September 2016 - Bo-Boen Snowmobile Club


September 2016 - Bo-Boen Snowmobile Club
St. Germain Bo-Boen Snowmobile Club
Celebrating Snowmobiling Since 1969!
Volume 2016-17 Number 2
Presidents Message—Ozzie Ausloos
The summer is winding down and
our thoughts are starting to drift towards winter. We will be sending out
our membership renewal notices soon
please look for them. This year we
will be sending out some via email
and others via US Postal service. Look
for more details in Beth’s article in
this newsletter.
We are not sending out the normal
raffle tickets this year. Instead we
will be selling a limited number (200)
of $50 tickets. These tickets can be
found at our local merchants, look for
more information in upcoming newsletters. In the meantime there is a
spot for donations on the renewal notice, please be generous our grooming
expenses keep going up each year and
we want to maintain ‘The Best Trails
in the Northwood’s’ title.
Kay Schultz put together our membership meeting schedule, this too can
be found in this newsletter. We have
some great restaurants that will be
hosting our meetings again this year.
Mark down the dates and plan on attending these meetings, they feature
great food and lots of camaraderie.
Thanks Kay for your hard work putting
this together.
The New Twilight Bar & Grill recently hosted the In Memory of Steve
Pulec Pedal Power Bicycle Poker Run
to benefit the Bo-Boen’s and the St.
Germain Bike & Hike Trail. A big
Thank You goes out to Tara Pulec and
Kelly Pulec, owners of Twilight Bar &
Grill and everyone else for their continued support of the club and community.
5K Bacon Dash
Our club was a featured
sponsor of the 5K Bacon Dash.
The St. Germain Chamber
asked us to participate and we
shared in the revenue. The
event had more than 100 runners and the course was our
snowmobile trail. Awards were given out to the
fasted runners in each age category. The following
people either helped in registration or were on
the trail lending support along the way. Thanks to
the following:
Tom & Julaine Nampel
Pam Gebhardt
Ozzie & Peg Ausloos
Mike Roth
Mike McCormick
Dave & Judy Walker
Committee Chair
l—r Penny Wiesmann, Ozzie Ausloos & Judy Jurries
September 2016
We recently worked with the St.
Germain Chamber at the 5K Bacon
Dash. This was an event tied in with
the Pig in the Pines. Thank you to the
St. Germain Chamber and also to Judy
& Dave Walker for chairing the event.
We sure have a great club, located
in a great community!
l—r Kelly Pulec, Ozzie Ausloos & Tara
As mentioned in the August Newsletter, we will not be
sending club raffle tickets as we have in the past with your
membership renewal since it was brought to our attention
that it is against postal regulations to do so. At our August
board meeting it was decided to again do a club cash raffle but changing it
up a bit.
Our raffle this season will be a $50 ticket with a maximum of only
200 tickets sold. Cash Prizes will be: 1st $2500, 2nd $1500, 3rd $1000,
4th $500, 5th $500.
Tickets will be made available at various businesses and with our board
members. For our out of town members, if you would like to reserve a ticket
to purchase when you do visit, please send us a note via e-mail
at We will arrange to have a ticket(s) available for you to
pick up or we can try to get to your hotel, cottage, etc. when you are in the
area. The drawing will be at our March 14, 2017 Dinner/Meeting and as usual
you need not be present to win.
We believe this can be a great fundraiser with a bit of fun of winning
some cash. Updates of ticket sales will be advised via our monthly newsletter. If you would like help sell some tickets, please contact a board member
or send a note to our general e-mail . Help us make this
Trail Boss—Jim Wendt
Greetings from the sweltering northwoods! Weather like
this really makes me crave our treasured wintertime. Looking ahead, we have added two new drags to our
grooming fleet. This will be a great improvement to our
already impressive stable of equipment.
We did not get a huge amount of wind damage from our
recent storms. Hopefully, the hunters in the woods will
clear some of the debris. We will be taking the brushing
equipment out soon to clean up the system. I have not
been contacted from any of our valued landowners about
changes to our system....keep your fingers crossed for no
A huge thank you goes out to Paul Bohnen and Dave
Walker for the use of their equipment for the work on our
"goat trail". These two men really step up when I need help
on the trails..."THANK YOU, GUYS"!
I hope you all have a great remaining summer and start
thinking of the season we all soooo look forward to even
when sweat is running down your forehead!
September Membership Meeting
Tuesday, September 13th
19th Hole
Cocktails 6:00 pm Dinner 7:00 pm
Menu Selection
Tenderloin Tips over mashed potatoes
½ Rack of BBQ Ribs served with twice baked potatoes
Crab stuffed Haddock served with twice baked potatoes
All dinners will be served with a fresh vegetable medley,
tossed garden salad with a choice of dressing and the 19th
Hole’s wonderful vanilla ice cream puff for dessert. Prior to
dinner, Craig will have appetizers at the bar during the cocktail hour.
All meals are priced at $20.00 with tax and gratuity included.
Members are responsible for the payment of their reservation
whether they attend or not. Please make checks payable to
19th Hole.
RSVP by Tuesday, September 6th to
Kay Schultz (715) 542-3912.
Condolences were sent to Judy Schell for the passing of
her mother.
Please call Arlene Rieckenberg at 715-542-3066 when
you have information on births, of members who are ill or
hospitalized and need a bit of cheer, sympathy or encouragement.
Saturday, August 27th—20th Annual Pig Roast Fundraiser—Sportsmen’s Chalet
Sunday, August 28th—Drive with the Groomer Drivers
Trout Lake Golf Club
Tuesday, September 6th—Board Meeting—Fire Station
Tuesday, September 13th—Membership Meeting—19th Hole
Saturday, October 15th—Trail Brushing
Secretary’s Report & Membership Dinners—Kay Schultz
WELCOME BACK! Not a whole lot of snowmobile news right
now. Your board of directors are busy getting renewals or new
map advertisers. This is a great source of income for the club.
Another great source of income for the club are the two upcoming fundraisers. First, on August 27th, the 20th Annual ‘Pig
Roast’ will be held at Sportsmen’s Chalet. The food is always
great and the raffles are always a fun event. Of course, any
chance to win something is always fun. Then on August 28th,
the 3rd Annual ‘Drive with the Groomer Drivers’ golf outing
will be held at Trout Lake Golf Course. Although I am not a
golfer, I usually meet the golfers at the club house after they
are done playing. From the conversations that I hear, everybody participating in the event has a great time. They too
have raffles, so there is a chance to win something here also.
Please mark your calendar to attend one or both of these
Next on the agenda is the membership dinners. Please note
that two of the dinners are not on the second Tuesday of the
month. The first one is the November dinner, which has been
moved from November 8th to Thursday, November 10th. This
was done to accommodate many of our club members who
work the election. The other dinner was moved from February
14th to Thursday, February 16th. This was due to the fact that
Tuesday happened to be Valentine’s Day. Please mark your
calendars of the following dates and restaurants that have
graciously agreed to host one of our membership dinners. Last
year, the attendance at the dinners was outstanding – let’s try
to keep the trend going!
Tuesday, September 13th—19th Hole
Tuesday, October 11th—Pub ‘n Prime
Thursday, November 10th—Knocker’s Pizza Co.
Tuesday, December 13th—Whitetail Inn
Tuesday, January 10th—Sportsmen’s Chalet
Thursday, February 16th—Clearview Supper Club
Tuesday, March 14th—Golden Pines
Membership Corner—Beth Urban
How to renew your 2016-2017 Bo-Boen Club Membership: If you have an email on file with us you will be
seeing a notice from me by e-mail that your membership is due to be renewed. Thank you for your quick response so far.
You can join/renew by going to our website and pay with a credit or debit card. This can be found under the membership section. If you use this feature please follow the prompts to send me additional membership information. In the above mentioned e-mails I will be attaching a membership form for you to use if you choose to send in via mail,
simply print, and send along with your payment. DON’T FORGOT to DONATE; EVEN the SMALLEST DONATION
HELPS to KEEP YOUR TRAILS the BEST IN THE STATE! There is also a membership form available on the website
that you can print and mail to us (See address for mailing below). In the meantime please be aware of your membership
dates and contact me if necessary. We have grown to over 1000 memberships so as you can see we are a growing/thriving
club and the largest in the State of WI according the AWSC. Please feel free to e-mail me if you need your AWSC number. Your membership number can me found on the yellow membership card which is mailed to you when your membership
is complete or on the address label of the snowmobiling magazine that you receive from the AWSC throughout the year.
My e-mail is All club memberships run for one year from the day they are processed and
will expire the same time that your AWSC membership expires. Your AWSC Membership card and all decals will be mailed
once I have received them from the AWSC this mailing will also include your new Bo-Boen Club sticker. Please remember
to keep your AWSC membership card, it has that all important AWSC membership number on it along with the date that
you need to renew your membership each year and the primary club you belong to. I will be sending monthly reminders to
everyone so that you know when your membership is coming due or when they have expired.
If you currently receive our newsletter via snail mail then you can expect to see y0ur renewal form from us around the
first week of September. Please make any necessary changes when renewing (I will pre-populate what we have on file for
you). Once your form is updated with all of your contact information/changes you can send the renewal form back to us
along with your payment. If you are able to make a donation to your club that is great! If there is missing information that
you would like to share please add it & I will be happy to update the AWSC with your information. Once I have processed
your renewal and registered you with the AWSC you can expect to see your membership card and all decals with-in 4-5
Address for mailing in your renewal forms with payment:
St. Germain Bo-Boen Snowmobile Club
P.O. Box 195
St. Germain, WI 54558
Attn: Membership Chairman
How to order your WI Snowmobile Trail Passes:
The trail pass you have expired on June 30, 2016 and you will need to purchase a new one for next snowmobile season by
visiting the AWSC at When that time comes-remember that it takes 5-7 days to renew your membership
with the club and 4-5 days after you order your trail pass with the AWSC to get it. Don’t get caught not having your required pass to ride our beautiful trail system.
Remember that if you register your sled in the State of WI you will receive a discounted WI Trail Pass. If you would like to
register a sled please visit the WI DNR website at to register.
Help us welcome our Newest Club Members:
Josiah Kaetterhenry – Wild Rose, WI
Mark & Robin Church along with their daughter Payton – Mount Pleasant, WI
Tod & Chris Schlesinger along with their children Montana & Alison – Mendota, IL
Jeff Curtin – Appleton, WI
Membership Chairman's
of the Day!!!
Snowflakes are one of nature’s most fragile things, but just look what they can do when they stick together.
~Vista M. ColliD
St. Germain Bo-Boen Snowmobile Club
plus bonus hole in one prizes*
Trout Lake Golf Club
Sunday, August 28, 2016
Deadline for entry: August 21, 2016
Your Entry Fee of $75.00 per person includes:
18-holes of golf, riding cart, range balls to warm up with, one free drink ticket for your choice of
beverage, lots of prizes, an “All U Can Eat” Burger & Brat Fry and a whole lot of fun!
Get a 4 person team together and join us
for a fantastic day of golf, camaraderie
and excitement as we host our third annual
fundraiser for the St. Germain Bo-Boen
Snowmobile Club. We know that our trail
system is one of the best in the state and
5-Person Scramble
we want to keep it that way! All proceeds
Shotgun start at 9 AM
Form your own 4-person team. The St. Germain
Bo-Boen Snowmobile Club will add one of our
groomer drivers or club member to your team
will go to benefit the St. Germain Bo-Boen
Snowmobile Club and all of its efforts to
keep our trails the best around!
to make up the 5 person team.
Contact to enter your team or to learn more about
Sponsorship Opportunities:
John Vojta (715) 614-3611
Mike Osborne (715) 892-2998
Trout Lake Golf Club (715) 385-2189
SPONSORS!!! Get your name in and be a sponsor! Guaranteed to be seen multiple
times with our golfers! ONLY $100
* Bonus prizes are on top of the $10,000 prize. All prizes require a hole in one of four different holes!
Day of Play Fundraisers
Magic Putts
$10,000 CASH
HOLE IN ONE—Hole #12
HOLE IN ONE—Hole #15
St. Germain Bo-Boen Snowmobile Club
Drive with the Groomer Drivers Golf Scramble
Sunday, August 28, 2016 at Trout Lake Golf Club
Registration Form
Team Captain
Player 2
Player 3
Player 4
Your Entry Fee of $75.00 per person includes:
18-holes of golf, riding cart, range balls to warm up with, one free drink ticket for your choice of beverage,
lots of prizes, an “All U Can Eat” Burger & Brat Fry and a whole lot of fun!
Registration Deadline—August 21, 2016
Payment Enclosed
Will be calling in Credit Card #
Dinner Only $10**
Please make checks payable to: St. Germain Bo-Boen Snowmobile Club
Please mail entry and payment to: Trout Lake Golf Club 3800 Hwy 51 N Arbor Vitae WI 54568
Call in entry and payment to: Mike Osborne at Trout Lake Golf Course (715) 385-2189
**Dinner only is $10 per person—Just put the total amount due, dependent on amount of people coming**
Drive with the 2016 Groomer Drivers Golf Scramble
Sunday, August 28, 2016 at Trout Lake Golf Course
Hole Sponsor Form
Company or Individual Name: _________________________________________
Contact Person: ___________________________________________________
Street or PO Address: ______________________________________________
City/State/Zip: ___________________________________________________
Email: ________________________________
Please include artwork or business card to be used for hole sign or email:
□$100 Hole Sponsorship
Total amount: $_____________
Payment Information
Paid cash
Please invoice me in August, 2016
Check/Credit Card
Credit Card Number:
□Business or □Personal
(Please make checks payable to St. Germain Bo-Boen Snowmobile Club)
_________ Exp Date: _____________________
St. Germain Bo-Boen Snowmobile Club
PO Box 192
Saint Germain, WI 54558
20th Annual Pig Roast
to benefit the St. Germain Bo-Boen and
Lake Tomahawk New-Tom Sno Fleas
Snowmobile Clubs
Saturday, August 27, 2016
Sportsmen’s Chalet
5205 Old Hwy 70 W, Eagle River
Raffle Sales & Door Prizes Start at 2 p.m.
Serving at 5:30 p.m.
Cost $11.50 per person
Great fun and great food for a great cause!
Raffle Items Needed
Donations Welcome
Call Laurel
(715) 479-8788
Cash Raffle to Benefit the St. Germain Bo-Boen & Lake Tomahawk
New-Tom Sno Fleas Snowmobile Clubs
$100 Each— Only 150 Tickets Sold
Drawing will be held at the Pig Roast Benefit at Sportsmen’s Chalet
on Saturday, August 27, 2016
(winner need not be present)