Summer 2001


Summer 2001
Summer 2001
the newsletter of the
Association of College and University Housing
NWACUHO Soundings
alaska • alberta • british columbia • hawaii • oregon • washington
Summer 2001
NWACUHO Executive Board
NWACUHO Soundings
Shane Daetwiler
Associate Director, Residential Programs,
Univ. of Puget Sound
Student Development Office; 1500N. Tarner
Tacoma, WA 98416
(253) 756-3317;
Linda Amburgy
Coordinator for Programming & Leadership
Development, Western Washington University
113 Edens Hall; 516 High Street
Bellingham, WA 98225-9195
(360) 650-2960;
The Northwest Association of College and University Housing
Officers is a professional organization whose purpose is to
contribute to the improvement and coordination of housing,
residence life, and food service operations of our member
institutions. NWACUHO sponsors activities to assist its
members in exchange of ideas related to the adminstration
of their organizations and the professional development of
its members.
Newsletter Editor:
Soundings, the newsletter of NWACUHO, is published three
times a year to provide information to the association and its
member institutions, as well as present information affecting
the housing, residence life and food service professions.
Jason Hunter
Residence Life Coordinator,
University of Alberta
44 Lister Hall
Edmonton, Canada AB T6G 2H6
(780) 492-4281;
Soundings Publication Deadlines for
October 1st
December 1st
March 15th
Chris McGrath
Assistant Director, Residence Life;
Simon Fraser University
8888 Uni Drive; 226 Shell House
Burnaby, BC Canada V5A 156
(604) 291-5803;
Soundings Editorial Board:
The editorial board is comprised of volunteer members from
throughout the NWACUHO region. Duties include assisting
in the development of an editorial schedule, submission of
interest articles, and soliciting articles and feedback from the
members of the association. If you are interested in being a
member of the editorial board, please contact your state or
provincial representative or the newsletter editor.
Mandi Horney
Complex Director,
Washington State University
A.E. McCartan Administrative Suite
PO Box 641724
Pullman, WA 99164-1724
Dave Dettman
Assistant Director, Residence Life;
Western Washington Univ.
Office of University Residences;
Edens Admin., Suite 113
Bellingham, WA 98225-9195
(360) 650-2960;
Product and
Vennie Gore
Assist. Director of Housing Services;
University of Washington
Housing and Food Services;
L-3 Lander Hall; Box 355610
Seattle, WA 98185
(206) 543-7635;
Editorial and Submission Policies:
Deadlines for publications are based on distribution needs, and
therefore it is important that members honor the established
deadlines. Material not received on time, or not used due
to space limitations will be considered for use in the next
issue. Because Soundings is the official publication of an
educational association and reflects the professional standards
of its members, necessary revisions will be made to ensure
publication quality. Soundings also reserves the right to edit
submittals for space requirements.
Authors bare full responsibility for references, quotations,
and data accuracy of publications submittals. Authors also
hold NWACUHO harmless from any liability resulting from
publications of articles submitted for printing.
Be sure to clearly indicate the author(s) and insititution(s) on
all submissions. Permission is granted to reproduce portions
of Soundings contents with proper attribution and credit to
State & Provincial Representatives:
Patrick Brown
Resident Director,
University of Alaska-Fairbanks
PO Box 756860
Fairbanks, AK 99775-6860
(907) 474-7427;
British Columbia:
position open
Jason Novak
Program Coordinator, Mount Royal College
31 Mount Royal Court
Calgary, AB T3E 7C9
(403) 240-6298;
Kyle Jordan
Area, Coordinator, Western Oregon University
345 N. Monmouth
Monmouth, OR 97361
(503) 838-8304;
Jen Quin
Resident Director,
Western Washington University
Edens Hall Administration
Bellingham, WA 98225-9195
(360) 650-4111;
NWACUHO Soundings
Advertisements in the Soundings should not be considered an
endorsement. For information on vendor advertising rates
please contact Vennie Gore, Product and Services Coordinator,
at (206)-543-7635.
Please send all submissions (articles, letters to the association,
updates from around the region, and announcements) to
Mandi Horney
A.E. McCartan Administrative Suite
Streit-Perham Building
PO Box 641724
Pullman, WA 99164-1724
**Please attach articles using (saving as a) MS word document
or type it into the email.
Summer 2001
Editor’s Notes
What’s In This Issue:
Hello! I am very pleased to announce the arrival of
the Summer 2001 Edition of Soundings.
Hopefully you are enjoying the end of the school
year and the start of summer vacation. With
summer’s change of pace upon us, I hope you take
a few minutes and read through this edition of
As you are perusing the updates, and enjoying the
pictures from the conference in Edmonton, think
about what you would like to see in the next issue.
Is there a hot topic you are working through over
on your campus? Some topic you would consider
submitting an article about? Changes taking
place you would like to share with your regional
colleagues? Please consider writing something for
the next edition, since writing for the regional
newsletter is an easy way to work on articles for
journals and gain professsional exposure. Please
feel free to send me your submissions via email
as an attachment in MS Word to
Or you can send them to me in the mail to Mandi
Horney, A.E. McCartan Administrative Suite, PO
Box 641724, Pullman, WA 99164-1724. If you have
any questions on how to submit an article, what
to write about, or comments on Soundings, please
contact me at (509) 335-6158. Suggestions are
always welcome!
In this issue of NWACUHO Soundings there are
committe updates, pictures and kudos to the folks
in Edmonton for a fantastic conference, conference
highlights, and much more!
President’s Message
President Elect Ponderings
Past President’s Thoughts
News from our Regional Rep
State/Provincial Rep Reports
NWACUHO 2001an Alberta Success
Award Winners
Committee Updates
Treasurer Report
Edmonton Highlights
Board Meeting Highlights
Parting Shots
In all affairs it’s a healthy thing now and
then to hang a question mark on the things
you have long taken for granted.
—Bertrand Russell
NWACUHO Soundings
Summer 2001
President’s Message
Academic Relations
New Professionals
Cross-border Issues/Work
Newsletter/web site
Greetings from Tacoma,
I hope this issue of Soundings finds you relaxed
after a successful completion of your staff selection
process, closing, term or (fill in the blank
As we move forward within the association we have
lots to be thankful for and also quite a bit to look
forward to. Thank you to the host committee
for a wonderful conference in Edmonton. Jason
Hunter, Tamara Baldwin and their committee did
a fantastic job!
The Executive leaderhip met in May at the
University of British Columbia. Following you
will find a summary of the important topics we
We are in the process of organizing the host
committee for the first ever “West Coast Regional”
hosted jointly with WACUHO. It will be in Seattle
for the 2003 regionals. Sherry Oschsner was able to
join us at our 2001 conference in Edmonton, Alberta
to start our preliminary discussions regarding the
host committee. If you have any interest in joining
the Host Committee or volunteering in any other
capacity for the “West Coast” regional please feel
free to contact me.
As some of you may have noticed the Western
Placement Exchange was placed on hold this
past year. With NASPA being hosted in Seattle
and additional regional challenges, interest and
registration for the 2001 WPE was very low. There
was some discussion at the “Town Meeting” at the
2001 conference about WPE and it’s future. I think
it is fair to say that there is a desire and need for
some sort of position/posting for our region. We
will be discussing the possibility of attaching WPE
or something like it to the annual conference,
potentially connecting it to a pre-conference
program or providing a service of some sort within
the conference. We will also continue to update
our web page to be more user friendly for those
posting and searching.
Well, I think that is enough for now. I am very
excited about the upcoming year. Mark your
calendars for February 17-19, 2002 for the annual
conference being held at the Valley River Inn at
Eugene Oregon. For those attending ACUHO-I
in Kansas City, I look forward to seeing you on
the volleyball court and also at the NW reception.
Enjoy the summer ahead!
Our 2001 regional conference in Edmonton, Alberta
was a great success. Considering the challenge of
hosting our conference within weeks of the NASPA
national conference in Seattle, we were ecstatic with
our turn out. Being a smaller conference, many of
our campuses have to decide between sending their
professionals to our regional or a national when
the nationals are in our region. The final delegate
number was 115 not including vendors and guests.
Our financial numbers are still being finalized,
however, we look to turn 10% back to NWACUHO,
which is a first for us.
Over the years our committees have fizzled out.
Over the past few years we have seen increases in
membership and also have realized that our most
active members have been the newer professionals
to our region. Many have asked how they can
get involved in the region and thus we have
re-introduced the committee idea and structure.
We have the following committee’s based on what
we feel our regions interests and needs are:
NWACUHO Soundings
LA has been busy traveling around the midwest.
She sends her hello’s and wishes everyone a relaxing
summer! She hopes to see many of you in Eugene,
mark your calendars now for February 17, 2001!
Summer 2001
Past President’s Thoughts
It’s hard to believe that another two years have
flown by and I’m in my final year of service with the
Board! In the five years that I have been involved in
NWACUHO leadership, some things have remained
the same and many have changed. Here are a few
reflections on where we have been and where
we’re going:
Top 5 Things That Have Remained the Same:
1. The high level of commitment to provide a
quality annual conference.
2. The influence of youth and energy to move our
dynamic organization forward.
3. The commitment of our “seasoned professionals”
to provide guidance to both current leadership and
new professionals.
4. The informal nature of our interactions and
the comfortable atmosphere this creates for our
5. The commitment to make our region known,
while keeping in touch with the things that make
us distinct.
News from
our Regional Rep
Hello Association Leaders,
A few items of interest:
1)PUBLICATIONS/COMMUNICATIONS - The fullcolor June issue of the Talking Stick is in production.
The deadline for article submission has past. Record
$30,820 in ads are included in this issue.
2) ELECTIONS - The new Secretary is Jill Eckardt. The
new Central District Representative is Alan Hargrave.
Congratulations to all those who were elected and
thank you to all who were willing to be candidates.
3) BENCHMARKING - Enrollment in the Resident
Satisfaction Survey was 184, 83 for the RA Survey
and 47 for the Apartments Survey. Twenty-seven
schools did the new small school study. All these
are up over last year. Dave Butler did a great job
with promotion.
Top 5 Things That Have Changed:
4) MEMBERSHIP -As of today we have 908 educational
member institutions. Last year we finished the year
with 912. We have renewed 92.7% so far (goal is
95% by year end). We also have 183 Sustaining, 73
Associate, 33 Student and 11 Emeritus Affiliates.
1. Canadian representation at annual conferences
has increased greatly.
2. The organization has become more “computer
savvy”, and will continue to offer more services
and information on-line.
3. We are officially affiliated with ACUHO-I.
4. We have the largest bank balance that the
association has experienced in recent memory.
5. Our official publication, Soundings, is a high
quality newsletter rivaling the publications of any
housing association.
Thanks to everyone for your hard work,
commitment and dedication to NWACUHO. I look
forward to serving for you this year, and to a bright
future for our organization!
Jason Hunter
a) Seven institutions have already responded to the
Institutional Affiliate campaign. They donated a
total of $3,000.
b) Susan Austin from SMU was appointed Foundation
Trustee for three years. Two new corporate members
will be appointed soon.
c) Materials for the Corporate Partner Renewal
Campaign are out and commitments are being
received. To date we have one Gold, three Silver and
five Bronze pledges totalling $8,200.
7) CENTRAL OFFICE -Kathy Froilan completed six
years of service to ACUHO-I this month
Stick includes a survey by Jim Grimm on new
construction and renovation. He is preparing a
program presentation at Kansas City. Please consider
People tend to stay motivated when they see the value
to them of the things they are asked to do.
NWACUHO Soundings
Summer 2001
NWACUHO Soundings
Summer 2001
Neil Buddel also has a Bachelor of Science degree
from McMaster University and will be entering his
first professional Student Services position. Neil is
a proven leader in student government, and will
bring a dynamic approach to his position as the
other Residence Coordinator in Lister Hall.
State and Provincial Reports
University of Alberta
Residence Life Evolution
at the University of Alberta
One thing that you can count on at the University
of Alberta is that things are always changing! This
year is no exception, with the creation of 6 new
Residence Coordinator positions. With the current
competitive market for recruiting quality Residence
Life staff, the U of A reorganized in order to best
utilize its resources and get students and Housing
and Food Services the best service that their dollar
can buy.
Changes were made with the departure of former
Assistant Director of Residence Life Margot Bell,
who has moved to her new life in Vancouver.
Margot was a significant contributor to NWACUHO,
serving as Alberta Rep for two years – she will be
missed both here and in the region! In addition,
former Residence Coordinator Tamara Baldwin has
made a career move to the University of Western
Ontario’s residences. Also leaving the University of
Alberta are long-time contributors Michael Lapointe
and Scott Kelly.
Here is a little information about our 6 new
Residence Coordinators:
Graeme Poules has a Bachelor of Arts degree from
the University of Alberta, and extensive experience
with student government. Graeme returned to
residence life after a year away from the residences,
and is the Residence Coordinator for the HUB
Clint Galloway holds a Bachelor of Education
degree from the University of Alberta, and has
also made a transition from student government
to residence life. Clint is currently the Residence
Coordinator for the Garneau Residence and will
be taking on responsibility for Newton Place next
year as well.
Dike Igboemeka is a Bachelor of Science (Psychology)
graduate of McMaster University in Ontario and has
served as a Residence Life Coordinator for two years
at the University of Calgary. He brings a wealth
of experience from student-centred residence
systems, as well as a broad perspective on diversity
issues. Dike will be a Residence Coordinator in
Lister Hall.
NWACUHO Soundings
Denise DeLong is just completing her Masters in
Education degree at the University of Alberta.
She brings extensive experience as an English as
a Second Language Instructor in addition to her
work with immigrants and travel and work in
other countries. This will serve her well as she
assumes her responsibilities for the International
community that is our family housing residence,
Michener Park.
Eric Lachevrotiere is an Honours Bachelor of Physical
and Health Education graduate of Laurentian
University in Sudbury, Ontario and will bring his
love of the outdoors to Alberta. He has served
as Residence Life Coordinator for one year at
Laurentian University. Eric will be the Residence
Coordinator for the Faculté Saint-Jean and Pembina
Residences and will also manage the training and
programming portfolio on a campus-wide basis.
In addition, our conference operation has recently
hired a new staff member, Sunny Young. Sunny
is Conference Services’ new Guest Services
Coordinator. In this capacity she will be focusing
on the short term guest housing in Lister Hall,
preparing and co-managing the front desk for the
conference season, and learning the many ropes of
university conference activity and the Department
of Housing and Food Services in general.
That’s all from the U of A – we’ll be seeing you
Alberta Provincial
It’s over!! We have successfully survived another
academic year! I may not be speaking for all of
my colleagues in Alberta, but I approach this time
of year with mixed emotions. It’s sad to see Rez
transform into a ghost town overnight as students
pack up and move out, knowing that you’ve seen
some of them for the last time. But I’m always
happy to know that I can use this time of year to
have a breather before starting to plan for next
year. And in the odd case, I’m very happy that I’ve
seen some students for the last time.
Spring is generally a busy time in Alberta for
meetings, workshops and conferences. All of
Summer 2001
the institutions in our province that attended
NWACUHO in Edmonton in February were very
pleased with the program, and we would like to
thank all of our other regional colleagues for giving
us the opportunity to showcase our province!
Provincial institutions met on March 16th & 17th
at the University of Saskatchewan for our Annual
General Meeting of the Residence Life Professional
Association (RLPA). University of Saskatchewan is
one of several institutions from Saskatchewan and
British Columbia that belong to the association,
and this was our first time venturing outside of
Alberta for a meeting. The two days were great;
special thanks to Sylvia Cholodnuik from U of
S for showing us around the campus and the
city of Saskatoon. Some members of the RLPA
also attended the Alberta Services for Students
Conference at Grant MacEwan College in Edmonton
from May 1-4. As in past years, this was a great
opportunity to attend a conference that included
colleagues from the areas of counseling, learning
skills and registrar, to name a few. The last
workshop for the spring will take place at Lakeland
College in Vermilion on June 14th & 15th. This
two-day workshop is designed mainly for residence
administration staff. Further information on this
conference can be accessed by emailing Sean Hunter
The University of Alberta recieved the ACUHO-I
“Celebrate Family Week” grant for their submission
of a week-long program encompassing activities that
encouraged families in residence to celebrate their
residence community and each other. Activities
included a family photo shoot, rocket launch,
skating party, toboggan party, a family breakfast
and much more.
That’s about all the news I have for now from the
sunny province of Alberta. Hope that everyone
has a great summer! If anyone in Alberta has
news, new hires, etc. please email them to me at
Jason Novak
Alberta Rep
British Columbia Updates
University of British Columbia
Chad Elliott has chosen not to return as a Residence
Life Manager next year. It was a difficult decision for
him to make. He has really enjoyed his year at UBC
and all of the great staff he had the opportunity
to work with.
I have also chosen not to return to UBC next year.
I have decided to pursue my M.Ed. I have enjoyed
my 3 years at UBC and will be very sad to leave
On the flip side…this means that UBC will be
hiring 2 new Residence Life Managers this summer.
As well, I will be leaving my post as BC Rep, so
NWACUHO will be filling this position in the
near future.
Val Holtom
Canadian International College
Canadian International College (CIC) follows the
Japanese School year and so their school year
just started in early April. So orientation is upon
CIC would like to announce the addition of 2 new
staff members to their team:
Tai Silvey - Campus Life Facilitator
Michelle Hewitt - Campus Life Facilitator
Tai and Michelle have been an excellent addition
to the Campus Life team at CIC. Their background
and experience will play a crucial role in the success
of their campus life. Everyone at CIC would like
to wish them Gambate (a Japanese word for good
luck) and welcome.
Chris Rogerson - Campus Life Manager
Oregon Updates
Things have been very busy lately for Oregon
colleges and universities. Many of our institutions
under the semester systems will have completed
their semesters by the time of this publication,
while those institutions under the quarter system
will be completing their academic year in the next
few weeks.
College Housing Northwest – Central
Oregon Community College &
Portland State University
In the past six months, College Housing Northwest
has purchased two apartment buildings adjacent to
the PSU campus, adding more than fifty additional
NWACUHO Soundings
Summer 2001
beds for students. Beginning in the Fall Term
2001 College Housing Northwest will offer a
housing program option specifically for out-ofstate undergraduate students. New and additional
housing projects are tentatively in the works to
open Fall 2003.
Oregon Institute of Technology
John Hollan was hired to fill the recently created
Assistant Director of Residence Life position. John
will be making the move to OIT from Oregon
State University. OIT is excited to welcome John
to their team!
Treasure Valley Community College
TVCC is currently working on grant proposals to
purchase new furniture for the residence halls.
Western Oregon University
We have just completed our re-contracting process
with current residence hall students for next fall.
Our numbers are up more than 35% compared to
previous years and new applications continue to
pour in daily. We have already started a waiting
list for transfer students and non-traditional
A few of the projects we have planned for this
summer include:
-The construction of a new residential service center
on the north side of Valsetz Dining Hall that will
include mail services for all residence hall students,
an information desk, re-location of the RHA office
and advisor office, and Fitness Center.
-Converting two more residence halls over to
keyless entry systems.
-Lounge renovation including a 24 hours study
lounge in Landers Hall.
We are currently in discussions regarding a new
residential complex. The new facility will most
likely to be suite-style or apartment-style units,
built on the north end of campus. We hope to get
this project underway soon.
Willamette University
Willamette is currently hiring for an Area
Coordinator. The university is also carefully
considering restructuring its residential facilities
and rebuilding into a residential commons college
system. A new student activity center is in
construction and is slated to be completed by
August 15.
NWACUHO Soundings
Washington Update
Western Washington University
Western Washington University is pleased to
announce the hiring of a new Resident Director,
Grant Walters, for the 2001-2002 academic year.
Grant recently completed his Master’s Degree in
College Student Development and Administration
from the University of Wisconsin-LaCrosse. Grant
isn’t a native midwesterner but hails from Canada
and now becomes the second Canadian member
of the current Resident Director staff. Grant has
an extensive background experience in Student
Leadership and Student Development and has been
very involved in PACURH, NACURH, and North
West Residence Life Leadership Conferences.
Additionally, at press time, we are in the midst of
hiring a University Residences Judicial Officer, a
newly created position within the department.
Alaska Update
University of Alaska, Fairbanks
We have recently completed our hiring process.
Eric Jozwiak, our Associate Director for Facilities
has retired after working at UAF for 26 years, and
was replaced by Nathan Platt. Kevin Huddy has
become our official Director, and we have hired 3
new RDs and a Conference Services and Marketing
Coordinator. Aside from all of the hiring, our
occupancy is up and things are going well.
University of Alaska, Southeast
Sadly, Timi Tullis has left Residence Life at Juneau.
Aside from Timi’s departure, the University of
Alaska Southeast has had a great year. Retention
has skyrocketed as well as GPAs. In family housing
there is 116% increase and single student housing
there has seen a 57% increase. Along with that
we are thrilled that at the end of first semester
the overall GPA in housing was a 2.98. For the
freshmen hall it was 2.8 and the apartments boasted
a 3.0.
University of Alaska, Anchorage
The University of Alaska Anchorage has also been
going through the hiring process culminating in the
hiring of a new Director of Residence Life.
Summer 2001
NWACUHO 2001 –
An Alberta Success!!!
As this year’s Past-President and past conference
chair, I am breathing a sigh of relief, and wearing
a glow of pride! While the financial numbers are
still being reconciled, we are confident that the
conference was successful beyond the goals we set
out. More importantly, I am extremely proud of the
province-wide organizing committee, and grateful
to all of the people who made the conference a
success (including attendees and institutions that
supported a visit to the Canadian North!).
The West Edmonton Mall provided a variety of
unique opportunities, for shoppers, diners and
urban adventurers! A venue such as WEM lends itself
to wandering delegates, but despite the temptation,
on most occasions large groups of NWACUHO
delegates (when they weren’t in sessions) could be
found congregated in restaurants, pubs, bowling at
RED’s, or chatting in the hospitality suite.
Two years ago, seven Canadian delegates attended
the annual conference, and it looked like interest
was waning. However, we offered a number of
initiatives (which will also be available in Oregon
in 2002) to make the conference more affordable
for Canadian delegates, and the numbers have
improved – this year’s conference was attended by
64 American and 52 Canadian delegates! While
the location and affordability of Alberta may have
been a contributing factor, I am confident that
Canadians will recognize the value that NWACUHO
offers and continue to support it in the future.
David B. Stephen Award Winner
It was an honor for me this year to be able to award
the David B. Stephen Award to Lyle Morse. This
Award is given annually to an individual who by
his/her actions has made significant contributions
to NWACUHO. This year’s award winner has been
active participant of NWACUHO and ACUHO-I for
over twenty years. He has been involved in this
association as a friend, presenter, and vendor.
In this month’s Talking Stick there is a great article
written by Kay Rich about Lyle Morse. In the
article it states: ”Well known for his personal
generosity and delightfully offbeat sense of
humor, Morse didn’t exactly plan his career as
an entrepreneur....Morse doesn’t limit his gifts of
time, expertise and money to housing.” A past
president of Western Washington University’s
Alumni Association, Morse helped found an
endowment at his alma mater for student
scholarships and launch chapter organizations
in cities with high concentrations of alumni.
For years, he also has contributed furniture and
other donations to programs for the homeless,
including transition housing in Olympia, Seattle
and Bellingham (WA), and in Portland, Oregon.
He also serves on a local bank board, presides
over an Olympia-based micro brewing company,
and volunteers for a number of other businessrelated boards. ”We’ve been blessed with so
many opportunities to work with good people on
important projects,” Morse modestly explains. “We
really appreciate the chance we have to help.” This
association has been blessed to have this individual
be a part of NWACUHO.
Jerry Kruse
I was also encouraged by the quality and number
of presentations of our new professionals, and
by the energy that they brought to all aspects of
the conference. If this was any indication of what
to expect, NWACUHO has a bright and exciting
I hope that “NWACUHO 2001 – A Canadian
Odyssey” gave you a taste of the Canadian
West, and that Western Canadians made some
meaningful connections with our American
partners! NWACUHO 2002 in Eugene, Oregon
promises more of the same – I hope to see you
all there!
Jason Hunter
NWACUHO 2001 Conference Committee Chair
NWACUHO Past-President
NWACUHO Soundings
Summer 2001
NWACUHO Award for
Excellence in Service
AWARD 2001
This year’s recipient of the NWACUHO Award for
Excellence in Service award goes to Linda “LA”
Amburgy of Western Washington University. LA
currently works at Western Washington University
as the Coordinator for Leadership and Programming.
LA has served the NWACUHO region for many
years; her latest undertaking is President-Elect
for the association. LA is highly regarded by the
students and staff with whom she works. Her
passion for encouraging growth and wellness is
highly contagious and can be seen in the leadership
and educational programming that she oversees.
Congratulations LA! We look for many good things
to come!
Check out some folks from
the banquet in Edmonton!
DEADLINE for the Next
NWACUHO Soundings Article
Submission is
October 1, 2001
Items to submit from your institution:
New programs working for your living area
New staff /staff for your institution
Ideas for education in the halls
Issues on your campus
Anything you think is news worthy
In the FALL EDITION of Soundings
(Out in November)
Conference Update at Eugene
NWACUHO Soundings
Summer 2001
New Professional Award Winners
This year’s two new professionals are Kyla McLeod from the Universtiy of Puget Sound, and Kyle Jordan
from Western Oregon University. Congratulations to our outsanding new professionals!
Kyla and Kyle receiving their award from Shane!
Case Study Winners
NWACUHO Soundings
Summer 2001
Best of the Northwest
NWACUHO was proud to award Val Holtom
and Chad Hyson from the University of British
Columbia the Best of the Northwest program award
for their presentation ”Now Look What You DidYou Made Me Laugh So Hard I Peed My Pants!” As
part of this award, Val and Chad went to ACUHO-I
in Kansas City-hope the trip was great!
2. Possibly have someone within ACUHO-I
act as a clearinghouse for this process. Membership
institutions could funnel their efforts through
ACUHO-I, rather than having to recreate the
wheel. This would be particularly helpful for those
institutions whose Human Resources departments
are unable to provide appropriate assistance.
New Professionals Committee
At the 2001 NWACUHO Conference new
professionals from around the region had a chance
to interact with each other and with veterans of the
field. I would like to thank all of those who planned
and attended the reception. At the reception the
newly created New Professionals Handbook was
distributed. The handbook, which was complied
and put together by several members of NWACUHO,
was well received by all.
Currently the New Professional Initiatives
Committee will be reviewing the recently published
New Professionals Handbook. We will be looking
at the future of the publication including updates,
distribution, etc. I am currently looking for
professionals, both new and veteran, to serve on
the committee. If you are interested please e-mail
me at
Committee Updates
Cross Border Committee Report
Cross-border employment issues have been a
growing concern and issue for many in our region.
NWACUHO is a region which is shared by both
Canadian and American institutions. As we strive
to share resources and unify to the best of our
ability, we have hit a fairly major roadblock at
At NWACUHO – 2001 Peter Rosenberg and Jennifer
Quin of Western Washington University presented a
very informative program outlining the frustrations
of one American institution as they tried to hire a
staff member from Canada.
The Cross Border Committee is in the process of
investigating our options as a region to try to best
figure out how ACUHO-I might be of assistance in
reducing these frustrations.
Some ideas, which are being explored, are as
1. Assistance with research (i.e. legal research
on process, how to lobby government for changes
to the NAFTA list) A general job title related to
student affairs that could be a “catch-all” would
be best.
NWACUHO Soundings
Products and Services Report
At this year’s annual conference, we had 13
exhibitors participate in the Products and
Services show.
We had four new exhibitors
participate: Campus Coolers (microfridges), Dehler
Manufacturing (furniture manufacturing), Hanbury,
Evans, Newill, Vlattas and Company (architectural
services) and RMS (management software). The
gross income from exhibitors was $10,600. We are
extremely thankful to Heartwood Manufacturing
for sponsoring the opening reception; Mithun
Partners and Ducan for sponsoring coffee breaks;
Norse Furniture for sponsoring the conference
“” (hat); USA Today for sponsoring the
Conference Notebook; and WEB Services Company
for sponsoring the Host Committee vest. We could
not have had a successful show without the hard
work of the Host Committee, especially Tracy
Mason and Tamara Baldwin of the University of
Vennie Gore
Summer 2001
Hello NWACUHO gang! Hope that the spring is going well so far. I’m Jason Novak from Mount Royal
College in Calgary, and I’m the Alberta Rep for NWACUHO. I am also the chair for the Website/Newsletter
Committee. As chair of this committee, my function is basically to provide support and direction to
our two primary methods of communication. I’m sure that most of you will agree that our website and
newsletter are both super quality, but this committee just makes sure that we’re adequately meeting the
needs of the membership. I don’t have much to report, as I’m still new to the role. I’m looking to the
wisdom of other executive members over the next few months to get me caught up!!
I think that Shane mentioned at the conference that we’re looking for NWACUHO members to get
involved with these committees as well. I know that I talked to a couple of people that were interested
in this particular committee, but I failed to get names. So if you are interested, please email me at If you want more information as to which direction the committee is heading,
I’ll be happy to provide that as well.
Have a good summer everyone!!
NWACUHO Soundings
Summer 2001
NWACUHO Treasurer’s Report
Quarterly Financial Report
Period of Report: February 2, 2001 – May 1st, 2001
Account Balance
as of 2/2/01
Member dues collected
Vendor Deposits for NWACUHO Conference
Bank Account Interest earned
Total Revenues:
NWACUHO Publications
Directory Printing/Mailing/Dues Notice Postage
NWACUHO Soundings (FA 2000)
NWACUHO Soundings (WI 2001)
NWACUHO Exec. Board Meetings:
Conference meeting lodging/meals
Committee Expenditures:
New Professionals Handbook
Prizes and Awards:
New Professional Awards
Website maintenance fees
NWRLLC Conference Seed Monies
Bank Checks
Total Expenditures:
Account Balance
as of 5/01/2001
Submitted by Dave Dettman
Treasurer, NWACUHO
Utilize the NWACUHO Website:
It offers to you a Regional Directory, Regional
Updates, Info on Upcoming Events, Soundings on-line (coming soon),
and Position Announcements.
NWACUHO Soundings
Summer 2001
NWACUHO Soundings
Summer 2001
NWACUHO Soundings
Summer 2001
Edmonton Highlights
The 2001 Conference in Edmonton was a great
success! Many quality programs were offered,
making it hard to decide which program deserved
the award, Best of the Northwest. We were
also lucky to have inn our mix outstanding new
professionals to our field . It is also my pleasure
to share with our our David B. Stephen Award for
Excellence. Our program was diverse and our award
winners were as follows:
Additionally please welcome the new members of
the Executive Board:
President Elect
Linda Amburgy, Western Washington University
Dave Dettman, Western Washington University
Newsletter Editor
Mandi Horney, Washington State University
Washington Representative
Best of the Northwest
(Conference Program)
Jen Quin, Western Washington University
Oregon Representative
Val Holtom & Chad Hyson
University of British Columbia
Kyle Jordan, Western Oregon University
Outstanding New Professional
Jason Novak, Mount Royal College
Alberta Representative
Kyla McLeod, University of Puget Sound
Kyle Jordan, Western Oregon University
Alaska Representative
Patrick Brown, University of Alaska, Fairbanks
David B. Stephen Award
Lyle Morse, Norse Furniture
Shane Daetwiler
Award for Excellence in Service
Linda Amburgy, Western Washington University
More fun pictures from our closing banquet!
What a fantastic voice!
NWACUHO Soundings
Summer 2001
New friendships were made, and old friendships were renewed!
NWACUHO Soundings
Summer 2001
NWACUHO Executive
Board Minutes
May 17 - 18, 2001
University of British Columbia
Wants to begin establishing some achievable
goals for the executive of the association, in an
attempt to establish a fluid checks and balances
list of what we’ve accomplished in our time,
especially considering the significant transition
we experience.
Wants us to do a better job of keeping in touch
via e-mail about some of the initiatives and projects
that we’re working on, to ensure that we make
better use of our executive meeting times.
Has been in touch with Eddie Bankston to give
updates on regional activities.
Would be helpful to have us articulate some
expectations to Shane regarding things he should
work on in the year ahead.
President Elect
Sent her regrets.
Past President
Passed on information to Shane.
Distributed quarterly financial report.
Operating expenses have been pretty constant
and stable over the past few years, which matches
what we collect in dues from schools.
Our conferences are doing well financially,
thereby contributing to our stability.
We could save almost $500.00 US a year if we
print and post out of Canada. We may wish to
consider putting our printing out for bidding by
different institutions.
We gained 4 Canadian schools (3 BC, 1 AB), and
lost 6 US schools.
We need to look at particular Canadian issues
and content to retain our Canadian and other
affinity-like members.
We’re going to put $10,000 into a CD.
Regional e-mail lists are just going through a final
approval from the university.
Goal to work over the summer to get membership
updates ready to go out in early fall.
Let’s look at having the lists be housed with in the future.
NWACUHO Soundings
Product and Services Coordinator
Distributed report. Thirteen vendors at the
conference. $10,600 in vendor revenue. Success was
connected to Tracy Mason and Tamara Baldwion
at U of A who helped make border issues easy.
Maintaining between 20-25 vendors will be
Newsletter Editor
Working on Soundings. Hope to reach completion
by June. Need feedback on what kinds of things she
wants us to do with timing, etc. Target date is June
30th to send to printers/post on the web.
Alaska Rep
A lot of transition for all of Alaska schools. Timi is
leaving UAS. Anchorage has a continuing Director
of Residence Life, as opposed to interim. UAF has
gone to a continuing director, and are transitioning
in the facilities area. Occupancy rates seem to be
getting better. UAF will have all their halls on
line for the first time in about 3 years. State is
contributing money to fund new residence life
Alberta Rep
Province was pleased with turnout and participation
in NWACUHO conference. Energy costs are a big
issue. Government is giving out rebates for energy
and facilities updates. RLPA is trying to branch
out a little bit more. But they want to continue to
encourage provincial professional development, and
don’t want it to get much larger than Alberta.
U of A is hosting world track and field and
triathlon championships. Spring professional
development for admin staff is in the works.
BC Rep
2 vacancies at UBC. UVic has filled their position.
Want to see increased communication between
schools and sharing of resources between BC
schools. St. Andrew’s is developing a discussion list
on line to share information. Creating a resource
list of suppliers, speakers, etc. that we use. What are
our strengths as colleagues that we can share across
institutions? One-day drive-in in early October
for Senior Student Staff, including an afternoon of
round table for the professional staff. We don’t
want to become a formal association.
Oregon Rep
OSU eliminated Hall Director positions from Grad
program. Hired 6 full time Hall Directors. All
Assistant Directors are now live-out, and they’ve
added a 5th AD. State budget for higher education
was significantly reduced. Everyone is taking a really
big hit. Power rates will also increase anywhere
between 100% - 300%. Most state institutions
may move to 4 day work weeks and go to power
Summer 2001
blackouts for the remaining days. Almost every
institution is going through a major renovation or
construction project.
Washington Rep
WWU created a new central staff position for
Judicial Affairs. Filled an RD position with an SFU
alum. WSU is having lots of restructuring because
enrollment is down. One new hall on line in
the fall, along with one newly renovated hall.
UW has lots of bodies, and is projecting almost
500 students on their waiting list. Did returning
resident assignments on-line for the first time.
Building a new apartment complex. Family housing
units are coming on line in the summer. UPS has
an increase in their entering class enrollment. New
facility will open Fall 2002. AC position opened up.
Kyla McLeod will be staying on and they were able
to navigate the border challenges with US Visas,
etc. Still looking for a Greek Life and Leadership
position. Assistant Director Res Life just resigned.
PLU has had a lot of success with their new
Conference Updates
New Professionals Commitee
Review the handbook to add / subtract timesensitive information. Need to have directory
updates include designation of new professionals so
that information can be passed onto Kyle.
Cross Border Issues
Have collected a lot of information and Shane
submitted information to ACUHO-I looking for
support for lobbying to have “Student Affairs”
included on the NAFTA Visa job classifications.
We want ACUHO-I to find out on behalf of the
association what the process is to have this included
on NAFTA. We need to push the issue with
ACUHO-I and challenge them to take this on.
Our international efforts need to focus more on
the regional issues of content, programming, and
understanding of the needs of Canadian and US
member schools as part of an international regional
Need to set some goals and direction. Need
to explore the concepts and understand what
pluralism/diversity means to our association
and its members.
Final Report for Edmonton 2001
Still in the process of establishing final numbers.
Had about 115 delegates. Financially, had budgeted
conservatively for about $55,000 CDN, but we’re
looking like it’ll be a little closer to $60,000 CDN.
Anticipate that the conference will come out well,
and be able to make the 10% contribution back to
the association. Food costs were lower, no PST in
AB and charging across the board conference rates
contributed to this success.
2002 Eugene, Oregon
Things are going well. Conference information is
ready to go to the website. Working with Treasurer
for seed money. Conversing with President to work
out details of Canadian at par and travel.
Newsletter / Website
WWU will host site for 3 years. Updating etc.
will happen for free. More detailed work will be
available at a reasonable rate. Hosting fees will be
about $300.00 per year for the domain server.
Website will be up and working within the next
few weeks.
Job posting board is up and running and
In the stages of creating a shadow site to
restructure information and links.
2003 West Coast Super Regional
WACUHO will be the banker for the conference.
Great things planned to spotlight Seattle and
interact with WACUHO.
WPE? Idea of a messaging centre, as opposed to
a placement centre.
Awards: do at separate business meetings
Still want to do NWACUHO Town Meeting
Confirmed dates. Mailing is ready to go out.
NWACUHO Soundings
Summer 2001
NWACUHO Soundings
Summer 2001
NWACUHO Soundings
WSU Residence Life
A.E. McCartan Administrative Suite
P.O. Box 641724
Pullman, WA 99164-1724