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d 2015 n la in F in t e ne mark RES-T metha asbusse g d r E z n e B s Mercede 2 8 t r e d r o id EMT Madr PG PHOTO – BMW press release nek L y r – P G O P y n Raport Rocz el u F l a u D M F Volvo PROUDLY MADE IN AUSTRALIA Say G’Day to our Flashlube Electronic Valve Saver E2 Kit, the innovative way to protect LPG and CNG vehicles from Valve Seat Recession. AWARD WINNING Proudly Australian made, our E2 Kit has won the 2015 Australian Automotive Aftermarket Innovation award. Our system improves on the award winning design released in 2009, with the addition of a ‘Smart Pump’ and next generation ECU. The self-priming ‘Smart Pump’ is designed to both initiate fluid flow as soon as correct installation is complete and stop pumping if the reservoir is empty so it will not run dry. The E2 Kit’s ECU will synchronise with LPG and CNG systems and features an adjustment dial that is simply set to match with a vehicles cylinder capacity, removing any programming difficulty. Our unique Flashlube formula, developed by German CSIRO scientist Wolfgang Kluenner, is the world’s solution to valve seat recession. For more information please visit flashlube.com no: 77 VII-VIII 2016 05 06 06 08 08 10 10 13 13 05 Fuel Regulation Module for Medium- to Heavy-Duty Vehicles with 5 to 12-Liter Engines Новый наряд Короля Ciągnik na gaz LPG i CNG Polish LPG Market EMT Madrid ordert 82 Mercedes-Benz Erdgasbusse Renault Samsung with 2.0 LPG engine DER NEUE OPEL ZAFIRA: die top-vernetzte reise-lounge auf rädern 34 37 37 38 38 34 Natural gas in vehicles – on the road to nowhere? CENY PALIW FUEL PRICES Podlaska Marka Roku 2016 nosi nazwę STAG Diesel Peterbilt Brings New Refuse Truck to Market with CNG/LNG Options STAG Diesel daje radę w każdych warunkach – Misja Wschód zakończona sukcesem LNG-fueled Volvo Truck A record order for 250 natural gas vehicles! REDAKCJA 26 28 28 30 30 31 31 32 32 33 33 26 2017 Opel Zafira Raport Roczny POGP – rynek LPG w polsce CNG market info RES-T methane market in Finland 2015 14 16 16 19 19 20 20 22 22 24 24 14 Experts meeting in Croatia Ukazuje się od lipca 2003 Established in July 2003 New roof-mounted CNG fuel systems EDITORIAL OFFICE WYDAWCA (EDITOR) Amber Media Sylwia Bujalska ul. Myśliwska 8/20, 81- 572 Gdynia, Poland e-mail: info@amber-media.pl www.amber-media.pl TAX ID: PL578-146-51-90 REDAKCJA (OFFICE) tel. (+48) 506 180 062 e-mail: info@timeforgas.com e-mail: redakcja@czasnagaz.com.pl Skype: czas_na_gaz www.czasnagaz.com.pl www.timeforgas.com REDAKTOR NACZELNY (CHIEF EDITOR) Sylwia Bujalska tel. (+48) 506 180 062 e-mail: info@timeforgas.com e-mail: info@czasnagaz.com.pl OPRACOWANIE GRAFICZNE / SKŁAD Paweł Wójcik e-mail: graphic@timeforgas.com DYTRYBUCJA w 49 krajach! DISTRIBUTION in 49 countries! TŁUMACZENIA Biuro Tłumaczeń AMBIT ISSN 1731-1357 www.timeforgas.com www.czasnagaz.com.pl Redakcja nie ponosi odpowiedzialności za treść publikowanych ogłoszeń i reklam oraz może odmówić ich zamieszczenia, jeśli pozostają w sprzeczności z prawem oraz charakterem pisma. W razie konieczności, redakcja zastrzega sobie prawo do dokonywania skrótów i niezbędnych zmian w nadsyłanych tekstach. Wydanie bieżące oraz archiwalne dostępne bezpłatnie pod adresem: http://www.czasnagaz.com.pl/down.html Present issue and archives are available freely on: http://www.timeforgas.com The Publisher assumes no responsibility for the content of advertising, sponsored texts or written materials with copyrights of its authors. Opinions, pictures, slogans and logos stated in advertising are solely those of the advertiser. The Publisher reserves the right to reject any advertisement. While every effort has been made to ensure that the publication adheres to industry standard practices, “Czas na gaz!” magazine, shall not be liable or responsible for errors, omissions or inaccuracies whatsoever for the views expressed or the work provided by its contributors in the magazine. Cover, contents and Website are copyright protected and may not be reproduced in any shape or form without prior written consent from “Czas na gaz!”. “Czas na gaz!” does not knowingly accept false or misleading advertising or editorial, nor does the publisher assume any responsibility for the consequences that occur should any such material appear. “Czas na gaz!” also assumes no responsibility for content, text or artwork of advertisements appearing in “Czas na gaz!” – the printed magazine and www.czasnagaz.com.pl & www.timeforgas.com. Autogas Autogas Dedicated for the autogas driver Dedicated for the autogas driver EXPERTS meeting in Croatia T HE INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC & EXPERT MEETING OF GAS PROFESSIONALS WAS HELD SUCESSFULLY IN THE CONGRESS CENTRE ON 4TH TILL 6TH OF MAY 2016. THE LARGEST ANNUAL GAS EVENT IN SEE, ORGANIZED BY CROATIAN GAS CENTRE AND CROATIAN GAS ASSOCIATION, GATHERED MORE THAN 550 PARTICIPANTS FROM 22 EUROPEAN COUNTRIES. TOTALLY 230 GAS AND ENERGY COMPANIES AND ORGANIZATIONS WERE PRESENT, OF WHOM 85 FROM ABROAD AND 10 MEDIA REPRESENTATIVES. The event featured the three-day exhibition of gas equipment where 44 exhibitors from 10 countries presented their products and services. Total of 48 scientific and professional papers and 6 technical-commercial papers (round-tables) were presented covering nine current gas topics. Within the topic The effects of CO2 emissions on gas and future energy systems the basis and the partial results related to low-carbon strategy for the Republic of Croatia by the year 2030 and a view of the year 2050 were presented. Special attention was placed on the role of gas and its role in the transition period, with an emphasis on subsectors and the reference scenario NUR along with scenarios relating to gradual transitions NU1 and strong transitions NU2. The topic Development of intelligent technology in gas and energy systems was commenced with a presentation explaining the experience of Germany in optimisation of gas network pressure management, primarily in regard to detection and control of possible gas due to gas leakages. The practical possibilities of controlling gas consumption in a new way via remote data processing and resolving issues regarding nonpayers using a new technology and meters that can remotely shut off gas flow until users settle their financial obligations. Planned development projects in the Republic of Croatia were presented by Plinacro company and current preparations for implementing the terminal infrastructure of the potential LNG project on the island of Krk, with an overview of undertaken actions and money obtained from EU funds. An overview is given of the technological development and progress in maintaining a gas system in terms of pipeline controls and security, including ongoing improvement of chromatographic monitoring of gas quality and the modernisation of quality data transmission. Lectures on the topic Supplying gas in a liberalised market provided a clear overview of inequality in the level of development of the natural gas market in the region, where Serbia is a country in which the process of market liberalisation is yet to begin, Hungary already possesses 6 years in successful application of the liberalization and the temporary cancelling the principle of “take or pay” in the contract between Naftogaz and Gazprom is presented and future consequences on the supply of natural gas by Ukraine. Within the topic Technical, economic and other issues associated with the LNG and LPG a reference was made to explaining optimisation of urban gas networks in the future thermal energy market, and thereafter a look at the models of assessing risks associated with the gas usage in industry using examples from France. Presentation of possibilities and potential use of gas in transport in Croatia was given in regard to the low-carbon strategy, which was an introduction to talks on LNG in the transport industry. Event was supported by: Siemens d.d. and numerous sponsors such as INA – Industrija nafte, Plinacro, Prvo plinarsko društvo, MET Croatia Energy Trade, Međimurje-plin, DNV GL, Geoplin, IP Systems, Hrvatska Elektroprivreda, RWE Hrvatska and co-organizer Podzemno skladište plina. „Time For Gas!“ – media partner You may find it hard You may find it hard to believe, but you tocan believe, butfor you use JLM can useanything. JLM for almost almost anything. MEDIA PARTNER JLMLUBRICANTS.COM JLMLUBRICANTS.COM FINLAND Finnish gas retailer Gasum is joining ‘Society’s Commitment to Sustainable Development’, a national initiative which enables the Finnish government and administration, along with Finnish companies, organizations, political and academic communities and individuals to make their own pledges to promote sustainable development. Gasum is giving an operational commitment in two parts, one of which is invest in the development of the road fuel gas market by increasing the supply of road fuel gas significantly in the key demand areas in Finland. In its operational commitment, Gasum commits to investing in the development of the low-emission road fuel gas market by increasing the supply of road fuel gas significantly in the key demand areas in Finland. Gasum will expand the gas filling station network in response to demand to key transport nodes in Finland. By the end of 2018, 16 new filling stations will be constructed in the Helsinki Metropolitan Area, Turku, Jyväskylä, Oulu and other selected locations. Source: Gasum FINLAND Wärtsilä has launched a new version of its Wärtsilä Engine efficiency monitoring service that accommodates dual-fuel technology, such as for engines that use LNG fuel. With this service, customers can optimize their fuel consumption by adjusting their operations according to real-time data. The service includes expert advice on overhaul and operational pattern. By extending the service to DF engines, Wärtsilä is strengthening its strategic focus on gas-fuelled engine technology. The Engine efficiency monitoring service also serves as a solid foundation for developing efficiency monitoring to include a wide range of operations of a gas or DF engine operated ship or power plant. Source: Wärtsilä Corporation RUSSIA As of the end of 2015, Gazprom and its affiliates owned 52 CNG filling stations in Europe: Germany, the Czech Rep. and Poland – representing an almost 1.5-fold increase from 2014. Since early 2016, the Company added 14 more units to its CNG station network, bringing their number to 66. It is planned to expand the network further by the end of this year. In Germany’s port of Rostock, Gazprom and Gasunie are constructing a small-scale LNG terminal for receiving, storing, and shipping liquefied natural gas that will be used as a bunker and vehicle fuel, as well as an energy resource for autonomous gasification purposes. The Rostock terminal will be loaded with LNG from the Company’s planned LNG production capacities in northwestern Russia. The first vessel was bunkered with LNG in March this year. Source: Gazprom 06 GREECE / KOREA Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering (DSME) has signed new contracts with Greek companies Maran Gas Maritime and Maran Tankers Management for the construction of 2 dual-fuel (natural gas/ HFO) ME-GI powered LNG carriers. The LNG carriers are slated for delivery in 2019. The Korean shipbuilder announced on June 9 that it won the orders at the international shipping exhibition Posidonia in Greece. Maran Gas Maritime has already 4 ME-GI powered LNG carriers on order at DSME. The newbuildings are described as the next generation of eco-friendly vessels meeting IMO Tier III. The 173,400 cbm LNG carriers, measuring 295 m (LOA) x 46 m (beam), will each be fitted with MAN B&W 2 x 5G70ME-C9.5-GI gas and fuel burning engines fulfilling IMO Tier III by EGR in both gas and fuel mode. This engine type is expected to raise fuel efficiency significantly compared to a standard LNG carrier, while at the same time lowering emissions. The ME-GI dual fuel low speed diesel engine represents the culmination of many years of development work. Source: MAN Diesel & Turbo FRANCE XPO Logistics, a global provider of transportation and logistics solutions, has made a major environmental statement in France by combining the inauguration of its new pallet distribution hub at Bondoufle (Essonne department) with the unveiling a fleet of Stralis Euro VI Natural Power trucks. Purchased from Industrial Vehicles Corporation (Iveco), the LNG/CNG powered vehicles comprise the largest gas-powered truck fleet of its kind in France. Source: XPO FRANCE Air Liquide has launched France’s (and Europe’s) first multi-energy station in Fléville-devant-Nancy, about 350 km east of Paris. Open to the public and dedicated to road freight transport, the station supplies vehicles with CNG, LNG and liquid nitrogen (N2) on a single site. CNG and LNG power trucks are used for urban deliveries. Nitrogen is meant for trucks fitted with a cryogenic refrigerating unit for food refrigerated transport. The station will provide fuels to the truck fleet running on LNG/CNG and on nitrogen for refrigerated transport of Transalliance, a European transport and logistics company. Those trucks are used for deliveries in urban areas on behalf of Samada, Monoprix’s logistics subsidiary. Source: Air Liquide SWEDEN / CANADA Westport Fuel Systems Inc. says Volvo Car will launch the bi-fuel version of its new V90 station wagon fitted with Westport natural gas technology. The engine can run on either CNG/ biomethane (RNG) or petrol and forms part of Volvo Car’s Engine Architecture, which ranks as one of the best engine families in the world. It is expected to offer low emissions of 120 gm CO2 when run on CNG and 40 gm CO2 when 100% renewable natural gas is used. As well as top quality green credentials, the car will also feature a high-performance 254 horsepower engine, 350NM torque and an eight-speed automatic gearbox. Source: Westport, Volvo, NGVGlobal PORTUGAL International energy company Galp Energia (Galp) has commenced the process of authorization for the installation and operation of a CNG fueling facility in the province of Madrid, Spain. With the opening of the CNG station, which will be operational next autumn, Galp will bring significant environmental improvements to the province. Jarama service station will become the first station operated by Galp to supply natural gas, marking the beginning of the company’s commitment to install alternative fuel supply points in its service stations in Spain. The CNG fueling facility will be installed with the collaboration of HAM S.A. Galp plans to open additional natural gas refueling facilities in Spain, where it operates more than 620 conventional fuel stations, throughout 2016. Source: Galp Energia The air quality in Flanders must continue to improve and opting for cleaner fuels such as natural gas can help. The Flemish Government policy supports this transition. Cleaner air is, after all, important to us, our children and grandchildren.” Using its experience with renewable natural gas (RNG), PitPoint is striving to achieve 100% clean transport in Belgium and the Netherlands. Source: PitPoint USA Clean Energy Fuels Corp. has introduced a new heavy-duty nonlubricated compressor for the natural gas fueling market. Clean Energy says the CleanCNG™ is the result of a complete ground-up reengineering of the CleanCNG Standard. “We went back to the drawing board and reengineered the product with our customers in mind” – said Andrew Littlefair. “We were able to deliver a product that can be built more efficiently, and maintain the highest levels of compression performance available anywhere in the industry today.” Source: Clean Energy USA / CANADA Omnitek Engineering Corp. has appointed Hiller Truck Tech Inc. as an authorized diesel-to-natural gas engine conversion center to address the increasing demand for natural gas powered heavy-duty engines in Canada. “Our EPA-approved diesel-to natural gas engine conversion technology offers fleet operators meaningful economic and environmental benefits. Hiller Truck Tech is well-positioned from a technical and capacity standpoint to accelerate fleet conversions in Canada, and we look forward to working with this highly regarded service organization” – said Werner Funk, president and chief executive officer Omnitek Engineering Corp. Funk noted that Hiller will offer fleet operators a choice of either a diesel-to-natural gas engine conversion of a customer’s heavy-duty truck, or the option of purchasing a new Glider built by Hiller with an overhauled and converted “drop-in” ready natural gas engine. He added that Ontario, Canada recently announced multi-year greenhouse gas emissions reduction goals: 15% from 1990 levels by 2020, 37% in 2030 and 80% in 2050. Source: Omnitek Engineering GERMANY Volkswagen says the new model eco-up! powered by natural gas (50 kW/68 PS) will be added to its range this summer and is taking advance orders for European sales now. Despite the additional standard features (including central locking with RF remote control and LED daytime running lights), the base model of the new up! costs less than its predecessor: just €9,850 (USD 10,950). The special edition up! beats model starts from €13,150 (USD 14,620). Source: Volkswagen THE NETHERLANDS / BELGIUM Dutch green energy provider PitPoint has officially opened its 2nd CNG refueling station in Belgium. This is the kickoff for a series of 5 new NG filling stations to be opened by PitPoint over the next 5 months in the Antwerp region. The official opening was done by Bart Tommelein, Vice Minister-President of the Flemish Government, Flemish Minister for Finance, Budget and Energy who said: “The entry of a new player with ambitious plans in the market of natural gas filling stations is proof that there is a future for renewable fuels in Flanders. 07 Fuel Regulation Module for Medium- to Heavy-Duty Vehicles with 5 to 12-Liter Engines P ARKER HANNIFIN CORPORATION, THE GLOBAL LEADER IN MOTION AND CONTROL TECHNOLOGIES, INTRODUCES THE FM80 FUEL REGULATION MODULE, THE INDUSTRY’S ONLY FULLY INTEGRATED CNG FLOW CONTROL AND REGULATION SYSTEM FOR MEDIUM- AND HEAVY-DUTY VEHICLES WITH 5- TO 12-LITER ENGINES. PARKER’S ADVANCED FM80 WITHSTANDS EXTREME VARIATIONS IN TEMPERATURE, FLOW, VIBRATION, SUPPLY PRESSURE, AND GAS COMPOSITION, SETTING A NEW STANDARD IN CNG FUEL HANDLING. Most current gas handling systems are typically comprised of a rubber-like diaphragm regulator, filter, sensors and solenoid plumbed together with a multitude of fittings. Unlike current systems, Parker’s FM80 features an advanced FM80 metal piston-style regulator, coalescent filters, pressure sensors, a lock-off solenoid valve, heat exchanger, and low-pressure relief valve, all in one compact body. Other components to complete the fully customizable, integrated system include choice of Parker’s best-in-class hoses, fittings, seals, manual shutoff valve, check valves, receptacles, and nozzles. The system offers customizable levels of integration and more configuration options than comparable products. The complete CNG fuel system exceeds industry standards for leakage and safety. It has been tested on a variety of engines and meets the flow and regulation specifications of all leading OEMs with CNG options. Mr Madhukar Puniani, Business Development Manager (Natural Gas Systems), Parker Veriflo Division said: “Aside from being the only complete system solution on the market, the Parker FM80 Fuel Regulation Module offers several breakthrough features to improve performance and vehicle uptime. Incorporation of a larger oil sump means longer times between filter drains, helping increase driver productivity and asset utilization. Innovative technology prevents freezing problems in the winter and eliminates leakage of gas into coolant from wear of soft diaphragms and seals over time.” 08 The FM80 was engineered for medium- to heavy-duty vehicles like delivery and day cab trucks, cement trucks, school and transit buses, and waste refuse/recycling vehicles. Optimized for advanced fuel handling performance in 5- to 12-liter engines, Veriflo’s piston-style regulator design offers stable pressure delivery and control of CNG throughout the full range of extreme engine and environmental operating conditions. Integrated internal regulator components, with fewer connections, work together to eliminate fuel line failures due to freezing, dampen flowinduced vibration, reduce drop at high flow, and extend cycle life. The manifold design of the regulator system reduces the chance of fuel line pressure increase due to reduced volume of fuel between the solenoid valve and regulator seals. In addition to the FM80, Parker offers multiple fuel module options for system integrators and OEMs. The FM80 is designed to achieve the highest nominal flow rate (175 lb/hr / 80 kg/hr) in the industry and the lowest low-pressure operating parameter (250 psig), which increases the usable range of CNG vehicles by a critical 3-5%. Other key features and advantages include: •integrated heating circuit that uses heated radiator fluid to condition the gas before it enters the engine, offering improved reliability at low temperatures and eliminating fuel line failures due to freezing, • good response to power demand for better drivability, •well-dampened piston that reduces flowinduced vibration, • reduced pressure drop •constrained motion poppet design eliminates lateral loads and seat wear, •thermal shielding of internal components with PTFE seals isolates gas flow, allowing continuous operation even in extreme -40oF to + 248oF (-40oC to +120oC) ambients, •optional boost pressure augmentation for optimized outlet pressure and performance of turbocharged engines, and • compact size, offering maximum efficiency in a small space. According to Tamara Horne, General Manager of Parker Veriflo Division: “As a global company, Parker is committed to providing cutting-edge technologies to reduce the world’s dependence on diesel fuel, which is widely used in medium- and heavy-duty fleet and industrial vehicles. Natural gas is cleaner, more economical, and less toxic to the air and environment than diesel. Parker is proud to be the first manufacturer to offer a fully integrated, high-performance CNG fuel management system in the new Parker FM80 Fuel Regulation Module. It’s the ideal system when performance and productivity of your fleet is critical to your business.” Parker leads the way in the design and manufacture of multi-technology systems, subsystems, and components that filter, regulate, control, and convey CNG. Parker Veriflo also offers the industry’s best fleet dispensing solutions for high-flow, high-cycle CNG applications. Source: Parker’s News Release BOOK YOUR STAND WITH: Czas Na Gaz! / Time For Gas! - is a General Media Partner in Europe of Gassuf 2016 14th International exhibition of NGV vehicles and refueling equipment 18-20 October 2016 Russia, Moscow EcoCentre Sokolniki, Pavilion 4 CONTACT US: info@timeforgas.com info@czasnagaz.com.pl www.timeforgas.com RES-T methane market in Finland 2015 I N 2015 BIOGAS (BG) WAS THE ONLY FORM OF RENEWABLE METHANE UTILIZED IN TRANSPORTATION (RES-T METHANE) IN FINLAND AND ALL OF IT WAS REACTOR BIOGAS. LANDFILL GAS HAS NOT YET BEEN USED FOR THIS PURPOSE, ALTHOUGH IT IS CONSUMED IN ELECTRICITY AND HEAT PRODUCTION PLANTS. OTHER FORMS OF RES METHANE HAVE NEVER BEEN PRODUCED IN FINLAND. THERE ARE PLANS FOR BEGINNING PRODUCTION OF SYNTHETIC BIOGAS (SBG) AND WIND METHANE, BUT INVESTMENT DECISIONS HAVE NOT BEEN MADE. Final energy consumption of biogas in transportation was 23 GWh in 2015. All biogas consumed in vehicles was produced from biowastes, as always during the whole history of traffic biogas utilization in Finland (since 1941). Energy crops have never been used for this purpose. Therefore, all traffic biogas is eligible for double counting under the RES Directive (2009/28/EC). If all would be certified (this situation has not yet been achieved) the calculated amount would be 46 GWh for the purposes of the national obligations under the RES Directive and for the respective Eurostat statistics. Utilization of biogas as a vehicle fuel grew by 35% compared to previous year. Within the last decade transportation consumption of biogas has grown 1200-fold. Graph in Figure 1 shows development of traffic biogas utilization since 1941, when it first began in Finland. Vertical axis label "Liikenteen loppuenergia" means end-use energy consumption for transportation, i.e. conversion losses during production and distribution are excluded. 25 20 15 10 0 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 5 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 The main findings of the study are: •All biogas consumed in vehicles was produced from biowastes, as always during the whole history of traffic biogas utilization in Finland (since 1941). •Utilization of biogas as a vehicle fuel grew by 35% compared to previous year. •Biogas was consumed in vehicles only as CBG100. •CBG100 was the cheapest vehicle fuel available at public stations. •Biogas upgrading capacity grew by 18%. Figure 1. Consumption of biogas as vehicle fuel in Finland during whole history of utilization of this technology in 1941-2015. Source: Lampinen (2016, 13). Liikenteen loppuenergia [GWh] National statistics of production and consumption of biogas for transportation applications in Finland during 2015 was released in June (news 9.6.2016) by the University of Eastern Finland (Lampinen 2016) as a part of annual Finnish biogas statistics publication (Huttunen & Kuittinen 2016). As the publication was written in Finnish, content of the traffic biogas section is reviewed here in English by the author of the original publication. Not all of the contents of the original publication are covered here. But some additional data, which was collected during the research, is given here, although it was not included in the original publication. Table 1. gives basic data of the RES-T methane sector in Finland in 2015 with comparisons to previous year. Additional information is available in article RES-T methane markets in Finland 1941-2014. in 2015 change from 2014 RES-T methane consumption 23 GWh + 35 % Biogas consumption in transportation 23 GWh + 35 % RES-T methane consumption by RES Directive rules 46 GWh + 35 % RES-T methane production and consumption Consumption of purified biogas in transportation 0 0 23 GWh + 35 % Share of domestic biogas in RES-T methane consumption 100 % 0 Share of reactor biogas in RES-T methane consumption 100 % 0 Share of biowastes in consumed RES-T methane 100 % 0 Consumption of upgraded biogas in transportation Share of energy crops in consumed RES-T methane 0% 0 Share of transportation of total biogas consumption 4% + 30 % Share of transportation of upgraded biogas consumption 23 % - 46 % Share of CBG100 in vehicle fuel utilization 100 % 0 Amount of public CBG100 filling stations 24 0 Amount of public CBG100 station operators 7 0 82 % - 15 % 96 % 0 Share of CBG100 stations of public RES-T100 stations Share of public methane stations offering CBG100 Amount of traffic biogas production plants Amount of traffic biogas producers 9 (10) 0 8 + 14 % Annual traffic biogas production capacity 150 GWh + 18 % Production of upgraded biogas 98 GWh + 146 % RES share of methane in transportation 35 % + 15 % RES share of methane in road transportation 70 % + 75 % Table 1. Statistics of RES-T methane utilization in Finland in 2015. Extended version of table at Lampinen (2016, 13). 10 In 2015, like always, biogas was consumed in vehicles only as CBG100, i.e. 100% Compressed BioGas. There were 24 public CBG100 filling stations (operated by 7 companies listed in Table 2) and many different kind of private stations in operation. CBG100 was the cheapest vehicle fuel available at public stations. Locations of public CBG100 filling stations are found at the Map of biogas filling stations and upgrading plants in Finland. Biogas had 35% share of methane consumption in transportation and 70% share of methane consumption in road transportation. This difference is caused by absence of biogas utilization in water transportation. Table 2. Public CBG100 filling station operators in 2015. Public CBG100 station operator Since Open access public station CBG100 marking at pump RES language at pump Transport of biogas Metener 2002 Yes, since 2004 Yes Yes Local biogas pipe Gasum 2011 Yes, since 2014 Yes No (was until 2013) National gas grid Haminan Energia 2013 Yes, since 2013 Yes Yes Municipal gas grid Envor Biotech 2013 Yes, since 2014 Yes Yes Local biogas pipe Joutsan Ekokaasu 2014 Yes, since 2014 Yes Yes Local biogas pipe Jeppo Biogas 2014 Yes, since 2014 Yes Yes Local biogas pipe Mäntsälän Sähkö 2014 Yes, since 2014 Yes Yes National gas grid In 2014 the whole public CBG100 filling station network became open access. It means that operator specific contracts and fuel cards are no longer required by any operator (although 3 operators offer such option, too). Open access network is especially relevant for foreign visitors. It was one of the targets set by the Finnish Biogas Association in 2013 regarding qualitative development of CBG networks in Europe. It is also included in the Directive on Clean Transport Infrastructure (2014/94/EU), which requires building EU wide open access public methane filling station network. Of the seven targets proposed by the Finnish Biogas Association three have now been completed in Finland: 1: Creation and maintenance of a CBG100 station map (achieved in 2013) 2: Marking CBG100 availability at all stations (achieved in 2002) 4: Open availability of CBG100 at all stations (achieved in 2014) In addition, the following target is almost achieved: 7: All CMG stations become CBG100 stations: All public stations selling CBG already sell CBG100. Blends of CBG and CNG are not available. But there is still one public station selling CNG only. However, progress has been remarkable since 2011, when 16 CNG-only public stations were in operation. Considerable progress has in the last few years taken place in relation to public stations dedicated to selling CBG100 only (i.e. CNG not available in pure form or in blends). Until 2013 there was only one such station, but in 2015 there were six. One of the targets was achieved, but lost in 2013: 3: Using RES language for RES fuels: Naturally, renewable fuels should never be called fossil fuels. Until early 2013 this target was fulfilled in the whole CBG100 network, and in 2015 it was fulfilled by 6 operators out of 7. But one operator, which had originally fulfilled it, changed its policy in early 2013. However, they did not switch completely to fossil language (which is common in some countries), but to a mixture of RES and fossil language: biogas is called biogas (i.e. renewable fuel) in part of the station, but biogas is called natural gas (i.e. fossil fuel) in another part of the station. MAP OF BIOGAS FILLING STATIONS AND UPGRADING PLANTS IN FINLAND ► Traffic biogas was produced at 10 biogas upgrading plants (by 8 operators), of which 9 plants were in operation at the end of the year (Table 3). One plant was taken off-line for product development and to be relocated later. One new plant was taken into use. Upgrading capacity grew by 18% and was 3220 Nm3/h at the end of 2015. Locations of upgrading plants are found at the Map of biogas filling stations and upgrading plants in Finland. cont. on p.12 ► 11 ◄ cont. from p. 11 Table 3. Traffic biogas production plants (biogas upgrading plants) in 2015. In operation Operator Technology Manufacturer Upgraded biogas transport 2002 - Farm scale biogas plant in Laukaa Location Kalmari farm Water scrubber Metener, Finland Local biogas pipe 2011 - Biogas plant of Kouvolan Vesi at municipal sewage treatment plant in Kouvola Kouvolan Vesi Water scrubber Greenlane, New Zealand National gas grid 2012 - 2015 Educational biogas plant at Haapajärvi vocational college Metaenergia Water scrubber Metaenergia, Finland Local biogas pipe 2012 - Biogas plant of HSY at municipal sewage treatment plant in Espoo 2013 - Biogas plant of Envor Biotech in Forssa 2014 Biogas plant of Joutsan Ekokaasu in Joutsa 2014 - Biogas plant of Jeppo Biogas in Nykarleby 2014 - Biogas plant of Labio at PHJ waste management center in Lahti 2014 - Farm scale biogas plant in Laukaa 2015 - Biogas plant of Haminan Energia in Virolahti ADDITIONAL INFORMATION All 24 public biogas filling stations are CBG100 stations, i.e. they sell 100% biogas (blends with natural gas are not available). For foreign visitors it is very important to note that all stations are open, i.e. accessible to all customers (operator specific fuel cards and contracts are not required). Payment options vary between operators, including cash, credit cards, bank cards, billing and fuel cards. All stations are automatic and always open (24/7). In 6 stations only biogas is sold. In 18 stations also natural gas is available: customer chooses either 100% biogas or 100% natural gas at the pump on those stations. In addition, there is one public station where only CNG is sold: unlike all public CBG stations, it is not an open station (i.e. a contract with the operator is required) so it is not an option for occasional foreign visitors. Standard fueling connector NGV1 is available in all public stations. International visitors coming by buses or trucks may also utilize heavy duty connector NGV2 in 2 public filling stations. Price of biogas varies between 1.20 and 1.45 euros/kg corresponding to 0.77-0.93 euros for gasoline equivalent litre. Dung 3% Straw 0,01% Solid biowaste 22% Sewage 75% The graph shows energetic distribution of resources used for producing CBG (Compressed BioGas) for filling stations. All was waste based consisting of biowastes (99.99%) and lignocellulosic plant wastes (0.01%). Energy crops were not used. It means that all CBG is eligible for double counting in the national renewable energy statistics according to the rules of the RES Directive. Since energy use does not affect nutrient recycling in biogas processes, nutrients could be recycled independently. 12 Gasum Water scrubber Malmberg, Sweden National gas grid Envor Biotech Membrane Envor Biotech, Finland Local biogas pipe Joutsan Ekokaasu Water scrubber Metener, Finland Local biogas pipe Road (CBG container trucks) + local biogas pipe Jeppo Biogas Water scrubber Malmberg, Sweden Gasum Water scrubber Malmberg, Sweden National gas grid Kalmari farm/ Metener Water scrubber Metener, Finland Local biogas pipe BioGTS/ Haminan Energia Molecular sieve adsorption/PSA BioGTS, Finland Municipal gas grid Until 2016 all biogas sold in public CBG100 stations was produced domestically from biowastes. In 2014 (see graph) sewage had 75% share, solid biowaste 22%, dung 3% and straw 0.01%. In 2016 one station sells biogas, which partly originates from energy crops. The rest of the stations sell 100% biowaste based biogas. As biogas was sold for vehicles only in pure form, as CBG100 (100% Compressed BioGas), it had by far the lowest average lifecycle greenhouse gas intensity of all energy sources available in public filling/ charging stations for vehicle use in Finland. And biogas was also available at lower price than any other energy form in public filling/charging stations. Combination of highest environmental quality and lowest price was complemented by highest technical quality (octane number 130-150) of fuels suitable for Otto engines. Suitability for Otto engine, i.e. the most common and the cheapest vehicle engine, also means that cars able to utilize it are in the same cost range with conventional gasoline and diesel cars in the Finnish market. As a result of extension of the public CBG100 filling station network, personal renewable energy transition in transportation energy consumption became possible in practice and without financial burdens for about a third of the Finnish population. Key statistics of the Finnish traffic biogas infrastructure and related manufacturing industry: • Public biogas filling stations (CBG100 stations): 24 • Private biogas filling stations: > 20 (not shown on the map) • Number of commercial biogas filling station operators: 7 • Commercial biogas upgrading plants: 9 (in addition, there are demonstration and research plants) • Number of biogas upgrading plant operators: 7 • Biogas upgrading capacity: 3230 Nm3/h • LBG has not yet been taken into use, but infrastructure has already been built for it: 1 liquefaction plant, filling stations, transport trucks and vehicles are available • Number of vehicle producers: 10 (factory manufacturing 4, conversion 6); cars, vans, trucks, buses, special vehicles, light vehicles, offroad vehicles, mobile working engines and ships • Number of vehicle engine manufacturers: 2 (mobile working engines, road vehicles, ships and locomotives) • Number of upgrading plant manufacturers: 4 • Number of liquefaction plant manufacturers: 1 • Number of filling station manufacturers: 2 References (in Finnish): • Lampinen A (2016) Liikennebiokaasun tuotanto ja käyttö vuonna 2015. In: Huttunen MJ & Kuittinen V (eds.): Suomen biokaasulaitosrekisteri n:o 19 – Tiedot vuodelta 2015. Publications of the University of Eastern Finland, Reports and Studies in Forestry and Natural Sciences No 24, School of Forest Sciences, Faculty of Science and Forestry, University of Eastern Finland, Joensuu, 12-15. • Huttunen MJ & Kuittinen V (2016) Suomen biokaasulaitosrekisteri n:o 19 – Tiedot vuodelta 2015. Publications of the University of Eastern Finland, Reports and Studies in Forestry and Natural Sciences No 24, School of Forest Sciences, Faculty of Science and Forestry, University of Eastern Finland, Joensuu, 42 p. the Finnish Biogas Association. They have been written in Finnish, with an English abstract. In addition to statistics, which is based on surveys sent annually to biogas plant operators, they include analysis of statistics and trends of the biogas industry. In 2011 the Finnish Biogas Association initiated collection and analysis of traffic biogas statistics, which require dedicated surveys. They have been included in the Registries since 2011, when data for the year 2010 was published. The traffic biogas section covers the whole history of biogas utilization in transportation, which began in 1941. Since 2010 the Registries have been published by the University of Eastern Finland. Surveys, analysis and publication of the Registries are a result of co-operation between University of Eastern Finland, Finnish Environment Institute and the Finnish biogas industry. These publications deliver biogas statistics for the official Finnish energy statistics collected and published by Statistics Finland. ABOUT THE FINNISH NATIONAL BIOGAS STATISTICS: Collection, analysis and publication of Finnish biogas statistics and state of the Finnish biogas industry was an initiative of the Finnish Biogas Association in 1994. This information, including statistics since 1994, has been published in a series of Biogas Plant Registries, which now contain 19 volumes. The first three volumes included 3 years each, and the rest of the volumes include 1 year each. All of the volumes, which now cover years 1994-2015, are available at the Biogas Plant Registry archive of Sp ons or ed text Source: Ari Lampinen, CBG100 Suomi, June 2016, www.cbg100.net/ products/res-t-methane-market-2015, www.cbg100.net/in-english/map-offilling-stations/ | Te k s t spon sorow a n y Новый наряд Короля У НИКАЛЬНЫЙ РЕДУКТОР OMVL CPR И ФОРСУНКА OMVL REG FAST – ПРОДОЛЖАЮТ РАДОВАТЬ КЛИЕНТОВ, ТОЛЬКО УЖЕ ПОД ДРУГОЙ МАРКОЙ – VALTEK CPR И VALTEK ТИП 32. Комплект, с максимальной точностью работы и высокой производительностью, отлично работает с автомобилями до 150 л.с. Форсунка, в версии 2,3,4 цилиндра, без датчика температуры и штуцера для измерения давления (тройник с датчиком температуры и штуцером для измерения давления можно купить отдельно). Это решение является очень универсальным, с точки зрения монтажа в большинстве автомобилей, а также позволяет работать даже на газе низкого качества. Огромным преимуществом редуктора является его высокое качество, низкая цена и возможность продолжать стабильную работу при резком изменении режима работы двигателя, вызванной максимальной нагрузкой, ускорением или низкой температурой окружающей среды. Уникальный редуктор VALTEK CPR, Бестселлер форсунка VALTEK ТИП 32 и другие продукты найдёте в торговом предложении фирмы A.MAX Больше информации на www.amaxlpg.pl РЕКОМЕНДУЕТ RAPORT ROCZNY POGP – RYNEK LPG W POLSCE P O KILKU LATACH STAGNACJI ROK 2015 BYŁ DRUGIM Z KOLEI OKRESEM, KIEDY TO W POLSCE ODNOTOWANO WZROST KONSUMPCJI GAZU PŁYNNEGO LPG DO POZIOMU 245 TYS. TON, CO OZNACZA 2% WZROST W STOSUNKU DO ROKU 2014 R. Nadal aspekty ekonomiczne decydują o wyborze tego źródła zasilania, jakkolwiek coraz bardziej powszechna jest opinia o zaletach ekologicznych tego produktu. Na koniec 2015 r. łączna ilość punktów napełniania pojazdów gazem skroplonym LPG wyniosła 5 420 szt., co oznacza spadek o 40 szt. w stosunku do roku 2014. 5420 Według ostatnich danych szacuje się, że w 2015 r. ogólna ilość samochodów osobowych zasilanych gazem skroplonym wyniosła 2 914 tys. szt., co oznacza wzrost netto o prawie 70 tys. szt. Liczba samochodów zasilanych autogazem w Polsce w latach 2013 - 2015 (w sztukach) 2013 2014 2015 2 914 000 Efekt wprowadzenia opłaty zapasowej został zniwelowany przez spadek cen notowań ropy naftowej, a w rezultacie przez spadek cen detalicznych. Utrzymująca się różnica cenowa pomiędzy ceną benzyny a ceną autogazu spowodowała podtrzymanie zainteresowania instalacjami gazowymi, co w rezultacie skutkowało zwiększoną sprzedażą. Sytuacja makroekonomiczna i polityka dużych operatorów paliwowych polegająca na trwałym włączeniu autogazu do swojej oferty produktowej, wpływa na zmniejszanie się globalnej ilości modułów autogazowych wraz ze zmianami struktury własnościowej. Z uwagi na coraz niższą efektywność ekonomiczną wciąż zamykane są samodzielne punkty sprzedaży autogazu. Pomimo wskazanej tendencji przewiduje się, że niezależne punkty tankowania pozostaną charakterystycznym i trwałym elementem polskiego rynku autogazu. 2 846 000 Jakkolwiek na początku roku istniały uzasadnione obawy dotyczące potencjalnie negatywnego wpływu nowego podatku w branży, tj. opłaty zapasowej w wysokości 99 PLN/tonę, to w ciągu roku nie było dodatkowych informacji ani działań administracji państwowej aktywujących inne obciążenia. 16 2015 2015 2 757 000 2014 2014 1690 1645 1575 2013 2013 5460 Sprzedaż autogazu w Polsce w latach 2013 - 2015 (w tys. ton). Ilość stacji autogazu w Polsce w latach 2013 - 2015 (w sztukach) 5520 W 2015 r. sprzedaż LPG do napędu pojazdów wyniosła 1 690 tys. ton, co oznacza wzrost w tym segmencie o 2,7% w stosunku do roku poprzedniego. Na wielkość sprzedaży miała wpływ polityka finansowa państwa w odniesieniu do autogazu. Według szacunków ekspertów i analityków rynku samochodowego w pojazdach samochodowych zainstalowano około 100 - 120 tys. szt. instalacji gazowych do napędu pojazdów samochodowych. Nadal system ewidencji pojazdów w zakresie rodzaju zużywanego paliwa jest daleki od doskonałości, jak również brak jest precyzyjnych danych odnośnie ilości pojazdów złomowanych lub wycofywanych z eksploatacji. W odniesieniu do LPG występuje też proceder powtórnego montażu niektórych typów zbiorników samochodowych, co jest zjawiskiem niespotykanym w odniesieniu do paliw tradycyjnych. W 2015 r. odnotowano nowe oferty koncernów motoryzacyjnych odnośnie sprzedaży pojazdów z zainstalowaną już fabrycznie instalacją LPG. Polscy kierowcy mogą nabywać zarówno samochody osobowe, jak i większe auta, fabrycznie wyposażone w odpowiednio dobraną instalację gazową z zachowaniem wszelkich praw gwarancyjnych czy też serwisowych. UDZIAŁ AUTOGAZU W RYNKU POJAZDÓW Na początku 2015 r. udział samochodów osobowych z instalacją LPG wynosił 14,8% ogólnej ilości samochodów osobowych w Polsce, co było wielkością na prawie niezmienionym poziomie w stosunku do 2014 r. Z 27,6% do 28,9% wzrósł udział samochodów z silnikami wysokoprężnymi w globalnej ilości samochodów osobowych w naszym kraju, a nieznacznie spadł udział samochodów z silnikami benzynowymi z 57,5% do 56,4%. Prawie 19% wszystkich samochodów osobowych w Polsce jest zarejestrowanych w województwie mazowieckim. Jednocześnie 18% z nich ma silniki przystosowane do napędu gazowego. Województwo łódzkie (20,9%) oraz województwo lubelskie (20,1%) to liderzy ogólnopolscy jeśli chodzi o odsetek samochodów osobowych z instalacją LPG w globalnej ilości samochodów zarejestrowanych w danym województwie. Powyżej średniej ogólnopolskiej lokują się takie województwa jak: warmińsko – mazurskie (15,4%), podlaskie (16,5%) oraz świętokrzyskie (16,8%). Na drugim biegunie, tj. wśród województw z najniższym udziałem samochodów z LPG, plasują się takie województwa jak: zachodnio - pomorskie (10,4%), dolnośląskie i wielkopolskie (po 10,9%) oraz lubuskie (11,4%). Jeśli chodzi o olej napędowy jako preferowany rodzaj paliwa, to najwięcej samochodów z tym napędem w łącznej ilości samochodów tradycyjnie odnotowuje się w województwie zachodniopomorskim (30,1%), dolnośląskim (31,1%) i podlaskim (31,1%). Szczególnie zastanawiające jest spore zainteresowanie silnikami Diesla w województwie podlaskim, co może wynikać między innymi z przyczyn związanych z możliwościami nabywania tego rodzaju paliwa z pominięciem obciążeń fiskalnych. Najmniejszy udział samochodów przystosowanych do spalania oleju napędowego odnotowano w województwie lubelskim (20,1%). Województwa śląskie, lubuskie i zachodniopomorskie to również liderzy jeśli chodzi o samochody z silnikami benzynowymi, gdzie udział tych samochodów w globalnej ilości samochodów zarejestrowanych w danym województwie waha się od 59,2% w województwach przy granicy zachodniej do 62,7% w województwie śląskim. W kategorii samochodów osobowych o pojemności silnika do 1399 cm3 udział samochodów z instalacją LPG spadł o 0,5% i wyniósł 10,4%, a w samochodach o pojemności silnika w przedziale 1400 - 1999 cm3 udział ten wynosił 17,5% ogólnej ilości samochodów w tej kategorii. Wśród samochodów z instalacją LPG ponownie dominowały pojazdy o pojemności 1400 – 1999 cm3 – 62,1% wszystkich samochodów z instalacją LPG. Pojazdy z silnikami o pojemności do 1399 cm3 to 29,5% ogólnej ilości pojazdów z LPG. O 147 sztuk wzrosła liczba ciągników siodłowych z silnikami przystosowanymi do napędu gazowego. Ilość samochodów ciężarowych o ładowności 1500 kg i więcej wyniosła 8 292 szt. (wzrost o 4 szt.). Struktura wiekowa samochodów osobowych w naszym kraju nie uległa zasadniczej zmianie. Pojazdy w przedziale wiekowym 12 - 25 lat nadal stanowiły 52,3% ogólnej ilości samochodów. W grupie wiekowej powyżej 25 lat znalazło się 19,3% wszystkich zarejestrowanych pojazdów. Funkcjonujące przepisy prawne powodują, że nadal kwitnie import używanych samochodów z krajów europejskich, co ma wpływ strukturę wiekową samochodów w Polsce. ROZWÓJ AUTOGAZU Z racji wolumenu sprzedaży największy potencjał rozwojowy nadal ma sektor autogazu. Pomimo osiągnięcia znaczącego udziału w rodzaju paliw używanych do napędu pojazdów, jak na razie pojazdy hybrydowe, czy też zasilane gazem ziemnym, nie stanowią znaczącej konkurencji dla pojazdów z instalacją LPG. Regulacje europejskie o rozwoju infrastruktury dla paliw alternatywnych przewidują różnego rodzaju programy rozwoju dla innych nośników napędu, ale gaz LPG jest również w nich wymieniany jako paliwo alternatywne. Opublikowane niedawno przez Światową Organizację Zdrowia wyniki badań w odniesieniu do emisji cząstek stałych i tlenków azotu przez silniki zasilane olejem napędowymi i ich negatywny wpływ na zdrowie spowodowały szereg dyskusji i weryfikacji dotychczasowych poglądów o paliwach tradycyjnych. Zalety ekologiczne gazu LPG zyskują powszechne zrozumienie i coraz częściej uwzględniane są w przepisach w naszym kraju. Pierwsze sygnały w tym zakresie pojawiły się w 2015 r., kiedy to przedstawiono projekt odpowiedniego rozporządzenia ministerialnego z podziałem pojazdów na klasy emisyjności w zależności od rodzaju napędu. Innym bodźcem do rozwoju może być uregulowanie kwestii wykorzystania paliw gazowych w silnikach traktorów rolniczych. Polska jest jednych z pionierów światowych w tym zakresie, a nawet zamontowano i przetestowano nowe rozwiązania technologiczne. Z przyczyn formalnoprawnych instalacje tego typu nie mogą być jednak wykorzystywane do ciągników rolniczych poruszających się po cd. na str.18 ► 17 ◄ cd. ze str. 17 drogach publicznych. Największy potencjał rozwojowy w sektorze autogazu ma zastosowanie w ciężarowym transporcie samochodowym, jak również w autach osobowych fabrycznie wyposażonych w instalację LPG. Nikogo już w naszym kraju nie dziwi fakt, że dystrybutor do wydawania LPG jest zlokalizowany obok innych dystrybutorów paliwowych, a czasami jest to jedno urządzenie. Reklamy w mediach, w tym telewizyjne w porze największej oglądalności, zachęcające do zakupu nowego samochodu już wyposażonego w instalację LPG stały się normą. W ciągu ostatnich kilku lat zmieniło się znacznie postrzeganie gazu z paliwa o pewnym charakterze socjalnym na pełnoprawny, ekonomiczny i ekologiczny nośnik napędu. Polska ma wszelkie możliwe przesłanki technologiczne, aby pozostać liderem w Unii Europejskiej nie tylko pod względem wielkości sprzedaży autogazu, ale również posiadania lokalnej produkcji zbiorników, instalacji oraz rozwiązań technicznych o wysokim stopniu innowacyjności. LPG W POJAZDACH ROLNICZYCH Instalacje gazowe w pojazdach kategorii „T” Jak dotychczas brak jest możliwości konwersji układów napędowych pojazdów kategorii „T” do zasilania gazem. Problem od jakiegoś czasu sygnalizują firmy z reprezentowanego przez POGP sektora jak również branża rolnicza, która postuluje za pilnym rozpoczęciem prac nad tym zagadnieniem wskazując na możliwości techniczne dostępnych instalacji, ekonomikę tego przedsięwzięcia jak i na niewątpliwe zalety ekologiczne paliw gazowych. Co istotne, silniki z zamontowaną instalacją LPG w ciągnikach mają większą moc, co w znaczący sposób wpływa na obniżenie kosztów paliwa. Dotychczasowe regulacje prawne obejmują wyłącznie pojazdy kategorii „M’” i „N” (pojazdy do przewozu osób i samochody transportowe), natomiast nie obejmują swoim zakresem kategorii „T”, tj. ciągników rolniczych, co w istocie ogranicza stosowanie paliw gazowych w odniesieniu do tej kategorii. Warto jednocześnie zauważyć, że wskazane rozwiązanie od dawna z wykorzystywane jest w innych krajach z dużym powodzeniem, a obecnie także w Polsce w autach ciężarowych i autobusach. Brak regulacji prawnych odnośnie ciągników rolniczych pozostawia lukę w przepisach i nie odpowiada w pełni zachodzącym zmianom technicznym i tendencjom rynkowym. Z kolei znaczna ilość z produkowanych w Polsce każdego roku łodzi żaglowych i motorowych o długości do 9,5 m (ok. 100 tys. wg portalu Platine.pl) wyposażanych jest w instalacje LPG już w stoczni. W krajowych regulacjach prawnych istnieje luka dotycząca gazu LPG w pojazdach typu kamper. Brakuje przepisów wykonawczych do norm okresowej kontroli szczelności czy standardów wykonania instalacji. Brak takich uregulowań może przyczynić się do wzrostu liczby wypadków w przypadku użycia gazu LPG do ogrzewania czy napędu tych pojazdów, a w konsekwencji do zdarzeń zagrażających życiu ludzkiemu. POGP jest żywo zainteresowana rozpoczęciem prac nad uregulowaniami umożliwiającymi wykorzystanie tego gazu w pojazdach typu kamper i na jachtach. SZARA STREFA W branży LPG, tak jak w całej branży paliwowej, występuje zjawisko unikania płacenia podatków. Szacuje się, że w samym tylko sektorze autogazu zjawisko tzw. szarej strefy wynosi około 5-7% całości obrotu. Wielokrotnie w swoich poprzednich raportach POGP szczegółowo opisywała mechanizmy umożliwiające tego typu proceder. Z uwagi na swoją specyfikę produktową istnieją zdecydowanie większe możliwości kontroli obrotu gazem przez organy władzy państwowej w porównaniu do paliw tradycyjnych. POGP uważa m.in., że powinien być dokonany przegląd firm posiadających koncesje na obrót LPG, w tym przeprowadzona odrębna analiza systemu koncesjonowania w tej branży, jak również analiza przepływów strumieni produktu w relacjach dostawca – odbiorca ze zwróceniem uwagi na przeznaczenie i wolumen zużycia produktu wraz z kontrolą posiadanych warunków technicznych i odpowiednich certyfikatów. Organizacja w pełni podziela pogląd, że nie ma jednolitego nadzoru nad rynkiem. Dostrzega się podzielone kompetencje, brak centralnej bazy danych sektora paliwowego, brak dostępu do baz danych poszczególnych instytucji, brak jednolitej regulacji prawnej – prawa naftowego. Wskazane deficyty oraz brak koordynacji kilkunastu państwowych urzędów i instytucji uprawnionych do kontroli obrotu powoduje funkcjonowanie patologicznych zjawisk rynkowych. Źródło: Raport Roczny POGP NOWE UREGULOWANIA PRAWNE? POGP widzi coraz większą potrzebę rozpoczęcia prac nad wprowadzeniem odpowiednich rozwiązań na szczeblu krajowym, w tym uregulowań prawnych dotyczących możliwości wykorzystania gazu LPG w kamperach, na jachtach i łodziach. Wykorzystywanie tego ekologicznego i niskoemisyjnego gazu w caravaningu czy jachtingu znakomicie wpisuje się w filozofię obu form spędzania czasu. Obecnie szacuje się, że w Polsce zarejestrowanych jest ok 50 tys. przyczep i kamperów (wg Polskiej Federacji Campingu i Caravaningu) z czego większość wyposażona jest w kuchenkę, ogrzewanie lub lodówkę na propan - butan. 18 EMT Madrid ordert 82 Mercedes-Benz Erdgasbusse D IE VERKEHRSBETRIEBE EMT DER SPANISCHEN HAUPTSTADT MADRID MIT IHREN RUND 3,2 MILLIONEN EINWOHNERN SETZEN BEIM BUSVERKEHR BEREITS SEIT VIELEN JAHREN AUF ALTERNATIVE ANTRIEBE. SCHWERPUNKT BEI DEN ALTERNATIVEN ANTRIEBEN WIRD DER GASMOTOR SEIN. BIS HEUTE KONNTE DURCH DEN EINSATZ VON ERDGASFAHRZEUGEN EINE REDUZIERUNG DER EMISSIONEN UM MEHR ALS 80% ERREICHT WERDEN. MIT DER ORDER VON 82 MERCEDES-BENZ CITARO NGT (NATURAL GAS TECHNOLOGY) OMNIBUSSEN SETZT DIE STÄDTISCHE VERKEHRSGESELLSCHAFT EMT MADRID (EMPRESA MUNICIPAL DE TRANSPORTES DE MADRID) WEITER VOLL AUF DIESE UMWELTFREUNDLICHE ANTRIEBSTECHNIK. Bei den Fahrzeugen handelt es sich um 40 Mercedes-Benz Citaro ErdgasGelenkbusse mit einer Länge von 18 Metern sowie 42 Mercedes-Benz Erdgas-Solofahrzeuge mit einer Länge von 12 Metern. Der neue Citaro NGT mit Erdgasmotor setzt Maßstäbe bei Umweltfreundlichkeit und Komfort. Er ist ohne Einschränkung für die Verwendung von Bio-Erdgas nach DIN 51624 freigegeben. Damit wird die CO2-Bilanz nochmals attraktiver: Denn dann fährt der Erdgasbus sogar nahezu CO2-neutral. Zudem unterschreitet der Erdgas-motor das Geräuschniveau zum vergleichbaren Dieselmotor hörbar. Je nach Fahrzustand liegen seine Geräuschemissionen bis zu 4 dB(A) niedriger, das entspricht etwa einer Halbierung des subjektiv empfundenen Geräuschniveaus. Beide Faktoren – geringe CO2-Emissionen und niedriger Geräuschpegel – prädestinieren den neuen Citaro NGT speziell für den Einsatz in hochbelasteten Innenstädten sowie für das Befahren von Wohngebieten oder touristisch stark frequentierten Altstädten. In Madrid werden die neuen Erdgasbusse von Mercedes-Benz im Stadtgebiet zum Einsatz kommen, darunter auch auf einer der bedeutendsten Alleen von Madrid, der Paseo de la Castellana, die sich im Herzen der spanischen Hauptstadt befindet. NEUER GASMOTOR M 936 G: PARADEBEISPIEL FÜR DOWNSIZING Herzstück des neuen Citaro NGT ist der Erdgasmotor Mercedes-Benz M 936 G. Mit 7,7 l Hubraum handelt es sich um den derzeit kompaktesten Erdgasmotor seiner Klasse: Mit einem Gewicht von nur 747 kg einschließlich Vorkatalysator ist das Triebwerk ein Paradebeispiel für erfolgreiches Downsizing. Der Erdgasmotor basiert auf dem hochmodernen Turbodieselmotor OM 936. Der stehend eingebaute Reihensechszylinder wird als monovalenter Motor mit komprimiertem Erd- bzw. Biogas betrieben. Er leistet 222 kW (302 PS) bei 2000/min, erreicht ein maximales Drehmoment von 1200 Nm konstant von 1200 bis 1600/min und unterschreitet die Abgasgrenzwerte von Euro VI zum Teil erheblich. Mit diesen Daten und seiner kraftvollen Leistungsentfaltung ist der einstufig aufgeladene Motor seinem Pendant mit Dieselantrieb völlig ebenbürtig. Die Leistungs- und Drehmomentkurven verlaufen im Hauptfahrbereich von Leerlaufdrehzahl bis etwa 1500/ min deckungsgleich. Oberhalb arbeitet der Erdgasmotor sogar einen leichten Leistungs- und Drehmomentvorteil heraus. Gleichzeitig setzt der Erdgasmotor von Mercedes-Benz die Messlatte für Umweltfreundlichkeit besonders hoch, denn die CO2-Emissionen eines Erdgasmotors liegen bis zu zehn Prozent unter denen eines Dieselmotors. Bei Verwendung von Bio-Erdgas wird diese CO2-Bilanz nochmals attraktiver, dann fährt ein Erdgasbus nahezu CO2-neutral. LEISE, WIRTSCHAFTLICH UND KOMPAKT: ERDGASANTRIEBE MIT ZUKUNFT Das Segment der Stadtbusse in Westeuropa beläuft sich auf durchschnittlich rund 10 500 Neuzulassungen im Jahr mit einem stabilen Niveau. Auf den hochspezialisierten Bereich der Stadtomnibusse mit Erdgasantrieb entfallen in Europa derzeit knapp 1000 Einheiten im Jahr. Mercedes-Benz rechnet damit, dass sich diese Zahl im Rahmen von Diskussionen über die Umweltbelastung in Ballungsgebieten oder Ressourcenschonung künftig weiter erhöhen kann. Hartmut Schick dazu: „Der neue Erdgasantrieb ist wie auch unsere Euro VI-Dieseltechnologie eine bezahlbare Serientechnik, mit der dieses Ziel heute schon zu wirtschaftlichen Bedingungen erreicht werden kann“. Die Städtische Verkehrsgesellschaft EMT Madrid verfügt über einen Fuhrpark mit 1920 Bussen. Die Busse kommen auf eine Fahrleistung von jährlich knapp einer Million Kilometer, dabei werden 425 Millionen Fahrgäste befördert. Das Liniennetz hat eine Länge von rund 3600 km mit rund 10 000 Haltestellen. EMT Madrid wurde 1947 gegründet und gehört zu 100 Prozent der Stadt Madrid. Informationen von: www.media.daimler.com und www.mercedes-benz.com 19 DER NEUE OPEL ZAFIRA: DIE TOP-VERNETZTE REISE-LOUNGE AUF RÄDERN S EIT OPEL 1999 DA S RE VOLUTIONÄRE INTEGRIERTE SITZSYSTEM FÜR SIEBEN PER SONEN IM SEGMENT DER KOMPAK T VANS EINGEFÜHRT HAT, GILT DER OPEL Z AFIR A ALS SYNONYM FÜR EINE EINZIGARTIGE MISCHUNG AUS AUSSERGE WÖHNLICHER VIELSEITIGKEIT UND HÖCHSTEM KOMFORT. 2,7 MILLIONEN Z AFIR A FANDEN SEITDEM EINEN K ÄUFER; VOR ALLEM FAMILIEN UND BERUFSTÄTIGE, DIE EIN GLEICHER MA SSEN GER ÄUMIGES WIE VIELSEITIGES UND KOMFORTABLES FAHR ZEUG FÜR L ÄNGERE STRECKEN SUCHTEN. In Kürze ist nun der neue Opel Zafira bestellbar. Und wenn er ab September zu den Händlern rollt, setzt er nicht nur auf die bekannten und bewährten Qualitäten seiner Vorgänger wie das Flex7®-Sitzsystem, die AGR-zertifizierten Ergonomie-Vordersitze (Aktion Gesunder Rücken e.V.), den FlexFix®-Fahrradträger und das adaptive FlexRide-Fahrwerk – der neue Zafira kommt mit einem ebenso ausdrucksstarken neuen Außendesign und neu gestaltetem Innenraum mit besonders großzügigem Ambiente und herausragender Vernetzung. Die neueste Generation des IntelliLinkInfotainment-Systems von Opel ist sowohl mit Apple CarPlay als auch mit Android Auto kompatibel; der persönliche Online- und Service-Assistent Opel OnStar macht den neuen Zafira zum mobilen 4G/LTE-WLAN-Hotspot für Fahrer, Freunde und Familie. Darüber hinaus bietet Opel erstmals in dieser Fahrzeugklasse die jüngste Generation des adaptiven Fahrlichts AFL mit LEDTechnologie an (AFL = Adaptive Forward Lighting). So wird der neue Zafira zur komfortablen Reise-Lounge für Fahrer und Passagiere. 20 QUALITÄT, DIE MAN SIEHT: SPORTLICHES AUSSENDESIGN UND HOCHWERTIGER INNENRAUM Die dynamisch gestalteten Scheinwerfer und der deutlich sportlichere Grill betonen das frische Zafira-Design. Die Frontscheinwerfer verschmelzen mit dem Kühlergrill und bilden optisch eine Einheit. Die dreidimensionale Chromspange mit dem Opel-Logo läuft in die Scheinwerfer und macht den Zafira optisch breiter. Den markanten Eindruck unterstreichen die neuen markentypischen Doppelschwingen-LED-Tagfahrlichter. Die Vorderräder kommen in den muskulös wirkenden Radhäusern zur Geltung. So sieht die neue Zafira-Front, deren obere Schwinge auch als LED-Blinker fungiert, kraftvoll, sportlich und dynamisch aus. „Das Front-Design des neuen Zafira übernimmt wesentliche Merkmale des preisgekrönten neuen Opel Astra und ist damit ein fester Bestandteil im Modellportfolio von Opel. Das scharf gezeichnete Doppelschwingen-Tagfahrlicht zeugt von Raffinesse, die sich auch im Innenraum widerspiegelt. Mit der komplett neu gestalteten Instrumententafel wirkt das Cockpit klarer, aufgeräumter und ist einfacher zu bedienen“, sagt Mark Adams, Vice-President GM Europe Design. Das neu gestaltete Cockpit-Design wirkt klarer und zugleich eleganter. Es ermöglicht Fahrer und Beifahrer eine optimale Sicht nach vorne. Dazu liegen alle wichtigen Funktionen des neuen Zafira wie das Display und Inter national LP G & CNG & L NG ma ga zin e die Bedientasten in idealer Griffweite des Fahrers. Saß der Monitor des Infotainment-Systems bisher oben auf der Mittelkonsole, wurde er im neuen Zafira-Cockpit durch einen Touchscreen ersetzt und ein Stück tiefer in die Mittelkonsole integriert. Gleichzeitig konnten die Designer so auf zahlreiche Knöpfe verzichten. Der qualitativ hochwertige Sieben-Zoll-Touchscreen mit vollverzinktem Rahmen vermittelt die Anmutung eines Premium-Tablets. Das neue, dreidimensional gestaltete Lenkrad sieht dank der besonders klein gehaltenen Airbag-Abdeckung nicht nur gut aus, es liegt auch äußerst ergonomisch in den Händen. des Zafira gemäß ISO 3832 710 Liter, die auf 1.860 Liter anwachsen, wenn die zweite Sitzreihe nach vorn geklappt wird. Darüber hinaus finden sich im Zafira mehr als 30 Staumöglichkeiten inklusive der bereits erwähnten FlexRail®-Mittelkonsole. Äußerst praktisch ist der ins Fahrzeugheck integrierte FlexFix®-Fahrradträger, der sich wie eine Schublade unter dem hinteren Stoßfänger herausziehen lässt und bis zu vier Fahrräder (mit einem Gesamtgewicht bis zu 80 Kilogramm) aufnimmt. Selbst mit beladenem FlexFix®-Fahrradträger bleibt der Kofferraum zugänglich, denn der Träger lässt sich nach unten kippen. Opel bietet den neuen Zafira mit zwei IntelliLink-Infotainment-Systemen der jüngsten Generation an. Das Infotainment-System R 4.0 IntelliLink holt die Welt der Smartphones in die Lounge auf Rädern und ist sowohl mit Apple CarPlay als auch mit Android Auto kompatibel. Das Navi 950 IntelliLink richtet sich an Kunden, die ein Infotainment-System mit festeingebauter Navigation suchen. Zusätzlich ist Opel OnStar an Bord. Der persönliche Online- und Service-Assistent schützt die Passagiere mit der automatischen Unfallhilfe und zahlreichen weiteren Features. Genauso bietet er aber auch die Möglichkeit, in Verbindung mit dem Navi 950 Ziele herunterzuladen. Zudem macht Opel OnStar den neuen Zafira zum 4G/LTE-WLAN-Hotspot (marktabhängig). Bis zu sieben mobile Endgeräte – eines für jeden Passagier – lassen sich mit dem System koppeln. So wird der neue Zafira zum idealen Begleiter für Familien oder Berufstätige, die während der Fahrt online sein wollen. TOP-TECHNOLOGIEN AN BORD: INNOVATIV, SICHER, INDIVIDUALISIERBAR, DYNAMISCH An anderer Stelle haben die Opel-Ingenieure ein weiteres Mal die Maxime des Unternehmens umgesetzt und fortschrittliche Technologie einer breiten Käuferschicht zugänglich gemacht: mit der nächsten Generation des adaptiven Fahrlichts AFL mit LED-Technologie. Das neue AFL-LED-System passt die Ausleuchtung durch die Scheinwerfer automatisch an die jeweilige Fahrsituation an, so dass stets die optimale Lichtleistung vorhanden ist. Das System verfügt über neun verschiedene Funktionen, darunter Stadtund Landstraßenlicht, dynamisches Kurven- und statisches Abbiegelicht, Einparkausleuchtung sowie Reise-Modus und Stopp-Funktion. Letztere aktiviert beispielsweise beim Ampel-Stopp den Energiesparmodus. TOP-KOMBINATION: HÖCHSTE FLEXIBILITÄT TRIFFT LUFTIGE LOUNGE-ATMOSPHÄRE Wie schon in den bisherigen Zafira-Generationen können sich Fahrer und Passagiere auf entspannte Fahrten in den optional erhältlichen AGRzertifizierten Ergonomie-Sitzen freuen. Dazu kommt die multifunktionale FlexRail®-Mittelkonsole. Das System mit flexiblen Verstaumodulen zwischen den Vordersitzen enthält unter anderem ein großes Staufach sowie Getränkehalter, die sich auf Aluminiumschienen an jede gewünschte Position verschieben lassen und so den Platz zwischen den Sitzen perfekt nutzen. Für die Passagiere in der zweiten Reihe lässt sich der Fond mit viel Platz und Komfort in eine großzügige Lounge verwandeln. Ein intelligenter Mechanismus klappt die Lehne des Mittelsitzes nach vorn und bildet somit bequeme Armlehnen für die beiden äußeren Sitze. Diese gleiten zudem schräg nach hinten in Richtung Fahrzeugmitte – die Passagiere genießen im Lounge-Sitzsystem so eine großzügige Bein- und Schulterfreiheit wie in einer Oberklasse-Limousine. Die dritte Sitzreihe lässt sich ebenfalls vollständig nach vorn klappen; die Lehnen verschwinden im Boden und bilden im Kofferraum eine vollkommen ebene Ladefläche. Individueller Komfort steht also an erster Stelle und macht aus dem neuen Zafira weitaus mehr als nur ein Familienauto – die Opel-Designer haben den flexiblen Innenraum in eine geräumige Lounge zum Entspannen und Genießen verwandelt, sei es auf einer Geschäftsreise oder einer Urlaubsfahrt. Die Panorama-Windschutzscheibe sowie das Panoramadach steigern auf Wunsch das Komfort- und Raumgefühl noch weiter. Die Frontscheibe erstreckt sich dabei von der Motorhaube bis fast an die B-Säule. Fahrer und Beifahrer können nahezu ungehindert nach oben blicken. Das PanoramaSonnendach reicht von der Windschutzscheibe bis zum Heck des Autos, was die lichte und luftige Lounge-Atmosphäre des Innenraums nochmals verstärkt. Die jüngste Version der Opel-Frontkamera unterstützt ebenfalls die zahlreichen Assistenzsysteme, darunter den Fernlicht-Assistenten des AFL-LED-Lichts und die Verkehrszeichenerkennung. Die Abstandsanzeige erkennt mithilfe der Frontkamera vorausfahrende Fahrzeuge, während der Frontkollisionswarner optische und akustische Warnsignale gibt, wenn der Abstand zum Vordermann besonders schnell kleiner wird. Der SpurAssistent aktiviert sich automatisch ab 60 km/h und warnt den Fahrer beim unbeabsichtigten Verlassen der Fahrspur mit einem Symbol in der Instrumententafel sowie einem Warnton. Zwei weitere Features, die zum einen den Komfort im neuen Zafira erhöhen und zum anderen Stress reduzieren, sind der adaptive Geschwindigkeitsregler und das FlexRide-Fahrwerk. Mittels hinter dem Kühlergrill platzierten Radarsensoren hält der adaptive Geschwindigkeitsregler das vom Fahrer gewählte Tempo und gleichzeitig einen festgelegten Abstand zum Vordermann. Neben der Geschwindigkeit kann der Fahrer auch drei Abstandsstufen einstellen: weit, mittel und nah. Das adaptive mechatronische FlexRide-Fahrwerk passt sich je nach den persönlichen Vorlieben des Fahrers kontinuierlich an den Fahrstil und die Situation an. Künftige Zafira-Käufer haben außerdem eine große Auswahl an Motoren. Denn auch der neue Zafira wird das einzige Fahrzeug seiner Klasse mit der ganzen Bandbreite an Antriebssystemen sein. Zum Einsatz kommen dynamische Benzin-, Diesel-, Flüssiggas- und Erdgas-Aggregate. Source: media.opel.de DAS PASST: INTELLIGENTE STAURAUM-LÖSUNGEN Der neue Zafira hat jedoch weit mehr zu bieten als „nur“ eine besonders komfortable Art zu reisen. Die Lounge auf Rädern geht auch als kleiner Transporter durch. In der Fünfsitzer-Konfiguration schluckt der Kofferraum 21 Inter national LP G & CNG & L NG ma ga zin e LNG-fueled VOLVO Truck S PEED OY, A SPECIALIZED CONTAINER TRANSPORT COMPANY BASED IN HELSINKI, FINLAND, HAS DECIDED TO INTRODUCE A LNG-FUELED VOLVO FM 460 HP DUAL-FUEL TRUCK TO ITS FLEET OPERATING FROM HELSINKI’S VUOSAARI HARBOR. AN LNG REFUELING STATION FOR HEAVY-DUTY VEHICLES WILL OPEN AT THE HARBOUR IN AUGUST BY GASUM, A FINNISH GAS COMPANY INTENT ON DEVELOPING THE ROAD FUEL GAS FILLING STATION NETWORK ENABLING THE USE OF LNG IN HEAVY-DUTY TRANSPORT. ”We want to lead the way in the transport sector and introduce new, more environmentally friendly vehicles to our fleet. LNG is a natural step in our efforts to make transport greener. We’ve already been involved for four years in an Eco-Truck trial where large-capacity modular combination vehicles are operated under a special permit granted by the Finnish Transport Safety Agency (Trafi). The results are promising: carbon dioxide emissions have been cut by more than 40%. We’ve received encouraging feedback about the Eco-Truck from our environmentally responsible customers, and therefore I believe that the number of Speed’s LNG-fueled vehicles will also increase in the future” – said Managing Director Tuomo Vallas Speed Oy. “Speed is setting an example for other transport companies by offering cleaner container transport. LNG is an excellent alternative for use instead of diesel for heavy-duty transport and can help reduce emissions” – said Gasum Sales Manager Petri Michelsson. “Volvo wants to be actively involved in progress, and by participating like this we’re able to build and develop the truck sector for better service to our customers and society in the future while at the same time operating in line with 22 our core value of environmental care. This also helps us make sure we have the best competencies and knowledge in the sector as regards new technologies and products” – says Kimmo Ahonen, Director, Vehicle Sales, Finland, Volvo Trucks. Gasum is developing the road fuel gas filling station network and enabling the use of LNG in heavy-duty transport in particular. Gasum is strongly committed to the development of gas vehicle use and as part of the market development aims to increase the number of filling stations by around 35 new ones over the next ten years. An LNG refueling station for heavy-duty vehicles will be opened at Vuosaari Harbor in August, while an LCNG filling station will be ready for service at the Port of Turku in September. LCNG stations will also be opened in Jyväskylä and Vantaa in 2017. This infrastructure now under construction will also enable the use of liquefied biogas (LBG) in heavy-duty transport. Emissions from vehicles running on natural gas are lower than those from gasoline and diesel. Gas is also an inexpensive transport fuel. Source: Gasum F IŃSKA FIRMA SPEED OY, WYSPECJALIZOWANA W TRANSPORCIE KONTENERÓW, POSTANOWIŁA WPROWADZIĆ DO UŻYTKU POJAZD ZASILANY GAZEM LNG. WYBÓR PADŁ NA MODEL VOLVO FM 460KM DUAL FUEL, KTÓRY JUŻ WKRÓTCE BĘDZIE MÓGŁ BYĆ TANKOWANY W NOWEJ STACJI DLA CIĘŻARÓWEK, KTÓRĄ W SIERPNIU OTWORZY W PORCIE FIRMA GASUM. "Chcemy dominować w sektorze transportu oraz wprowadzać do naszej floty nowe, bardziej przyjazne dla środowiska pojazdy. Zastosowanie gazu LNG jest naturalnym krokiem w naszych wysiłkach na rzecz bardziej przyjaznego dla środowiska transportu. Od 4 lat jesteśmy zaangażowani w badania Eco-Truck, które dzięki specjalnemu pozwoleniu udzielonemu przez Fińską Agencję Bezpieczeństwa Transportu (Trafi), mogliśmy użytkować gazowe pojazdy modułowe o dużej ładowności. Wyniki badań są obiecujące: emisje dwutlenku węgla zostały zredukowane o ponad 40%. Otrzymaliśmy dobre opinie na temat Eco-Truck od naszych klientów, dlatego wierzę, że liczba pojazdów napędzanych LNG będzie się zwiększać w przyszłości" – powiedział dyrektor zarządzający Speed Oy – Tuomo Vallas. "Speed Oy jest przykładem dla innych firm z branży oferując czystszy transport kontenerów. LNG jest doskonałą alternatywą dla oleju napędowego służącą do transportu ciężkich ładunków i może pomóc w redukcji emisji spalin" – powiedział Petri Michelsson. Gasum Sales Manager. "Volvo chce być aktywnie zaangażowane w rozwój sektora ciężarowych pojazdów gazowych. Jesteśmy w stanie budować i rozwijać tego typu pojazdy dla lepszej obsługi naszych klientów i społeczeństwa w przyszłości, dbając jednocześnie o środowisko naturalne. Dzięki tej ciągłej pracy upewniamy się też, że mamy najlepsze kompetencje i wiedzę w zakresie nowych technologii i produktów" – powiedział Kimmo Ahonen, Dyrektor Sprzedaży pojazdów Volvo Trucks. Firma Gasum rozwija drogową sieć stacji tankowania LNG. Gasum jest też silnie zaangażowany w rozwój wykorzystania pojazdów gazowych i w ramach planu rozwoju rynku, ma na celu zwiększenie liczby stacji paliw o około 35 nowych jednostek w ciągu najbliższych dziesięciu lat. W najbliższym czasie 1 stacja tankowania pojazdów ciężarowych napędzanych LNG będzie otwarta w Vuosaari Harbor (w sierpniu), zaś druga oferująca LCNG będzie gotowa do pracy w Porcie Turku we wrześniu. Oprócz tego, w przyszłym roku będą otwarte stacje LCNG w Jyväskylä i Vantaa w 2017 roku. Źródło: Gasum 23 Inter national L P G & CNG & L NG ma ga zin e A record order for 250 natural gas vehicles! T HIS EXCEPTIONAL ORDER IS FOR THE SUPPLY OF 200 STRALIS NP (NATURAL POWER) LNG AND CNG TRACTORS FEATURING THE NEW CURSOR 9 400 HP ENGINE, HI-WAY CAB AND EUROTRONIC AUTOMATED GEARBOX, AS WELL AS 50 STRALIS NATURAL POWER CNG 330 HP TRUCKS. WITH THIS CONTRACT IVECO AND PERRENOT GROUP CONFIRM THEIR LONG-STANDING PARTNERSHIP AND THEIR LEADERSHIP IN SUSTAINABLE MOBILITY. Such a significant order marks a turning point in the transition towards sustainability in road freight transport in Europe. It also validates Iveco's vision as a pioneer in the natural gas industrial vehicle market for the past two decades. Today, with a product offering that now covers all market sectors – from urban distribution to international transport – Iveco has consolidated its position as the leader in the European market for natural gas commercial vehicles (Daily, Eurocargo, Stralis). Founded in 1945, Perrenot Group (formerly known as UNIC) has been a loyal Iveco customer since 1960, It has grown to be one of France's leading transport brands across all sectors (mass distribution, long haulage, construction, bulk, containers, logistics, etc.), both nationally and internationally. Today, the company employs nearly 4,500 people and operates a fleet of 6,000 registered vehicles, of which 3,500 are motor vehicles. With 1,500 vehicles – of which 750 are tractors – Iveco is the dominant brand in Perrenot Group’s fleet. Perrenot Group’s commitment to researching and developing specific, effective solutions that address the environmental challenges of road transport, has led the company to introduce as far back as 2008 clean and silent refrigerated trucks, ideal for night-time delivery missions). The Group was among the first in Europe to use biomethane-powered Iveco tractors in their operations in 2012. To this day, these remain the only vehicles capable of contributing to better air quality, drastically reducing CO2 emissions, and halving noise levels. In 2013, having tested other alternative energy solutions, Iveco’s natural gas technologies proved to be the natural choice for Perrenot Group with the purchase of the first CNG refrigerated transporters fuelled by liquid nitrogen. In 2014, the Group took yet another innovative step, commissioning the first LNG tractors in France. 2016 marks a historic turning point in the collaboration between Perrenot Group and Iveco with this exceptional order for 250 natural gas Stralis. The supply contract is testament to the strong partnership and, most importantly, the two companies’ powerful commitment to sustainable road transport. Jacky Perrenot, President and founder of Perrenot Group, stated: "Today we are taking a key step in our development thanks to Iveco's advanced natural gas technology – and in particular the brand's new 400 hp engine. Combined with the dual LNG tank configuration, which increases the tractor’s range to 24 1,500 km, this opens up new business opportunities for us, especially in longdistance transport operations. The exceptional performance of the new Stralis NP confirms we made the right choice with Iveco’s natural gas technology as the best alternative to diesel fuel, both economically and environmentally. Once again, Iveco's product offering and after-sales service package have fully met our requirements and specifications." Philippe Givone, President of the Perrenot Group Transport holding company, added: "For the first time ever, these new Iveco natural gas trucks won’t be assigned to missions specific to them – instead, they will replace diesel tractors on current missions, with no need for special adaptations. This is a major change in our approach to freight transport – a change Iveco has seen coming for a long time now!" Pierre Lahutte, Iveco Brand President, concluded: "With this historic order Perrenot Transport will be running the largest fleet of natural gas trucks in Europe. For its part, Iveco has reached a further milestone in its leadership in natural gas technologies for sustainable road transport. We are very proud of Perrenot Group’s trust in Iveco, which is the result of the unique partnership that has allowed our two groups to write a new important chapter in the history of sustainable transport in Europe." In France, the growing use of biomass (household and agricultural waste, sewage treatment plants) has enabled the growth of biomethane as an alternative fuel. This 100% renewable fuel is immediately available and increasingly widespread in Europe, which now recognises the strategic impact of this biofuel on the transport sector, as well as its contribution to directive 2009/28/EC on renewable energy sources. Iveco's natural gas-powered trucks are compatible with biomethane and boast a neutral carbon footprint (CO2 emissions "from well to wheel"). In other words, their use does not contribute to global warming. The introduction of the New Stralis NP, ‘TCO2 Champion’, was a crucial factor in Perrenot Group’s choice. In addition to the significant reduction in CO2, the choice of natural gas has also proved to be an economically-viable option, as the price difference between natural gas and petrol generates substantial fuel savings – especially so on long distances. The resulting reduction in TCO (Total Cost of Ownership) contributes to the return on investment. Finally, the fast growth in the number of natural gas refuelling stations will enable the development of clean long distance transport on a large scale. Source: Iveco.com a new level of autogas controllers Q-generacja to grupa sterowników (QBOX, QMAX, QNEXT) stworzona Q-generation is a group of controllers (QBOX, QMAX, QNEXT) przez najbardziej doświadczonych konstruktorów marki STAG. Wszystkie created by the leading specialists of the STAG brand. The con- sterowniki łączy podobna funkcjonalność a różni sposób montażu i ilość trollers share the same functionality, but differ by method of cylindrów, do których są dedykowane. Q-generacja jest odpowiedzią na installation and amount of supported cylinders. Now the install- potrzeby motoryzacji i montażystów, daje szerokie spektrum rozwiązań er can makes a decision between the installation of QBOX or technologicznych jak i sprzętowych. Teraz montażysta może sam dokonać QNEXT independently and owners of “big” cars can count on wyboru o sposobie montażu QBOX czy QNEXT, a właściciele „dużych” aut proven technologies and high performance of QMAX. mogą liczyć na sprawdzone technologie i wysokie osiągi czyli na QMAX. www.ac.com.pl I www.stag.pl Ciągnik na gaz LPG i CNG F IRMA NEW HOLLAND POKAZAŁA DRUGĄ GENERACJĘ ROZWIJANEGO PRZEZ SIEBIE MODELU CIĄGNIKA ROLNICZEGO T6 NAPĘDZANEGO SPRĘŻONYM GAZEM. TRAKTOR Z NAPĘDEM CNG ZOSTAŁ JUŻ WPROWADZONY DO UŻYTKU W GOSPODARSTWACH ROLNYCH WE WŁOSZECH I HISZPANII, ZAŚ W NAJBLIŻSZYM CZASIE BĘDZIE OBSŁUGIWAŁ GOSPODARSTWO BRYTYJSKIEGO PRODUCENTA SERA W WYKE FARMS. STAWIA ON NA UŻYWANIE ODNAWIALNYCH ŹRÓDEŁ ENERGII RÓWNIEŻ W MASZYNACH ROLNICZYCH I W OMAWIANYM CIĄGNIKU BĘDZIE UŻYWAŁ BIOGAZU POCHODZĄCEGO M.IN. Z WŁASNEJ PRODUKCJI. Firma New Holland która wchodzi w skład koncernu CNH Industrial, pracuje również nad wersją traktora zasilaną gazem LPG. Ma ona zostać zaprezentowna pod koniec lata podczas targów Farm Progress w stanie Iowa, USA. Ciągnik ma być wyposażony w 6-cylindrowy silnik o pojemności 5,9 litra, o mocy 179KM i zapłonie iskrowym Nef6, w całości skonstruowanym przez FPT Industrial (Fiat Powertrain Technologies). W jednostce z napędem CNG, gaz jest przechowywany w dziewięciu cylindrach. Firma New Holland uważa, że dzięki pracy na RNG (odnawialnych źródłach gazu ziemnego) dostępnego z przetworzenia surowców rolniczych, emisje gazów cieplarnianych będą zredukowane praktycznie do zera. Sugeruje się zastosowanie przyczep z dodatkowymi zbiornikami na gaz, które przedłużą czas pracy maszyny i jej zasięg. New Holland liczy też, że wersja ciągnika z napędem LPG, w której zamontowano zbiorniki paliwa niskiego ciśnienia, również kiedyś może być zasilana paliwami pochodzenia biologicznego. Źródło: New Holland Agriculture PRODUCENT WĘŻY GUMOWYCH RUBBER AND PVC HOSES PRODUCING COMPANY ECE 67 ECE 110 WĘŻE PRZEZNACZONE DO SAMOCHODOWYCH INSTALACJI GAZOWYCH LPG / CNG WWW.FAGUMIT.COM.PL HOSES ASSIGNED TO CAR LPG / CNG SYSTEMS ШЛАНГИ НАЗНАЧЁННЫЕ К АВТОМОБИЛЬНЫМ ГАЗОВЫМ ОБОРУДОВАНИЯМ LPG / CNG FAGUMIT 32-340 WOLBROM, UL. 1 MAJA 100 TEL./FAX: +48 32 647 26 16 E-MAIL: MARKETING@FAGUMIT.COM.PL Przewód termoplastyczny CERTOOLS The CERTOOLS thermoplastic hose jest idealnym zamiennikiem tradycyjnie stosowanych w instalacjach LPG rurek miedzianych. Klasa 1 Numer Homologacji: E8 67R-018220 ideal counterpart of the traditional copper pipes in LPG systems. Class 1 Approval: E8 67R-018220 Cewka ze złączem AMP The coil with AMP connector Rezystancja: 12Ω ± 5 %, Napięcie: 12V, Moc: 11W Zakres temp. pracy: -20O° C do +120°O° C Odporność izolacji drutu: + 200O° C ° Średnica drutu: Ø 0,3 Cewki poddawane są kontroli pomiarowej LCR (RDC) Resistance: 12Ω ± 5%, Voltage: 12V, Power: 11W Operating temp. range: -20O° C ° to + 120O° C ° Wire insulation resistance: + 200O° C Wire diameter: Ø 0.3 The coils are subjected to LCR (RDC) measurement control CERTOOLS: POLAND 95-200 Pabianice, ul. Wspólna 23B tel.: +48 42 227 07 57 fax: +48 42 227 56 55 www.certools.pl www.certools-usa.com e-mail:certools@certools.pl POLISH LPG MARKET A FTER A FEW YEARS OF STAGNATION, 2015 WAS THE SECOND CONSECUTIVE YEAR WHICH SAW GROWTH OF TOTAL CONSUMPTION OF LPG. THE TOTAL CONSUMPTION OF LPG IN POLAND WAS 2,245,000T MARKING AN INCREASE OF 2% COMPARED TO 2014. SUCH CONSUMPTION COMES AS A CERTAIN SURPRISE TO THE LPG SECTOR IN VIEW OF A WARM WINTER AND AUTUMN AND, PRIMARILY, GIVEN THE DECREASING RETAIL PRICES FOR ALL MOTOR FUELS. The sectoral structure of LPG sales presented in figure below slightly changed, too. The existing difference between petrol and LPG prices supported continued interests in gas installations which brought in increased sales. Economic aspects continue to be decisive in selecting that type of fuel; however, an opinion on ecological advantages of the product has become increasingly common. As at the end of 2015, the total number of LPG filling stations was 5,420 which meant a drop by 40 as compared to 2014 (Figure below). Polish LPG market structure in 2015 Gas for motor vehicles continued to account for the largest share of the total LPG sales amounting to 75.3% of the total internal LPG consumption. The other sectors were the following: gas sale in cylinders of 12.9% and gas in tanks (apart from autogas) at 11.8% of the entire consumption. Like in the previous year, there was a slight increase in the share of autogas by 0.3% in the overall consumption given an unchanged proportion of bulk gas delivered to customers’ tanks and the reduced sales of gas in cylinders by 0.6%. In 2015 LPG sales for motor vehicles was 1,690,000t (Fig. 5) which meant an increase of 2.7% in the segment against the previous year. The volume of sales was affected by the state fiscal policy related to LPG for motor vehicles. Although at the beginning of the year there were reasonable concerns as to a potential adverse impact of new tax in the sector on sales, i.e. a compulsory stock fee of PLN 99/t, there was no additional information or actions on the part of the government during the year as to any other charges. The effect of the compulsory stock fee was offset by dropping oil prices resulting in dropping retail prices. Autogas filling stations in Poland (units) The macroeconomic situation, the policies of large fuel operators consisting in permanent inclusion of LPG in their product offer bring about a decrease of the total number of autogas modules along with changes to the ownership structure. Usually, independent individual autogas sales outlets are closed due to their lower economic effectiveness. Despite the trend, independent LPG filling stations are expected to remain a permanent and characteristic element of Poland’s LPG market. According to recent data, the overall number of motor vehicles fuelled with LPG was 2,914,000 in 2015 which marked a net increase of almost 70,000 vehicles (figure below). LPG fuelled cars in Poland (units) 28 Inter national LP G According to estimates by motor market experts and analysts, about 100,000 to 120,000 LPG installations were fitted in motor vehicles. The registry system of motor vehicles according to the type of fuel continues to be far from perfect and there are no precise figures on the number of vehicles that have been scrapped or are no longer used. As regards LPG, occasionally certain types of fuel tanks are reinstalled which is not the case of traditional fuels. In 2015 there were new offers of motor companies selling vehicles with factory fitted LPG installations. Polish drivers may buy both passenger cars and larger vehicles that are offered with a properly selected LPG installation fitted in the factory, keeping all warranty-related or maintenance service rights. At the beginning of 2015, the share of passenger vehicles with LPG installations was 14.8% of the total number of passenger vehicles in Poland which was practically unchanged in relation to 2014. The share of cars with Diesel engines in our country increased from 27.6% to 28.9% with a slight drop of cars with gasoline engines from 57.5% to 56.4%. Almost 19% of all passenger cars in Poland are registered in the Mazowieckie Province. At the same time, 18% of them have engines fuelled with LPG. The Łodzkie Province (20.9%) and the Lubelskie Province (20.1%) are the country’s leaders in terms the share of the passenger cars fitted with LPG installations in the overall number of cars registered in these provinces. The share of the following provinces is above the average: WarmińskoMazurskie (15.4%), Podlaskie (16.5%), and Świętokrzyskie (16.8%). At the other end, among the provinces with the lowest share of cars fitted with LPG are the following: Zachodniopomorskie (10.4%), Dolnośląskie and Wielkopolskie (10.9% each), and Lubuskie (11.4%). As regards Diesel oil as the preferred fuel, the largest share of cars running on Diesel oil in the total number of the registered cars is traditionally found in the Zachodniopomorskie (30.1%), Dolnośląskie (31.1%), and Podlaskie (31.1%). A large interest in Diesel engines is remarkable in the Podlaskie Province which may partly be due to opportunities of purchasing such fuel without fiscal charges. The lowest proportion of cars with Diesel engines is found in the Lubelskie Province (20.1%). The Śląskie, Lubuskie and Zachodniopomorskie Provinces are also the leaders as concerns gasoline engines where the share of such cars in the overall number of the cars registered in those Provinces ranges from 59.2% in the Provinces along the western border to 62.7% in the Silesian Province. In the category of passenger cars with an engine capacity of up to 1399 cm3, the share of cars with LPG installations dropped by 0.5% to 10.4%, while the share of cars with an engine capacity from 1400 to 1999 cm3 stood at 17.5% of the total number of cars in the category. Among the cars with LPG installations, the dominant figure included cars with the engine capacity of 1400-1999 cm3, or 62.1% of all cars fitted with LPG installations. Engines with the capacity of up to 1399 cm3 accounted for 29.5% in the overall number of cars with LPG. & CNG & L NG ma ga zin e The existing legal regulations support continued booming imports of second-hand vehicles from European countries which contribute to keeping the age structure of cars in Poland unchanged. OTHER ASPECTS The ecological advantages of LPG will gain understanding and will be followed in Poland. The first signals in that area were seen in 2015 when a draft of a ministerial regulation was published to classify vehicles into emission classes by fuel type. Establishment of rules governing the use of gas fuels in agricultural tractor engines may be another development stimulus. Poland is a world pioneer in that area; technological solutions have been installed and tested. Because of formal and legal reasons, such installations may not be applied for agricultural tractors admitted to public roads. The use of autogas in truck transport, as well as in passenger cars with factory fitted LPG installations has the largest development potential. No one in Poland is surprised to see that LPG dispensing units are located next to other fuel dispensers, sometimes this is just a single device. Media advertisements, including TV commercials aired at prime time encouraging purchases of new cars with LPG installations have become a standard. Over the recent years, the perception of LPG has changed from a fuel enjoying a certain social status to a full-fledged, economical, and ecological motor fuel. Poland has all technological facilities to become a leader in the European Union not only because of the sales volume of autogas, but also due to the local production of tanks, installations, or highly innovative technical solutions. Because of its ecological parameters the use of LPG in stationary heating installations has also become increasingly popular among local government authorities. Programs and projects of low-emissions economy already contain provisions to treat LPG on the same footing as natural gas. Unfortunately, recently published drafts of government regulations support only natural gas for heating purposes. From a viewpoint of methodology, ecological advantages, the proposed solution raises high concerns or, actually, is not understandable. Different treatment of various gases with similar parameters in the bill on tax on retail sales has no reasonable grounds and will adversely affect the competitive advantage of LPG vis-a-vis natural gas. It may only be hoped that this is an obvious oversight to be corrected during further legislative work. Source: POPG Report The number of road tractors with LPG installations grew by 147. The number of trucks with the load carrying capacity of 1500kg and more was 8,292 (up by 4 vehicles). The age structure of the passenger cars in Poland did not change significantly. Cars that were 12-25 years old continued to account for 52.3% of the overall number of cars. Of all cars registered in Poland the age group of 25+ accounted for 19.3%. 29 Inter national L P G & CNG & L NG ma ga zin e Renault Samsung with 2.0 LPG engine R ENAULT SAMSUNG MOTORS HAS UNVEILED AND LAUNCHED THE SM6 IN SOUTH KOREA A FEW MONTHS AGO. AS YOU MAY HAVE ALREADY NOTICED, IT'S A FACELIFTED VERSION OF THE EUROPEAN RENAULT TALISMAN SEDAN WITH A NEW BADGE AND OTHER MINOR TWEAKS. HOWEVER, THERE ARE SOME SURPRISES UNDER THE HOOD. Renault revealed the Talisman in mid of 2015. Half a year later, the Korean version of the midsize sedan lands between the SM5 (known as the Latitude in Europe) and the full-sized SM7. Based on the demands of the typical South Korean driver, Samsung has fitted the SM6 with an exclusive lineup of engines and gearboxes that set it apart from the European counterpart. “The SM6 is set to set a new standard for Korea’s midsize sedan market,” said Renault Samsung CEO Francois Provost during a media debut event held at Hanseo University’s Flight Education Center in Taean County, South Chungcheong Province. He hopes it will catapult the company to the number 3 spot in the market. SM6 packs a 2-liter GDI, the 1.6-liter turbo GDI engine, the 2-liter LPLi, and the 1.5-liter diesel engine. The 1.6 Turbo GDI engine produces 190 PS and 26.5 kg-m of torque (260 Nm). That's 10 hp less than the Talisman, but the 7-speed EDC gearbox is the same. 30 The 2.0 GDI is a naturally aspirated engine with 150 PS and 20.6 kg-m (202 Nm) of torque, still connected to the 7-speed EDC. Things get really weird with an LPLi engine that we can only presume runs on natural gas. It produces 140 PS and slightly less torque, being connected to a CVT. WHAT IS LPLI? The liquid phase LPG injection (LPLi) system (the third generation technology) has been considered as one of the next generation fuel supply systems for LPG vehicles, since it has a very strong potential to accomplish the higher power, higher efficiency, and lower emission characteristics than the mixer type (the second generation technology) fuel supply system. To investigate the characteristics of LPG residue in liquid phase LPG injection system, various rubbers in LPG fuel system were reacted with LPG fuels during 3 months. The experimental results showed that the residue of a cover rubber in a fuel pump after test increased 10 times higher than that before test. Furthermore, the amount of sulfur, nitrogen species which are considered as main sources in deposit formation in the LPLi fuel injector were also found to be higher than that in original LPG fuel. And rubber properties of fuel pump cover were decreased after reaction test compared with those of the original rubber. Therefore, the rubber for fuel pump cover is not suitable for a proper material in LPLi fuel system. And these results can provide more information if a motor company shares the data of core rubber parts in field test LPLi vehicles. The SM6 1.5 diesel has not been detailed because it arrives later in 2016. However, Samsung officials already promise consumption numbers that have never been seen in this class. Lastly, it's worth noting that the digital dash and huge R-Link system have been kept. However, the SM6 doesn't have the allwheel steering system of the Talisman. Peterbilt Brings New Refuse Truck to Market with CNG/LNG Options P ETERBILT MOTORS COMPANY, A TEXAS-BASED PACCAR COMPANY, HAS EXPANDED ITS REFUSE TRUCK LINEUP WITH THE NEW MODEL 520. THE DUAL-SEATED / DUAL-DRIVE CONFIGURATION ALLOWS CUSTOMERS TO OPERATE THE VEHICLE FROM BOTH SIDES OF THE CAB FOR GREATER CONVENIENCE AND COMFORT. THE MODEL 520 CAN ALSO BE POWERED BY NATURAL GAS WITH BOTH 9- AND 11-LITER ENGINE OPTIONS AVAILABLE. F IRMA PETERBILT MOTORS COMPANY ROZSZERZYŁA SWOJĄ OFERTĘ O NOWĄ ŚMIECIARKĘ – MODEL 520. SPECJALNA KONFIGURACJA DUAL-DRIVE UMOŻLIWIA KIEROWANIE POJAZDEM Z OBU STRON KABINY CO MA BYĆ WYGODNIEJSZE I BEZPIECZNIEJSZE DLA KIEROWCY. MODEL 520 MOŻE BYĆ ZASILANY GAZEM ZIEMNYM W OBU WERSJACH SILNIKOWYCH, TJ. 9 I 11-LITROWYCH MOTORACH DOSTĘPNYCH W OPCJI. “The Model 520 features Peterbilt’s latest ProBilt design, providing an operating environment that optimizes comfort, ergonomics and productivity” – said Scott Newhouse, Peterbilt Chief Engineer. It can be configured as LNG or CNG powered with the Cummins Westport ISL G (300 hp / 1,000 ft-lb) or Cummins Westport ISX12 G (320-400 hp / 1150-1450 ft-lb). "Model 520 jest najnowszym projektem ProBilt naszej firmy, zapewniającym zopt ymalizowany komfort, ergonomię i w ydajność pojazdu" – powiedział Scott Newhouse, główny inżynier Peterbilt. Śmieciarka może być skonfigurowana zarówno w opcji zasilania LNG, jak i CNG dzięki silnikowi Cummins Westport ISL G (300 KM/ 1000 ft-lb) lub Cummins Westport ISX12 G (320-400 KM / 1150/50 ft-lb). New productivity and safety features include: • dual-station cab with two nearly identical work environments including dual controls for the parking brakes, HVAC system and stereo • angled console sides for easy visibility and access to the same controls and displays from the right and left • an enhanced HVAC system for improved airflow and climate control • pantograph wipers that cover 27% more of the windshield than previous designs for increased safety during inclement weather Nowe funkcje dot. wydajności i bezpieczeństwa obejmują: • podwójna kabina z niemal identycznymi warunkami roboczymi • podwójne sterowniki hamulców postojowych, system HVAC i stereo • zakrzywione boki konsoli ułatwiające widoczność i dostęp do tych samych elementów sterujących i wyświetlaczy z prawej i lewej strony kabiny • ulepszony system HVAC dla lepszego przepływu powietrza i kontroli klimatyzacji • ulepszone wycieraczki pokrywające o 27% więcej szyby, niż w standardowym modelu pojazdu “The Model 520 is the foundation of Peterbilt refuse collection vehicles” – said Darrin Siver, Peterbilt General Manager and PACCAR Vice President. “Peterbilt’s Model 520 will give our refuse customers unprecedented levels of uptime, productivity, driver satisfaction and low cost of operation.” Source: Peterbilt "Model 520 jest teraz podstawym typem oferowanej przez Peterbilt śmieciarki" – powiedział Darrin Siver, Dyrektor Generalny i wiceprezes PACCAR. "Nasz pojazd daje klientom niespotykany dotąd poziom produktywności, łatwości operowania oraz duże zadowolenie kierowcy i niskie koszty eksploatacji." Źródło: Peterbilt 31 Sp ons or ed text | Te k s t spon sorow a n y STAG Diesel daje radę w każdych warunkach – Misja Wschód zakończona sukcesem I NNOWACYJNA INSTALACJA STAG DIESEL STWORZONA Z MYŚLĄ O SAMOCHODACH CIĘŻAROWYCH, AUTOBUSACH I MASZYNACH ROLNICZYCH Z SILNIKAMI DIESLA DOSKONALE SPRAWDZIŁA SIĘ RÓWNIEŻ W ZABYTKOWYM CZOŁGU T-55. MARKA STAG BYŁA PARTNEREM STRATEGICZNYM MISJI WSCHÓD W TRAKCIE VI PIKNIKU MILITARNEGO W OGRODNICZKACH KOŁO BIAŁEGOSTOKU. Ostatni w’end maja był niezwykle burzliwy nie tylko przez wzgląd na pogodę. Odgłosy wystrzałów, huk pojazdów pancernych oraz okrzyki bojowe żołnierzy rozbrzmiewały w Ogrodniczkach pod Białymstokiem w trakcie Misji Wschód, VI Pikniku Militarnego. Tysiące osób, które miały przyjemność odwiedzić wydarzenie z pewnością zauważyły, że logo STAG przykuwało uwagę i było niezwykle widoczne. Stało się tak, ponieważ firma AC S.A. lider instalacji autogaz była partnerem strategicznym wydarzenia. Głównym celem przedsięwzięcia było zachęcenie społeczeństwa do poznawania historii i tradycji regionu. Historyczne pokazy prezentowało ponad siedmiuset rekonstruktorów z kraju i zagranicy. To jedna z największych tego typu imprez we wschodniej Polsce. Można było podglądać militaria, ale także to, jak wyglądało życie codzienne w minionych wiekach. Niewątpliwą atrakcją wydarzenia były pojazdy bojowe, w tym wyjątkowy czołg T-55. Wyjątkowość czołgu to nie tylko jego doskonały stan techniczny oraz monumentalne rozmiary. Sekret tkwi wewnątrz pojazdu, na pierwszy rzut oka schowany przed spojrzeniami dociekliwych amatorów 32 militariów. Czołg T-55 poddany został konwersji otrzymując możliwość poruszania się również przy zużyciu paliwa LPG. 46 ton stali o mocy 600 KM i pojemności silnika 40 litrów, z armatką kalibru 100 mm wzbogacone zostało o dodatkowe atrybuty: sterownik STAG DIESEL 8 cylindrów, dwa reduktory STAG R02, dwie listwy wtryskowe STAG AC W02 BFC i dwa 120 litrowe zbiorniki LPG. Innowacyjna instalacja LPG została stworzona z myślą o samochodach dostawczych, ciężarowych, autobusach, maszyn rolniczych i budowlanych z silnikami diesla. Jednakże jej cel, czyli obniżenie kosztów eksploatacji nawet o 20 – 25% oraz obniżenie emisji cząstek stałych (sadzy) doskonale sprawdził się również w zabytkowym czołgu. Trwałość i niezawodność instalacji STAG Diesel potwierdzona została testami w wyjątkowo trudnych warunkach podbiałostockiej żwirowni. Widownia zgromadzona w trakcie wydarzenia z aplauzem przyjęła dodatkową atrakcję, tym bardziej, że przejażdżka czołgiem z instalacją LPG była dużo bardziej ekologiczna. Źródło: AC S.A. Inter national LP G & CNG & L NG ma ga zin e New roof-mounted CNG fuel systems A NEW ROOF-MOUNTED CNG FUEL SYSTEM HAS BEEN INTRODUCED BY MOMENTUM FUEL TECHNOLOGIES. THERE ARE 2 CONFIGURATIONS OF THE SYSTEM, WHICH IS AVAILABLE FOR CLASS 6-8 TRUCKS, PRIMARILY REFUSE OPERATIONS. “Our refuse customers continue to tell us they are interested in improved natural gas options, and the roof-mount system is designed to support the unique needs of this important market segment” – said W.M. “Rusty” Rush, chairman, CEO & president of Rush Enterprises, Inc., parent company of Momentum Fuel. Mike Zimmerman, General Manager of Momentum Fuel Technologies said: “We are also excited to announce that we will work with McNeilus and other refuse body manufacturers to ensure the entire line of Momentum CNG fuel systems is integrated with refuse bodies and a wide variety of other truck bodies to meet the needs of our waste customers.” The roof-mount system is available in both four-tank 70 diesel gallon equivalent (DGE) and 5-tank 87DGE configurations, and is designed to be a lighter and more efficient system when compared to industry standard 60DGE/75DGE roof-mount configurations, the company said. The system is fabricated with high-strength steel and lightweight aluminum. The tanks are made of 3M nanoparticle-enhanced matrix resin technology and are designed to be lighter than others in the industry. The system’s fuel management module (FMM) houses the electronics, fuel filter and fuel-fill receptacles and is located where the driver fuels the truck. Constructed of highly-durable aircraft aluminum with a powder-coated exterior finish and Huck-bolted access cover, the compact design incorporates Parker O-ring fittings, gauges, fill ports and valves with a simplified filter access through the bottom of the module. The FMM works in conjunction with the RushCare telematics platform, allowing fleet managers to monitor their usage stats and better manage their fuel consumption. Fuel utilization is improved due in part to an efficient fuel pressure regulator with a high-capacity filter manufactured by Parker, which is also part of the FMM. With this regulator, drivers can go further on a tank of fuel when compared to current system limitations, as the regulator enables the vehicle to operate from 3,600 pounds per square inch (PSI) when full to a minimum 230 PSI. The regulator is designed to reduce leak points and weight, and the high-capacity filter is larger than most competitive products, so it can be serviced less frequently. The design of the nose of the roof-mount system incorporates three separate alloy steel pieces to protect the CNG system from tree limbs and other damage. If damage to the nose does occur, it is easier, safer and less expensive to repair or replace one or more segments rather, than the entire nose. Source: Momentum Fuel Technologies Inter national L P G & CNG & L NG ma ga zin e Natural gas in vehicles – on the road to nowhere? O N FEBRUARY 18, THE EUROPEAN COMMISSION RELEASED A PROPOSAL TO GUARANTEE ITS GAS SUPPLY SECURITY AND IS PREPARING ANOTHER ONE TO IMPLEMENT THE EU’S 2030 CLIMATE TARGETS FOR THE TRANSPORT, BUILDINGS AND AGRICULTURE SECTORS (SO-CALLED ‘EFFORT SHARING’ SECTORS). IT IS ALSO DEVELOPING A COMMUNICATION TO DECARBONISE THE ROAD TRANSPORT SECTOR, TO BE ANNOUNCED THIS SUMMER. To understand what role natural gas could have in achieving these objectives, Transport & Environment commissioned a study from Ricardo Energy & Environment to assess the impacts of large-scale use of natural gas in the transport sector. The study concludes that the increased use of natural gas in road transport is largely ineffective in reducing greenhouse gases or air pollution. The immediate benefits are small or non-existent; while the environmental costs, societal costs and costs to operators are negative for almost all vehicle categories. Expanding the use of natural gas in vehicles also runs counter to efforts to reduce EU’s gas imports and energy dependence. In the mid to longterm the substitution of fossil oil with fossil natural gas can have no role to play in a decarbonised transport sector. Although sustainable biomethane could deliver greenhouse gas benefits, it cannot be generated in sufficient volumes to power more than a niche market and would be very expensive. Natural gas is not a ‘bridge fuel’, as claimed, but an expensive dead-end on the pathway to decarbonising transport. Similar to biofuels and diesel, it needs significant support (including subsidies or tax breaks) to survive. The evidence shows such support is not justifiable and is better spent on long-term solutions: fuel efficient, electricity-powered and shared transport. 1. THIS BRIEFING This briefing summarises the key outcomes of a study commissioned by Transport & Environment to examine the cost and environmental effectiveness of the use of natural gas (CNG/LNG), including biomethane, as a road transport fuel. The study has been performed by the independent UK consultancy Ricardo Energy & Environment. The study compares for natural gas vehicles and conventional petrol and diesel vehicles the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions on a full wellto-wheel approach (including emissions arising in production and distribution of the fuel as well as emitted from the tailpipe). It also compares air pollution emissions and calculates the costs to vehicle operators, the environment and society of using natural gas. 34 Comparisons of the environmental effects are made between conventional liquid fuels (petrol and diesel) and both fossil natural gas and sustainable bio-methane (from waste and residues). A range of road transport vehicles have been considered to obtain representative results: passenger cars (petrol and diesel), diesel vans (light commercial vehicles - LCV), small rigid trucks, large rigid trucks (26 t), articulated trucks 2 a briefing by (>32 t), buses and coaches. For cars and vans it was assumed CNG (or biomethane) would be used. For trucks, buses and coaches LNG. Different production pathways and origins for the different fuels are considered. During production and distribution of natural gas / biomethane leakage occurs – essentially unburnt methane escaping into the atmosphere. Methane has a global warming potential that is 30 times higher than CO2 and methane leakage therefore significantly undermines the potential GHG savings that may occur during the operational stage when the fuel is burnt in the engine producing tailpipe emissions. In this study, low, medium and high well-to-tank emission scenarios have been developed. 2. VEHICLE EMISSIONS The table below compares the emissions (on a well-to-wheel basis) for the key emissions (carbon dioxide CO2, nitrogen oxides NOx, and particulate matter PM for different categories of vehicles. It also summarises the environmental costs. Vehicle Comparison Metric Carbon dioxide (CO2) Nitrogen oxides (NOx) Particulate mater (PM) WTW emissions Emissions reduction for a 5% NGV share Emissions reduction for a 5% NGV share Petrol car CNG -18% 0% -4,00% Diesel car CNG 6% -3,50% -4,50% Van CNG 8% -3,60% -4,00% Small rigid truck CNG 13% 0% -4,50% Large rigit truck 26t LNG 16% 0% -3,20% Articulated truck >32t LNG 2% 0% -1,80% Coach LNG 15% 0% -4,40% Bus LNG 6% 0% -5,40% Source: Ricardo Energy&Environment 2016 There are no GHG benefits in shifting from diesel cars to CNG. Compared to petrol cars, carbon emissions are lower but the benefits are significantly less than those achieved by a shift to petrol-hybrid or electric cars using renewable energy. A shift to gas would also create a risk of technology lock-in, diverting scarce (public) funds away from these technologies with the potential to decarbonise light-duty vehicles. Natural gas vehicles (NGV) emit less noxious emissions than diesel cars, notably nitrogen oxide NOx emissions. However, the introduction of real-world tests and further tightening of emission standards will reduce the current comparative advantage and the likely overall impacts small and not cost effective. Compared to petrol cars, CNG-cars offer no air pollution benefits. For smaller trucks and vans a shift to gas engines would result in significantly higher overall GHG emissions. For bigger (articulated) trucks a shift to LNG powered trucks would in all cases result in higher overall GHG emissions. Compared to modern EURO VI trucks, gas powered trucks (CNG or LNG) perform only marginally better when it comes to air pollution. For passenger cars there are reductions in environmental damage costs associated with a shift from petrol/diesel cars to CNG-powered vehicles, but that for heavy-duty vehicles, the environmental damage costs are higher for gas vehicles than conventional diesel vehicles. This is why Ricardo Energy & Environment concludes “that the overall air quality benefits of using methane to power road vehicles would be very limited.” Vehicle Comparison Metric 3. BIO-METHANE Using sustainable bio-methane could deliver significant GHG savings for all vehicle categories. However, the very limited availability of sustainable sources (e.g. waste) means bio-methane can only be used in niche applications. Any scaling up of production would require crop-based bio-methane which raises issues related to direct and indirect land-use change and reduced greenhouse gas benefits. The air quality benefits of biomethane are small and the same as natural gas. Policymakers also need to reflect on whether the limited amount of sustainable bio-methane would not be better used in other sectors (for example, heating). 4. COST EFFECTIVENESS OF SHIFTING TO NATURAL GAS The study considered three types of costs: operating capital cost of the vehicle; operating costs of buying the fuel and infrastructure costs. Costs were also considered from the perspective of the operator, the environment and society as a whole. Capital costs for methane powered vehicles are typically higher. Operating costs showed mixed results when analysed on a pre-tax/no duty basis. Petrol cars having slightly lower operating costs, vans and small trucks slightly higher and much higher for articulated trucks. Infrastructure costs can be very significant. The study shows that in virtually all cases the infrastructure refuelling costs outweigh the benefits. Costs were calculated for operators, for society and for the environment and compared for fossil liquid and gaseous fuels. Operator costs Environmental costs Societal costs Annualised marginal capital and operating costs relative to conventional petrol/diesel vehicles (Euro per year) Total damage costs (Euro/veh/yr) CO2e Central estimate Total marginal costs (Euro per vehicle per year) Low and High refuelling infastructure costs Central estimate 27-215 Petrol car CNG 9 -29 Diesel car CNG 36 -15 73-262 Van LNG 101 0 249-801 Small rigid truck LNG 1,364 197 2,228-4,703 Large rigit truck 26t LNG 722 615 1,904-9,056 Articulated truck >32t LNG 1,666 206 3,219-21,662 Coach LNG 1,524 538 1,657-8,525 Bus LNG 575 249 3,970-12,078 Source: Ricardo Energy&Environment 2016 cont. on p.36 ► 35 Inter national L P G & CNG & L NG ma ga zin e ◄ cont. from p. 35 Once fuel taxes are removed the annualised marginal capital and operating costs for gas-powered vehicles are higher than for conventional petrol and diesel vehicles. The economic attractiveness of switching to methane is therefore solely based upon receiving a tax break – effectively a fossil fuel subsidy. Operator costs do not take into account the costs associated with providing and operating refuelling infrastructure for methane-powered vehicles and once these are considered deploying natural gas as fuel is not cost effective from a societal perspective. The results of the Ricardo analysis clearly show a shift to gas in road transport would have very limited benefits. For petrol cars there is a small CO2 benefit; and for diesel cars lower air pollution emissions. For all commercial vehicle categories a shift to gas would increase greenhouse gas emissions. The much touted air pollution benefits of heavy-duty natural gas vehicles are non-existent. An increase in hybrid and ultimately electric vehicles would deliver a bigger improvement. Encouraging the use of natural gas in transport would increase the EU’s dependence on gas imports, at a time when EU policy is overwhelmingly focused on reducing this dependency. A shift to gas is also expensive; in virtually all cases the costs (which exclude utility loss due to the larger tank) outweigh the benefits. Without (unjustifiable) fuel tax break, gas is not economically viable for hauliers. Natural gas is not a bridge fuel towards future decarbonised vehicles. Although waste based biomethane can deliver significant GHG savings, it can only be supplied for niche applications, due to the limited sustainable supply. Any scaling up of production would require crop based bio-methane which raises nowfamiliar issues of direct and indirect land-use change. The investment to develop refuelling infrastructure for what is essentially a niche fuel is high, and sustainably produced bio-methane can be used far more cheaply in other sectors such as heating. Subsidies, tax breaks, infrastructure investments and lower tolls for gas vehicles are bad policy and poor uses of scarce public funds. They repeat the mistakes of previous fuels policies for diesel and biofuels that were incentivised without delivering meaningful environmental benefits. The evidence shows that the expected June 2016 communication on decarbonisation should not endorse public support for gas vehicles. Investments and policy incentives should instead be focused on solutions that deliver significant benefits – fuel efficient, electricitypowered and shared transport. Source: europeangashub.com 5. Natural gas in road transport is not a bridge, it is a dead-end 36 PA LIW FU EL PR ICE S Country Euro-super 95 1L Euro-super 98 1L Diesel 1L LPG 1L CNG [Euro/ 1kg] Austria € 1.105 € 1,280 € 1.004 0,660 € 0,990 Belgium € 1.382 € 1,450 € 1.207 0,410 Bulgaria € 1.003 € 1,100 € 0.988 Croatia € 1.202 € 1,260 Cyprus € 1.138 Czech Republic LPG 1L Miasto/ City 95 1L PLN EURO PLN EURO Białystok 1.53 (-1 gr) 0,35 4.46 (-4 gr) 1,01 € 0,872 Bydgoszcz 1.61 (-1 gr) 0,34 4.56 (-) 1,03 0,440 € 0,741 Gdańsk 1.58 (-4 gr) 0,36 4.47 (-5 gr) 1,01 € 1.129 0,470 € 1,230 Gorzów Wlkp, 1.55 (-3 gr) 0,35 4.43 (-7 gr) 1,00 € 1,300 € 1.076 - - Katowice 1.58 (+1 gr) 0,36 4.44 (-4 gr) 1,00 € 1.080 - € 1.143 0,500 € 0,942 Denmark € 1.519 - € 1.290 1,218 1,336 / m3 Estonia € 1.100 € 1,130 € 1.073 0,520 € 0,729 Finland € 1.415 € 1,490 € 1.206 - - France € 1.344 € 1,430 € 1.163 0,730 Germany € 1.345 € 1,360 € 1.105 Greece € 1.363 € 1,834 Hungary € 1.103 Ireland Kielce 1.51 (-) 0,34 4.41 (-4 gr) 1,00 Kraków 1.52 (-1 gr) 0,34 4.44 (-1 gr) 1,00 Lublin 1.61 (-1 gr) 0,36 4.44 (-3 gr) 1,00 Łódź 1.60 (+1 gr) 0,36 4.44 (-7 gr) 1,00 € 1,244 Olsztyn 1.68 (-2 gr) 0,38 4.56 (-3 gr) 1,03 0,570 € 0,929 Opole 1.57 (-2 gr) 0,36 4.53 (-3 gr) 1,02 € 1.085 0,620 € 0,939 Poznań 1.53 (-2 gr) 0,35 4.55 (-2 gr) 1,03 € 1,265 € 1.090 0,680 € 1,123 Rzeszów 1.52 (+1 gr) 0,34 4.42 (-3 gr) 1,00 € 1.287 - € 1.176 0,690 € 0,961 Szczecin 1.62 (-4 gr) 0,37 4.65 (+1 gr) 1,05 Italy € 1.527 € 1,650 € 1.344 0,570 € 0,980 Warszawa 1.67 (-1 gr) 0,38 4.50 (-5 gr) 1,02 Latvia € 1.095 € 1,130 € 0.975 0,500 € 0,969 Wrocław 1.59 (-1 gr) 0,36 4.38 (-6 gr) 0,99 Lithuania € 1.085 - € 0.890 0,840 € 0,957 Luxembourg € 1.123 € 1,190 € 0.951 0,390 € 0,666 Malta € 1.280 - € 1.180 - - Netherlands € 1.608 € 1,700 € 1.240 0,760 € 1,028 Poland € 1.010 € 1,086 € 0.960 0,370 0,730/ m3 Portugal € 1.485 € 1,480 € 1.236 0,600 0,981/ m3 Romania € 1.136 € 1,311 € 1.114 0,500 € 0,730 Slovakia € 1.160 - € 1.025 0,580 € 0,980 Slovenia € 1.232 € 1,690 € 1.130 0,600 € 0,960 Spain € 1.172 € 1,150 € 1.063 0,570 € 0,821 Sweden € 1.335 € 1,530 € 1.304 0,980 € 1,784 United Kingdom € 1.399 € 1,450 € 1.404 0,710 € 1,338 Average € 1.246 € 1,376 € 1.110 0,622 € 0,996 [only kg] * różnica w cenie w porównaniu z poprzedzającym tygodniem 1,61 1,56 1,68 1,58 1,58 1,58 1,62 1,62 1,57 1,60 1,55 1,59 Średnia detaliczna cena LPG w Polsce – 24.06.2016 1,62 1,54 1,58 1,58 wnp.pl dane z dnia 24.06.2016, na podst, e-petrol.pl, wnp.pl Prices are effective June 22, 2016, Sources: pzmtravel,com,pl, ec,europa,eu, metanoauto,com, privateinfo CE N Y Sp ons or ed text | Te k s t spon sorow a n y Podlaska Marka Roku 2016 nosi nazwę STAG Diesel I NNOWACYJNY SYSTEM ZASILANIA GAZOWEGO STAG DIESEL FIRMY AC S.A. ZWYCIĘŻYŁ W KATEGORII PRODUKT UŻYTKOWY PRESTIŻOWEGO PLEBISCYTU PODLASKA MARKA ROKU 2016. „Obecność w gronie tak znakomit ych f irm i produk tów jest niewątpliwym wyróżnieniem. Z dumą będziemy promować markę na wszystkich rynkach na których działamy, a jest ich ponad 40. I to począwszy od tych najbliższych jak Niemcy, na Peru, Tajlandii skończywszy” – powiedziała Katarzyna Rutkowska, prezes Zarządu, odbierając nagrodę z rąk Marszałka Województwa Podlaskiego. Instalacja gazowa „STAG Diesel” to nowoczesne rozwiązanie skonstruowane i produkowane przez firmę AC S.A. z Białegostoku. Innowacyjna instalacja LPG do samochodów dostawczych, ciężarow ych, autobusów, maszyn rolniczych i budowlanych z silnikami diesla. Obniża koszty eksploatacji nawet o 20–25%. Podwyższa moc silnika bez uszczerbku dla jego trwałości. Obniża m.in. emisję cząstek stałych (sadzy). Conference & Exhibition 27th September 29th September 2016 Tr wałość i niezawodność pot wierdzona niezależnymi testami i badaniami. Dostępna wyłącznie w sieci wyselekcjonowanych warsztatów i autoryzowanych serwisów oraz u doświadczonych montażystów instalacji LPG. Obecność w gronie w yróżnionych jednego z najstarsz ych i najbardziej prestiżowych plebiscytów odbywających się na terenie regionu jest niewątpliwym potwierdzeniem jakości systemu STAG Diesel oraz ukoronowaniem działań lidera rynku, firmy AC S.A. Istanbul Lüfti Kirdar International Convention & Exhibition Centre 29th World LPG Forum & 2016 AEGPL Congress www.autronic.it