St Gregory Winter Newsletter 2013
St Gregory Winter Newsletter 2013
ST GR E GOR Y A L U M N I A SSOC I A T I ON - OU R 2 5 T H Y E A R ! Winter Edition January, 2013 Number 49 St. Gre go ry Sch o o l Alu m n i N e w s le tte r Hidden Accomplishments... LET’S HEAR ABOUT THE “QUIET ALUMNI” Inside this issue: INFORMATION ON ST. AIDAN’S BANQUET CENTER 8 SCHEDULE OF REUNION PLANS FOR 2013 1213 RECENT NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS 15 NEIGHBORHOOD MEMORIES ON FACEBOOK 20 MONTGOMERY FAMILY OF ST GREGORY PARISH 2223 I am certain that numerous of our Saint Gregory classmates have accomplished a lot of neat things. Many of these accomplishments will continue to remain hidden from us unless someone takes the time to make others aware of them. The “Quiet Ones”… who are they? Classmates who were not sports stars, politicians, etc. I suggest you write a letter to our newsletter staff today and let their stories be told! In this issue, I want to acknowledge one such classmate’s hidden accomplishments. See the story of inventor M a r io D e r m o on page 7. Cheers, GARY MONTGOMERY; SGH60 NEW LOCATION IS A HIT WITH MEMBERS PARISH CELEBRATES 26ALUMNI DAY EACH JUNE 27 Thank You For 25 Years Of Support. St. Aidan’s Activity Center Thank you for arranging the Memorial Mass and brunch on August 19th, 2012 at St . Aida n ’s Act ivit y Ce n t e r . The luncheon was delicious. The hall was beautifully decorated, all in red and white. Really made us think of St. Gregory’s. We are pleased that St. Aidan’s will be used for more meetings and dinners, etc. It’s a great choice. A sincere THANK YOU! MARIE (REDILLA) MILLER; SGH47 St. Aidan’s Parish Activity Center 17500 Farmington Rd, Livonia North of 6 Mile Road St. Aidan’s Hall and the food were an excellent choice for the Memorial Mass and brunch in August. CAROL (Mc DONALD) GARBACIK FOURMAN, SGH54 FLORIDA REUNION LUNCHEON DONATIONS February 16, 2013 R.S.V.P. Time is Right Now Keep Your Newsletter Coming Coming Events: Feb 16, 2013; Florida AllClass Luncheon in North Port, Florida Apr 28, 2013; Business Meeting & Luncheon at St. Aidan’s Hall, Livonia May 3, 2013; St. Gregory Night All-Class Reunion at St. Aidan’s Hall Aug 11, 2013; Memorial Mass & Brunch at St. Aidan’s Hall, Livonia Today is the time to make your reservation for our Florida event in mid-February, our luncheon at the Olde World Restaurant in Northport, hosted by the Boucher family. While our numbers are beginning to decline, we are still getting a good turnout. We depend on your support, Florida people, to keep this event going. Contact I da Plu m e r now with your reservation. We need a headcount to arrange seating and the buffet meal in advance. See the details on Page 12. Thank you for supporting this newsletter and the work of your St. Gregory Alumni Association. Your donation keeps us in business and in touch with you. Please donate today. S. G. A. A. S.G.A.A. - CELEBRATING TWENTY- FIVE YEARS - 1989 to 2013 Mariann C. Tymn, M.A. Janice McNulty Counseling & Psychotherapy SGH60 Individuals, Couples, Children, Families Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist San Jose, CA 408-666-4887 Insurance Agent SGH68 FARMERS Auto * Home * Life * Business 7231 Cooley Lake Rd, W. Bloomfield (248) 363-8377 John D. Dingell VA Medical Center 4646 John R Street, Detroit MI 48201 Pharmacy SGH63 FRENCH’S FLOWERS & GIFTS, INC 33885 W Five Mile Road, Livonia MI 48154 (734) 427-7820 JUDIE NAGY SGH58 LEIGH PISTOLESI Michael J. Maher, M.A., R.Ph Chief, Pharmaceutical Distribution Section (313) 576-1000 x4614 Reagan Appointee 1986 SGH45 SGH60 REALTOR Graduate, REALTOR Institute EMERY@EVIAZANKO.COM 239.292.2771 BARBARA K. HACKETT Judge (Retired) United States District Court, Eastern District of Michigan 5120 Pinewood Dr Tel (810) 229-9990 Brighton MI 48116 Fax (810) 229-9929 SGH47 Emery Viazanko, P.A. SAND CASTLE REALTY GROUP , INC. Naples, Florida; Office Phone 239.594.2170 (248) 347-7744 Linda D. Bernard J.D., LL.M. and Associates Attorneys and Counselors MONTE COSTELLA & CO. Masonry Contractors Sharon E. Bernard Esq. 25005 Trans X Drive Novi MI 48375 FRANCIS COSTELLA, CEO Attorney and Banker (retired) SGH60 Delano Valenti 16160 Chapel St, Suite 419 Detroit MI 48219 (313) 520-8380 B. I. A. (734) 525-5231 BENCIVENGA INSURANCE AGENCY INC. BUSINESS * AUTO * HOME * LIFE * HEALTH 5651 Middlebelt Garden City MI 48135 Ph: (248) 644-9122 Email: 30555 Southfield Rd, Suite 170, Southfield MI 48076 Carolyn (Jaros) Perry Independent Beauty Consultant PEDRO G. NIETO Spring Hill, Florida (352) 238-4811 Attorney At Law Bank of America Building 220 E. Main, Suite 100, Uvalde TX 78801 John Bernard (830) 278-9106 SGH70 Mike McKendry MorganStanley SmithBarney Senior Vice President Financial Advisor 40701 Woodward Ave, Suite 200 Bloomfield Hills, MI 48304 (248) 723-1806 Michael F. Cairns President SGH58 SGH68 MARY KAY SGH60 MARY ANN BENCIVENGA SGH65 REALTOR MICHAEL SAUNDERS & COMPANY 8660 South Tamiami Trail, Sarasota FL 34238 (941) 966-8000 E-Mail: SGH63 Contact S.G.A.A. About Advertising Your Business Here! Payroll Consultant (Over 25 years experience) Ph (772) 473-2738 “We can save you time and money” 2 Notes from Friends The St. Gregory Experience “Keeping the Spirit Alive” JOANNE (NEHS) PROGAR, SGH61; Michigan Five of us 1961grads went down to the IHM Motherhouse for Sr. Annette St. Amour’s 50th anniversary in the IHM Community. We had a party and Mass. What a great day it was for her and us! Also, it was over 100 degrees outside and air conditioned inside. What a blessing! We had an enjoyable time. IDA (D’ANGELO) PLUMER, SGH57; Indiana My mother, MaryAnn D’Angelo, will be 100-yearsyoung in March of 2013. She lives on her own and takes the bus to get her shopping done. Here is my mother in a five-generation picture taken recently. ROSEMARIE “RAINBOW BEAR” MOHR, SGH69; Florida I lived at 14851 Turner, between Eaton and Chalfonte, with my two older sisters, Catherine Mohr SGH63 and Trudy Mohr SGH59. I remember walking to Butzel Field (Lyndon & Meyers) to the pool during the summer and ice skating during the winter; and the roller rink up Grand River at Greenfield; zipping around the corner to Sanders for a milkshake and a “Bumpy Cake” to take home on special occasions! SHARON (JONES) COLLINS, SGH56; Michigan I so enjoy reading the newsletter. Enclosed is a picture of our Class of 1956 “Class Picnic” in the Spring of 1956. I am going to try to attend the Mass and brunch event. Hope to see you all. Sitting on the bench, from left: Sharon O’Rourke, Gloria Justin, Barbara Wilson, Gwen Gerada. In the middle? 3 The St. Gregory Experience “Keeping the Spirit Alive” In The News DETROIT’S MONSIGNOR JEFFREY MONFORTON Appointed Bishop of Steubenville Diocese Archdiocese of Detroit priest M on sign or Je ffr e y M on for t on was appointed by Pope Be n e dict XVI as bishop of the Diocese of Steubenville, Ohio. Ordained a priest in 1994, Bishop Monforton has served as pastor of St. Therese of Lisieux Parish, Shelby Township, and as an associate/weekend assistant pastor at the National Shrine of the Little Flower Parish, Royal Oak; St. Paul on the Lake Parish, Grosse Pointe Farms; and St. Jane Chantal Parish, Sterling Heights. From 1998 through 2005, he served as priest-secretary to Cardinal Adam Maida. He recently completed six years as rector-president of Sacred Heart Major Seminary in Detroit, and has been serving as pastor of St. Andrew Parish in Rochester since early May, 2012. The Most Reverend “I thought you would like to see a photo from my son’s Installation Mass in Sep- Jeffrey Marc Monforton tember. It was a beautiful ceremony. Many of my St. Gregory classmates from the Class of 1959 attended the two-day celebration in Steubenville, Ohio. Many priests from Detroit were here too for this big event”. GINNY (ACKERMAN) MONFORTON, SGH59; Michigan GERSHWIN DRAIN ASSUMES NEW ROLE U. S. District Court Bench Former Wayne County Circuit Judge Ge r sh w in D r a in , St . Gr e gor y H igh Cla ss of 1 9 6 6 , was sworn in Friday to the federal bench in Detroit. U.S. Appeals Court Judge Damon J. Keith conducted the ceremony. Pr e side n t Ba r a ck Oba m a nominated Gershwin to the bench in November, 2011. The U.S. Senate confirmed his seat in August, 2012. He had served as a judge on the Wayne Circuit Court in the civil and criminal divisions since 1997. He was also a judge on Detroit Recorder’s Court from 1987-97. He worked as an attorney in the Federal Defender Office in Detroit from 1974-86 and was counsel for Detroit’s Transportation Department and a law clerk for the Third Circuit Court. Gershwin’s parents may have believed that naming him after famous composers would give him a creative, musical bent, but he found the small Catholic high school he attended in Detroit gave him an early opportunity to shine both academically and athletically as he moved toward that goal. “The city of my childhood had a lot of small Catholic schools,” Drain says, “Students had opportunities we might not have had at a large public school. I’m not a great athlete, but I did real well in the small environment of St. Gregory. We were Class C, and that meant you could play all the sports… football, basketball, track. That led to additional opportunities. For example, I was able to get a football scholarship to Western Michigan University. That scholarship might not have come if I hadn’t been able to stand out in the smaller environment.” MEREDITH DRAIN HOLDS THE BIBLE He also found himself thrust into leadership roles in a school where everybody knew everybody. “I was also president of my senior class. In a different environment with a bigger class, that might not have happened either.” A confirmed family man, Gershwin is proud that both daughters are now successful attorneys. 4 GERSHWIN’S MOTHER MEETS CARL LEVIN Notes from Friends The St. Gregory Experience “Keeping the Spirit Alive” PATRICIA (CASWELL) DRINKWATER, SGH46; California Living on Tuller, I walked up Chalfonte, meeting other students on our way to St. Gregory’s. Always a crossing guard when we came to Livernois; by the time we reached school, we were quite a group. We loved Scotty’s Fish & Chips. My first job was Kresges and later at the soda fountain in Cunningham’s, then the bakery in A&P. I found my ration book, issued during WWII with stamps still inside! So many memories. Thanks to the Nuns, I’m much smarter. Thanks to you for the newsletter. I look forward to reading it. ANNETTE (PATRELLO) QUILLAN, MERCY66; Michigan I just want everyone to know, that I drove down from Ludington with a friend for the special St. Gregory Alumni Mass on June 17, 2012. We were very impressed with the friendliness of the people, the service and the church. I took lots of pictures. I could not believe the confessionals were still there! Some of the communion rail is still there, and the black chalkboards in the classrooms too! I am very happy I went. I attended St. Gregory’s from 1952 to 1958, then we moved and I graduated from Mercy in 1966. DOLORES (DUROCHER) LALLMANN, SGH54; Florida IF YOU LIVED OR GREW UP NEAR LIVERNOIS AND FENKELL (Facebook Page) So nice to see this Facebook page and remember all the fun times we had with the kids our own age—no trouble, just fun times. We had to go in when the street lights went on— weren’t too happy. I did a lot of babysitting on Monica for the Goldmans and Teautonts, until I was old enough to work at Kresge’s on Livernois. S.S. KRESGE & COMPANY FRED Mc EVOY, SMR57; Michigan Re: St. Gregory Alumni Day, June 17, 2012 I had a great time reliving lots of old, but extremely happy memories on Alumni Day at St. Gregory’s. I just went to St. Gregory School until the end of the fifth grade. My family moved FAR west to the “other” great IHM school, St. Mary’s of Redford, where I graduated in 1957. We remained fierce, but friendly, athletic competitors. It was good to see and recognize some of the faces in the crowd. MARIE (MULLAN) TOMAKOWSKI, SGH44; Michigan Thanks for all the great reading and for the dedication you volunteers give to the St. Gregory Newsletter. My donation is in memory of my husband, Joseph Tomakowski, who passed away on August 1, 2012. We were married for 62 years. 5 MEMORIAL MASS & BRUNCH AUGUST 18, 2012 This was our first event at St . Aida n’s Com m unit y Ce nt e r and what a big hit it was, with our alumni. The hall was decorated in our Cherokee colors; from the class pictures and pennants on the walls, from the nametags and balloons and table decorations, it was a sea of red and white. We celebrated our Alumni Memorial Mass with Father Joe Rom a no, remembering the seventy-two classmates, family and friends who have died in the past year. Cla ssic Ca t e r ing prepared a delicious buffet luncheon. Jim Winowiecki and his crew deserve a big thank you! We didn’t hear any complaints from the 150 alumni and friends. We welcomed the families of our deceased members; the 13 Malloy’s, in memory of Pa ule t t e Ca dy; the 13 Cronenwett’s, in memory of Ge ra ldine M e na rd; and the five Welch’s, in memory of Ray Welch. Thank you to the many volunteers who made this event possible; Jeanne Nadler Mary Hartmus Peg Elwarner Ginny Monforton Mike Morrison Jan Boddy Joe Gamache Hope we didn’t miss anyone! We look forward to seeing you at our 2013 events at St. Aidan’s; our St. Gregory Night on May 3rd and our Memorial Mass & Brunch on August 11, 2013. Ward Case, SGH63 6 Notes from Friends The St. Gregory Experience “Keeping the Spirit Alive” AL CARTIER… Spouse of JANET (WILHELM) CARTIER, SGH53; Michigan Re: St. Gregory Parish “Alumni Day”, June, 2012 Janet and I attended the St. Gregory Alumni Mass on Fathers’ Day 2012 at St. Gregory Church. After Mass, there was a reception and tours of the school and gym and the church. The Mass was fascinating as it was heavily loaded with singing from the choir and soloists. Janet and I ended up in a pew next to a man and woman who lived at the end of Janet’s street (back in the day). They knew her and her family and so it was quite good for Janet. She had a great time and truly wants to go back from time to time as the whole experience was really rewarding to her and to me, frankly. No dull sermons, vibrant singing and great fellowship. MARIO DERMO, SGH60—INVENTOR I would like to acknowledge a classmate with “hidden accomplishments. Mario Dermo, Class of 1960, has spent years quietly perfecting a couple of his inventions and has recently been granted U.S. patents for them. When you have a chance, Google “Mario Dermo, Michigan” and you will find that Google’s response of “Inventor Mario Dermo” living in Warren, Michigan is indeed our beloved classmate. We are all aware that anyone can find complicated expensive solutions to problems. Mario’s inventions are simple, inexpensive, practical solutions to everyday problems. I guess his next challenge will be finding a way of getting his patented inventions to market. With the right marketing partner, perhaps someday we may all be saying, “I remember famous Mario when he used to sleep through religion class at good old St. Gregory’s!” Gary Montgomery, SGH60; Michigan ELIZABETH (ALLEN) BRADLEY, SGH58; Michigan Thanks for all the work you do. I’m sure it can be daunting at times. I am enclosing a check for a baseball cap. REUNION IN CASA GRANDE, AZ—JAN. 2012 WARD CASE, RUTH ANN McGEARY, MRS VENDRAMINI, JOANN VENDRAMINI, AND BETSY CRONENWETT MARY JO CHARNLEY, BARB WIERZBICKI, JANE BRENNAN, LYNDA GRAFF, AND JOE WIERZBICKI SUNDAY MASS AT ST GREGORY, MAY 6, 2012 New St. Gregory “Cherokees” Pennant Our new, red and white St. Gregory Pennant is bright and colorful and 10-inches long. Just the right size for your wall. We have just 100 pennants left, for the first 100 alumni to send a donation in 2013. Yours For A Donation—Just 100 Left 7 IMPORTANT NEWS FOR ALL ALUMNI! St. Gregory All- Class Reunions Will Now be Held at: ST. AIDAN PARISH ACTIVITY CENTER 17500 FARMINGTON RD, LIVONIA What’s going on? Why have we relocated after 32 years? Our numbers are shrinking—we get around 200 on St. Gregory Night, vs. 600 in the early days The August Mass and Brunch draw around 150 alumni and friends. Reunions are getting more expensive; we had to find a location which we all could afford Why did we choose St. Aidan’s Activity Center? We toured the hall and spoke to the management, and we are very happy with the facility. It’s a great location and we’re still on Farmington Road; just one mile further south. The parish charges a nominal rental fee to groups like ours, and we can afford it. Parking is close to the main door! This is good! Jim Winowiecki’s Classic Catering operates the activity center which is actually a beautiful banquet hall. Two smaller rooms adjacent to the main hall are available for individual class reunions; just phone Jim. The hall has a dance floor and permanent stage, and a surrounding carpeted area. The bar is a separate room, off the main hall. We like the menu, and the price list. Check out the Classic Catering website for info and photos; 8 MILE RD Contact Jim Winowiecki to reserve one of the smaller banquet rooms for your class reunion on MAY 3, 2013, AUGUST 11, 2013, OR ANYTIME! FARMINGTON RD CLASSIC CATERING of the Shores Jim Winowiecki (586) 596-7002 Email: ST. AIDAN’S ACTIVITY CENTER, LIVONIA FARMINGTON RD 7 MILE RD 6 MILE RD ST. AIDAN’S ACTIVITY CENTER, 17500 FARMINGTON RD 8 ST. GREGORY NIGHT—ALL CLASS REUNION MAY 3, 2013 FRIDAY, MAY 3, 2013 “OUR NEW LOCATION” ST. AIDAN’S PARISH ACTIVITY CENTER 17500 FARMINGTON RD, LIVONIA (north of Six Mile Rd) Time: 6:00pm to Midnight Tables Reserved for All SGH Classes Date: Friday, May 3, 2013 Chips, Pretzels & Petite Desserts Included Cost: $5.00—pay at the door No Dinners Served Program: DJ—Soft Music by Eric Cash Bar Door Prizes Class Photos Taken ?? Bringing a Large Group? Let Us Know. Convenient Parking at the Door St. Aidan’s Hall and the food were an excellent choice for the Memorial Mass and brunch in August. We had a great time, even though I was the only one representing the Class of 1954. I did graduate that year, but from St. Mary’s Commercial H.S. in Greektown, Detroit. But I loved my ten years at St. Gregory and am indebted to the priests and nuns who gave us a super foundation and faith to succeed in this world. CAROL (Mc DONALD) GARBACIK FOURMAN, SGH54 9 Francis Gamache SGH49; Beloved Brother Joe & Pauline Gamache SGH47/47 Anthony Ditzhazy SGH57; In Loving Memory Dolores (Cobb) Ditzhazy SGH57 George Welch SGH35; Beloved Brother of John Welch SGH42 Tom York SGH62; In Loving Memory, from Carol (Menosky) Kelley, SGH62 Harry, Eulalia, Ray Connelly Beloved Family of Louise, Margo, Jim, Jerry, Janice, Rich Lindy Charnley & Doug Gowen SGH60; From The Charnley Family In Memory—Classes of ‘60 & ‘61 Deceased Members; from JoAnne(Nehs) & Phil Progar, Maureen (Bailey) Culp In Loving Memory, from Tom, Mike, Suzy and Patty In Memory—Class of 1953 From Jim O’Kelly SGH53 Marilyn & Ted King, Marilyn (King) Brodie SGH53 Beloved Family of Barb (King) Gallinot Janice E. Harmon SGH68; Beloved Sister of Phil ‘67, Rik ‘71, Ginny ‘69, Diane ‘72 Gerri (Paris) Leger SGH40; Beloved Mother Anne Leger SGH66 Marian Anita (Kenny) Robinson SGH46; Beloved Mother of Lisa Anderson In Memory—Class of 1945 Deceased Members; From Dan Heffernan SGH45 Danny Toal From Bill Whistle Susan (Redpath) Bown SGH54; Beloved Wife of Ed Bown SGH54 Dorothy (Bar) Cronenwett SGH63, Beloved Wife of Leo Cronenwett SGH62 Timothy Kozlowski 50th Anniversary of His Death; From Barb (Charnley) & David Kozlowski Lorraine (Brodie) Hudzik SGH51; Beloved Sister/Best Friend of Sally (Brodie) Zevchak SGH53 Dave Strauss SGH55; Beloved Brother of John SGH50 and Martine SGH58 Anselmo & Valerie Morro Beloved Parents of Ray SGH53, Nancy SGH58, Joanne 66 Ruth Ann & Barbara Fish SGH60/63; Forever In My Heart. Leo Cronenwett, SGH62 Mary Edna Baldwin SGH46; Beloved Sister of Msgr Edward Baldwin SGH47 Class of 1949 In Loving Memory, from Florence (Mattes) Rader SGH49 Tom Watters SGH60; Beloved Husband of Jane (Brennan) Watters SGH62 Busty & Vincenza Randazzo Beloved Parents of Joe & Mary Mary (Randazzo) Hartmus SGH61 In Memory—Class of 1958 Deceased Members; From Larry Danna SGH58 Val &L Eleanor Weakland Beloved Parents; From Pat, Peggy & Mary Jane In Memory—Class of 1942 From Mary Ellen (Schmitt) Viau SGH42 Martha Cessante & John Ardley From Elaine (Cieslak) Jarzabek SGH62 Brian Dacey SGH58; In Loving Memory, from Patricia (Barry) Dacey, SGH58 In Memory—Class of 1947 From Marie (Cassabon) Lilley SGH47 Bill, Alvin, Tom, Frank Hughes Beloved Family of Mary (Sporman) Hughes SGH44 Ann Burke & Jayne Pfeiffer Mills In Loving Memory, from Bob Burke SGH44 George H & John Barbour Joseph Charnley, Marie Goddard From The Charnley Family Marlene Dingman SGH51; Beloved Sister of Avery Dingman SGH56 In Memory—Class of 1948 Deceased Members; from William Lawson, SGH48 Geralyn Brown Beloved Sister of Ron, Judy, Denny, Marina, Patricia Diana & William Guindon Beloved Parents; from Marlene SGH65, Carol SGH63 10 Notes from Friends The St. Gregory Experience “Keeping the Spirit Alive” BOY SCOUT TROOP 194; 90- YEAR REUNION IN 2012 By Larry Zettel, BSA 194 Alumni; Iowa As I was driving the 500 miles from Mackinaw City back to Dubuque, I spent a good deal of time reflecting on the just concluded Troop 194 Reunion. It was one of the most enjoyable series of days that I have had in a long time. Those of you who were unable to participate, missed a great experience. There are many people who I want to thank for their efforts in making the event a success. John Knorp and his wife Pat Knorp; John has been the driving force behind all of our reunions. Pat’s selection of valuable raffle prizes provided enjoyment for all of us. The Alumni Committee; They thought of all the details of the events, making sure that everything turned out as planned. Tom Brand and the Barracks Cook Staff; The meals which they provided, ending with the home- GREANY GROVE made apple pie, were out of this world. It provided the perfect setting for recalling and reliving such Mackinac Island pleasant old times. In Honor of Major Pat McCourt; He was a worthy and I hope willing foil for our political by-play. I know he is committed to serving others and I can see him as chairman of the Florida Chapter of Former Scouts for Obama. William Greany Troop 194 Scoutmaster 1923-1970 On a personal note, everyone who helped accommodate my limited mobility. I am especially grateful to John Knorp and Jerry Kilar who, when I was unsure if I could participate on the island, encouraged me to attend. Finally, all of my “194” scouting friends; those who were able to participate either at Monaghan or on Mackinac Island, but also to others. As many of us looked back on our times in “194”, we reflected on the effect they have had on the rest of our lives. I think all of us, and especially myself, are grateful for it. While it is dangerous for people in our demographic group to buy green bananas, I look forward to the reunion celebrating 95 years of Troop 194, and yes, even the centennial celebration in ten years. If I am not there, I hope somebody will remember to mention my name at an Inspiration Point ceremony in 2022. Our Newsletter is Reader- Written It’s true, your St. Gregory friends have written this newsletter. Will you contribute to the next edition? How about a note, a photo, and maybe your family story? Send us a memory of St. Gregory’s and maybe an old photo to go with it. Contact us with your idea, and let’s talk about it. Ward Case (623) 760-7167; ST. GREGORY BASEBALL CAPS Order Yours Today! The newly designed, red and white St. Gregory baseball caps are on sale now. The logo and lettering were designed by Larry Brady SGH67 and his former classmates, and they did a great job! It’s 100% cotton and one size fits all. St. Gregory Night was a sea of red hats! So far, we have sold 142. Get your order in now, while our supply lasts! Send your check for $20 in the enclosed envelope. 11 The St. Gregory Experience “Keeping the Spirit Alive” 2013 Calendar BUSINESS LUNCHEON MEETING FLORIDA REUNION LUNCHEON APRIL 28, 2013 Time: 1:00 pm Date: SUNDAY, April 28, 2013 Location: St. Aidan’s Parish Hall All Alumni are Invited Alumni Plans will be Discussed $10 Donation Requested for the Luncheon FEBRUARY 16, 2013 12:00 Noon Saturday, February 16, 2013 Olde World Restaurant on US41, Northport FL All Alumni are Invited—All Grads and Friends Send us the reservation postcard in the Winter Newsletter or phone or email Ida Plumer, for reservations: Ida Plumer (317) 845-8713 Our 14th annual Florida Reunion Luncheon is almost here. If you are going to be in the Sunshine State in February, put this event on your calendar and let us know! RSVP by 2/12: Send us the reservation postcard in the Winter/ January newsletter, phone or email Ida Plumer. We encourage Alumni from each graduating class to join us for this 1-hour meeting and luncheon which takes place just once each year. We will be making plans for our coming events and our newsletter too. Reservations are required so that we can plan the luncheon. Call or e-mail us by 4/22 for reservations at: Phone: (623) 760-7167 Email: MEMORIAL MASS & BRUNCH “CELEBRATION OF LIFE” ST. GREGORY NIGHT ALL- CLASS PARTY AUGUST 11, 2013 When: 11:00 am, Sunday, Aug 11th Where: St. Aidan’s Parish Hall Memorial Mass at 11:00 am, then Brunch is still just $20.00 at the door Open to all Alumni, Friends and Family Reserved seating—so please RSVP Reservation deadline August 5th. RSVP by phone, email or use postcard in the Summer/July 2013 edition of the newsletter. MAY 3, 2013 Time: 6:00 pm to Midnight Date: Friday, May 3, 2013 NEW Location: St. Aidan’s Parish Hall, located at 17500 Farmington Rd, north of 6 Mile Rd Cost: $5.00 at the door Cash Bar, Soft Music from our DJ, Door Prizes Tables Reserved for All Classes Chips, Pretzels, Petite Desserts Included Featuring anniversary Classes; 1933, 1938, 1943, 1948, 1953, 1958, 1963, 1968 Our St. Gregory Mass and Brunch at St. Aidan’s is open to all alumni, family and friends. Reservations are required so that we can plan the seating and make arrangements for the meal. RSVP by 8/5: Send us the reservation postcard in this newsletter, or call: (623) 760-7167 or email to Our St. Gregory Night has a new location! St. Aidan’s Parish Hall, 17500 Farmington Rd. Tables are reserved for each class. Let us know in advance if you have a large group and require additional tables. Who will be there? You never know from year to year—but there’s always someone from your class—looking for you! 12 The St. Gregory Experience “Keeping the Spirit Alive” Class Reunion News CLASS OF 1949—GIRLS’ CLUB LUNCHEON—Dec 3, 2013 The annual Christmas Luncheon for “All Girls of Class of 1949” will be held at Rocky’s Restaurant, 41122 W. 7 Mile Rd (west of Haggerty) at 11:30 am, on December 3, 2013. For information and reservations, please contact: Mary Baker (248) 380-3066 Jean Radke (248) 348-1577 Evelyn Renault (248) 349-6189 2013 ALL- CLASS EVENTS FEB 16, 2013 CLASS OF 1948—65th Anniversary Reunion—Aug 11, 2013 Let’s meet on Sunday morning, August 11th, for Mass and brunch. We will have tables reserved at St. Aidan’s Hall in Livonia. This is the all-class reunion event, and they have invited us to join them as we celebrate our 65th anniversary. For reservations, use the postcard which will be in the July, 2013 newsletter, or call the phone number listed there. FLORIDA ALL- CLASS REUNION LUNCHEON IN NORTH PORT APRIL 28, 2013 CLASS OF 1953—60th Anniversary Reunion—Aug 11, 2013 Let’s meet on Sunday morning, August 11th, for Mass and brunch. We will have tables reserved at St. Aidan’s Hall in Livonia. This is the all-class reunion event, and they have invited us to join them as we celebrate our 60th anniversary. For reservations, use the postcard which will be in the July, 2013 newsletter, or call the phone number listed there. CLASS OF 1953—MEN’S CLUB BI- MONTHLY LUNCHEON The guys from the Class of 1953 meet every other month for lunch and we’re looking for new members—a few good men– to join us. We’re on a mission to visit all the old places around Detroit; Ivanhoe’s, Duggan’s, Dakota Inn, etc. Jim O’Kelly at (248) 363-8871; Email: CLASS OF 1958—55th Anniversary Reunion—Sep 14, 2013 We will be having a casual get-together on Saturday, September 14, 2013, for lunch and an afternoon of renewing our special high school acquaintances. More information will be mailed to everyone in the next few months. Judie (Bernick) Nagy; email: ALUMNI BUSINESS LUNCHEON MEETING AT ST. AIDAN’S MAY 3, 2013 ST. GREGORY NIGHT AT ST AIDAN’S ACTIVITY CENTER LIVONIA JUNE 9, 2013 ST. GREGORY PARISH’S ALUMNI SUNDAY & OPEN HOUSE CLASS OF 1963—50th Anniversary Reunion– Aug 10, 2013 Ok class, attention please. Our plans are made and we expect 100% attendance— AUGUST 11, 2013 for the first time in fifty years! Let’s meet on Saturday afternoon, August 10, 2013 at MEMORIAL MASS Karl’s Cabin in Plymouth. We have the banquet room reserved, 1-5pm. So far we AND BRUNCH AT have 33 people coming. Phone or email Betsy to make your reservation. ST AIDAN’S Betsy Rosinski; (734) 634-3488 or email: CLASS OF 1968—45th Anniversary Reunion in 2013 Our committee is meeting soon, and we will be in touch with everyone. Ron Waring; email ACTIVITY CENTER 17500 Farmington Livonia SEE PAGE 12 FOR DETAILS 13 In Memory—Class of 1952 From Paul Staffeld SGH52 In Memory– Classes of ‘42 & ‘46 In Loving Memory Pat (Connelly) & John Mulville Peter J. & Edgar Caswell SGH41; Beloved Family, from Pat (Caswell) Drinkwater SGH46 Evelyn (Cassabon) Phelps SGH42; Beloved Sister, from Wilfred Cassabon, SGH45 The Copperstone Family Deceased Members From Linda (Copperstone) Thomas The Milko Famiy—In Memory From Margaret (Milko) Walsh, SGH52 Carolyn (Hatherly) Jacques SGH52; Beloved Wife of Jay Jacques Arnold, Sadie, Joan Dwyer Beloved Family; From Pat, Helen, Maryann, Sonny Riley In Honor of Class of1958 From Jim Connelly SGH58 Dr. Jeffrey Kulpa SGH66; Beloved Brother of Jim and Mike Kulpa, SGH66, SGH64 Gilmartin Family In Loving Memory, from David Gilmartin SGH49 Charles Gleeson SGH53; In Loving memory, from Delano Valenti, SGH54 Jerry Radke SGH49; Beloved Husband of Jean (DiMascio) Radke SGH49 Class of 1962—Deceased Members In Loving Memory Don Orr, SGH62 Bernard Garbacik SGJ53; From Carol (McDonald) Garbacik SGH54 William, Lois & Michael Boddy SGH40, SGH42, SGH67; LovingFamily Sue & Jan Boddy, SGH66 & SGH63 Charles A. & Virginia Hogan Beloved Parents of Cheryl A. (Hogan) Coffey SGH64 Jayne (Carriveau) Trear SGH42; Beloved Sister of Cecelia (Carriveau) Thomas SGH40 Mary & Yvonne Fava Beloved Mother and Sister of Violet (Fava) Hylton SGH51 Ambrose & Dorothy Brown Beloved Parents of Ron, Judy, Marina, Dennis, Pat Harry, Eulalia, Robert Connelly Remembered and Loved by Louise,Margaret,Jim,Jerry,Janice,Rich Anne Cocozzoli SGH41; In Loving Memory, Best Friend Cecelia (Carriveau) Thomas SGH40 Claire Avery SGH51; Lifetime Friend; From Larry Dingman, SGH51 John, Mary, Kay, Vince, John, Larry Beloved Family of Bernard J Henehan SGH48 Dick Miller SGH45; Beloved Husband of Marie (Redilla) Miller SGH47 Fred & Adele Kociemba Beloved Parents; From Jackie, Pam, Marsha and Denise Menosky & Gilardone Families In Loving Memory, from Janet (Menosky) Gilardone SGH55 Corinne & Marie Mayotte SGH43 & 49; Beloved Sisters of Jeanne (Mayotte) Matuska SGH45 Charles and Dorothy Lapko Beloved Parents of Gene SGH65, Chris SGH67, Sandy Rita & Joe Gallagher Beloved Parents of Leonard, Evelyn, John, Dorothy CLASS OF 1962 In Loving Memory, from Geri (Poniatowski) Hansen, SGH62 Kathryn (Ackerman) Morin SGH47; Beloved Husband of Leo Morin SGH46 Bill Carron SGH70; Beloved Brother Jim & Maureen (Maher) Carron SGH67 Bill Kosco & Ron Bo SGH58/58; Old Friends; From Jim Connelly, SGH58 Frederick & Edward Malloy SGH43/SGH44; Beloved Brothers of Therese & Maureen SGH52/SGH54 Bill McKendry SGH47; In Loving Memory, from Esther (Garbacik) McKendry SGH48 Phyllis Patricia Macay Beloved Daughter; From Pat (Caswell) Drinkwater, SGH46 Lawrence & Anne Malloy Beloved Parents of Therese & Maureen SGH52/SGH54 Connie MacDonald & Armand Russo SGH45, SGH42; From Angus Mac Donald 14 The St. Gregory Experience “Keeping the Spirit Alive” Neighborhood News BISHOP MICHAEL J. GALLAGHER SOCIETY—AWARDS DINNER The Bishop Michael J. Gallagher Society is a group dedicated to the collection and preservation of Detroit Catholic school history. Named in honor of Detroit’s “Building Bishop” of the 1920s and 30s, the Society held its second annual awards dinner on November 8, 2012 at the Academy of the Sacred Heart in Bloomfield Hills. The event began with a concelebrated Mass in the school chapel, followed by dinner and the awards program. St. Casimer High School, Harper Woods Notre Dame High School and Redford Our Lady of Loretto were honored. The evening’s keynote speaker was US District Court Judge Gershwin Drain, a graduate of St. Gregory High School, Class of 1966, and Mike Duggan, a Detroit Catholic Central graduate and currently the CEO of the Detroit Medical Center. There were presentations recognizing contributions to Catholic education and historic preservation in the Detroit area. The 2012 honorees included: Sr. Joan Charnley, a graduate of St. Gregory High School and former principal at Marian and Bishop Borgess; Tom Coyne, longtime teacher and coach at U of D Jesuit; and Tom Wozniak, whose websites preserve the history of St. Casimir Parish and its schools and St. John Cantius. The Bishop Gallagher Society website gathers and publishes the history of Detroit area Catholic schools, both open and closed. It is a long term project. All contributions of photographs, historical information and stories are welcome. We hope to unearth the rich history of our Catholic schools, much of which is in the attics and basements of alumni. This heritage should be preserved and celebrated. (NOTE: Our St. Gregory Alumni Association has submitted a copy of our History of St. Gregory to the Bishop Gallagher Society. Ward Case) MUMFORD AND REDFORD H.S. DEMOLISHED The demolition of Mumford High School (240,000 square feet) and Redford High School took place this past summer. This is a picture of the old Mumford High. It was replaced by a new, $52.1 million facility which opened in September, on Wyoming Avenue. Redford High, which had been a fixture on Grand River for more than 80 years, will be replaced by a Meijer Store. FORMER SANDERS CANDY PLANT DESTROYED BY FIRE While Sanders Candy, a Michigan brand with a 137-year legacy, left their former Highland Park Headquarters in 1994, the blaze that engulfed the historic building still struck employees and fans of the chocolatiers. In its heyday, about 300 of the company’s 1,000 employees worked at the plant. Sanders, whose products are now made by Morley Candy Company, made everything from hot fudge to sandwiches at the Highland Park plant from 1941 to 1994. CAMPUS BALLROOM SIGN COULD BE A PRIZE! Ernie D’s Campus Ballroom used to be quite the spot, back in the day. Today the building still stands at 4100 Fenkell. Most of the windows are boarded and it was sold at tax auction recently for $19,600. What remains is the sign. What a prize that would be! We are hoping that someone will read this, contact the new owner and make arrangements to get the sign for S.G.A.A. reunions. 15 In Honor of The Flesher Family Jean Isabel Flesher SGH48 Eileen & Tony Ovington Beloved Parents of Ron, Pat, Harold, Jerry Ida Wixson SGH64; My Dearest Friend; Maureen (Butler) Frahm SGH65 Marie Billie Orr Beloved Mother of Don Orr SGH62 The McGrath Family—In Memory Beloved Family of James McGrath SGH49 Julius & Sophia Brodie Beloved Parents of Sally (Brodie) Zevchak SGH53 Mary Ellen & Kathryn Ackerman Beloved Sisters of Virginia (Ackerman) Monforton SGH59 Anne & Ralph Pion In Loving Memory; Parents of Joanne (Pion) Cain SGh61 Paulette (Cady) Malloy Nelson SGH64; Beloved Friend of 50 Years Ward Case SGH63 In Memory of The Class of 1966 Vincent Cessante SGH66 Viau & Schmitt Families In Loving Memory, from Mary Ellen (Schmitt) Viau SGH42 The Mc Namara Family Deceased Members Margaret (McNamara) Desmond SGH59 Pat Bradford & Gloria Leflar Dewolf In Loving Memory, from Jim & Nancy (Bradford) Leflar SGH52 The Mc Kendry Family Deceased Members MaryMargaret (McKendry)Ross SGH49 Sr. Vita Marie, IHM In Loving Memory, from Ernie & Judy McLaughlin SGH59/59 In Honor of Classmates Paul & Casper, of WWII Arthur Horvat SGH40 Colletta & Joe Snyder In Loving Memory, from Sally (Snyder) Durzo SGH54 Geraldine (Cronenwett) Menard Beloved Mother Betsy (Croninwett) Rosinski SGH63 Kozlowski & Charnley Families In Honor of Deceased Members, from Barb & Dave Kozlowski SGH65/65 Dr. Jeff Kulpa SGH66; Beloved Brother of Jim and Mike SGH66/64 Mickey (Dwyer) Wilhelm SGH49; Beloved Sister of Alan & Jerry, SGh51/54 Harold, Gerald, Pat Merritt Beloved Brothers and Sister of Donald Merritt SGH46 Donna (Haddock) Burk SGH46; In Loving Memory, from Robert Burk46 Michael Tuohy Beloved Brother of Helen, Theresa, and James Jeanne Crowe SGH63; Beloved Sister & Best Friend Sharon (Crowe) Hicks SGH59 Mike Tuohy In Loving Memory, from Bill Whistle Joe Stella Beloved Friend of Cornel Peleo SGH44 Nagel Family In Loving Memory, from Bob, Donna, Joanne, Jane, Jim Henry Argenta SGH55; In Loving Memory, from Elizabeth (Argenta) Passarelli SGH55 Class of 1960 In Loving Memory, from Jackie (Meyers) Green SGH60 Kosco Family In Loving Memory, from Donna (Strey) Kosco SGH58 Victor, Yvonne, and Ray Gleeson Beloved Parents and Brother of Rita (Gleeson) Goodrow SGH59 In Memory of 1943 Classmates “OH, WHAT MEMORIES!” Rita (Hastings) Orlowski SGH43 Casmer & Lillian Juszczyk Beloved Parents of Casmer, Shirley, Don, Dorothy Arnold, Sadie and Joan Riley Beloved Parents and Sister of Pat, Helen, Sonn, Maryann Walter,Julia, and Irene Mattes Beloved Parents & Sister of Florence (Mattes) Rader SGH49 Paulette LeDuc SGH65; Beloved Sister of Suzanne (LeDuc) Serra SGH63 Neil Haggerty SGH48; In Loving Memory, from Kay (Mulligan) Haggerty SGH50 16 Robert Thomas Connelly “His Life Was Short, But We Remember” Louise, Margo, and Jim Class of 1963’s 50- Year Reunion—Coming August 10, 2013 Class Officers: President Vice President Secretary Treasurer Ron Boucher Jean Lippe Liz Reilly Frank Dattilo Student Council President Dean Valovich Pastor Assistants Msgr Frank A Pokriefka Rev Joseph Rettig Rev James Bullion Rev Berkenbosch Principal Head Coach Assistant Mother Marmion, IHM Desmond Sheedy Bernie Holowicki Pope John XXIII U.S. President Vice President John F. Kennedy Lyndon B. Johnson “Announcing the 50-year reunion luncheon party for St. Gregory’s Class of 1963. LIFE THEN: 3-bedroom home $14,850... New Ford $2,504… Average income $6,249… Gallon of gas $0.30… Minimum wage $1.25 hr AND THE WINNER IS: Best Movie, TOM JONES; Best Actor, Sidney Poitier… Best Actress, Patricia Neal...World Series, L.A. Dodgers over N.Y. Yankees TUNES OF THE TIMES: He’s So Fine… Blowin’ in the Wind… Hey Paula… I Will Follow Him… Surf City… My Boyfriend’s Back… Walk Like a Man… Be My Baby… Sugar Shack TELEVISION SHOWS: Hazel… The Beverly Hillbillies… American Bandstand SIGNS OF THE TIMES: Folk concerts and hootenannies were popular… Julia Child prepared food on TV… The ‘offbeat look’ with blouses modeled after the peasant smock was popular. On Saturday, August 10, 2013 the class will meet at Karl’s Cabin Restaurant in Plymouth, at 1:00 pm.” FAMOUS FIRSTS: Law providing pay equality for women… Kodak Instamatic… Weight Watchers founded… Polaroid Color Film… Trimline & Touch-Tone telephones… Limbo Dance craze… Ruling that Bible reading in public schools is unconstitutional. “There will be plenty of seating in the banquet room for everyone.” Twelve years earlier the students in this picture sat in the first grade room of St. Gregory School. Nineteen members of our Class of 1963have spent twelve years growing up together. That’s almost one-third of our class of 62 students. “Alright Dean, let’s hear the dismissal bell. Give him the signal, Ron.” 17 Karen & Shirley Shepherd SGH59/67; Beloved Sisters of Steve Shepherd SGH58 Jack Youngs SGH46; Beloved Friend of Leo Morin SGH46 Josephine A. Nelson In Loving Memory, From John Nelson Ray Hartmus Beloved Husband of Mary (Randazzo) Hartmus, SGH61 Bill Pearson Beloved Husband of Richie (Frendo) Pearson Diedo SGH47 Classes of 1943 and 1948 In Loving Memory, from Walter & Helen (Alband) Schlaefflin McNulty Family—In Memory Beloved Famlly of Eugene McNulty SGH50 Mildred & Mickey Dwyer SGH49/49; Beloved Friends of Marilyn (Gillis) Dabaldo SGH50 Sharon Ahearn- Angus “Then, Now, Always” From Paula (Norlock) Vollmar SGH60 Gerald Flesher SGH51; Beloved Brother of Jean (Flesher) Isabell SGH48 Class of 1956—Deceased Members In Loving Memory, From Janet (Mullaly) Johnston SGH56 Higgins Family- Deceased Members In Loving Memory, From Michael Higgins SGh58 Bill Montgomery Beloved Father of Jean, Gary, Sandy SGH56/60/64 Judy Ann Reiz SGH64; Beloved Sister, from Paul Reiz, SGH60 Doug, Edith and Lynne Kenyon In Loving Memory, from Judy (Kenyon) McLaughlin SGH59 James & Margaret Morgan Beloved Parents; From Hugh Morgan SGH46 Case & Trantham Families In Loving Memory Ward Case SGH63 Tom Boucher SGH61; Beloved Husband, from Paula (Valovich) Boucher, SGH62 Aldo Mastro SGH43; Beloved Husband of Maggi (Enright) Mastro SGH43 In Memory—Vincent & Mary Bono Beloved Grandparents of Mary (Randazzo) Hartmus SGH61 Norbert & Kate Crowe Beloved Parents; from Sharon, Jeanne, and Ron Class of 1947 In Memory of Deceased Members Joe & Pauline Gamache SGH47/47 Jerryy D. & Molly Cahill Beloved Family; From Anne (Grace) Cahill SGH58 Monsignor Frank A. Pokriefka In Loving Memory, from Rita (Hastings) Orlowski, SGH43 Gleeson Family—Deceased Members In Loving Memory, From John Gleeson, SGH49 Arlene & Reg Morin In Memory; Loving Parents of Karen, Lon, Linda, Diana, Gene, Brian Richard Collins (6/26/99) In Loving Memory Sharon (Jones) Collins SGH56 Dolly (Argenta) Sinelli SGH47; Beloved Wife of Antonio Sinelli In Honor of the Stoecklin Family Rosemary SGH58, Louis SGH62, Dan SGH65, and Sr. Carol Ann RSM Tony Sangeorzan In Memory; Beloved Husband of Loretta (Campbell) Sangeorzan SGH46 William & Carmen LaFerle Beloved Parents of Fran (LaFerle) Lee SGH55 Dolly (Argenta) Sinelli SGH47; In Loving Memory Joe Argenta SGH45 Carl and Isabel Pfeiffer Beloved Parents of Tom Pfeiffer SGH49 Gregory, Sophie, Greg Jr Kopicko Beloved Family of Patricia Kopicko SGH59 Joseph Tomakowski Beloved Husband; From Marie (Mullan) Tomakowski SGH44 Robert Popp SGH59; Beloved Brother; From Dolores (Popp) Argents SGH55 Auntie & The Barbour Family Beloved Family of Gertrude (Barbour) Morin SGH46 The Class of 1962 In Loving Memory Jane (Brennan) Watters SGH62 The Nehs and Progar Families In Loving Memory Phil & JoAnne (Nehs) Progar SGH60,61 18 The St. Gregory Experience “Keeping the Spirit Alive” About S.G.A.A. St . Gr e gor y’s ‘1 0 Be st ’ At hle t e s I n H ist or y The Det roit News has asked t he cit y’s high schools, public and parochial, t o select t heir 10 best at hletes of all time. This is another selection. Others will appear daily and Sunday in the Sports Section. (Detroit News article—date unknown...1950 maybe?) Ron H or w a t h , U of D halfback, is among the 10 best athletes in the history of St. Gregory High, as announced by Athletic Director, Fr . Ch a r le s O’N e il. Horwath is one of six selections who gained prominence in football. The earliest choice is Gr a h a m H a n dyside , who played in 1932. George Redilla is another selection. The 210-pound fullback spark-plugged St. Gregory to its first Catholic League crown in 1950. He was named on the Detroit News’ All-City Team. From the basketball ranks are the school’s Fitzgerald brothers, W illia m a nd Edw a r d Fit zge r a ld, both of whom starred under Coach Pete Robertson. A third court choice is teammate Bernard Murphy. Graham Handyside Ed Higgins Tom Boscovich Clarence Gleeson Ron Horwath Football Football Football Football Football 1932 1934 1941 1941 1943 William Fitzgerald Bob Bartush Bernard Murphy Edward Fitzgerald George Redilla Basketball* 1946 Baseball 1946 Basketball 1945 Basketball 1947 Football 1947 *Basketball & Baseball (NOTE: WHERE IS OUR LIST OF “10 BEST” FROM THE ‘50s AND ‘60s?? LET US KNOW!) Our Volunteers Make It Happen For Us Thanks to the many volunteers. They take our reservations, decorate the hall, organize the 50/50 raffle, greet our guests, and take photos, both in Michigan and Florida; Mary (Randazzo) Hartmus Mike Morrison Peg (Gerada) Elwarner Jeanne (Sancricca) Nadler Vince Cessante Jan Boddy Fran (LaFerle) Lee Ron Boucher Dick Boucher Ken & Elaine Horwath June (Koch) Ross Kathleen Connor Joe Gamache Ida Plumer Louise (Connelly) Ruane Margo (Connelly) Lambert Frank Enright Maggi (Enright) Mastro Jerry Boucher Jim O’Kelly Thank You to Our Donors Thank You for sending your contribution to keep our newsletter coming. Please know that your donations are needed, welcomed, and appreciated. Your name is listed on the back page. PEG (GERADA) ELWARNER, SGH63; SGAA Treasurer ST. GREGORY SCHOOL ALUMNI NEWSLETTER Winter Edition, January, 2013; Number 49 The St. Gregory School Alumni Newsletter is published semi-annually, each winter (January) and summer (July), by the St. Gregory Alumni Association, Inc, 9759 W. Royal Ridge Drive, Sun City AZ 85351. Membership dues are not required. Your donation to our non-profit organization makes this publication and our social events possible. The deadline to submit ads, articles, and photos for publication is as follows: Winter edition deadline is December 1st, and the Summer edition deadline is June 1st of each year. Photographs will be processed and the originals returned. We reserve the right to edit articles for publication. Ward Case, President (623) 760-7167 Mike Morrison, Vice President Jeanne (Sancricca) Nadler, Secretary Peg (Gerada) Elwarner, Treasurer MISSION STATEMENT The St. Gregory Alumni Association is dedicated to supporting the values of fellowship and spirituality to all its members and is committed to providing service to our community. 19 The St. Gregory Experience “Keeping the Spirit Alive” Neighborhood Memories Facebook Page “IF YOU LIVED OR GREW UP NEAR LIVERNOIS AND FENKELL” NOTES FROM OUR FACEBOOK PAGE DIANA (LESHAN) RIEBEL, SGH60; Michigan What I remember most is that wherever I had to be or wanted to be—I walked there. Also, I remember the first time I ever had French fries with vinegar on them—was at the Kresge’s dime store on Livernois. PAT (SMITH) WALSH, SGH46; Michigan Anyone remember Teresa’s Candy Store on Fenkell near Dexter? I used to go there after school—smoke so thick you could cut it with a knife! “I remember Teresa’s Candy Store well.” JOHN CARRON, SGH67; Michigan I still remember going there for penny candy and the small pretzel sticks boxes. STEVE WEBBER, SGH69; Michigan I think that I lived upstairs from it. That place is why I’m on oxygen. LOL! STEPHANIE KOBE-WILSON, SGH58; Michigan It was a tiny store and always packed after school. CAROLE (MENOSKY) KELLEY, SGH61; California Had my last fight in Detroit there in 1958. JOE CUFFE, SGH00; California MEL DOUBLEDAY, Philippine Islands I used to stop in Bob Bolton’s Bar while shining shoes as a kid. My mom would have killed me if she knew that I was doing it, but the tips were good there. I used to love getting a cold mug of root beer and a sandwich at the fountain in Kresge’s, from the giant Hires barrel on draft. JOHN EDDY, SGH67; California I was a busboy at Maria’s for a couple of years. We lived on Stoepel and Puritan then. In 1959, we lived between the McCourt’s and Kilar’s and across the street from the Martin’s, in a big old farmhouse. What a great place to live! I remember Maria’s well. Mike Kenyon would eat a whole pizza then two bowls of spumoni. He worked there so he must have gotten an employee discount… LOL. JOHN CARRON, SGH67; Michigan Maria’s was the first place I learned to love pizza. Great days; are they still around? DOLORES (DUROCHER) LALLMANN, SGH54; Florida MARTINE (STRAUSS) SULLIVAN, SGH58; Georgia I always enjoy reading the St. Gregory Newsletter. The July 2012 edition, with memories of our Livernois and Fenkell neighborhood, was especially interesting to me. We lived on Dexter, across the street from St. Gregory. Thanks again. 20 The St. Gregory Experience “Keeping the Spirit Alive” Notes from Friends CAROL (Mc DONALD) GARBACIK FOURMAN, SGH54; Michigan & Florida I lived on Ellsworth Avenue, between Livernois and Wyoming, and attended St. Gregory until tenth grade. I belonged to St. Gregory’s Youth Group where I took part in Fr. Mc Elgin’s plays, Miracle in Fatima and Cheaper By the Dozen. After tenth grade, I went to St. Mary’s Commercial in Greektown where the Sisters of Notre Dame prepared us to be secretaries and found us employment at graduation. I met Bernard Garbacik in the St. Gregory Bowling League and met his loving family of eight brothers and sisters who attended St. Gregory’s. Bernie and I were married at St. Gregory in 1956, after getting permission for Fr. Charles O’Neil to return to St. Gregory to marry us. After 47 happy years of marriage, Bernie died of cancer in 2002. I am truly grateful for the education, values and spiritual nourishment I received at St. Gregory. Many thanks to the Alumni Association for the Newsletter and the reunions and activities that keep the Spirit Alive. RICHARD “RICK” SWANSON, SGH64; Texas It’s hard to believe it’s been 49 years since our ‘64 graduation. Life has brought many changes to all of us. My career has moved us across the country, and a few times overseas. My wife and I are retired now, and we hope to visit the Detroit area. My two brothers still live near Detroit. We live in Parker, Texas. If you have watched the show “Dallas”, you have seen some of Parker. The Southfork Ranch is our neighbor. We also have a home in Mesa, Arizona, where some of our children and grandchildren live. I am looking forward to attending a future alumni event and seeing some old schoolmates. I very much enjoy the newsletter! MARY MULDOON, SGH67; Arizona In early September, 2012, Steve and I went to Henderson, Nevada, just outside Las Vegas, to visit my best friend, Chris Lapko and her significant other, Lee. Chris and I have known each other since 1954 when we started first grade at St. Gregory. We talked about the latest St. Gregory Newsletter which started us reminiscing about all our St. Gregory adventures through the years; how we walked to school, meeting up with friends along the way down Chalfonte; the basketball and football games, sock hops in the gym, making endless Kleenex carnations for the homecoming floats, the pep rallies, taking the ‘underground tunnel’ from church to school in bad weather, and having the length of our uniform skirts checked by Mother Superior. When Mother Superior left, waistband rolling commenced, back to the length and style of the times. During our visit to Henderson, Chris took me to a place called Detroit Motor City Coney Island Restaurant. This place is all about Detroit sports and car memorabilia. It has coneys that are exactly like the ones in Detroit, and they only serve Faygo pop! We got an order to go of coneys and fries, and Chris got a Faygo Redpop. That first bite was a trip down memory lane. I haven’t tasted a Detroit Coney like that in probably 40 years!! Nominations for our ST. GREGORY SPIRIT AWARD Let’s honor an outstanding alumni in 2013 with our St. Gregory Spirit Award. We are accepting nominations through March 31st. The award is given to special individuals who give of their time and talents to their parish, their community, and their alumni association. Send us the information today. Ward Case (623) 760-7167 21 Th e M on t gom e r y Fa m ily of St. Gregory Parish Written by Gary Montgomery Our parents, Ruby Mary Rose and William M. Montgomery, met at a dance at the old Campus Ballroom on Fenkell Avenue near Livernois. Dad was born and raised on a farm in Manitoba, Canada, by his ScotsIrish parents and had moved to Michigan in the 1920s to make the outstanding wage of $5-a-day. Mom was born and raised in Detroit by her Welsh-Irish parents. Her father was five-years-old when he entered the United States at Ellis Island in New York. Mom attended church services at St. Francis Home for Orphaned Boys until St. Gregory Church was built. Our parents were married at St. Gregory’s Church in 1934. Our home at 8401 Chalfonte was seventeen blocks west of Saint Gregory’s. We were just on the border of St. Gregory parish. One block further west and we would have been in St. Francis de Sales Parish and we would not be writing this St. Gregory Family History! During the twenty-three years we lived there, this home became a special haven for many of our St. Gregory and Cooley High classmates, especially during our late teenage years and for several years after graduation. Some of the regulars at our home at one time or another were Pat McGonigal, Janet Mullaly, Barbara Mullan, Jim Boucher, Dick Boucher, Judy Reiz, Cheryl Hogan, Margie Murphy, Ellen Ross, Jack Browne, Mike Conley, Joe Costella, Bob Dennis, Mario Dermo,. Larry Meier, Rich Piovesana, Paul Reiz, Mike Shaughnessy, Pat Twomey, Jim Tuohy, Jim Walsh, and Tom Watters. They and numerous others became more than just school friends. They became lifetime friends, a part of our family. Ruby and William Montgomery Some of our teachers and friends’ parents used to make us feel like our family had a character flaw because my dad was not Catholic. Later we all saw this as a blessing since everyone was treated as a religious equal at our house. We could date anyone of any religion or bring home any friend and they were never treated differently than anyone else. Our parents taught us to always make everyone feel welcome. Over time, we came to realize that our dad’s loving compassion for his family and for all mankind was an example to be cherished. He passed away in 2003, shortly before his 98th birthday. Since the three of us kids were nicely spaced (approximately four years apart), we wondered if this was the result of good parental planning, but did not feel it was proper to ask. Recently our 96year-old mother suddenly announced, “You know, your dad and I never practiced birth control. You kids just happened to come along when you did.” Well there you go, question answered without ever being asked. The breakdown of the three kids who just happened to come along when we did, follows. 22 Ruby Montgomery Th e M on t gom e r y Fa m ily of St. Gregory Parish R. JEAN (MONTGOMERY) KECSKES, SGH56; Michigan & Florida Jean attended Clinton Elementary for her first four years, before entering Saint Gregory School in the fifth grade. She majored in parties and boyfriends during high school and was at the top of her class in both disciplines. About one year after graduation she met and soon married Bill Kecskes, a young carpenter who she met on a blind date. Their marriage eventually produced three children and four grandchildren. Bill had his own business for many years and Jean worked for the West Bloomfield School District for over twenty years, before joining Bill in retirement. Jean was always taking adult education classes in various disciplines, including water color painting and genealogy. She became quite accomplished in both areas. They now live in White Lake Township and winter in Florida. GARY MONTGOMERY, SGH60; Michigan Gary started at Saint Gregory in 1948 when he entered the first grade. He (like Jean) enjoyed hanging out with friends and going to parties, more than studying. He finally got his academic act together in his eleventh and twelfth grades, thanks in part to the efforts of Sister Vita Marie. She was the right influence at the right time. Several years after graduation, Paul Reiz, Rich Piovesana, and Gary found themselves riding fire trucks in the streets of Detroit during the 1967 riots. Gary graduated from the University of Detroit with a Bachelors Degree in Psychology and a minor in Mathematics. He would later earn his MBA from Michigan State University. He married in 1970 and had two daughters. The marriage failed after sixteen years. He seemed to live the next twelve years in airports as he traveled throughout the United States, as well as making over thirty trips to Europe and Asia. Gary remarried in 2000, to a young, “good-looking” professional woman (Susan), whom he met while working at Electronic Data Systems. Susan also had two children from a previous marriage. Today they look forward to spending quality time with their four children and nine grandchildren. Gary and Susan live on Cedar Island Lake in Oakland County. SANDRA (MONTGOMERY) DIBBLE, SGH64; Nevada Sandy started the first grade at Saint Gregory in 1952. She put tremendous pressure on her two siblings by constantly coming home with her “gold” certificates for academic excellence. (Our parents were now aware that Jean’s and Gary’s average grades were clearly more an issue of not trying, instead of some genetic flaw.) Sandy was the quiet, conservative, honor student– member of the household. That is until a few years after graduating from Saint Gregory when she became a full-fledged California potsmoking free-love hippie of the 1960s. During this time she was convinced that you could not trust anyone over 30 years of age. Somehow that changed, once she turned thirty. Sandy attended Wayne State College until she moved to California and then attended Santa Monica College. After over twenty years in California, Sandy met and married her husband, Gregg. They eventually purchased a condo in Las Vegas, Nevada. Gregg worked in the food services industry at Riviera Casino and Sandy worked for a nationally recognized accounting firm, right up to her retirement in 2012. 23 Rosemary (Connor) Yert SGH58; Beloved Sister & Best Friend of Patricia (Connor) Bebes SGH57 Paul Schlaefflin SGH48; In Loving Memory, from Walter & Helen (Alband) Schlaefflin Tom Gentile In Loving Memory, from Joanne (Gentile) Digiovanni SGH68 Casmer & Lillian Juszczyk Beloved Parents; From Shirley (Juszczyk) Stork SGH52 Jerry Cahill In Loving Memory, from From Nancy (Grace) Sebastian SGH62 Arlene & Reginald Morin In Memory—Beloved Parents of Karen,Lonnie,Linda,Diana,Gene,Brian Rosemary (Connor) Yert SGH58; Beloved Sister & Best Friend Kathleen Connor SGH48 Sadie, Arnold, Gregg, Joan, Pat,Dino “Forever In Our Hearts” From Arnold, Helen & Mary Ann Eileen (McGeary) Boze SGH66; In Loving Memory, from Victoria & Mike Iskow Agnes, Otto, Mary Swoish Beloved Family of Bob, Jack, Jim, Mary Lou The Boucher Family Deceased Members; from Richard Boucher SGH57 Shirley (Dent) Pistolesi SGH53; In Loving Memory, from Judie (Bernick) Nagy SGH58 Bob Popp & Class of 1959 In Memory of All Deceased Members Judy (Kenyon) & Ernie Mc Laughlin Steve & John Sullivan In Loving Memory, from Martine (Strauss) Sullivan SGH58 Donna (Valenti) Mac Donald SGH51; Loving Sister; From Delano Valenti SGH54 The IHM Sisters of St. Gregory’s In Loving Memory, from Bill Winter SGH61 Heffernan Family- Deceased Members, Joe, Flora, Frank, Helen From Jim, Joe, Dan, Harriet, Bill, Tom Jean (Steele) Dessert SGH41; In Loving Memory, from Edward Dessert SGH40 O’Donahue Family In Loving Memory, from Joan (O’Donahue) Buchanan SGH61 Allen Family—In Memory Tom, Maureen, Regina, Patrick, Phoebe Elizabeth (Allen) Bradley SGH58 Bradley & Gamache Families In Loving Memory of our Parents, from Joe & Pauline (Bradley) Gamache 47 Class of 1946—In Loving Memory From Hugh Morgan SGH46 Robert and Rob Abramson Loving Husband & Son-Missing You Both Nancy (Morro) Abramson SGH58 Lorraine (Plante) Bateson Beloved Wife of James Bateson SGH43 Class of 1956– In Loving Memory From Pat (Hughes) Morrison, SGH56 Dear Friends- Jerry Daksiewicz and Dorothy Cronenwett Elizabeth (Reilly) Riley SGH63 Sr. M. Athanasia, IHM In Loving Memory, From Frank Camden SGH60 Patrick & Agnes Flannery In Loving Memory, from Patricia (Flannery) Finn Emil & Vincenza Vagnetti Loving Parents of Carl, John, Mike, and Frank Alband & Schlaefflin Families In Memory of Deceased Members From Helen (Alband)Schlaefflin SGH48 Nilda Ribatarro & Charles Guidobono SGH49, SGH48; In Loving Memory Frank Guidobono SGH49 Hughes, Koluder, Morrison Families In Loving Memory, from Pat (Hughes) Morrison SGH56 Class of 1962– Deceased Members In Loving Memory, from Paula (Valovich) Boucher SGH62 Harry & Helen Hanna Loving Parents of John Hanna SGH49 Dolores & Elaine Wenzel SGH49 & 50; Beloved Sisters; From Eleanor (Wenzel) Simpson SGH55 Ken, Louie, Eddie Antaya In Memory of My Loving Brothers Yvonne (Antaya) Young SGH43 Carolyn (Hatherly) Jacques SGH52; In Loving Memory, from Jay Jacques In Honor of the Weakland Sisters Go Girls! Pat SGH65, Peggy SGH66, Mary Jane 71 Class of 1947 Deceased Members–In Loving Memory Francis Costella SGH47 24 The St. Gregory Experience “Keeping the Spirit Alive” ST. GREGORY REUNIONS IN 2012 CLASS OF 1962 50- YEAR REUNION JUNE 16, 2012 We had a great time at our 50th reunion at St. Mary’s of Livonia Hall, as Ricky Nelson sang: “to reminisce with my old friends, a chance to share some memories and play our song again”. In fact, we did so much reminiscing that the reunion went from 6pm to midnight. The collective stories have, like legends, grown over the years and are very funny in the retell, so much so that my ribs ached from laughter. CLASS OF 1962 - TOGETHER AGAIN IN 2012 A special thanks to our fellow Class Officers, Jane, Don, and Paula; for the work they did in pulling it all together. ED Mc CRACKEN, SGH62; Texas Gerry, Lou, Ed, Joe Jane and Pam Ed and Paula FLORIDA ALL- CLASS REUNION—February, 2012 The Florida Reunion went very well. Everyone had a good time. We had 55 alumni and friends there. The 50-50 drawing was won by Frenchy Costella. Here are some of the names of those who attended. 1951 Barbara Barrett Turnbull 1944 Joe Heffernan & Guest 1953 Jim & Shirley OKelly 1951 Marge & Bob Bilslet 0 Jim Hickey & Mary Vella 1962 Mary & Gino DelPup 1963 Ron Boucher 1948 Jack & Eileen Jeffrey 1957 Leo & Mary St. Amour 1953 Jeannette Boucher 1950 Larry Johns 1962 Lou Stoecklin 1954 Jerry & Pat Boucher 1954 Dolores & Ernie Lallmann 1951 Cris Tacchella & Guest 1955 Ed Bown 1957 Sonny & Reg Lentini 1956 Ray Trevisol 1948 Pat Cardinal & Guest 1957 Dick & Kitty Long 1942 James Heffernan 1953 Bernie Cassin 1958 Pat McCourt & Guest 1957 J Patrick& Sharon Nehs 1947 Frenchy & Gerry Costella 1949 Barb & Ray McDonough 1949 John & Alice Gleeson 1954 David & Carol Fourman 1948 Esther & Bill McKendry 1949 Marlene& Jerry McLain There were eighteen no-shows who did not cancel their reservations. Anticipating no-shows, we paid for just 60 luncheons, and were able to break even on the cost of the event, using the profit from the 50/50 drawing. We are looking forward to seeing you at our next Florida Luncheon, on February 16, 2013. See details on page 12 and make your reservation today. RON BOUCHER, SGH63; Florida 25 The St. Gregory Experience “Keeping the Spirit Alive” ALUMNI DAY AT ST. GREGORY PARISH– 2013 ALUMNI DAY AT ST. GREGORY PARISH—June 9, 2013 Dear St. Gregory Alumni, You all are invited to be our special guests at Alumni Day, June 9th, 2013. This year is our 90th anniversary! ST. GREGORY PARISH—ALUMNI DAY 2013 Sunday, June 9, 2013 11:00 a.m. Mass, Followed by Luncheon and Open House The event will again be coordinated by Flor a H unt with Mass celebrated by Father Tim Kane. News on the Future of St. Gregory Parish; Thank you for your support of St. Gregory Parish in the past, and we look forward to assistance and influence in staying open and serving the people of the community. Flora Hunt and Bill Abernathy The Archdiocese is strongly suggesting that St. Gregory Parish (and St. Benedict) close and move the congregation and many programs to Madonna Parish. Madonna is a much smaller operation, too small to accommodate what we do at St. Gregory, including our Community Outreach Program. Madonna is opposing the idea too. The deadline the Archdiocese is giving us is June 30, 2013. Just three weeks after our 2013 Alumni Day! Please write or email the Archdiocese today. To: Archdiocese of Detroit, 1234 Michigan Blvd, Detroit MI 48226 “St . Gr e gor y Pa r ish m ust st a y ope n t o se r ve t he pe ople . I t ha s t he fa cilit ie s a nd t he m e m be r ship a nd t h e pr ogr a m s including it s Com m unit y Out r e a ch Pr ogr a m . The pe ople of Madonna and St. Benedict are welcome to join us.” To: From: St. Gregory Alumni Father Tim Kane, St. Gregory Parish We have helping opportunities around the parish and we could use some assistance, please. A person is needed on Tuesdays for an hour, to prepare 30 grocery bags that will get filled on Wednesday mornings by the children of the school. The groceries are distributed on Wednesdays, from 1-3pm. The grocery bag preparation is very light work and can be done sitting or standing, but is essential to the program. Also, do you know of anyone with a like-new refrigerator for the rectory? We need a big one for the food from the food pantry overflow. Our side-by-side is dying and we are looking for a large one with a big freezer on the bottom. Sincere thanks and appreciation from the Parish Council to all Alumni for supporting our 2012 Fall Festival. 26 The St. Gregory Experience “Keeping the Spirit Alive” ALUMNI DAY AT ST. GREGORY PARISH– 2012 ALUMNI DAY AT ST. GREGORY PARISH—June 17, 2012 Writing this note, I have just returned from Mass at St. Gregory. If you have not been back to the parish for many years, I hope that you will take advantage of the opportunity, when this incredibly wonderful community invites us back again in June, 2013. We were greeted by friendly parishioners, with hands held out to welcome us with name tags, red & white ribbons pinned on, and smiles on their faces. Our alumnae showed up enforce. We filled the church. My heart swelled with so many memories of the past years and occasions, that seem like it was yesterday. Father Tim Kane gave us each a mustard seed, so that we know that all is still growing. The basement church is now the activity hall and we were provided a delicious luncheon. The school was open, as well as the gym. The school is surrounded by a black wrought iron fence to keep everything safe and is in lovely condition. The school children even have their own flower and vegetable gardens next to the parking lot. One of our own 1958 graduates, Daisy Allen, is still in the parish. She sings in the choir (which is terrific) and she had a solo. I am overwhelmed with emotion and gratitude for this wonderful morning I just spent. For everyone, I wish that you would not pass up the opportunity in 2013. The people of the parish love the alumnae for all the help we are able to give them and appreciate it so much. They have a very productive Outreach Program and if you want to try to help, any donations would surely go to a good cause. Keep them in your prayers as they are struggling to keep open, all with positive attitudes and smiles on their face. JUDIE (BERNICK) NAGY, SGH58 LOOKING DOWNSTAIRS FROM MOTHER SUPERIOR’S OFFICE OVER 400 ALUMNI FILLED THE CHURCH OUR DELICIOUS LUNCHEON IN THE PARISH ACTIVITY HALL THANK YOU TO THE WONDERFUL PARISH PLANNING COMMITTEE 27 The St. Gregory Experience “Keeping the Spirit Alive” ST. GREGORY REUNION IN TEMPE, ARIZONA ST. GREGORY REUNION IN TEMPE, ARIZONA—2012 We met here in Tempe, Arizona at Sunshine’s Motor City Café for another St. Gregory Reunion. The cafe is owned by a couple from Dearborn and their menu is heavy with Michigan-made products; Coney’s, Better Made Potato Chips, Sanders Hot Fudge Sundaes, Faygo Pop, and much more. Rosemary Stoecklin Maglio SGH58 and Mario came from Wickenburg, AZ; Dan Stoecklin SGH65 and Jackie, from Gilbert, AZ; Maurice Hoyt SGH45 and Lillian came from Surprise, AZ; Ward Case SGH63 and Linda, from Sun City, AZ; Barb Craib Kinkelaar SGH61and George from Pinetop, AZ; Theresa Felix Sancricca SGH56 and her husband from Mesa, AZ. Also joining us for lunch was Eileen Trombley Glick (Regina HS) of Phoenix, AZ. Eileen brings us that wonderful Detroit Memories Newsletter online each month. Go to: We hope to meet again in February, 2013 (same place) when more of the 48 alumni living in Arizona and the Snowbirds will have time to join us. Ward Case, SGH63 The History of St. Gregory Parish & School “Preserving Our Legacy” Available Soon on CD We have been collecting the history of St. Gregory for twenty-five years. The information has come from many sources; class photos and snapshots, historic Northwest Record newspaper articles, Michigan Catholic archives, journals, newsletters, yearbooks, and interviews over the years with many Alumni. Now the best way to preserve our legacy is to distribute copies of our history to alumni and their families. Copies will be available at the May 3rd reunion, then by mail, for a donation. All 6 files-on one CD 1. Graduating Classes—click on your year; view the class photo, newspaper articles, yearbook, reunion photos, and stories from old friends. 2. I.H.M. Sisters & Lay Teachers—see photos of 200 Sisters and stories. 3. Monsignor Pokriefka & Assistants—photos and stories of Monsignor from 1906 (in college) to 1967, and the names and photos of many Assistant Pastors too. 4. Sports Memories and Coaches—photos, notes, memories, articles from newspapers, interviews with coaches. 5. Parish History—history of its growth, from the Michigan Catholic. 6. Newsletters—stories, memories in our 49 editions. 28 Alumni Assistance Fund We have an Alumni Assistance Fund, through the generosity of two St. Gregory people. In the past few years, we have used it to assist four of our own. Do you know of an alumni who is in need? Contact us, and we will do what we can. GEORGE RAYMOND “RAY” WELCH September 5, 1917 to February 3, 2012 Our “Pop”, Ray Welch, was a proud graduate of St. Gregory’s High School, Class of 1935. He and our Mom, Rita Welsh, Class of 1936, attended the alumni luncheons for many years. After Mom died in 1996, I took Pop to the luncheons and enjoyed them almost as much as he did. Dad was fortunate to live his 94 years in excellent health. Our parents would be married 70 years this past June. They gave birth to seven children, who loved them and cared for them until the end of their lives. Mom used to say, “Your father lived across the street from St. Gregory’s on Fairfield Street and he was late for school every day”. She also would say, “Your father borrowed a quarter from me in 1932 and never paid it back”. I believe our parents knew each other for most of their lives, but had their first date on April 1st, 1933. This April 1st date was the first step to a marriage of 54 years, before our Mom went to heaven. We lived in Detroit until 1953 when our parents felt it was time to move out of the city. We moved to a little town on a lake, Lake Orion, Michigan. It was a great place to raise a family. We attended the local Catholic school, swam in the lake every day we could, and skated every day possible after the village plows cleared large rinks for kids to skate and play hockey. Dad once won a radio program prize for the best essay during the 1950s. The prize went to the best essay on “What is your Best Dream”. His dream was to have a beautiful wife and six children. God heard about this dream and gave them a bonus. We were fortunate to have a “stay-at-home” Mom for most of our lives. Dad, however, worked usually two jobs and sometimes three when we were young, to provide for the lot of us. He would often come home from his second job just as we were going to bed. I don’t remember being read to at night. He would run up the stairs, dropping his lunch box on the kitchen counter, to sing to us before we nodded off. He had a rich, baritone voice and sang like a professional singer. After he floated through a medley of his favorites, we would say “Oh Daddy, you should be on the Perry Como Show”. Our parents were constantly concerned about raising us by example. We saw great role models of hard work, unselfishness, honesty and self-control. I often look back at those times when, after putting in a long day, they would help us through our homework. Mom worked with the little ones with spelling, arithmetic, and phonics while Dad drilled us in Latin, French, algebra and geometry. Their relaxation finally came at 9:00 pm when the last ones were sent to bed, only to begin the whole thing all over again the next day. Dad helped all the neighborhood boys with their Latin when we still attended the Latin Mass. He also taught them Chess. He organized Christmas Carolers many times on winter nights before Christmas. I was eager to attend the band of songsters, after finding out that people gave us “money” to sing… or was it to go away. Either way, we had a good time. After Dad retired, he kept busy with woodworking. He had his own woodworking machines in the basement and made several types of furniture, bird houses, picture frames, banisters, and many other things. There were seven of us, so we all own many pieces of his fine work and likely many of our friends do too. Our parents traveled as “snow birds” to Florida after they retired. We were all happy to see them leave and enjoy the fruits of their labor, by enjoying the ocean and life away from the snow and ice. Our Dad lived 16 years after our Mom went to heaven. He lived alone in their home in Lake Orion until just after his 94th birthday, when he moved in with one of his daughters. Unfortunately he was only there a few months before he passed away. I often have lunch with my “sandbox friends” and of course their parents are around the same age as our Dad. They complain often about the demands from their parents and the “guilt trips”. I never have anything to say, because Dad never complained. There is no doubt he was lonely after his wife of 54 years died, but he did his best to continue his hobbies and activities. He was always glad to see us when we would drive out and take him out for dinner, or to the doctor, etc., or when we did various jobs around his home; but he never complained. Some of us were able to do more for him than others. He very much appreciated it, but it did not make him love one more than the other. He loved his seven children equally. Catherine (Welch) Szymanski 29 In Memoriam We have learned of the deaths of these Alumni and Friends of St. Gregory School. For their families we ask God’s peace, love and grace of acceptance. Join us in a celebration of their lives at our Alumni and Friends Memorial Mass and Brunch at St. Aidan’s Parish Hall on Sunday, August 11, 2013. BOOMS, PATRICIA GAGNE St. Gregory High School Class of 1953 BREEN, BARBARA HULL St. Gregory High School Class of 1946 BRINDELL, CATHERINE LONG St. Gregory High School Class of 1938 BURLEY, ROBERT St. Gregory High School Class of 1948 CASSABON, EVELYN PHELPS St. Gregory High School Class of 1942 CONWAY, RAY St. Gregory High School Class of 1949 Class President CRONENWETT, GERALDINE MENARD Mother of 13 SGH Alumni CRONENWETT, MARGARET “MAGGIE” CONSIDINE St. Gregory High School Class of 1967 DWYER, MILDRED WILHELM St. Gregory High School Class of 1949 Class Vice President FARQUHARSON, DORIS QUIST St. Gregory High School Class of 1935 Class Vice President GENTILIA, JEANETTE Wife of John Gentilia, Class of 1961 GLEESON, DOROTHY St. Gregory High School Class of 1956 Wife of Frank Gilardone SGH52 CADY, PAULETTE NELSON CROWE, JEANNE St. Gregory High School Class of 1964 St. Gregory High School Class of 1963 CAMERON, ROSEMARY DERTINGER, RITA RUELLE St. Gregory High School Class of 1954 St. Gregory High School Class of 1943 CARMELINE, SR EVANGELINE NESTOR, I.H.M. St. Gregory School Staff CARRON, WILLIAM “BILLY” St. Gregory High School Class of 1970 DOBEK, FLORENCE Mother of Dan SGH65, Bob SGH71 DONNELLY, MARY FABER St. Gregory High School Class of 1941 30 GLENNIE, RICHARD St. Gregory High School Class of 1946 GODZIK, TONY St. Gregory High School Class of 1965 HENEHAN, ISABELLE AIELLO St. Gregory High School Class of 1949 HERRICK, PAUL St. Gregory High School Class of 1956 In Memoriam We have learned of the deaths of these Alumni and Friends of St. Gregory School. For their families we ask God’s peace, love and grace of acceptance. Join us in a celebration of their lives at our Alumni and Friends Memorial Mass and Brunch at St. Aidan’s Parish Hall on Sunday, August 11, 2013. JERORE, JUDY MALLOY St. Gregory High School Class of 1969 JUSZCZYK, MONICA “MICKY” Wife of Cass Juszczyk, Class of 1952 NAWROCKI, DONALD St. Gregory High School Class of 1953 PETERS, JOHN “BOB” St. Gregory High School Class of 1953 SGRO, MARY Mother of Kathy SGH62, Gary SGH66 SHEPHERD, SHIRLEY DOUGLAS St. Gregory High School Class of 1967 PLUMER, ROY KENNY, MARIAN ROBINSON St. Gregory High School Class of 1946 LEACH, MARGUERITE SCUSSEL St. Gregory High School Class of 1938 MARTIN, THOMAS St. Gregory High School Class of 1969 MILKO, ROSEANNA JURCAK St. Gregory High School Class of 1946 MULVILLE, JOHN “SCOTTY” St. Gregory High School Class of 1942 St. Gregory High School Class of 1957 President Alumni of the Year, 2009 Husband of Ida D’Angelo SGH57 POPP, ROBERT St. Gregory High School Class of 1959 REDDY. GERRIE KERRIGAN St. Gregory High School Class of 1947 REIZ, MARY ANN Mother of Paul SGH60, Judy SGH64, Rosemary SGH67 RUSSO, ARMAND St. Gregory High School Class of 1942 SHOWALTER, VINCE Husband of Peg Babington, SGH42 TOMAKOWSKI, JOSEPH Husband of Marie Mullan, SGH44 VALENTI, DONNA St. Gregory High School Class of 1951 WELCH, RAYMOND St. Gregory High School Class of 1935 WIXSON, BARBARA Wife of Bob Wixson, Class of 1953 MARY (DONNELLY) FABER, SGH41; 1923-2012 I am writing to make you aware of the death of my mother, Mary Donnelly SGH41, who was raised at 15757 Petoskey. Mom always enjoyed the Alumni Newsletter. I do too! I attended Mass at St. Gregory’s in the 1950s when I visited. My understanding is that my grandpa had to meet with Monsignor Pokriefka, to register his family in the parish around 1923. Monsignor was living at St. Francis Home, as the rectory hadn’t been built yet. Grandpa taught at Cass Tech from 1917 to 1963. God Speed to all! Regards, Jim Faber 31 ST GREGORY ALUMNI ASSOCIATIONOUR 25TH YEAR! 9759 W ROYAL RIDGE DR SUN CITY AZ 85351 PRSRT STD U.S. POSTAGE PAID PHOENIX AZ PERMIT #5892 CHANGE SERVICE REQUESTED DONORS TO OUR ST. GREGORY ALUMNI ASSOCIATION, MAY, 2012 THRU NOV, 2012. Abraham, Michael Ackerman, Ginny Monforton Ahearn, Bernie Ahearn, Janet Frericks Anderson, Lisa Argenta, Joseph Bailey, Michael Barida, Gregory Barnes, Barbara Inturrisi Barnes, Pat Abadie Barry, Patricia Dacey Bartush, Dorothy Bastianelli, Lodavico Bastien, Madelyn Malane Beale, Mary Lou Van Antwerp Beale, Noreen Bergin, Mary Ann Rinkevich Bernard, John Bernard, Sharon Birkett, Larry Bliske, Raymond Bommarito, Margaret Dudek Bown, Ed Bradley, Pauline Gamache Brennan, Jane Watters Brodie, Sally Zevchak Brooks, Robert Brown, Fred Brown, Kevin Bruno, Carol Stevenson Burk, Robert Burke, Bob Burley, Robert Burt, Clyde Butler, Tom Cairns, David Cairns, Mike Cameron, Rosemary Jackson Campeau, Dean Carriveau, Cecelia Thomas Carron, Jim Case, Jim Case, Ward & Linda Cassabon, Marie Lilley Cassabon, Wilfred Caswell, Pat Drinkwater Cessante, Vince Charnley, Barb Kozlowski Chidsey, Chuck Cieslak, Elaine Jarzabek Cobb, Dolores Ditzhazy Conley, Michael Connelly, James Connelly, Margo Lambert Connelly, Patricia Mulville Connor, Kathleen Connor, Patricia Bebes Cooney, Bernard Copperstone, Linda Thomas Costella, Francis Coyle, Barbara Collins Crawley, Kathleen Kellly Crowe, Sharon Hicks D'Angelo, Mike Danna, Larry Danny, Shirley Hill Delaney, Margaret Welker DiNallo, Melina Fuller Devlin, Pat Zink Dimascio, Jean Radke Dinallo, Aldo Dingman, Laurence Diskin, Charles Diskin, Harry Doll, Walter Douds, Margaret Vella Duggan, Sr. Marion IHM Duggan, Susan Dwyer, Alan Eddy, Dennis Enright, Frank Faber, James Fagan, Mary Ellen Taillefer Farquharson, Joan Buchanan Fava, Violet Hylton Felix, Theresa Sancricca Fitzsimmons, Margaret Flannery, Patricia & Robert Finn Flesher, Donald Flesher, Jean Isabell Fortuna, Jane Staniski Frendo, Richie Pearson Diedo Gagnon, John Gamache, Joe Garbacik, Esther McKendry Gentile, JoAnn DiGiovanni Gerada, Peg & Jack Elwarner Gillis, Marilyn Dabaldo Gilmartin, David Gleeson, John Gleeson, Rita Goodrow Glenn, Bruce Grace, Anne Cahill Grace, Nancy Sebastian Greathouse, Barbara Heimler Henehan, Bernie Herc, Elizabeth Strangeland Herrick, Joe Herships, Edward Higgins, Michael Horwath, Ken Hoyt, Maurice Jackson, Tom Jacques, Jay Jaros, Carolyn Perry Jaros, Ronald Johns, Sally Perkins Jones, Sharon Collins Juszczyk, Casmer Juszczyk, Shirley Stork Kelly, JoAnn Stambersky Kelly, Kathleen Kenyon, Doug Kenyon, Judy McLaughlin Khoury, Pat Stimac King, Barbara Gallinat Koehler, Ginny Riederer Kolmesh, Ann Crespi Kopicko, Pat Kozlowski, David Kozlowski, Norbert Krushinski, Carl Kruszynski, Darlene Meier Kruszynski, Fran Shell Kulpa, Jim Kulpa, Michael LaFerle, Fran Lee Lapko, Christine Lawson, William Leflar, Jim Legel, George Leger, Anne Leshan, Bob Leshan, Diana Riebel Loiselle, Armand Loiselle, James Loiselle, Joan Costa Loiselle, Roger Mac Donald, Faye Horvath Madigan, Margaret Maher, Maureen Carron Maher, Michael Malloy, Gene Malloy, Thomas Marcucci, Helen Matta, Helen Mayotte, Jeanne Matuska McDonald, Carol Garbacik-Fourman McFeely, Rick & Kathy McGarragan, Patricia Rozman McGeary, Donna Payne McGrath, James McKendry, Mary Margaret Ross McLaughlin, Ernie McMillan, Eileen Schaefer McMillan, William McNamara, Margaret Desmond McNamara, Tom Menosky, Carole Kelley Menosky, Nancy Borth Meyers, Jacqueline Greene Milko, Margaret Walsh Miller, Ilene Henderson Montgomery, Gary Moran, Catherine Merglewski Morgan, Hugh Morgan, Marilyn Ritchie Morin, Gertrude Morin, Karen & Gene Lapko Morin, Leo Morrison, Mike Morrison, Patricia Mullaly, Elaine Mullaly, Janet Johnston Mullan, Susan Tomakowski Mulligan, Kay Haggerty Mulville, John Muzzin, Louise & Ted Mac Nagle, Lorri Devaney Lepain, Tim & Betsy Nash, Donald Nelson, John Nieto, Pedro Norlock, John Norlock, Paula Vollmar Noyer, Albert O'Kelly, Tom Olsen, Linda Feldman Ovington, Harold Paesani, Lillian Palma, Bruna Panella Paris, Catherine LeVegue Paterni, Carl Perchard, Bob Petila, Mary Corbett Pickering, Carol Van Cleave Pickering, Hilda Foucard Picogna, Dolores Gawronski Popp, Dolores Argenta Randazzo, Mary Hartmus Redilla, Marie Miller Riley, Mary Ann Bencivenga Rocco, Bob Ryan, Tom Saam, Frank Sancricca, Jeanne Nadler Sancricca, Nick Sancricca, Vic Sebastian, Nancy Grace Sgro, Kathy Shaw, Dennis Simpson, Eleanor Sinelli, Antonio Sitar, Richard Slemer, Jessica Nelson Smyth, Kelvin Sporman, Mary Hughes Staffeld, Paul Stambersky, Al Strauss, Martine Sullivan Sullivan, Patty Sullivan-Shaffer Susalla, Irene Di Noble Swanson, Rick Swoish, Jim Swoish, Mary Lou Clement Swoish, Robert Taylor, Thomas Turner, Alice Pettyjohn Tymn, Mariann Vagnetti, Frank Vagnetti, John Valenti, Delano Valovich, Paula Boucher Walsh, Jim Walsh, Mary Weakland, Pat Nordin Welch, Catherine Szymanski Welch, John Wesley, Arlene Wierzbicki, Joe Wilhelm, Gerald Wilhelm, Janet Cartier Winkel, Bill Winter, William 32 This document was created with Win2PDF available at The unregistered version of Win2PDF is for evaluation or non-commercial use only. 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