St. Germain Bo-Boen Snowmobile Club


St. Germain Bo-Boen Snowmobile Club
St. Germain Bo-Boen Snowmobile Club
Volume 2013-14 Number 5
December 2013
President's Report
Snowmobile Safety
Education Class
December 27 & 28, 2013
Beginning January 1, 2001, any person born on or after
January 1, 1985 and who has reached the age of 12, must
have completed and received a snowmobile safety certificate
in order to operate a snowmobile in Wisconsin. The certificate must be carried while operating the snowmobile, and
displayed to a law enforcement officer upon demand. Snowmobile Safety Education Classes are offered in the fall and
early winter, and should start appearing on the DNR’s web
site within the next month or so.
All students are required to obtain a Wisconsin DNR Customer ID# as part of the criteria to graduate from any Recreational Safety Class and provide that number to their instructor. Students can obtain a DNR Customer ID# from St.
Germain Sport Marine during business hours or by calling 1888-936-7463 between 7 am to 10 pm. You can also visit a
Wisconsin DNR Service Center during their regular scheduled
hours. For additional DNR Service Center hours and locations
go to and click on the “Contact US” tab located at the top.
The Bo-Boen Snowmobile Club’s Snowmobile Safety Education Class will be held on Friday and Saturday, December
27 & 28, 2013. Anyone 11-1/2 years of age or older is eligible to take the class and receive a safety education certificate; however, the certificate does not become valid until
the child reaches 12 years of age. Pre-registration is required by calling Peggy Ausloos at (715) 542-3548 as the class
is limited to the first 50 students.
If you can donate a couple of hours of your time to help
with registration, cookies or bars, grading of tests or helping
outside with the machine test, please call Peggy Ausloos at
(715) 542-3548.
Again this year Judy & Chuck Berard will be making lunch
for the kids and are requesting two kitchen helpers from
11:30 to 12:15. If you could lend them a hand please call
them at (715) 479-6659
Al Clemmensen
On November 12th was our monthly membership dinner
meeting. The event was held at Knockers Pizza Co. with 52
members and guests in attendance. I would like to thank
the owners, Barry and Shelly for the large room and excellent food and drink.
We have lost a very important member of our club to cancer. Steve Pulec of the New Twilight Bar and Grill passed
away on November 5, 2013. He always gave and allowed our
club to have so many parties at his bar. There was a memorial service at the Whitetail Inn on November 19th. I hope
that you attended to thank his family for all that he has
given to the Bo-Boen Snowmobile Club.
We have had some snow and some of the smaller lakes are
getting ice on them so it looks like our season is getting
closer to the scheduled opening on December 17th after the
deer muzzle loader season.
We are looking for someone to step up and take over the
Walker Groomer Show food service that we have provided
for years. The show is February 6th & 7th. Anyone interested could contact me at
We will be ready for the season with all the equipment up
and ready to go. Let’s remember that when you are on the
snowmobile trails and you come across a groomer give them
a wave and let them know that you all appreciate the work
our club does to maintain the best trails in the Northwoods.
Merry Christmas
Happy New Year
from your
Bo-Boen Snowmobile Board of Directors!
Snowmobilers Breakfast
Sponsored by
St. Germain Bo-Boen
Snowmobile Club
Sunday, January 19, 2014
Knocker’s Pizza Company
Downtown St. Germain
Join us for food & fun!
Proceeds will be used for grooming expenses incurred throughout the year in maintaining our
100+ miles of Bo-Boen trails.
Trail Boss Report
Jim Wendt
The days keep marching toward our favorite season. We
have completed our trail brushing with the new mower and it
really made a difference on our system. Our equipment will
take less damage from hanging limbs and the trails should
see more snow that makes it to the ground. Sight lines are
improved with corners being opened up. We moved the trail
off the right of way on trail 6 by the Shell station to hopefully avoid the burn off by being back in the woods and protected from the direct sunlight. This will be a great improvement. We have had our driver meeting and your 17 member
staff is ready to go.
I wish I had better news on our corridor 15 re-route. It continues to sit at the State Supreme Court waiting to see if
they will even consider the case. Obviously we will be ready
to put the trail in next spring for next year’s riding season.
We strongly believe a decision will come down in our favor
on this one. Keep the faith!!!
As I have stressed to you before, please contact our representatives regarding our cap/step funding legislation. Public
hearings have begun around the state to take input on the
bill. We need to voice our support to help convince our representatives this is THE answer for our funding dilemma.
Phone numbers are on the State of Wisconsin website.
AWSC news for updates.
Trails are scheduled to open December 17th snow permitting. It would sure be nice to get some great early season
riding for a change. Let's also pray that we avoid any early
winter ice storms that can really mess up our trail system.
We are ready...........are you?
December Membership Meeting
Tuesday, December 10th
Whitetail Inn
Cocktails 6:00 pm Dinner 7:00 pm
Menu Selection
Tuscan Chicken – Grilled chicken breast topped with a
spinach and artichoke cream sauce, marinated Greek
tomatoes and mozzarella cheese
Baby Back Ribs – ½ rack
Icelandic Cod – Parmesan baked filet
All dinners include salad, baby red potatoes, French
roll, vegetable, dessert & coffee. All meals are priced at
$20.00 with tax and gratuity included.
Members are responsible for the payment of their reservation whether they attend or not. Please make checks
payable to the Whitetail Inn.
RSVP by Tuesday, December 3rd to Kay Schultz
(715) 542-3912.
Happy Trails,
There have been some spotty instances of some club decals not
peeling off of the backing properly.
If you happen to come across some
please send a note by e-mail to or let a board
member know and we will get some
new ones sent out.
While reading this newsletter, please note that the dinner
menus for both December and January are included. As your
secretary and dinner planner, I know how hectic the holidays
can be. Your December dinner (Christmas party) will be held
at Whitetail on December 10th and your January dinner will
be held at Clearview on January 14th. It may be easier for
you to make your dinner reservations for both meetings at
the same time, but it is not mandatory. Please give me a call
by the dates indicated for one or both dinners.
Let It Snow – Let It Snow – Let It Snow!!! I’m sure
that by now, everybody has their sleds ready for the upcoming snowmobile season. Let’s keep doing our “snow dances”
so the trails are ready on December 16th. I hope that it will
be a long and safe season.
Kay Schultz
January Membership Meeting
Tuesday, January 14th
Clearview Super Club
Cocktails 6:00 pm Dinner 7:00 pm
Chef Darrell and his staff are graciously going to
start our evening with appetizers.
Menu Selection
Prime Rib
Boneless Pork Rib eye—with a garlic & tomato rub
Salmon—served with a Béarnaise sauce
All dinners include salad, baked potato, dinner roll,
dessert & coffee. All meals are priced at $18.00 with
tax and gratuity included.
Members are responsible for the payment of their reservation whether they attend or not. Please make
checks payable to the Clearview.
RSVP by Friday, January 10th to Kay Schultz
(715) 542-3912.
Wisconsin law requires those who use Wisconsin snowmobile trails to display either Wisconsin registration or a snowmobile trail pass. Funds from this program will be designated
for use as trail aids and related costs to enhance all Wisconsin snowmobile recreation.
The trail pass may be purchased over the counter at many
authorized sales locations or by calling WDNR at 1-888WDNRINFo (1-888-936-7463)
The $35.00 non-resident snowmobile trail use pass is valid
from July 1st through June 30th.
A snowmobile trail pass is required to operate a snowmobile not currently registered in Wisconsin on a snowmobile
trail. The snowmobile must be currently registered with
another jurisdiction. The trail pass must be permanently
affixed by its own adhesive to the bottom center portion of
the snowmobile windshield. If there is no windshield, the
sticker shall be displayed in a highly visible location on the
front of the cowling of the snowmobile. Once affixed, the
sticker may not be removed or transferred to another snowmobile.
The Bo-Boen Snowmobile Club needs someone to volunteer to manage the food booth for the Walker
Groomer Show on February 5th and 6th, 2014 and also
the Snowmobile Hall of Fame Food Booth on May 25,
2014. Training and assistance is available. If you can
help out with this, contact Club President, Al Clemmensen or any board member.
Annual Club Raffle
Again this season we will be running
our club cash raffle. There will be four
raffle tickets sent with your membership
renewal form. The tickets are $5 each with
a maximum of 2,000 tickets sold. First prize is $2,500,
second prize is $1,500, third prize is $500 and fourth and
fifth place prize is $250 each. The drawing will take
place at our dinner meeting on March 13, 2014.
Raffle tickets are also available by contacting Club
Treasurer, Ed Siergiej at (715) 493-7736 or Email:
1ST PLACE $1,000
2ND PLACE $500
3RD PLACE $250
AT 3:00 PM
Membership News – Margie Klingsporn
Winter is knocking at the door. The lakes are showing patches of ice and we’ve even had a few mornings with snow on the
ground. Snowmobile time is on the way. Our membership counts are up from this time last year. We have a total of 44 new
members for the 2013-2014 season. 384 members have renewed their memberships. That gives a grand total of 428 Bo-Boen
members for the year. Of those, 41 are secondary members (members who claim another AWSC club as their primary club.)
Thank you, to all of you who have patiently waited for your membership cards to be delivered. The two main causes for the
delays this year were: (1) getting delivery of the AWSC stickers and (2) the AWSC workshop at the beginning of November
slowed down processing of the renewals at their office. By the end of November all of the people listed thus far in the newsletters should have received their cards. Please let me know if you don’t receive your card by then.
ATTENTION: To those of you who have not renewed your Bo-Boen membership for the 2013-2014 season, this will be your last newsletter. After this, newsletters will be sent only to current members.
You may still send in an application at any time. The application form is on our website: Any questions or
problems with your membership should be directed to me at or 715-479-2028. Happy holidays to all.
Welcome and Happy Trails to all of our New Members. Ride safely and enjoy the trails.
New Members 10/23/2013
Christopher & Janet Anthony -- St Germain, WI
Joel Randazzo -- Oswego, IL
Jason & Tabatha Rhodes -- St Germain, WI
Brian Scheid -- Sun Prairie, WI
John Shafer -- Algonquin, IL
Jim & Teri Stecker -- Eagle River, WI
Tom White -- Palatine, IL
New Members 10/25/2013
Gary & Sharie Kaphingst -- Sayner, WI
Jerry & Joan Smith -- Rhinelander, WI
New Members 11/15/2013
David Brown -- St Germain, WI
Jon Foster -- Bartlett, IL
Scott Harbrecht -- Valparaiso, IN
Fred & Laura Locher -- St Germain, WI
Brad & Andrea & Cole Martin -- Eagle River, WI
Doug Noble -- Amboy, IL
Shawn Pagel -- Green Bay, WI
Kraig Riebock -- Glen Ellyn, IL
Bill & Bonnie Walden -- DeWitt, IL
Welcome back to all of our Renewed Members. Think COLD for
the lakes to freeze, and SNOW for beautiful trails. Get your
sleds ready for the fun to begin.
Renewed Members 10/23/2013
Kurt & Meredith Biba -- Fennimore, WI
Jeffrey & Pamala Boziel -- St Germain, WI
Dick & Jane Brooks -- Elmhurst, IL
Dave & Dorothy Brosseit -- St Germain, WI
Allen & Darlene Dezeeuw -- Janesville, WI
Dennis & Dianne Dieter -- St Germain, WI
Ted Duggins -- Riverton, IL
James & Susan Edwards -- St Germain, WI
Jerry & Pat Eliason -- St Germain, WI
Jeffrey Glass -- Lake Geneva, WI
Tim, Shelly & Nick Gossman -- Tremont, IL
Jack Grimm -- Morton, IL
Robert & Bebe Groter -- Wyoming, IL
Stan & Cheryl Grulke -- Watertown, WI
Dave & Cheryl Guerndt -- Slinger, WI
Carole Hall -- St Germain, WI
Harvey & Jackie Hoyer -- Bensenville, IL
Robert Hunter -- Holland, IN
Gary & Andrea Jacobi -- Woodruff, WI
Robert & Roberta Jarosik -- Summit, IL
David & Patricia Johnson -- Mukwonago, WI
Jay & Marylyn Klug -- Palatine, IL
Don & Jo Anne Krause -- Brookfield, WI
Mark & Ann Kroupa -- North Aurora, IL
Steve & Dena Krueger -- Appleton, WI
Richard & Elaine Lesniak -- Tinley PK, IL
Ron & Sue Mathia -- Berlin, WI
Mike & Penny Mc Cormick -- St Germain, WI
Kory & Mrs Mitchell -- Manito, IL
Ed & Lori Mosca -- Sandwich, IL
John & Dawn Mueller -- Plymouth, WI
Aaron & Gloria Nugent -- Bonfield, IL
Thomas & Jennifer Polka -- Hoffman Est, IL
Randy & Debby Schepp -- Oregon, WI
Raymond Schultz -- St Germain, WI
Tim Schwulst -- Waukesha, WI
Tyler Sell -- Peru, IL
Jon Skorey -- Pompano Beach, FL
Paul Soltwedel -- Menomonee Falls, WI
Tom & Jamie Stobbe -- Berlin, WI
Randy & Lori Thyssen -- St Germain, WI
Jerry & Barb Verseman -- St Germain, WI
Dave & Stacie Williams -- Appleton, WI
Carl & Grace Wroblewski -- Plover, WI
B.B. Mappy’s Hint of the Month:
If you have not renewed for this season do so now!!! You can only continue
to receive the Bo-Boen newsletter if
you are a current member. We don’t
want you to miss any of them.
Renewed Members 10/25/2013
Mark Desantis -- Pekin, IL
John & Susie Fleischman -- Union Grove, WI
James & Karen Grace -- St Germain, WI
Gary & Nancy Grapentine -- Arbor Vitae, WI
Thomas & Nancy Hackett -- New Lisbon, WI
Milt & Margie Klingsporn -- St Germain, WI
Paul LaLuzerne -- Madison, WI
Jerry & Sandy Lathrop -- Swisher, IA
Daniel & Sally Olson -- Arlington Heights, IL
Don, Terri & Wade Osterberg -- Kaukauna, WI
Greg & Roxanne Platz -- Okauchee, WI
Collene Ray -- St Germain, WI
Pete Schnettler -- Northbrook, IL
Kenneth & Jeanne Sue -- Lancaster, WI
Thomas & Diane Winkler -- Bloomington, IL
Renewed Members 11/15/2013
Curt Christensen -- Minocqua, WI
Justin Deuel -- Green Lake, WI
Paul Duscher -- Appleton, WI
Leland & Colleen Gates -- Conover, WI
Ted & Jan Gregg -- St Germain, WI
Jeff & Ruth Grimm -- Congerville, IL
Phillip Klek -- Lake in the Hills, IL
Rick & Pamela Krumsee -- East Dundee, IL
Michael Kurek -- St Germain, WI
Richard & Sue Lipsey -- Lisle, IL
Tom & Julaine Nampel -- St Germain, WI
Dave Nason -- Lake Tomahawk, WI
Greg & Jan Robbins -- Columbus, WI
Greg & Joyce Roscizewski -- Waterford, WI
Kenneth (Butch) Rost -- Fond du Lac, WI
Adam Ruenger -- St Germain, WI
Jim Rust -- Sycamore, IL
Christopher & Dianne Schenkenberg -- Elmhurst, IL
Earl Stanowsky -- Menomonee Falls, WI
Jim & Stacy Swenson -- St Germain, WI
Rick & Jean & Seth Thompson -- Elroy, WI
Jason, Chelsea & Melissa Vincent -- Assumption, IL
John, Jennifer, Cody & Tyler Vojta -- St Germain, WI
Don Vrtis -- Batavia, IL
Bill & Jeanne Weggel -- Eau Claire, WI
Steve & Debby Wyma -- Union Grove, WI
Mike & Kathy Ziereis -- Cleveland, WI
A big thank you goes out to the following members who sent
in a trail fund donation with their renewals:
Justin Deuel -- Green Lake, WI
Dennis & Dianne Dieter -- St Germain, WI
Mark Desantis -- Pekin, IL
Paul Duscher -- Appleton, WI
Janelle & Ed Ewen -- St Germain, WI
Jeffrey Glass -- Lake Geneva, WI
Tim & Shelly & Nick Gossman -- Tremont, IL
Ted & Jan Gregg -- St Germain, WI
Jeff & Ruth Grimm -- Congerville, IL
Robert & Bebe Groter -- Wyoming, IL
Van Gurley -- South Bend, Indiana
Darrell & Mary Hines -- St Germain, WI
Robert & Roberta Jarosik -- Summit, IL
Gary & Sharie Kaphingst -- Sayner, WI
Jay & Marylyn Klug -- Palatine, IL
Rick & Pamela Krumsee -- East Dundee, IL
Ron & Sue Mathia -- Berlin, WI
Mike & Penny Mc Cormick -- St Germain, WI
Ed & Lori Mosca -- Sandwich, IL
John & Dawn Mueller -- Plymouth, WI
Tom & Julaine Nampel -- St Germain, WI
Dave Nason -- Lake Tomahawk, WI
Aaron & Gloria Nugent -- Bonfield, IL
Thomas & Jennifer Polka -- Hoffman Estates, IL
Greg & Jan Robbins -- Columbus, WI
Kenneth (Butch) Rost -- Fond du Lac, WI
Brian Scheid -- Sun Prairie, WI
Christopher & Dianne Schenkenberg -- Elmhurst, IL
Randy & Debby Schepp -- Oregon, WI
Gerald Seideman -- St Germain, WI
John Shafer -- Algonquin, IL
Gary & Geri Shambo -- St Germain, WI
Paul Soltwedel -- Menomonee Falls, WI
Jim & Teri Stecker -- Eagle River, WI
Jim & Stacy Swenson -- St Germain, WI
Randy & Lori Thyssen -- St Germain, WI
Jason & Chelsea & Melissa Vincent -- Assumption, IL
Dave & Stacie Williams -- Appleton, WI
Thomas & Diane Winkler -- Bloomington, IL
Carl & Grace Wroblewski -- Plover, WI
Wednesday Club Rides
APPLE DUMPLING GANG—The Apple Dumplings are a group of men, mostly retired, but a few are still working, that
snowmobile together every Wednesday during the season. It is an informal group so there are no dues or duties. Each
Wednesday they leave from the groomer barn at 9:00 am sharp. All you have to do is show up. Coffee and socializing is
usually available starting at 8:15 am in the groomer barn. There is a contribution for each ride to pay for that day’s refreshments and lunch. The group has a Kick-off Dinner in November, a 3-day “overnighter” in January, a Potato Pancake Breakfast in February, and a Brunch at the end of the season. More info and questions can be directed to Gary
Groff at (715) 477-1510.
BO-BBB'S—The Bo-BBB'S are a group of women that snowmobile together every Wednesday during the season, leaving
from the Bo-Boen Groomer Barn in St. Germain at 9:00 am sharp. The group has an “overnighter” in January. All women
riders are welcome, simply show up at the Groomer Barn on Wednesdays just before 9:00 am. For questions, call Penny
McCormick at (715) 542-2537.
Lakeland Monument LLC
St Germain, WI
Bob ‘Ozzie’ & Peggy Ausloos
Home Office: 715-542-3548
Ozzie Cell: 920-420-4520
Peggy Cell: 715-892-6467
Quality Memorials from People Who Care
Granite & Natural stone, no matter the size
We’re with you every step of the way
from design to setting
Contact us for a free estimate Our team can set in Wisconsin and Northern Illinois ___________________________________________________________________________ A full time resident of St Germain, I am dedicated to meeting your Real Estate needs. With over
10 years of experience assisting Sellers & Buyers, I have many satisfied clients. As your agent I
will provide superior CUSTOMER SERVICE and I do it with a smile! Call or email me at 715892-6467 * The above advertising is a member paid ad *
The Christmas season is fast approaching. We will soon be making our lists for Santa, baking cookies, wrapping gifts, planning & attending parties and organizing our big Christmas dinner. All that
some people in the north woods want for Christmas, is something to put on the Christmas table.
Let’s see if we can help them. Once again, we will be collecting food for the Vilas Food Pantry at
our annual Christmas party at Whitetail. Please bring your non-perishable food items to the dinner.
Of course, the food pantry always appreciates cash donations also. With that money, they work with
local grocers to purchase meat, produce and other perishable items at discounted prices. If you cannot attend the December dinner and would still like to help our north woods neighbors, you can send
a check made out to the “Vilas Food Pantry”. We will donate it prior to Christmas on behalf of the
Bo-Boen Snowmobile Club. Thank you and HAPPY HOLIDAYS!
Gary & Kay Schultz
P.O. Box 211
St. Germain, WI 54558
Break the law… you will pay
AWSC Scholarships
The Association of Wisconsin Snowmobile
Operate snowmobile without valid registration $199
2. Fail to comply with regulatory signs $175.30
3. Operate snowmobile without valid safety certification
or without carrying proof of completion $162.70
4. Operate snowmobile illegally on or in the vicinity of
highways $200.50
5. Operate snowmobile on public or private property of
Clubs is pleased to now offer two scholarships. Along with our previously offered
seniors, we will also be offering a "Continuing Education"
scholarship to currently enrolled students in an accredited school of higher learning. See the AWSC
at for the applications. Deadline for submitting
the applications is February 3, 2014.
another without consent $263.50
6. Operate snowmobile while under the influence of an
intoxicant or controlled substance $641.50
7. Operate snowmobile with alcohol concentration at or
above 0.008% $641.50
8. Operate snowmobile on snowmobile trail without a
trail pass $200.50
9. Operate at unreasonable improper speed or in careless
manner $200.50
10. Give permission to operate snowmobile without valid
registration $199.00
The Boo-BBB’s will have a pie snowmobile lunch on
Wednesday, December 4th at noon at Knocker’s
Pizza Co. All members and guests are welcome. The
Boo-BBB’s ride every Wednesday during the snowmobile season.
Come December 4th and learn more about our
group. We have lots of fun!
Joan Crawford (715) 892-1199 or
Janelle Ewen (715) 542-4625
Trail Assistance Group
We had a meeting of the group and we revised the rules and
regulations. The first thing we changed is it is now called a
mission statement and we no longer patrol the trails, we
monitor them. Given to the group was the current trail map
and also a map showing the boundaries of the Bo Boen trail.
Our members are asked to wear our vests and ride the Bo
Boen trails, trail riding is voluntary. While riding we are to
lend assistance to other snowmobilers by giving directions,
lending a hand in case of emergency, monitor the trail for
missing or damaged signs, and report back any non safe activity to the group leader. The trail assistance group also works
at the Angel on my Shoulder ‘Polar Plunge’ and the Radar
Run, at these functions we act as crowd control and help in
parking. We are always looking for additional members, out of
towners are welcomed and encouraged to join, just call or
send an email to Ozzie Ausloos cell 920-420-4520 email
St. Germain Bo‐Boen
Snowmobile Club
Member Application
Snowmobile season is just around the corner, and that means it’s time to renew your membership in the St.
Germain Bo-Boen Snowmobile Club. Don’t miss out on all the exciting things we have planned for this season!
Memberships are by family (including children under 19) or by individual. In addition to supporting the club
that maintains the trails that you ride on, you will receive our club newsletter throughout the season and a membership sticker. Also included is membership in the Association of Wisconsin Snowmobile Clubs. You will receive
their magazine, Wisconsin Snowmobile News, an AWSC sticker, and an accidental death and disability benefit
through American Income Life Insurance Company.
See you on the trails,
St. Germain Bo-Boen Snowmobile Club Officers and Board of Directors
Family membership (including children under 19): $30
Single membership: $25
Please Print:
Last Name: __________________________________________________________________________
First Name(s): ________________________________________________________________________
Address: _____________________________________________________________________________
City: ___________________________________________
State: ___________
Zip: ___________
Email: _______________________________________________________________________________
Check if you would like to receive the newsletter via e-mail and put your money into the
trails instead of toner, paper and postage.
Phone number: __________________________________________________________________
Are you a snowbird and take off for the winter months? Please include your winter address and the
dates gone so your newsletter can follow: ______________________________________________
If you are a primary member to another AWSC club, please list the name of the club below and
subtract $10 from the dues. Primary Club: _______________________________________________
Dues: $30
$30 family;
family; $25
$25 single
Raffle Tickets:
Total Enclosed:
Make check
check payable
payable to
to Bo-Boen
Bo-Boen Snowmobile
Snowmobile Club
and mail
mail to
to PO
PO Box
Box 192,
192, St.
St. Germain,
Germain, WI
WI 54558
Radar Run
January 31 and February 1st & 2nd
Club Officers & Directors
This function is one of the biggest fund raisers of the year. We will be looking for
volunteers to help with the food and beverage tent, and with the Trail Assistance
group working parking and crowd control. The Trail Assistance group needs 8 plus
people on duty at all times with two shifts each day, and the food service will
need about 6-8 people per shift. This is a fun event and a great way to meet other
club members. Please contact Steve Soltwedel for the food tent or Ozzie Ausloos
for the parking and crowd control if you would like to volunteer.
cell: 262-949-8930
cell: 920-420-4520
February 5 & 6, 2014
Walker Equipment Inc.
Equipment displays and demonstrations from 9:00 am—4:00
pm. Food will be served by the Bo-Boen Snowmobile Club.
Sponsored by ~
President—Al Clemmensen
Cell: (847) 490-7418
President-Elect—Tom Christensen
Work: (715) 479-4930
Secretary—Kay Schultz
Home: (715) 542-3912
Treasurer—Ed Siergiej
Cell: (715) 493-7736
Trail Boss—Jim Wendt
Cell: (715) 891-1610
Director—Bob “Ozzie” Ausloos
Cell: (920) 420-4520
Director—Paul Bohnen
Home: (715) 542-2065
Director—Roger Klein
Home: (715) 477-8570
Director—Tim Gebhardt
Cell: (715) 891-1800
Director—Milt Klingsporn
Home: (715) 479-2028
Director—Todd Wiese
Cell: (715) 614-2774
by Modine
Saturday, February 15, 2014
7:00 a.m.
Registration/Breakfast, Whitetail Inn, Hwy 70 West, St. Germain
8:45 a.m.
Hit the trail...headed for Wisconsin's beautiful Northwoods, 1st
stop is the Snowmobile Hall of Fame.
11:30 a.m. -
There will be five ride groups: two vintage, two late
model groups And a new mixed group taking a
southern route to Tomahawk, WI. . One of the vintage groups will be the VINTAGE CHALLENGE
which runs to Lake Gogebic in the UP for lunch.
One late model group will also go to Lake Gogebic
for lunch at Fish Tales.
Call for information, (715) 542-4463
1:30 p.m.
4:30 p.m.
Lunch & Fellowship. Join celebrity riders on the trail in various
Hit the trails again. Take different routes to St. Germain
Arrive back at Whitetail Inn and get ready for the Hall of Fame
6:00 p.m.
Cocktails & Autographs. Enjoy drinks, socializing with riders and
7:00 p.m.
Hall of Fame Dinner followed by the Induction Ceremony
Wednesday & Thursday—Noon to 7:00 pm
Friday & Saturday—Noon to 9:00 pm
Sunday—Noon to 6:00 p.m.
Come by Car or Sled
We are located on the trail on Hwy 51 N, just
south of the Hwy 70E Intersection
north of Minocqua
Our ribs are awardwinning St. Louis
trimmed ribs, slowsmoked in our woodfired cooker
We offer a full line of fountain sodas, but if you are a purist and enjoy the taste of a soda made with
pure cane sugar, you’ll love our selection of pure cane sugar sodas,
including a couple of Wisconsin's
finest… Sprecher and SunDrop!
We also offer a variety of Wisconsin
made malt liquor beverages!
Pulled Pork is the very definition of BBQ. We smoke
Boston butts for at least
12 hours for the perfect
Beef Brisket has a deep
smoky flavor and is complemented by our special DryRub, USDA Choice (or higher
grade) cooked for nearly 14
Saturday Night
Quantities are limited
So come early… it doesn’t
last long!
New …. PIZZA
All of your favorite
toppings to create the
pizza of your dreams!
You won’t be disappointed with our hand
tossed crust and our
unique in-house made
sausage. It’s unlike
anything in the area!
Pre-order your HOLIDAY Ham or Smoked Turkey by calling (715) 358-0200
We offer the best BBQ catering that can be found in all of Wisconsin including but not limited to Minocqua, Arbor Vitae, Woodruff, St. Germain, Eagle River, and the entire northern Wisconsin area. We are full-service caterer that specializes in true southern style barbecue, & Grilled meats. We use only natural hardwoods and charcoal sourced from sustainable and renewable resources. Have us cater your next event, you will not be disappointed!
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St. Germain Bo-Boen Snowmobile Club
PO Box 192
St. Germain WI 54558
Mark Your Calendars!
Tuesday, December 3rd—Board Meeting
Tuesday, December 10th—Membership Meeting—
Whitetail Inn
December 27 & 28—Snowmobile Safety Class—
Community Center
Sunday, January 19th—Snomobiler’s Breakfast—Knocker’s Pizza Co.
Prayers & Condolences were sent to the families of Steve Pulec
and Lois Gardner.
Get well wishes were sent to Jim Harold.
Please call Arlene Rieckenberg at 715-542-3066 when you have
information on births, of members who are ill or hospitalized and
need a bit of cheer, sympathy or encouragement.

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