July 2009 - GNFA.org


July 2009 - GNFA.org
Guru Nanak Foundation of America
Issue 1
Important dates
Conserving , one newsletter at a time
Welcome to the first issue of
Sandesa. We hope you are
as excited as we are about
the new design and format.
More importantly, we hope
you enjoy reading this quarterly newsletter.
Along with keeping you informed about news and
events associated with the
GNFA community, we have
included religious teachings
and feature articles. If you
have feedback about the
newsletter, or would like to
contribute a piece, please let
us know. Our goal is to make
the newsletter interesting for
everyone from children to
In the spirit of conservation
and environmental friendliness, we have also made a
few subtle changes to the
newsletter. First, we are not
using any glossy pages. Second, we are using recycled
paper to print the newsletter. Finally, we are using a
tighter formatting to reduce
the total number of pages in
the newsletter. While each
of these steps is tiny, we
hope it will motivate others
to do a little more to preserve our limited resources.
According to the US Environmental Protection Agency,
approximately 35% of the
municipal solid waste stream
July 2009
Guru Harkrishan Ji's Parkash
Utsav will be celebrated on
Friday July 24th, 2009
Sunday July 26th, 2009
Guru Nanak Dev Ji's
Parkash Utsav will be
celebrated on
is made up of paper and
board products. So even
though over 50 million tons
of paper is recycled each
year, more can still be done.
A little effort to recycle and
reuse today will keep our
resources available for tomorrow.
GNFA: Humming with Activity
-by Dr. Lisa Singh
Friday Oct 30th, 2009
Sunday Nov1st, 2009
Monday Nov 2nd, 2009
Khalsa School
registration begins July 5th
Tav Parsad Savaiyee and
Kirtan Sohila : Aug 8, 2009
Japji Sahib : Sept 26, 2009
Inside this issue:
From Chairman‘s desk
Sikh Heritage Week
Gurmat Sangeet
Kirtan Samelan
Committee Reports
Teen‘s Corner
Word Find
Operation Walk
Khalsa School
Sikh Day Parade
sM d y s w
From the desk of the Chairman
All activities require the
Sangat‘s support of time,
effort, resources, and
May Wahe Guru grant us
all the dedication to
contribute these to our
This is an exciting time at
GNFA. The newly appointed
committees are
working to plan cultural
events, organize educational
programs, work with fiscal
responsibility, and keep our
members informed about the
latest events.
Your new
Board has appointed 15
committees with a total of 85
members working to serve
the sangat. We must also
recognize the service of our
resident Jatha, Sewadar and
visiting Jathas. It is truly humbling to serve together and
we thank you for this opportunity.
Among the recent accomplishments and activities at GNFA,
we had a very successful
youth kirtan sammelan this
year with enthusiastic participation from about 150
Khalsa school recently completed its academic year. Enrollment this
past year reached nearly
150 students. It is exciting to
see the growth of our youngest members. Our website
has a new look and is
being actively updated
(www.gnfa.org). You can go
to the site and register your
email address to receive information about upcoming
events. Finally, our GNFA
mela was another wonderful
community experience with
over 350 attendees.
The Membership committee is
working to improve our records and conduct a membership campaign. A revised
membership application form
will soon be ready and membership dates announced.
May I also please remotivate us. All these activities require the Sangat‘s support of time, effort, resources,
and money. No contribution
is too small, and none too
big. May Wahe Guru grant
us all the dedication to contribute these to our Gurdwara.
Wahe Guru Ji Ka Khalsa,
Wahe Guru Ji Ki Fateh
Tejbir Singh Phool
Chairman, GNFA
The Finance committee obtained Board approval of an
interim budget and will present an annual budget to the
Board in June. It will include
plans for raising finances we
need to meet our long term
needs. Please see our audited report for 2008, our
monthly financial picture, and
our weekly income and expenses on the notice board.
Sandesa Newsletter Staff
Dr. Lisa Singh
Meeta Kaur
Ravneet Singh
Harsharan Kaur
Harsharan Kaur
Ravneet Singh
Dr. Lisa Singh
Arvinder Kaur
Dr. Lisa Singh
Dr. Sukhjeet Ahuja
Meeta Kaur
Ravneet Singh
Dr. Gurnam Singh
Dr. Hema Sidhu
Ravinder K. Gill
Tajinder K. Ahluwalia
Dr. Harpal Khanuja
Sirmukh Singh Manku
Dr. Sukhjeet Ahuja
Harsharan Kaur
Gajinder Singh
Atam Parkash Singh
Sandesa is published quarterly by
Guru Nanak Foundation of America
12917 Old Columbia Pike Road,
Silver Spring, MD 20904
The Sandesa staff thanks
Bhai Harvinder Singh ji
for editing the Punjabi articles.
e-mail : newsgnfa@gmail.com
Printed on recycled paper
Issue 1
July 2009
GNFA Mela adds some new twists
The GNFA Mela was held on
June 13th, 2009. Approximately 350 people of all
ages attended the event.
There were activities for all
age groups. The little kids
enjoyed games and face
painting. The older kids
played volleyball. There was
also a balloon toss, tug-ofwar and musical chairs for
everyone. Gajinder Singh
along with Avtar Singh conducted a boli game where
people were tested on their
knowledge of Punjabi vocabulary. Many children
were interested in the gatka
demonstration by Mr Nagi.
The winners for the Best
dressed Punjaban /Best
dressed Gabru was awarded
to Mrs Basi. She was totally
in the Mela spirit and was
dressed half punjaban/half
gabru. The Best dressed Mutiyaar was awarded to
Karmjit Kaur and the Best
dressed Shezaada was
awarded to Gurdeep Singh.
The food was traditional and
enjoyed by all.
Mrs. Hema Sidhu along with
a team of Doctors were conducting medical tests and
giving free consultation. The
American Radiology was also
there performing DEXA (bone
density) tests for all the seniors free of charge. Finally,
there were a number of Raffles with prizes donated
from Atlantic Wireless, Furniture Express and Si Salsa.
Article by: Tajinder K. Ahluwalia
Pictures by: Sirmukh Singh Manku
Issue 1
July 2009
Celebrating Sikh Heritage Week in the Nation’s Capital
The Library of Congress
(LOC) is a treasure chest of
knowledge with more than
142 million items in about
470 languages. It is a true
coming of age for the Sikh
diaspora that the Sikh Collection Initiative has been
launched at this venerable
institution of learning.
The Kaur Foundation, a SikhAmerican educational outreach organization, in collaboration with the Asian
Division of the LOC and the
Asian Division Friends Society,
presented a national conference celebrating Sikh Traditions, Heritage and Arts on
June 18-19, 2009 to mark
the occasion.
The Council of the District of
Columbia passed a Sikh Heritage Week Recognition Resolution. Senator Richard Lugar
(IN), Congressman Michael
Honda (CA), Sen. Ben Cardin
(MD), Congressman Chris Van
Hollen (MD), and a representative of DC Mayor Adrian
Fenty delivered remarks of
felicitation and support.
tion, and Dr. G.S. Mann, Director of the Center for Sikh
and Punjabi Studies at the
Univ. of California, Berkeley.
Several distinguished nonSikh speakers such as Dr.
Paul Taylor, Curator at the
Smithsonian‘s Natural History
Museum, F.S. Aijazuddin, Principal Aitchison College, Lahore, and Susan Stronge,
Curator at the Victoria and
Albert Museum, London, gave
testament to the increasing
engagement of international
scholars in Sikh studies. The
erudite DC talk show host
Kojo Nnamdi was a forum
moderator and showed a
deft understanding of Sikh
issues. Internationally renowned photographer, Fiona
Aboud‘s striking photos showcased the rich mosaic of Sikh
lives and experiences.
panel, comprising highly accomplished young Sikh
Americans. Model Sonny Caberwal, whose turbaned visage lit up the huge Kenneth
Cole billboards in Manhattan.
Arpinder Kaur, the first turbaned female pilot in the
US. Architect Jasmit Singh
Rangr whose home designs
are driven by ―universal
themes that unite us all.‖ And
a young Kaur whose poignant eloquence electrified the
audience -- award winning
post 9-11 documentary filmmaker Valerie Kaur.
Arpinder Kaur first
turbaned female U.S. pilot
- by Harsharan Kaur
The title of the conference
was ―Taking Heritage into the
21st century‖. So it was apt
that the conference closed
with the ―vision of tomorrow‖
A highlight of the conference
was the book launch of
―Empire of the Sikhs: The Life
and Times of Maharaja Ranjit
Singh.‖ Its highly regarded
authors, writer Patwant Singh
and numismatist (coin collector) Jyoti Rai spoke eloquently about Maharaja Ranjit Singh‘s progressive vision.
Darshpreet Singh-
Basketball player,
Trinity College, Texas
Being rooted in their heritage gives
them wings to fly and help create
more ―inclusive environments‖ and
cross cultural understanding.
Artists: Amrita and
Rabindra Singh
The extraordinary achievements of Sikhs in diverse
fields were evident in the
presentations by renowned
artists Amrita K. Singh, Rabindra K. Singh and Aparna
Caur, industry leaders like
Dr. Kanwarjit Singh , member
of the Global Health Program at the Gates Founda-
Sonny Caberwal a
model for Kenneth Cole,
Dior & Versace
sM d y s w
iek idn guru U nwnk dyv jI nwl krqwrpur vyKy…
gurU nwnk dyv jI dI AwKrI audwsI
dy bwd aunHW ny iek swDwrx AdrS jIvn
jIx Aqy kIrq krn dI jwc dsI[ BweI
siqbIr isMG ny ApxI pUsqk kudrqI nUr
ivc bVI FUMgI Koj qoN bwd anHW dI roz dI
ijMdgI dy bwry eyh drswieAw…
‚gurU nwnk dyv jI ny audwsI vwly
swry k`pVy auqwr id`qy sn Aqy Awm
gRihsqIAwN dy pihrwvy ivc hI ivcrdy sn[
Awp jI dw nym ies qrHwN dw sI ik fyF pihr
rwq rihMdI au`Tdy[ ieSnwn krdy qy sMgqW vI
ieSnwn kr Drmswl juV jwNdIAwN[ jpujI dy
pwT auprMq Awsw kI vwr dy kIrqn huMdy
[ idn cVHy qk gurbwxI dw kIrqn hMudw
[ Sbd dI kQw vI au`Qy ho jWdI[ iPr sB
rl ky ‘ggn mih Qwl riv cMd dIpk bny’
dw Sbd pVHdy[ ies Sbd dy pVHwey jwx qoN
hI pqw l`gdw hY ik gurU jI isKwN ivc ikqnI
cOVI idRstI BrI hoeI dyKnw cwhuMdy sn[ ieh
iek pRkwr dw bRhmMf gwien (kwsmk AYNQm)
sI[ svyry dw nwSqw pw ky sB ikrq ivc jut
jwNdy[ gurU jI vI KyqwN nUM cly jwNdy[ qIsry
pihr iPr Sbd kIrqn hMudw qy Sbd dI
crcw huMdI[ vihmwN-BrmwN, kurIqIAwN qy
kuhJy irvwjwN qoN jigAwsUAwN nUM gurU jI
vrjdy[ nvIN rOSnI imldI[ AQrbn (jwdU,
tUxy, mMqrwN, hvnwN, pUjw, pKMfw) dw Bwr jo
pRoihqwN ny mnuKqw ‘qy pwieAw hoieAw sI aus
nMU auqwr prHwM suitAw jWdw[ mnuK haumY
iqAwg, Pu`l vrgw hlkw ho ky prqdw
[ AQrbn vyd jwdU-toixAwN qy suKnwN lYxdyx dy mMqrw nwl BirAw hoieAw hY[ gurmuK
(gurU nwnk) ny auh lwh prHwN sut idqw
[ iksy ivcoly, pRoihq, mOlwxy dI loV nhIN sI
rhI[ mhwrwj dw kQn sI ik mnuK nUM
vwihgurU ny Awjwd suqMqr pYdw kIqw hY[ ieh
Awpxy pYrW ivc mxW mUMhI byVIAW pweI iPrdw
hY[ ieh byVIAW ht jwxgIAW jd gurU-Sbd
dy lV lgygw: kyqy bMDn jIA ky, gurmuiK moK
schu ErY sBu ko aupir scu Awcwir]
Swm nU iPr sodr ArqI dw pwT
huMdw[ swry rwq dw prSwd pwauNdy[ iek
pihr rwq jd gujr jwNdI qW swry soihlw dw
pwT kr ky ibsrwm krdy[
krqwrpUr dI mrXwdw dyKx nUM
ikqnI sihl sI pr inBwaux leI lok lwj
qjxI pYNdI sI, jo kTn kwrj sI[ lokI qW
pwT, pUjw rihq jwN SrwA, SrIAq,
iSPwrS, (hwmw) nMU hI jwxdy sn aunHW leI
ieh smJ ky turnw ik ieh sB Pokt krm
hn, ArMB ivc bVw kTn kdm sI[ keI qW
kuJ kdm hI tur ky iPr ky C`f bYTdy[
keI krqwrpur AwauNdy, gurU nwnk
dyv jI nMU h~l vwhuMdy, KyqI krdy krwauNdy dyK
hI prq jNdy[ keI cwr vrxW nUM iek QW
pRSwd C`kdw dyK, n`k mUMh cVHw muV jWdy
[ keI gurU jI nUM gRihsqI qy iPr gRihsq
inBWidAW dyK mUMh moV bYTdy, pr ivrly hMudy
jo smu`cw krqwrpur dw jIvn mwxdy qy iPr
jIvn svwr GrW nUM muVdy[
auNj qw AnykW vwrdwqW hoeIAW pr
swfy ieiqhws ny iek aucycI swKI swDUAW dI
iek mMflI dI ilKI hY[
iek swDUAW dI mMflI AweI[ aunHW
gurU jI Aqy is`KW nUM KyqW ivc kMm krdy,
lMgr leI lkVW ilAWdy, pSU sMBwldy qy
lMgr pkWdy ifTw Aqy jd gurU jI koloN ivdwiegI lYx l`gy qW swDUAW dy muKI ny ikhw :
‘muAwP krnw qusI qW sHwn (dWd) hI pwl
r`Ky hn[ gurU jI ny koeI au`qr dyx dI QWvyN
aunHw nUM kuJ idn hor rukx leI ikhw[ hux
jd kuJ idnW qoN bwd auh rvwnw hox l`gy qW
kuJ inmrqw nwl swDU AwgU ny kyhw : ‘nwnk
jI, qusW qW ienswn pwl r`Ky hn’[ mhwrwj
ny iPr kuJ idn hor rukx leI ikhw[
hux jd iqAwr ho auh prqn l`gy qW swDu ny
ikhw: ‘gurU jI qusW qW dyvqy pwl rKy
hn’[ guruU pwqSwh ny kuJ idn hor rukx
leI ikhw[ ies vwrI aunHW swirAW hI gurU
nwnk dy crn pkV ley[ iKmW mMgI qy ikhw:
‘mhwrwj qusW qW rb hI pws ibTwieAw
hoieAw hY’[ is`K dw smu`cw jIvn dyK ky hI
is`KI dI soJI Aw skdI hY[ jo kyvl ikrq
krdy dyKdw hY, auh ienHW nUM pSU smwn hI
jwxdw hY[ jo praupkwr krdw, syvw ivc
KIvy huMdw, iek dUjy ‘qy jwn dyNdy dyKdw hY,
ah ienswn jwxygw Aqy ijs ny is`K nUM AMmRq
vyly jwp jpyNdy kIrqn ivc iekwgr ic`q dyK
ilAw hY, auh kyvl dyvqw smwn hI jwxygw,
pr jd koeI is`K nUM srIr dI suD Bulw, inrol Sbd nwl joV, praupkwr leI jUJdw,
jwnW vwrdw dyKdw hY, auh ienHW nUM r`b rUp hI
khygw[ gurU nwnk jI dI ieh hI krwmwq sI
ijnHW mwxs qoN dyvqy kr id`qy[
krqwrpur dy pey pRBwv bwry sujwn
rwie BMfwrI ny hI g`l mukWdy iliKAw hY kI
bwbw nwnk dy is`K Awqm rsIey, igAwnI,
kihxI-krnI dy pUry, isD-swDk qy phuMc
vwly, musqjwbul dwvwq huMdy hn[
isK ny ieh Ascrj Kyf KyfxI
krqwrpuroN is`K leI sI[ B`t klshwr jo
BtW dw mohrI AwgU sI, ny vI, ieh g`l vwr
vwr duhrweI hY ik gurU nwnk jI iek rs
nwm jpdy qr gey hn qy swrI isRstI vI nwm
dI brkq nwl qwr id`qI hY[ Awp rwj jog
mwixAw hY qy is`KW nUM vI rwj jog mwxn dI
jwc isKlw id`qI hY[
‘hir nwm rsik nwnk gur, rwju
jog qY mwixE]’
- Compiled by Ravneet Singh
Issue 1
July 2009
sRI gurU Arjn dyv jI dw vfmUlw Xogdwn:
gurmq sMgIq prMprw - fw. gurnwm isMG
Dean, Faculty of Arts and Culture
Professor and Head, Gurmat Sangeet Chair
Punjabi University, Patiala
gurmq sMgIq prMprw nUM inrMqr pRgqI Aqy
ivkws dIAwN rwhwN qy qorn ivc sRI gurU
Arjn dyv jI dw v`fm`ulw qy ivSyS Xogdwn
hY[gurU Arjn dyv jI ny sRI gurU grMQ swihb
dI rwgwqmk sMpwdnw krky AiDAwqmk Aqy
sMgIq jgq nUM AwpxI ivl`Kx dyx duAwrw
BrpUr kIqw[ ijQy Awpny Awpxy qoN pUrbly
is`K gurU swhIbwn dI bwxI dw AiDAYn krn
auprWq ausnUM kRmvwr rwgW ADIn sMpwdq
kIqw, auQy gurmiq sMgIq prMprw dI
ivvhwrkqw nMU nvIn idSw vI prdwn kIqI[
Awp smyN kIrqn prMprw dy gwiek BweI
mrdwny nwl sbMDq hox krky iek Kws qbky
ivcoN hI sn[ ieh kIrqnIey (gwiek) mrwsI
jW fUm kOm ivcON sn Aqy iehnW nUM ‘mrdwny
ky’ ikhw jWdw sI[ Awp dy drbwr ivc BweI
s`qw Aqy blvMf kIrqn krdy sn[ iehnW
qoN ibnW BweI kydwr, JwJU Aqy mukMd vrgy
pris`D rwgI rbwbI vI kIrqn kirAw krdy
sn[ gurmiq sMgIq dw KUb prcwr kIqw
[ iehnW ivcoN s`qw Aqy blvMf dI joVI dw
ivSyS sQwn hY [
s`qw Aqy blvMf ny kuJ kwrnW krky sRI gurU
Arjn dyv jI dy drbwr ivcoN kIrqn dI
syvw C`f dIqI[ haumY ivc gurU swihb Agy
ApxI mhwnqw dI crcw krn lgy[ ies
smyN gurU swihb ny Awm is`K ny Awm is`K
sgqw nUM kIrqn gwien krn dw AwdyS id`qw
[ ijs nwl kIrqn gwien prMprw ivSyS
gwiek SryxI ivcoN inkl ky sDwrn lokW
ivcrn lgI[ ies prkwr gurbwxI kIrqn
ikirAwqmk qOr qy rwgI, rbwbI-ksbI lokW
Aqy AisiKAk swDwrn lokW, dohw vrgW
ivc mkbUl hoeI[ Awpny Awm jn swDwrn ivc
‘klXug mih kIrqn prDwnw’ dy mwrg qy
qoirAw[ sRI gurU Arjn dyv jI dy smyN qoN lY ky
hux qk ieh prMprw iehnW dohW rUpW ivc
prcwr ihq inrMqr jwrI hY[ sRI gurU Arjn
dyv jI ny gurmq sMgIq dy sMsQwgq prcln
leI qrnqwrn swihb nUM kIrqn kyNdr vjoN
sQwpq kIqw Aqy ies qoN ibnw sRI drbwr
swihb AMimRqsr nUUM vI mukMml krvwieAw[
gurU nwnk dyv jI duAwrw prcilq kIrqn
gwien prMprw nUM Awpxy nvIAW qy molk
ivSStqwvW sihq aujwgr kIqw[ Awid gRMQ
ivc Awp qoN pUrvly gurU swihbwnW dy nwl Awp
dI bwxI vI drj hY[
Awp dy 44 rwgW ivc 2216 Sbd Aqy slok
imldy hn[ AwpdI bwxI rcnw isrI, mwJ,
gauVI guAwryrI, gauVI cyqI, gauVI bYrwgix,
gauVI pUrbI, gauVI mwJ, gauVI mwlvw, gauVI
mwlw, Awsw, Awsw kwFI, AwswvrI, AwswvrI
suDMg, gUjrI, dyvgMDwrI, ibhwgVw, soriT,
vfhMs, DnwsrI, jYqsrI, tofI, bYrwVI, iqlMg,
sUhI iblwvl, goNf, rwmklI, ntnwrwiex, nt,
mwlI gauVw, mwrU, quKwrI, kydwrw, BYrau, bsMq,
swrMg, mlHwr, kwnHVw, kilAwx, pRBwqI, pRBwqI
ibBws, ibBws prBwqI rwgW ivc aupl`bD hY
[ gurU swihb ny bwxI duAwrw SwsqrI Aqy lok
sMgIq dovyN prMprwvW dw pRXog kIqw[ Awpny
ijQy bwxI rcn leI sB qoN izAwdw rwgW Aqy
gwien SYlIAW dw pRXog kIqw auQy ivSyS bwxI
rcnwvW, pdy, AstpdIAW, CMq, vwr, soihly,
AMjulIAW Awid ivc vI rcnw kIqI[
gwien leI swrMdw Aqy qblw (joVI) swz dw
vI pRXog hox lg ipAw sI [
sRI gurU gRMQ swihb dI rwgwqmk sMpwdnw,
kIrqn prMprw dI jnswDwrn ivc mkbUlIAq, kIrqn kyNdr dI sQwpnw, Aqy
iviBMn v`fmulIAW bwxI gwien rcnwvW dI
dyx duAwrw, sRI gurU Arjn dyv jI ny gurmiq
sMgIq prMprw ivc vfyrw qy iviSSt Xogdwn
pwieAw hY[
Excerpted with author's permission from his book Gurmat Sangeet: ‘Parbandh tey
Awp duAwrw ricq 36 pVqwlW v`K v`K rwgW
ADIn drj imldIAW hn[ Awp smyN gurbwxI
sM d y s w
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Issue 1
July 2009
Helping the Census Bureau learn more about our
The U.S. Census Bureau conducts a variety of censuses and surveys each year. The decennial survey is used to
determine the population of districts in different states across the country. The information provided on these
different surveys are used by the Bureau to provide summary statistical data about the population.
GNFA is collaborating with the US Census Board to generate awareness among Sikhs about the importance of
completing a Census survey, the participation process, and the availability of different job opportunities at the
Census Bureau.
As the Sikh population in the United States grows, it is important that our community share its views with various
government entities and leaders. Doing so will give a voice to our community.
The U.S. Census Bureau is issuing a call to action for every resident of our nation:
“Be Counted in 2010.”
For more information
about the 2010 Census, visit
sM d y s w
Sikh Youth Embrace Gurmat Sangeet
There is a more enticing way
for large numbers of Sikh
youth to spend the Memorial
Day weekend than lounging
lazily at the beach or shopping for deals. For the fifth
year in a row, the Washington Capital Sikh Youth Kirtan
Sammelan held at Guru
Nanak Foundation of America (GNFA), Silver Spring,
Maryland, drew a substantial
number of enthusiastic participants and listeners from several gurdwaras. About 150
youth, ranging in age from
four to twenty-one, inspired
the sangat with their dedication to gurmat sangeet at this
year‘s sammelan, held on
May 23.
The institutions represented
were Anhad Bani of York,
Pennsylvania, Gurdwara Sahib of Augusta, Georgia,
Guru Angad Institute of Sikh
Studies (GAISS) of Sterling,
Virginia, GNFA, National
Gurdwara of Washington
DC, Raag Rattan Jatha of
Maryland, Sri Harmandir
Academy of Maryland, and
Washington Sikh Center of
award was presented to one
jatha from each age group in
recognition of their accomplishment in advanced areas
of Gurmat Sangeet, among
them, playing the complex
tanti saaz (stringed instruments).
There were two categories at
the sammelan organized by
the dharmik committee of
GNFA -- competing and noncompeting. The competition
section had three age
groups: Juniors (7-10 yrs.),
Intermediate (11-14 yrs.)
and Seniors (15-18 yrs.).
Each jatha had 12 minutes to
perform and the judging criteria were rigorous. All age
groups were required to sing
a shabad in its nirdharit raag,
that is, the raag in which it
was composed by our guru
sahibaan. The melodious
notes of raags Kalyan, Bilaval, Sarang, Malhar, Todi,
Asa, Tilang, Basant, Kannada, Sorath, and Kedara
induced feelings of deep
devotion in the sangat.
The results:
Juniors: This year all jathas
in this category happened to
be from GNFA. The organizers would like to encourage
participation in this age
group from other institutions
as well.
Outstanding Achievement
Award and First Place:
(GNFA) Amrita Kaur, Amrita
Kaur Sawhney, Anmol Kaur,
Harpreet K. Nagi, Jaskiran
Kaur, Jasneer Kaur and Mehar Cheema.
2nd Place: (GNFA) Avneet K.
Bahra, Jaskeerat K.Sian,
Mallika K. Ubhi, Mehar
Cheema, Saihajleen K. Bahra,
Tudhjot Kaur.
3rd Place: (GNFA) Gurun
Singh, Mehar Cheema, Rabir
Goomer, Veer Birgi.
In each age group, 1st, 2nd
and 3 r d place were
awarded. In addition, an
outstanding achievement
Issue 1
Award and First Place:
(GNFA) Gurleen Kaur, Japji
K. Bindra, Nimarta K. Chowdhary, Prabhleen K. Aneja,
Prableen K. Chowdhary,
Prabhleen Kaur.
2nd Place: (Washington Sikh
Center) Chetveer Singh,
Jeevan Singh, Kiran Kaur,
Sajjan Singh
3rd Place: (GNFA) Angad
Uppal, Kunal Khurana, Prabjit Sehdev, Sanjam Singh,
Vargun Sodhi.
First Place: (National Gurdwara) Amandeep Singh,
Jasleen Kaur, Jolainder Kaur,
Mohmeet Singh, Sandeep
Outstanding Achievement
Award and Second Place:
(GNFA) Amolak S. Nagi, Dilbagh S. Nagi, Gurpreet
Singh Sarin, Harleen Kaur,
Nihal Singh, Ramneek K.
3rd Place (Tied): (GNFA) Dilbagh S. Nagi, Haneet S.
Chadha, Navraj S. Kalra,
Ravneet S. Chadha
3rd Place: (GNFA): Manpreet
Singh, Narjit Singh, Surjit
July 2009
The sammelan provided
many memorable moments.
Some especially striking ones
. Kiran Kaur, age 5, of
Washington Sikh Center,
playing the violin with an
amazing purity of notes.
· Prableen K. Chowdhary
playing tabla – an inspiration
to other girls to learn too.
T h e 12 - me m be r n o n competing jatha from GAISS
that played all the tanti saaz
(stringed instruments ) including dilruba, rabab saranda,
sarangi and taus as well as
the traditional percussion, jori
from the time of our guru
A special performance by the
guest jatha from Connecticut,
17-year-old Hardeep Chana
and 14-year-old Jasmeet
Chana. Hailing from a distinguished lineage of gurmat
sangeet proponents, the
br o t h e r s ‘ pe r f o r m an c e
showed artistry and maturity.
Hardeep ‗s mellifluous voice
and melodious taus were
matched by Jasmeet‘s commanding tabla performance.
They were ably accompanied
by Soni Kaur Sarin (dilruba
and vocals) and Gurpreet
Singh Sarin (mandolin) of the
Raag Rattan jatha.
A central role in the success of the sammelan was
played by the hazoori ragis
of GNFA. Bhai Jagmohan
Singh ji, Bhai Harmohan Singh
ji and Bhai Harvinder Singh ji,
tirelessly and selflessly
trained 50 youth for the sammelan. Our community is indebted to them for their contribution in inculcating a love
for Gurmat Sangeet in our
This youth kirtan sammelan is
held on the Saturday of the
memorial day weekend annually. For a guru-centered
holiday celebration, sadh
sangat is invited to GNFA for
the 6th Washington Capital
Sikh Youth Kirtan Sammelan
on May 22, 2010.
Article by: Ranvinder K. Gill & Harsharan Kaur
Pictures by : Sirmukh Singh Manku
sM d y s w
Committee Reports
Building Maintenance
2009. The next phase consists
of a hearing by a review committee from the Park and Planning Commission and then on to
the full commission board. The
committee continues to provide
them with any necessary information and will keep the sangat updated on further developments.
The long-term goals of this
committee are to improve the
cleanliness and appearance of
the Gurdwara. To date, the
Langar Hall carpet has been
replaced, paneling removed,
and a fresh coat of paint has
been applied. The flower beds
have been weeded, and new The committee is still using the
funds raised from a 2005
plants have been planted.
fundraiser. They would like to
The committee will also be encourage the sangat to docleaning and organizing the nate to the new building fund
entrance area and bulletin whenever possible. Donations
boards. Plans are underway can be given to the GNFA
Langar hall renovation
to add toilet seat covers and Treasurer at any time.
replace damaged ceiling panEducation Committee
Community Affairs
scribes to its Elementary School
els in the Women‘s restroom.
Most education activities are Sojhi Curriculum package,
Bylaws Committee
which includes Boli – Language
The main objectives of the self supporting and funded
Arts; and Virsa – History and
The Bylaws Committee has a
Community Affairs Committee
Gurmat. Plans for the 2009draft ready to be reviewed by
are to plan quarterly events
2010 school year include exthe General Body for final
over the next 10 months. The the Education Committee
panding the curriculum from
first event the committee budget was $30,000 and
Elementary into the Middle
planned was the Punjabi Mela Committee deposited $31,500
Capital Projects
with GNFA. The 2009 budget School level.
on June 13th 2009.
is $50,000. Major expenses Every year, the Education ComIn response to a Montgomery The committee is planning the include: facility expansion, mittee awards one merit
County request concerning the following events (exact dates computer equipment, software, award in the amount of
new gurdwara building permit, TBD): Cultural Program books, supplies, school bags, T- $2,000 to a college-bound
the committee submitted a new (October), Family Fun Night shirts, and awards.
graduating High School senior.
round of documents on May 8th, (January), Youth/Senior Event
In 2008, Khalsa school regis- The selection criteria includes:
tered 150 students in 7 levels grade point average, SAT
of instructions. The committee score, involvement in GNFA
has expanded our school facil- and community activities, an
ity with another trailer that extempore essay, and an interhouses 36 KG students and 6 view with a GNFA Board apteachers. The classroom was proved selection panel. The
furnished with Montessori style 2008 award was sponsored
furniture. The committee will by Amar-Kartar Foundation,
also add audio, video equip- Inc. The 2009 Award is sponment and activity pods. The sored by GNFA Trustee, S.
Surinder Singh.
The Merit
expansion cost is $15,000.
Award Recipients were
Khalsa School is a member of Beneeta Kaur Ahuja (2008).
Sikh Research Institute and subArchitectural drawing of new Gurdwara
Issue 1
July 2009
Committee Reports cont.
Gurdwara Committee
informative. You can visit the
updated website to see a
current list of committee members, contacts, and a schedule
of upcoming events and programs. The committee will
continue working on the website to improve the basic
structure, layout, and content.
They want your input. Email
your suggestions to:
Langar Committee
The following ragi Jathas will
be visiting us in coming
Bhai Sahib Bhai Balwant
Singh Ji Panchi - Jul ‗09.
Bhai Sahib Bhai Harpal Singh
Ji Paras-1st to 16th Aug ‗09
Bhai Sahib Bhai Shawinder
Singh Ji -Sept ‗09
The committee will focus on
the following objectives : improve health and sanitary
concerns, start and maintain a
recycling program, keep the
sangat updated with information regarding langar,
start a monthly clean up for
the kitchen and Langar hall,
and lower the monthly cost
Bhai Sahib Bhai Charanjit for Langar.
Singh Ji -Oct ‗09.
Youth Committee
Website Committee
See page 1 for dates of
Youth ranging in age from 7forthcoming Gurpurabs being The goal of the Website 14 organized a Gurdwara
celebrated at GNFA.
Committee is to revamp the cleanup.
They scrubbed,
old static pages to make mopped, and cleaned the
them more user-friendly and
kitchen, Langar hall, and Divan hall.
The committee plans to organize an open forum for
kids to talk about issues that
matter to them specifically
relating to the Sikh way of
life. The forum will provide
an avenue for the kids to
openly ask questions and
share their thoughts. They
also want to encourage all
eligible kids to register and
become youth members.
GNFA Committee Members
Community Affairs
T ajinder K.Ahluwalia (Ginny) ©
2 Neeta Singh
3 Gurcharan Singh
4 Arvinder Uppal (Daisy)
5 Bryan Arneja
6 Amarjeet Bahra (Amy)
7 Manveen Sawhney
8 Gurdeep Kaur (Nikee)
9 Sarina Grewal
10 Rippi Kohli
11 Ravinder K Birgi
Anthony Arneja ©
Gurmukh S Matta
Jasmin Modi
I . S. Gujral
Jasvinder S Sethi (Johnny )
Avtar Singh
Gurminder Singh
Amar Singh
Devinder Singh
Ashok Gulati
Pammy Sahni
By Laws
Rajindar S Sidhu ©
Tejbir S Phool
Ajit S Dhaliwal
Arvinder K Goomer
Charanjit S Aulakh
Dharam S Dhindsa
Dilawar S Dhatt
Harnam S Arneja
Pritam S Saini
Raghbir S Chhinna
Capital Projects
Kanwaljit Soni ©
Inderjit Bimbra
Gurcharan Singh
Bhupinder S Gabri Architect
Surinder Singh PE
Bhupinder S Katohora Engg.
Harnam S Arneja
Daljit S Sawhney
Jatinder Dusaj ©
Rajwant K Bassi
Harjeet Singh
Sukhbir Bawa
Satwant Tulsi
Anoop Kaur
Amrita Cheema
Ravinder Sawhney
Sarabjit Kaur
Building Maintenance
Inderjit S Bimbra ©
Surinder Singh
Sikh Affairs
Gurbaksh S Dhillon ©
Kulwant S Modi
Professional Advisors
Surinder Singh PE
G S Gahunia PE
Atam Parkash Singh © Gajinder Singh ©
Sukhjeet Ahuja
Sukhwinder Singh
Gurmeet S Grewal
Phula Singh
Ravneet Chadha
Anthony S Arneja
Pritam S Saini
Kamlesh Sardana
Gurbinder S Bahra
Amardeep Kaur (Rimmi)
Gurdeep Kaur (Nikee)
Prabhkirat Singh
Gajinder Singh ©
Satwant K Tulsi
Harsharan G Singh
Gurminder S Ahuja
Ravinder Kaur
Bishan S Nagi
Ajaib S Sidhu
Manjot S Aneja
Prabhjot S Kohli
Meeta Kaur
Harsharan Kaur
Lisa Singh
Arvinder K Goomer
Atam Parkash Singh
Sarbhpreet Singh
Ranvir S Fluora
Darshan S. Saluja
Charanjit S Aulakh
© - Coordinator
Surpal S Birgi ©
Jasmeen K Modi
Amitoj Singh
Darshan S Saluja ©
Kamlesh Sadana
Ravinder Arneja
Harjot Singh (Volunteer)
Ravinder S Arneja ©
Kuljit S Gill
Surpal S Birgi
Jaswinder S Sidhu ©
Sardar S Ahuja
Tejbir S Phool
Surjit Singh
Kunwar S Goomer
Ravinder Kaur
Gurminder S Ahuja
sM d y s w
Wellness and Rejuvenation
Dr. Hema K Sidhu, Ph.D.,
Dr. Ajaib S. Sidhu, M.D.,
The idea of putting together
this article is to educate people about wellness. By doing
a few simple things in life,
one can make Healthy Families and Healthy Society.
One may wonder how this
can be achieved. Well,
Western Medicine with Alternative Medicine which includes Energy medicine e.g.
Biofield Therapies, Reiki,
Bioelectromagnetic- based
fields and alternating current
or direct current fields---Just
to name a few as well as
Mind-Body medicine e.g.
Meditation and Prayer.
It is our responsibility to take
care of the gift of the body
given to us by GOD. We
have the opportunity to take
care of it and make a conscious decision to stay well. In
the present day environments
we are stressed, lack good
night‘s sleep, breathe poor
quality of air and drink water which contains chlorine
as well as bacteria killed
with chlorine—all this is happening from the toxins within
our homes we live in. All the
above leads to imbalanced
body functions which cause
varied symptoms-headaches,
infections, allergies, digestive
Issues, muscular aches and
pains, hormonal imbalance
etc. There are evidences
available which show that in
the long run these toxins can
initiate cancer.
The toxins can be removed
from the body by doing a
few simple things:
Hydrate your body
quality water which can
add energy and balance to your body functions.
Breathe good air which
not only filters the air
from toxins but also has
the ability to give
negative ions back to
you (Negative ions help
to reduce stress and
provide relaxation).
Good Night‘s Sleep—
Your body tends to restore it‘s balance when it
goes through a deep
sleep phase. Problems
like insomnia and snoring
can be relieved by using
a quality mattress based
on use of far-infrared
and magnetic field technology. It is well known
that lack of sleep can
cause hypertension, diabetes, anxiety and eating disorder.
Role of Products based on
Electro-Magnetic Field Technology:
This has been around for
over 2000 years in Chinese
medicine. Magnetic field
therapy is also mentioned in
some of the earliest writings
in Egypt, India and Greece.
It further provides a natural
way to assist the body‘s normal healing processes as it
encompasses all tissues and
cells in the range of it‘s field.
Applying magnetic fields to
an injured area improves
blood flow and enhances the
body‘s natural healing processes as well as relieves pain
and reduces inflammation.
Recently its use has been
reported even in Medical
Literature for managing
problems like anxiety, depression, migraines, and diabetic neuropathy. It has
proven to be safe, effective, economical and free
from adverse effects.
The deficiency of a magnetic
field creates multiple metabolic problems. The deficiency is created mostly by
the blockage of a magnetic
field via concrete floors. It
seems as if the modern way
of life is creating what we
may call magnetic deficiency
syndrome. It is incumbent on
us that in the process of
maintaining and regaining
wellness, we reverse this
trend and bring back the
adequate levels of magnetic
filed in our intrinsic and extrinsic environment.
The body has the potential
to regain wellness provided
it is given this opportunity.
The essential tools are --breathe air free of toxins,
drink water free of toxins
and ingest food free of toxins. This approach enhances
the rejuvenation of body
functions at all levels; it‘s like
cleaning the house and make
everything refreshing.
Pray—Wellness for all
Dr. Hema Sidhu
Software Testing Course
Classes held every Sunday from 12:00 to 2:00pm at GNFA
If you or anyone you know who may be interested, please contact
Kalvinder Singh
at singhkalvinder@hotmail.com
or come to class
Issue 1
July 2009
All services backed by Zee Auto Center
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Foreign & domestic Cars
sM d y s w
Word Find
Quilt created by kids full of Khandas.
- by Jade Singh
Teen’s Corner
Did You Know?
We have an all new Facebook group. Facebook is a social networking site where you can create your own
profile and connect with friends and keep yourself updated with current events in your community.
Join The ―GNFA Youth‖ group at Facebook.com where you can:
Discuss sikhi related topics with your Friends
Share pictures and videos from Community events
Participate in Quarterly events (such as writing or artwork) which could be published in upcoming newsletters
Stay connected with your friends at GNFA
Now Serving
We Cater
At our Brand New Location!
8874 McGaw Rd
Columbia, MD 21045-4785
Phone:(410) 381-1111
sM d y s w
Sangat Supports Operation Walk Maryland
When we thought of starting a branch of Operation Walk here in Maryland, we
knew we would find support from our friends and the community. The objectives of
this organization hold fast to the Sikh principle of ―vand ke chakna‖ as espoused by
Guru Nanak Dev Ji. We were right in our prediction, but we never would have
guessed the magnitude of encouragement and appreciation for what we are doing.
Operation Walk Maryland is an independent, non profit organization that performs hip and knee replacements free for
poor people in developing countries. It is a volunteer organization that takes health care providers from Maryland to perform these surgeries. We also take all the supplies including the joint replacement implants. Each trip costs well over
$100,000. Despite this we are able to do these surgeries for one tenth of what the total care would cost in the United
States. On these trips we try do about 40-50 joint replacements, in a week‘s time.
Last year was our first trip to Peru and it was an overwhelming success. We replaced 49 joints. I cannot express the gratitude of those we helped. Their thanks
was unconditional. They know without the expertise of the Operation Walk team
that these surgeries would not be possible. We were showered with hugs, kisses and
the blessings of many patients and their family members.
We too often take our freedom to move without pain for granted. Imagine a manual laborer in the third world, the sole provider
for a large family. Suddenly because of debilitating arthritis he cannot work. There
is no health insurance. Even if he could afford treatment, there is no expertise in his
city, state, or possibly country. Suddenly, a team from the United States with expert
surgeons offers to replace his hip. They ask for nothing in return. Imagine how
thankful this person will be. His surgeon was a Sikh as were many members of the
team. He had never seen a Sardar before, but imagine how he and his family will
think of these people forever.
Personally, I believe Operation Walk not only allows us to be ambassadors of healthcare from Maryland, but also ambassadors of the Sikh faith as well. We had our first Gala fund-raiser, and many members of the sangat attended. An
American colleague of mine, who traveled with us as a surgeon to Peru, remarked at how impressed he was with the turnout
from the Sikh Community. That made me proud and thankful.
We hope to go to Ecuador this November and Punjab next year, but we are a long way from our financial goals. We continue to need your support. All of us at Operation Walk thank you. To learn more please visit www.operationwalkMD.org.
Harpal S. Khanuja, MD
Co Founder, Medical Director
Operation Walk Maryland
Issue 1
July 2009
Khalsa school students
Khalsa School Calendar
Sunday, Sept 13th 2009
November, 8th 2009
January, 3rd 2010
January, 31st 2010
February, 7th 2010
April, 18th 2010
June, 13th 2010
First Day Of School
Prakash Diwas Guru Nanak Dev Ji
Prakash Diwas Guru Gobind Singh Ji
1st Semester Exam
Semester Break
Baisakhi Celebrations
Final Exam & Last Day of School
Pictures by Gajinder Singh
School Opens
School Closed
School Closed
Mandatory Attendance
School Closed
School Closed
Mandatory Attendance
sM d y s w
New york Sikh Day Parade April 2009
Pictures by Dr. Sukhjeet Ahuja
Sharpen your public speaking skills.
Make friends from different walks of life.
Grow as a speaker in a supportive and
friendly environment.
Join the GNFA Khalsa Toastmasters Club.
For more info., please contact:
Dr Daljit Sawhney
Gajindar Singh
Dr. Hema Sidhu
Dr. Sukhjeet Ahuja
Club Charter Ceremony
VISIT US ON http://khalsa.freetoasthost.biz
Issue 1
July 2009
It can be done… if we commit
Picture this …
Children sitting attentively along side their parents inside the Diwan Hall. Not running around in the lobby
and Langar Hall. Not texting inside the Diwan Hall.
Families sharing shoe cubbies so there are enough cubbies for everyone. No one places shoes on the floor. If
someone forgets, those shoes are picked up by the first person who notices and placed in a cubby.
Cars parked only in designated areas. Fire lanes are clear. Handicapped spots are honored. No one parks
on basketball or volleyball court.
Restrooms are always clean as each person takes care.
Help make it happen
Readers’ Comments & Suggestions
We would like to hear from Sangat.
Kindly provide us with your comments and suggestions.
Address : _____________________________________________________________
Please submit to treasurer GNFA
Finance committee would like to appeal for donations through the GNFA newsletter.
Donations accompanying the form bellow will be recognized in the next issue of along
with name of Donor.
We will alsoDonor
a feature on ‘Your Donation in action’ in the next issue of Sandesa
ijh pRswid krih puMn bhu dwn ]
By His Grace, you give donations in abundance to charities;
Guru Arjan Dev Ji
Gauree Panna 270
Finance Raag
would like to appeal for donation through the GNFA
Donations accompanying the form
will be recognized in the next
Cut bellow
issue of along with name of Donor.
We will also have a feature on ‘Your Donation in action’
Name :___________________________________________________________________________
City, State, Zip:___________________________________________________________________
Donation Amount:
$500.00 ___________any other amount
All gifts to the GNFA are tax-deductible to the fullest extent of current law.
Make checks payable to: GNFA
Handover to Treasurer or Mail to:
GNFA, 12917 Old Columbia Pike, Silver Spring MD 20904
To Help Individuals and Small Businesses
Achieve Efficiency, Growth, Maximize Profits
CALL (301) 879-0600 OR (301) 602-6122
Parminder Singh Ahuja, CPA, PC.
512-K East Randolph Road Silver Spring, MD 20904
11520 Lake Potomac Drive Potomac, MD 20854
Non-profit org.
‗e-mail: newsgnfa@gmail.com
Permit #2508