Annual Club Raffle - Bo


Annual Club Raffle - Bo
St. Germain Bo-Boen Snowmobile Club
Volume 2011-12 Number 5
Wisconsin’s Snowmobile Program
Did you know that there is no Wisconsin General Fund revenue spent or
collected from non-snowmobilers under the Snowmobile Program! Yes,
snowmobilers pay their own way. So,
how do thousands of volunteers maintain more than 25,000 miles of trails
in Wisconsin, more than any other
state or province in North America?
The money that is collected when
we register our snowmobiles in Wisconsin, purchase a non-resident trail
pass and our share of Wisconsin gasoline tax based on an average of fifty
gallons of gasoline usage per snowmobile registered, is directed to a segregated snowmobile account. Counties
throughout Wisconsin apply for funds
from the snowmobile account and
then contract with the clubs in their
counties in order to construct and
maintain the trail system.
The other source of funds comes
directly from snowmobile clubs
throughout the state. Individual clubs
bear the costs of purchasing and
maintaining the equipment they
groom with and the price of liability
insurance. These funds are raised by
membership dues, fund raisers and
Information for this article was obtained
from the Association of Wisconsin Snowmobile Club’s website.
Annual Club Raffle
Again this season we will be running our club cash raffle. There will be
four raffle tickets sent with your membership renewal form. The tickets are $5 each with
a maximum of 2,000 tickets sold. First prize is
$2,500, second prize is $1,500, third prize is $500
and fourth and fifth place prize is $250 each. The
drawing will take place at our dinner meeting on
March 13, 2012.
Upcoming Club Events….
December 28 & 29
Snowmobile Safety Class
Tuesday, January 3
Board of Director Meeting
Tuesday, January 10
Membership Meeting
Sunday, January 29
Snowmobiler’s Breakfast
Knocker’s Pizza—St. Germain
February 1 & 2
15th Annual Groomer Show Food Booth
February 3,4 & 5
Radar Run & Ice Drag Food Booth
Tuesday, February 7
Board of Director Meeting
Thursday, February 16
Membership Meeting
January 2012
President’s Corner
On Tuesday, December 13, 2011 we
held our Annual Christmas Party at
Pub n Prime, seventy members attended. Ed Siergiej gave the blessing.
A great meal was provided by Sue and
her staff. Mark and his assistant did a
great job at the bar. As the noise
level increased we knew they were
doing a good job at the bar. A brief
business meeting was held with the
Secretary’s Report and the Treasurer’s Report suspended until the next
meeting. During a short business
meeting Val Rybarczk agreed to take
care of WRJO’s “Take Pride & Ride”
raffle tickets as in the past. Last year
she brought in $400.00 for the club.
With your help at our monthly meetings we hope to double that amount.
Please see Val for tickets and take
them to your favorite watering hole
and restaurant. She can’t do it by herself and needs your support.
Sign-up sheets went around for the
Snowmobile Safety Class, December
28 & 29, 2011 at the Community Center, Community Snowmobilers Breakfast, Sunday, January 29, 2012 at
Knocker’s Pizza Co, Walker’s Annual
Groomer Show, Wednesday and Thursday, February 1 & 2, 2012 and Radar
Run & Ice Drags, February 3, 4 & 5,
2012 on West Bay, Little St. Germain
Lake. Call me at (715) 479-4718 if you
can help out with any event and I will
point you in the right direction.
The Trail Boss’ Report was great and
we are ready to go, snow provided.
Kay and Gary Schultz did a great job
with door prizes and table decorations. This all added to make this a
special evening.
Gary Shambo made a special presentation to Gary Schultz and Jim Rybarczyk for their work with the Trail
Assistance Patrol and for cutting him
some slack. Jim and Gary asked for
more people to get involved with the
Trail Assistance Patrol especially during the evening hours and special
events such as the Radar Run and Ice
Drags in February.
A special raffle is being run by
Tom Christensen. Judy Pacanowski
has donated a snowmobiler throw
quilt and there are two $50.00 BP gas
cards. Tickets are $3.00 each or two
(2) for $5.00. Tickets are available at
St. Germain Sport Marine, regular
club meetings (January) and at the
Snowmobiler's Breakfast, January
29th. The drawing will be made at
the breakfast. Good luck and see you
at the next meeting at the Sportsman’s Chalet.
Happy Holidays, Rich
Trail Boss Report
This could be the shortest, report on record for season
opener. We are ready to go’ just waiting for more snow.
I'm really bummed we don’t have more snow to work
with. I hope for better news in January and don’t stop
doing the snow dance!
Happy Trails ….someday!
From the Secretary's desk
Let it Snow….Let it Snow….
Let it Snow….Let it Snow….
Let it Snow….Let it Snow….
Let it Snow….Let it Snow….
Let it Snow… Let it Snow….
Let it Snow….Let it Snow….
Let it Snow….Let it Snow….
Let it Snow….Let it Snow….
Let it Snow….Let it Snow….
Membership News
Thanks to everyone who has renewed their membership for the 2011-12 season. As of December 12th, we have 412 memberships.
Membership Report 11/28 & 29/2011
Welcome new family members:
David & Linda Horne—Mequon, WI
Dave & Colleen, Ashley & Jordan Otto—Horicon, WI
and special thanks to the following for the donation:
Thomas Dekarske—Sun Prairie, WI
Patrick & Patrice Pergolski—Weston, WI
Co u n
Thanks to our members who sent in a trail donation with their renewal:
Gerald & Diane Auler—Hortonville, WI
Joe & Judy Kaufmann—Bonduel, WI
Rick & Pamela Krumsee—East Dundee, IL
Greg & Jan Robbins—Columbus, WI
Christopher & Dianne Schenkenberg—Chicago, IL
Gary & Rosalie Schiffmann—St Germain, WI
Chuck & Peg Spangenberg—Grayslake, IL
Mike & Kathy Ziereis—Cleveland, WI
Welcome back to:
Jeffrey & Pamala Boziel—St Germain, WI
Jack & Barbara Duffy—Mundelein, IL
Joe & Sandy Koscielniak—St Germain, WI
Glen & Geralyn Kruep—Trenton, IL
Jerry & Sandy Lathrop—Swisher, IA
Scott & Tina MacGregor—Green Bay, WI
Barbara Steinhilber—St Germain, WI
Berni Thyssen—Appleton, WI
Jerry & Barb Verseman—St Germain, WI
Todd & Wanda Wiese—St Germain, WI
Membership Report 12/12/2011
We welcome and thank the following new members for their donation:
Ralph & Julia Evans—Sapulpa, OK
Dan & Sara, Emily & Elizabeth Glass—Oconomowoc, WI
Thanks for joining the club to:
Paul Soltwedel—Menomonee Falls, WI
Welcome back and thanks for helping our trails with your donation:
Becker Todd—Tuscola, IL
Jim & Patricia Fett—Bloomingdale, IL
Michael & Alice Fritch—Metamora, IL
Shawn Mueller—Plymouth, WI
Chuck & Beth Strauss—St Germain, WI
Thanks to the following for renewing your membership!
Stan & Cheryl Grulke—Watertown, WI
Mike & Chris Hudgens—Portage, WI
Adam & Cherie Ruenger—St Germain, WI
Charlotte Schmidt—Elkhorn, WI
(We really enjoyed your nice letter, too)
AWSC Scholarship
The Association of Wisconsin Snowmobile Clubs offers three scholarships to graduating high school seniors planning
to pursue further education in an accredited two or four-year institution of higher learning.
The AWSC presents a $1,500 scholarship.
The second is a $1,000 scholarship presented by the AWSC in conjunction with Liberty Mutual Insurance.
The third is a $1,000 scholarship that will be made available through Schwartz & Shea (Janesville) and General Casualty.
Applicants must be an individual member, a son/daughter or a legal ward of a family having a current membership in an AWSC club with
two consecutive years prior membership. He or she is further required to have passed the snowmobile safety course. The Scholarship Application includes an activity profile, six-semester transcript, and a 500-word typewritten essay on What Snowmobiling Means to Me. The application and complete instructions can be downloaded from the AWSC website at or call the AWSC office at 800-232-4108.
The deadline is February 1, 2012.
January Membership Meeting
Tuesday, January 12th
Sportsmen’s Chalet
Cocktails & Appetizers 6:00 pm
Dinner 7:00 pm
Please call Arlene Rieckenberg (715) 542-3066 when
you have information on births, of members who are ill or
hospitalized and need a bit of cheer, sympathy or encouragement.
Menu Selection:
8 oz. Prime Rib
2 Broiled Walleye Filets
1 Stuffed Pork Chop
All dinners served with salad, potato, dinner roll, coffee and dessert. All dinners are priced at $18.00 with tax and gratuity included.
Members are responsible for the payment of their reservation
whether they attend or not. Please make checks payable to Sportsmen’s Chalet..
RSVP by Saturday, January 9th to: Kay Schultz at
(715) 542-3912
Sportsmen’s Chalet
Moondance Bar
Smiley’s Pub
Sportsmen’s Chalet
Kathan Inn & Resort
Bauer’s Dam Resort
Buy a card for $3.00
get it stamped at each stop, turn it in
& win a chance at cash & other prizes!
All proceeds from the sale of cards goes to:
Local Snowmobile Clubs
Local Cancer Center
Prize money for 3 BIG WINNERS
Drawing will be held at Sportsmen’s Chalet
June 9, 2012
Starting at 2 pm
Door Prizes, Raffles & Paddle Wheel
(Need not be present to win)
1ST PLACE $1,000
2ND PLACE $500
3RD PLACE $250
AT 3:00 FOOD,
st .germain bo-boen snowmobile
club officers & directors
president—rich polaski
home—(715) 479-4718
president-elect—al clemmensen
cell: (847) 490-7418
secretary—pam gebhardt
cell: (715) 891-1801
treasurer—ed siergiej
cell: (715) 493-7736
trail boss—jim wendt
cell: (715) 891-1610
director—roger klein
home: (715) 477-8570
director—paul bohnen
home: (715) 542-2065
director—beverly dittmar
home: (715) 479-4605
director—steve soltwedel
home: (715) 542-3090
director—ron rhodes
work: (715) 479-8007
director—todd wiese
past president—tom christensen
work: (715) 479-4930
9th Annual
St. Germain Radar Run
Sponsored by the St. Germain Radar Racers, LLC
February 3, 4 & 5, 2012
The 9 annual charity event hosted by St. Germain Radar Racers
starts Friday February 3rd lasting through Sunday February 5th with
a variety of events for racers and families featuring Saturday’s
class specific trophy races and two events back for their second
year in a row. Saturday will also host World Speed Record Exhibition Sleds at 3pm and Sunday introduces sanctioned three lane
drag races sponsored by St. Germain Drag Racers.
The weekend action starts Friday February 3rd when racers tune
their sleds and take practice runs on two tracks. Racers choose
between the Twilight Bar 660 with 660’ of groomed snow or 1000’
of shaved ice on the Thunderbird Pass 1000. Anyone is welcome to
ride in off the trail and test their machines on either track with $5
fun runs or 5 runs for $20.
The main event on Saturday has registration starting at 9 am and
racing between 10 am—4 pm. Racers compete for class specific
trophies and prizes on the Thunderbird Pass 1000. Registration is
$25 for 3 trophy runs or $5 for individual fun runs.
Expect world record holders to start early Saturday morning at
10 am when the track conditions are at their best. Top speed wins
the Sno-King Traveling Trophy on display at the International
Snowmobile Hall of Fame. Racing classes include vintage, stock,
pro-stock, modified, turbo and specialty classes. Prizes and trophies are awarded to the top 3 winners in each class at Thunderbird Pass Bar & Grill off Highway J at 5:30 pm.
And when thirst and hunger strike there’s no reason to leave the
lake. Volunteers from the Bo-Boen Snowmobile Club will be serving beer, hot beverages and great food all day Friday, Saturday
and Sunday. And new for 2012 will be a row of snowmobile obsessed vendors.
Parking is available on the ice for trailers, spectators and racers
all weekend, as well as designated parking areas along Highway 70.
Follow the signs from Angry Dave’s on Hwy 70 to the track.
As Saturday afternoon continues, the Camps Supervalu Grocery
Cart races start at 1 pm with teams competing for cash prizes as
they laugh and struggle to push Camps grocery carts down the ice.
Racing for trophies is one thing but racing to fight breast cancer
is another. The ladies (and gentlemen!) of the Angry Dave’s Bikini
Run aim to do just that. At 2 pm, the crowd goes crazy for Angry
Dave’s Bikini Run for charity. Participants race their snowmobiles
down the Twilight Bar 660 competing for top speed honors in – yes
- their bikinis! For months, participants gather pledges for the run.
In 2011, the racers generated $11,506 in pledges which were donated to Susan G. Komen for the Cure Central Wisconsin, Plum
Lake Ambulance Service, and the St. Germain Fire & Rescue Department. The racer with the highest combined total of pledges
and speed takes home Angry Dave’s Traveling Trophy for the year
along with a prize, but the racer with the fastest speed won’t be
going home empty handed either.
Though prizes and trophies are awarded Saturday night, the
weekend isn’t over yet. On Sunday February 5th St. Germain Drag
Racing is sponsoring 3 lane drag races on 550 feet of shaved ice. Email any questions for the St. Germain Drag race to Radar Run Weekend Timeline of Events:
Friday February 3rd
All Day
Bo-Boen Snowmobile Food & Beer Court
All Day
Music sponsored by Weber’s Wildlife
11 am – 4 pm Fun Runs for $5 each or 5 for $20
Saturday February 4th
All Day
Bo-Boen Snowmobile Food & Beer Court
All Day
Music sponsored by Weber’s Wildlife
9 am
Registration Opens
10 am—4 pm
Trophy Racing on Thunderbird Pass 1000 &
Fun Runs on Twilight Bar 660
1 pm
Camps Supervalu Grocery Cart Races
2 pm
Angry Dave’s Bikini Run
3 pm
World Speed Record Exhibition Sleds
5:30 pm
Awards Ceremony at Thunderbird Pass Bar &
Sunday February 5th
All Day
Bo-Boen Snowmobile Food & Beer Court
All Day
Music sponsored by Weber’s Wildlife
10 am—3 pm
St. Germain Drag Racing - MASTERS Racing
CLUB RIDE—January 10th
Our club ride is scheduled for January 10th, 2012. We
will be riding (snow conditions permitting) to The Granary in
Boulder Junction where we will have breakfast. We will
leave the groomer barn at 9am. Non-riders are welcome to
join us at the restaurant.
Please call (715) 542-4074 to RSVP. I need a total head
count of riders and non-riders so that I can call ahead and
notify the owners. Feel free to leave this information on my
Hope to see you at the barn.
Mark Hiller
February 1 & 2, 2012
Walker Equipment Inc.
Equipment displays and demonstrations from 9:00
am—4:00 pm. Food will be served by the Bo-Boen
Snowmobile Club.
Snowmobilers Breakfast
Sponsored by
St. Germain Bo-Boen
Snowmobile Club
Sunday, January 29, 2012
Knocker’s Pizza Company
Downtown St. Germain
9 am to Noon
Join us for food,
fun & raffles!
Proceeds will be used for grooming expenses incurred
throughout the year in maintaining our 100+
miles of Bo-Boen trails.
St. Germain Bo‐Boen
Snowmobile Club
New Member Application
Snowmobile season is just around the corner. Won’t you consider supporting the trails you ride on by
becoming a member of the St. Germain Bo-Boen Snowmobile Club? It’s a great organization, and we
have lots of exciting things planned for this winter. Memberships are by family (including children under 19) or by individual. You will receive our club newsletter throughout the season and a membership
sticker. Also included is membership in the Association of Wisconsin Snowmobile Clubs. You will receive their magazine, Wisconsin Snowmobile News, an AWSC sticker, and an accidental death and
disability benefit through American Income Life Insurance Company.
We truly appreciate your support.
□ Family membership (including children under 19): $30
□ Single membership: $25
□ Trail fund donation only: any amount appreciated
Please Print:
Last Name: _____________________________________________________________________
First Name(s): ___________________________________________________________________
Address: _______________________________________________________________________
City: _____________________________________
State: ___________
Zip: __________
Email: ________________________________________________________________________
□ Check if you would like to receive the newsletter via e-mail.
Referred by Bo-Boen member:
Dues: $30 family; $25 single
Total Enclosed:
Make check payable to Bo-Boen Snowmobile Club
and mail to PO Box 192, St. Germain, WI 54558
St. Germain Bo-Boen Snowmobile Club
PO Box 192
Saint Germain, WI 54558
by Modine
Sponsored by ~
Saturday, February 18, 2012
There will be two vintage groups and two late
model groups. One of the vintage groups will be
the VINTAGE CHALLENGE which runs to Lake
Gogebic in the UP for lunch. One late model group
will also go to Lake Gogebic for lunch at Fish
Tales. Call for info.
7:00 a.m.
Registration/Breakfast, Whitetail Inn, Hwy 70 West,
St. Germain
8:45 a.m.
Hit the trail...headed for Wisconsin's beautiful
Northwoods, 1st stop is the Hall of Fame, St. Germain
11:30 1:30
Shorter rider groups will eat in area restaurants
while UP group eats at Fish Tales.
1:30 p.m.
Hit the trails again taking different routes to St.
4:30 p.m.
Arrive back at Whitetail Inn and get ready for the
Hall of Fame Dinner
6:00 p.m.
Cocktails, Autograph Session, etc. at Whitetail Inn
7:00 p.m.
Hall of Fame Dinner followed by the Induction