
some exploration on their own. They also got hands-on and learnt to make
traditional Vietnamese lanterns.
The Gala Night began with a buffet dinner and screening of a photo montage
of the retreat. The highlight of the night was surely the ‘Wild Fashion Rumpus’
segment where families strutted their stuff on the runway and showcased
their uniqueness. It was especially heartwarming as the families shared the
inspiration behind their performances with everyone rooting for each other. The
night ended on a high note when Santa Claus made an appearance and gave
out little Christmas treats to all the children!
On the final day, the families visited a silk village for a ‘behind-the-scenes’ tour
before returning to Singapore. The families bonded well during the retreat and
were reluctant to say their goodbyes.
“Thank you CCF for organising the Annual Family
Retreat so that childhood cancer survivors and their
families from Singapore can visit the patients in
Vietnam! The ‘Wild Carnival’ has helped to encourage
the fighting spirits of the young patients who are still
battling cancer, as well as their parents. We have also
learnt a lot from this experience and hope to see you in
Hue next year again!” – Dr. Chau Van Ha, Oncologist,
Pediatric Centre, Hue Central Hospital
International Childhood Cancer Day
Organised by Childhood Cancer International (CCI) annually
on 15 February, International Childhood Cancer Day (ICCD)
is a global collaborative campaign to raise awareness of
childhood cancer and to express support for children and
adolescents with cancer, the survivors and their families.
The gold ribbon is a symbolic representation for childhood
cancer awareness and support. Just as how gold becomes
stronger and tougher when heated, children with cancer
develop resilience when overcoming the difficult and painful
challenges in their battle against cancer.
This year, CCI launched the Child4Child project, a global
initiative dedicated to commemorate ICCD and make
childhood cancer a global child health priority. As a member
of CCI, CCF is proud to be part of this movement! PALS
students, eight-year-old Emma and 11-year-old Xander,
lent their voices to record a verse of the campaign theme
song titled “We are One” by Christopher Beck, composer for
Disney’s Frozen smash hit, Let It Go. Their video recording
was uploaded on CCF Facebook and YouTube to encourage
support for the project. The full version of “We Are One” was
released on 15 February.
In celebration of ICCD 2016, CCF volunteers hit Orchard
road on 31 January and 14 February 2016 to distribute
handmade gold ribbons and brochures. In the week leading
up to ICCD, teachers and students from partner schools
were also given gold ribbons to pin on their attires in support
of children and their families affected by cancer.
CCF would like extend our heartfelt appreciation
to volunteers who had assisted in the campaign. We
would also like to thank the following schools for rendering
their support:
• Cedar Girls’ Secondary School
• Concord Primary School
• Eunos Primary School
• Kent Ridge Secondary School
• Montfort Junior School
• Ngee Ann Polytechnic
• Qifa Primary School
• Tanglin Trust School
• Temasek Polytechnic Business Studies Club
SHOOTING STARS by Yeo Yawen Megan, 6
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Tooth Decay
Prevention Workshop
Energy Efficiency and Resource
Conservation Workshop
On 8 November 2015, PALS students attended an
educational talk by Ms Ng Bee Hoon, Dental Therapist,
from the Health Promotion Board. During the session,
the children learnt more about the common causes of
tooth decay and the importance of limiting their intake of
sweet drinks, snacks and cultivating good oral hygiene
habits to prevent their teeth from decaying. The children
were each given a set of toothpaste and toothbrush,
courtesy of Colgate, and were taught correct teeth
brushing techniques. Everyone went home knowing the
importance of maintaining good oral hygiene and a
newfound appreciation for their pearly whites!
On 9 December 2015, volunteers from the National
Environment Agency (NEA) organised an environmental
workshop to teach PALS students on using energy
efficiently and conserving resources to mitigate climate
change and reduce hefty utility bills. The children also
had the opportunity to try their hands at reading utility
bills and learnt six simple daily energy-saving tips to
practise at home. A mini pop quiz was held to test their
knowledge and students with correct answers were
rewarded with prizes such as notebooks and coasters
from NEA!
The workshop was made more engaging through a
game of ‘Charades’, colouring activities and video clips
which revolved around the theme of ‘Climate Change’.
The students were treated to balloon sculptures at the
end of the workshop and returned home feeling joyful.
Contributed by Nurul Syazwani Akhbar, National
Environment Agency (NEA)
Golden Joys at PALS
On 5 February 2016, PALS students had a wonderful time
baking ‘Golden Joys’, a type of syrup coated cornflakes, as
part of the the Lunar New Year celebrations! The children
also decorated containers with auspicious greetings and
Lunar New Year designs. Everyone went home with a
tummy full of ‘Golden Joys’ and could not wait to share their
handmade goodies with their family!
Christmas Celebrations
On 15 December 2015, CCF@NUH held its Christmas
celebrations at the CCF playroom! The children were
treated to a medley of Christmas songs and balloon
sculpting activities by volunteers. The children sang to
the delightful tunes and got all excited when it was time
to choose their favourite balloon designs! With creative
and nimble fingers, the balloon artist sculptured tube
balloons into different designs such as flowers, swords
and animals upon the children’s requests, all in a matter
of minutes! The children were thrilled to receive their very
own personalised balloons to bring home as souvenirs.
Soap Making Workshop
Birthday Party
On 4 December 2015, volunteers from Barclays threw a
Christmas-themed birthday party at the CCF playroom for
CCF beneficiaries born in the month of December. The
children got busy with craft work, making their very own
Santa Claus using cotton wool and coloured paper. Some
of the beneficiaries enjoyed the activity so much that they
spontaneously ventured into making other designs as
well! After the traditional birthday song and cake cutting
ceremony, all the children were surprised with delightful
Christmas presents which made their day!
On 12 January 2016, the
children were all smiles
when they learnt that they
would be making their
personal bar soap using
fragrances and natural
ingredients. With much
excitement, the young
‘soap makers’ listened
attentively to the instructors before deciding on their
favourite design, colour, scent and decorations. At the
end of the session, there were many different shapes
of soaps such as butterflies, jellies and sunflowers! The
children could not wait to head home for shower time
with their own handmade soap!
Christmas Ballerinas at CCF@KKH
On 8 December 2015, the beneficiaries at CCF@KKH had the privilege to watch a ballet performance titled
“The Christmas Story Told Through a Ballet Performance” by the renowned Austrian Ballet Company-Tokyo from
Japan at the CCF playroom! The playroom was magically transformed with elaborate props and uplifting classical
music. After the performance, the ballerinas also visited the children in the ward and took Polaroid photos with
the patients. Thank you Austrian Ballet Company-Tokyo for volunteering your time to create wonderful Christmas
memories for our children!
Christmas Party at CCF@KKH
On 22 December 2015, beneficiaries at CCF@KKH were joined by volunteers from
PartyMojo Pte Ltd who taught them the art of building snowmen with instant snow
foam and creating Christmas decorations with various craft materials. The children
were exceptionally thrilled when Santa Claus made a special appearance at the party
with a huge bag of candies! The young participants had so much fun singing and
dancing with Santa. At the end of the party, the children went home with generous
goodie bags sponsored by PartyMojo and a private donor. Thank you PartyMojo for
bringing the Christmas joy to our children at CCF@KKH!
Clay Fun at CCF@KKH
On 28 January 2016, the children at CCF@KKH were
introduced to clay modeling. They moulded, kneaded and
rolled the different coloured clays to create their favourite
animal artworks. The younger children decorated Merlions
while the older ones made three-dimensional teddy bear
clay figurines. One of the children shared that he loved
the cheeks of his Merlion the most! Thank you Clay Works
Singapore for engaging the children with clay craft!
Lunar New Year Celebrations at CCF@NUH
It was a morning of fun, enjoyment and learning for the children at CCF@NUH
on 2 February 2016 as they gathered to celebrate the Lunar New Year. The
party commenced with an entertaining magic performance followed by an opera
mask painting session guided by professional mask painters. The kids wasted
no time painting their plain white masks
enthusiastically with vibrant colours and
took lots of photos with their masterpieces!
During the session, the children were
also introduced to Chinese tradition and
cultures. Everyone went home with a
greater appreciation for the Lunar New
Year festivities.
Legacy Building Programme
CCF’s Legacy Building programme seeks
To provide a positive and creative way for the beneficiaries
and their families to make meaning of their cancer journey
and facilitate resilience in adversity
To promote family bonding and communications
To reduce caregivers’ distress1 and bring solace to bereaved
families through fond memories and remembrance of their
loved ones
Aiman’s Legacy
Legacy-building activities include scrapbooking, photographs,
artworks, videos, song-writing, poetry, memory boxes, handprints
and/or footprints and journals, just to name a few.
Legacy building can be used as a vital tool in paediatric palliative
care to make a positive impact in the lives of children with cancer
as well as their caregivers. Besides creating a platform for the
beneficiaries and their families to communicate their thoughts,
feelings and wishes through tangible ways, the positive memories
created can bring about empowerment, comfort and support
through various ways2. It reassures the beneficiary that they will
not be forgotten despite their absence and helps the bereaved
individual maintain a tangible connection with loved ones lost to
childhood cancer.
Foster et al, 2012; Allen, Hilgeman, Ege, Shuster & Burgio, 2008
Foster, Dietrich, Friedman, Gordon, & Gilmer, 2012; Corr, Torkildson & Horgan, 2010
Five-year-old Aiman was diagnosed with brain
stem tumour in 2015. As a fan of Korean sensation,
PSY, the song ‘Gangnam Style’ reduced his anxiety
associated with hospital experiences. Aiman’s legacy
was a music video of him dancing to ‘Gangnam Style’
along with family members, his physiotherapist, nurse
and social worker at the hospital. Despite being in a
wheelchair, Aiman grooved to his favourite tune as
best as he could.
Aiman’s story is a testament that positive hospital
experiences are possible for children with cancer.
His video celebrates his life and is a treasured gift
for his family and other children and families affected
by cancer.
Play is for Parents Too!
In the first of this four-part series on the topic of ‘Play’, CCF’s
certified Play Therapist, Joanne, shares why caregivers are
encouraged to play with their child and how play therapy can
be conducted at home!
Play is an important part of a child’s life and is the language
that children use to understand and communicate with the
world. As such, setting aside time to play with your child
is important to let them understand how much they are
valued. A positive caregiver-child relationship also provides
the framework and support for children to develop a
healthy respect and regard for self and others.
While play may be a very natural process for some
caregivers, it can be an immensely stressful task for others
who have forgotten how to play. For caregivers who face
difficulties engaging your child, here are some useful and
practical tips for you!
Show interest in your child’s hobbies,
activities and achievements
Initiate special play time with your
child for 20 minutes a day
Provide opportunities for mutual interaction
such as initiating conversations (but avoid
interfering with your child’s methods of play
and choice of toys)
Make eye contact and use caring
facial expressions
If you still have difficulties engaging your child, ‘Filial Play’
may be just the way to get you started on the right track! Filial
Play involves caregivers directly as the agents of therapeutic
change. The play therapist becomes a coach for the caregiver
in learning to use basic play skills at home in a time-limited
manner. Caregivers then learn how to engage their child with
non-directive play to create a safe environment that allows
their child to express his/her emotions and needs as well as
develop appropriate social boundaries and cues.
As caregivers, there are many opportunities for you to
shower your child with positive attention in your everyday
interactions together. So why not start now? For enquiries or
to schedule an appointment with our Play Therapist, please
contact your caseworker.
Milo Discovery Tour
On 18 November 2015, staff volunteers from Building
and Construction Authority (BCA), together with seven
CCF beneficiaries and their families, embarked on a
MILO® Discovery Tour at the Nestle Factory in Jurong
to enhance their learning and discovery of science,
sports and wellness through the making of MILO®.
During the fun and educational tour, the children were
introduced to the process of making MILO®. They also
learnt about the importance of breakfast, energy and
sports through engaging and interactive activities. Key
highlights included getting up-close with the plants
used in research and development of new products
at the Herb Garden, the MILO® production process
and the interactive sports game! At the end of the
discovery tour, the children were enriched with new
knowledge and brought home goodie bags containing
packets of nutritious MILO® and souvenirs. For the
BCA volunteers, it was a fulfilling day for them as they
brought smiles and laughter to the children.
Contributed by Doreen Ng, Senior Management
Associate (Organisation Excellence Unit), Strategic
Planning Office, Building and Construction Authority
CBC Community Impact Fund
As the saying goes, “Children are our greatest
blessing” so it was an incredibly blessed day on
18 December 2015 for staff from CBC Singapore and
the CBC Singapore Regional Office.
The annual Community Impact Funds Initiative invited
five CCF beneficiaries and their families to an exclusive
outing at the SAFRA Toa Payoh Kidz Amaze Indoor
Playground. The children had fun at the playground
and were kept entertained with a magic show, candy
and treats stations, a whimsical scavenger hunt
together with CBC staff and photo opportunities with a
‘Minion’ mascot!
To wrap up the event, General Manager of CBC
Singapore, Mr KK Chee, presented CCF with
a Community Impact Funds cheque donation of
USD$10,000. The cheque was a testimony of our
2015 focus on philanthropic work in giving back to
community. No one ever became poor from giving, for it
is in giving that we receive. We send good wishes to the
beneficiaries at CCF until the next Community Impact
Funds event!
Contributed by Fabian Poon, Sales Manager,
Wilbur-Ellis Company, Connell Bros. Co. Pte Ltd
DBS Charity Outing to Singapore
Science Centre!
On 27 November 2015, volunteers from the Regional
Consumer Banking Operations of DBS Bank hosted a
fun-filled, educational outing for five CCF beneficiaries
and their families at Singapore Science Centre (SSC).
The volunteers were first introduced to the children
and their caregivers through a simple quiz. After which
everyone was awed by a live demonstration of a fire
tornado. The highlight of the afternoon was definitely
the ‘Human Body Experience’ where the children
ventured through exhibits built to resemble different
systems of the human
body. Their enjoyment
was evident with laughter
that resonated through
the enclosed exhibits. As
everyone parted ways,
they brought back with
them fond and enriching
memories. The volunteers
were heartened by the
smiles on the children’s
faces and enthusiastically related their experiences to
colleagues when they were back at work.
Contributed by Jason Ng, Assistant Vice President,
Regional Consumer Banking Operations, DBS Bank
Oodles of Fun at Kaboodle Kids!
On 9 December 2015, nine CCF beneficiaries and
their family were invited to an exclusive playdate at
Kaboodle Kids. In that fun-filled afternoon, the
children engaged in unstructured and child-directed
free play where almost anything was possible!
Working seamlessly as a team, they brainstormed
for design ideas, engaged in problem-solving and
communicated actively to bring the team’s design to
life. Famished, the participants tucked into a delicious
meal sponsored by Seafood International Market and
Restaurant and Pondok Gurame at the Kaboodle Kids
party room! Some of the kids went for multiple servings
to charge up for a second round of play! When it was
time to end the party, the kids were all reluctant to leave!
Contributed by Jus Yeo, Play Associate, Kaboodle
Lego Fun!
MBS Para Games
On 27 November 2015, we hosted seven CCF beneficiaries
and their families at the LEGO office and LEGO Singhub. We
had quizzes and prizes for the children who watched snippets
from the LEGO documentary, and we played with LEGO bricks
for individual memory games as well as team games. The
children also built spaceships in their respective groups and
enthusiastically shared the rationale behind their garden and
circus spaceship designs. As they toured the LEGO office, they
could not resist climbing up the yellow bleachers which made
them feel like they were on top of the world! The event ended
with a sumptuous dinner for everyone.
Personally, it was a great experience for me! I loved the teamwork
by our staff volunteers, especially our IT supporters who helped
to set up and restore the wire configurations at the event venue
before and after the event! I felt happy seeing the kids’ faces light
up when they saw the many LEGO bricks and monuments in our
office. It is truly humbling to know that despite their illness, the
children possess great strength and tenacity. LEGO will continue
to do this more often, definitely.
Contributed by Li Lin Hu, LEGO Singapore Pte.Ltd
Movie Screening and
Luncheon Session!
The Youth Executives Group from Singapore Shipping
Association (SSA) has once again reached out to CCF and treated
16 CCF beneficiaries and their families to a movie screening and
luncheon session at VivoCity on 30 November 2015.
The day started with a private screening of ‘The Good Dinosaur’
at Golden Village followed by a luncheon session filled with
games and activities at The Chop House. The children were
entertained by a roving magician and a colouring contest. The
top designs were awarded with many attractive prizes!
The children also cruised along the 300-metre waterfront
Promenade at Vivocity via the Mini Express Train. They had lots
of fun and enjoyed themselves thoroughly! All the SSA volunteers
enjoyed interacting with the beneficiaries and many expressed
their interests to join again in 2016!
Contributed by Jolyn Teo, Executive Officer, Corporate
Communications, Singapore Shipping Association
On 5, 7 and 9 December 2015, Marina Bay Sands’
Team Member volunteers, together with six CCF
beneficiaries and their families, lent their voices to cheer
on Singaporean para-athletes at the 8th ASEAN Para
Games 2015 (APG). Held for the first time in Singapore,
the APG was also the closing celebratory event to mark
Singapore’s Golden Jubilee. Marina Bay Sands was the
official Games Village while the Sports Hub hosted most
of the competitions.
The beneficiaries and volunteers truly enjoyed showing
their support for the para-athletes and were really
inspired by the para-atheletes’ dedication and strength.
Besides cheering for para-athletes, they also had the
opportunity to try first-hand some of the para-sports
such as goalball and boccia at the APG Carnival.
“It was a fulfilling experience to interact with the kids from
CCF. I had fun making friends and explaining the games
to them. They were very excited to meet people from
outside their school environment and were fascinated
with MBS!” – Jonathan Sim, Associate Director, MICE
“It was my first time volunteering and I didn’t know
what to expect. Initially, I thought that the young
beneficiaries would be conservative and shy. However, I
was pleasantly surprised at how friendly and open they
were. Going to the Para Games together and sharing
the excitement with the beneficiaries was certainly an
eye-opener. The athletes are an inspiration to all of us.
I hope to participate in more of such activities in future
and would definitely ask my fellow team members to
volunteer with me.” – Julie Micah Fernando, Hostess,
ADRIFT by David Myers
Contributed by Tasneem Djabarali, Communications
Executive, Marina Bay Sands
Voila Baking Session
Ice Cream Making Workshop
Voila, together with Fidgets @ Grandstand, organised
a baking session for eight CCF beneficiaries and their
families on 22 December 2015. It was an enjoyable
session as we baked cupcakes together with the
children and took lots of photos with them. The children
also had a pleasant surprise when our Santa Claus and
Santarina from Fidgets gave them presents.
On 8 December 2015, employees of STMicroelectronics
hosted an ice cream making workshop at Udders
Novena for 20 CCF beneficiaries and their families.
The hands-on session gave everyone an opportunity
to make and taste their own ice cream. The kids in
particular had a good time creating and devouring their
own creations! Their caregivers also expressed their
appreciation for this fun-filled day and our hearts were
filled with joy knowing that we made a difference to
their lives even though it was for just one day. It was a
fulfilling afternoon spent, filled with much laughter and
gratification. We believe that regardless of what we do
for others, we would have fulfilled a meaningful part of
our life’s purpose as long as it is done with sincerity.
Voila is glad to be
given the opportunity
to spend a meaningful
day with the children
and we look forward
to seeing them again.
We would also like to
thank Mini Toons for
sponsoring the lovely
gifts, Fidgets for the
event venue, CCF
for coordinating with
the beneficiaries and volunteers and parents of these
wonderful kids for joining us. Last and most importantly,
a big ‘thank you’ to all the kids for being such an
inspiration to all of us!
Contributed by Ng Yee Ling, Executive Assistant,
Contributed by Cheng Ni, Viola Design Pte Ltd
On 20 November 2015, 15 staff from Wurth Electronics
Singapore Pte Ltd (WE) together with 11 CCF beneficiaries
and their families, headed to the Polliwogs at Suntec City for a
day of fun as part of WE’s corporate social responsibility event.
Upon arrival, the
children were excited
to see what was in
store for them! After
a short introduction
to the games, the
children indulged in
dancing to different
They also had to do the Limbo Dance which required them to
lower their bodies as much as possible to clear the barriers!
The children had so much fun with the games, especially
the ‘Musical Chairs’. WE also surprised two birthday girls
with a birthday party and a customised WE cake! After the
traditional birthday song and cake-cutting ceremony, food
and drinks were served to the children which included
their favourite ice cream! The party ended with distribution
of goodie bags to the children and a cheque donation of
$2,000 to CCF presented by Mr Sebastian Tan, Country
Manager of WE. To commemorate the event, everyone
gathered for a group photo before the children eagerly
dashed back to the Polliwogs playground for unlimited fun
and play time.
Contributed by Jean Claudia Lum, HR and Admin
Christmas Baking Celebration
On 23 December 2015, ENRICH committee members from
Roche Singapore Technical Operations invited 11 CCF
beneficiaries and their family members to an exclusive
Christmas Baking Celebration at The Eureka Cooking Lab.
Dressed in bright orange tees, the team of passionate and
enthusiastic ENRICH individuals were excited to once
again deliver a meaningful community outreach programme
with the common belief that “We are the reason someone
smiled today!”
The event was an afternoon of fun and laughter as the
children were highly thrilled to try their hands at baking their
very own cupcakes and cookies. The highlight was adding the
final touches of colorful icing decorations to their creations.
Every child walked away a winner with their masterpieces and
Christmas presents from our Santa sponsor, Mr Ho Choon
Han. The afternoon was a meaningful day for the ENRICH
team members when we saw the children’s priceless smiles
at the event!
Contributed by Betty Chang, for Roche Singapore
Technical Operations Pte Ltd’s ENRICH Committee
POSH Charity Walk 2015
Serving the community has always been a priority for us
at PACC Offshore Services Holdings Ltd. (POSH) as we
are strong advocates of responsible corporate citizenry.
Our annual POSH Charity Walk is the landmark event in
our Corporate Social Responsibility calendar and is one
that we look forward to every year.
On 15 November 2015, we held our POSH Charity Walk for
the second consecutive year in support of CCF and raised
a total of $30,000. CCF’s mission to support young cancer
patients and their families is one that resonates with us
at POSH and we are proud to do our part to help support
this worthy cause. We look forward to more collaboration
opportunities with CCF in the near future.
Contributed by Captain Gerald Seow, Chief Executive
Officer, PACC Offshore Services Holdings Ltd. (POSH)
Snap a Smile Project
We were inspired to embark on the
‘Snap a Smile’ project as we wanted
to lend a helping hand to others
and gain new experiences. Since
many of us feel strongly for children
suffering from cancer, we decided
to raise funds for CCF. We set up
a photobooth in school between
3 July and 31 August 2015 and
snapped photos for our friends to
garner donations!
Working directly with CCF gave us a better
understanding of the organisation and its work in
helping the beneficiaries. We empathised with the
young beneficiaries and this kept us motivated despite
facing challenges during the planning, such as budget
constraints. We also benefitted from this experience
by picking up important skills such as marketing and
learning to work well in a team. We are thankful for the
opportunity to do our part in driving childhood cancer
awareness. A total of $1,500.15 was raised for CCF.
Contributed by Raymond Ong and Tham Jim Tat,
Nan Chiau High School Class 3D 2015
Sport Ready Awards and
Celebration Evening
To commemorate a great year of netball and congratulate the
players, Sport Ready Netball Academy held an awards night
at the British Club on 4 December 2015. The academy also
took this opportunity to raise funds for CCF as my family has
personally experienced youth cancer so the cause resonated
with our community.
The generosity and support of the Sport Ready community was
wonderful and many of our families donated prizes to the silent
auction and the raffle. This helped to raise a total of $2,974.05
for CCF. Working with CCF was a pleasant experience and
we are happy that the donations raised will contribute towards
supporting children with cancer and their families in Singapore.
Contributed by Joanne Khan, Academy Director, Sport
Ready Pte Ltd
‘8 Hearts’ Fundraiser
The Interlace Christmas Holiday Event
The Christmas event at the Interlace held on 18 December
2015 attracted more than 300 residents and their generous
contributions in time, donations and participation. We decided
on a ‘Giving Christmas’ theme to celebrate the season.
Fashioned after street arcades, the event included food stations
with seasonal specials in the form of turkey bites, beignets and
pumpkin cakes. Fellow residents also donated to a wine station
for parents to savour the wine selection. For the children, there
were cookie decorating activities, popcorn stringing, ‘snowball’
throws and Santa’s ring toss! It was heartwarming when a few
of the young participants donated all their takings from the sale
of their home-baked cupcakes in the spirit of charity. The event
raised $1,033.20 for CCF.
Songwriting is my passion and it has always been
my dream to release a personal album. When
I finally fulfilled my aspiration and produced ‘8 Hearts’,
I decided to donate the proceeds from my CD sales to
a charity. As a mother of two, seeing children and their
caregivers affected by childhood cancer at the hospital
where I used to work made me want to do more for
them. Hence, I chose to fundraise for CCF.
I learnt a lot from this experience and am glad to have
raised $3,000 from my album sales between August
and December 2015. I would like to thank the capable
and helpful staff at CCF for rendering their assistance
as well as my dear family and friends for their support
in making this fundraising project possible.
Contributed by Tammy Low, Songwriting Enthusiast
We are pleased to have partnered CCF to raise awareness
of childhood cancer among our community. It was rewarding
to see the residents’ involvement and interest towards
something meaningful.
Contributed by Penelope Chan, Facilities and Social /
Recreation Sub Committee Council Member, MCST Plan No.
4120, The Interlace Condominium, 1st Management Council
Project ‘HOPE’
Hope is keeping an optimistic attitude and believing that
positive outcomes will take place in the circumstances
that one may be surrounded in or in the world at large. At
AGAPE, we firmly believe that everyone can be a catalyst of
positive change in someone’s life and give ‘HOPE’ through
our actions and words.
In celebration of Agape’s 20th anniversary, the children,
families and staff of AGAPE Little Uni’s centres at Jurong
West, Choa Chu Kang, Seng Kang, Clementi, One-North,
Kallang, Cecil, Central and Orange Grove came together to
perform a total of 20 acts of kindness with the community
as part of our charity carnival project titled ‘HOPE’ held on
15 August 2015 at Nanyang Technological University Alumni
Club. Many interesting crafts and game stalls were set up
at the carnival by the children and the teachers. A total of
$10,922.60 was for CCF raised from the sales of fun fair
coupons and merchandise at the event.
AGAPE Little Uni.’s annual fundraising events have always
been held in support of voluntary welfare organisations and
we are glad to have made a difference to children with cancer
and their families through this initiative. We are also thankful
for the opportunity to inculcate important values such as
love and kindness in our children. AGAPE salutes everyone
who had participated in this initiative to give ‘HOPE’ to CCF
beneficiaries and their families.
Contributed by Mrs Mohan, Principal, Agape Childcare
(JW) Pte Ltd
Live to Give
Walk the Wall Challenge
In support of CCF, ICBC Standard Bank Singapore
Branch took part in the ‘Walk the Wall Challenge’
that saw staff clock their footsteps between 2 and 27
November 2015 to attain the equivalent distance of the
Great Wall of China. A total of 53,326,770 steps were
collectively taken with colleagues in international offices
at ICBC Standard Bank which equated to an incredible
feat of walking the Great Wall of China eight times!
Friends and families of the team members donated in
support of their efforts.
Together with other CSR initiatives, a total of $1,674.30
was raised for CCF by the ICBC Standard Bank
Singapore Branch. They chose to collaborate with CCF
as they help children with cancer and their families cope
with the complexities of the illness and drive awareness
of the childhood cancer cause. ICBC Standard
Bank Singapore Branch will continue its fundraising
partnership with CCF in 2016.
Contributed by Lara Carter, Human Capital Business
Partner, ICBC Standard Bank Plc, Singapore Branch
Destinée Royale Happy Dove
Christmas Promotion
For the fifth consecutive year, Lee Hwa Jewellery launched its
Christmas jewellery collection in support of children with cancer
and their families. Between 13 November and 25 November
2015, the leading jewellery brand helped fundraise by pledging a
part of its sales proceeds from the Destinée Royale Happy Dove
collection to CCF.
Inspired by the symbol of
new hope, perfect peace
and abundant joy, Lee Hwa
Jewellery hopes that the
‘dove’ can act as a reminder
and encouragement for the
young beneficiaries to smile
despite their circumstances
and never give up as there
will always be hope. A total
of $4,300 was garnered from
this campaign.
Contributed by Lee Hwa
Jewellery Pte Ltd
Between 7 and 8 November 2015, Event Management &
Roadshow (EMRS) students from Nanyang Polytechnic held a
roadshow at the school selling snacks and merchandise to raise
$1,797.95 in support of children with cancer. CCF was our choice
beneficiary as the students felt that it was important to help
children suffering from this life threatening illness. Organising
the roadshow fundraiser was a particularly meaningful initiative
as it taught the students event management skills and it helped
to inculcate a sense of
social responsibility in staff
and students alike. It was
gratifying to realise that the
little effort we expensed would
bring comfort to children with
cancer and their families.
We are glad to be part of the
community that supports CCF
beneficiaries and hope to
continue contributing in our
little ways.
Contributed by Christine
Yong, Assistant Manager
(Retail Studies), School
of Business Management,
Nanyang Polytechnic
SIM Global Education Student
Wellness Week Charity Auction
As part of SIM Global Education’s biannual Student
Wellness Week held from 5 to 13 October 2015, students
and staff had the privilege to support CCF beneficiaries
and their families through a silent auction of more than
50 paintings and six framed jigsaw puzzles.
This effort was in excellent alignment with one of our
goals for the event – to broaden one’s perspective of
wellness and encourage the values and practice of
gratitude, compassion and altruism.
The paintings were donated by students at our regular
Art Jamming activity and the Jigsaw artwork comprised
of up to 1000 puzzle pieces! It was wonderful to see the
power of togetherness as
donors came forward to
either bid for the items or
to simply make a donation
in support of children
with cancer. A total of
$1,245.45 was raised from
the event. We believe that
each of us can contribute
to the growth of a strong
and resilient society. We
would like to encourage
all readers to join CCF in this community partnership
and experience the joys of supporting one another!
Contributed by Sophie Wong, Senior Executive,
Student Care, Student Life Division, Singapore
Institute of Management Global Education
Continuing the
Legacy of Mr Lim Fok Sim
In memory of their father who lost the battle to prostate
cancer in 2015, the Lim siblings, Norman, Victor and Joyce,
decided to donate part of his estate to CCF. It was one of
the late Mr Lim Fok Sim’s last wishes to gift a donation to
charity and they wanted to celebrate his life with kindness.
The siblings share with TRIBUTE on their father’s life
philosophy and the joys of giving.
Thank you for the donation to CCF in memory of your
father, Mr Lim Fok Sim. Do share with us some of the
things you remember most fondly of him?
Since we were young, our father had always taught us that
kindness begets kindness. We came from a very humble
family. My father worked as a carpenter and was the sole
bread-winner. However, he had always taught us the
importance of putting love and integrity ahead of wealth in
whatever we do in life. He was a selfless person and often
carried out carpentry works for our relatives and friends at
no cost. It made us very fond of him. Naturally, we looked
upon him as a role model and grew up to develop a heart
for helping people.
What made you choose to donate in support of the
childhood cancer cause?
Our father had prostate cancer for close to ten years
and it saddened us to see him suffer in his last days. We
emphathise with children and their families affected by
childhood cancer as it is extremely painful to see a child
suffering from the illness. We hope that our donation
to CCF will help to contribute to the provision of quality
medical care for the young beneficiaries and ease some of
the financial burden for their families.
Did you feel that you have benefitted from the act of
Yes, definitely. We were able to fulfill our father’s wish
in donating to a charitable cause and be part of a big
love-giving family like CCF.
National Day ga
at the Lim’s in 20
the sea view
Fok Sim enjoying
The late Mr Lim
on a holiday
In your opinion, does one need to be wealthy to do
philanthropic work?
We believe that philanthropic work is not only about
making monetary donations but also giving one’s time in
volunteering work. We feel that any time is a good time to
do good. As many of us are caught in the rat race of trying
to earn ‘enough money’ before giving, it is easy to develop
the notion that that there is never ‘enough’ and we may
eventually fail to give. Like our father always said, “Put love
first, philanthropic work will come naturally”.
What are some of your hopes for children with cancer?
Would you like to share some words of encouragement
with them and their caregivers?
Our hopes for children with cancer is that they will continue
to stay strong and fight the illness with a brave heart. We
hope that they will be happy, stay strong and never give up.
To the caregivers, we want to encourage them to take heart
and know that they are not alone in this journey as CCF
and many people are supporting them.
As a self-funded voluntary welfare organisation,
CCF relies on donations to ensure the sustainability
of our programmes and services. Enquire with us at for opportunities on supporting
children with cancer and their families!
The Lim Family gathering for
Chinese New Year in 2007
Back-to-School Awards
2 April 2016
CCF Family Day
23 April 2016
End of Treatment Party
30 April 2016
Volunteers’ Networking Day
12 May 2016
28 May 2016
Children’s Camp
2 – 4 June 2016
Annual General Meeting
4 June 2016
Service Learning Trip
21 – 24 June 2016
* Dates are subject to change
H a ir f o r H o p e is b
ac k !
2016 will be
, Hair for Hope
Log on
16 @ VivoCity!
held on 30
for more inform
to www.hairfo
or email us at in
please email us
For enquiries,
g or call 6229 37
non-profit organisation with a mission to improve the quality of
life of children with cancer and their families through enhancing
their emotional, social and medical well-being.
Founded in 1992, CCF provides children with cancer and
their families the much needed support in their battle against
the life threatening illness. Over the years, CCF has helped
more than 2700 children and their families at different stages
of the illness.
As a self-funded voluntary welfare organisation, CCF depends
on the continuous goodwill from our corporate partners,
sponsors and the public at large to fund the free critical
programmes and services for our young beneficiaries and
their families.
Casework and Counselling Service
Hospital Play Service
Therapeutic Play
Caregivers Support Service
Survivors Support Service
Back-to-School Service
Place for Academic Learning and Support (PALS)
Psychosocial and Recreational Activity
Palliative and Bereavement Service
Art Therapy
Play Therapy
Expressive Art Therapy
Family Therapy
Child Life Service
Siblings Support Service
Service for Children Impacted by Cancer
There are many ways which you can lend your support to
children with cancer and their families:
• Organise activities to raise funds among your network
• Invite CCF to give talks to your colleagues, schoolmates,
family and friends
• Recommend CCF as a beneficiary for corporate sponsorships
and donations
• Participate in CCF’s Donation Box Programme to raise funds
through placement of donation boxes in your organisation
• Refer CCF for gifts in-kind
• Support our annual signature fundraising event: Hair for
Hope (
• Be a regular donor through GIRO or make a donation via
CCF Website / AXS / SG Gives
• Invite our beneficiaries for social and recreational activities
• Volunteer with us at a regular (minimum commitment of
6 months) or ad-hoc basis
• Be a resource person – share your area of expertise
Fundraising / Sponsorship enquiries:
Volunteer opportunities:
Media enquiries:
Public Education talk:
CCF Community Office – VIVA-CCF Hub
8 Sinaran Drive Novena Specialist Centre #03-01
Singapore 307470
6229 3701
6229 3700
MCI (P) 044/10/2015