St. Germain Bo-Boen Snowmobile Club


St. Germain Bo-Boen Snowmobile Club
St. Germain Bo-Boen Snowmobile Club
Volume 2013-14 Number 6
January 2014
and be Active in the Club!
Photo: Bo-Boen Club President-Elect, Tom Christensen (left) is
presented with the check from St. Germain Chamber Board President, Ted DeRuiter (right). Photo credit: Chamber photo.
St. Germain Chamber Makes Donation
to Local Snowmobile Club
St. Germain, WI, November 5, 2013: The Board of Directors for the St. Germain Area Chamber of Commerce, Inc. is
pleased to announce that the Chamber has made a donation of
$5000.00 to the St. Germain Bo-Boen Snowmobile Club. The
donation will be used for the recent acquisition of brush cutting equipment and for future purchases of snowmobile trail
maintenance equipment. The Chamber hopes the donation
will help the Bo-Boen’s maintain the quality of its trails as
snowmobiling is an important part of winter tourism. St. Germain is well known for its fine network of snowmobile trails.
Our local club, the St. Germain Bo-Boen Snowmobile Club
(pronounced bō bō-in) has developed a well-marked trail system that utilizes engineered grooming equipment and procedures that are copied nationally and internationally. We are
the largest club in the state with over 430 memberships.
10. Snowmobile clubs gain land access to create
snowmobile trails.
9. Snowmobile clubs clear and create trails.
8. Members of the snowmobile club groom
our trails.
7. While we’ re talking trails, who do you
think puts up all the stops signs, the directional arrows, intersection number signs and
the signs that tell you the distance to the
next gas station, restaurant or lodging?
6. When funding is needed to pay for groomers, insurance or trail development, do you
know where that money comes from?
5. With some clubs and associations, membership brings financial benefits.
4. Belonging to a club makes for better, safer
3. Belonging to a snowmobile club gives you a
great social outlet for your favorite hobby.
2. Belonging to a snowmobile club makes you a
part of the solution instead of a part of the
1. And the No. 1 reason to join a snowmobile
It’ s just the right thing to do!
Dashing Through the Snow
We have all been waiting for the snowmobiling season to begin. As we all know, it
can be a short season—so let’s ride while
we can. Currently, I am trying to organize a
ride for anybody interested—men, women,
couples—to LCO Casino Resort in Hayward.
Right now, a date has not been decided upon, but by the time
you read this I am hoping that will have been determined. If you
are interested in this overnighter, please call me at (715) 5423912. Remember, the more the merrier! Hope to hear from you
Gary Schultz
Snowmobilers Breakfast
Sponsored by
St. Germain Bo-Boen
Snowmobile Club
Sunday, January 19, 2014
Knocker’s Pizza Company
Downtown St. Germain
Join us for food,
raffles & fun!
Proceeds will be used for grooming expenses incurred throughout the year in maintaining our 100+ miles of
Bo-Boen trails.
President's Report
Al Clemmensen
Well, here it is December 2013 and we have snow on the
ground and cold temps to go with it. I would personally like
to thank all of the board of directors for the past year and
also for all the work that we have done for our club. On December 10th the Whitetail Inn provided us with there facility for our annual Christmas membership dinner. In attendance were 70 members of our club. A huge Thank you goes
out to Jeff and Joy Sievert and their entire staff for serving
a great dinner.
On a sad note Joe Minaudo of the Thunderbird Pass lost
his mother this month. Our thoughts and prayers are with
his family for their loss.
While on the trails here when you come across a groomer
driver give them a big wave and a hardy thank you for the
job they are doing for club. They always make sure we have
the best trails so enjoy your riding and most of all be safe
and adhere to all the signage on our trails. Thank you to all
the members, landowners and map ad supporters who are
making our club the best in Wisconsin, without your support
we could not do what we do. THANK YOU for that!
January Membership Meeting
Tuesday, January 14th
Clearview Super Club
Cocktails 6:00 pm Dinner 7:00 pm
Chef Darrell and his staff are graciously going to
start our evening with appetizers.
Menu Selection
Prime Rib
Boneless Pork Rib eye—with a garlic & tomato
Salmon—served with a Béarnaise sauce
All dinners include salad, baked potato, dinner
roll, dessert & coffee. All meals are priced at
$18.00 with tax and gratuity included.
Members are responsible for the payment of their
reservation whether they attend or not. Please
make checks payable to the Clearview Supper Club.
Trail Boss Report
Jim Wendt
I sure hope this early season snow pattern stays with us
during the riding season. Right now, we have around 10
inches on the ground with cold weather to follow. We will be
out on the trails panning them flat to hopefully keep the
base for future snowfalls.
All is ready at the barn...December 17th can't come soon
enough! Not much else to report at this time. As we begin
the season, remember some very important riding points:
Stay right....stay at a speed that is comfortable to
YOU....always use proper hand signals....stay off water until
it is marked....never pass a working groomer....and no intoxicated operation of your machine! Be careful, courteous,
and smart when riding the best trail system in the state!
Happy Trails,
There have been some spotty instances of some club decals not
peeling off of the backing properly.
If you happen to come across some
please send a note by e-mail to or let a board
member know and we will get some
new ones sent out.
HELP! I think that I have been brainwashed. Pretty much,
anybody that knows me, knows that I do not snowmobile.
While Gary goes by Ski – Doo, I go by Buick. Right now I am
sitting here in our living room with a beautiful, warm fire in
the fireplace and watching it snow. That being said, I am not
wondering if the plows are out cleaning up our roads; I am
wondering if this is enough snow for the groomers to start
working their magic on our trails. I sure hope so. Wait maybe I haven’t been brainwashed. Maybe I’m just realizing
how much I love the snow and how important the snow is to
my husband, our friends and the beauty and economy of the
north woods. Have a wonderful Christmas and a happy and
healthy New Year!
Kay Schultz
RSVP by Friday, January 10th to Kay Schultz
(715) 542-3912.
Update on Our Hwy 155 Reroute
Wednesday, November 27th, the Wisconsin Supreme Court decided not to review the Martens vs. Vilas County court case
bringing to what we thought was the end of legal battles over our Hwy 155 reroute. On Monday, December 2nd, the Martens
filed a new law suit against Vilas County asking the court to rule that the right of way by their house is really an easement
and they have not given their permission for a trail to be on their property. This is the same case they presented in their
last law suit. The end result is we are again waiting to see what the outcome of this case is. For now, it does not look like
we will have the trail reroute for this season.
Snowmobile Safety
Education Class
December 27 & 28, 2013
Beginning January 1, 2001, any person born on or after
January 1, 1985 and who has reached the age of 12, must
have completed and received a snowmobile safety certificate
in order to operate a snowmobile in Wisconsin. The certificate must be carried while operating the snowmobile, and
displayed to a law enforcement officer upon demand. Snowmobile Safety Education Classes are offered in the fall and
early winter, and should start appearing on the DNR’s web
site within the next month or so.
All students are required to obtain a Wisconsin DNR Customer ID# as part of the criteria to graduate from any Recreational Safety Class and provide that number to their instructor. Students can obtain a DNR Customer ID# from St.
Germain Sport Marine during business hours or by calling 1888-936-7463 between 7 am to 10 pm. You can also visit a
Wisconsin DNR Service Center during their regular scheduled
hours. For additional DNR Service Center hours and locations
go to and click on the “Contact US” tab located at the top.
The Bo-Boen Snowmobile Club’s Snowmobile Safety Education Class will be held on Friday and Saturday, December
27 & 28, 2013. Anyone 11-1/2 years of age or older is eligible to take the class and receive a safety education certificate; however, the certificate does not become valid until
the child reaches 12 years of age. Pre-registration is required by calling Peggy Ausloos at (715) 542-3548 as the class
is limited to the first 50 students.
If you can donate a couple of hours of your time to help
with registration, cookies or bars, grading of tests or helping
outside with the machine test, please call Peggy Ausloos at
(715) 542-3548.
Again this year Judy & Chuck Berard will be making lunch
for the kids and are requesting two kitchen helpers from
11:30 to 12:15. If you could lend them a hand please call
them at (715) 479-6659
When praying for the snow
fairy to bring us lots of
SNOW this winter… be careful what you pray for!
AWSC Scholarships
The Association of Wisconsin Snowmobile Clubs is pleased to now offer two
scholarships. Along with our previously
offered scholarship for graduating high
school seniors, we will also be offering a "Continuing
Education" scholarship to currently enrolled students in
an accredited school of higher learning. See the
website at for the applications.
Deadline for submitting the applications is February 3,
It’s early season
riding. Please use
caution when
crossing lakes.
Clubs put orange
safety cones
across lakes when
they are safe for
Radar Run
January 31 and February 1st & 2nd
Club Officers & Directors
This function is one of the biggest fund raisers of the year. We will be looking for
volunteers to help with the food and beverage tent, and with the Trail Assistance
group working parking and crowd control. The Trail Assistance group needs 8 plus
people on duty at all times with two shifts each day, and the food service will
need about 6-8 people per shift. This is a fun event and a great way to meet other
club members. Please contact Steve Soltwedel for the food tent or Ozzie Ausloos
for the parking and crowd control if you would like to volunteer.
cell: 262-949-8930
cell: 920-420-4520
February 5 & 6, 2014
Walker Equipment Inc.
Equipment displays and demonstrations from 9:00 am—4:00
pm. Food will be served by the Bo-Boen Snowmobile Club.
Sponsored by ~
President—Al Clemmensen
Cell: (847) 490-7418
President-Elect—Tom Christensen
Work: (715) 479-4930
Secretary—Kay Schultz
Home: (715) 542-3912
Treasurer—Ed Siergiej
Cell: (715) 493-7736
Trail Boss—Jim Wendt
Cell: (715) 891-1610
Director—Bob “Ozzie” Ausloos
Cell: (920) 420-4520
Director—Paul Bohnen
Home: (715) 542-2065
Director—Roger Klein
Home: (715) 477-8570
Director—Tim Gebhardt
Cell: (715) 891-1800
Director—Milt Klingsporn
Home: (715) 479-2028
Director—Todd Wiese
Cell: (715) 614-2774
by Modine
Saturday, February 15, 2014
There will be five ride groups: two vintage, two late
model groups And a new mixed group taking a
southern route to Tomahawk, WI. . One of the vintage groups will be the VINTAGE CHALLENGE
which runs to Lake Gogebic in the UP for lunch.
One late model group will also go to Lake Gogebic
for lunch at Fish Tales.
Call for information, (715) 542-4463
7:00 a.m.
Registration/Breakfast, Whitetail Inn, Hwy 70 West, St. Germain
8:45 a.m.
Hit the trail...headed for Wisconsin's beautiful Northwoods, 1st
stop is the Snowmobile Hall of Fame.
11:30 a.m. 1:30 p.m.
Lunch & Fellowship. Join celebrity riders on the trail in various
1:30 p.m.
Hit the trails again. Take different routes to St. Germain
4:30 p.m.
Arrive back at Whitetail Inn and get ready for the Hall of Fame
6:00 p.m.
Cocktails & Autographs. Enjoy drinks, socializing with riders and
7:00 p.m.
Hall of Fame Dinner followed by the Induction Ceremony
Membership News – Margie Klingsporn
Winter is no longer knocking at the door. It has stomped in with a vengeance. We woke up to a temperature of –9 this
morning and ice on the trees. This last wet snow should give a good base for the trails. Now all we need is additional snow
before the 17th when the trails open.
Here is the latest membership count:
New Primary
New Secondary
Renewed Primary
Renewed Secondary
Any questions or concerns about your membership should be directed to me at or 715-479-2028.
Think S-N-O-W! Happy Trails to all and please ride safely.
Welcome to all our New Members
Nathan Gebhardt -- Tiogo, ND
John & Becky Gemini -- Sycamore, IL
Charles Marcheschi -- Heyworth, IL
Howard & Danielle Rau -- Lake in the Hills, IL
Todd Remick -- Elmhurst, IL
Dennis Atchley -- Roscoe, IL
Dave, Jenna & Mia Boudeman -- Armington, IL
Kevin & Cindy O'Meara -- Burbank, IL
Bill Leischner -- Weldon, IL
Josh & Brett Reck -- Ottawa, IL
Welcome back to all of our Renewing Members
Martin Blackburn -- Rockdale, IL
Jacob Gebhardt -- Tioga, ND
Tim & Pam Gebhardt -- St Germain, WI
Greg & Lori Hanson -- Hawthorn Woods, IL
Mike & Chris Hudgens -- Portage, WI
Thomas Marks -- St Germain, WI
Mr. & Mrs. Byron Miller -- St Charles, IL
James & Marie Hickey -- Dyer, IN
Shawn Mueller -- Plymouth, WI
Fred Posch -- Willow Springs, IL
Michael & Marie Simmer -- Salem, WI
Thank you to the following members who sent in a trail fund donation with their renewals:
Martin Blackburn -- Rockdale, IL
Tim & Pam Gebhardt -- St Germain, WI
Greg & Lori Hanson -- Hawthorn Woods, IL
James & Marie Hickey -- Dyer, IN
Mr. & Mrs. Byron Miller -- St Charles, IL
Shawn Mueller -- Plymouth, WI
A big thank you goes out to those Landowner and Map Ad Members who also supported us with trail fund donations.
Leon & Peggy Anderson -- St Germain, WI
Jim & Cheryl Kelsey -- St Germain, WI
Jo Daniel -- St Germain, WI
Kathleen & Joe Lass -- St Germain, WI
Jeff & Maria Ewald -- St Germain, WI
Gary & Rosalie Schiffmann -- St Germain, WI
Ed & Janelle Ewen -- St Germain, WI
Gerald Seideman -- St Germain, WI
Van Gurley -- South Bend, IN
Gary & Geri Shambo -- St Germain, WI
Darrell & Mary Hines -- St Germain, WI
Mr & Mrs Dave Widule -- Rhinelander, WI
Apple Dumpling Gang and Boo-BBB’s
The Apple Dumpling Gang is a group of Bo-Boen
men who for many years have held weekly snowmobile rides, weather permitting. There are no dues or
requirements, just show up at the groomer barn on
Wednesdays by 9 am ready to ride and have some
The Bo-Boen ladies also ride each week under
the name BOO-BBB’s and leave the groomer barn
at the same time. It is a great way to make
friends and meet other fellow snowmobilers. New
riders should call Gary Groff at (715) 477-1510
or Penny McCormick at (715) 542-2537.
Come ride the best!
From Around the Neighborhood… Did You Know The Snowmobile Got
It’s Start In Our Backyard?
For 31 inventive years Eliason and Eliason/Four Wheel Drive (FWD) snowmobiles were the lone lifeline of snowmobiling. Modern snowmobiles are directly
traceable to the original hand built 1924 Carl Eliason machine.
Today, in Sayner, Wisconsin, the Vilas County Historical Society Museum has
on display the original snowmobile that took two winters for Carl to create.
The museum also displays one of every "Motor Toboggan" model built by Eliason/FWD. The newest is the 1953 vintage Eliason/FWD K-12 model built at
Kitchener, Ontario, Canada. Ahead of it's time, the K-12 was the snowmobile
that gave Polaris Industries at Roseau, Minnesota design principles to consider
as they began snowmobile manufacture in 1955.
Eliason snowmobile development can be grouped into three distinct phases which are directly related to both production
location and marketing intentions. These phases are:
Phase I: Eliason Motor Toboggans developed and built at Sayner, Wisconsin.
Phase II: Eliason/FWD production at Clintonville, Wisconsin.
Phase III: Eliason/FWD production at Kitchener, Ontario, Canada.
All of the snowmobiles, though they varied in size and shape, used four
-cycle engines, slide track guides, chain link cleated tracks, floating
power units and belly pans with running boards that formed the toboggan contour. The wood construction of all the sliding surfaces contacting
the snow made the vehicles truly motor toboggans.
St. Germain Bo‐Boen
Snowmobile Club
Member Application
Snowmobile season is just around the corner, and that means it’s time to renew your membership in the St.
Germain Bo-Boen Snowmobile Club. Don’t miss out on all the exciting things we have planned for this season!
Memberships are by family (including children under 19) or by individual. In addition to supporting the club
that maintains the trails that you ride on, you will receive our club newsletter throughout the season and a membership sticker. Also included is membership in the Association of Wisconsin Snowmobile Clubs. You will receive
their magazine, Wisconsin Snowmobile News, an AWSC sticker, and an accidental death and disability benefit
through American Income Life Insurance Company.
See you on the trails,
St. Germain Bo-Boen Snowmobile Club Officers and Board of Directors
Family membership (including children under 19): $30
Single membership: $25
Please Print:
Last Name: __________________________________________________________________________
First Name(s): ________________________________________________________________________
Address: _____________________________________________________________________________
City: ___________________________________________
State: ___________
Zip: ___________
Email: _______________________________________________________________________________
Check if you would like to receive the newsletter via e-mail and put your money into the
trails instead of toner, paper and postage.
Phone number: __________________________________________________________________
Are you a snowbird and take off for the winter months? Please include your winter address and the
dates gone so your newsletter can follow: ______________________________________________
If you are a primary member to another AWSC club, please list the name of the club below and
subtract $10 from the dues. Primary Club: _______________________________________________
Dues: $30
$30 family;
family; $25
$25 single
Raffle Tickets:
Total Enclosed:
Make check
check payable
payable to
to Bo-Boen
Bo-Boen Snowmobile
Snowmobile Club
and mail
mail to
to PO
PO Box
Box 192,
192, St.
St. Germain,
Germain, WI
WI 54558
Wisconsin law requires those who use Wisconsin snowmobile trails to display either Wisconsin registration or a snowmobile trail pass. Funds from this program will be designated
for use as trail aids and related costs to enhance all Wisconsin snowmobile recreation.
The trail pass may be purchased over the counter at many
authorized sales locations or by calling WDNR at 1-888WDNRINFo (1-888-936-7463)
The $35.00 non-resident snowmobile trail use pass is valid
from July 1st through June 30th.
A snowmobile trail pass is required to operate a snowmobile not currently registered in Wisconsin on a snowmobile
trail. The snowmobile must be currently registered with
another jurisdiction. The trail pass must be permanently
affixed by its own adhesive to the bottom center portion of
the snowmobile windshield. If there is no windshield, the
sticker shall be displayed in a highly visible location on the
front of the cowling of the snowmobile. Once affixed, the
sticker may not be removed or transferred to another snowmobile.
The Bo-Boen Snowmobile Club needs someone to volunteer to manage the food booth for the Walker
Groomer Show on February 5th and 6th, 2014 and also
the Snowmobile Hall of Fame Food Booth on May 25,
2014. Training and assistance is available. If you can
help out with this, contact Club President, Al Clemmensen or any board member.
Annual Club Raffle
Again this season we will be running
our club cash raffle. There will be four
raffle tickets sent with your membership
renewal form. The tickets are $5 each with
a maximum of 2,000 tickets sold. First prize is $2,500,
second prize is $1,500, third prize is $500 and fourth and
fifth place prize is $250 each. The drawing will take
place at our dinner meeting on March 13, 2014.
Raffle tickets are also available by contacting Club
Treasurer, Ed Siergiej at (715) 493-7736 or Email:
1ST PLACE $1,000
2ND PLACE $500
3RD PLACE $250
AT 3:00 PM
St. Germain Bo-Boen Snowmobile Club
PO Box 192
St. Germain WI 54558
«FirstName» & «SOFirst» «LastName»
«City» «St» «ZIP»
Mark Your Calendars!
Tuesday, January 7—Board Meeting
Tuesday, January 14—Membership Meeting—Clearview
Sunday, January 19—Snomobiler’s Breakfast—Knocker’s Pizza Co.
January 31, February 1 & 2—Radar Run—Little St. Germain Lake
February 5 & 6—17th Annual Groomer Show—Walker Equipment
Live Music
Saturday, January 11th
7 to 11 pm
St. Germain Community Center
Prayers & Condolences were sent to the families of Judy Minaudo.
Please call Arlene Rieckenberg at 715-542-3066 when you have
information on births, of members who are ill or hospitalized and
need a bit of cheer, sympathy or encouragement.
Beverages and Sandwiches Available
No Cover Charge
Sponsored by the St. Germain Prime
Timers, Inc.

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