Florida Governor Rick Scott Holds History-Making
Florida Governor Rick Scott Holds History-Making
May 18, 2012 - May 24, 2012 Vol. 7 No 21 Florida Governor Rick Scott Holds History-Making Cabinet Meeting At Marathon’s Stanley Switlik School, Is Welcomed by Principal Dr. Lesley Salinero “The visit was a very significant event for our staff, faculty and students. Governor Scott met with us prior to the meeting and spent time talking about concerns such as funding, education and about the needs specific to families in the keys. The teachers and staff were pleasantly surprised at Governor Scott’s candor and openness to their inquires. He additionally made the teachers and students each feel valued and appreciated with the consideration and attention he gave their thoughts. It was a very special day for our school, being the host to the Governor and Cabinet, and the opportunity for our students to see Florida government in action was priceless!” Dr. Lesley Salinero - Principal of Stanley Switlik School in Marathon Key O! From left front: Memorial day Essay winner 1st place- Vanessa Martinez, Second placeGiovanni Sandoval, in back: Principal Dr. Lesley Salinero, Florida Attorney General Pam Biondi, Florida Governor Rick Scott, and Florida’s Commissioner of Agriculture, Adam Putnam. Great design does not have to be expensive...you just need good advice, smart space planning & color coordination! I can help you with ALL of that! Call me today for a free in-home consultation. Let me help you with your Keys home! C H R I S T O P H E R E LW E L L I do it all...Furniture, Design, Window Treatments & Flooring. F U R N I S H I N G & D E C O R AT I N G KEYS HOMES SINCE 1990! @ WE DO IT ALL! Furniture & Design Window Treatments Flooring National EMS Week – May 20-26 CEO Editorial/Letter When asked to describe a hero, many words come to mind. Adventurer, daredevil, conqueror, even an idol. However, when asked to describe an everyday hero, different words come to mind. Brave, selfless, caring, knowledgeable. Anyone who has ever had to dial 9-1-1 or be rushed to the emergency room with a life-threatening problem has firsthand knowledge of the skill and expertise our Emergency Medical Services team provides. In honor of the selfless work our EMS professionals give to all of us in Monroe County on behalf of Lower Keys Medical Center we want to thank them for their service and dedication. There couldn’t be a better time to celebrate these everyday heroes. I am in awe of these unique individuals who thrive in stressful situations, all while staying calm and performing life-saving procedures in the process. EMS professionals are used to being on call and working holidays all in the name of serving our community. They are true public servants, which is why they deserve special recognition. This coming May 20-26 has been designated National EMS Week. The annual event is focused on bringing together local communities and medical personnel to publicize safety and honor the dedication of those who are truly on medicine’s “front line.” We can’t thank our partners in EMS enough for their commitment and ask that you join Lower Keys Medical Center in celebrating and thanking our EMS team during this time. Nicki Will, PhD Chief Executive Officer Lower Keys Medical Center t Letter o the Editor Letter Carriers Food Drive - “Beyond Belief!” The 2012 “Stamp Out Hunger” Letter Carriers Food Drive was a “beyond belief” resounding success! The Florida Keys Outreach Coalition (FKOC), St. Peter’s Episcopal Church, and the Loaves and Fish Food Pantry, thank all of the Letter Carriers and caring citizens who donated so generously. This year, our hard working and dedicated Letter Carriers picked up over 17,000 pounds of food, all of which stays here to help needy local individuals and families. Now in its 20th year, the “Stamp Out Hunger” food drive is the nation’s largest single-day food drive, representing 1,300 local branches of the postal union. Held each year on the second Saturday in May, the event helps replenish food banks and pantries in more than 10,000 communities. Last year the “Stamp Out Hunger” national food drive collected 70.2 million pounds of food donations, pushing the 19-year total to more than 1.1 billion pounds of food! In many way, America is the land of plenty. But for 1 in 6 people in the United States, hunger is a reality. The need for food assistance continues to exist in every community, no matter how rich or poor. According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s annual study measuring food insecurity in the United States, the number of Americans living in food insecure homes reached nearly 49 million in 2011. Perhaps even more alarming is the fact that over 28% of children in Florida are food insecure. Many people believe that the problems associated with hunger are confined to small pockets of society, certain areas of the country, or certain neighborhoods, but the reality is much different. The sad truth is that many of our neighbors in the Keys are struggling with hunger. Most are hard-working adults, children and seniors who simply cannot make ends meet and are forced to go without food for several meals, or even days. On their behalf, we applaud and thank everyone for caring enough to help make a difference in our community. (For assistance please call: 305-2930641 or 1-800-528-6595) Sincerely, Rev. Stephen E. Braddock Rev. Donald Sullivan Julian Marley & The Uprising to headline Reggae Moon-Splash May 26 at Higgs Beach Son of Reggae legend Bob Marley, Julian carries the torch now... Rotary Club bringing great event to Higgs Beach! The Rotary Club of Key West is bringing another great Reggae Festival to Higgs Beach, on the sand and under the stars, Saturday May 26th. They have a fantastic line up of bands, including: JULIAN MARLEY & THE UPRISING: Son of the legendary Bob Marley, Julian brings his 9-piece band with him to Key West for the first time ever. Julian is the Marley that looks, sounds and writes most like his father Bob Marley. Keeping it all in the family is Julian’s Bassist, Aston Barrett, Jr. -- he is the son of Wailers original Bassist Aston “Family Man” Barrett. Keeping it festive and funky will be two other bands we all know and love; THE SPAM ALLSTARS and SUENALO! Spam opened for Yellowman at Higgs Beach last summer, and the response was so positive that Rotary has brought them back, and Suenalo! are the perfect band to round out an incredible line up. The event benefits The Rotary Club’s “College Scholarship Fund” -helping needy Keys youth make their way into college. Tickets go on sale May 11 through Keystix.com, Stick & Stein, Neptune Designs and Southernmost Beach Hotel. They’ll be only $22 in Advance, but jump to $30 on the day of the show. More Info: 305-296-6253 IT’S YOUR BIRTHDAY. LET’S GET HAPPY-FACED. 2 for 1 Cocktails* For the Entire Party Birthday Happy Hours at Tavern N Town. Live music, spicy tapas, 2-for-1 cocktails, and the birthday celebrant will receive a free Key lime martini. Call 305.296.8100 to reserve your private party table now. *2 for 1 Happy Hour from 5-7 pm daily. A valid photo ID is required to redeem complimentary birthday drink. Must be on actual date of birth. One per birthday celebrant please. INJGdDh {{XzD © h{{w >IFK?HOLCNGFF CONCH COLOR edi (305) 294-7566 office (305) 292-9955 faX pUBlisher/editor Tom oosTerhoudT ooster@conchcolor.com TORIAL director of operations Lee hines (305) 849-3473 lee@conchcolor.com florida keys photographic chronicle OFFICE ASSISTANT: Matt Kennard matt@conchcolor.com ad sales Karen Lee hirsT (305) 304-7609 karen@conchcolor.com YLeana VuraL (305) 797-8888 yleana@aol.com sho LichTensTein (305) 797-6609 shotime@conchcolor.com raqueL crummiTT (305) 414-8949 raqUelc@jsapromos.com JeremY r. Thompson (305) 709-8102 mrnicegUy_53403@yahoo.com daLe a. obracaY (305) 877-6908 daleo.1@hotmail.com AD SALES UPPER KEYS Janet Wood (305) 395-0241 – fldesignerjw@aol.com creatiVe design dina coYLe, dina designs, int’l (305) 741-7272 dinadesigns@BellsoUth.net weB master: daVid a.cox (774) 772-8434 imonamac@me.com PROOFREADER: Maxine lopez-Keough 314 simonton street key west fl 33040 pUBlished weekly and distriBUted eVery friday from key west to key largo. copyright 2010. all rights reserVed. DEADLINE 5 p.m. Friday for advertising and community news The Positive Voice THE FLORIDA KEYS NEED A POSITIVE VOICE to counteract negativity promoted by other local papers. Conch Color greatly appreciates positive comments about the community you live in. If you love your community and have something positive to say about it, email ooster@bellsouth.net. There are so many great Samaritans in the Keys and wonderful things happen every day. It’s time to give a voice to those who have great comments to say about the Keys. conch color the florida keys So Much Happening In The Florida Keys Our cover story this week is about the return of Florida Governor Rick Scott to the Florida Keys. When the self-described conservative Republican governor was elected, most of us in the Keys did not know what to expect. Thanks to local Republican stalwarts like Debby Goodman and Robert Spottswood, Governor Scott was invited down and has returned, this time with good news of $50 million in state funding toward Keys waste water projects. Governor Scott also made Keys history by convening a Cabinet meeting for the first time ever in the Keys, at Principal Lesley Salinero’s Stanley Switlik School in Marathon. Robert Spottswood hosted a reception for the governor at Marathon’s beautiful Catch 53 Restaurant last week, and just about all the who’s who in Marathon showed up to welcome Governor Rick Scott. Conch Color has an exclusive photo story on the reception and the visit. He also made our cover for the second time. I got to chat with Governor Scott’s assistant, Brad Pieperbrink, and he confided that he and the governor’s staff were thrilled to be able to spend a few days in the Florida Keys. And on the flip side, the teachers and students of Stanley Switlik School in Marathon were ecstatic with their high profile invasion. Most found the governor very easy to talk to. Almost everyone stressed how important a good education is and pleaded with the governor to prioritize it. Governor Rick Scott obviously likes the Keys and is listening to what he hears here. I was with him during most of the reception at Catch 53, and I couldn’t help but notice how he took time to chat with everyone who approached him, and actually seemed to listen what they had to say. He answered every question and gave each his own input to what they asked about. I was also humbled and impressed when he called me by my name, and was not afraid to ask me to take photos. Who knew I could become friends with Governor Rick Scott. I have heard all the cynicism about his massive cuts, but I saw on the news last night that Florida is not one of 26 states facing bankruptcy, while many states budgets are spiraling out of control. The governor tends to run our state like a business. And he sounds like he is hearing the public’s cry to re-prioritize education, while at 4 photographic chronicle the same time running a tight ship. I hope the governor and his staff get a little sand in their shoes so they will keep coming back to the Keys. Let’s hope so anyway! I ran in to my good friend, movie producer Anne O’Shea, while out and about this week, and got to congratulate her on her newest film, “Any Day Now,” winning a top award at New York’s TriBeca Film Festival a couple of weeks ago. TriBeca is known for bucking the pack and recognizing the top independent films. “Any Day Now” got rave reviews for its TriBeca world premiere. Co-producers Wayne LaRue Smith and Dan Skahen were on hand to help enjoy the adulation. Keys West’s own Randy Roberts and Randy Thompson were also there to bask in the glory. They both had roles in the film. Congrats to all for making Key West proud. I also was on hand at Key West High School this past week when student volleyball player Olha Morekhodova made a school record by receiving the school’s first full ride scholarship for volleyball. Just recently I was there when Kendal Galvan signed for the school’s first division one college scholarship. There seem to be more records made by this year’s graduating seniors than any class in recent memory. The Class of 2012 has made us all very proud! Congrats also go out to Key West High School’s fashion teacher Anika Wong, who pulled off an amazing student fashion show alongside her student designers her first year in the post. The school auditorium was packed and the fashion students produced an incredibly professionallooking show. Wow! We finally have an AfricanAmerican Queen of Soul Queen Mother, with Sirocco being crowned Queen Mother 29 this week. You go girl! She won this year’s contest hands down. I hope to see a good turnout for this year’s Truman Symposium at the Little White House this coming weekend. This is a must for local history buffs, and if not, it will make one out of you. It did me! It’s not too late to get tickets, just call the Little White House. TOM OOSTERHOUDT editor&publisher STONED E H T AT THE IBIS BAY RESORT Wise Family Receives ‘Florida’s Memorial Day Resolution’ From Governor Scott & Cabinet On Tuesday, May 8, 2012 at the Cabinet Meeting held at Stanley Switlik Elementary School, Gov. Rick Scott presented the ‘State Of Florida’s Memorial Day Resolution’ to Dav- id & Jeannine Wise in honor of Sgt. Robert Allen Wise who was killed in action on Nov. 12. 2003 in Baghdad, Iraq by an improvised explosive device. Prior to the cabinet meeting, Gov. Scott met privately with the Wise family and close friends Jim Crane and Cathy Crane where he offered his condolences and thanked them for Robert’s service to the Florida Na- tional Guard and to his country. Jim Crane, Cathy Crane, David & Jeannine Wise in a light-hearted moment with Gov. Scott. Proud father David Wise and Gov. Rick Scott discussing Robert’s service while viewing Time-Life’s ‘Last Letters Home’ book in which Robert is featured. Jim Crane and his daughter-in-law, ‘Iraq War’ veteran Cathy Crane look on as Gov. Scott expresses his gratitude as the ‘Commander In Chief’ of Florida’s National Guard for Robert’s service and for his sacrifice to our nation. Atty. Gen. Pam Bondi, Gov. Rick Scott, Commissioner Of Agriculture Adam H. Putnam and Chief Financial Officer Jeff Atwater present David & Jeannine Wise with the ‘State Of Florida Memorial Day Resolution’ in honor of Sgt. Robert Allen Wise. conch color the florida keys 5 photographic chronicle March G2G Associates Announced conch color the florida keys Lower Keys Medical Center is proud to announce that Wally Morales in the Respiratory Department, Maria Pellon, RN in the Post Anesthesia Care Unit and Cheryl Kirkpatrick, CRCST in the Operating Room have won the “Getting 2 Great” associate award for March of 2012. These dedicated individuals are continually recognized by our patients, always exceed expectations, and model the “Getting 2 Great” guiding principles -- servant leadership, never settling and always doing the right thing. We congratulate them all! ates alike. Cheryl Kirkpatrick, CRCST has worked at Lower Keys Medical Center for over 27 years and in that time has proven herself a valued Associate many times over. Cheryl truly works behind the scenes to keep the OR running smoothly. She is highly respected by her coworkers and is always a resource for many throughout the hospital. Cheryl is a team player who makes herself available wherever there is a need, whether it be ordering supplies or sterilizing items when necessary. Her manager recently stated that Cheryl is greatly responsible for our patients having everything they need for their surgery to be completed successfully. Wally Morales has worked at Lower Keys Medical Center since 1990 as a Respiratory Therapist. Wally is especially skilled with babies and the L&D department has had the benefit of this expertise. Recently a “Kudos” was posted stating that he took the time to sit down with a new unit clerk, and explain the different medications she would see being used by the respiratory department and how to spot them. This associate remarked that he “not only took the time to help her, but set her up for success in the future!” Whether Wally is performing his duties during a code or helping during the delivery of a new baby it is known that he is always there for his patients and his fellow Associ- Maria Pellon, RN began her career on the Medical Surgical unit and transferred to PACU several years ago. Since that time she has won rave reviews from the patients and the families she cares for daily. Maria always has a smile at the ready for anyone she encounters. Few nurses are mentioned as frequently as Maria is in our patient surveys. Some recent comments were, “Maria, OR nurse treated me like I was her own mom, always cheerful and definitely knows her job” and “Maria gave great info on recovery and anesthesiology.” Maria always makes it a point to check on her patients the day after surgery, which is an example of how she goes above and beyond for her patients. 6 photographic chronicle Please call our concierge at 305-809-4006 to book your service today. conch color the florida keys 7 photographic chronicle Governor Scott at Marathon’s Stanley Switlik School Dr. Matt Reid IT’S THE ONLY EVENING/WEEKEND CLINIC IN KEY WEST From left front: Memorial day Essay winner 1st place- Vanessa Martinez, Second place- Giovanni Sandoval, in back: Principal Dr. Lesley Salinero, Florida Attorney General Pam Biondi, Florida Governor Rick Scott, and Florida’s Commissioner of Agriculture, Adam Putnam. M-F 3:30 - 8:30 AND SAT/SUN 2 - 6. (305)-295-2944 The Stanley Switilk Hurricane Preparedness art contest winners: back row, State CFO Jeff Atwater, Governor Rick Scott, Commissioner of Agriculture Adam Putnam, and Stanely Switlik Principal Dr. Lesley Salinero. Students: kindergartner Reese Elwell, 1st grader Evan Tepexpa Zirio, 2nd grader Joe Cabrerea, 3rd grader Cailie Ranki, 4th grader Genna Town and 5th grader Lauren Lawyer. The Governor and his Cabinet presented the Honorary Switlik Dolphin Awards. State CFO Jeff Atwater, Switlik Principal Dr. Lesley Salinero, Governor Rick Scott, and the State Commissioner of Agriculture Adam Putnam. conch color the florida keys 8 photographic chronicle Ribbon Cutting and Dedication For The Roosevelt Sands Housing Complex HAIR MAKEUP COLOR Keratin Photos by Tom Oosterhoudt SPRAY TANNING CASA SALON Home of L’OREAL PROFESSIONAL 524 Eaton ST. PROFESSIONAL CENTER Suite # 110 - 120 www.casasalon.com 305-744 8675 Formerly Casa Salon at the Casa Marina Resort Com Billy Wardlow, Rev. Dr. Kevin Lewis, Com. Clayton Lopez, Roosevelt C. Sands, Mayor Cates, architect Bill Horne, board member Bob Dean, and Housing director Manuel Castillo helped cut the ribbon to dedicate the newly renovated housing complex in Bahama Village. Discover body, mind and spirit through this unique physical fitness system at The Pilates Studio of Key West tXXXQJMBUFTLFZXFTUDPN Roosevelt Sands, whom the housing complex is now named for, beamed with a big smile after cutting the ribbon. 1209 Truman Avenue, Key West, Florida 33040 lconnell@pilateskeywest.com Manuel Castillo and Com. Clayton Lopez presented Roosevlet Sands a proclamation honoring him for 41 years of dedicated service to the Key West Housing Authority, its residents, and the community and as a testimonial of his service officially and publicly Key Plaza Site B in his honor to be forever known as the “Roosevelt C. Sands Jr. Housing Complex” Roosevelt Sands accepted his plaque, joined by Manuel Castillo, Bob Dean, Com. Billy Wardlow, Com. Clayton Lopez, Rev. Dr. Kevin Lewis, and Key West Mayor Craig Cates. conch color the florida keys 305-396-7412 305-332-4168 3706 N. Roosvelt Blvd. Suite A michaelgordondmd.com 9 photographic chronicle Please visit us at: michaelgordondmd.com Key West Triumphs at New York’s TriBeca Film Festival Photos by Anne O’Shea On Her I-phone “Any Day Now,” written by Maxine Makover’s son, Travis Fine, produced by Anne O’Shea, and featuring Key West’s own Randy Roberts and Randy Thompson in supporting roles. Travis Fine won the Heineken Award for narrative film and received the best audience film with a prize of $25,000. Any Day Nows stars Alan Cumming and Garret Dillahunt, who fight a legal battle to adopt a teenager with Down Syndrome. Depictions of custody battles have become a Actors Alan Cumming, Anne, Garret Dillahunt on location. Alan Cumming is a Tony Award winner for his role in “Cabaret” on Broadway and an Emmmy nominee for the CBS hit series, “The Good Wife.” Garret Dillahunt is currently starring in the Fox series, “Raising Hope.” Actors Randy Thompson, Garret Dillahunt, Miracle Laurie, producer Dan Skaen, actors Isaac Leyva, Alan Cumming, and Randy Roberts at the cast dinner party. Key West’s Wayne LaRue Smith and Dan Skahen were also producers of “Any Day Now”. Director/writer/producer Travis Fine, actors Randy Thompson and Alan Cumming at the premiere after party. cinematic staple, but few register with the heartfelt emotion of Any Day Now. The issues raised by this film receiving its world premiere at the Tribeca Film Festival remain all too sadly relevant. Here are some pictures Actor Isaac Leyva and producer Brian at the premiere after party. Producer Brian, actors Randy Roberts, Alan Cumming, and guest Brent Barrett at the premiere after party. Actors Randy Roberts, Alan Cumming, and Doug Spearman filming the opening production number. Doug also appears in LOGO TV’s “Noah’s Ark.” conch color the florida keys of our Key West friends during the production, premiere, and after party of the award winning film “Any Day Now.” This heart-wrenching film will touch everyone. Keep your eyes open for it at our local cinema. Actor Anne in her trailer. Producers Anne and Brian at the Tribeca Film Festival. Actors Frances Fisher, Randy Roberts, and Mindy Sterling on set filming the courtroom scenes. Mindy Sterling appeared in the Austin Powers films. Frances Fisher was in the epic “Titanic,” “Lincoln’s Lawyer,” and many more. 10 photographic chronicle Left: Producer and actor Anne O’Shea and actor Miracle Laurie at the premiere after party. Miracle also starred in “The Doll House.” Dan Skaeen and Alex at the after party Actor Don Franklin and producer/actor Anne O’shea at the after party Governor Scott Releases Sea Turtle From Rehab FREE CHECKING? Photos by Andy Newman/Florida Keys News Bureau CHECK. With Centennial Bank, you can access your money without spending your money. We offer a no-worries account with no monthly maintenance fees and lots of extras. And don’t forget about our free instant-issue debit card. Get it today. Use it today. It’s that easy. Just a few more ways we offer banking that comes to you. Call Todd at 942-1611. Florida Gov. Rick Scott, center, holds “Izzy,” a green sea turtle with Turtle Hospital staff veterinarian Doug Mader, left, and hospital founder Richie Moretti Tuesday, May 8, 2012, in Marathon. Scott was visiting the hospital prior to releasing another green sea turtle, which had recently recovered from surgery, off the Florida Keys Tuesday afternoon. Some restrictions apply. Florida Gov. Rick Scott, right, and Richie Moretti, founder of the Florida Keys-based Turtle Hospital, release a 30-pound green sea turtle named “Sas” into the Gulf of Mexico of Marathon, Tuesday, May 8, 2012. The male turtle had been treated at the hospital since Sept. 2011 for fibropapilloma, a herpes-like disease that produces cauliflower-resembling tumors all over a turtle’s body. MY100BANK.COM | A Home BancShares Company (Nasdaq: HOMB) 7Y^USeYcY^UQdQVV_bTQR\U`bYSUc _fUb\__[Y^WdXU_SUQ^ @`U^TQY\iVb_])Q]"!`]DUbfY^W3bUQ[VQcd=e^SX5Y^^Ub "%!&5efQ\DdbUUd<UiHUcd~$!&#*&'&&! D_edXUb^]_cdRUQSXSQVUS_] Right: Florida Gov. Rick Scott, right, caresses “Izzy,” a two-year-old green sea turtle alongside Turtle Hospital staff veterinarian Doug Mader. conch color the florida keys 12 photographic chronicle Spring Into Summer Celebration at Waterside Photo by Matt Kennard CONCH COLOR Visit us online at florida keys photographic chronicle From left, Diane May, Carol Sonstein, Dee Johnston, Mary Ann Westerlund, Mary Allen Beatty, Kathleen Moody, hosts Caroline and Jerry Cash conch color the florida keys conchcolor.com 13 photographic chronicle Key West Dentist Helping Area Families Innovative Healthcare Solution Formulated Locally Dental Alternative to High Cost Insurance As the healthcare debate rages nationally, one Key West dentist has decided to do something tangible to help individuals and families afford quality dental care. “Statistically speaking, more than 60% of Americans don’t have dental insurance,” said Dr. Sandy Pape from her dental practice building on 802 Truman Ave, Key West. “This means that a large majority of people here locally delay dental procedures, which is not good for dental health or overall healthcare.” A recent report by CBS News cited by Dr. Pape indicated dental decay as a contributing factor in many seemingly unrelated problems... including employment problems, heart disease and childhood school absences. “Even here in Key West we see kids in our practice who are in chronic pain because a simple cavity was not caught in time. That cavity was not caught because the parents perceived that they could not afford dental care. By the time the pain for the child is unbearable... the cost of solving the problem has escalated two or three times over what it would have been if caught a year earlier. This bothered me a great deal and I decided to be part of finding a solution.” The solution that Dr. Pape helped develop with other dentists across the country is both simple and quite ingenious... and may prove to be a model for healthcare reform across the board. “Numbers don’t conch color the florida keys lie... and we found that we could create a system where families could get earlier preventative and less expensive dental care.” The program is called QDP - Quality Dental Plan (QualityDentalPlan.com), which is now rolling out nationally across the nation thanks to Dr. Pape and other forwarding thinking dentists. “I sat down with my front office team and saw how much money was going to insurance companies, claim forms administration and collections costs. We also calculated how many hundreds of extra dollars families were spending by not catching potential problems that we could have found during a simple annual dental exam. When I began to run these numbers with other dentists around America... we found that we could offer our patients free initial exams, free exam x-rays, free teeth cleanings, free whitening, Botox treatments at just $10 per unit and as much as 20% off our usual fee structure simply by creating our own in-house dental savings plan.” The result was QDP... and Dr. Pape is quite proud of what she and the other dentists have created. “This one simple step has allowed us to eliminate the insurance company middle man... and those savings are going right back into the pockets of folks here locally. I’m really proud to be part of this forward looking cost-savings movement. This is a great system for dental care everywhere.” 14 photographic chronicle RE-ELECT you are invited to Elks Lodge 1107 Whitehead Street, Key West Friday, May 18, 2012 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. Enjoy great food and libations. let’s KEEP Dennis Ward www.DennisWard2012.com Paid Political Advertisement Paid and Approved by Dennis W. Ward, Democrat State Attorney, Monroe County, Florida Cinderella On Sunday May 20th, 4PM @ The Tennessee Williams Theatre, the CoffeeMill Dance Studio will proudly present “DANCEWORKS 10.” This ONE PERFORMANCE ONLY dance concert will feature a special version of the ballet ‘Cinderella’ with music by Prokofiev and choreography by Kim Schroeder and Joseph Goodman, PLUS other original works performed by CoffeeMill students, faculty, visiting artists and members of the Key West Contemporary Dance Company! Tickets are $15, $20, $25 and are available on line at www.keystix.com. 305.296.9982 or coffeemilldance. com Photo: Nikky Gasche of Mikayla Gill in rehearsal as Cinderella conch color the florida keys 15 photographic chronicle Amber Bosco Celebrates Her 50th Birthday at Cowboy Bill’s Photos by Tom Oosterhoudt Above: Amber Bosco was surrounded by friends and family at Cowboy Bill’s as she celebrated her 50th birthday. Amber seemed well on her way to recovery from her recent major operation. Martha Nelson, Tammy Osterhoudt, Jean Galvan, Amber Bosco, Robin Black, Angela Van Loon, Tiffany Freeman and Lesley Finigan. Amber kept the dance floor jumping! Left: Longtime friends Lesley Finigan, Robin Black, Amber Bosco and Tiffany Freeman. Right: The birthday girls: Gloria James, Amber Bosco and Neda Preston. conch color the florida keys 16 photographic chronicle Longtime friends and colleagues, Amber, Lesley Finigan and Jean Galvan. Longtime friends and colleagues, Amber, Lesley Finigan and Jean Galvan. Leslie Holmes and Amber Bosco. Amber with her beautiful daughters, Alissa and Briana. State Rep. Ron Saunders, Amber Bosco, and Susan Goldstein. Bubba Osterhoudt, Amber Bosco, Dale Finigan and George Galvan. Conch Color publisher Tom Oosterhoudt with his favorite Conch Color sports editor, Amber Bosco. Above: Amber and Liana Blanco. Right: Amber Bosco and Miguel Menendez. conch color the florida keys 17 photographic chronicle First State Bank Honored by Waterfront Playhouse Mariners Hospital Foundation Presents World Premiere Play being of individuals, and promote First State Bank of the Florida the sanctity of life in South Florida Keys has been inducted into the and Upper Keys communities. Mariners Hospital Foundation Pillar Society honoring over a decade of philanthropic support. “We are pleased to recognize the long-term philanthropic support that First State Bank has provided to the Mariners Hospital Foundation and welcome them to the Pillar Society,” said Rick Freeburg. “We are honored to be recognized for our support of the great work of the Mariners Hospital Foundation and proud to join other local business leaders as a member of the prestigious Pillar Society,” said Karen Sharp, First State Bank President/CEO. Mariners Hospital Foundation, celebrating its 50th AnniMariners Hospital Vice President/CEO Rick Freeburg, First State Bank Senior Vice President Bette Brown and Mariners Hospital Director of Developversary, strives ment Wendy Gentes. Mariners Hospital Vice President/CEO Rick Freeburg, to improve the State Bank Senior Vice President Bette Brown and Mariners Hospital health and well- First Director of Development Wendy Gentes. At Schooner Wharf Bar The Doerfels Friday, May 18th – 7:00 p.m. ‘til Midnight & Saturday, May 19th – 7:00 p.m. ‘til Midnight The Doerfels are an exuberant musical family originally from New York state. Early on, these young musicians wowed audiences and critics with their bluegrass. Now they’ve branched out into other music genres, blending country, gospel and bluegrass with a touch of blues and rock, plus originals. With an extensive line-up of arrangements with banjo, fiddle, bass, cello, guitar, and humor, they form a musical group of astounding virtuosity. Even the youngest members are veterans of the stage. One Keys reporter has said, “Seasoned musicians watched in awe….” And music fans of all ages enjoy their awesome shows. Come out and see why “The Doerfels [are] a force to be reckoned with.”* Their one-of-akind dynamic energy is something you won’t want to miss. No strings attached! For more information, please call Schooner Wharf Bar at (305) 2923302. Join us on facebook or visit Schoonerwharf.com. conch color the florida keys Photo by Peter Arnow The Waterfront Playhouse proudly presents the world premiere production of “Home Exchange” by Mr. Conrad. who is the writer/producer of the Emmy-winning TV series “Monk” and “White Collar.” “Home Exchange” runs through May 26 (Thursday to Saturday) at 8 pm and is generously sponsored by Fast Buck Freddies. The 2011/12 Waterfront season sponsors are Wodu Media, Digital Island Media and AT&T, the Real Yellow Pages. “Home Exchange” explores what happens when a brother and sister exchange the sister’s Manhattan condo for a vacation in the ‘quaint’ cottage of a British couple. As the brother and sister settle in, they begin to uncover clues that lead them to suspect a murder plot involving the British couple The play is directed by Bob Bowersox and stars Michael Aaglan, Brandon Beach, Tom Murtha, Nicole Nurenberg and Joan O’Dowd. Tickets and information for “Home Exchange” may be found at WaterfrontPlayhouse.org or call 305-2945015. Check out our discount specials: “Spring Savings” on Thursdays and Friday Night Date Night (Both nights are 2 tickets for $60!) Nicole Nurenberg and Joan O’Dowd Keys Federal Credit Union Offers “Financial Peace” Keys Federal Credit Union is offering “Financial Peace University”, a 13week personal money-management course designed by Dave Ramsey, nationally syndicated radio talk show host and New York Times best-selling author. Classes begin Tuesday, June 5th at 6PM and will be held weekly at our Key Plaza branch; 3022 N. Roosevelt Blvd., Key West. Class materials are only $89 if you sign up by May 30, 2012. A limited number of scholarships are available; to apply visit www.KeysFCU.org. Financial Peace University is a life-changing program that teaches you how to make the right decisions with your money. Topics include investments, retirement, real estate, college planning, debt collectors, credit reports and more! You’ll be empowered with the practical skills and confidence needed to achieve your financial goals and experience true financial peace! During the 13 18 photographic chroicle week course, the average family pays off $5,300 in debt and saves $2,700! To reserve your space, please call Mary Lou Carn at 293-6500 or email marylou.carn@keysfcu.org. Dave Ramsey YOU CAN’T AFFORD TO KEEP PAYING RENT !! QUALIFIED BUYERS WITH 5% DOWN CAN OWN AN ISLANDER VILLAGE 3 BEDROOM HOME FOR $1,795 A MONTH, AND A 2 BEDROOM FOR $1,595 A MONTH*… THAT’S $200 LESS THAN THE HOMES RENT FOR! sANDBEDROOMHOMESAVAILIBLETO s3ELLERPAYS!,,BUYERSCLOSINGCOSTS s3ELLERHELDSECONDMORTGAGESATREASONABLERATES s7EWILLHELPYOUWITHYOURFINANCINGANDCREDIT s-OVEIN2EADYELEVATEDHOMESWITHIMPACTWINDOWSDOORSANDMETALROOF s"EAUTIFULLYLANDSCAPEDCOMMUNITYWITHPOOLDOGPARKANDPLAYGROUND s!SAFEANDFRIENDLYCOMMUNITYFOR,OCALS^YOUMUSTLIVEANDWORK IN-ONROE#OUNTYTOPURCHASEMODERATERESTRICTIONSAPPLY )NTERESTRATESHAVENEVERBEENLOWERANDTHECURRENTFINANCIALMARKETPLACE CONTINUESTOCREATEADVANTAGESANDDEALSIN2EAL%STATE)SLANDER6ILLAGEISONE OFTHOSEOPPORTUNITIESANDITSAGREATPLACETOLIVE %STIMATEDPAYMENTSINCLUDE0RINCIPLE)NTEREST4AXES)NSURANCEAND(/!DUESANDCANVARYDEPENDINGON BUYERSCREDITSCORE)SLANDER6ILLAGEISLOCATEDATTH!VE Debbie Swift 509-1958 Joyce Unke 294-3225 Mercy Herrada (hablamos espanol) 879-9735 Gordon Ross Returns with Vicki Roush Wyland Galleries to Host Michael Cheval, Stephen Harlan May 17-20 and Bobby Nesbitt To The Studios of Wyland Galleries will host two acclaimed artists Thursday through Sunday, May 17-20. Surrealist Michael Cheval and digital artist Stephen Harlan will introduce their latest images at Wyland’s two Key West galleries in a rare “double feature.” Cheval will debut his visions of the absurd at the 623 Duval St. gallery, while Harlan will unveil his intricately-crafted waterfront and architectural scenes at the 102 Duval St. location. Both will be on hand daily and by appointment. Michael Cheval’s intriguing images showcase his surrealistic worldview as well as influences of eastern and western culture. Harlan’s pieces, painted with digital “brushes,” are vividly colorful with a masterful use of light and shadow. Don’t miss this chance to meet Michael Cheval and Stephen Harlan at Wyland’s Key West galleries May 17-20. For more information, call the 102 Duval gallery at (305) 294-5240 or the 623 Duval gallery at (305) 2924998, or visit www.wylandkeywest. com. “Magica Lesson” by Michael Cheval. Cheval will showcase his latest absurdist paintings at Wyland’s 623 Duval St. gallery May 1720. : “Early Morning” by Stephen Harlan. Harlan will be at Wyland’s 102 Duval St. gallery May 17-20 to introduce his latest digital images. conch color the florida keys Key West Gordon Ross will return to the Studios of Key West this Friday, May 18th for his second concert of the season featuring Michael Robinson as his accompanist and percussionist Skipper Kripitz. “It certainly has been a busy season for Michael, Skipper and myself. We have been working on new numbers and features for this show as soon as we finished our March 9th concert. This show will have some wonderful Laura Nero songs, a few Beatle songs, some favorite standard and jazz numbers and special guest appearances by Bobby Nesbitt and Vicki Roush. It should be quite the evening!” states Ross. A special tribute to Larry Harry will be done by Bobby Nesbitt . Tickets are now on sale and have been sell- 19 photographic chronicle ing briskly at the Studios of Key West and at www.keystix.com. Photo: L To R: Michael Robins, Gordon Ross and Skipper Kripitz return to the Studios of Key West on Friday, May 18th at 8pm with special guests Vicki Roush and Bobby Nesbitt. Tickets are going fast at www.keystix.com. Tickets can also be purchased at the Studios of Key West (296-0458) located at 600 White Street in the Old Armory Building. The Fifth Annual Key West High School Fashion Class Fashion Show Under the Direction of Anika Wong Photos by Tom Oosterhoudt and Article by Nick Wright “Between teaching Art at Glynn Archer, teaching Art and Fashion Design at KWHS, and directing the Fashion Show, I have to admit there were days that I didn’t know if I was coming or going. However, through the chaos I could see the creativity and the endless possibilities. It has truly been a great experience to watch these girls develop their talents and I’m very proud of them. We have all worked hard to make this year’s Fashion Show one of the best. What a great team... What a wonderful night!” Fashion Show Teacher and Director Anika Wong This past Thursday, flocks of fashionistas flooded the Key West High School Auditorium for the school’s fifth annual Fashion Show. The event, started by retired educator Cassandra Santana, has turned into a showcase of the southernmost high school’s excellent vocational education programs. Once written off as carpentry class and secretary school, vocational education has morphed into an exciting option for students, best illustrated by each year’s sold out event. Anika Wong, in her first year taking over, led the fashion class in an exhibition of her students’ spring lines, with designers introducing their vision while student models strutted across the stage in an extravaganza of aesthetics, artistry, and splendor. “It’s always an amazing experience,” said junior Jessica Wright, who was modeling for the third consecutive year. “Ms. Wong did an awesome job. The show keeps getting better and better each year as we keep learning new things.” Although the fashion program gets top billing, all vocational programs at Key West High worked together to make the event a success, with cosmetology, technology and even culinary students lending their talents to the show. “It’s such a nice event,” said former KWHS Teacher of the Year Holly Bell. “The community really seems to come out for the students.” This year, Ms. Bell and her students were particularly pleased with both the quality of the hors d’oeuvres provided by the culinary students, and with the quality of student service. Before the stunning models took the stage, the award winning Video Productions pro- Vice president Taylor Park, president Alyssa McPherson, fashion class teacher and show director Mrs. Anika Wong, secretary Allie Beeman , and treasurer Madi Berry. Designer Alice Palay and her models on the move! Caroline Talbott, Robyn DeRoche, Erin Riley, Miranda Acevedo, Alice Palay (designer), Lola Myateiva, Julianne Petro, and Clare Kehoe. Emcee Zeb Mannix-Lachner, Natalie Stanley, vice president Taylor Park, president Alyssa McPherson , Marliese DeMauro, and emcee Michael McLaughlin . gram wowed onlookers with lasers darting through the blackness, and high-definition video introductions for the models and designers. “We got to do some really cool stuff with some donated technology,” said Ed Smith, a former national championship Television Productions teacher. “The lasers produced a cool effect, and the kids did a great job showcasing the models from multiple points of views and angles. I don’t think there are five high schools in the country that can produce the kind of show our kids were executing.” In the end, the students of Key West High School put on a show that rivals performances in the world’s major fashion hubs. Bravo! `` Ruth Bien-Aime, Carly Cherry, Rachel Wells, Kaylee Parker, Casey Schlottman, Alec Toranzo (designer), Allyson McCall (designer), Sharrie Pearl, Monique Tuya, Sydni Swanson, and Michelle Konik. Left: Nena Gomez, Allie Knowles, Krystal Killen, Erika Pena, Designer Caya Copper, Alexis Thompson, and other models. Right: Ashley Green, Angela Mingo, Simari Arias, Ashli Mingo (designer), Deanna Rivas (designer), Coral Welch, Vanessa Lundi, and Taylor Williams. Ashley Green, Angela Mingo, Simari Arias, Ashli Mingo (designer), Deanna Rivas (designer), Coral Welch, Vanessa Lundi, and Taylor Williams. conch color the florida keys 20 photographic chronicle Marella Barroso, Marliese DeMauro, Designer Taylor Park, Natalie Stanley, and Casey Schlottman Marella Barroso, Marliese DeMauro, Designer Taylor Park, Natalie Stanley, and Casey Schlottman. Designer extraordinaire Alec Toranzo. Zeb Mannix, Aj Davila, Nick Patrocky, and Michael McLaughlin. Left: Katelyn Garcia, Marliese DeMauro, Ashley Hernandez, Designer Alyssa McPherson, Lindsey Free, and Natalie Stanley. Right: Katlin Rahming, Angela Martin, Jennifer Valdez (designer), Carli Malone, Cheyenne Wright, and Ani Kresser. Tori Fitzsimmons, Marlee Gil, Jessica Weiderecht, Lauren Albury (designer), Alina Garcia, Victoria Pavon, Destiny Johnson, Sarah Gutierrez. Taylor Park, Alyssa McPherson, Mrs.Wong, Allie Beeman, and Madi Berry. Kayla Geide, Montana Busche, Sahara Graft, Zack Wilkerson (assistant) , Madison Berry (designer), Jessica Wright, and Adrianna Garcia. Hannah Valek, Lindsey Free, Allie Beeman (designer), and Gwen Pearson. conch color the florida keys 21 photographic chronicle Alyssa McPherson and Marliese DeMauro. Clare Kehoe, Erin Riley, Caroline Talbott, Robyn DeRoche, Alice Palay (designer), Lola Myatieva, Miranda Acevedo, Julianne Petro. Funky Wedges that all of Desginer Jennifer Valdezs’ Models wore. Fabulous Glittery Pumps- check out how high those heels are! Left: Looking regal behind the scenes... Natalie Stanley and Glenn Evens. Superintendent Dr. Jesus Jara and School Board member Andy Blue Peep Toes with Bow worn by Griffiths congratulated new fashion class teacher Anika Wong on the successful show that filled the school auditorium. Fashionista Alyssa McPherson. Left: Designed by Madi Berry, worn by Kayla Giede. Right: Natalie Stanlley and Taylor Park. Alexis Thompson and Clive Georges. Now that’s a bow! Designed by Lauren Albury and worn by Sara Gutierrez. Marlee Gill and her mom, Assistant Principle Marla Russell. Alica Palay and her mom. Caroline Talbott escorted by AJ Davila. Katelyn Garcia. The evening’s youngest models backstage, Emma Momaly, Breanna Allen, and Whitney Smyth. FLORIDA GOVERNOR RICK SCOTT VISITS MARATHON AND HOLDS HISTORIC CABINET MEETING THERE Photos by Tom Oosterhoudt Hosts Robert and Elena Spottswood welcomed Governor Rick Scott at a well-attended reception at Catch 53. Top Keys Republicans were on hand to welcome the Governor. From left, Toni Appell, Carey Goodman, Governor Rick Scott, Monroe County Republican Chair Debby Goodman, and the Chairman of the State Republican Party, Lenny Curry. Marathon City Manager Roger Hernstadt and his wife, Jessica, with Governor Rick Scott. Marathon Councilman Mike Cinque and Karen Dennis with Governor Rick Scott. Marathon Chamber of Commerce CEO Daniel Samess and his wife, Liz, with Governor Rick Scott. Governor Rick Scott with Tommy Mack and Lenny Curry, the Chairman of the Republican Party of Florida. State Board of Education Commissioner John Padget greeted Governor Rick Scott. Padget was appointed by Scott to the State Education Commission, a first for the Florida Keys. Governor Rick Scott with George Garrett, Marathon’s Director of Planning. Governor Rick Scott with Catch 53 owners, Maria and Peter Hopwood. The event was held at Catch 53 in Marathon. Governor Rick Scott with Marathon Councilwoman Ginger Snead. Marathon Mayor Peter Worthington with Governor Rick Scott. Governor Rick Scott and “Mr. Marathon” Mike Puto. Monroe County Commissioner George Neugent, Governor Rick Scott, and Peter Rosasco. Governor Rick Scott with Susie Hammaker of Key Largo’s District Waste Water Committee. Florida’s Governor Rick Scott in the Florida Keys. Dennis Zecca, Governor Rick Scott, and Robert Leef. Dennis is the GM and Robert is the owner of Marathon Marina and Boat Yard. Governor Rick Scott with Brian Schmitt. Governor Rick Scott with Erin Bell and Col. Rick Ramsay of the Monroe County Sheriff’s Department. Hector Torres and Florida Governor Rick Scott. Capt. Bill Kelly, Director of the Florida Commercial Fishermen’s Association and his wife, Barbara, with Governor Rick Scott. Fury owner Scott Saunders, Governor Rick Scott, and Randy Moore. conch color the florida keys 26 photographic chronicle Carey Goodman with Governor Rick Scott. Marathon Holiday Inn Express GM Lisa Kaminski with Governor Rick Scott. Doug and Linda Walker with Governor Rick Scott. Debbie Aleksander from the Republican Party of Florida and Brad Piepenbrink, special assistant to the Governor. The governor’s worker bees were thrilled to spend some time in the Florida Keys. Ralph Lucignano, owner of the Marathon Deli and Plaza Grill with Governor Rick Scott. Governor Rick Scott with John Spottswood. Mario and Margitta DiGenarro with Governor Rick Scott. Governor Rick Scott with Conch Color publisher and editor, Tom Oosterhoudt. Photo by Robert Spottswood. conch color the florida keys Maggie Gutierrez, Republican candidate for Mosquito Control District 1, with Governor Rick Scott. Host Robert Spottswood introduced Florida Governor Rick Scott. 27 photographic chronicle Happy 70th Birthday Chuck Gilmore! Photo by Matt Kennard State Rep Candidate Morgan McPherson With Wife, Christina Photo by Tom Oosterhoudt THE PORTERALLEN COMPANY INSURANCE Silverliners Donate Ipads To Schools Since 1891 ELIZABETH M. FREEMAN President 513 SOUTHARD ST., KEY WEST, FL 33040 PHONE 305-294-2542 FAX 305-296-7985 conch color the florida keys The Monroe County School District ESE Department and Assistive Technology is thrilled to have received an iPad, cases, and iTunes cards from the Silverliners group in Key West. This donation will give students who do not have a voice the ability to communicate. Through use of the iPad and a special communication program called Prologue2go, nonverbal student have had a whole new world opened up to them. 28 photographic chronicle Key West Pride 2012 June 6-10 2012 Sunset sails, sandy beaches, films, comedy, pool parties, late night dance parties, and a community focused parade are just some of the special events that create the fun of Key West Pride 2012, June 6-10. Key West Pride is set on a tropical island that is legendary for its laid back style and its open and accepting atmosphere. Whether you’re looking to party with friends, travel with family, or to get lost in the magic of our tropical island, rediscover Key West and learn how one island’s One Human Family philosophy has created one of the most integrated and unique communities in the world! Events for the week include the family-friendly street fair on legendary Duval Street, while late night clothingoptional parties will keep Key West’s steamy reputation alive and well. A must see of Key West Pride are the annual Pride Pageants. These very adult competitions often leave little to the imagination as contestants heat-up the runway in an effort to earn the Pride titles: Miss Pride (men dressed as women), Mr Pride (men barely dressed), Ms Pride (don’t tell the lesbians it’s a pageant). All of this fun culminates as the community joins together on Duval Street for the lively Key West Pride Parade, which features a cross-section of the Key West community and a 100 foot section of the famous “Sea to Sea Rainbow Flag.” Key West Pride 2012 also features Emmy Award Winning Leslie Jordan’s hilarious new one man show “Fruit Fly,” which answers the pressing question, “Do gay men become their mothers?” Critics call the talented Jordan “Saucy, sassy, and simply sensational!” We think you will call it great fun! Keynote speaker for the week is activist Erin Davies. Her moving and inspiring story of refusing to become a victim to hate reminds us that it is not our circumstances but our choices that define us. Her documentary will be shown throughout the week, and she and the “Fagbug” will be honored in the Key West Pride parade as the Grand Marshall. Visit the island that was the first to market itself as a gay destination. Show us your Key West Pride. We are showing you ours! For more information about Key West Pride, visit www.keywestpride.org. or www. gaykeywestfl.com, or call 800-5357797. The Gay Key West Visitor Center is located at 513 Truman Avenue in Key West. conch color the florida keys 29 photographic chronicle OWNER UNIT PLUS 4 1127 WASHINGTON $685,000 Let your tenants help pay your mortgage! Four Spacious studio apartments and a one bedroom owner’s unit - full kitchens & off street parking! Close to Casa Marina and beaches REALTY EXECUTIVES FLORIDA KEYS ROBE RTA MIRA, PA C: 305-797-5263 E: ROB E RTAKW @AOL.COM s"/2.4/3%,,s"/2.4/3%,,s s"/2.4/3%,,s"/2.4/3%,,s "/2.4/3%,,s"/2.4/3%,,s"/2.4/3%,,s"/2.4/3%,, Mothers Day at Beachside’s Tavern N Town Photos by Tom Oosterhoudt and Alex "/2.4/3%,,s"/2.4/3%,,s"/2.4/3%,,s"/2.4/3%,, Office Surgery for Carpal tunnel, Alex and his manager welcome everyone to Mother’s Day dinner at Beachside’s Tavern N Town. Trigger finger, Dupuytren’s Orthopedic Surgery 1111 12th St.#212, Key West Anne McKee hosted Tom Oosterhoudt and his mother, Mary Ann Worth, for Mother’s Day dinner at Beachside’s Tavern N Town this year. The three have been dining together for years as a Mother’s Day tradition since Anne became a widow. The food was amazing! ASTROLOGY READINGS By Sylvia Bogart s!STROLOGY#ONSULTATIONS s#HARTSs2EADINGS 305.731.6280 Yvette Talbott also enjoyed Mother’s Day Dinner at Beachside’s Tavern N Town with her husband, Kevin, and her daughters, Caroline and Lauren. conch color the florida keys 30 photographic chronicle Dr. Malcom “Skip” Drezner and Sharron A. Mondo Announcing the marriage of Dr. Malcom “Skip” Drezner to Sharron A. Mondo on Saturday May 5, 2012 at the Reach Resort in Key West. First State Bank Thanks Foster Parents First State Bank of the Florida Keys continneeds of families. For more information visit ues its ongoing support of Wesley House Famwww.wesleyhouse.org. ily Services with a donation of reusable “going green” shopping bags as gifts to thank local foster parents in honor of National Foster Parent Appreciation Month. Wesley House is hosting events to celebrate, support and show appreciation for foster parents. Events are 5/19 at 10:00am at the Tropic Cinema and 5/20 at 1:00pm at the Fish Bowl in Islamorada. Both events will be filled with activities, snacks and surprises for the families. Wesley House is dedicated to promoting and enhancing the safety, First State Bank SVP/Marketing Director Don Lanman, Wesley House Media/ well-being and development of children by educating, Events Coordinator Lissette Cuervo, Wesley House Operations Manager Suzanne Barlow and First State Bank EVP/Retail Market Executive Tony Romano. supporting and meeting the Dr. Elizabeth Morin Joins Key West Chiropractic Photo by Matt Kennard 1FU8PSME4VQQMZ Dr. Debbie Flynn has welcomed Dr. Liz Moore to Key West Chiropractic. 1FU4VQQMJFTBU6OCFBUBCMF1SJDFT FOR LESS #UI"WF,FZ8FTU'- Just Down The Street Fron Rusty Anchor conch color the florida keys 31 photographic chronicle 1IPOF XXX1FU8PSME4VQQMZDPN Bekah Wins Latest Aqua Idol Comptetition Photos by Matt Kennard Congratulations to Bekah, the first place winner, and Trevor and Susie, the 2nd and 3rd place winners. They raised $11,000 for The Key West Business Guild! CALL 305-293-6000 New Aqua Idol Winner Bekah surrounded by her fans and friends. CLICK www.KeysFCU.org VISIT one of our convenient branches in Key West at Key Plaza or Southard St. and in Marathon Shores. *Everyone who gets a new auto, boat or personal loan from Keys Federal Credit Union from May 1st to July 31st , 2012 will be automatically entered for a chance to win a $2,000.00 gasoline gift card. Subject to credit approval. Restrictions may apply. Federally insured by the NCUA. MILANO CONSTRUCTION, INC. FULFILLING ALL YOUR REMODELING NEEDS UÊ/ ÊUÊÊ/,""UÊ"",-ÊEÊ7 "7UÊÊ " -/,1 /" UÊ-/Ê/1, ,"1 ÊÊUÊ" Ê,,,- Aqua Idol emcee Randy Roberts congratulates the new winner Bekah, with first runner-up Trevor and second runner-up Susie. GUARANTEED TO BEAT ANY QUOTE FROM LOCAL LICENSED VENDOR!* Óä¯Ê- "1 /Ê" Ê / ÊEÊ/Ê RENOVATIONS. FIND US ON ANGIE’S LIST 305.741.1816 -//ÊÊ £x£ÇÎxäÊÊUÊÊ9Ê7-/ÊÊ£ÓäääÓÈÇÈä * PLEASE CALL US FOR DETAILS. Bekah wails it out on her road to winning. conch color the florida keys 32 photographic chronicle OPEN SUNDAY NOON-2 PM $725,000 78 KEY HAVEN Outgrown your current home? This home boasts over 2,400 sq. ft. of living space on an oversized lot. Three bedrooms and 3 baths with large office space and great views on open canal! REALTY EXECUTIVES FLORIDA KEYS ROBE RTA MIRA, PA C: 305-797-5263 E: ROB E RTAKW @AOL.COM s"/2.4/3%,,s"/2.4/3%,,s s"/2.4/3%,,s"/2.4/3%,,s "/2.4/3%,,s"/2.4/3%,,s"/2.4/3%,,s"/2.4/3%,, "/2.4/3%,,s"/2.4/3%,,s"/2.4/3%,,s"/2.4/3%,, ~ Gift Certificates Available ~ BottleCap Happy Hour Benefits Habitat for Humanity Photo by Tom Oosterhoudt give the gift of relaxation Donna Windle, Aaron Moore, Adele Gerbracht, Anna Symington (HFH Program Coordinator), Vicki Barrette, Wendi Ney, Valerie Detweiler, Susan Miller (HFH Operations Director), Dan Metzler (HFH Board Vice President), Mark Moss (HFH Executive Director) and Laura Kyer. Capital Bank-Islamorada Hosted Event to Thank the Community Local firefighter Walter Mason won drawing for :30 in Capital Bank Cash Machine In conjunction with Capital Bank’s Community Appreciation Event on Friday, May 4, 2012 from 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. at its Islamorada branch, local firefighter Walter Mason’s entry form was drawn to win :30 in the Capital Bank Cash Machine during the event. During Walter’s 30 seconds in the cash machine, he collected $306. Entries were collected at the upper Keys branches (Key Largo Bayside, Key Largo, Tavernier and Islamorada) beginning April 23, 2012 through May 3, 2012. The winning entry was drawn after close of business on May 3. Both the drawing and the community appreciation event were open to all Keys residents. The event, which featured food, beverages and entertainment, is one way for Capital Bank to express its gratitude for the support and loyalty our customers and the community have shown over the years. Pictured: Contestant Walter Mason, surrounded by his sons, Michael and Colby, with the Cash Machine winnings. A GIFT get the free mobile app at http://gettag. mobi FOR YOU THE SPA AT SUNSET KEY CALL FOR APPOINTMENTS, GIFT CARDS & INFORMATION awestinsunsetkeycottages.com/spa conch color the florida keys 33 photographic chronicle Remembering Larry Harvey Photos by Tom Oosterhoudt A smiling Larry Harvey, as we will always remember him. LARRY HARVEY, A TRIBUTE by Bobby Nesbitt In a town full of talent, Larry Harvey was quite simply, the greatest entertainer Key West has ever known. His passing last week may bring the curtain down on a remarkable life but his legend will never die. Larry’s career took him to the capitals of Europe, places like Rome, Vienna, Paris, but it was here in the Southernmost city that he had found his paradise. It was my good fortune to meet Larry in 1976, when I was a young pianist performing at the old Ramada Inn restaurant on Roosevelt Blvd. Larry was the number one performer in town, singing with Joanie Hammond (yes, on organ) in the lounge. I remember hearing the booming voice coming out of this diminutive man, a voice that could make Ethel Merman seem timid, and I instantly fell under his spell like all of Key West. The lounge at the Ramada in the 70s was THE place to be and Larry was friends with all. He had an especially close relationship with Wilhelmina Harvey (no relation, but Larry liked to say they were “kissing cousins”). Up until Wilhelmina’s passing, they would speak every morning on the phone, gossiping about the coming and goings of Key West’s finest. “My dear”, he would say, “we know where the bones are buried”. It was here in Key West that Larry met the love of his life, a true gentleman named Alan Ferguson. It was Valentine’s Day, 1986 and they met at the old Pigeon House Patio on Whitehead St., where Kelly’s is now. They were sitting at the outside bar, lovingly called Nancy’s Weenie Wonderland (“make sure you put that name in” Alan told me) and they were inseparable from that time on. We were all charmed by Larry’s day job as tour guide at the Hemingway House. In a grand theatrical manner that would make Barrymore or Olivier proud, Larry would enthrall visitors with the stories of Hemingway. “Now pretend you’re Loretta Young and sweep through those doors” he would tell delighted visitors as he guided them through the house. In later years, he could be found selling tickets at the admission booth and up until a few weeks ago, taking tickets at the front door. He made so many fans over the years, it is hard to say who was the bigger star, Hemingway or Larry. His singing performances, though, are the stuff that legends are made of. For years, he would always bring down the house at the annual Christmas concert at St. Paul’s, singing the same song “The Friendly Beasts”. It was as much a Christmas tradition as “Silent Night”. His appearances in the 80s at the Waterfront Theatre in the Key West Classics were outrageous. Larry always wanted to outdo himself, one year appearing as Madonna, the next year as Lydia the Tattooed Lady, complete with tattoos that melted under the lights. No one laughed more than Larry. But the one performance that will always stand out in my mind, the one that audiences expected and cheered was the duet that he sang with another Key West classic, Denys Fitzpatrick, the hit song “I Remember It Well” from the musical “Gigi” The curtain would open, and there was Denys, looking dapper as Maurice Chevalier in blazer and boater. Larry took the role of Hermione Gingold, and was done up in high drag, with an outrageous hat upon which he had placed two birds in a compromising position. Larry used to joke how ironic it was that the title of the song was “I Remember It Well” since Denys would always forget the lyrics and Larry had to throw him his cues. After Denys’ passing, the Chevalier role went to me, and I was always happy to play second fiddle to Larry’s incredible sense of timing and musicianship. All of Key West came out for his milestone birthday parties. There was the 80th and the 85th both at LaTeDa. As Larry’s health started to fail, we were all hoping that he would see his 90th. “I can’t die yet” he would say, “I’m booked.” And indeed he did see his 90th, in a huge celebration at Aqua. But it is the celebration this year of his 91st birthday, just a few weeks ago that will live in my memory. Once again, a huge party at Aqua was planned, conch color the florida keys and we were all crossing our fingers hoping that Larry would be able to attend. His health had been failing and he hadn’t sung with me since Christmas. The big night arrived and there, front and center, was Larry, looking better than he had in months. And his voice! He took the microphone and hushed the huge crowd with all his biggest hits: “I Only Have Eyes For You”, “The Second Time Around”, “Cabaret” and on and on. So many entertainers showed up to sing to him, there were speeches, gifts, accolades and by the end of the night Larry was exhausted. But there was one more song I wanted to hear. It was a song written by Jerry Herman from “Hello, Dolly” and a song that Larry made his own: “Before the Parade Passes By”. I asked him if he could sing it, and with a wink he said “I’ll try!”. It seems fitting that this song, a song about celebrating life and enjoying every minute, was the last song Larry Harvey would ever sing: “With the rest of them, with the best of them I can hold my head up high I’m going to raise the roof, I’m going to carry on Give me an old trombone, give me an old baton Before the parade passes by! Larry, the parade never passed you by. It could barely keep up with you, you were the leader of the band. You entertained us, enchanted us and made us laugh for decades. We love you. “Ah yes, we remember it well”. Services for Larry Harvey will be this Saturday, May 19 at 11 AM at St. Paul’s, corner of Eaton and Duval. There will be a reception immediately following in the parish hall. At 2 PM there will be a celebration of Larry’s incredible life at the Hemingway House, corner of Whitehead and Olivia St. Left: Larry with one of his closest pals, Bobby Nesbitt. Right: Anne McKee loved her good friend Larry Harvey, who appeared in her Christmas at St. Paul’s Concert every year since the concert started 28 years ago. This photo was taken at the concert last Christmas. Left: Larry belting out his animals song last Christmas, singing to the very end. 34 photographic chronicle Larry Harvey as Madonna in the Key West Classic Show at the Waterfront Playhouse in 1988. That’s his old pal Sally Lewis to his right. Larry and his partner of many years, Allan. Larry at his birthday party at Aqua last year with his friend, Vera Schiff. Larry Harvey was also friends with Key West’s newest singing sensation, Howard Livingston and his wife, Cyndi. Three late Key West icons, from left: Joe Leahy, Larry Harvey, Larry Harvey and Mary Ann Worth had been and Denis Fitzpatrick in the 1990 Key West Classics. friends for over thirty years. Larry with another longtime friend, Commissioner Jimmy Weekley. Larry with his friends at the 1988 Key West Classics. Key West’s veteran singer/pianist Michael Thomas helped Larry record a CD a few years back. Larry Harvey with his good pal Carmen Rodriguez singing together in the 1993 Key West Classics. conch color the florida keys Larrry with his pal, Lynda Frechette. 35 photographic chronicle Larry Harvey at 90. CALL ME TO GET A GREAT MORTGAGE RATE QUICK AND EASY ! ❛❛ ❜❜ Larry loved funny hats. Larry Harvey with Cheryl Cates. ❛❛ ❜❜ ★ ★ ★ MEMBER FDIC Conch Color publisher Tom Oosterhoudt met Larry back in the 70’s when Tom’s parents took him to see Larry do his “sing along with Mitch” gig at one of the old hotels on the boulevard. In recent years Larry had been a huge fan of Conch Color. ★ KEY WEST • SUMMERLAND • BIG PINE • MARATHON • DUCK KEY • ISLAMORADA • KEY LARGO Larry with his Commissioner, Clayton Lopez. Larry and his friend, Liz Lumb at Sarabeth’s in 2011. conch color the florida keys 36 photographic chronicle Larry at 92. Larry at Pridfest decked out with a rainbow hat. A very recent photo of Larry by his pal Melody Cooper. Music in Paradise Awards Young Musicians Music in Paradise presented its 2nd Annual Awards Concert at St. Peter’s Episcopal Church this past Friday, May 11 at 7 pm. It’s almost a truism that Key West has talent. What’s also true is that some of the best talent in the city goes unrecognized and unheard. One goal of Music in Paradise, beginning with its inception two years ago, has been to create increased awareness and venues for the extraordinary talent of our young people. Each young artist at Friday’s competition and showcase was selected by his or her teacher as “their best.” Or, alternatively, each young musician recently has been awarded with a superior rating at the tough Florida state competitions. Students competing for the $750 prize money included Jordan Cress, flute; Sammy Fuller, marimba; John Koenig, bassoon & piano; Travis Lowry, piano; Jeffrey Matthews, tenor; Austin Rodriguez, marimba; Brandon Rodriguez, snare drum and Christian Yang, violin. Additionally, Christie Cajina, euphonium; Taylor Gonzalez, trombone; Kelly Rosch and Brock Guzman, trumpet, joined forces as a brass quartet. Each gave stunning performances. The four judges—Donna DeForrest, Tim McAlpine, Gayla Morgan & Michael Robinson – chose the winners not only for musical excellence, but also performance style and presentation. Sammy Fuller took the top prize followed by Austin Rodriguez, both playing marimba. John Koenig, who’ll be attending the Florida State University program in the autumn came, away with the third prize. In addition to individuals in the running for the prize three other groups were showcased. The Music in Paradise chamber ensemble began the program with Poulenc’s virtuoso “Sextour.” The Key West High School Chorus showcased two of the works which won superior ratings at the state level just last week. The winners from the 2011 competition, Dominic Giardino, Natalie Herndon & Katie Roman, prepared new numbers for this concert. The evening was also a testament to the teachers who have mentored and helped these talented young people develop their skills. Teachers whose students were represented at this year’s awards concert included Lillian Caballero, James Carter, Paul Dagle, Ken Fradley, Yehuda Guttman, Gary Hernandez, Jeffrey Keesecker, Julian Santacoloma, Linda Sparks and Dean Walters. conch color the florida keys 37 photographic chronicle Olha Morekhodova Receives Key West High School’s First Ever Full Ride Volleyball Scholarship Photos by Tom Oosterhoudt Congratulations to Olha Morekhodova who has earned Key West Hight Schools’s first ever full-ride scholarship for volleyball. Ohla moved to Key West prior to her senior year and became an integral part of the Conch volleyball program. Her skills, determination and teamwork have made her an asset to the team. She will continue both her education and volleyball career at Indian River State College. Coach Jessy Archer is proud of her senior volleyball players. All seven are attending college, most on scholarship. What a great group of young women who truly demonstrate Conch Pride! Olha Morekhodova: Indian River State College - Full Ride Volleyball Scholarship, Madison Dorman: University of Florida - Full Ride Academic Scholarship, Shaniya Watson: Indian River State University -Possible Full Ride Basketball Scholarship, Lindsey Cowpland: Undecided pending track scholarship, Britney Price: Miami Dade - Full Ride Take Stock Scholarship, Leci Archer: University of Central Florida, and Courtnie Coleman: Valdosta State University. Left: Ohla surrounded by her family, teammates, coaches Jessy Archer and Elise Filbrandt, special teachers Liana Blanco and Neda Preston and Athletic Director Ralph Henriquez. Left: Coach Jessy Archer and Coach Elise Filbrandt with Olha Morekhodova. Right: Ohla with the entire team. Left: Senior volleyball players - Leci Archer, Courtnie Coleman, Lindsey Cowpland, Brittany Price, Madison Dorman, and honoree Olha Morekhodova . Right: Ohla and her friends. conch color the florida keys 38 photographic chronicle Bud Brewer Turns 80 With Celebration at Sweet Tea All Furniture & Lighting New Summer Hours Wednesday - Saturday 9:30am to 5:00pm Birthday boy Bud Brewer, forever young at 80, with son Preston, celebrating at Sweet Tea. Sunday 9:30am to 4:00pm Monday & Tuesday CLOSED Off Now through May 31st Garden Cottage Key West home . garden . gifts 526 Southard Street 305.296.9840 Discover the Secret . . . Bud was surrounded by friends on his birthday. To show our appreciation, locals will receive 50% OFF ANY Fury trip except parasailing & jet ski tours Must book directly with Fury by calling 305-294-8899 (Not valid with any other offer. Must show local ID.) Expires: 12-31-12. Bud’s friends at his birthday party included: Jim Scholl, Wendy Lefere, Ron Demes, Mary Demes, David Paul Horan, John Dolan-Heitlinger, Karen Horan, Capt. Pat Lefere, Ken Wells, Lenny, Stan Ryzad, Dan Probert, Preston Brewer, and Greg Wilson. conch color the florida keys 39 photographic chronicle School Board Candidate Yvette Talbott Campaign Party At The Southernmost House Photos by Tom Oosterhoudt Ann & Dennis Wardlow, Fred Varela, Pam Davila, Rene, Dawn Crane, Yvette Talbott, Jennifer Walker & Jim Crane. School board candidate Yvette Talbott with two of her three beautiful daughters, Caroline and Lauren. Caroline Talbott, Brittney Hardin, Michelle Cohen, Pam Davilla, Yvette Talbott, Lauren Talbott & Alyssa McPherson . Carrie Hieliesen, Yvette Talbott & Mary Maxwell. Spencer Bryan, Anola Mira, Yvette Talbott, Jen & Tom Walker. Dr. Fred and Diane Covan with Yvette Talbott. Left: Patty Cabrera, Maryanne, Pete Cabrera, Yvette Talbott, Beth & Scott Oropeza. Salome Sands-McIntosh, Yvette Talbott & Acelia Cucci. conch color the florida keys 40 photographic chronicle Hurricane Shutters of Key West Make a difference in your life Any age, any body, any place Resistance Training Cardiovascular Reduce Windstorm Insurance Costs Assisting The Elderly Steve Hinchcliffe Balance For The Aged hskwI@aol.com Range Of Motion Mobility 295-6374 304-5753 295-2995 Fax CC141 Cell SP 1383 Post Therapy 305-394-4895 www.adarefritz.com Symphony Hosts Chamber Music Concert First Summer Series for Classical Music Lovers Left: The Symphony’s first chamber music concert featured musicians: Whitney LaGrange, violin, Arthur Cook, cello, Jeffrey Chappell, piano, Marda Todd, viola, and Hideki Sunaga, bass. Photos by Tom Oosterhoudt Right: A promising nice-sized crowd attended the Symphony’s first summer chamber music concert offering. The Symphony will be presenting yet another concert next month. Classical music lovers should be delighted with this series. The Art Keeps Coming At Art Gone Wild On Duval Photos by Tom Oosterhoudt Right: Artist Lisa Wilson shows her latest work at Art Gone Wild. Far Right: Artist Arthur Wilson takes the lion out of the jungle and into the gallery. conch color the florida keys 41 photographic chronicle Adare Fritz Personal Trainer, C.P.T. AFAA Sirocco Crowned Queen Mother XXVIIII A Queen Mother With Soul! Photos by Tom Oosterhoudt Above:Left: From left back, Emcee Christopher Peterson, contestant Josie P. Katt, contestant Elle Taylor, Queen Mother XXVIIII Sirocco, contestant Ida B, former Queen Mother Just Whitney, and emcee Randy Roberts. In front, escort Mark Watson, pageant coordinator John “Ma” Evans, and escort Alex. Above: From left, emcee Christopher Peterson, Elle Taylor, Josei P.Katt, Queen Mother XXVIIII Sirocco, Ida B, former Queen Mother Just Whitney, and emcee Randy Roberts. Left: Newly Crowned Queen Mother XXVIIII Sirocco being congratulated by Hospice CEO Jody Gross. Left: First runner-up Elle Taylor, the newly crowned Queen Mother XXVIIII Sirocco, and former Queen Mother Just Whitney. Right: Sirocco belted out a soulful version of the classic Motown hit, “Something’s Gotta Hold On Me” for her talent number to take this year’s crown. conch color the florida keys 42 photographic chronicle School Board Candidate John Welsh Campaign Party Photos by Matt Kennard Doug Walker, candidate John Welsh, Letesia Powell, Dan Dombrowski, Becky Davila, Marie Galloway, Kerri McLean, Leslie Holmes, Ann Marie Thurber. Back row: Randy Tynes, Gene Drum, Cissie, Ed Salazar, Silvia Almeda, Nancy Thiel, Russell Britton, Joann Webster, Holly Hummell, Bobby Menendez, and Lori Kelly. Left: School board candidate John Welsh. John Welsh and his eager campaign team are ready to roll! conch color the florida keys 43 photographic chronicle Dave Talpasz Appointed General Manager of Tavern N Town www.ZontaKeyWest.com Nancy Campbell & Flower Conroy both of Headlines, celebrity bartenders dressed as twins. Can you tell which one is the real Nancy Campbell? The award-winning Tavern N Town restaurant, located at the prestigious Key West Marriott Beachside Hotel, has named Dave Talpasz as General Manager. Tavern N Town is known for setting high standards in service and exceeding culinary expectations; Dave’s successful work experience is sure to continue this tradition. Dave joins forces with the hotel’s creative culinary master and award-winning chef, Kevin Montoya. “Dave brings a passion for service excellence and is the ultimate host; he is looking forward to meeting and getting to know the Key West community,” said Chef Montoya. Dave has held leadership roles in distinctive restaurants in Gainesville and most recently, Orlando. Aqueduct Authority Thanks Governor For $50 Million Toward Waste Water Bob DiPiero, in the middle of all the women, enterained us. He is a Hall of Fame songwriter and Roberta’s cousin. Back row: L- R: Mae McMahan, Carolyn Daly, Cyndi Chatman, Kristen Wheeler, Betsy Langan, Bob DiPiero, Dasia Collins, Jerilyn Barack Bottom row: L- r: Mechelle Burgohy, Sherry Wilson, Roberta DePiero, Bonnie Helms, Dolly Garlo, Shirley Freeman, Jennifer Palomino, Tangela Lusain Vicki Gordon and Cheryl Cates were both still in the reverse raffle til late in the game! Kirk Zuelch, Governor Rick Scott and J. Robert Dean. conch color the florida keys 44 photographic chronicle Certified by American Board Orthopaedic Surgery s/VERYEARSEXPERIENCE s#OMMANDER53.2RETIRED s4EAM0HYSICIAN5NIVERSITYOF-ONTANA s/N3TAFFATBOTHTHE3URGERY#ENTEROF +EY7EST,OWER+EYS-EDICAL#ENTER www.drharrellkeywest.com TH3Ts3UITE +EY7EST&LORIDA 305 294-5731 7%,#/-).' .%70!4)%.43 Let’s Fix it Today! Computer Doctor (305) 292-4635 1702 N. Roosevelt BLVD. Mary Immaculate Teachers Love New iPads 0HOTOBY4OM/OSTERHOUDT Generous parish benefactor Zack Bently has provided all the teachers as well as the students with brand new iPads to use this coming school year. The thankful faculty included: Eileen Dolan-Heitlinger, Monica Allen, Principal conch color the florida keys Beth Harris, Danielle Gould, Beth Kilroe, Gene Drum, Erin Luciani, Sydney Jones, Ashley Paluch, and Heidi Hemmesch. 45 photographic chronicle FLORIDA KEYS COMMUNITY COLLEGE ASSOCIATE DEGREE CLASS OF SPRING 2012 PINNING CEREMONY OF NURSING Photos by Matt Kennard. Thirty-three graduates of Florida Keys Community College’s nursing program recite the Nursing Pledge during a traditional Nursing Pinning Ceremony held in Tennessee Williams Theatre on May 4. FKCC nursing program graduates Paul Hann, Sherilynne Smith, Danny Molleda, and Kaitlin OConnor proudly show off their newly-earned nursing pins. Newly-engaged and newly-graduated nursing students Doug Ortiz and Haydee Tejada presented each other with their nursing pins. Left: FKCC Nursing program graduate Stefani Sergi passes along the flame of her nurse’s lamp to classmate Heather Rupert. Right: Stefani Sergi (right) chose her mother to present her with her FKCC Nursing Pin. conch color the florida keys 46 photographic chronicle FKCC nursing program graduates Paul Hann, Sherilynne Smith, Danny Molleda, and Kaitlin O’Connor proudly show off their newly-earned nursing pins. FKCC nursing program graduate Audrey Laudillay received her nursing pin (and several hugs) from her son, David. Sheriff Honors Employees of the First Quarter Sheriff Bob Peryam and members of the Sheriff ’s Office honored employees of the first quarter Friday in a special ceremony held in Marathon. The Sheriff ’s Office Employee of the Quarter Awards honor those who perform their duties in an exemplary fashion. They are nominated for the award by supervisors, fellow employees or anyone in the agency who thinks they are deserving of the honor. The first quarter awards for 2012 went to the following employees: Deputy Sheriff of the Quarter: Detective Sgt. Linda Mixon, Major Crimes Unit; Detention Deputy of the Quarter: Adelaide Killen, Main Jail Laundry Officer; Support Employee of the Quarter: Jo Socha, Internal Affairs Executive Assistant; Reserve Deputy of the Quarter: Reserve Lt. Bob Smith, Lower Keys District; and Cadet / Explorer of the Quarter: Explorer Angel Muino-Tijerina. Pictured from left, Det. Dep. Adelaide Killen, Res. Lt. Bob Smith, Det. Sgt. Linda Mixon, Exec. Asst. Jo Socha and Sheriff Bob Peryam. Boy Scouts Help Out with Local Postal Food Drive Robert Cullember Troop 578, Andrew Edge Pack 583, Dylan Grantham Troop 573 with Mimi Grantham help collect food for the Keys Postal Food Drive. Please feel free to contact us for more information at: 305 296-8297 Troop 573 of Big Pine helps Big Pine Postal Food Drive sort food brought in from the food drive. conch color the florida keys 47 photographic chronicle The Dancing Classroom Interschool Dance-Off Dancing With The Star Students! Photos by Tom Oosshterhoud Dancing Classrooms is made possible by the Educational Coalition for Monroe County, in collaboration with Monroe County School District, the Florida Keys Council of the Arts, and the American Ballroom Theatre. This residency was also sponsored by the Key West Sunrise Rotary. Many thanks to Christina Belotti and Tina Belotti At Dancing Classrooms Finale Photos by Tom Oosterhoudt Tina and Christina Belotti are the magical mother/daughter team who make Dancing Classrooms possible in the Florida Keys. This year’s judges for the Dancing Classrooms finale competition included, from left: Col. Rick Ramsay, Denis Hyland, Rosemary Enright, Mark Todaro, the honorable Judge Tewgan Slaton, and Marathon Councilman Mike Cinque. The exhibition dance team. conch color the florida keys 50 photographic chronicle Need A Loan? Call Us Kurt Lewin (305) 304-4187 Ani Madruga (305) 308-3210 Brian Barroso (305) 393-4669 Karen Mendez (305) 296-8535 Maria Garcia (305) 296-8535 ! Brian Kelly (305) 393-6446 KurtL@KeysBank.com AniM@KeysBank.com BrianB@KeysBank.com MariaG@KeysBank.com KarenM@KeysBank.com BrianK@KeysBank.com NMLS ID: 812476 NMLS ID: 812674 NMLS ID: 812460 NMLS ID: 812469 NMLS ID: 812480 NMLS ID: 812475 -PDBM1FPQMFt-PDBM%FDJTJPOTt-PDBM4FSWJDF Fixed & Adjustable Rates! Home Commercial Refinancing! Mortgages! Loans! Jason O’Brien (305) 745-2514 JasonO@KeysBank.com ShanaC@KeysBank.com NMLS ID: 812484 Lori Bailey (305) 304-6991 NMLS ID: 812465 LoriB@KeysBank.com NMLS ID: 812459 Becky Shifflett (305) 289-4393 Nola Acker (305) 852-2070 BeckyS@KeysBank.com NolaA@KeysBank.com NMLS ID: 812486 NMLS ID: 812458 Patti Marshall (305) 451-3033 PatriciaM@KeysBank.com $BMM5PEBZGPS:PVS FREE-PBO&WBMVBUJPO (305) 296-8535 KeysBank.com Member FDIC Shana Casey (305) 872-4778 Equal Housing Lender conch color the florida keys 51 photographic chronicle NMLS ID: 812478 Bette Brown (305) 394-0722 BBrown@KeysBank.com NMLS ID: 812462
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