April 2016 - Bo-Boen Snowmobile Club


April 2016 - Bo-Boen Snowmobile Club
St. Germain Bo-Boen Snowmobile Club
Celebrating our 46th Snowmobiling Season!
Volume 2015-16 Number 10
Presidents Message—Ozzie Ausloos
End of season report
Where did the time go? It seemed like
the season just started and now it’s over.
As you know we had a late start and as of
yesterday the trails were closed. Because
of the short season we had some organized rides that got either changed or canceled. Quite a disappointing season for us
riders but especially disappointing for our
merchants. Keep our map advertisers in
mind when you are out and about this
Our winter fundraisers were very successful, the Groomer Show and Radar Run
did well thanks to Steve Soltwedel and his
gang of volunteers. Working the food tent
is not easy, quite hectic at times during
the peak hours, but can also be a lot of
fun. With this in mind we have two fundraisers coming up this summer where we
need help. The Classic Sled Roundup on
May 29th is one of these events where we
have the food service area. We are looking for an event chairperson, and food
service help in the afternoon. This would
be a great opportunity to help the club
and enjoy some beautiful vintage snowmobiles, some I remember buying new.
The other exciting event is the 5K Bacon
Dash Run, we will be sharing the profits
with the Chamber. What we are looking
for is help in registration and some miscellaneous help along the course. If you
would like to volunteer at any of these
events send me an email or give me a
Look for information regarding the Drive
with the Groomer Drivers Golf Outing in
this newsletter and keep in mind we also
have the Sportsmen’s Pig Roast the last
weekend of August. Please plan on attending both of these valuable fundraisers.
Thank you for a great year,
Bob ‘Ozzie’ Ausloos
home 715-542-3548
cell 920-420-4520
April 2016
Trail Assistance Report—Radar Run
On behalf of Don Baumann and myself we would like to thank the following
volunteers for their help at the Radar Run this past February. As you may recall
these two days could not have been further apart weather wise. Friday was brutal with high winds and cold temps. Saturday was very cold but the wind was
calm and the sun shined bright, making for a great day to be out on the ice
helping park cars and trucks. We had several new volunteers this year which
really helped. Thank you to the following people:
Peggy Ausloos
Roger Behm
Ken Beno
Dave Brown
Tony Cantelle
Steve Cavite
Jim Dubore
Ed Ewen
Jim Grace
Roger Klein
Milt Klingsporn
Fred Locher
Mike Meier
Tom Nampel
Paul Petersen
Joe Reid
Jim Rybarczyk
Dick Schaefer
Bob Schell
Kirk Schwebke
Don Strait
Don Tenhoven
Jeff Timmer
Tom Zummo
Thanks again for your help.
Apple Dumpling Gang
The Apple Dumpling Gang went on a 3 day trip to the U.P. February 1012. We had 17 riders that left from St. Germain. We stayed at the Ramada
Inn in Hancock, Michigan. We had a great ride and a lot of fun. Mike McCormick lead us on the ride and did a great job. The Dumplings that did not go
on the trip rode up to Bent's Camp on February 10th. They had 16 riders
including several riders from Iowa. They also had a great ride.
We had our Year End Lunch on March 6, at Fibbers. We had 47 people
attend. We enjoyed a great meal and a good time.
We had a short season with only 5 rides, but it still was an enjoyable
St. Germain Bo-Boen Snowmobile Club
Trout Lake Golf Club
Sunday, August 28, 2016
Deadline for entry: August 21, 2016
Your Entry Fee of $75.00 per person includes:
18-holes of golf, riding cart, range balls to warm up with, one free drink ticket for your choice of
beverage, lots of prizes, an “All U Can Eat” Burger & Brat Fry and a whole lot of fun!
Get a 4 person team together and join us
for a fantastic day of golf, camaraderie
and excitement as we host our third annual
fundraiser for the St. Germain Bo-Boen
Snowmobile Club. We know that our trail
system is one of the best in the state and
5-Person Scramble
we want to keep it that way! All proceeds
Shotgun start at 9 AM
Form your own 4-person team. The St. Germain
Bo-Boen Snowmobile Club will add one of our
groomer drivers or club member to your team
will go to benefit the St. Germain Bo-Boen
Snowmobile Club and all of its efforts to
keep our trails the best around!
to make up the 5 person team.
Contact to enter your team or to learn more about
Sponsorship Opportunities:
John Vojta (715) 614-3611
Mike Osborne (715) 892-2998
Trout Lake Golf Club (715) 385-2189
SPONSORS!!! Get your name in and be a sponsor!
Guaranteed to be seen multiple times with our golfers!
ONLY $100
Day of Play Fundraisers
Magic Putts
Trail Boss—Jim Wendt
The end has come. This has been one of the craziest
seasons in a long time. Short of our disappointment with
a very short riding season, I hope our local businesses can
have a strong spring and summer season to make up for
the lousy winter. I do want to thank my driver staff for
another great effort at providing the best trails in the
state! The dedication of these men is really amazing. I
want all to know how much I appreciate them for their
support. As I stated 2 letters ago, we owe so much for
the support of our suppliers and contractors for donations of time and materials to keep us running on the
trails. We are truly blessed to have their support and I
personally thank each and every one of them!
We will be upgrading more equipment this off season
and doing more work on the groomer barn. I hope we
can keep our landowners on board to avoid any re-routes
next season. I hope I can count on Steve Soltwedel and
Ozzie Ausloos for their sign work next season.....they
really do a great job and I thank them for it! I also want
to thank Al Clemmensen for being my right hand man
every time I needed a hand at the barn! Finally, I want
to thank "the real trail boss", my wife Jennifer for her
support of my efforts towards making our club the best it
can be.
God willing, I hope to have all Bo-Boen’s back next season for the best riding found anywhere in our great
state! Have a great off season with family and friends.
Get your foursome together for our 3rd Annual Drive
with the Groomer Drivers Golf Outing August 28th. This
has become a phenomenal fundraiser for our club. See
you on the green!
Classic Sled Round Up
The Snowmobile Hall of Fame is a fun event every year at
the St. Germain Community Park. The date is Sunday, May 29,
2016, of Memorial Day weekend. The Bo-Boen’s will again be
running the food tent. We are looking for volunteers to help.
This being on a weekend is a great time for the out of towners to help out and a real opportunity to meet other members. If you can help serve food, be a cashier, grill some brats
and burgers give me a call.
The hours of the event are 7:00 am for registration and the
awards are at 3:00 pm so we will work 2 shifts so as not to use
up your whole day. Check out their website for more details.
I would also like to find a chairman or co-chairs to oversee
this, Steve Soltwedel our food service guru will have all of the
food ordered and a set of instructions will be given to the
chair people so please give me a call or send me an email to
volunteer. This is a good fundraiser for us plus the Hall of
Fame really appreciates our help.
Ozzie Ausloos
Cell 920-420-4520
Please call Arlene Rieckenberg at 715-542-3066 when you
have information on births, of members who are ill or hospitalized and need a bit of cheer, sympathy or encouragement.
Thank you to everyone that purchased and
sold our club raffle tickets this past season.
And again Thank You to Twilight Bar & Grill for
the printing cost of the tickets.
The winning tickets were drawn at our last dinner meeting on
March 8, 2016:
1st Prize $2,000
Jim & Mary Schulenburg—Sun Prairie, WI
2nd Prize $1,000
Randy Remblake—Eagle River, WI
3rd Prize $1,000
Tom Marks—St. Germain, WI
4th Prize $500
Marylyn Klug—Palatine, IL
5th Prize $500
Rick Krumsee—East Dundee, IL
Membership News—Margie Klingsporn
I know that many of you have been anxiously awaiting news that we topped the 1,000 mark in total memberships. Well, I
hate to be the bearer of bad news; but, you will have to wait until next year to hear that we hit that magical number from
Jeff & Beth Urbans. Our final tally for this year is 993. We missed it by 7 memberships. So, we have a wonderful goal already in place for the 2016-17 snowmobile season: “1,000 memberships, here we come!” Listed below is the breakdown for
this year.
Membership Counts
As of April 1st, I will no longer be the Bo-Boen chairperson. So, please welcome Jeff & Beth Urbans into that position and
direct any questions you might have regarding your membership to them at boboenmembership@gmail.com or 715-3703550. They will gladly find the answers to your questions.
May you have a safe spring and summer. Look for your membership application for our next season in late August. It has
been wonderful being your Membership Chairperson these last four years. Happy and safe trails to you always.
A big thank you goes out to those of you who sent in a trail or equipment fund donation with your membership applications. (Your names have the $ out front!)
New members February 15th—March 15th:
Welcome to these new Bo-Boen members. We are pleased to have you join us. May you enjoy safe rides on our trails.
$ Matt & Jessica Campo -- Coal City, IL
Andrea & John Eichhorn -- Palos Heights, IL
$ Daniel Knudtson -- Eau Claire, WI
Rob & Kim Most -- Prescott, WI
$ Mark & Sharon WeMett -- Aurora, IL
Renewing Members January 15th—February 12th:
Welcome back to our renewing Bo-Boen member. It is great to have you continue to be a member of our Bo-Boen Snowmobile
$ Ralph & Julia Evans -- Sapulpa, OK
B. B. Mappy’s Hint of the Month
Please, Please, Please do not renew your membership with the Bo-Boens until you have received your membership
application in August. This will cause much extra work for our new membership chairs, Jeff & Beth Urbans. Wait
until you can fill out your form (with any corrections noted) and send it in with your check. (Raffle tickets will be
included with the applications.) Please make Jeff & Beth’s job easier by waiting for your application form.
The Bo-Boen Club
Nights Lights featuring
our club logo was a
success. Thank you to
Mike & Penny McCormick for putting this
neat little promotion together. The
profit from the sales netted our club
The winner of the Robert Bateman Print
donated by Don & Marie Baumann was Jim
McGregor of St. Germain.
Secretary’s Report
Well, another season (albeit short) has come and gone. Time again to say
those public “thank yous”.
1. Members A big thank you to all 993 members that made YOUR club once
again the largest in Wisconsin. Your dues and generosity keep the Bo-Boen trails
the best in the state.
2. Volunteers Without this great group of people, the club would not be
what it is today. Their efforts and hard work at the various fund raising events
keep the club strong.
3. Map Advertisers & Landowners Thanks to this group of people the club is
able to maintain an extensive network of trails. They also allow the club to
keep those trails well groomed for everyone to enjoy. Please remember to support the businesses that support the club whether you are a resident or a visitor
to the St. Germain area.
If I missed anybody, I apologize. Please remember to attend one of the club’s
summer fundraisers—May 29th, Snowmobile Hall of Fame Classic Sled Round-up,
August 5th, 5K Bacon Dash, August 28th, 20th Annual Pig Roast at Sportsmen’s
Chalet and August 29th, 3rd Annual Drive with the Groomer Drivers Golf Outing
at Trout Lake Golf Course. Have a great summer!
Kay Schultz
Join us once a month during the winter and spring
for an afternoon of family fun at St. Germain BINGO!
Ten games will be played with $500 given out, along
with numerous door prizes and a 50/50 raffle. Food is
available for purchase. Doors will open at 12:30 pm
and Bingo will begin at 1 pm.
545 HWY 155, ST. GERMAIN
For more information: www.St-Germain.com, facebook.com/stgermainwi, (715) 477-2205
38th Annual
St. Germain Fire Department Fish Fry
Knocker’s Pizza Company Inc.
438 State Highway 70E
St. Germain WI
(715) 477-0594
Sunday, April 24, 2016
3-8:30 pm
$15.00 per dinner
CARRY-OUTS available during serving hours
Join in the fun with St. Germain’s newest
tradition, do a little running before you enjoy appetizers all
made with bacon at our 1st annual 5k Bacon Dash. This 5k fun
run winds through our beautiful Northwoods trails and finishes
at the Pig in the Pines Bacon Bash. Greeting runners playing
at the finish line will be Road Trip, a band from the Oshkosh
area known to capture their audiences and show them how to
relax and have a wonderful time. Bacon Dash participants will
receive a commemorative t-shirt and free admission into the
Friday Night Bacon Bash live concert. Proceeds from the Bacon Dash will support the St. Germain Beautification Fund and
the Bo-Boen Snowmobile Club.
545 HWY 155
Since this is a combined event with the Chamber, we will be
looking for help from club members before and during the race.
Volunteer help I envisions is as follows:
- Wednesday, August 3rd or Thursday, August 4th – have
someone mow down the grass on the trail (is there anyone
with a commercial lawn mower in the club)? I’m not sure what
the trail looks like in the summer but I’ll buzz out there in July
and see how it looks and communicate to the club
- 2 people to help with Registration onsite at Pig in the Pines
- a few people to help with getting course signage out and water stations set up (this will happen around 4pm and take about
an hour at the most)
- 5:45 – 6:30 – we will need 4 total people redirecting traffic (2
by the Cemetery Road and 2 down towards Eagle Watch) – we
hope to have a fire truck on each side as well and plan to reroute traffic down Sunrise Lane
- 5:45 – 7:00 – 5+ people at various spots on the course for
directions, there will also be one water station
- With this all being said – if we had 10+ people available from
3 - 7:30 we should have our bases covered.
For more information: www.piginthepines.com,
facebook.piginthepines or (715) 477-2205
St. Germain Bo-Boen Snowmobile Club
Drive with the Groomer Drivers Golf Scramble
Sunday, August 28, 2016 at Trout Lake Golf Club
Registration Form
Team Captain
Player 2
Player 3
Player 4
Your Entry Fee of $75.00 per person includes:
18-holes of golf, riding cart, range balls to warm up with, one free drink ticket for your choice of beverage,
lots of prizes, an “All U Can Eat” Burger & Brat Fry and a whole lot of fun!
Registration Deadline—August 20, 2016
Payment Enclosed
Will be calling in Credit Card #
Dinner Only $10**
Please make checks payable to: St. Germain Bo-Boen Snowmobile Club
Please mail entry and payment to: Trout Lake Golf Club 3800 Hwy 51 N Arbor Vitae WI 54568
Call in entry and payment to: Mike Osborne at Trout Lake Golf Course (715) 385-2189
**Dinner only is $10 per person—Just put the total amount due, dependent on amount of people coming**
Bo‐Boen Snowmobile Club 2016‐17 Officers & Directors President: Bob “Ozzie” Ausloos President‐Elect: Tom Nampel Treasurer: Ed Siergiej Secretary: Kay Schultz Directors: Don Baumann Dave Walker Dianne Dieter Trail Boss: Jim Wendt Past‐President: Tom Christensen Paul Bohnen Gary Groff Roger Klein Upcoming Events
Tuesday, April 5th—Board Meeting—7 pm
Sunday, May 29th—Snowmobile Hall of Fame
Classic Sled Roundup—St. Germain Community Park
If you have not had your card punched by all 5 businesses yet,
you still have time. The drawing will be Saturday, April 2nd at 6
pm at the Slo’s Pub in Arbor Vitae. Please continue to support
those businesses that support our club.
Saturday, August 27th—Annual Pig Roast Fundraiser—
Sportsmen’s Chalet
Sunday, August 28th—Drive with the Groomer Drivers—
Trout Lake Golf Club
We’re Looking for Miss Snowflake to
Represent our Club
We are looking for a Miss Snowflake contestant to represent our club at the AWSC Workshop which is held in the fall,
(October or November) and a Miss Snowflake Queen will be crowned to represent the Association at various events throughout the state during her one year reign.
 Must be a current family member of the Bo-Boen Snowmobile Club and AWSC or if 19 years of age or over must be a due
paying member.
 Age must be between 18 and 21 at the time of the pageant.
 Single
 Must be able to attend the Miss Snowflake Pageant 2016 representing the Bo-Boen Snowmobile Club.
 Must be an active participant in Bo-Boen Snowmobile Club events.
We are looking for a contestant with knowledge and enthusiasm about snowmobiling as well as her ability to communicate
information about our sport and community. Please send your resume by June 1st to Don Bauman, 8144 Forest Wood Lane,
St. Germain WI 54558. If you have any questions I can be reached at 715-891-2707. The newly crowned Miss Snowflake for
2017 will receive at the end of her reign a $1,500 dollar scholarship to further her education.
Drive with the 2016 Groomer Drivers Golf Scramble
Sunday, August 28, 2016 at Trout Lake Golf Course
Hole Sponsor Form
Company or Individual Name: _________________________________________
Contact Person: ___________________________________________________
Street or PO Address: ______________________________________________
City/State/Zip: ___________________________________________________
Email: ________________________________
Please include artwork or business card to be used for hole sign or email:
□$100 Hole Sponsorship
Total amount: $_____________
Payment Information
Paid cash
Please invoice me in August, 2016
Check/Credit Card
Credit Card Number:
□Business or □Personal
(Please make checks payable to St. Germain Bo-Boen Snowmobile Club)
_________ Exp Date: _____________________
St. Germain Bo-Boen Snowmobile Club
Calendar of Events
2016 – 2017 Season
Tuesday, April 5,2016
Board Meeting
Tuesday, May 3, 2016
Board Meeting
Sunday, May 29,2016
Hall of Fame Classic Snowmobile Round-up
Tuesday, June 7,2016
Board Meeting
Tuesday, July 5, 2016
Board Meeting
Tuesday, August 2, 2016
Board Meeting
Saturday, August 27,2016
Annual Pig Roast—Sportsmen’s Chalet
Sunday, August 28, 2016
Tuesday, September 6, 2016
Annual Drive with the Groomers Drivers—
Trout Lake Golf Club
Board Meeting
Tuesday, September 13, 2016
Membership Meeting
Tuesday, October 4, 2016
Board Meeting
Tuesday, October 11, 2016
Membership Meeting
Saturday, October 15, 2016
Trail Brushing—9 am Groomer Barn
Tuesday, November 1, 2016
Board Meeting
Tuesday, November 8, 2016
Membership Meeting
Tuesday, December 6, 2016
Board Meeting
Tuesday, December 13, 2016
Membership Meeting – Christmas Party
Tues. & Wed. – December 27 & 28, 2016
Snowmobile Safety Class
Tuesday, January 3, 2017
Board Meeting
Tuesday, January 10, 2017
Membership Meeting
Sunday, January 15, 2017
Snowmobiler’s Breakfast – Knocker’s Pizza Co Inc
January 27-29, 2017
Women on Snow Weekend
January 30 – February 1, 2017
Women on Snow Tour
Wed. & Thurs., February 1 & 2, 2017
Walker Equipment Groomer Show
Fri. & Sat., February 3 & 4, 2017
Radar Run
Tuesday, February 7, 2017
Board Meeting
Thursday, February 16, 2017
Membership Meeting
Tuesday, March 7, 2017
Board Meeting
Tuesday, March 14, 2017
Membership Meeting
Please support those who support us!
St. Germain Bo-Boen Snowmobile Club
PO Box 192
Saint Germain, WI 54558
20th Annual Pig Roast
to benefit the St. Germain Bo-Boen and
Lake Tomahawk New-Tom Sno Fleas
Snowmobile Clubs
Saturday, August 27, 2016
Sportsmen’s Chalet
5205 Old Hwy 70 W, Eagle River
Raffle Sales & Door Prizes Start at 2 p.m.
Serving at 5:30 p.m.
Cost $11.50 per person
Great fun and great food for a great cause!
Raffle Items Needed
Donations Welcome
Call Laurel
(715) 479-8788
Cash Raffle to Benefit the St. Germain Bo-Boen & Lake Tomahawk
New-Tom Sno Fleas Snowmobile Clubs
$100 Each— Only 150 Tickets Sold
Drawing will be held at the Pig Roast Benefit at Sportsmen’s Chalet
on Saturday, August 27, 2016
(winner need not be present)

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