I N T E R N AT I O N A L C O L L E G E O F YAYA S A N M E L A K A M O N T H LY M A G A Z I N E 7TH EDITION APRIL 2015 PP 18463/04/2014 ICYM THE LEADING CHOICE FOR INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS ADC @ LIMA 2015 CAMPUS LIFE JONKER WALK THE HEART OF HERITAGE & CULTURE FEATURES APRIL 2015 STUDENT ELECTION ICYM NEWS INTERNATIONAL ALUMNI GUIDE TO ICYM INSPIRATION CANDID GALLERY ALUMNI DI MANA CEO’S MESSAGE • POCKET GUIDE • CAMPUS LIFE “GUIDE TO ICYM “ • NOTICE BOARD • JONKER WALK • ACADEMIA • LIMA 2015 • STUDENT CORNER • FASHIONISTA • ICYM NEWS • WITHIN THE PERIMETERS • INSPIRATION • INTERNATIONAL STUDENT ALUMNI CONTENT Editorial 3 Mesej dari CEO 4 Destinasi 6 Berita Bergambar 8 Campus Life 10 Pocket Guide 12 Akademia SIDANG REDAKSI Penaung :YBhg Datuk Saroni Judi Penasihat I :En Aminalrashid Mohd Husaain Penasihat II :En Mohamad Nawawi Saad Penasihat Akademik :En Jasmy Fardzy Abd Aziz Komunikasi Korporat :Pn Harmiyati Mohtar Ketua Jurufoto :Muhamad Nur Aiman B Abd Malek Jurufoto : Amir Sukarno Salimi • Hasbullah bin Azhar • Ketua Unit Grafik :En Zul Azmil Hafiz Abdullah Designer :Muhammad Nurshafiq Bin Abd Razak • Mohamad Syafid B. Shafie • Rizwandi Bin Abdul Rahman Penyelaras I :En Musriza Ab Moin Penyelaras II :Pn Nurulhuda Ismayatim Promosi/Pemasaran :Tuan Mochtar Dato Abd Malek Periklanan :Muhammad Faiz Othman (017-646 4852) 14 Pentadbiran/Kewangan : En Noor Izam Muharam Tazkirah 15 Editor : En Hassan Abdul Motalip Hubungi kami : Telefon :06-2817732 Email Motivasi 16 Fashionista 18 Student Corner 20 Hobi 22 2 APRIL 2015 EDITION Ketua Wartawan : Nur Syuhadah Atika Shahidan Wartawan :Fazilah Abd Hamid • Farhana Rahmad • Mohamad Zulhafiz Bin Mohd Azam • Saiful Isham Bin Saat • Ahmad Nur Zaki Bin Yahaya • Nor Shazlin Bt Kholil • Nor Sahida Sabri • Nor Adira Paisal• Sharifah Nur Syarafina Syed Mohd Jafri• Nadia Syamiera Md Idrus • Noraziah Amelina Bt Mad Noh Penasihat Foto: Zahiruddin Abd Aziz Syarikat Percetakan: SERDANG PRINTMORE SDN. BHD. Taman Perindustrian Bukit Serdang 43300 Seri Kembangan, Selangor Tel: 03-8942 2322 Fax: 03-8938 9353 ICYM adalah majalah rasmi Kolej Antarabangsa Yayasan Melaka. HAK CIPTA terpelihara. Segala bahan berupa gambar, tulisan, ilustrasi dalam majalah ini tidak boleh disiarkan semula dengan apa cara sekali pun oleh mana-mana pihak tanpa izin dari bertulis daripada penerbit. {EDITORIAL} Praise Allah SWT for giving us the oppurtunity to do yet another amazing edition of our magazine. ‘Internationalisation’ is our theme for this edition hence gracing the cover is our hardworking and eager international students from all over the globe. For this edition we have catered articles and stories that have an international feel to it while promoting ICYM and also Melaka. This edition will also be the first issue to brought out of the country for our ‘Roadshow Nigeria’ with many of our features and articles are in Bahasa Malaysia and English and also articles from our international alumni. We have also featured our esteem CEO Datuk Saroni’s official visit to the United Kingdom in his latest endeavour to strenghten cooperations with IT Carlow, Ireland, Oxford Brookes University , England and South Wales University, Wales plus his live radio interview with Melaka FM. April is also a very important month for us since many secondary school students and SPM leavers are deciding where they want to go and further their studies and with our latest addition which is the ICYM Weldzone Oil and Gas Academy featuring training courses for Riggers and Pipefitters that can offer a very bright career prospects within Malaysia as well as overseas and they will also be given expert training in diving at the International Diving Academy for the commercial scuba diving course and we hope to achieve a new target for our 2015 intake to take us into the next level in the field of higher education. Besides our latest achievement and formation of the Weldzone academy, diploma courses at the Aeronautics Developement Centre has always been the popular choice amongst SPM-leavers. ADC was also invited to attend the LIMA’15 in Langkawi this month bringing more then 20 students to the prestigious event to get up-close to the incredible aircrafts and ships while leaning about what is the latest technology in the Aeronautics Industry. Our Student Affairs Department have also been busy organizing the 7-Mountan Challenge which takes the students of ICYM to partake in an extreme yet exciting mountain climbing excursion and also running the 2015 Student Elections where their goal is to find the new student leaders in ICYM. In conjunction with this, International Collage of Yayasan Melaka strives to steer brilliantly ahead its higher learning agenda and to raise the standard of local institutions higher learning so that we are able to achieve world status. APRIL 2015 EDITION 3 {MESEJ DARI KETUA EKSEKUTIF} dom including IT Carlow, Ireland, Oxford Brookes University , England and South Wales University, Wales. Our latest endeavour is a discussion with IT Carlow to enable us to offer a degree programme in Aeronautics. The realisation o this Cooperation will result in the reduction of cost incured by Malaysians Student Abroad. Therefore, the more intake of students the more we will able to raise the standards of our courses so that the will be at par with our counterparts elsewhere in the world. This is in tandem with Malaysia Aerosapce Industry Blueprint 2030 which aims to make Malaysia the number 1 nation in this region in the field of Aeronautics. According to the Malaysian Industry Government for High Technology (MIGHT) report, we need to generate experts in the field of Aircraft Maintenance and Servicing and ICYM is ready and commited to be the leader in this field. As For Oil and Gas industry, ICYM through the ICYM Weldzone Oil and Gas Academy, offers courses in the training of Riggers and Pipefitters. These courses have very bright career prospects within Malaysia as well as overseas. Students will be given expert training in diving at the International Diving Academy for the commercial scuba diving course. ICYM also plays a very active role in the intake of foreign students to realise our goal which is to increase ‘internationalisation’. My latest effort will be an official visit to Nigeria in April to promote ICYM through ‘Roadshow Nigeria’ programme. Towns covered will include Lagos, Abuja, Owena and Inugu. This visit will introduce ICYM’s programme and simutenously promote Malaysia as an International education hub to the Nigerian public. This positive achievement is in line with the state’s vision to make Melaka the foremost education hub in the country. Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh, Salam Sejahtera and Salam 1Malaysia First and foremost, let us count our blessing’s for all that Allah SWT has bestowed upon us. ‘Internationalisation’ is one of the nation’s strategic plans for higher learning in order to raise the standard of local institutions higher learning so that the are 4 APRIL 2015 EDITION able to achieve world status. This bodes well for Malaysia to achieve excellence in higher education come 2020. In conjunction with this, International Collage of Yayasan Melaka strives to steer brilliantly ahead its higher learning agenda and to strenghthen cooperations with foreign universities. Last March, I made an official visit to various universities in the United King- Inconclusion, the close and effective ties betwen ICYM and various foreign institutaion of higher learning will contribute to the rise in the number of international students in Malaysia. This strives to prove that ICYM is the principal choice of International students in their pursuit of higher learning. Welcome to ICYM! Datuk Saroni Judi {DIREKTORI} APRIL 2015 EDITION 5 {DESTINATION} JONKER WALK The Heart of Heritage & Culture The destination of choice for this edition is the ever popular Jonker Street which since the olden days of the Babas and Nyonyas, considered by many locals as the melting pot of culture and heritage with many of the majestic and well preserved shop lots and house still stands until today. Situated next to the majestic Melaka River and right across the magnificent Stadhuy’s Building with its gleaming red paint that is considered as a UNESCO World Heritage Site since the 7th of July 2008. With more than 20 million tourists visiting Melaka every year, almost all of them have been to Jonker Street where during the day it is filled with quaint antique shops, charming cafes, beautiful boutique hotels and trendy trinket stores and while at night, Jonker Street is transformed into the ever famous Jonker Walk Night Market where cultures collide with many street vendors from various races open up their booths selling tantalizing local 6 APRIL 2015 EDITION dishes that will excite your taste buds and all sorts of gadgetry and knick-knacks galore from selfie sticks to nyonya shoes, portable air purifiers to hand-made souvenirs that will make any shopaholic glee with excitement. The Jonker Walk Night Market is also popular amongst the busking community where they are encourage to perform at any corner of Jonker Street in the efforts to attract more tourist. Jonker Street at night is a feast for the eyes with its many colorful lanterns and light that decorates the building. Besides being held as the heritage hub of Melaka, Jonker Street also offers many interesting modern attractions such as the Melaka River Cruise which takes visitors along the Melaka River and the famous Hard Rock Café Melaka. Jonker Street is truly the pride of Melaka and if you have the opportunity to visit, you will find the experience very heart throbbing. Excursion Kampung HomeStay “If you haven’t been to the Kampung, you haven’t been to Malaysia!” “..and while at night, Jonker Street is transformed into the ever famous Jonker Walk Night Market where cultures collide with many street vendors from various races..” To truly experience the real cultures & traditions of the Malaysian people, you need to stay in a Malay Village, in a Malay home, with a Malay family, and this homestay excursion offers travellers the chance to do just that! Just 30 min drive from Central Melaka, the kampung of ‘Pulai’ is a friendly community that is the perfect place to learn and experience kampung life. Staying in a traditional Malay long-house, guests are invited to take-part in local life, which starts by wearing traditional home-made Malay clothes! Guests can then explore the community and learn about its ways of life, meeting the locals, learning about the natural wildlife, getting their feet dirty in the paddy fields, enjoying sunset on the beach, and if they’re lucky, catching their dinner while fishing on the river! Of course, the Malay culture wouldn’t be complete without its passion for ‘makan’ (food), and guests are taught some of the secrets to Malay cooking, and then enjoy the tradition of cooking, eating & laughing together. APRIL 2015 EDITION 7 {ICYM NEWS} ICYM LIVE! At Radio Melaka 102.3FM Datuk Saroni Judi was invited to conduct a special live interview for radio Melaka for the ‘Agensi dan Anda’ programme . During the full one hour interview Datuk Saroni talked about what is happening at ICYM to the general public of Melaka especially SPM/STPM leavers about studying at ICYM and the latest updates at the collage. In hopes with this type of promotion, the avid listeners of Melaka.FM will take the time to visit ICYM. Seiring keperluan kebolehpasaran tenaga kerja mahir, Kolej Antarabangsa Yayasan Melaka (KAYM) melalui Aeronautic Development Center (ADC) menawarkan program dalam bidang kejuruteraan penerbangan bagi melahirkan jurutera dan juruteknik pesawat yang diiktiraf di 8 APRIL 2015 EDITION The Road Safety Campaign was held in collaboration with JKJR as an effort to raise awareness amongst staff and students of ICYM. This event was launched by our esteemed registrar Encik Aminalrashid Mohd Hussain and he quotes that road safety is an on-going process and we must help people to realize how important it is to know and be aware. That is people must be more civic-minded and considerate of others while driving on the roads to avoid any accidents that can happen to any individuals. Ketua Eksekutif KAYM, Datuk Saroni Judi telah dijemput untuk mengadakan sesi slot temubual secara live di radio Melaka FM dalam program Agensi dan Anda. Sesi temubual ini telah berdurasi selama satu jam bertujuan untuk mewar-warkan kepada masyarakat Melaka terutama lepasan SPM/ SPTPM mengenai peluang melanjutkan pengajian di KAYM dan pelbagai lagi perkembangan terkini kolej. Melalui hebahan ini diharapkan masyarakat yang mendengar saluran Melaka FM berminat untuk meneruskan pengajian di KAYM PELAJAR ADC TIMBA PENGALAMAN DI LIMA 2015 peringkat antarabangsa. Baru-baru ini mereka berpeluang mengadakan lawatan sambil belajar ke pameran LIMA 2015 di Langkawi baru-baru ini. Rata-rata mereka amat teruja melihat sendiri perkembangan terkini industri Aeronatik dan Aerospace. Road Safety Campaign at ICYM Besides doing a Road Safety showcase, the representative of JKJR gave away free motorcycle helmets to all motorcycle riders in attendance. PELAJAR TERUJA LAWAT KAYM KAYM telah menerima kujungan pelajar-pelajar dari SK Nanga Bangkit, Song, Sawarak dan 30 pelajar dari Tsuean Wan Government Secondary dari Hong Kong. Lawatan tersebut berjaya memberi pendedahan bermakna kepada mereka terutama berkaitan program-program pengajian tinggi terkini yang ditawarkan oleh KAYM dan seterusnya mempromosi KAYM sebagai “Pusat Kecemerlangan Pendidikan” kepada anakanak negeri Pahang. Kempen kesedaraan jalanraya yang diadakan bersama JKJR sebagai usaha meningkatkan kesedaraan pengguna jalan raya terutama warga KAYM. Majlis perasmian disempurnakan Pendaftar KAYM, Aminalrashid Mohd Hussain. Beliau berkata kesedaran orang ramai mengenai tahap keselamatan semasa berada di jalan raya perlu dipertingkatkan secara berterusan. Justeru orang ramai terutama pemandu perlu bertimbang rasa semasa di jalan raya kerana apabila kemalangan berlaku ia bukan sahaja mendatangkan bahaya kepada individu terbabit tetapi juga kepada pengguna jalan raya yang lain. Selain dari pamaren keselamatan jalanraya, pohak JKJR jugamengaih agihkan topi kaledar kepada penungggang motosikal padakempen itu. KARNIVAL JOM MASUK U 2015 MITC MESYURAT MAJLIS KERJASAMA KEPIMPINAN YAYASAN KALI KE 23 Buat julung kalinya Yayasan Melaka dipilih menjadi hos mesyurat MKKY kali ini. Mesyuarat seumpana yang pertama kali diadakan di Melaka bertujuan membincangkan perkara berkaitan dengan kepentingan pembangunan insitusit-institusi pendidikan dan kemahiran milik Yayasan-yayasan Negeri. Ketua Eksekutif KAYM, Datuk Saroni Judi dipilih untuk menyampai, berkongsi pengalaman dan maklumat bersama pegawai-pegawai pengurusan tertinggi Yayasan-Yayasan Negeri dalam aspek pendidikan dengan tajuk perbincangan ‘Prospek dan Masa Depan Dalam Industri Penyelenggaraan Pesawat’. Jalinan kerjasama, perkongsian maklumat dan permuafakatan dalam mesyuarat tersebut amat penting untuk diaplikasikan sebagai salah satu cabang bagi memperkasakan bidang pendidikan di Malaysia. Sessi berbicara pelajar dan alumni ICYM di Melaka FM Radio Melaka 23April- “Slot Aspirasi Siswa di Radio Melaka bersama pelajar dan alumni Kolej Antarabangsa Yayasan Melaka”. Sesi temubual ini bertujuan mencungkil pengalaman pelajar-pelajar yang berjaya untuk dikongsi serta mampu memupuk semangat pelajar yang masih menuntut di Kolej Yayasan Antarabangsa. Selain itu juga, sessi ini pelajar dan alumni memberi nasihat dan motivasi cara mereka berjaya. Jom Masuk U ini merupakakan program tahunan Kementerian Pengajian Tinggi yang telah dilaksanakan semenjak 2005 turut menyediakan maklumat akreditasi dan pembiayaan kepada lulusan Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM), Sijil Tinggi Persekolahan Malaysia (STPM) atau setaraf, pelajar lepasan asasi, diploma, sijil dan diploma kemahiran.KPT telah menggunakan tagline ‘’JOM MASUK U’’ bagi memotivasikan para pemohon untuk mendapatkan maklumat tepat dan terkini mengenai peluang pendidikan tinggi di Malaysia. Karnival Pengajian Tinggi Negara (KPTN) – JOM MASUK U ini dilaksanakan dengan kerjasama Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia (KPM) bagi mendidik dan memotivasikan para pemohon untuk mendapatkan maklumat tepat dan terkini mengenai peluang pendidikan tinggi di Malaysia. KELAB PERSATUAN JADI DUTA KAYM BUKIT SEBUKOR 29 Mac 2015 Ketua Eksekutif Kolej Antarabangsa Yayasan Melaka(KAYM), Datuk Saroni Judi menyarankan setip kelab dan persatuan lebih kreatif melalui penganjuran aktiviti yang menjadikan mereka sebagai Duta KAYM. Beliau juga menyeru para pelajar supaya bergiat aktif mengikut minat dan kecenderungan masing-masing menerusi kelab atau persatuan sekali gus melengkapkan jati diri masing-masing sebelum menempuh alam pekerjaan nanti. Saroni yakin penganjuran Program Minggu Kelab dan Persatuan dapat menyemarak dan mewarnai kehidupan para pelajar di KAYM dengan penglibatan mereka di samping meningkatkan daya saing serta kreativiti masing-masing. Sebanyak 14 kelab dan persatuan telah menyertai program berkenaan bertemakan: “Ke Arah Mewujudkan Kelab anjuran Bahadian Hal Ehwal Pelajar (HEP) KAYM. BB1M beri manfaat 2,241 pelajar KAYM Karvinal Jom Masuk U 2011 ini disertai 20 IPTA, 100 IPT swasta terpilih, agensi di bawah kementerian dan Kementerian Pelajaran, yayasan negeri, agensi pembiayaan pendidikan termasuk Jabatan Tenaga Manusia, Kementerian Belia dan Sukan dan MARA. Pameran Jom Masuk U ini akan memberi peluang pengunjung mengemukakan pertanyaan kepada wakil universiti dan kolej bagi memastikan masing-masing membuat pilihan tepat program pengajian yang bakal diikuti. Disasarkan lebih 300,000 pengunjung akan hadir ke Karnival Jom Masuk U di 11 zon lokasi tahun ini berbanding 10 tahun lepas. MELAKA 31 Mac 2015 Sebanyak 2,241 pelajar Kolej Antarabangsa Yayasan Melaka (KAYM) menerima Baucar buku 1Malaysia (BB1M) bernilai RM 250 setiap pelajar di kampus Bukit Sebukor baru-baru ini. Ketua Eksekutif KAYM, Datuk Saroni Judi berkata, Baucar Buku ini dapat memberi manfaat kepada golongan pelajar khususnya bagi meringankan beban perbelanjaan pembelian buku-buku pengajian dan memupuk minat membaca di kalangan mereka. APRIL 2015 EDITION 9 {STUDENT AFFAIRS} Annual International Collage of Yayasan Melaka Student Council Elections for the 2015/2016 session Pada 18 Mac 2015 yang lalu Pilihanraya Majlis Perwakilan Pelajar Kolej Antarabangsa Yayasan Melaka SESI 2015/2016 telah diadakan daripada jam 9.00 pagi sehingga 4 petang dan diundangi oleh Yang Berbahagia Datuk Saroni Judi, Ketua Eksekutif KAYM. Tujuan pilihanraya diadakan adalah untuk memilih wakil Calon Umum dan Calon Program masing-masing bagi menganggotai MPP bagi sesi 2015/2016. Seramai 10 orang perwakilan telah dipilih bagi Calon Umum dan 2 orang perwakilan dari setiap program pengajian supaya dapat memberi galakan dan peluang kepada mahasiswa dan mahasiswi untuk menempatkan diri dalam barisan pemimpin pelajar KAYM untuk kearah generasi yang berdaya saing, berkepimpinan dan berkebolehan. Proses penamaan calon telah diadakan pada 10 Mac 2015 di Pejabat HEP, Kolej Antarabangsa Yayasan Melaka. 10 APRIL 2015 EDITION On the 18th of March 2015, the Student Affairs Department held its annual International Collage of Yayasan Melaka Student Council Elections for the 2015/2016 session from 9.00am till 4.00pm with the Chief Executive Officer of ICYM, Yang Berbahagia Datuk Saroni Judi gracing the event. The reason for holding this election is to choose a new student representative from each programme for the 2015/2016 session. As many as 10 candidates, 2 from each programme were chosen to lead and encourage their fellow students to achieve a new generation that upholds the spirit of healthy competition and leadership qualities. The nomination process was held on the 10th of March 2015 at the Student Affairs Office at ICYM. ICYM The Leading Choice for International Students More then forty thousand international from all over the world choose Malaysia as their preferred study destination to get tertiary education and it is the center of academic and higher education excellence in the region because of the high quality of educational institutions like for example The International Collage of Yayasan Melaka. Institutions of higher learning in Malaysia provide professional, career-focused education offering courses that are up-to-date and market relevant. Graduates would not face any difficulty in getting work in their respective countries. The primary mediums of instruction for all courses in Malaysia are in English which suits the need of our international students. International students studying in Malaysia will get to experience of living in a plural and multicultural society. The ethnic diversities of Malaysia expose students to a value-added life, global outlook and better understanding of different cultures, ethnic groups and traditions throughout the world. There are three major races in Malaysia namely the Malays, Chinese and Indians together with other ethnic minorities. Apart from mixing with Malaysian students, international students are also exposed to other students from differ- ent nationalities. Malaysia is a politically sound and geographically safe country free from natural and since Malaysia gained independence in 1957, it has evolved into a high technology nation and experienced steady economic progression and rapid infrastructure development which Malaysians are truly proud of. Higher education opportunities are abundant for international students at an affordable cost. All students are welcome to come learn in a country of great diversity, rapid economic devel- APRIL 2015 EDITION 11 {CAMPUS LIFE} opment and people living in peace and harmony International Students and their families enjoy a safe and comfortable living environment with 21st century amenities, good healthcare and medical facilities, excellent educational institutions, and world-class recreational and sports facilities at costs much lower than in their own countries. Malaysia is currently the world’s 11th most preferred study destination. According to UNESCO, Malaysia has captured a 2% market share of international students in the fast growing private education sector and with the historic city of Malacca being the centre of international education in South East Asia. Choosing ICYM Established in 1997 and was officially opened by the then Minister of Education, Datuk Seri Najib bin Razak who is the current Prime Minister of Malaysia, International Collage of Yayasan Melaka offers more then 30 over courses ranging from culinary arts to aeronautics, business management to IT management amongst a few to mention. ICYM also strife to provide the best global education for all of our international students and with our main campus located in the heart of Malacca students have no problem getting around the city. Some of the astounding academic programs that students can choose are from the Aeronautics Development Centre which houses the Diploma in Aircraft Maintenance Technology plus the Aircraft Maintenance License programme while the IATA-ICYM International Aviation Program offers courses from Airport Management and Services to the ever popular Flight Cabin Crew Course. Our School of Media Technology and Arts offer those who have an interest in animation and media technology with their 3 thriving diploma programs, the Diploma in Animation Technology, Media Technology and Theatrical Arts and Technology. The School of Industrial Technology on the other hand offers excellent programs such as the Diploma in Electrical Technology, Industrial Electronic Technology and Multimedia Technology for students who see themselves involving in the industrial sector in their future. For those who have a keen eye on business then our School of Business Management to kick-start your future in world of business with their wide array of diploma and certificate programs like the Diploma in Marketing, Diploma in Accountancy, Diploma in Entrepreneurship and many more exceptional programs. Students who have a passion for cooking or aspire to be in the tourism sector then our School of Hotel & Tourism Management will be the one to tantalize your appetite for knowledge with their Diploma in Culinary Arts & the Diploma in Hotel Management or Tourism Management. In the ever changing and fast paced world of computers and internet, information technology plays an important role in the advancement of 12 APRIL 2015 EDITION our need for global development which is why our School of Information Technology and its remarkable Diploma in Information Technology, Computer Networking and Cyber Security would be suited for the tech-savvy students. Besides offering these homegrown academic programs, at ICYM we also have an commendable collaborative programs with Universiti Utara Malaysia, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia and Unitar International University which offers a variety of programs like the Bachelor of Management or Business Administration to the Diploma in Computer Science and the Diploma in Accountancy. Our facilities and classroom are up to international standards with high-tech computer labs, state-of-theart studio, advance airplane hangars, wellequipped workshops, quality kitchens and comprehensive library. AtICYM we spare no expense in ensuring the comfort of our students and we even provide students free transportation from the respective comfortable dormitories off-campus with our own fleet of buses. ICYM International Students Since the beginning of 2009, ICYM has catered to more then 70 International students from Nigeria,Timor Leste, Indonesia and Thailand following the vision of our esteemed CEO Ybhg Datuk Saroni Judi to make ICYM a global collage by inviting student from all over the world to enroll at ICYM by providing them an platform for them to enhance their strength and abilities to be successful in their future endeavors and with 18 years in the Malaysian education industry while achieving the standard quality at an international level, ICYM is the place for international students alike to fulfill their dreams. All of the 350 staffs and lectures at ICYM will welcome international student with open arms along with the local student making you feel right at home. ICYM is not just a collage is more like a home for our international students because you will not feel home sick with more then 4000 students as your brothers and sisters while our lecturer will not only teach you what you need to now but treat you as one of their own children with their guidance and encouragement. Students can also join the many extra-curricular activities and clubs that ICYM has to offer such as the mountain hiking clubs and martial arts club. Student Life in Malacca Many of our international students enjoy studying in Malacca not just because of its diverse culture and multi-racial harmony it is also because being a UNESCO world heritage sight, Malacca is one of the most popular tourist destinations in Malaysia with more then 2 million visitors every months. Students here would hang out and de-stress themselves at Jonker Walk where heritage meets modern day activities. Even though Malacca seem like a magnificnt historical city during the day, at night Malacca is booming with happening activities such basking, night rides, music clubs and night markets. Along Jonker Walk there is a variety of cafes, restaurant and shops to cater to what ever our students desire such the ever popular Hard Rock Café Melaka, Geographer’s Café and of course the famous Jonker Night market every weekends. The Malacca River Cruise is also one of the popular attractions in Malacca where students and visitor alike can take a tranquil boat ride along the majestic Malacca river or just relaxing by the riverside while savoring local delicacies. The magnificent gleaming red Stadhuys building is just a walk away from Jonker where it houses some great museums and archeological sites and the old Portuguese fortress. Just a stone throw away, is A’Famosa one of the most famous landmark of Malacca. Next to it is Dataran Pahlawan, the ultra modern shopping centre which houses many international brand names like H&M, Victoria’s Secret, Subway and UNIQLO. Within the surrounding area of Dataran Pahlawan there are many wonderful museums and historical sights which some of our students would go to do some research or to learn about the rich history of Malacca. A few kilometers away from the city lays the idyllic beaches of Pantai Klebang and Pantai Puteri where students would visit when they want to take a break from studying and go for a picnic or play beach volleyball or take a swim in the straits of Malacca while enjoying the majestic sunset at dusk and enjoying the many restaurants that serves tantalizing seafood and local cuisine. For the more active and athletic students, they can partake in the many outdoor activities that Malacca has to offer such as bike riding, marathons, park trekking and there is also an array of body fitness activities for those who prefer to workout indoors or in the gym. International Alumni Many of our alumni has graduated successfully in their respective courses or programs and have move on to have thriving careers in their country while some choose to stay in Malacca as their second home. Some are even married to locals and have settled down raising their families. When we ask all of our former international students why did they decide to choose ICYM and Malacca as their prefaced place to study, all of them answer because of the high quality professional, diploma and degree course that ICYM offers and the serene multi-cultural life of Malacca that made them fall in love with ICYM and Malacca. APRIL 2015 EDITION 13 14 APRIL 2015 EDITION APRIL 2015 EDITION 15 16 APRIL 2015 EDITION APRIL 2015 EDITION 17 18 APRIL 2015 EDITION LANGKAWI INTERNATIONAL MARITIME & AEROSPACE EXHIBITION 2015 By Arifah Husna Binti Mohamad Ishak Despite 2 aircrafts from the Indonesian Air Force Jupiter aerobatic team crashing during a training session, the Langkawi International Maritime and Aerospace exhibition (“LIMA ‘15”) kicked off on 17th March 2015 as the largest and premier edition in its 25 years history. The biennial exhibition LIMA ’15 which was officially launched by the Malaysian Prime Minister, Y.A.B. Datuk Seri Najib Razak in the presence of 70% of the 25 major defence companies in the world and 5 of the world’s largest helicopter manufacturers, was held from 17th to 21st March 2015 at the All purpose built Mahsuri International Exhibition Centre (“MIEC”), Langkawi, Kedah Darul Aman.The exhibition combined the adjacent Langkawi International Airport and a neighbouring cruise jetty as part of its overall facilities, affording exceptional options to promote the maritime and aerospace product capability. With the participation of 512 companies from 36 countries worldwide and 110 aircraft and 65 ships, LIMA ‘15 in its 13thedition of the exhibition reaffirmed its position as the leading defence technology in the Asian region. LIMA ’15 recorded an overall growth of 18% from the previous edition, with 433 exhibitors from 31 countries, 333 defence delegations from 38 countries, 632 media personnel from 127 agencies, 68 ships and 78 aircraft attended the show. The 5 day event also saw 38,421 trade visitors from both defense and commercial sectors from all around the world,as well as 135,691 public visitors. makers and specifiers from across the region for the biennial 5 day event. LIMA’s winning formula of targeted buyers, carefully crafted networking programmes and exceptional infrastructure have consistently yielded exceptional results for its exhibitors. Indeed, more and more companies are choosing LIMA for its extraordinary environment to network, facilitate business and achieve sales. LIMA enjoys the committed support from the Government of Malaysia and industry associations. This supports have positive benefits that permeate through the organization of LIMA and passed on to exhibitors, in particular, with regards to delivering relevant key visitors to the exhibition. This year, more than 510 aerospace and maritime companies from 36 countries took partin the exhibition, including major players in the defence industry such as Boeing, Airbus, Safran and Lockheed Martin. LIMA ’15 also featured local defense companies such as Deftech, Sapura, National Aerospace Defence Industries, Boustead Heavy Industries Corp and MARA Aerotech.This year’s LIMA had not only attracted the largest warships and aircraft in history, it also has the presence of all 10 defence ministers of the Asean member countries, something that had never happened before. Amongst the highlights at LIMA ’15 were the cross country flight by Malaysian government’s new asset, a transport aircraft Atlas A400M, LIMA was first held in 1991 with slightly over 100 exhibiting companies. As it stands today, LIMA is one of the most influential exhibitors in Asia and is touted to be the premier destination for aerospace and maritime manufacturers targeting the Asia Pacific growth markets from the defence, enforcement, civil and commercial sectors.For 24 years, LIMA has been serving the exhibitors need by assembling key decision APRIL 2015 EDITION 19 {ACADEMIA} accompanied by Royal Malaysian Air Force fighter aircraft. Among the conventions held during LIMA were ‘Chief of Navy Roundtable Talk’, ‘Air Chief Conference’ and ‘Aviation Summit’.Touted as the largest ever LIMA, visitors experienced close encounters with 110 aircraft, 65 maritime vessels and 5 aerobatic teams. Aircraft Static AndAerobatic Display There were also more than 100 aircrafts on display at MIEC. The LIMA exhibition was only opened to the public yesterday, from 20th to 21st March 2015.The crowd was given the rare opportunity to go inside some of the planes to snap shots in the pilot seat. Since 8a.m., visitors have started queuing up to enter MIEC with tickets priced at RM10 for adults while children below 16 years old enter for free. A400M was the most popular aircraft in the static display. It was the new aircraft from the Royal Malaysian Air Force. Malaysia was the only one of the Asian country that involved in buying A400. We were lucky asthis aircraft was there in LIMA. The aircraft’s role is as a ‘Force Enhancement’ to increase RMAF’s capacity in its Strategic and Tactical Airlift operations. The A400M can go further and carry larger cargo compared to the C130H.The A400M can perform a three-in-one role, firstly, a strategic capability of transporting heavy and outsize loads, and flying at high altitude and high speed over a 20 APRIL 2015 EDITION long range. Secondly, a tactical capability of operating on short and soft unpaved airstrips, and thirdly, serving as an air-toair refuelling tanker. The aerial display was held for 2 days for the public viewing from 10p.m. to 12p.m. and 2.30p.m. to 4.30p.m.At LIMA ’15, 4 aerobatic teams from China, UAE, Singapore and Malaysia performed stunning manoeuvres in the sky for 4 hours, thrilling and giving a memorable show to some 10,000 visitors.Despite the scorching sun, the crowd, equipped with cameras and binoculars, stood at MIEC and by the roadsides to take shots of the amazing sky acts.The crowd paid particular attention when the Malaysian Krisakti aerobatic team and the China’s August 1st all-female pilots took to the sky with breathtaking moves.This is the third year the five-member Krisakti team is performing in LIMA, while it was the first time here for China’s People’s Liberation Army (PLA), with their Chengdu J-10 fighter jets. with over 35 ships participating from the Australian navy, the Russian navy, the Republic of Indonesia navy, the Republic of Singapore navy, the United States of America navy, the Pakistan navy, the Royal Brunei navy, the Bangladesh navy, the Myanmar navy, the India navy, the Royal Thai navy, the United Arab Emirates navy, the People Republic of China navy and the Malaysian navy. The Russian navy set the record for displaying 3 vessels at LIMA ’15 namely Admiral PanteleyevUdaloy (class destroyer), Pechenga(tanker) and SB-522 (tug). Events in recent years have highlighted the growing importance of the maritime domain in Southeast Asia. Thus, maritime patrol and surveillance were the most prominent themes of this year’s LIMA show, as big manufacturers such as Boeing, Saab,Dassault, and Indonesian Aerospace jockeyed to promote their various solutions for the mission. Maritime Demonstrations And Naval Ships Display Why Attend LIMA ’15 - Valuable Experienced Gained Maritime demonstrations and naval ships display were held at the Resorts World Langkawi in Awana Porto Malai, where the public were given the opportunity to go on board some of the naval ships. LIMA is well known to offer strategic networking opportunities. It is an avenue to hear insightful thoughts and ideas between the key players in the industry, and to discover an invaluable showcase of latest products and innovations. It is the choice platform to springboard into the fast-growing region. LIMA ‘15 featured a record number of vessels from all over the world. The 2015 show had the biggest and most impressive display of warships to date The LIMA Exhibition is a place where high-quality trade visitors meet. Amongst the list of people that attends LIMA are Asia’s influential government delegations, defence chiefs and commercial industry corporate executives. Batch 6, 7, 8 and 9 of Aeronautical Development Centre(“ADC”) of International College of Yayasan Malacca (“ICYM”), which consisted of 40 students and staff attended LIMA’15 on the 17th and 18thMarch2015 under trade visitors. We gained a lot of insights and in depth knowledge from this world class event. It gives us exposure and open our mind about the real aviation is. It felt great seeing so many aeroplanes on display. As aviation geek, we were more inclined with the aerospace displays. In the aerospace exhibition hall, we get to know more on aerospace companies and their aviation offerings such as knowledge about aerospace industry in general, engines, technology, maintenance, repair and overhaul (“MRO”),etc. In respect of new technology, Airbus company introduced its aircrafts namely Airbus A350 X WB, A380and A320 new family. For the A320 new family, Airbus is working on offering a new engine for the A320 known as the New Engine Option (NEO). The choice for new engines includes the CFM International LEAP-X and the Pratt & Whitney PW1400G/PW1500G. The new engines burn 16% less fuel. The actual fuel gain on an A320 installation will be slightly less, since 1% -2% is typically lost upon installation on an existing aircraft. Airbus CEO said to be “comfortable” with the projections of 20% lower maintenance cost for the Pratt & Whitney’s PW1000G family, compared with today’s engines. Acknowledgement Our unforgettable visit to the world renowned maritime and aerospace exhibition, LIMA ’15 would not have been possible without the concerted effort of many parties. On behalf of the ADC students, I wish to express our heartfelt gratitude to all our stakeholders. I am indeed grateful for your enduring support and confidence towards us. My sincere appreciation goes to my fellow colleagues of ICYM for their devotion, commitment and determination to ensure this program achieved its desired objectives. I always believe that the excellent work ethics, positive attitude, unrelenting dedication and professionalism of ICYM students are the essence to our continuous progress. whose strong support and confidence have enabled us to move forward and steer through the challenges we faced in 2014/2015. To show our gratitude, we shall strive to deliver commendable results each year. My gratitude also goes especially to all the ADC lecturers for their immeasurable guidance, prudent counsel and strategic approach towards achievement of our objectives. We trust that the wealth of experience of our lecturers will steer ICYM towards achieving our goals. I wish to put on record my heartfelt gratitude to the Chief Executive Officer of ICYM, YBhg Datuk Saroni bin Judi for his support to enable us to realise our goal to make an educational trip to LIMA ’15 as well as in allowing us to utilise ICYM’s buses for our trip transportation from Malacca to Kuala Perlis. On behalf of the ADC students, I wish to record our deepest appreciation to the management and lecturers of ICYM APRIL 2015 EDITION 21 {MOTIVATION} WITHIN THE PERIMETERS Have we forgotten to stop and smell the roses? Why roses and not other flowers, such as pansies, tulips and many more. Are we experiencing that our days are getting shorter and shorter although God has given us the same twenty-four hours daily since Adam or since the Good Earth was created? Is it just our gut-feelings that as to compare with the yesteryears, the days were longer, or we are getting to the end of the world or better known as ‘dooms-day? what we’re doing, enjoying ourselves with our little thingy gadgets and that actually pass us by. Most of the time we are scared of what the future holds. Ask ourselves, are we able to find the right partner, are we going to be successful in life, will we make our parents proud of our achievements and are we going to die soon? Have we ever wished that we could do something without any appurtenances or more rewarding and more meaningful in our lives? Many times we get ensnared with abominable things or something abstruse and we forget to live our lives. So, slow down and just enjoy life, don’t let it pass you by and take time to stop and smell the roses. What is more important, is it we, ourselves, lives, families, jobs, friends and the cornucopia of living in this world? More often than not, it just drifts off and we take it frivolously or rather our Achilles’ heel in managing our destiny. We tend to be oblivious of the many opportunities we have to savour and enjoy, let it be those little things that can bring us joy and happiness as well as the pleasure of life has to offer. Do we really know which is important or more important right now than the life we wish for? We need to question ourselves of our priority in life. If only we could find the little things that can make us happy or bring us pleasure, perhaps going out of the way to experience the steps or the road less travelled or as the English saying, ‘take time to smell the roses’; the scent of the nearby flowers, as this will boost our mirth and merriment as well as moral and happiness. As a student studying in school, college or university, we’re too engrossed with our studies, assignments, exams and at times forget to even call up and say hello to our parents, siblings and friends. Yes, we can understand that the life of a student is to focus on studies but we’re aware that students do take their little precious time on their smart-phone or busy with Facebook, Twitter, Instagrams and cornucopia of other Applications oblivious of the surroundings and perhaps do not know how to absolve themselves or absquatulate from reality. We need to slow down and enjoy life, but that is 22 APRIL 2015 EDITION Have we ever wondered and mull over things that are so dear to us rather than just ignore the possibility of making out the things we need to do immediately? Are we really busy or are we making ourselves busy, or busy body? We always blame that we don’t have enough time but are we not aware that all of us are given the same hours every day, whether you’re the Prime Minister, President, student, staff or even the vagabonds. These are just but a few of the subterfuges that we use as an escapism to just tell the world that we’re not at fault and we’re never at fault. at their colours, why not give them a sniff and enjoy the beauty they have to offer. The next time you pass someone on the street or along the corridor, don’t just look at them or ignore but say hello with a big smile, and make a difference in someone’s life. Leonard Nimoy or ‘Mr Spock’ from Star trek always says this to his friends in the Enterprise ship, “Live long and prosper”. So, to all my avid, voracious, fervent readers and followers, “Stop and smell the roses, because before you know it, the roses have withered and wilted and have gone forever”. ‘Don’t hurry. Don’t worry. You are only here for a short visit. Take time to smell the roses’. Walter Hagen As they say, ‘the sun will rise every morning whether you get up or not, that is the job of God’, but for us, are we sure that we will wake up the next morning and the morning after. When you arise in the morning, think of what a precious privilege it is to be alive; to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love and be loved, to appreciate that you are still given another day, then make the day count. We’re always complaining and whining just about everything that is not right and always blame others rather that yourselves. We point our index fingers to others but forget that the rest of our fingers are pointing back to us. Have we ever wondered the myriad colour of roses, red, pink, white and yellow? Instead of just walking by the roses and just by looking Aminalrashid Mohd Hussain is a bibliophile, logophile as well as epeolatry. He loves to connect with people and believes in the saying “A smile costs nothing but gives much”. He can be contacted at The views expressed are entirely the writer’s own. “My favorite things in life don’t cost any money. It’s really clear that the most precious resource we all have is time.” - Steve Jobs ‘Resolutions are meant to be broken’ is the most common excuse we hear people whine and pine about mid way through the year - say sometime in June (which is about 2 months from now). Come September - it’s ‘I know what - I’ll start making new resolutions for next year. This time I’ll STICK to them.’ Fat chance. Yes. Been there. Done that. Felt them. I know how difficult it is to adhere to my resolutions. If you’re in the same boat as I am, I think I may have found an exigency plan for our quandary. I know I’ve discovered a solution to the resolution problem which I’d like to share with my friends at ICYM. First of all, remember that making resolutions is a more mind-boggling process than sticking to resolutions. This is because we have to contemplate and search within the recesses of our minds and hearts what we are capable of. We have to be sincere and not deceive ourselves into believing that we can achieve anything that our minds can conceive. I’m sure you’ve heard or read motivational speakers harping on this old spirit-lifting maxim ‘What your mind can conceive and believe, you can achieve’. But what they sometimes forget or choose to ignore is that we must not deceive ourselves. We have to sit down and do some soul-searching. Our resolutions have got to be precise and within our reach. They must be realistic and reasonable. The most common resolution EVER is ‘I’m going to lose weight this year’. The rate of obesity in Malaysia has gone worrisome to alarming. In a recent report, Malaysia was identified as having the highest obesity rate among Asian countries. New findings from a British medical journal, The Lancet, showed that 49% of women and 44% of men in Malaysia were found to be obese. With an overall 45.3% of the population hitting the obesity mark. A recent study from the United States found that excess weight may account for 14-20% of all cancer. Obesity has been implicated in cancers of the breast, uterus, cervix, ovary, prostate, colon and rectum, kidney and pancreas, liver and in non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. So back to our resolution solution. First of all, clarity is the key here. EXACTLY how many kilos do you need to shed? SPECIFY. Is it 50kgs, 20kgs, or 10kgs? Say you need to shed 20kgs. Sit down and plan as to how you are going to do this. This is important. How long will it take to shed 20kgs? If your resolution is long term, say 10 months, then a reasonable and doable plan will be to shed roughly 2 kgs a month. That means you have 30 days to lose JUST 2kgs. THAT will be a resolution within you reach and very realistic. Next comes the interesting part. How do you go about losing 2kgs a month? You’ve got to be able to see the plan. What I mean is that you’ve got to have a chart of some kind - colourful and bold (huge manila cardboards etc) and it’s got to be hung somewhere you can be reminded of EVERYDAY. You see, sometimes it’s not that we purposely break our resolutions, it’s just that we sometimes forget to commit to them. What we had enthusiastically written down in our phones and promised ourselves to achieve in December will soon be forgotten by mid-February as we trudge along our daily chores and in the midst of assignments and projects, {INSPIRATION & ASPIRATION} RESOLUTIONS & REVELATIONS we lose sight of our goals. Hence the chart. Hang it somewhere it can be seen DAILY so that your enthusiasm does not wane. So now we find that resolutions that are made precisely will not be easily broken. And while you are doing this, you’ll be surprised what your resolutions will reveal about you. They will reveal how tough/weak, how enthusiastic/lethargic, or how optimistic/ pessimistic you actually are. Which brings me to another thing - don’t make 20 resolutions only to carry them fprward to the next year. You cannot turn into a svelte/toned person with a 4.0 GPA who donates at least RM500 a month to the needy, be fluent in Spanish and at the same time learn to play the guitar and become Jamie Oliver all within a year. Or CAN you? “We must use time wisely and forever realize that the time is always ripe to do right.”- Nelson Mandela Tuan Mochtar is a writer whose books include The TeenVestigators in Formula 1 Frenzy, Melaka Mayhem & Pahang Pandemonium. As the creator of the ‘We Nurture Your Future Program, he maintains that education without recreation is no education all. He can be contacted at 21mochtar@ APRIL 2015 EDITION 23 {Aktiviti} 24 APRIL 2015 EDITION {ALUMNI} I LOVE ICYM ONYEKWULISI NDUBUISI MICHEAL Malaysia is one of the best South East Asian countries in recent times to have emerged rapidly in the educational arena in different fields of studies. The standard of education in Malaysia can lead anyone to a better future, regardless of race, culture and religion. During the time I have stayed in Malaysia, I have acquired skills and good knowledge in my field of study at ICYM, which I have classified to be one the best colleges in Malaysia for now. The environment in International College of Yayasan Melaka is very suitable for studying.”I come from Nigeria to study in ICYM. I enjoy my life here. The environment in ICYM is very comfortable and suitable for studying. There are a lot of facilities for students-common rooms, a library, free internet access, computer labs and canteen. I found a home away from home in Malaysia, and International College Of Yayasan Melaka gave me a home here. Through the effort of my lecturers and the help of other students.I have managed to grow socially, mentally and had become more knowledge-wise. I have no doubts that my studies here in Malaysia will prove fruitful at the end. I know that I have to contribute too by making the best out of everything. Fortunately, this will not be difficult because the main Aim and Objective of ICYM is to bring out the best in their students. Surely I will introduce more of my friends here who want to make their dreams come true because ICYM is the place to archive that. Terima Kasih ICYM dan Saya Sayang ICYM. APRIL 2015 EDITION 25 {ALUMNI} LIFE IN ICYM PRINCE CHINEDUM AGBODIKE As an international student, I have cherished my time at ICYM since the moment I stepped in here in Malaysia, I have been lucky enough to get to know some great compassionate friends among students, lecturers and staffs. It took me about few weeks to get used to Malaysian hot and humid climate and I can eat almost every type of Malaysian foods. As I made friends with students from all ethnic backgrounds, and they have always invited me to join in their activities like spots or to hang out around the city and those experiences was really great. I’d like to express my sincere appreciation to the lecturers who taught me during my studies in ICYM and to the academic staffs from the School of business management for their supervision and human attitude all this while. Lastly but not the least, I have noticed that ICYM is the best among the colleges in Malaysia with a great differences and I’m here to advice my friends and all the parents as well that love their kids to send them to ICYM for study and their will come out in flying colors with great jobs. Thanks and remain bless, Prince Chinedum Agbodike. 26 APRIL 2015 EDITION {ALUMNI DI MANA?} ana?” ini lumni di m Ruangan “A mana grad ackback di tamat bertujuan tr as p le se M n ICY bar uan-gradua ambar-gam Emelkan g e@ in az pengajian. mag da ke : icym kan menarik an kami penuh k tu un y m i. ruangan in Alfadhlee Razif ( Senior Photographer) Hidayah Akma l Fauzi ( LHDN Wangs a Maju ) Nas Norziela Na sbah ( Journalist @ NS TP ) Vick Viknes ( Enginer @ Di gi ) Kamalia Iklima Shahrom ( Jabatan Kehakiman Terengganu ) Rizan Batrisyah ( Property Concultant) Zaini Suddin ( Soundman at JAIS ) Farhana Zulkifli ( Marketing Executive ) an Muhammad Badlishah Othm ( Managing Director ) lkifli Shazreeen Zu ) zy Wardrobe az Sh r de un ( Fo lik ZulAiman Abd Ma dia ) ( Animator @ Inspe APRIL 2015 EDITION 27 28 APRIL 2015 EDITION