Happy 65th Birthday Dr. Bruce Boros
Happy 65th Birthday Dr. Bruce Boros
October 2, 2014 - October 8, 2014 l Vol. 10 No 40 October 2 - October 8, 2014 • www.conchcolor.com Happy 65th Birthday Dr. Bruce Boros Photo by Kristen Livengood O! VISIT US AT CONCHCOLOR.COM October 2 - October 8, 2014 • www.conchcolor.com WE’RE ! ! D E K C O T S R OVE SAVE UP TO CLEARANCE 60% OFFGOING RETAIL! s d n i k a f o ✔ One tinued items ✔ discon h-n-dents ✔ scratc SHOP EARLY FOR BEST SELECTION KEY LARGO 305-451-5700 MM 99 in the Median MARATHON ON NOW! AT ALL THREE KEYS LOCATIONS KEY WEST 305-743-4397 305-295-6400 MM 47.5 Ocean Next to Publix, Searstown www.KeysFurniture.com Business Guild Holds ‘One Mighty Party’ Photo by Pete Arnow Matt Hollis Hulsey and Michael Ingram were on the host committee of the Key West Business Guild’s fund-raising “one might party” held with a Gatsby theme at the historic Steamplant. Most of the capacity crowd came in period costume. ‘Bling Your Bra’ Honors Breast Cancer Survivors First State Bank of the Florida Keys is supporting the Myrna E. Sawyer and Key of the Gulf ’s fourth annual “Bling Your Bra” event honoring breast cancer survivors at 3 p.m. Sunday at 328 Truman Ave. Participants need only a bra to decorate and a $15 suggested donation. Decorations are provided, along with photo booth fun, raffle prizes, refreshments and survivors’ stories. First State Bank main branch manager Michelle Gil, left, with Shelly Castillo, a 16-year breast cancer survivor; Aaron Castillo, and Mia Castillo. conch color the florida keys 2 photographic chronicle October 2 - October 8, 2014 • www.conchcolor.com ML For Queen Holds Date Auction at Aqua Photo by Pete Arnow Gardens Hotel owner Kate Miano was the high bidder to win a date with U.S. Rep. Joe Garcia at ML for Queen’s date auction held at the Aqua nightclub. Don’t be intimidated when it comes to your auto body accident repairs! Choosing a repair shop is in your hands! FKCC Unites Scholarship Recipients, Donors Fred Johnson, scholarship chairman of the Hemingway Look Alike Society, with Emily Kovacs and Tiara Perry, FKCC scholarship recipients. Florida Keys Community College’s foundation hosted a scholarship social last Thursday evening at the Tennessee Williams Theatre. The event brought together dozens of scholarship recipients with the individuals who support and fund the awards. The FKCC Foundation, which cultivates funds through private donors, community organizations and public agencies, wlll distribute about $150,000 in scholarships this year. A cross-section of students shared personal stories about the life-changing opportunities that the scholarships have provided them. Headlines Salon Celebrates 25 Years in Key West Photo by Pete Arnow Nancy and Darrell, center, and their staff at Headlines Hair Designs at Duval Square, celebrated their 25 anniversary of being in business in Key West. They treated customers to a special lunch at the New York Pasta Garden. At Lonnie Hensley Automotive we accept every insurance company… Geico, Progressive, State Farm and all the others! **FREE FULL CAR DETAIL FOR** ALL GEICO AND PROGRESSIVE CUSTOMERS! We provide a list of services that compares to no other. • Auto Body Accident Repair • Convertible Tops • Headliners • Custom Painting • Custom Interior Upholstery • Brakes, A/C And Other Mechanical Repairs • Scheduled Maintenance • We Can Also Completely Restore The Classic Car You Love! • Or, We Can Help You Find One. Loaner cars are available for your convenience. Our goal is one stop shop providing excellent personal service. Check us out on Facebook at Lonnie Hensley Automotive. Stop by our shop at 5324 3rd Ave. on Stock Island any time. Or call us at 305.295.9259 We guarantee you will be pleasantly surprised. conch color the florida keys 3 photographic chronicle October 2 - October 8, 2014 • www.conchcolor.com CONCH COLOR florida keys photographic chronicle (305) 294-7566 OFFICE (305) 292-9955 FAX PUBLISHER/EDITOR Tom Oosterhoudt • tom@conchcolor.com Photographer Kristen Livengood kristen.livengood@gmail.com Sunny Gonzalez sunny@sunfirecreatives.com AD SALES Karen Lee Hirst (305) 304-7609 karterhirst@aol.com, Senior Sales Person Raquel Crummitt (305) 414-8949 raquelc@jsapromos.com, Ad Sales Janet Wood (305) 395-0241 – fldesignerjw@aol.com, Ad sales Upper Keys Andy & Jodi Kirby (305) 509-0009 – ajkwf@aol.com, Delivery & Sales COPY EDITOR Dick Wagner CREATIVE DESIGN Dina Coyle, Dina Designs, Int’l (305) 741-7272 dinacoyle@me.com WEB MASTER: Computer Doctor (305) 292-4635 keywestcomputerdoctor@gmail.com BILLING DEPARTMENT: cc@conchcolor.com CONCH COLOR, LLC • 314 Simonton Street • Key West, FL 33040 Published weekly and distributed every Friday from Key West to Key Largo. Copyright 2010. All rights reserved. DEADLINE 5 p.m. Friday for advertising and community news The Positive Voice THE FLORIDA KEYS NEED A POSITIVE VOICE to counteract negativity promoted by other local papers. Conch Color greatly appreciates positive comments about the community you live in. If you love your community and have something positive to say about it, email tom@conchcolor.com. There are so many great Samaritans in the Keys and wonderful things happen every day. It’s time to give a voice to those who have great comments to say about the Keys. edi TORIAL In Key West, Kindness Is Everywhere I have been in the market for a bicycle. Usually, I will ride my husband’s three-wheeler (I found it at a yard sale five years ago) beside Summer, our 7-year-old daughter. Or lately, I have been running beside her while she pedals along; poor Summer rides snail-slow when this happens. Last week, we browsed the shelves of the local bike shops and Kmart looking for a suitable choice for my new wheels, but none sang to me. Over the weekend, Travis and I had the pleasure of taking photos and attending the Love Fund Ball at the Westin. (See pictures of the event inside this issue.) And, the lockerroom-speech local entrepreneur, writer, and former president of the Philadelphia 76ers, Pat Croce, gave was one of the best guest-speaker speeches I’ve ever heard. While looking through the lavish donations from Key West’s best shops and hotels to the Love Fund’s extravagant silent auction, there it was, the most beautiful pink bike with a roomy white basket (my camera fit in it perfectly), the daintiest little bell and big comfy looking seat. The silent auction was about to close and I quickly contemplated the buy. I sat on the seat, perfect fit. I wrote my name on the list and kept a wary eye on my bid. As I have written before, Key West is one of the most generous cities in the world. Each week there is a fund-raiser, benefit, charity, or kids event. And each week there is a silent auction, raffle, free food and Download our Mobile App conch color the florida keys 4 photographic chronicle drinks -- and it is all donated by the people in this amazing and giving community. Around the same silent auction table, a couple of Key West’s most generous people watched over a couple of their own bids, so I thought. At last, the bids closed. I was the proud new owner of a beautiful pink beach cruiser donated by Key West Bike Shop to the Love Fund Ball. I was so happy with my new purchase, not only because I really, really liked the bike, but also because now the money I was spending on the bike was going to a great local cause. I took the bike for a quick spin down the Westin’s hallway ringing the bell, then sent Travis out to our car to grab our checkbook. When he returned, I pranced over to the table to pay for my new bike and two other things on which I had bid. I was told $20. Umm, that needs another zero and make the two a three. Nope, someone has already paid for the bike for you. You just owe $20 for the other two items. WHAT! I knew who it was as I ran over, and the kind-hearted parties pleaded the fifth. I am very thankful for their generosity. Summer and I spent the weekend exploring the island, and she was happy to go much faster than snailpace. Now, it’s our time to pay it forward. Stay colorful, Key West. -- Kristen Livengood October 2 - October 8, 2014 • www.conchcolor.com Clyde for King Holds ‘Christmas Evening’ Photo by Pete Arnow Join Us! Saturday, Nov. 1 | 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. for our monthly Saturday seminar and learn more about the versatility of cinnamon! Clyde for King, right, is joined by supporters at his “Christmas Evening in September” fund-raising party, complete with a trolley tour that started from Bobby’s Monkey Bar Auditions for Fringe Theater Comedy The Fringe Theater of Key West will hold open auditions for the Noel Coward play “Private Lives” from 2 to 5 p.m. Saturday and 3 to 6 Sunday at the rectory of St Paul’s Church, 401 Duval St. The production will run from Feb. 20 to March 8. Monnie King is directing, and Steven Chambers is the assistant director. The show requires three women (Sibyl, age 20-30; Amanda, 45-55, and Louise, 25-60) and two men (Elyot, 40-60, and Victor, 30-50). Auditioning actors will read from sides. To obtain copies of the play, request an alternate audition time or ask a question regarding auditions, call King at 954-829-9587. H.V. Haskins and Derek Gay celebrated their 15-year anniversary on Sept. 28. The Spice & Tea Exchange® Hand-Mixed Spice Blends ~ Made Daily, Spices, Salts, Naturally-Flavored Sugars, Exotic Teas, Gifts & Accessories 431 Front Street | Key West | 305-435-6894 Find us between CVS & Häagen-Dazs Get on Womankind’s SH*T LIST free made possible through a Health Foundation of South Florida grant colorectal cancer screenings for men and women 50 1511 Truman Avenue • Key West, FL • 305.294.4004 conch color the florida keys 5 photographic chronicle October 2 - October 8, 2014 • www.conchcolor.com Bottle Cap Lounge Hosts Key West Preschool Co-Op for Happy Hour Photos by Kristen Livengood Melissa Zielinski, Megan Schoepf and Ruby Manchester. Moms Michelle Anderson and Christine Barrows. Pam Sellers, Christie Martin, Ron Saunders, Wayne Garcia and Cathy Crane.twere supporting the Co-Op. Leah Borski and Christy Bryant. Julia, Lubos and Emi, Daniela, Marlie, Pops and Nana. Pops and Nana, who were visiting from out of town, loved having babies at the fund-raiser. conch color the florida keys 6 photographic chronicle October 2 - October 8, 2014 • www.conchcolor.com Practicing Personal Injury Law • French Fare • French Fare • WEDNESDAY THRU SUNDAYS ALL NIGHT LONG 50% OFF ENTREES & SELECTED WINES CLOSED MONDAY &TUESDAYS THRU OCTOBER 14, 2014 FOR RESERVATIONS: www.cafesole.com 1029 Southard St. • 305.294.0230 • OPEN 5-10 PM *Not available with any other offers. Not valid on major holidays. Expires per our discretion. French Fare • French Fare • French Fare • French Fare conch color the florida keys 7 photographic chronicle • French Fare • French Fare • • French Fare • French Fare • Conch Color ad size: 3.74 x 2.33 French Fare • French Fare • French Fare • French Fare • French Fare • French Fare • RON SOLOMON, LAWYER ANGELA SCOTT, PARALEGAL 513 WHITEHEAD STREET, SUITE 101 KEY WEST, FLORIDA 33040 TEL: 305.517.6466 • FAX: 305.509.7669 WEB: thesolomonfirmkw.com October 2 - October 8, 2014 • www.conchcolor.com Joe Weed for King Shows ‘Rocky Horror Picture Show’ Photo by Pete Arnow www.ZontaKeyWest.com Joe Weed, candidate for Fantasy Fest king, treated his followers to a special showing of the “Rocky Horror Picture Show” at the newly reopened Viva Zapata, 903 Duval St. Keys Lineworkers to Make TV Debut A crew of four Keys Energy Services lineworkers was followed recently by a television crew filming footage for a new series profiling men and women who do challenging jobs in unique circumstances. The series is set to air in winter 2015. Television producer Steve Dorst, left, films KEYS’ lineworkers Joey Diaz, Manny Estevez, Albert Fernandez and Paul Sanchez as they repair electrical facilities on transmission line poles in the Gulf of Mexico. conch color the florida keys 8 photographic chronicle The crew followed lineworkers Joey Diaz, Manny Estevez, Albert Fernandez and Paul Sanchez for two days and captured footage of their work on energized electrical equipment as well as over the water on transmission poles. Television producer Steve Dorst, bottom right, films KEYS’ lineworkers Joey Diaz, Manny Estevez, Albert Fernandez and Paul Sanchez as they repair electrical facilities on transmission line poles in the Gulf of Mexico.t October 2 - October 8, 2014 • www.conchcolor.com Working to Keep Schools Safe Key West Police chief Donie Lee invited Monroe County School District and Florida Keys Community College officials, school resource officers and others to attend a threat-assessment meeting hosted by the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention and the International Association of Chiefs of Police. The group convened at the Emergency Operations Center at the Key West Police Department last week. Experts gave advice on how to predict and prevent threatening behavior in schools. King and Queen Candidates Lead Red Shirt Run Photo by Pete Arnow Candidates for Fantasy Fest king and queen lead entrants at the start of the 5K Red Shirt Run on Saturday morning at the White Street Pier. SMALL INCISION - BIG RESULTS Key West Orthopedics Board Certified Orthopedic Surgeons Dr. Robert Catana, D.O. Dr. David C. Perry, M.D. Advanced Sports Medicine & Joint Replacement Latest Techniques in Arthroscopic & Reconstructive Surgery. On Site MRI & Physical Therapy 305-295-9797 Paul Cotton Band at Schooner Wharf 3428 N. Roosevelt Boulevard www.KeyWestOrthopedics.com Paul Cotton will bring his country rock performances to the Schooner Wharf stage from 7 p.m. to mdnight Friday and Saturday. . His shows include music from Cotton’s 40 years as POCO’s lead guitarist, singer and composer. His hits include “Heart of the Night” and “Crazy Love.” The band is composed of local musicians Joel Nelson, Russ Scavelli, Din Allen and Greg Shanle on percussion. conch color the florida keys 9 photographic chronicle enter tain ment BOTTLECAP LOUNGE TUESDAY - 11 PM - HOUSE MUSIC PARTY DJ DINO AND FRIENDS FRIDAY 5 PM -HAPPY HOUR TIPS BENEFIT NON PROFITS FRIDAY & SATURDAY - VIP DJs HOUSE AND TOP DANCE MUSIC SCHOONER WHARF BAR THURS. MICHAEL McCLOUD Noon—5:00 p.m. TBD 7:00- 11:00 p.m. FRI. MICHAEL McCLOUD & FRIENDS Noon—5:00 p.m. PAUL COTTON BAND 7 p.m.—Midnight SAT. MICHAEL McCLOUD & FRIENDS 10:00 am -3:00 pm PAUL COTTON BAND 7 p.m.—Midnight SUN. MICHAEL McCLOUD & FRIENDS Noon—5:00 p.m. GEORGE VICTORY & MARTY STONLEY 6:30—11:00 p.m. MON. RAVEN COOPER NOON—5:00 P.M. GEORGE VICTORY & MARTY STONLEY 7:00 —MIDNIGHT TUES. GARY HEMPSEY Noon-5:00 p.m. RAVEN COOPER 7:00—11:00 p.m WEDS. MICHAEL McCLOUD Noon—5:00 p.m. TIM HOLLOHAN 7:00- 11:00 p.m. AQUA Wednesdays: Bobby Nesbit, 5:30-7:30 Friday: Dave Bootle, 4:30 -7:30 Every Night: Aquanettes perform ‘Reality is a Drag’, 9pm Friday and Saturday Aquanettes, 9 & 11pm October 2 - October 8, 2014 • www.conchcolor.com My Old Lady (PG-13) Fri - Thu: (2:00), 4:20, 6:35, 8:45 The Disappearance of Eleanor Rigby: Them (R) Digital Presentation Fri - Thu: (1:30), 6:10 The Drop (R) Digital Presentation Fri - Thu: (4:00), 8:25 The Skeleton Twins (R) Digital Presentation Fri - Thu: (4:15), 8:55 Guardians of the Galaxy 3D (PG-13) Digital Presentation Fri - Thu: (1:45), 6:30 Yves Saint Laurent (R) Digital Presentation Fri - Thu: (3:50), 8:35 Love Is Strange (R) Digital Presentation Fri - Thu: (2:15), 6:25 Regal Cinema Key West 6 3338 N. Roosevelt Blvd Accommodations for the disabled ANNABELLE R , 1 hr 38 min 4:40pm 7:40pm 10:40pm GONE GIRL R , 2 hr 25 min 4:15pm 7:30pm 10:45pm THE BOXTROLLS 3D PG , 1 hr 36 min 7:10pm THE BOXTROLLS PG , 1 hr 36 min 4:10pm 10:10pm THE EQUALIZER R , 2 hr 12 min Action/Adventure, Suspense/Thriller 4:20pm 7:20pm 10:20pm THE MAZE RUNNER PG-13 , 1 hr 53 min 4:25pm 7:25pm 10:25pm NO GOOD DEED PG-13 , 1 hr 24 min 4:50pm 7:50pm 10:50pm Thursday, October 2 Key West Garden Club - Educational Lecture Series: Care & Feeding of Orchids, 1:30 PM. West Martello Tower, 1100 Atlantic Blvd., Key West. 294-3210. keywestgardenclub.com Paradise Quilters Meeting, 6:30 PM Dallas McDonald Senior Center, 380 Key Deer Blvd, Big Pine 745-4202. paradisequilters.org Friday, October 3 KT Timberlake Tiaras, 6 PM. Frangipani Gallery, 1102 Duval St. 296-0440. frangipanigallery.com. Handmade tiaras to benefit Aids Help. Upper Duval Art Stroll, 6 PM Special art exhibitions & receptions at galleries and shops along Upper Duval from United to Truman. Including KT Timberlake Tiaras at Frangipani Gallery, Durf Moonlighting Opening at Cork & Stogie, SoDu Gallery, Cocco & Salem, Island Arts, Key West Pottery, Millionaire Gallery & Dog Tired Studios. Prevue Opening & Reception, 6 PM Lucky Street Gallery, 540 Greene St. 6195105. luckystreetgallery.com. A glimpse of the upcoming season & new artists. Elton John Tribute Concert, 7 PM San Carlos Theater, 516 Duval St. 4074558. Kingshane.com. Larry Blackburn’s 60th Birthday Bash & benefit for AIDS Help. New! Key West Outdoor Movies – Free, 8 PM. Bayview Park, Corner of Jose Marti & Truman Ave. keywestoutdoormovies. com. The newest Key West Outdoor Movies Series shown on a blow up screen & top of the line 3D projector. All films G & PG. Fridays Salsa & Salsa Rueda Too, 7 PM Paradise Health & Fitness Dance Studio, 1706 N. Roosevelt Blvd. 294-6348. Saturday, October 4 Paradise Quilters Workshop, 10 AM Dallas McDonald Senior Center, 380 Key Deer Blvd, Big Pine 745-4202. paradisequilters.org ReMARCable Pumpkin Patch, 11 AM 1401 Seminary St. 294-9526. marchouse. org. All money raised benefits the Monroe Association for ReMARCable Citizens. Saturday & Sunday, October 4 & 5 Auditions – Fringe Theater of Key West for Private Lives, 2 PM. St. Paul’s Church, Rear entrance. Bahama Lane. 954-8299587. fringetheaterkeywest.org. By Noel Coward. To obtain copies of the play & questions call or visit website. Sunday at 3 PM. Sunday, October 5 Locals Free Sunday at the Key West Botanical Garden, 10 AM. Key conch color the florida keys 10 photographic chronicle West Tropical Forest & Botanical Garden. 5210 College Rd. 296-1504. keywestbotanicalgarden.org Key West Poetry Guild Meeting, 7 PM Blue Heaven Restaurant, 729 Thomas St. – upstairs. 293-0902. Reading by J.M. Varela. Open to all interested in poetry. Sundays Ballroom & Latin Dance Evening, 7 PM Dance Factory, 906C Kennedy Dr. 3048184. dancefactorykeywest.com Tuesday, October 7. Paradise Quilters Open Quilting, 1 PM. Dallas McDonald Senior Center, 380 Key Deer Blvd, Big Pine 745-4202. paradisequilters.org Tuesdays Aqua Idol, 6:30 PM. Aqua Nightclub, 711 Duval St. 294-0555. aquakeywest.com. Vote your favorite King & Queen for Fantasy Fest. Wednesday, October 8 Key West Plein Air Painters, 9:30 AM For information & scheduling follow us on Facebook or contact Susan O’Neill at oneillpaintings@gmail.com Key West High School Choir Concert, 7 PM. Auditorium, 2100 Flagler Ave. Over a hundred students performing. Votes for Notes 4th Annual Lower Keys for Habitat for Humanity, 6 PM Mangrove Mama’s Restaurant & Bar, Sugarloaf Key, Bayside. Part 2 – music competition benefiting Habitat for Humanity. Wednesdays-Sundays In the Cabaret & Jazz in the Gardens, 5 PM. The Gardens Hotel, 526 Angela St. 294-2661. gardenshotel.com. Local entertainers include: John Benson, Jimmy Olson, Michael Robinson, Karen Heins & William Johnson. Nightly Jazz at Tavern N’ Town, 5 PM Marriot Beachside, 3841 N. Roosevelt Blvd. 296-8100. Local entertainers include: Carmen Rodriguez, Michael Thomas, Mike Emerson & Rob DiStasi. ONGOING ARTIST EXHIBITS -Edmund B. Papp, The Sea Siren Exhibition, Daily, 10 AM, Tropic Cinema, 416 Eaton St. 877-761-3456. tropiccinema. com -Suzie DePoo, The Art of Hand Printing Exhibit, Daily, 10 AM, The Custom House Museum, 281 Front St. 295-6616. kwahs. org - The Great Labor Day Hurricane of 1935 Photography Exhibit, THURSDAYs-SUNDAYs, 10 AM, Keys History & Discovery Center, Islander Resort, Islamorada, MM 82. 922-2237. keysdiscovery.com -Florida Keys or Bust! A History of Tourism Exhibit & Will Fernandez, Whims Exhibit, DAILY, 9:30 AM, The Custom House Museum, 281 Front St. 295-6616. kwahs.org -Black, White & Read Exhibit, Daily, 9 AM-5 PM, Arts Council, The Gato Building, 1100 Simonton St. 305-2954369. keysarts.com. Tennessee Williams Key West Exhibit, Daily, 10 AM, 513 Truman Ave, behind the KW Visitor Center, 294-3121. twkw.org October 2 - October 8, 2014 • www.conchcolor.com H TROPICAL BEATS SERIES I Moonlight Treasures Classical Music in Unusual Places Sunday, October 12 6:30pm $85 Crystal Room at La Te Da, 1125 Duval St. ost Christopher Rounds kicks off the Symphony’s season in high style at La Te Da’s new Crystal Room, outside breezeway and deck. Imagine being surrounded by the beautiful art of Perry Frantzman while listening to sensuous music performed by the Blue Door String Quartet. But wait, it doesn’t stop there! More senses are going to be tanatlized! Delicious hors d’oeuvres, desserts and special libations are included in this magical evening. PROGRAM Dohnányi: Serenade for String Trio in C Major, Op 10 Beethoven: String Trio in C minor, Op 9 No. 3 Whitney LaGrange, violin Mario Goto, viola Arthur Cook, cello Visit us online at southfloridasymphony.org or call us at 954-522-8445 “Sponsored in part by the Florida Keys Council of the Arts, State of Florida, Department of State, Division of Cultural Affairs, the Florida Council on Arts and Culture, and private donations.” Bank Celebrates Fall Semester at FKCC Remembering Regina and Charlie Robinson By Bob Russell In July, two of our favorite locals, husband and wife, died only 17 days apart. Charlie and Regina Robinson were both well-known guests at local restaurants. Charlie, who died on July 11, was also a wellknown businessman. He was best known from Mel and Charlie’s Amoco and Car Wash, The Bicycle Center and Keys Moped and Scooter on Truman Avenue across from CVS with the huge American flag he was so proud to display. Regina, who died on July 28, had moved to the Keys in 1985, where she became an avid fisher-woman and patron of the Sugarloaf Lodge. She loved playing bingo at Miccosukee. A wonderful server at the lodge and the former Raimondo’s Italian Restaurant in Cudjoe, she was an awesome cook and loved entertaining family and friends. True friends to everyone who knew them, they are both sorely missed and loved. First State Bank of the Florida Keys supported Florida Keys Community College’s observance of the fall semester at the college’s Key West campus. The event featured educational expos, a barbecue and vendors. The bank had a booth at the event with free giveaways for the students and faculty and three gift card prizes. First State Bank’s Lauren Mongelli and Yeleini Valle present two of the prizes to local FKCC students. conch color the florida keys 11 photographic chronicle October 2 - October 8, 2014 • www.conchcolor.com Howard Livingston Rocks Sunset at Galleon Resort Photos by Kristen Livengood ML for Fantasy Fest Queen held a well-attended AIDS Help fund-raiser at sunset Livingston is living on Key West time. Cyndy Livingston with sister Cheryl Wyatt. conch color the florida keys 12 photographic chronicle Luann, John and Lisa. October 2 - October 8, 2014 • www.conchcolor.com The Local Best Kept Secret Camille’s RESTAURANT You Asked For It! 50% off All Dinner Entrees Thursday & Friday only 6-10 PM The Cates family and friends enjoy listening to Livingston. PLEASE BRING MONROE COUNTY I.D. • PLEASE DO NOT USE WITH OTHER PROMOTIONS Right: Stephen Hammond and Jonathon Beyers. ! S B A R RABS! C C ! Crabs S w o B n S A n CR Wild Alaska Saturday day & s e n d e W , gone e r Tuesday ’ y e h t l 6 pm - ti 1202 Simonton St. • CamillesKeyWest.com • 296-4811 FREE PARKING * RESERVATIONS SUGGESTED Debra Yates, Katrina Arnhold and Laura Shepardson. 10% off 1 Check Only Neal Ruchman and Evelyn Maldonado with ML. conch color the florida keys 13 photographic chronicle October 2 - October 8, 2014 • www.conchcolor.com Farewell to Terry Luzius Photos by Nancy McCardell Terry Luzius, right, general manager of Latitudes Restaurant, and his partner Chris at Luzius’ going-away party. Victor Sovolcik and Luzius. ’ Tom Payne, director of food and beverage, and Luzius. Cake from Key West Cakes Luzius and Victor Sovolcik. Terry, Tom and Diane October 2 - October 8, 2014 • www.conchcolor.com The Westin and Sunset Key Crew Diane Schmidt, General Manager and Justin Earle, Resort Manager Terry receiving his gift Terry Luzius and Sandra Stilts Terry Luzius and Carmen Rodriguez Terrys gift October 2 - October 8, 2014 • www.conchcolor.com Sandy Stilts, Terry Luzius, Tom Payne and Diane Schmidt Sandra Stilts and Terry Luzius are all smiles Left, Ruby Devault, Accounts Payable, Janine Fulton, and Kate Lansdown, Controller Janine Fulton, HR Director and Terry Luzius Jane Cardwell, Human Resources and Beata Emmer, Executive Housekeeper conch color the florida keys 16 photographic chronicle L S ayla ophia October 2 - October 8, 2014 • www.conchcolor.com Consulting Business & Office Services Planning & Permitting Services Drafting & Design Services All entrées $19.95 Dana Winchell 920.265.4744 office@lsconsultingkw.com when seated by 6:30pm We love our locals! Come and try what everyone has been talking about for months... • Local entertainers such as Carman Rodriguez, Michael Thomas, Rob DiStasi, Michael Emerson and Bobby Nesbit performing 5-9pm nightly Featuring Live Entertainment • 2 for 1 Happy Hour 5-7pm nightly • Free entrée on your birthday & Over 20 Wines Served By the Glass • Free covered parking • Dine with your friends and neighbors 3841 N. Roosevelt Blvd. • Reservations (305) 296-8100 THE BEST SUNDAY PLACE SETTING pier house Treat yourself to our indulgent Sunday Brunch at Bistro 245. A distinctive array of your favorite cuisine with an unforgettable waterfront view. 10:00 am — 2:00 pm $44 adults • $17 children under 12 reservations: 305.292.4320 • opentable.com westin.com/keywest • 245 front street locals discount available. free parking while dining – please present parking ticket to server for validation. goes pink Join Us On October 9 and help fight against breast cancer Refresh with Care 8:30 am to 6:00 pm 50% Off Select Treatments at our Newly Refreshed Spa (reservations recommended) Raffle Prizes • Complimentary “Pink Drinks” and Treats to Eat • Benefiting the Cancer Foundation of the Florida Keys Zonta ABC 5K Walk Kick-Off Party 5:30 pm to 7:30 pm $5 suggested donation Party & Concert on the Beach with Live Music by Prime Movers Complimentary Finger Foods • Happy Hour Prices on Select Drinks • Limited Beach Bar Menu with $5.00 Items • Raffle Prizes (Including a TV) • Silent Auction • Benefiting the Zonta ABC 5K Walk o n e d u va l s t r e e t k e y w e s t , f l o r i d a 3 3 0 40 iconic conch color the florida keys conch color the florida keys | genuine 15 photographic chronicle | adventurous 17 photographic chronicle 3 0 5 . 29 6 . 4 6 0 0 | pierhouse.com October 2 - October 8, 2014 • www.conchcolor.com Cakes for ALL Occasions •Specialty Orders •Cookies •Cupcakes •Dinners to Go PEARY COURT Experience Old Town Apartment Living SUMMER LEASING SPECIALS AVAILABLE! Peary Court Leasing Office 101 D Peary Court (Use the Palm Ave entrance) Key West, FL 33040 • Old Town’s only townhome rental community! • Spacious yards with lush landscaping and sprawling mahogany trees • 2-story floor plans with 2 bedrooms and fenced in patios • Private covered carport for each unit • Basketball and racquetball courts, walking paths, recreational field, tot lots and plenty of space for dogs (and cats)! Contact Jessie Carroll for more information at 305-440-2994 or jessie@icamco. com 1014 White Street • 305 296-4162 Welcome Back to Key West, Sho! PERSONAL TRAINER ISSA Certified personal trainer Lose body fat Feel stronger Gain muscle Get motivated ISSA Certified personal trainer Have more energy Live healthier Certified specialist in exercise therapy and fitness nutrition Don’t like going to a gym, studio sessions available at 909 b fleming st Improve performance Increase self-‐esteem In home training Free consultations Group Fitness Beach Sessions Gym Session Free consultations Summer Special: Buy your first session, get your second session free. Justyn Ewald • 305 587-0234 conch color the florida keys 18 photographic chronicle October 2 - October 8, 2014 • www.conchcolor.com Mu e arin y M a r r Key West 24.34.456 Murray Marine Inc. YOUR FULL SERVICE MARINE FACILITY 5710 U.S. 1 305-296-0364 MURRAYMARINEKW.COM 81.44.123 Nonprofit and Volunteer of Week Honored Anchors Aweigh and volunteer Birchard Ohlinger are this week’s Key West nonprofit and volunteer of the week. Each week, the Community Foundation of the Florida Keys chooses a nonprofit and volunteer of the week for an award sponsored by Island 107.1 FM, Conch Color, the Community Foundation of the Florida Keys, Danger Charters and Spotless Dry Cleaners. Anchors Aweigh, operating for more than 30 years, provides meetings of various 12-step recovery programs for education, rehabilitation and social activities for residents of the Lower Keys. Ohlinger has served as the group’s treasurer, interim club manager and search committee member, and has helped at fundraisers Shane for King Holds Red Party at Woman’s Club Photo by Pete Arnow Flu Vaccinations Encouraged Talia Fernandez receives a flu vaccination from nurse Steve Mason at the Florida Department of Health in Monroe County on Friday. With the onset of flu season, the health department has adopted the “vaccine before Halloween” message as part of the statewide campaign to encourage everyone ages 6 months and up to get vaccinated against flu as early as possible. Pregnant women, in particular, are encouraged to get vaccinated as they are among the high-risk groups. conch color the florida keys Shane for King held a red-attire party at the Key West Woman’s Club. He welcomed Shirley Freeman to the event. Toys for Sydney’s Hope Project Donna Nelson, owner of Imagination Station toy store, donated hundreds of toys, games, puzzles and stuffed animals to Sydney’s Hope Project, an organization that enhances the lives of pediatric oncology patients through socially and emotionally uplifting one-on-one experiences, games, activities and events. The project was founded by Sydney Hamilton, also shown 19 photographic chronicle here, a junior at Key West High School, and has recently joined with the Cancer Foundation of the Florida Keys. The donated items will be distributed at the Miami Children’s Hospital oncology ward by Hamilton and other volunteers. October 2 - October 8, 2014 • www.conchcolor.com A Tribute to the Cutter Ingham Photos by Mark Allen Built in 1936, the Coast Guard cutter Ingham was launched at the Philadelphia Naval Shipyard, In the early years, it operated out of Seattle, patrolling the Bering Sea. In 1940, it was assigned to the Neutrality Patrol in the Atlantic. In 1941, it performed 31 convoys in the North Atlantic and sank U-Boat 626, later performing convoys to the Mediterranean and Africa. In 1944, the Ingham was reassigned to the Pacific and served as a command ship in the 7th Fleet. After World War II, it later served in Vietnam, earning two Presidential Unit Citations. In 1985, the Ingham became the oldest active-duty and most decorated Naval vessel serving the United States. It was decommissioned in 1988 after 52 year of service. The ship is open Monday through Saturday until 4 p.m. in the Truman Annex waterfront at the foot of Southard Street. Frits Zivic, Administration & Special Events Alex Appel, Doorman Kip Edwards, Bartender conch color the florida keys 20 photographic chroicle October 2 - October 8, 2014 • www.conchcolor.com Lt. Bill Verge, USCGR (Ret) FRESH VALUE MEAL ® OF THE DAY Locations in: • Key Largo • Tavernier • Marathon • Key West FRESH VALUE MEAL® includes the 6-inch SUB OF THE DAY™, a 21 oz. fountain drink and a bag of chips. At participating locations only. Additional charge for Extras. Plus tax where applicable. Prices may vary. LAY’s and LAY’s Logo are trademarks owned by Frito-Lay North America, Inc. ©2013 Doctor’s Associates Inc. SUBWAY® is a registered trademark of Doctor’s Associates Inc. SUBMIA-1324-29 BOGO 6-INCH SUB WITH DRINK PURCHASE Buy a regular 6-inch sub or 6-inch flatbread with any drink and get another regular 6-inch sub of equal or lesser price for FREE offer expires: 12/31/14 Excludes premium and supreme subs. Additional charge for extras. Prices and participation may vary. Plus tax, where applicable. May not be combined with any other offers, discount cards or coupons. Must be surrendered at time of purchase. No cash value. One coupon per customer per visit. Void if transferred, sold, auctioned, reproduced or altered. ©2013 Doctor’s Associates Inc. SUBWAY® is a registered trademark of Doctor’s Associates Inc. SUBMIA-1324-29 conch color the florida keys 21 photographic chronicle October 2 - October 8, 2014 • www.conchcolor.com The Weddings in a Tropical Oasis! Lush Atrium of Historic Casa Antigua 314 Simonton Street - For More Information Just Call Mary Ann Worth at (305) 296-3887 conch color the florida keys 39 photographic chronicle conch color the florida keys 22 photographic chronicle October 2 - October 8, 2014 • www.conchcolor.com Robin Roy Lockwood, MD Office Surgery for Carpal tunnel, Trigger finger, Dupuytren’s Orthopedic Surgery 1111 12th St.#212, Key West Phone: 305-296-2212 RobinLockwoodMD@gmail.com EQP Specials on Your Favorite Tritans! Fast Turns, Low Minimums! #5826 $9.99(c) 144 or more #5816 $7.99(c) 144 or more #5812 $6.99(c) 144 or more • Lead Time As Fast As 5 Production Days • New and Improved Lid! • Minimum 144 Pieces • See Our Website for Complete Details Optional Lids and Straws Available! $1.75(G) per piece. www.brownandbigelow.com FOR SIGN UP R .. . ONE YEA $85 UNLIMITED A MONTH One year contract membership for $85 a month unlimited classes, w/automatic deduction from checking account or credit card. Requires signing a year contract. Cannot be frozen or combined with other specials. www.stayfitstudiokeywest.com | 305-294-0693 conch color the florida keys 23 photographic chronicle October 2 - October 8, 2014 • www.conchcolor.com Jack Bridges Hosts Meet and Greet at NY Pasta Garden Photos by Kristen Livengood Tommy Mack, Jack Bridges, and Deb Buenger. Nancy and Jeff Lichty and Deb Buenger. Sebrina Alfonzo, Jack Bridges and Jacqueline Lorber. Morgan McPherson, Mark and Terri Rossi, and Jack Bridges. Jack Bridges shakes Doug Mayberry’s hand. Barry Gibson, Jack Bridges, Peter Batty Jr., Jessica Simms, and Nick Batty. conch color the florida keys 24 photographic chronicle October 2 - October 8, 2014 • www.conchcolor.com Deb Buenger, Gilda Fernandez and Jack Bridges. Valerie Lockwood, Jack Bridges and Rissa Lockwood. Joseph Cabria Farris, William Lee Jones, Aaron Huntsman and Max Watson. Doug Mayberry and Susan Kent. Tommy Mack, Jack Bridges and Randy Acevedo. Tim Gratz and Danny Coll. conch color the florida keys 25 photographic chronicle October 2 - October 8, 2014 • www.conchcolor.com Sally Johnson and Robin Robinson join friends at the event. Heath Finley, Robin Robinson, JB and Jody Draves. Gilda Fernandez and Sheldon Davidson. THE PORTERALLEN COMPANY INSURANCE Since 1891 ELIZABETH M. FREEMAN President 513 SOUTHARD ST., KEY WEST, FL 33040 PHONE Please feel free to contact us for more information at: 305 296-8297 conch color the florida keys 305-294-2542 FAX 305-296-7985 26 photographic chronicle October 2 - October 8, 2014 • www.conchcolor.com An Unforgettable Day to Remember By Chris Belland It amazes me to think that this past Saturday was the 30th Annual Day To Remember. The first time we did this, I brought my second oldest child who was then 7. Today, he has two children, 7 and 12. My, how time flies! For those of you not familiar with A Day To Remember, it was started by our company, Old Town Trolley, in 1994, as an idea of one of our CAST members, Laura Butler. The idea was that many of our seniors who have lived in Key West and have known one another their whole lives are now separated in convalescent homes, nursing homes and retirement centers. Friends they grew up with and knew as kids simply do not get to see one another that much anymore. We thought it would be a glorious idea to have this one event every year, at which they have an opportunity to see one another and be honored and entertained as the builders of our city. It is something our company is proud of, even more so because we have managed to do it through good times and bad for 30 years. We took lots of pictures and I do not know if they will be included in this edition of Conch Color, but I hope so. Just in case, let me at least tell you a little about the day. First of all, as we have been for several years, we were hosted by the Doubletree Grand Key Resort through the help of manager Michael Knowles. Thanks, Mike. We were able to reinstitute the tradition of the Red Shawl Ladies of years ago by recruiting three teachers from Poinciana Elementary School, Dawn Albury, Vickie Curry and Kim Wiedner. Boy Scout Troops 573 and 578 served a Cuban Conch lunch of pulled pork, black beans, yellow rice and plantains while we were entertained by the Blessed Community Choral Group. It was good to see the leaders of tomorrow serving the leaders of yesterday. George Fernandez was there with the butterflies from the Key West Butterfly and Nature Conservatory. Duane Scott (a.k.a. Bongo), an island-looking steel drum player who I didn’t learn until that very day is from Connecticut, played island music while the famous Smegdley, who retired from performing at the sunset celebration but came out for this event, flitted around making balloon hearts, hats and all manner of animals and birds to the delight of the audience. A big part of the day is always the contests for oldest man (Raphael), oldest woman (Edith), person with the most children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren (not suprisingly, Edith again) and the person whose birthday it was or closest to the date (a Mrs. Henderson.) The event was roundly attended by our city leaders, including mayor Cates and commissioners Rossi, Wardlow, Yaniz and Lopez, who were invited to lead the crowd in singing “Happy Birthday” to Mrs. Henderson. We even had Bookie Henriquez, his wife Judy and the new assistant city manager, Greg Veliz. As in several years past, Howard Livingston performed his sing-along songs from John Denver and old favorites like “She’ll Be Coming Round the Mountain.” Everybody joined in a jam session, including “Bongo” (the steel drummer from Connecticut), Clayton Lopez and several other members of the Blessed Community Choir. They sent everybody home on a high toe-tapping note. Howard asked the audience, “How many of you woke up on an island today?” Of course, everyone raised their hands, which inspired the island’s troubadour to sing his signature song, “I’m Living on Island Time,” as everyone joined in. The day was dedicated to Isabelle Thornton, our perennial Red Shawl Lady who died this past year, and Marina Mosher, the wife of our partner, Moe Mosher. We were all reminded that while we are here for only a short time, the important thing is the mark we leave behind. I asked the audience if they had a good time and if they will come back next year. Everyone raised their hand. We will be closed September 2 - 30 See You in October HELP WANTED Conch Color Needs Some Self Starting Sales Reps Ready to Make Big Money On Commission Selling Ads for The Keys Most Popular Weekly Magazine Conch Color Was The First Publication To Take Social Media to a Whole New Level With Amazing Logistics! Not Only Do Tourists Grab Conch Color Kids from 1 to 91 Spend Hours Scanning It Every Week Conch Color Has Put Photojournalism Back on the Map! Some reps like Sonja Jones collected over $2,000 a week in commission. Anyone with a “go gettem” attitude can also do it. All it takes is a little energy! Please call (305) 294-7566 conch color the florida keys 27 photographic chronicle October 2 - October 8, 2014 • www.conchcolor.com 9th Annual Love Fund Ball Photos by Kristen Livengood Love Fund Ball directors: Sgt. Areaka Jewell, Denise Richardson, officer Steve Torrence, Angie Yanes, Emily Sipe, officer Danyle Gray, detective Tiffini Peters and officer Donny Barrios. at the Westin FWC Lt. Josh Peters with his wife, detective Tiffini Peters, Love Fund board member. Love Fund vice president Donny Barrios and wife Tiffany. Officer Michael Pettee and fiancé Emily Sipe, Love Fund volunteer. Lisa Abreu; officer Tom Clark; Denise Richardson, a Love Fund board member and wife of officer Curtiss Richardson; Justin Payton; Onelia Diaz; Lazaro Diaz; Gabriela Abreu; officer Dave Kouri; officer Curtiss Richardson, and detective Janeth Del Cid. conch color the florida keys Angie Yanes, Love Fund volunteer, and husband Frank. 28 photographic chronicle October 2 - October 8, 2014 • www.conchcolor.com Areaka Jewell, Love Fund’s president, and secretary Danyle Gray. The Key West Police Department’s Love Fund Ball recognizes the men and women who serve their community every day. “Who is this pumped-up, goateed man with a positive attitude.” Pat Croce discusses community involvement during his speech. Liza Catana. State Attorney Investigator John Hernandez and officer Steve Torrence, Love Fund Treasurer. Mayor Craig Cates with the Catana family. Commissioner Tony Yaniz presents Pat Croce with a bottle of rum “You can never do something too soon, as it might be too late.” - Pat Croce, on an important phone call he made. conch color the florida keys 29 photographic chronicle October 2 - October 8, 2014 • www.conchcolor.com Stephen Hammond, Chief Donny Lee, Jeannie McGuire, Jonathon Beyers and Tracy McClellan. Lee said the professionalism and integrity of the KWPD has remained intact even with the adversity it has come through. Cathy Crane, Sheriff Rick Ramsey, Michelle Maxwell, Jon Crane, Lissette Zuelch, Michelle Licause and Greg Sullivan. Ani Madruga, Doria Goodrich and Cheryl Cates. Scott Natale and Keys Federal’s Scott ‘Ski. The Westin’s Lourdes Torbisco and Raquel Crummitt. Scott Natale and Keys Federal’s Scott ‘Ski. conch color the florida keys 30 photographic chronicle Laura Marzano with Sgt. Eric Biskup, who has been battling cancer and has been helped tremendously with Love Funds. October 2 - October 8, 2014 • www.conchcolor.com These two are incognito. Does anyone know who they are? Jeff and Nikki Williamson, and Chanda and R.J. Johnston. Billy and Megan Vasquez Officer Matt Johnson, officer Kuniko Keohane and Mike Brockner. Tanya Barrios, Michelle Maxwell, Michelle Licause, Greg Sullivan and Dennis Ryan. Carla Litrenta and Bonnie Helms. conch color the florida keys 31 photographic chronicle Officers Steve Torrence and Donnie Barrios. October 2 - October 8, 2014 • www.conchcolor.com The color guard with Jackie Gray and June Keith. Travis Livengood, officer Kuniko Keohane, Timonthy Anson and Mike and Kelly Anson. William, Fernando, Geraldo and Evaristo. Janean Collins and Vianka Paez. Pepe and Maribel Paez, DJ Tony Oliva, Yvonne and DJ Juan Carlos Torrado. conch color the florida keys Sgt. Jay Fisher and Riella Sims with John Hernandez. 32 photographic chronicle October 2 - October 8, 2014 • www.conchcolor.com Officer Jesse Hammers. Officer Donny Barrios takes Kristen Livengood’s new bike for a spin around the party. Justin Payton and detective Janeth Del Cid, Donny Barrios and Kristen Livengood’s new bike. Julie Brandenburg and Briana Castillo. Officer Brian Leahy, officer Billy Vazquez, detective Mark Siracuse, and officer Donny Barrios breaking it down on the dance floor. Left: Bonnie Helms and Richard Fowler. Right: Julie Ambos of Studio Julie donated her time to the event to photograph the officers. She’s with officer KA and Tonya Parks in the photo booth. conch color the florida keys 33 photographic chronicle October 2 - October 8, 2014 • www.conchcolor.com A group of Love Fund supporters. Left: Jeremey Tellier and Mallory Brogli. Right: Greg Sullivan, Scott ‘Ski and Jonathan Crane. Above: Officer Jonathan and Cathy Crane. conch color the florida keys 34 photographic chronicle October 2 - October 8, 2014 • www.conchcolor.com Red Dress Gala at Woman’s Club Supports AIDS Help Photos by Kristen Livengood Sam Trophia, Dave Gonzales, Vicky Furman, Tara Hemphill and Shane Hall. Shane Hall joins Brian Morgan and Cathy Thorpe. Mike Benner and Lori Rouse. Joy Rodriguez and singer Jody Rae Campbell. King Stephen Sunday and Queen Diane May with Woman’s Club member Joy Rodriguez Mark Warmouth, dressed as the red mermaid, with Shane Hall. conch color the florida keys Janine Siebert and Stephen Ferguson 35 photographic chronicle John Smith and Sandra Duffey. October 2 - October 8, 2014 • www.conchcolor.com deserving girls who have given service to their school and demonstrated Conch PRIDE. Principal Amber Bosco was honored to present the girls with the traditional red rose given to those nominated for the Homecoming Court. evening’s Spirit Night. The Homecoming Game is Fri., Oct. 31st at 7:00 p.m. The school realizes this is Halloween, but scheduling did not allow for any leeway in the date of our final game. KWHS will provide treats at the entry way for youngsters that come in costume. Key West High School 2014 Homecoming Court Announced Key West Homecoming festivities will begin Oct. 27 with the traditional parade that will return to its original route of starting in front of KWHS at 6:00 p.m., heading north to Kennedy Drive ending at Tommy Roberts Memorial Stadium. There, the skits will take place on the field during the Key West High School is pleased to announce the 2014 Homecoming Court. Elena Guzman, Krystal Killen, Kianna Woods, Kaila Snow, Olivia Kennedy, and Lindsey Free. These six young ladies were selected by their senior classmates from a nomination list that included 27 very
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