St. Germain Bo-Boen Snowmobile Club


St. Germain Bo-Boen Snowmobile Club
St. Germain Bo-Boen Snowmobile Club
Volume 2011-12 Number 7
Bo-Boen’s Attend Town Board Meeting
Recently it came to the attention of the Bo-Boen Board
that the St. Germain Town Board was looking at the process
of drafting an ordinance to ban all motorized vehicles from
riding on the bike/hike trail that is located in the highway
right-of-way along State Highway 70 and County Road C.
Several members of the board attended a Public Works
Committee meeting on Thursday, February 9th thinking that
some discussion may come up about it since the bike/hike
trail was on the agenda. We were advised at that meeting
by the town chairman, Walt Camp that any discussion about
an ordinance would take place at a Planning & Zoning Committee meeting. At this meeting Mr. Camp confirmed that it
was true that such an ordinance was being considered.
When asked specifically if that would include snowmobiles,
he answered "yes".
As a club made up of business and non-business members,
we understand how important a role snowmobiling is to the
area so having something like this adopted would have a
negative impact and be viewed as "Anti-Snowmobiling".
A regular St. Germain Town Board meeting was scheduled
for the following Monday, February 13th. Several members of
the Bo-Boen Board started to inform members in town about
this with the hopes of getting them to attend the meeting
to voice their concerns. At the meeting approximately 50
people were able to attend. Not being on the agenda, several in attendance had the opportunity to voice concerns to
three of the five voting Town Board members in attendance, Walt Camp, John Vojta and William Bates within the
citizen concerns comment time.
After all comments on this issue had been given, Mr.
Camp stated and assured us that the town board is 100% pro
snowmobiling and in no way wants to send a negative message of the town being against. He also stated that he did
not see a problem with an ordinance against just "motorized
wheeled vehicles" and the other two board members
Please keep in mind no action has been taken yet on this
matter and this will be worked on at future meetings. It is
with utmost importance that we stay alert to what the town
board's action is on this and other issues that may be coming
up in the future.
Thank you to all of the members and business owners that
showed up at the St. Germain Town Board Meeting. With
your continued support and involvement we can continue to
make the St. Germain area one of the finest areas in the
State of Wisconsin to snowmobile and be a destination for
snowmobilers from all over. Please make sure that we have
your e-mail address for possible future correspondence.
From your e-mail account send a message to with just your name in the subject line.
March 2012
Annual Club Raffle
Do you like CASH? Boy, do we have a
deal for you…. our club is selling raffle
tickets and time is running out to get
yours! The tickets are $5 each with a maximum of 2,000 tickets sold. First prize is $2,500, second
prize is $1,500, third prize is $500 and fourth and fifth
place prize is $250 each. The drawing will take place at
our dinner meeting on March 13, 2012. Please contact
Treasurer, Ed Siergiej, (715) 493-7736 or email him at You can also send your check to: BoBoen Snowmobile Club, PO Box 192, St. Germain WI
54558 and he will mail you your stubs. Thank you for your
Information on the Upcoming Election
of Officers and Directors
Officers are elected to a one-year term. Officer positions are
President, President-Elect, Treasurer, and Secretary. A President
may serve for not more than two consecutive terms. There are two
Director positions open each year. Directors are elected to fulfill a
three-year term. The slate of candidates was presented by the
Nominating Committee at the February Membership Meeting.
Nominations from the floor were also accepted. A sample ballot and
a statement from the candidates follow. The election will take place
at the membership meeting on March 13, 2012.
The Tellers Committee will be provided with a membership list,
and members attending the meeting will be asked to register with
them and receive a ballot upon arrival. Voting will take place during the meeting, which follows the dinner, when the president calls
for the ballots. The ballots are tabulated and the winners are an-
nounced before the end of the meeting. The new officers and directors take office and assume their duties at the April Board Meeting.
Anyone wishing to vote by absentee ballot must request a ballot
from the secretary, in writing (e-mail will do), up to 7 days prior
to the election. Absentee ballots must be returned in the envelope
provided, sealed and mailed. No requests for absentee ballots will be
accepted after 4 pm on March 6th. You may not request an absentee ballot and vote at the meeting in March.
St. Germain Bo-Boen Board of Directors
For up-to-date information on Club events, meetings, trail conditions & photos check out our website at: or follow us on Facebook
Bo-Boen Snowmobile Club ▪ PO Box 192 ▪ Saint Germain, WI 54558
President’s Corner
On Thursday, February 16, 2012 forty-two members of the Bo-Boen’s Snowmobile Club were treated to a superb dinner at
Clearview Supper Club including a fantastic appetizer spread presented by Chef Darryl and his staff before dinner. A new
member to the club, Tim Faesi, was introduced. He is a retired police officer and is residing in Minocqua. He assisted with
this year’s Radar Run and will be a welcomed asset to the club, Welcome aboard Tim.
Where to start, this past month was a whirlwind of activity. It kicked off with the Snowmobiler’s Breakfast on Sunday, January 29, 2012 at Knocker’s Pizza Co Inc. The event was headed by Tom Christensen and Steve Soltwedel and was a great success. A great breakfast was provided with the food donated by Knocker’s, the wait staff donated their time and worked for
tips only. Hopefully they were treated well for their services. We gratefully thank everyone at Knocker’s for their efforts to
make this a successful event. Thanks to Judy Pacanowski and Steve Soltwedel for the raffle prizes they donated. Judy the
quilted snowmobile throw and Steve for the two $50 gas cards.
The next event was the 15th Annual Groomer Show which was sponsored by the new owner, Dave Walker, who invited us to
again provide the food for the two day event on Wednesday and Thursday, February 1st and 2nd, 2012. Steve Soltwedel was
the Chairman of this event and with his astute supervision and organization again provided us with a good profit for the time
involved. Thanks Steve and to all those that helped out.
Our next event was the Radar Run and Ice Drags on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, February 3rd, 4th & 5th,2012. The Chairman for this event was Paul Bohnen. Saturday was just fantastic with great weather and a crowd estimated at over 3,000
spectators. A special thanks to Chef Gary Jacobi at the grill, Rick Polaski and Paul’s wife Julie and daughter Elizabeth at the
serving line. Thanks to everyone that helped out, nice work.
We are more than halfway through the snowmobiling season and after a good start the snow has just stopped. We get a
light dusting and nothing more. I don’t know what we have to do, can we hire a Snow Maker like they do with rain. Everybody
just pray for snow and a good end to the season. We do seem to be drawing people up every weekend even with the minimal
snow conditions. Everybody, the community at large, the businesses and the local government needs to put our best foot forward and welcome our visitors from down south and out of state.
Our next fundraising event is the Snowmobile Hall of Fame Classic Snowmobile Roundup. This is held on the Memorial Day
Weekend, Sunday, May, 27, 2012. This is a big money maker for the club. Unfortunately, I will not be able to run this event
due to physical problems. I need a dedicated Chairperson who I will work with in regards to ordering supplies and setup. We
need people to work from 7:00 am to 3:00 pm and then clean up. Please call me at (715) 479-4718 if you can give a few hours
for your club. I will pass on your intent to the Project Chairperson.
Our next meeting will be held at Golden Pines on Tuesday, March 13, 2012 and will host our annual elections. The position
of President, President-Elect, Secretary, Treasurer and two Director positions are open. The Nominating Committee presented
its slate of candidates at our membership meeting. Please attend this meeting and participate in the club’s annual raffle.
This will be my last meeting as your President, I have enjoyed the experience, your friendship and support has been greatly
appreciated. I wish the snowmobiling seasons could have been better, but what can you do about the weather? During my
term we have a new bridge over the Rainbow Flowage thanks to the efforts of Bev Dittmar and a new Tucker Sno-Cat in the
barn thanks to the efforts of Jim Wendt. I appreciate the efforts of our groomer drivers and am greatly pleased by your efforts to make our club the biggest and best in the State.
Our fundraising efforts have done well only by your support and participation, Thanks to all of you. A special thanks to all of
my Board Members who have made this a special experience.
Rich Polaski, President
Upcoming Club Events….
Tuesday, March 6
Board of Director Meeting
Tuesday, March 13
Membership Meeting, Golden Pines Supper Club
Sunday, May 27
Snowmobile Hall of Fame Classic Sled Round-Up
Saturday, August 25
16th Annual Pig Roast—Sportsmen’s Chalet
Did you miss the Discover Wisconsin episode on "Join a
Club" February 18th or 19th?
You can still catch it here at
Our first annual Snowmobile Breakfast was held Sunday, January 29th at Knockers Pizza Company, in conjunction with
Women on Snow, and was a huge success. The folks at Knockers donated the food and their staff donated their time
which made this more of a success than we hoped for. Additionally the raffle for this event added over $400 to our trail
grooming funds for the day. Thanks to Judy Pacanowski for donating the Snowmobile Throw for this raffle and Steve &
Linda Soltwedel for donating the BP Gas Cards. Our raffle winners were: Quilted Snowmobiler's Throw – Emelie Limke,
Milwaukee, WI, $50.00 Gas Card – Tricia & Rochelle Franks, Eagle River, WI and $50.00 Gas Card – Geri Shambo, St.
Germain, WI. Thanks again to everyone that purchased raffle tickets and/or came for a delicious breakfast.
Thank You to the People That Worked or Supported the Annual Groomer Show Food Booth & Raffle
February 1 & 2, 2012
The 15th Annual Groomer Show Food Booth was another success for the club. I continue to be amazed at the
numbers of club members that volunteer their time in support of this event. Special thanks this year goes to
Dennis and Dianne Dieter who donated the chili for Thursday. And, thanks to Gary Frank who single handedly
managed the raffle another year. Those volunteers who were present for set-up, clean-up and take-down were
especially efficient this year.
Thank you to all for your help. If I failed to mention anyone, I apologize:
Carole Anderson
Chuck & Judie Berard
Lee & Hazel Christensen
Dennis & Dianne Dieter
Gary & Laurel Frank
Jim & Karen Grace
Carla Klein
Rich Polaski
Arlene Rieckenberg
George & Lois Ruediger
Judy Schell
Gary & Geri Shambo
Barb Steinhilber
Todd & Wanda Wiese
Dave Zielinski
Marie Baumann
Paul Bohnen
Tom Christensen
Marion Ewald
Tim & Pam Gebhardt
Jim Harold
Mike & Penny McCormick
Rick Polaski
Don & Nola Richards
Val Rybarczyk
Kay Schultz
Linda Soltwedel
Jim Warmington
Jim & Jennifer Wendt
Most of all, we need to thank and support the following sponsors for their generosity and assistance in making
this event another success:
Walker Enterprises (Dave & Judy Walker)
M & I Bank (Connie Olson)
Camp’s Super Valu (Bruce, Mary & David Weber)
Thank you everyone,
Steve Soltwedel
Groomer Show Food Chair
St. Germain Bo-Boen Snowmobile Club
2012 Radar Run & Ice Drags
Bo-Boen Club Food Tent
The Radar Run & Ice Drags was a challenging experience. This being my first time chairing the
food tent I was amazed on how much effort is involved in making it a successful event. It all
comes down to the wonderful people who volunteered their time. I extend a special thank you to
one guy in particular Gary (The Machine) Jacobi.
Gary grilled Friday and Saturday, on Saturday he
grilled nonstop for 7 hours. Two fun guys Don
Bauman and Jim Grace made a hard job enjoyable. If anyone asks Nola Richards to volunteer for
them, you better make sure the porta potty's are
on stable ground. I was very impressed so many
members jumped in to help were they could,
even people that weren’t signed up. It makes me
proud to belong to the best snowmobile club in
the state. Thank You to everyone that helped
setup and take down, to everyone that helped
serve food and drink and to everyone who helped
cook. If I forgot anyone I am truly sorry. It was a
successful event, with great people, on a beautiful day. What more can you ask for!
Thank You again to everyone that volunteered.
Gary and Geri Shambo
Jim and Jennifer Wendt
Gary Jacobi
Rick Polaski
Steve Soltwedel
Don and Nola Richards
Jim Grace
Don Bauman
Julie, Jonathan & Elizabeth Bohnen
Carla and Roger Klein
Judy Schell
Melissa and Kellie Radue
Jim and Val Rybarczyk
Todd Weise
Dave Brosseit
The Gebhardt Family
A special Thank You goes to David and Bruce
Weber and Camp’s Super Valu.
Paul Bohnen, Chair
Notes from the Secretary
It’s that time of year again!
The election for club officers and directors will be held
at our Annual Meeting on Tuesday, March 13th at Golden
Pines. Only members who have paid their dues by the
AWSC membership deadline of February 28th are eligible
to vote; one vote for single membership and two votes for
family. The Teller Committee will have a roster of eligible
members at the meeting. Members who cannot attend can
request an absentee ballot by regular mail or email (PO
Box 192; St. Germain, WI 54558 or
from me before 4:00 pm on Tuesday, March 6th.
Board members will review and propose budget items at
their Board Meeting on March 6th. Refinement of the preliminary budget will occur at the April Board Meeting,
with the board voting on the final budget at their meeting
in May.
Club Rides
As you all know we have tried three times to schedule
a club ride. Rumor has it that some folks are getting
ready to leave for warmer climates. Others are getting
their sleds ready for when and if it snows. In the past
few years, March has not been good to snowmobilers.
So lets call it a draw and we'll try again next year!!
Have a great summer.
Thank you,
Gary & Geri Shambo
Trail Boss Report
Well, the year of the unpredictable snow continues. We
have been working a limited schedule as the snow conditions
dictate. The trails have a good ice base but little snow to work
with. They are, however, in pretty good condition in the
woods. I hope we have some late season riding ahead to make
up for the lack of normal conditions we have been having. We
have had a tough season with our equipment. Our tractors
have had rear bearing problems and numerous electrical
glitches. There is a problem with the electrical harness in the
cab for the front work lights which will have to be addressed
on both machines. The circuit to the drag lights has also given
us problems—hope all this stuff is the end of the malady's for a
long time. The Tucker has a gas gauge glitch but that is not
limiting the capability of putting down some great trail. All in
a seasons work, I guess.
I hope you are following the CAP/Step program in the magazine. Seems like we have an uphill fight but we have to continue to put pressure on our lawmakers if we want this done.
Get involved!!! Let's hope March is a lion and not a lamb.
Happy Trails,
News from the Membership Chair
As of the writing of this, my final column as Membership Chairperson, a volunteer is still needed to take over the responsibility for next season. The chair is responsible for sending out renewal notices in September and updating memberships throughout the year. As you can see from the following report, our memberships dwindle in toward the end of the season, and really
don't pick up until August. Due to the size of our club, knowledge of Microsoft Excel and Word is a must. The documentation
and files which accompany this position are all in order and are waiting for a new home. Please contact me at 630-341-5251
with questions.
Judy Pacanowski
Membership Report 1/19/2012, 2/3/2012, 2/13/2012:
New Members
Marv & Karen Anderson-St Germain, WI (we appreciate the donation)
David Beezhold-Monee, IL (and thank you for the donation)
Mark & Nina Dittmar-Merrill, WI
James Edwards-St Germain, WI
Nick Krantkramer-New London, WI
Barr Lemcke-Johnsburg, IL
Woody & Jill Powers-Johnsburg, IL (and thanks for the extra support)
Greg & Sue Wood-New London, WI
Jason & JoAnn Yakey-Rockford, IL
Doug, Michelle, Shawn, and Ryan Bansemer-West Allis, WI
Frank E. Lawrence-St Germain, WI
Robert & Ann Rhodes-New Lenox, IL
Mike & Karen Thauer-Evergreen Park, IL
Candidate Statements
March Membership Meeting
Allen Clemmensen—President
For the last 2 years I have been the President-Elect for
our club. While being on the Board of Directors for our
club I have also been a groomer driver and volunteer for
the fall clean up and any and all work needed to keep our
club going in the right direction. With the help of all
board members we have purchased a new Tucker to keep
our trails smooth the way that our riders want them to be.
In the past I have been the President of the Condo Association at Elbert's Resort in St. Germain only stepping
down due to the sale of my rental unit. As the President
of our club I will continue the work started by previous
Presidents and move forward trying to better our club
with new idea's.
Tuesday, March 13th
Golden Pines
Cocktails 6:00 pm
Dinner 7:00 pm
Tom Christensen—President-Elect
My name is Tom Christensen and I am running for President-Elect. Our family moved to St. Germain in 1996 and
opened up St. Germain Sport Marine. I have served on the
Bo-Boen Board as Secretary, President-Elect, President
and Past-President. I enjoy working with everyone on the
Board and look forward to continuing to do so in the future.
Ed Siergiej—Treasurer
I have accepted the nomination of the election committee to run for one more year as your treasurer. Looking
forward in working with the other elected officers and
directors as our club once again is the largest in the state
of Wisconsin. Snowmobiling remains to be an important
part of the success of our community as we need to keep
aware of actions that can harm this. I ask for your support.
Pam Gebhardt—Secretary
I will again be running for Secretary of the Bo-Boen
Snowmobile Club and would like to thank everyone for the
support given to me during the past 2 years while I held
this position. I have enjoyed my time on the Board and
look forward to serving you for another year.
Paul Bohnen—Director
I’ve lived in St. Germain since 1976 and have had family
here since 1948. We have been in business for 15 years.
My wife Julie and I have three kids Jonathan 17, Elizabeth
15 and Nicholas 5. I started brushing trails and riding with
my uncle on the groomers when I was 13 years old. I’ve
been on the board of directors for the last 3 years helping
work through some challenging situations. I would like to
continue on the board for another 3 years and I’m asking
for your support.
Milt Klingsporn—Director
After retiring in 2007, my wife Margie and I moved here
full-time from Milwaukee. My wife’s parents built the
house we now have in 1980, so we have been coming to
St. Germain for many years.
I have been a commissioner on our lake’s District Board,
a district trainer for the Boy Scouts of America, and am
currently the Assistant Frequency Coordinator for the Wisconsin Association of Repeaters for amateur radio.
Three years ago I purchased a snowmobile from a ...
Menu Selection:
Prime Rib with Baked Potato & Vegetable
Almond Crusted Chicken Breast with Wild Rice & Vegetable
2 Skewers Grilled Shrimp with Wild Rice & Vegetable
All dinners served with salad, dinner roll, coffee and dessert.
All dinners are priced at $18.00 with tax and gratuity included.
Members are responsible for the payment of their reservation
whether they attend or not. Please make checks payable to Golden
RSVP by Wednesday, March 7th to: Kay Schultz at
(715) 542-3912
St. Germain Bo-Boen Snowmobile Club
2012-13 Election
Officers & Directors
President: One Year Term Vote for One
□ Al Clemmenson
President-Elect: One Year Term Vote for One
□ Tom Christensen
Treasurer: One Year Term Vote for One
□ Ed Siergiej
Secretary: One Year Term Vote for One
□ Pamela Gebhardt
Director: Three Year Term Vote for Two
□ Paul Bohnen
□ Milton Klingsporn
...neighbor and have ridden with the Apple Dumpling Gang
for the past three seasons. I have also put in volunteer time
at the Radar Run the past two years. While new to the sport I
find it’s one that is very enjoyable, and look forward to working with the officers and other directors to help make the BoBoen Snowmobile Club one that you, the members, and the
community of St Germain can be proud of. I believe we have
a great snowmobile club and it’s an asset to both the sport of
snowmobiling and the community of St Germain.
Thank you for your consideration.
Get well wishes were sent to Nola Richards after recent
eye surgery and Rich Polaski following hand surgery.
Condolences were sent to the family of long-time St. Germain businessman Ed Reid.
Please call Arlene Rieckenberg (715) 542-3066 when
you have information on births, of members who are ill or
hospitalized and need a bit of cheer, sympathy or encouragement.
Sportsmen’s Chalet
Moondance Bar
Smiley’s Pub
Sportsmen’s Chalet
Kathan Inn & Resort
Bauer’s Dam Resort
Buy a card for $3.00
get it stamped at each stop, turn it in
& win a chance at cash & other prizes!
All proceeds from the sale of cards goes to:
Local Snowmobile Clubs
Local Cancer Center
Prize money for 3 BIG WINNERS
Drawing will be held at Sportsmen’s Chalet
June 9, 2012
Starting at 2 pm
1ST PLACE $1,000
2ND PLACE $500
3RD PLACE $250
Door Prizes, Raffles & Paddle Wheel
(Need not be present to win)
st. germain bo-boen snowmobile
club officers & directors
president—rich polaski
home—(715) 479-4718
president-elect—al clemmensen
cell: (847) 490-7418
secretary—pam gebhardt
cell: (715) 891-1801
AT 3:00 FOOD,
treasurer—ed siergiej
cell: (715) 493-7736
trail boss—jim wendt
cell: (715) 891-1610
director—roger klein
home: (715) 477-8570
director—paul bohnen
home: (715) 542-2065
director—beverly dittmar
home: (715) 479-4605
director—steve soltwedel
home: (715) 542-3090
director—ron rhodes
work: (715) 479-8007
director—todd wiese
past president—tom christensen
work: (715) 479-4930
St. Germain Bo-Boen Snowmobile Club
PO Box 192
Saint Germain, WI 54558
May 27, 2012
Vintage and antique sled show and swap at the
St. Germain Community Park.
Show Registration starts at 8:00 am. Music and
food all day. Awards presented at 3 pm.
Sled registration is $5.00 (max $25.00) and swap
space is $20.00 for a standard size area.
For additional information visit the web site at and to view
photos and judging results from past Roundups.
Snowmobiles bearing Wisconsin registration are not required to have a non-resident trail pass, even if the
owner is from out of state. A two year Wisconsin registration is $30.00, compared to two trail passes at $70.00 for
two years. Almost two times the money is generated with
a two year registration as is with two trail passes due to
the formula used to transfer gas tax revenue to the state
snowmobile fund; the state snowmobile fund is where the
money comes from for grooming and trail maintenance.
By having Wisconsin registration instead of a trail pass,
you save $40.00 every two years and contribute more
money to the state fund.
It is perfectly legal to have Wisconsin registration on
your snowmobile in addition to your home state's registration. You do not need a Wisconsin address; your home
address can be used for a Wisconsin registration. Once
you have a Wisconsin registration, it can be renewed
online at the DNR website. Wisconsin registration applications can be obtained at any DNR office, at any dealer
who sells snowmobiles in Wisconsin, and at many dealers
out of state near the Wisconsin border.

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